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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report

  • Independent


Introduction: There is currently no recognized association between intracranial hypertension and multiple chemical sensitivity, despite nearly identical symptomatology and similar findings. Case Report: This case report details the complex case of a woman who has multiple chemical sensitivity and idiopathic intracranial hypertension, as well as obstructive sleep apnea. Upon exposure to inhaled common air deodorizer products, her intracranial pressure increased significantly by 7%, during a lumbar puncture. Conclusions: This paper discusses the similarity between the neurological symptoms and the illness model of multiple chemical sensitivity as it compares to intracranial hypertension.
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
Case Report
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension:
A Case Report
Deborah Wardly*
Debron Court, Pollock Pines, CA
*Corresponding author: Dr. Deborah Wardly, Debron Court, Pollock Pines, CA. Tel: 916-712-0704; Fax 505-212-1712; Email:
Received Date: 12-03-2018
Accepted Date: 12-10-2018
Published Date: xx-xx-xxxx
Copyright: © 2018 Deborah Wardly
Introduction: There is currently no recognized association between intracranial hypertension and multiple
Case Report: This case report details the complex case of a woman who has multiple chemical sensitivity and
Conclusions: This paper discusses the similarity between the neurological symptoms and the illness model
        
sensitivity is actually a variant of idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and argues for further investigation of
exposure mediates the production of increased intracranial pressure by way of an effect on brain edema as
      
consumer products have been demonstrated to contain multiple volatile organic compounds that are
           
Keywords: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension; Multiple Chemical Sensitivity; Environmental Intolerance;
Jacobs Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience
Jacobs Publishers
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
This paper will discuss a case report of a complex
patient who has both Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
      
points out the similarities between these conditions and
provides a link between them which suggests that MCS may
            
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension has also
been called pseudotumor cerebri and benign intracranial
          
       
pressure; 2) no localizing signs except abducens nerve
        
     
(c) Aggravated by coughing or straining
     
(a) Alert patient with neurological examination that either
is normal or
demonstrates any of the following abnormalities:
(ii) Enlarged blind spot
(iv) Sixth nerve palsy
   
in the recumbent position or by epidural or intraventricular
pressure monitoring
     
Table 1:
AHI Apnea-Hypopnea Index  
Counterclockwise Maxil-
lo-mandibular Advance-
MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  MRV Magnetic Resonance Venogram
   -
 
  OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnea
CT Computed Tomography REM Rapid Eye Movement
fMRI -
nance Imaging  -
ed Tomography
 Glutathione S Transferase
  
 Glutathione S Transferase
 TSS Transverse Sinus Stenosis
  VOC Volatile Organic Compound
IIH Idiopathic Intracranial Hy-
pertension TILT Toxicant-Induced Loss of Toler-
Jacobs Publishers
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
and cellularity
(d) Intracranial diseases (including venous sinus
thrombosis) ruled out by appropriate investigations
        
(3) Headache develops in close temporal relation to
increased intracranial pressure
    
      
 
         
pressures much lower than previously recognized, as will
          
study looking at pediatric patients who had been diagnosed
    
       
and headache who had obvious improvement upon draining
        
suggest that there should be discussion of replacing the
 2       
 
Several pathophysiological mechanisms that may lead
      
      
cerebral venous pressure contribute to the elevation of
       
        
   
the absorptive mechanism of the arachnoid granulations or
recent discoveries about the glymphatic system may shed
      
       
to the venous blood of the dural sinuses may trigger the
      
are regional cerebral hypoperfusion abnormalities seen on
        
           
obese women with IIH, they manifested both increased
   
   
studies that have demonstrated the presence of increased
extra- and intracellular water content in the brains of
patients with IIH, and how this indicates an increased
       
suggesting a congestion of the glymphatic system which
       
         
pathway (either via intrinsic or extrinsic venous sinus
stenoses), then a secondary congestion of the glymphatic
        
One of the cardinal radiological signs of IIH is the excess of
not only along the optic nerve, but also along the olfactory,
facial, trigeminal, acoustic, oculomotor and abducens
         
patients with IIH, and how this may be a result of variations
      
       
        
      
Jacobs Publishers
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
primary problem with the aquaporin channel may be at the
root of the 
The headache in IIH can mimic migraine or tension-
type headache patterns and IIH can exist in the absence of
papilledema, therefore proper diagnosis can be hindered
 
in obese women, however it can occur in males and in
fatigue, dizziness, impaired memory and concentration,
   
radicular pain, transient visual obscurations, photophobia,
phonophobia, pulsatile tinnitus, nausea, diplopia, and
There are many treatments for IIH but only rare
       
     
        
         
        
      
        
sinus stenosis (TSS) has been seen in a large majority
of patients however it is not known if the intracranial
pressure itself can compress the venous sinus, leading to
        
        
     
      
Intracranial hypertension can be caused by secondary
      
     
disturbances, obstructive sleep apnea, and cerebral venous
abnormalities, and at times the disease can be cured by
     
hypertension which is caused by certain medications can be
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can cause papilledema, OSA
is associated with IIH, and it is also known that apneas can
IIH has been demonstrated to be caused in some people by
internal jugular venous compression in part by an elongated
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a chronic
after exposure to low levels of environmental chemicals,
        
  
which they inhaled, absorbed or ingested a toxic level of
       
are volatile organic solvents and pesticides, although
          
a hypersensitivity to low levels of multiple different
        
          
these chemicals than normal people, and generally they
         
achieve a relatively normal baseline as long as they avoid
        
       
     
      
anxiety, sleepiness, irritability, panic disorder, migraine
       
has recently been demonstrated that patients with MCS
         
for this illness: toxicant-induced loss of tolerance (TILT),
which emphasizes that there is an initiating event with
on TILT detail further symptoms these patients describe,
ringing in ears, headache, feeling groggy, weakness, double
Jacobs Publishers
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
The response to low levels of environmental
chemicals has led to the development of a theory of neural
        
is the process by which an organism learns to augment the
response to threatening stimuli in order to protect against
       
       
    
           
      
      
indicating that the effects of this chemical exposure are
      
for this idea that the symptoms of MCS are mediated by
         
an anti-epileptic medication which reduces the release of
presynaptic neurotransmitter including glutamate, was
shown to improve the recurrent symptoms of a 23-year-old
The search for biomarkers in MCS has yielded
correlations between alterations in catalase, glutathione-
    
         
 
            
       
spectroscopy imaging demonstrated an increase in cerebral
        
positron emission tomography, abnormal activation of the
amygdala, piriform and anterior cingulate cortex during
         
imaging studies investigating differences in brain glucose
consumption have also demonstrated alterations from the
norm in MCS patients, implying that brain metabolism in
MCS subjects during olfactory stimulation is different from
Many researchers and clinicians have concluded
         
into the category of somatic symptoms disorder, even
now when there is a great deal of evidence that MCS is a
       
     
       
patients have problems with, this does not support a
quantity and funding of quality research into the biology
 
exposure to triggering substance leads to illness, removal of
substance leads to improvement or resolution of symptoms,
to the medication induced intracranial hypertension
described in MCS are nearly identical to those described in
        
There does not appear to have ever been an
case report in the literature showing an association of MCS
in a woman who had intracranial hypertension, presumably
         
         
meningioma, however her MCS symptoms did not resolve
 
Jacobs Publishers
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
demonstrates that at least in this patient, her MCS symptoms
are identical to her IIH symptoms, chemical exposure
triggers her IIH symptoms and this is shown to correlate
   
IIH was put into remission with jaw surgery, and while her
odor hypersensitivity is unchanged afterwards, the degree
of her neurological response to chemical exposure, while
        
the suggestion that the neurological symptoms in MCS
are a result of chemical exposure leading to an increase
  
explores this possibility and hypothesizes that the increase
development of cerebral edema initiated by the chemical
Case Report
The woman in this case report developed Graves
         
began having symptoms that in retrospect may have been
the onset of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (daily
after Graves diagnosis, she noted the onset of headache and
       
She developed proptosis as well as vertical phoria and had
a total thyroidectomy, after which point all of her symptoms
improved for quite some time and the eye disease became
        
was bothering her a lot, and that it was triggering her
         
told that no one else was smelling what she was, and that
  
trouble whenever someone used the Lysol spray in the
   
Table 2:
 
Memory problems Memory problems
Concentration problems Concentration problems
Lightheadedness 
 
Headaches Headaches
Tinnitus 
 
Joint pains Joint pains
 
Triggered by toxin exposure Triggered by drug exposure
Helped by toxin removal Helped by drug removal
 
 
Jacobs Publishers
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
mask in her work bag so she could use it if needed to protect
     
was having to use it so much that it was interfering with
       
(however not notable as unusual by others present)
         
her having to claim disability because of her inability to
tolerate indoor work environments due to the chemical
exposures which were causing both respiratory and
       
        
taper course of steroids, and while on this her asthma was
after stopping the steroids, and immediately after dieting
  
beyond fatigue, but a feeling like one is deep underwater,
            
function with this extreme alteration in her sensorium,
which would come and go and appear to be aggravated by
        
         
Chemical exposures could cause episodes of brain fog and
was initially diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivity
(MCS), given her history of poor odor tolerance of chemical
carries several genetic polymorphisms associated with
     
which cause her trouble are hydrocarbons, or VOCs (volatile
        
      
the GSTs are highly expressed in the olfactory epithelium,
       
this patient who harbors two genetic anomalies involving
  
          
have severe symptoms which were ultimately diagnosed
Regarding her headache history, these were
accompanied by brain fog and occasionally nausea, but
       
intermittent headaches going back to childhood, prior to the
    
  
 
       
pounding, were moderate and occasionally severe, and
could be triggered by altitude changes, food sensitivities
  
did have odor hypersensitivity, her symptoms could occur
from chemical exposures in the absence of odor perception,
and neurological changes from chemical exposure below
   
         
         
airway symptoms that at times led her to gasp for air and
become lightheaded, triggered by eating, only to resolve
         
       
completely after a midline glossectomy, however her AHI
       
       
    
retaining device, when it stayed on without fail, worked
well to prevent the brain fog and headaches, leading to the
but not completely, however it was more reliable than the
     
         
Jacobs Publishers
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
using it, and while using it she had a near syncopal episode
episode was triggered by a Valsalva maneuver, and in the
    
          
positive because her brain fog symptom improved after
      
          
was diagnosed with idiopathic intracranial hypertension
which explained most of her neurological symptoms which
included the brain fog, headache, tinnitus, pulsatile tinnitus,
  
         
Crying would trigger an immediate ice-pick type headache
with her initial diagnosis of MCS, chemical odor was a
 
could ruin her day, render her unsafe to drive, or put her
to the scent, yet if the exposure persisted despite her no
       
     
pressure, she experienced the expiratory pressure as a
Valsalva and after one night she developed an episode of
      
that allowed her to increase the inspiratory pressure
   
         
treatments despite having only mild OSA that was triggering
her IIH, and that she had failed medical management of
the IIH, as she was unable to tolerate acetazolamide or
worked to abort the symptoms triggered by OSA, however
       
clockwise maxillomandibular advancement (CC-MMA)
    
after the procedure, she began to feel much better and was
able to exercise again after years of feeling lightheaded and
    
sleep apnea other than a nasal decongestant at bedtime,
and while she continued to have symptoms of sleep apnea
such as waking with a sore throat, her IIH symptoms were
       
exposure, her headaches were rare and the brain fog was
milder overall and could go away on its own within an hour
fog could become deep enough to cause her to feel she was
unsafe to drive, if she allowed a longer exposure, however
these events would still usually clear rapidly once removed
         
starting to cry could precipitate an ice-pick type headache
        
 
to the CC-MMA, she could feel dizzy just from shouting, while
post surgery she could speak, shout, laugh and cry with no
she could now speak animatedly and rapidly, whereas prior
to the CC-MMA she was soft spoken and moved slowly, with
        
repeat sleep study at Stanford which showed an AHI of
   
        
Jacobs Publishers
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
         
        
         
 
to a hanging car air deodorizer, and a common room air
       
discussion which follows, it should be noted that the
woman in this case report has a son with autism, who is
also chemically sensitive, and who has also been diagnosed
This is the case report of a very complex patient who
carries the diagnoses of obstructive sleep apnea, idiopathic
In this patient, these three conditions appear to interact so
intimately that at times it is as if they are one condition with
     
of IIH was atypical, with her opening pressures being in
         
Valsalva triggers for symptoms did suggest that intracranial
without papilledema, which can be associated with a
     
Even if her IIH diagnosis prior to CC-MMA might be arguable,
 
her clinical improvement afterwards coincident with a
case report, the CC-MMA appeared to eliminate her IIH, as
  2        
that this cure was effected by the mandibular advancement,
independent of the effect on sleep apnea, given that the AHI
       
it was proposed that the mandibular advancement led to
      
the fact that prior to CC-MMA the tongue retaining device
helped more than any other sleep apnea treatment, and by
the fact that total thyroidectomy led to initial remission of
IIH symptoms (these may have decompressed the internal
The discussion here will focus on this patient’s
          
        
         
exposure is still in what is considered to be the normal range
 
with the increase, and there is no valid reason other than the
 
         
of the manometer, and the hole in the dura from the spinal
needle even though it was left in place can allow leakage of
  
suggest that this patient’s MCS has been a manifestation of
 
       
the CC-MMA in this patient corrected her jugular venous
        
       
          
implied that there may be a system wide problem with the
endothelial barrier in IIH that predisposes to edema not just
 
that this patient may experience brain edema triggered
         
the brain fog symptom is caused in large part by this brain
        
   
Jacobs Publishers
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
         
basic systemic problem with the endothelial barrier, this
may explain the gastrointestinal and pulmonary symptoms
may be best directed at this interface, and there is evidence
matters, it has been shown that intermittent hypoxia can
    
Alternatively, it has been recently demonstrated
that patients with MCS can experience a regional increase
        
       
       
       
MCS has been shown in multiple studies using near-infrared
       
         
       
baseline hypoperfusion, it is likely that our understanding
The functional MRI results obtained on this patient
indicate that very low levels of chemical are capable of
       
This is clearly a pure neurological reaction to the chemical
exposure itself, and not a psychological response to the
odor perception, because the patient did not perceive the
   
that this brain activation may be mediated by glutamate,
has demonstrated that the VOC formaldehyde likely exerts
         
biologically plausible connection between (typically VOC)
chemical exposure and the production of brain edema
which may then cause neurological symptoms in MCS and
may raise intracranial pressure to abnormal levels such
          
increases initially due to edema or to increased cerebral
It is also known that obstructive sleep apnea can
     
        
OSA causing brain edema could explain the fact that
prednisone was able to abort this patient’s symptoms
      
        
hypothesizes that somatic syndromes (like MCS) are linked
to sleep disordered breathing via neural sensitization to
      
        
that the chemical exposure triggers the neural sensitization,
however it may be that OSA plays into the development of
        
been found to have increased nasal resistance compared
to have higher blood pressures upon waking, compared
to normals, and also show decreased total sleep times,
      
These are all signs seen in patients with sleep disordered
         
showed that patients who were environmentally intolerant
to chemicals showed higher levels of obstructive breathing
        
      
      
      
A recent hypothesis involving atrial natriuretic peptide
(shown to be elevated in OSA) also suggests that neural
sensitization may be involved in the symptoms of upper
      
        
These correlations between MCS and OSA, and those
previously mentioned between IIH and OSA, combined
with the data here suggesting that MCS may be a form of
IIH, intersect with the clinical presentation of the patient
in this case study to suggest that these three conditions are
interdependent on one another in the patient to produce
It would be important for this case study to be
followed by further investigation into whether a group
       
can be triggered to increase above baseline by exposure to
  
group would be important for determining if people who do
not carry a diagnosis of MCS also show an increase of their
        
to choose substances for study which are xenobiotics and
    
studies evaluating odor response in MCS patients employ
   
           
substances is evidence of an assumption about this illness
which may be mistaken: that the odor sensitivity in MCS is
primary to the illness, rather than being simply downstream
        
      
MCS, there seems to be a bias towards the idea that these
discussion here is attempting to demonstrate that these
     
        
question, regardless of their odor, which occurs due to
if MCS is determined to be due to a form of intracranial
hypertension which is triggered by an idiosyncratic
reaction to chemical exposure and exacerbated acutely by
chemical exposure, then it may be an illness characterized
by acute or chronic neurological injury worsened by acute
toxic reactions, rather than one produced by a total toxic
          
these patients to move them into the sphere of neurologists
who can address what may be the primary physiological
        
         
            
  
patients had improvement in their symptoms with removal
           
   
         
pressure utilized patients who were not completely normal
neurologically, and they suggest that we may not know what
        
 
         
       
It is also important to note that the lack of recognition up
to this point that intracranial pressure may be abnormal
      
about papilledema being required for the diagnosis of
          
is fact regarding the range and frequency of pathology in
       
It would be important to look at this problem from
         
be investigated for signs of previously unrecognized
      
odor hypersensitivity and chemical sensitivity exist in
        
because it is not generally recognized that these are regular
        
Jacobs Publishers 11
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
sensitivity and odor hypersensitivity are frequently
mistaken for somatoform disorder manifestations; it would
be important to document that these are actually common
discrimination, such that proving that they have a legitimate
disease will go far in protecting the basic human rights of
It might also be productive to investigate the
frequency in IIH of the gene polymorphisms found to be
       
surgery of this patient’s chemically triggered neurological
symptoms suggests that it takes more than just a gene
a case of needing multiple strikes for the full syndrome
        
should be evaluated in multiple steps, including not only
     
products have revealed the presence of multiple VOCs
      
   
deletion and polymorphism would indicate that she would
     
conjugation, and this may be the reason why these type
        
   
contribute to neural sensitization and also to IIH in this
        
account for why some patients develop IIH from retinoids
        
being considered a rare disease, there are many who
  
on the prevalence of fragrance sensitivity in the American
        
      
      
        
study calls into question the etiology of these headaches,
and demands further study into the full spectrum of illness
caused by fragrances which have become so ubiquitous in
A Piece of the Autism Puzzle?
A very recent study of women with MCS by Heilbrun
        
chemically sensitive mothers reported that their children
had a greater sensitivity to noxious odors more often than
        
 
as well as one study suggesting that exposure to volatile
       
vitro experiments demonstrating increased mutagenicity
and cytotoxicity caused by common perfumes, has led to
the proposal of an hypothesis that these fragrances are
        
data, it is notable that the patient in the present case study
         
More notable is the fact that this child also has intracranial
         
to account for the autism and chemical sensitivity in children
        
here, one must consider that the genetic component may
 
to discovering the etiology of autism is found in some recent
     
       
      although studies
showing the range of intracranial pressure in autism have
Jacobs Publishers 12
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
  
have also been seen in children with pseudotumor cerebri,
    
where the pressure in intracranial hypertension begins,
       
       
it is commonly accepted that a transient disturbance of
   
         
          
       
They raise the idea that without proper function of the
glymphatic system to clear metabolic byproducts from the
brain, there may be a pathological effect on normal brain
  
hypertension exists during early neurodevelopment, the
clinical syndrome will undoubtedly present differently than
     
the idea that intracranial pressure may be elevated in these
autistic children, but hopefully future studies will address
 
rather than an isolated build up of toxins due to glymphatic
      
anterior fontanelle provides increased cranial compliance
compliance is lost and pressure will rise if there is a problem
Given the recent information about the need for
        2O for
diagnosis of pediatric IIH, it should be anticipated that a
   
      
Higgins study results imply that any research done should
 
MCS is IIH, if autism is determined to be related to elevated
intracranial pressure then there is suggestion for further
research as to the cause of these intracranial pressure
play a role, however the knowledge that MCS is triggered
by pesticides implies that research on how pesticides affect
the blood brain barrier and molecules involved in water
        
       
the fact that normal sleep is necessary to allow clearing of
toxic substances from the brain, and suggest that disrupted
sleep may have contributed to the impaired circulation of
        
autism have sleep problems, more so than neurotypical
children, and that autistic children with sleep problems
show daytime behavioral improvement with interventions
       
autism had evidence of a greater prevalence of OSA based
on a questionnaire of OSA symptoms, than did neurotypical
in autism based on sleep study evidence has yet to be
     
disrupted sleep but also contributed to the symptoms of
       
        
in the present case study, that the neuropathological effects
         
        
clinical manifestations will be different when this occurs
A further topic for discussion is the frequency of
          
As previously discussed, these are known to occur in MCS
  
different types of sensory disorders in these conditions
is uncommonly measured, and not well recognized in
          
Jacobs Publishers 13
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
frequency of the different types of sensory problems in
       
         
       
the cranial nerves which sub-serve our senses of sight,
        
that IIH can result in blindness, hearing loss, and olfactory
          
          
cardinal radiological signs of IIH is the swelling of the optic
nerve sheaths from this lymphatic congestion, but there
        
      
sensory loss, lesser congestion of the cranial nerves might
result in a hypersensitivity or distortion of some of the
senses, producing hyperacusis, osmophobia, and vertigo?
       
an investigation into the presence of a disorder of elevated
         
IIH, and autism suggests that these conditions may be more
This case report discusses a very complex patient
with obstructive sleep apnea, idiopathic intracranial
      
was eliminated by jaw surgery with CC-MMA, and her
     
exposure, suggesting that her IIH and her MCS are one and
         
exposure may be causing brain edema, via glutamate neuro-
is the suggestion that MCS is a variant of IIH, or that MCS is
a feature of IIH, and further study is required to elucidate
      
considered a secondarily caused intracranial hypertension
summarized research, that MCS is a neurobiological illness,
such that all claims of this condition being evidence of
  
a lumbar puncture in addition to an extensive medical work
up should ensue upon presentation of chemical sensitivity
symptoms which resemble IIH, and psychopathology
research showing correlations between MCS and autism
   
       
the importance of the lymphatic drainage pathway in IIH
suggests a new avenue into investigation of the etiology of
A case report entitled: “Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
eliminated by counter-clockwise maxillomandibular
  
published in Cranio and contains some word for word
       This
        
      
 
criteria for the pseudotumor cerebri syndrome
     
           
idiopathic intracranial hypertension in men: a case-
        
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     
Jacobs Publishers 14
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
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chronic fatigue syndrome and idiopathic
    
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intracranial hypertension: the veno-glymphatic
 
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intracranial hypertension: correlation of cerebral
       
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      
   
       
tomographic evidence of cerebral swelling in benign
    
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Minocycline treatment and pseudotumor cerebri
      
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syndrome and idiopathic intracranial hypertension:
coincident, comorbid, or causal relationship? Adv
        
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           
    
     
    
differences in neural sensitization and the role of
context in illness from low-level environmental
    
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reliable biomarkers of disease in multiple chemical
    
       
       
Osteopathic Medicine, American Osteopathic
        
Indoor volatile organic compounds and chemical
      
 
improves symptoms of multiple chemical
  
polymorphisms in patients with multiple chemical
  
     
Jacobs Publishers 15
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
     
 
      
 
of odor thresholds and responses in cerebral
      
stimulation in patients with multiple chemical
       
    
disruption in idiopathic environmental intolerance:
      
 
      
         
airway space changes after counterclockwise
       
         
transverse sinus stenosis predicts IIH without
   
       
intracranial hypertension eliminated by
counterclockwise maxillomandibular advancement:
        
     
      
     
         
aquaporins in the brains of mice submitted to
     
         
     
in patients with multiple chemical sensitivity: a
   
        
   
transaminase in ischemic stroke: an experimental
       
          
      
     
          
glutamate-induced excitotoxicity in hippocampal
         
      
anxiety disorders and the upper airway: A matter of
         
sensitivity, nasal resistance, and autonomic function
     
 
        
environmental intolerances: a population-based
 
perchance to sleep: sleep-disordered breathing and
     
         
disordered breathing, behavior, and cognition
Jacobs Publishers 16
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
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natriuresis to an understanding of the clinical
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chemical and drug intolerances: potential risk
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dietary intervention and elimination of exposure
International Symposium on Indoor Air Quality and
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abnormalities in autism detected through
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in infancy: clinical presentation and long-term
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and intracranial hypertension: the circumstantial
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problems are more frequent and associated with
problematic behaviors in preschoolers with autism
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presentation of chronic intracranial hypertension
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olfactory impairment in idiopathic intracranial
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Jacobs Publishers 17
Cite this article : Deborah Wardly. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as A Variant of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Case Report.
J J Neur Neurosci 2018; 5(2): 039.
... At present, no standard medical tests have been identified that correlate with the numerous multisystem complaints of MCS patients. The underlying causes of the syndrome, whether biologic or psychologic, are not fully understood [6,7,12,[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. Indeed, the elusiveness of the syndrome and the heterogeneity of the symptoms cast doubt as to whether MCS is an actual unitary clinical entity. ...
... Compared to younger persons, those 65 years of age and older are less likely to identify themselves as chemically sensitive [88]. Like the sick building syndrome [89], there is a remarkably higher prevalence in women than in men [16,18,21,90,91], with the percentage of women ranging f rom 60% to 88% [18,57,[92][93][94]. However, exceptions do occur (e.g., [95]). ...
... osmophobia, phonophobia, photophobia (167). Glossopharyngeal neuralgia and trigeminal neuralgia may also be included, as might any perturbation involving any of the cranial nerves, but the key is that usually more than one cranial nerve is involved, indicating a primary etiology of excess CSF pressure within the nerve sheaths. ...
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We describe a yet to be reported phenomenon whereby the combination of a genetically vulnerable host and a chronic inflammatory state such as might occur from a chronic environmental toxic exposure leads to activation of mast cells and development of at least a localized hypermobility state including instability of anatomy in the craniofacio-cervical region. A cascade of events occurs from both the mast cell activation and unstable craniofacio-cervical structures that causes dysautonomia and hypopnea. These two phenomena lead to a large differential in daytime and nighttime blood carbon dioxide levels that cause an exaggerated increase in nighttime cerebral blood flow requiring rapid displacement of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The same unstable anatomy also prevents normal CSF and lymphatic drainage thereby causing an increase in intracranial pressure (the Spiky Phase). CSF pressure then pops-off through cranial nerve sheaths most notably through the olfactory nerve into sinus mucosa and into facial sinuses whereby it leaks out through the nose and ears, into facial tissue, or down the throat (the Leaky Phase). We call this Spiky-Leaky Syndrome and it may explain the vast collection of signs and symptoms co-segregating in these patients and also such other phenomena as cervical medullary syndrome, pseudotumor cerebri, idiopathic intracranial hypertension without papilledema, and occult tethered cord. Detailed data and theory are given as to why this has been difficult to detect to date as well as potential environmental toxins that may be responsible. Potential evaluations and therapies are posited
... At present, no standard medical tests have been identified that correlate with the numerous multisystem complaints of MCS patients. The underlying causes of the syndrome, whether biologic or psychologic, are not fully understood [6,7,12,[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. Indeed, the elusiveness of the syndrome and the heterogeneity of the symptoms cast doubt as to whether MCS is an actual unitary clinical entity. ...
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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), a condition also known as Chemical Sensitivity (CS), Chemical Intolerance (CI), Idiopathic Environmental Illness (IEI) and Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT), is an acquired multifactorial syndrome characterized by a recurrent set of debilitating symptoms. The symptoms of this controversial disorder are reported to be induced by environmental chemicals at doses far below those usually harmful to most persons. They involve a large spectrum of organ systems and typically disappear when the environmental chemicals are removed. However, no clear link has emerged among self-reported MCS symptoms and widely accepted objective measures of physiological dysfunction, and no clear dose-response relationship between exposure and symptom reactions has been observed. In addition, the underlying etiology and pathogenic processes of the disorder remain unknown and disputed, although biologic and psychologic hypotheses abound. It is currently debated whether MCS should be considered a clinical entity at all. Nevertheless, in the last few decades MCS has received considerable scientific and governmental attention in light of the many persons reporting this illness. In this review, we provide a general overview of the history, definition, demographics, prevalence, and etiologic challenges in defining and understanding MCS.
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Background: We previously showed, in two separate cohorts, that high-risk infants who were later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder had abnormally high extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) volume from age 6-24 months. The presence of increased extra-axial CSF volume preceded the onset of behavioural symptoms of autism and was predictive of a later diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. In this study, we aimed to establish whether increased extra-axial CSF volume is found in a large, independent sample of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, whether extra-axial CSF remains abnormally increased beyond infancy, and whether it is present in both normal-risk and high-risk children with autism. Methods: In this case-control MRI study, children with autism spectrum disorder or with typical development aged 2-4 years were recruited from the community to the UC Davis MIND Institute Autism Phenome Project, based in Sacramento, CA, USA. The autism spectrum disorder group comprised children with autism spectrum disorder who were either normal risk (ie, from simplex families) or high risk (ie, from multiplex families). Measurements of extra-axial CSF volume, brain volume, head circumference, sleep problems, and familial risk status were derived from MRI and behavioural assessments. We applied a previously validated machine learning algorithm based on extra-axial CSF volume, brain volume, age, and sex to the current dataset. Findings: Between July 20, 2007, and Dec 13, 2012, 159 children with autism spectrum disorder (132 male, 27 female) and 77 with typical development (49 male, 28 female) underwent MRI scans. The autism spectrum disorder group had an average of 15·1% more extra-axial CSF than controls after accounting for differences in brain volume, weight, age, and sex (least-squares mean 116·74 cm3 [SE 3·33] in autism group vs 101·40 cm3 [3·93] in typical development group; p=0·007; Cohen's d = 0·39). Subgroups of normal-risk (n=132) and high-risk (n=27) children with autism spectrum disorder had nearly identical extra-axial CSF volumes (p=0·78), and both subgroups had significantly greater volumes than controls. Both extra-axial CSF volume (p=0·004) and brain volume (p<0·0001) uniquely contributed to enlarged head circumference in the autism spectrum disorder group (p=0·04). Increased extra-axial CSF volume was associated with greater sleep disturbances (p=0·03) and lower non-verbal ability (p=0·04). The machine learning algorithm correctly predicted autism spectrum disorder diagnosis with a positive predictive value of 83% (95% CI 76·2-88·3). Interpretation: Increased extra-axial CSF volume is a reliable brain anomaly that has now been found in three independent cohorts, comprising both high-risk and normal-risk children with autism spectrum disorder. Increased extra-axial CSF volume is detectable using conventional structural MRI scans from infancy through to age 3 years. These results suggest that increased extra-axial CSF volume could be an early stratification biomarker of a biologically based subtype of autism that might share a common underlying pathophysiology. Funding: US National Institutes of Health.
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Purpose: Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) also known as idiopathic environmental intolerance/illness (IEI) encompasses a cohort of subjective symptoms characterized by susceptibility to a wide spectrum of environmental compounds, causing symptoms involving various organs and a decrease in quality of life. The aim of this systematic review is to summarize evidence about MCS, with focus on indexed studies analyzing sensory pathway-related disorders. Methods: Medical databases were searched for English language articles related to the topic, published between 1965 and 2017 in academic, peer-reviewed journals. Particular focus was concentrated on articles depicting disturbances involving sensory organs. References of the relevant articles were examined to identify additional significant documents. Results: Fifty-eight studies were eligible for full text review. Of these, 34 studies met the selection criteria and were included in this analysis. Many variables, such as different diagnostic criteria, lack of homogeneous symptom questionnaires and the general incidence of personality traits in control subjects, biased studies as confounding factors. However, moderate evidences show that sensory pathways are somewhat altered, especially with respect to information processing in the limbic system and related cortical areas. Recent studies suggested the presence, in MCS cohorts, of attention bias, sensitization and limbic kindling, as well as recently revealed subclinical organic alterations along sensory pathways. Conclusions: Evidences are consistent with MCS/IEI to be the result of a neural altered processing of sensorial ascending pathways, which combined with peculiar personality traits constitutes the underpinning of a multisensory condition needing multidisciplinary clinical approach.
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Objective: To assess the prevalence of multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), its co-occurrence with asthma and fragrance sensitivity, and effects from exposure to fragranced consumer products. Methods: A nationally representative cross-sectional population-based sample of adult Americans (n = 1,137) was surveyed in June 2016. Results: Among the population, 12.8% report medically diagnosed MCS and 25.9% report chemical sensitivity. Of those with MCS, 86.2% experience health problems, such as migraine headaches, when exposed to fragranced consumer products; 71.0% are asthmatic; 70.3% cannot access places that use fragranced products such as air fresheners; and 60.7% lost workdays or a job in the past year due to fragranced products in the workplace. Conclusions: Prevalence of diagnosed MCS has increased over 300%, and self-reported chemical sensitivity over 200%, in the past decade. Reducing exposure to fragranced products could help reduce adverse health and societal effects.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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The ASD/OSA hypothesis as proposed in this paper will incorporate over 90 pieces of the "autism puzzle". It is suggested that the cause of autism is four-fold, requiring that: 1) the mother has sleep disordered breathing (SDB) during her pregnancy, 2) the infant is born with sleep disordered breathing, 3) both mother and infant have polymorphisms of the methylation pathway which are then triggered by the SDB, and 4) the infant is prone to intracranial hypertension. This theory can explain many, if not most, of the pieces of information that we currently know about the biology of autism. The fact that the sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in autism and in the mothers of autistic children has not been previously noted is due to flaws in the current methods for detecting SDB. Esophageal manometry is much more sensitive for detecting SDB but is not used routinely, however it may be more accurate than the apnea hypopnea index in terms of correlation with disruptive behavior disorders. There is evidence that SDB is much more common than previously believed. Apneas are known to increase intracranial pressure, and intracranial hypertension can be caused by obstructive sleep apnea. Recent studies showing behavioral problems and special needs correlated with SDB urge further evaluation of autistic children for SDB. The ASD/OSA hypothesis suggests that autism might be primarily prevented by detecting and treating SDB in women prior to conception, and in infants shortly after birth.
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Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a disorder of unknown etiology with no effective treatment. Many clinicians accept that a diagnosis of somatic symptoms disorder (SSD) is an appropriate diagnostic category for MCS. We found that administration of levetiracetam improved recurrent symptoms of MCS in a patient. A 23-year-old female presented with recurrent multiple symptoms of musculoskeletal, airway or mucous membrane, heart/chest-related, gastrointestinal, cognitive, affective, neuromuscular, head-related, and skin-related induced by exposure to diesel or gas engine exhaust, tobacco smoke, insecticide, gasoline, paint or paint thinner, cleaning products, fragrances, tar or asphalt, nail polish or hairspray, and new furnishings. Gastrointestinal, cognitive, and skin-related symptoms were precipitated by some food additives. She suffered partial seizures from the age of 17 years, and was diagnosed with right parietal lobe epilepsy. Administration of levetiracetam (250 mg/day) eliminated her MCS symptoms. Levetiracetam reduces the release of presynaptic neurotransmitter including glutamate by binding to presynaptic vesicle protein. A recent study established the presence of glutamatergic overactivation in somatization disorder, a form of SSD. Our case may indicate that a subset of patients with SSD have glutamatergic overactivation, which levetiracetam can normalize. J. Med. Invest. 64: 296-298, August, 2017
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Background: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) in children is a rare condition of unknown etiology and various clinical presentations. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate if our pediatric IIH study group fulfilled the revised diagnostic criteria for IIH published in 2013, particularly with regard to clinical presentation and threshold value of an elevated lumbar puncture opening pressure. Additionally we investigated the potential utilization of MR-based and fundoscopic methods of estimating intracranial pressure for improved diagnosis. Patients and methods: Clinical data were collected retrospectively from twelve pediatric patients diagnosed with IIH between 2008 and 2012 and revised diagnostic criteria were applied. Comparison with non-invasive methods for measuring intracranial pressure, MRI-based measurement (MR-ICP) and venous ophthalmodynamometry was performed. Results: Only four of the twelve children (33%) fulfilled the revised diagnostic criteria for a definite diagnosis of IIH. Regarding noninvasive methods, MR-ICP (n = 6) showed a significantly higher mean of intracranial pressure compared to a healthy age- and sex-matched control group (p = 0.0043). Venous ophthalmodynamometry (n = 4) showed comparable results to invasive lumbar puncture. Conclusion: The revised diagnostic criteria for IIH may be too strict especially in children without papilledema. MR-ICP and venous ophthalmodynamometry are promising complementary procedures for monitoring disease progression and response to treatment.
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Background: We previously reported that infants who developed ASD had increased CSF in the subarachnoid space (i.e., extra-axial CSF) from 6-24 months of age (Shen et al., 2013; Brain). We attempt to confirm and extend this finding in a larger, independent sample. Methods: A longitudinal MRI study of infants at-risk for ASD was carried out on 343 infants, who underwent neuroimaging at 6, 12, and 24 months; 221 were high-risk for ASD because of an older sibling with ASD; 122 were low-risk with no family history of ASD. Forty-seven infants were diagnosed with ASD at 24 months and were compared with 174 high-risk and 122 low-risk infants without ASD. Results: Infants who developed ASD had significantly greater extra-axial CSF volume at 6 months compared to both comparison groups without ASD (18% greater than high-risk infants without ASD; Cohen’s d=0.54). Extra-axial CSF volume remained elevated through 24 months (d=0.46). Infants with more severe autism symptoms had an even greater volume of extra-axial CSF from 6-24 months (24% greater at 6 months, d=0.70; 15% greater at 24 months, d=0.70). Extra-axial CSF volume at 6 months predicted which high-risk infants would be diagnosed with ASD at 24 months with an overall accuracy of 69%, and corresponding 66% sensitivity and 68% specificity, which was fully cross-validated in a separate sample. Conclusions: This study confirms and extends previous findings that increased extra-axial CSF is detectable at 6 months in high-risk infants who develop ASD. Future studies will address whether this anomaly is a contributing factor to the etiology of ASD or an early risk marker for ASD.
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Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a disorder characterized by nonspecific and recurrent symptoms from various organ systems associated with exposure to low levels of chemicals. Patients with MCS process odors differently than controls do. Previously, we suggested that this odor processing was associated with increased regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in the prefrontal area during olfactory stimulation using near-infrared spectroscopic (NIRS) imaging. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of odor thresholds and changes in rCBF during olfactory stimulation at odor threshold levels in patients with MCS. We investigated changes in the prefrontal area using NIRS imaging and a T&T olfactometer during olfactory stimulation with two different odorants (sweet and fecal) at three concentrations (zero, odor recognition threshold, and normal perceived odor level) in 10 patients with MCS and six controls. The T&T olfactometer threshold test and subjective assessment of irritating and hedonic odors were also performed. The results indicated that the scores for both unpleasant and pungent odors were significantly higher for those for sweet odors at the normal perceived level in patients with MCS than in controls. The brain responses at the recognition threshold (fecal odor) and normal perceived levels (sweet and fecal odors) were stronger in patients with MCS than in controls. However, significant differences in the odor detection and recognition thresholds and odor intensity score between the two groups were not observed. These brain responses may involve cognitive and memory processing systems during past exposure to chemicals. Further research regarding the cognitive features of sensory perception and memory due to past exposure to chemicals and their associations with MCS symptoms is needed.
The recent discoveries of the glymphatic and lymphatic systems of the brain have helped advance our understanding of CSF physiology and may allow new insights in the understanding of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). The clinical and radiologic presentations of IIH appear to be related to congestion of the glymphatic system associated with an overflow of the lymphatic CSF outflow pathway. By revisiting the role of "vascular arachnoid granulations" in the brain, we hypothesize that an initial impairment of the transport of interstitial fluid from the glymphatic system to the venous blood of the dural sinuses may trigger the hydrodynamic cascade of IIH. Furthermore, we speculate that, similar to other water-exchange systems in the brain, a specific subtype of aquaporin is involved in this transport. This theory may eventually help to provide an underlying explanation for IIH and its associated conditions, since in most of them, the expression of several aquaporins is altered.
Background About one fourth of the general population report environmental intolerance (EI) to odorous/pungent chemicals, certain buildings, electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and/or sounds. EI sufferers show various clinical features, of which sleep disturbance is one. Sleep disturbance is common also in the general population, but it is not known whether the disturbance is more prominent in EI sufferers than in individuals who do not experience EI. Therefore, EI was compared on various sleep aspects with referents without EI. Methods A population-based sample of 3406 individuals, aged 18–79 years, was recruited from Northern Sweden. Sleep quality, non-restorative sleep, daytime sleepiness, obstructive breathing, and nocturnal insomnia were assessed with the Karolinska Sleep Questionnaire. Single questions assessed time slept, amount of hours of needed sleep, and extent of enough time slept. Results All four EI groups, compared to the referents, reported significantly poorer sleep quality, more non-restorative sleep, more daytime sleepiness, more obstructive breathing and higher prevalence of nocturnal insomnia than the referents. Nocturnal insomnia was an important factor for EI groups attributing their most prevalent symptoms to chemicals and sounds, irrespective of distress and certain syndromes. None of the EI groups differed significantly from the referents on time slept, but reported needing more sleep time (the EMF-intolerance group showing only a tendency), and all four groups reported to perceive enough sleep to a significantly lesser extent. Conclusion Sleep disturbance and daytime sleepiness are more common in individuals reporting EI compared to normal referents. Moreover, nocturnal insomnia is an important symptom in its own right in various types of EI. This evokes the question of whether or not sleep therapy may attenuate the severity of the EI.