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Smart Grid Optimization by Deep Reinforcement Learning over Discrete and Continuous Action Space



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Smart Grid Optimization by Deep Reinforcement Learning over
Discrete and Continuous Action Space
To mo hi r o H i ra t a 1, Dinesh Bahadur Malla2, Katsuyoshi Sakamoto3, Koichi Yamaguchi3,
Yosh it ak a Ok ad a1, Tomah Sogabe1,2,3,
1Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, 153-8904,Japan
2Technology Solution Group, Grid Inc., Kita Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0061, Japan
3Info-Powered Energy System Research Center, Department of Engineering Science,
The University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo, 182-8585, Japan
Abstract- In this work, we have applied two deep
reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms designed for both
discrete and continuous action space. These algorithms were
well embedded in a rigorous physical model using Simscape
Power SystemsTM (Matlab/SimulinkTM Environment) for
smart grid optimization. Bechmark test were conducted by
comparing the results from the MILP (Mixed-integer linear
programming) and the DRL. The results showed that the agent
successfully captured the energy demand and supply feature
in the training data and learnt to choose behavior leading to
maximize its profit.
Keywords—deep reinforcement learning, smart grid,
Energy grid system containing renewable energy
resources(RES) such as photovoltaic energy, wind power as
well as hydropower have been considered as alternative
power supply configuration. It is renovating conventional
grid systems, aiming at reducing the emission of CO2 while
mitigating the global warming. A decentralized energy
system is more robust and resilient against the unexpected
natural disasters, which are frequently occur in countries
such as Japan. However, due to the intermittent nature of
RES, a mismatch between electricity supply and demand is
often encountered and causes instability and limit of power
output. As an effective approach to these challenges, smart
grid has been proposed and has shown great technological
innovation towards intelligent, robust and functional power
grid [1][2].
Smart grid evolves energy transmission among different
sub-smart grid utilities, which finally contribute to the
efficient energy management ecosystem of energy storage,
energy supply, balanced load demand over large scale grid
configuration. Construction of efficient smart grid system
is in principle a control optimization mathematical problem.
A w ide ra nge of metho ds hav e been propo sed to tackle thi s
challenge including linear and dynamic programming as
well as heuristic methods such as PSO, GA, game or fuzzy
theory and so on [3]. In the recent years, studies on energy
optimization in smart grid has gradually shifted to agent-
based machine learning method represented by state of art
deep learning and deep reinforcement learning. Especially
deep neural network based reinforcement learning methods
are emerging and gain popularity to for smart grid
application [4][5].
In this work, we focus on the following issues and
(1) Different from previous reports, we have developed our
deep reinforcement learning algorithm embedded in a
rigorous physical model using Simscape Power SystemsTM
for smart power grid optimization. All the parameters used
in smart grid represents the realistic electric circuits and
detailed fluctuation regarding the voltage, frequency and
phase can be therefore fully revealed, which are not
available in previous reports where the constructed smart
grid system could not output sufficient information.
(2) For RL, model-free off-policy deep Q-learning suing
MatlabTM is developed. Actor critic and DQN are suited for
addressing continuous state space and discrete action space
respectively. Here we have focused on the discrete action
control designed for switching the grid power supply/sell
and battery charge /discharge.
(3) For continuous state and continuous action space, we
have self-developed a H-DDPG (hybrid-deterministic
policy gradient) algorithm, in which we have hybridized the
latest deep deterministic policy gradient with the deep
actor-critic stochastic policy gradient.
Fig.1: Sketch of smart grid optimization using deep
neural network based reinforcement learning algorithm.
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(i) Deep Q-Learning (DQN): A gener al model which
describes the main framework is given as follows. In this
sketch, we adopted deep Q-learning algorithm as an
example to illustrate the learning principle: physical model
of smart grid simulation environment based on Simscape
Power SystemsTM was constructed. The state space is
always continuous and action space is set either discrete or
continuous for off-policy Q learning and deep policy
gradient algorithm respectively. A detailed operation flow
is given as follows by the form of pseudo-simulation code:
(ii) Hybrid Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (H-
DDPG): Deterministic policy is in theory efficient at the
late stage of simulation because the policy distribution is
less variant and more deterministic. Policy gradient is
usually formulated as follows, where
is the policy
object function;
is the function approximation parameter
(in neural network, it is the weight w); s and a correspond
to the state and action
is the state-action
function under certain policy
*%(+&' ",)
and is the :
0 1
policy distribution function. David et al. has shown that if
the policy is treated as deterministic; the above equation can
be reformed as: [6]
and if the action a is approximated as policy action function:
33( 0 >
using the chain rule
) can be further extended as:
and then policy parameter
is updated as the usual
gradient decent:
33"?0 "?E F G <4B#
However, implementing the deterministic policy at the
early simulation stage will inevitably cause high variance
and slow convergence because the policy is far from
optimal policy so the policy distribution is fairly stochastic
and less deterministic with high bias. The hybridized
algorithm is designed in such a way that both the advantage
of deterministic and stochastic policy is assimilated thus a
stable learning profile with fast convergence can be
(iii) Neural Network Model: In this work, we use
multilayer neural network including four hidden layers to
approximate the state-action value function. The activation
function is fixed at hyperbolic-tangent function and epsilon-
greedy algorithm is utilized to enhance the exploration in
the case of DQN for discrete action and re-parameterization.
These techniques were used when using H-DDPG for
continuous action space.
(iv) MILP and DRL Model: In this work we
performed benchmark test and compared the results from
the MILP and DRL algorithm. Both the MILP and DRL
were perfomed under the same input data including the
solar power generation and electric consumption profile as
well the purchase/sell price for the electricity. The soft
constraints for the battery charge/discharge were also
arranged the same for both methods. The inter-conversion
principle between these two methods were given in Fig.2.
For MILP we divide the constraints in into two parts : Soft
constraint and hard constraint. And we make soft constraint
as reward for the neural network learning process and hard
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constraint are difficult to learn so we used them to terminate
and restart the learning process.
Here we present one representative simulated results by
employing DQN algorithm to optimize for discrete action
space. Mainly we deploy the DRL(DQN) agent to
maximize earning for comparing with MILP optimization,
and we also use DRL for maintain balance from different
power sources.
There are many optimization methods for different types
of problems, among them MILP is popular tools in the
Matlab environment. On the base of Matlab deployed
energy hub optimization we compared our result and its
reliability so far. In Fig.3. upper graphs are result of Matlab
based MILP used optimized result for buying and selling.
The optimized one-day profit from selling power produced
by PV and reduced the cost of buying from power producer
is 74 yen. The lower two graphs are result by our programed
DRL agent. The optimal result obtained from DRL is 78 yen
for a day, from selling power produced by PV and reduced
the cost of buying from power producer. By comparing
these result DQN (deep reinforcement learning agent) is
good enough to optimize the power system optimization
problem. By using reinforcement learning agent we get
optimized result as well as we can get different option for
optimizing the problem where these options are not
available from other optimization tools.
Optimization tools in Matlab deliver quite accurate
results but failed to be applied to large scale system. The
MILP results calculated over 10 days input data has greatly
deviated from the theoretical solution. On the contrast, DRL
has greatest advantage over the MILP in this sense. The
machine learning based DRL method learn the feature of
the system via big data and generalize the feature using
neural network. The agent successfully learnt to discharge
its battery power during daytime instead buying electricity
from the grid and also learnt to purchase at low price time.
We a ls o co mp ar e t he D RL ag en t a nd M IL P o pt im iz at io n
result on different PV production pattern and different
selling buying rate. we used the same DRL reward system
for all the comparing time and most of time DRL get the
better result than the optimization tools.
Fig.3. The MILP optimization tools optimized buying and selling schedule in the upper and Agent
training results
using the DQN algorithm. In the lower graph diagram
Fig.2. Conversion between MILP and DRL implementation
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The DRL agent is able to maintain the balance for power
source demand stability. There are many options for power
sources to fulfill the power demand in such problem
Reinforcement agent can help to maintain supply demand
balance. In Matlab environment we create virtual power
resources and power demand as well, from the helps of
power sources and demand data DRL agent able to maintain
the power demand and supply.
On the base of above works and result, we are building
large scale virtual power network for demand Grid power
supply as well as power purchaser many others electricity
producer like PV, Turbine, Wind farm, CHP etc. and Heat
producer like gas boiler, heat tank etc. as well. According to
this plan we need good DRL algorithm as well as more
agents. Our planed concepts simple diagram is shown in
Fig.5 and more detailed design principle and preliminary
results from trial experiments will be given at the
We p re se nt h er e a d ee p r ei nf orc em en t l ea rn in g me th od
applied for smart grid optimization. From the preliminary
simulation results, the agent was able to catch the feature
involved in the balance of load demand, PV power surplus
and battery discharge/charge as well as grid integrate. The
agent successfully learnt how to tune its action profile to
maximize the reward function during training. More
detailed results regarding to the comparison between DQN
and H-DDPG and the key role played by reward function
will be given at the conference.
[1] R. H. Khan and J. Y. Khan, "A comprehensive review
of the application characteristics and traffic
requirements of a smart grid communications
network," Computer Networks, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 825-
845, 2013.
[2] H. E. Brown, S. Suryanarayanan, and G. T. Heydt,
"Some characteristics of emerging distribution systems
considering the smart grid initiative," The Electricity
Journal, vol. 23,no. 5, pp. 64 -75, 2010.
[3] M. R. Alam, M. St-Hilaire, and T. Kunz,
"Computational methods for residential energy cost
optimization in smart grids: A survey," ACM Comput.
Surv., vol. 49, pp. 22-34,Apr. 2016.
[4] E. Mocanu, P. H. Nguyen, M. Gibescu, and W. L. Kling,
"Deep learning for estimating building energy
consumption," Sustainable Energy, Grids and
Networks, vol. 6, pp. 91-99, 2016.
[5] V François-Lavet, Q Gemine, D Ernst, R Fonteneau,
"Towards the minimization of the levelized energy
costs of microgrids using both long-term and short-
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[6] S. David, L. Guy, H. Nicolas, D. Thomas, W. Daan,
and R.Martin. "Deterministic policy gradient
algorithms," ICML, 2014
Battery PV Demand Grid
Sell Buy
Fig.4. The model for power balance in Matlab
request >0
request >0
offer >0
offer >0
Market Hub
Energy Utility
Heat pump
Gas boiler
CHP units
Solar thermal
Battery 1
Hot water tank
Tec hno log y Ag ent
Given Given
Critic NN
Actor NN
Critic NN
Actor NN
Critic NN
Actor NN
Critic NN
Actor NN
Action Opinion
Actor NN Critic NN
ERQ= action(0)
ERP= action(1)
HRQ= action(2)
HRP= action(3)
!"#$%& '( )*+$,-#&,(*)$..&+(*+/#&(0 1*+$,-#&,(*1$..&+(*+/#&(
)2*&",/3-+& '( )*+$,-#&,(*)#$43(( 0 1*+$,-#&,(*1#$43(
EOQ= action(0)
EOP= action(1)
HOQ= action(2)
HOP= action(3)
EOQ= action(0)
EOP= action(1)
HOQ= action(2)
HOP= action(3)
+&56+, +&56+, +&56+, +&56+,
7+$./3( ' !"#$%&( 8 )2*&",/3-+&(
Battery 3
Battery 2
Hot water tank
Fig.5. Sketch of large scale virtual power plant using
... Machine learning applications also include, but are not limited to, renewable energy predictions, fault detection and power quality monitoring. Renewable energy resources, including wind power, hydropower, and photovoltaic energy, have gained attention over the last few years and are considered alternative energy supply (Sogabe et al. 2018). The problem encountered with renewable energy resources is often a mismatch between the electricity supply and demand, resulting in instability and limited power output (Sogabe et al. 2018). ...
... Renewable energy resources, including wind power, hydropower, and photovoltaic energy, have gained attention over the last few years and are considered alternative energy supply (Sogabe et al. 2018). The problem encountered with renewable energy resources is often a mismatch between the electricity supply and demand, resulting in instability and limited power output (Sogabe et al. 2018). Virtualitics (2021) added that the power demand and generation must always be equivalent to prevent blackouts due to inefficient energy. ...
... Virtualitics (2021) argued that these predictions and evaluations will contribute towards reducing harmful emissions by encouraging the use of reliable renewable energy sources as an alternative to coal or other non-renewable energy. Sogabe et al. (2018) indicated that there is a need for a practical approach to address these types of issues. Khan and Khan (2013) proposed smart grids due to their ability for intelligent, robust, and functional power grids. ...
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... Many published works have recently addressed DRL applications in power systems. These applications cover a wide range of decision, control, and optimization problems, including energy management [19][20][21][22], demand response [23][24][25][26], the electricity market [27][28][29][30], operational control [31][32][33][34], cybersecurity [35][36][37], economic dispatch [38,39], system optimization [40], edge computing [41], energy routing [42], and many others. ...
... Deep NNs overcome this issue by providing compact lowdimensional representations of high-dimensional inputs [15], where the approximate value functions are represented as a parameterized functional form with a weight vector instead of a table. DRL can handle complicated tasks with lower prior knowledge due to its ability to learn levels of abstractions from data [40]. ...
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... [3] or Eq. [4] 12: ...
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... It is also important to note that the automated driving can be classified as a control problem for a continuous system, and the drawback of these proposed algorithms is that they can only be implemented to discrete environments. The process of discretization would lead to the inability to overcome dynamic environment in the vehicle platooning system [20]. Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm, which is based on a direct policy search, is then proposed to handle continuous control environment by directly output continuous action [25]. ...
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Real-time adaptive traffic control is an important problem in modern world. Historically, various optimization methods have been used to build adaptive traffic signal control systems. Recently, reinforcement learning has been advanced, and various papers showed efficiency of Deep-Q-Learning (DQN) in solving traffic control problems and providing real-time adaptive control for traffic, decreasing traffic pressure and lowering average travel time for drivers. In this paper we consider the problem of traffic signal control, present the basics of reinforcement learning and review the latest results in this area.
With the continuous expansion of the power grid nodes scale, traditional centralized state estimation method shows certain limitations in estimation efficiency and accuracy. Recently, some power grids adopt a distributed state estimation method, in which each partition independently estimates the partial state information by partitioning the entire power system. However, the deviation of the state estimation in certain partition will result in the deviation of the estimation results in the entire power grid system. In this paper, we propose the attack strategy against the distributed state estimation in smart grids from two perspectives, i.e. the attack against local physical measurement value of the power system partition and the attack against the measurement value of coordination center. Moreover, the theoretical analysis of the state estimation deviation caused by the proposed data integrity attack and the propagation processes of proposed attack vectors in measurement calculations are formalized. The effectiveness of the proposed attack strategy is verified in the IEEE-30 bus and IEEE-118 bus systems. Simulation results show that attacking against a certain partition of a distributed system can indirectly affect the state estimation results of other partitions and attacking against the measurement value of coordination center can directly threaten the state estimation results of the entire power grid. Note to Practitioners —This paper proposes two attack strategies against the distributed state estimation of power grid from two perspectives, i.e. the attack against local physical measurement value of the power system partition and the attack against the measurement value of coordination center. Most of the previous works fail to formalize the state estimation deviation of both partial and entire state estimation results of power grid after the attacker launches the attack against the distributed state estimation. We formalize the state estimation deviation caused by the proposed data integrity attack and the propagation processes of proposed attack vectors in measurement calculations. The effectiveness of the proposed attack strategy against the state estimation of power grid is verified in the IEEE-30 bus and IEEE-118 bus systems. Simulation results show that attacking against a certain partition of power grid can indirectly cause the deviation in the state estimation results of entire power grid and attacking against the measurement value of the coordination center can directly threaten the state estimation results of the entire power grid. In conclusion, the proposed attack strategies are helpful for the research community to design detection strategies in a targeted manner and can be conveniently applied to the real-world security management system of smart grid.
The rapid developments in Internet‐of‐Things (IoT), cloud computing, and big data technologies have increased the popularity of machine learning (ML) techniques. As a result, of all ML techniques, deep learning (DL) is at the forefront of innovation, outperforming all other techniques in many application domains. DL has made breakthroughs in speech recognition, image processing, forecasting, natural language processing, fault detection, power disturbance classification, energy trading, and much more. DL is a complex ML approach composed of multiple processing layers, which allows pattern and structure recognition on huge datasets. This chapter takes an in‐depth look at the most recent and promising DL works in the literature for intelligent power and energy systems (PES). Several types of problems are explored, including regression, classification, and decision‐making problems. The presented works show an increasing trend of new DL techniques that outperform traditional approaches, either through novel architectures or hybrid systems.
To improve the design of the electricity infrastructure and the efficient deployment of distributed and renewable energy sources, a new paradigm for the energy supply chain is emerging, leading to the development of smart grids. There is a need to add intelligence at all levels in the grid, acting over various time horizons. Predicting the behavior of the energy system is crucial to mitigate potential uncertainties. An accurate energy prediction at the customer level will reflect directly in efficiency improvements in the whole system. However, prediction of building energy consumption is complex due to many influencing factors, such as climate, performance of thermal systems, and occupancy patterns. Therefore, current state-of-the-art methods are not able to confine the uncertainty at the building level due to the many fluctuations in influencing variables. As an evolution of artificial neural network (ANN)-based prediction methods, deep learning techniques are expected to increase the prediction accuracy by allowing higher levels of abstraction. In this paper, we investigate two newly developed stochastic models for time series prediction of energy consumption, namely Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (CRBM) and Factored Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (FCRBM). The assessment is made on a benchmark dataset consisting of almost four years of one minute resolution electric power consumption data collected from an individual residential customer. The results show that for the energy prediction problem solved here, FCRBM outperforms ANN, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and CRBM.
2014 In this paper we consider deterministic policy gradient algorithms for reinforcement learning with continuous actions. The deterministic policy gradient has a particularly appealing form: it is the expected gradient of the action-value function. This simple form means that the deterministic policy gradient can be estimated much more efficiently than the usual stochastic policy gradient. To ensure adequate exploration, we introduce an off-policy actor-critic algorithm that learns a deterministic target policy from an exploratory behaviour policy. We demonstrate that deterministic policy gradient algorithms can significantly outperform their stochastic counterparts in high-dimensional action spaces.
A robust communication infrastructure is the touchstone of a smart grid that differentiates it from the conventional electrical grid by transforming it into an intelligent and adaptive energy delivery network. To cope with the rising penetration of renewable energy sources and expected widespread adoption of electric vehicles, the future smart grid needs to implement efficient monitoring and control technologies to improve its operational efficiency. However, the legacy communication infrastructures in the existing grid are quite insufficient, if not incapable of meeting the diverse communication requirements of the smart grid. Therefore, utilities from all over the world are now facing the key challenge of finding the most appropriate technology that can satisfy their future communication needs. In order to properly assess the vast landscape of available communication technologies, architectures and protocols, it is very important to acquire detailed knowledge about the current and prospective applications of the smart grid. With a view to addressing this critical issue, this paper offers an in depth review on the application characteristics and traffic requirements of several emerging smart grid applications and highlights some of the key research challenges present in this arena.
Modernization of the electric power system in the United States is driven by the Smart Grid Initiative. Many changes are planned in the coming years to the distribution side of the U.S. electricity delivery infrastructure to embody the idea of "smart distribution systems." However, no functional or technical definition of a smart distribution system has yet been accepted by all.
Computational methods for residential energy cost optimization in smart grids: A survey
  • M R Alam
  • M St-Hilaire
  • T Kunz
M. R. Alam, M. St-Hilaire, and T. Kunz, "Computational methods for residential energy cost optimization in smart grids: A survey," ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 49, pp. 22-34,Apr. 2016.