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  • Mustansiriyah University

Abstract and Figures

The traditional Iraqi (Baghdadi) houses were being formed over centuries of effort and contribution and reached their final shape at the end of the nineteenth century. These masterworks have nowadays arrived at a critical stage. The fundamental problem with these houses is that they were all built with non-durable materials, such as clay brick, timber, and mud with straws. Therefore, the majority has been ruined; very few survived or should be saved for the future. The survivors should be conserved in a vigorous way to maintain their heritage values. Unfortunately, in Iraq to date, the process of dealing with historical buildings is rather artless and immature for various reasons. As a first conservation rule, it is always said that there are no rules; however, there is a group of standard ethics and principles that must be thoroughly taken into consideration in conservation. The conservation ethics and principles are given in the context of this paper. Every technical decision made should be assessed alongside the principles and ethics. Given that the number of this type of historical structure is not rare, the paper aims at setting standards and rules to facilitate the mission of conservation. Despite the sheer volume of such houses in the old dense zones of Baghdad, their structure is quite simple, and original materials are advantageously identified. Some common structural defects along with their repair procedure are reviewed in this paper.
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Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
*Dr. Ali Abdulhussein Al-Ghalib1, Dr. Laith Sadiq Al-Assadi1
1) Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq.
Abstract: The traditional Iraqi (Baghdadi) houses were being formed over centuries of effort and
contribution, and reached their final shape in the end of the nineteenth century. These masterworks have
nowadays arrived at a critical stage. The fundamental problem with these houses is that they were all built
with non-durable materials, such as clay brick, timber and mud with straws. Therefore, the majority has
ruined; very few survived or should be saved for the future. The survivors should be conserved in
vigorous way to maintain their heritage values. Unfortunately, in Iraq to date, the process of dealing with
historical buildings is rather artless and immature for various reasons As a first conservation rule, it is
always said that there are no rules;however, there is a group of standard ethics and principles must be
thoroughly taken into consideration in conservation. The conservation ethics and principles are given in
the context of this paper. Every technical decision made should be assessed alongside the principles and
ethics Given that the number of this type of historical structure is not rare, the paper aims at setting
standards and rules to facilitate the mission of conservation. Despite the sheer volume of such houses in
old dense zones of Baghdad, their structure is quite simple and original materials are advantageously
identified. Some common structural defects along with their repair procedure are reviewed in this paper.
Keywords: Traditional Baghdadi Houses, Conservation Ethics, Conservation Principal, Intervention
. 
*Corresponding Author:
Vol. 22, No.05, September 2018
ISSN 2520-0917
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
1. Introduction
Every nation has its own exclusive memory, which represents the outcome of the
historical events. The historical events, whether they are good or bad, participate in
shaping the features of the society, and play momentous role in outlining the present
and future of the nation
There many fields are responsible for preserving the heritage of the nation, such as
literature, science and arts. The architecture, as a vigorous combination of arts and
science signifies vigorous example of memory reservoir. The architecture is a great
unambiguous method to register the history. Therefore, it is ethical and legal liability of
the people in charge to follow rigorous strategies where necessary preservation is
required. Although, the subject of conservation of historical buildings is now an
overwhelming and restricted task in most nations, the process in Iraq is rather
spontaneous and immature. In this discipline, many professions must be contributed to
the conservation task. For instance, the conservation of listed buildings should be
contributed by architect, historian, civil (structural engineer), craftsman, material
engineer, and other secondary professions
Areas of largely and dense historical Baghdadi houses were greatly removed over
decades clearing way for new highways and modern districts. In an effort of Baghdad
authorities to conserve some historical houses, two conservation areas of historical
importance were set up in the beginning 1980s. These areas bound two holy shrines:
Al-Kadhimain shrine and Al-Gaylani shrine [1]. Fig.1 shows areas of heritage value
surround the holy shrine of Al-Kadhimain chosen by city authorities in the
redevelopment programme. Currently, much evidence at the national level that the
courtyard houses of Baghdad are in real risk, also the restoration programme of the
listed houses has left disastrous examples on the cheap and vulgar practice. Doubtless,
this practice insults the glorious picture of Iraqi architecture achievements and changes
the design features of local civilian success.
The dominance of extempore dealing with the subject of conservation of listed
buildings can be attributed to two reasons: the absence of qualified designers, artistic,
aesthetics and ethical taste that leads to emerging of populist phenomena and the
weakness of the scientific methodology of conservation practice.
Briefly, a historic building is one that gives us a sense of wonder and makes us want
to know more about the people and culture that produced it. It has architectural,
aesthetic, historic, documentary, archaeological, economic, social and even political and
spiritual or symbolic values; but the first impact is always emotional, for it is a symbol
of our cultural identity and continuity-a part of our heritage. If it has survived the
hazards of 100 years of usefulness, it has a good claim to being called historic.
Nowadays, there are many examples accentuate the pitiable culture of dealing with Iraqi
heritage. Fig. 2 shows only case amid many ugly pictures that our daily life full of them.
This study aims at shedding light on the structural conservation of traditional
Baghdadi houses. The study looks at the following objectives:
Features of Baghdadi house (structure, building materials, causes of damage)
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Strategy of conservation of historical building and regulations for degree of
Types of damages of different structural elements and relevant intervention
The minimum effective action is always the best; if possible, the action should be
reversible and not prejudice possible future interventions.
Figure 1. Conservation areas (given black colour) in Al-Kadhimain city (after
Warren and Fethi, 1981[1]).
The research work presented in this paper is organized in six sections. Section 1
presents a brief description of the motives of this research, research aim and objectives.
Section 2 provides a brief background review on the prominent institutions regulate the
subject of conservation. Section 3 submits a complete description of the different
structural elements of Baghdadi house, its building materials and types of damages.
Section 4 introduces the ethics and principles of conservation. In the meantime, the
seven ascending hierarchal degrees of intervention to conserve a historical monument is
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
carefully defined. The types of damage in each element and the practice to repair that
damage are given in section 5. Eventually, the main observations, contributions and
limitations are concluded in section 6.
Figure 2. Example of ruins of a traditional house.
2. Regulation of Conservation Process
The topic of conservation of historical (listed) monuments in the developed and
industrial countries is a methodical and controlled practice. The first organization to
safeguard historic buildings in England was established in 1877 and known as the
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) that mainly intended to prevent
any restoration go beyond weatherproofing. Over time societies were established to
protect more modern structures, i.e. the Georgian Group in 1937 and the Victorian
Society in 1958 [2].
A set of beliefs of conservation principles was expressed in the International
Council of Monuments and Sites in a range of charters [3, 4, and 5]. The United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) alongside with
some advisory bodies such as the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation
and Restoration of Cultural Properties ICCROM are devoted to the conservation of
listed buildings (UNESCO WHC) [6, 7, and 8]. Furthermore, ICOMOS produced in
1987 The Conservation of Historic Towns and Urban Areas Charter (Washington
Charter) that involves historic large and small cities, towns and historic centres [9].
In Iraq, the Ministry of Culture is the monitor organization, which controls,
supervises and organizes this vital subject. The Archaeology and heritage code No55,
which was issued in 2002, is the current legislation manages the subject of preservation
of national heritage in IRAQ [10]. The regulations of this code give the archaeological
authority the power to cease every disruption, neglect and misuse of historical assets.
The law defined the archaeological items when their age is at least 200 years, whereas
heritage buildings or cultural materials of age of less than 200 years. The materials of
the code No 55 stipulated in this legislation can be considered the last comprehensive
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
and severe safeguard to prevent the deterioration of Iraqi heritage. Nonetheless, the
implementation of these regulations is sadly shelved due to the careless and weakness of
administrations in charge of this subject.
In addition, national cultural authority is armed with extra powerful law known as
'The law of Possessive' No.12 issued in 1981 [11]. This law aimed at regulating the
procedures of possession of historical-value properties by the government. This law
facilitates the process of seizure of cultural places by the government authorities.
3.The Features of Traditional Baghdadi Houses
The Baghdadi historical house achieves all the three conditions proposed by
Vitruvius Pollio, the great architect for the Roman Emperor, almost two thousand years
ago when he stated:
‘Structures shall be safe, functional and beautiful’
Indeed, the form of courtyard houses is nothing short of safety, functionality and
beauty. The convenience and aesthetics of the glorious houses are attributed to the
skillful master mason. The master mason of Baghdadi houses has responded over
centuries to the architectural advancement in terms of slow modifications.
The present traditional houses of Baghdad, which belong to the nineteenth century,
must be perceived as the ultimate and final result of prolonged stages of developments
added. This final product gives a house of raised row of columns around its square
courtyard, Fig. 3.
In its ideal form, through a house’s ornamental doorway the passageway (mejaz)
leads into courtyard (hosh). The hosh includes central openings and long ursi (room
with large windows opened on the courtyard and normally has side access) between
them. Rooms of fixed purpose such as kitchens, lavatories and bathrooms are kept
unnoticeably in iwans, under the stairs and in corners of the ground floor. The rooms are
kept in the first floor around the central courtyard and opened on to a common foyer or
tarma [1].
Such houses have two stairs: one leading to the diwankhana (where strangers are
received), the other leading to the harem (where the family can have access). The iwan
and the talar (colonnaded iwan) are smaller openings off the tarma and basically served
as open rooms that extend the space to the daily activities, Fig. 4.
Some of the features of traditional Iraqi houses such as the courtyard (hosh) and the
narrow winding streets projected by decorative balconies and windows can elsewhere
be found in varying form in cities across the Muslim world. Nonetheless, the Baghdadi
(Iraqi) courtyard houses are unique in the colonnade (tarma) rose to the first floor level
so that it views the courtyard [1].
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Figure 3. Examples of traditional Baghdadi house showing the courtyard (hosh) and tarma (colonnade
The ursi room in the first floor occasionally opened to the outer world through oriel
window (shanashil), Fig.4. The shanashil helps to provide natural fresh air and
opportunity to watch the life of the street.
Figure 4. Examples of talar in Baghdadi house (left) shanashil landed into the street (right)
3.1 Building Materials of Traditional House
The historical houses until the end of the nineteenth century were constructed of
local building materials. In the city, the burned brick formed the basic material of the
load-bearing walls and foundations. Lime mortars were used as primary binders in form
of hydrated lime which is more waterproof and less shrinkable. Mud along with straws
was used as an insulating and waterproof material in roofs, although for prestigious
constructions bitumen could be brought from wells in Basrah, Kufa or Hit [1]. Timber,
as quick, on hand and light building material was largely used for construction of floors,
girders and columns. The timber was superseded gradually from the twenties of the last
century by steel girders in the jack arching flooring construction [12]. Ground and first
floor were usually paved with square brick (farshi) of the same brick type used for
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Engraved, clean-cut and moulded bricks were used to introduce geometric and
arabesque decorative brickwork to doorways, windows openings and facades.
Occasionally, mosaic modelled bricks were utilised in spandrels, cornice and friezes
over the surface of the building to make complex shapes, Fig. 5.
Figure 5. Decorated carved and mosaic brickwork of two different entrance doorways.
3.2 Defects of Traditional Houses
It is so rare to find now ancient houses belong to days of their first construction. If
they have survived, they were inevitably restored in such a way for at least one cause:
the eating-termites, which live in big colonies in the warm and damp soils of Iraq. This
tiny destructive insect attacks almost all the construction materials, alone brickworks
had survived against this insect. The timber that constitutes important part of the
structure is mainly wrecked by termites. Despite its advantages, it is non-durable in
severe climate and surrounding conditions, hence needs renewal, likewise the mud
roofing systems. Furthermore, the lifetime of the fabrics of the houses has mostly been
reached. The brickwork as well as the pointing experienced problems of decaying,
cracking and crumbling due to dampness, sulfate attack, thermal changes and
differential settlement of foundations. The ground floor surfaces were covered with
solid square bricks. In such cases, the penetrating moisture through the capillary action
is likely, and this produces totally heaved and fractured floors.
4. Process of conservation
The subject of conservation of an old structure starts with a difficult question, which
is what is the acceptable change in that building?
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
In the subject of conservation of historical buildings, two main items should be put
ahead: the ethics of conservation and the principles, as shown in Fig. 6 [14].
Conservation of buildings depends on a thorough study of the building as it stands,
followed by any further analytical studies deemed necessary, in order to make a correct
diagnosis of the structural actions of the building, and to act in economic and scientific
way without crossing the boundaries of ethics and principles. It is then necessary to
consider alternative lines of action. With a multidisciplinary team, it is difficult to
obtain agreement, as each professional has different objectives, and often his training
has enclosed an expert's mind with too much specialization. A structural engineer
concentrates on stability and safety; an archaeologist concentrates on retention of
original material; an art historian is a specialist critic who is trained to observe and
interpret what is there, but is often unable to visualize alternatives to the status quo.
Other members of the team may also have an undisclosed agenda, that of their particular
profession. Moreover, conservation is the action taken to prevent decay and manage
change dynamically. It embraces all acts that prolong the life of our cultural heritage,
the object being to present to those who use and look at historic buildings with wonder
the artistic and human messages that such buildings possess.
Figure 6. The principles and ethics of conservation procedure in historical property, [the notion after
4.1 Degree of Intervention in Historical Houses
The minimum degree of intervention necessary and the techniques used depend
upon the conditions to which property is likely to be subjected. Interventions practically
always involve some loss of a heritage value in the property, but are justified in order to
preserve the objects for the future.
Conservation involves making interventions at various scales and levels of intensity
which are determined by the physical condition, causes of deterioration and anticipated
evidence is
of aesthetic,
and physical
record is
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
future environment of the cultural property under treatment. Each case must be
considered as a whole, and individually, taking all factors into account.
Always bearing in mind the final aim and the principles and rules of conservation,
particularly that the minimum effective intervention is always the best, seven ascending
degrees of intervention can be identified.
The Burra Charter [4] states that conservation processes, subjecting to the situations,
entail a combination of more than one of the levels given in Fig.7. In any major
conservation project, several of these degrees may take place simultaneously in various
parts of the whole. Most importantly however, conservation process should be
examined and justified with sets of ethics and principles stipulated by several charters
[3, 4, and 14] before the developments start.
The scheme of conservation and renewal of historical houses commence with setting
and listing zones of old houses. The programme of restoration must rely upon
preservation of as much as possible of the original physical and aesthetic characteristics.
Wherever the replacement is crucial, like for like material must be followed.
Crumbled brickworks are replaced with brick of same patina provided with damp
proofing layer. It is very important that new bricks should match the old in color and
texture, and that the old form of bonding and jointing should be followed. Fig. 8 shows
a contrast between the new bricks and old bricks in conservation of Al-Mustansiriyah
school of Baghdad.
The fragile devastated sections of timer are substituted with identical new members
treated with termite-killing substances. There is always temptation to rectify earlier
errors or shortcomings made by builders due to limited resources. These errors can be
rectified, but the general ethics and principles are respected. For instance, the in flooring
and roofing systems the technique of jack-arching to provide solid anti-termite floors
can replace the worn out timber floors.
Equally important, the composite sections of brick and steel joist are very successful
for shanashil and tarma cantilevers where larger, stiffer and durable spans are achieved.
Exquisite skillful work of wood, glass and metals is renovated by using similar
materials and modern techniques.
Having considered the situation of current houses, the conservation scheme is
obviously beyond the first three action degrees given by Fig.7, but conserved houses
during the development of Baghdad in the early eighties of last century probably now
an action within the first three levels of the conservation scheme.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Figure 7. The seven hierarchal degrees of intervention to conserve a historical structure,
[the notion after Ref.14]
5. Decay and Repair of Structural Elements
5.2 Problems of Beams and Columns
Decay in timber columns usually occurs as a result of dampness and insect attack
close to the ground. In houses construction, the seat of columns is usually made out of
brick pedestal or masonry place above the ground level. In such case, the decay and
crumbling in timber columns will be eliminated. Decomposed timber beams usually
occur where they are embedded in the brickwork without necessary insulation. They are
subject of fungal and insect attack. In all cases, the penetrating rain and severe climatic
changes cause decay and as a result theses structural elements might fail.
Degrees of intervention
of Conservation
1. Prevention
2. Preservation
3. Consolidation
of the fabric
4. Rehabilitation 5. Restoration
6. Reproduction
7. Reconstruction
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Figure 8. Example on bad conservation (new bricks do
not match the old in color and texture)
5.2 Repair of Brickwork
Old renderings made out of lime plaster can be removed without difficulty, although
some lime will be left in the holes of the brickwork and will add to the texture of its age.
In order to re-render brick wall, the old rendering must be removed, and brickwork is
cut and cleaned before it will be rendered. Always trial attempts of small scale walls
small could be implemented prior to involve deeply in such practice.
One of the major defects of aged courtyard houses is the deterioration of the
pointing. New mortar of same colour and texture should be provided to repointing and
sealing the joints. The appearance of a brick wall is significantly affected by the colour
and texture of pointing because the pointing sometimes cover 30-40% of the area.
Cleaned and brushed edges of bricks are essential. In repointing action, old pointing of
brickwork should be scratched and removed out to a minimum depth of 30mm and the
pointing inserted with a special tool (mortar gun), as shown in Fig. 9. The new mortar is
made of lime which is compensated with sand to give darker colour. The resistance of a
brick wall to rain water and its durability mainly depend upon the success of the
pointing. If it is too light in colour it gives a recently re-pointed wall a garish and stark
appearance. Earth colours can be used to reduce the whiteness of some limes. If a
natural darkish buff-coloured hydraulic lime can be obtained, this is the best. The colour
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
of pointing will depend upon the sand used, and in the short run the sand will decide the
texture of the mortar, so choice of well-graded sharp gritty sand is important.
Figure 9. Repointing process using cement mortar in a brick wall.
Vertical fractures/cracks shall be mended by replacing in new matching brickwork.
In case greater strength is required and if wall thickness allows, particular precast
narrow concrete beams of smaller dimension and of same depth as one course of
brickwork could be concealed in the back of the brickwork. Otherwise, twisted stainless
steel rod can be embedded in the brickwork at a depth of about 40mm, Fig.10 (a). This
is an easy, cheap and successful system of strengthening the building. This system can
be generalized all over the building in order to tie the walls together. For old and unsafe
or aggressively damaged brickworks, the repair techniques given in Fig. 10 (b-d) are
examples of treatments that can be utilized in conservation of historical houses [15, 16].
It is wholly unacceptable to cover up the damaged face of brick walls with cement
mortar layer. The damaged wall should be renewed by tying the new brickwork all the
way together with old wall as in construction of the cavity wall. The hollow void
between the new and old could be grouted so as to avoid penetrating rain. The fresh
brick must be produced to match the original old brick rather than to look as new brick
[2]. All repair or replacement of decayed or missing parts of building shall match the
original nearby fabric by using same technique, material, colour, texture and profile [2].
The Venice Charter [3] states that:
Replacements of missing parts must integrate harmoniously with the whole, but at
the same time must be distinguishable from the original so that restoration does not
falsify the artistic or historic evidence.’
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Figure 10. Some repair techniques: (a) Wall widening; (b) Stitching of wall; (c) Pre-cast concrete
elbow ties (after Beckmann, 1995 [15]); (d) Buttress.
5.3 Repair of Arches
Repointing and grouting brickwork in arches can, if applied to the maximum depth
possible, greatly strengthen an arch. The repair of all types of arches may involve taking
down the arch and rebuilding it, using a traditional false-work of timber and shoring
with close-centred needles to carry the weights above the arch. On the other hand, if the
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
arch is wide and the voussoirs are not of the full width it may be possible to rebuild half
at a time or to take out defective stones or bricks and replace them individually. This
has the advantage of not affecting the walling above to such an extent. Repair by
rebuilding is rather drastic as it relieves compressive stresses, raising questions of
prestressing the arch to avoid new deformations, which may require great ingenuity.
Such prestressing can well be carried out with hydraulic jacks. Occasionally an arch can
be freed by cutting out mortar joints and pushed back into position using hydraulic
jacks. Fig.11 shows cracks in two historical houses in Baghdad whereby repair is likely
to apply by adopting technique given in Fig. 10 (a).
Figure 11. Cracks in two historical houses in Baghdad.
5.4 Structural Interventions on Foundations
It is necessary to go through full inspection of the house and its environment in
order to get a sensible decision of the causes of structural damage, and to give initial
proposals for conservation of the house through rectifying problems in the foundations.
Methods of strengthening of foundations depend on surrounding conditions, and
several options can and be studied carefully. For instance, the soil can be improved by
chemical grouting; by drilling boreholes of 50mm diameter at 0.5m centers apart
providing pressure up to 202bar to produce piles with higher bearing capacity [14].
Foundations of houses are also developed by extension, or getting deeper, or the use
of levers and anchorages and using of restraints. Underpinning strategies should be
avoided in enlargement because of possible damage from local settlement during
execution [14].
One of the well-designed techniques to enlarge a foundation is to supply the
enlarged area in reinforced concrete and then to needle through the wall and prestress
the new foundation using hydraulic jacks. Additionally, the typical procedure to deepen
the foundations is by underpinning. Levers can also be built to apply a reverse turning
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
moment and hence reduce the effects of foundation failure on the opposite side. Tension
rods can offset the eccentric loads caused by foundation settlements require counter
anchorages to resist their tension.
5.5 Disadvantages of Portland Cement In Repairs To Historic Buildings
The repair materials must be compatible with the original materials, for all types of
construction. This can be applied to the bricks as well as the mortar. Mortars of Portland
cement have the advantages of workability, high stress level and their relatively
impervious nature. Theses mortars may also be used to mitigate the soluble salts and
frosting effects. It is appropriate for works subjected to high stress and use with actions
required appropriate strength, such as building or rebuilding of brickworks,
underpinning of foundation and repair of damaged walls. In order to compensate the
disadvantages of Portland cement especially its high stress, it is advisable to replace
Portland cement to sand mortar with appropriate proportions of Portland cement and
lime. Mortars of cement: lime: sand are designed by replacing part of the cement in a
1:3 cement mortar by an equal volume of lime, so that the binder paste still fills the
voids in the sand. In this way, good working qualities, water retention, bonding
properties and early strength can be achieved without the mature strength being too
high. Nonetheless, Portland cement is not designed for use in mortars or plaster on
historic buildings due to its consequences and shortcomings on traditional materials.
Disadvantages such as: its strength in compression, bonding and tension compared to
weak materials of historic buildings [14]. Also, its impermeability and low porosity
traps vapour and water and prevents evaporation. As a result, it is not good to be used in
repairing damp walls. Additionally, it shrinks on setting, leaving cracks for water to
enter, and because it is impermeable such water has difficulty in getting out. Therefore,
it increases defects caused by moisture. Portland cement should not be used for mortars
or plasters in historic buildings, but as a last resort a small proportion of Portland white
cement should be added to the lime with no more than 10% of the volume of the lime
without expert advice. Fig. 12 shows erroneous use of Portland cement in rendering
walls historic building in Baghdad.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
Figure 12. The problematic use of Portland cement in repairs
6. Conclusions
From this study the following main issues can be drawn:
1- A historic building is the object that gives us a feeling of wonder and interest and
makes us want to know more about the people and culture that constructed it. It has
architectural, aesthetic, historic, archaeological, economic, social and even political
and spiritual or symbolic values.
2- William Morris the founder of Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
(SPAB) was outspoken about the historic buildings, when stated [17]:
These buildings do not belong to us only… they belong to our forefathers and
they will belong to our descendants unless we play them false
3- Engineering and cultural Iraqi societies as well as Iraqi administrations lack the
interest and motivation for conservation of the national heritage. Although there are
enough tough legislation manages the subject of conservation of heritage, Iraqi
cultural authorities have not been stopping the demolition, distraction, and ignorance
of the historical houses. As long as the majority of the traditional houses is almost
ruins or in devastated situation, it is wise to elect conservation areas of such houses in
some of old Baghdadi zones and initiate a rigorous time bound programme of
4- The field survey done by the research authors have revealed that the zones of
historical buildings are in their way to vanish. An emergency plan needs to set in
order to safeguard the houses conserved during the major redevelopment programmes
of Baghdad created in the early 1980s. Other great survivors must be included in the
plan as an important evidence for the architectural achievements and way of living of
the historic past, while the old city of Baghdad has being transformed.
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development Vol. 22, No. 05, September 2018 (ISSN 2520-0917)
5- New bonding and repairing products such as epoxy resin, mortar additives, renders,
grouting and screeds could be advantageously exploited in the preservation campaign
given that these materials are concealed, efficient and easy to apply.
7. References
1. Warren J, Fethi,I, (1982), Traditional Houses in Baghdad, COACH PUBLISHING
HOUSE LTD, Horsham, England.
2. Allington-Jones, (2013) The Phoenix: The Role of Conservation Ethics in the
Development of St Pancras Railway Station (London, UK), Journal of Conservation
and Museum Studies, 11(1): 1, pp. 1-21.
3. ICOMOS (International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments
and Sites the Venice Charter), 1964.
4. ICOMOS (1999), The Burra Charter for Conservation of Places of cultural
significance, Paris.
5. ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites (2003). ICOMOS Charter
Principles for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of
architectural heritage.
6. UNESCO World Heritage Centre WHC (1985), Operational Guidelines for the
Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, World Cultural and Natural
Heritage, Paris.
7. UNESCO World Heritage Convention (1985). Conventions and Recommendations
of UNESCO Concerning the Protection of Cultural Heritage, UNESCO, Paris.
8. UNESCO World Heritage Centre WHC, 2015, Operational Guidelines for the
Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, Paris.
9. ICOMOS (1987), Washington Charter for the Conservation of Historic Towns and
Urban Areas, Paris.
10. Iraqi's Archaeology and Heritage Code, No.55, 2002.
11. 'The law of Possessive', No.12, 1981.
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... These heritage buildings are the result of long periods spanning centuries [5] that have been developed and exploited local construction materials and expertise available at that time to comply with the conditions of society and the environment to be as comfortable as possible with the least amount of energy consumed and for this, they are considered environmentally friendly because of their design and thermal insulation and for this It can be used in education and reduce energy consumption. On the other hand, heritage houses provide a model of sustainable architecture, which is considered a treasure with its unique and beautiful characteristics [6] and these features and characteristics attract most of those involved in architecture, tourists, and those interested in this regard, whether they are from inside or outside Iraq, and there are many signs in this regard, especially Regarding Al-Shanasheels and Mashrabiah [7]. ...
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Heritage buildings and houses are not only places that were previously inhabited, but rather living places that reflect the behavior, culture and lifestyle of the ancestors at that time, and it is an existing means to link previous generations with future generations, but there is a clear absence of documentation of these buildings, which are characterized by being environmentally friendly and comfortable in housing. These buildings have unique architectural and engineering characteristics such as the Shanasheel, and it was necessary to document them from a while before they reached what they are now. Al-Bataween area, which was used for housing at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, was chosen as a model for typical heritage buildings, and the houses that remained for periods of more than 100 years were photographed to show the engineering and architectural features. A questionnaire was conducted to explain the reasons for not paying attention to documenting these buildings previously when they reflected their beautiful features. The questionnaire showed a number of reasons behind the lack of interest in these important buildings. There is an urgent need to document what remains of the heritage buildings that will soon disappear.
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This research examines the vital role of traditional bazaars in the historical urban settings. It specifically examines the bustling area of Old Rusafa and Al Nahar Street, in the district of Rusafa, Baghdad, in the context of social and cultural landscape. This street is noted for its heritage-rich architecture which serve as key facilitators of social interactions and contributes to its cultural and communal identity. It assesses a one-square-kilometer area surrounding the Al Nahar Street utilizing the Urban Network Analysis tool. It scrutinizes crucial urban network metrics such as reach, betweenness, closeness, gravity, and straightness, in order to discern their relationship with the architectural environment. The findings provide detailed insights into the interplay between the network indicators, the patterns of human movements and architectural layouts. The study concludes that traditional bazaars, set within historical urban contexts, are not merely economic locales but also pulsating centers of social and cultural activity. Through an in-depth urban network analysis of Old Rusafa, the research offers essential perspectives for maintaining and enriching the cultural and economic dynamism of the area. These findings are crucial for effective urban planning and development strategies, presenting a framework for the preservation of unique heritage and the sustenance of the vibrancy of these historical urban hubs.
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Contemporary Iraqi houses and the Baghdadi houses in particular have suffered from different phenomena, especially after 2003. They suffer from the phenomena of division, modification, changing use, and others. During the rapid social, economic, and cultural changes in the world in general and Iraq in particular, the concept of home has become a significant concept in architecture. This paper examines the concept of home and focuses on the meaning of home as it manifests for the Iraqi people. It examines the changes in the architectural styles of the Baghdadi houses during the 20 th century and their effects on the concept of home for the Iraqis. The paper aims to clarify the components of the Iraqi sense of home and measure it through Maslow's hierarchy of human needs. The paper assumes that there is a shelter felt as a home and a house felt as a home, and the quality of the house or shelter as a home increases as we move from the top of Maslow's hierarchy closer to the personal and social aspects of the individuals. The analysis is produced through five steps: first, a theoretical framework is constructed with the concept of home as the focus. Second, Maslow's theory of human needs and its relations with the concept of home is discussed. Third, the analysis of the theoretical framework and its relation with Maslow's theory are taken to lead to building a model out of the indicators extracted from the analysis. Thereafter, the indicators are tested through two parts which take a look at the historical view of the Baghdadi house from the 20 th century until the time of the research. Employing a questionnaire administered to a group of Iraqi users, the research compares the responses of them with the model of the theoretical framework, and the architectural style of the Baghdadi houses during the 20 th century. The questions are built on the indicators that were given to the group of Iraqi users who lived in different houses designed and built during the 20 th century until 2022. The paper concludes that the ownership of the residential unit and its designed features relate to the personal needs of the users, but the feeling of belonging and childhood memories are more effective factors to create a sense of home in the house and the neighborhood. The paper finds that the decrease in social relationships between the family members and the neighbors after 2003 represents a decrease in the social sustainability of the Baghdadi neighborhoods. The research is the first step to create general indicators that can be used as a guideline for the architects and planners to build houses and neighborhoods to create a sense of home particular to the Iraqi people.
Guía para la valoración y restauración estructural de construcciones existentes, desarrollada en los siguientes capítulos: 1. Comportamiento estructural: principios básicos. 2. Propósitos, procesos y filosofía de la valoración estructural. 3. Procedimientos de valoración estructural. 4. Mampostería. 5. Madera. 6. Hierro y acero. 7. Concreto y concreto reforzado. 8. Cimientos. 9. Secuencia de operaciones y trabajos temporales y 11. Epílogo: mantenimiento.
Traditional Houses in Baghdad
  • J Warren
  • I Fethi
Warren J, Fethi,I, (1982), Traditional Houses in Baghdad, COACH PUBLISHING HOUSE LTD, Horsham, England.
The Phoenix: The Role of Conservation Ethics in the Development of St Pancras Railway Station
Allington-Jones, (2013) The Phoenix: The Role of Conservation Ethics in the Development of St Pancras Railway Station (London, UK), Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies, 11(1): 1, pp. 1-21.
The Burra Charter for Conservation of Places of cultural significance
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ICOMOS Charter Principles for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of architectural heritage
ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites (2003). ICOMOS Charter Principles for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of architectural heritage.
Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, World Cultural and Natural Heritage
UNESCO World Heritage Centre WHC (1985), Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, World Cultural and Natural Heritage, Paris.
Conventions and Recommendations of UNESCO Concerning the Protection of Cultural Heritage
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Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention
UNESCO World Heritage Centre WHC, 2015, Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, Paris.
Washington Charter for the Conservation of Historic Towns and Urban Areas
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Conversation of Historic Buildings, Third Edition
  • B M Feilden
Feilden B. M., 2003. Conversation of Historic Buildings, Third Edition. Elsevier.