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Transverse testicular ectopia associated with persistent Müllerian duct syndrome treated by transseptal orchiopexy: A case report


Abstract and Figures

Rationale: Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is rare form of male pseudohermaphroditism characterized by the presence of uterus and fallopian tubes with normal external genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics. Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) is also a rare form of testicular ectopia that may be associated with PMDS. Patient concerns: We present a 2-year-old boy who presented with bilateral non-palpable testes with left inguinal mass. Diagnosis: TTE with PMDS. Interventions: On exploration, both testes were present in the left inguinal region. Uterus and fallopian tubes were located between the testes. A hysterectomy was perfomed with resection of the underdeveloped fallopian tubes. Bilateral orchiopexy was performed by placing both gonads into subdartos pouches in each scrotum with transseptal approach. Outcomes: Both testes were palpable in both the scrotum at 1-year postoperative follow-up and we are planning a regular follow-up. Lessons: In case of TTE with PMDS, optimal surgical approach with orchiopexy and excision of Müllerian duct should be needed. A long-term postoperative follow-up is necessary for assessment of malignant transformation and infertility.
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Transverse testicular ectopia associated with
persistent Müllerian duct syndrome treated by
transseptal orchiopexy
A case report
Ho Seok Chung, MD, PhD
, Sun-Ouck Kim, MD, PhD
, Ho Song Yu, MD
, Sung-Sun Kim, MD, PhD
Dong Deuk Kwon, MD, PhD
Rationale: Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is rare form of male pseudohermaphroditism characterized by the presence
of uterus and fallopian tubes with normal external genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics. Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE)
is also a rare form of testicular ectopia that may be associated with PMDS.
Patient concerns: We present a 2-year-old boy who presented with bilateral non-palpable testes with left inguinal mass.
Diagnosis: TTE with PMDS.
Interventions: On exploration, both testes were present in the left inguinal region. Uterus and fallopian tubes were located
between the testes. A hysterectomy was perfomed with resection of the underdeveloped fallopian tubes. Bilateral orchiopexy was
performed by placing both gonads into subdartos pouches in each scrotum with transseptal approach.
Outcomes: Both testes were palpable in both the scrotum at 1-year postoperative follow-up and we are planning a regular follow-
Lessons: In case of TTE with PMDS, optimal surgical approach with orchiopexy and excision of Müllerian duct should be needed. A
long-term postoperative follow-up is necessary for assessment of malignant transformation and infertility.
Abbreviations: MIF =Müllerian duct inhibitory factor, PMDS =persistent Müllerian duct syndrome, TTE =transverse testicular
Keywords: child, persistent Müllerian duct syndrome, transverse testicular
1. Introduction
Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) may result from the
failure of synthesis of Müllerian duct inhibitory factor (MIF) or
the failure of activation of MIF in end organs.
In most cases
external genitalia shows normal male appearance, so the
diagnosis is often made incidentally during herniorrhaphy or
exploration for undescended testis. Subsequently, more than 200
cases have appeared in the literature.
Transverse testicular
ectopia (TTE) is a rare form of ectopic testis. In this condition,
both testes are located in one inguinal side. The association
between PMDS and TTE is even more uncommon. We report a
case of an infant in which PMDS and TTE were diagnosed at
operation for bilateral undescended testes.
2. Case report
A 2-year-old boy was admitted with bilateral undescended
testes. On physical examination, both testes were not palpable
in the scrotum and a rm mass was palpated in the left inguinal
area. Other physical ndings were normal. Ultrasonography
showed 2 undescended testes in left inguinal canal and
herniation of omental fat through the left inguinal canal
(Fig. 1). At the time of operation, the left inguinal region was
explored initially. Around 2 gonads were found in the left
inguinal area, both gonads were similar sized and located
vertically. There were 2 vas deferenses and vascular structures
accompanying each gonad, between them tubular structures
resembling an immature uterus and fallopian tubes were located
(Fig. 2). Both gonads were placed into subdartos pouches in
each scrotum by the transseptal approach. The tubular
structures were carefully removed and the histopathologic
examination showed PMD (Figs. 2 and 3). After operation, all
hormonal studies showed normal and the karyotype based on
peripheral blood was 46 XY. This study was approved by the
institutional review board of the Chonnam National University
Hospital. Informed consent for publication of the case details
was given by the patientsfamily.
Editor: N/A.
The authors have no conicts of interest to disclose.
Departments of Urology,
Pathology, Chonnam National University Medical
School, Gwangju, Korea.
Correspondence: Sun-Ouck Kim, Department of Urology, Chonnam National
University Medical School, 42 Jebongro, Donggu, Gwangju, 61469, Republic of
Korea (e-mail:
Copyright ©2018 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-
ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is
properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially
without permission from the journal.
Medicine (2018) 97:48(e13305)
Received: 28 June 2018 / Accepted: 25 October 2018
Clinical Case Report Medicine®
3. Discussion
TTE is a rare form of testicular ectopia of uncertain embryologi-
cal etiology, which is commonly associated with other anomalies
like PMDS, inguinal hernia, hypospadias, true hermaphroditism,
pseudohermaphroditism, or scrotal anomaly. Several theories
explain the genesis of TTE. The possibility of the development of
both testes form the same genital ridge was reported by Berg.
Kimura concluded that if both vas deferenses arose from one side,
there had been unilateral origin but if there was bilateral origin, one
testis had crossed over.
Gupta and Das
hypothesize that the
adherence and fusion of the developing Wolfan ducts took place
early, and that descent of one testis caused thesecond one to follow.
TTE can be classied to 3 types by the presence of associated
disorders: Type 1, accompanied only by hernia (40% to 50%);
type 2, accompanied by persistent or rudimentary Müllerian duct
structures (30%); and type 3, associated with disorders other
than persistent Müllerian remnants (inguinal hernia, hypospadi-
as, pseudohermaphroditism, and scrotal abnormalities) (20%).
The overall incidence of malignant transformation of gonads in
TTE is 18%.
For the preservation of fertility, a surgical
approach in the form of orchiopexy is recommended after the
diagnosis of TTE is made. Either trans-septal or extra-peritoneal
transposition orchiopexy is possible. A search for Müllerian
remnants and other anomalies and long term postoperative
follow-up should be necessary.
PMDS shows karyotype of 46 XY and normal male external
genitalia, with internal Müllerian duct structures. In PMDS
patients undescended testes, fallopian tubes, uterus or upper
vagina may be seen and in most cases diagnosis are made by the
presence of those structures while exploration is performed.
Figure 1. Ultrasonography of left inguinal area showing both testes.
Figure 2. Macroscopic and microscopic features. Macroscopically, the rudimentary uterus (arrowhead) and fallopian tube (arrow) were observed (A).
Microscopically, uterus was composed of endometrial tissue, myometrium and perimetrium (B, D). Fallopian tube was composed of mucosa with branching folds
and muscular wall (C). [(B) hematoxylin and eosin, 12.5; (C) 40; (D) 100)].
Chung et al. Medicine (2018) 97:48 Medicine
Transseptal orchiopexy is the operative procedure of choice.
A testis with longer spermatic cord and vessels can be placed in
the empty scrotum after crossing the scrotal midline septum.
is controversial whether that the Müllerian duct remnants should
be removed or not. However, most clinicians recommend the
removal and undergoing biopsy of the persistent Müllerian
structures. The vas deferens and vessels should not be dissected
extensively because of the possibility of trauma. In this case, both
testes were well palpated in both sides of scrotum at 1-year
postoperative follow-up and we are planning a regular follow-up.
TTE associated with PMDS is a rare case which is incidentally
discovered during surgery of undescended testis. In these patients,
optimal surgical approach with orchiopexy and excision of
Müllerian duct is needed. A long term postoperative follow-up is
necessary for assessment of malignant transformation and
Author contributions
Conceptualization:Sun-Ouck Kim.
Data curation: Ho Seok Chung, Ho Song Yu, Sung-Sun Kim.
Investigation: Sun-Ouck Kim, Sung-Sun Kim, Dong Deuk Kwon.
Writing original draft: Ho Seok Chung.
Writing review & editing: Ho Seok Chung, Sun-Ouck Kim.
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Figure 3. Immunohistochemical ndings. (A) Endometrial glandular epithelium was immunopositive for estrogen receptor (B) and endometrial stroma was positive
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Chung et al. Medicine (2018) 97:48
... PMDS are usually accidentally detected during operations 18 . The Müllerian duct remnants may be located in the abdomen 19 Few studies have attempted to postoperatively analyze long-term outcomes of TTE. ...
... The tunical surface of the ectopia testis was rough with small vesicles, which may lead to infertility in cases of TTE with PMDS.The location and development of the testes after the operation need to be followed up in patients with TTE. In TTE cases with residual Müllerian structures, a close follow up should be performed to avoid the malignancies18 . ...
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Objective To evaluate the clinical data, ultrasonic features, treatment, and long-term outcome of transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) in children. Methods Children with TTE were enrolled in the study between November 2009 and August 2019 in Shenzhen Children's Hospital in China. Clinical information, including demographic characteristics, clinical manifestations, TTE-associated anomalies, ultrasonographic findings, and surgical procedures, were collected from all patients. Patients were re-evaluated at the end of 4 weeks and 6 months after the operation. Results A total of 16 cases were enrolled and underwent surgeries, all patients had undescended testis with contralateral inguinal hernia. The ultrasonic findings showed two testicles in 15 cases and no testes in one case. Müllerian ducts remnants were found by laparoscopy in 6 cases or by ultrasound in one case. Sixteen cases were treated with laparoscopy orchidopexy or laparoscopy assisted transseptal orchidopexy-inguinal exploration. After surgery, 16 patients had both testicles in an orthotopic position and with equal size, with normal blood flow. Conclusions TTE should be suspected in patients with non-palpable undescended testis and contralateral inguinal hernia. The contralateral processus vaginalis sac occurs in all cases of TTE. Ultrasonography is essential for an early diagnosis of TTE. Laparoscopy-assisted surgery is safe, effective, and minimally invasive therapy for TTE.
... The treatment is surgical and consists of making an orchidopexia. Crossed Ectopic Testis is a rare malformation [1][2][3]. The transverse testicular ectopia is usually associated with a unilateral inguinal hernia [2]. ...
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True testicular ectopic represent 1% of testicular migration abnormalities. Transverse or crossed form is a very rare form of testicular ectopia. It is defined as an abnormal localization of both testicles in the same hemi-scrotum. Association of a persistence of vaginal process or a syndrome of persistence of the Müllerian canal is more commonand deserves to be underlined. The diagnosis is often intraoperative but can be facilitated by an ultrasound performed preoperatively. Before any case of testicular ectopy, notably an empty scrotum associated with an inguinal hernia, transverse testicular ectopy should be suspected. Orchiopexy in-dartos on both sides after a trans septal lowering of the testicle concerned is the rule. Currently with the development of laparoscopy, management can be performed by open surgery but also depending on the availability of the technical platform and the experience of the surgeon, laparoscopic treatment is possible. Transverse testicular ectopy is a rare form of testicular ectopy. the principle of the treatment consists in the lowering of the testicle in intra scrotum and the orchidopexy. Long-term follow-up of testicules should be systematic because risks of infertility and malignant degeneration exist and are multiplied respectively by six and eight compared to the rest of the population. We report a case, diagnosed in a secondary health center, and review the literature.
... The treatment is surgical and consists of making an orchidopexia. Crossed Ectopic Testis is a rare malformation [1][2][3]. The transverse testicular ectopia is usually associated with a unilateral inguinal hernia [2]. ...
True testicular ectopic represent 1% of testicular migration abnormalities. Transverse or crossed form is a very rare form of testicular ectopia. It is defined as an abnormal localization of both testicles in the same hemi-scrotum. Association of a persistence of vaginal process or a syndrome of persistence of the Müllerian canal is more commonand deserves to be underlined. The diagnosis is often intraoperative but can be facilitated by an ultrasound performed preoperatively. Before any case of testicular ectopy, notably an empty scrotum associated with an inguinal hernia, transverse testicular ectopy should be suspected. Orchiopexy in-dartos on both sides after a trans septal lowering of the testicle concerned is the rule. Currently with the development of laparoscopy, management can be performed by open surgery but also depending on the availability of the technical platform and the experience of the surgeon, laparoscopic treatment is possible. Transverse testicular ectopy is a rare form of testicular ectopy. the principle of the treatment consists in the lowering of the testicle in intra scrotum and the orchidopexy. Long-term follow-up of testicules should be systematic because risks of infertility and malignant degeneration exist and are multiplied respectively by six and eight compared to the rest of the population. We report a case, diagnosed in a secondary health center, and review the literature.
... The association of TTE with persistent of Mullerian duct structures (type 2) is well described (7)(8)(9). Most cases of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS) are diagnosed following a virilized patient presenting with bilateral or unilateral undescended testis (7). ...
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Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) associated with persistent Mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is a rare form of male pseudohermaphroditism usually unexpectedly found at surgery for cryptorchidism or inguinal hernia in children. Its etiology and prevalence are unclear, although defects in the gene that encodes anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) or AMH receptor has been generally considered as the major cause. Adult cases of TTE associated with PMDS are even more peculiar, as the adult patients usually present more complex medical history, require more comprehensive medical examination and management. Two adult men with normal karyotype were referred to the urology outpatient clinic for infertility and cryptorchidism. Semen analysis showed both patients were azoospermic. Ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) found both testes were located at the same side of abdominal cavity or pelvic cavity, which was confirmed during the laparoscopic exploration. A tubular structure adhering to the spermatic cord was also found in both cases. Laparoscopic-assisted transabdominal orchiopexy was performed and the tubular mass was removed. Pathological examination confirmed the existence of Mullerian duct, which showed positive immunostaining of the uterus marker genes. The principles of treatment include the restoration of testes, the preservation of fertility, and the prevention of malignancy. Much attention should be payed to avoid damage of fertile testes and vas deferens in the surgery. Long-term postoperative follow-up is necessary for assessment of malignant transformation and infertility.
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Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) associated with persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is a rare genitourinary anomaly. The clinical and operative findings and treatment are discussed. It is very important to perform a careful exploration in TTE when the testes are undescended, in order to exclude the presence of PMDS. Transseptal orchidopexy is the surgical treatment of choice.
Background: Persistence of mullerian duct derivatives in otherwise normal male child is a very rare disorder. This may lead to diagnostic as well as management dilemma. Materials and methods: The medical record of 27 cases of persistent mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS) operated in three teaching hospitals more than a period of 24years is retrieved and analyzed for demography, clinical presentation, investigations, and treatment. Results: There were a total of twenty seven male children with PMDS. The age was ranged between 3months and 19years. Ten patients presented with isolated bilateral UDT, six patients with bilateral UDT and unilateral inguinal hernia (4 left and 2 right sided inguinal hernia), and eight patients presented with right inguinal hernia and left sided UDT. Eight of 27 patients showed familial trends i.e. four pairs of brothers had PMDS in our series. In 21 patients, the diagnosis was made incidentally while operating for UDT and inguinal hernia. At operation 5 patients had female type of PMDS and 22 patients had male type PMDS. In 6 patients (male type), the PMDS was associated with transverse testicular ectopia. In 18 patients the initial operation was performed through inguinal incision with excision of mullerian remnants in the same settings in 12 patients. In 4 patients, straightforward laparotomy performed (familial cases) to excise mullerian remnants. In 5 patients, the PMDS was diagnosed on laparoscopy; initially biopsy of these remnants and gonads was done followed by excision of remnants by laparotomy approach. Biopsies taken from gonads in each patient revealed testicular tissue with variable degree of immaturity and dysplasia. The biopsy of mullerian remnants did not reveal any malignancy. All patients were genotypically male. Conclusion: Isolated undescended testes, left UDT and right inguinal hernia, bilateral UDT and unilateral inguinal hernia are the main presenting features of PMDS. About 30% of the patients showed familial tendency. Inguinal exploration for UDT or inguinal hernia, and laparoscopy for UDT reveal incidental findings of mullerian remnants. PMDS can be managed as single stage procedure however two stage procedure including gonadal biopsies in first stage followed by mullerian remnants excision and orchidopexy in the second stage can be opted if there is doubt about gonads and genotype.
In transverse or crossed testicular ectopia, the affected gonad lies in the same canal as the normally descended testis. During a 5-yr span, three children with this form of ectopia were seen. All presented with a symptomatic right inguinal hernia and an empty scrotum on the left side. The ages at operation were 1, 3, and 5 mo. Only the first patient was reoperated. In this child, the diagnosis of transverse testicular ectopia was made during the herniorrhaphy and the ectopic, but otherwise normal, gonad returned to the abdominal cavity. A subsequent left orchidopexy through a celiotomy was done. In the last two patients, the correct diagnosis was made preoperatively. Both gonads were of equal size and normal, occupying the same hemiscrotum. A herniorrhaphy with fixation of the ectopic gonad to the opposite hemiscrotum was done in both. All three children are otherwise normal. Cases collected from the literature are discussed. The condition should be suspected if a unilateral hernia is associated with a contralateral, nonpalpable testis and may not be as rare as formerly thought.
This chapter describes anti-Müllerian hormone. It discusses the molecular mechanisms of gene expression and protein bioactivity and the clinical applications of AMH research. In Jost's laboratory, the factor responsible for Müllerian regression was called hormone inhibitrice. The homozygosity of the mutated allele was established by the results of allele-specific hybridization, which showed that the patient's DNA hybridized only with the mutant oligonucleotide probe and not with the wild-type one. Identical results were obtained with DNA from the two other affected siblings. Although involved in male sex differentiation, the AMH gene is not located on a sex chromosome, in keeping with the tenet that only the genetic trigger for gonadal sex determination needs to be sex specific. Recent data on the location of the AMH gene in other species are available at present. No association to genes located on human chromosome 19 has been detected, indicating complex rearrangements in chromosomal structure during evolution.
To report three patients with persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) associated with a unilateral testicular tumour. Three adults with PMDS and an associated testicular malignancy were evaluated using physical examination, imaging, measurement of tumour markers, surgical exploration and chromosome analysis. The position of the uterus and fallopian tubes differed in all patients: one was in the scrotal sac, another in the abdomen and the third in the left inguinal canal. Two of the patients were cousins and their pedigree showed that they were probably in a sex-limited group. Both also had transverse testicular ectopia; fertility was documented in the younger patient. In all cases, the karyotype was proved to be 46, XY. We recommend that the diagnosis of PMDS is made radiologically and that the detection of Müllerian inhibiting factor is mandatory. As malignancy does not occur in the retained Müllerian ducts, hysterectomy should not be performed at abdominal exploration, although orchidectomy should be, because orchidopexy offers only limited protection against future malignancy if performed after 2 years of age. It is not necessary to perform testicular biopsy to detect tumour in the scrotal testis in this syndrome, because an impalpable tumour can be localized by ultrasonography.
Transverse testicular ectopia is rarely associated with persistent müllerian duct syndrome. The ninth pediatric case of transverse testicular ectopia with persistent müllerian duct syndrome is reported. The clinical and operative findings and treatment are discussed. The importance of abdominal exploration in the presence of two gonads in one inguinal side and the avoidance of dissection of müllerian structures has been stressed.
To categorize variant persistent müllerian-duct derivatives (MDD) in males and determine their related clinical presentations for further management, five male patients with retained MDDs from abnormal müllerian remnants were studied. They comprised one patient with persistent müllerian-duct syndrome, one with transverse testicular ectopia, two with mixed gonadal dysgenesis, and one with a müllerian-duct cyst. Removal of persistent müllerian-duct structures and genitoplasty were done in selected patients. Categorization of patients with persistent MDDs permits further understanding of the pathogenesis and facilitates the choice of treatment.