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Seizure associated with olanzapine



Atypical antipsychotics are known to be associated with electroencephalogram abnormalities. Olanzapine can lower seizure threshold and induce epileptiform discharges. However in patients on Olanzapine for the treatment of a primary psychiatric disorder, clinical seizure is a rare occurrence. We report the case of a 23-year-old female with mild mental retardation with schizophrenia with obsessive compulsive disorder who developed new-onset generalized tonic-clonic seizure probably due to Olanzapine. Electroencephalogram showed epileptiform discharges. The seizure risk associated with Olanzapine was reviewed.
© 2018 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 1090
Olanzapine is one of the most commonly used antipsychotic
agents. It is closely related to Clozapine chemically. The
dose‑related inducement of seizure by Clozapine though is well
known, and that of Olanzapine is limited. Among the trials
conducted for FDA approval of drugs, the incidence of seizure
was signicantly higher in the Clozapine and Olanzapine groups.[1]
The premarketing trials have found incidence of seizures at 0.88%,
which is comparable to other conventional antipsychotics.[1]
Despite its proconvulsant liability, the literature reporting seizures
are sparse. Few case reports of fatal status epilepticus and
myoclonic status have attributed Olanzapine as the causative
agent.[2,3] Hereby we are reporting a case of seizure in a patient
receiving Olanzapine with a brief review on seizure risk
associated with Olanzapine use.
Case Report
A 23‑year‑old female diagnosed with mild mental retardation
with schizophrenia with obsessive compulsive disorder under
treatment from a psychiatrist. On treatment review it was noted
that she had taken Olanzapine 20 mg with Fluoxetine 20 mg
for nearly 4 years with good response. She discontinued her
medicines nding a good improved period to relapse within
a year of stopping. On re‑emergence of symptoms she by
herself on parents’ advice restarted Olanzapine 20 mg with
Fluoxetine and within 3 months had an episode of seizures.
She then visited a psychiatrist who shifted her from Fluoxetine
to Escitalopram 10 mg. After 2 months of Olanzapine 20 mg
with Escitalopram 10 mg she had a second episode of seizure
with which she was brought to the hospital. Both the seizures
were of similar manifestation, starting with a prodrome
of dysphoric feeling and crying due to “unexplainable
discomfort” lasting for around 90 minutes late in the evening
and thereafter getting into sleep. Within an hour of sleep there
was sudden awakening with right‑sided twisting of head and
jerky movements followed by loosening of awareness and
then gradually spreading of jerky movements to whole of the
body. Confusion prevailed for few minutes before gaining full
On examination, tongue bite mark was noted without any focal
neurological decits. She had negative symptoms but no active
positive psychotic symptoms, depressive or obsessive compulsive
symptoms. Electroencephalogram (EEG) done after 12 hours of
N. A. Uvais1, V. S. Sreeraj2
1Department of Psychiatry, Iqraa International Hospital and Research Centre, Calicut, Kerala, 2Department of Psychiatry,
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Abs tr Act
Atypical antipsychotics are known to be associated with electroencephalogram abnormalities. Olanzapine can lower seizure threshold
and induce epileptiform discharges. However in patients on Olanzapine for the treatment of a primary psychiatric disorder, clinical
seizure is a rare occurrence. We report the case of a 23-year-old female with mild mental retardation with schizophrenia with obsessive
compulsive disorder who developed new-onset generalized tonic-clonic seizure probably due to Olanzapine. Electroencephalogram
showed epileptiform discharges. The seizure risk associated with Olanzapine was reviewed.
Keywords: Adverse effects, drug-induced seizure, Olanzapine, seizure
Case Report
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Address for correspondence: Dr. N. A. Uvais,
Department of Psychiatry, Iqraa International Hospital and
Research Centre, Calicut, Kerala, India.
How to cite this article: Uvais NA, Sreeraj VS. Seizure associated with
olanzapine. J Family Med Prim Care 2018;7:1090-2.
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Uvais and Sreeraj: Olanzapine‑induced seizure
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 1091 Volume 7 : Issue 5 : September-October 2018
seizure revealed intermittent generalized frontal‑dominant slow
wave activities suggestive of postictal state. Magnetic resonance
imaging brain showed diffuse atrophic changes.
Olanzapine was cross tapered with Risperidone. Carbamazepine
was started with Lorazepam as anticonvulsant. Escitalopram
was continued. Patient was discharged after 10 days with no
subsequent seizures.
The case suggests precipitation of seizures by Olanzapine which
was restarted rapidly at the previously prescribed dose. Seizure
occurred after the patient was on Olanzapine and did not have
seizure in the brief follow‑up period of stopping it. No other
alternative explanation could be found for sudden appearance
of seizures in our case although a high‑risk state with mental
retardation was present. The adverse event got repeated in our
case but the trial for attribution by stopping and restarting the
medicines could not be done owing to high fatal risk of the
seizure. The objective evidence in the means of abnormal EEG
was noted. Thus concluding according to Naranjo algorithm with
a score of 5, the seizure occurring in our case was probably due
to Olanzapine.[4]
Olanzapine, seizure, and neurotransmitters
Among second‑generation antipsychotics, although Clozapine
is a well‑known agent inducing seizures, no drug is out of
risk. Various mechanisms have been considered to cause
seizures in persons on antipsychotics, reduction of GABA
neurotransmission being a common nal pathway. Dopamine D2
receptor antagonism, histaminergic H1 antagonism, and alpha‑1
antagonism have been commonly attributed.[5] Chronic alpha‑2
receptor and sigma‑1 receptor changes have also been noted.
As none of these mono‑neurotransmitters can explain the
differential seizurogenic potential of psychotropic drugs, dual
neurotransmitter/receptor imbalances have been hypothesized.
Drugs with higher dopamine:acetylcholine imbalance,
serotonin:acetylchloine imbalance, D1:D2 antagonism, alpha
1:alpha 2 antagonism, and alpha 1:D2 receptor affinities
are observed with higher rate of convulsions. Drugs with
more afnity on dopamine receptors in cortical compared to
subcortical (hippocampal/nigrostriatal) areas have also been
noted to increase seizure liability.[5]
Neurosteroids have also been commonly implicated.
Progesterone, allopregnanolone, and dehydroepiandrostenedione
protect against seizures by modulating GABA‑A, NMDA, and
acetylcholine receptors. Their secretion and metabolism are
often altered by Olanzapine and triggers kindling. Testosterone,
adrenocorticotropic hormone, and desoxycorticosterone also
may get affected, thereby increasing the risk of seizures. Estradiol,
cortisol, and thyroid hormones are by themselves proconvulsants
and on elevation during treatment with antipsychotics may
precipitate seizures.[5]
Although Olanzapine and Clozapine are structurally similar,
they differ in few of the receptor afnities. Olanzapine is
having higher D1, D2 and lower D4 dopamine receptor afnity
compared to Clozapine. It has only half the afnity to alpha‑1
in comparison to D2 receptor, whereas Clozapine has 18 times
higher afnity. More 5HT6 serotonergic action and lesser
muscarinic anticholinergic action with increasing neurosteroids
are observed in Olanzapine. All these have been hypothesized to
be the cause of lower risk of Olanzapine in decreasing seizure
threshold.[5] Hence we hypothesize that those with mutations
in genes encoding these receptors or their messenger systems
may have an elevated risk for seizure with Olanzapine.
Olanzapine and risk for seizures
Olanzapine is known to cause highest EEG changes, in 35‑45%
of cases,[6‑9] among the non‑Clozapine newer antipsychotics.[6‑9]
Atypicals have high propensity to cause EEG changes compared
to typical antipsychotics.[10] Generalized/focal symmetrical
theta and delta waves are more commonly found abnormal
activities followed by asymmetrical slow waves, sharp waves
with phase reversals, and spike‑and‑slow wave patterns. The
later severe epileptic changes were noted in up to 11‑15% of
cases on Olanzapine.[4,8,9] EEG changes were noted at around
4‑7 months of starting Olanzapine in most of the literature.[1,2,8]
As abnormal EEG could be seen in most of the reported cases
including our case, it would be seen benecial to monitor EEG
as a seizure preventive strategy in high‑risk patients after the
cost effectiveness being evaluated. Few of the high‑risk groups
as discussed below would benet from it.
No prospective data regarding mean duration of appearance of
changes have been done. But dose and duration both were not
found to be correlating with the EEG changes. As in our case,
the patient had long‑term Olanzapine use, but had discontinued
and restarted which led to seizures. Abrupt changes in doses
are noted to increase the risk.[11] An acute stimulation of
Olanzapine‑sensitized/kindled neurons could be elevating the risk.
A U‑shaped relation of dose–seizure frequency was established
for conventional antipsychotics like Chlorpromazine.[12] Similar
mechanism of seizurogenic potential at a dose lower than
therapeutic level might be inducing seizures with Olanzapine. The
presensitized patients having developed tolerance would be at a
lower therapeutic range in synapses even at the prior doses. Thus,
the prior dose could be precipitating a seizure as a co‑occurrence
which is lower than the therapeutic level.
Old age, organicity, epilepsy, hypertension, bipolar disorders,
and comorbid OCD are few known factors associated with
Olanzapine‑induced seizures.[13] Multiple psychotropic drugs
except Benzodiazepines[7,13‑15] change from typical to atypical
antipsychotic,[11,16] and addition of another serotonin–dopamine
inhibitor (Quetiapine) to Olanzapine is seen in reported cases
of Olanzapine‑induced seizures.[15] As in our case, the presence
of mental retardation, obsessive compulsive disorder, and SSRI
would have increased the risk of seizure with Olanzapine.
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Uvais and Sreeraj: Olanzapine‑induced seizure
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 1092 Volume 7 : Issue 5 : September-October 2018
No expert reviews exist regarding the suitable way of
managing these seizures. Stopping Olanzapine though could be
recommended, the risk of cholinergic rebound effects on abrupt
cessation of Olanzapine should be monitored. Olanzapine might
take few weeks to completely wane off from the body even
after stopping. With the report of fatal status epilepticus and
persistence of abnormal EEG, the need of anticonvulsants at
least until normalization of EEG could be considered.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
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... Olanzapin ile miyoklonik status, tonik-klonik nöbetler ve fatal status epileptikus olguları bildirilmiştir. [8][9][10][11] Bu yazıda, 23 yaşında, özgeçmişinde hafif mental retardasyon dışında özellik bulunmayan ve beş gün önce olanzapin tedavisi başlanması sonrası status epileptikus ile acil servise başvuran SRSE tedavisinde VNS uygulanan olgu sunulmuştur. ...
... Literatürde olanzapinin neden olduğu fokal ya da generalize tonik-klonik nöbetleri olan, miyoklonik ve fatal status olguları bildirilmiştir. [9,10] Bir çalışmada olanzapin kullanımına bağlı nöbet insidansı %0.88 olarak bulunmuştur. [12] SRSE ise 24 saat veya daha fazla süreyle anestezik tedavi altında nöbetlerin devam etmesidir. ...
Full-text available
Olanzapine-related seizures have rarely been reported despite associated proconvulsant risk factors described in the literature. Refractory and super refractory status epilepticus is continuous seizure activity not controlled by antiepileptic drugs and related poor outcomes. Because of high mortality with polypharmacy and continuous anesthetic use, there has been a considerable interest in using nonmedicinal devices like vagal nerve stimulation in aborting a seizure. In this case study, we presented a patient who developed generalized tonic-clonic seizures when olanzapine was added for psychomotor agitation and aggressiveness and super refractory status epilepticus treated using vagal nerve stimulation.
... 28 Patients taking high-affinity D2 antagonists for schizophrenia or psychosis have a higher risk of seizures. [29][30][31][32] However, these studies demonstrate D2 receptor modulation of seizures and do not report activation of the striatum or activation of the medium spiny neurons during seizures. ...
There are no detailed descriptions of neuronal circuit active during frontal lobe motor seizures. Using activity reporter mice, local field potential recordings, tissue clearing, viral tracing, and super-resolution microscopy, we found neuronal activation after focal motor to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures in the striatum, globus pallidus externus, subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra pars reticulata and neurons of the indirect pathway. Seizures preferentially activated dopamine D2 receptor-expressing neurons over D1 in the striatum, which have different projections. Furthermore, the D2 receptor agonist infused into the striatum exerted an anticonvulsant effect. Seizures activate structures via short and long latency loops, and anatomical connections of the seizure focus determine the seizure circuit. These studies, for the first time, show activation of neurons in the striatum, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra during frontal lobe motor seizures on the cellular level, revealing a complex neuronal activation circuit subject to modulation by the basal ganglia.
... In one of the reported cases of OIS, an antiepileptic drug was continued. 17 Copyright 2019 BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved. ...
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Olanzapine is a second-generation antipsychotic. Incidence of olanzapine-induced seizures (OIS) is low with monotherapy. Combination therapy with another antipsychotic, drug metabolism and old age are risk factors for OIS. Our patient was a 71-year-old man, admitted to the psychiatry unit. He was managed on the lines of bipolar affective disorder current episode depression and dementia. He was started on olanzapine 1.25 mg two times/day. The patient developed generalised tonic–clonic seizure that lasted for around two and a half minutes within 24 hours of olanzapine treatment. His electroencephalogram showed findings that were suggestive of mild slowing. Our case discusses the incidence of OIS on the subtherapeutic dose. This presentation involves multiple risk factors for OIS: a history of stroke, poststroke seizure, old age and cognitive impairment. Due to scarcity of evidence of OIS; mostly with recommended therapeutic dose range physicians may underestimate seizure risk at subtherapeutic doses.
... Modulation of dopamine receptors in humans changes seizure susceptibility. Treatments with atypical antipsychotics, which are serotonin and dopamine-receptor antagonists, increase seizure risk [25,26]. Groups treated with either clozapine or olanzapine, which are both dopamine, serotonin, histamine, adrenergic, and muscarinic receptor antagonists, with olanzapine having higher affinity for D2 receptors than clozapine, showed a 3.5% and 0.9% incidence of seizures, respectively, compared to placebo-treated groups during phase II-III clinical trials [27,28]. ...
Mapping the circuits underlying the generation and propagation of seizures is critically important for understanding their pathophysiology. We review evidence to suggest that circuits engaged in secondarily generalized seizures are likely to be more complex than those currently proposed. Focal seizures have been proposed to engage canonical thalamocortical circuits that mediate primarily generalized absence seizures, leading to secondarily generalized tonic–clonic seizures. In addition to traveling through the canonical thalamocortical circuits, secondarily generalized seizures could also travel through the striatum, globus pallidus, substantia nigra reticulata, and corpus callosum to the contralateral hemisphere. Recruitment of principal neurons in superficial layers 2/3 of the cortex can play a critical role in corticocortical seizure spread. Understanding the neuronal structures engaged in generating secondarily generalized seizures could provide novel targets for neuromodulation for the treatment of seizures. Furthermore, these sites may be loci of neuronal plasticity facilitating epileptogenesis. This article is part of the Special Issue “Proceedings of the 7th London-Innsbruck Colloquium on Status Epilepticus and Acute Seizures"
Otizm spektrum bozukluğu (OSB), sosyal iletişimde bozulmayı ve bu bozulmayla birlikte yer alan, tekrarlayıcı ve kısıtlı davranışları tanımlayan nörogelişimsel bir bozukluktur. Tanıda net ve keskin sınırlar olmamakla birlikte semptom çeşitliliği ve şiddeti açısından var olan farklılıklar dolayısıyla “spektrum” olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Erken tanı ve tedavi ile birlikte günümüzde tedavisi kısmen mümkün görülmektedir. Klinik muayene, hala tanı koymak için kullanılan en güvenilir yöntem olarak yerini korumaktadır. Bu nedenle OSB’nin klinik pratikte doğru tanınması ve atlanmaması başta tüm çocuk psikiyatristleri olmak üzere diğer branş hekimleri için de önem kazanmıştır. Semptomların spektrum şeklinde görülmesi dolayısıyla, bazen tanı kolayca atlanabilmekteyken bazen de hasta öyküsü yeterince detaylandırılmayarak acele edilmekte ve yanlış tanı konulabilmektedir. Travma sonrası stres bozukluğu (TSSB), travmayla ilişkili stresörlere bağlı olarak gelişen ve kişilerin hayatını her alanda etkileyebilen bir bozukluktur. Semptomları; travmayı anımsatan durumlardan korkma ve kaçınma, yeniden yaşantılama, irritabilite, aşırı uyarılmışlık durumları, travmayla ilişkili tekrarlayıcı oyunlar, kabuslar, olumsuz bilişler ve olumsuz duygulanım olarak özetlenebilir. Küçük çocuklar kendilerini yeterince ifade edemediğinden semptomları tanımak bazen güçleşmektedir. Bu yüzden ayrıntılı öykü ve gözlem tanıda önemli yer kaplar. Komorbidite olarak depresyon, anksiyete bozukluğu, disosiyatif bozukluklar sıklıkla mevcut olsa da travmatik yaşantının büyüklüğü ve semptomlar TSSB için belirleyicidir. Biz, kliniğimize “hırçınlık ve konuşmama” temel şikayetiyle başvuran 5 ve 7 yaşlarında 2 erkek çocuğunun fiziksel istismar sonrasında gelişen TSSB belirtilerinin, OSB ile benzerliğine değinmek ve ayırıcı tanıya dikkat çekmek istedik. Muayene sırasında göz teması kurmayan, iletişim kurmaktan kaçınan, kendi halinde ve konuşmayan bu 2 vaka, ilk olarak OSB tanısını akla getirse de anamnezleri derinleştirildiğinde geçmişte normal gelişim öyküsüyle birlikte, fiziksel istismara uğramaya başladıktan sonra gelişen bulgular sonucunda bu tablo ile karşımıza çıktığını saptadık. TSSB, depresif bozukluk ve bazı anksiyete bozuklukları küçük çocuklarda iletişim kurmayı doğrudan etkileyebileceğinden ve çocuğun tüm yaşamını yaygın olarak bozabildiğinden dolayı özellikle otizm tanısıyla ve ‘’otistik regresyon’’ dönemi ile karıştırılması mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu noktada çocuk psikiyatrisi hekimlerince OSB tanısı düşünüldüğünde; hastanın gelişimsel öyküsünün öneminin anlaşılması, öykünün detaylı alınması ve titizlikle değerlendirilmesi; bunun yanında travmatik yaşantılar açısından istismara uğrayan çocukların tespit edilerek korunması, psikiyatrik hastalıklar açısından değerlendirilmesi, ayırıcı tanısının yapılması ve tedavisinin planlanması çocukların yararına olacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: otizm, travma, TSSB, OSB, ayırıcı tanı, istismar
Background: Second-generation antipsychotic agents are commonly used by clinicians for the treatment of various psychiatric and medical conditions. Despite their presumed safety, an overdose with olanzapine may lead to the development of anticholinergic toxicity. The anticholinergic toxidrome is characterized by both central and peripheral physical findings. Central anticholinergic syndrome, a term used to describe the symptoms that arise from reduced cholinergic activity in the central nervous system, is characterized primarily by signs and symptoms consistent with hyperactive delirium. Signs of peripheral anticholinergia include mydriasis and blurred vision, tremors, ataxia, fever/hyperthermia, flushed and dry skin, dry oral mucosa, decreased bowel sounds, constipation, and urinary retention, among other symptoms. In extreme cases, central anticholinergic syndrome can be associated with seizures, coma, respiratory failure, and cardiovascular collapse. Objective: To provide scientific evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of physostigmine use in cases of anticholinergic toxicity. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive review of the published literature on the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of anticholinergic toxicity. Results: Currently the recommended treatment for olanzapine overdose, as is the case of most severe anticholinergic toxicity cases, involves supportive care, along with cardiac, neurological, and respiratory status monitoring. In addition, we detail the symptoms characteristic of anticholinergic toxicity, using the case of a patient experiencing central anticholinergic syndrome after an overdose with olanzapine. Conclusion: Physostigmine, a tertiary acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, can be used to assist in the both the diagnosis and management of severe anticholinergic toxicity associated with an olanzapine overdose, which might be applicable to the antimuscarinic toxidrome associated with the ingestion of agents with significant anticholinergic activity.
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A retrospective cohort design using medical and pharmacy claims from one state's Medicaid program compared incidence rates for neurological adverse events associated with antipsychotic use in 4140 youths prescribed antipsychotic medications and an untreated sample of 4500 youths, January 1998 to December 2005. The treated cohort evinced a higher prevalence of involuntary movements, sedation, and seizures. The odds of incident involuntary movements were significantly higher for those taking aripiprazole, risperidone, haloperidol, and multiple antipsychotics. The odds of incident seizures were greater for those taking risperidone, multiple antipsychotics, and serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors. The odds of incident sedation were greater for those taking ziprasidone, risperidone, quetiapine, multiple antipsychotics, and serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors. Exposure to risperidone, multiple antipsychotics, and serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors consistently confers a higher risk of developing a range of neurological adverse events in young patients, especially those with preexisting central nervous system, mental retardation, or cardiovascular disorders.
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The estimation of the probability that a drug caused an adverse clinical event is usually based on clinical judgment. Lack of a method for establishing causality generates large between-raters and within-raters variability in assessment. Using the conventional categories and definitions of definite, probable, possible, and doubtful adverse drug reactions (ADRs), the between-raters agreement of two physicians and four pharmacists who independently assessed 63 randomly selected alleged ADRs was 38% to 63%, kappa (k, a chance-corrected index of agreement) varied from 0.21 to 0.40, and the intraclass correlation coefficient of reliability (R[est]) was 0.49. Six (testing) and 22 wk (retesting) later the same observers independently reanalyzed the 63 cases by assigning a weighted score (ADR probability scale) to each of the components that must be considered in establishing causal associations between drug(s) and adverse events (e.g., temporal sequence). The cases were randomized to minimize the influence of learning. The event was assigned a probability category from the total score. The between-raters reliability (range: percent agreement = 83% to 92%; κ = 0.69 to 0.86; r = 0.91 to 0.95; R(est) = 0.92) and within-raters reliability (range: percent agreement = 80% to 97%; κ = 0.64 to 0.95; r = 0.91 to 0.98) improved (p < 0.001). The between-raters reliability was maintained on retesting (range: r = 0.84 to 0.94; R(est) = 0.87). The between-raters reliability of three attending physicians who independently assessed 28 other prospectively collected cases of alleged ADRs was very high (range: r = 0.76 to 0.87; R(est) = 0.80). It was also shown that the ADR probability scale has consensual, content, and concurrent validity. This systematic method offers a sensitive way to monitor ADRs and may be applicable to postmarketing drug surveillance.
INTRODUCTION: Slowing and epileptiform activity in EEG-patterns as well as epileptic seizures have been published during antipsychotic therapy with phenothiazines and butyrophenones. More recently, olanzepine, a new class of antipsychotic drug for use in treatment of refractory schizophrenics has been associated with a low risk of epileptic seizure occurrence. METHODS: We studied two patients, 45 and 37 years old, with schizophrenia and generalized epileptic seizures appearing, respectively, four and one month after starting olanzapine treatment. Their electroencephalogram showed spike-wave discharges generalized in one case and focal in the second patient. CONCLUSION: It was observed an association between epileptic seizures and olanzapine use.
To estimate the relative risk of various neuroleptic medications for patients with epilepsy or likely to have neuroleptic-induced seizures, their action on spike activity in perfused guinea pig hippocampal slices was studied. Within the range of concentrations studied, molindone hydrochloride, butaclamol hydrochloride, pimozide, and fluphenazine dihydrochloride produced the least increase in excitability. There were also differences in the dose-response curves. Chlorpromazine, thioridazine, and pimozide produced an inverted U-shaped curve. For haloperidol and fluphenazine, excitability tended to increase and them plateau. Molindone and butaclamol produced no increase in excitability. Combinations of neuroleptics had synergistic effects, while the anticonvulsant diazepam inhibited neuroleptic-induced excitability. This article discusses the clinical implications of these findings and their effect on theories of which neuroleptics might produce the fewest seizures.
Atypical antipsychotics are known to be associated with electroencephalogram abnormalities. Olanzapine can lower seizure threshold and induce epileptiform discharges. However in patients on olanzapine for the treatment of a primary psychiatric disorder, clinical seizure is a rare occurrence. We report the case of a 25-year-old man with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia with obsessive-compulsive disorder of 8 years' duration who developed new-onset generalized tonic-clonic seizure with exposure to olanzapine. Electroencephalogram showed epileptiform discharges; results of computed tomographic scan and metabolic investigations were normal. His antipsychotic was changed to haloperidol, and the patient showed a significant improvement in psychotic symptoms with no recurrence of seizures and did not require anticonvulsant therapy. Olanzapine has a profile similar to that of clozapine and shares its seizure-inducing potential. Typical antipsychotics such as haloperidol might be a safer option for such patients.
To report a case of seizures in a patient who started receiving olanzapine, and to review seizure risk associated with antipsychotic use. A 31-year-old African-American woman with multiple psychiatric and medical disorders, including generalized seizure disorder, experienced seizure activity when switched from haloperidol to olanzapine. Olanzapine was discontinued, haloperidol was quickly titrated to the previous dose, and the patient was started on oral phenytoin with no further seizure activity noted. The patient remained seizure free and phenytoin was discontinued without complications. Determining causality in this case is complicated by the number of confounding factors that may have contributed to the occurrence of seizures in this patient. These factors include: (1) diagnosis of generalized seizure disorder, (2) diagnosis of organic mental disorder, (3) concurrent pharmacotherapy with medications implicated in lowering the seizure threshold, and (4) abrupt change in pharmacotherapy. The likelihood that a significant drug interaction precipitated seizure activity is doubtful. Considering all factors related to causality, the likelihood that olanzapine was responsible for precipitating seizure activity in this patient was judged possible. Although premarketing studies have indicated that olanzapine may be associated with minimal seizure liability, this case serves as a reminder that postmarketing surveillance of newly released medications is essential.
To report a case of fatal status epilepticus in a patient using olanzapine with no known underlying cause or predisposing factor for seizure. A 41-year-old white woman developed witnessed seizures at home that progressed to status epilepticus. She subsequently died from secondary rhabdomyolysis and disseminated intravascular coagulation. She had been taking olanzapine for five months prior to the event. No other toxic, metabolic, or anatomic abnormalities were identified pre- or postmortem to explain the seizures. Her seizures were a probable adverse drug reaction based on the Naranjo scale. This is the first case of fatal status epilepticus described that has been associated with the use of olanzapine. The pharmacodynamics of olanzapine are similar to those of clozapine, which has been described to induce seizures in 1-4% of patients. It is possible that this patient may have suffered seizures due to a similar effect. Alternate explanations include neuroleptic malignant syndrome and alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal seizures, although her clinical history does not suggest these etiologies. Although olanzapine has infrequently been associated with seizures in premarketing studies, its potential to induce them exists. Postmarketing surveillance should continue to determine how significant this effect may be.
Clozapine is known to induce epileptic seizures and changes in EEG-patterns, including slowing and the appearance of epileptiform activity. Olanzapine, a new antipsychotic drug, shares many pharmacological and clinical properties with clozapine. However, in patients treated with olanzapine, no case of seizure induction has been reported so far, and the EEG has not been studied systematically. We examined the EEGs of patients with schizophrenia treated with either olanzapine (N = 9) or clozapine (N = 9) prior to medication and 3 to 7 weeks afterwards. Clozapine induced significant EEG slowing present in 78% of the patients, and definite epileptiform activity appeared in 33%. Olanzapine also induced significant EEG slowing, but less frequently (in 44% of the patients) and less pronounced than clozapine. Olanzapine had no significant effect an epileptiform activity, but in one patient, an isolated sharp/slow-wave complex was observed. These preliminary data suggest that olanzapine induces EEG slowing to a lower extent than clozapine. Olanzapine's possible effect an the seizure threshold deserves further attention.
Olanzapine has been licensed in the UK since 1996 for schizophrenia. Along with other atypical antipsychotics it is being used increasingly, with roughly equivalent therapeutic effect but better side-effect profiles than more traditional antipsychotics ([Lader, 1999][1]). A 30-year-old patient with