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Assessment of the Mapping of Aboveground Biomass and its Uncertainties Using Field Measurements, Airborne Lidar and Satellite Data in Mexico

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... Ideally, an optimal approach to forest parameter estimation at the regional/global scale is to use Earth observation (EO) data acquired by remote sensing technology. Among remote sensing technologies, airborne LiDAR (light detection and ranging) is the state-of-the-art for modeling AGB [3][4][5][6], and multiple studies have demonstrated its very high accuracy in the prediction of forest parameters [7][8][9][10][11]. However, LiDAR data are expensive, and their full coverage of large forest areas is restricted to only certain countries. ...
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Forest aboveground biomass (AGB) is a prime forest parameter that requires global level estimates to study the global carbon cycle. Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) is the state-of-the-art technology for AGB prediction but it is expensive, and its coverage is restricted to small areas. On the contrary, spaceborne Earth observation data are effective and economical information sources to estimate and monitor AGB at a large scale. In this paper, we present a study on the use of different spaceborne multispectral remote sensing data for the prediction of forest AGB. The objective is to evaluate the effects of temporal, spectral, and spatial capacities of multispectral satellite data for AGB prediction. The study was performed on multispectral data acquired by Sentinel-2, RapidEye, and Dove satellites which are characterized by different spatial resolutions, temporal availability, and number of spectral bands. A systematic process of least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (lasso) variable selection generalized linear modeling, leave-one-out cross-validation, and analysis was accomplished on each satellite dataset for AGB prediction. Results point out that the multitemporal data based AGB models were more effective in prediction than the single-time models. In addition, red-edge and short wave infrared (SWIR) channel dependent variables showed significant improvement in the modeling results and contributed to more than 50% of the selected variables. Results also suggest that high spatial resolution plays a smaller role than spectral and temporal information in the prediction of AGB. The overall analysis emphasizes a good potential of spaceborne multispectral data for developing sophisticated methods for AGB prediction especially with specific spectral channels and temporal information.
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Four global mosaics of Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Arrayed L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) HH and HV polarization data were generated at 25 m spatial resolution using data acquired annually from 2007 to 2010. Variability in L-band HH and HV gamma-naught (γ0) for forests was observed between regions, with this attributed to differences in forest structure and vegetation/surface moisture conditions. Region-specific backscatter thresholds were therefore applied to produce from each annual mosaic, a global map of forest and non-forest cover from which maps of forest losses and gain were generated. The overall agreement with forest/non-forest assessments using the Degree Confluence Project, the Forest Resource Assessment and Google Earth images was 85%, 91% and 95% respectively. Using 2007 as a baseline, decreases of 0.040 and 0.028 dB (with a 0.006 dB 99% confidence level) were observed in the HH and HV γ0 respectively over the same areas suggesting a decrease in forest area and/or increased smoothing of the global surface at the L-band radar observation over the four-year period. The maps provide a new global resource for documenting the changing extent of forests and offer opportunities for quantifying historical and future dynamics through comparison with historical (1992–1998) Japanese Earth Resources Satellite (JERS-1) SAR and the forthcoming (from 2014) ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data. Four year PALSAR mosaics and the forest/non-forest data, which were generated and analyzed in this paper, are opened to the public for free downloading albeit with coarser resolutions (WWW1). Future distribution of the higher (original) resolution datasets from PALSAR as well as the ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 is planned.
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The combination of LiDAR and optical remotely sensed data provides unique information about ecosystem structure and function. Here, we describe the development, validation and application of a new airborne system that integrates commercial off the shelf LiDAR hyperspectral and thermal components in a compact, lightweight and portable system. Goddard's LiDAR, Hyperspectral and Thermal (G-LiHT) airborne imager is a unique system that permits simultaneous measurements of vegetation structure, foliar spectra and surface temperatures at very high spatial resolution (approximate to 1 m) on a wide range of airborne platforms. The complementary nature of LiDAR, optical and thermal data provide an analytical framework for the development of new algorithms to map plant species composition, plant functional types, biodiversity, biomass and carbon stocks, and plant growth. In addition, G-LiHT data enhance our ability to validate data from existing satellite missions and support NASA Earth Science research. G-LiHT's data processing and distribution system is designed to give scientists open access to both low- and high-level data products (, which will stimulate the community development of synergistic data fusion algorithms. G-LiHT has been used to collect more than 6,500 km(2) of data for NASA-sponsored studies across a broad range of ecoregions in the USA and Mexico. In this paper, we document G-LiHT design considerations, physical specifications, instrument performance and calibration and acquisition parameters. In addition, we describe the data processing system and higher-level data products that are freely distributed under NASA's Data and Information policy.
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Forests in Flux Forests worldwide are in a state of flux, with accelerating losses in some regions and gains in others. Hansen et al. (p. 850 ) examined global Landsat data at a 30-meter spatial resolution to characterize forest extent, loss, and gain from 2000 to 2012. Globally, 2.3 million square kilometers of forest were lost during the 12-year study period and 0.8 million square kilometers of new forest were gained. The tropics exhibited both the greatest losses and the greatest gains (through regrowth and plantation), with losses outstripping gains.
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This paper proposes a mosaicking algorithm to produce large-scale radiometrically and geometrically calibrated Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) datasets as a base for environmental monitoring of terrestrial biospheric and cryospheric changes. Features of the proposed method are thematic inclusion of a) long-strip processing of the SAR data, b) ortho-rectification and slope correction using a digital elevation model, c) suppression of differences in intensity between neighboring strips, and d) preparation of metadata (e.g., dates from launch, local incidence angle, radar shadow, layover, and valid/invalid data) to support dataset interpretation. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Array type L-band SAR (PALSAR) mosaics for Southeast Asia, Australia, and Africa.
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Habitat heterogeneity has long been recognized as a fundamental variable indicative of species diversity, in terms of both richness and abundance. Satellite remote sensing data sets can be useful for quantifying habitat heterogeneity across a range of spatial scales. Past remote sensing analyses of species diversity have largely been limited to correlative studies based on the use of vegetation indices or derived land cover maps. A relatively new form of laser remote sensing (lidar) provides another means to acquire information on habitat heterogeneity. Here we examine the efficacy of lidar metrics of canopy structural diversity as predictors of bird species richness in the temperate forests of Maryland, USA. Canopy height, topography and the vertical distribution of canopy elements were derived from lidar imagery of the Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge and compared to bird survey data collected at referenced grid locations. The canopy vertical distribution information was consistently found to be the strongest predictor of species richness, and this was predicted best when stratified into guilds dominated by forest, scrub, suburban and wetland species. Similar lidar variables were selected as primary predictors across guilds. Generalized linear and additive models, as well as binary hierarchical regression trees produced similar results. The lidar metrics were also consistently better predictors than traditional remotely sensed variables such as canopy cover, indicating that lidar provides a valuable resource for biodiversity research applications.
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Recent years have seen the progression of light detection and ranging (lidar) from the realm of research to operational use in natural resource management. Numerous government agencies, private industries, and public/private stakeholder consortiums are planning or have recently acquired large-scale acquisitions, and a national U.S. lidar acquisition is likely before 2020. Before it is feasible for land managers to integrate lidar into decision making, resource assessment, or monitoring across the gambit of natural resource applications, consistent standards in project planning, data processing, and user-driven products are required. This paper introduces principal lidar acquisition parameters, and makes recommendations for project planning, processing, and product standards to better serve natural resource managers across multiple disciplines.
Conference Paper
Scientists in the Biospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center have undertaken a unique instrument fusion effort for an airborne package that integrates commercial off the shelf LiDAR, Hyperspectral, and Thermal components. G-LiHT is a compact, lightweight and portable system that can be used on a wide range of airborne platforms to support a number of NASA Earth Science research projects and space-based missions. G-LiHT permits simultaneous and complementary measurements of surface reflectance, vegetation structure, and temperature, which provide an analytical framework for the development of new algorithms for mapping plant species composition, plant functional types, biodiversity, biomass, carbon stocks, and plant growth. G-LiHT and its supporting database are designed to give scientists open access to the data that are needed to understand the relationship between ecosystem form and function and to stimulate the advancement of synergistic algorithms. This system will enhance our ability to design new missions and produce data products related to biodiversity and climate change. G-LiHT has been operational since 2011 and has been used to collect data for a number of NASA and USFS sponsored studies, including NASA’s Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) and the American ICESat/GLAS Assessment of Carbon (AMIGA-Carb). These acquisitions target a broad diversity of forest communities and ecoregions across the United States and Mexico. Here, we will discuss the components of G-LiHT, their calibration and performance characteristics, operational implementation, and data processing workflows. We will also provide examples of higher level data products that are currently available.
Tree height, the height from the ground surface to the tree crown, and the crown length as a proportion of tree height of individual trees were derived from various canopy height metrics measured by a small-footprint airborne laser scanner flown over a boreal forest reserve. The average spacing on the ground of the laser pulses ranged from 0.66 to 1.29 m. Ground-truth values were regressed against laser-derived canopy height metrics. The regressions explained 75%, 53%, and 51% of the variability in ground-truth tree height, height to the crown, and relative crown length, respectively. Cross-validation of the regressions revealed standard deviations of the differences between predicted and ground-truth values of 3.15 m (17.6%), 2.19 m (39.1%), and 10.48% (14.9% of ground-truth mean), respectively. On 10 plots with size 50 m2 in the boreal forest reserve and on 27 plots with size 200 m2 in a managed spruce forest, mean tree height, average height from the ground surface to the crown, and average relative crown length were regressed against laser canopy height metrics. The coefficients of determination (R2) ranged from .47 to .91. Cross-validation revealed a precision of 1.49 m (7.6%), 1.24–1.52 m (20.9–23.3%), and 6.32–7.11% (8.8–10.9% of ground-truth mean) for mean tree height, average height to the crown, and average relative crown length, respectively. At least, mean tree height can be determined more accurately from laser data than by current methods.
This paper concerns learning tasks that require the prediction of a continuous value rather than a discrete class. A general method is presented that allows predictions to use both instance-based and model-based learning. Results with three approaches to constructing models and with eight datasets demonstrate improvements due to the composite method.
Some empirical learning tasks are concerned with predicting values rather than the more familiar categories. This paper describes a new system, m5, that constructs tree-based piecewise linear models. Four case studies are presented in which m5 is compared to other methods.