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Instrumental Assessment of Stair Ascent in People With Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, and Parkinson's Disease: A Wearable-Sensor-Based Approach


Abstract and Figures

Stair ascent is a challenging daily-life activity highly related to independence. This task is usually assessed with clinical scales suffering from partial subjectivity and limited detail in evaluating different task’s aspects. In this study we instrumented the assessment of stair ascent in people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), stroke (ST) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) to analyze the validity of the proposed quantitative indexes and characterize subjects’ performances. Participants climbed 10 steps wearing a magneto-inertial sensor (MIMU) at sternum level. Gait pattern features (step frequency, symmetry, regularity, harmonic ratios), and upper trunk sway were computed from MIMU signals. Clinical mDGI (modified Dynamic Gait Index) and mDGI-Item 8 (“Up stairs”) were administered. Significant correlations with clinical scores were found for gait pattern features (rs>=0.536) and trunk pitch sway (rs<=-0.367) demonstrating their validity. Instrumental indexes showed alterations in the three pathological groups compared to healthy subjects, and significant differences, not clinically detected, among MS, ST and PD. MS showed the worst performance, with alterations of all gait pattern aspects and larger trunk pitch sway. ST showed worsening in gait pattern features, but not in trunk motion. PD showed fewer alterations consisting in reduced step frequency and trunk yaw sway. These results suggest that the use of a MIMU provided valid objective indexes revealing between-group differences in stair ascent not detected by clinical scales. Importantly, the indexes includes upper trunk measures, usually not present in clinical tests, and provides relevant hints for tailored rehabilitation.
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Abstract Stair ascent is a challenging daily-life activity
highly related to independence. This task is usually assessed with
clinical scales suffering from partial subjectivity and limited
detail in evaluating different task’s aspects. In this study we
instrumented the assessment of stair ascent in people with
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), stroke (ST) and Parkinson’s disease
(PD) to analyze the validity of the proposed quantitative indexes
and characterize subjects’ performances. Participants climbed 10
steps wearing a magneto-inertial sensor (MIMU) at sternum
level. Gait pattern features (step frequency, symmetry,
regularity, harmonic ratios), and upper trunk sway were
computed from MIMU signals. Clinical mDGI (modified
Dynamic Gait Index) and mDGI-Item 8 (“Up stairs”) were
administered. Significant correlations with clinical scores were
found for gait pattern features (rs>=0.536) and trunk pitch sway
(rs<=-0.367) demonstrating their validity. Instrumental indexes
showed alterations in the three pathological groups compared to
healthy subjects, and significant differences, not clinically
detected, among MS, ST and PD. MS showed the worst
performance, with alterations of all gait pattern aspects and
larger trunk pitch sway. ST showed worsening in gait pattern
features, but not in trunk motion. PD showed fewer alterations
consisting in reduced step frequency and trunk yaw sway. These
results suggest that the use of a MIMU provided valid objective
indexes revealing between-group differences in stair ascent not
detected by clinical scales. Importantly, the indexes includes
upper trunk measures, usually not present in clinical tests, and
provides relevant hints for tailored rehabilitation.
Index Terms Stair negotiation; Inertial sensors; Multiple
Sclerosis; Stroke; Parkinson’s disease.
TAIR negotiation is a common daily life activity highly
related to independence and community participation [1].
Compared to level-ground walking, stairway walking is a
more demanding task, requiring larger moments and range of
motion at lower limb joints [2],[3], as well as additional
charge on balance control system [3]. This task is highly
Manuscript submitted September 04, 2018; revised October 29, 2018;
accepted November 09, 2018. This work was supported by Italian Ministry of
Health (Ricerca Corrente). (Corresponding author: Davide Cattaneo)
I. Carpinella, E. Gervasoni, D. Anastasi, T. Lencioni, D. Cattaneo, and M.
Ferrarin are with the IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, 20148 Milan,
Italy (e-mail:
dependent on muscle strength [2],[3], postural control [4],
sensory processing and integration [4], and psychological
factors including fear of falling [4]. Consequently, alterations
of stair walking have been reported in elderly subjects [5], and
people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) [6], stroke (ST) [5] and
Parkinson’s disease (PD) [3], who are generally at high risk of
falls [7]. The aggravating factor is that stairway falls,
compared to falls while level-walking, involve a dramatically
higher risk of death or severe injuries [5]. In addition, as
discussed by Morone et al. [8] the ability to ascend stairs
highly affects daily-living independence, especially in patients
who usually have to manage stairs at home and/or at work.
Given the impact of stair negotiation on quality of life, this
task is increasingly included in both clinical assessment [9]
and rehabilitation [10],[11]. Regarding assessment, Van Iersel
et al. [9] found 43 clinical tests incorporating an item on stair
walking. In the following years, other scales evaluating stair
negotiation have been validated, such as the modified
Dynamic Gait Index (mDGI) [12]. Most of these tools require
the examiner to assign a score on an ordinal scale and/or to
measure the task duration through a stopwatch. Although
widely used, these tests suffer from partial subjectivity,
limited resolution, ceiling effect, and poor detail in analyzing
different components of the task [13], in particular upper trunk
movements that are often not assessed during the evaluation.
These limitations can be partly overcome by instrumental
methods, that can provide clinicians with additional
quantitative information to better characterize the task
performance, tailor the intervention, and objectively measure
its effects. In particular, cost-effective magneto-inertial
measurement units (MIMUs) allow clinicians to easily
perform objective evaluations of motor deficits during routine
exams, outside typical movement analysis laboratories.
MIMUs have been widely used to analyze level-ground
walking [14],[15], while only few studies exist about their use
during stair negotiation [16],[17]. In particular, these studies
investigated, in PD subjects, the anticipatory postural
adjustments preceding one-step ascent [16], and the trunk
rhythmicity during ascending and descending three steps [17].
The aim of the present study was to instrument the
assessment of stair ascent, as described by mDGI-Item 8,
using a single MIMU. Healthy subjects (HS), and people with
MS, ST and PD were tested to i) analyze the validity of the
Instrumental Assessment of Stair Ascent in People
with Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Parkinson’s
Disease: a Wearable-Sensor Based Approach
Ilaria Carpinella, Elisa Gervasoni, Denise Anastasi, Tiziana Lencioni, Davide Cattaneo, and Maurizio
Ferrarin Senior Member, IEEE
MIMU-based indexes for evaluating stair ascent, and ii)
characterize and compare the performance of subjects with
different neurological diseases, providing potentially useful
information to complement clinical assessment.
A. Participants
Twenty HS without any musculoskeletal or neurological
disorders [mean age (SD): 58.0 (14.5) years], and thirty
subjects with comparable age [59.9 (16.1) years] affected by
neurological diseases (NEU) were recruited. NEU group
consisted in ten subjects with MS, ten post-stroke (ST), and
ten with PD. Inclusion criteria were: ability to walk 10 meters,
ability to ascend 10 steps, and Mini Mental State Examination
> 24. Sample size calculation was based on step frequency
data published in three previous studies analyzing stair ascent
in MS [18], ST [19] and PD [17]. Step frequency was
considered since it is the only parameter present in all three
studies. Mean data reported for the 3 control groups (HS) and
for the 3 pathological samples (NEU) were averaged and the
standard deviation was set equal to the highest one shown in
the 3 studies. Analysis of the pooled data indicated that a
minimum of 36 subjects (18 HS and 18 NEU) was required to
detect a difference between HS and NEU (Cohen’s d = 1.48,
Power = 0.99, p = 0.05). All subjects gave written informed
consent to the protocol that was approved by the ethical
committee of Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation (Milan, Italy).
B. Experimental Protocol
Disease severity was defined for each pathological group
according to disease-specific scales: Expanded Disability
Status Scale (EDSS) [20] for MS, modified Rankin Scale
(mRS) [21] for ST, and Hoehn and Yahr stage (H&Y) [22] for
PD. All HS and NEU subjects were clinically assessed with
the mDGI [12], that consists of 8 items evaluating balance in
different walking conditions on a 8-point ordinal scale. The
mDGI maximum score is 64, indicating unaltered balance.
Ten-meter walk test (10MWT) [23] was also administered to
clinically assess gait velocity during level-ground walking.
Instrumental assessment was performed during the mDGI -
Item 8 (“Up stairs”). As described by Shumway-Cook et al.
[12], the subject stood upright at the bottom of a 10-step stair,
then he was required to walk up the stairs at self-selected
speed and stop with both feet on the 10th step. The use of
handrail was allowed. Participants climbed stairs wearing a
wireless MIMU (MTw, Xsens, NL) positioned on the sternum
with an elastic band [24], over the clothes [Fig. 1(a)]. The
MIMU consisted of a 3D accelerometer (±160 m/s2 range), a
3D gyroscope, (±1200deg/s range) and a 3D magnetometer
(±1.5 Gauss). MIMU’s orientation in space was estimated
from raw signals by a sensor fusion algorithm implemented on
a digital signal processor embedded in MIMU housing. MIMU
signals were sampled at 100 Hz. One trial was recorded from
each subject. PD subjects were tested while they were on-
phase during antiparkinsonian therapy, approximately 2 hours
after medication intake.
C. Data Processing
A set of instrumental parameters descriptive of stair gait
pattern and upper trunk movements were computed from
MIMU signals using MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA).
Step frequency [step/s]: peak frequency of the power
spectrum of the vertical acceleration [25]. Step frequency
was used as an estimate of stair ascent velocity, in order to
avoid errors due to the integration of the acceleration. This
approximation was considered adequate considering that
stair ascent velocity can be computed as step distance X
step frequency, and that step distance is partly constrained
by the sizes of the staircase steps [i.e. step distance ~ √(step
depth2 + step height2)].
Step Symmetry and Stride Regularity [unitless]:
respectively, first and second peak of the normalized auto-
correlation function computed from the acceleration
modulus [26]. Increasing values, from 0 to 1, indicate
higher symmetry and regularity, respectively (see
Supplementary Figure S1).
Harmonic Ratio (HR) [unitless]: computed for each
component of the acceleration as described by Menz et al.
Fig. 1. (a) Placement of the magneto-inertial measurement unit. Orientation of sensing axes (X, Y, Z) is indicated. (b) Trunk pitch angle recorded during stair
ascent from a healthy subject (thick gray line), a subject with MS (dashed line), a subject with ST (thin black line), and a subject with PD (thick black line).
[27]. Stride frequency is used as the fundamental frequency
of the periodic accelerations during stairway walking; the
fundamental period of such signals is a multiple of the
stride duration. The amplitudes of the first 10 even
harmonics (EvenHi, i: 1..10) and the first 10 odd harmonics
(OddHi, i: 1..10) are computed through a finite Fourier
series; then the HR is calculated following (1) by dividing
the sum of the amplitudes of the in phase harmonics by the
sum of the amplitudes of the out of phase harmonics.
Higher values of HR indicate more rhythmic movements
[17],[27]-[29]. HR is particularly important to be
investigated since previous studies on elderly and
parkinsonian populations [30],[31] found significantly
lower values (i.e. lower rhythmicity) in fallers compared to
non-fallers. Moreover, upper trunk HR demonstrated to be
a significant predictor of falls in elderly [30]
Trunk Sway [deg]: standard deviation of pitch, roll and yaw
angles recorded by the MIMU.
To avoid errors possibly introduced by the detection of step
initiation/termination, all indexed were computed considering
the entire portion of steady-state signals recorded during the
middle eight steps [32].
D. Statistical Analysis
Fisher exact test (FET) was used to compare sex and
number of handrail users among HS, MS, ST and PD groups.
The same test was applied to compare the number of mild
moderate and severe subjects in MS, ST and PD. Kruskal-
Wallis test with Bonferroni-Holm (BH) post-hoc procedure
was used to compare age and clinical features, since these data
were not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilks test < 0.05).
Instrumental parameters were compared among groups using
ANCOVA with one between-group factor (Group: HS, MS,
ST, PD), and age and step frequency as covariates. The choice
of the covariates was due to previous data showing that both
age and cadence have an influence on MIMU-based
parameters (e.g. harmonic ratio [29]). In case of significant
differences (p<0.05) revealed by ANCOVA, separate post-hoc
comparisons were performed using Fisher’s test with
BonferroniHolm correction. Some variables did not meet the
assumptions of data normality and/or homogeneity of
variances (Shapiro-Wilk’s test and/or Levene test, p<0.05). In
these cases ANCOVA was applied on transformed data (Box-
Cox transformation). To check the possible effect of handrail
use, the same analysis was conducted excluding subjects using
handrail. Given the small sample size, in this case post-hoc
analysis was performed using Fisher’s test with no correction
for multiple comparisons. The concurrent validity of the
instrumental indexes was tested analyzing their correlation
with mDGI score and mDGI Item 8 sub-score through
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (rs). Partial Spearman
coefficient (prs) was also calculated to correct for age, in the
case of step frequency, and for age and step frequency in the
case of the other parameters. Analyses were performed using
STATISTICA (Statsoft, Tulsa, OK).
A. Clinical Assessment
Results are reported in Table I. A statistically significant
difference was found in age, with PD patients being older than
HS and MS subjects (pBH=0.03). Time since diagnosis was
comparable between MS and PD (pBH=0.307), while it was
significantly lower in ST (pBH<=0.006). In particular, 4 ST
subjects were in the sub-acute stage (< 6 months post-stroke),
while 6 were in the chronic stage (>= 6 months post-stroke).
Six and four ST patients had left and right hemiparesis,
respectively. Seven and three ST subjects had ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke, respectively. Regarding disease severity,
median (range) EDSS score for MS was 5 (2-6), with 1 subject
being in the mild stage (EDSS: 2), 6 in the moderate stage
(EDSS: 4.5-5.5), and 3 in the severe stage (EDSS: 6-6.5).
Median (range) mRS score for ST was 3 (2-3). Five ST
subjects showed mild disability (mRS:2) and 5 moderate
disability (mRS:3). Median (range) H&Y score for PD was 3
(2-4), with 4 subjects being in the mild stage of the disease
(H&Y: 2-2.5), 4 in the moderate stage (H&Y: 3), and 2 in the
severe stage (H&Y: 4). No significant difference between
groups was found in the number of mild, moderate and severe
subjects (pFET=0.208). Gait and balance clinical scores (Table
I) indicated that the three pathological groups showed lower
walking speed (10MWT, pBH<=0.018), impaired dynamic
balance (mDGI, pBH<0.001), and abnormal stair ascent
ML EvenH
HS (a)
(N = 20)
MS (b)
(N = 10)
ST (c)
(N = 10)
PD (d)
(N = 10)
57 (51-75) d
51 (35-66) d
59 (47-70)
73 (61-77) a,b
8.5 (7-17) c
0.6 (0.3-1.3) b,d
7.5 (3-13) c
1.22 (1.12-1.46) b,c,d
0.84 (0.60-1.12) a
0.85 (0.72-1.02) a
0.96 (0.63-1.20) a
64 (64-64) b,c,d
49 (34-55) a
47 (42-53) a
51 (39-55) a
8 (8-8) b,c,d
6 (4-7) a
6 (5-7) a
7 (5-7) a
Values are median (1st -3rd quartile) or number. 10MWT: 10-meter Walk Test; mDGI: modified Dynamic Gait Index.
p-value: results of Fisher Exact test (FET) for sex, and Kruskal-Wallis test for all the other variables. The superscript letters a, b, c, d indicate a statistically
significant difference (p<0.05) with respect to the corresponding group (Bonferroni-Holm post hoc test).
performances (mDGI-Item 8, pBH<=0.002), compared to HS.
By contrast, clinical scores were comparable among MS, ST
and PD (pBH>=0.558). A similar number of subjects in the
three groups climbed stairs using handrail (MS: 6, ST: 6, PD:
5, pFET =0.814).
B. Concurrent Validity
Table II shows the correlations between instrumental
parameters describing stair ascent, and mDGI Total score and
mDGI-Item 8 sub-score on the whole sample. Statistically
significant correlations (rs) were found for all stair gait pattern
features (step frequency, step symmetry, stride regularity and
harmonic ratios), and for trunk pitch sway. Similar results
were found also after correcting for age and step frequency
(prs) with the exception of trunk pitch sway versus mDGI-Item
8 sub-score. An ancillary correlation analysis, performed
separately on MS, ST and PD, showed that step frequency and
step symmetry significantly correlated with mDGI-Item8 sub-
score in all groups (step frequency: 0.92<=rs<=0.95; Step
Symmetry: 0.58<=rs<=0.76, p<0.05). Different behavior was
noticed regarding the other parameters. In MS significant
correlations were found in stride regularity (rs=0.77), antero-
posterior HR (rs=0.64), trunk pitch (rs=-0.72) and roll sway
(rs=-0.66). In ST a significant correlation was found in trunk
yaw sway (rs=0.80), while in PD a trend toward significant
correlations (p=0.06) was found in stride regularity (rs = 0.59),
medio-lateral HR (0.61) and vertical HR (0.61).
C. Instrumental Assessment
As shown in Table III, statistically significant differences
were found in all instrumental parameters excluding stride
regularity and trunk roll sway. Post-hoc analysis revealed a
significant reduction of step frequency in all pathological
groups compared to HS (pBH<0.001). While stride regularity
was comparable among groups, step symmetry was
significantly higher in HS compared to MS and ST groups
(pBH<0.001). MS and ST subjects were less symmetrical than
PD, although the statistical significance was met only for MS
versus PD (pBH=0.006) (see Supplementary Figure S1)
Harmonic Ratios (HRs) showed a statistically significant
reduction in medio-lateral direction in all pathological groups
(pBH<=0.034), while antero-posterior and vertical HRs were
reduced only in MS (pBH<0.001) and ST (pBH<=0.013).
Antero-posterior HR was significantly higher in PD compared
to MS (pBH =0.004) and ST (pBH=0.012). A similar trend was
noticed in vertical HR, although the statistical significance
was found only for PD versus MS (pBH=0.032).
Trunk pitch sway was significantly larger in MS compared
to HS (pBH <0.001), ST (pBH=0.021) and PD (pBH=0.001) [see
Fig.1(b)]. Trunk roll sway was comparable among groups,
while trunk yaw sway was significantly reduced in PD,
compared to HS (pBH=0.018) and MS (pBH=0.016).
The analysis of subjects not using handrail (Table IV)
confirmed these results, with the exception of stride regularity,
which was significantly reduced in MS and ST compared to
HS and PD, and medio-lateral rhythmicity which was reduced
in MS and ST, but not in PD.
In this study we instrumented the assessment of stair ascent
using a single MIMU applied on the upper trunk of healthy
subjects and subjects with MS, ST and PD to measure a
clinically relevant task. The use of a MIMU allowed to obtain
quantitative characterization of subjects performance directly
in clinical setting, where common stair flights are usually
present, with minimal preparation time (less than 1 minute for
MIMU placement), and without the need of expensive
equipment (e.g. instrumented staircase and/or optoelectronic
systems [3],[19]) or specialized personnel. The instrumented
assessment provided valid and objective parameters which
disclosed between-group differences not detected by clinical
scales. Importantly, the MIMU-based indexes include
measures of upper trunk movements, usually not considered
by clinical scales. Despite the high impact of stair walking on
independence and quality of life [1], to our knowledge this is
the first study addressing the use of wearable sensors to
characterize and compare 10-step stair ascent in subjects with
different neurological diseases but comparable number of
mild, moderate and severe subjects and comparable clinical
score for balance (mDGI) and level-walking speed (10MWT).
All stair gait pattern features and trunk pitch sway
significantly correlated with clinical scores on mDGI and
mDGI-Item8 related to the whole sample. The correlation with
mDGI Total score
mDGI - Item 8 score
Instrumental Parameter
Step Frequency[step/s]
Step Symmetry [unitless]
Stride Regularity [unitless]
Harmonic Ratio antero-posterior [unitless]
Harmonic Ratio medio-lateral [unitless]
Harmonic Ratio vertical [unitless]
Trunk Pitch Sway [deg]
Trunk Roll Sway [deg]
Trunk Yaw Sway [deg]
†p<0.1, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 (Bonferroni-Holm correction).
mDGI total score was maintained even after correcting for age
and step frequency, thus demonstrating the concurrent validity
of these parameters to quantitatively assess stair ascent in
neurologically-impaired subjects spanning from mild to severe
involvement. An ancillary correlation analysis conducted on
each pathological group revealed that, while step frequency
and symmetry significantly correlated with mDGI-Item8 sub-
score in all groups, different results were found for the other
features. In particular, increasing ability to ascend stair (i.e.
higher mDGI-Item8 score) was associated: i) in MS with
higher antero-posterior rhythmicity, and lower trunk pitch and
roll sway, ii) in ST with larger trunk yaw motion, iii) in PD
with higher medio-lateral and vertical rhythmicity. Despite the
small number of subjects in the 3 groups, these results seem to
indicate that different indexes could be used as best descriptor
of stair ascent ability in MS, ST and PD.
In accordance with mDGI-Item8 sub-score, the instrumental
indexes showed significant alterations of stair ascent in MS,
ST and PD groups compared to HS. Interestingly, statistically
significant differences in sensor-derived parameters were
found also among the three pathological groups, enforcing the
results found by Cattaneo et al. [33] about disease-specific
deficits of static balance. Importantly, the statistical model
used in the present study included as covariates two factors
which could influence the results, i.e. age and step frequency
[3],[17],[29], the latter used as an estimate of stair walking
speed. This suggests that the differences found among MS, ST
and PD are not attributable to these factors. In addition, since
the clinical mDGI-Item8 score was comparable among the
three groups, the present results suggested the higher
sensitivity of the instrumental assessment of stair ascent,
which could therefore complement the clinical evaluation.
In accordance with a previous study on standing balance
[33], MS subjects showed the greatest impairment during stair
ascent, with alterations of 7 out of 9 instrumental parameters.
Statistically significant reduction of step frequency, step
symmetry, stride regularity, and harmonic ratios was found in
MS compared to HS and PD groups. Stride regularity was
found to be altered only in subjects not using handrail,
confirming the stabilization effect of this aid. No specific
studies exist about instrumental assessment of stair ascent in
MS, however, the present results confirm previous works
about level-ground walking, which found altered spatio-
temporal parameters [34], increased asymmetry [35],[36],
reduced rhythmicity [28] and regularity [37]. These alterations
are potentially caused by proprioceptive deficits associated to
MS [38]. Although these deficits are present also in PD and
ST subjects, it can be speculated that they could be more
pronounced in MS, that is the only disease here considered
directly affecting spinal cord, causing significant reduction of
spinal afferent conduction velocity [6],[38]. Another aspect
could be the difficulty of MS subjects to correctly interpret
and integrate vestibular inputs, possibly due to increased head
instability. In fact, previous published data showed larger head
displacements in MS subjects during treadmill walking [39].
Although in the present study head motion during stair ascent
was not directly measured, the presence of head instability in
MS could be a plausible hypothesis considering that trunk
showed lower than normal rhythmicity (i.e. decreased HRs)
and larger pitch sway. These anomalies, in turn, could have
reduced the capacity of trunk to perform its important role of
attenuating movement-related oscillations from lower-body
segments to stabilize the head during locomotor tasks [40].
Taken together, the above aspects would lead to difficulties in
foot placement [41], thus worsening stair ascent pattern in MS
compared to the other groups. Interestingly, MS subjects
HS (a)
(N = 20)
MS (b)
(N = 10)
ST (c)
(N = 10)
PD (d)
(N = 10)
Step Frequency [step/s]
2.05 (1.87-2.24) b,c,d
1.07 (0.80-1.34) a
1.22 (0.96-1.48) a
1.45 (1.18-1.73) a
Step Symmetry [unitless]
0.81 (0.75-0.87) b,c
0.63 (0.49-0.76) a,d
0.69 (0.59-0.79) a
0.80 (0.74-0.86) b
Stride Regularity [unitless]
0.81 (0.74-0.88)
0.67 (0.55-0.79)
0.72 (0.63-0.81)
0.78 (0.70-0.86)
Harmonic Ratio antero-posterior [unitless]
2.73 (2.36-3.09) b,c
1.44 (0.96-1.92) a,d
1.61 (1.17-2.04) a,d
2.52 (2.01-2.95) b,c
Harmonic Ratio medio-lateral [unitless]
3.07 (2.61-3.53) b,c,d
1.75 (1.14-2.36) a
2.29 (1.74-2.84) a
2.36 (1.81-2.91) a
Harmonic Ratio vertical [unitless]
3.22 (2.65-3.79) b,c
1.75 (0.99-2.50) a,d
2.16 (1.48-2.85) a
3.22 (2.55-3.90) b
Trunk Pitch Sway[deg]
1.34 (1.07-1.60) b
2.18 (1.60-2.76) a,c,d
1.42 (1.08-1.76) b
1.26 (0.96-1.57) b
Trunk Roll Sway [deg]
2.08 (1.46-2.69)
2.05 (1.24-2.86)
2.08 (1.35-2.82)
1.57 (0.84-2.30)
Trunk Yaw Sway [deg]
3.74 (3.01-4.47) d
5.06 (4.11-6.02) d
4.33 (3.46-5.20)
2.84 (1.98-3.70) a,b
Values are mean (95% confidence interval), adjusted though ANCOVA for age, in the case of Step Frequency, and for age and Step Frequency for all the
other parameters. F (p-value): results of ANCOVA. Degrees of freedom are (3,45) for Step Frequency, and (3,44) for all the other parameters. The superscript
letters a, b, c, d indicate a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) with respect to the corresponding group (Fisher’s post -hoc test with Bonferroni-Holm
showed higher trunk pitch sway compared to HS, ST and PD
groups, complementing previous results showing larger
center-of-pressure sway during standing in MS patients [33].
Again, spinal cord involvement could play a role in the
significantly larger trunk sway of MS subjects, who
compensated for their slowed spinal afferent conduction by
increasing the magnitude of trunk postural responses to
maintain balance during stair ascent [6],[38]. A second
hypothesis can be formulated, considering the study of Nadeau
et al. [2]. The authors demonstrated that knee extension
moment is two times greater during stair ascent compared to
level-ground walking, implying that knee extensor muscles
have a dominant role in this task [2]. Since MS patients have
been demonstrated to show impairment of quadriceps and
hamstrings force [42] and increased fatigue [35], it can be
speculated that these subjects increase their trunk antero-
posterior movement to compensate for the reduced strength of
knee extensors. This strategy, in turn, may help them to ascend
stairs by reducing the knee moment and, consequently, the
quadriceps demand, as documented in other pathologic
subjects presenting weakness of knee extensors [43].
Unfortunately, to our knowledge, no published data exist
about joint moments during stair ascent in MS. However, this
seems a plausible and interesting temptative hypothesis
deserving further future investigation.
Similarly to subjects with MS, ST subjects showed
consistent alterations of all gait pattern parameters, confirming
previous studies showing reduced cadence [19], and decreased
regularity and symmetry due to spasticity and weakness of the
paretic side [44]. Significant reduction of rhythmicity,
quantified by harmonic ratios, was also found in ST compared
to HS during level-ground walking [45]. Noteworthy, trunk
movements were comparable between ST and HS groups,
despite a trend towards increased roll and yaw sway for ST
subjects not using handrail. Moreover, trunk pitch sway was
significantly smaller compared to MS subjects. It can be
hypothesized that this result is attributable to a different
compensatory strategy used by ST subjects to ascend stair,
that implies a weight distribution mainly towards the less
affected side [19], rather than an increase of trunk
compensatory movements, as demonstrated by increased
asymmetry between legs. Indeed, Novak et al. [19] found that
knee extensor moment was reduced on the paretic side only,
with the less affected side presenting moments comparable to
healthy participants [19]. This would reflect an increase of
extensor support of non-paretic limb to improve stability and
to raise the CoM in order to facilitate the clearance of the
paretic limb’s foot during swing.
Subjects with PD showed fewer alterations of stair ascent
than MS and ST patients. PD subjects showed reduced step
frequency, confirming previous studies [3],[17] and
highlighting the impact of bradykinesia and muscle weakness
[3]. A significant decrease in medio-lateral harmonic ratio was
also found in PD compared to HS, enforcing previous results
[17]. However, this difference disappeared when subjects
using rails were excluded. A first hypothesis could be the
detrimental effect of upper limb bradykinesia and reduced
arm/leg coordination [46], that could be more pronounced
when subjects interact with the rail to ascend stairs. A second
hypothesis, could be the better dynamic balance and the lower
severity of PD subjects not using handrails, as noticed by the
higher mDGI score (+14 points) and by the larger number of
patients (3 versus 1) in the mild stage of the disease
(H&Y<=2.5). Importantly, given the ability of HR in
differentiating PD fallers and non-fallers [31], the reduced
medio-lateral HR shown by moderate-severe patients using
handrail suggests a higher risk of falls in this sub-sample. All
the other gait pattern features were comparable to those
HS (a)
(N = 20)
MS (b)
(N = 4)
ST (c)
(N = 4)
PD (d)
(N = 5)
Step Frequency [step/s]
2.06 (1.92-2.20) b,c,d
1.28 (0.94-1.62) a
1.63 (1.32-1.93) a
1.68 (1.40-1.97) a
Step Symmetry [unitless]
0.86 (0.91-0.91) b,c
0.57 (0.29-0.84) a,d
0.66 (0.50-0.82) a,d
0.87 (0.79-0.96) b,c
Stride Regularity [unitless]
0.86 (0.81-0.91) b,c
0.45 (0.04-0.86) a,d
0.68 (0.54-0.82) a,d
0.87 (0.79-0.95) b,c
Harmonic Ratio antero-posterior [unitless]
2.90 (2.57-3.22) b,c
1.39 (0.56-2.21) a,d
1.54 (0.88-2.19) a,d
2.86 (2.26-3.46) b,c
Harmonic Ratio medio-lateral [unitless]
3.12 (2.71-3.53) b,c
1.32 (0.27-2.37) a,d
2.00 (1.17-2.83) a,d
3.05 (2.28-3.81) b,c
Harmonic Ratio vertical [unitless]
3.45 (2.89-4.01) b,c
1.37 (0.01-2.73) a,d
1.81 (0.68-2.93) a,d
3.59 (2.57-4.63) b,c
Trunk Pitch Sway[deg]
1.24 (1.05-1.43) b
2.24 (1.37-3.11) a,c,d
1.36 (0.94-1.78) b
1.11 (0.80-1.43) b
Trunk Roll Sway [deg]
1.86 (1.33-2.38)
1.94 (0.61-3.27)
2.28 (1.23-3.34)
1.68 (0.71-2.64)
Trunk Yaw Sway [deg]
4.05 (3.38-4.72) d
5.37 (3.67-7.08) d
5.38 (4.03-6.73) d
3.00 (1.77-4.25) a,b,c
Values are mean (95% confidence interval), adjusted though ANCOVA for age, in the case of Step Frequency, and for age and Step Frequency for all the
other parameters. F (p-value): results of ANCOVA. Degrees of freedom are (3,28) for Step Frequency, and (3,27) for all the other parameters. The superscript
letters a, b, c, d indicate a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) with respect to the corresponding group (Fisher’s post-hoc test)
characterizing HS, and higher than those related to MS and ST
subjects. Since balance and gait clinical scores were
comparable between groups, this result suggested that stair
ascent is a less challenging task for the tested PD patients in
the ON medication state compared with the other two
pathological groups. The present findings are confirmed by
Conway et al. [17], who hypothesized a beneficial effect of
visual cues provided by the horizontal edges of the steps that
could have helped PD subjects to improve their gait patterns,
thus contributing to the relatively few differences with HS.
The generally good movement pattern seems supported also
by previous results [3] showing that PD subjects exerted a net
support joint moment comparable to HS, with the exception of
lower contribution of ankle plantarflexors largely
compensated by higher knee extensors moment. Regarding
trunk, present results showed significantly smaller yaw
oscillations in PD, compared to HS and MS. This finding is in
accordance with previous studies that showed significant
reduction of trunk rotation during straight-line walking [47]
and turning [48], suggesting an “en bloc” trunk motion in PD
potentially attributable to increased axial stiffness [49].
The use of the present method expands the possibility to
assess gait pattern and trunk disorders during stair ascent, that
requires specific and personalized rehabilitation training,
mainly to improve independence in daily life activities, as
highlighted by Morone et al. [8]. Stair gait pattern features
related to MS and ST groups suggests that resistance training
could be a good way to improve muscular performance, in
particular of quadriceps, during a physically demanding
functional task such as stair ascent, possibly increasing stride
regularity and rhythmicity. Resistance and task-oriented
training seems also effective to reduce asymmetry
characterizing MS and ST subjects. In fact, Seo et al. [11]
found that patients undergoing these treatments during stair
negotiation improved weight-bearing symmetry more than
subjects performing straight-line walking. Asymmetry could
also be reduced with specific training of body-weight shift
between legs [50], with the therapist’s assistance and/or the
provision of visual/acoustic feedback to the subject. In
particular the latter approach has been proved beneficial in PD
subjects during standing and walking [51], and could be easily
used also during stair ascent. A further option is represented
by novel robotic systems allowing stair ascent [10], with the
advantage of increasing training intensity, reducing
physiotherapists’ assistance, and tuning robot’s parameters for
each subject based on the specific kinematic aspect to be
improved. Importantly, the proposed parameters include
indexes quantifying upper trunk sway, that has been found to
be abnormally larger in MS and smaller in PD subjects. Since
adequate trunk movements are crucial to maintain head
stability and correct sensory integration [40], trunk
rehabilitation is a key factor to improve dynamic balance,
especially during challenging tasks such as stair ascent [52]. In
particular, stair training should include interventions aimed at
improving trunk muscle forces, reducing trunk pitch sway in
MS subjects, and increasing trunk yaw oscillations in PD
patients, for example through core stability exercises and
electromyographic or angular biofeedback systems.
This study has some limitations. The tested sample was
small and included also handrail users, since we recruited
subjects usually attending the rehabilitation unit, who were
asked to climb stairs as they usually do in daily living. In this
context, a further limitation is that the way of using handrail
(light touch versus “heavy” use to pull themselves up the
stairs) was not recorded [53]. This did not allow to analyze if
subjects used rails mainly to increase balance control or to
unload lower limbs [53]. Despite these limitations, the present
results suggest that the use of a single MIMU provided valid
and objective parameters which revealed between-group
differences in stair ascent not detected by clinical scales.
These parameters can provide suggestions for tailored
rehabilitation and can be used to quantify its effects. Future
studies on a larger sample, analyzing also fear of falling,
should be performed to corroborate present findings and
further investigate handrail’s effects. Also the inclusion of a
second MIMU on head could provide additional information
about head stability during stair ascent. Finally, a comparison
with level-ground walking in patients with minimal disease
severity should be performed to analyze if stairway walking is
a more sensitive task to reveal sub-clinical signs.
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... Finally, new DMOs need to be technically and clinically validated on out-of-lab data to prove their potential value in answering clinically relevant questions such as assessing a patient's fall risk [48]. In laboratory-based studies, stair ambulation parameters were already considered as sensitive markers for fall risk [47,61] and showed significant differences between patients with neurological disorders 1. Introduction and healthy controls [62]. Compared to level walking gait, stair ambulation adds increased demands on the postural and control system [63], requiring increased lower-limb body strength [64] and a larger range of motion in lower limb joints [65]. ...
... Due to the physiological challenges stair ambulation implies, it was already proposed as a sensitive mobility outcome during several supervised laboratory studies [46,47,61,62,245,246]. Since traversing stairs is more physically challenging than walking on level ground, stair ambulation might be more sensitive to gait impairments or fall risk factors within a patient population. ...
... The validity of an instrumented assessment of stair ascending using wearables sensors in comparison to clinical scales was investigated by Carpinella et al. [62]. They analyzed stair ascending parameters on a 10-step staircase in a cohort of 10 MS, 10 stroke (ST), and 10 PD patients compared to 20 healthy controls. ...
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In the elderly, a fall can lead to severe injuries with the need for hospitalization, increase morbidity, and thus reduce the overall quality of life. The prevalence of falls is particularly high in patients suffering from chronic neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) due to disease-specific gait and balance impairments. Hence, the assessment of a PD patient’s gait function is a fundamental part of the clinical management of this disease. In this context, wearable inertial measurement units (IMUs) enable an objective assessment of detailed gait parameters. Although instrumented gait tests are a first step to support the clinical decision-making, these assessments provide only brief snapshots of a complex disease under unnatural conditions. Therefore, a transition from laboratory snapshots to continuous long-term monitoring of gait and mobility parameters is required. Recent advances in wearable sensor technology, including longer battery life and sensor miniaturization, nowadays allow an unobtrusive integration of wearable IMUs into patients’ daily lives. However, while collecting ecologically valid data is technically feasible today, generating clinically meaningful digital mobility outcomes (DMOs) from real-world datasets is still ongoing research to which this work contributes. Due to the variability and heterogeneity of real-world recordings, existing algorithms which have been originally developed for standardized gait tests need to be re-evaluated and possibly replaced by more suitable or adapted approaches. Therefore, the first contribution of this thesis addresses the segmentation of individual strides from continuous inertial sensor data, which is a fundamental part of a gait analysis pipeline. An existing template matching-based approach and a novel hidden Markov model (HMM)-based stride segmentation were evaluated on nearly 150,000 manually annotated real-world strides of 28 PD patients. The proposed HMM-based approach achieved a mean segmentation F1 score of 92.1 % across the entire dataset and significantly outperformed the template-matching approach. Short walking bouts (< 30 strides) resulted in F1 scores ≤ 91.1 %, whereas longer walking bouts (> 50 strides) yielded F1 scores of 96.2 % and up to 98.2 % for the longest bouts (> 200 strides). However, the quality of stride segmentation was comparable to results from standardized gait tests in the laboratory only for long walking bouts. These findings highlight the challenges of processing real-world datasets due to the increased complexity and heterogeneity of the recorded gait. Especially for short walking bouts, where a large fraction of non-steady-state strides such as initiation, termination, or turns is expected, the data-driven HMM achieved promising results for future real-world applications. However, not only a re-evaluation of concepts such as stride segmentation is required to transfer gait analysis from the laboratory to the real world, but also the development of new DMOs must be considered. Therefore, a new gait analysis pipeline was proposed to enable the assessment of new gait-related DMOs. Specifically, the implemented pipeline allowed the parameterization of individual strides from stair ascending and descending, which is a fundamental part of our daily-life mobility and has not been studied under real-world conditions. In this context, the existing HMM was extended to a multiclass model and combined with an adapted gait event detection approach matching the needs of stair ambulation biomechanics. The proposed pipeline was evaluated on an outdoor course containing three different stair geometries with 20 young and healthy participants who completed the course multiple times at slow, preferred, and fast speeds. Compared to a pressure insole reference, the pipeline achieved an F1 score of 98.5 % and gait event timing errors below 10 ms for all conditions. The walking activity could be classified on a per stride level with an accuracy of 98.2 %, based on trajectory features. Additionally, the entire analysis pipeline was validated end-to-end on an independent dataset of 13 PD patients to test its applicability for future clinical applications. In order to evaluate not only the technical but also the clinical validity, the pipeline was successfully transferred to a first clinical application. In their daily lives, PD patients have to constantly adapt their gait to changing environmental conditions, which includes managing stairs. Due to their unique geometric constraints, stair walking adds additional challenges to the motor and control system compared to level walking. Therefore, for the first time, objective gait parameters derived from real-world stair ambulation sequences were investigated as new sensitive outcomes for fall risk assessment in a PD patient cohort. The study revealed significant differences between fallers (N = 11) and non-fallers (N = 29) in stair ascending and stair descending parameters. These differences were less pronounced for the same parameters extracted from level walking. Gait speed during stair ambulation was reduced by 16 % on average for fallers, whereas their stance phase was increased by 20 % on average. These results highlight the clinical relevance of real-world stair ambulation performance as new DMOs for fall risk assessments. To conclude, this thesis contributes to the ongoing efforts to transfer mobile gait analysis systems from the laboratory to clinical applications in the real world. The presented contributions enable a robust assessment of detailed stride-level gait parameters to gain holistic insights into real-world mobility beyond level walking. The newly presented DMOs derived from real-world stair ambulation bouts proved their potential for fall risk assessment and may support future clinical applications to improve the health and well-being of patients suffering from gait and mobility impairments.
... Such requirements, in turn, limits the number of possible assessment sessions, while a frequent monitoring would better track the possible change caused by pathology course or rehabilitation/pharmacological interventions. In this respect, the opportunity of predicting dynamic balance and locomotor adaptability by using wearable sensors during repeated short (i.e. 10 strides) steady-state walking bouts, easily performed during daily living also by PwND (e.g. during a stroll alone or with a caregiver), would represent a first step in increasing the monitoring frequency and complement the periodic in-clinic evaluations 18,19 . ...
... Age, years 62 [19] 54 [22] 68 [15] 71 [14] Sex (F) 47 (49.4) 23 (45.1) 13 (52.0) 11 (57.9) ...
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Poor dynamic balance and impaired gait adaptation to different contexts are hallmarks of people with neurological disorders (PwND), leading to difficulties in daily life and increased fall risk. Frequent assessment of dynamic balance and gait adaptability is therefore essential for monitoring the evolution of these impairments and/or the long-term effects of rehabilitation. The modified dynamic gait index (mDGI) is a validated clinical test specifically devoted to evaluating gait facets in clinical settings under a physiotherapist’s supervision. The need of a clinical environment, consequently, limits the number of assessments. Wearable sensors are increasingly used to measure balance and locomotion in real-world contexts and may permit an increase in monitoring frequency. This study aims to provide a preliminary test of this opportunity by using nested cross-validated machine learning regressors to predict the mDGI scores of 95 PwND via inertial signals collected from short steady-state walking bouts derived from the 6-minute walk test. Four different models were compared, one for each pathology (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke) and one for the pooled multipathological cohort. Model explanations were computed on the best-performing solution; the model trained on the multipathological cohort yielded a median (interquartile range) absolute test error of 3.58 (5.38) points. In total, 76% of the predictions were within the mDGI’s minimal detectable change of 5 points. These results confirm that steady-state walking measurements provide information about dynamic balance and gait adaptability and can help clinicians identify important features to improve upon during rehabilitation. Future developments will include training of the method using short steady-state walking bouts in real-world settings, analysing the feasibility of this solution to intensify performance monitoring, providing prompt detection of worsening/improvements, and complementing clinical assessments.
... Stair exercises encompass a blend of strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination exercises (Sieljacks et al., 2020). These exercises contribute to reduction of perceived fatigue and improvement in the quality of life (Carpinella et al., 2018). When incorporating other exercises alongside the staircase model, it is crucial to assess the individual needs and abilities of the patient. ...
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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a prevalent cause of physical disability in adults, with inflammation-induced demye-lination and neurodegeneration contributing to its etiology. This comprehensive review explores the multifaceted benefits of exercise in managing MS, including improvements in aerobic capacity, balance, muscle strength, immune and hormonal functions and mood. Various exercise modalities, such as aerobic, resistance, flexibility, and balance training, are discussed, along with tailored protocols for MS patients. Recommended exercise strategies are: aerobic exercise: 2-3x/week; 10-30 minutes (40 %-60 % of maximum heart rate (HRmax), HIIT: 1x/week, five 30-90-second intervals at 90 %-100 % HRmax, Resistance training: 2-3x/week, 5-10 exercises; 1-3 sets for each exercise, 8-15 repetitions/set. The review also examines the impact of exercise on neuroplasticity, cardio-vascular responses, cytokine modulation, stress hormone regulation, brain structure, and function and fatigue perception. Emphasizing the importance of exercise in enhancing the quality of life for individuals with MS, the review proposes exercise prescriptions and highlights the promising link between physical activity, brain health, and improved hormonal and immune status in MS patients. This review aims to inform future research and guide clinical practices for effective MS management.
... Generally, the motor symptoms related to PD can be studied with the proper laboratory setup, namely in movement analysis laboratories [15][16][17]. However, more and more often, wearable sensors [18][19][20][21][22][23] and related actigraphic methods have been considered [24][25][26], especially for the possibility of studying patients' behaviour in their everyday life [27], thus quantifying performance and capacity [28] in an ecological environment and complementing the laboratory analysis. ...
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(1) Background: A noticeable association between the motor activity (MA) profiles of persons living together has been found in previous studies. Social actigraphy methods have shown that this association, in marital dyads composed of healthy individuals, is greater than that of a single person compared to itself. This study aims at verifying the association of MA profiles in dyads where one component is affected by Parkinson’s disease (PD). (2) Methods: Using a wearable sensor-based social actigraphy approach, we continuously monitored, for 7 days, the activities of 27 marital dyads including one component with PD. (3) Results: The association of motor activity profiles within a marital dyad (cross-correlation coefficient 0.344) is comparable to the association of any participant with themselves (0.325). However, when considering the disease severity quantified by the UPDRS III score, it turns out that the less severe the symptoms, the more associated are the MA profiles. (4) Conclusions: Our findings suggest that PD treatment could be improved by leveraging the MA of the healthy spouse, thus promoting lifestyles also beneficial for the component affected by PD. The actigraphy approach provided valuable information on habitual functions and motor fluctuations, and could be useful in investigating the response to treatment.
... By adopting the proposed approach during routine neurological examinations of early-stage PwMS, about 60% of them could be already advised to undergo early rehabilitation treatments for improving balance as recently suggested [18,19]. However, it must be highlighted that some PwMS showing normal ImRomberg and tandem gait tests could present with dynamic balance deficits that can be detected only through more difficult tasks (i.e., walking over/around an obstacle, walking with head rotations, stairway walking, etc. [11,20,35,81,82]) which are usually executed with physiotherapists in rehabilitation gyms. For this reason, it would be important to advise these individuals, especially if sedentary, to carry out regular physical activity, including dynamic balance. ...
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The balance of people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) is commonly assessed during neurological examinations through clinical Romberg and tandem gait tests that are often not sensitive enough to unravel subtle deficits in early-stage PwMS. Inertial sensors (IMUs) could overcome this drawback. Nevertheless, IMUs are not yet fully integrated into clinical practice due to issues including the difficulty to understand/interpret the big number of parameters provided and the lack of cut-off values to identify possible abnormalities. In an attempt to overcome these limitations, an instrumented modified Romberg test (ImRomberg: standing on foam with eyes closed while wearing an IMU on the trunk) was administered to 81 early-stage PwMS and 38 healthy subjects (HS). To facilitate clinical interpretation, 21 IMU-based parameters were computed and reduced through principal component analysis into two components, sway complexity and sway intensity, descriptive of independent aspects of balance, presenting a clear clinical meaning and significant correlations with at least one clinical scale. Compared to HS, early-stage PwMS showed a 228% reduction in sway complexity and a 63% increase in sway intensity, indicating, respectively, a less automatic (more conscious) balance control and larger and faster trunk movements during upright posture. Cut-off values were derived to identify the presence of balance abnormalities and if these abnormalities are clinically meaningful. By applying these thresholds and integrating the ImRomberg test with the clinical tandem gait test, balance impairments were identified in 58% of PwMS versus the 17% detected by traditional Romberg and tandem gait tests. The higher sensitivity of the proposed approach would allow for the direct identification of early-stage PwMS who could benefit from preventive rehabilitation interventions aimed at slowing MS-related functional decline during neurological examinations and with minimal modifications to the tests commonly performed.
Activation of the calf (gastrocnemius and soleus) and tibialis anterior muscles play an important role in blood pressure regulation (via muscle-pump mechanism) and postural control. Parkinson’s disease is associated with calf (and tibialis anterior muscles weakness and stiffness, which contribute to postural instability and associated falls. In this work, we studied the role of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, and soleus muscle contractions in maintaining blood pressure and postural stability in Parkinson’s patients and healthy controls during standing. In addition, we investigated whether the activation of the calf and tibialis anterior muscles is baroreflex dependent or postural-mediated. We recorded electrocardiogram, blood pressure, center of pressure as a measure of postural sway, and muscle activity from the medial and lateral gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, and soleus muscles from twenty-six Parkinson’s patients and eighteen sex and age-matched healthy controls during standing and with eyes open. The interaction and bidirectional causalities between the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and postural variables were studied using wavelet transform coherence and convergent cross-mapping techniques, respectively. Parkinson’s patients experienced a higher postural sway and demonstrated mechanical muscle-pump dysfunction of all individual leg muscles, all of which contribute to postural instability. Moreover, our results showed that coupling between the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and postural variables is affected by Parkinson’s disease while the contribution of the calf and tibialis anterior muscles is greater for blood pressure regulation than postural sway. The outcomes of this study could assist in the development of appropriate physical exercise programs that target lower limb muscles to improve the muscle-pump function and reduce postural instability in Parkinson’s disease.
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Background: Wearable sensor technologies have the potential to improve monitoring in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and inform timely disease management decisions. Evidence of the utility of wearable sensor technologies in people with MS is accumulating but is generally limited to specific subgroups of patients, clinical or laboratory settings, and functional domains. Objective: This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of all studies that have used wearable sensors to assess, monitor, and quantify motor function in people with MS during daily activities or in a controlled laboratory setting and to shed light on the technological advances over the past decades. Methods: We systematically reviewed studies on wearable sensors to assess the motor performance of people with MS. We scanned PubMed, Scopus, Embase, and Web of Science databases until December 31, 2022, considering search terms "multiple sclerosis" and those associated with wearable technologies and included all studies assessing motor functions. The types of results from relevant studies were systematically mapped into 9 predefined categories (association with clinical scores or other measures; test-retest reliability; group differences, 3 types; responsiveness to change or intervention; and acceptability to study participants), and the reporting quality was determined through 9 questions. We followed the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) reporting guidelines. Results: Of the 1251 identified publications, 308 were included: 176 (57.1%) in a real-world context, 107 (34.7%) in a laboratory context, and 25 (8.1%) in a mixed context. Most publications studied physical activity (196/308, 63.6%), followed by gait (81/308, 26.3%), dexterity or tremor (38/308, 12.3%), and balance (34/308, 11%). In the laboratory setting, outcome measures included (in addition to clinical severity scores) 2- and 6-minute walking tests, timed 25-foot walking test, timed up and go, stair climbing, balance tests, and finger-to-nose test, among others. The most popular anatomical landmarks for wearable placement were the waist, wrist, and lower back. Triaxial accelerometers were most commonly used (229/308, 74.4%). A surge in the number of sensors embedded in smartphones and smartwatches has been observed. Overall, the reporting quality was good. Conclusions: Continuous monitoring with wearable sensors could optimize the management of people with MS, but some hurdles still exist to full clinical adoption of digital monitoring. Despite a possible publication bias and vast heterogeneity in the outcomes reported, our review provides an overview of the current literature on wearable sensor technologies used for people with MS and highlights shortcomings, such as the lack of harmonization, transparency in reporting methods and results, and limited data availability for the research community. These limitations need to be addressed for the growing implementation of wearable sensor technologies in clinical routine and clinical trials, which is of utmost importance for further progress in clinical research and daily management of people with MS. Trial registration: PROSPERO CRD42021243249;
Gait symmetry is a clinically relevant indicator that distinguishes between normal gait and pathological gait, and it can provide a strong basis for mobility assessment and rehabilitation interventions. This paper proposes a comprehensive quantitative assessment method for gait symmetry based on human electrostatic gait signals (EGSs). This study is the first application of EGSs to examine gait symmetry in terms of trend symmetry, amplitude symmetry, and time symmetry in 30 subjects, including healthy subjects (HSs), hemiplegic patients (HPs), and Parkinson’s disease patients (PDs). The trend symmetry index ( SI <sub>trend</sub> )compares the two sides of the continuous waveform of the gait waveforms using the eigenvector; the amplitude symmetry indexes( SI<sub>A_IC</sub>, SI<sub>A_SE</sub> )compare the amplitude of EGSs at the moment of initial contact (IC) with the ground and separation (SE) from the ground; the time symmetry indexes( SI<sub>TSP</sub>, SI<sub>TSW</sub> ) compare the durations of the support phase and the swing phase. The results showed that the HPs and PDs showed significant asymmetry in gait trends, gait signal amplitude, and gait temporal parameters on both sides compared to the HSs. In addition, the HPs showed greater asymmetry than the PDs. The Kruskal–Wallis test was used to verify that the distributions of the 5 symmetry indexes differed significantly among the three different groups (p<0.05); trend symmetry was the most effective feature for distinguishing among the three groups. This paper provides a comprehensive and effective EGSs-based analysis of gait symmetry in terms of continuous gait waveforms and discrete gait parameters.
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Abnormalities of body-weight transfer occur during several motor tasks in people with Parkinson’s disease (PwPD). In this study, a novel robotic paradigm for assessment and training of dynamic balance was developed and applied to twelve healthy subjects (HS) and ten PwPD to verify its feasibility and to assess the capability of PwPD to counteract postural perturbations through body-weight shifts. At variance with other robotic paradigms, subjects had to react as fast as possible to the perturbation, bringing the platform back to the horizontal and keeping it until the end of the task. Four randomized perturbations, obtained varying the platform equilibrium angle from 0° to ±6° in sagittal (backward, forward) and frontal (right, left) planes, were repeated 3 times. Compared to HS, PwPD showed, in all perturbation directions, increased delay in counteraction phase onset (p<=0.01), prolonged time to stabilize the platform (p<=0.02), and higher deviation of the final plate inclination from the horizontal (p<=0.04), the deviation being larger during sagittal perturbations. PwPD showed also larger (p=0.01) postural sway around the stabilization angle following frontal perturbations. Results are in keeping with known hypo- and bradykinesia as well as proprioceptive and kinesthetic impairments in PD. We suggest that the proposed approach is feasible and might be included in balance evaluation and training in PD.
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Background: The use of miniaturized magneto-inertial measurement units (MIMUs) allows for an objective evaluation of gait and a quantitative assessment of clinical outcomes. Spatial and temporal parameters are generally recognized as key metrics for characterizing gait. Although several methods for their estimate have been proposed, a thorough error analysis across different pathologies, multiple clinical centers and on large sample size is still missing. The aim of this study was to apply a previously presented method for the estimate of spatio-temporal parameters, named Trusted Events and Acceleration Direct and Reverse Integration along the direction of Progression (TEADRIP), on a large cohort (236 patients) including Parkinson, mildly cognitively impaired and healthy older adults collected in four clinical centers. Data were collected during straight-line gait, at normal and fast walking speed, by attaching two MIMUs just above the ankles. The parameters stride, step, stance and swing durations, as well as stride length and gait velocity, were estimated for each gait cycle. The TEADRIP performance was validated against data from an instrumented mat. Results: Limits of agreements computed between the TEADRIP estimates and the reference values from the instrumented mat were - 27 to 27 ms for Stride Time, - 68 to 44 ms for Stance Time, - 31 to 31 ms for Step Time and - 67 to 52 mm for Stride Length. For each clinical center, the mean absolute errors averaged across subjects for the estimation of temporal parameters ranged between 1 and 4%, being on average less than 3% (< 30 ms). Stride length mean absolute errors were on average 2% (≈ 25 mm). Error comparisons across centers did not show any significant difference. Significant error differences were found exclusively for stride and step durations between healthy elderly and Parkinsonian subjects, and for the stride length between walking speeds. Conclusions: The TEADRIP method was effectively validated on a large number of healthy and pathological subjects recorded in four different clinical centers. Results showed that the spatio-temporal parameters estimation errors were consistent with those previously found on smaller population samples in a single center. The combination of robustness and range of applicability suggests the use of the TEADRIP as a suitable MIMU-based method for gait spatio-temporal parameter estimate in the routine clinical use. The present paper was awarded the "SIAMOC Best Methodological Paper 2017".
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It is well understood that stability during ambulation is reliant upon appropriate control of the trunk segment, but research shows that the rhythmicity of this segment is significantly reduced for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Given the increased risk associated with stair ambulation, this study investigated whether people with PD demonstrate poorer trunk control during stair ambulation compared with age-matched controls. Trunk accelerations were recorded for twelve PD patients and age-matched controls during stair ascent and descent. Accelerations were used to derive measures of harmonic ratios and root mean square (RMS) acceleration to provide insight into the rhythmicity and amplitude of segmental motion. Compared with what is typically seen during level-ground walking, gait rhythmicity during stair negotiation was markedly reduced for older adults and people with PD. Furthermore, both groups exhibited significantly poorer trunk movements during stair descent compared to stair ascent, suggesting that both populations may face a greater risk of falling during this task. As stair negotiation is a common activity of daily life, the increased risk associated with this task should be considered when working with populations that have an increased risk of falling.
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Objective: This cross-sectional study sought to evaluate the effect of imposed faster and slower walking speeds on postural stability in people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Design: Cross-sectional cohort study; SETTING: General community PARTICIPANTS: 84 PD patients (51 with a falls history; 33 without) and 82 age-matched controls were invited to participate via neurology clinics and pre-existing databases. Of those contacted, 99 did not respond (PD=36; controls=63) and 27 were not interested (PD=18; controls=9). Following screening, a further 10 patients were excluded; 5 had deep brain stimulation surgery and 5 could not accommodate to the treadmill. The remaining 30 patients completed all assessments and were sub-divided in PD fallers (n=10), PD Non-Fallers (n=10) and age-matched controls (n=10) based on falls history. Protocol: Symptom severity, balance confidence and medical history were established prior to participants walking on a treadmill at 70%, 100% and 130% of their preferred speed. Main outcomes: Three-dimensional accelerometers assessed head and trunk accelerations and allowed calculation of harmonic ratios (HRs) and root mean square (RMS) accelerations to assess segment control and movement amplitude. Results: Head and trunk control was lower for PD Fallers than PD Non-Fallers and Older Adults. Significant interactions indicated head and trunk control increased with speed for PD Non-Fallers and Older Adults, but did not improve at faster speeds for PD Fallers. Vertical head and trunk accelerations increased with walking speed for PD Non-Fallers and Older Adults, while the PD Fallers demonstrated greater anteroposterior RMS accelerations compared with both other groups. Conclusion: The results suggest that improved gait dynamics do not necessarily represent improved walking stability and this must be respected when rehabilitating gait in PD patients.
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Background: Stair ambulation is a challenging activity of daily life that requires larger joint moments than walking. Stabilisation of the body and prevention of lower limb collapse during this task depends upon adequately-sized hip, knee and ankle extensor moments. However, people with Parkinson's disease (PD) often present with strength deficits that may impair their capacity to control the lower limbs and ultimately increase their falls risk. Objective: To investigate hip, knee and ankle joint moments during stair ascent and descent and determine the contribution of these joints to the body's support in people with PD. Methods: Twelve PD patients and twelve age-matched controls performed stair ascent and descent trials. Data from an instrumented staircase and a three-dimensional motion analysis system were used to derive sagittal hip, knee and ankle moments. Support moment impulses were calculated by summing all extensor moment impulses and the relative contribution of each joint was calculated. Results: Linear mixed model analyses indicated that PD patients walked slower and had a reduced cadence relative to controls. Although support moment impulses were typically not different between groups during stair ascent or descent, a reduced contribution by the ankle joint required an increased knee joint contribution for the PD patients. Conclusions: Despite having poorer knee extensor strength, people with PD rely more heavily on these muscles during stair walking. This adaptation could possibly be driven by the somewhat restricted mobility of this joint, which may provide these individuals with an increased sense of stability during these tasks.
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Stroke affects many gait features, such as gait stability, symmetry, and harmony. However, it is still unclear which of these features are directly altered by primary damage, and which are affected by the reduced walking speed. The aim of this study was to analyze the above gait features in patients with subacute stroke with respect to the values observed in age- and speed-matched healthy subjects. A wearable triaxial accelerometer and an optoelectronic device were used for assessing the upright gait stability, symmetry of trunk movements, and harmonic structure of gait phases by means of the root-mean-square (RMS) acceleration of the trunk, harmonic ratio (HR), and gait ratios (GRs), respectively. For healthy subjects, results showed that RMS acceleration increased with speed, HR peaked at a comfortable speed, and GRs tended towards the theoretical value of the golden ratio for speeds >1 m/s. At matched speed conditions, patients showed higher instabilities in the latero-lateral axis (p = 0.001) and reduced symmetry of trunk movements (p = 0.002). Different from healthy subjects, antero-posterior and latero-lateral acceleration harmonics were coupled in patients (R = 0.507, p = 0.023). Conversely, GRs were not more altered in patients than in slow-walking healthy subjects. In conclusion, patients with stroke showed some characteristics similar to those of the elderly when the latter subjects walk slowly, and some altered characteristics, such as increased latero-lateral instabilities coupled with movements performed along the antero-posterior axis.
Background: After discharge, most patients who have suffered a stroke remain with some limitations in their stair climbing ability. This is a critical factor in order to be independent in real-life mobility. Although there are several studies on prognostic factors for gait recovery, few of them have focused on to the recovery of stair climbing. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify prognostic risk factors for the recovery of stair climbing ability in a large sample of subjects with subacute stroke. Design: Observational study. Setting: Neurorehabilitation Inpatient Unit. Methods: We evaluated subjects within the first month after stroke that had been admitted to an inpatient rehabilitation unit and discharged after an intensive inpatient rehabilitation. Demographical and clinical data were collected. Barthel Index (BI), Trunk Control Test and Motricity Index (MI) scores were recorded at admission and at discharge. Patients received two daily 40-minute sessions of motor rehabilitation, six days per week, during approximately two months. Forward Binary Logistic regressions were used to identify the role of risk factors, using as dependent variables the recovery of stair climbing ability and walking ability at discharge. As independent variables we used age, gender, onset-to-admission interval, side of hemiparesis, trunk control, motricity index (MI), presence of obesity, presence of neglect, presence of depression, classification of cerebral infarction (total anterior circulation, partial anterior circulation, posterior circulation or lacunar infarcts), degree of independence in activities of daily living, and cognitive state, all assessed at admission. Results: A total of 257 subjects were enrolled. BI-score, MI-score and presence of unilateral spatial neglect at admission were able to explain 83% of variance for the recovery of stair climbing ability. Subjects with a BI > 40 at admission were about 17 times more likely to be able to climb stairs again than other patients, and those with MI ≥ 25 were about 9 times more likely than the rest. The presence of unilateral spatial neglect reduced this possibility of recovering stair climbing ability by about 5.5 times. Of these factors, only MI ≥ 25, together with a score at Trunk Control Test > 12, significantly predicted also walking recovery. Conclusions: This study highlights the different prognostic factors for recovering stair climbing and walking abilities, with a major role of unilateral spatial neglect in the former. Clinical rehabilitation impact: There is a need for specific rehabilitation of stair climbing, also for improving the independence in activities of daily living, especially in patients who the clinical staff already knows should manage stairs in their community after being discharged.
Objective: To compare the risk of falls and fall predictors in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS) and stroke using the same study design. Design: Multicenter prospective cohort study. Setting: Three [masked] institutions for physical therapy and rehabilitation. Participants: Patients with PD, MS and stroke seen for rehabilitation. Main outcome measures: Functional scales were applied to investigate balance, disability, daily performance, self-confidence with balance, and social integration. Patients were followed for 6 months. Telephone interviews were organized at 2, 4 and 6 months to record falls and fall-related injuries. Incidence ratios, Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox proportional hazards models were used. Results: 299 patients (MS 111, PD and stroke 94 each) were enrolled and 259 had complete follow-up. One hundred and twenty-two (47.1%) fell at least once; 82 (31.7%) were recurrent fallers, 44 (17.0%) suffered injuries; 16%, 32% and 40% fell at 2, 4 and 6 months. Risk of falls was associated with disease type (PD, MS and stroke in decreasing order) and confidence with balance (ABC scale). Recurrent fallers were 7%, 15% and 24% at 2, 4 and 6 months. The risk of recurrent falls was associated with disease type, high educational level and the ABC score. Injured fallers were 3%, 8% and 12% at 2, 4 and 6 months. The only predictor of falls with injuries was disease type (PD). Conclusions: PD, MS and stroke carry a high risk of falls. Other predictors include perceived balance confidence and high educational level.
In people with Multiple Sclerosis (pwMS) with little or no signs of disability, early detection of walking impairments represents a challenging issue, as simple gait metrics (e.g. speed, cadence, stride length, etc.) may not significantly differ from those of healthy individuals. In this study, we aimed to assess the existence of possible differences in spatial-temporal parameters and smoothness of gait measures (assessed through Harmonic Ratio, HR) obtained from trunk accelerations between 50 pwMS without disability (Expanded Disability Status Scale score =1) and 50 age-matched healthy controls. The results show no differences in terms of gait velocity, stride length, stance/swing and double support phases duration, while HR in the direction of motion was significantly lower in pwMS (2.92 vs. 3.67, p < 0.001), thus indicating a less smooth gait. The study of trunk accelerations through calculation of HR represents a fast, non-intrusive technique that allows early identification of anomalies in gait patterns of pwMS in absence of disability.
Abstract OBJECTIVES: To analyze the feasibility and efficacy of a novel system (Gamepad [GAMing Experience in PArkinson's Disease]) for biofeedback rehabilitation of balance and gait in Parkinson disease (PD). DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING: Clinical rehabilitation gym. PARTICIPANTS: Subjects with PD (N=42) were randomized into experimental and physiotherapy without biofeedback groups. INTERVENTIONS: Both groups underwent 20 sessions of training for balance and gait. The experimental group performed tailored functional tasks using Gamepad. The system, based on wearable inertial sensors, provided users with real-time visual and acoustic feedback about their movement during the exercises. The physiotherapy group underwent individually structured physiotherapy without feedback. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Assessments were performed by a blinded examiner preintervention, postintervention, and at 1-month follow-up. Primary outcomes were the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and 10-m walk test (10MWT). Secondary outcomes included instrumental stabilometric indexes and the Tele-healthcare Satisfaction Questionnaire. RESULTS: Gamepad was well accepted by participants. Statistically significant between-group differences in BBS scores suggested better balance performances of the experimental group compared with the physiotherapy without biofeedback group both posttraining (experimental group-physiotherapy without biofeedback group: mean, 2.3±3.4 points; P=.047) and at follow-up (experimental group-physiotherapy without biofeedback group: mean, 2.7±3.3 points; P=.018). Posttraining stabilometric indexes showed that mediolateral body sway during upright stance was significantly reduced in the experimental group compared with the physiotherapy without biofeedback group (experimental group-physiotherapy without biofeedback group: -1.6±1.5mm; P=.003). No significant between-group differences were found in the other outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Gamepad-based training was feasible and superior to physiotherapy without feedback in improving BBS performance and retaining it for 1 month. After training, 10MWT data were comparable between groups. Further development of the system is warranted to allow the autonomous use of Gamepad outside clinical settings, to enhance gait improvements, and to increase transfer of training effects to real-life contexts.