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Stand basal area and solar radiation amplify white spruce climate sensitivity in interior Alaska: Evidence from carbon isotopes and tree rings



The negative growth response of North American boreal forest trees to warm summers is well documented and the constraint of competition on tree growth widely reported, but the potential interaction between climate and competition in the boreal forest is not well studied. Because competition may amplify or mute tree climate‐growth responses, understanding the role current forest structure plays in tree growth responses to climate is critical in assessing and managing future forest productivity in a warming climate. Using white spruce tree ring and carbon isotope data from a long‐term vegetation monitoring program in Denali National Park and Preserve we investigated the hypotheses that 1) competition and site moisture characteristics mediate white spruce radial growth response to climate and 2) moisture limitation is the mechanism for reduced growth. We further examined the impact of large reproductive events (mast years) on white spruce radial growth and stomatal regulation. We found that competition and site moisture characteristics mediated white spruce climate‐growth response. The negative radial growth response to warm and dry early‐ to mid‐summer and dry late‐summer conditions intensified in high competition stands and in areas receiving high potential solar radiation. Discrimination against ¹³C was reduced in warm, dry summers and further diminished on south‐facing hillslopes and in high competition stands, but was unaffected by climate in open floodplain stands, supporting the hypothesis that competition for moisture limits growth. Finally, during mast years, we found a shift in current year's carbon resources from radial growth to reproduction, reduced ¹³C discrimination, and increased intrinsic water use efficiency. Our findings highlight the importance of temporally variable and confounded factors, such as forest structure and climate, on the observed climate‐growth response of white spruce. Thus, white spruce growth trends and productivity in a warming climate will likely depend on landscape position and current forest structure. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Stand basal area and solar radiation amplify white spruce
climate sensitivity in interior Alaska: Evidence from carbon
isotopes and tree rings
Elizabeth Fleur Nicklen
Carl A. Roland
Adam Z. Csank
Martin Wilmking
Roger W. Ruess
Laurel Ann Muldoon
Central Alaska Network, National Park
Service, Fairbanks, Alaska
Department of Biology and Wildlife,
Institute of Arctic Biology, University of
Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska
Denali National Park and Preserve,
Fairbanks, Alaska
Department of Geography, University of
Nevada Reno, Reno, Nevada
Institute of Botany and Landscape
Ecology, ErnstMoritzArndt University
Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
Department of Environmental Geography,
Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario,
Elizabeth Fleur Nicklen, Central Alaska
Network, National Park Service, Fairbanks,
Funding information
National Park Service
The negative growth response of North American boreal forest trees to warm sum-
mers is well documented and the constraint of competition on tree growth widely
reported, but the potential interaction between climate and competition in the bor-
eal forest is not well studied. Because competition may amplify or mute tree cli-
mategrowth responses, understanding the role current forest structure plays in tree
growth responses to climate is critical in assessing and managing future forest pro-
ductivity in a warming climate. Using white spruce tree ring and carbon isotope data
from a longterm vegetation monitoring program in Denali National Park and Pre-
serve, we investigated the hypotheses that (a) competition and site moisture charac-
teristics mediate white spruce radial growth response to climate and (b) moisture
limitation is the mechanism for reduced growth. We further examined the impact of
large reproductive events (mast years) on white spruce radial growth and stomatal
regulation. We found that competition and site moisture characteristics mediated
white spruce climategrowth response. The negative radial growth response to
warm and dry earlyto midsummer and dry late summer conditions intensified in
high competition stands and in areas receiving high potential solar radiation. Dis-
crimination against
C was reduced in warm, dry summers and further diminished
on southfacing hillslopes and in high competition stands, but was unaffected by cli-
mate in open floodplain stands, supporting the hypothesis that competition for
moisture limits growth. Finally, during mast years, we found a shift in current year's
carbon resources from radial growth to reproduction, reduced
C discrimination,
and increased intrinsic wateruse efficiency. Our findings highlight the importance of
temporally variable and confounded factors, such as forest structure and climate, on
the observed climategrowth response of white spruce. Thus, white spruce growth
trends and productivity in a warming climate will likely depend on landscape posi-
tion and current forest structure.
boreal forest, carbon isotopes, climate change, climategrowth response, competition,
dendroecology, Picea glauca
Published 2018. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA
Received: 1 June 2018
Accepted: 18 October 2018
DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14511
Glob Change Biol. 2018;116.
Forest structure and demography are changing with a warming cli-
mate. Widespread increases in tree mortality have occurred in the
western United States (van Mantgem et al., 2009) and Canada (Luo
& Chen, 2015; Peng et al., 2011; Zhang, Huang, & He, 2015), reduc-
ing stand basal area and shifting stand age. Changing disturbance
regimes associated with climate warming further alter forest struc-
ture and demography (Barrett, McGuire, Hoy, & Kasischke, 2011;
Johnstone, Hollingsworth, Chapin, & Mack, 2010). Forest structure
and demography are a product of, and feed back to tree growth,
death, and recruitment rates. In particular, competition is known to
have large, effects on tree growth, recruitment, and mortality
(Aakala, Fraver, D'Amato, & Palik, 2013; Alam et al., 2017; Coomes
& Allen, 2007; Cortini, Comeau, & Bokalo, 2012; FernándezdeUña,
Cañellas, & GeaIzquierdo, 2015; Trugman, Medvigy, Anderegg, &
Pacala, 2017; Zhang et al., 2015). Nonetheless, competition is fre-
quently not considered in tree climategrowth analyses, though it
has been getting more attention recently in a variety of forest types
around the world (Alam et al., 2017; Cortini et al., 2012; Fernández
deUña et al., 2015; FernándezdeUña, McDowell, Cañellas, & Gea
Izquierdo, 2016; Piutti & Cescatti, 1997; RuizBenito et al., 2014)
including in the boreal forest in interior (Trugman et al., 2017) and
southwest Alaska (Wright, Sherriff, Miller, & Wilson, 2018). Studies
of productivity in mature stands in boreal forests have found nega-
tive growth responses to warm summer temperatures (Angert et al.,
2005; Barber, Juday, & Finney, 2000; Beck et al., 2011; Bunn &
Goetz, 2006; Girardin et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2010; Jiang et al.,
2016; Juday & Alix, 2012; Juday, Alix, & Grant, 2015; Lloyd, Duffy,
& Mann, 2013; Sullivan, Pattison, Brownlee, Cahoon, & Hollings-
worth, 2017; Walker & Johnstone, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015), though
these climategrowth responses can be variable within (Wilmking,
Juday, Barber, & Zald, 2004; Wilmking, Juday, Terwilliger, & Barber,
2006) or across site physical (Nicklen, Roland, Ruess, Schmidt, &
Lloyd, 2016), vegetative (Bunn & Goetz, 2006), and regional (Hell-
mann et al., 2016; Lloyd & Bunn, 2007) conditions.
Though the negative growth response of nontreeline boreal
spruce forests to warm growing seasons is well documented (Barber
et al., 2000; Juday & Alix, 2012) and the strong negative effect of
competition on tree growth is known, the likely interactive effect of
competition on climategrowth responses is poorly studied. The
potential interactive effect of competition and climate may confound
our understanding of climategrowth responses (e.g., negative growth
responses attributed to climate may be partially related to stand
competition levels), but if quantified, may elucidate unexplained vari-
ability in climategrowth response within and across boreal forest
stands. The potential interactive effect between competition and cli-
mate may result in unexpectedly amplified or muted growth
responses to climate affecting the future structure and demography
of the boreal forest. This gap in our understanding of boreal forest
climategrowth relationships is of particular concern for two reasons.
First, the climate is warming at a faster rate in high latitude forests
compared to lower latitude forests (Hinzman et al., 2005; IPCC,
2014) and the unknown interaction of this warming with tree
growth presents greater uncertainly about future boreal forest struc-
ture and function. Second, the boreal forest represents nearly a third
of the world's forests (Kuusela, 1990) and 22% of the carbon storage
on Earth's land surface (IPCC, 2014). Thus, the growth response of
trees in the boreal forest to climate change will greatly affect the
future footprint of the boreal biome, carbon dynamics (Chapin et al.,
2009; Cox, Betts, Jones, Spall, & Totterdell, 2000; Koven, 2013; Sha-
ver, Billings, Chapin, Giblin, & Nadelhoffer, 1992), and albedo (Betts
& Ball, 1997; Bonan, 2008; Euskirchen, McGuire, Rupp, Chapin, &
Walsh, 2009) and influence habitat for flora and fauna over large
White spruce (Picea glauca) is vulnerable to decreased water
availability (Barber et al., 2000; McGuire et al., 2010; Yarie & Van
Cleve, 2010; Yarie, Cleve, & Schlentner, 1990). Thus, white spruce in
high basal area stands, where competition for water may be
increased, could suffer exacerbated drought stress during warm, dry
growing seasons relative to spruce in more open stands with less
competition. Indeed, white spruce growth response to climate in
western Canada was reduced when growing in stands with high
aspen basal area (Cortini et al., 2012). Similarly, the correlation
between growth and temperature for European beech changed from
positive to negative as competition increased (Piutti & Cescatti,
1997). In central Canada, climate enhanced conspecific competition
increased mortality in Pinus banksiana and Populus tremuloides (Luo &
Chen, 2015). There is some evidence for similar climatecompetition
interactions for white spruce in interior Alaska: Growth was nega-
tively correlated with soil moisture deficit in unthinned, but not
thinned stands (Yarie et al., 1990) and more positively associated
with precipitation in mature forests than in open treeline stands
(Ohse, Jansen, & Wilmking, 2012).
Stable carbon isotopic ratios in tree rings record the balance
between stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate (Farquhar,
O'Leary, & Berry, 1982; Francey & Farquhar, 1982) providing annu-
ally resolved information about physiological responses to environ-
mental conditions (McCarroll & Loader, 2004). Thus, environmental
conditions that influence stomatal conductance (soil water availabil-
ity, vapor pressure deficit) and photosynthesis (air temperature,
nutrient availability, irradiance) will also be recorded in the isotopic
ratios of tree rings. During photosynthesis, ribulose1,5biphosphate
carboxylase/oxygenase discriminates against the heavier
C in favor
C contributing to a lower
C ratio (δ
C) in the leaves
and wood of trees than in the atmosphere (Farquhar et al., 1982).
When drought stressed, trees limit water loss from transpiration by
closing stomata, which also limits the atmospheric CO
available for
photosynthesis, forcing increased assimilation of
C during carboxy-
lation and leading to greater intrinsic wateruse efficiency (iWUE).
Carbohydrates produced under drought stress conditions have a
higher δ
C value reflecting less
C discrimination (Δ
C) and higher
iWUE. This drought stress signature is preserved within the annual
growth rings of trees. Arctic treeline white spruce stomatal closure
has been observed in response to high vapor pressure deficit and is
exacerbated by limited soil water availability (Sullivan &
Sveinbjörnsson, 2011). In Alaska and western Canada, white spruce
carbon isotopic ratios are also correlated with temperature (Barber
et al., 2000; Csank, Miller, Sherriff, Berg, & Welker, 2016; Holzkäm-
per, Tillman, Kuhry, & Esper, 2012; Porter, Pisaric, Kokelj, &
Edwards, 2009) and relative humidity (Porter et al., 2009).
In this study, we investigate potential interactive effects of com-
petition as well as site moisture characteristics with climate on white
spruce radial growth and stomatal regulation. Using tree ring and
carbon isotope data from a longterm vegetation monitoring program
in Denali National Park and Preserve (see Roland, Schmidt, & Nick-
len, 2013), we address the hypotheses that (a) white spruce growth
response to climate can be mediated by stand competition and site
moisture characteristics and (b) moisture limitation is the mechanism
for reduced growth in warm, dry years. If competition does mediate
climategrowth responses, we expect radial growth will have a less
positive or more negative response to warm, dry growing seasons in
high competition stands compared with radial growth in open stands.
If competition for water (as opposed to nutrients or light) is driving
the reduction in radial growth, we expect reduced ring growth and
C discrimination (and increased iWUE) during warm, dry
growing seasons in dry vs. moist sites and in high vs. low competi-
tion stands. If competition for nutrients or light limits growth rather
than competition for water, photosynthesis may be reduced relative
to stomatal conductance, and we expect reduced radial growth in
high BA sites in concert with either no change in or increased Δ
(and decreased iWUE).
Study area
The 1.28 million ha study area is situated in southcentral interior
Alaska within Denali National Park and Preserve (DNPP), almost
entirely on the north side of the Alaska Range within DNPP (center
near 63°41N, 150°25W; see Roland et al., 2013). The area includes
steep Alaska Range hillslopes >2,400 m elevation, foothill ranges,
and extensive lowland basins. Permafrost is continuous to discontin-
uous in the lowland basins and discontinuous to sporadic in the
Alaska Range (Clark & Duffy, 2006). The study area experiences a
continental climate with very cold, dry winters and short, warm sum-
mers. Temperature and precipitation are variable across the study
area, which spans two climate regions (Bieniek et al., 2012). Mean
January temperatures are ~22°C in the lowland basins in the NW
end of the park and ~12°C in the Alaska Range. Mean July temper-
atures are ~16°C in the basins and ~8°C in the Alaska Range (1971
2000 monthly PRISM averages; Daly, 2009). Annual precipitation
sums range from less than 400 mm in the lowlands to over
1,000 mm in the mountains (19712000 monthly PRISM averages;
Daly, 2009), with the majority falling in June through August (Sou-
sanes, 2008). Fire return intervals in the most fireprone area of the
park, the NW lowland basin, are around 200300 years (Kasischke,
Williams, & Barry, 2002). Fires are much less frequent at higher ele-
Six tree species occur in our study area: white spruce (Picea
glauca), black spruce (Picea mariana), Alaska birch (Betula neoalas-
kana), trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides), balsam poplar (Populus
balsamifera), and tamarack (Larix laricina; Roland et al., 2013). Of
these, white and black spruce are by far the most frequent and
abundant trees in the study area. White spruce occupies 32% of
plots in the study area with a mean basal area (BA) for occupied
plots of 6.0 m
/ha and occurs in a wide range of topographic posi-
tions, including being the most common treeline species in DNPP
(Roland et al., 2013). The highest BA white spruce stands occur on
warm, welldrained southexposed midelevation slopes, in per-
mafrostfree terrain. Black spruce occurs in 27% of plots with a
mean BA of 1.0 m
/ha for occupied plots and is generally restricted
to the lowland basins and hills in DNPP primarily in areas affected
by permafrost (Roland et al., 2013). The remaining four tree species
each occur in 13% or fewer plots in the study area and are relative
habitat specialists (Roland et al., 2013). Alaska birch and trembling
aspen are strongly associated with burned areas, where aspen occurs
in the warmest and driest sites. Balsam poplar is primarily found
along rivers and in gravelly soils, and tamarack is found within a sub-
set of black spruce habitat, generally in wet areas.
Study design
As a part of the National Park Service's inventory and monitoring
program, a systematic sampling grid was established across the study
area (Roland et al., 2013; Roland, Oakley, Debevec, & Loomis, 2004).
Grid spacing was 20km, but with 10km spacing within 6 km of the
one park road (Figure 1). At each grid, intersection was a minigrid
consisting of five rows of five plots spaced 500 m apart. Each of the
25 points within a minigridentailed a circular 16 m diameter plot
and an outer metaplot extending another 10 m in radius.
At each plot, we measured a suite of topographic, edaphic, and
vegetative variables (details in Roland et al., 2004, 2013). In addition
to slope angle, elevation, and aspect, we recorded the diameter of
each tree species at 1.37 m above ground level (DBH) within the
plot and calculated plot basal area (BA; m
/ha). We used point inter-
cept transects to estimate percent tall shrub cover. At four cardinal
directions within the metaplot, we dug soil pits where, in addition
to collecting soil for physical and chemical analysis, we measured the
depth of the living mat and the soil organic layer (SOL) and recorded
soil temperature at 10 cm below soil surface. We classified plots as
either having growing season shallow frozen soil (GsSFS) or not. A
plot was considered to have frozen soil during the growing season if
the average of 16 soil depths measured within each plot using a
130cm soil probe was less than 50 cm and we found ice in at least
one of the four soil pits or if the four soil temperatures taken at the
plot were all <1°C. Otherwise, the plot was classified as free of near
surface frozen soil during the growing season. We obtained potential
solar radiation receipts for each of our plot locations using the Solar
Analyst tool in ArcGIS 10.0 (Dubayah & Rich, 1995), which incorpo-
rates slope angle, aspect, latitude, sun angle, and surrounding land-
scape (based on the United States Geological Survey 60m digital
elevation model from the National Elevation Dataset) into monthly
radiation value estimates (Rich et al., 1994). We summed the
monthly values into one potential solar radiation estimate per plot.
We assigned each plot one of five lithology categories (bedrock, allu-
vium, drift, Nenana gravels, and eolian) based on the Denali Soil
Map (Clark & Duffy, 2006). Sampling occurred between 2003 and
2010 during the months of June, July, and August.
Tree sampling
Of the 43 minigrids and 1,107 plots sampled, we cored and cross
dated 357 white spruce trees 10,347 growth rings) from a total of
26 minigrids and 160 plots. We cored the largest tree within each
of the four quadrants of the metaplot, though often there were
fewer than four trees to core or the trees were too small to core
(<5 cm at 1.37 m from ground surface; see Supporting Information
Figure S2 for size bias in cored trees). Many of the plots contained
no trees as they were above treeline, too wet or too recently dis-
turbed. We extracted penetrating cores whenever possible and
cored as low to the ground as possible while avoiding bole
deformities. Dried, mounted, and sanded cores were measured to
the nearest 0.001 mm and crossdated (see Nicklen et al., 2016).
Dating was validated with COFECHA and the Dendrochronology
Program Library in R (dplR, Bunn, 2008; Bunn & Korpela, 2016). We
averaged replicate rings widths from individual trees by year. We
used ring widths and tree radius to calculate basal area increment
(BAI), an estimate of the area of wood produced by each tree in
each year of growth (Nicklen et al., 2016). Because we were inter-
ested in the effect of biotic variables on growth, and biotic variables
(moss depth, stand basal area) change over time, we limited our ring
width sample to within 30 years of the sampling date as a balance
between sample size and changing site conditions. The earliest years
considered in our sample ranged from 1974 to 1981.
We selected six trees from each of two minigrids for additional
carbon isotope analysis (Figure 1). To target our interest in competi-
tion and drought stress, we selected trees and minigrids based on
(a) capturing a large gradient in tree BA across the plots (competition
proxy), (b) one minigrid was to be located in a floodplain and the
other on a southfacing hillslope, and (c) other variables such as tree
age and size, elevation, and general minigrid location were to be
FIGURE 1 Map showing the location of sampled white spruce from minigrids in the Denali National Park and Preserve study area
kept as similar as possible, such that BA and site moisture were the
focal covariates (Figure 1; Supporting Information Table S1). All
selected trees were cored in 2009 or 2010, and Δ
C analysis was
conducted on each ring with sufficient wood going back to 1980.
Each ring was sampled using a Foredom Flexshaft Drill (Foredom
Electric Company, Bethel, CT, USA) fixed in place under a micro-
scope. Samples were subsequently processed to ɑcellulose using
the modified version of the Brendel, Iannetta, and Stewart (2000)
method recommended by Anchukaitis et al. (2008). Samples were
weighed into tin capsules and analyzed for δ
C using a Delta V
Advantage with EA in the Organic Biogeochemistry Laboratory at
the University of Notre Dame. The combustion reactor was run at
1,000°C, reduction reactor at 650°C, with the column at 65°C. Each
run took 450 s with three reference gas peaks run at the beginning
and end of the run (N2 at the beginning and CO
at the end). The
ran with a 75% dilution. Analytical precision was 0.2. Carbon
isotope discrimination (Δ
C) was calculated as:
Δ13C¼δ13 Caδ13Ctree
1þδ13Ctree =1000
Annual estimates of δ
are the δ
C value of atmospheric
obtained from flask data collected at Point Barrow station for
the years 1982 to 2009 (Keeling et al., 2001) and from McCarroll
and Loader (2004) for 1980 and 1981. δ
is the value of δ
measured from treering cellulose for a given year. We calculated
intrinsic wateruse efficiency (iWUE) using two equations, from Far-
quhar et al. (1982):
Δ13C¼aþðbaÞ Ci
where ais the fractionation of
relative to
during diffu-
sion (4.4), bis the biochemical fractionation during photosynthesis
(27), and c
is the ratio of CO
inside the leaf to CO
in the
atmosphere. Solving for c
and using the ratio of diffusivities of
water vapor and c
, we calculate iWUE (Farquhar, Hubick, Condon,
& Richards, 1989):
Model covariates
We focused on site and tree variables expected to represent or
influence competition and moisture availability, but additionally
TABLE 1 Characteristics of covariates used in models of white spruce radial growth for the entire DNPP sample (for characteristics of
subset trees used in δ
C analysis, see Supporting Information Table S1)
Variable Mean SD Min Max
Competition factors Climate interaction tested?
Conifer basal area (m
/ha) 11.0 11.9 0 66 Yes
Broadleaf basal area (m
/ha) 3.2 6.9 0 35 No
Shrub cover above 1.5 m (%) 17.3 22.8 0 88 Yes
Drought stress/site moisture factors
Slope angle (degrees) 9.0 7.8 1 36 Yes
Potential solar radiation (KWH/m
) 680.4 66.0 486 839 Yes
Live mat depth (cm) 4.2 3.3 0 21 Yes
Soil organic mat (SOL; cm) 14.0 7.6 1 30 Yes
Tree size (DBH, cm) 22.7 9.7 5 54 Yes
Factors known to influence P. glauca growth in DNPP
Lithology (five classes) NA NA NA NA No
Growing season shallow frozen soil (GsSFS; binary) NA NA NA NA No
Spruce mast year (binary) NA NA NA NA No
Minimum age at time of coring 116 57.4 20 343 No
Climate factors Prev. and/or current year?
Precip/snow OctApr (mm) 182.9 67.8 57 430 Current
(hPa) 5.5 1.1 2.3 10.1 Current
Precip. May (mm) 26.2 12.3 6 64 Current
VPD JunJul
(hPa) 6.6 1.4 2.3 11.8 Previous & current
Precip. JunJul (mm) 152.6 58.7 51 419 Previous & current
(hPa) 4.0 1.2 1.1 8.9 Previous
Precip. Aug (mm) 76.5 27.8 20 172 Previous
Notes. Whether the site or tree covariate's interactive effect with climate was tested is indicated as well as whether the climate variable used was for
the year current with and/or previous to the year of ring formation.
Solar radiation units are sum of kilowatt hours per square meter.
Quadratic terms evaluated in competing models.
included variables known to influence white spruce growth in DNPP
(Table 1). Conifer BA was our primary metric of competition.
Although BA is a measure of stand productivity, it has also been suc-
cessfully used as a measure of plot crowding as it integrates both
stand density and tree size (Martin & Ek, 1984; Trugman et al.,
2017). We focused on within conifer competition for two reasons.
First, competition within species or among congeners (e.g., Picea
glauca and Picea mariana) is expected to be more intense than inter-
specific competition as different species or functional groups differ
in resource use and phenology (Man & Lieffers, 1999). Second, there
was considerably more conifer basal area across our study than
broadleaf basal area (Table 1, Roland et al., 2013) making this data-
set unsuitable for testing white sprucebroadleaf competition. We
did include broadleaf basal area as a main effect to account for
those few areas where there was high broadleaf BA. We included
individual tree DBH both as a measure of tree relative dominance
and as a potential variable in drought stress susceptibility, as larger
trees can be more sensitive to drought than smaller trees (Bennett,
Mcdowell, Allen, & AndersonTeixeira, 2015). We assessed tall shrub
cover as a possible competition factor as tall shrubs have been
found to negatively affect white spruce growth (Cortini & Comeau,
2008). We evaluated plot slope angle and potential solar radiation
estimates as site variables that may influence site moisture balance
and tested depth of living mat and SOL as variables likely to influ-
ence soil moisture availability and climategrowth responses (Droby-
shev, Simard, Bergeron, & Hofgaard, 2010; Gewehr, Drobyshev,
Berninger, & Bergeron, 2014). Finally, we considered several vari-
ables known to influence white spruce growth in DNPP as main
effects only: ring age (ring count), lithology type, and the presence
or absence of growing season shallow frozen soil (Nicklen et al.,
2016). We modeled ring age as a cubic function to account for
growth trends related to age (Nicklen et al., 2016). We also included
a binary variable to indicate mast seeding years in spruce as mast
years are strongly associated with reduced radial growth of that year
(Juday, Barber, Rupp, Zasada, & Wilmking, 2003). Mast data were
based on records from interior Alaska (Juday et al., 2003; Roland,
Schmidt, & Johnstone, 2014).
We considered the following climate variables: mean vapor pres-
sure deficit (VPD) from JuneJuly and August of the previous grow-
ing season and from May and JuneJuly of the current growing
season (Table 2). We also considered precipitation sums from the
same time periods, as well as from the winter season (OctoberApril)
prior to ring formation. These data are downscaled and spatially
interpolated climate data provided by Scenarios Network for Alaska
and Arctic Planning (SNAP 2014; Retrieved in 2014 from https://; temperature and vapor
pressure from CRU TS 3.1, precipitation from CRU TS3.1.01) for the
years 19742009. The climate data are estimates of historical
monthly climatic variables for any given locale in Alaska at 1km res-
olution. SNAP downscaled monthly climate data for Alaska to a finer
grid resolution using PRISM (Parameterelevation Relationships on
Independent Slopes Model) which integrates location, elevation,
coastal proximity, topographic variables, vertical atmospheric layer,
and orographic effectiveness of the terrain (Daly et al., 2008). For
each plot and each year for which we had treering data within
19742009, we extracted the monthly mean vapor pressure (hPa),
temperature (°C), and precipitation sum (mm). We used the tempera-
ture data (Temp) to calculate mean monthly saturated vapor pressure
(SVP) in hectoPascals (hPa) from Murray (1967):
SVP ¼610:710ð7:5TempÞ=ð237:3þTempÞ=100
We then subtracted the mean monthly vapor pressure (VAP)
value to obtain mean monthly vapor pressure deficit (VPD = SVP
VAP). Nonlinear climategrowth relationships have been found for
white spruce (D'Arrigo et al., 2004; Lloyd et al., 2013; Nicklen et al.,
2016; Sullivan et al., 2017; Wilmking et al., 2004); thus, we included
nonlinear (quadratic) VPD terms (Table 2). As gridded precipitation
data can be imprecise (McAfee et al., 2014), we included only linear
TABLE 2 Standardized coefficient estimates for significant
relationships between logtransformed white spruce BAI and
covariates in final selected model
Covariates and interactions Estimate
Intercept 5.799 5.740 5.858
Age proxy 0.126 0.155 0.096
Age proxy
0.043 0.060 0.026
Age proxy
0.017 0.011 0.023
Broadleaf BA 0.047 0.007 0.086
DBH 0.224 0.188 0.260
Plot slope 0.037 0.072 0.001
Potential solar radiation 0.039 0.067 0.010
LiveMat_cm 0.058 0.086 0.031
Eolian lithology 0.332 0.185 0.478
Mast Yr 0.088 0.101 0.074
Precip/snow current OctApr 0.030 0.036 0.024
VPD current May 0.015 0.022 0.009
VPD current May
0.016 0.012 0.019
VPD current JunJul 0.017 0.008 0.027
VPD current JunJul
0.014 0.018 0.010
VPD previous JunJul 0.071 0.081 0.061
VPD previous JunJul
0.021 0.016 0.025
Precip previous JunJul 0.010 0.004 0.016
Precip previous Aug 0.028 0.022 0.033
VPD cur. May ×solar rad. 0.013 0.021 0.006
VPD cur. May
×solar rad. 0.005 0.009 0.001
Precip. cur. May ×solar rad. 0.009 0.004 0.014
Precip. prev. Aug ×solar rad. 0.008 0.013 0.003
Conifer BA ×VPD prev. JunJul 0.011 0.019 0.004
Conifer BA ×precip prev. Aug 0.010 0.005 0.016
Note. Covariates were scaled to have a mean of zero and a standard
deviation of 1; thus, effects are relative. The marginal and conditional R
for the model were 0.15 and 0.92, respectively. N= 357 trees and
10,347 growth rings.
precipitationgrowth relationships to minimize detecting spurious
precipitationgrowth relationships.
Modeling climatecompetition effects on
white spruce radial growth (full DNPP tree sample)
We used linear mixedeffects models to quantify the effect of com-
petitionclimate and site moistureclimate interactions on the BAI
of white spruce. We logtransformed BAI and standardized continu-
ous model covariates to have a mean of zero and a standard devia-
tion of one. Thus, model coefficients were standardized and
comparable. Because of the complexity of variables involved, we
used a threestage approach to model development. In the first
stage, we established a basemodel by comparing models with
the essential factors contributing to radial growth (ring age, tree
size, reproductive effort, climate variables, and competition effects)
and then tested whether the inclusion of climatecompetition inter-
actions improved model fit. Thus, we tested models with different
ring age curves and iteratively included mast year, tree DBH, cli-
mate variables, conifer and broadleaf BA, and conifer BA in two
way interactions with climate variables. The model with the lowest
AICc was selected as the best base 1model; it included a cubic
ring age term, mast year, DBH, climate variables, broadleaf BA, and
climateconifer BA interactions (Supporting Information Table S2).
The base 1model also contained two random effects: (a) mini
grid ID to account for spatial nonindependence of plots and (b) an
individualspecific autoregressive (AR1) term to account for tempo-
ral autocorrelation and differences among individual trees. In the
second stage of model selection, we tested our hypothesis that
model fit would be improved by adding climate interactions with
site factors associated with drought stress as well as adding main
effects known to influence white spruce growth in DNPP (Table 1).
Thus, we tested whether including climate interactions with tree
DBH, percent tall shrub cover, plot slope angle, potential solar radi-
ation, living mat depth, or SOL improved the base 1model. We
tested a set of 88 competing models (Table 1, Supporting Informa-
tion Table S2). For model simplicity, we limited the number of
terms interacting with climate to two in a single model, one of
which was always conifer BA, and we excluded quadratic terms
from interactions with the aim of maintaining a sample size of
approximately 10 sampled trees per model covariate. We found the
addition of climate interactions with potential solar radiation, per-
cent shrub cover, tree DBH, living mat depth, and SOL all
improved the base model of BAI (lowered AICc); however, the
addition of potential solar radiationclimate interactions produced
the greatest reduction in AICc (Supporting Information Table S2).
Thus, we selected potential solar radiation as the second variable
(after conifer BA) to interact with climate terms. In stages 1 and 2,
we used the full suite climate variables, while in stage 3 we
assessed which of the climate variables and interactions should be
in the final model. We compared 50 models with different combi-
nations of climate variables interacted with conifer BA and
potential solar radiation (Supporting Information Table S3). We also
tested including some quadratic terms in the interaction terms. The
final selected model was the most parsimonious model with an
AICc value within two points of the lowest AICc value (Supporting
Information Table S3).
Relationship among climatecompetition
effects, site, Δ
C, iWUE, and radial growth in a
subset of the DNPP tree sample
Our goals in the analyses of a subset of trees selected from a
floodplain and southfacing hillslope were to (a) model the rela-
tionship of Δ
C and iWUE in tree rings to mean JuneJuly VPD,
conifer BA, and site location (floodplain vs. hillslope), (b) determine
whether radial growth response to climate and competition in
these selected trees was similar to the overall sample, and (c)
examine the relationship between radial growth and possible
drought stress signals (Δ
C and iWUE). We began by modeling
C and iWUE as a function of mean JuneJuly VPD interacted
with conifer BA and site. We included tree ID as a random effect.
The iWUE model additionally included a term to account for the
linear increase in iWUE over time. We then fit the same model
to logtransformed BAI averaged over two years. We chose the
mean of BAI concurrent with and following the current growing
season year as radial growth is often related to conditions in both
the current and previous growing seasons. Finally, we modeled
the twoyear BAI average as a function of Δ
C interacted with
conifer BA and site and separately as a function of iWUE inter-
acted with conifer BA and site. The models of BAI included a
treespecific autoregressive (AR1) term to account for temporal
autocorrelation and differences among trees. Tree age can signifi-
cantly affect both growth rates as well as δ
C values (McCarroll
& Loader, 2004; Sullivan et al., 2017). For this reason, we tested
including ring age in each of the models (Supporting Information
Table S4). Continuous model covariates were standardized to have
a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. Thus, model
coefficients were standardized and comparable.
We fit all mixedeffects models using the lme4 package (Bates,
Maechler, Bolker, & Walker, 2015, version 1.114) in program R(R
Core Team, 2017, version 3.4.2). The correlation coefficients among
model covariates were all between 0.6 and 0.6 (Supporting Infor-
mation Figure S3). Residuals from each selected model were
assessed for violations of normality, homoscedasticity, and temporal
autocorrelation using the DHARMa package in R(Hartig, 2018).
Residuals from models conformed to all model assumptions, save
those from the full dataset BAI model, which showed some depar-
ture from normality (Supporting Information Figure S4). Variables in
the selected models were considered interpretable if the 95% confi-
dence intervals (estimate ± 1.96 ×SE of estimate) around the esti-
mate did not overlap zero or were not within 0.001 of zero. AICc
values and conditional and marginal R
values were calculated with
the MultiModel Inference package (Bartoń, 2017, version 1.40.0).
Climatecompetition effects on white spruce
radial growth (full DNPP tree sample)
The addition of climatecompetition interaction variables to the base
climate model significantly improved model fit as measured by AICc
(Supporting Information Table S2). The inclusion of climate interac-
tions with potential solar radiation, percent shrub cover, tree DBH,
living mat depth, and SOL all improved the base model of BAI, but
potential solar radiationclimate interactions produced the greatest
reduction in AICc (Supporting Information Table S2). Thus, in the
final model we selected potential solar radiation as the second vari-
able (after conifer BA) to interact with climate terms. The estimated
effects of covariates included in the final model on BAI are described
The estimated mean white spruce BAI from the final selected
model, for the period of observation, 19741980 to 20032009,
was 330 mm
/year. Living mat depth, potential solar radiation, and
plot slope angle were negatively related to annual radial growth
(Table 2). Thus, an increase of +2SD above the mean for each value
would be expected to reduce annual BAI by 11%, 8%, and 7%,
respectively. Additionally, radial growth was reduced by an estimated
8% in mast years relative to nonmast years. Radial growth was simi-
lar across lithology types except for eolian soils (loess), which were
associated with high radial growth. Unsurprisingly, tree DBH was
positively associated with radial growth. Plot conifer BA alone had
no overall influence on radial growth (but see interactive effects
below), while broadleaf BA +2SD above average was associated with
an estimated 10% increase in white spruce annual radial growth
(Table 2).
Without considering interactive effects, the climate conditions
associated with the highest estimated BAI were low mean VPD val-
ues in JuneJuly in the year prior to ring growth, followed by wet
prioryear August conditions and low winter precipitation, low or
high mean May VPD, and current JuneJuly VPDs near or slightly
above average. Only winter precipitation and mean JuneJuly VPD
FIGURE 2 Estimated white spruce
annual basal area increment (BAI, mm
year) as a function of live conifer basal
area and previous year precipitation sum in
August (a) and mean vapor pressure deficit
in JuneJuly (VPD; b) as well as a function
of potential solar radiation and current
May precipitation sums (c), and mean May
vapor pressure deficit (d). Solar radiation,
live conifer basal area, and climate values
span the range observed within the
sample. Model covariates not shown were
held at mean values and a nonmast year is
in year of ring formation showed no interactive effects with conifer
BA or solar radiation. Estimated BAI decreased with increasing win-
ter precipitation (Table 2). It may be that high snow cover is related
to shorter growing seasons or growing seasons shifted to later in the
spring/summer when drought stress is greater. Growth response to
current and previous JuneJuly VPD was nonlinear. White spruce
BAI was predicted to increase with current year JuneJuly VPD until
an estimated 7.5 hPa, above which BAI decreased (Table 2; Support-
ing Information Figure S5). In contrast, BAI was predicted to
decrease strongly with increasing previous year JuneJuly VPD, but
at VPD values above 9 hPa BAI no longer decreased with increasing
VPD (Figure 2).
Increasing conifer BA was predicted to amplify the negative
effects of previous August drought and JuneJuly VPDs on white
spruce radial growth (Table 2; Figure 2a). Specifically, BAI increased
from an estimated 300 mm
/year to over 400 mm
/year with
increasing precipitation levels in high conifer BA stands, while white
spruce in open stands was only predicted to increase BAI from an
estimated 325 to 350 mm
/year under the same August precipitation
gradient (Figure 2a). Similarly, white spruce growing in high conifer
BA stands were more sensitive to previous mean JuneJuly VPD
than trees in low conifer BA stands (Figure 2b).
Current year May precipitation was positively associated with
BAI in high potential solar radiation (southfacing slopes with no
sunobstructing topography) sites, but negatively associated with BAI
in low solar radiation sites. In years with dry May conditions, BAI
varied an estimated 75 mm
/year depending on site potential solar
radiation receipts, while in wet May conditions estimated radial
growth was nearly uniform across the range of site solar radiation
levels (Figure 2c). White spruce growth in low solar radiation sites
was predicted to benefit the most from high mean May VPD, while
white spruce in high solar radiation sites reduced BAI in years with
high mean May VPD (Figure 2d). White spruce in low solar radiation
sites showed the lowest estimated radial growth when May VPD
was average, while growth was higher in either cool (low VPD) or
warm (high VPD) years. Counterintuitively, previous year August pre-
cipitation benefited white spruce more in low rather than high solar
radiation sites. It is possible white spruce growth in high solar radia-
tion sites ceases for the year before these trees can benefit from
August rainfall. Alternatively, August rainfall may run off and/or
evaporates in high solar radiation sites before it is available for next
year's growth.
Relationship among climatecompetition
effects, site, Δ
C, iWUE, and radial growth (subset
of DNPP tree sample)
Discrimination against
C) in annual tree rings was predicted
to decrease with increasing current mean JuneJuly VPD values and
during mast years (Table 3; Figure 3), but was not influenced by esti-
mated ring age (Supporting Information Table S4). Stand competition
(conifer BA) and site (floodplain vs. hillslope) had no direct influence
on Δ
C levels; however, Δ
C was more sensitive to mean June
July VPD in high vs. low conifer BA stands and in hillslope vs. flood-
plain trees (Table 3; Figure 3). Patterns in iWUE were the inverse of
those for Δ
C (Table 3).
The twoyear BAI mean (mean of current and subsequent year
BAI) was predicted to decrease with increasing current mean June
July VPD and with mast year (Table 3). Unlike the larger DNPP sam-
ple, radial growth in this subset was directly and negatively related
TABLE 3 Standardized coefficient estimates for models
Covariates and interactions Δ
C model iWUE model 2year BAI model 2year BAI ~Δ13C 2year BAI ~iWUE
Intercept 16.487
Mast year 0.301
VPD current JunJul 0.455
Conifer BA 0.205 2.038 0.180
Site 0.066 1.085 0.685
Conifer BA ×VPD curr. JunJul 0.160
0.007 NA NA
Site ×VPD curr. JunJul 0.301
0.041 NA NA
NA NA NA 0.035 0.059
Site ×Δ
NA NA NA 0.04 0.090
Conifer BA ×Δ
NA NA NA 0.019 0.032
Marginal R
/conditional R
0.14/0.47 0.40/0.63 0.22/0.90 0.21/0.81 0.21/0.83
Notes. The first three models share the same covariates, with the first estimating Δ
C, the second estimating iWUE, and the third estimating logtrans-
formed white spruce BAI (average of current and subsequent growth years). The fourth and fifth models estimate the relationship between twoyear
BAI average and Δ
C and iWUE, respectively. Covariates were scaled to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1. NA indicates the covariate
was not in the model. Each model has tree as a random effect. BAI models additionally have a cubic ring age term that is not shown (see Supporting
Information Table S4) and an autoregressive term (AR1) by individual tree as a random effect. N= 12 trees, 360 growth rings and 247 Δ
C and iWUE
measurements. Estimates for Siteare for the floodplain trees relative to the hillslope trees.
Estimate significant (upper and lower 95% confidence interval do not overlap zero).
Covariate is iWUE for 2year BAI~iWUE model and ×Δ
C for
the 2year BAI~Δ13C model.
to conifer BA and showed no variation in response to summer VPD
across gradients of conifer BA or site location. The average twoyear
BAI mean from the floodplain trees was an estimated 50% larger
than the hillslope trees. For context, the mean BAI from the six
floodplain and hillslope plots was 311% and 184% larger than the
mean BAI from the entire DNPP sample, respectively. These were
both relatively productive areas, with the floodplain site being the
most productive in the DNPP sample (Supporting Information Fig-
ure S1). The relationship between the twoyear BAI mean and Δ
was not significant, though there were some apparent trends. These
same trends, though in the inverse, were significant in the relation-
ship between 2year BAI mean and iWUE. The 2year BAI mean
generally decreased with increasing iWUE, but this negative trend
was amplified by stand competition and strongly dependent on site
location (Figure 3cd). While trees in the hillslope site significantly
decreased growth with increasing iWUE, trees in the floodplain site
showed only minor growth decreases with increasing iWUE and only
at the highest stand competition levels. At low stand competition
levels, floodplain trees actually increased growth with increasing
iWUE (Figure 3c).
We found that white spruce climategrowth response was contin-
gent on stand BA and site moisture characteristics. High competition
(stand BA) and high potential solar radiation intensified the negative
BAI response to warm and dry early to midsummer and dry late
summer conditions. The results of our carbon isotope analysis sup-
ported the hypothesis that moisture limitation is the mechanism for
reduced growth in warm dry years, particularly in high competition
stands and in the drier portions of the landscape. Discrimination
C diminished with high JuneJuly VPD, and this response
was amplified in trees on southfacing hillslopes and in high BA
stands, in keeping with our hypothesis. In productive locations
where competition for water may not be limiting, however, we
report evidence that growth is positively related to increased iWUE.
FIGURE 3 Estimated Δ
function of live conifer basal area and
current year mean JuneJuly vapor
pressure deficit (VPD; a, b), and estimated
2year mean BAI as a function of live
conifer basal area and intrinsic wateruse
efficiency (iWUE; c, d) at the floodplain (a,
c) and southfacing hillslope site (b, d).
Model covariates not shown were held at
mean values, and a nonmast year is
Finally, during mast years, we found decreased radial growth,
C discrimination, and increased intrinsic wateruse effi-
ciency. Our findings demonstrate the significant role of temporally
variable and confounded factors, such as forest structure and cli-
mate, on the observed climate response of white spruce in interior
We found tree growth was interactively influenced by factors
related to succession (moss depth and conifer BA), tree aging, and
climate. This confounded and interacting nature of climate change
and other directionally changing factors on tree growth has several
implications. First, disentangling growth trends related to succes-
sional processes and tree aging from growth trends related to cli-
mate change requires a sampling design that encompasses a wide
range of tree ages and sizes growing in similar sites (Bowman, Brie-
nen, Gloor, Phillips, & Prior, 2013) and analysis procedures that
account for the influence of succession or tree aging on growth (e.g.,
utilizing appropriate detrending methods or including agerelated
growth curves and successionrelated factors in growth models). Our
findings that growth declined with increasing moss depth and
showed greater declines in high conifer BA than low conifer BA
stands in warm, dry summers suggest that if factors related to suc-
cession and tree age are not accounted for, the result will likely be
declining spruce radial growth rates over time and it will not be pos-
sible to discern whether this is due to climate changes, succession,
tree aging, or some combination thereof. This accords with the find-
ing that detrending methods influence the apparent growth trends in
white and black spruce (Sullivan et al., 2017; Sullivan, Pattison,
Brownlee, Cahoon, & Hollingsworth, 2016). It is important to note
that we did not explicitly examine trends over time in this paper, but
found that site factors that do change over time significantly influ-
ence white spruce climategrowth responses.
Another implication of interacting climate and succession factors
is that sampling location is an important consideration when drawing
inferences from the results of treering studies. We found that white
spruce in high conifer BA stands showed a more negative growth
response and decreased Δ
C to JuneJuly VPD than white spruce
in more open stands. Thus, studies conducted in mature, closed
canopy forests in interior Alaska may find more pronounced white
spruce growth responses to increasing summer drought than white
spruce in young, opencanopy forests (e.g., Barber et al., 2000).
An important implication of the interactive effect of climate and
stand BA is that the maximum density of mature forests in interior
Alaska may be reduced, such that a fully stockedforest in a war-
mer and drier future could have a lower BA than in the past. If this
were the case, we would expect to see an increase in white spruce
mortality in high BA stands associated with warm, dry climate condi-
tions. There is mixed evidence that this reduction in stand BA is cur-
rently occurring. For example, Trugman et al. (2017) found white
spruce mortality in interior Alaska was associated with high spring
temperatures and to a lesser extent, July moisture availability, and
competition, but found no evidence of increased mortality between
1994 and 2013. It may be that this was too short a time period to
detect change in mortality rates. Indeed, longer term studies from
Canada have found increased mortality rates for white spruce and
other boreal tree species resulting from competition (Luo & Chen,
2015; Zhang et al., 2015) and drought (Peng et al., 2011). The incon-
sistent or uncertain evidence of increased white spruce mortality
may indicate that other factors are countering the negative impacts
of increasing summer drought and successional processes such as
shifting foliage to root ratios, and/or increasing atmospheric CO
(Angert et al., 2005; Sullivan et al., 2017). It may also be that long
term, competitioninduced increases in tree mortality in high basal
area stands associated with warm, dry conditions help counter the
negative impacts of a warming climate in these locations.
We show that trees in high BA sites are more sensitive to cli-
mate than those growing in more open stands. The greater climate
sensitivity of trees in mature, high competition sites may increase
vulnerability to disease and insect induced mortality (Anderegg et al.,
2015; Cahoon et al., 2018; Csank et al., 2016; Mcdowell et al.,
2008) and reduce resilience to disturbance (Johnstone, McIntire,
Pedersen, King, & Pisaric, 2010) relative to trees in younger, less
droughtstressed stands.
Mast years, years with high cone and seed production, are
recorded as relatively narrow rings in white spruce treering series
(Juday et al., 2003). A novel and noteworthy result of our work is
that mast years are recorded as particularly low Δ
C and high iWUE
values in white spruce tree rings in DNPP. Similarly, current year
shoots in Fagus crenata showed
C enrichment during fruiting (Han,
Kagawa, Kabeya, & Inagaki, 2016). Reduced radial growth during
mast years is likely due to a shift toward reproduction at the
expense of stem growth. It is possible the reduced Δ
C and
increased iWUE during mast years is a result of increased photosyn-
thesis and/or greater stomatal closure resulting from the high
demand for photosynthate and water required for cone and seed
maturation. This pattern could also result from a shift in the timing
of resource allocation, with reproductive effort occurring early in
summer when water is more available and wood production occur-
ring later when temperatures are higher and drought stress is
greater. There is some evidence from temperate trees that nutrients
for cone and seed production come from multiyear accumulated
reserves, but that carbon comes from current year photosynthesis
(Han & Kabeya, 2017). That both radial growth and Δ
C are
reduced in the mast year supports the idea that current year's car-
bon, and not stored carbon is being redirected from radial growth to
reproduction. Given that masting events in white spruce are climati-
cally driven (Krebs, LaMontagne, Kenney, & Boutin, 2012; Roland
et al., 2014) and exert a tax on white spruce radial growth, there
may likely be future interactions or tradeoffs between growth and
reproduction which may play out differently across the landscape
(Roland et al., 2014).
Despite the very different site conditions (floodplain vs. hillslope)
and a large gradient in conifer BA across the subset plots, the mean
C and iWUE were not significantly different between the flood-
plain and hillslope trees and across conifer BA levels (Table 3). This
finding is consistent with the set point theory of homeostatic gas
exchange (Brooks & Mitchell, 2011; McDowell, Adams, Bailey, Hess,
& Kolb, 2006; Whitehead, Jarvis, & Waring, 1984). Under this the-
ory, the floodplain and hillslope trees in high and low conifer BA
stands may have adjusted their architecture (e.g., leaf size, sapwood
porosity, root development) to maximize photosynthesis while mini-
mizing risks of cavitation (FernándezdeUña et al., 2016; McDowell
et al., 2006; Tyree & Sperry, 1988) to ultimately achieve a homeo-
static level of Δ
C and iWUE. However, during hot, dry summers
C decreased and iWUE increased in trees in high competition
sites relative to low competition and in hillslope relative to flood-
plain, suggesting the former trees operate on a much thinner safety
margin (lower soil water potential) and close their stomata more
quickly during warm dry periods than the latter trees. The ability of
white spruce to maintain a constant ratio between water loss and
photosynthetic gain across these disparate site conditions highlights
the phenotypic plasticity of these trees in the face of incrementally
changing conditions; however, the greater sensitivity of both growth
and Δ
C of the trees on high competition, southfacing slopes
points to potential future break points in this plasticity.
In waterlimited environments, increasing summer drought is
expected to lead to stomatal closure, resulting in decreased Δ
and reduced transpiration relative to photosynthesis, and thus
increased iWUE. Prolonged stomatal closure during drought condi-
tions reduces carbon uptake (Mcdowell et al., 2008; Sala, Woodruff,
& Meinzer, 2012; Sevanto, Mcdowell, Dickman, Pangle, & Pockman,
2014). Given this, we expected to see reduced BAI with decreasing
C and increasing iWUE. In general, we found these expected pat-
terns, with one exception: Floodplain trees in open stands increased
growth with increasing iWUE. This finding suggests these trees may
have increased iWUE as a result of increased photosynthesis rather
than decreased stomatal conductance. This highlights the need to
interpret iWUE in concert with growth patterns and not to assume
it is metric of drought stress. We emphasize these results are from a
very small subset of trees from a productive floodplain and cannot
be extrapolated to the full landscape. Rather, these findings point to
the highly dynamic mosaic of tree growth responses to climate and
importance of stand competition and landscape position in mediating
climategrowth responses.
We found a positive association between BAI and broadleaf BA.
This is likely driven by the site conditions associated with broadleaf
species in DNPP that are also conducive to white spruce productiv-
ity: deep active layers (Alaska birch), southfacing slopes (aspen), and
river terraces (balsam poplar; Roland et al., 2013). Further, soil tem-
peratures and nutrient cycling may be higher in areas with high
broadleaf BA (Chapin et al., 2006). In broadleaf dominated forest
stands, high radiation input during spring thaws the ground earlier
than in conifer dominated stands (Chapin et al., 2006) and leaf litter
inhibits moss development, keeping soils warmer than in areas with
thick living mats (Roland, Stehn, Schmidt, & Houseman, 2016).
Broadleaf trees, however, take up considerably more soil water than
coniferous trees (YoungRobertson, Bolton, Bhatt, Cristóbal, & Tho-
man, 2016) and, thus, could have a significant impact on white
spruce climategrowth relationship. Indeed, Cortini et al. (2012)
found this to be the case in mixedwood forests in western Canada.
Because broadleaved trees constitute a small fraction of the DNPP
forest mosaic, we were unable to test the effect of broadleaf BA on
white spruce growth response to climate. This should be a focus of
future work in study areas with greater broadleaf presence and rep-
resentation in different site conditions than found DNPP.
It is not surprising that we found that large diameter trees
showed higher annual BAI than small diameter trees. It is worth not-
ing, however, that tree DBH had an effect size two to forty times
larger than the climate and interaction variables. Similarly, ring age
also had a nearly twofold to 25fold larger effect than climate and
interaction variables. Our model results are consistent with the find-
ing that mass growth rate increases with individual tree size (Foster,
Finley, D'Amato, Bradford, & Banerjee, 2016; Stephenson et al.,
2014) and that tree size and age have larger impacts on tree produc-
tivity within a region than climate (Foster et al., 2016). The strong
positive influence of tree size on growth underscores the need to
interpret climategrowth responses from within the context of cur-
rent forest physical structure. If predictions of forest productivity or
carbon storage were based only on dendroecological studies using
dimensionless ring width indices to determine climategrowth, the
large and significant effect of current tree size and age would be lost
resulting in exaggerated climate effects on future productivity. There
is likely some interactive effect between climate and tree size as has
been found with climate and tree age (Carrer & Urbinati, 2011; Sze-
icz & MacDonald, 1994). We found including climateDBH interac-
tive effects in our growth model improved the model fit (Supporting
Information Table S2), but for simplicity, we only included interac-
tions with the one variable in addition to conifer basal area that best
improved the model fit; thus, climateDBH interactions were not
included in our final growth model. Our understanding of white
spruce growth in interior Alaska would benefit from an explicit
examination of climate and tree size interactions.
There are several limitations to our models of white spruce
growth. First, our estimates of growth are limited to stem growth.
Thus, we are unable to determine whether a change in radial growth
represents an overall change in productivity or a reallocation of car-
bon among stems, roots, branch elongation, or needles. We did,
however, include reproductive effort into our growth, Δ
C, and
iWUE models, which revealed significant tradeoffs between radial
growth and reproduction as well as distinct Δ
C and iWUE patterns
associated with masting. Second, although our study design ensured
a random sample of plot locations across the study area, at the plot
level our cored trees tended to be slightly larger than the average
tree within the plot (Supporting Information Figure S2) indicating a
tree size bias. This bias may have led to an underestimated competi-
tion effect in our model, assuming larger trees are less negatively
affected by competition with smaller trees and perhaps to an overes-
timated climate effect, assuming larger trees are more drought sensi-
tive than smaller trees (Bennett et al., 2015). Finally, we did not core
dead trees, so our sample may be affected by modern sample bias.
However, because we limited the time frame of our study to
30 years and our sample includes a large range in tree ages from a
random placement of plots, with relatively few dead trees, our
sample should be relatively robust and buffered from some of the
biases associated with sampling only living trees.
In summary, we found stand BA mediates the influence of cli-
mate on the annual radial growth of white spruce in DNPP, amplify-
ing the negative effect of previous summer VPD and moderating the
positive influence of previous August rainfall. Our carbon isotope
analysis suggests the mechanism behind these modified climate
growth responses may be increased competition for moisture in high
basal area stands and dry sites. We also found that large reproduc-
tive events (mast years) both reduce radial growth and strongly
decrease Δ
C (and increase iWUE) of white spruce trees, suggesting
tradeoffs between growth and reproduction for current year's pho-
tosynthate. Our finding that high BA stands show greater sensitivity
and negative growth responses to warming climate conditions than
open stands may ultimately portend lower white spruce stand densi-
ties and increased vulnerability to insects and disease in future inte-
rior Alaska mature forests. Our findings also point to the need for
studies examining growth trends to address the confounded nature
of climate change and other directionally changing factors that influ-
ence tree growth (succession, tree aging, atmospheric CO
). Overall,
our results suggest highly dynamic individual tree growth responses
to future climate change that are dependent on both landscape posi-
tion and stand competition and likely to result in feedbacks on
future forest structure.
We thank the many people who collected field data for the Central
Alaska Network vegetation monitoring program as well as those who
helped with database design and data management. We are grateful
to Dr. A. Lloyd's laboratory for measuring and crossdating many of
the cores used in this analysis. We thank J. Schmidt and four anony-
mous reviewers for insightful comments that greatly improved this
manuscript. The Central Alaska Network and Denali National Park
and Preserve as part of the U.S. National Park Service Inventory and
Monitoring Program funded this project.
Elizabeth Fleur Nicklen
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Additional supporting information may be found online in the
Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
How to cite this article: Nicklen EF, Roland CA, Csank AZ,
Wilmking M, Ruess RW, Muldoon LA. Stand basal area and
solar radiation amplify white spruce climate sensitivity in
interior Alaska: Evidence from carbon isotopes and tree rings.
Glob Change Biol. 2018;00:116.
... Both factors have a considerable impact on tree growth [17]. At the same time, their interaction also jointly affects tree growth [18,36]. ...
... Competition also plays a dominant role in regulating the radial growth of Pinus massoniana in subtropical China [29]. Nicklen et al. [36] also found that competition and stand water characteristics mitigated the response of Picea glauca in Denali National Park, Alaska to climate change, jointly regulating tree growth. Additionally, competition affects tree growth through its interaction with climate variables, further regulating the response of tree growth to drought. ...
Full-text available
(1) Background: The forest of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica is an important semi-arid ecosystem in Hulunbuir sandy land that plays a key role in the carbon cycle and wind erosion control. It is crucial to explore the main factors affecting the radial growth of trees of P. sylvestris var. mongolica. (2) Methods: The study established the tree-ring chronology of P. sylvestris var. mongolica and analyzed the relationships among the radial growth, competition index, and climate variables using correlation analysis and a linear mixed effect model to explore the influence of competition and climate on radial growth of P. sylvestris var. mongolica. (3) Results: The results indicated that tree growth is mainly affected by the maximum average temperature (Tmax) and precipitation in June and July of the current year and that tree growth significantly decreased with increasing competition pressure. Analysis of the linear mixed effect model showed that tree age, competition intensity, self-calibrating Palmer drought severity index (scPDSI) from May to July, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) have a significant impact on radial growth. (4) Conclusions: The competition plays a dominant role in radial growth of P. sylvestris var. mongolica compared to climate factors. This study helps to understand the growth mechanism of P. sylvestris var. mongolica forests under climate change and provides a scientific basis for effective management of semi-arid forests.
... Tree-ring analysis provides an effective approach in quantifying long-term tree radial growth patterns and can be used to investigate the impacts of environmental factors on tree growth performance when combined with climate data and hence can be a useful tool in looking at stand density effects on tree growth (Brienen and Zuidema, 2005;Fan et al., 2009). Comprehensive analyses involving both tree-ring chronology and climate data have been used to investigate responses of tree radial growth to drought in stands of different densities (Vernon et al., 2018;de Andrés et al., 2018;Nicklen et al., 2019;Kang et al., 2021). Such studies have shown that reduction in stand density can improve drought resistance and recovery of radial growth, particularly in those stands with high tree densities (Bottero et al., 2017;Cabon et al., 2018;Sohn et al., 2016b;Nicklen et al., 2019). ...
... Comprehensive analyses involving both tree-ring chronology and climate data have been used to investigate responses of tree radial growth to drought in stands of different densities (Vernon et al., 2018;de Andrés et al., 2018;Nicklen et al., 2019;Kang et al., 2021). Such studies have shown that reduction in stand density can improve drought resistance and recovery of radial growth, particularly in those stands with high tree densities (Bottero et al., 2017;Cabon et al., 2018;Sohn et al., 2016b;Nicklen et al., 2019). Tree-ring analysis also provides a reliable tool for analyzing tree radial growth rate that can be further used to predict the decline and mortality of trees, as a decrease in radial growth is considered to be a sign of forest decline (Dobbertin, 2005;Camarero et al., 2015). ...
... For the drought-limited site (Interior Alaska), the growth reaction differed significantly between forest and treeline trees for most of the traits, even though the plots were positioned adjacent to each other. This suggested that the sites' location at a steep south-exposed bluff resulted in a strong microenvironmental gradient at short distance, which seemed to have a strong influence during drought events with stronger effects on the bluff site that was more exposed to radiation (Nicklen et al., 2018). In the Phenotypic Variance Explained study sites BR Int AR high recovery in Mediterranean provenances planted in a common garden (Zas et al., 2020). ...
... Even though we identified years of growth decline caused by drought based on the above described decision tree, we acknowledged that factors other than drought stress may have affected the reductions in growth that we observed. Furthermore, drought induces masting in white spruce (Ascoli et al., 2020), which could also be the reason for growth reduction at the population level (Hacket-Pain et al., 2015;Nicklen et al., 2018). Mast seeding events were recorded for the Alaska Range site in 1998 and the Interior Alaska site in 2010, overlapping with the analysed pointer years (Roland et al., 2014). ...
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Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of drought events in many boreal forests. Trees are sessile organisms with a long generation time, which makes them vulnerable to fast climate change and hinders fast adaptations. Therefore, it is important to know how forests cope with drought stress and to explore the genetic basis of these reactions. We investigated three natural populations of white spruce (Picea glauca) in Alaska, located at one drought‐limited and two cold‐limited treelines with a paired plot design of one forest and one treeline plot. We obtained individual increment cores from 458 trees and climate data to assess dendrophenotypes, in particular the growth reaction to drought stress. To explore the genetic basis of these dendrophenotypes, we genotyped the individual trees at 3,000 SNPs in candidate genes and performed genotype‐phenotype association analysis using linear mixed models and Bayesian sparse linear mixed models. Growth reaction to drought stress differed in contrasting treeline populations. Therefore, the populations are likely to be unevenly affected by climate change. We identified 40 genes associated with dendrophenotypic traits, that differed among the treeline populations. Most genes were identified in the drought‐limited site, indicating comparatively strong selection pressure of drought‐tolerant phenotypes. Contrasting patterns of drought‐associated genes among sampled sites and in comparison to Canadian populations in a previous study suggest that drought adaptation acts on a local scale. Our results highlight genes that are associated to wood traits which in turn are critical for the establishment and persistence of future forests under climate change.
... This phenomenon is less well described for complex stands. In addition, interactions between stand basal area, species composition, and climatic stressors such as drought events may affect growth and mortality as well (Wright et al. 2018;Crouchet et al. 2019;Nicklen et al. 2019;Bottero et al. 2021;Griesbauer et al. 2021) and should therefore be considered when planning stand thinning treatments in such stands (Van Gunst et al. 2016). ...
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As forest managers increasingly seek to implement partial-harvest silviculture systems in complex forests, more data are required on the potential development of the residual stand following treatment. In this study, we present 25-year data from a long-term silvicultural study of tree- and stand-level responses to differing levels of basal area following partial harvest in a complex spruce–fir forest in central British Columbia, Canada. Reducing stand basal area elicited stronger basal area increment response in fir than spruce; however, spruce productivity was overall higher than fir across all treatments. Smaller trees increased their size proportionally more than larger trees, and thinning resulted in increased recruitment of smaller trees into larger diameter classes. At the stand-level, basal area reductions to well below 20 m²/ha resulted in higher volume and basal area growth over the length of this study, and suggest that optimum stand-level growth may be achieved at lower basal areas than suggested in prior literature. We also found a positive relationship between stand-level residual basal area and mortality. In central British Columbia, stand structure, species composition, and growth rates in complex spruce–fir forests can be maintained through partial-harvest silviculture treatments.
... Besides the increase in temperature sensitivity, the negative association between Δ 13 C and δ 18 O at Thelon over the three periods (Figures 6b, 6d, and 6f and Figure 7d) implies a tight physiological control on stomatal conductance reflected by both isotopes as a result of evaporative enrichment at leaf-level that may lead to reduced carbon uptake and growth during unfavorable environmental conditions that are not necessarily temperature driven. For example, the strong positive correlations found between Δ 13 C and summer cloud cover at Thelon ( Figure S7 in Supporting Information S1) indicate that solar radiation could be a factor that may have exacerbated white spruce climate sensitivity and triggered growth reductions, as reported in interior Alaska (Nicklen et al., 2019), by exerting a control on stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rates. ...
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Much is still unknown about the growth and physiological responses of trees to global change at the northern treeline. We combined tree‐ring width data with century‐long stable carbon and oxygen isotope records to investigate growth and physiological responses of white spruce at two treeline sites in the Canadian Arctic to concurrent increases in temperature, atmospheric CO2 concentration (ca), and decline in sea ice extent over the past century. The tree‐ring records were assessed during three periods with contrasting climatic conditions: (a) the early 20th century warming, (b) the 1940–1970 cooling period, and (c) the anthropogenic late 20th century warming period. We found opposing growth trends between the two sites, but similar carbon isotope discrimination (Δ¹³C) and intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE) trajectories. While tree growth (defined as basal area increment) increased at the site nearer to the Arctic Ocean during the 20th century following the rise in temperature and sea ice loss, growth declined after 1950 at the more interior site. At both sites, Δ¹³C slightly increased over these periods. However, trees showed a nonlinear response to increased ca, shifting after 1970 from a passive stomatal response (i.e., no changes in iWUE) to an active response (i.e., a moderate ∼12% increase in iWUE). Further, our isotope‐based findings do not support the idea that temperature‐induced drought stress caused the divergent growth trends at our treeline sites. This study thus highlights nonlinear and complex physiological and growth adjustments to concomitant changes in temperature, sea ice extent, and ca over the last century at the northern treeline.
... ECOSPHERE 9 of 14 response to water availability. Similar studies investigating other regions and conifer species have noted that while precipitation is sometimes correlated with Δ 13 C, the strength of that correlation is dependent on site and climate factors (e.g., Nicklen et al., 2019). Although we also found that Δ 13 C was correlated with a variety of site-and tree-level factors depending on species, precipitation was consistently positively related to Δ 13 C. ...
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Abstract Increasingly severe and prolonged droughts are contributing to tree stress and forest mortality across western North America. However, in many cases, we currently have poor information concerning how drought responses in forests vary in relation to competition, climate, and site and tree characteristics. We used annual tree ring evidence of 13C discrimination (Δ13C) and growth metrics to assess drought resistance and resilience for six conifer species at the intersection of several bioregions in northern California. Within each species' range in northern California, we collected competition and tree characteristics from 270 focal trees across sites that varied from wetter to drier habitat conditions (54 sites). Across sites, all six conifer species weathered the severe 2013–2015 drought with reasonably high resistance and post‐drought resilience. However, we found important differences in drought responses between coastal and montane species based on annual growth and Δ13C metrics. Broadly, the two coastal species showed consistent declines in drought resistance across successive drought years, whereas the four montane species maintained high drought resistance across drought years. More specifically, we found lower Δ13C and growth during drought years in coastal species, suggesting stomatal closure during drought with the potential for vulnerability to carbon depletion during long‐term drought. Conversely, Δ13C and growth were stable in montane species throughout the drought, which may contribute to hydraulic failure under increased drought frequency and/or severity. We also evaluated environmental factors that affect Δ13C using data from before and during the drought. These physiological models were consistent for the two coastal species, with a positive relationship between annual precipitation and Δ13C and a negative relationship between tree density and Δ13C. Conversely, the four montane models illustrated a greater importance of site conditions on drought responses for these species. Our findings show differential risk for drought stress across diverse conifers during severe drought. This work highlights the importance of site and tree characteristics in determining drought responses across cool, annually humid coastal habitats to seasonally dry montane habitats.
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The relationship between tree species diversity, measures of forest structure, and forest biomass has long been debated, with local- or continental-scale studies often finding contrasting results. Given the importance of forests as global carbon sinks, understanding the characteristics that underpin biomass accumulation is thus a critical component of mitigating climate change. Here we present a global analysis of 11,400 forest plots, sourced from scientific publications and forest inventories, to investigate the association of forest basal area (used as a proxy for biomass) with stem density and measures of tree species diversity (richness and evenness). We used generalised additive models to account for the confounding effects of climate and spatial signal and we modelled the density, climate, and diversity effects both globally and for each biogeographic region. Stem density showed a strong positive association with basal area across all biogeographic regions, while the effect of species richness varied. In the Palearctic, Nearctic, and Neotropical biogeographic regions, basal area was positively associated with species richness, although this was only detectable for lower values of basal area. In the Ethiopian and Oriental biogeographic regions there was no relationship between richness and basal area, while in the Australian biogeographic regions it was negative. The weak-to-no association between species evenness and basal area in all bioregions other than Australia suggests that the overall correlation emerges from processes operating at more local scales. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for biogeographic processes when evaluating strategies to mitigate climate change and support nature conservation.
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Variation in annual white spruce growth (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) has been shown to be dependent on weather conditions such as air temperature and moisture availability. However, questions remain about how intra-annual variation in climate variables influence annual growth, and whether stand composition and structure can influence climate conditions and the trees’ responses to weather stress. We evaluated the importance and influence of seasonal climate on growth (annual ring width increment) of 32-year-old white spruce trees in pure and mixedwood stands in northeastern British Columbia. The importance of climate variables, and their ranked order, differed between pure and mixedwood stands. Soil water potential (SWP) during spring and summer were the main factors influencing spruce growing in both pure and mixedwood stands. However, the relative importance of each variable, their direct effects, and their interactions differed between stand types. Warm springs increased spruce growth in both stands, while warm summers increased spruce growth in the pure spruce stand but decreased growth in the mixedwood stand. Spruce growth in the pure stand was positively correlated with soil water potential during spring and summer, while spruce growth in the mixedwood stand was negatively correlated. In both stand types, there was an interplay between the amount of water available in the soil and air temperature to influence annual growth. Our findings suggest stand composition influences the resilience of spruce to drought.
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Warming temperatures are having a disproportionate effect on boreal ecosystems, influencing the establishment and growth of tree species across their respective ranges. However, less is known about how competitive interactions influence growth-climate relationships. We used tree-ring data from 26 study plots (836 trees) to investigate how the growth patterns of white spruce (Picea glauca) respond to variation in competition and climate in southwest Alaska. Using linear mixed-effects models, we compared growth against covariates for stand basal area, competition, climate (temperature, precipitation), and spruce beetle mortality. We characterized competition at the tree level using two distance-dependent competition indices: Hegyi index and a height advantage index. Furthermore, we assumed that stand-level competition increased with basal area. We found that high summer temperatures resulted in reduced growth in stands with higher basal area (i.e., the most crowded stands), but increased growth at sites with low basal area. Our results suggest that historically productive stands may show declines in growth under warmer conditions , with important implications for future stand structure and productivity.
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The boreal biome represents approximately one third of the world's forested area and plays an important role in global biogeochemical and energy cycles. Numerous studies in boreal Alaska have concluded that growth of black and white spruce is declining as a result of temperature-induced drought stress. The combined evidence of declining spruce growth and changes in the fire regime that favor establishment of deciduous tree species has led some investigators to suggest the region may be transitioning from dominance by spruce to dominance by deciduous forests and/or grasslands. Although spruce growth trends have been extensively investigated, few studies have evaluated long-term radial growth trends of the dominant deciduous species (Alaska paper birch and trembling aspen) and their sensitivity to moisture availability. We used a large and spatially extensive sample of tree cores from interior Alaska to compare long-term growth trends among contrasting tree species (white and black spruce versus birch and aspen). All species showed a growth peak in the mid-1940s, although growth following the peak varied strongly across species. Following an initial decline from the peak, growth of white spruce showed little evidence of a trend, while black spruce and birch growth showed slight growth declines from ~1970 to present. Aspen growth was much more variable than the other species and showed a steep decline from ~1970 to present. Growth of birch, black and white spruce was sensitive to moisture availability throughout most of the tree-ring chronologies, as evidenced by negative correlations with air temperature and positive correlations with precipitation. However, a positive correlation between previous July precipitation and aspen growth disappeared in recent decades, corresponding with a rise in the population of the aspen leaf miner (Phyllocnistis populiella), an herbivorous moth, which may have driven growth to a level not seen since the early 20thcentury. Our results provide important historical context for recent growth and raise questions regarding competitive interactions among the dominant tree species and exchanges of carbon and energy in the warming climate of interior Alaska. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Understanding the complex interactions of competition, climate warming-induced drought stress, and photosynthetic productivity on the radial growth of trees is central to linking climate change impacts on tree growth, stand structure and in general, forest productivity. Using a mixed modeling approach, a stand-level photosynthetic production model, climate, stand competition and tree-ring data from mixedwood stands in western Canada, we investigated the radial growth response of white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench.) Voss] to simulated annual photosynthetic production, simulated drought stress, and tree and stand level competition. The long-term (~80-year) radial growth of white spruce was constrained mostly by competition, as measured by total basal area, with minor effects from drought. There was no relation of competition and drought on tree growth but dominant trees increased their growth more strongly to increases in modeled photosynthetic productivity, indicating asymmetric competition. Our results indicate a co-limitation of drought and climatic factors inhibiting photosynthetic productivity for radial growth of white spruce in western Canada. These results illustrate how a modeling approach can separate the complex factors regulating both multi-decadal average radial growth and interannual radial growth variations of white spruce, and contribute to advance our understanding on sustainable management of mixedwood boreal forests in western Canada.
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Boreal forests play critical roles in global carbon, water and energy cycles. Recent studies suggest drought is causing a decline in boreal spruce growth, leading to predictions of widespread mortality and a shift in dominant vegetation type in interior Alaska. We took advantage of a large set of tree cores collected from random locations across a vast area of interior Alaska to examine long-term trends in carbon isotope discrimination and growth of black and white spruce. Our results confirm that growth of both species is sensitive to moisture availability, yet show limited evidence of declining growth in recent decades. These findings contrast with many earlier tree-ring studies, but agree with dynamic global vegetation model projections. We hypothesize that rising atmospheric [CO2] and/or changes in biomass allocation may have compensated for increasing evaporative demand, leaving recent radial growth near the long-term mean. Our results highlight the need for more detailed studies of tree physiological and growth responses to changing climate and atmospheric [CO2] in the boreal forest.
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Mast seeding, the synchronous intermittent production of large seed crops in populations of perennial plants, is a widespread and widely studied phenomenon. Economy of scale has been demonstrated to provide the ultimate selection factor driving the evolution of masting, for example, in terms of the predator-satiation and pollination-efficiency hypotheses; however, its physiological mechanism is still poorly understood. The resource budget (RB) model assumes that an individual plant requires more resources to flower and fruit than it gains in a year, and therefore only flowers when a specific threshold amount of stored resources is surpassed. Although the RB models have been well explored theoretically, including for resource depletion and pollen coupling, empirical data to support these assumptions are still disputed. Here, we explore the extent to which the RB model applies to masting tree species, focusing on the dynamics of carbon and nitrogen resources in natural temperate forests. There is little empirical evidence that plants use carbohydrates stored over several years to produce fruits; however, nitrogen stores in temperate trees are more commonly depleted after masting. We review the internal nitrogen cycle including resorption during leaf senescence, storage and remobilization, discussing the effect of masting on these processes. Overall, carbohydrates and nitrogen are clearly involved in the proximate mechanisms driving mast seeding, but the determinant resource seems to be species specific.
The boreal forest biome occupies an area of 18.5 million km2, which is approximately 14% of the vegetated cover of the earth’s surface (McGuire et al. 1995b). North of 50°N, terrestrial interactions with the climate system are dominated by the boreal forest biome because of its large aerial extent (Bonan et al. 1992, Chapin et al. 2000b; Fig. 19.1). There are three major pathways through which the function and structure of boreal forests may influence the climate system: (1) water/energy exchange with the atmosphere, (2) the exchange of radiatively active gases with the atmosphere, and (3) delivery of fresh water to the Arctic Ocean. The exchange of water and energy has implications for regional climate that may influence global climate, while the exchange of radiatively active gases and the delivery of fresh water to the Arctic Ocean are processes that could directly influence climate at the global scale. In this chapter, we first discuss the current understanding of the role that boreal forests play in each of these pathways and identify key issues that remain to be explored. We then discuss the implications for the earth’s climate system of likely responses of boreal forests to various dimensions of ongoing global change. Most of the energy that heats the earth’s atmosphere is first absorbed by the land surface and then transferred to the atmosphere. The energy exchange properties of the land surface therefore have a strong direct influence on climate. Boreal forest differs from more southerly biomes in having a long period of snow cover, when white surfaces might be expected to reflect incoming radiation (high albedo) and therefore absorb less energy for transfer to the atmosphere. Observed winter albedo in the boreal forest varies between 0.11 (conifer stands) and 0.21 (deciduous stands; Betts and Ball 1997). This is much closer to the summer albedo (0.08–0.15) than to the winter albedo of tundra (0.6–0.8), which weather models had previously assumed to be appropriate for boreal forests. The incorporation of true boreal albedo into climate models led to substantial improvements in medium-range weather forecasting (Viterbo and Betts 1999).
The two most important life functions that organisms carry out to persist in the environment are reproduction and growth. In this chapter we examine the role of climate and climate variability as controlling factors in the growth of one of the most important and productive of the North American boreal forest tree species, white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss). Because the relationship between climate and tree growth is so close, tree-ring properties have been used successfully for many years as a proxy to reconstruct past climates. Our recent reconstruction of nineteenth- century summer temperatures at Fairbanks based on white spruce tree-ring characteristics (Barber et al. in press) reveals a fundamental pattern of quasi-decadal climate variability. The values in this reconstruction of nineteenth-century Fairbanks summer temperatures are surprisingly warm compared to values in much of the published paleoclimatic literature for boreal North America. In this chapter we compare our temperature reconstructions with ring-width records in northern and south-central Alaska to see whether tree-growth signals in the nineteenth century in those regions are consistent with tree-ring characteristics in and near Bonanza Creek (BNZ) LTER (25 km southwest of Fairbanks) that suggest warm temperatures during the mid-nineteenth century. We also present a conceptual model of key limiting events in white spruce reproduction and compare it to a 39-year record of seed fall at BNZ. Finally, we derive a radial growth pattern index from white spruce at nine stands across Interior Alaska that matches recent major seed crop events in the BNZ monitoring period, and we identify dates after 1800 when major seed crops of white spruce, which are infrequent, may have been produced. The boreal region is characterized by a broad zone of forest with a continuous distribution across Eurasia and North America, amounting to about 17% of the earth’s land surface area (Bonan et al. 1992). The boreal region is often conceived of as a zone of relatively homogenous climate, but in fact a surprising diversity of climates are present. During the long days of summer, continental interior locations under persistent high-pressure systems experience hot weather that can promote extensive forest fires frequently exceeding 100 kilohectares (K ha). Summer daily maximum temperatures are cooled to a considerable degree in maritime portions of the boreal region affected by air masses that originate over the North Atlantic, North Pacific, or Arctic Oceans.
Rapid warming and changes in water availability at high latitudes alter resource abundance, tree competition, and disturbance regimes. While these changes are expected to disrupt the functioning of boreal forests, their ultimate implications for forest composition are uncertain. In particular, recent site-level studies of the Alaskan boreal forest have reported both increases and decreases in productivity over the past few decades. Here, we test the idea that variations in Alaskan forest growth and mortality rates are contingent on species composition. Using forest inventory measurements and climate data from plots located throughout interior and south-central Alaska, we show significant growth and mortality responses associated with competition, midsummer vapor pressure deficit, and increased growing season length. The governing climate and competition processes differed substantially across species. Surprisingly, the most dramatic climate response occurred in the drought tolerant angiosperm species, trembling aspen, and linked high midsummer vapor pressure deficits to decreased growth and increased insect-related mortality. Given that species composition in the Alaskan and western Canadian boreal forests is projected to shift towards early-successional angiosperm species due to fire regime, these results underscore the potential for a reduction in boreal productivity stemming from increases in midsummer evaporative demand. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Significance Limited knowledge about the mechanistic drivers of forest growth and responses to environmental changes creates uncertainties about the future role of circumpolar boreal forests in the global carbon cycle. Here, we use newly acquired tree-ring data from Canada’s National Forest Inventory to determine the growth response of the boreal forest to environmental changes. We find no consistent boreal-wide growth response over the past 60 y across Canada. However, some southwestern and southeastern forests experienced a growth enhancement, and some regions such as the northwestern and maritime areas experienced a growth depression. Growth–climate relationships bring evidence of an intensification of the impacts of hydroclimatic variability on growth late in the 20th century, in parallel with the rapid rise of summer temperature.