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Abstract and Figures

An original design of a humanoid hand created by a 3D printer is presented. A concept for directly printing the fingers of the hand as one connection which reduces the time for the assembly operations and improves the repairability. The hand is controlled by a sensor glove. The mechanical and also the control systems of the hand are presented. 3d Printed Humanoid Hand can be applied for student's education.
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ISSN 1310-3946 Proceedings of the International Conference“Robotics & Mechatronics and Social Implementations”2018
Ivan CHAVDAROV1, Pancho DACHKINOV1, Georgi ELENCHEV1, Radoslav ILIEV2,Ivelin
1)Institute of Robotics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev str., bl.1, Sofia, Bulgaria
2)National Professional High School of Computing and Technology Systems, str.4, Perusha,
Pravets, Bulgaria
Abstract: An original design of a humanoid hand created by a 3D printer is presented. A concept for directly printing the
fingers of the hand as one connection which reduces the time for the assembly operations and improves the repairability.
The hand is controlled by a sensor glove. The mechanical and also the control systems of the hand are presented. 3d
Printed Humanoid Hand can be applied for student’s education.
Key words: Humanoid Hand, 3D Printing, Education.
A lot of the robots are made to manipulate with
different types of objects and for this reason they also have
various types of end effectors. One of the gripping
problems is the flexibility according to different objects
which has unique shape, geometry and are made from
specific material. The end effector should adapt itself
about the position and orientation of the object [1].
Movement in nature are based on a mechanical system
which is made from links with complicated 3D space
shape bones which are driven by elastic elements
muscles. The development of the 3D printing technologies
increases the interest of research and creating of humanoid
robotic hands which are closer to the biological
analogues[2-5].An electrical system is used to driven da
hands and the muscles and tendons are represented by
wires [6,7]. Experiments with various shapes and types of
joints for fingers of the hands are made and also 3D
printed elastic elements are used [2,3].Some researchers
are focused on different methods of grip and manipulation
with objects and finger configurations [8].Some of the
developed hands find application for prosthesis[3] and
rehabilitation [9].Another are used by the humanoid
robots. Different achieves are used in a way to simplify
the design of the models[10].The development of the
control systems allows the usage of the myoelectric
control for some prosthesis[9].For the remote control
cases the humanoid hands are using both some algorithmic
programs and also sensor gloves for movement
realizationя [10].
From the analysis mentioned above, the following
problems are still unsolved:
-One of the fundamental problems in the design of the
hand is the realization of many degrees of freedom in
small volume (about 500 cm3) and also consideration with
the requirements for low mass. The development of the
technologies, connected with the driven systems allows
the fabrication of small size components but still
it is very hard so many mechanisms to be put in such small
volume which is the hand. Furthermore, a system
with a lot of electro motors becomes complicated for
control. It is required for the sources of energy to be with
small sizes and high reliability.
- The diversity of the movements humans could do
with their hands are also hard to be represented by a
mechanical designed system.
- A great part of the gestures are connected with
complex precisely coordinated movements of the fingers.
In this case, it is necessary the trajectories to be described
or velocity control to be done. A precise servomotors and
specific algorithms for control are used.
-There are also some problems with control system,
including: an appropriate microcontroller which could
control a lot of servomotors, has a suitable interface for
computer communication and is reliable enough.
- Important point is the compactness of the control
board which is usually pasted nearby the humanoid
robotics hand.
- Issues with the reliability of the components: The
mechanical system is often very complicated and consists
a lot of detail in order to satisfy the requirements of the
difficult three dimensional space movements of the hand
which decreases the reliability. For movements transfer in
higher distances, often are used wires or, fibers and elastic
elements [6], which could change their properties and
quality in time.
In this paper the realization of an idea of 3D printed
hand is discussed. Different options for control and
application of the hand are also shown [11].
The dimensions of the human fingers are individual
and could vary, see the average values at Fig. 1.
The opportunity for creating customized object with
complicated geometry is a reason for using 3D printing as
an appropriate method for building a humanoid hand.
Proceedings of the Int.Conf.“Robotics&Mechatronics and Social Implementations” ISSN 1310-3946/Year XXVI, Volume 4/225, August 2018
Fig.1.Dimenssions of a human finger [3].
An original idea of 3D printed humanoid hand which
fingers are directly printed as one assemvly is presented
[13].On the base 1 are are located the servomotors 2
(MIRCO SERVO, Model No. HD-1581HB, Reduction
ratio 1/522). On the shafts of the servomotors 2 are
assembled the rolls 3(Fig.2).
The tendons 4 are connected to the rollers 3 and goes
through holes in the fingers 5. The other end of the tendons
is static captured to the last links 6 of the fingers.
Fingers 5 are connected with the base 1 with screw
connection 7. The shape of the joints for each finger
consists of two cylindrical parts 8 and one spherical part
in the middle 9, as it is shown at Fig. 3. The innovation of
the proposed model is that the fingers (parts 6,8 and 9) are
printed whole.
The 3D printed elastic element 10 is constrained in its
one end with the external joint 6 of the fingers 5. The other
end of the elastic element is connected through the base 1
with the screws 7.
Fig. 2.Basic components of the hand.
The elastic component 10 is disposed on the outside of
the fingers.
Fig.3. 3D modelof a finger
The joints of each finger have minimum clearances
between the cylindrical 8 and spherical 9 surfaces and in
this way they are directly printed as one assembly. In the
external link 6 of each finger 5 exists a screw connection
mechanism 11 for controlling the tensile force of the
tendon 4.
The control of the motors is realized by a computer
which sends signals to the drivers 12. The communication
could be done wireless or via cable. The energy source for
the motors and also for drivers comes from the power
supply 13
The elastic element 10 is printed from a special
material Filaflex for 3D printer. The most appropriate
elastic properties of the elastic element 10 are
experimentally defined by changing its width and
thickness. The tensile of the fibers is controlled by the
screw mechanisms 11 (Fig.4).
Proceedings of the Int.Conf.“Robotics&Mechatronics and Social Implementations” ISSN 1310-3946/Year XXVI, Volume 4/225, August 2018
Fig.4.Structure of the hand’s fingers.
On Fig. 5 is shown a prototype of the 3D printed hand.
Fig. 5.General view of the 3D printed hand.
Each finger of this hand has one joint and one link less
than the real human hand because of the small stroke of
the servomotors and also the limited volume of the palm.
Fig. 6. Location and orientation for printing of a finger.
Link 21 is rotated according to link 20 on angle 0 ≤
𝛼190[𝑑𝑒𝑔], and 22 referred to 21 on angle 0 ≤ 𝛼2
For fabrication the hand is used FDM 3D printing
technology. For the correct fabrication of the finger, it is
recommended to be located parallel to the working plane
(bed’s plane) XY and the links 20, 21 and 22 should be
located half bended one to anotherFig.6. The clearances in
the joints are defined experimentally.The fingers, created
this way have good agility in the joints.
Fig. 7.Stages in the fingers movement and location of the
The driven moment from the servomotors creates
tensile force 𝐹
𝑚in the fibber (Fig.7). This force is
counterbalanced with the force of the 3D printed spring:
ee LkF
. (1)
is the elastic coefficient of the 3D printed
spring and
is the length of the working area of the
spring. Depending from the distances
on which
the forces
acts, it is possible one of the elements
21 or 22 of the fingerto be driven. In the case when
21 RR
, first 21 is rotated on 90 [deg], and then 22
is less than
because there are more friction
loses. The length L is time variable and depends from the
joint restrictions.
The microprocessor electric drive is carried out by
means of Arduino Nano based on the microcontroller
ATMEGA328 with embedded USB interface for servo
drivers control.
Proceedings of the Int.Conf.“Robotics&Mechatronics and Social Implementations” ISSN 1310-3946/Year XXVI, Volume 4/225, August 2018
Because of the high energy consumption it is necessary
to use external power supply. The electrical scheme of the
microprocessor’s electrical motion is given at Fig.8.
For generating control signals a sensor glove is used.
The electrical scheme of the glove is shown on Fig. 9.
Fig. 8.An electrical scheme of the microprocessor’s
electrical motion
The glove is used as a control device. It could define
the movements all five fingers by tensor resistors and
communicates via USB and UART interface.
Fig.9.An electrical scheme of the glove.
As a programming language for development is used
Python in the programming environment PyCharm. The
library for developing the graphic user interface is tkiner.
This allows the application to be used on several platforms
and also to work on different operational systems.
It is a low cost development and it is easily available.
Because all of the fingers are driven independently, it is
easy a lot of finger combinations to be realized. In this way
some gestures as counting could be represented. The hand
is driven from six motors and two of them are used to drive
the thumb. This allows realization of more complicated
gesturers, for example contact between the thumb and
some of the other fingers.
Fig.10.Application of the hand.
The configurations and set up settings are specific,
depending from the application.
This research is made in cooperation with high school
students from a specialized computer technologies school
(Fig.10). In this application the students demonstrate their
knowledge and skills in the field of software and hardware
An original mechanical construction of a humanoid
robotic hand is designed. A 3D printed prototype is
created, too.
An original conception for directly printing the fingers
as one assembly is used. The advantages are: modularity,
reduces assembly operations, improves reliabilityand the
robotic hand is easily repaired. It is experimented with
several different designs for the fingers of the hand.
The control system, realized by a sensor glove has the
advantage of remote control as well as to make records of
the hand movements sequence.
This model could be used for some applications
connected with the language of gestures as an
independently working system or part of a humanoid
The prototype is appropriate for usage for high school
education in the field of computer technologies and
programming. In the development of the hand high school
students are taking part working on the hardware and on
the software as well.
These research findings are supported by the National
Scientific Research Fund, Project N ДН17/10 -
Proceedings of the Int.Conf.“Robotics&Mechatronics and Social Implementations” ISSN 1310-3946/Year XXVI, Volume 4/225, August 2018
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[13] И.Чавдаров, патент, Заявка 112232, Наименование:
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[13] I. Chavdarov, patent, request 112232, Name:
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... These technologies differ in the way layers are added during the manufacturing of objects, the working principle and the materials that can be used [11,12]. Only 3D printing allows manufacturing of directly assembled mobile connections [13,14,15], as well as the creation of parts with variable density and structure [16,17]. 3D printing also allows blending of materials with different properties [18]. ...
Conference Paper
This work presents the development of a redundant planar robot created with a 3D printer. The mechanical structure and the main kinematic dependencies are discussed. The hardware and software implementation of the prototype are presented. An algorithm is presented to find solutions of the inverse kinematics problem in the presence of obstacles in the workspace of the robot. The algorithm gives results on possible solutions both in the Cartesian coordinates and joint angles. The proposed software and the obtained results are the basis for planning trajectories of the robot in complex environments with obstacles. The created prototype is used for education of students in robotics and mechatronics. The advantages of using 3D printing technology in modeling and design and its application in the education process are highlighted. Published in: 2019 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM) Date of Conference: 19-21 Sept. 2019 Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 21 November 2019 ISBN Information: Electronic ISSN: 1847-358X DOI: 10.23919/SOFTCOM.2019.8903825 Publisher: IEEE Conference Location: Split, Croatia, Croatia
Conference Paper
Abstract: The article presents the design of an innovative 3D printed humanoid hand. It has five degrees of freedom. The fingers are designed on a modular basis, so that it is possible to manufacture them readily assembled using a 3D printer with fused deposition modeling (FDM) technology. Although each finger is driven by only one motor, it has some passive adaptation to grasped objects thanks to flexible elastic components embedded in its construction. All driving, transmission and hardware elements are located in the palm of the hand, which means that the hand is suitable for a variety of applications in robotics and prosthetics. A working prototype is created and functional experiments are conducted. The functional capabilities of the prototype are compared to other known humanoid hands. Advantages, disadvantages and ideas for improving the hand are discussed.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Adaptive robot hands have changed the way we approach and think of robot grasping and manipulation. Traditionally, pinch, fingertip grasping and dexterous, in-hand manipulation tasks were executed with fully actuated, rigid robot hands and relied on analytic methods, computation of the hand object Jacobians and extensive numerical simulations for deriving optimal and minimal effort grasps. However, even insignificant uncertainties in the modeling space could render the extraction of candidate grasps or manipulation paths infeasible. Adaptive hands use underactuated mechanisms and structural compliance, facilitating by design the successful extraction of stable grasps and the robust execution of manipulation tasks, even under significant object pose or other environmental uncertainties. In this paper, we propose a methodology for the automated extraction of dexterous, in-hand manipulation strategies / primitives for adaptive hands. To do so, we use a constrained optimization scheme that describes the kinematics of adaptive hands during the grasping and manipulation processes, an automated experimental setup for data collection, a clustering technique that groups together similar manipulation strategies, and a dimensionality reduction technique that projects the robot kinematics to lower dimensional manifolds. In these manifolds, control is simplified and hand operation becomes more intuitive. In this work, we also assess the effect of the extracted manipulation primitives on the object pose perturbations. The efficiency of the proposed methods is experimentally verified for various adaptive robot hands. The extracted primitives can simplify the operation and control of the open-source robot hand designs of the Yale Open Hand project in dexterous manipulation tasks.
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The development of dynamic rehabilitation devices can be evaluated as a research fastgrowing field. Indeed, robot-assisted therapy is an advanced new technology mainly in stroke rehabilitation. Although patients benefit from this enormous development of technology, including the presence of rehabilitation robots, the therapeutic field still suffering a lack in hand robotic rehabilitation devices. In this context, this work proposes a new design of a 3D printed hand exoskeleton for the stroke rehabilitation. Based on the EMG signals measured from the muscles responsible for the hand motion, the designed mechatronic system detects the intention of hand opening or hand closing from the stroked subject. Based on an embedded controller and five servomotors, the low cost robotic system is able to drive in real time three degrees of freedom (DOFs) for each finger. The real tests with stroked subjects showed that the designed hand exoskeleton architecture has a positive effect on the motion finger range and mainly in the hand ability to perform some simple tasks. The case studies showed a good recovery of the motor functions and consequently the developed system efficiency.
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Robots are attractive tools that extremely enters the learning process at different levels and with specific purposes. We propose an originally designed artificial hand with five fingers that uses Microsoft Kinect sensor as assistive technology to sense Human motions and recognize gestures. In the context of learning new skills by imitation for children with special educational needs we designed gesture-based Wireless Hand-Kinect Framework, evaluated and optimized for real run-time. 3D fingers positions over time sensed by Kinect depth camera are used as features for hand gestures description, training and classification. After gesture recognition, data protocols are transmit wirelessly to control the artificial hand motors. The mechanics of the artificial human hand with six controllable and four dependently actuated mechanisms is presented. The proposed wireless framework is tested by experiments for its feasibility.
Mechanical compliance is one of the primary properties of structures in nature playing a key role in their efficiency. This study investigates a number of commonly used flexure hinges to determine a flexure hinge morphology, which generates large displacements under a lowest possible force input. The aim of this is to design a soft and monolithic robotic finger. Fused deposition modeling, a low-cost 3D printing technique, was used to fabricate the flexure hinges and the soft monolithic robotic fingers. Experimental and finite element analyses suggest that a nonsymmetric elliptical flexure hinge is the most suitable type for use in the soft monolithic robotic finger. Having estimated the effective elastic modulus, flexion of the soft monolithic robotic fingers was simulated and this showed a good correlation with the actual experimental results. The soft monolithic robotic fingers can be employed to handle objects with unknown shapes and are also potential low-cost candidates for establishing soft and one-piece prosthetic hands with light weight. A three-finger gripper has been constructed using the identified flexure hinge to handle objects with irregular shapes such as agricultural products.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a novel design of a rotary motor-based actuation system for tendon-driven robotic hands. The system features a two-stage, zero backlash, pretensioned pulley reduction that enables high precision control of tendon displacement and force, as well as back-driveability of the motor. While the modular actuation system can be used to actuate any tendon-driven mechanism, the system is designed to meet or exceed the speed and strength of human fingertips. The actuation system is capable of operating up to 10 Hz before there is significant degradation of the system gain. The capabilities of the system are further demonstrated through the control of a Shadow Dexterous Robot Hand index finger at low (1 Hz) and high (4 Hz) frequencies. A single actuation unit can be duplicated for use in a single-acting actuation scheme ("2N-type") of N joints, but was designed specifically for a double-acting actuation scheme ("N-type") with "push-pull" capabilities. In the former case, one motor is used for each rotation direction of a single revolute joint. In the latter case, one motor can control both directions of the joint, thereby reducing hardware needs and control complexity. To address the challenges of tendon slack in the flexible-link transmission to the robot hand, the system includes a lead screw mechanism for setting a tension preload and springs for maintaining tension during the course of use. An integrated uniaxial load cell allows for monitoring of tendon tension and calculation of finger joint torques.
Open-Source 3D Printed Underactuated Hand
  • R R Ma
  • Modular
R. R. Ma, 3DA Modular, Open-Source 3D Printed Underactuated Hand, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013, pp. 2722-2728
3D-printed upper limb prostheses: a review
  • J Kate
  • G Smit
  • P Breedveld
J., Kate, G., Smit, P. Breedveld. 3D-printed upper limb prostheses: a review. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 12(3), 2017, pp. 300-314. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2016.1253117
Semi-Anthropomorphic 3D Printed Multigrasp Hand for Industrial and Service Robots
  • Z Kappassov
  • Y Khassanov
  • A Saudabayev
  • A Shintemirov
  • H A Varol
Z. Kappassov, Y. Khassanov, A. Saudabayev, A. Shintemirov, H. A.Varol, Semi-Anthropomorphic 3D Printed Multigrasp Hand for Industrial and Service Robots, IEEE, Takamatsu, Japan, 4-7 Aug. 2013, pp. 1698-1702
Tendon-Driven Control of Biomechanical and Robotic Systems: A Path, Integral Reinforcement Learning Approach
  • E Rombokas
  • E Theodorou
  • M Malhotra
  • E Todorov
  • Y Matsuoka
E. Rombokas, E. Theodorou, M. Malhotra, E. Todorov and Y. Matsuoka, Tendon-Driven Control of Biomechanical and Robotic Systems: A Path, Integral Reinforcement Learning Approach. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation RiverCentre, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, May 14-18, 2012, pp. 208-214
A novel type of compliant and underactuated robotic hand for dexterous grasping
  • Deimel O Brock
R. Deimel O. Brock, A novel type of compliant and underactuated robotic hand for dexterous grasping,The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol 35, Issue 1-3, 2016,