
Impact of Organic Manures and Bio-Fertilizers on Growth, Flowering, Fruiting, Yield and Quality of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon Mill)

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... The maximum numbers of flower clusters/plant was obtained in T7 (9.09).This increase may be due to application of Azospirillum which increased flower clusters/plant significantly over the T1 (5.19). Similar findings were obtained by Singh, S.R. 2004 andMeena et al., (2014). Treatment T7 has produced maximum (18.00) number of fruits/plant followed by T5 (17.17) which were significantly superior over the T1 (12.11).The maximum fruit weight (70.94 gm) was obtained in T7 as compared to the control (55.10 gm). ...
... This increase in fruits weight mass was higher in 50% RDF +50% VC + Azospirillum by virtue of varietal characteristics, which has promoted the growth of all vegetative parts and consequently more food material synthesized for such plants with higher fruits weight obtained. Similar results have been reported by Meena et al., (2014) and Chaudhary et al., (2005). The treatment T7 and T 5 has given the highest yield (0.991 kg and 0.906 kg). ...
... /plant respectively which was significantly superior over control (0.441 kg). Similar results have also been repeated by Meena et al., (2014) and Chaudhary et al., (2005). ...
... The maximum fruit size and volume were recorded in the plants treated with 100%RDN By FYM + Remaining by inorganic, followed by 25% RDN +75%RDN Through FYM. Similar results were obtained by Gajbhiye et al. (2003) [4] and Meena et al. (2014) [9] in tomato Fruit size, weight, fruit volume are highly correlated with dry matter content, balanced level of hormone and nitrogen fixers which are known for accumulation of dry matter and their translocation as well as synthesis of different growth regulators (Kachot et al. 2001) [5] . In terms of Yield q/ha (47.26 q/ha) was found in Treatment T 5 followed by Treatment T 9 with (42.56 q/ha) and the minimum Yield (18.10 q/ha) was found in Treatment T 0 . ...
... The maximum fruit size and volume were recorded in the plants treated with 100%RDN By FYM + Remaining by inorganic, followed by 25% RDN +75%RDN Through FYM. Similar results were obtained by Gajbhiye et al. (2003) [4] and Meena et al. (2014) [9] in tomato Fruit size, weight, fruit volume are highly correlated with dry matter content, balanced level of hormone and nitrogen fixers which are known for accumulation of dry matter and their translocation as well as synthesis of different growth regulators (Kachot et al. 2001) [5] . In terms of Yield q/ha (47.26 q/ha) was found in Treatment T 5 followed by Treatment T 9 with (42.56 q/ha) and the minimum Yield (18.10 q/ha) was found in Treatment T 0 . ...
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The present experiment was carried out during. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design (RBD), with ten treatments, replicated thrice. the treatments were T0 (Control), T1 (100% RDN (200:130:180)), T2 (75% RDN +25% RDN Through FYM (10tonnes)), T3 (50% RDN + 50% RDN Through FYM (20tonnes)), T4 (25% RDN+75% RDN Through FYM (30tonnes)), T5 (100% RDN by FYM + Remaining by inorganic), T6 (75% RDN + 25% RDN Through Vermi compost (16.66qt)), T7 (50% RDN + 50% RDN Through Vermi compost (33.3qt)), T8 (25% RDN + 75% RDN Through Vermi compost (50qt)) and T9 (100% vermi compost+ Remaining by inorganic)). From the present investigation with different treatment of organic and inorganic fertilizers on vegetative growth, yield, and fruit quality attributes of cape gooseberry, it is found that the Treatment T5 (100% RDN by FYM + Remaining by inorganic) and T4 (25%RDN+75%RDN Through FYM) was found to be the best treatment in respect to number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight, Polar and Radial Diameter, yield and Highest B:C ratio. But T8 (25%RDN+75% through vermicompost) were found to be the best treatment in respect to plant height, TSS, Carotenoid, ascorbic acid, acidity of Cape Goose Berry fruits under Allahabad agro-climatic conditions.
... In general, they play important and complex roles in plant growth, improving fruit quality and yield components of crops by various biochemical activities, adding nutrients [e.g. biological nitrogen (N) fixation], solubilizing phosphorus, and increasing the availability and uptake of nutrients by their biological activity (Amutha et al. 2014;Meena et al. 2014;Fernandes and Bhalerao 2015). Bio-fertilizers can be applied to seed, plant surfaces, root, soil, colonizes the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant (Fernandes and Bhalerao 2015;Rajasekaran, Moorthy, and Ganesh 2015). ...
... Under high available soil water the root may absorb more water, resultingin a reduction in the TSS by water dilution. These results are in harmony with Meena et al. (2014) and El-Tohamy et al. (2009). ...
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Environmental pollution and high costs of mineral fertilization have impelled scientists and farmers to use environmentally friendly fertilizers. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different combinations of rabbit manure (RM), rock phosphate (RH), feldspar (F), and bio-fertilizers [Microbine (Bio-N), Phosphorin (Bio-P) and Potassiumag (Bio-K)] on the growth, yield, and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants. The mixture of RM, RH, and F C Bio-N-P-K increased the tomato fruit yield by 30% compared to inorganic fertilization. The application of RM, RH, and F with the bio-fertilizer (Bio-N-P-K) inoculation increased the concentration of N, P, and K in the leaves of tomato by 34%, 35%, and 50% in comparison to the same treatment without the bio-fertilizer. The current study clearly depicted that natural minerals (RH and F) and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium bio-fertilization lead to higher yields and better fruit quality than conventional fertilization.
... In general, they play important and complex roles in plant growth, improving fruit quality and yield components of crops by various biochemical activities, adding nutrients [e.g. biological nitrogen (N) fixation], solubilizing phosphorus, and increasing the availability and uptake of nutrients by their biological activity (Amutha et al. 2014;Meena et al. 2014;Fernandes and Bhalerao 2015). Bio-fertilizers can be applied to seed, plant surfaces, root, soil, colonizes the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant (Fernandes and Bhalerao 2015;Rajasekaran, Moorthy, and Ganesh 2015). ...
... Under high available soil water the root may absorb more water, resultingin a reduction in the TSS by water dilution. These results are in harmony with Meena et al. (2014) and El-Tohamy et al. (2009). ...
Environmental pollution and costs of mineral fertilization impelled scientists and farmers to anther friendly environmental fertilizers. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different combinations of rabbit manure, rock phosphate, feldspar, and bio-fertilizers (Microbine (Bio-N), Phosphorin (Bio-P) and Potassiumag (Bio-K)) on the growth, yield and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants. The mixture of rabbit manure, rock phosphate and feldspar + Bio-N-P-K increased the tomato fruit yield by 30% compared to the inorganic fertilization. The application of rabbit manure, rock phosphate and feldspar with the bio-fertilizer (Bio-N-P-K) inoculation increased the concentration of N, P and K in the leaves of tomato by 34, 35, and 50% in comparison to the same treatment without the bio-fertilizer. The current study clearly depicted that natural minerals (rock phosphate and feldspar) and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium bio-fertilization may be lead to higher yields and better fruit quality than conventional fertilization.
... The maximum yield (2.97 kg/plot and 297 q/ha) was recorded in treatment T 4 Chitosan @ 100 ppm but, statistically at par with T 7 (2.89 kg/plot) and T 6 (2.79 kg/plot) (Fig. 1). Leaf yield was increased due to nitrogen which is important constituent of plant metabolites such as fat, protein and enzyme which is essential for vigorous vegetative growth might be responsible for increasing leaf yield also. Above result was in conformity with those of Bhore and Patil (1978), Singh et al. (1985) and Meena et al. (2014) in palak. The yield was increased with cutting frequency; similar result was also supported with the finding of Jana et al. (1999) in palak. ...
Utilization of organic substances as fertilizer nutrient sources is now popularising due to over increasing risk of chemical fertilizers used in agriculture. The present field experiment was conducted at Department of Horticulture, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, U.P. (India) to assess the effect of chitosan, an alternative biological origin nutrient source and commercial urea on production of palak. The experiment was comprised of eight treatments namely Control- No fertilizer applied (T0), Recommended Dose of Fertilizer (RDF) @ 90:30:30 N P K kg/ha (T1), Chitosan @ 50 ppm (T2), @ 75 ppm (T3), @ 100 ppm (T4), @ 125 ppm (T5), @ 150 ppm (T6) and Urea @ 1% (T7) and was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. The results showed that foliar application of chitosan and urea significantly influenced the growth, yield and quality of palak. The foliar application of chitosan @ 100 ppm (T4) showed significantly maximum vegetative growth, leaf yield along with better quality of leaves in terms of dry matter content, TSS and Vitamin C content. Urea @ 1% (T7) also showed close result compared to chitosan application. Hence, it will be beneficial to apply chitosan as liquid form @ 100 ppm for spinach beet under subtropical agro-climate condition of Lucknow for better growth, leaf yield and leaf quality.
... A study was conducted byWailare et al.(2017) at Phagwara, Punjab and reported that use of poultry manure or FYM increased the leaf area and plant height to a small extent but the increase in yield parameter was significantly greater than 100% RDF in maize crop. Similar resulted were also reported byThavaprakaash et al. (2005).Under rain-fed conditions of Uttar Pradesh,Kumar et al. (2018) reported that integration of FYM, zinc and iron with 75% RDF greatly improved the grain yield of maize as compared to 100% recommended dose alone. ...
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In coming decades, a major issue in designing sustainable agricultural system will be the management of soil organic matter and the rational use of inputs such as animal manures, crop residue, green manures, sewage sludge and food industry wastes. However, since organic manures cannot meet modern agriculture, integrated use of nutrients from the fertilizers and organic sources seems to be a need of the time. The continuous use of high levels of chemical fertilizers is adversely affecting the sustainability of agriculture production and causing environmental pollution. It is ultimately viable to achieve such a target through the wise application of INM approach, which is known as a balanced mixture of organic, inorganic and bio-fertilizers in suitable combinations. The basic concept underlying the integrated management system (INMS), nevertheless, is the maintenance and possible improvement of soil fertility for sustaining crop productivity on long term basis and also to reduce fertilizer input cost. The different components of integrated nutrient management process have great diversity in terms of chemical and physical properties and nutrient release patterns.
... It is widely grown both for fresh vegetables market and processing in Africa and the world (Wachira et al., 2014). Tomato fruits are a rich source of many vitamins, minerals and organic acids (Meena et al., 2014). The economic plants expose to several stresses which effect on their growth and yield production such as drought (Abdelaal 2015, salinity (Helaly et al., 2017, El-Banna and Abdelaa,l 2018and Abdelaal et al., 2020 and insects (Ali and Zedan, 2018). ...
... Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most popular and widely grown vegetable crops in the world. Its fruits are cheap and rich sources of vitamins (vitamin C, A, B and K), minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, etc.), and organic acids (citric, malic and acetic acids) which are known as health acids (Meena et al., 2014). Tomatoes are important source of lycopene; the most important antioxidant that has been linked with reduced risk of prostrate and various other forms of cancer as well as heart diseases (Barber and Barber, 2002). ...
... Increase in ascorbic acid in leaves with added biofertilizers along with vermicompost might be due to its efficacy to fix atmospheric nitrogen and enhanced carbohydrate synthesis. Higher ascorbic acid content was reported in tomato (Meena et al., 2014) with the application of vermicompost and biofertilizers. ...
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In the past centuries, the farmers were eager in the usage of chemical fertilizers as it yielded great number of crops. But eventually, they realized that chemical fertilizers affects the soil fertility and kills the beneficial microbes which enhances the growth of the crops. The major issue they faced using chemical fertilizers not only affected the soil but human beings as well. To overcome this problem faced by farmers, Biofertilizers came as the solution. It is an ecofriendly method both to environment and farmers. The Biofertilizer and biological waste are used to replace the usage of chemical fertilizers as it does not contain any toxic substance and makes the soil enriched. Use of such natural products like biofertilizers in crop cultivation will help in safeguarding the soil health and also the quality of crop products. Solid State Fermentation has been defined as a fermentation process which is used in cultivation of microorganisms under controlled conditions in the absence or near absence of free water.It is a potential technology that is used in the production of microbial products such as feed, fuel, food, chemical and pharmaceutical products. Solid substrate generally provides a good environment to the microbial flora containing bacteria, fungi and yeast. The present study is aimed at producing Biofertilizers from Agro - wastes using Solid State Fermentation.
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