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Herpesviral Infection in Periapical Periodontitis


Abstract and Figures

Purpose of Review This review describes the most recent findings on herpesviral infections and offers current concepts of herpesviral role in the pathogenesis of periapical periodontitis. Recent Findings Thirty articles reported data on herpesviral infection in periapical periodontitis. Epstein-Barr virus and human cytomegalovirus are the most frequently detected herpesviruses in periapical samples. The main hypothesis postulates a bidirectional herpesviral-bacterial relationship in the etiopathogenesis of periapical periodontitis. A high heterogeneity of herpesviruses incidence was registered within the studies, in part, due to various methodological approaches used in laboratory testing, different inclusion criteria, study design, seroprevalence of herpesviruses, and sociodemographic characteristics of investigated populations. Summary Herpesviruses have been shown to potentially impair local host defense in periapical tissue. Although it has been demonstrated that endodontic pathogenic bacteria are able to reactivate herpesviruses, further, in vitro studies should provide more data on herpesviruses as a factor in the pathogenesis of the periapical pathoses. It is, therefore, necessary to investigate potential benefits of antiviral therapy in well-designed controlled longitudinal studies.
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Herpesviral Infection in Periapical Periodontitis
Aleksandar Jakovljevic
&Miroslav Andric
&Aleksandra Knezevic
&Maja Miletic
&Katarina Beljic-Ivanovic
Jelena Milasin
&Mohammad Sabeti
Published online: 17 October 2018
#Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018
Purpose of Review This review describes the most recent findings on herpesviral infections and offers current concepts of
herpesviral role in the pathogenesis of periapical periodontitis.
Recent Findings Thirty articles reported data on herpesviral infection in periapical periodontitis. Epstein-Barr virus and human
cytomegalovirus are the most frequently detected herpesviruses in periapical samples. The main hypothesis postulates a bidirec-
tional herpesviral-bacterial relationship in the etiopathogenesis of periapical periodontitis. A high heterogeneity of herpesviruses
incidence was registered within the studies, in part, due to various methodological approaches used in laboratory testing, different
inclusion criteria, study design, seroprevalence of herpesviruses, and sociodemographic characteristics of investigated populations.
Summary Herpesviruses have been shown to potentially impair local host defense in periapical tissue. Although it has been
demonstrated that endodontic pathogenic bacteria are able to reactivate herpesviruses, further, in vitro studies should provide
more data on herpesviruses as a factor in the pathogenesis of the periapical pathoses. It is, therefore, necessary to investigate
potential benefits of antiviral therapy in well-designed controlled longitudinal studies.
Keywords Apical periodontitis .Herpesviruses .Epstein-Barr virus .Human cytomegalovirus .Bone resorption
Apical periodontitis is the consequence of hosts immune re-
sponse to necrotic pulp tissue, mostly caused by etiological
agents of endodontic origin [1]. An infected root canal system
is essential for the development of apical periodontitis.
Endodontic infections are characterized by synergistic, antag-
onistic, and commensal interrelationships among resident mi-
croorganisms [2]. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-based tech-
nologies revealed that over 460 different microbial species/
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Epidemiology
*Aleksandar Jakovljevic;
Miroslav Andric
Aleksandra Knezevic
Maja Miletic
Katarina Beljic-Ivanovic
Jelena Milasin
Mohammad Sabeti
Department of Pathophysiology, School of Dental Medicine,
University of Belgrade, dr Subotica 1, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
Department of Oral Surgery, School of Dental Medicine, University
of Belgrade, dr Subotica 4, Beograd 11000, Serbia
Department of Virology, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, dr Subotica 1,
Beograd 11000, Serbia
Department of Restorative Odontology and Endodontics, School of
Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade, Rankeova 4,
Beograd 11000, Serbia
Department of Biology and Human Genetics, School of Dental
Medicine, University of Belgrade, dr Subotica 1, Beograd 11000,
Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, University of
California, San Francisco, CA, USA
Current Oral Health Reports (2018) 5:255263
phylotypes make the current list of endodontic pathogens, in-
cluding bacteria [2], archaea [3], fungi [4], bacteriophages [5],
and other viruses [6••].
Based on the current literature, herpesviral DNA is the
most frequently detected viral DNA in the oral cavity [6••,
7••]. In the last three decades, herpesviruses have been
extensively investigated as potential endodontic pathogens
that are able to induce the development and progression of
apical periodontitis [7••]. Although several hypotheses of
herpesviruses involvement in the pathogenesis of apical
periodontitis have been proposed and generally accepted,
there are still controversies and scientifically unproved
mechanisms that need to be elucidated. Since apical peri-
odontitis is a relatively prevalent condition in general pop-
ulation with potentially significant impact on systemic
health [8], it is important to shed light on unsolved as-
pects of its pathogenesis, including the impact of herpes-
viruses on its development and progression. In an attempt
to understand the proposed roles of herpesviruses in the
pathogenesis of apical periodontitis, this review aimed to
comprehensively outline the current knowledge related to
herpesviral infection in apical periodontitis.
General Aspects of Herpesviruses
There are approximately 120 identified species of herpes-
viruses, of which, eight major types with distinct biologi-
cal and clinical characteristics are known to infect humans.
The eight types include, herpes simplex virus types 1 and
2(HSV12), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr
virus (EBV), human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), human
herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6), human herpesvirus-7 (HHV-7),
and human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8). The prototypical struc-
ture of herpesviruses consists of a double-stranded DNA
genome enclosed within an icosahedral capsid, wrapped in
a tegument, and finally covered by a glycoprotein-bearing
lipid bilayer envelope. Human herpesviruses are further
classified into three subfamilies (α,β,δ). These classifi-
cations are based on tissue tropism, pathogenicity, and
behavior in the laboratory [9,10,11].
Herpesviridae is derived from the Greek word herpain,
meaning to creep,which reflects the feature of those viruses,
namely latent and recurring infection. Herpesviruses are gen-
erally ubiquitous agents that are acquired early in life and
infect individuals from diverse geographical areas and eco-
nomic background. In most individuals, primary infection ex-
hibits few or no overt disease symptoms. After the initial pri-
mary infection, herpesviruses remain in various host cell res-
ervoirs (monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, salivary
gland tissue, ductal epithelium of salivary gland tissue, and
sensory nerve ganglia) for the lifetime in a prolonged state of
latency, though the virus retains its capacity to reactivate [12].
Herpesvirus reactivation may occur spontaneously or as a re-
sult of physical and psychosocial stress. Hormonal changes,
infection, immunosuppressive medication, and other events
impairing the host immune defense may also reactivate the
virus [9,10,11]. Replication of herpesviruses takes place in
the nucleus of the host cell and involves the expression of
immediate-early, early, and late classes of genes. Late
(structural) genes are expressed during the productive (lytic)
phase of herpesvirus infections. Herpesvirus transmission can
occur through intimate contact with infected body fluids,
which include saliva, blood, and genital secretion. Clinical
manifestations of herpesvirus infections are highly diverse
and range from mild or subclinical disease in most systemi-
cally healthy individuals to encephalitis, pneumonia, and oth-
er potentially lethal infections and various types of cancer
including lymphoma, sarcoma, and carcinoma, in immuno-
compromised hosts [9,10,11].
Evaluation of the Proposed Hypotheses
In 2003, Slots, Sabeti, and Simon proposed a model for
herpesvirus-mediated apical disease [13]. They hypothesized
that herpesviruses may be implicated in the pathogenesis of
apical periodontitis as a direct result of viral infection, viral
replication, or indirectly, as a result of a virally induced impair-
ment of local host defense that favors bacterial overgrowth [13].
The direct cytopathic effects of herpesviruses on periapical
fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and bone cells induce impair-
ment of tissue turnover and repair, ultimately leading to loss
of tissue. It has been reported that fibroblasts infected with
herpesviruses may hamper tissue turnover and repair in regen-
erative periodontal therapy [14]. Additionally, herpesviruses
are able to infect and alter functions of monocytes, macro-
phages, lymphocytes, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes
which lead to significant immunomodulatory and immuno-
suppressive effects at the periapical sites. In this regard,
Ongradi et al. [15] reported the impaired function of neutro-
phils in subjects who carried herpesviruses in oral lympho-
cytes and epithelial cells compared to virus-free individuals.
Indirect mechanisms of herpesviral host impairment include
silencing of natural killer cells, inhibition of apoptosis, de-
struction of components of MHC class I and class II pathways
within macrophages, and disturbance of cytokine and chemo-
kine production. These defensive actions allow them to evade
cytotoxic T cell recognition and natural killer cell lysis
[1618]. During primary infection, herpesviruses stimulate
the production of various cytokines including TNF-α,
IFN-γ,IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-12 [19].
Subsequently, Sabeti et al. [20] found significant correlation
between EBV; HCMV infection; and TNF-α,IFN-γ,IL-1β,
and IL-12 in symptomatic periapical lesions. Also, Hernadi
et al. [21] showed increased levels of TNF-αin EBV positive
compared to EBV-negative periapical lesions. Both direct and
256 Curr Oral Health Rep (2018) 5:255263
indirect activities downregulate the antiviral host immune re-
sponse which leads to persistent herpesviral infection.
According to this hypothesis, the relationship between her-
pesviruses and bacteria is bidirectional and has the characteris-
tics of a vicious cycle. Initially, bacterial virulence factors in
pulp and periodontal tissue have the potential to turn over
herpesviral infection into active stage. Consequently, herpesvi-
rus reactivation induces impairment of local hosts defense
which leads to up growth of resident bacteria in periapical tissue
[13]. It is well known that herpesviral proteins on infected cells
may serve as new attachment sites for bacteria [22], while some
bacterial products may facilitate herpesviral entry into cells and
activate intracellular signaling pathways [23]. Sabeti et al. [24]
showed that Fusobacterium species, Streptococcus species, and
Parvimonas micra were the most common bacterial species in
co-infection with herpesviruses in periapical lesions, while
Verd u go et a l. [25] reported that Tannerella forsythia,
Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Prevotella nigrescens were
the most common bacterial species found in concomitant infec-
tion with EBV. Moreover, in an animal experimental study,
Stern et al. [26] have shown that co-infection of murine CMV
and Porphyromonas gingivalis is characterized by decreased
levels of antiviral IFN-γ.
Sabeti et al. [13] stated that herpesviral-bacterial interac-
tions could explain various clinical characteristics of
periapical infections, including swelling, pain, sensation to
percussion, or palpation. In addition, alternations between
prolonged periods of herpesvirus latency and periods of activ-
ity may partly be responsible for intermittent episodes of ex-
acerbation of periapical disease. Therefore, acute exacerbation
of periapical disease may be due to a combined effect of her-
pesviruses and bacteria [13].
In contrast to the proposed model of herpesviral-bacterial
interaction, Ferreira et al. [27,28] hypothesized that occur-
rence of herpesviruses might be just an epiphenomenon to
bacterial infection that caused inflammation of periapical tis-
sue and consequent influx of virus-infected inflammatory cells
to the periapical area. Those authors argue that the presence of
viral DNA in clinical samples does not necessarily imply a
role in disease pathogenesis [27,28]. Both theories suggest
that virus-infected inflammatory cells, in which herpesviruses
maintained their latency, could be attracted to periapical area.
Histological analyses confirmed that these inflammatory cells
constitute regular infiltrate of periapical granuloma and radic-
ular cysts. Therefore, the essential difference between pro-
posed hypotheses is whether herpesviruses actually may or
may not be reactivated in periapical region and subsequently
induce tissue breakdown.
Detection of Herpesviruses in Apical Periodontitis
The first endeavors to detect herpesviruses in tissue samples of
apical periodontitis lesions were made in the early 1960s of the
past century. Rauch [29] and Shindell [30] in vitro experiments
tried to inoculate monkey kidney cells, HeLa, and human am-
nion cell cultures with potentially virally infected cells of
periapical granulomas. However, due to methodological limi-
tations of their experiments, they could not confirm the pres-
ence of herpesviruses, and they concluded that apical periodon-
titis is probably not associated with a herpesviral infection.
After the development of PCR-based techniques and their
routine use for diagnosis of viral infections, the situation re-
garding herpesviral detection has changed. Namely, by the
mid-1990s Parra, Contreras, and Slots [31,32]detectedsev-
eral viral transcripts in periodontal pockets using PCR. They
concluded that periodontal tissue breakdown occurs more fre-
quently and progresses more rapidly in herpesviral infected
than in herpesviral-free periodontal sites. Based on these re-
sults, they proclaimed herpesviruses as the putative pathogen
in destructive periodontal disease. Shortly after these findings,
Sabeti et al. [33,34] detected herpesviral DNA transcripts in
an apical periodontitis sample also using the PCR method.
The same group [13] stated that concomitant herpesviral in-
fection may contribute to the pathogenesis of apical periodon-
titis in the same way that it was proposed for marginal peri-
odontitis few years ago [31,32].
After these preliminary results, 24 original researches
[3454,55••,56,57••] investigating different aspects of
herpesviral infection in apical periodontitis were published
in English language. Additionally, the analysis of herpesviral
detection in apical periodontitis has been reported in two sys-
tematic reviews [6••,58], in one narrative review [59••], and in
two book chapters [7••,60••]. Although all eight human her-
pesviruses were analyzed, EBV and HCMV were the most
frequently detected in apical periodontitis samples and healthy
control tissue [6••,7••]. The majority of studies reported that
herpesviruses had occurred significantly more often in apical
periodontitis compared to healthy control tissues [6••,7••].
The detection rates of EBVand HCMV in periapical samples
obviously vary among published studies. Although the major-
ity of studies reported the occurrence of herpesviruses be-
tween 30 to 60% in the examined samples, some of the studies
reported the total absence of herpesviral infection, while on
the other hand; several studies reported 100% presence of the
investigated herpesviruses [6••,7••].
Studies also compared the occurrence of herpesviruses be-
tween apical periodontitis lesions with different clinical, ra-
diographic, and/or histopathological features. Several studies
reported that herpesviral infection is significantly more often
related to symptomatic and large-sized periapical lesions [21,
33,34,45,47,48,53]. On the other hand, several studies did
not report such results [43,49,54,56]. In this regard, the
results of a meta-analysis [6••], which pooled data from six
studies with the same PCR methodology, also suggested that
there was no significant difference in the occurrence of EBV
and HCMV between symptomatic and asymptomatic
Curr Oral Health Rep (2018) 5:255263 257
periapical lesions. Only four studies investigated the occur-
rence of herpesviruses in apical periodontitis lesions with dif-
ferent histopathological findings [38,40,45,54]. They report-
ed that there were no statistical differences in the occurrence
of herpesviruses between periapical granulomas and radicular
cysts [38,40,45,54].
General Limitations of Conducted Studies:
Methodological Issues
Based on the previously reported data, it is obvious that there
is a discrepancy in the detection rates of herpesviruses in api-
cal periodontitis samples. This is a rather important issue for
the analysis that could be explained by several reasons mainly
related to differences of methodological approach in the con-
ducted studies. The observed differences in these studies have
been extensively reported in a recent systematic review [7••].
Therefore, in this subsection, the authors will highlight and
address the methodological issues which could explain the
cause of such findings.
Replacing classical viral diagnostic techniques, the PCR
method has become the standard methodology for the detection
of herpesvirus nucleic acids. This method has superior technical
performance (high sensitivity, specificity, and speed) and lower
cost advantages over classical techniques (serological, culture-
based, or immunological techniques) [9,10,11]. When
discussing the use of PCR for the detection of herpesviruses
in apical periodontitis in previous studies, several aspects
should be taken into consideration, including the selection of
the most appropriate PCR method, the selection of primers, the
high sensitivity of this technique, and the possibility of false-
positive and false-negative results [9,10,11]. In general, single
stage and nested PCR methods are no longer recommended for
routine detection of herpesviruses in apical periodontitis sam-
ples due to high sensitivity (detection of viral copy counts too
low to be of clinical significance) and inability to distinguish
latent episomal viral DNA from genomic viral DNA. On the
other hand, viral activation may be assessed by molecular tech-
niques identifying transcription of genes associated with viral
reactivation or by detecting and determining the number of
nucleic acid copies of infectious agents in a sample. Due to high
seroprevalence of herpesviruses and their clinical significance,
the active viral infection should be tested rather than the latent
one. Therefore, the reverse transcription (RT) and/or quantita-
tive real-time PCR methods (qPCR) are strongly recommended
as a method of choice in herpesviruses detection [9,10,11].
The sensitivity of PCR techniques is determined by the
selection of primer pairs used in the PCR reaction [60••].
Previous studies reported the use of different primer pairs
targeting different genes for the detection of the same types
of herpesvirus in apical periodontitis samples. For HCMV
detection, the most frequently targeted sequence was for the
HCMV pp65 matrix protein and the immediate-early gene.
Similarly, EBV genome identification by PCR in the analyzed
samples was performed using different targets (EBNA-2,
BLR F2, Bam H1-W fragment etc.) [6••,7••].
Although the majority of conducted studies reported applying
the appropriate laboratory techniques, it is important to be aware
of possible false-negative and false-positive results using the
PCR techniques [9,10,11]. False-negative PCR results may
be caused by inadequate sampling technique or by inhibitory
effects of components of the amplification process. It can be
avoided by including a non-target DNA sequence as an internal
control in the PCR reaction mixture. In addition, false-positive
results may be caused by cross-contamination among samples or
the contamination of samples by saliva. This can be prevented by
applying good aseptic laboratory practices.
Dissimilar inclusion criteria and inappropriate classifica-
tion of clinical cases in specific subgroups (reversible/irrevers-
ible pulpitis, symptomatic/asymptomatic, and small/large
periapical lesions) are also the reasons for a discrepancy in
the detection rates of herpesviruses in apical periodontitis
samples [6••,7••,9,10,11]. In previous studies, the partici-
pants were selected consecutively and based on the proposed
inclusion (good general health estimated by the American
Society of Anesthesia, level I or II) and exclusion (probing
depth > 4 mm of involved tooth, with periodontal bone loss,
vertical root fracture, immunocompromised, or patients treat-
ed with antibiotics, antiviral, or immunosuppressive therapy 3
to 6 months before the examination) criteria [6••,7••]. These
criteria should be generally accepted during the selection pro-
cess. Also, the classification of patients in specific subgroups
should be in alignment with the recommendations of
European and/or American endodontic societies [61,62].
Regarding to sampling procedure, all previous studies clear-
ly stated that the collection of samples was performed under
strict aseptic conditions. However, there was discrepancy in the
choice of an appropriate control tissue for the apical periodon-
titis lesions. Although, the healthy pulp tissue has been used as
the counterpart control tissue for the apical periodontitis lesions
in the majority of previous studies [27,28,39,4548,50,52,
54], few studies reported the use of gingival tissue as control
[13,51]. It must be emphasized that, in the literature, there are
no recommendations about the most appropriate choice, and
further studies are necessary to evaluate the best option.
Other related factors that influence the prevalence of herpes-
viruses are race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status of individ-
uals [63]. Epidemiological results show that as a country be-
comes more developed, the occurrence of herpesviruses may
decrease. Herpesviruses seroprevalence tended to be the highest
in South America, Africa, and Asia and the lowest in Western
Europe and the USA [64,65]. In most of the cases, the results of
previously conducted studies were in accordance with the her-
pesviruses seroprevalence in the USA and Europe [6365].
Finally, it must be stressed that the study design in all pre-
viously conducted studies was cross-sectional and this
258 Curr Oral Health Rep (2018) 5:255263
precludes any strong conclusions about the involvement of
identified microbiota as causative agents. As a consequence,
these results may only suggest a possible association between
certain microbial species and disease development, and they
cannot be used for determination of cause-end-effect relation-
ship between them [66]. On the other hand, due to ethical
reasons, prospective longitudinal studies on humans have
not been considered. Hypothetically, more eligible data could
be obtained by an experimental animal model but appropriate
selection of germ-free animals and very strict laboratory con-
ditions for virus manipulation are limiting circumstances.
The Latest Findings Related to Herpesviral Infection
in Apical Periodontitis
As a part of this subsection, we have opted to present the most
interesting findings of three studies [55••,57••,58]reportedin
the last 2 years that deserve significant attention.
Evidence supporting a periodontopathic role of herpesviruses
comes mostly from association studies, but the specific molec-
ular mechanisms by which herpesviruses may cause or exacer-
bate periodontitis are still to be elucidated. Therefore, our re-
search group proposed a mechanism by which EBV infection
induces periapical bone resorption via increased levels of oxi-
dative stress biomarkers and bone resorption regulators (Fig. 1)
[67]. This hypothesis was based on the possibility of EBV to
induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in spe-
cific cell lines [68] that further stimulated osteoclastogenesis
[69]. We investigated the levels of oxidative stress biomarkers
(8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and oxidized glutathione
(GSSG)), bone resorption regulators (receptor activator of
NF-κB ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG)) in 60 apical
periodontitis lesions and 20 healthy pulp tissues, and then com-
pared the values between 30 EBV-positive and 30 EBV-
negative apical periodontitis lesions [55••]. The presence of vi-
rus was tested by nested and qPCR, while the quantification of
selected parameters was performed by RT-PCR and enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). It was reported that api-
cal periodontitis samples were characterized by significantly
greater RANKL and OPG mRNA expression, and greater levels
RANKL and OPG mRNA expression and the imbalance of
RANKL/OPG ratio were significantly higher in EBV-positive
compared to EBV-negative periapical lesions. Although the
levels of GSSG and 8-OHdG were higher in EBV-positive com-
pared to EBV-negative lesions, they did not reach a statistically
significant level. These results were explained by the fact that
EBV was not an isolated pathogen that generated ROS within a
complex system of cells and other microorganisms and their
products in apical periodontitis lesions.
The second study investigated the possibility of
Porphyromonas endodontalis to reactivate latent EBV in vitro
conditions [57••]. Initially, Makino et al. [57••] cloned a pro-
moter region of BamHI fragment Z leftward open reading
frame 1 (BZLF-1) into luciferase expression vectors transfected
into B95-8 BL cells. Then, the luciferase assay was performed
using P. endodontalis culture supernatants or commercially
available n-butyric acid. The authors have reported that after
B-95-8-221 Luc cells were treated with P. endodontalis culture
supernatants or n-butyric acid, the luciferase activity was up-
regulated in a dose-dependent manner. The authors also inves-
tigated BZLF-1 mRNA and BamHI fragment Z EB replication
activator (ZEBRA) protein using qPCR and Western blotting in
Daudi cells (human B-lymphoblastoid cell line established
Fig. 1 Mechanism of periapical
bone resorption enhanced by
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
infection. EBV infection in
periapical region induces the
overproduction of reactive
oxygen species (ROS). Increased
levels of ROS stimulated the
excessive production of receptor
activator of nuclear factor kappa-
Βligand (RANKL).
Overexpressed RANKL binds to
its receptor RANK which leads to
osteoclasts differentiation of the
precursor cells and bone
resorption. OPG abbreviation on
Fig. 1denotes osteoprotegerin.
Reprinted from [67]. Copyright
2016, with permission from
Curr Oral Health Rep (2018) 5:255263 259
from Burkitt lymphoma) after the treatment with
P. endodontalis culture supernatants. They reported that
BZLF-1 mRNA and ZEBRA protein were expressed by
Daudi cells also in a dose-dependent manner. Based on these
findings, they concluded that n-butyric acid produced by
P. endodontalis had reactivated latent EBV in this specific
in vitro model. These results shed light on the previously pro-
posed hypothesis of a herpesviral-bacterial relationship as a
concrete mechanism by which endodontic bacteria could in-
duce the reactivation of herpesviruses in apical periodontitis
cellular milieu [57••].
Finally, the third study is a systematic review related to the
evaluation of potential role of Varicella zoster virus (VZV) and
subsequent Herpes Zoster (HZ) infection in pathogenesis of
periapical pathoses [58]. Although the exact mechanism is not
clearly presented, it was assumed that after VZV reactivation
from trigeminal nerve ganglion virions travel the length of the
nerve to adventitia of dental pulp blood vessels and induce in-
flammation of vasculature adjacent to trigeminal nerve endings.
As a consequence of vasculitis, structural, and functional chang-
es of dental pulp blood vessels occur and induce the develop-
ment of tissue necrosis (Fig. 2)[70,71]. Clinical manifestations
of HZ infection of the head and neck region have been well
documented in the literature and they can range from superficial
skin changes to meningoencephalitis [72]. Since 1975, several
case reports presented unusual cases of apical periodontitis and
root resorption in patients who previously suffered an episode of
HZ attack affecting the mandibular or maxillary trigeminal nerve
branches. All previously published case reports related to this
topic were included in a final systematic review analysis and
authors investigated the level of evidence of VZV contribution
to the development of periapical pathoses. However, in the ma-
jority of included case reports, authorsconclusions that apical
periodontitis and root resorption were the consequence of HZ
infection were based on an association between HZ attack that
happened before and current radiological or clinical findings but
also on the absence of other possible causes of periradicular
inflammation. Therefore, authors concluded that all included
studies had a low level of evidence and that there was a lack of
data that could strengthen the association between VZV infection
and the development of periapical pathoses [58].
Herpesviruses were proposed as putative pathogens in the
development of apical periodontitis. Current hypothesis is re-
lated to the bidirectional relationship between herpesviruses
and endodontic bacteria. However, the specific molecular
mechanisms still have to be elucidated. Although an appropri-
ate germ-free animal model and very strict laboratory condi-
tions for virus manipulation are difficult to attain, further
in vitro studies are expected to provide more data on herpes-
viruses as a factor in the development of periapical pathoses.
In addition, further well-designed controlled longitudinal
studies are necessary to determine whether antiviral therapy
could be beneficial as a novel therapeutic approach in apical
periodontitis treatment.
Acknowledgments The study was supported by grant no. 175075 from
the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of
the Republic of Serbia.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent All reported studies/
experiments with human or animal subjects performed by the authors
have been previously published and complied with all applicable ethical
standards (including the Helsinki Declaration and its amendments,
institutional/national research committee standards, and international/na-
tional/institutional guidelines).
Fig. 2 Mechanism of Varicella zoster virus (VZV)-induced vasculitis of
dental pulp blood vessels. After VZV reactivation from trigeminal nerve
ganglion virions travel the length of the nerve to adventitia of dental pulp
blood vessels. As a consequence of vasculitis, thickening of intima,
paucity of smooth muscle cells, and disrupture of internal elastic lamina
occur. Continuous structural and functional changes of dental pulp blood
vessels induce the development of tissue necrosis and subsequent apical
260 Curr Oral Health Rep (2018) 5:255263
Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
highlighted as:
Of importance
•• Of major importance
1. Nair PN. Pathogenesis of apical periodontitis and the causes of
endodontic failures. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med. 2004;15:34881.
2. Siqueira JF Jr, Alves FR, Rôças IN. Pyrosequencing analysis of the
apical root canal microbiota. J Endod. 2011;37:1499503. https://
3. Vianna ME, Conrads G, Gomes BP, Horz HP. Identification and
quantification of archaea involved in primary endodontic infec-
tions. J Clin Microbiol. 2006;44:127482.
4. Persoon IF, Crielaard W, Özok AR. Prevalence and nature of fungi
in root canal infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int
Endod J. 2017;50:105566.
5. Stevens RH, Porras OD, Delisle AL. Bacteriophages induced from
lysogenic root canal isolates of Enterococcus faecalis. Oral
Microbiol Immunol. 2009;24:27884.
6.•• Jakovljevic A, Andric M. Human cytomegalovirus and Epstein-
Barr virus in etiopathogenesis of apical periodontitis: a systematic
review. J Endod. 2014;40:615.
2013.10.001 This manuscript is the first systematic review on
herpesviral infection in apical periodontitis.
7.•• Jakovljevic A, Andric M, Knezevic A, Beljic-Ivanovic K, Miletic
M, Jovanovic T, et al. Herpesviruses in periapical pathoses: un
updated systematic review. In: Ongradi J, editor. Herpesviridae.
Rijeka: InTech; 2016.
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... In humans, herpesvirus-infected patients were found to have significant changes in serum MDA concentrations during periods of disease activity and remission (28), as were EEHV-HD cases in Asian elephants (14). 8-OHdG is a marker for oxidative DNA damage and has been used to monitor and predict clinical outcomes in several conditions, such as renal failure (29), cancer (30), and herpesvirus infections (31). Serum albumin has antioxidant properties and serves as an important antioxidant in extravascular fluids (32). ...
... While this current study did not find a direct association between ROS levels and viral shedding, it is important to note that oxidative stress encompasses a broader range of cellular responses beyond ROS production (13,14,22). Other mechanisms involving 8-OHdG could be involved, perhaps reflecting the presence of ongoing inflammation and cellular damage (29,31) associated with viral shedding. The release of viral particles from infected cells can induce an immune response and inflammatory processes, which then can contribute to oxidative stress and subsequent DNA damage (118,119). ...
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Introduction Oxidative stress refers to an imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant activity and accumulation of reactive oxygen species, which can have detrimental effects on animal health. Annual fluctuations in oxidative stress status can occur, increasing disease susceptibility during certain time periods. However, a full understanding of factors related to oxidative stress in Asian elephants and how to mitigate the negative consequences is lacking. Methods This study measured six serum oxidative stress markers [reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), albumin, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase] and two stress markers [serum cortisol and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (fGCM)] in 23 captive Asian elephants in Thailand over a 12 months period to examine relationships with age and season. Results Seasonal variations were observed, with several markers exhibiting significantly higher concentrations in the summer (ROS, MDA, 8-OHdG, albumin) and lower values during the rainy/winter seasons (MDA, 8-OHdG, albumin, catalase). By contrast, GPx was the only marker to be highest during the rainy season. For the stress markers, higher fGCM concentrations were noted during the rainy season, which contrasts with earlier studies showing more activity in the winter (tourist season). Positive correlations were found between the temperature-humidity index and ROS, GPx, and fGCM, while a negative correlation was observed with serum albumin. Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) shedding events were associated with higher concentrations of ROS and MDA. A moderate negative correlation was observed between 8-OHdG and the PCR threshold cycle of EEHV shedding (Ct), indicating DNA damage may be involved in EEHV shedding in elephants. Discussion Results revealed significant age and seasonal effects on several oxidative stress markers, indicating those factors should be considered in study design and data interpretation. There also may be physiological adaptations in oxidative stress conditions in relation to environmental changes that could impact health outcomes.
... between herpesviruses and apical periodontitis could be even causal, with the viruses exerting a direct and/or an indirect role in promoting the development of the lesion or is merely an epiphenomenon promoted by the inflammation of the periapical tissue (Jakovljevic et al., 2018). ...
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Objectives: The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies was to assess whether herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) can infect endodontic periapical lesions. Materials and methods: Studies with cross-sectional design investigating HSV-1 in periapical tissues of patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic acute and chronic apical periodontitis were searched through MEDLINE, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Pooled HSV-1 prevalence proportion with 95% confidence interval (95CI) in periapical lesions was assessed with both fixed-effect and random-effects models, with/without adjustment for study quality and publication bias. Result robustness was investigated through sensitivity and subgroup analyses. Results: Literature search, performed twice, provided 84 items, and eight remained for the meta-analysis; globally, there were 194 patients mostly adults. The pooled HSV-1 prevalence proportions, assessed with various methods, were 6.9% (95CI, 3.8-11.3%, fixed-effect); 6.8% (95CI, 3.6-11.0%, random-effects); 8.1% (95CI, 4.4-14.5%, quality-adjusted); and 4.8% (95CI, 2.0-11.4%; adjusted for small-study effect). Conclusions: The results indicated that HSV-1 can colonize the periapical tissues of 3%-11% patients with periapical diseases. Such data do not imply a causative role of HSV-1 in disease development and advancement. Well-designed and large-sized prospective cohort studies should be added in the literature panorama.
... Methods to measure total ROS concentrations have been developed for many species [13,21], providing a means to assess redox status Animals 2023, 13, 1548 3 of 24 and associations with health outcomes. As an example, an increase in ROS production can lead to herpesvirus replication and reactivation in humans and horses because it creates a proper environment for the virus to replicate [12,26]. Another frequently used oxidative marker is malondialdehyde (MDA), which is a product of the lipid peroxidation process. ...
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Oxidative stress is a pathological condition that can have adverse effects on animal health, although little research has been conducted on wildlife species. In this study, blood was collected from captive Asian elephants for the assessment of five serum oxidative status markers (reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentrations; malondialdehyde, MDA; albumin; glutathione peroxidase, GPx; and catalase) in healthy (n = 137) and sick (n = 20) animals. Health problems consisted of weakness, puncture wounds, gastrointestinal distress, eye and musculoskeletal problems, and elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus hemorrhagic disease (EEHV-HD). Fecal samples were also collected to assess glucocorticoid metabolites (fGCMs) as a measure of stress. All data were analyzed in relation to age, sex, sampling season, and their interactions using generalized linear models, and a correlation matrix was constructed. ROS and serum albumin concentrations exhibited the highest concentrations in aged elephants (>45 years). No sex differences were found for any biomarker. Interactions were observed for age groups and seasons for ROS and catalase, while GPx displayed a significant interaction between sex and season. In pairwise comparisons, significant increases in ROS and catalase were observed in summer, with higher ROS concentrations observed only in the adult female group. Lower catalase activity was exhibited in juvenile males, subadult males, adult females, and aged females compared to subadult and adult elephants (males and females) in winter and the rainy season. There was a positive association between catalase activity and fGCMs (r = 0.23, p < 0.05), and a number of red blood cell parameters were positively associated with several of these biomarkers, suggesting high oxidative and antioxidative activity covary in red cells (p < 0.05). According to health status, elephants with EEHV-HD showed the most significant changes in oxidative stress markers, with MDA, GPx, and catalase being higher and albumin being lower than in healthy elephants. This study provides an analysis of understudied health biomarkers in Asian elephants, which can be used as additional tools for assessing the health condition of this species and suggests age and season may be important factors in data interpretation.
... Osteogenesis-associated microbial contamination in bone 50 can be predicted by obtaining the population distribution of different periapical periodontitis-related strains in saliva for the increased number of Epstein-Barr virus and some anaerobic bacteria (e.g. Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Tannerella forsythia, or Prevotella intermedia) 51 . ...
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Human host-associated microbial communities in body sites can reflect health status based on the population distribution and specific microbial properties in the heterogeneous community. Bacteria identification at the single-cell level provides a reliable biomarker and pathological information for clinical diagnosis. Nevertheless, biosamples obtained from some body sites cannot offer sufficient sample volume and number of target cells as required by most of the existing single-cell isolation methods such as flow cytometry. Herein we report a novel integrated microfluidic system, which consists of a microemulsion module for single-bacteria encapsulation and a sequential microdroplet capture and release module for selectively extracting only the single-bacteria encapsulated in microdroplets. We optimize the system for a success rate of the single-cell extraction to be > 38%. We further verify applicability of the system with prepared cell mixtures ( Methylorubrum extorquens AM1 and Methylomicrobium album BG8) and biosamples collected from human skin, to quantify the population distribution of multiple key species in a heterogeneous microbial community. Results indicate perfect viability of the single-cell extracts and compatibility with downstream analyses such as PCR. Together, this research demonstrates that the reported single-bacteria extraction system can be applied in microbiome and pathology research and clinical diagnosis as a clinical or point-of-care device.
Background: Despite numerous studies indicating a high prevalence of herpesviruses in both apical and marginal periodontitis samples, their exact role in the pathogenesis of a periodontal disease is still unclear. Objective: This umbrella review aimed to summarize data on herpesviruses detection in marginal periodontitis (MP) and apical periodontitis of endodontic origin (APEO) samples. Methods: The study protocol has been drafted a priori and registered to the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) (CRD42020215922). The literature search was conducted using the following electronic databases: Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, from inception to October 2020, with no language restrictions. Systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis that evaluated the association between the occurrence of herpesviruses and different forms of periodontal diseases were included. Other types of studies, including narrative reviews, were excluded. Two reviewers independently performed a literature search, data extraction, and quality assessment of included studies. Any disagreements or doubts were resolved by a third reviewer. The quality of the reviews was assessed using the AMSTAR 2 tool (A measurement tool to assess systematic reviews). Results: Six systematic reviews were included in the current review. One was graded as high quality, another one was graded as moderate quality, whereas the other four were graded as critically low-quality reviews. The presence of herpesviruses in subgingival samples was associated with an increased risk of MP, supported by the corresponding meta-analyses. Although the association was strong (OR > 3.0), the confidence intervals were wide, heterogeneity was significant, and studies were of small sample size. In addition, publication bias was detected. Contrary, data from systematic reviews that assessed APEO and herpesviruses did not show any significant associations. Conclusions: Low-quality studies with high uncertainty suggest a strong association between herpesviruses and MP, but not with APEO.
The varicella zoster virus as an aetiological agent for endodontic disease is not a well‐recognised entity despite several published case reports. While advances in DNA molecular analysis techniques (PCR) have contributed to the current understanding of the potential role of the varicella zoster virus in the initiation and progression of endodontic disease, a review indicates a need for ongoing research. Case reports are presented of two female patients with a history of herpes zoster who developed pulp necrosis, with one patient progressing to apical periodontitis. Both patients received non‐surgical endodontic therapy, followed by intra‐coronal bleaching in one of the patients due to tooth discolouration which developed during the prodromal and acute phases of the herpes zoster infection. Clinical and radiographic examinations at 23 and 22 years, respectively, showed the affected teeth to be retained in an asymptomatic and aesthetically satisfactory state with no radiographic evidence of apical pathosis.
Article Title and Bibliographic Information Bronzato JD, Bomfim RA, Hayasida GZP, Cúri M, Estrela C, Paster BJ, Gomes BPFA. Analysis of microorganisms in periapical lesions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Oral Biol. 2021;124:105055. doi:10.1016/j.archoralbio.2021.105055. Epub 2021 Feb 12. Source of Funding Supported by the Brazilian agencies São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) under grant no. 2015/23,479–5; National Scientific and Technological Development Council (CNPq) under grants no 308,162/2014–5 and 303,852/2019–4; and Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) Finance Code 001; grants no 88,887.369163/2019–00 and 88,887.342794/2019–00.. Type of Study/Design Systematic review with meta-analysis of data.
Background The acute (symptomatic) apical abscess is characterized by pulp necrosis, rapid onset, spontaneous pain, percussion pain, pus formation and tissue swelling. The etiopathology of acute apical abscesses includes active (lytic) herpesviruses and gram-negative anaerobic bacteria. The present study examined the potential of valacyclovir, an anti-herpesvirus agent, and systemic amoxicillin to manage the pain of acute apical abscesses. Material and Methods Twenty emergency patients with moderate to severe apical abscess pain received randomly either amoxicillin (1 g STAT dose followed by 500 mg, QID, totally 7 days) + valacyclovir (2 g STAT dose followed by 500 mg, BID, totally 3 days) (“Valacyclovir” group, 10 patients) OR amoxicillin (1 g STAT dose followed by 500 mg, QID, totally 7 days) + placebo (‘Placebo” group, 10 patients). Daily telephone calls during the 6-day follow-up period assessed pain level on a numeric rating scale and analgesic intake. The Mann-Whitney and the Friedman statistical tests analyzed the outcome data. Results At the baseline examination, all 10 Valacyclovir and 9 Placebo patients exhibited moderate to severe pain and 18 patients needed pain medication. On the first day after baseline, the Valacyclovir group showed 2 patients with moderate/severe pain and 1 patient on pain medication, but the Placebo group revealed as many as 8 patients with moderate/severe pain and 9 patients on pain medication. The difference in pain level and analgesic usage between the Valacyclovir and the Placebo group remained statistically significant during the entire post-baseline study period (P<0.05). Conclusion The present study points to valacyclovir as a promising adjunctive agent in pain control with acute apical abscesses.
Aim To investigate the possible association between TNFα (‐308 G/A) and IL‐1β (‐511 C/T) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and GSTT and GSTM deletion polymorphisms and risk of apical periodontitis (AP) development, and determine the association of different genotypes with the presence of herpesviral infection in AP. Methodology The study included 120 periapical lesions and 200 control samples. Gene polymorphism analysis was performed using either polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or PCR/ restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Relative gene expression of TNF‐α and IL‐1β was analysed using reverse transcriptase – real‐time PCR. The presence of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) was assessed by nested PCR. Chi square and Fisher exact tests, and logistic regression analyses were done for polymorphisms, while Mann Whitney U‐test was performed for the expression analysis. The expected frequency of variants was analysed by the Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium test. Results TNF‐α (‐308 G/A) SNP increased AP susceptibility for heterozygous (Odds Ratio (OR) = 1.72, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 1.06‐2.80, P = 0.027) and homozygous (OR = 8.55, 95% CI = 1.77‐41.36, P < 0.001) carriers of the variant A allele. On the other hand, IL‐1β (‐511 C/T) polymorphism exerted a protective effect both in heterozygotes (OR = 0.540, 95% CI = 0.332‐0.880, P = 0.013) and homozygotes (OR = 0.114, 95% CI = 0.026‐0.501, P < 0.001). In addition, GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes separately, as well as concomitantly were associated with an increased risk for AP development (P < 0.001). The null GSTT1 genotype increased approximately twice the risk of Epstein‐Barr infection (EBV) in AP (OR= 2.17, 95% CI=1‐4.71, P=0.048), while TNF‐α SNP decreased it, both in heterozygotes (OR=0.20, 95% CI= 0.08‐0.48, P<0.001) and AA homozygotes (OR=0.07, 95% CI=0.01‐0.37, P=0.001). Conclusions GSTM and GSTT deletion polymorphisms, as well as TNFα (‐308 G/A) SNP, are associated with increased risk, whereas IL‐1β (‐511 C/T) polymorphism decreases the risk of AP development. GSTT and TNFα polymorphisms also appear to modulate the risk of EBV infection in Serbian patients with apical periodontitis.
Aim: To assess whether Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation is triggered by persistent apical periodontitis-related microbes using in vitro and ex vivo methodologies. Methodology: Surgically removed human periapical granulomas (n = 50) and healthy gingival tissues (n = 10) were analysed to determine the presence of EBV and seven persistent apical periodontitis-related microbes. In addition, real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to detect the mRNA expression of BZLF-1, an immediate-early gene of EBV. Expression of latent membrane protein (LMP)-1 and ZEBRA, an early lytic protein of EBV encoded by BZLF-1, was also examined using triple-colour immunofluorescence staining. n-Butyric acid produced by the microbes was quantified, and luciferase assays were performed in association with bacterial lysates. In addition, Daudi cells were cultured with bacterial lysates, and the expression levels of BZLF-1 mRNA and ZEBRA protein were determined. Results: EBV DNA and BZLF-1 mRNA were detected in 47 out of 50 periapical granulomas, but not in healthy gingival tissues. The EBV DNA copy number and the number of Fusobacterium nucleatum were significantly positively correlated with BZLF-1 expression in periapical granulomas. The number of Prevotella intermedia was slightly correlated with BZLF-1 expression; however, the other microbes were not. CD79a-positive B cells in periapical granulomas, but not those in healthy gingival tissues, expressed both LMP-1 and ZEBRA. n-Butyric acid production was the highest in F. nucleatum and the lowest in P. intermedia. Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans and the other tested microbes did not produce n-butyric acid. An F. nucleatum lysate exhibited significantly increased BZLF-1-luciferase activity in the same manner of commercial butyric acid, whereas P. intermedia did not. F. nucleatum also induced the expression of BZLF-1 mRNA and ZEBRA protein by Daudi cells, indicating that EBV reactivation was induced. Conclusion: Among the tested persistent apical periodontitis-related bacteria, F. nucleatum most strongly reactivated latent EBV, whereas E. faecalis and C. albicans as well as the other microbes did not.
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Purpose of Review This review describes the recent findings from epidemiological studies on endodontic infections. The recent literature was screened for studies on the prevalence of primary apical periodontitis and posttreatment apical periodontitis in various populations. Recent Findings Twenty-nine articles reporting data on the prevalence of primary or posttreatment apical periodontitis from all over the world were included. The prevalence of apical periodontitis varied between 7 and 86%, while that of posttreatment apical periodontitis varied between 10 and 62%. The quality of the coronal restoration and the root filling appears to be the major predictors of apical periodontitis. Summary The recent findings from epidemiological studies on the prevalence of primary and posttreatment apical periodontitis in various populations are not substantially different from those from earlier years. It appears that the health of periapical tissues has not majorly improved in the general population.
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[1] Clinic of Oral surgery and Implantology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia [2] Department of Virology, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia [3] Clinic of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia [4] Department of Pathophysiology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia [5] Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Clinic of Dentistry, Medical Faculty, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia [6] Department of Human Genetics, School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia Apical periodontitis represents a chronic inflammation and destruction of periradicular tissue caused by polymicrobial infection of endodontic origin. The aim of this systematic review was to make an update on findings related to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) presence in periapical pathoses and to correlate these findings with clinical, histopathological and radiographic features of periapical lesions. Methods were based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. A search was performed using PubMed, Web of Science and SCOPUS. Search key words included the following medical subjects heading terms: (periapical disease OR apical periodontitis OR periapical lesions OR periapical abscess) AND (viruses OR herpesvir*). A manual search involved references from articles retrieved for possible inclusion. The search, evaluation, and critical appraisal of articles were performed by two independent judges. Collected data were analyzed using the measures of descriptive statistics. The final review has included twenty nine articles related to herpesviral presence periapical pathoses. Qualitative analysis indicated that EBV HCMV, and HHV-8 were the most prevalent species in periapical pathoses. Our findings suggest that there is wide variety of herpesviruses detection rates in periapical pathoses in relation to their clinical, histopathological and radiographic features.
Aim To determine whether Porphyromonas endodontalis can reactivate latent Epstein‐Barr virus (EBV). Methodology The concentrations of short‐chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in P. endodontalis culture supernatants were determined using high‐performance liquid chromatography. A promoter region of BamHI fragment Z leftward open reading frame 1 (BZLF‐1), which is a transcription factor that controls the EBV lytic cycle, was cloned into luciferase expression vectors. Then, the luciferase assay was performed using P. endodontalis culture supernatants. Histone acetylation using Daudi cells treated with P. endodontalis culture supernatants was examined using Western blotting. BZLF‐1 mRNA and BamHI fragment Z EB replication activator (ZEBRA) protein were also detected quantitatively using real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Western blotting. Surgically removed periapical granulomas were examined to detect P. endodontalis, EBV DNA, and BZLF‐1 mRNA expression using quantitative real‐time PCR. Statistical analysis using Steel tests was performed. Results The concentrations of n‐butyric acid in P. endodontalis culture supernatants were significantly higher than those of other SCFAs (P=0.0173). Using B‐95‐8‐221 Luc cells treated with P. endodontalis culture supernatants, the luciferase assay demonstrated that P. endodontalis induced BZLF‐1 expression. Hyperacetylation of histones was also observed with the culture supernatants. BZLF‐1 mRNA and ZEBRA protein were expressed by Daudi cells in a dose‐dependent manner after the treatment with P. endodontalis culture supernatants. P. endodontalis and BZLF‐1 in periapical granulomas were also detected. The expression levels of BZLF‐1 mRNA were similar to the numbers of P. endodontalis cells in each specimen. Conclusions n‐butyric acid produced by P. endodontalis reactivated latent EBV. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Aim: To investigate whether apical periodontitis lesions infected by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) exhibit higher levels of oxidative stress biomarkers (8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG)) and bone resorption regulators (receptor activator of nuclear factor (NF-κB) ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG)) compared to EBV negative periapical lesions and healthy pulp tissues. Methodology: The experimental group consisted of 30 EBV positive and 30 EBV negative periapical lesions collected in conjunction with apicoectomy. The pulp tissues of 20 impacted third molars were used as healthy controls. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of EBV was performed by nested and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respectively. The levels of RANKL and OPG were analysed by reverse transcriptase real-time PCR. The levels of 8-OHdG and GSSG were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Mann-Whitney U-test and Spearman's correlation were used for statistical analysis. Results: The levels of RANKL, OPG, 8-OHdG and GSSG were significantly higher in apical periodontitis lesions compared to healthy pulp controls (P=0.001, P<0.001, P<0.001, and P<0.05, respectively). RANKL and OPG mRNA expression was significantly higher in EBV positive compared to EBV negative periapical lesions (P<0.05). There was no significant correlation between EBV copy numbers and levels of RANKL, OPG, 8OH-dG and GSSG in apical periodontitis. Conclusion: Levels of bone resorption regulators and oxidative stress biomarkers wereincreased in apical periodontitis compared to healthy pulp tissues. EBV positive periapical lesions exhibited higher levels of RANKL and OPG compared to EBV negative periapical lesions. EBV may contribute to progression of apical periodontitis via enhanced production of bone resorption regulators. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to analyse Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) viral loads in symptomatic and asymptomatic apical periodontitis lesions, to determine levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 in these lesions and to investigate a possible correlation between herpesviral copy numbers and levels of proinflammatory cytokines . MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 samples of apical periodontitis were subjected to HCMV and EBV copy numbers analysis by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and TaqMan real-time PCR. The concentrations of TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 were determined by ELISA method. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in the occurrence of EBV and HCMV between symptomatic and asymptomatic periapical lesions (P=.686, P=.879, respectively). Only 12 out of 74 EBV (16.2%) and 4 out of 54 HCMV (13.5%) nested PCR positive samples showed increased viral copy numbers above the limit of 125 copies/ml. There was no significant correlation between the levels of analysed proinflammatory cytokines and herpesviral copy numbers in our sample. CONCLUSION: The observed low viral loads point to a relatively rare occurrence of active EBV and HCMV infection in our sample. Latent herpesviral infection does not enhance the production of investigated proinflammatory cytokines.
Introduction: Varicella zoster virus (VZV) and subsequent herpes zoster (HZ) infection have been proposed as a causative agent of periapical pathoses and root resorption. This review aimed to identify, synthesize, and present a critical analysis of the available data on the association among VZV, subsequent HZ infection, and the development of periapical pathoses and root resorption and to analyze the level of evidence of available studies. Methods: The literature search covered MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded, and Scopus. A qualitative critical appraisal of the included articles was performed. Results: The electronic database search yielded 66 hits from PubMed, 73 hits from Web of Science, and 107 from Scopus. Seven case reports and 3 cross-sectional studies were included in the final review. When summarized, in 7 patients with a history of a previous HZ attack and with no other apparent cause, 23 teeth were diagnosed with apical periodontitis, 8 teeth with internal and 1 tooth with external root resorption. The cross-sectional studies investigated the presence of VZV DNA in samples of acute apical abscess. The VZV DNA was found only in 2 of 65 samples. Conclusions: All studies included in this systematic review had a low level of evidence (4 and 5). Still, the potential role of VZV in the etiopathogenesis of periapical pathoses and root resorption cannot be ruled out. Future investigations should be directed toward the analysis of VZV pathologic effects on pulp blood vessels, which might cause local ischemia and tissue necrosis.
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) seem to be important putative pathogens of human periodontitis and symptomatic periapical lesions, causing pathosis either by inducing immuno-suppression with a subsequent risk of aggressive bacterial infections or by infecting periodontal cells directly. Current hypotheses on the pathogenesis of periapical pathosis include both bacterial and host factors, but the pathogenic events that trigger the conversion of a stable, asymptomatic endodontic lesion to a progressive or a symptomatic lesion remain obscure. Acute exacerbation of periapical disease may be caused from a combination of herpesviral and bacterial causes. This possibility is consistent with the majority of studies that have observed presence of active herpesvirus infections in symptomatic periapical lesions and the proinflammatory potential of herpesviruses. Herpesviruses cause disease in humans in two ways: herpesvirus infections may result at the site of entry or they may enter the circulation and infect distant organs.
The role of bacteria in causing apical periodontitis has been widely established, while the role of other microorganisms is studied less thoroughly. This systematic review and meta-analysis reviewed the literature for the prevalence and diversity of fungi in root canal infections. An extensive literature search was done in the Cochrane databases, EMBASE, MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO and Web of Science. Additional studies were identified from six endodontic journals, four main endodontic textbooks and references of relevant papers. Selected clinical studies included sampling of necrotic pulps in permanent teeth and microbial analysis of these samples. Studies were critically appraised using the Joanna Briggs Institute Prevalence Critical Appraisal Checklist. Meta-analysis was done using MetaXL. The screening of 1041 titles and abstracts and full-text reading yielded 54 studies. The overall prevalence of fungi in root canal infections was 7.5% (CI 95%: 3.6-11.8%) in the inverse variance fixed effect heterogeneity model. Candida albicans was the most frequently isolated species. Significant heterogeneity was observed (P < 0.001, I(2) = 85.04%). Subgroup analyses based on geographical location, period of publication, type of infection, state of general health, communication with the oral cavity, type of sample and identification method revealed no factor influencing the prevalence. Better standardized techniques and a comprehensive analysis will reveal a more detailed and accurate representation of the prevalence and nature of fungi in root canal infections. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Chronic inflammatory processes in periapical tissues caused by etiological agents of endodontic origin lead to apical periodontitis. Apart from bacteria, two herpesviruses, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) are recognized as putative pathogens in apical periodontitis. Although previous reports suggest the involvement of EBV in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis, its exact role in periapical bone resorption has not yet been fully elucidated. We hypothesize that EBV infection in apical periodontitis is capable of inducing periapical bone resorption via stimulation of reac-tive oxygen species (ROS) overproduction. Increased levels of ROS induce expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-jB) ligand (RANKL). RANKL binding to receptor activator of nuclear factor jB (RANK) present on the surface of preosteoclasts induces their maturation and activation which consequently leads to bone resorption. The potential benefit of antiviral and antioxidant-based therapies in periapical bone resorption treatment remains to be assessed.
The assurance of the quality of a service rendered by a member of the dental profession is an essential feature of any system of peer review in dentistry. This document addresses two essential elements: (i) appropriateness of treatment modality and (ii) quality or level of treatment rendered. In revising these guidelines the European Society of Endodontology is responding to a public and professional need. In receiving care of a specialized nature such as endodontic treatment, patients need and deserve treatment that meets the standard of care generally given by competent practitioners. The European Society of Endodontology has the expertise and professional responsibility necessary to assist the dental profession by instituting guidelines on the standard of care in the special area of Endodontics. In accepting this responsibility the European Society of Endodontology formulated treatment guidelines that are intended to represent current good practice. This document is the revised version of an earlier consensus report [International Endodontic Journal (1994) 27, 115-24]. As there is not one single way of performing treatment, these guidelines have been formulated in broad terms.