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Superconductivity From Confinement of Singlets in Metal Oxides

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The Yang-Mills description of phonons and the consequent structure of electron liquids in strongly anharmonic crystals such as metal oxides is shown to yield an attractive electron-phonon interaction , and thus an instability towards the formation of bound states, which can condense to form a superconductor. This mechanism differs significantly from the pairing mechanism of conventional superconductivity: the ground state from which superconductivity emerges is a complicated many-body state of paired electrons and holes which is not amenable to a quasiparticle description, and whose properties are similar to those seen in the Cuprate high temperature superconductors. Confinement arises because the complicated electron liquid structure acts as a source for Yang-Mills bosons, and not the traditional longitudinal density waves of BCS pairing.
Superconductivity From Confinement of Singlets in Metal Oxides
J. M. Booth1,
1ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
(Dated: October 15, 2018)
The Yang-Mills description of phonons and the consequent structure of electron liquids in strongly
anharmonic crystals such as metal oxides is shown to yield an attractive electron-phonon interac-
tion, and thus an instability towards the formation of bound states, which can condense to form a
superconductor. This mechanism differs significantly from the pairing mechanism of conventional
superconductivity: the ground state from which superconductivity emerges is a complicated many-
body state of paired electrons and holes which is not amenable to a quasiparticle description, and
whose properties are similar to those seen in the Cuprate high temperature superconductors. Con-
finement arises because the complicated electron liquid structure acts as a source for Yang-Mills
bosons, and not the traditional longitudinal density waves of BCS pairing.
The discovery of high temperature superconductivity
in the cuprates by Bednorz and uller1generated sig-
nificantly renewed interest in the question of how super-
conductivity can arise in crystalline materials. In the
ensuing three or so decades a huge number of studies
have explored both the experimental properties of the
cuprates, and their theoretical implications, along the
way finding another class of materials which exhibit un-
conventional superconductivity at elevated temperatures:
the pnictides.2
However, despite all of this attention, the cuprate
phase diagram still contains many mysterious phases, not
least of which is the superconducting phase itself,10 while
the strange-metal3and psuedogap4phases are also foci of
intense curiosity for condensed matter physics due to the
unusual properties they exhibit. The goal of all of this
attention is the determination of how high temperature
superconductors form, and what sort of “normal” state
they form out of, such that new materials can be engi-
neered which can hopefully produce superconductivity at
There have been many proposals for the underlying
mechanism of the emergence of superconductivity in
cuprates, beginning with the Resonating Valence Bond5
and spin-wave mediated pairing,6,7 and we cannot be-
gin to summarize them here. For thorough reviews of i)
the Mott Insulating perspective see Lee et al.8, and for a
more general review see Keimer et al.9What is obvious
from the literature is that no clear consensus on the pair-
ing mechanism exists apart from i) the recognition that
magnetic fluctuations are important, ii) as are strong
interactions between the electrons in the normal state,
which must be mediated by doping to give a supercon-
ducting state, and iii) the fact that whatever the pairing
mechanism is, it cannot be the same mechanism which
gives rise to pairing in conventional superconductors.10
In two recent studies the application of Yang-Mills the-
ory to condensed matter systems was studied first in the
context of electron-phonon interactions,11 and then a de-
scription of anharmonic phonons in terms of pure Yang-
Mills theory was presented.12 In this work, the scattering
of Cooper pairs is investigated in the context of a pure
Yang-Mills theory coupled to a Fermi surface, which gives
an electron phonon mechanism of the type explored in
the first paper.11 It is found that the Yang-Mills scatter-
ing cross-section has an attractive potential some spinors,
while other scattering events for different spinor combi-
nations are repulsive. The attractive potential occurs for
scattering between Cooper pairs.
One simple, but significant assumption is made in this
work: the effect of strong correlations in metal oxides is
simply to give a tendency towards half-filling, i.e. each
electron state is correlated with a hole state, and thus
operations on electrons must include the effect on the
associated hole. To this end the spinor states which enter
the interaction vertex must consist stacked electrons and
holes, i.e. Nambu spinors, which are 4-component Weyl
spinors. Thus the electrons and holes in a spinor have
opposite helicities, and the 4 possible combinations are
grouped like so:11
ˆck= up,ˆc
ˆck= down,
k= top,ˆck
k= bottom (1)
and it is the dynamics of these which gives rise to the
interesting phenomena exhibited. The Yang-Mills inter-
action vertices are given by:11
The incoming spinor states can be grouped using spin as
a “gauge charge”, i.e. a colour index, which gives the
following structure:11
arXiv:1810.05339v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] 12 Oct 2018
FIG. 1: Schematic representation of the transformations
enacted by the a) Neutral boson W3
µand b) the
Charged bosons W±
Colour Flavour
1 2
aup top
bdown bottom
The actions of the bosons on the spinors is presented
schematically in Figure (1), with the ˆ
µfield the neutral
boson which doesn’t couple to spin, while the ˆ
and lowering the spins. The most significant difference in
this formalism is that making the ansatz that strong cor-
relations result in the requirement of grouping the elec-
tron and hole states into 4-component Weyl spinors, and
including phonon anharmonicity12 means that the cur-
rents which generate bosons are now comprised of double-
stacked 4-component spinors with the SU(2) generators
providing the outgoing boson structure.11 Thus the cur-
rent becomes:
ij γµψj(3)
where ˆ
ij is a generator of the group SU(2), i.e. a Pauli
matrix. Thus the interaction between spinors in the con-
text of the Yang-Mills interaction vertex to leading order
goes as:13
ji Ta
i(gµν kνkµ
In this formalism, colour-anticolour pairs are Cooper
tt =ˆckˆck
Plugging a Cooper pair in, for example i= 1, k = 1, or
i= 2, k = 2 the colour prefactor can be calculated by the
Fierz completeness relation:13
ji Ta
kl =1
2(δilδj k 1
2δij δkl) = 1
and is positive. For states with different colours, for ex-
ample i= 2, k = 1, the colour factor is 1
4. Therefore,
different combinations of colours give different signs for
the scattering effective potential. Since the scattering
factor for colour-anticolour pairs is positive, the poten-
tial between them is attractive, while for different colours
the sign is negative, and therefore the potential is repul-
Therefore since the scattering of colour singlets by
phonons in a Yang-Mills theory gives an attractive in-
teraction, the Bethe-Salpeter equation will give an in-
stability for the formation of bound states (Cooper
Pairs) similar to the Fohlich interaction in conven-
tional superconductors,14 but without the requirement
of the propagators being off-shell. Thus the fairly tortu-
ous derivation of Bardeen and Pines15 is unnecessary in
Yang-Mills theory, colour singlet states are automatically
confined, and this interaction does not require the exis-
tence of quasiparticles, but does require the existence of
a many-body ground state of electron and hole pairs to
act as a source for the Yang-Mills bosons.
The author acknowledges the support of the ARC Cen-
tre of Excellence in Exciton Science (CE170100026). Cor-
respondence and requests for materials should be ad-
dressed to JMB, email:
1J. G. Bednorz and K. A. Mueller, Z. Phys. B 64, 189
2Y. Kamihara, H. Hiramatsu, M. Hirano, R. Kawa-
mura, H. Yanagi, T. Kamiya, and H. Hosono, Jour-
nal of the American Chemical Society 128, 10012 (2006),
3S. Sachdev and D. Chowdhury, Progress of Theoretical and
Experimental Physics 2016, 1 (2016), arXiv:1605.03579.
4M. Hashimoto, I. M. Vishik, R.-H. He, T. P. Devereaux,
and Z.-X. Shen, Nat. Phys. 10, 483 (2014).
5P. W. Anderson, Science 235, 1 (1987).
6K. Miyake, S. Schmitt-Rink, and C. M. Varma, Physical
Review B 34, 6554 (1986).
7D. J. Scalapino, E. Loh, and J. E. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. B
34, 8190 (1986).
8P. A. Lee, N. Nagaosa, and X.-G. Wen, Rev. Mod. Phys.
78, 17 (2006).
9B. Keimer, S. A. Kivelson, M. R. Norman, S. Uchida, and
J. Zaanen, Nature 518, 179 (2015).
10 A. Mann, Nature 475, 280 (2011).
11 J. M. Booth and S. P. Russo, (2018), arXiv:1808.05769v2.
12 J. M. Booth, (2018), arXiv:1810.03273.
13 M. D. Schwartz, Quantum Field Theory and the Standard
Model (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014) p.
14 A. Altland and B. Simons, in Condensed Matter Field
Theory (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006)
Chap. 6, p. 269.
15 J. Bardeen and D. Pines, Phys. Rev. 99, 1140 (1955).
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Full-text available
The spectral energy gap is an important signature that defines states of quantum matter: insulators, density waves, and superconductors have very different gap structures. The momentum resolved nature of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) makes it a powerful tool to characterize spectral gaps. ARPES has been instrumental in establishing the anisotropic d-wave structure of the superconducting gap in high-transition temperature (Tc) cuprates, which is different from the conventional isotropic s-wave superconducting gap. Shortly afterwards, ARPES demonstrated that an anomalous gap above Tc, often termed the pseudogap, follows a similar anisotropy. The nature of this poorly understood pseudogap and its relationship with superconductivity has since become the focal point of research in the field. To address this issue, the momentum, temperature, doping, and materials dependence of spectral gaps have been extensively examined with significantly improved instrumentation and carefully matched experiments in recent years. This article overviews the current understanding and unresolved issues of the basic phenomenology of gap hierarchy. We show how ARPES has been sensitive to phase transitions, has distinguished between orders having distinct broken electronic symmetries, and has uncovered rich momentum and temperature dependent fingerprints reflecting an intertwined & competing relationship between the ordered states and superconductivity that results in multiple phenomenologically-distinct ground states inside the superconducting dome. These results provide us with microscopic insights into the cuprate phase diagram.
The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in the copper oxides in 1986 triggered a huge amount of innovative scientific inquiry. In the almost three decades since, much has been learned about the novel forms of quantum matter that are exhibited in these strongly correlated electron systems. A qualitative understanding of the nature of the superconducting state itself has been achieved. However, unresolved issues include the astonishing complexity of the phase diagram, the unprecedented prominence of various forms of collective fluctuations, and the simplicity and insensitivity to material details of the 'normal' state at elevated temperatures.
The role of electron-electron interactions in determining the electron-phonon interaction in metals is investigated by extending the Bohm-Pines collective description to take into account the ionic motion. Collective coordinates are introduced to describe the long-range electron-ionic correlations, and it is shown by a series of canonical transformations that these give rise to plasma waves and to coupled electron-ion waves which correspond to longitudinal sound waves. The dispersion relation for the sound waves is identical with that derived by Toya and Nakajima by self-consistent field methods. The velocity of these sound waves is calculated from first principles for sodium and is found to be in good agreement with experiment. The effective matrix element for the electron-phonon interaction is determined and is found to be identical for long wavelengths with that found earlier by Bardeen using a self-consistent field method which neglects exchange and correlation effects. The agreement with the earlier work is explained by the fact that the residual electron-electron interaction is of quite short range, so that an independent-particle treatment is rather well justified. The effects of Coulomb correlations on superconductivity are likewise shown to be small, so that the neglect of Coulomb interactions in the formulation of the superconductivity problem is justified.
A quarter of a century after the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity, there is still heated debate about how it works.
We investigate the three-dimensional Hubbard model and show that paramagnon exchange near a spin-density-wave instability gives rise to a strong singlet d-wave pairing interaction. For a cubic band the singlet & and &) channels are enhanced while the singlet (dxy,dxz,dyz) and triplet p-wave channels are suppressed. A unique feature of this pairing mechanism is its sensitivity to band structure and band filling.
It is shown that the anisotropic even-parity pairings are assisted and the odd-parity as well as the isotropic even-parity pairings are impeded by antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations which are observed in heavy-fermion solids.
We report superconductivity in an iron-based layered oxy-pnictide LaOFeP. LaOFeP is composed of an alternate stack of lanthanum oxide (La3+O2-) and iron pnictide (Fe2+P3-) layers. Magnetic and electrical resistivity measurements verify the occurrence of the superconducting transition at approximately 4 K.
The oxide superconductors, particularly those recently discovered that are based on La2CuO4, have a set of peculiarities that suggest a common, unique mechanism: they tend in every case to occur near a metal-insulator transition into an odd-electron insulator with peculiar magnetic properties. This insulating phase is proposed to be the long-sought "resonating-valence-bond" state or "quantum spin liquid" hypothesized in 1973. This insulating magnetic phase is favored by low spin, low dimensionality, and magnetic frustration. The preexisting magnetic singlet pairs of the insulating state become charged superconducting pairs when the insulator is doped sufficiently strongly. The mechanism for superconductivity is hence predominantly electronic and magnetic, although weak phonon interactions may favor the state. Many unusual properties are predicted, especially of the insulating state.
This article reviews the effort to understand the physics of high temperature superconductors from the point of view of doping a Mott insulator. The basic electronic structure of the cuprates is reviewed, emphasizing the physics of strong correlation and establishing the model of a doped Mott insulator as a starting point. A variety of experiments are discussed, focusing on the region of the phase diagram close to the Mott insulator (the underdoped region) where the behavior is most anomalous. We introduce Anderson's idea of the resonating valence bond (RVB) and argue that it gives a qualitative account of the data. The importance of phase fluctuation is discussed, leading to a theory of the transition temperature which is driven by phase fluctuation and thermal excitation of quasiparticles. We then describe the numerical method of projected wavefunction which turns out to be a very useful technique to implement the strong correlation constraint, and leads to a number of predictions which are in agreement with experiments. The remainder of the paper deals with an analytic treatment of the t-J model, with the goal of putting the RVB idea on a more formal footing. The slave-boson is introduced to enforce the constraint of no double occupation. The implementation of the local constraint leads naturally to gauge theories. We give a rather thorough discussion of the role of gauge theory in describing the spin liquid phase of the undoped Mott insulator. We next describe the extension of the SU(2) formulation to nonzero doping. We show that inclusion of gauge fluctuation provides a reasonable description of the pseudogap phase. Comment: 69 pages, 36 fgiures. Submitted to Rev. Mod. Phys
  • J G Bednorz
  • K A Mueller
J. G. Bednorz and K. A. Mueller, Z. Phys. B 64, 189 (1986).