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Drying alters the phenolic constituents, antioxidant properties, α-amylase, and α-glucosidase inhibitory properties of Moringa ( Moringa oleifera ) leaf

Food Science & Nutrition

Abstract and Figures

Moringa oleifera leaf is a popular green leafy vegetable which has found its usefulness in the preparation of traditional stews and soups. Like most green leafy vegetable which are not around year‐round, the leaf is usually dried and pulverized for storage and easier handling, and despite the popularity of this processing technique, there is dearth of information on how drying affects the health‐promoting properties of the leaves. Hence, this study sought to investigate the effect of some drying methods (freeze‐drying, sun, air and oven drying) on the phytoconstituents, antioxidant properties, and biological activities of moringa leaf. This study revealed that drying methods significantly altered the phytoconstituents (phenolics, flavonoids, vitamin C, tannin, saponin, phytate, oxalate, alkaloid, cardenolides, and cardiac glycosides), antioxidant capacities (reducing power, Fe²⁺chelating, ABTS•+, DPPH, and •OH scavenging abilities), and enzyme inhibitory (α‐amylase and α‐glucosidase) effects of the leaf, with freeze‐drying being the most promising method for preserving the nutraceutical properties of moringa leaf. However, for practical application, the order of preference of the drying methods which ensures adequate retention of phytoconstituents and possibly biological activities of the leaf as observed in this study is freeze‐drying > air drying > sun drying > oven drying, in the order of decreasing magnitude.
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Food Sci Nutr. 20 1 8;1–1 1 . 
Moringa oleifera is a pan- tropical plant having small- or medium-
sized perennial softwood tree with timber of low quality. It is the
best known and most widely cultivated species of a monogene-
ric genus plant family of Moringaceae. This plant is native to sub-
Himalayan regions of northern India and has been planted around
the world and naturalized in many locales (Martin, 2013). In Nigeria,
it is known by many native names such as “zogeli” in Hausa, “okwe
oyibo” in Igbo, “ewe ile,” “igi iyaanu,” or “ewe igbale” in Yoruba and
“dogalla” in Taroh (Fahey, 2005; Saalu et al., 2011). It is considered
one of the world’s most useful trees because almost every part of
the tree has some nutritional, medicinal, and other beneficial prop-
erties (Luqman, Srivastava, Kumar, Maurya, & Chanda, 2012). The
Revised:1 2July2018 
DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.770
Drying alters the phenolic constituents, antioxidant properties,
α- amylase, and α- glucosidase inhibitory properties of Moringa
(Moringa oleifera) leaf
Adedayo O. Ademiluyi1| Olubukola H. Aladeselu1| Ganiyu Oboh1| Aline A. Boligon2
provide d the original wor k is prope rly cite d.
©2018TheAuthors.Food Scien ce & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
1Functional Food s and Nutraceut icals
Unit, Department of Biochemistry, Federal
2Postgr aduate P rogramme in Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Universidade Federal de Santa
Maria, S anta Maria, RS , Brazil
and Nutraceuticals Unit, Department
of Bioche mistr y, Federal University of
Moringa oleifera leaf is a popular green leafy vegetable which has found its usefulness
in the preparation of traditional stews and soups. Like most green leafy vegetable
which are not around year- round, the leaf is usually dried and pulverized for storage
and easier handling, and despite the popularity of this processing technique, there is
dearth of information on how drying affects the health- promoting properties of the
leaves. Hence, this study sought to investigate the effect of some drying methods
(freeze- drying, sun, air and oven drying) on the phytoconstituents, antioxidant prop-
erties, and biological activities of moringa leaf. This study revealed that drying meth-
ods significantly altered the phytoconstituents (phenolics, flavonoids, vitamin C,
tannin, saponin, phytate, oxalate, alkaloid, cardenolides, and cardiac glycosides), an-
tioxidant capacities (reducing power, Fe2+chelating,ABTS•+, DPPH, and OH scav-
enging abilities), and enzyme inhibitor y (α- amylase and α- glucosidase) effects of the
leaf, with freeze- drying being the most promising method for preserving the nutra-
ceutical properties of moringa leaf. However, for practical application, the order of
preference of the drying methods which ensures adequate retention of phytocon-
stituents and possibly biological activities of the leaf as observed in this study is
freeze- drying > air drying > sun dr ying > oven drying, in the order of decreasing
α-amylase, α-glucosidase, antioxidant properties, drying, Moringa oleifera leaf, phenolics
medicinal proper ties have been attributed to phytochemical compo-
sitions of it s various parts: the roots, bark, leaf, flowers, fruits, and
Panda, 2010).
Moringa oleifera leaf belongs to the family of dark green leafy
vegetables, which are particularly rich in nutrients. The leaves
of Moringa are particularly good sources of proteins, calcium,
iron, β-carotene (converted to vitamin A in thehuman body), vi-
tamin C, and vitamin E (Zaku, Emmanuel, Tukur, & Kabir, 2015).
The most utilized component of Moringa is it s leaf, and like most
green leafy vegetables, the leaves are usually processed fresh or
processed into soups and stews in many communities in Nigeria
where they accompany a traditional starchy meal. “Efo- riro” is a
rich vegetable stew that is native to the Yoruba people of Western
Nigeria. This particular stew involves the use of many different
green leafy vegetables in it s preparation and often times, moringa
leaf is employed. The green leaves of Moringa are harvested and
carefully washed to remove dirt. The leaf is blanched before in-
corporation into the stew or could be included directly without
blanching. Furthermore, Moringa leaves are added to other vege-
table soups like “Okra,” “Egusi,” “Ugwu,” and “Spinach” (Babayeju
cooked and eaten like spinach or used to make other soups and
salads. Furthermore, the leaf is often consumed raw, cooked or
dried and ground into fine powder which could be added to almost
any food such as pap (Ogi) and other cereal gruels as nutrient sup-
plement (Zaku et al., 2015).
Moringa have found usefulness in the folk medicine where the
infusions, decoctions, and concoctions of various par ts of this
plant are used in the treatment of several ailments such as cardiac
and circulatory stimulants; possesses antitumor, antipyretic, an-
tiepileptic, anti- inflammatory, antiulcer, antispasmodic, diuretic,
antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antioxidant, antidiabetic,
hepatoprotective, antibacterial, and antifungal activities (Anwar
etal., 2007). And these health-promoting effects have been at-
tributed to its constituent phytochemicals such as zeatin, quercetin,
Furthermore, evidences are also pointing to antioxidant activity as
one of the main mechanism of action underlying the medicinal prop-
erties of moringa leaf (Pari & Kumar, 2002).
Moringa leaf, like most green leaf y vegetables in Nigeria, is not
around year- round; hence, they are usually processed dr y using
several local means such as sun drying, drying under shade, and
oven drying. These dried leaves are pulverized and applied directly
to soups as thickener and to several other food preparations. In an
unfortunate way, despite the popularity of these practices which is
mainly to ex tend the shelf- life as well as the handling of this green
leafy vegetable, there is dearth of information on the effect of these
various drying methods on the phytoconstituents, nutritional and
medicinal values of M. oleifera leaf. Hence, this study sought to in-
vestigate the effect of some drying methods (air- , oven- , sun- , and
freeze- dr ying) on some phy toconstituent s of moringa leaf and to
ascert ain how this affects its antioxidant proper ties and inhibitory
effects on α- amylase and α- glucosidase activities in vitro.
2.1 | Plant material
Fresh Moringa (M. oleifera) leaf was obtained from a local Moringa
plantation in Akure metropolis, Nigeria and authenticated at the
Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management, Federal University
2.2 | Animals
from the C entral Anima l House of Univer sity of Ibadan a nd were
maintained in wire mesh cages and fed with commercial rat chow
and water ad libitum. The animals were acclimatized under this con-
dition for 2 weeks prior to the study.
2.3 | Chemicals and reagents
Folin- Ciocalteu’s reagent, thiobarbituric acid, 1,10- phenanthroline,
drazine (DNPH), 1,1- diphenyl- 2 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, 2,2-
epicatechin, quercetin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, rutin, kaempferol, α-
amylase and α-glucosidaseweresourcedfromSigma-Aldrich,Inc.(St
Louis, MO). Methanol, formic acid, gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caf-
feic acid and ellagic acids were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt,
grade and glass- distilled water was used.
2.4 | Sample preparation
The leaves were washed under running tap to remove dirt and
drained in a plastic sieve. Thereafter, a portion of the leaves was
freeze- dried, another portion was sun dried, the third portion was
air- dried at room temperature and the last portion was oven dried
samples were then pulverized and kept in air- tight containers prior
to analysis.
2.5 | Aqueous extract preparation
One gram e ach of the powdered samples was weighed and extra cted
in100mldistilledwaterfor24hronanorbitalshaker.The extract
was further filtered using Whatman filter paper (No. 1) and the fil-
trate obtained was centrifuged at 1,000 × g for 10 min. Thereaf ter,
the supernatant obtained was dried under vacuum using a rot atory
quent analysis (Oboh, Puntel, & Rocha, 20 07). The percentage yield
oven dried, air- dried and sun dried samples, respectively.
2.6 | Total phenol determination
The total phenol content was determined according to the method of
Singleto n, Orthofer, and L amuela-R aventos (1999).A ppropriate dil u-
tions of the extracts were oxidized with 2.5ml 10% Folin-Ciocalteu’s
wasmeasuredat765nmin thespectrophotometer.Thetotal phenol
content was subsequently calculated as gallic acid equivalent.
2.7 | Total flavonoid determination
The total flavonoid content was determined using the method of
Meda, L amien, Romito, Millogo, and Nacou lma (2005). In brief, 0. 5 ml
of appropriately diluted sample was mixed with 0.5 ml methanol,
50 μl10%AlCl3, 50 μl1MPotassiumacetateand1.4mlwater,and
allowed to incubate at room temperature for 30 min. The absorb-
anceofthereactionmixturewasmeasuredat415nminthe spec-
trophotometer and the total flavonoid content was subsequently
calculated as quercetin equivalent.
2.8 | Vitamin C content determination
Vitamin C content of the extracts was determined using the
method of Benderitter, Maupoil, VeBriot, and Rochet te (1998).
In brief, 75 μl DNPH (2 g DNPH, 230 mg thiourea and 270 mg
CuSO4.5H2O in 100 ml of 5 M H2SO4) were added to 500 μl reac-
tion mixture (30 0 μl of appropriate dilution of the extracts with
100 μl13.3% TCAand water). This wassubsequently incubated
for 3hr at 37°C , then 0.5m l of 65%H2SO4 (v/v) was added to
the mixture and the absorbance was measured at 520 nm. The
vitamin C content was subsequently calculated as ascorbic acid
2.9| Tannin content determination
The tannin content was determined according to the method of
Makkar and Goodchild (1996). In brief, 0.2g of the sample was
weighed int o 50ml sample bot tle and 10ml of 70% aq ueous ac-
etone was added and properly covered. The bottle was shaken for
2hrat30°Cand the solutionwas centrifuged at1,000×g before
the supernatant collected was stored in ice. Thereafter, 0.2 ml of
the solution was mixed with 0.8 ml of distilled water and 0.5 ml
of Folin- ciocalteu reagent was added (the same amount of Folin
reagent was added to 1 ml of 0.5 mg/ml standard tannic acid so-
lution). Then,2.5ml of 20%Na2CO3 was added and the solutions
The absorbance of the reaction mixture was measured at 725 nm
in a spectrophotometer. The tannin content was calculated as an
equivalent of tannic acid.
2.10| Saponin content determination
The saponin content was determined using the method of Brunner
beaker and 100 ml of isobutyl alcohol was added. The mixture was
shaken for 5 hr and the mix ture was filtered into 100 ml beaker con-
taining 20mlof 40% saturated magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) solu-
tion. The mixture obtained was also filtered to obtain a colorless clear
solution. Then, 1 ml of the colorless solution was pipetted into 50 ml
volumetricflask and 2ml of 5% iron (III)chloride(FeCl3) solution was
added and made up to the mark with distilled water (1 ml of 0.2 mg/
ml saponin solution was used as control). The mixture was incubated
at room temperature for 30 min and the absorbance was measured
at 380 nm in a spectrophotometer. The saponin content was subse-
quently expressed as standard saponin equivalent.
2.11 | Phytate content determination
The phytate content was determined according to Day and
in100ml of 2% HClfor 3hr andfilteredthroughNo. 1 Whatman
filter paper.Thereafter,5ml of 0.3%ammoniumthiocyanate solu-
tion was added to 25 ml of the filtrate as indicator. In a subsequent
way, 53.5 ml of distilled water was added to give it the proper acidity
and this was titrated against iron (III) chloride solution that contained
1.95 mg of iron per milliliter until a brownish yellow color persisted
for 5 min. The phytate content was subsequently calculated using
the titer value obtained.
2.12| Oxalate content determination
The oxalate content was determined using the method of Day
and Unde rwood (1986). In brief, 1g of the pow dered sampl e was
soaked in 75 ml of 1.5 N H2SO4 for 1 hr and filtered through a No.
1 Whatman filter paper. Then, 25 ml of the filtrate was titrated hot
(about 80–90°C) against 0.1MKMnO4 until a pink color persisted
for 15 s. The oxalate content was subsequently calculated using the
titer value obtained.
2.13| Alkaloid content determination
The alkaloid content was determined according to the method
of Harbone (1973). Five grams of the powdered sample was
weighed an d 200ml of 10% acetic a cid in ethanol wa s added,
and the reaction mixture was incubated at room temperature for
filtrate obtained was concentrated on a water bath to a quarter
of the original volume. Concentrated NH4OH (20 mM) was added
in drops to the concentrated filtrate until precipitation was com-
pleted. The whole solution was allowed to settle and the pre-
cipitate was collected, washed with dilute NH4OH (250 mM) and
filtered. The recovered residue was weighed and quantified as
the alkaloid.
2.14 | Cardenolides content determination
The cardenolides content was determined according to the method
of Dantas-b arros, Foulquie r, Cosson, an d Jacquin-dubre uil (1993).
In brief, 0.5 g of finely powdered sample was weighed and 50 ml of
chloroformwas added.Thereafter,10mlof2%Na2CO3 was added
to remove any free acid. The reaction mixture was later transferred
into a 250 ml separating funnel and shaken thoroughly to allow the
layers to separate with five drops of acetic anhydride being added.
This mixture was filtered into 100 ml volumetric flask and made to
the mark with chloroform. The absorbance was measured at 510 nm
in a spectrophotometer. Standard cardenolide solution (10 mg/ml)
was used as control and the cardenolide content was subsequently
calculated as the equivalent of the standard solution.
2.15| Cardiac content determination
The card iac glycoside conte nt was determined a ccording to Sofowora
(1993). One gram of the powdered sample was weighed, 50 ml chlo-
roform was added and vortexed for 1 hr. The reaction mixture was
filtered, followed by the addition of 10 ml of pyridine and 2 ml of
29%sodium nitroprusside and themixturewasshaken thoroughly
for 10min. The reafter, 3ml of 20% NaO H was added in or der to
develop a brownish color and the absorbance was read at 510 nm
in a spectrophotometer. Standard cardiac glycosides (Digitoxin) so-
lution (5 mg/ml) was used as the control and the cardiac glycoside
content was subsequently calculated as the equivalent of the stand-
ard solution.
2.16 | Antioxidant assays
Free radical scavenging ability was determined by assessing the abil-
ity of the moringa leaf extracts to bleach stable DPPH radical as re-
portedby Gyamfi, Yonamine,and Aniya (1999). Tocorrectfor the
limitations of DPPH assay (color interference and sample solubility),
the radi cal scavengi ng ability was f urther te sted using ABT S. The
assayprincipleisbasedonscavengingofABTS•+ formed from treat-
mentofABTS withsodium persulfate.This radical cation(ABTS•+)
radical is converted back to it s original colorless neutral form by anti-
oxidant molecules and the extent of bleaching is measured as trolox
equivalent antioxidant capacity (Re et al., 1999). The reducing prop-
the extract s to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ in solution as described by Oyaizu
(1986).Thehydroxylradical (OH) scavenging assay was based on
the ability of the ex tracts to scavenge/prevent OH production from
Fe2+/H2O2- induced decomposition of deoxyribose in solution. The
Fe2+ chelating ability of the extracts was determined using a modi-
Puntel, Nogueira, and Rocha (2005). Fur thermore, the ability of the
extracts to prevent both FeSO4 and sodium nitroprusside- induced
lipid peroxidation in rat’s pancreas and liver homogenates was stud-
ied (Ohkawa, Ohishi, & Yagi, 1979).
2.17 |α- Amylase inhibition assay
The α- amylase inhibitory activity was determined as described by
Worthington and Worthington (1993). Appropriate concentration
of the extracts and 50 μl of 20 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH
6.9 with 6mM Na Cl) containin g pancreatic α- amylase (EC
(0.5mg/ml)were incubated at25°C for10min. Then,50μl of 1%
starch solution (prepared in the same buffer) was added and reac-
tion mix ture was incub ated at 25°C for 10min. Th ereafter 20 0μl
ofdinitrosalicylicacid(DNSA)wasaddedandthereaction stopped
by incubating in a boiling water bath for 5 min. This was later cooled
to room temperature and diluted with 2 ml of distilled water, and
absorbancemeasuredat 540nm. The α- amylase inhibitory activity
2.18|α- Glucosidase inhibition assay
The α- glucosidase inhibitory activity was determined as described
byApostolidis, Kwon,andShetty (2007). Appropriateconcentration
of the extracts and 100 μl of α- glucosidase (EC solution in
Thereafter, 50 μl of 5 mM p- nitrophenyl- α- d- glucopyranoside solution
5min, before reading theabsorbanceat 405nm. The α- glucosidase
2.19 | HPLC- DAD analysis
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD) was per-
formedwith aShimadzuProminenceAutoSampler(SIL-20A)HPLC
system (Shimadzu,Kyoto,Japan) andequipped with Shimadzu LC-
tion 1.22 SP1 soft ware. The quantif ication of phenolic compounds in
the differently dried moringa leaf was carried out using the method
described by Waczuk et al. (2015) with slight modifications. Reverse
phase chromatographic analyses were carried out under gradient
conditions using C18column (4.6mm×150mm)packed with5μm
diameter particles; themobile phases A andBwere Milli-Q water,
acidifi ed to pH 2.0 with 1% of pho sphoric acid an d methanol re-
spect ively, solvent grad ient was used as foll ows: 0–10min, 5% B;
min and the injection volume was 50 μl.Quantifications werecar-
ried out by integration of the peaks using the external standard
method,at 254nmforgallicandellagicacids;280nmforcatechin
andepicatechin;327nm forchlorogenicandcaffeicacids;and366
for quercetin, kaempferol, and rutin.
2.20 | Statistical analysis
The results of the three replicate experiment s were pooled and
expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). A one-way analysis
of variance was used to analyze the mean, and the post hoc treat-
ment was performed using Duncan multiple test. Significance was
accepted at p≤0.05.
The effects of some drying methods on phytochemical composi-
tion of M. oleifera leaf revealed variations in their constituents. The
results of phenolics, flavonoid, vitamin C, tannin, saponin, phytate,
oxalate, alkaloid, cardenolides and cardiac glycosides content in the
differently dried moringa leaf are presented in Table 1. The result
revealed that freeze- dried sample had significantly (p < 0.05) the
highest composition of phytochemicals while oven- dried sample had
the lowest. However, irrespective of the drying method, phenolics,
flavonoids, vitamin C, and phytate were the most abundant while
tannin was the least abundant phytoconstituents in the moringa leaf.
The effect of the various dr ying methods on the DPPH free
radical scavenging abilit y of the moringa leaf was studied and the
result is presented in Table 2. The result revealed that aqueous
extracts scavenged DPPH radicals in a concentration- dependent
(0–330 mg/ml) pattern. However, drying altered the DPPH radical
TABLE1 Effects of drying on the phy tochemical constituents of Moringa oleifera leaf
Parameters Freeze- dried (mg/g) Air- dried (mg/g) Sun dried (mg/g) Oven dried (mg/g)
Phenolics 68.75±0.0 0d59.38±0.42c50.00 ± 0.00ab 46.88±1.42a
Flavonoid 62.50±0.89d58.33 ± 0.00cd 45.83±0.89b25.00 ± 0.00a
Vitamin C 52.94±0.31d41.17±0.31c35.29±0.63bc 23.53±0.60a
Tannin 0.06±0.03 0.05 ± 0.02 0.05 ± 0.03 0.05 ± 0.03
Phytate 70.26±2.40c89.82 ± 0.98d60.98±0.00ab 58.50±1.42a
Saponin 16.36±0.92c16.36±0.00c10.91 ± 0.82b7.27 ± 0.71a
Alkaloid 12.8 ± 1.71c13.4±0.00c5.00 ± 0.92a10.6±2.41b
Oxalate 9.96±0.84c9.09 ± 0.72c6.66±0.00a8.19±0.60b
Cardenolides 13.68±0.71b11.72 ± 1.90b12.53±2.40b8.17 ± 1.71a
Cardiac glycosides 17.36±1.31b16.72±1.91b14.79±2.81a14.79±1.82a
Note. Values represent mean ± standard deviation of triplicate experiments. Superscripts with different alphabets along the same row are significantly
(p < 0.05) different.
Parameters Freeze- dried Air- dried Sun dried Oven dried
DPPH (mg/ml)a251.42±1.03a275.88±0.14b337.91 ± 0.02d310.56±0.03c
ABTS•+ (mmol
1.25 ± 0.05b1.14±0.11ab 1.02 ± 0.00a0.98 ± 0.00a
12.66±0.46c11.04±0.91bc 9.42±0.46b7.47±0.46a
OH (m g/m l) a61.25±0.03a80.36±0.14b94.31±0.28c116.18±1.41d
Fe2+ Chelation
(mg /ml)a
73.14±0.03a85.39±0.04b142.75±0.03c197.89 ± 0.01d
IC50 for inhibition of Fe2+- induced lipid peroxidation (mg/ml)
Pancreas 26.14±1.86a31.92±0.14b32.52 ± 0. 28c35.09±0.06d
Liver 32.03±1.26a35.43±1.41c34.04±0.06b38.92 ± 0.03d
IC50 for inhibition of sodium nitroprusside- induced lipid peroxidation (mg/ml)
Pancreas 37.41±0.72a38.51 ± 0.02b44.26±0.06d42.53±0.02c
Liver 36.20±0.12a39.53 ± 0.28b40.68±0.02c42.23±0.04d
IC50 for enzymes inhibition (mg/ml)
α- A m y l a s e 64.29±0.52a73.47±0.81c69.90±0.14b81.82 ± 0.03d
α-Glucosidase 38.12 ± 0.71a42.52±0.14b46.16±0.09c51.27 ± 0.10d
Notes. Values represent mean ± standard deviation of triplicate experiments. Superscripts with differ-
ent alphabets along the same row are significantly (p < 0.05) different.
aRepresent the IC50values(theamountoftheextractscausing50%antioxidantorenzymeinhibitory
TABLE2 Effects of drying on the
DPPH and OHscavengingability,ABTS•+
scavenging, and ferric reducing
antioxidantproperties(FRAP),Fe2+ -
chelating, inhibition of lipid peroxidation,
α- amylase, and α- glucosidase activities of
Moringa oleifera leaf
scavenging ability of the leaves as freeze- dried sample had signifi-
cantly ( p < 0.05) the highest radical scavenging ability (251 mg/
ml). The effect of the drying methods on the antioxidant capacit y
of the moringa leaf was further studied using a moderately stable
nitrogen-centeredradicalspecie,ABTS•+; as presented in Table 2.
The result also showed that the various dr ying methods signifi-
cantly ( p < 0.05) altered the antioxidant capacity of the moringa
leaf in a manner similar to the DPPH radical scavenging ability.
This is evident by the fact that freeze- dried leaf with the highest
DPPHscavengingabilityalsohad the highest ABTS•+ scavenging
ability(1.25±0.05mmol TEAC/g).Furthermore,theferricreduc-
ing antioxidant property of the Moringa leaves was also studied
and expr essed as AAEs ( Table2). The fr eeze-dried leaf ha d the
highest (12.66±0.46mg AAE/g)reducingpowerwhilethe oven-
driedleafhadtheleast(7.47±0.46mgAAE/g).The effectofthe
drying methods on hydroxyl (OH*) radical scavenging ability of
the aqueous extracts of moringa leaf is also presented in Table 2.
The result showed that freeze- dried leaves had the highest OH
scavengingability(61.25mg/ml) whileoven-driedleaves had the
least(116.18mg/ml). Moreover, the effect of the drying methods
on Fe2+ chelating ability of the moringa leaf was investigated and
the result is presented in Table 2. The result also revealed that
extracts of the differently dried Moringa leaves chelate Fe2+ in a
concentration- dependent (0–100 mg/ml) pattern. However, these
drying methods significantly (p < 0.05) altered the Fe2+ chelating
proper ty of the leaves; with freeze- dried leaf having the highest
Fe2+chelating ability(73.14mg/ml) while oven- dried leaf had the
least (197.89 mg/ml).
The results of lipid peroxidation presented in Table 2 as IC50 val-
ues showed that all the variously dried moringa leaf extracts inhibited
MDAproduction in both the pancreasand liver in a concentration-
(0–63mg/ml) dependent manner.However, drying methods signifi-
cantly (p<0.05)alteredthisproperty.Also,theresultsasrevealedin
Table 2 (IC50) showed that all the extracts of the differently dried mo-
ringa leaf exhibited α- amylase and α- glucosidase inhibitory properties
in a concentration- (0–80 mg/ml) dependent manner. Nevertheless,
significant (p < 0.05) alteration in the inhibition of these enzymes was
observed as affected by the different drying methods.
The result of some drying methods on phenolics and flavonoids
composition of the extracts of dried moringa leaf is presented in
Table 3. This revealed that gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin, chlo-
rogenic acid, caffeic acid, ellagic acid, quercetin, rutin, and kaemp-
ferol were the predominant phenolics constituents of the moringa
leaf. The result showed that there was variation in the phenolics
and flavonoids content of the extracts of dried moringa leaf sample.
However, gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and rutin were
the most abundant in phenolics and flavonoids composition of the
differently dried moringa leaf with freeze- dried sample having the
highest chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and rutin constituents.
Sun drying and air drying at room temperature are the most common
practices used in many parts of the world to preserve vegetables
for dry season consumption while freeze- dr ying and oven drying are
rarely used (Lyimo, Nyagwegwe, & Mukeni, 1991). However, these
processi ng techniques may sign ificantly affect the co ncentration and
bioavailability of some essential constituent s of the food. The phyto-
chemical analysis of the moringa leaf not only showed the presence
of phenolics, flavonoids, vitamin C, tannin, saponin, phytate, oxalate,
alkaloid, cardenolides and cardiac glycosides but also revealed a var-
iation in their concentration af ter being subjected to different drying
processes. Furthermore, drying significantly (p < 0.05) altered the
phytochemical constituents of the moringa leaf with the exception
of tannin content which was not altered by drying. The presence of
these phy tochemicals in the moringa leaf may contribute to its me-
Okwu & Morah, 20 07).
Phenolics are one of the most ef fective antioxidant constituents
of green leafy vegetables and studies have shown that the antiox-
idant properties of plant foods are directly proportional to their
TABLE3 Effects of drying on the phenolic constituents of Moringa oleifera leaf
Freeze- dried Air- dried Sun dried Oven dried LOD LOQ
mg /g μg/m l
Gallicacid 43.19±0.02a58.35 ± 0.01b41.06±0.01a60.11±0.03bc 0.027 0.093
Catechin 6.08±0.01a7.13 ± 0.03a5.98 ± 0.01a29.76±0.01b0.009 0.034
Chlorogenic acid 79.53 ± 0.01c63.19±0.03a62.35±0.04a65.83±0.01b0.011 0.037
Caffeic acid 78.91 ± 0.03c62.81±0.02ab 78 .17 ± 0.03c58.72 ± 0.02a0.024 0.080
Ellagic acid 5.86±0.01a31.04±0.01c6.09±0.01a19.65±0.02b0.008 0.025
Epicatechin 43.37±0.04c27.76±0.01b18.63±0.01a28.95 ± 0.01b0.019 0.063
Rutin 91.05 ± 0.01c75.38±0.04b89.14±0.02c70.21 ± 0.03a0.023 0.076
Quercetin 17.83 ± 0.01a59.01 ± 0.01b62.17±0.03c19.87 ± 0.03a0.015 0.048
Kaempferol 43.90±0.02d40.11±0.01c9.58 ± 0.01a19.65±0.02b0.021 0.069
Note. Values represent mean ± standard deviation of triplic ate experiment s. Means followed by different letters along the same row are significantly
(p < 0.05) different.
phenolic content (Chu, Sun, Wu, & Liu, 2002). Hence, the effect of
the different dr ying methods on the phenolic contents of the mor-
inga leaf was studied. The study revealed that the freeze- dried sam-
ple had the highest phenolic content while oven- dried sample had
the least. This is consistent with earlier repor t that thermal treat-
ments negatively impact the phenolic content of vegetables with a
concomitant reduction in their antioxidant activity (Ismail, Marjan,
tents of the moringa leaf exposed to heat processes such as oven
and sun drying could be due to heat- induced degradation of phe-
nolic compounds (Oboh, Akinyemi, Ademiluyi, & Adefegha, 2010).
Furthermore, the flavonoid content of the differently dried moringa
leaf followed same trend with the phenolics. The observed high
flavonoid content of the freeze- dried leaf may be due to the fact
that some effective volatile compounds might have been destroyed
during the other dr ying processes employed. It has been reported
that heat treatment results in the degradation of flavonoids in veg-
This might be responsible for the significant decrease (p < 0.05) ob-
served in the flavonoid content of the oven- dried leaf. Flavonoids
have been reported as one of the most numerous and widely
Stefani, & Facino, 2001; Schinella, Tournier, Prieto, Mordujovich de
Buschiazzo, & Rios, 2002). Consumption of flavonoid- rich foods has
been suggested to be effective in reducing the risk of coronary heart
diseases and other related diseases (Ok wu & Omodamiro, 20 05).
Ascorbicacid (vitamin C)has beendescribed asanantioxidant
found in plant foods that helps build up the body’s defenses against
freeradicals(Ajiboye,2009).Itisagoodreducingagentand exerts
its anti oxidant acti vities by elec tron donatio n (Oboh, 200 8). Also,
higher retention of vit amin C was observed in the freeze- dried sam-
ple, this may be due to the fact that the leaves were not exposed to
direct heat and air as vitamin C is rapidly oxidized on exposure to
heat and air. This suggest s that freeze- drying has an edge over sun
drying and oven drying in it s preservation of the vitamin C content
which could serve as a good dietary supplement for ascorbic acid.
The vitamin C content of the moringa leaf was higher than that of
some common green leafy vegetables consumed in Nigeria (Oboh,
Akindahunsi, &Oshodi, 2002; Yadav & Sehgal, 1997). Tanninsare
phytochemical compounds of sufficiently high molecular weight
containing sufficient hydrox yl and carboxyl groups which form ef-
fectively strong complexes with protein and other macromolecules.
They are well- known antioxidants in medicinal plants, foods, and
fruits with multifunctional properties beneficial to human health.
The tannin content was found to be very low and there was no sig-
nificant (p < 0.05) difference obser ved (Table 1) in all the samples
after treatment under the various dr ying methods. This may prob-
ably be due to little influence of drying methods on tannin content
(Akan ji, Ologhobo, Em iola, Adedej i, & Adedeji, 20 03). Kumari and
in plants. It has been reported that tannins have antioxidative and
antidiabetic effects and this may be due to their binding ability with
physiologically relevant protein and carbohydrates, which results in
reduction in the bioavailability of carbohydrate and its digestive en-
zymes (i.e., α- amylase and α- glucosidase) (Kunyanga, Okoth, Imungi,
& Vellingiri, 2011). In addition, they also inhibit insulin degradation
and improve glucose utilization and may be relevant in the manage-
ment of diabetes (Kumar i & Jain, 2012). Further more, the tannin
content of the moringa leaf falls below the reported critical value of
Phytate is the primary storage form of phosphorus and inositols
in seeds, grains, a few tubers and fruits. The air- dried sample had
the highest phytate concentration while oven- dried sample had the
least. This may be attributed to the fact that heat reduces phytate
content in plant foods as a result of leaching which might affect
their extractabilit y. Oboh et al. (2002) reported that food process-
ing techniques such as thermal processing reduce phytate content in
plant foods. It has also been reported that phyt ate inhibits α- amylase
and this may prove useful in the management of hyperglycemia (Lee,
with starch and divalent metals has been reported to result in low
glycemic index and also reduces the participation of iron in metal-
induced oxidative stress related with diabetes (Schlemmer, Frolich,
Prieto, & Grases, 20 09). Saponins are plant glycosides that form
soapy lathers when mixed or agitated with water, used in deter-
gents, fo aming agents, an d emulsifiers ( Attia-Ismail , 2015). These
groups of compounds are extremely diverse in biological activities
which are mostly related to their structure and sources. Saponins
significantly af fect feed intake and growth in animals (Das et al.,
2012) which might be related to its effect on protein digestibility
(Potter, Jimenez-Flores, Pollack, Lones, & Berber-Jimenez, 1993).
The values obtained for saponin content were higher than those re-
ported by Mbah, Ogbusu, and Eme (2012). However, as observed
from this study, both freeze- drying and air drying did not alter the
saponin content of the leaves, while both sun drying and oven drying
significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the saponin content. This observed
reduction in the saponin content may be attributed to heat- induced
degeneration involved in both dr ying processes. In like manner, this
finding was consistent with the findings of Mbah et al. (2012) where
both sun dr ying and oven drying significantly reduced the saponin
contents of Moringa leaves.
Alkaloids are the largest naturally occurring secondary sub-
stances with one or more nitrogen atom(s) in a heterocyclic ring.
They are widely employed in medicine because of their physiolog-
ical activities on humans and other animals (Imohiosen, Gurama,
&Lamidi, 2014). The value obtained for alkaloidin thisstudywas
higher thanthe 4.28mg/greportedbyOladeji, Taiwo,Gbadamosi,
Oladeji, and Ishola (2017) for M. oleifera leaf. This content of alkaloid
could be responsible for the slight bitter taste observed in the leaf.
However, this study shows that sun drying and oven drying reduced
the alkal oid content of the leaf. Oxalate occurs naturally in plants and
it is synthesized via incomplete oxidation of carbohydrate. The sun
dried leaf sample had the lowest oxalate content while the freeze-
dried sample had the highest content. The obser ved high oxalate
content in the freeze- dried compared to other samples processed
differently, could be due to the effect of heat on oxalate stability.
In general, significant (p < 0.05) decrease in phytoconstituents
was obser ved for both sun and oven- dried samples; this may be at-
tributed to the effect of UV- radiation, speed and humidity of the
wind, as well as high temperatures involved in sun drying and moist
heat in oven- drying process. This is consistent with earlier findings
of Shilpi, Sabrina, and Nissreen (2011) where a decrease in phyto-
chemical content of edible Irish brown seaweed as temperature in-
crease (upon drying) was reported. Hence, the variations obser ved
in the phytochemical composition of the moringa leaf might be due
to the different heat- induced chemical modifications that took place
during the drying process.
DPPH is a relatively more stable nitrogen- centered free radical
donor that accepts an electron or hydrogen upon reduction to be-
perform this reaction is an important factor in evaluating antioxidant
activity and therefore a free radical scavenger (Hu, Zhang, & Kitts,
2000). The trend obtained in this study agreed with the phytochem-
ical distribution in the moringa leaf and it is consistent with earlier
the ability of the aqueous ex tracts of the leaf to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+
was also studied. This study revealed that drying process signifi-
cantly ( p < 0.05) affec ted the reducing power of the moringa leaf.
The pattern of alteration by the drying method is also similar to that
ofthe ABTS•+ scavenging ability with freeze- dried leaf having the
highest reducing power and the oven- dried leaf having the least. The
observed high reducing power of the freeze- dried leaf as compared
with others may be due to its high phytoconstituents. Reducing
agents are potent terminators of oxidation process, and two mech-
anisms available for this property include (a) electron transfer and
(b) hydrogen atom t ransfer (Rice-Evans, Miller, & Pagang a, 1996).
Likewise, the ability of the drying methods to alter the inhibition of
hydroxyl radical (OH) produced from the degradation of deoxyri-
bose through the Fenton reaction by moringa leaf ex tracts was stud-
ied. This study revealed that drying significantly (p < 0.05) altered
the ability of moringa leaf to prevent OH production in vitro. The
freeze- dried leaves had the highest OH scavenging ability while
oven- dried leaves had the least. The trend in this result agreed with
the effect of various drying methods on the phytochemical contents
andantioxidantactivities(ABTS•+, DPPH and OH scavenging abil-
ities and reducing power) of the moringa leaf earlier discussed. Iron
(Fe) is necessary for a lot of biochemical and physiological functions
in biological systems; however, free cytosolic and mitochondria Fe
can induce oxidative damage through its participation in reactions
leading to ROS production (Oboh & Rocha, 2007); this gives cre-
dence to the use of iron chelators as therapy for iron overload. The
in vitro total antioxidant analysis revealed that highest antioxidant
activity is found in freeze- dried moringa leaf with least in the oven-
dried leaf. This agreed with the phy tochemical distribution in the
leaf and is consistent with earlier studies where strong correlation
existed between phytochemical contents and antioxidant properties
of some plant foods (Chu et al., 2002; Hu et al., 2000).
Furthermore, peroxidation of membrane lipids and other macro-
molecules to give rise to reactive aldehydes and other electrophiles
leading to cell and tissue damage has been known as hallmark of oxi-
dative stress; hence determination and quantification of the reactive
aldehydes(suchas malondialdehyde,MDA) andotherelectrophiles
formed has been used as a measure of oxidative damage in a biolog-
ical systemandalso theextent of lipidperoxidation. Ability ofveg-
etable a nd plant extr acts to inh ibit the MDA produ ction has bee n
used as an indication of their antioxidant power in a biological system.
Hence, it is desirable to investigate the ef fect of the various drying
methods on the ability of the dried moringa leaf ex trac ts to prevent
both Fe2+andsodiumnitroprusside-inducedMDAproductioninrat
pancreas and liver homogenates in vitro. The pattern of alteration
of lipid peroxidation is similar to the antioxidant test carried out in
that, freeze- dried moringa leaf exhibited the highest inhibitory effect
and oven- dried leaf had the least. This also agreed with the result
obtained for phytoconstituents as affected by the drying methods.
Hence, it is safe to suggest that alteration in the phytoconstituents
as affected by drying methods could be principal modulator of the
antioxidant and possibly the biological proper ties of moringa leaf; as
previous studies have come to conclusion that antioxidant proper ties
of plant food are directly proportional to its phytoconstituents.
Pancreatic α- amylase catalyzes the breakdown of starch (poly-
saccharide) into disaccharides and oligosaccharides while intestinal
α- glucosidase is responsible for the breakdown of disaccharides to
glucose which is absorbed from small intestine into the blood cir-
culation. Inhibition of these enzymes has been adopted as dietar y
means for the control of postprandial hyperglycemia in diabetics.
Reports have shown the use of moringa leaf in the management of
linked to the inhibition of carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzymes such
α- amylase and α- glucosidase (Toma, Makonnen, Mekonnen, Debella,
&Addisakwattana, 2014). However,thereisdearth of information
on how drying affects these properties. Hence, the effect of dr ying
methods on the α- amylase and α- glucosidase ac tivities was inves-
tigated. The pattern of alteration of α- amylase and α- glucosidase
inhibitory properties is similar to the ones observed for the anti-
oxidant studies, this suggests that drying- induced alteration to the
phytoconstituents and this may also be responsible for the observed
enzyme inhibition pattern. Phytochemicals have been shown to be
responsible for the antidiabetic effect of many medicinal and plant
foods through their interac tion with critical enzymes involved in
has been at tributed majorly to the phenolic compounds ( Toma et al.,
tors that negatively affect the amounts and bioavailability of these
compounds may significantly impact their antidiabetic properties.
Moringa leaf like many other green leafy vegetables contains
phytochemicals such as phenolics which have been attributed for
their health- promoting effect. However, repor ts are on the increase
about the effect of processing on the content and bioavailability of
this important class of plant phytochemicals in green leafy vegeta-
bles. Hence, to ascer tain the effect of the various dr ying methods
was employed. However, the effect of the drying methods on the
phenolic constituents of the leaf did not totally agree with the anti-
oxidant and enzyme inhibitory effect as the observed earlier trend
was not totally followed. However, the phenolics and flavonoids
constituents were significantly altered by the different drying meth-
ods used in this study. Chlorogenic acid, gallic acids, caffeic acid and
rutin had the highest peaks; these were the most abundant pheno-
lics and flavonoids composition in the dried moringa leaf. The freeze-
dried sample had the highest chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and
rutin constituents; this is consistent with earlier findings whereby
freeze- dried moringa leaf had highest phenolics content. The high-
est phenolics composition (Figure 1a) in chlorogenic acid, caf feic
acid and rutin compounds may contribute to the highest α- amylase
and α- glucosidase inhibition, prevention of lipid peroxidation and
antioxidant proper ties obtained in the freeze- dried moringa leaf.
Chlorogenic acids are formed by the esterification of cinnamic acids,
such as caffeic, ferulic, and p- coumaric acids, with quinic acid. The
consumption of chlorogenic acids has a lot of health benefits (Oboh,
Agunloye,Akinyemi,Ademiluyi, & Adefegha, 2013). Gallicacid is a
trihydrox ybenzoic acid found both in free form and in esterif ied form
as part of hydrolyzable tannins (gallotannins and ellagitannins). It has
antifungal, antiviral, anticarcinogenic, anti- inflammatory, antioxidant
and antidiabetic properties (Shahrzad, Hodgson, & Narumi, 2001).
Caffeic acid has also been reported to increase glucose uptake in rat
myocytes(Cheng & Liu,2000).Quercetin is one of themost com-
mon flavonoids occurring mainly in glycosidic forms such as rutin
(Havsteen, 1983). Rutin exhibits antioxidants, antibacterial, antitu-
mor, anti- inflammatory, antidiarrheal, antiulcer, anticarcinogenic, an-
tidiabetic, antimyocardial protection, vasodilator, immunomodulator
In conclusion, this study revealed that drying methods signifi-
cantly altered the phytoconstituents, antioxidant capacity, and en-
zyme inhibitory effect of moringa leaf with freeze- drying being the
most promising method. The observed alterations in these parameters
may be attributed to the fact that increase in temperature observed
in both sun and oven- dr ying processes could have resulted in UV- and
heat- induced destruction of some labile phytoconstituents, while the
time taken for air drying to be completed could have resulted in micro-
bial degradation of some valuable phytoconstituents. Hence, freeze-
drying appeared to be the best method of preservin g the nutraceutical
proper ties of moringa leaf. However, for practical application, the
order of preference of the drying methods which ensures adequate
retention of phytoconstituents and possibly biological activities of
moringa leaf as observed in this study is oven drying < sun drying < air
drying < freeze- drying, in the order of increasing magnitude.
The authors declare that they do not have any conflict of interest.
This study was approved by the Institutional Research Ethical
Commit tee, Federal Uni versity of Technolog y,A kure, Nigeria an d
the handling and use of the animals were in accordance with NIH
Adedayo O. Ademiluyi
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FIGURE1 Representative high- performance liquid chromatography profile of (a) freeze- dried (b) sun dried (c) air- dried and (d) oven dried
Moringa oleiferaleaf.Gallicacid(peak1),catechin(peak2),chlorogenicacid(peak3),caffeicacid(peak4),ellagicacid(peak5),epicatechin
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How to cite this article:AdemiluyiAO,AladeseluOH,Oboh
antioxidant proper ties, α- amylase, and α- glucosidase
inhibitory properties of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf. Food
Sci Nutr. 2018;00:1–11.
... Moringa oleifera is a tree belonging to the Moringaceae family. It is a popular plant that is widely cultivated in tropical areas [1]. All parts of this tree have important nutritional and medicinal properties. ...
... Various drying methods have been studied and evaluated based on leaf quality, including air drying, Oven-drying, microwave drying, vacuum drying, freeze drying. However, according to several works, the type of drying to produce M. oleifera powder has a considerable impact on the biochemical composition of the powders [1], [4]. Mansour et al. (2016) concluded that Shade-drying is the most recommended as it preserves physicochemical properties. ...
... This is because phenolic compounds are thermosensitive. The lower the temperature used, the better these compounds are preserved [1]. These results corroborate those obtained by [22] on basil leaves. ...
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Biochemical differences in response to dehydration methods in Moringa oleifera leaves were studied in moringa young and mature leaves. Sun drying, oven drying and Shade-drying were applied to leaves samples. After drying, leaves were powdered and subjected to physicochemical and phytochemical analyses. The results showed a lower concentration of physicochemical components in shade-dried moringa leaves excepted moisture content. However, shade-dried M. oleifera leaves showed higher phytochemical components than sun and Oven-drying leaves without significant difference (p˂ 0.05) between young and mature leaves. Furthermore, shade-dried drying leaves had better antioxidant activity (IC50 = 0.072 mg / ml for mature leaves and IC50 = 0.049 mg / ml for young leaves) than sun and oven-dried leaves. The shade-dried technique would be therefore the most recommended for preserving physicochemical and phytochemical quality. However, the higher moisture content of shade dried leaves could be a source of micro-organism proliferation when the powders are stored.
... . It was found that freeze-drying is the best method of preserving the phytoconstituents and biological properties of MO leaves (Ademiluyi et al., 2018). To the best of the authors' knowledge, the use of freeze-dried MO leaves in food applications was not extensively studied. ...
Developing foods with boosted functionality to minimize the potential side effects of oxidative/nitrosative stress and support the immune system while responding to consumers’ needs and preferences is a challenging trend in the food industry. The use of Moringa oleifera leaves, characterized by their high nutritional value and multiple pharmacological properties, is emerging in food applications.
... Moringa leaf extracts (fresh) was utilized in the present study as it is rich in several antifungal compounds such as tannins and flavonoids that have already demonstrated inhibitory activity against fungi (Yadav et al., 2023b). This makes moringa as a suitable candidate to be used in the synthesis of antifungal nanoparticles (Ademiluyi et al., 2018;Rajput, 2017;Vergara-Jimenez et al., 2017). This suggests the use of moringa extract as a stabilizing agent and reducing material for the synthesis of antifungal nanoparticles. ...
... It is suspected that the freeze-drying method has an advantage in maintaining the quality of the drying results. According to Ademiluyi et al. (2018), moringa leaves dried by the freeze-drying method had the highest antioxidant activity compared with other drying methods. ...
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The butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) is a flower that can be grown as a medicinal plant because it contains anthocyanins, which have antioxidant activity. Anthocyanins are compounds that play a role in giving red, purple, and blue colors to petals and fruits. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of three methods of spray, vacuum, and freeze drying on the physicochemical properties of powdered butterfly pea extract and determine the appropriate type of drying to produce powdered butterfly pea extract as a natural dye. The method used in this study was a randomized block design (RBD) with three treatment levels and four repetitions. The treatments used included drying using a vacuum, spraying, and freezing. The analysis carried out was a physicochemical analysis, which included water content, antioxidant activity, total anthocyanin, dissolution time, solubility, color intensity, and hygroscopicity level. The results showed that the vacuum-, spray-, and freeze-drying methods had a significant effect on water content, antioxidant activity, dissolving time, solubility, color, and hygroscopicity but did not have a significant effect on total anthocyanin. Freeze drying is the best treatment on the parameters of water content, antioxidant activity, and color intensity. Meanwhile, for the solubility level and dissolution time parameters, the best results were in the spray-drying treatment. Vacuum drying is the best treatment on the parameters of total anthocyanin and hygroscopicity. Practical Application: This manuscript is relevant for relevant to the food and beverage industry, especially food and beverage products with the addition of natural coloring as an ingredient to make the product more attractive. This research also contains drying methods that can be used to dry food products, especially those containing anthocyanin compounds.
... The presence of these compounds indicates that MEPO is a rich store of health-beneficial bioactive compounds. For example, catechin, epicatechin, rutin, and kaempferol are polyphenolic compounds known for their antioxidant and antidiabetic properties (Ademiluyi et al., 2018;Chukwuma et al., 2022). Thus, the presence of these phytochemicals in MEPO could have individually or in combination contributed to the antioxidant and antidiabetic potentials observed in this study. ...
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Many health benefits have reportedly been associated with mushroom consumption. This study determined the chemical constituents of Pleurotus ostreatus methanol extract (MEPO) and investigated its antioxidant and anti-diabetic effects using in vitro and in silico approaches. The chemical composition of MEPO was determined using the gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID) technique, while 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) methods were used to determine antioxidant activity. The antidiabetic activity was evaluated using α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition assays, while molecular docking was done to give insight into the binding potentials of MEPO constituents against α-amylase, α-gluco-sidase, and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase activities. Thirteen compounds, including ephedrine, oxalate, rutin, naringin, and kaempferol, were identified in MEPO. The extract showed moderate antioxidant activity, as observed from the DPPH (IC 50 = 732.41 mg/ml) and FRAP studies. The extract also demonstrated stronger inhibition of α-glucosidase activity (IC 50 = 246.58 mg/ml) than α-amylase activity (IC 50 = 1074.05 mg/ ml). Docking studies revealed that rutin and naringin interacted effectively with amino acid residues crucial for α-amylase, α-glucosidase, and PEP carboxykinase activities via hydrogen bonds. The result shows that MEPO is a rich store of beneficial compounds which could be explored for the management of diabetes and associated complications.
... However, blanching which is usually conducted using hot water and steam causes nutrient leaching, diffusion, and destruction regarding the high temperature of the blanching process [10]. Meanwhile, the drying process of M. oleifera leaves without blanching is still traditionally applied [11]. The washed M. oleifera leaves were directly dried under sunlight or electrical equipment assistance. ...
The present study aimed to determine the chemical profiling, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and antibacterial activity of Moringa concanensis pod husk (MCPH) by in vitro and in silico methods. Phytochemical analysis displayed significant ratios of secondary metabolites in all the extracts MPCH. Major compounds recorded during chemical profiling are 2,5-dimethylfuran-3,4(2H,5H)-dione (19.2%), oleic acid (13.4%) and campesterol (9%), pyranone (5.7%), monomethyl succinate (5.7%), and 1,2-cyclopentanedione (5.4%). In vitro pharmacological studies revealed that methanolic extract of MCPH had a significant effect on α-amylase (IC50 of 78.98 ± 0.58 μg/mL), α-glucosidase (IC50 of 40.80 ± 0.53 μg/mL) enzyme inhibition assays and antioxidant (IC50 of 54.60 ± 0.5 μg/mL for NO) activity. Antibacterial activity was evaluated against various bacterial strains and the ethyl acetate (MIC of 59.30 μg/mL), methanol (MIC of 14.84 μg/mL) and aqueous (MIC of 118.70 μg/mL) extracts of MCPH possessed potent inhibition effect against all the tested bacteria. Molecular docking investigation revealed that α-tocopherol acetate, palmitone, α-tocopherol, oleamide, β-sitosterol, and heptagonal had maximum binding affinity and docking score for all enzyme targets studied. Simulation studies indicate that α-tocopherol acetate could potentially be used as an activator to manage the enzymatic activity of α-amylase. The results showed that Moringa concanensis pod husk extracts are potential biological source of myriad phytoconstituents with pharmacological properties that can be further regulated for the discovery of novel drugs for the mankind.
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A variety of insect-pest and disease complex is associated with stone fruit plants in temperate region. They cause great damage and economic loss. Among stone fruits peach leaf curl aphid, borers, plum scale, defoliating beetles, fruit flies, bacterial gummosis, crown gall, different cankers, coryneum blight and brown rot are of main concern. Close monitoring of insect pests and diseases for incidence and potential damage is considered one of the key steps for effective pest management. A comprehensive appraisal of causal organisms, symptoms and integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for controlling these pests and diseases in stone fruit crops like plum, peach, apricot, almond, nectarine and cherry have been made in this chapter. Keywords: Stone fruits, pest, disease, damage, symptoms and management.
Ocimum basilicum is an important medicinal plant and culinary he (sB). these plants are effective radical scavengers, that have been e system disorders, and thus, could be beneficial for the manageme (NDs). current clinical treatments for NDs present several side ef develop new treatments that can mitigate these deadly diseases. h neuroprotective activities of sB leaf and seed in aluminum ch Drosophila melanogaster. hPlc characterization of the leaves and was used to induce neurodegeneration and treated flies extracts-supplemented diet. survival and locomotor performan biomarkers [reactive oxygen species (ROs), thiobarbituric acid rea catalase, superoxide dismutase (sOD) and glutathione-s-transfer neurodegeneration (acetylcholinesterase (ache) and monoamine o sB leaf had significantly (p < 0.05) higher polyphenol contents; gall the most abundant polyphenol in the leaf and seed respectively. P rates, level/activities of total thiol, catalase, sOD and Gst were sig ROs, tBaRs, ache and MaO activities were significantly (p < 0.05 treatment with sB leaf and seed diet lessened these observed im better neuroprotective activities that could be related to the obser hence, sB leaf diet may offer improved therapeutic effect in NDs.
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A major constraint to the use of some of the livestock feeds is the presence of toxic and plant secondary metabolite (PSM’s) constituents. These constituents have different but adverse effects on animal performance including loss of appetite and reductions of dry matter intake and nutrients digestibility. They are produced in plants for protective purposes for the plants itself and to adapt to environmental stresses. Some of them are deleterious and some are benefi cial, some of which may be nutritionally valuable but many have no nutritional value or nutritionally detrimental effects. It is estimated that almost 80,000 PSM compounds are found in plants and occur naturally. Toxicity of most poisonous plants is associated with stage of growth, temperature, site, rainfall precipitation, light, soils, weather conditions and kind of animal. Toxicity is rather affected by numerous factors such as rate of ingestion, types and rates of microbial transformations in the rumen, rates of gastro-intestinal absorption, rates and pathways of biotransformation in gut tissues, liver and kidney and effect of enzyme induction or inhibition. Plant secondary metabolites can be divided into fi ve major groups: the phenolic compounds, Glycosides, Alkaloids, Nitrates and Others like Oxalate and Lectins (Haemagglutinins). Tannins are a group of poly phenolic compounds that are produced naturally in some plants. They are distinguished from other polyphenolic compounds by their ability to precipitate proteins. They form complexes also with carbohydrates in the feeds, and with digestive enzymes. Tannins could be beneficial to ruminants. They may be involved in bloat prevention. Monogastric animals are highly susceptible to tannins than ruminant animals. Saponins can also exhibit a range of biological properties, both benefi cial and deleterious. Hydrocyanic acid poisoning of sorghum is the most known problem of cyanogens. Drying considerably reduces the HCN level and sun drying has been shown to be more effective than oven drying. Many of the alkaloids are toxic to humans and animals. Nitrate itself is relatively nontoxic, but its metabolites, i.e. nitrite, nitric oxide, etc. are poisonous. Oxalates are poisonous when animals consume large quantities of oxalate containing plants without adaptation. If oxalates combine with calcium, they become insoluble. Lectins are glycoproteins that have the ability to bind to carbohydrate- containing molecules which cause the agglutination of red blood cells as well as reduced growth, diarrhea, and interference with nutrient absorption. Several methods were used to overcome the adverse effects of tannins such as, alkali treatments including ferrous sulphate and calcium hydroxide, Polyethylene glycol (PEG). Physical methods like soaking and drying and heat treatment before feeding of forage may reduce the toxic level of tannin. Potential methods for reducing the effects of tannin include drying, chemical agents like urea, wilting and wetting with chemical agents, as well as gelatin high in proline content and ensiling. compounds by their ability to precipitate proteins. They form complexes also with carbohydrates in the feeds, and with digestive enzymes. Tannins could be beneficial to ruminants. They may be involved in bloat prevention. Monogastric animals are highly susceptible to tannins than ruminant animals. Saponins can also exhibit a range of biological properties, both benefi cial and deleterious. Hydrocyanic acid poisoning of sorghum is the most known problem of cyanogens. Drying considerably reduces the HCN level and sun drying has been shown to be more effective than oven drying. Many of the alkaloids are toxic to humans and animals. Nitrate itself is relatively nontoxic, but its metabolites, i.e. nitrite, nitric oxide, etc. are poisonous. Oxalates are poisonous when animals consume large quantities of oxalate containing plants without adaptation. If oxalates combine with calcium, they become insoluble. Lectins are glycoproteins that have the ability to bind to carbohydrate- containing molecules which cause the agglutination of red blood cells as well as reduced growth, diarrhea, and interference with nutrient absorption. Several methods were used to overcome the adverse effects of tannins such as, alkali treatments including ferrous sulphate and calcium hydroxide, Polyethylene glycol (PEG). Physical methods like soaking and drying and heat treatment before feeding of forage may reduce the toxic level of tannin. Potential methods for reducing the effects of tannin include drying, chemical agents like urea, wilting and wetting with chemical agents, as well as gelatin high in proline content and ensiling.
A method for the screening of antioxidant activity is reported as a decolorization assay applicable to both lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants, including flavonoids, hydroxycinnamates, carotenoids, and plasma antioxidants. The pre-formed radical monocation of 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS*+) is generated by oxidation of ABTS with potassium persulfate and is reduced in the presence of such hydrogen-donating antioxidants. The influences of both the concentration of antioxidant and duration of reaction on the inhibition of the radical cation absorption are taken into account when determining the antioxidant activity. This assay clearly improves the original TEAC assay (the ferryl myoglobin/ABTS assay) for the determination of antioxidant activity in a number of ways. First, the chemistry involves the direct generation of the ABTS radical monocation with no involvement of an intermediary radical. Second, it is a decolorization assay; thus the radical cation is pre-formed prior to addition of antioxidant test systems, rather than the generation of the radical taking place continually in the presence of the antioxidant. Hence the results obtained with the improved system may not always be directly comparable with those obtained using the original TEAC assay. Third, it is applicable to both aqueous and lipophilic systems.