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While the explosion of online information has introduced new opportunities for finding and using electronic data, it has also underscored the problem of isolating useful information and making sense of large, multidimensional information spaces. In response to this problem, we have developed an approach to building data tour guides, called FindMe systems. These programs know enough about an information space to help users navigate through it, making sure they not only come away with useful information but also insights into the structure of the information space itself. In these systems, we have combined the idea of instance-based browsing, which involves structuring retrieval around the critiquing of previously retrieved examples, and retrieval strategies, or knowledge-based heuristics for finding relevant information. This article illustrates these techniques with examples of working FindMe systems, and describes the similarities and differences between them. FindMe tour guides help users to select the perfect car, movie, restaurant, stereo or apartment on the World Wide Web
Approach to Assisted Browsing
Robin D. Burke, Kristian J. Hammond & Benjamin C. Young
Intelligent Information Lab oratory
University of Chicago
1100 E. 58th St., Chicago, IL 60637
burke, kris, bcy1
May 30, 1997
While the explosion of on-line information has brought
new opportunities for nding and using electronic data, it
has also brought to the forefront the problem of isolat-
ing useful information and making sense of large multi-
dimensional information spaces. In response to this prob-
lem, we have developed an approach to building data \tour
guides," called
systems. These programs know
enough about an information space to be able to help a
user navigate through it, making sure that the user not
only comes away with items of useful information but also
insights into the structure of the information space itself.
In these systems, we have combined ideas of instance-based
browsing, structuring retrieval around the critiquing of pre-
viously retrieved examples; and retrieval strategies, knowledge-
based heuristics for nding relevant information. We illus-
trate these techniques with examples of working
systems, and describe the similarities and dierences be-
tween them.
1 Introduction
What do buying a car, selecting a video, renting an apartment, choosing
a restaurant, and picking out a stereo system have in common? They are
all tasks that require an individual to pick from a large collection of similar
items one which best meets that person's unique needs and tastes. Because
there are many interacting features of each item to consider, such selection
tasks typically require substantial knowledge to perform well. Our aim is
to build systems that can help users perform such tasks, even when they do
not have a lot of specic knowledge. Our approach, called
assisted browsing
combines searching and browsing with knowledge-based assistance.
Suppose you want to rent a video. You are in the moo d for something
Back to the Future
. What are your options? You might want to see the
Back to the Future II
. Or maybe you want to see another movie about
a person dropped into an unfamiliar setting, such as
Crocodile Dundee
, or
Time After Time
, another time-travel movie. If you really enjoyed the way
Back to the Future
was directed, maybe you would like
Who Framed Roger
another Robert Zemeckis picture. Or perhaps, you want to see
another lm starring Michael J. Fox, such as
Doc Hol lywood
. No computer
system can tell you what movie to see, but an intelligent assisted-browsing
environment can present you with these choices (and others), getting you to
think about what you liked in
Back to the Future
The aim of assisted browsing is to allow simplied access to information
along a multitude of dimensions and from a multitude of sources. Since
browsing is the central metaphor, we avoid as much as possible forcing
users to create specic queries. Knowledge-based retrieval strategies can be
employed to consider all of the dimensions of the information and present
suggestions that lead the user's search in reasonable directions. We have
implemented our assisted browsing approach in a series of systems called
systems. They are
Car Navigator
Selecting a new car,
Video Navigator
Choosing a rental video,
Finding an apartment,
Selecting a restaurant,
Conguring a home audio system.
We see the
approach as applicable to any domain in which there
is a large, xed set of choices and in which the domain is suciently complex
that users would probably b e unable to fully articulate their retrieval criteria.
In these kinds of areas, person-to-p erson interaction also takes the form of
trading examples, because people can easily identify what they want when
they see it.
Figure 1 shows the entry point for
, a restaurant guide for the
city of Chicago. Users can pick from a set of menu options to describ e
what they are looking for in a restaurant: a casual seafoo d restaurant for a
large group, for example, or they can, as shown here, type in the name of a
restaurant in some other city for which they are seeking a local counterpart.
---- Figure 1 goes here ----
Figure 1: The initial screen for Entree
The system retrieves restaurants in the Chicago area that are considered
to b e similar to the user's choice of Boston's \Legal Seafood," the top con-
tender being \Bob Chinn's Crabhouse" as shown in Figure 2. The user can
now continue to browse the space of restaurants by using any of the seven
, modications to the example. The user can ask for a restaurant
that is nicer, or less expensive, one that is either more traditional or more
creative, one that is quieter or more lively, and also has the option of lo oking
for a similar restaurant but with a dierent cuisine.
---- Figure 2 goes here ----
Figure 2: Tweaking in Entree
This example shows some of the kind of intelligent assistance and other
interface techniques that are used in
Similarity-based retrieval:
As has frequently been found in other infor-
mation retrieval contexts, it is useful to allow a user to retrieve new
items that are similar to an example currently being viewed [12, 14].
We found that in most cases overall similarity of features was a poor
metric for providing examples, b ecause users attached dierent sig-
nicance to features dep ending on their goals. For example, if your
goal is to buy a car that will pull a big trailer, you will weight engine
size more heavily when comparing cars than other features such as
passenger leg room. So, the system should regard engine size as more
signicant in assessing similarity in this context.
Browsing is typically driven by dierences: if a user were to-
tally satised with the particular item being examined he or she would
stop there. But, an unsatisfactory item itself can play a useful role in
articulating the user's goals. For example, if you are looking for a sci-
ence ction movie to rent, you might look at
Terminator II
, but think
\That would be good, but it's too violent for my kids." The examina-
tion of a particular example can bring to mind a new feature, such as
level of violence, that becomes an explicit part of further search.
Retrieval using high-level categories:
The menus in the
terface present abstract categories that are likely to be of interest to
the user, not the specic low-level features found in the system's data.
For example, if the user asks for a seafoo d restaurant with a casual
must use knowledge of what \casual" means in
the context of the database to create a query { restaurants are not
described by degree of casualness.
Multiple similarity metrics:
Although not shown in the above example,
also incorporates several dierent similarity metrics used in
dierent contexts. If the user asks for a \very expensive" restaurant,
instead of using this feature to retrieve,
actually invokes a
dierent similarity metric, one that does not consider price. Essen-
tially, we interpret the user's request as meaning \Money no object."
Multiple similarity metrics also let a
system arrive at several
dierent suggestions, relevant for dierent reasons.
Although not present in
, there are other categories of interac-
tion we have found useful:
Explanations of trade-os:
Users, especially in unfamiliar domains, may
fail to understand certain inherent trade-os in the domain they are
exploring. A car buyer might not understand the trade-o b etween
horsepower and fuel eciency, and attempt to search for a high-powered
car that also gets 50 miles to the gallon.
Browsing using low-level features:
Some of our early systems allows
users to browse using direct manipulation of the low-level features by
which data elements were described. We found in informal evaluations
that few users took advantage of these capabilities.
These mechanisms are part of a dialogue between system and user in
which the user comes to a b etter understanding of the domain of examples
(through learning about trade-os and seeing many examples) and the sys-
tem helps the user nd sp ecic items of interest by gradually rening the
2 Technical Overview
At the highest level of abstraction, all
systems are very similar.
They contain a database, they retrieve from it items that meet certain con-
straints, and they rank the retrieved results by some criteria. What gives
system its character is the details of how this general pattern
is instantiated for any given domain, particularly in what criteria are used
for retrieval, what criteria are used for ranking results, what tweaking trans-
formations are incorporated into the system, and what additional knowledge
is brought to b ear in addition to the database itself.
It is important in building a
system to understand the relation-
ship between features of the data and the selection task itself. We cannot
make use of all features available in a database in a uniform way. The hours
of operation of a restaurant are rarely as imp ortant as how much a typical
meal costs, for example. Also, it does not make sense to build every possible
tweaking option into the interface. Rarely would a user look at an apartment
and say \I want something just like that, but more expensive."
systems concentrate on a single possible use for the data in a database, but
because of this fo cus, they can provide more assistance to the user.
2.1 The
contains the essence of the
idea, stripped down to its
essentials. It therefore makes a good example with which to explain the
functionality of a
consists of a handful of perl
scripts that handle the output of web pages, and several C++ programs
that implement
functionality. Conceptually, a restaurant
is rep-
resented in the system as a tuple
< i; d; N; F >
, where
is a unique integer
identier for each restaurant used to index the tuple,
contains the name
of the restaurant and other descriptive text about it to be displayed for
the user's benet,
is a set of indexed
, a decomposition of the
restaurant's name into three letter sequences (see below), and
is the set
of features of the restaurant itself.
When the user enters
from the initial page (Figure 1), there are
two p ossibiliti es (a) a particular restaurant has b een entered as a model, or
(b) a set of high-level features has been selected from the set of menus.
In the rst case, the system must attempt to nd a restaurant with the
name the user has supplied. Since users are likely to mistype, misremember
or misspell such names, we have a fuzzy string comparison routine that uses
trigrams, looking for the restaurant name in the database that shares the
most trigrams with what the user typed. The comparison is also sensitive
to the location in the name where the sequence occurs. We nd that this
enables many misspellings to match with the correct restaurant. The name
matcher returns the id for the restaurant that the user has named, which is
used to lookup the corresponding feature set.
In the case of the second entry point, the user selects a set of high-level
features describing their dining interests. For example, a casual seafood
restaurant for a large group. These high-level features are decomposed into
a set of low-level database features. In either case, the entry point provides
the system with a set of features,
. In the menu case,
also gets
some goal information it can later use to tune its ranking of results.
The next step is retrieval of
, the set of all restaurants containing one
or more features from
is a large set, typically 20-50% of the entire
database. For example, when the user selects \Legal Seafo o d," we retrieve
all Chicago restaurants that serve seafood, but also all that charge ab out
$15, all that are similarly casual, etc.
, we perform a hierarchical sort. Suppose we have an ordered list
of goals
, we can apply the goal-related metric
to each
retrieved example. Since the metric is discrete, we can create equivalence
classes or buckets based on the score returned by this metric:
; B
Then the examples are ranked within each bucket with respect to the next
most important goal, creating
; B
, another series of
more nely-discriminated buckets. We can repeat this process until either all
possible ranking operations have been p erformed or there is a totally-ordered
set of examples to show. To make the process ecient, we continuously
truncate the set of buckets so that it contains only the minimum number of
buckets needed to answer the query.
has a default ordering of goals that is assumed if the user enters
a restaurant by name: cuisine is the rst priority, followed by price. So the
rst two passes on sorting will return all of the seafood restaurants ordered
inversely by price, starting from the $15 price bracket. The next goal the
system assumes is atmosphere: the feel of the dining exp erience. Finally, we
use ratings of quality to rank the nal list.
Hierarchical sort is preferred over other ordering schemes, such as weighted
sum scoring, because of the eciencies allowed by working with one feature
at a time. Our retrieval metho d is extremely promiscuous, so evaluating
a complete similarity metric on every retrieved item would be prohibitive.
With a hierarchical method, we can use a succession of simple tests that
quickly trim the set of items under consideration to a manageable size. The
other benet of hierarchical sorting is that preserves an absolute ordering of
goal consideration. Sorting by the second most imp ortant goal will impose
an ordering only on those items already determined to be equivalent with
respect to the most important goal.
The restaurants are returned on a \results" page as shown in Figure 2,
with a single restaurant highlighted, and a list of links to other similar
restaurants below. Each of these links returns another results page, diering
only in that the chosen restaurant is highlighted instead.
All of the tweaks are implemented in essentially the same way. We
perform retrieval based on similarity, just as describ ed above, however, we
then lter out of
all of the restaurants that do not satisfy the tweak given.
For example, if the user lo oking at Figure 2 decides to lo ok for something
\nicer," the system would calculate how \nice" it thinks \Bob Chinn's Crab
House" is, and then creates a subset
of all of the restaurants in
that are
nicer than \Bob Chinn's." It then performs the ranking in exactly the same
way as before, looking at cuisine, price, atmosphere, etc. In some cases, the
result of the tweak lter will be empty, in which case, we report to the user
that there are no more restaurants along the given dimension within the
preferred cuisine. The system will not switch from \seafood" to \French"
in order to continue along the \nicer" dimension, because cuisine is so basic
to the restaurant-nding task. This option is available to the user via the
\Cuisine" tweak.
3 Some
In general, as we have built
we have worked from domains with
small spaces of examples in which features are well-dened and user goals are
straightforward, to larger domains with fuzzier features and more complex
user goals. Each of the systems is proled in this section.
3.1 Car Navigator
The rst
system was the
Car Navigator
, an assisted browsing
system for new car models. Using the interface, which resembles a car
magazine, the user ips to the section of the magazine containing the type
of car he or she is interested in. Cars are rated against a long list of criteria
such as horsepower, price or gas mileage, which are initially set by default
for the car class, but can be directly manipulated. Retrieval is performed
by turning the page of the magazine, at which point the criteria are turned
into a search query and a new set of cars is retrieved. Depending on how the
preferences have changed, the system may suggest that the user move to a
dierent class of cars. For example, if the user started with economy cars and
started to increase the performance requirement, the system might suggest
sports cars instead. Figure 3 shows the user interface for
Car Navigator
---- Figure 3 here ----
Figure 3: The interface for
Car Navigator
It is possible for the user to set the preferences to an impossible feature
combination: one that violates the constraints present in the car domain.
This triggers an explanation of the trade-o that the user has encountered.
For example, if a user requests goo d gas mileage and then requests high
horsepower the yellow light will come on next to the gas mileage and horse-
power features. The system explains that there is a trade-o b etween horse-
power and gas mileage, and the user will have to alter his or her preferences
in one area or the other.
In addition to the ne-grained manipulation of preferences,
Car Navi-
permits larger jumps in the feature space through buttons that alter
many variables at once. If the user wants a car that is \sportier" than the
one he is currently examining, this implies a number of changes to the fea-
ture set: larger engine, quicker acceleration, and a willingness to pay more,
for example. For the most common such search strategies,
Car Navigator
supplies four buttons:
, and
. Each button
modies the entire set of search criteria in one step. Although direct ma-
nipulation of the features was appealing in some situations, we found that
most users preferred to use the retrieval strategies to redirect the search.
The implementation details for this system are outlined in Table 3.1.
Car Navigator
Platform Macintosh
Language Macintosh Common Lisp ( 4000 lines)
C ( 3800 lines)
Database Lisp internal
Data Size 1 MB ( 600 cars)
Table 1: Implementation details for
Car Navigator
The interface was implemented in C, and the database in Lisp, using TCP
streams to pass retrieval requests. This design made the interface very
responsive, but still allowed us the maximum exibility in our handling of
Video Navigator
We used our experience in building
Car Navigator
in the construction of
a system for browsing movie videos for rental. This system,
Video Navi-
, draws on a database of 7500 movies from a popular video reference
work [13]. The system is organized as a sequence of shelves divided into
categories. The user has several tools that can be used to make queries into
the shelves. Once at a particular shelf, the user can select movies and look
at additional information about them, such as plot summaries, cast lists,
The retrieval mechanism in
Video Navigator
is implemented in a set
of interface agents, called
. This design choice was due to the nature
of the movie domain. Users have seen more movies than they have cars.
They know more points in the information space, so need less help from the
system in getting around. The clerks remain passive until the user selects a
particular movie to examine. There are four clerks: one recalls movies based
on their genre, one recalls movies based on their actors, another on directors,
and still another arrives at suggestions by comparing the user against the
proles of other users. Whenever the user picks a movie to inspect, each
clerk retrieves and suggests another related movie. It is as if the user has
a few knowledgeable movie bus following her around the store, suggesting
movies based on their particular area of expertise. The user can choose to
follow up or ignore the suggestions. Figure 4 shows the interface for
Video Navigator
Platform Macintosh
Language Macintosh Common Lisp (4700 lines)
Database Lisp internal
Data Size 1.9 MB (7500 movies)
+ 1.4 MB knowledge base
Table 2: Implementation details for
Video Navigator
It turned out to be dicult to implement tweaking in the movie domain.
While we could easily derive buttons that might be useful: \less violence,"
for example, it quickly became clear that there were too many possible
tweaks to have buttons for each. Ultimately, we would like to have users
supply tweaks in natural language phrases and use simple natural language
processing techniques to allow the system to recognize tweaks such as \too
violent," \I hate musicals," or \Not Mel Gibson."
---- Figure 4 goes here ----
Figure 4: The interface for
Video Navigator
The implementation of
Video Navigator
is summarized in Table 2.
We built the system entirely in Macintosh Common Lisp, using the built-
in interface development tools. The knowledge base in
Video Navigator
consists of similarity relations between actors and inuence relationships
between directors.
Using the same knowledge base and algorithms, we created
an adaptation of
Video Navigator
to the World-Wide Web. Instead of
a browsing interface with a map and shelves, we allow the user to enter
the name of a known movie in free text. This movie is used to generate
suggestions using retrieval strategies like the clerks in
Video Navigator
For example, supp ose the user enters the name of the movie
Bringing Up
, a classic screwball comedy starring Cary Grant and Katharine Hep-
locates similar movies using three dierent strategies.
First, it looks for movies that are similar in genre: other fast-paced come-
Platform Web (Sun Solaris)
Language Allegro Common Lisp (2500 lines)
perl (1500 lines)
Database Lisp internal
Data Size 12 MB (80,000 movies)
Table 3: Implementation details for
dies. As Figure 5 shows, it nds
His Girl Friday
, another comedy from the
same era starring Cary Grant, as well as several others. The second strategy
looks for movies with similar casts. This strategy will discard any movies
already recommended, but it nds more classic comedies, in particular
Philadelphia Story
, which features the same team of Grant and Hepburn.
The director strategy returns movies made by Howard Hawks, preferring
those of a similar genre.
---- Figure 5 goes here ----
Figure 5: A search result from
We expanded our movie database when moving to the web platform,
handling an order of magnitude more movies, as shown in Table 3. Since
the Lisp image containing this database took ab out 60 seconds to load and
initialize, it was impractical to load and run it in resp onse to each web
request. We set up the Lisp image as a server, responding to requests from
a TCP stream. This stream is created and managed by a set of perl scripts
that handle the web requests using the CGI protocol to interact with our
web server.
All of our subsequent
systems have been web-based.
is an interface to a database of classied ads for rental apartments. A
typical apartment seeker might have a goal like \I'd like a place like what
I have now but a little bigger and in a neighborhood with more stu to do
nearby." Notions such as \like the apartment I live in now" are idiosyncratic
and can only be evaluated by the user examining a particular apartment
listing. Another important aspect of the goal stated above is its reference
to knowledge outside of the domain of the apartment listings themselves.
To know whether a neighborhoo d has \more things to do," one must know
something about the city itself.
The entry point for
is a set of menus: for neighborhood, price
and size. The list of apartments meeting these constraints forms the starting
point for continued browsing. As shown in Figure 6, the user can improve
the search by selecting any apartment and using it as the basis for further
retrieval by tweaking. The \Cheap er" button is used to tell the system
to nd similar apartments that are cheaper. The system p erforms another
round of retrieval, keeping in mind the features of the apartment the user
originally selected. As shown in Figure 7, it only nds one acceptable apart-
ment in the same neighborhood, so it relaxes the neighborhood constraint
and begins to look at other, similar, neighborhoods for cheaper apartments.
---- Figure 6 goes here ----
Figure 6: Tweaking an apartment in
---- Figure 7 goes here ----
Figure 7: The result of applying the \cheaper" tweak
starts not from a database, but from a text le of classi-
ed ads for apartments. It builds the database from this text using an
expectation-based parser [10] to extract features from the very terse and
often-agrammatical language of the classied ads. Expectation-based pars-
ing makes it possible to distinguish between \No dogs" and \Dogs welcome,"
a distinction lost to many keyword-based approaches.
was implemented much like
with a Lisp server
containing the database and perl scripts running on a Unix platform. The
Lisp code base is large because
also contains the code for the
natural language parser.
Platform Web (Sun Solaris)
Language Allegro Common Lisp (9500 lines)
perl (1200 lines)
Database Lisp internal
Data Size 2.8 MB (3700 apartments)
Table 4: Implementation details for
was our rst attempt to build a
system that was suf-
ciently stable, robust and ecient to survive as a public web site. Our
previous systems were implemented in Common Lisp, and could not be
made available for public access without regular monitoring. Also, all of
systems discussed so far keep the entire corpus of examples in
memory (the Lisp workspace). This technique has the advantage of quick
access and easy manipulation of the data, but it is not realistic in that it
cannot be easily updated or scaled up to very large data sets. We use a
combination of
, a free database package for Unix, and at text les to
store the data for
The system has been op eration on the World-Wide Web since August
1996 in the conguration described in Table 5. It was rst used by atten-
dees of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. In addition to its
database of restaurants,
also has knowledge of cuisines | in partic-
ular, the similarities b etween cuisines. This enables it to smooth over some
of the discontinuities that exist between our dierent data sources. In some
sources, \Tex-Mex" was considered a cuisine, in others only \Mexican" was
Our most recent
system allows users to navigate through various
congurations for home theater systems. The user can enter the system
two ways: by selecting a budget or by identifying particular components
they already own. The user also must specify the type of room the system
will operate in. The user can browse among the congurations by adjusting
the budget constraint, the features of the ro om or by adding, removing or
Platform Web (Sun Solaris)
Language C++ (3200 lines)
perl (1200 lines)
and at text
Data Size 2.2 MB (4400 restaurants)
Table 5: Implementation details for
replacing components. Since we are dealing with congurations of items,
it is also possible to construct a system component by comp onent and use
that system as a starting point. This makes the search space somewhat
dierent than the other systems discussed so far, in that every combination
of features that can be expressed actually exists in the system.
Figure 8 shows the system after the user has asked to look at a systems
around $1500. The bottom part of the screen has button to alter the pa-
rameters around which the conguration was built: the price tag, the room
size, and particular components involved.
---- Figure 8 goes here ----
Figure 8: Results retrieved by the
Our database in
is not of individual stereo comp onents and
their features, but rather entire congurations and their properties. Al-
though the database is large as indicated in Table 6, each entry in the
database is very simple, just the price for the overall conguration, the con-
straints it satises, and a ag for each of the possible comp onents. An
adapted version of
is currently part of the web presence for Ken-
wood, USA, and is accessible from
(Choose \Build System.")
was our rst experience using standard database techniques
for data access. In
, we used
and at text les of our own design,
obviously not a method easily scaled or extended. The
uses a subset of the Standard Query Language (SQL), as implemented in
Platform Web (Sun Solaris)
Language C++ (2800 lines)
perl (2700 lines)
Database mSQL
Data Size 3 MB (340k congurations)
Table 6: Implementation details for
The structure of the data and the constraints of the interface to the
database meant that we could not use the same retrieval techniques as in our
other systems. Instead we create queries for sp ecic values, and then relax
the constraint in steps if no answers are found. This is an inecient method,
but the domain of examples in
is suciently compact that the
system rarely has to relax more than a single increment. The knowledge
in the
system is in the system's relaxation techniques, and in
the construction of the database itself, which is essentially an enco ding of a
similarity metric over the dierent congurations.
3.6 Summary of Implemented Systems
Table 7 gives an overview of the dierent
searching and browsing
techniques that are employed in each of the systems we have discussed. Not
every technique is appropriate in every domain and as the table shows no
system actually makes use of all of the techniques we have explored.
In general, we have tried to minimize interface complexity, particularly
in our web-based applications. Usually that precludes the use of low-level
features in retrieval because any interface that presents all such features
would be cumbersome. Similarly, in the movie domain, the set of high-level
features (particularly all the dierent genres and subgenres known to the
system) was simply too large to be easily presented: the example-trading
interface for
enabled us to provide the
cleanly and simply.
implementation that is freely available for non-commercial use from
. A nominal licensing fee is required for com-
mercial use.
User Input System Responses
System Low-
Examples Tweaks Multile
Car Navigator
Video Navigator
Table 7: Summary of
systems and their capabilities
Interface constraints also entered in the decision not to employ tweaking
Video Navigator
. There are simply to o many things
that the user might dislike about a movie for us to present a comprehensive
set of tweak buttons. The natural language tweaking capacity discussed
above is the most likely candidate for a tweaking mechanism in this domain,
but that remains a goal for future research.
One important distinguishing characteristic between domains in the de-
gree of \naming" that one can expect. Some objects like restaurants and
movies have well-dened names, but apartments and stereo systems do not.
Naming is essential in using examples as retrieval cues: we would otherwise
have to require that users completely dene the features of an example they
want the system to work from.
Explanations of trade-os are only useful in domains where the trade-o
is meaningful and where tweaks are implemented. In the domain of movies,
it isn't particularly meaningful to report that user has tried to move into
a corner of the space where no movies exist. If you want something more
violent than \Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and no such movie exists, there
probably is little useful feedback the system could give.
While the
research project has demonstrated the wide applica-
bility of our research ideas to many information access domains, and given
us condence that they apply in many more, we have not to date demon-
strated the eectiveness of the systems in any formal sense. It would be
On the other hand, a movie producer might be quite interested in identifying parts of
the space of possible movies where users keep coming up empty-handed.
useful to create a \standard" database system incorporating the same data
for example, and compare the performance of users given the
same task to perform on a
system versus the standard.
One issue to be addressed in such an evaluation is the design of an
appropriate evaluation task. One of our research goals in
is to help users nd items that are meaningful and useful to them, even
if they cannot fully articulate why the item is appropriate. This makes
articial evaluation tasks inappropriate: for example, if users were assigned
the task of \nding a good steakhouse for dinner," dierent users might be
expected to nd dierent restaurants, since they would probably evaluate
them dierently. We would also need to evaluate cognitive change as a result
of using the system to determine if the system has succeeded in teaching
users about the structure of the data space.
One important result of our continued research has been the renement
of the core
engine. This shell forms the computational comp onent
and could be easily adapted with a dierent knowledge base
to operate in any
domain. In its current state, the knowledge
base must be encoded in the system as large constant data structures. We
are developing a more exible version of the shell that would operate on
declarative knowledge structures, and on the knowledge acquisition tools
needed to create those structures for any database and domain.
4 Related Work
The problem of navigating through complex information spaces is a topic
of active interest in the AI community. (See, for example, [2, 5, 6].) Much
of this research is directed at browsing in unconstrained domains, such as
the World-Wide Web, where pages can be on any topic and users' interests
are extremely varied. As a result, these systems must use knowledge-poor
methods, typically statistical ones.
Our task in
systems is somewhat dierent. We expect users
to have highly-focused goals, such as nding a suitable apartment to rent.
The data being browsed all represents the same type of entity, in the case
, apartment ads. As a result, we can build substantial, de-
tailed knowledge into our systems that enables them to identify trade-os,
compare entities in the information space, and respond to user goals. All of
these properties make
systems more powerful than general-purpose
browsing assistants.
In the area of information retrieval, browsing is usually a poor cousin to
retrieval, which is seen as the main task in interacting with an information
source. The metrics by which information systems are measured do not
typically take into account their convenience for browsing. The ability to
tailor retrieval by obtaining user response to retrieved items has been im-
plemented in some information retrieval systems through relevance feedback
[9] and through retrieval clustering [3].
Our approach diers from relevance feedback approaches in both explic-
itness and exibility. In most relevance feedback approaches, the user selects
some retrieved documents as being more relevant than others, but does not
have any detailed feedback about the features used in the retrieval process.
systems, feedback is given through the use of tweaks. The user
does not say \Give me more items like this one," the aim of relevance feed-
back and clustering systems, but instead asks for items that are dierent in
some particular way.
Examples have been used as the basis for querying in databases since the
development of Query-By-Example [12]. Most full-feature database systems
now oer the ability to construct queries in the form of a ctitious database
record with certain features xed and others variable. The RABBIT system
[14] took this capacity one step further and allowed retrieval by incremental
reformulation, letting the user incorporate parts of retrieved items into the
query, successively rening it. Like these systems,
uses examples to
help the user elaborate their queries, but it is unique in the use of knowledge-
based reformulation to redirect search based on specic user goals.
Another line of research aimed at improving human interaction with
databases is the \dynamic query" approach [11]. These system use two-
dimensional graphical maps of a data space in which examples are typically
represented by points. Queries are created by moving sliders that correspond
to features, and the items retrieved by the query are shown as appropriately
colored points in the space. This technique has b een very eective for two-
dimensional data such as maps, but only when the relevant retrieval variables
are scalar values representable by sliders.
, the dynamic query approach has the benet of letting
users discover trade-os in the data because users can watch the pattern
of the retrieved data change as values are manipulated. However, dynamic
query systems have no declarative knowledge about trade-os, and cannot
explain to users how they might modify their search or their expectations
in light of the trade-o. Also, as we found in
Car Navigator
, direct
manipulation is less eective when there are many features to be manipu-
lated, especially when users may not be aware of the relationships between
Our use of knowledge-based methods to the retrieval of examples has its
closest precedent in retrieval systems used in case-based reasoning (CBR) [4,
7, 8]. A case-based reasoning system solves new problems by retrieving old
problems likely to have similar solutions. Because the retrieval step is critical
to the CBR model, researchers in this area have concentrated on developing
knowledge-based methods for precise, ecient retrieval of well-represented
examples. For some tasks, such as case-based educational systems, where
cases serve a variety of purposes, CBR systems use a variety of retrieval
strategies that measure similarity in dierent ways [1].
5 Conclusion
systems perform a needed function in a world of ever-expanding
information resources. Each system is an expert on a particular kind of infor-
mation, extracting information on demand as part of the user's exploration
of a complex domain. In
systems, users are an integral part of
the knowledge discovery pro cess, elaborating their information needs in the
course of interacting with the system. One need only have general knowledge
about the set of items and only an informal knowledge of one's needs; the
system knows about the tradeos, category boundaries, and useful search
strategies in the domain.
Robustness in the face of user uncertainty and ignorance is another im-
portant aspect of
systems. Most people's understanding of real
world domains such as cars and movies is vague and ill-dened. This makes
constructing good queries dicult or impossible. We believe therefore that
an information system should always provide the option of examining a \rea-
sonable next piece," of information, given where the user is now. These next
pieces are derived through the application of retrieval strategies.
The authors would like to thank Dan Kaplan and the Chicago Reader for
their contributions to the
project, Tom Weiner for his assistance
Video Navigator
, and Sunil Mehrotra for assistance with the
project. The
interfaces, except for
Car Navigator
designed and created by Robin Hunicke of the University of Chicago. Nu-
merous other students have contributed to the
eort including
Terrence Asselin, Kai Martin, and Robb Thomas. Kass Schmitt was the
original programmer on the
Car Navigator
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... Dialogue Management. Early CRSs did not rely on natural language but instead on simple forms of preference elicitation by the system and "critiquing" by the user [7,51,57]. When conversational recommenders with natural language interfaces first emerged, they were highly rule-based and limited in their ability to handle mixed-initiative interactions [3,85]. ...
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A Conversational Recommender System (CRS) offers increased transparency and control to users by enabling them to engage with the system through a real-time multi-turn dialogue. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited an unprecedented ability to converse naturally and incorporate world knowledge and common-sense reasoning into language understanding, unlocking the potential of this paradigm. However, effectively leveraging LLMs within a CRS introduces new technical challenges, including properly understanding and controlling a complex conversation and retrieving from external sources of information. These issues are exacerbated by a large, evolving item corpus and a lack of conversational data for training. In this paper, we provide a roadmap for building an end-to-end large-scale CRS using LLMs. In particular, we propose new implementations for user preference understanding, flexible dialogue management and explainable recommendations as part of an integrated architecture powered by LLMs. For improved personalization, we describe how an LLM can consume interpretable natural language user profiles and use them to modulate session-level context. To overcome conversational data limitations in the absence of an existing production CRS, we propose techniques for building a controllable LLM-based user simulator to generate synthetic conversations. As a proof of concept we introduce RecLLM, a large-scale CRS for YouTube videos built on LaMDA, and demonstrate its fluency and diverse functionality through some illustrative example conversations.
... How the critiques work, and what form they take, varies by system. Burke, Hammond, and Young (1997) proposes a critique-based recommender with a method termed "tweaking", where a content-based feature of an item is modified to be different; for example, the system might present options for movies like Terminator II but less violent. Reilly et al. (2004) extends this paradigm from unit critiques, a critique on one content feature, to compound critiques, which respond to multiple features at once. ...
... E2E+ is a modified version of E2E where all slot data is replaced with comparable data. For instance, food data is replaced using the adjectival forms of countries and nations found on Wikipedia, and name and near are replaced with New York restaurant names found in the Entree dataset (Burke, Hammond, and Yound 1997) (e.g. Blue Spice serves highly rated Chinese food. ...
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This study discusses the effect of semi-supervised learning in combination with pretrained language models for data-to-text generation. It is not known whether semi-supervised learning is still helpful when a large-scale language model is also supplemented. This study aims to answer this question by comparing a data-to-text system only supplemented with a language model, to two data-to-text systems that are additionally enriched by a data augmentation or a pseudo-labeling semi-supervised learning approach. Results show that semi-supervised learning results in higher scores on diversity metrics. In terms of output quality, extending the training set of a data-to-text system with a language model using the pseudo-labeling approach did increase text quality scores, but the data augmentation approach yielded similar scores to the system without training set extension. These results indicate that semi-supervised learning approaches can bolster output quality and diversity, even when a language model is also present.
This paper addresses the issue of how to effectively use users' historical data in restaurant recommender systems, as opposed to systems, such as FindMe, that only rely on online operations. Towards that end, the authors propose a bias-based SVD method as the underlying recommendation algorithm and test it against the traditional item-based collaborative filtering method on the Entrée restaurant dataset. The results are promising as the obtained Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE) values reach 0.58 for the SVD and 0.62 for the item-based system. Researchers can extend the transformation from user behaviors to ratings in more application domains other than the restaurant one.
Conversational critiquing in recommender systems offers a way for users to engage in multi-turn conversations to find items they enjoy. For users to trust an agent and give effective feedback, the recommender system must be able to explain its suggestions and rationales. We develop a two-part framework for training multi-turn conversational critiquing in recommender systems that provide recommendation rationales that users can effectively interact with to receive better recommendations. First, we train a recommender system to jointly suggest items and explain its reasoning via subjective rationales. We then fine-tune this model to incorporate iterative user feedback via self-supervised bot-play. Experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our system can be applied to different recommendation models across diverse domains to achieve state-of-the-art performance in multi-turn recommendation. Human studies show that systems trained with our framework provide more useful, helpful, and knowledgeable suggestions in warm- and cold-start settings. Our framework allows us to use only product reviews during training, avoiding the need for expensive dialog transcript datasets that limit the applicability of previous conversational recommender agents.
Offline data-driven evaluation is considered a low-cost and more accessible alternative to the online empirical method of assessing the quality of recommender systems. Despite their popularity and effectiveness, most data-driven approaches are unsuitable for evaluating interactive recommender systems. In this paper, we attempt to address this issue by simulating the user interactions with the system as a part of the evaluation process. Particularly, we demonstrate that simulated users find their desired item more efficiently when recommendations are presented as a list of carousels compared to a simple ranked list.
Recommender systems are decision support systems helping users to identify one or more items (solutions) that fit their wishes and needs. The most frequent application of recommender systems nowadays is to propose items to individual users. However, there are many scenarios where a group of users should receive a recommendation. For example, think of a group decision regarding the next holiday destination or a group decision regarding a restaurant to visit for a joint dinner. The goal of this book is to provide an introduction to group recommender systems, i.e., recommender systems that determine recommendations for groups. In this chapter, we provide an introduction to basic types of recommendation algorithms for individual users and characterize related decision tasks. This introduction serves as a basis for the introduction of group recommendation algorithms in Chap. 2.
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In this digital era, users and service providers are facing various decisions that prompt data over-burden. The choices should be separated and focused on or altered so that the actual data is passed with significant subtleties to the service provider or to the intended user. A recommender framework or engine handles the information overload problem by customizing and filtering the large volume of data and generating the customer’s appropriate information dynamically with personalized content. This comprehensive study focuses on several recommender systems (RecSys) methodologies and discusses the problems or issues associated with different principles and techniques. In addition to the various principles and techniques, this study elaborates on several similarity measures, including conventional and non-conventional measures, with their merits and demerits also points out both ranking and non-ranking performance metrics. Further, we have studied different articles, including journals and conferences. Based on the studies, we outline current research challenges as future directions. We have briefly discussed various datasets utilized in the recommender domain for evaluating and validating the recommendation task.
Critiquing — where users propose directional preferences to attribute values — has historically been a highly popular method for conversational recommendation. However, with the growing size of catalogs and item attributes, it becomes increasingly difficult and time-consuming to express all of one’s constraints and preferences in the form of critiquing. It is found to be even more confusing in case of critiquing failures: when the system returns no matching items in response to user critiques. To this end, it would seem important to combine a critiquing-based conversational system with a personalized recommendation component to capture implicit user preferences and thus reduce the user’s burden of providing explicit critiques. To examine the impact of such personalization on critiquing, this paper reports on a user study with 228 participants to understand user critiquing behavior for two different recommendation algorithms: (i) non-personalized , that recommends any item consistent with the user critiques; and (ii) personalized , which leverages a user’s past preferences on top of user critiques. In the study, we ask users to find a restaurant that they think is the most suitable to a given scenario by critiquing the recommended restaurants at each round of the conversation on the dimensions of price, cuisine, category, and distance. We observe that the non-personalized recommender leads to more critiquing interactions, more severe critiquing failures, overall more time for users to express their preferences, and longer dialogs to find their item of interest. We also observe that non-personalized users were less satisfied with the system’s performance. They find its recommendations less relevant, more unexpected, and somewhat equally diverse and surprising than those of personalized ones. The results of our user study highlight an imperative for further research on the integration of the two complementary components of personalization and critiquing to achieve the best overall user experience in future critiquing-based conversational recommender systems.
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Document clustering has not been well received as an information retrieval tool. Objections to its use fall into two main categories: first, that clustering is too slow for large corpora (with running time often quadratic in the number of documents); and second, that clustering does not appreciably improve retrieval. We argue that these problems arise only when clustering is used in an attempt to improve conventional search techniques. However, looking at clustering as an information access tool in its own right obviates these objections, and provides a powerful new access paradigm. We present a document browsing technique that employs document clustering as its primary operation. We also present fast (linear time) clustering algorithms which support this interactive browsing paradigm. 1 Introduction Document clustering has been extensively investigated as a methodology for improving document search and retrieval (see [15] for an excellent review). The general assumption is that mut...
This paper describes how a computer program can support learning by retrieving and presenting relevant stories drawn from a video case base. Although this is an information retrieval problem, it is not a problem that fits comfortably within the classical IR model of Salton and McGill. In the classical model the computer system is passive: it is assumed that the user will take the initiative to formulate retrieval requests. A teaching system, however, must be able to initiate retrieval and formulate retrieval requests automatically. We describe a system, called SPIEL, that performs this type of retrieval, and discuss theoretical challenges addressed in implementing such a system. These challenges include the development of a representation language for indexing the system's video library and the development of set of retrieval strategies and a knowledge base that together allow the system to locate educationally relevant stories.
This book goes into the details of database conception and use, it tells you everything on relational databases. from theory to the actual used algorithms.
Case-based reasoning, broadly construed, is the process of solving new problems based on the solutions of similar past problems. An auto mechanic who fixes an engine by recalling another car that exhibited similar symptoms is using case-based reasoning. A lawyer who advocates a particular outcome in a trial based on legal precedents is using case-based reasoning. It has been argued that case-based reasoning is not only a powerful method for computer reasoning, but also a pervasive behavior in everyday human problem solving. Case-based reasoning (CBR) has been formalized as a four-step process:N 1. Retrieve: Given a target problem, retrieve cases from memory that are relevant to solving it. A case consists of a problem, its solution, and, typically, annotations about how the solution was derived. For example, suppose Fred wants to prepare blueberry pancakes. Being a novice cook, the most relevant experience he can recall is one in which he successfully made plain pancakes. The procedure he followed for making the plain pancakes, together with justifications for decisions made along the way, constitutes Fred's retrieved case. 2. Reuse: Map the solution from the previous case to the target problem. This may involve adapting the solution as needed to fit the new situation. In the pancake example, Fred must adapt his retrieved solution to include the addition of blueberries. 3. Revise: Having mapped the previous solution to the target situation, test the new solution in the real world (or a simulation) and, if necessary, revise. Suppose Fred adapted his pancake solution by adding blueberries to the batter. After mixing, he discovers that the batter has turned blue -- an undesired effect. This suggests the following revision: delay the addition of blueberries until after the batter has been ladled into the pan. 4. Retain: After the solution has been successfully adapted to the target problem, store the resulting experience as a new case in memory. Fred, accordingly, records his newfound procedure for making blueberry pancakes, thereby enriching his set of stored experiences, and better preparing him for future pancake-making demands. At first glance, CBR may seem similar to the rule-induction algorithmsP of machine learning.N Like a rule-induction algorithm, CBR starts with a set of cases or training examples; it forms generalizations of these examples, albeit implicit ones, by identifying commonalities between a retrieved case and the target problem. For instance, when Fred mapped his procedure for plain pancakes to blueberry pancakes, he decided to use the same basic batter and frying method, thus implicitly generalizing the set of situations under which the batter and frying method can be used. The key difference, however, between the implicit generalization in CBR and the generalization in rule induction lies in when the generalization is made. A rule-induction algorithm draws its generalizations from a set of training examples before the target problem is even known; that is, it performs eager generalization. For instance, if a rule-induction algorithm were given recipes for plain pancakes, Dutch apple pancakes, and banana pancakes as its training examples, it would have to derive, at training time, a set of general rules for making all types of pancakes. It would not be until testing time that it would be given, say, the task of cooking blueberry pancakes. The difficulty for the rule-induction algorithm is in anticipating the different directions in which it should attempt to generalize its training examples. This is in contrast to CBR, which delays (implicit) generalization of its cases until testing time -- a strategy of lazy generalization. In the pancake example, CBR has already been given the target problem of cooking blueberry pancakes; thus it can generalize its cases exactly as needed to cover this situation. CBR therefore tends to be a good approach for rich, complex domains in which there are myriad ways to generalize a case.
A case-based planner learns by correctly indexing its planning experiences in memory. The main task of the learner is to figure out which features a piece of information should be indexed under. A case-based planner learns 1) new plans; 2) the features that predict failures; 3) past repairs to faulty plans that it can reuse. This learning is accomplished by saving the different results of the planner's own experiences.
Considers how dynamic queries allow users to "fly through" databases by adjusting widgets and viewing the animated results. In studies, users reacted to this approach with an enthusiasm more commonly associated with video games. Adoption requires research into retrieval and display algorithms and user-interface design. The author discusses how experts may benefit from visual interfaces because they will be able to formulate more complex queries and interpret intricate results.< ></ETX