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Genesis and organic geochemical characteristics of oil shale in Eastern Azerbaijan

  • Institute of Geophysics and Geology (Azerbaijan)

Abstract and Figures

The paper presents a study on genesis and organic geochemical characteristics of oil shales, occurred in different tectonic zones of Eastern Azerbaijan. Lithostratigraphic properties of oil shale containing sediments, evolutionary dynamics and structural types of organic matter were studied. In terms of paleogeography, it was defined that the formation of oil shales in examined regions, are associated with an almost identical sedimentation conditions (in shallow freshwater and silty pools - lagoons). The organic matter of the oil shales is mainly consist of phytoplankton (algae) and zooplanktons (fish larvae etc.). Connected with orogenic phases, the formation of oil shale, coal and oil in southeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus links their similar genetic properties. Thermal analysis of oil shale revealed that when organic matter loses the most part of its weight at a higher temperature (≥400 °C) corresponds to aliphatic, but at lower temperatures (≥200 °C) aromatic structures. Pyrolysis of oil shale samples showed that in the initial stage (500-550 °C), excluding the amount of gas, bitumen and pyrolytic water were increased. Increasing the temperature up to 800-850 °C leads to the conversion of higher molecular hydrocarbons into lower, and formation of gases and coke residues. The gradual increase in temperature ends with carbonization of kerogen. An abrupt change in the yielding of bitumen is mainly observed at a temperature of 400 °C. Thermal analysis and pyrolysis of oi shale samples, taken from different studied regions allow making conclusion that some of their kerogens is fully matured.
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1. Introduction and Background
Oil shales in Eastern Azerbaijan are insignificantly
related to Cretaceous but the major known outcrops
are found in the Paleogene-Miocene deposits. The
total number of outcrops is more than 60 in the
republic. The most often oil shales are recorded in
Shamakhi-Gobustan region, where more than 50%
of outcrops are located. In addition, the outcrops
have been also found in Absheron, Ismayilli and
Guba-regions [1, 2] (fig.1).
Initial studies of oil shales in Azerbaijan were
carried out in the last century by Azerbaijani and
Russian scientists. Until end of the XX century these
sediments were investigated at various aspects in
studies of several researchers. The studies were
devoted of the short geological and geochemical
descriptions of the oil shales cropping out on the
surface [3-10].
Since 2000, the studies on the oil shale were
continued at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics.
Specialists of Department of «Mud volcanism» have
been conducting researches on geology, geochemistry,
probable resources and industrial application of oil
shales on the basis of the researches, that have been
carried out in other countries [11-26].
In this study, stratigraphy and genesis of oil
shales in Azerbaijan were investigated. In addition,
a big part of the paper is devoted to the types and
changes of organic matter in the oil shales during
different stages of lithogenesis.
2. Distributional areas of oil shale in
Shamakhi-Gobustan region occupies a vast area
of the southeastern margin of the Greater Caucasus
and is characterized by complex tectonic structure.
The geological structure of the region is mainly
consisting of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments.
There are more than 30 oil shale outcrops, and oil -
Ad.A.Aliyev*, O.R.Abbasov, A.J.Ibadzade, A.N.Mammadova
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan
SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
A b s t r a c t
The paper presents a study on genesis and organic geochemical characteristics of oil
shales, occurred in different tectonic zones of Eastern Azerbaijan. Lithostratigraphic
properties of oil shale containing sediments, evolutionary dynamics and structural
types of organic matter were studied. In terms of paleogeography, it was defined
that the formation of oil shales in examined regions, are associated with an almost
identical sedimentation conditions (in shallow freshwater and silty pools - lagoons).
The organic matter of the oil shales is mainly consist of phytoplankton (algae) and
zooplanktons (fish larvae etc.). Connected with orogenic phases, the formation of oil
shale, coal and oil in southeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus links their similar
genetic properties. Thermal analysis of oil shale revealed that when organic matter
loses the most part of its weight at a higher temperature (≥400 °C) corresponds to
aliphatic, but at lower temperatures (≥200 °C) aromatic structures. Pyrolysis of oil
shale samples showed that in the initial stage (500-550 °C), excluding the amount
of gas, bitumen and pyrolytic water were increased. Increasing the temperature up
to 800-850 °C leads to the conversion of higher molecular hydrocarbons into lower,
and formation of gases and coke residues. The gradual increase in temperature
ends with carbonization of kerogen. An abrupt change in the yielding of bitumen is
mainly observed at a temperature of 400 °C. Thermal analysis and pyrolysis of oil
shale samples, taken from different studied regions allow making conclusion that
some of their kerogens is fully matured.
Oil shale;
Organic matter;
Tthermal analysis;
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Ad.A.Aliyev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
gas fields in the region [23].
A few oil shale outcrops (Qyzmeydan, Zarat,
Heyberi, Kurkechidagh and etc.) were discovered in
Northern Gobustan. They are related to Cretaceous
sediments which have no commercial value.
Numerous outcrops like Jengichay, Kecheller,
Boyuk Siyeki and others were recorded in Central
and South Gobustan, where the Paleogene-Miocene
sediments are widely occurring. These outcrops
are confined to the Middle Eocene, Maikopian
(Oligocene-Lower Miocene), Konkian and Meotian
successions (Middel-Upper Miocene) (fig.2) [24].
There have been recorded more than 15 oil shale
outcrops in Absheron. The outcrops are mainly
associated with the Upper Maikopian, Konkian
and Meotianian sediments. Upper Meotian oil
shales have been revealed in Binegedi, Fatmayi,
Saray, Ateshgah and other anticlines. Oil shales
tied to the Maikopian sediments have been found
in the west part of Absheron. In the border
with Shamakhi-Gobustan region, there are only
two (Goytepe and Uchtepe) oil shale outcrops,
which are related to the Middle Eocene (Koun)
In studied sections oil shale beds of different
thickness are alternating with other rocks.
Sometimes, the signs of bitumen traces are
recorded in these sections. For example, such a
feature was revealed in the Konkian-Karaganian
(Middle Miocene) sediments in Zigilpiri outcrop.
Fig.1. Location map (1:1000000) of oil shale fields in Azerbaijan [2]
Oil shale outcrops: 1 – Guba; 2 – Zarat; 3 – Bakhyshly; 4 – Diyally; 5 – Heyberi; 6 – Qyzmeydan;
7 – Altyaghaj; 8 – Kemishdagh; 9 – Embizler; 10 – Charqyshlaq; 11 – Kurkechidagh; 12 – Talyshnuru;
13 – Khilmilli; 14 – Aghdere; 15 – Yashma; 16 – Engekheran; 17 – Shamakhi; 18 – Erebshalbashy;
19 – Shabandagh; 20 – Jeyirli; 21 – Goredil; 22 – Qaraja; 23 – Tuva; 24 - Qibledagh; 25 – Ahudagh;
26 – Sheibler; 27 – Kichik Siyeki; 28 – Boyuk Siyeki; 29 – Qarayokhush; 30 – Jengidagh; 31 – Jengichay;
32 – Kecheller; 33 – Pirekeshkul; 34 – Aghburun; 35 – Islamdagh; 36 – Mayash; 37 – Goytepe;
38 – Orjandagh; 39 – Saray; 40 – Jorat; 41 - Guzdek; 42 – Kecheldagh; 43 – Fatmayi; 44 – Bayqushlu;
45 – Alaqyshlaq; 46 – Qaryqyshlaq; 47 – Bayqushqaya; 48 – Sungur; 49 – Bayanata; 50 – Sarıdagh;
51 – Qırdagh; 52 – Shorbulaq; 53 – Kosmalı; 54 – Uchtepe; 55 – Qaraheybet; 56 – Masazyr; 57 – Bineqedi;
58 – Xyrdalan; 59 – Zigilpiri; 60 – Qyrmeki; 61 – Shabandagh; 62 – Ateshgah.
Ad.A.Aliyev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
Fig.2. Location map of oil shale outcrops (linked to the
Middle Eocene-Meotian sediments) in Shamakhi-Gobustan region
Eosene (Koun): 1 – Yashma (Meotian); 2 – Charqyshlaq; 3 – Embizler; 4 – Shamakhi (Upper Maykopian);
5 – Erebshalbashy (Upper Maykopian); 6 – Aghdere (Upper Maykopian); 7 – Shabandagh; 8 – Tuva;
9 – Qarajuzlu (Upper Maykopian); 10 – Kichik Siyeki (Upper Maykopian, Konk); 11 – Jengichay;
12 – Kecheller; 13 – Ashaghykend; 14 – Aghburun; 15 – Pirekeshkul;
Upper Maykopian: 16 – Engekheran; 17 – Goredil; 18 – Sheibler; 19 – Qibledagh;
20 – Jengidagh; 21 – Bayanata (Meotian);
Konk: 22 – Islamdagh (Meotian); 23 – Mayash (Meotian); 24 – Boyuk Siyeki (Meotian);
25 – Sungur (Meotian); 26 – Bayqushqaya (Meotian);
Meotian: 27 – Jeyirli; 28 – Ahudagh; 29 – Bayqushlu; 30 – Alaqyshlaq; 31 – Qaryqıshlaq;
32 – Sarydash; 33 – Qyrdagh; 34 – Kusmelidagh
True thickness,
Gray and brown gray finely «laminated» oil shale, oil smell 0. 63
Dark gray «laminated» shales 0.15
Gray and dark gray oil shales 0.42
Low sandy gray shales 2.31
Gray, brown gray, sometimes dark gray and thick
«laminated» oil shale, oil films along bedding planes 1.31
Gray, dark gray and dense «laminated» shales 5.9
Gray, dark gray and sometimes brown gray oil shale, oil smell 2.35
Gray, dark gray and sometimes brown gray shales 0.42
Gray and dense shales 0.63
Gray, dark gray, brown gray oil shale with oil films 2.52
Thick «laminated» and dense gray shales 8
Gray and brown gray, and sometimes dark gray oil shale, oil smell 1.36
Below we submit a lithological description of this succession:
Ad.A.Aliyev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
The oil shale outcrops of the Maikopian Series
(Oligocene-Lower Miocene) were observed only
in the north-western part of Pre-Caspian-Guba
region, but they do not draw attention to their
economic efficiency.
Oil shale outcrops of the Konkian sediments
having thickness 8 - 15 m have been developed on
the Chandagar River banks. The Meotian sediments
were recorded in the southeast of Shuraabad field.
Two oil shale beds have been described in the
section of the Meotian in the Yashma area.
Oil shales in the Guba area are dated by the
Upper Sarmatian. There is section consists of oil
shale beds, ranging in thickness from 27 to 255
m and alternating with shale beds, which hardly
can be differentiated from oil shales. The greatest
practical interest is assosiated with the oil shale
bed of the Upper Sarmatian, which occurs 29 km
to the NW-SE from Gudiyalchay River toward
Velvelechay River [12] (fig.3). Several individual
outcrops of oil shales have been found near the
Gilgilchay River and as well as to the north-west
of Gudiyalchay River, between the watershed
Gusarchay-Tahirjalchay and village Anig.
Thick oil shales were recorded in the area
between rivers Velvelechay and Garachay. There
are three localities, known by the most favorable
properties for practical use. 11 oil shale beds have
been recorded in the section trending for 4.7 km
in the first locality. The second section is located
between rivers Kamalchay and Chagachukchay
and there are 14 oil shale beds in a section
matching for 3 km. The third oil shales containing
section consists of 16 oil shale beds occurring
within the area of 1.5 km and located on the right
bank of Garachay River [12].
The Diyally outcrop is located 7 km east of
Ismailly city. Tectonically, the area relates to
the Vandam Lahij zone. There were discovered
two troughs (moulds), composed of Sarmatian
sediments and occurring for a distance of 1.5 km.
The thickness of oil shales is 300-370 m, in the
north they are covered by the thrust of Kemchi
suite limestone (Cretaceous) (fig.4).
3. Genesis and organic geochemistry of oil
Oil shales in the upper horizons of Miocene
occur in Gobustan, Absheron and Guba and were
comparatively studied. In the example of all
three mentioned regions, some lithostratigraphic
characteristics of oil shale are described in table 1.
In all of these areas, the accumulation of
sediments may almost related to the certain
environment ‒ shallow freshwater and silty pools
(lagoons), which are particularly characteristic for
the first and third sections. In the first section the
ash bed was also recorded.
Taking into account that the coal debris is
presented in the oil shales we tried to reconstruct
the history of oil shale accumulation by analyzing
the coal formation, which is refer to the folding
phases in the south-eastern end of the Greater
Caucasus (fig.5).
The black oil shales with the thickness of 4 m
are related to the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian)
sediments in the section of the North Gobustan
(Kemishdagh). There in the section were also
recovered fish larvaes and algae [26]. The most
likely accumulation of these rocks is connected to
the Austrian orogenic phase.
The «laminated» dark brown oil shales in the
section located in the vicinity of village Heyberi of
Shamakhi region composed of marl and dated as
Coniacian-Campanian [27] the most probable are
linked to the Sub-hercian orogenic phase.
In Azerbaijan, oil shale outcrops are mainly tied
to the middle Koun (Middle Eocene) and these
were accumulated during the Laramide orogenic
phase (end of the Cretaceous and beginning of the
Fig.3. Geological map (1:100000) and profile across oil shale fields in Guba area
Ad.A.Aliyev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
Fig.4. Geological map and profiles (1:20000) across Diyally oil shale field
The oil shales of the Makopian Series is
associated with accumulation that took place after
the Pyrenean orogenic phase.
Oil shales of the Miocene sediments may
accumulate after the Attic orogenic phase.
The formation of brown coals in Vandam zone is
most likely connected to freshwater environment,
which probably existed during the East Caucasian
orogenic phase. This phase corresponds to the time
of accumulation of the Lower Pliocene Productive
Series in the South Caspian basin.
Regarding the genesis of brown coal, oil shales
and oil, it is assumed that accumulation of coal
occur on the banks of the highly vegetated pools;
oil shales - simple flora and fauna (algae, plankton,
fish larvae and etc.); oil - organic matter in subsided
areas in the marine basins. Thus a conclusion on
the transformation of coal, oil shales and oil into
each other can be present in such a form
coal oil shale oil
In addition to oil shales, there were traced
bituminous limestone and marls in the same
sections of Gobustan, Diyally and Guba. Chemical
analyzes show that increased percentage of
carbonates leads to the growth of pitch amount,
and decrease of carbonates’ amount - to increased
bitumens. Such a combination between carbonate
and bitumen can probably be explained by the
high content of algaes (Lithotamnium) constituting
oil shales.
Depositional environment of oil shales is
interpreted as sedimentation during sea level high
stand. Additionally, bitumen traces in the oil shale
section (see section Zigilpiri) can be explained in
two ways: occurrence of the source rocks in the
section or the possible due to generation potential
of the oil shales itselves.
To clarify the type and distribution of organic
matter in the oil shales the laboratory experiments
were carried out. The OM type and composition
in oil shales depend on the processes taking
place at the end of diagenesis and OM specific
features. The results of thermal analysis may be
Ad.A.Aliyev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
Birgut horizon (M.S.Shatski,
V.V.Veber), Gobustan
Upper pack of shales
(I.M.Gubkin), Absheron
Northeastern slope of the Greater
Caucasus, Guba (I.F.Pustovalov)
Ash-brown or light gray oil
shale with abundant diatomic
flora and fish remains. Sometimes
dark colorized bituminous
rocks, dolomite, marl and white
volcanic ash are presented.
Thickness 325-500 m.
Olive-brown and light
gray «laminated» shales,
and siliceous marls. In the
bottom of suite, sometimes
strongly bituminous rocks
are recorded. Thickness 300-
500 m.
Alternation of dark gray shales
and sands. In the bottom of suite were
recorded dark bituminous shales with
numerous fish remains, and limestones,
sandy shales, which rich with fauna. The
apparent thickness of the shale bed is
approximately 20 m. Total thickness up
to 100 m.
Table 1
Lithostratigraphic description of oil shale in the upper horizons
of the Miocene in Gobustan, Absheron and Guba regions
Fig.5. Coal formation corresponding to the folding phases
in the south-eastern end of Greater Caucasus [19]
Organic matter, %
T, ºC
Ad.A.Aliyev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
used as a model to explain the natural processes
occurring during the diagenesis and catagenesis.
In this purpose, geochemical characteristics of oil
shales in Guba and Ismayilli regions were studied.
The amount of organic matter in samples ranges
between 17.50 and 32.22%. The major part of
organic matter is concentrated (14.46-31.21%) in
the kerogen part (tabl.2).
Some thermal analyses of samples were carried
out in order to explain decomposition mechanism of
kerogen and determine type of organic matter.
Samples results, of the samples, collected from
Shabranchay and Velvelechay
areas in Guba region show that
the organic matter loses its most
part at the temperature of 200
°C (chart 1). But in sample
№139 this process occurred at
the temperature of 500 °C. The
smooth gradual changes (loss of
6.78-6.49% of OM total amount)
are recorded at temperatures of
200-400 °C.
Depending on the
temperature, the weight loss
process occurred gradually
in the samples collected from
Diyally in Ismayilli (chart 2).
For example, the process starts
at the temperature of 200 °C
(5.14%) in the sample №89. A
little difference is observed at the
temperatures between 300 and 500 °C (5.19 - 5.18%).
The same trend was recorded in samples №87 and
90. In general, the transformation and weight loss of
organic matter start at the temperatures of 300-400 °C
in samples collected from the Diyally area.
These results give a way to explain the process
of hydrocarbon formation in oil shale. Initially the
organic matter exposes to insignificant changes.
Increasing the temperature leads to decomposition
of the weak heteroatomic compounds that exist
between nuclei. The process goes on with releasing
of soluble high molecular heteroatomic components
Sample No. Area Organic matter, % Kerogen, %
61 Guba, Velvelechay 23.84 20.12
3 Guba, Velvelechay 22.38 20.87
130 Guba, Shabranchay 24.63 23.57
139 Guba, Shabranchay 32.22 31.21
140 Guba, Shabranchay 18.33 17.04
150 Guba, Shabranchay 17.50 17.11
160 Guba, Shabranchay 23.43 22.66
170 Guba, Shabranchay 23.13 22.51
87 Diyally 18.33 20.24
89 Diyally 21.17 14.46
90 Diyally 21.13 16.22
96 Diyally 22.33 18.31
99 Diyally 19.32 15.53
103 Diyally 26.32 22.79
105 Diyally 27.88 25.63
106 Diyally 27.17 25.12
Table 2
Geochemical patterns of oil shales of Guba and Ismayilli regions
Chart 1. Results of thermal analysis of oil shales collected from
Shabranchay and Velvelechay areas in Guba region
Organic matter, %
T, ºC
Ad.A.Aliyev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
and formation of bitumen, asphaltene and as well
as loss of light components (CH4, H2O, CO2 and
C2H6) in kerogen. In addition, a high degree of
aromatization also occurs (H/C ratio). At the end
the kerogen turns into high molecular heteroatomic
compounds and after that generates relatively small
molecules. In the maturated structure of kerogen,
the aromatic plastic sheets form a subparallel series
and they become more regulated.
According to some authors, depending on
the temperature of OM in coal and oil shales
the time of OM catalytic transformation can be
accelerated [23, 28-35].
As a result of catalytic transformation of
carbonate and mud rocks the organic matter having
condensed aromatic or aliphatic structure is formed.
Abundance of H2 and deficit O2 in the organic matter
of aliphatic structure is characteristic because lack
of polyaromatic compounds and heteroatom bonds.
In organic matter of the aromatic structure
the polyaromatic compounds
and O2-containing functional
groups predominate in
organic material. The long-
chain alkanes and fatty acids
play a minor role in their
composition, but ketone and
carboxylic groups vice versa.
Depending on the temperature,
the decomposition process
goes quickly in the compounds
which are composed of
heteroatomic organic matter.
As organic matter of aliphatic
structure is more resistant to
temperature to get less amount
of heteroatomic compounds in
its composition the additional
temperature is required [35].
Thus, the weight loss of the
organic matter occurs at high
temperatures in aliphatic type
OM, but at low temperatures (200 °C) in OM of
aromatic type.
The results of thermal analysis enable us to note
some regularities and differences. Taking this into
account, the samples collected from the areas Guba
and Diyally were also analyzed by pyrolytic method
in two stages (tabl.3).
Yield pyrolytic bitumen and pyrolytic water
amount was increased at low temperatures, but the
same tendency to the gas volume were recorded
only when the temperature increases. The main
structures of macromolecules in kerogen nearly
were unchanged at the same temperature. The
generation of gas at low and high temperatures was
recorded clearly. Thus, the temperature increasing
results with carbonization and decomposition of
organic matter.
In the samples of Guba (tabl.3) and Diyalli
(tabl.4) areas the bitumen formation is recorded
at temperature up to 550 °C. It was observed that
Chart 2. Results of thermal analysis of oil shale of Diyally area
Low temperature
(500-550 °C) High temperature
(800-850 °C) Carbonized
part, %
water, % Bitumen,
water, % Bitumen,
61 23.84 22.82 10.28 2.21 5.72 0.53 - 4.08 1.02
3 22.38 17.17 4.09 2.40 5.53 1.44 - 3.71 5.21
130 24.62 22.16 12.05 1.82 4.21 0.63 - 3.44 2.46
139 24.22 20.34 13.02 1.56 3.55 0.08 - 2.14 3.88
140 18.33 17.61 6.88 0.34 2.03 1.32 2.78 4.26 0.72
150 17.75 16.50 6.87 0.15 2.87 1.29 - 5.31 1.25
160 23.34 19.73 11.26 1.61 4.63 0.26 - 1.98 3.61
170 23.13 20.92 13.98 0.40 4.31 0.13 - 2.09 2.21
Table 3
Geochemical patterns of oil shales of Guba and Ismayilli regions
Table 4
Pyrolysis of oil shale samples of Diyally area
Ad.A.Aliyev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
in the higher temperature intervals only gas is
produced. Along with the organic part inorganic
matter was also exposed to decomposition process
in the samples of Diyalli area. Amount of bitumen
fractions are more (6.73-12.30%) than other products.
According to the thermal analysis, organic matter
loses its significant part at temperatures ranging
from 300 to 400 °C. Thus, we can conclude that
aliphatic compounds are more than aryl compounds
in the sample samples of Diyalli. Therefore, they
require more energy. Bitumens dominate among
decomposition products.
Amount of bitumen in Guba area samples varies
in 0.40-2.40% limits. According to the thermal
analysis of samples, the weight loss of the organic
matter occurs at 200 °C in many tests. In contrast to
the Diyalli area, the structure of organic matters is
more appropriate to aromatic types in these samples.
The increasing the temperature (800-850 °C)
leads to transformation of large molecules of
kerogen into low molecular hydrocarbons, gases
and coke residues. Summarizing the results, it
can be concluded that increasing amount of gas
corresponds to the temperature increase, but
slowly decrease of bitumen. An abrupt change in
the yielding of bitumen is mainly observed at a
temperature of 400 °C
Since, gradual increase in the temperature results
with carbonization of kerogen. The process is almost
the same for all samples. Although the amount of
products that are produced at low temperatures and
rates of destructive decomposition vary but the final
step is similar.
During the thermal processing the kerogen
composition change can be described as follows
(Scheme 1):
In the same thermal condition, the process of
kerogen decomposition takes place as shown below
(Scheme 2):
Low temperature
(500-550 °C) High temperature
(800-850 °C) Carbonized
part, %
water, % Bitumen,
water, % Bitumen,
87 21.17 22.49 3.23 10.89 5.05 - - 3.32 -
89 20.19 18.80 1.16 6.73 4.52 - - 6.39 1.39
90 21.13 18.93 1.62 8.12 3.94 - - 5.25 2.20
96 22.33 26.61 3.49 11.66 4.97 - - 6.49 -
99 19.32 21.59 2.11 8.46 4.01 - - 7.01 -
103 26.32 26.01 1.03 12.30 5.04 - - 7.73 0.31
105 27.88 24.13 0.17 10.20 3.04 - - 10.72 3.75
106 27.17 25.29 2.78 11.52 4.48 - - 6.51 1.88
Scheme 1. Kerogen composition change
depending on thermal processing
Scheme 2. The stages of kerogen decomposition
depending on thermal processing
Lithostratigraphic properties of oil shales from different regions make possible to
conclude on their similar depositional environment. The accumulation of oil shales
is associated with sedimentation, which takes place in shallow freshwater and silty
pools – lagoons environment. The organic compounds of oil shales mainly consist of
phytoplankton (algae) and zooplanktons (fish larvae etc.). Linked to orogenic phases,
the formation of oil shales, coal and oil in southeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus is
related to their similar genetic properties.
The decomposition of most part of the organic material occurs at high temperature
(≥400 °C) in organic matter of aliphatic structure, and at low temperatures (≥200 °C) in
aromatic type organic matter.
Results of pyrolysis of oil shale samples display that at the initial stage (500-550 °C),
amount of bitumen and pyrolytic water increases. At the same stage amount of gases
increases when the temperature rises too. Increasing the temperature up to 800-850 °C
leads to the transformation of high molecular hydrocarbons into low ones, gases and coke
residues. The gradual increase of the temperature results with carbonization of kerogen.
An abrupt change in the yielding of bitumen is mainly observed at a temperature of 400 °C.
Thermal analysis and pyrolysis of oil shale samples taken from different studied
regions allows making conclusion that some kerogens of the Diyalli area (in the samples
no. 99, 103 and etc.) are fully matured.
In general, the transformation of oil shales may be starts with organic matter change
in the diagenesis stage and destruction of long aliphatic C-C bonds in catagenesis stage;
continuing separation of minerals and organic matter from each other in the composition
of kerogen is completed with the hydrocarbon formation.
Ejected products of mud volcanoes, widely developed in Absheron and Shamakhi-
Gobustan regions, are supplied from the depth of 6-8 km and more. These products are
sole data, which contain information on geology of deep sediments of region that are
not assessable with drilling. Sometimes oil shale and bitumen rocks are found among
the volcanic products of Eocene-Miocene age [23, 24, 36-39]. Geochemical and geological
studies of oil shales and bituminous rocks of volcanic ejectas bring to understanding of
hydrocarbon generation potential of these sediments and their possible accumulation at
certain stratigraphic levels. It also creates opportunity to explore shale gas accumulations
in Azerbaijan.
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Ad.A.Aliyev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
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Генезис и органические геохимические характеристики
горючих сланцев в Восточном Азербайджане
Ад.А.Алиев, О.Р.Аббасов, А.Д.Ибадзаде, А.Н.Мамедова
Институт геологии и геофизики НАН Азербайджана,
Баку, Азербайджан;
В статье расмотрены вопросы генезиса и геохимии органического вещества (ОВ) горючих
сланцев различных тектонических зон Восточного Азербайджана. Изучены литостратиграфи-
ческие свойства сланцесодержащих отложений, динамика эволюции и структурные типы ОВ,
образование которых связывается с происходящими в почти одинаковых палеогеографических
условиях (в неглубоких пресноводных бассейнах - лагунах) осадконакоплением. Содержание
ОВ горючих сланцев в основном представлено фитопланктоном (водоросли) и зоопланктоном
(личинки рыб и т.д.). Образование наряду с горючими сланцами проявлений угля и нефти в
орогенных фазах юго-восточного склона Большого Кавказа, объясняется сходством их генети-
ческих свойств. По результатам термического анализа горючих сланцев, потеря ОВ большей
части веса при более высокой температуре (≥400 °C) соответствует алифатическим, а при более
низких температурах (≥200 °C) ароматическим структурам. По данным пиролиза горючих
сланцев увеличивается на начальной стадии (500-550 °С), за исключением газа, количество
битума и пиролитической воды. Повышение температуры до 800-850 °С приводит к превраще-
нию высокомолекулярных углеводородов в более низкомолекулярные; образуется газ и кокс.
Постепенное повышение температуры приводит к карбонизации керогена. Резкое увеличение
в выделении битума в основном наблюдается при температуре 400 °С. Термический анализ и
пиролиз изученных образцов горючих сланцев, отобранных на разных площадях исследуемых
областей, позволяют сделать вывод, что некоторые керогены достаточно созрели.
Ключевые слова: горючие сланцы; генезис; органическое вещество; кероген; термический
анализ; пиролиз.
Şərqi Azərbaycanın yanar şistlərinin genezisi
üzvi geokimyəvi xüsusiyyətləri
Ad.A.Əliyev, O.R.Abbasov, A.J.İbadzadə, A.N.Məmmədova
AMEA-nın Geologiya Geofizika İnstitutu, Bakı, Azərbaycan
Məqalədə, Şərqi Azərbaycanın müxtəlif tektonik zonalarında intişar tapmış yanar şistlərin genezisi
və üzvi geokimyəvi xüsusiyyətləri təhlil olunur. Yanar şist saxlayan çöküntülərin litostratiqrafik
xarakteristikaları, həmçinin şistlərin tərkibində çoxluq təşkil edən üzvi maddənin təkamül dinamikası,
sturktur tipi s. araşdırılır. Onların əmələgəlməsi təqribən eyni palecoğrafi (dayaz şirinsulu qapalı
hövzələrdə (laqunalarda)) şəraitdə baş vermiş çöküntütoplanma ilə əlaqələndirilir. Şistlərin tərkibindəki
üzvi maddələri, əsasən fitoplankton (yosunlar) zooplanktonlar (balıq sürfələri s.) təşkil etmişdir.
Orogen fazalarla əlaqədar olaraq Böyük Qafqazın cənub-şəqr yamacında yanar şistlərlə bərabər, kömür
təzahürlərinin neftin əmələgəlməsi onların oxşar genetik səciyyələrə malik olması ilə izah olunur. Yanar
şistlərin pilləli termiki təhlili daha yüksək temperaturda (≥400 °C) öz kütləsini azaldan üzvi maddələrin
alifatik, aşağı temperaturda (≥200 °C) itirənlərin isə aromatik tipli struktura uyğunluğunu göstərir. Şist
nümunələrinin priloz nəticələrinə görə, ilk mərhələdə (500-550 °C) neftəoxşar maddələrin (bitum),
piroliz suyunun, həmçinin temperatur artdıqca qazların miqdarı artır. Temperaturun yüksəldilməsi
(800-850 °C) nəticəsində iri molekullu kerogen kiçik molekullu karbohidrogenlərə, qazlara və koks
qalığına çevrilir. Belə nəticəyə gəlmək olar ki, temperaturun artması ilə qazların miqdarı artır, neftəoxşar
maddələrin miqdarı tədricən azalır. Böyük temperatur intervallarında kerogenin kömürləşməsi prosesi
müşahidə olunur. 400 °C temperaturda isə kəskin sıçrayış (bitumun artımında) baş verir. Müxtəlif
sahələrdən götürülmüş yanar şistli nümunələrin termiki analizi pirolizinin nəticələrinə əsasən, Diyallı
sahəsinin bəzi sınaqlarının kerogenlərini kifayət qədər yetişkən hesab etmək olar.
Açar sözlər: yanar şistlər; genezis; üzvi maddə; kerogen; termiki analiz; piroliz.
Ad.A.Aliyev et al. / SOCAR Proceedings No.3 (2018) 004-015
... This idea is consistent with the conclusion made in [9]. Thus, this literature shows that pyroclastic sediments brought into the paleobasin play a decisive role in the formation of Middle Eocene and Diatom oil shales [11] rich in organic matter (on average about 20 %) in Central and Southern Gobustan. ...
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The paper is devoted to the study of the patterns of distribution of major oxides and trace elements in the gryphon breccia of 12 active mud volcanoes located in various oil and gas regions (Absheron, Gobustan and Lower Kura) of Azerbaijan. Interpretations of the chemical elements found in gryphon breccia samples have allowed the composition of their source rocks, sedimentation conditions, and sedimentation areas to be determined. Purpose. The main goal of the study is to conduct geochemical studies of gryphon breccias belonging to various oil and gas regions, determine spatial patterns, achieve their explanation, and at the same time determine the conditions for the deposition of mud sediments. Methods. The chemical composition of mud volcanic breccia samples was analyzed using an "S8 TIGER Series 2" spectrometer and an "Agilent 7700 Series ICP-MS" mass spectrometer. Based on the results obtained, in addition to identifying patterns in the areas, modern approaches based on geochemical interpretation were used to explain them. The results on the genesis of breccias are consistent with the results of the published literature on the development of geodynamic and paleobasin conditions in the region. Results. Samples with the lowest Si content are characteristic of the Lower Kura mud volcanoes, where the youngest (Quater-nary) deposits are recorded. In samples from these mud volcanoes, relatively high contents of Mg and P are also noticeable. High contents of Ca are characteristic of volcanoes located near the Caspian Sea. These mud volcanoes are also rich in trace elements such as Li, Ga, Rb, Zr, Mo, Cs, Pr, Tl, Pb, Th, U and others, but depleted in Ni, Sr, Ba and etc. Conclusions. Plagioclase-rich source rocks and oxygen-dominated paleobasin environments played a key role in the formation of breccia deposits belonging to the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan. Geochemical proxies make it possible to link the paleobasin conditions of the formation of the gryphon breccia of the most mud volcanoes of South and Central Gobustan with the continental setting, especially in comparison with some volcanoes of the Lower Kura, as well as Gobustan and Absheron, located on the shores of the Caspian Sea and relatively close to it. The breccias of mud volcanoes located at a relatively large distance from the modern sea boundary and in the steepest northern part of the Lower Kura are associated with marine conditions, as are breccias of mud volcanoes located in the south of this tectonic zone (subjected to intense subsidence) and at a short distance from the Caspian Sea, may be due to geological factors. In cites: Baloglanov Elnur (2023). Geochemical proxies of the gryphon breccia of mud volcanoes in east Azerbaijan: regularities in the distribution of chemical elements and spatial characteristics of sedimentation.
... The main objectives of our research are to classify the samples taken from various areas, according to the content of quartz, based on the mineralogical and geochemical analysis, as well as the study of maturity features according to the advanced methods and approaches [1][2][3][4][5]9], and the formation of ideas about the characteristics of the occurrence of sandy sediments of different ages. In addition, the investigation of the physical and organo-geochemistry of oil sands, as well as their moisture and bitumen contents, detailed characteristics of bitumen in their composition, and comparative studies of the prospects for their use were the main priorities of this research. ...
... Resulted by provided investigations, it turned out that Akhalsopeli ore field represents perspective site and deposit of industrial significance may be revealed by properly planned geological works. The extensive information is provided in the published literature on the outcrops of Eocene and Maykop-aged oil shales in some oil and gas regions of Azerbaijan, as well as satisfactory reserves [1,5,6,7,[9][10][11]. Most of the outcrops found in these regions are located near areas of mud volcanoes. ...
... Ölkə ərazisində əksər neftli-qazlı rayonlarda yanar şistlərin yerüstü çıxışlarının intişarı və qənaətbəxş ehtiyatları haqqında çap olunmuş ədəbiyyatlarda məlumat verilir [1, 5,6,7,[9][10][11]. Onu da vurğulayaq ki, həmin rayonlarda aşkarlanan yanar şist çıxışları, məhz palçıq vulkanlarının inkişaf tapdığı sahələrə demək olar ki, yaxın məsafədə yerləşirlər. ...
Conference Paper
Tədqim edilən tədqiqat işində, fərqli geoloji quruluşa və tektonik səciyyəyə malik Şamaxı-Qobustan və Abşeron neftli-qazlı rayonlarında qeydə alınan və Azərbaycanın ən aktiv vulkanları sayılan Lökbatanın, Şıxzərli və Torağayın sonuncu püskürmələri nəticəsində tullanılan yanar şistlərin mineralogiyası və geokimyası təhlil olunur. Süxurların kimyəvi tərkibləri “S8 TIGER Series 2 WDXRF” spektrometrinin, mineraloji komponentləri isə “MiniFlex 600” X-ray difraksiya cihazı ilə AMEA Geologiya və Geofizika İnstitutunda tədqiq edilmişdir. Tədqiqatlar nəticəsində, analiz edilmiş süxurların tərkibindəki müxtəlif sinifləri təmsil edən minerallar müəyyənləşdirilmiş, öyrənilən üç vulkan sahəsi üzrə mineraloji xüsusiyyətlərin dəyişməsi ilə bağlı qanunauyğunluqlar aşkar olunmuş, həmçinin ümumilikdə, yanar şistlərin mineraloji təsnifatı təqdim edilmişdir. Şistli süxurlarda tapılan əsas elementlərin oksidlərinin ayrı-ayrı sahələr üzrə yayılması ilə əlaqədar variyasiyalar da izlənilmişdir. Bundan əlavə, yanar şistlərin geokimyəvi təsnifatı aparılmaqla yanaşı, Estoniyanın məşhur kukersit və ABŞ-ın tanınmış “Green River” formasiyasının eyniadlı süxurları ilə mineraloji və geokimyəvi müqayisələr həyata keçirilmişdir. Araşdırmalara, analiz olunmuş şistlərin mineraloji yetkinlik xüsusiyyətlərinin qiymətləndirilməsi də daxil edilmişdir. Geokimyəvi təsnifat diaqramı və ICV indeksi ilə bağlı alınan nəticələr geniş təhlil olunaraq, öyrənilən sahələrin yanar şistlərinin əmələgəlmə şəraitləri haqqında fikir formalaşdırılmışdır.
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Based on the results of many years of field surveys, new information is presented on previously unknown oil shale outcrops in Azerbaijan. New boundaries of the distribution of oil shale-bearing facies were established. Role of stratigraphic controls in the distribution of oil shales within areas and outcrop sections, and their oil or gas generation capabilities were substantiated. The study of the source of oil shale parent rocks, and the features of oil shale basin that formed in the Eocene, Lower Maikop (first discovered in this study) and Miocene (Upper Maikop, Chokrakian and Diatom), made it possible to obtain some new regularities. Our results show that the kerogens of Eocene and Diatom oil shales demonstrate similar evolutionary histories that are noticeably different from the Maikop ones. Eocene oil shale kerogens, which show a closer connection with the marine environment demonstrate the ability to generate only oil, like Diatom kerogens, while the kerogen evolved in the Upper Maikop basin, which is subject to more terrigenous inputs and formed in a relatively freshwater environment, mainly shows the ability to generate gas.
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Статья посвящена изучению горючих сланцев палеоген-миоценового возраста из поверхностных выходов и твердых выбросов грязевых вулканов Шамахы-Гобустанского района и Абшеронского полуострова. Приводится подробное описание минералов горючих сланцев по соответствующим категориям. Проведены анализы на основании химических свойств и некоторых классификаций. Исследования особенностей палеовыветривания выполнены на основании «Химического индекса изменения» (ХИИ), «Химического индекса выветривания» (ХИВ), «Плагиоклазового индекса изменения» (ПИИ), «RR = SiO2/Al2O3» - Химического индекса выветривания, «(Al2O - K2O) – CaO – Na2O», «A-CN-K», а также диаграмм, отражающих мобильные свойства элементов, на основе результатов оценки больших ионов литофильных элементов.
Conference Paper
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Mud volcanoes are widespread in the Azov-Black Sea, Caspian and some other regions of the World. Much researches have shown that mud volcano breccias contain important information about deep sedimentary rocks that are drained by mud volcanoes. Thus, the study of the breccias composition makes it possible to obtain information about deep drained rocks composition and its stratigraphic level and realize mud volcanoes as a “free of charge boreholes”.
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Oligocene-Miocene deposits, after the main oil-gas suit of Azerbaijan – the Productive Suit, are one of the most studied objects. This complex is classified as mature rocks and, according to the stratigraphic scale, is associated with Maykop, Chokrak, and diatom deposits. Therefore, studies of the conversion of organic substances to hydrocarbons under favourable sedimentation and thermobaric conditions are of great importance. In addition, the determination of hydrocarbon generation zones, the presence of appropriate paleotectonic and paleostructural conditions for their further migration and accumulation in traps are also important tasks requiring clarification. For this purpose, maps of the Maykop and Mid- and Upper Miocene sediments were constructed, models reflecting their paleostructural position by the end of the century of the productive stratum, and predicted paleotemperatures are indicated on the diagrams. As a result, it was found that the reducing-alkaline environment existing during sedimentation in the Maykop and Chokrak period was favourable for the conversion of organic substances into hydrocarbon.
Conference Paper
Azərbaycanda, ümumilikdə 55 bitumlu sahə aşkarlanmışdır. Onlar, əsasən Abşeron, Şamaxı-Qobustan və Aşağı Kür neftli-qazlı rayonlarında qeydə alınırlar. Bitum saxlayan çöküntülərin geoloji yaşları, əsasən miosen-pliosenlə əlaqələndirilir. Adıçəkilən rayonların ən perspektivli sahələri sırasında Axtarma-Puta (Abşeron), Çeyildərə (Şamaxı-Qobustan) və Aralıq (Aşağı Kür) xüsusi yer tutur ki, onlar palçıq vulkanları inkişaf edən strukturlarla əlaqədardır. Tədqiqat işində də məhz adları çəkilən sahələrin miosen-pliosen yaşlı neftli qumları mineraloji və geokimyəvi nöqteyi-nəzərindən geniş araşdırılır.
Azərbaycanda zəngin karbohidrogen resursları ilə yanaşı, bir sıra alternativ yanacaq-enerji və xammal statuslu faydalı qazıntılar (yanar şistlər, qazhidratlar və s.) vardır ki, onların sırasında neft saxlayan qumlu tərkiblər olduqca perspektivli hesab olunur. Ölkənin əsas resursları karbohidrogen yataqları ilə bağlı olduğundan, ikincidərəcəli xammal ehtiyatlarının öyrənilməsi məsələsi bir qədər qənaətbəxş səviyyədə deyildir. Lakin bununla yanaşı, bəzi bitum saxlayan sahələrin müəyyən geoloji və geokimyəvi xüsusiyyətlərinin öyrənilməsi, həmçinin proqnoz resurslarının qiymətləndirilməsi ilə bağlı təqdirəlayiq tədqiqatlar da az deyildir. Təqdim olunan dissertasiya işi, Azərbaycan üçün qeyri-ənənəvi yanacaq-enerji resurslarının əldə olunması üçün xammal mənbəyi hesab olunan neftli qum sahələrinin, o cümlədən Axtarma-Putanın, Çeyildərənin və Aralığın mineraloji və geokimyəvi araşdırılmasına həsr olunur. Tədqiqat obyektlərinin bitumlu qumlarının sözügedən araşdırmaları, müasir müvafiq yanaşma və metodologiyaların tətbiqi ilə həyata keçirilmişdir. Ərsəyə gətirilən dissertasiya işində, neftli qumların ümumi əmələgəlmə xüsusiyyətləri, tərkibləri, təsnifatları, dünya üzrə yayılma coğrafiyaları, geoloji xüsusiyyətləri və proqnoz resursları və s. geniş müzakirə olunur. Bundan başqa, tədqiqat sahələrinin neftli qum təzahürlərinin geoloji və struktur-tektonik xüsusiyyətləri, mineraloji və geokimyəvi səciyyələri geniş araşdırılaraq, dünyanın ən çox tanınan bitumlu qum yatağı hesab olunan Atabaskanın eyniadlı süxurları ilə müvafiq müqayisələr aparılmış, eyni zamanda araşdırılan obyektlərin timsalında Azərbaycanın bitum tərkibli qumlarının və onun karbohidrogenli hissəsinin bəzi ümumi xarakteristikaları müəyyənləşdirilimişdir. Analiz edilmiş nümunələrin mineraloji təbiəti, geokimyəvi təsnifatları və geokimyəvi yetkinlik xüsusiyyətləri müəyyənləşdirilərək, ümumilikdə, öyrənilən sahələrin neftli qum saxlayan çöküntülərinin paleohövzə və paleotektonik əmələgəlmə xüsuiyyətləri haqqında fikir formalaşdırılmışdır.
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National Atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Map (Scale 1:1000000), State Land and Cartography Committee
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The paper is devoted to a detailed study of oil shale that is considered a new alternative energy and fuel resource for Azerbaijan. More than 60 surface manifestations of oil shale, related to sediments between Eocene and Miocene in the territories Shamakhi-Gobustan, Absheron, Pre-Caspian-Guba, Vandam-Lahij and etc. of the Republic are investigated on its distribution regularity and geochemical properties. Oil shale of these epochs, which can’t be reached due to exploration wells, but brought from the different depths to the Earth’s surface (where oil shale surface manifestations widely distributed) by eruptions of mud volcanoes have been studied as well. Along with geochemical study of oil saturated rocks, found in ejected production of mud volcanoes, a comparative analysis have been conducted on heavy fractions, obtained from these rocks and oil shale. The results of these studies show that bitumen (its heavy fractions) of Eocene-Miocene oil shale and oil-saturated rocks are similar, and may cause to formation and accumulation of hydrocarbons in ultra-deep sediments of mud volcanic areas. All conducted investigations are increasing the topicality of perspectives of shale gas in Azerbaijan, which is non-traditional for the country.
В статье рассмотрены более 60-ти проявлений горючих сланцев Азербайджана, связанных с геологическими образованиями мел-ми-оценового возраста. Изучены сланцы из обнажений и выносов грязевых вулканов, выявлены закономерности их пространственного ра-спределения в пределах нефтегазоносных районов, геохимические особенности в аспекте генетической связи сланцев с формированием углеводородов. Выполнен сравнительный анализ изученных горючих сланцев с таковыми зарубежных стран и установлено, что азербай-джанские сланцы по основным показателям (органическое вещество, сера, зольность, теплота сгорания) превосходят сланцы большин-ства стран с развитой сланцевой промышленностью. Ключевые слова: Азербайджан, горючие сланцы, закономерность распределения, геохимия, органическое вещество, нефтяные и химические продукты, сланцевый газ. More than 60 manifestations of oil shales, related to geological formations of the Cretaceous-Miocene in Azerbaijan were considered in the paper. Oil shales from outcrops and ejected products of mud volcanoes were studied according to their distribution regularities in oil and gas bearing areas, and geochemical features in the aspect of the genetic association with the formation of hydrocarbons. A comparative analysis of Azerbaijan and foreign countries oil shales were carried out in terms of basic parameters (organic matter, sulfur, ash content, calorific value) and it were established that oil shales of Azerbaijan exceed the shales of those countries which is well-known with its oil shale industry.
The paper deals with the structure and origin of organic substance (OS) in the oil shales of Guba (Shabranchay and Velvelechay) and Ismayilli (Dially field) regions of Azerbaijan relating to the Paleogene-Miocene sediments. According to the results of geochemical studies of oil shales, including the step-by-step thermal analysis of kerogene, it has been revealed that the major mass changes in the interval of 300–500 0C temperature. Thus, changing of the structure of aliphatic organic substances occurs at low temperature, but an aromatic – at high ranges. Due to the results of pyrolysis of OS, the first stage is the forming of oil-like substances and pyrolysed water; by the increasing of temperature take place gas formation and the last stage – coal formation.
Azerbaijan is a classic country of oil and gas. The fact prevent use of other types of minerals which are spread over a wide range in some regions of Republic. However, in recent years, due to the dynamic development of the industrial and consumer sectors in Azerbaijan, the requirement for new energy resources are growing, and the idea of exploring alternative energy sources such as oil shale becomes very important. The article is devoted to the study of geology and geochemistry of oil shale, founded in the surface and ejected rocks of mud volcanoes, and estimation its probable reserves. Oil shale manifestations and deposits are located mainly in Guba, Ismayilli, Shamakhi, Gobustan, Absheron and other regions in Azerbaijan, and associated with Cretaceous-Miocene sediments. The calculations of oil shale reserves (probable) were performed only using surface and extrapolation data. However, a study ejected products of mud volcanoes confirms that deeper sediments of mudvolcanic areas contain large stock of oil shale. There is no doubt that total reserves will increase with drilling deep wells in these areas. In the paper, to estimate of hydrocarbon potential of deep sediments on the basis of geological and geochemical study of oil shale and oil-bearing rocks association in ejected products of mud volcanoes is the first investigation.
Последние годы в связи с расширением минерально-сырьевой базы нашей страны большое внимание уделяется освоению и изучению из так называемых альтернативных источников природных битумов. Природные битумы как новый вид минерального сырья должны рассматриваться с позиции не только современных, но и будущих достижений, а также возможных путей их использования. В связи с этим важное значение приобретает их изучение выявление закономерности размещения формирования и их генезис. Нами было проанализировано большое количество литературных источников, отчетов и результатов полевых экспедиций. Было установлено, что в пределах республики таких природных ресурсов немало. Природные битумы скапливаются в различновозрастных образованиях на территории Восточного Азербайджана в основном на Абшеронском полуострове, Шамаха-Гобустанском, Нижне-Куринском районах и др. Только на Абшеронском полуострове на месторождении Гырмаки наличия битумов исчисляется тысячами тонн, что говорит о больших запасахтяжелой нефти. Кроме того на старых нефтяных площадяхтакже обнаруживаются большие территории нефтезагрязненных почв. Это месторождения:Балаханы, Бинагады, Шубани и Локбатан. На некоторых из них нефтяная абсорбция достигает толщины в один метр. Выявлено также около 20 крупных битумных месторождений и их проявлений. Они сосредоточены в междуречье Куры и Габалы, Нижне-Куринском, Шамахы-Гобустанском, Абшерон и Прикаспийско-Губинских районах. Они относятся к разломным и стратиграфическим комплексам. Можно сказать, что битумы встречаются в осадках в диапазоне юра-четвертичный период. Проведение полевых экспедиций дало возможность получить следующие результаты. Нижне-Куринский район.Битумные проявления в пределах антиклинальной зоны Каламадын-Мишовдаг-Бяндованский сконцентрированы в юго-восточном переломном направлении структуры Каламаддин. На сопках и грифонах группы Ахтармаарды на площади 0,63 га глубиной от 1-3 метров встречаются породы содержащие до 21 % битумов. Заслуживают внимание породы содержащие битумы на площади Бяндован. Здесь отмечаются битумные слои толщиной от 40 до 62 м по площади, охватывающей до 31 га. На антиклинальной зоне Кюровдаг и Нефтчалабитумсодержащие породы отмечены на площадях Кюровдаг и Бабазанан. Проявления здесь имеют толщину 3-4 м, охват площади 0,4 га. Степень битумонасышенных пород 40 %. На площади вулкана Ахтарма-Пашалы отмечается разрез толщиной 3-5 м пропитанный битумом в пределах от 30-34 %. Аналогичные породы встречаются и в коплексеГырлыг и Мишовдаг. Площадь охвата 0,30-0,35 га. Интерес вызывает и содержание микроэлементов в битумах Нижне-Куринскойнефтегазаносной области. Для обнаруженных микроэлементов по их величинам был установлен концентрационный ряд. Fe>Ti>Zr>Mn>Ni>Cr>Zn>Cu>V>Mo>Co Гобустанский район. Этот район на юго-востоке Большого Кавказа по степени распределения битумов резко отличается. В связи с битумопроявлениями, полевые научно
Conference Paper
The paper presents a study on genesis and organic geochemical characterıstıcs of oil shales, spread in different tectonic zones of Azerbaijan. Lithostratigraphic properties of oil shale containing sediments, evolutionary dynamics and structural types of organic matter were studied. In terms of paleogeography, it was defined that the formation of oil shales in examined regions, are associated with an almost identical sedimentation conditions (in shallow freshwater and silty pools-lagoons). The organic content of the oil shales mainly consiste of phytoplankton (algae) and zooplanktons (fish larvae etc.). Connected with orogenic phases, the formation of oil shale, coal and oil in southeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus links their similar genetic properties. Thermal analysis of oil shale revealed that when organic matter loses the most part of its weight at a higher temperature (≥400 °C) corresponds to aliphatic, but at lower temperatures (≥200 °C) aromatic structures. Pyrolysis of oil shale samples showed that in the initial stage (500-550 °C), excluding the amount of gas, bitumen and pyrolytic water were increased. Increasing the temperature up to 800-850 °C leads to the conversion of higher molecular hydrocarbons into lower, and formation of gases and coke residues. The gradual increase in temperature ends with carbonization of kerogen. An abrupt change in the yielding of bitumen is mainly observed at a temperature of 400 °C.