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An Overview of The Globozoospermia as A Multigenic Identified Syndrome


Abstract and Figures

Acrosome plays an integral role during fertilization and its absence in individuals with globozoospermia leads to failure of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and oocyte activation post-intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). A variety of processes, organelles and structures are involved in acrosome biogenesis including, trans-golgi network (TGN), acroplaxome and cellular trafficking. This review aims to explain roles of related signals and molecules involved in this process and also describe how their absence in form of mutation, deletion and knockout model may lead to phenomenon referred to globozoospermia.
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Review Article
An Overview of The Globozoospermia as A Multigenic
Identified Syndrome
Parastoo Modarres, M.S.c.1, 2, Marziyeh Tavalaee Ph.D.1, Kamran Ghaedi, Ph.D.2, 3*,
Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani, Ph.D.1, 3, 4*
Acrosome plays an integral role during fertilization and its absence in individuals with globozoospermia leads to
failure of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and oocyte activation post-intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). A variety
of processes, organelles and structures are involved in acrosome biogenesis including, trans-golgi network (TGN),
this process and also describe how their absence in form of mutation, deletion and knockout model may lead to phe-
nomenon referred to globozoospermia.
Keywords: Acrosome, Globozoospermia, Male Infertility
12(4): 273-277. doi: 10.22074/ijfs.2019.5561.
Received: 5/May/2018, Accepted: 16/May/2018
*Corresponding Addresses: Department of Cellular Biotechnology, Cell Science
Research Center, Royan Institute for Biotechnology, ACECR, Isfahan, Iran
Department of Reproductive Biotechnology, Reproductive Biomedicine Re-
search Center, Royan Institute for Biotechnology, ACECR, Isfahan, Iran
Emails:, Royan Institute
International Journal of Fertility and Sterility
Vol 12, No 4, Jan-Mar 2019, Pages: 273-277
Fertilization is a multifactorial process for fusion of
gametes to initiate development of a new individual. For
successful fertilization to occur, each process needs to
take place in a coordinated manner. One of the main steps
of fertilization is acrosome reaction during which proteo-
lytic contents of acrosome is released to facilitate zona
binding and penetration to zona and the oocyte by sperm
(1). Structural and functional anomalies of acrosome lead
to inability of sperm to penetrate oocyte, thereby resulting
in failed fertilization and infertility. Furthermore, differ-
ent studies show that when barriers of fertilization are by-
passed during intra-cytoplasmic insemination, in certain
cases with acrosome anomalies, the ability of sperm to
induce fertilization is still diminished due to inability of
the oocyte to induce activation (2-4).
et al. (5) which manifested by round head spermatozoa ap-
pearance. This syndrome has termed “globozoospermia”
with a prevalence of 0.1% among infertile male popula-
tion and two subtypes: complete (type-I: 100% spermato-
zoa are round head) or partial (type-II: over 50% sperma-
tozoa are round head). Further genetic pedigree analysis
revealed genetic basis with possible autosomal recessive
inheritance is responsible for incidence of this syndrome
(6). Individuals with globozoospermia commonly show
no mental and physical abnormities, and generally have
normal karyotype with no micro-deletion in chromosome
Y (7). However, sperm cells of the affected persons are
acrosome-less, and incapable of penetrating in zona pel-
lucida (ZP). Considering the importance of acrosome in
fertilization and oocyte activation, this review aimed to
describe the genetic and molecular aspects of globozoo-
Literature survey shows different approaches were tak-
en by various researchers to detect genetic and molecular
basses of globozoospermia. These approaches include:
i. Purposefully designed knockout mice for a variety of
genes including: Hrb, Zpbp1, Hsp90b1, Vps54, SAMP32
(SPACA1), ii. Knockout mice approach for different pur-
pose which later exhibited globozoospermia manifesta-
tion. The target genes were as: Csnk2a2, GOPC, Gba2,
PICK1, iii. Whole-genome scan analysis which were car-
ried out using SNP-array approach on the genome of glo-
bozoospermia and the genes associated with this syndrome.
iv. Assessment of protein localization associate with acro-
some biogenesis such as: SPGL4, Calicin.
Among the 13 genes involved in globozoospermia, they
were mostly related to Golgi network, acrosome formation,
sperm head shaping (anchorage of acrosome to nucleus)
and zona binding. Only, four genes have been so far de-
Int J Fertil Steril, Vol 12, No 4, Jan- Mar 2019
tected in individuals presenting globozoospermia including
DPY19L2, SPATA16, PICK1 and Calicin (6-10). It is im-
portant to note that in addition to genetic defects, deregula-
tion of proteins (up or down regulation) can also result in
the onset of globozoospermia. To further elucidate the role
of these 13 genes, below section provides the cellular and
molecular mechanisms in acrosome biogenesis.
Acrosome structure is divided into two segments, an-
terior and equatorial segments. The former segment con-
tains enzymes that are released during acrosome reaction
while the latter segment is predominantly involved in
sperm-oocyte fusion. Biogenesis of acrosome begins dur-
ing meiosis and continues through early stages of spermi-
ogenesis which is divided into four steps including golgi,
cap, acrosomal and maturation phases (Fig.1A) (11). In
golgi phase, pro-acrosomal granules (PAGs) derived from
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are transported to golgi sacs
through anterograde pathway. Subsequently, PAGs are
transported toward sperm nucleus where they bind to an
actin-keratin containing cytoskeletal plate termed “acro-
plaxome”. In cap phase, PAGs fuse with each other to
form a structure known as “acrosomal cap”. In acrosomal
phase, cap begins to spread over anterior part of nucleus to
form an acrosome like structure. In maturation phase, fol-
lowing condensation and elongation of nucleus with the
help of manchette, the equatorial segment of acrosome is
shaped. At this stage, the acrosome is surrounded by two
distinct membranes known as “inner” and “outer” acroso-
mal membranes. Inner acrosomal membrane locates in vi-
cinity of nuclear membrane, tightly anchors the acrosome
to the nuclear envelop through cytoskeletal components
known as “perinuclear theca” (Fig.1B, C) (12).
some while recent literatures suggest that in addition to
PAGs forming from Golgi network, early endosome (EE)
may also have a role in acrosomal biogenesis (Fig.1B).
Hence it is agreed that cargos originated from Golgi ap-
paratus are sorted to plasma membrane, subsequently are
recruited back into cytoplasm and incorporate into devel-
oping pro-acrosomes (13). During acrosomal biogenesis,
particular proteins are involved that their absence or de-
fect may result in globozoospermia.
introduced protein whose gene was associated with glo-
bozoospermia. This protein is a kind of serine-threonine
kinase which relates to nuclear matrix. Multiple forms of
acrosome imperfection like complete lack of acrosome,
indented/detached acrosome from nucleus, and acrosomal
remnants were recognized in spermatozoa of Csnk2a2-
gene demonstrated aberrant development in both nucleus
and acrosome (14).
of Gba2 in male mice with reduced fecundity. Glucosyl-
ceramides are normally transferred from developing germ
cells to Sertoli cells for subsequent breakdown. Loss of
the GBA2 results in accumulation of glucosylceramide
in Sertoli cells and disrupts transport of glycolipid from
germ cells which in turn interrupts normal Sertoli-germ
cell interactions. Therefore, this defect leads to formation
of abnormal sperm (Fig.1A, D). Unlike in mice, muta-
tional assessments for GBA2 in 3 unrelated families, orig-
inating from Britain, Canada, and Germany, have been
unfruitful to show an association with globozoospermia
in man (15).
Spermatogenesis-associated 16 (SPATA16), also known
ortholog encoding gene is expressed in mouse spermato-
cyte and spermatids. SPATA16 has a subcellular localiza-
tion in Golgi apparatus and pro-acrosmal vesicles being
transported to acrosome. Its function is sorting and modi-
This protein also interacts with other proteins involved in
acrosomal biogenesis including GOPC and Hrb (Fig.1B).
ute to human globozoospermia with an autosomal domi-
nant pattern of inheritance (6).
Hrb, formerly known as human Rev-binding/interact-
ing protein (hRIP), is the cofactor of HIV-1 Rev protein,
involved in shuttling of proteins between nucleus and cy-
toplasm. Hrb interacts with proteins involved in nucleo-
Hrb mice knockout model revealed that, Hrb is involved
in vesicle to vesicle docking, fusion of pro-acrosmal
vesicles with acrosome and thereby acrosomal biogen-
esis (Fig.1B). Therefore, its absence was associated with
revealed a second role for Hrb in formation of acroplax-
ome plague. Acroplaxome is encompassed by 3 proteins
including: F-actin, Sak57 (an ortholog of keratin5) and
dle in acroplaxome is missing and the strength of acro-
some vesicle in binding to nucleus is reduced which its
outcome is manifested as globozoospermia (19).
Protein interacting with C kinase 1 (PICK1) was ini-
tially found in brain. It plays an important role in protein
produced to study the brain function but these mice were
infertile. PICK1 like GOPC has a postsynaptic density 95,
discs large, and zonula occludens-1 (PDZ) domain which
Int J Fertil Steril, Vol 12, No 4, Jan- Mar 2019
mutation in this gene has been reported to be associated
with globozoospermia (9).
GOPC gene, encodes Golgi-associated PDZ and coiled-
coil motif containing protein (GOPC). GOPC protein has
5 domains including: one PDZ domain, two coiled-coil
motifs, and two conserved domains with unknown func-
tion (21). GOPC is involved in PAG transport from Golgi
network to acrosome and its absence (GOPC-/-) is as-
sociated with globozoospermia (Fig. 1B). In addition to
lack of acrosome, other deformities associated with this
defect, are lack of post-acrosomal sheath or peri-nuclear
theca (22) and coiled-coil tail (23).
=3ELQGLQJ SURWHLQ =3%3RU6SRU ,DP  DQG
its paralog, ZPBP2, were described as acrosomal proteins
in mice and human. ZPBP1-GH¿FLHQWPDOHPLFHDUHVWHU-
ile and present round-head spermatozoa due to disrupted
acrosome biogenesis. Zpbp1 is an intra-acrosomal protein
protein matrix assembly and results in fragmentation of
the abnormal acrosomes (Fig.1B) (24).
Considering candidate genes responsible for abnor-
mal sperm head morphology, heterozygous mutation in
ZPBP1 were described in patients with aforementioned
condition, however direct involvement of ZPBP1 in the
Sperm acrosome associated 1 (SPACA1) or SAMP32
(sperm acrosomal membrane-associated protein 32) is a
egg interaction. During elongation stage of developing
spermatozoa, this protein is localized in inner acrosomal
membrane (Fig.1B) (26) and no role has been envisaged
in acrosome reaction (27). The role of this protein in glo-
bozoospermia was initially recognized when this protein
was absent in Gopc- and Zpbp1-disrupted mouse line.
However, later studies revealed that “disruption of Gopc
while “disruption of Zpbp1 caused loss of SPACA1where-
as GOPC was unaffected” and “disruption of Spaca1 did
not affect the amounts of GOPC and ZPBP1 in the testis”.
Thereby, suggesting that Spaca1 is likely downstream of
these two genes (27). Spaca1GH¿FLHQF\OHDGVWR IDLOXUH
of acrosome thinning, coinciding with instability/or loss
of acroplaxome and nuclear plate (27) and unlike most of
aforementioned proteins, it has no role in protein trans-
port in golgi network or in acrosome formation.
Heat shock protein 90b1 (Hsp90b1), a member of heat
chaperone involving in entire folding, activation and/or
degradation of ER proteins (Fig.1B). It was shown that
Hsp90b1- null sperm cells are round and not able to ferti-
lize the oocyte. Therefore, absence of this protein showed
Recent study has hypothesized that phosphorylation
of Hsp90b1 along with other chaperon proteins during
sperm capacitation leads to the formation of ZP -recog-
nized protein complexes and/or the translocation of these
complexes to the surface of spermatozoa (29).
Vps54 is a protein apparently involved in tethering of
vesicles from endosomes to the trans-golgi sacs (13). This
is an alternative pathway in acrosome biogenesis as men-
tioned earlier. The role of this protein in acrosomal biogen-
esis was found when wobbler mouse with Vps54(L967Q)
mutation were found to cause sterility. The protein codi-
somal vesicle coalesces with acrosome (Fig.1B) (30).
long to SUN domain proteins. These transmembrane pro-
teins are located on inner nuclear membrane (INM). By
interacting with their partner on outer nuclear membrane
(ONM), known as KASH domain can anchor or create
linkage to nucleo- and cytoskeleton complex (LINC com-
plex) (Fig.1C) (31).
Different members of this anchoring system have been
discovered but their role in acrosomal biogenesis re-
mains to be determined. Among these proteins, absence of
SPAGL4/4L-2 has been associated with globozoospermia.
SPAG4L/4L-2 is localized on apical side of nuclear mem-
brane of developing spermatid and it may have a function
in docking of acrosome vesicle to nuclear membrane (31).
DPY19L2, similar to SPAGL4/4L-2, is a transmem-
ar membrane. The expression of this protein is restricted
to testis and like SPAGL4 (or SUN5) is involved in an-
chorage of cytoskeleton to nuclear membrane (Fig.1C).
Therefore, its absence leads to instability and dissocia-
tion of the layered structure of acroplaxome, the nuclear/
acrosome bridging region. Thereby, its absence results in
formation of round head spermatozoa (32). ElInati et al.
(10) revealed that DPY19L2 gene has an inevitable re-
lationship with globozoospermia. They have shown that
DPY19L2 is one of the main genes responsible for globo-
zoospermia. In this regard, a wide spectrum of plausible
mutations for this gene has been detected in globozoo-
spermic individuals such as: deletion of the whole locus,
nonsense, missense, splicing mutations, partial deletion in
15, 21 and intron 11 (10, 33-36).
Modarres et al.
Int J Fertil Steril, Vol 12, No 4, Jan- Mar 2019
ŐůŽďŽnjŽŽƐƉĞƌŵŝĂ͕ B. ^WdϭϲĂŶĚ ,Z ĂƌĞ ƉƌŽƚĞŝŶƐ ǁŚŝĐŚ ĂƌĞ ƚƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĞĚ ŝŶ ƉƌŽĂĐƌŽƐŽŵĂůǀĞƐŝĐůĞ ĨƌŽŵ 'ŽůŐŝ ƚŽ ĂĐƌŽƐŽŵĞ ǀŝĂ
W'ƚƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĞƌƉƌŽƚĞŝŶƐůŝŬĞ'KWĂŶĚW/<ϭ͘sƉƐϱϰŚĂƐĂƉŽƐƐŝďůĞƌŽůĞŝŶƚĞƚŚĞƌŝŶŐŽĨǀĞƐŝĐůĞƐĨƌŽŵĞĂƌůLJĞŶĚŽƐŽŵĞƐ ;ͿƚŽƚŚĞ
ƚƌĂŶƐͲ'ŽůŐŝŶĞƚǁŽƌŬ;d'EͿ͘^WϭŝƐĂ ƚƌĂŶƐŵĞŵďƌĂŶĞƉƌŽƚĞŝŶůŽĐĂůŝnjĞĚ ŝŶŝŶŶĞƌ ĂĐƌŽƐŽŵĂůŵĞŵďƌĂŶĞŽĨĚĞǀĞůŽƉŝŶŐƐƉĞƌŵĂƚŽ-
Calicin is one of the subacrosomal cytoskeletal proteins
involved in acrosomal biogenesis which its absence re-
Collectively, it is evident that numerous proteins are in-
volved in acrosomal biogenesis and the absence of each
protein may result in globozoospermia phenotype. One
approach to distinguish proteins associated with globo-
zoospermia is comparative proteomics between normo-
zoospermia and globozoospermia. The results of this
study have shown up/down regulation of several proteins
in affected subjects. Spermatozoa acrosome membrane-
associated protein 1 (SAMP1) and sperm protein associ-
ated with the nucleus on the X chromosome (SPANX) are
among the proteins that their expression was shown to be
down regulated (37). SAMP1 is a glycoprotein receptor
residing in inner nuclear membrane and its absence re-
VXOWV LQ PLVORFDOL]DWLRQ RI WKH 681  63$1; DOVR
acts as a nuclear envelope protein residing in post-acro-
somal perinuclear theca and is expected to be associated
with acrosome-nucleus binding and down regulation of
this protein in globozoospermia may be underlying cause
of the lack of acrosome (37).
Taken together, the results of this study suggest that
mutation, deletion of genes products associate with Golgi
apparatus, formation of acroplaxome or those associated
with neuclo-cytoskeleton involved in attachment of acro-
some with nucleus have a potential role in induction of
We would like to express our gratitude to staff of Royan
Author's Contributions
P.M; Search and collection of articles, interpretation,
manuscript writing. M.T, K.G., M.H.N.-E.: Manuscript
2. 1DVU(VIDKDQL 0+ 5D]DYL 6 -DYGDQ =  7DYDODHH 0 $UWL¿FLDO
Int J Fertil Steril, Vol 12, No 4, Jan- Mar 2019
3. 1DVU(VIDKDQL 0+ 'HHPHK 05 7DYDODHH 0 $UWL¿FLDO RRF\WH
4. 1DVU(VIDKDQL 0+ 7DYDODHH 0 'HHPHK 05 $UEDELDQ 0
6. 'DP$+.RVFLQVNL,.UHPHU-$0RXWRX&-DHJHU$62XGDNNHU
$5 HW DO +RPR]\JRXV PXWDWLRQ LQ 63$7$  LV  DVV RFL DWH G ZL WK
7. 'DP$+)HHQVWUD,:HVWSKDO-55DPRV/YDQ*ROGH5-.UHPHU
9. /LX* 6KL 4:/X *;$QHZO\ GLVFRYHUHGPXWDWLRQLQ 3,&.LQ
10. (O,QDWL ( .XHQW] 3 5HGLQ & -DEHU 6 9DQGHQ 0HHUVFKDXW )
15. <LOGL]<0DWHUQ+7KRPSVRQ%$OOHJRRG-&:DUUHQ5/5DPLUH]
16. ;X0 ;LDR- &KHQ-/L -<LQ/ =KX+HWDO,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ DQG
17. 'RULD06DOFLQL$(&RORPER(3DUVORZ7*3HOLFFL3*'L)LRUH
WKDWRI QXFOHRF\WRVROLFWUDQVSRUW-&HOO%LRO  
18. .DQJ'HFNHU 1 0DQWFKHY *7 -XQHMD 6& 0F1LYHQ 0$ 9DQ
+UE PXWDQW PRXVH VSHUPDWLGV %LRO 5HSURG   
20. ;LDR 1 .DP & 6KHQ & -LQ ::DQJ - /HH .0 HW DO 3,&.
21. <DR5 ,WR & 1DWVXPH <6XJLWDQL <<DPDQDND + .XUHWDNH 6
22. ,WR & 6X]XNL7R\RWD ) 0DHNDZD 0 7R\DPD <<DR 5 1RGD7
23. 6X]XNL7R\RWD ) ,WR & 7R\DPD <0DHNDZD 0 <DR 5 1RGD7
24. /LQ <1 5R\ $ <DQ : %XUQV .+ 0DW]XN 00 /RVV RI ]RQD
25. <DWVHQNR$12¶1HLO'65R\$$ULDV0HQGR]D3$&KHQ50XUWK\
26. +DR = :RONRZLF] 0- 6KHWW\ - .ORW] . %ROOLQJ / 6HQ % HW
27. )XMLKDUD < 6DWRXK < ,QRXH 1 ,VRWDQL$ ,NDZD 0 2NDEH 0
30. 3DLDUGL & 3DVLQL 0( *LRULD 0 %HUUXWL * )DLOXUH RI DFURVRPH
31. )URKQHUW & 6FKZHL]HU 6 +R\HU)HQGHU 6 63$*/63$*/
33. +DUEX]5=RXDUL53LHUUH 9%HQ.KHOLID0.KDURXI 0&RXWWRQ
35. &RXWWRQ & =RXDUL 5$EDGD )%HQ .KHOLID 0 0HUGDVVL * 7ULNL
36. =KX ) *RQJ ) /LQ *  /X * '3</ JHQH PXWDWLRQV DUH D
37. /LDR77;LDQJ ==KX :%)DQ /43URWHRPHDQDO\VLV RIURXQG
Modarres et al.
... Currently, both recessive deletions and mutations in DPY19L2 seem to be the main cause of globozoospermia. DPY19L2 is a transmembrane protein expressed in the testis [150], which is involved in the anchorage of the cytoskeleton to the nuclear membrane. Therefore, its absence/mutation leads to instability and the dissociation of the layered structure of acroplaxome, further resulting in the formation of round head spermatozoa [151]. ...
... Therefore, its absence/mutation leads to instability and the dissociation of the layered structure of acroplaxome, further resulting in the formation of round head spermatozoa [151]. A wide spectrum of plausible mutations of DPY19L2 has been detected in globozoospermic individuals: deletion of the whole locus, nonsense, missense, splicing mutations, and partial deletion encompassing exons 8,9,11,15,21, and intron 11 [150]. In addition, Li and colleagues reported the case of a patient with globozoospermia presenting a compound heterozygous mutation of the DNAH6 gene [76] and suggesting DNAH6 as a novel candidate gene for globozoospermia. ...
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Several genes are implicated in spermatogenesis and fertility regulation, and these genes are presently being analysed in clinical practice due to their involvement in male factor infertility (MFI). However, there are still few genetic analyses that are currently recommended for use in clinical practice. In this manuscript, we reviewed the genetic causes of qualitative sperm defects. We distinguished between alterations causing reduced sperm motility (asthenozoospermia) and alterations causing changes in the typical morphology of sperm (teratozoospermia). In detail, the genetic causes of reduced sperm motility may be found in the alteration of genes associated with sperm mitochondrial DNA, mitochondrial proteins, ion transport and channels, and flagellar proteins. On the other hand, the genetic causes of changes in typical sperm morphology are related to conditions with a strong genetic basis, such as macrozoospermia, globozoospermia, and acephalic spermatozoa syndrome. We tried to distinguish alterations approved for routine clinical application from those still unsupported by adequate clinical studies. The most important aspect of the study was related to the correct identification of subjects to be tested and the correct application of genetic tests based on clear clinical data. The correct application of available genetic tests in a scenario where reduced sperm motility and changes in sperm morphology have been observed enables the delivery of a defined diagnosis and plays an important role in clinical decision-making. Finally, clarifying the genetic causes of MFI might, in future, contribute to reducing the proportion of so-called idiopathic MFI, which might indeed be defined as a subtype of MFI whose cause has not yet been revealed.
... The third group consists of "enlarged head teratozoospermia", where almost all spermatozoa have an enlarged head, multiple tail and abnormal acrosome [10]. Globozoospermia is a rare (incidence 0.1%) and severe form of teratozoospermia characterized by the presence in the ejaculate of a large majority of round spermatozoa without acrosome [12]. Analysis of the incidence of cases with globozoospermia demonstrated a history of consanguinity and a familial occurrence. ...
... It is important to differentiate total globozoospermia referring to patients with a homogeneous phenotype with~100% round headed sperm and partial globozoospermia with a variable percentage of spermatozoa of typical shape. A minimum threshold of 20-50% of round-headed spermatozoa is commonly used in the literature to confirm the diagnosis of globozoospermia [5][6][7], [12], [14]. ...
Teratozoospermia is characterized by the presence of spermatozoa with abnormal morphology in sperm. Globozoospermia is a rare (incidence 0.1%) and severe form of teratozoospermia characterized by the presence in the ejaculate of a large majority of round spermatozoa without acrosome. Globozoospermia is most commonly caused by mutations in the DPY19L2 gene. Globozoospermic spermatozoa are thus unable to adhere and to penetrate the zona pellucida, causing primary infertility. The results: total teratospermia 100% (globospermia 89% and other forms of abnormal morphology 11%), necrosospermia 69%, astenozospemia 99%. The case presented is the first to be published as a pathology of infertility in the Republic of Kosovo. Teratozospermia in the form of Globozoospermia was 89%, and we called it Globospermia severe or Globospermia type III, based on the results of 100% atypical morphology (89% globospermia + 11% other atypical forms) and Necrosospermia 69% as well as Asthenzospermia 99 %.
... Globozoospermia is a rare syndrome accounting for about 0.1% of all causes of male infertility. It is probably due to the autosomal recessive transmission of mutations of genes involved in the acrosome biogenesis [112]. In this systematic review, we have examined the genes possibly implicated in this disease, finding that the main role is played by the DPY19L2 gene encoding for a protein located in the inner nuclear membrane that contributes to the anchoring of the acrosome to the inner nuclear membrane. ...
... In the absence of DPY19L2, the inner nuclear membrane is separated from the outer nuclear membrane, leading to the complete detachment of the acrosome [112,113]. Several mutations in this gene have been reported and the case herein reported has a never-described mutation ofthe DPY19L2 gene that could cause globozoospermia. ...
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Purpose: Globozoospermia is a genetic syndrome characterized by the presence of round-headed spermatozoa and infertility due to the inability of these spermatozoa to fertilize the oocyte. In this article, we present the clinical case of a young globozoospermic patient with a new, not yet described mutation of the DPY19L2 gene. We also performed a systematic review of the literature on gene mutations, the outcome of assisted reproductive techniques, and the risk of transmission of abnormalities to the offspring in patients with globozoospermia and made recommendations to offer a more appropriate clinical management of these patients. Materials and methods: We performed a systematic search in the PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases from their inception to December 2021. The search strategy included the combination of the following Medical Subjects Headings (MeSH) terms and keywords: "globozoospermia", "round-headed spermatozoa", "round head spermatozoa", "intracytoplasmic sperm injection", "ICSI", "offspring", "child health", "assisted reproductive technique outcome". All the eligible studies were selected following the PECOS (Population, Exposure, Comparison/Comparator, Outcomes, Study design) model. The quality of included studies was assessed by applying the "Cambridge Quality Checklists". Results: The main genes involved in the pathogenesis of globozoospermia are DPY19L2, SPATA16, PICK1, GGN, SPACA1, ZPBP, CCDC62, and CCNB3 genes. Other genes could also play a role. These include C2CD6, C7orf61, CCIN, DNH17, DNH6, PIWIL4, and CHPT1. Globozoospermic patients should undergo ART to achieve fertility. In particular, intracytoplasmic sperm injection with assisted oocyte activation or intracytoplasmic morphologically-selected sperm injection appears to be associated with a higher success rate. Patients with globozoospermia should also be evaluated for the high rate of sperm aneuploidy which appears to influence the success rate of ART but does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of transmission of genetic abnormalities to offspring. Conclusions: This systematic review summarizes the evidence on the gene panel to be evaluated, ICSI outcomes, and the health of the offspring in patients with globozoospermia. Evidence-based recommendations on the management of patients with globozoospermia are provided.
... The acrosome is divided into anterior and equatorial segments. The anterior segment contains enzymes that are released during the sperm acrosome reaction for fertilization, while the equatorial segment functions in sperm-oocyte fusion (Modarres et al., 2019). Acrosome biogenesis requires coordination between various organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, trans-Golgi network, and nucleus) and cytoplasmic structures (acroplaxome-manchette cytoskeletal system) (Xiong et al., 2021). ...
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During spermiogenesis, haploid spermatids undergo dramatic morphological changes to form slender sperm flagella and cap-like acrosomes, which are required for successful fertilization. Severe deformities in flagella cause a male infertility syndrome, multiple morphological abnormalities of the flagella (MMAF), while acrosomal hypoplasia in some cases leads to sub-optimal embryonic developmental potential. However, evidence regarding the occurrence of acrosomal hypoplasia in MMAF is limited. Here, we report the generation of base-edited mice knocked out for coiled-coil domain-containing 38 (Ccdc38) via inducing a nonsense mutation and find that the males are infertile. The Ccdc38-KO sperm display acrosomal hypoplasia and typical MMAF phenotypes. We find that the acrosomal membrane is loosely anchored to the nucleus and fibrous sheaths are disorganized in Ccdc38-KO sperm. Further analyses reveal that Ccdc38 knockout causes a decreased level of TEKT3, a protein associated with acrosome biogenesis, in testes and an aberrant distribution of TEKT3 in sperm. We finally show that intracytoplasmic sperm injection overcomes Ccdc38-related infertility. Our study thus reveals a previously unknown role for CCDC38 in acrosome biogenesis and provides additional evidence for the occurrence of acrosomal hypoplasia in MMAF.
... A large number of specific proteins make up this complex, and any defects may result in the malformation of sperm, eventually infertility. Knockout of several genes involved in acrosome biogenesis leads to globozoospermia [4][5][6]. Acroplaxome, a cytoskeletal scaffold containing F-actin and Keratin 5, anchors the developing acrosome to the nuclear envelope [7]. Defects in acroplaxome structure result in acrosome detachment [8]. ...
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Background Actin-like 7 A (ACTL7A) is essential for acrosome formation, fertilization and early embryo development. ACTL7A variants cause acrosome detachment responsible for male infertility and early embryonic arrest. In this study, we aim to explore the additional functions of ACTL7A beyond the process of acrosome biogenesis and investigate the possible underlying mechanisms. Methods Nuclear morphology analysis was used to observe the sperm head shape of ACTL7A-mutated patients. Actl7a knock-out (KO) mouse model was generated. Immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were performed to analyze the structure of spermatids during spermiogenesis. Tandem mass tags labeling quantitative proteomics strategy was employed to explore the underlying molecular mechanisms. The expression levels of key proteins in the pathway were analyzed by western blotting. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)-artificial oocyte activation (AOA) technology was utilized to overcome fertilization failure in male mice with a complete knockout of Actl7a. Results The new phenotype of small head sperm associated with loss of ACTL7A in patients was discovered, and further confirmed in Actl7a-KO mice. Immunofluorescence and TEM analyses revealed that the deletion of ACTL7A damaged the formation of acrosome-acroplaxome-manchette complex, leading to abnormalities in the shaping of sperm heads. Moreover, a proteomic analysis of testes from WT and Actl7a-KO mice revealed that differentially expressed genes were notably enriched in PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway which is strongly associated with autophagy. Inhibition of autophagy via PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway activation leading to PDLIM1 accumulation might elucidate the hindered development of manchette in Actl7a-KO mice. Remarkably, AOA successfully overcame fertilization failure and allowed for the successful production of healthy offspring from the Actl7a complete knockout male mice. Conclusions Loss of ACTL7A causes small head sperm as a result of defective acrosome-acroplaxome-manchette complex via autophagy inhibition. ICSI-AOA is an effective technique to rescue male infertility resulting from ACTL7A deletion. These findings provide essential evidence for the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from infertility.
... For a long period, only globozoospermia is known to have sperm head deformity, which can cause TFF because of the absence of an acrosome structure and the loss of sperm-borne oocyte activation factor PLCf (Modarres et al, 2019). Recently, both our group and that of Sun separately reported a novel type of head deformity, characterized as acrosome detachment, which is responsible for TFF, and identified the causative genes, ACTL9 and ACTL7A (Xin et al, 2020;Dai et al, 2021). ...
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Total fertilization failure (TFF) is an important cause of infertility; however, the genetic basis of TFF caused by male factors remains to be clarified. In this study, whole-exome sequencing was firstly used to screen for genetic causes of TFF after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and homozygous variants in the novel gene IQ motif-containing N (IQCN) were identified in two affected individuals with abnormal acrosome structures. Then, Iqcn-knockout mice were generated by CRISPR-Cas9 technology and showed that the knockout male mice resembled the human phenotypes. Additionally, we found that IQCN regulates microtubule nucleation during manchette assembly via calmodulin and related calmodulin-binding proteins, which resulted in head deformity with aberrant oocyte activation factor PLCζ. Fortunately, ICSI with assisted oocyte activation can overcome IQCN-associate TFF and male infertility. Thus, our study firstly identified the function of IQCN, highlights the relationship between the manchette assembly and fertilization, and provides a genetic marker and a therapeutic option for male-source TFF.
BACKGROUND Infertility and pregnancy loss are longstanding problems. Successful fertilization and high-quality embryos are prerequisites for an ongoing pregnancy. Studies have proven that every stage in the human reproductive process is regulated by multiple genes and any problem, at any step, may lead to fertilization failure (FF) or early embryonic arrest (EEA). Doctors can diagnose the pathogenic factors involved in FF and EEA by using genetic methods. With the progress in the development of new genetic technologies, such as single-cell RNA analysis and whole-exome sequencing, a new approach has opened up for us to directly study human germ cells and reproductive development. These findings will help us to identify the unique mechanism(s) that leads to FF and EEA in order to find potential treatments. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE The goal of this review is to compile current genetic knowledge related to FF and EEA, clarifying the mechanisms involved and providing clues for clinical diagnosis and treatment. SEARCH METHODS PubMed was used to search for relevant research articles and reviews, primarily focusing on English-language publications from January 1978 to June 2023. The search terms included fertilization failure, early embryonic arrest, genetic, epigenetic, whole-exome sequencing, DNA methylation, chromosome, non-coding RNA, and other related keywords. Additional studies were identified by searching reference lists. This review primarily focuses on research conducted in humans. However, it also incorporates relevant data from animal models when applicable. The results were presented descriptively, and individual study quality was not assessed. OUTCOMES A total of 233 relevant articles were included in the final review, from 3925 records identified initially. The review provides an overview of genetic factors and mechanisms involved in the human reproductive process. The genetic mutations and other genetic mechanisms of FF and EEA were systematically reviewed, for example, globozoospermia, oocyte activation failure, maternal effect gene mutations, zygotic genome activation abnormalities, chromosome abnormalities, and epigenetic abnormalities. Additionally, the review summarizes progress in treatments for different gene defects, offering new insights for clinical diagnosis and treatment. WIDER IMPLICATIONS The information provided in this review will facilitate the development of more accurate molecular screening tools for diagnosing infertility using genetic markers and networks in human reproductive development. The findings will also help guide clinical practice by identifying appropriate interventions based on specific gene mutations. For example, when an individual has obvious gene mutations related to FF, ICSI is recommended instead of IVF. However, in the case of genetic defects such as phospholipase C zeta1 (PLCZ1), actin-like7A (ACTL7A), actin-like 9 (ACTL9), and IQ motif-containing N (IQCN), ICSI may also fail to fertilize. We can consider artificial oocyte activation technology with ICSI to improve fertilization rate and reduce monetary and time costs. In the future, fertility is expected to be improved or restored by interfering with or supplementing the relevant genes.
According to the World Health Organization, infertility refers to a couple's inability to conceive following at least one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Male infertility accounts for about half of the various causes of couples' infertility. This review aimed to investigate the cellular and molecular differentiation of spermatozoa, focusing on the structure of the cytoskeleton, microtubules, actin filaments, motor, and non-motor proteins, to study the known genes associated with their formation and function, as well as the proteins involved in intracellular cargo transport, and ultimately investigate their essential role in maintaining sperm morphology and motility and subsequent male reproduction and infertility. The importance of microtubules in the critical processes of sperm production, transformation, maturation, and fertility of spermatozoa is such that the term "microtubule" has been recently used to denote the microtubule and all microtubule-related components in the sperm cell. The cellular process of sperm evolution and differentiation was discussed first, followed by a description of the cytoskeletal system of the acroframosome-acroplaxome-manchette axis, which is involved in acrosome formation and development, sperm head and flagellum shaping mechanisms, in response to the current and future demands of infertility researchers and clinicians in this emerging field of research. The significance of the aberrant function of different components of the sperm cytoskeleton in creating major disorders associated with male infertility was next inspected to clarify the ambiguous aspects of this complex process.
La tératozoospermie est définie par l’organisation mondiale pour la santé (OMS) par la présence dans l’éjaculat de plus de 96% de spermatozoïdes morphologiquement anormaux regroupant un large éventail de phénotypes avec des anomalies affectant, seules ou simultanément, la tête et le flagelle. Mon travail a été centré sur deux phénotypes rares de tératozoospermie : les Anomalies Morphologiques Multiples du Flagelle (MMAF) caractérisées par la présence dans l’éjaculat de spermatozoïdes immobiles avec des flagelles courts, enroulés, absent ou de diamètre irrégulier ; et la Globozoospermie correspondant à la présence de spermatozoïdes à tête rondes dépourvus d’acrosome. Des altérations génétiques ont été associées à ces phénotypes mais la plupart des cas analysés restent non résolus. L’objectif de ma thèse a donc été d’explorer de nouvelles causes monogéniques de ces deux phénotypes à partir de données d’exomes de cohortes de 167 patients MMAF et 28 patients globozoospermiques.Parmi la cohorte de patients MMAF, nous avons tout d’abord identifié deux patients avec des mutations homozygotes tronquantes dans le gène CFAP70, codant pour une protéine décrite comme régulatrice des bras de dynéines externes de l’axonème. Les immunofluorescences (IF) réalisées ont démontré que l’absence de CFAP70 affectait significativement plusieurs structures axonémales du flagelle notamment les bras de dynéines externes et le complexe axonémal CSC (Calmoduline, Radial Spoke associated Complex). Les issues favorables des injections intracytoplasmique (ICSI) réalisées chez ces patients suggèrent que l’altération de ce gène ne réduit pas les chances de réussite de l’ICSI. Secondairement, nous avons pu identifier six patients porteurs de mutations homozygotes dans le gène MAATS1 codant pour la protéine CFAP91 qui compose le CSC. Les expériences d’IF et de microscopie électronique à transmission ont permis de confirmer l’importance de MAATS1 pour la stabilité du CSC mais aussi d’autres composants de l’axonème. De plus, l’étude du modèle mutant Trypanosome inactivé pour TbCFAP91, l’orthologue de MAATS1, a démontré que l’absence de la protéine induit la perte de la motilité flagellaire couplée à une désorganisation de la paire centrale de l’axonème. L’étude approfondie de notre cohorte MMAF nous a permis par la suite d’identifier une mutation homozygote tronquante dans un nouveau gène, CFAP206. L’étude de différents modèles mutés pour CFAP206 (humains et souris) a montré que la protéine CFAP206 est essentielle pour l’ancrage des ponts radiaires aux microtubules via le CSC. Enfin, nous avons retrouvé des mutations homozygotes délétères dans le gène ZMYND12 chez trois patients. La fonction de ce gène est encore inconnue. Nous avons initié l’étude de ce gène et créé une lignée de souris KO par CRIPSR/Cas9. Les premiers résultats obtenus à partir d’échantillons humains et sur un modèle trypanosome mutant confirment l’implication de ZMYND12 dans la motilité flagellaire et suggère d’éventuelles interactions de cette protéine avec des protéines du CSC et du transport intra-flagellaire. Au final, ces travaux ont permis d’identifier quatre nouveaux gènes impliqués dans le phénotype MMAF et ont démontré la place centrale du complexe CSC dans la stabilité et la fonction du flagelle du spermatozoïde, apportant de nouveaux éléments sur sa fonction et sa composition.Parmi les 28 patients globozoospermiques de notre cohorte, une mutation stop homozygote a été identifié chez un patient sur un nouveau gène candidat FAM205A. La protéine a été localisée par IF dans l’acrosome mature et au niveau de la vésicule acrosomale en formation sur des coupes testiculaires humaines. Grace à la création d’une lignée de rats Fam205a-KO, nous espérons confirmer prochainement l’implication de ce gène dans le phénotype de globozoospermie. Ces données devraient nous permettre à terme d’améliorer nos connaissances sur la physiopathologie de la globozoospermie et sur la biogénèse de l’acrosome.
Globozoospermia (GZ) is a rare disorder found in less than 0.1% of infertile men in which spermatozoa lack acrosomes necessary for penetration of an oocyte. While methods have been demonstrated to allow globozoospermic men to achieve a viable pregnancy with their partner, the Wold Health Organization considers identifying and reporting GZ on semen analysis to be 'important'. Our study aims to determine if and to what extent in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratories nationwide recognize and report GZ on semen analysis reports. We constructed an IRB-approved survey sent nationwide to IVF and andrology clinic laboratory directors listed by the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology and/or the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Results from the survey were de-identified for analysis. A total of 490 surveys were sent with a response rate of 10% (n = 51). Most respondents (66%) practiced in a private, rather than academic, setting. A majority of respondents were confident in their technicians' knowledge of GZ (86%) and ability to identify it on a sample (94%). However, only half of respondents noted a space to report the concern for GZ to the ordering physician, and 25% of respondents did not feel their clinic was able to identify patients where there is a concern for GZ. Similarly, 84% of respondents did not report a percent of acrosome-deficient sperm. Less than half of respondents reported that their clinic has previously diagnosed GZ. Though the majority of respondents felt that their laboratory technicians would be able to identify GZ, a significant minority felt that their clinic did not have means to be able to report concern for GZ. This may be due to the absence of a proper channel to report a concern for GZ, a lack of knowledge about the condition, or failure to distinguish GZ from a broader reported percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm. Given evidence that the diagnosis of GZ may be under-reported in the United States, there should be a national standard for laboratory technicians to be trained to recognize GZ and be able to report their suspicion to the ordering clinician.
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Globozoospermia, characterized by round-headed spermatozoa without acrosomes, is a rare and severe teratozoospermia causing primary male infertility. Homozygous DPY19L2 deletions have been identified as the main cause of globozoospermia, blocking sperm head elongation and acrosome formation. Several previous studies showed a very different prevalence of DPY19L2 gene deletions among globozoospermic patients in cohorts with different sample sizes and in different ethnic background. And all the patients previously analyzed were mainly of European, North African and Middle Eastern origins. So far, only eleven different point mutations of the DPY19L2 gene have been reported. To investigate the prevalence of DPY19L2 gene mutations in Chinese patients with globozoospermia and whether we can identify new sequence variants in this study, we recruited a total of 16 globozoospermic patients. Excluding one of two brothers, molecular analysis for deletions and mutations in the DPY19L2 gene was performed on 15 genetically independent individuals. Four of the 15 genetically independent patients with globozoospermia were homozygous for the DPY19L2 deletion, five were homozygous for a point mutation including a nucleotide deletion c.1532delA ( two patients), a multi-mutation consisting of a nucleotide deletion c.1679delT and a two-nucleotide deletion c.1681_1682delAC (c.[1679delT; 1681_1682delAC]) (one patient), a recurrent missense mutation R290H (one patient) and a missense mutation L330P (onepatient One additional patient had a heterozygous deletion in one allele but with no mutation identified in another allele. Overall, 60% of the patients (9/15) have a sequence variant of DPY19L2 in both alleles. This study confirms that the DPY19L2 mutations are the major cause of globozoospermia. Three novel point mutations were found in this study, and a recurrent missense mutation further broadening the spectrum of DPY19L2 mutations.
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The remarkable complexity of the molecular events governing adhesion and fusion of the male and female gametes is becoming apparent. Novel research suggests that these highly specific cellular interactions are facilitated by multi-protein complexes that are delivered to and/or assembled on the surface of the gametes by molecular chaperones in preparation for sperm-egg interaction. While the activation of these molecular chaperones and the mechanisms by which they shuttle proteins to the surface of the cell remain the subject of ongoing investigation, a compelling suggestion is that these processes are augmented by dynamic membrane microdomains or lipid rafts that migrate to the apical region of the sperm head after capacitation. Preliminary studies of the oocyte plasma membrane have also revealed the presence of lipid rafts comprising several molecular chaperones raising the possibility that similar mechanisms may be involved in the activation of maternal fusion machinery and the regulation of oocyte plasma membrane integrity. Despite these findings, the analysis of oocyte surface multi-protein complexes is currently lacking. Further analysis of the intermediary proteins that facilitate the expression of key players in sperm-egg fusion (Izumo1 in sperm and CD9 in oocytes) are likely to deliver important insights into this unique event which culminates in cytoplasmic continuity of the male and female gametes.
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Sperm-head elongation and acrosome formation, which take place during the last stages of spermatogenesis, are essential to produce competent spermatozoa that are able to cross the oocyte zona pellucida and to achieve fertilization. During acrosome biogenesis, acrosome attachment and spreading over the nucleus are still poorly understood and to date no proteins have been described to link the acrosome to the nucleus. We recently demonstrated that a deletion of DPY19L2, a gene coding for an uncharacterized protein, was responsible for a majority of cases of type I globozoospermia, a rare cause of male infertility that is characterized by the exclusive production of round-headed acrosomeless spermatozoa. Here, using Dpy19l2 knockout mice, we describe the cellular function of the Dpy19l2 protein. We demonstrate that the protein is expressed predominantly in spermatids with a very specific localization restricted to the inner nuclear membrane facing the acrosomal vesicle. We show that the absence of Dpy19l2 leads to the destabilization of both the nuclear dense lamina (NDL) and the junction between the acroplaxome and the nuclear envelope. Consequently, the acrosome and the manchette fail to be linked to the nucleus leading to the disruption of vesicular trafficking, failure of sperm nuclear shaping and eventually to the elimination of the unbound acrosomal vesicle. Finally, we show for the first time that Dpy19l3 proteins are also located in the inner nuclear envelope, therefore implying that the Dpy19 proteins constitute a new family of structural transmembrane proteins of the nuclear envelope.
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To date, mutations in two genes, SPATA16 and DPY19L2, have been identified as responsible for a severe teratozoospermia, namely globozoospermia. The two initial descriptions of the DPY19L2 deletion lead to a very different rate of occurrence of this mutation among globospermic patients. In order to better estimate the contribution of DPY19L2 in globozoospermia, we screened a larger cohort including 64 globozoospermic patients. Twenty of the new patients were homozygous for the DPY19L2 deletion, and 7 were compound heterozygous for both this deletion and a point mutation. We also identified four additional mutated patients. The final mutation load in our cohort is 66.7% (36 out of 54). Out of 36 mutated patients, 69.4% are homozygous deleted, 19.4% heterozygous composite and 11.1% showed a homozygous point mutation. The mechanism underlying the deletion is a non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) between the flanking low-copy repeats. Here, we characterized a total of nine breakpoints for the DPY19L2 NAHR-driven deletion that clustered in two recombination hotspots, both containing direct repeat elements (AluSq2 in hotspot 1, THE1B in hotspot 2). Globozoospermia can be considered as a new genomic disorder. This study confirms that DPY19L2 is the major gene responsible for globozoospermia and enlarges the spectrum of possible mutations in the gene. This is a major finding and should contribute to the development of an efficient molecular diagnosis strategy for globozoospermia.
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Study question: Do DPY19L2 heterozygous deletions and point mutations account for some cases of globozoospermia? Summary answer: Two DPY19L2 heterozygous deletions and three point mutations were identified, thus further confirming that genetic alterations of the DPY19L2 gene are the main cause of globozoospermia and indicating that DPY19L2 molecular diagnostics should not be stopped in the absence of a homozygous gene deletion. What is known already: Globozoospermia is a rare phenotype of primary male infertility characterized by the production of a majority of round-headed spermatozoa without acrosome. We demonstrated previously that most cases in man were caused by a recurrent homozygous deletion of the totality of the DPY19L2 gene, preventing sperm head elongation and acrosome formation. In mammals, DPY19L2 has three paralogs of yet unknown function and one highly homologous pseudogene showing >95% sequence identity with DPY19L2. Specific amplification and sequencing of DPY19L2 have so far been hampered by the presence of this pseudogene which has greatly complicated specific amplification and sequencing. Study design, size, duration: In this cohort study, 34 patients presenting with globozoospermia were recruited during routine infertility treatment in infertility centers in France and Tunisia between January 2008 and December 2011. The molecular variants identified in patients were screened in 200 individuals from the general population to exclude frequent non-pathological polymorphisms. Participants/materials, setting, methods: We developed a Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification test to detect the presence of heterozygous deletions and identified the conditions to specifically amplify and sequence the 22 exons and intronic boundaries of the DPY19L2 gene. The pathogenicity of the identified mutations and their action on the protein were evaluated in silico. Main results and the role of chance: There were 23 patients who were homozygous for the DPY19L2 deletion (67.6%). Only eight of the eleven non-homozygously deleted patients could be sequenced due to poor DNA quality of three patients. Two patients were compound heterozygous carrying one DPY19L2 deleted allele associated respectively with a nonsense (p.Q342*) and a missense mutation (p.R290H). One patient was homozygous for p.M358K, another missense mutation affecting a highly conserved amino acid. Due to the localization of this mutation and the physicochemical properties of the substituted amino acids, we believe that this variant is likely to disrupt one of the protein transmembrane domains and destabilize the protein. Overall, 84% of the fully analysed patients (n = 31) had a molecular alteration of DPY19L2. There was no clear phenotypic difference between the homozygous deleted individual, patients carrying a point mutation and undiagnosed patients. Limitations, reasons for caution: Globally poor fertilization rates are observed after intracytoplasmic sperm injection of round spermatozoa. Further work is needed to assess whether DPY19L2 mutated patients present a better or worse prognostic than the non-diagnosed patients. Evaluation of the potential benefit of treatment with a calcium ionophore, described to improve fertilization, should be evaluated in these two groups. Wider implications of the findings: In previous work, deletions of DPY19L2 had only been identified in North African patients. Here we have identified DPY19L2 deletions and point mutations in European patients, indicating that globozoospemia caused by a molecular defect of DPY19L2 can be expected in individuals from any ethnic background. Study funding/competing interest(s): None of the authors have any competing interest. This work is part of the project 'Identification and Characterization of Genes Involved in Infertility (ICG2I)' funded by the program GENOPAT 2009 from the French Research Agency (ANR).
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Nearly 7% of men are afflicted by male infertility worldwide, and genetic factors are suspected to play a significant role in the majority of these patients. Although sperm morphology is an important parameter measured in the semen analysis, only a few genetic causes of teratozoospermia are currently known. The objective of this study was to define the association between alterations in the genes encoding the Golgi-associated PDZ- and coiled-coil motif containing protein (GOPC), the protein interacting with C kinase 1 (PICK1) and the acrosomal protein zona pellucida binding protein 1 (ZPBP1/sp38) with abnormal sperm head morphology in infertile men. Previous reports demonstrated that mice lacking Gopc, Pick1 and Zpbp1 are infertile due to abnormal head morphology. Herein, using our validated RNA-based method, we studied spermatozoal cDNA encoding the human GOPC, PICK1 and ZPBP1 genes in 381 teratozoospermic and 240 controls patients via direct sequencing. Among these genes, we identified missense and splicing mutations in the sperm cDNA encoding ZPBP1 in 3.9% (15/381) of men with abnormal sperm head morphology. These mutations were not observed in 240 matched controls and the dbSNP database (χ(2) = 9.3, P = 0.002). In contrast, statistically significant and functionally relevant mutations were not discovered in the GOPC and PICK1 genes. In our study ZPBP1 mutations are associated with abnormal sperm head morphology, defined according to strict criteria, resembling the mouse Zpbp1 null phenotype. We hypothesize that missense mutations exert a dominant-negative effect due to altered ZPBP1 protein folding and protein:protein interactions in the acrosome.
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The acrosome is a unique organelle that plays an important role at fertilization and during sperm morphogenesis and that is absent in globozoospermia, an inherited infertility syndrome in humans. At the light of recent experimental evidence, the acrosome is considered a lysosome-related organelle to whose biogenesis both the endocytic and biosynthetic pathways contribute. Vps54 is a vesicular sorting protein involved in the retrograde traffic; the recessive Vps54(L967Q) mutation in the mouse results in the wobbler phenotype, characterized by motor-neuron degeneration and male infertility. Here we have investigated the spatio-temporal occurrence/progression of the wobbler fertility disorder starting from mice at post-natal day 35, the day of the first event of spermiation. We show that the pathogenesis of wobbler infertility originates at the first spermiogenetic wave, affecting acrosome formation and sperm head elongation. Vps54(L967Q)-labeled vesicles, on the contrary of the wild-type Vps54-labeled ones, are not able to coalesce into a larger vesicle that develops, flattens and shapes to give rise to the acrosome. Evidence that it is the malfunctioning of the endocytic traffic to hamper the development of the acrosome comes out from the study on UBPy. UBPy, a deubiquitinating enzyme, is a marker of acrosome biogenesis from the endocytic pathway. In wobbler spermatids UBPy-positive endosomes remain single, scattered vesicles that do not contribute to acrosome formation. As secondary defect of wobbler spermiogenesis, spermatid mitochondria are misorted; moreover, with the progression of the age/disease also Sertoli-germ cell adhesions are compromised suggesting a derailment in the endocytic route that underlies their restructuring.
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The Eps15 homology (EH) module is a protein-protein interaction domain that establishes a network of connections involved in various aspects of endocytosis and sorting. The finding that EH-containing proteins bind to Hrb (a cellular cofactor of the Rev protein) and to the related protein Hrbl raised the possibility that the EH network might also influence the so-called Rev export pathway, which mediates nucleocytoplasmic transfer of proteins and RNAs. In this study, we demonstrate that Eps15 and Eps15R, two EH-containing proteins, synergize with Hrb and Hrbl to enhance the function of Rev in the export pathway. In addition, the EH-mediated association between Eps15 and Hrb is required for the synergistic effect. The interaction between Eps15 and Hrb occurs in the cytoplasm, thus pointing to an unexpected site of action of Hrb, and to a possible role of the Eps15-Hrb complex in regulating the stability of Rev.
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The transmembrane inner nuclear membrane (INM) protein Samp1 is required for anchoring centrosomes near the nuclei. Using high-resolution fluorescence microscopy we show that Samp1 is distributed in a distinct and characteristic pattern in the nuclear envelope (NE), where it partially colocalizes with the LINC complex protein Sun1. By studying the localization of Samp1 deletion mutants and fusion proteins, we conclude that the cysteine-rich N-terminal half of Samp1 is nucleoplasmically exposed and is responsible for targeting to the INM. It contains four conserved CxxC motifs with the potential to form zinc fingers. The distribution of cysteine-to-alanine substitution mutants, designed to prevent zinc finger formation, showed that NE localization of Samp1 depends on intact CxxC motifs. Overexpression of Samp1 zinc finger mutants produced an abnormal dominant phenotype characterized by disrupted organization of a selective subset NE proteins, including emerin, Sun1, endogenous Samp1 and, in some cases, lamin A/C, but not lamin B, Sun2 or nucleoporins. Silencing of Samp1 expression showed that emerin depends on Samp1 for its correct localization in the NE. Our results demonstrate that Samp1 is functionally associated with the LINC complex protein Sun1 and proteins of the A-type lamina network.
SPACA1 is a membrane protein that localizes in the equatorial segment of spermatozoa in mammals and is reported to function in sperm-egg fusion. We produced a Spaca1 gene-disrupted mouse line and found that the male mice were infertile. The cause of this sterility was abnormal shaping of the sperm head reminiscent of globozoospermia in humans. Disruption of Spaca1 led to the disappearance of the nuclear plate, a dense lining of the nuclear envelope facing the inner acrosomal membrane. This coincided with the failure of acrosomal expansion during spermiogenesis and resulted in the degeneration and disappearance of the acrosome in mature spermatozoa. Thus, these findings clarify part of the cascade leading to globozoospermia.