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News from the Balkan refugium: Thrace has an endemic mole species (Mammalia: Talpidae)


Abstract and Figures

We utilized 1084 bp sequences of the cytochrome b gene to assess the taxonomic status of small blind moles from eastern Thrace in Bulgaria and European Turkey. So far, these moles were classified either as Talpa caeca or as T. Levantis. Our study showed them to be genetically closer to T. Europaea, T. Aquitania, and T. Occidentalis, albeit not being part of any of these species. We describe them as a new species, Talpa martinorum. N. Sp. The new species differs from T. Europaea, another mole occupying Thrace, by having a sealed palpebral fissure and a 1st upper molar with no parastyle, and by being smaller. The contemporary distribution range of T. Martinorum n. Sp. Is small and restricted to the Black Sea coast between Burgas (Bulgaria) and Istanbul (Turkey). The species name is an eponym to the married couple Vladimir and Evgeniya Martino, two early students of Balkan mammals. © 2018 Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig. All rights reserved.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Received: 22.01.2018 Corresponding editor: J. Decher
Accepted: 16.04.2018
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 May 2018
Moles (family Talpidae, Lipotyphla) are widespread
in temperate Eurasia, North America, and in Oriental
Southeast Asia. The majority of species has adapted to
a subterranean mode of life and displays convergent
morphologies. Interspecic differences are usually slight
and further obscured by morphologic plasticity. The tra-
ditional approach towards mole taxonomy, based solely
on cranial and dental traits, frustrated early students and
posed a long-lasting source of dispute and disagreement
over a number of genera and species. Since 1758, when
Linneaus named the rst mole species (Linnaeus 1758),
about 180 species group names accumulated (Hutterer
2005) for over 50 currently valid species. In the past, the
authors disagreed which of these names were valid and
which were to be considered of subspecic value or just
synonyms. For example, Schwarz (1948) synonymized
ve currently valid generic names from Asia with Talpa,
and reduced the number of Eurasian fossorial moles to
merely six species; Ellerman & Morrison-Scott (1951)
further condensed these to four species in two genera.
Despite obvious taxonomic problems with moles, mo-
lecular tools were employed in talpid systematics rela-
tively late (Colangelo et al. 2010; Bannikova et al. 2015;
Feuda et al. 2015; He et al. 2016). It became immediately
clear how incomplete our alpha taxonomic knowledge of
the Eurasian moles was. He et al. (2016) proposed that
talpid species richness is underestimated by nearly one
third. Although the majority of these undescribed species
occupy mountain areas in southern China, several cryp-
tic species were recently found also in the genus Talpa
in Europe (Nicolas et al. 2017a) and south-western Asia
(Bannikova et al. 2015).
In this paper we utilized molecular evidence in assess-
ing the taxonomic status of small blind moles along the
south-western Black Sea coast, specically in Thrace of
Bulgaria and European Turkey. Osborn (1964) was the
rst to realize that the region features two distinct mole
species, a larger T. europaea, which is widespread in Eu-
rope, and a smaller one, which he took for T. caeca. In
Osborn’s times, T. caeca contained small blind moles of
southern Europe, northern Anatolia, and the Caucasus
(Ellerman & Morrison-Scott 1951, Grulich 1972), which
are currently classied as distinct species (T. davidiana,
T. levantis, T. occidentalis; Hutterer 2005). Doğramacı
(1988, 1989c) applied the epithet levantis (T. caeca le-
vantis) for small moles of Thrace and northern Anato-
lia. Following Pavlinov & Rossolimo (1987), Vohralík
(1991) and Kefelioğlu & Gençoğlu (1996) accepted T.
levantis as a species on its own right specically for the
European populations. As a result, four mole species are
reported for south-east Europe (the Balkan Peninsula):
T. europaea in the north and east, T. caeca and T. stan-
kovici in the south-west, and T. levantis in the south-east
(Hutterer 2005).
Specimens. We studied 14 individuals of T. martino-
rum n. sp. (see below) and comparative material of 244
Abstract. We utilized 1084 bp sequences of the cytochrome b gene to assess the taxonomic status of small blind moles
from eastern Thrace in Bulgaria and European Turkey. So far, these moles were classied either as Talpa caeca or as T. le-
vantis. Our study showed them to be genetically closer to T. europaea, T. aquitania, and T. occidentalis, albeit not being
part of any of these species. We describe them as a new species, Talpa martinorum. n. sp. The new species differs from
T. europaea, another mole occupying Thrace, by having a sealed palpebral ssure and a 1st upper molar with no parastyle,
and by being smaller. The contemporary distribution range of T. martinorum n. sp. is small and restricted to the Black Sea
coast between Burgas (Bulgaria) and Istanbul (Turkey). The species name is an eponym to the married couple Vladimir
and Evgeniya Martino, two early students of Balkan mammals.
Key words. Balkans, cytochrome b, cryptic species, species delimitation, Talpa martinorum n. sp.
News from the Balkan refugium: Thrace has an endemic mole species
(Mammalia: Talpidae)
Boris Kryštufek1*, Nedko Nedyalkov2, Jonas J. Astrin3 & Rainer Hutterer3
1Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
2National Museum of Natural History, 1 Tzar Osvoboditel Blvd., BG-1000 Soa, Bulgaria
3Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Leibniz-Institut für Biodiversität der Tiere, Adenauerallee 160, D-53113
Bonn, Germany
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
Boris Kryštufek et al.42
museum vouchers belonging to 11 species of Talpa (Ap-
pendix 1). Individuals of T. martinorum n. sp. were col-
lected in Bulgaria in 2011 (one individual) and 2017 (the
remaining 13). External measurements were scored be-
fore skinning to the nearest 0.1 mm (hind foot) or 1 mm
(the rest): length of head and body (from snout tip to
anus), length of tail (from anus to tail tip with exclusion
of terminal hairs) and length of hind foot (without claws).
Body mass was recorded to the nearest 0.5 grams. We
examined the palpebral ssure using a 10x magnifying
glass and photographed each mole captured in 2017. In
part the individuals were immersed in ethanol and the rest
were processed following standard mammalogical proce-
dures (Kryštufek & Vohralík 2001). Skins were mounted
on cardboard (carded skins) while skulls and postcranial
skeletons were preserved in 95% ethanol, dried subse-
quently and cleaned by Dermestes beetles. Tissue sam-
ples for DNA analysis were placed in non-denaturated
96% ethanol and subsequently refrigerated. All eld pro-
cedures involving handling of animals in this study were
in compliance with guidelines approved by the American
Society of Mammalogists (Sikes et al. 2011).
Molecular analysis. The cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene
was sequenced for eight specimens of the new species.
These sequences were analyzed together with 23 addi-
tional Talpa sequences (within 13 species), and three
outgroup Talpinae sequences (Urotrichus talpoides, Eu-
roscaptor parvidens and Euroscaptor klossi), all down-
loaded from GenBank. Collecting data for the new se-
quences and all GenBank numbers are given in Appendix
For the new specimens, total genomic DNA was ex-
tracted from ethanol-preserved muscle tissue using sil-
ica membrane columns of the Blood and Tissue kit by
Qiagen (Hilden, Germany). DNA extracts are available
from the ZFMK Biobank, Bonn (DNA voucher IDs are
listed in Appendix 2). For PCR amplications, we used
the Qiagen Multiplex PCR kit, following the manufac-
turer’s specications and based on 2 µl undiluted DNA
template in 20µl total reaction volumes. DNA fragments
of 1084 bp were amplied with an Applied Biosystems
GeneAmp PCR System 2700 (Life Technologies), apply-
ing the primers L14724ag (5’-ATGATATGAAAAAC-
CATCGTTG-3’) and H15915ag (5’-TTTCCNTTTCTG-
GTTTACAAGAC-3’) (Guillén-Servent & Francis 2006).
PCR routine followed a ‘touch-down’ protocol: Taq ac-
tivation: 15 min at 95°C; rst cycle set (15 repeats): 35 s
denaturation at 94°C, 90 s annealing at 60°C (−1°C per
cycle) and 90 s extension at 72°C. Second cycle set (25
repeats): 35 s denaturation at 94°C, 90 s annealing at
50°C, and 90 s extension at 72°C.
After enzymatic cleanup, all PCR products were
Sanger-sequenced at Macrogen Europe’s commercial
Sanger sequencing service (Amsterdam, NL). Sequences
were assembled, inspected and aligned using Geneious
vers. R7 (Biomatters, Auckland, New Zealand).
The Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree was inferred with
RAxML-HPC vers. 8.1.24 (Stamatakis 2014). For the
ML search, a GTR+Γ model of sequence evolution was
applied following the program recommendations. The
dataset was partitioned to treat 3rd codon positions sep-
arately from 1st and 2nd positions. The analysis used the
“-f a” option (bootstrap analysis and search for best-scor-
ing ML tree in one program run) and included 100,000
bootstrap replicates. Nodes with a bootstrap support of
50 or below were collapsed. To comparatively assess the
topology delivered by the ML reconstruction, a Bayesian
analysis was run for 5 million generations (assuming a
GTR+Γ model and unlinking 3rd positions) in MrBayes
vers. 3.2 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003), but results
were very similar and hence not shown in a separate il-
Morphological analysis. Our study was based on
visual examination of museum specimens, both mac-
roscopically and under a stereomicroscope at different
magnications. Museum vouchers (skins, skulls and
occasionally postcranial skeletons) are deposited in the
following collections (acronym in parentheses): Field
Museum of Natural History, Chicago (FMNH), National
Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo (ZMBiH),
National Museum of Natural History, Washington D. C.
(NMNH), National Museum of Natural History Soa
(NMNHS), Natural History Museum London (NHML),
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna (NMW), Mu-
seum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN),
Mammal Collection in the Ondokuz Mayıs University,
Samsun, Turkey (OMU), Slovenian Museum of Natural
History, Ljubljana (PMS), Zoologisches Forschungsmu-
seum Alexander Koenig, Bonn (ZFMK), and Zoological
Institute and Zoological Museum, Russian Academy of
Sciences, St. Petersburg (ZIN). Vouchers in ZFMK and
PMS were directly compared to T. martinorum n. sp..
Material from the remaining collections was examined
by BK prior to this study and records were compiled to
contain measurement data, drawings and photographs.
Skull morphology was quantied using a set of six cra-
nial variables which were scored using a Vernier caliper
with accuracy to the nearest 0.1 mm (acronyms in pa-
rentheses): condylobasal length of skull (CbL), length of
maxillary tooth row (MxT; canine to 3rd molar), breadth
of braincase (BcB), height of braincase (BcH; bullae
excluded), breadth of rostrum over canines (RoC), and
breadth of rostrum over molars (RoM). We also mea-
sured the pelvis (greatest length and greatest anterior
breadth) and the humerus (length and width). Length and
width of 3rd upper molar were scored under a dissecting
microscope tted with an eyepiece graticule. Three mor-
photypes of the pelvis (sensu Grulich 1971, Popov &
Miltchev 2001) were distinguished: (i) the caecoid mor-
photype lacked a bony anastomosis between the os sa-
crum and the os ischii posterior to the 4th foramen sacrale;
(ii) the europaeoid morphotype had a well-developed and
New mole from Thrace
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
ossied anastomosis and a closed 4th foramen sacrale;
(iii) in the intermediate morphotype, the foramen was
closed, the anastomosis, however, was thin and narrow,
and the ischio-sacrale suture was not ossied.
Heterogeneity between samples was assessed in one-
way analysis of variance (Anova). To characterize the
craniometric variation among species of moles and to
nd patterns in our high-dimensional data, we used prin-
cipal components analysis (PCA), which was performed
on the correlation matrix of log10-transformed cranial
variables. The resulting principal components (PCs) are
linearly uncorrelated; therefore, each PC measures dif-
ferent ‘dimensions’ of the original dataset. The rst PC
(PC1) is responsible for the largest possible variance and
acts in morphometrics as a size vector (Kryštufek et al.
2015). Rates of correct classication of a priori dened
species were evaluated by discriminant analysis (DA). To
evaluate the performance of the DA and avoid the risk
of overtting the data, all analyses were cross-validated
using the jackknife procedure, in which each specimen
is classied into a group using the discriminant function
derived from all specimens except the specimen being
classied. Statistical tests were run in Statistica 7.0 (Stat-
Soft Inc., OK, USA) and SPSS Statistics 2012 (IBM
Analytics, NY).
Molecular results. Sequencing of the eight samples re-
sulted in a single haplotype, with the exception of one
alignment position (pos. 215) with ambiguous informa-
tion (‘N’) in 3 sequences. No stop-codon insertions or
deletions were observed in the alignment.
In the ML tree, our new samples of T. martinorum n.
sp. clustered with T. europaea, T. aquitania, and T. oc-
cidentalis into a weakly supported clade (Fig. 1). The
Bayesian analysis includes also T. romana and T. caeca
in this cluster. Above species level, the ML branching pat-
tern was poorly supported (the very similar topology in
MrBayes had higher support values – but see Douady et
al. (2003), among others, on potentially misleading high
posterior probability values). Therefore the tree topology
offers only a meagre idea on phylogenetic relationships
among species. At species level however, support values
are usually much higher: the new species T. martinorum
is recovered as monophyletic with maximal bootstrap
support. Also the genetic metrics show that T. martino-
rum n. sp. is clearly separated from all other moles: the
closest genetic matches to T. martinorum n. sp. were T.
europaea and T. occidentalis with p-distances of more
than 9% (i.e., distances well above the typical intraspecif-
ic range, see below). Maximal interspecic distances for
T. martinorum n. sp. were registered towards T. altaica
and T. talyschensis (both ca. 14%). Minimal interspecic
distances among all Talpa species in the dataset were ca.
8%, maximal distances 15%. Intraspecic p-distances in
T. martinorum n. sp. were 0.0 to 0.1% (the 0.1% diver-
gence created through the position mentioned above),
0.4 to 1.9% in T. europaea, 2.6% in T. aquitania, 1.8%
in T. ognevi, and 0.4 to 6.9% in T. stankovici. Conspicu-
ously high distances within T. stankovici result from the
inclusion of genetically highly divergent Greek popula-
tions (from Gravia and Chelmos; see Tryfonopoulos et
al. 2010). The two specimens representing the two sub-
species of T. levantis (i.e., T. levantis levantis and T. le-
vantis minima) were separated by a distance of 7.5%.
Morphometric results. Secondary sexual dimorphism
in size (SSD) is usually obvious in the genus Talpa
(Niethammer & Krapp 1990). Our sample from Thrace
contained nine males and four females, of which nine
were clean skulls. We therefore tested SSD only on the
external measurements. One-way analysis of variance
detected signicant heterogeneity between sexes only
in length of hind foot (F=9.45, p=0.012) with males at-
taining a higher mean (17.21±0.204 mm) than females
(16.13±0.289 mm). Since the remaining external traits
showed no signicant SSD (F<2.8, p>0.12), we pooled
the sexes.
All cranial measurements retrieved highly signicant
interspecic heterogeneity (F>18, p<0.001) with highest
F-values (F>30) for length of skull and breadth of ros-
trum. To visualize morphometric distances and similar-
ity between species we ran PCA on 187 complete skulls
belonging to 11 species. Talpa caucasica was excluded
because the available skulls were damaged. The rst
two principal components (PC1 and PC2) in concert
explained 87.7% of the variance in the original data set
and were used to display morphometric relationships be-
tween species (Fig. 2). PC1 had high positive loadings
for all measurements and sorted moles according to their
overall size, from the smallest (negative scores on the left
hand side of the PC1 axis) to the largest (positive scores
on the right hand side of the axis). PC2 arranged moles
in respect to breadth of rostrum over molars. Moles with
high PC2 loadings had a broad rostrum and vice versa.
There was considerable overlap in the centre of the plot
between T. martinorum n. sp., T. levantis, T. talyschen-
sis, T. occidentalis, and the larger individuals of T. caeca.
Talpa europaea was well characterized by a combination
of large skull size and relatively narrow rostrum; T. aqui-
tania was less variable than T. europaea and on average
had a narrower rostrum. The rostrum was most robust in
T. stankovici and T. davidiana; T. romana was transitional
in this respect towards T. europaea. Talpa caeca attained
smaller dimensions than any other mole in our analysis.
Noteworthy, all principal components showed signicant
heterogeneity between species (F>2.5, p<0.072).
Discriminant analysis performed on the same matrix
of log10-transformed cranial variables (Wilks’ λ = 0.0248,
F = 14.408, p<0.0001) classied 65.6% (cross-validat-
ed 56.8%) of specimens to the correct species. All pair-
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
Boris Kryštufek et al.44
Fig. 1. Maximum likelihood tree inferred from 1084 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene for 14 species of the genus Talpa.
Bootstrap values are shown on the nodes. The tree is rooted with Urotrichus talpoides, Euroscaptor parvidens and Euroscaptor
New mole from Thrace
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
wise-squared Mahalanobis distances (D2) were signi-
cant except two (T. talyschensis against T. occidentalis
and T. martinorum n. sp., respectively). Pairwise D2 dis-
tances with T. martinorum n. sp. (mean±standard error
= 10.72±5.56) were low in comparison to the remaining
pairwise distances (20.21.87±2.62), the difference how-
ever was not signicant (F=3.28, p=0.076).
A new mole species from Thrace
Talpa martinorum n. sp. (Figs. 3, 4, 5a, 6a)
Holotype and type locality. Skin mounted on cardboard,
skull, postcranial skeleton, and tissue sample in ethanol
of a young adult female (ZFMK-MAM-2017.1149; tis-
sue: ZFMK-TIS-23035), collected by B. Kryštufek and
N. Nedyalkov on 27.04.2017 (eld No. BG8) on the edge
of a meadow near Zvezdets, Mt. Strandzha, Bulgaria.
DNA of this specimen has been deposited (ZFMK-DNA-
FC19476469) and the Cytochrome b sequence is avail-
able from GenBank (Accession number MH093593).
Measurements of holotype. Body mass 45 g, head
and body 124 mm, tail 24 mm, hindfoot length 16.4 mm,
condylobasal length of skull 30.4 mm, maxillary tooth
row 11.6 mm, breadth of braincase 15.2 mm, height of
braincase 9.2 mm, breadth of rostrum over canines 4.1
mm, breadth of rostrum over molars 8.3 mm, length of
humerus 14.1 mm, width of humerus 9.7 mm, greatest
length of pelvis 22.1 mm, breadth of pelvis 7.5 mm.
Fig. 2. Projection of group centroids (upper case letters) onto the two principal components (PCs) resulting from principal compo-
nents analysis of six log10-transformed cranial variables (percentage of variance explained by each component is in parentheses)
of 10 Talpa species. Ellipses are 95% condence limits of the dispersion in each species except T. martinorum n. sp. (specimens
shown by triangles), T. altaica (squares) and T. talyschensis (only group centroid is shown). Area inside the ellipses for T. aquitania,
T. europaea and T. occidentalis are shaded grey. The character vector diagram illustrates the relative contribution of the original
variables (see text for acronyms) to the principal components. Abbreviations for centroids: A – T. aquitania, C – T. caeca, D – T.
davidiana, E – T. europaea, L – T. levantis, O – T. occidentalis, R – T. romana, S – T. stankovici.
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
Boris Kryštufek et al.46
Diagnosis. A member of the subgenus Talpa. Me-
dium-sized species with palpebral ssure sealed by a
transparent skin (Fig. 3a). First upper molar (M1) lacks
parastyle (Fig. 6a); the mesostyle is indistinctly bifur-
cate (Fig. 6a). Pairwise interspecic p-distances (> 9%)
are within the range observed between other species of
moles (e.g., within Talpa, interspecic distances average
ca. 12%).
Paratypes. Skins, skulls, postcranial skeletons, tissue
samples in ethanol and isolated DNA; voucher NMNHS
1053 is represented by a skull and a tissue sample, and
vouchers NMNHS 1049–1052 are submerged in ethanol.
Specimens were collected on Mt. Strandzha, Bulgaria: Ve-
lika, 1 female, collected on 23.09.2011 by N. Nedyalkov
(NMNHS 1053), 1 female, collected on 01.05.2017 by
N. Nedyalkov & B. Kryštufek (PMS 25631); Gramatiko-
vo, 2 males, collected on 25.04.2017 by N. Nedyalkov &
B. Kryštufek (NMNHS 1047, 1048); Vizitsa, 1 male, col-
lected on 27.04.2017 by N. Nedyalkov & B. Kryštufek
(ZFMK-MAM-2017.1150); Kondolovo, 1 male, col-
lected on 28.04.2017 by N. Nedyalkov & B. Kryštufek
(ZFMK-MAM-2017.1151); Fazanovo, 1 male, collected
on 30.042017 by N. Nedyalkov & B. Kryštufek (ZFMK-
MAM-2017.1152); Pismenovo, 1 male, 1 female, col-
lected on 01.05.2017 by N. Nedyalkov & B. Kryštufek
(PMS 25632, 25633); Chengene skele, Burgas, 1 male,
1 female, collected on 19.11.2017 by Nedko Nedyalkov
(NMNHS 1049, 1050), Uzungeren, Burgas, 2 males,
collected on 19.11.2017 by Nedko Nedyalkov (NMNHS
1051, 1052). Paratype voucher numbers for ethanol-xed
tissue samples (ZFMK-TIS-23033 to -23037 and ZFMK-
TIS-33755 to -33758), and for extracted DNA are given
in Appendix 2.
Measurements of paratypes. Reported are mean±-
standard deviation (minimum–maximum, sample size).
Linear measurements are in mm, body mass in grams.
Body mass 58.31±4.06 (52.5–65, 8), head and body
126.75±3.196 (124–134, 8), tail 27.88±3.137 (24–32, 8),
hind foot 16.91±0.861 (15.0–17.4, 7), condylobasal
length of skull 31.80±0.747 (30.3–33.1, 9), maxillary
tooth row 12.07±0.224 (11.8–12.4, 9), breadth of brain-
case 15.47±0.300 (14.9–15.9, 9), height of braincase
9.028±0.323 (8.6–9.5, 9), breadth of rostrum over ca-
nines 4.41±0.088 (4.3–4.5, 9), breadth of rostrum over
molars 8.50±0.158 (8.3–8.8, 9), greatest length of pelvis
23.98±0.564 (23.3–24.7, 6), breadth of pelvis 7.82±0.366
(7.4–8.3, 6), length of humerus 13.93±0.186 (13.7–
14.2, 6), width of humerus 10.42±0.132 (10.2–10.6, 6).
Description. Talpa martinorum n. sp. is of about the
same external appearance and body proportions as T. eu-
ropaea (Miller 1912). The tail is rather short (18–26%
of head and body length) and densely covered by up to
6.5 mm long bristles (Fig. 3c). Pelage is dense and vel-
vety, 7.0–8.0 mm long on the back, 4.5–6.0 mm ventrally.
Fur is blackish dorsally and slightly lighter and with slate
shades ventrally. A skin PMS 25632 has an irregular buff
strike (21 mm long and up to 3.5 mm wide) on the poste-
rior abdomen. Hairs around the eye are short and lighter,
whitish or buff. The tip of the snout is pink to grey, cov-
ered by short hairs. There is a reverse triangle of bare
skin behind the rhinarium. The tail is usually blackish.
Fore foot is 12.6–14.3 mm broad. The skull (Fig. 4, 5a)
shows no peculiarities and is of average size and shape
overall. Rostrum is moderately robust; width across the
canines accounts for 13.3–14.5% and across the molars
for 25.4–27.7% of condylobasal length. Maxillary tooth
Fig. 3. Head (a) in lateral view, tip of nose (b) in dorsal (left) and ventral (right) views, and ventral side of tail in Talpa martinorum
n. sp. Note that the palpebral ssure is covered by transparent skin (a). Museum vouchers PMS 25631 (a), ZFMK 2017.1152 (b)
and ZFMK 2017.1151 (c). Not to scale.
New mole from Thrace
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
Fig. 4. Skull and mandible of the type specimen of Talpa martinorum sp. n. ZFMK 2017.1149. Scale bar = 5 mm.
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
Boris Kryštufek et al.48
row equals to 37.3–38.9% of condylobasal length. The
braincase is rather deep and the height of neurocranium
makes up 26.9–30.3% of condylobasal length. The pos-
terior margin of palatine is usually anterior to the imagi-
nary line connecting the posterior alveolar margins of 3rd
upper molars, and the anterior border of the infraorbital
foramen is above the 2nd upper molar (Fig. 4).
All three morphotypes of the pelvis were recorded in
T. martinorum n. sp. The most frequent is the interme-
diate morphotype (n=13; own material combined with
data in Popov & Milchev 2001), followed by the cae-
Fig. 5. Ventral cranium of species of Talpa: (a) T. martinorum n. sp. ZFMK 2017.1149 (greatest length of skull = 31.2 mm), (b)
T. europaea ZFMK 2014.748 (35.8 mm), (c) T. aquitania ZFMK 2005.194 (35.6 mm), (d) T. occidentalis ZFMK 2005.301 (33.4
mm), (e) T. romana ZFMK 66.304 (37.7 mm), (f) T. caeca ZFMK 2005.268 (31.2 mm), (g) T. stankovici ZFMK 98.709 (34.1 mm),
(h) T. levantis PMS 21658 (30.8 mm).
New mole from Thrace
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
coidal morphotype (n=10) and the europaeoid morpho-
type (n=2). The sezamoidal os falciformis is robust in its
proximal part.
Incisors are of decreasing size with 1st incisor being
nearly twice as large as 3rd incisor, which is the smallest.
The molars are robust, and the 3rd molar is particularly
large. The 1st upper molar entirely lacks the parastyle
(Fig. 6a). The 1st lower premolar has a prominent distal
cusp; the 4th lower premolar lacks metaconid, and the 3rd
lower molar is always without hypoconulid while the en-
tocristid is present only exceptionally. Oligodonties were
present on three skulls out of nine studied: both 1st upper
premolars are missing in ZFMK-MAM-2017.1150, left
1st upper premolar is missing in PMS 25632, and left 1st
upper and 2nd lower premolars are missing in PMS 25631.
Comparison. Morphologically, T. altaica (subgenus
Asioscalopus) is peculiar by its large size, short tail, slim
skull (Fig. 2) and weak dentition with a reduced 1st upper
molar (Stroganov 1957; Zaytsev et al. 2014). Differenc-
es between Asioscalopus and the subgenus Talpa are so
obvious that no comparison with T. martinorum n. sp. is
In Thrace, T. martinorum n. sp. can be safely differen-
tiated from T. europaea by (i) a sealed palpebral ssure
(open in T. europaea), (ii) absence of parastyle on 1st upper
molar (present in T. europaea; Fig. 6b), and (iii) smaller
size. Ranges for the two species overlap only marginally;
dimensions of T. europaea are from Thrace in Bulgaria
and Turkey (Osborn 1964; Doğramacı 1989a,b; Vohralík
1991; Popov & Miltchev 2001): body mass (in grams)
43–65 in T. martinorum n. sp. (own material and data in
Doğramacı 1988) vs. 60–105 in T. europaea; condylobas-
al length (in mm) 29.3–33.1 in T. martinorum n. sp. (own
material and data in Osborn 1964; Doğramacı 1988; Pop-
ov & Miltchev 2001) vs. 32.4–37.0 in T. europaea; length
of pelvis (in mm) 21.5–25.0 in T. martinorum n. sp. (own
material and data in Doğramacı 1989b; Vohralík 1991;
Popov & Miltchev 2001) vs. 24.9–30.1 in T. europaea;
length of humerus (in mm) 12.9–14.9 in T. martinorum
n. sp. (own material and data in Vohralík 1991; Popov
& Miltchev 2001) vs. 14.5–17.8 in T. europaea. Molars
Fig. 6. Lateral view of left upper molar in species of Talpa: (a) T. martinorum n. sp. ZFMK 2017.1149, (b) T. europaea ZFMK
2007.006, (c) T. aquitania ZFMK 2005.160, (d) T. occidentalis ZFMK 2005.303, (e) T. romana ZFMK 1972.202, (f) T. caeca
ZFMK 1966.310, (g) T. stankovici ZFMK 2005.326, (h) T. levantis PMS 10650. Anterior is to the left. Not to scale. 1 – parastyle,
2 – paracone, 3 – mesostyle, 4 – protocone. Note that the parastyle is missing in T. martinorum sp. n. (1*).
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
Boris Kryštufek et al.50
are relatively larger in T. martinorum n. sp. (dimensions
of 3rd upper molar: 1.46–1.61 × 1.96–2.17 mm) than in
T. europaea (1.29–1.59 × 1.77–2.24 mm; specimens
from various parts of Europe). Pelvis in T. europaea is
either europaeoidal or intermediate but never caecoidal
(Petrov 1971b; Popov & Miltchev 2001).
Talpa martinorum n. sp. is well characterized by the ab-
sence of a parastyle on the 1st upper molar (Fig. 6a). Para-
style is present in the majority of species of Talpa, spe-
cically in T. europaea (Fig. 6b), T. aquitania (Fig. 6c),
T. occidentalis (Fig. 6d), T. caeca (Fig. 6f), T. stankovici
(Fig. 6g), T. levantis (Fig. 6h), T. davidiana, T. talyschen-
sis, and T. caucasica. Talpa romana, which clearly lacks
the parastyle (Fig. 6e), can be reliably differentiated from
T. martinorum n. sp. by the robust rostrum (Fig. 5e) and
large 3rd upper molar (1.67–2.20 × 1.87–2.72 mm).
Talpa martinorum n. sp. can be unambiguously set
apart from all the remaining species of the genus Talpa
by the nucleotide sequence of the Cyt b gene.
Distribution. The distribution range of T. martinorum
n. sp. extends along the south-western Black Sea coast
from Burgas in Bulgaria to Istanbul in European Tur-
key, covering Mt. Strandzha (also Strandja in Bulgari-
an; Istranca in Turkish) in Bulgaria and Turkey, and the
forested coastal belt between the southern foothills of
Mt. Istranca and the city of Istanbul (Fig. 7). Records
Fig. 7. Records of Talpa martinorum n. sp. in Bulgaria (BG) and Turkey (TR). Localities with known mitochondrial genetic identity
are shown as black circles. Elevation is parenthesized. Legend: 1 – BG, Mt. Strandzha, Zvezdets (295 m); 2 – BG, Mt. Strandzha,
Gramatikovo (210 m); 3 – BG, Mt. Strandzha, Vizitsa (274 m); 4 – BG, Mt. Strandzha, Kondolovo (298 m); 5– BG, Mt. Strandzha,
Fazanovo (106 m); 6 – BG, Mt. Strandzha, Velika (54 m); 7 – BG, Mt. Strandzha, Pismenovo (9 m); 8 – BG, Sozopol (50 m); 9 –
BG, Burgas, Chengene skele (sea level); 10 – BG, Burgas, Tvarditsa, Uzungeren (4 m); 11 – BG, Valchanovo (300 m); 12 – BG,
Tsarevo (40 m); 13 – BG, Lopushna Reserve (250 m); 14 – BG, Sinemorets, Silistar (40 m); 15 – TR, Kırklareli, Dereköy; 16 – TR,
Kırklareli, Demirköy; 17 – TR, Kırklareli, Pınarhisar; 18 – TR, Subaşi; 19 – TR, Kagithane Dere; 20 – TR, Rumeli Hisar; 21 – TR,
Bahçeköy. Corresponding references: localities 1–7, 9, 10, 12: own data; 8: Vohralík (1991); 11, 13, 14: Popov & Miltchev (2001);
15–17, 21: Doğramacı (1988); 18 – Collection H. Vierhaus (ZFMK); 19, 20 – NMNH. Localities with no numbers are unspecied
in Popov & Miltchev (2001). Museum vouchers from the localities 18–20 are labelled as T. caeca; published records were classied
as T. caeca levantis (pts. 15–17) or T. levantis (the remaining).
New mole from Thrace
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
associated with published Cyt b sequences are all from
Strandzha in Bulgaria. Talpa martinorum n. sp. is para-
patric or allopatric with respect to T. europaea which is
widespread in the lowlands further west. For the distribu-
tion range of T. europaea see Osborn (1964), Doğramacı
(1989a), Vohralík (1991), and Popov & Miltchev (2001).
The identity of small blind moles on the Asiatic side
of the Bosporus strait (Osborn 1964) is not known. All
moles from north-western Anatolia sequenced so far have
the molecular prole of T. levantis (vicinity of Zongul-
dak; Bannikova et al. 2015) and show a distinct parastyle
on 1st upper molar (vicinity of Bolu and Bursa).
Habitat. Talpa martinorum n. sp. is a fossorial mole of
similar habitat requirements as other species of the sub-
genus Talpa (cf. Niethammer & Krapp 1990). Character-
istic mounds of unearthed soil (molehills) are a common
feature in Mt. Strandzha. Specimens were captured in me-
sic meadows, pastures and orchards on deep medium-tex-
tured and well-drained soils (zheltozem and cinnamonic
forest soils; Shishkov & Kolev 2014) in hilly regions, on
the edges of arable land and on abandoned elds, in light
black soil on low alluvial plains, in oak woodland and
forests of river oodplains (own data as well as Osborn
1964 and Popov & Miltchev 2001). Altitudinal range is
from near sea level up to at least 445 m.
Etymology. Talpa martinorum n. sp. is an eponym
to Vladimir Emmanuilovich Martino (Владимир
Эммануилович Мартино, 1888–1961) and Evgeni-
ya Veniaminovna Martino (Евгения Вениаминовнa
Мартино, 1894–1979) née Stepanova (Степановa),
ethnic Russians who in 1920 escaped the October Rev-
olution by emigrating to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats
and Slovenes (Kingdom of Yugoslavia since 1929). In
politically insecure and frequently violent Eastern Eu-
rope of the 20th century, the Martinos were refugees for
more than three decades. In 1949 they moved to Bulgaria
and in 1955 returned to Russia (at that time still Soviet
Union). Inspired by G. S. Miller’s (1912) “Catalogue of
the Mammals of Western Europe” they initiated mam-
mal research in south-eastern Europe and named, among
others, two Balkan endemics: Dinaromys bogdanovi (V.
Martino & E. Martino, 1922) (Martino & Martino 1922:
413) and Talpa stankovici V. Martino & E. Martino, 1931
(Martino & Martino 1931: 53) (Fig. 8). While Vladimir
had a degree in Biology from the University in Novoros-
siysk (1913), Evgeniya had no formal academic educa-
tion. Despite this, she attained competency in mammal-
ogy and successfully collaborated with her spouse, both
in the eld and cabinet. Although they published several
joint papers (as V. and E. Martino), the contribution by
Evgeniya is mainly ignored and she is nearly anonymous
today (cf. Beolens et al. 2009). At least nine subspecif-
ic names for mammals with the epithet martinoi (see
Appendix 3) were proposed by mammalogists between
1935 and 1971, and all are eponyms to Vladimir Marti-
no. With the name martinorum n. sp. we stress the equal
share by Evgeniya in the tandem “V. et E. Martino” and
correct the injustice done to her contribution in the past
decades. Along with Dorothea Bate (1878–1951) and Ga-
briele Neuhäuser (1911–1998) Evgeniya was one of the
early women who studied the taxonomy of Palaearctic
mammals already between the two great wars. In addi-
tion to their publications, a renowned legacy of Vladimir
and Evgeniya Martino is their meticulously prepared and
carefully labelled mammal collection, deposited primar-
ily in the Natural History Museum London and the Zo-
ological Institute and Museum of the Russian Academy
of Sciences in St. Petersburg. For biographies of Vlad-
imir Martino, see Mezentsev (1961), Paspalev (1962),
Pusanov (1962), Zimmermann (1962), Gus’kov (1965),
Taranenko (1999), and Boreiko (2001).
During the Pleistocene climatic changes over the last ca.
2.6 My, temperate species have endured glacial maxima
in geographically restricted refugial areas. A legacy of
the repeated extinctions of northern populations on the
one hand, and the long-term persistence in southern refu-
gia on the other hand is a number of taxa with restricted
Fig. 8. Vladimir and Evgeniya Martino near their home in
Topčidersko Brdo (part of the city of Belgrade), Serbia, in early
1930s. Courtesy by Georgy Bakhtadze.
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
Boris Kryštufek et al.52
distributions in the former glacial refugia (Hewitt 2000).
Contemporary biogeographic pattern of the genus Talpa
obviously results from the allopatric evolution in such
constrained refugia. Only two mole species (T. altaica
and T. europaea) have extensive distribution ranges in
temperate and southern boreal regions of Europe and
western Asia, while the remaining ten or so species oc-
cupy small areas along the southern edge of the distribu-
tion range of the genus (Bannikova et al. 2015). The new
species from Thrace, with its small distribution range, is
therefore well nested within a broader biogeographic pat-
tern of the western Palaearctic.
Mammals endemic to the Balkan Peninsula, which in-
clude a mole T. stankovici and several rodents, are re-
stricted to the topographically rough south-west Balkans
(Kryštufek 2004). Talpa martinorum n. sp. therefore
provides the rst evidence on speciation of a mammal
in the extreme eastern part of the peninsula. Besides, our
new evidence also corroborates an earlier assumption on
the persistence of multiple independent refugia inside the
topographically complex Balkan refugium (cf. Kryštufek
et al. 2007).
The new species shows no close phylogenetic links
with the Balkan endemic T. stankovici nor with the Bal-
kan-Italian T. caeca. Instead, T. martinorum n. sp. forms
a (weakly supported) clade in the Cyt-b tree contain-
ing also the widespread T. europaea and two endemics
from Western Europe, T. aquitania and T. occidentalis.
Biogeographically, it is straightforward to interpret this
nding. Inside the Balkan refugium there was no evolu-
tionary divergence of an ancestral mole to T. martinorum
n. sp. and either T. stankovici or T. caeca. Instead, T. mar-
tinorum putatively originated from a small peripheral
fragment population of a taxon ancestral also to T. eu-
ropaea. The process replicates itself in each of the three
major southern European refugia, namely with T. aquita-
nia and T. occidentalis in the west, with a deeply diver-
gent phylogeographic lineage of T. europaea in northern
Italy (Feuda et al. 2015), and nally in the eastern part
of the Balkan refugium with T. martinorum n. sp. (this
study). The observed pattern ts well the hypothesis by
Bilton et al. (1998) on Mediterranean refugia as areas of
endemism rather than sources of postglacial northward
recolonizations. Based on molecular clock estimates of
divergences between T. europaea, T. aquitania and T.
occidentalis (1.88–3.71 Mya; Bannikova et al. 2015;
Feuda et al. 2015; Nicolas et al. 2017b), the most recent
common ancestor to T. martinorum n. sp. and T. euro-
paea must be of Early Pleistocene age or older. Late
Pliocene small moles from Varshets in north-western
Bulgaria, classied as T. cf. levantis, closely resemble
T. martinorum n. sp. by their small size and the 3rd upper
molar with no parastyle and with an undivided mesostyle
(Popov 2004). Middle Pleistocene strata of Yarimburgaz
Cave near Istanbul, i.e., inside the contemporary range
of the new species, also yielded a small species of mole
tentatively identied as T. levantis (Santel & Königswald
1998). Fossil evidence therefore provides strong support
for a long persistence in the eastern Balkan refugium of
a mole most similar to the current T. martinorum n. sp.
Molecular evidence (Bannikova et al. 2015; this study)
so far did not yield any support for the earlier assumption
that moles colonized southeast Europe via an intermit-
tent Bosporus land bridge during one of the low sea level
phases (Vohralík 1991; Kryštufek & Vohralík 2001). The
alternative submergences and emergences of the Bospo-
rus Strait enabled migrations of mammals from Europe
to Asia (e.g., Glis glis; Helvaci et al. 2012), from Asia to
Europe (e.g., Microtus hartingi; Kryštufek et al. 2009),
or in both directions (Crocidura leucodon; Dubey et al.
2007). As shown by sedimentological evidence, however,
the Bosporus land bridge emerged as a permeable barrier
only in the Middle Pleistocene (Kerey et al. 2004) and
therefore postdates the postulated split between T. mar-
tinorum n. sp. and T. europaea (see discussion above).
Therefore, even if moles from Asia would colonize Eu-
rope via the Bosporus land bridge, they would face an
established congeneric species in the new habitats. How-
ever, such speculations should be taken with a grain of
salt. So far, none of the moles in the Bosporus region on
either side of the strait have been screened genetically. A
denser sampling in that particular part of Turkey is there-
fore a necessity for a more holistic understanding of mole
evolution in this biogeographically dynamic region.
Acknowledgements. We thank Jevgeni Shergalin for help with
biographic information on Vladimir and Evgeniya Martino,
and Georgy Bakhtadze for providing Fig. 8. Franc Janžekov-
ran analyses in SPSS Statistics, Mojca Jernejc Kodrič pro-
cessed the skeletal material of the new species, and Hannah
Petersen performed the wet-lab work. B. K. acknowledges
the curators who made the study of museum vouchers under
their responsibility possible for him: the late William Stanley
(FMNH), the late Svetoslav Obratil (ZMBiH), Linda Gordon
(NMNH), Paula Jenkins (NHML), the late Kurt Bauer and Frie-
derike Spitzenberger (NMW), Haluk Kefelioğlu (OMU), and
Nataliya Abramson and Alexandra Davydova (ZIN). Alexandr
Pozdnyakov helped with references, Georgy Popgeorgiev with
Fig. 7, Jörg Adrian provided photographs shown in Figs 4 and
5, and Henning Vierhaus donated owl pellet material from his
own collection. B. K. acknowledges the nancial support from
the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding no.
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from SW France and N Spain. Mammalia 81: 641–642
Nicolas V, Martínez-Vargas J, Hugot J-P (2017b) Molecular
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testvoispytatelej 14 (2): 150–218 (in Russian)
Osborn J (1964) Notes on the moles of Turkey. Journal of
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Peshev T (1955) Systematic and biological investigations on
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Petrov B (1939) New vole from South Serbia. Prirodoslovne
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mammals in South Serbia. Zapiski Russkago Nauchnago
Instituta v Byelgrady, Belgrade 16: 57–64 (in Russian with
English summary)
Petrov BM (1949) Materials for the classication and geo-
graphical distribution of watervoles [sic!] (Arvicola terrestris
L.) in Serbia. Bulletin du Muséum d’histoire naturelle (Bel-
grade) B 1–2: 171–199 + 5 plates (in Serbian with summaries
in Russian and English)
Petrov B (1971a) Eine neue Unterart der Blindmaus (Spalax
leucodon Nordmann, Rodentia, Mammalia) aus Jugoslawien.
Archives of biological sciences (Belgrade) 23: 13P–14P
Petrov BM (1971b) Taxonomy and distribution of moles (genus
Talpa, Mammalia) in Macedonia. Acta Musei macedonici
scientiarum naturalium 12, 6 (107): 117–138
Popov VV (2004) Late Pliocene Erinaceidae and Talpidae
(Mammalia: Insectivora) from Varshets (North Bulgaria).
Acta zoological cracoviensia 47: 61–80
Popov VV, Miltchev B (2001) New data on morphology and
distribution of Talpa levantis Thomas, 1906 (Mammalia: In-
sectivora) in Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 53: 79–95
Pusanov II (1962) In memory of Vladimir Emmanuilovich
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prirody. Otdel Biologicheskii 67: 113–117 (in Russian with
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(in Russian)
Zimmermann K (1962) Nachruf auf W. E. Martino. Zeitschrift
für Säugetierkunde 27: 251–252
Comparative museum vouchers
Listed are museum vouchers with the appropriate collec-
tion numbers; see text for collection acronyms. Material
is itemized by country and sorted alphabetically accord-
ing to locality.
Talpa altaica Nikol’skiy, 1883 (Nikol’skiy 1883: 165).
Russian Federation – ZFMK-MAM-1987.751 and
1987.752 from Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk Oblast.
Talpa aquitania Nicolas, Martínez-Vargas & Hu-
got, 2017 (Nicolas et al. 2017a: 641). France – ZFMK-
MAM-2005.242 from Arles-sur-Tech, Departement
Roussilon. ZFMK-MAM-2005.156 to 2005.159 from
vicinity of Blaye, Departement Gironde. Spain – ZFMK-
MAM-2005.203 to 2005.2005 from vicinity of Barbadillo
de Pez, Province of Burgos. ZFMK-MAM-2005.201from
Burguete, Province of Navarra. ZFMK-MAM-2005.202
from Cameros, Sierra de Cebollera, Province of Logro-
no. ZFMK-MAM-2005.189 to 2005.200 from vi-
cinity of Corconte, Province of Santander. ZFMK-
MAM-2005.160 to 2005.166, 2005.169 to 2005.175,
2005.177 to 2005.179, and 2005.181 from Ramales de la
Victoria, Province of Cantabria. ZFMK-MAM-2005.176
and 2005.180 from Lanetosa, Province of Vizcaya.
Talpa caeca Savi, 1822 (Savi 1822: 265). Bosnia and
Herzegovina – PMS 7239 from Čemerno. PMS 7478
from Lake Boračko jezero, Mt. Prenj. ZMS 293 (type
of Talpa hercegovinensis Bolkay, 1925; Bolkay 1925: 1)
from Stolac. Greece – NHML to
and (type of Talpa olympica Chaworth-Mus-
ters, 1932; Chaworth-Musters 1932: 166),
to from eastern slope of Mt. Olympus. Ita-
ly – ZFMK-MAM-2005.260 to 2005.263, 2005.268, and
2005.269 from Abetone Pass, Province of Pistoia. PMS
9813 from Caramanico, Province of Pescara. ZFMK-
MAM-2005.266 and 2005.267 from vicinity of Colle di
Nava, Province Imperia. ZFMK-MAM-2005.264 and
2005.265 from Osiglia, Province of Savona. Kosovo –
PMS 7473 from Pavlov kamen, Mt. Šar planina. Mace-
donia – PMS 7475 from Derven Pass above Prilep. PMS
7474 from Magarevo, Bitola. Montenegro – PMS 7485
from Mt. Kom Vasojević. ZFMK-MAM-1966.310 from
Mt. Lovćen. PMS 7523 from Morača. PMS 8131 from
Nikšić. Switzerland ZFMK-MAM-1965.065 from
Bergell, Canton Graubünden.
Talpa caucasica Satunin, 1908 (Satunin 1908: 5). Rus-
sian Federation – NMW 19943 to 19945 from Psebaj,
Krasnodar krai, north-western Caucasus.
Talpa davidiana (Milne-Edwards, 1884) (Milne-Ed-
wards 1884: 1143). Iran – FMNH 111007 from 1 mile
south of Divandarreh, Kurdistan. FMNH 96421, 96423
and 96424 (type of Talpa streeti Lay, 1965; Lay 1965:
227) from Hezar Darreh, Kurdistan. Turkey – FMNH
82136 and 82137, PMS 21503 from Bitlis, Tatvan. OMU
231 from Megabuti yaylası, Hakkari. NMW 20326 and
20327 from Cilo-Sat-Mts., Mergan Zoma, Hakkari.
MNHN 1883.469 (type of Scaptochirus davidianus
Milne-Edwards, 1884) from Meydanekbez, Gaziantep.
OMU 166 and 232 from Otluca köyü, Hakkari. Israel
– NHML M15277 (type of Talpa chthonia Bate, 1937;
Bate 1937: 399), M16092 from the Upper Pleistocene
layers of Tabun Cave.
Talpa europaea Linnaeus, 1758 (Linnaeus 1758:
52). Austria – ZFMK-MAM-2005.143, 2005.146, and
2005.185 from Kleinalm, Lower Tauern, Styria. Bos-
nia and Herzegovina – PMS 21511 from Gornji Malo-
van. Bulgaria – ZFMK-MAM-1938.146 from Bansko,
Mt. Pirin. Germany – ZFMK-MAM-2005.342 from
Bonn-Kessenich, NRW. ZFMK-MAM-2005.334 from
Bonn-Lengsdorf, NRW. ZFMK-MAM-2007.006 from
vicinity of Münster, NRW. ZFMK-MAM-2009.021
from Wahner Heide, Niederrheinische Bucht, NRW.
ZFMK-MAM-2014.748 from Welldorf, Dueren, NRW.
ZFMK-MAM-2002.138 from Wesseling-Urfeld, North
Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). ZFMK-MAM-2005.139
from Angeln, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Hügel-
land, Schleswig-Holstein. ZFMK-MAM-2005.153
from Großhansdorf, Schleswig-Holstein. France –
ZFMK-MAM-2005.084 and 2005.085 from St. Tro-
pez, Pampelonne, Departement Var. Italy – ZFMK-
MAM-2005.086 from vicinity of Albenga, Province of
Savona. ZFMK-MAM-2005.089 from Dego, Province of
Savona. ZFMK-MAM-2005.066, 2005.074, 2005.075,
and 2005.328 from Merano, Province of South Tyrol.
ZFMK-MAM-2005.090 to 2005.093 from Pass Colle
di Nava, Province of Imperia. ZFMK-MAM-2005.087
from Pass Col di Sistriere, the Cottian Alps (Alpi Cozie),
Region of Piedmont. ZFMK-MAM-2005.088 from Pi-
etralunga, Province of Perugia. Montenegro – PMS 393
from Lubnice, Mt. Bjelasica. Serbia – ZIN 33974 (Type
of Talpa europaea pančići V. Martino, 1930; Martino
1930: 60) from Kraljevo. Slovenia – PMS 25634 from
Mt. Pohorje.
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
Boris Kryštufek et al.56
Talpa levantis Thomas, 1906 (Thomas 1906: 416). Tur-
key – NHML 25.11.1991 (type of Talpa caeca levan-
tis) from Altindere, Trabzon. NHML to
from Çosandere, Trabzon. NHML from Euthey,
Trabzon. NHML; NMNH 327252 and 327253
from Meryemana, Trabzon. OMU 233, 234, and 236 to
242 from Bitlis, Tatvan. NMW 13042 and 13043 from
Bolu. PMS 10299 from Kürtler, Samsun. PMS 21658
from 10 km east of Şavşat, Ardahan. NMW 19858 from
Ulubey, Ordu. NMW 19859 from Yavuz-Kemal, Bicik,
Giresun. PMS 11372 from Şehitlor Geçidi, Mts. Giresun
Dağları, Tamdere. NMNH 327263 and 327264, PMS
10650 from Mt. Ulu Dağ, Bursa.
Talpa occidentalis Cabrera, 1907 (Cabrera 1907: 212).
Spain – ZFMK-MAM-2005.304 from 4 km south-west
of Cantoral, Province of Burgos. ZFMK-MAM-2005.279
and 2005.280 from 1 km north-east of Cazorla, Province
of Jaén. ZFMK-MAM-2005.271 to 2005.275 from Es-
pinama, National Park Picos de Europa, Province of Can-
tabria. ZFMK-MAM-2005.290 to 2005.294, 2005.297,
and 2005.298 from vicinity of Espinosa de los Monteros,
Province of Burgos. ZFMK-MAM-2005.276 to 2005.278
from 7 km south-west of Lanetosa, Puerto de los To-
mos, Province of Santander. ZFMK-MAM-2005.308
and 2005.309 from vicinity of Las Rozas, Province of
Santander. ZFMK-MAM-2005.281 to 2005.286 from
10 km south of Rascafria, Province of Segovia. ZFMK-
MAM-2005.299 to 2005.301 from Llánares de la Reina,
Province of León. ZFMK-MAM-2005.301 and 2005.302
from 10 km south of Riano, Province of León. ZFMK-
MAM-2005.314 from near Samosierra, Province of
Segovia. ZFMK-MAM-2005.310 to 2005.313 from Sier-
ra de Gredos, Province of Ávila. ZFMK-MAM-2005.270
from Paso di Somosierra, Sierra de la Guadarrama, Prov-
ince of Segovia.
Talpa romana Thomas, 1902 (Thomas 1902: 516). It-
aly – PMS 9855 from Caramanico, Province of Pes-
cara. ZFMK-MAM-1977.675 from Catanzano, Prov-
ince of Calabria. ZFMK-MAM-1966.291 to 1966.302,
1966.305, 1966.306, and 2005.335 from Monte Garga-
no, Province of Puglia. ZFMK-MAM-1966.303 from the
National Park Abruzzo. ZFMK-MAM-1966.304 from
Pescasseroli, Province of L’Aquila.
Talpa stankovici V. Martino & E. Martino, 1931
(Martino & Martino 1931: 53). Greece – ZFMK-
MAM-2005.322 to 2005.326 from Corfu, Ionian Islands.
ZFMK-MAM-205.327 from 7 km south of Ioannina,
Epirus. ZFMK-MAM-1963.680 and 1977.031 from Mt.
Olympus. Macedonia – ZIN 34014 (type of Talpa roma-
na stankovici) from Magarevo, Bitola. PMS 7488 from
Derven Pass above Prilep. PMS 7491 to 7493 and 7502
from Mt. Galičica. ZFMK-MAM-1998.709 and PMS
7497 from Mt. Bistra. PMS 7499 from Mt. Kajmakčalan.
PMS 7486 and 7487 from Prilep. PMS 7496 and 7503
from Popova šapka, Mt. Šar planina. PMS 7504, 7505,
and 7507 from Resen. PMS 7495 and 7497 from Stru-
ga. Montenegro – PMS 3202, 3203, 3205 (type of Tal-
pa stankovici montenegrina Kryštufek, 1994; Kryštufek
1994: 14) and 3207 from Ulcinj.
Talpa talyschensis Vereschchagin, 1945 (Vereschchagin
1945: 67). Iran– Ghilan, FMNH 96416 to 96419 from 12
km west of Chalus.
New mole from Thrace
Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (1): 41–57 ©ZFMK
Eponyms to (Vladimir) Martino
Names are arranged chronologically. Species name as is
currently in use (ex Wilson & Reeder 2005) is in square
brackets when appropriate.
Pitymys subterraneus martinoi Éhik, 1935 (Éhik 1935:
60) [Microtus subterraneus]
Sumeriomys guentheri martinoi Petrov, 1939 (Petrov
1939: 363) [Microtus guentheri]
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum martinoi Petrov, 1940 (Pe-
trov 1940: 59)
Arvicola terrestris martinoi Petrov, 1949 (Petrov 1949:
186) [Arvicola amphibius]
GenBank accession numbers. Specimens of Talpa martinorum n. sp. sequenced in this study. List includes collecting
data for the new sequences and GenBank accession numbers. See text for collection acronyms and Fig. 7 for locality
numbers (Loc. No.).
Collection No. Loc.
Latitude Longi-
DNA voucher
Tissue voucher
GenBank No.
NMS BG1 3 42.04736 27.64744 BG1 ZFMK-DNA-FC19476453
NMS BG2 3 42.04697 27.64782 BG2 ZFMK-DNA-FC19476461
ZFMK-MAM- 2017.1149 2 42.09068 27.47637 BG8 ZFMK-DNA-FC19476469
ZFMK-MAM- 2017.1150 1 42.12798 27.59862 BG9 ZFMK-DNA-FC19476382
ZFMK-MAM- 2017.1151 4 42.09424 27.68921 BG10 ZFMK-DNA-FC19476390
ZFMK-MAM- 2017.1152 6 42.19826 27.73069 BG14 ZFMK-DNA-FC19476398
PMS 25631 7 42.19739 27.79592 BG15 ZFMK-DNA-FC19476406
PMS 25633 5 42.2287 27.70733 BG17 ZFMK-DNA-FC19476422
Mustela erminea martinoi Ellerman & Morrison-Scott,
1951 (Ellerman & Morrison-Scott 1951: 256)
Citellus citellus martinoi Peshev, 1955 (Peshev 1955:
290) [Spermophilus citellus]
Glis glis martinoi Mirić, 1960 (Mirić 1960: 36)
Spalax leucodon martinoi Petrov, 1971 (Petrov 1971a:
Lynx lynx martinoi Mirić, 1978 (Mirić 1978: 30)
... The state of knowledge progressed only when the information in nucleotide sequences was combined with a wide taxonomic sampling (Bannikova et al. 2015). Between 2005 and 2020, the number of recognized species in the genus Talpa increased from nine (Hutterer 2005) to fourteen (Kryštufek & Motokawa 2018, Kryštufek et al. 2018a, Demırtaş et al. 2020, an increase of 56%. Bannikova et al. (2015) pointed out several unresolved taxonomic problems, which required further attention. ...
... Moles from Turkish Thrace lack the parastyle on the anterior upper molars and were therefore classified as T. martinorum (cf. Kryštufek et al. 2018a). The parastyle is present in the majority of Anatolian individuals, as long as their molars are still comparatively unworn. ...
... The Levant mole, however, was obviously not such a transcontinental migrant. As already suggested by Kryštufek et al. (2018a) and confirmed in this study, the small blind moles from European Turkey are conspecific with T. martinorum from Bulgarian Thrace. Talpa levantis is therefore a species endemic to the Caucasus and the Pontic Mts. of south-western Asia. ...
Full-text available
This paper examines the distribution and the morphological and genetic variation of Talpa levantis. Previousrecords from Thrace were re-identified as Talpa martinorum, restricting the range of Talpa levantis to northern Asia Minorand the Caucasus in Georgia, Armenia and Russia. Within Talpa levantis, we found three moderately distinct populationsin western, central, and eastern Turkey. While the central one is T. l. levantis and the eastern one T. l. transcaucasica, thewestern subspecies had not been recognized before and is therefore named as a new subspecies.
... levantis. More recently, two new mole species, T. aquitania Hugot, 2017 (Nicolas et al. 2017a) from southern France and northern Spain and T. martinorum Kryštufek et al. (2018) from the south-western Black Sea coast (Thrace), were described, initially on the basis of genetic data (Feuda et al. 2015;Kryštufek et al. 2018). While most species of Talpa are narrowly endemic with predominantly non-overlapping ranges, one species, T. europaea, is widespread and relatively eurytopic across much of Europe, with a range extending from the Ebro River in Spain to the Ob and Irtish Rivers in Russia (Mitchell-Jones et al. 1999;Hutterer 2005;Loy et al. 2005;Wilson and Reeder 2005;Nicolas et al. 2017b). ...
... levantis. More recently, two new mole species, T. aquitania Hugot, 2017 (Nicolas et al. 2017a) from southern France and northern Spain and T. martinorum Kryštufek et al. (2018) from the south-western Black Sea coast (Thrace), were described, initially on the basis of genetic data (Feuda et al. 2015;Kryštufek et al. 2018). While most species of Talpa are narrowly endemic with predominantly non-overlapping ranges, one species, T. europaea, is widespread and relatively eurytopic across much of Europe, with a range extending from the Ebro River in Spain to the Ob and Irtish Rivers in Russia (Mitchell-Jones et al. 1999;Hutterer 2005;Loy et al. 2005;Wilson and Reeder 2005;Nicolas et al. 2017b). ...
... The descriptions of the majority of the above Talpa species are based primarily on morphometry (Corti et al. 1985;Corti and Loy 1987;Loy et al. 1993;Kryštufek 1994;Rohlf et al. 1996;Loy and Capanna 1998;Kryštufek and Benda 2002;Kryštufek et al. 2018;Selçuk et al. 2018;Sansalone et al. 2019) and dental traits (Nicolas et al. 2017a;Kryštufek et al. 2018). However, the highly conservative morphology of the genus, resulting from the functional constraints associated with fossoriality, has led to inconsistent morphological recognition of taxa that have confused taxonomic assignments in the past (Kryštufek and Vohralík 2001;Bannikova et al. 2015;Kryštufek et al. 2018). ...
Turkey hosts 5 of the 11 species of Talpa described to date and Anatolia, in particular, appears to be an important centre of diversity for this genus. Of these taxa, the Levant mole, Talpa levantis Thomas, 1906 has been found to consist of two genetically divergent sublineages, which may represent separate species. Here, we use a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences from specimens of T. levantis, collected across the species’ geographical range, to explore the systematics and demographic history of Levant moles. Both mitochondrial and nuclear markers confirm the existence of distinct eastern and western sublineages, which apparently diverged from each other in the early Pleistocene. Given the degree of cytochrome-b divergence between these (7.28%), we consider them to represent independent cryptic species. By including topotypic specimens of T. levantis s. str. in our study, we are able to show that this name applies to the western sublineage, distributed across most of the Anatolian Black Sea coastal region, from the vicinity of Trabzon in the east, westwards to Marmara. The earliest name available for the eastern taxon, found in Transcaucasia and adjacent parts of north-eastern Anatolia, is T. transcaucasica Dahl, 1944. Cytochrome-b haplotype diversity in T. levantis is relatively high and demographic analyses suggest that the species may have survived in multiple, separate, refugial areas during the Pleistocene. Our work brings the total number of named mole species recognized in Turkey to six, emphasising the importance of this region as a global centre of mole diversification.
... During the last glaciation, the Balkan peninsula served as a refugium for many species that subsequently recolonized Europe (Hewitt 1999). These areas support high degrees of genetic diversity (Petit et al. 2003;Brito 2005) and house many endemic species (Tribsch & Schönswetter 2003;Kryštufek et al. 2018), making them important biodiversity hotspots. Of the 187 orthopteran species present in Croatia, 127 of them are present in the Dinaric region of that country Ćato & Zagorac 2021;Stalling et al. 2021). ...
Full-text available
The Balkan peninsula is an important biogeographic region of Europe which houses the Dinaric Alps, a mountain range rich in biodiversity. The fauna of Orthoptera has, in recent years, been an important subject of study in Croatia, but many of the Dinaric mountains in Croatia remain poorly sampled. Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the exception of some foreign expeditions, remains almost completely unknown with regards to the distribution of Orthoptera. This paper presents the inventory of the orthopteran faunas of Dinara, Svilaja, Kamešnica, and Troglav mountains and Livanjsko polje, with research conducted in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2021 and 2022. A total of 67 localities were visited and 115 species were recorded. For each species in each locality, a simple abundance estimation was carried out and is reported here. A comparative checklist of species is provided, combining the literature and newly gathered data. Although many species were recorded, most of the visited areas would benefit from more research. Recently, with the establishment of Dinara Nature Park, conservation efforts in Croatia have increased but the same cannot be said for Bosnia and Herzegovina, where more conservation work is required.
Full-text available
Subterranean life is associated with strong adaptive constraints, leading to the frequent occurrence of morphologically cryptic lineages. This is true of most small mammals, including moles (Eulipotyphla: Talpidae), where a number of species have been recognized recently, particularly following the application of molecular genetics. Here, we use mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data and geometric morphometrics to explore the systematics and evolution of some of the least-known Western Palaearctic moles: the Talpa davidiana group of Eastern Anatolia/Iran. We show that T. davidiana includes four taxa, two of which we describe herein: T. hakkariensis sp. nov., T. davidiana davidiana, T. davidiana tatvanensis ssp. nov., and T. streetorum valid species. For the first time, we apply molecular species delimitation analyses to Talpa, confirming taxonomic hypotheses and suggesting the existence of further morphologically cryptic lineages. These analyses also support the recognition of T. transcaucasica as a valid species distinct from T. levantis. We present a revised phylogeny for Eurasian Talpa and increase the number of known extant taxa to 18, most of which are found in Anatolia, the global hotspot of diversity in this genus. This probably results from the isolation of suitable habitats by a combination of climatic and topographical heterogeneity.
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The forelimb is involved in many behaviours including locomotion. Notably, the humero-ulnar articulation, implicated in the elbow joint, is of particular importance for both mobility and stability. Functional constraints, induced in part by environmental plasticity, are thought to drive an important part of the bone shape as bone directly responds and remodels in response to both muscle and external forces. In this context, the study of subterranean moles is of particular interest. These moles occupy a hard and heavy medium in comparison with air or water, requiring a powerful body structure to shear and shift the soil. Their general morphology is therefore adapted to digging and to their subterranean lifestyle. The various morpho-functional patterns, which drive diverse abilities according to the environment, are likely targets of natural selection and it is, therefore, useful to understand the relationships between the bone shape and their function. Here, we quantify, through 3D geometric morphometric methods, the interspecific variability in the morphology of the ulna and humerus of three Talpa species, including the new species Talpa aquitania, to infer their potential consequence in species digging performance. We also quantify shape covariation and morphological integration between the humerus and the ulna to test whether these bones evolve as a uniform functional unit or as more or less independent modules. Our results show that interspecific anatomical differences in the humerus and ulna exist among the three species. Shape changes are mostly located at the level of joints and muscle attachments. As the species tend to live in allopatry and the fossorial lifestyle induces strong ecological constraints, interspecific variations could be explained by the properties of the environment in which they live, such as the compactness of the soil. Our results also show that the humerus and ulna are highly integrated. The covariation between the humerus and ulna in moles is dominated by variation in the attachment areas and particularly of the attachment areas of shoulder muscles concerning the humerus, which affect the mechanical force deployed during locomotion and digging. This study also highlights that in the new species, T. aquitania, variations in anatomical structure (general shape and joints) exist and are related to the locality of collect of the individuals.
The complete mitogenome sequence of Talpa martinorum, a recently described Balkan endemic mole, was assembled from next generation sequence data. The mitogenome is similar to that of the three other Talpa species sequenced to date, being 16,835 bp in length, and containing 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, an origin of L-strand replication, and a control region or D-loop. Compared to other Talpa mitogenomes sequenced to date, that of T. martinorum differs in the length of D-loop and stop codon usage. TAG and T-- are the stop codons for the ND1 and ATP8 genes, respectively, in T. martinorum, whilst TAA acts as a stop codon for both ND1 and ATP8 in the other three Talpa species sequenced. Phylogeny reconstructions based on Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses yielded phylogenies with similar topologies, demonstrating that T. martinorum nests within the western lineage of the genus, being closely related to T. aquitania and T. occidentalis.
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A new species of mole, Talpa aquitania Nicolas, Martínez-Vargas & Hugot, 2017, was recently described from France. Based on the genetic identification of 270 individuals it was hypothesized that T. aquitania and T. europaea Linnaeus, 1758 are allopatric, being distributed on opposite sides of the Loire River, with the exception of a small area of sympatry in eastern Pyrénées mountains. The aim of the present study is to get a better understanding of the distribution of these two species in France based on the re-identification of museum specimens and extensive field sampling through a citizen science study. 1099 specimens were identified at the specific level (574 T. europaea and 525 T. aqui-tania) based on external characteristics, molar tooth morphology and/or genetic data. Our results confirm that T. aquitania is mainly distributed south and west of the Loire River, while the reverse is true for T. europaea. However, the Loire River is not a strict biogeographic barrier between these two species: several specimens of T. aquitania were recorded north and east of the Loire River in the Loire-Atlantique, Loiret and Nièvre departments. Moreover, two specimens were captured in the Var department. Several specimens of T. europaea were captured south and west of the Loire River in the Indre-et-Loire, Loir-et-Cher, Loiret and Loire departments. Furthermore, both species were found in sympatry or in close proximity in the Pyrénées Mountains. The role of climate, soil type, food resources abundance (earthworms) and historical factors in explaining the actual distribution of these species is discussed.
The penis of the recently described mole Talpa martinorum and its relative, the European mole Talpa europaea, are described and compared. Considerable differences in the morphology of the glans penis were found: the apical part is narrow and rod-like in T. martinorum and conical in T. europaea; the keratinous papillae covering the basal part of the glans are shorter and in fewer groups in T. martinorum than in T. europaea. The os penis is nearly 30 % longer in T. martinorum than in the other species. The corpora cavernosa in both mole species are well developed and uniformly organized from the base of the penis to its apical region. The urethra is dorsoventrally flattened and widened in the apical part. Seasonal development of the keratinous papillae is observed in both species: they are found only during the breeding season. This phenomenon has never been reported before in any mammalian group.
Spermophilus citellus (Linnaeus, 1766), commonly referred to as the European ground squirrel, exists in specific areas of Central Europe and the Balkans. The species is currently listed as ‘‘vulnerable’’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Recently genetic studies have shown that the species has two main lineages; the northern and the southern. The northern lineage shows distribution range at the central and western part of the Balkans and Central Europe, whereas the southern lineage is spread in a more limited area, which includes the southern and eastern parts of the Balkans. The purpose of this study is to reveal the potential geographic distribution in Last Glacial Max- imum (approximately 22 kya), present and future (average 2070) periods of these lineages using Maximum Entropy modeling (MaxEnt). This study also contributes to comparing the distribution of two lineages between past, present and future periods. The final MaxEnt with ten replicate runs was constructed based on 80 occurrence records from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine, and twelve abiotic bioclimatic variables obtained from WorldClim. Thus, it was attempted to estimate the importance of bioclimatic factors influencing the potential geographical distribution for each lineage as well as as- sessing the area under curve values. This study showed that the two lineages of the European ground squirrel had different geographic distribution patterns for past, present and future periods. Moreover, the study will make im- portant contributions to conservation studies such as management strategies, species action plans and translocation.
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The present lists show that Turkish vertebrate fauna consists of 1728 species. Fish species form its half part (51.74%) with 530 marine and 402 inland fish species. However, the total number is 894, since 38 of them are living in salty, brackish, and freshwater. At the class level, Petromyzonti is represented by 4, Elasmobranchii by 65, Holocephali by 1, Actinopteri by 824, Amphibia by 36, Reptilia by 140, Aves by 485, and Mammalia by 173 species. A total number of 189 inland fish—1 Petromyzonti and 188 Actinopteri—13 amphibian, 20 reptile, and 5 mammal species are endemic to Turkey. The endemism rate out of the total vertebrate species is 13.14%. According to the given conservation status, at least five species are extinct, and 215 species are globally threatened.
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Aus den Ablagerungen der Yarimburgaz-Höhle werden zwei Kleinsäugerfaunen vorgelegt. Die sehr begrenzte Fauna aus dem älteren Sedimentationszyklus I enthält außer Arten, die auch heute noch in der weiteren Region verbreitet sind, vor allem Cricetus cricetus. Die jüngere Fauna aus dem Zyklus III, der einen großen Teil des archäologischen Materials geliefert hat, ist auch faunistisch erheblich reicher. Die Fauna ist gekennzeichnet durch Einwanderer aus dem südrussichen Steppengürtel (Lagurus transiens/lagurus, Cricetus cricetus, Ochotona pusilla, und Sicista subtilis). Hinzu kommt Rattus rattus als Einwanderer von Süden. Die ökologische Interpretation läßt auf eine erhebliche Ausweitung der Steppenregion nach Süden schließen. Arvicola ist im Mittelmeerraum als stratigraphischer Indikator nicht brauchbar. Dagegen kann aus der Übergangsform von Lagurus transiens zu L. lagurus ein mittelpleistozänes Alter abgeleitet werden. Dabei kann das frühere wie das spätere Mittelpleistozän ausgeschlossen werden.
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We recently published the diagnosis and name of a new mammal species: Talpa aquitania Nicolas, Vargas & Hugot, 2015. Unfortunately, it happened that the editors of the Bulletin de l’Académie Vétérinaire de France, the selected journal, decided to stop the paper edition for their publication. An attentive examination of the corresponding articles of the International Code on Zoological Nomenclature (Art. 78; Art. 8.5.) shows that traditionally, to be valid, a new name must be published on a paper support. Thus, in this situation we have a risk that our work will not be considered published, and therefore our new taxon considered not available. This is the reason why we publish the present article in a periodical printed on paper, distributed simultaneously to all subscribers and accessible online after its paper distribution, which makes our new name available under the traditional rules of zoological nomenclature. In the following we are giving the essentials of the diagnosis of the new taxon. For the details of the molecular phylogenetic, morphological and biogeographical information, we refer to our previous original works (Nicolas et al. 2015; 2017).
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The mammalian family Talpidae (moles, shrew moles, desmans) is characterized by diverse ecomorphologies associated with terrestrial, semi-aquatic, semi-fossorial, fossorial, and aquatic-fossorial lifestyles. Prominent specializations involved with these different lifestyles, and the transitions between them pose outstanding questions regarding the evolutionary history within the family, not only for living but also for fossil taxa. Here we investigate the phylogenetic relationships, divergence times, and biogeographic history of the family using 19 nuclear and two mitochondrial genes (~16 kb) from ~60% of described species representing all 17 genera. Our phylogenetic analyses help settle classical questions in the evolution of moles, identify an ancient (mid-Miocene) split within the monotypic genus Scaptonyx, and indicate that talpid species richness may be nearly 30% higher than previously recognized. Our results also uniformly support the monophyly of long-tailed moles with the two shrew mole tribes and confirm that the Gansu mole is the sole living Asian member of an otherwise North American radiation. Finally, we provide evidence that aquatic specializations within the tribes Condylurini and Desmanini evolved along different morphological trajectories, though we were unable to statistically reject monophyly of the strictly fossorial tribes Talpini and Scalopini.
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A recent mitochondrial study showed that the common mole, Talpa europaea, is paraphyletic; which could be explained either by an ancient introgression of mtDNA from the Iberian blind mole T. occidentalis to T. europaea, or the existence of a differentiated taxonomic entity in Northern Spain that needs to be described. In this study we combined mitochondrial (Cytb) and nuclear (HDAC2) data to test these two alternative hypotheses. We also used ecological niche modeling to make inferences on the evolutionary history of these moles. Based on both mitochondrial and nuclear data and an extensive geographical sampling (399 sequenced individuals) we show that the populations of T. europaea from Spain and Southwestern France (south of the Loire River) are phylogenetically closer to T. occidentalis than to T. europaea. The Spanish- French lineage has a somewhat intermediate morphology between T. europaea and T. occidentalis, with some characters resembling more to T. occidentalis and others more to T. europaea. Moreover it also seems to have several distinctive characters, suggesting that it should be recognized as a new species. Within the three species we found a marked phylogeographical pattern, with several allopatric or parapatric lineages, dating from the Pleistocene. Our genetic data combined with species distribution models support the presence of several putative glacial refugia during glacial maxima for each species.
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This study was done on 14 Talpa levantis Thomas, 1906 and 12 Talpa caucasica Satunin, 1908, all live specimens which were collected from the type localities and different geographical areas in the Blacksea Region. Specimens were investigated in detail on karyological, morphological and baculum properties. These properties were first compared with each other, and then with the topotype, karyological and morphological literature of the investigators in the same field. As a result of these comparisons, distribution areas of Talpa levantis and Talpa caucasica were recorded. Karyological and baculum properties of Talpa levantis and Talpa caucasica are given for the first time in this study.
Using both nuclear and mitochondrial sequences, we demonstrate high genetic differentiation in the genus Talpa and confirm the existence of cryptic species in the Caucasus and Anatolia, namely, T. talyschensis Vereschagin, 1945, T. ognevi Stroganov, 1948, and Talpa ex gr. levantis. Our data support four clades in the genus Talpa that showed strong geographical associations. The ‘europaea’ group includes six species from the western portion of the genus' range (T. europaea, T. occidentalis, T. romana, T. caeca, T. stankovici, and T. levantis s.l.); another three groups are distributed further east: the ‘caucasica’ group (Caucasus), the ‘davidiana’ group (eastern Anatolia and Elburz) and T. altaica (Siberia). The phylogenetic position of T. davidiana was highlighted for the first time. The order of basal branching remains controversial, which can be attributed to rapid diversification events. The molecular time estimates based on nuclear concatenation estimated the basal divergence of the crown Talpa during the latest Miocene. A putative scenario of Talpa radiation and issues of species delimitation are discussed. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London
Fragmented landscapes entail important consequences for the evolution of the species confined to them. Isolation of population fragments accelerates selection for narrow local conditions and facilitates morphological divergence. Throughout its range, the European snow vole Chionomys nivalis is restricted to fractured, rocky substrate in mountain regions, which is naturally fragmented into ‘continental archipelagos’. Consequently, its extensive morphological and genetic diversity was categorized into about 20 traditional subspecies and at least eight allopatric phylogenetic lineages. In this study, we aimed toward an integrative understanding of cranial variation throughout the European snow vole range. We analyzed seven linear cranial variables on 326 adult skulls from 27 populations belonging to eight phylogenetic lineages. We confirmed significant variation among the fragmented populations but retrieved little meaningful patterning in morphometric variability. Phenetic distances among populations were not related to the phylogenetic architecture of the species, and traditional subspecies were at odds with morphologically diagnosable populations. The lack of an association between morphometric and geographic distances argued against isolation by distance. Furthermore, mean size did not correlate with climatic variables. Morphological principal components 2 and 3 (loaded by the interorbital width and length of neurocranium, respectively) correlated significantly with geographic coordinates and climatic variables. Shape variables discriminated between the abulensis and nivalis phylogroups, and the European and Asiatic populations, but the largest phylogroups (nivalis and malyi) showed high interpopulation heterogeneity and classification accuracy was low. We suggest that cranial shape or size do not incorporate a signal that is strong enough to be of reliable use for subspecific taxonomy. Skull is seemingly prone to vary according to narrow local conditions, which distorts the underlying phylogenetic signal. A small-scale approach, with detailed knowledge of environmental parameters within each habitat fragment, might be more appropriate for a species whose range is actually a continental archipelago.