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Tropical Soda Apple (Solanum viarum Dunal)

Tropical soda apple, Solanum viarum Dunal is a perennial shrub (Figure 1). It is native to Brazil and Argentina, but has
become a weed in other areas of South America and in Africa, India, Nepal, West Indies, Honduras, and Mexico and the
U.S. The primary means of dispersal of tropical soda apple in the U.S. is livestock and wildlife, such as raccoons, deer,
feral hogs, and birds feeding on fruits. Mullahey et al. (1993) reported tropical soda apple foliage is unpalatable to
livestock, although cattle will eat the mature fruit. Scarification of seeds by digestive systems of livestock and wildlife
seems to promote germination. Intra- and inter-county and state movement of livestock that have recently consumed
tropical soda apple fruit are the primary vectors for long distance spread. However, contaminated equipment, hay, seeds,
composted manure, and sod may also serve as means of dispersal. Once established in an area, wildlife may continue
the short range spread of tropical soda apple. Tropical soda apple is an alternate host for numerous pathogens that are
diseases of eggplant, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, etc. Tropical soda apple cost the cattle business over $11 million in
1994. Damage to croplands, forestlands, and natural habitats and the cost of control of currently infested areas is difficult
to determine, but tropical soda apple has the potential to become a major problem throughout the southern U.S. In order
to detect and prevent further spread of this pernicious weed in the U.S., the Extension Service and the Departments of
Agriculture in several states in the Southern U.S. and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have initiated an education and
notification campaign on the potential weed problem of tropical soda apple. Early detection persistent monitoring
populations is paramount to contain the threat of this weed which has the potential to infest millions of acres of pastures,
crops, forests, and natural areas in the U.S.
Tropical soda apple is a Noxious weed in the U. S. It is a state Noxious weed in Florida, Mississippi, and Texas. Cattle
from areas infested with tropical soda apple must be quarantined prior to movement into several states.
Tropical Soda Apple (
Solanum viarum
Charles T. Bryson, USDA-ARS (Retired), Southern Weed Science Lab, Stoneville, MS
John D. Byrd, Jr., Extension/Research Professor, Mississippi State University
Randy Westbrooks, Invasive Species Specialist (Retired), U.S. Geological Survey
Victor Maddox, Senior Research Associate, Mississippi State University
Vegetative Growth
Mature plants of tropical soda apple are 3 to 6 feet tall and can be as wide. Plants are armed on the leaves, stems,
pedicles, petioles, and calyxes with broad based white to yellowish thorn-like prickles up to ¾ inch long (Figure 2). The
leaves and stems are pubescent. Stems are green. Tropical soda apple is closely related to Carolina horsenettle
(Solanum carolinense L.), which rarely exceeds 3 feet tall and can have green or purple stems.
Flowers are white with five petals that curve backwards and white cream colored stamens that surround the single pistil.
Carolina horsenettle flower petals are not curved backwards and can be either white or purple.
Immature fruits are mottled whitish to light green and dark green, like a watermelon (Figure 3). Mature fruits are smooth,
round, and ¾ to 1 ¼ inches in diameter (Figure 3) with a leathery yellow skin surrounding a thin-layered, pale green,
scented pulp and 180 to 420 flattened, reddish brown seeds. Each plant is capable of producing 200 or more fruit per
year. Carolina horsenettle fruits are glossy green (immature), but turn yellow at maturity, 1/2 to 3/4 inch diameter and
typically occur in clusters.
Fig. 2. Tropical soda apple leaves with
prickles and immature fruit.
Fig. 1. Tropical soda apple plant in pasture. Fig. 3. Tropical soda apple with mature
(yellow) and immature (green mottled) fruit.
The first known collection of tropical soda apple in the U.S. was from Glades County, Florida in 1988. Because of its rapid
population explosion in Florida and the concerns of livestock producers, tropical soda apple was placed on the Florida
Noxious Weed List in late February 1994 and was placed on the Federal Noxious list in 1995. It currently is escaped from
North Carolina to Tennessee and Louisiana in the southeastern United States and Pennsylvania in the northeastern
United States. Tropical Soda Apple occurs in most of the counties in Florida. It was found in Mississippi in October 1993.
It has been confirmed at 20 sites in 10 Mississippi counties.
Tropical soda apple has been reported in all Mid-South States, except Arkansas.
Control Methods
None known.
See Table 1. Aminopyralid, triclopyr, and hexazinone are
effective for control of emerged tropical soda apple when
applied at recommended rates. If plants have been
established long enough to release seed, the site should be
frequently inspected and newly emerged seedlings treated.
Aminopyralid and hexazinone have longer residual than
Since plants have thorns, use caution if removing by hand.
Plants can regenerate from roots, so complete removal is
necessary. To prevent tropical sold apple spread within a
farm or community, steps should be taken to minimize seed
production. Mowing is an effective practice to prevent seed
production, even after flowering has started, although plant
regrowth will occur and the practice must be repeated when
plants start flowering again. Plants with mature fruit should
be cut, piled, and burned to destroy seed viability, or buried
more than 3 feet deep.
The only cultural control is sanitation. Collect fruit prior to
maturity and dispose by burning or cooking. Quarantine
livestock at least 7 days in an area with no tropical soda
apple prior to movement to new uninfested locations.
John Byrd, Extension/Research Professor
Victor Maddox, Senior Research Associate
Mississippi State University
Box 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762-9555 Ph.
(662) 325-2311
More Information
Since its introduction into the U.S., tropical soda apple has spread rapidly, and currently infests an estimated one million
acres of improved pastures, citrus groves, sugar cane fields, ditches, vegetable crops, sod farms, forestlands (oak ham-
mocks and cypress heads), natural areas, etc. in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. Although it can be a threat
to a variety of habitat, it tends to be most problematic in pastures and surrounding woodlands in the Mid-South.
Dispersal and Spread
The primary means of dispersal of tropical soda apple in the U.S. is livestock and wildlife, such as raccoons, deer, feral
hogs, and birds feeding on fruits.
Mullahey, J.J., J.A. Cornell, and D.L. Colvin. 1993. Tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum) control. Weed Technol. 7:723-727.
Mullahey, J.J., M. Nee, R.P. Wunderlin, and K.R. Delaney. 1993. Tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum): a weed threat to
subtropical regions. Weed Technol. 7:783-786.
... Further, the lack of suitable expertise to properly identify small weed seedlings (i.e., cotyledon to one-leaf stage) poses a significant challenge. There exist resources that can assist scouts in identifying weed species (e.g., Bryson and DeFelice 2009, 2010; Stubbendieck et al. 1994; Uva et al. 1997; Whitson et al. 2009), but greater education concerning proper weed identification and the critical characteristics that separate similar species will be required to adequately train field scouts. BMP 6: Use Multiple, Effective MOAs against the Most Troublesome Weeds and Those Prone to Herbicide Resistance. ...
... Additionally, intraregional and interregional transport of animals that have consumed weed seed–contaminated feed or ingested weed seed through grazing may contribute to the movement of weed seed into new areas. For instance, it has been suspected that cross-state transportation of cattle has greatly contributed to the spread of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal), a federally listed noxious weed capable of remaining viable in the rumen of cattle (Byrd et al. 2004). Weed seed dispersal by wildlife, such as deer, birds, and rodents, is also possible (Goddard et al. 2009; Traveset et al. 2001). ...
Coevolving interactions between a plant population and its microbiota can potentially yield a rhizosphere enriched in metagenomes containing the blueprints for a vast array of natural products. We describe a method of isolating those metabolites through activity-based screening of soil metagenomic libraries. The method allows for the isolation of small molecules produced in vector-host expression systems containing large-insert DNA fragments extracted from the target plant rhizospheres. Allelopathic activities derived from selected clones were screened against a series of controls. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) showed similar effects of the set of controls on lettuce growth, whereas annual bluegrass had a broader range of growth responses. Methanol extracts from clones indicating activity showed distinct patterns in grass seedling growth from the empty vector control, but the same extracts showed no effect on lettuce. The results indicate that the metagenomics method and bioassay screen of clone extracts are tools that can be used for initial determination of allelopathic activity from noncultured soil microbiota. Nomenclature: Annual bluegrass, Poa annua L.; lettuce, Lactuca sativa L.
... Further, the lack of suitable expertise to properly identify small weed seedlings (i.e., cotyledon to one-leaf stage) poses a significant challenge. There exist resources that can assist scouts in identifying weed species (e.g., Bryson and DeFelice 2009, 2010; Stubbendieck et al. 1994; Uva et al. 1997; Whitson et al. 2009), but greater education concerning proper weed identification and the critical characteristics that separate similar species will be required to adequately train field scouts. BMP 6: Use Multiple, Effective MOAs against the Most Troublesome Weeds and Those Prone to Herbicide Resistance. ...
... Additionally, intraregional and interregional transport of animals that have consumed weed seed–contaminated feed or ingested weed seed through grazing may contribute to the movement of weed seed into new areas. For instance, it has been suspected that cross-state transportation of cattle has greatly contributed to the spread of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal), a federally listed noxious weed capable of remaining viable in the rumen of cattle (Byrd et al. 2004). Weed seed dispersal by wildlife, such as deer, birds, and rodents, is also possible (Goddard et al. 2009; Traveset et al. 2001). ...
The sulfentrazone is regularly applied to sugarcane crop harvest residue for PRE control of weedy species, especially in the dry season during the year, but little is known about how rainfall timing or crop residue mass affect the release of sulfentrazone into the soil and its subsequent effectiveness. Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of sugarcane residue mass (5, 10, 15, and 20 t ha-1) and rainfall timing (1, 30, and 60 d after herbicide application) on sulfentrazone retention. Rainfall volumes were simulated at 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 35, 50, and 100 mm. A 20-mm rainfall volume was simulated at 7 and 14 d after the first simulated event. The water passing through the straw was collected after each rainfall simulation. The concentration of sulfentrazone was measured by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. The initial 20 mm of rain released the maximum mass of sulfentrazone from the sugarcane residue. The mass of sugarcane residue affected the amount of sulfentrazone recovered. The amount of sulfentrazone released from the residue was significantly reduced by the persistence on the residue surface for long periods before the occurrence of rain. During periods of low rainfall, recommendations for sulfentrazone rate must take into account losses that occur when applied over the harvest residues to design a weed-management plan that does not compromise efficacy and duration of the residual effects. Nomenclature: Sulfentrazone; sugarcane; Saccharum interspecific hybrids.
... Further, the lack of suitable expertise to properly identify small weed seedlings (i.e., cotyledon to one-leaf stage) poses a significant challenge. There exist resources that can assist scouts in identifying weed species (e.g., Bryson and DeFelice 2009, 2010; Stubbendieck et al. 1994; Uva et al. 1997; Whitson et al. 2009), but greater education concerning proper weed identification and the critical characteristics that separate similar species will be required to adequately train field scouts. BMP 6: Use Multiple, Effective MOAs against the Most Troublesome Weeds and Those Prone to Herbicide Resistance. ...
... Additionally, intraregional and interregional transport of animals that have consumed weed seed–contaminated feed or ingested weed seed through grazing may contribute to the movement of weed seed into new areas. For instance, it has been suspected that cross-state transportation of cattle has greatly contributed to the spread of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal), a federally listed noxious weed capable of remaining viable in the rumen of cattle (Byrd et al. 2004). Weed seed dispersal by wildlife, such as deer, birds, and rodents, is also possible (Goddard et al. 2009; Traveset et al. 2001). ...
Two species of invasive goldenrods, Solidago canadensis and S. gigantea, are spread over all territories of Lithuania. Solidago × niederederi, a putative hybrid between S. canadensis and native S. virgaurea, was found in 27 populations mixed with the parental species. This research represents the characterization of S. × niederederi in comparison to the other mentioned Solidago species and using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), principal components analysis (PCA) and discriminant analysis of a large data set. Twenty quantitative, four qualitative and five ratio morphological and anatomical characteristics, pollen viability and somatic chromosome numbers of the four Solidago species were studied with the aim to ascertain inter- and intraspecific variation, reliable features identifying S. × niederederi and to test the hypothesized hybrid origin. The PCA of morphological and anatomical characteristics showed the clear intermediate position of S. × niederederi compared to S. canadensis and S. virgaurea. The results showed that the most informative characteristics for the distinction of hybrids from parental species are floral traits such as the lengths of the disc, ray florets and involucre. The intermediate stomatal characteristics and sharply decreased pollen viability discovered herein could potentially be used as an additional discriminating character in Solidago hybrid identification and support the hybrid origin of S. × niederederi.
... Further, the lack of suitable expertise to properly identify small weed seedlings (i.e., cotyledon to one-leaf stage) poses a significant challenge. There exist resources that can assist scouts in identifying weed species (e.g., Bryson and DeFelice 2009, 2010; Stubbendieck et al. 1994; Uva et al. 1997; Whitson et al. 2009), but greater education concerning proper weed identification and the critical characteristics that separate similar species will be required to adequately train field scouts. BMP 6: Use Multiple, Effective MOAs against the Most Troublesome Weeds and Those Prone to Herbicide Resistance. ...
... Additionally, intraregional and interregional transport of animals that have consumed weed seed–contaminated feed or ingested weed seed through grazing may contribute to the movement of weed seed into new areas. For instance, it has been suspected that cross-state transportation of cattle has greatly contributed to the spread of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal), a federally listed noxious weed capable of remaining viable in the rumen of cattle (Byrd et al. 2004). Weed seed dispersal by wildlife, such as deer, birds, and rodents, is also possible (Goddard et al. 2009; Traveset et al. 2001). ...
Weeds are selected to produce overwhelming propagule pressure, and while vertebrate and invertebrate seed predators destroy a large percentage of seeds, their ecosystem services may not be sufficient to overcome germination site limitations. Cover crops are suggested to facilitate seed predation, but it is difficult to disentangle reductions in weed recruitment attributable to granivores from those due to plant competition. Using common lambsquarters as a focal weed species, we used experimental seed subsidies and differential seed predator exclusion to evaluate the utility of vertebrate and invertebrate seed predators in fallow, killed cover crop, and living mulch systems. Over two growing seasons, we found that seed predators were responsible for a 38% reduction in seedling emergence and 81% reduction in weed biomass in fallow plots following simulated seed rain, suggesting that granivory indeed overcomes safe-site limitation and suppresses weeds. However, the common lambsquarters densities in ambient seedbanks across fallow and cover crop treatments were high, and seed predators did not impact their abundance. Across the study, we found either neutral or negative effects of vertebrate seed predators on seed predation, suggesting that invertebrate seed predators contribute most to common lamnsquarters regulation in our system. These results imply that weed seed biocontrol by invertebrates can reduce propagule pressure initially following senescence, but other tools must be leveraged for long-term seedbank management. Nomenclature: Common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. CHEAL.
... Further, the lack of suitable expertise to properly identify small weed seedlings (i.e., cotyledon to one-leaf stage) poses a significant challenge. There exist resources that can assist scouts in identifying weed species (e.g., Bryson and DeFelice 2009, 2010; Stubbendieck et al. 1994; Uva et al. 1997; Whitson et al. 2009), but greater education concerning proper weed identification and the critical characteristics that separate similar species will be required to adequately train field scouts. BMP 6: Use Multiple, Effective MOAs against the Most Troublesome Weeds and Those Prone to Herbicide Resistance. ...
... Additionally, intraregional and interregional transport of animals that have consumed weed seed–contaminated feed or ingested weed seed through grazing may contribute to the movement of weed seed into new areas. For instance, it has been suspected that cross-state transportation of cattle has greatly contributed to the spread of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal), a federally listed noxious weed capable of remaining viable in the rumen of cattle (Byrd et al. 2004). Weed seed dispersal by wildlife, such as deer, birds, and rodents, is also possible (Goddard et al. 2009; Traveset et al. 2001). ...
The few available herbicides for fresh market spinach do not provide adequate weed control, and there is need for additional herbicide tools. Phenmedipham is registered for use in processing spinach but not in fresh spinach, because of potential injury and the short interval between application and spinach harvest. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the tolerance level of fresh spinach varieties to phenmedipham and evaluate the impact of light intensity on tolerance of spinach to phenmedipham. In the greenhouse, nine spinach varieties were treated with phenmedipham (0.55 kg ai ha ⁻¹ ). Spinach varieties exhibited a wide range of tolerance, and dry weights of treated plants ranged from 40 to 78% compared to the nontreated control. Based on the phenmedipham tolerance screen, two varieties with low (Nordic) and high (Regal) tolerance to phenmedipham were treated, then exposed to half (shaded) and full (nonshaded) sunlight. Nonshaded Nordic treated with phenmedipham had 65% lower dry weight compared to similarly treated plants grown under shade, suggesting that spinach tolerance to phenmedipham was mainly affected by light intensity. Measurements of electron transfer intensity in photosystem II also showed tolerance to phenmedipham that varied among spinach varieties and light intensity. The maximum values of electron transfer in photosystem II of Regal treated with phenmedipham were higher than those of similarly treated Nordic. In the field, phenmedipham was applied under varied light and temperature conditions. The impact of light intensity on yield of treated spinach was greater than the impact of temperature. Phenmedipham applied under high light conditions was more injurious than when applied under low light conditions. Results from this study can contribute to successful integration of phenmedipham into currently used fresh spinach weed management, which in turn can allow more efficient production of this crop.
... Further, the lack of suitable expertise to properly identify small weed seedlings (i.e., cotyledon to one-leaf stage) poses a significant challenge. There exist resources that can assist scouts in identifying weed species (e.g., Bryson and DeFelice 2009, 2010; Stubbendieck et al. 1994; Uva et al. 1997; Whitson et al. 2009), but greater education concerning proper weed identification and the critical characteristics that separate similar species will be required to adequately train field scouts. BMP 6: Use Multiple, Effective MOAs against the Most Troublesome Weeds and Those Prone to Herbicide Resistance. ...
... Additionally, intraregional and interregional transport of animals that have consumed weed seed–contaminated feed or ingested weed seed through grazing may contribute to the movement of weed seed into new areas. For instance, it has been suspected that cross-state transportation of cattle has greatly contributed to the spread of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal), a federally listed noxious weed capable of remaining viable in the rumen of cattle (Byrd et al. 2004). Weed seed dispersal by wildlife, such as deer, birds, and rodents, is also possible (Goddard et al. 2009; Traveset et al. 2001). ...
Palmer amaranth is a troublesome weed in cotton production. Yield losses of 65% have been reported from season-long Palmer amaranth competition with cotton. To determine whether water is a factor in this system, experiments were conduced in 2011, 2012, and 2013 in Citra, FL, and in Tifton, GA. In 2011, infrequent rainfall lead to drought stress. The presence of Palmer amaranth resulted in decreased soil relative water content up to 1 m in depth. Cotton stomatal conductance (gs) was reduced up to 1.8 m from a Palmer amaranth plant. In 2012 and 2013 higher than average rainfall resulted in excess water throughout the growing season. In this situation, no differences were found in soil relative water content or cotton gs as a function of proximity to Palmer amaranth. A positive linear trend was found in cotton photosynthesis and yield; each parameter increased as distance from Palmer amaranth increased. Even in these well-watered conditions, daily water use of Palmer amaranth was considerably higher than that of cotton, at 1.2 and 0.49 g H20 cm-2 d-1, respectively. Although Palmer amaranth removed more water from the soil profile, rainfall was adequate to replenish the profile in 2 of the 3 yr of this study. However, yield loss due to Palmer amaranth was still observed despite no change in gs, indicating other factors, such as competition for light or response to neighboring plants during development, are driving yield loss.
... Further, the lack of suitable expertise to properly identify small weed seedlings (i.e., cotyledon to one-leaf stage) poses a significant challenge. There exist resources that can assist scouts in identifying weed species (e.g., Bryson and DeFelice 2009, 2010; Stubbendieck et al. 1994; Uva et al. 1997; Whitson et al. 2009), but greater education concerning proper weed identification and the critical characteristics that separate similar species will be required to adequately train field scouts. BMP 6: Use Multiple, Effective MOAs against the Most Troublesome Weeds and Those Prone to Herbicide Resistance. ...
... Additionally, intraregional and interregional transport of animals that have consumed weed seed–contaminated feed or ingested weed seed through grazing may contribute to the movement of weed seed into new areas. For instance, it has been suspected that cross-state transportation of cattle has greatly contributed to the spread of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal), a federally listed noxious weed capable of remaining viable in the rumen of cattle (Byrd et al. 2004). Weed seed dispersal by wildlife, such as deer, birds, and rodents, is also possible (Goddard et al. 2009; Traveset et al. 2001). ...
A waterhemp population (McLean County resistant, MCR) from McLean County, Illinois is resistant to both mesotrione and atrazine by elevated rates of herbicide metabolism. Research was conducted to investigate the inheritance of these resistance traits. Resistant and sensitive plants were crossed to obtain reciprocal F1 populations, which were then used to create pseudo-F2 and backcross (to sensitive parent; BCS) populations. The various populations were evaluated with whole-plant herbicide efficacy studies in a greenhouse. The responses of the F1 populations to both mesotrione and atrazine were intermediate when compared with parental populations. In the case of atrazine, BCS and F2 populations segregated 1:1 and 1:3, respectively, for susceptibility (S):resistance (R), at a dose that controlled the sensitive parent but not the F1 or resistant parent. For mesotrione, variability was observed within the F1 populations, suggesting that mesotrione resistance is multigenic and the resistant parents used in the cross were not homozygous at the resistance loci. Furthermore, at low mesotrione doses, more F2 plants survived than expected on the basis of a single-gene trait, whereas at high doses, fewer F2 plants survived than expected. Dry weight data confirmed the conclusions obtained from survival data. Specifically, atrazine responses segregated into two discrete classes (R and S) in both the F2 and BCS populations, whereas mesotrione responses showed continuous distributions of phenotypes in F2 and BCS populations. We conclude that metabolism-based atrazine resistance in MCR is conferred by a single major gene, whereas inheritance of mesotrione resistance in this population is complex.
... Further, the lack of suitable expertise to properly identify small weed seedlings (i.e., cotyledon to one-leaf stage) poses a significant challenge. There exist resources that can assist scouts in identifying weed species (e.g., Bryson and DeFelice 2009, 2010; Stubbendieck et al. 1994; Uva et al. 1997; Whitson et al. 2009), but greater education concerning proper weed identification and the critical characteristics that separate similar species will be required to adequately train field scouts. BMP 6: Use Multiple, Effective MOAs against the Most Troublesome Weeds and Those Prone to Herbicide Resistance. ...
... Additionally, intraregional and interregional transport of animals that have consumed weed seed–contaminated feed or ingested weed seed through grazing may contribute to the movement of weed seed into new areas. For instance, it has been suspected that cross-state transportation of cattle has greatly contributed to the spread of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal), a federally listed noxious weed capable of remaining viable in the rumen of cattle (Byrd et al. 2004). Weed seed dispersal by wildlife, such as deer, birds, and rodents, is also possible (Goddard et al. 2009; Traveset et al. 2001). ...
Ground beetles are postdispersal weed seed predators, yet their role in consuming buried seeds is not well studied. We conducted greenhouse experiments to investigate how seed burial affects consumption of weed seeds (volunteer canola) by adult ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Seed burial depth influenced seed consumption rates as demonstrated by a significant interaction between seed burial depth, carabid species, and gender of the carabid tested. We observed higher seed consumption by females of all species, and greater consumption of seeds scattered on the soil surface compared with seeds buried at any depth. However, there was evidence of seed consumption at all depths. Adults of Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) and Harpalus affinis (Schrank) consumed more buried seeds than did those of Amara littoralis Mannerheim. Agricultural practices, such as tillage, bury seeds at different depths and based on the results of this study, these practices may reduce seed consumption by carabids. Soil conservation practices that reduce tillage (conservation or zero tillage) will favor greater weed seed predation due, in part, to the high availability of seeds at the soil surface or at shallow soil depths.
... Further, the lack of suitable expertise to properly identify small weed seedlings (i.e., cotyledon to one-leaf stage) poses a significant challenge. There exist resources that can assist scouts in identifying weed species (e.g., Bryson and DeFelice 2009, 2010; Stubbendieck et al. 1994; Uva et al. 1997; Whitson et al. 2009), but greater education concerning proper weed identification and the critical characteristics that separate similar species will be required to adequately train field scouts. ...
... Additionally, intraregional and interregional transport of animals that have consumed weed seed–contaminated feed or ingested weed seed through grazing may contribute to the movement of weed seed into new areas. For instance, it has been suspected that cross-state transportation of cattle has greatly contributed to the spread of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal), a federally listed noxious weed capable of remaining viable in the rumen of cattle (Byrd et al. 2004). Weed seed dispersal by wildlife, such as deer, birds, and rodents, is also possible (Goddard et al. 2009; Traveset et al. 2001). ...
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Postdispersal weed seed predation is a significant source of weed mortality in agroecosystems. The magnitude of seed predation, however, is variable. Understanding the relative importance of factors driving variability in seed predation rates will increase the potential utility of seed predation to farmers. We conducted landscape-scale field experiments to quantify and compare the effects of space, time of sampling, and habitat on weed seed predation. Seed predation assays, with and without vertebrate exclosures, measured seed predation rates at spatially explicit sample sites across 8.5 ha of crop and noncrop habitats on a diversified organic vegetable farm in Maine. Total and invertebrate seed predation averaged 8% and 3% d-1, respectively. Vertebrate seed predators detected by motion-sensing cameras included small mammals and birds. A ground beetle, Harpalus rufipes, was highly dominant in pitfall traps, comprising 66% of invertebrate seed predators captured within crop fields. Seed predation was randomly distributed in space. However, time of sampling and habitat were highly significant predictors of seed predation. Variance partitioning indicated that habitat factors explained more variation than did time of sampling. Total seed predation was greater in crop and riparian forest habitats than in mowed grass, meadow, or softwood forest. Generally, invertebrate seed predation was greatest at sites with an intermediate degree of vegetative cover, whereas habitat type was the chief biotic determinant of vertebrate seed predation rates. These results suggest cover cropping and wetland conservation as practices that may bolster seed predation rates.
... Further, the lack of suitable expertise to properly identify small weed seedlings (i.e., cotyledon to one-leaf stage) poses a significant challenge. There exist resources that can assist scouts in identifying weed species (e.g., Bryson and DeFelice 2009, 2010; Stubbendieck et al. 1994; Uva et al. 1997; Whitson et al. 2009), but greater education concerning proper weed identification and the critical characteristics that separate similar species will be required to adequately train field scouts. BMP 6: Use Multiple, Effective MOAs against the Most Troublesome Weeds and Those Prone to Herbicide Resistance. ...
... Additionally, intraregional and interregional transport of animals that have consumed weed seed–contaminated feed or ingested weed seed through grazing may contribute to the movement of weed seed into new areas. For instance, it has been suspected that cross-state transportation of cattle has greatly contributed to the spread of tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum Dunal), a federally listed noxious weed capable of remaining viable in the rumen of cattle (Byrd et al. 2004). Weed seed dispersal by wildlife, such as deer, birds, and rodents, is also possible (Goddard et al. 2009; Traveset et al. 2001). ...
Biennial wormwood has been increasing in Manitoba, Canada, but information is limited on the potential of biennial wormwood to reduce crop yields. Field experiments were conducted over 5 site-yr throughout southern Manitoba in 2010 and 2011 to determine the effect of biennial wormwood density and relative time of biennial wormwood seedling recruitment on sunflower growth, development, yield, and seed quality. Biennial wormwood was broadcast on the soil surface at six densities into sunflowers planted in 75-cm rows, either at the same time the sunflower crop was planted (early weed seedling recruitment) or when the sunflowers were at about the four-leaf stage (late weed seedling recruitment). When biennial wormwood emerged at about the same time as the sunflowers, yield was reduced by up to 46%. Early-recruiting biennial wormwood had minimal effect on sunflower growth and development, but sunflower achene size and individual achene weight were reduced, even when no effect on sunflower yield was observed. Biennial wormwood plants that recruited after the four-leaf stage of the sunflower crop had no effect on sunflower yield or seed quality. Nomenclature: Biennial wormwood, Artemisia biennis Willd., ARTBI; sunflower, Helianthus annuus L.
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