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Extrapolitical Theory and Postpoliticism - A Transhumanist Political Theory

  • Sociedad Secular Humanista del Perú
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Abstract. This paper proposes an ordering of ideas to create politics that distinguishes itself from conventional politics. It is called extrapolitics. To define extrapolitics, the concept of politics, transhumanism and dialectic - dialogism have been briefly included. The Politics Path has been schematized as a process of evolution that politics experiments and goes hand in hand with human evolution. A post-politicist proposal was suggested for the proper proliferation of transhumanist objectives, as well as an extension of the conventional political spectrum, one that includes the extra-political spectrum and arguments against human enhancement. It finalizes with the inclusion of two potential phenomena, one harmful and the other one ideal, that define the processes of application of extrapolitical policies, the bio-socio-political singularity and the bio-socio-political inflection, respectively. Key words: transhumanism, politics, philosophy, extrapolitics, dialogism, ideologies, singularity, postmodernism, complexity.
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Abstract. This paper proposes an ordering of ideas to create politics
that distinguishes itself from conventional politics. It is called
extrapolitics. To define extrapolitics, the concept of politics,
transhumanism and dialectic - dialogism have been briefly included.
The Politics Path has been schematized as a process of evolution that
politics experiments and goes hand in hand with human evolution. A
post-politicist proposal was suggested for the proper proliferation of
transhumanist objectives, as well as an extension of the conventional
political spectrum, one that includes the extra-political spectrum and
arguments against human enhancement. It finalizes with the inclusion
of two potential phenomena, one harmful and the other one ideal, that
define the processes of application of extrapolitical policies, the bio-
socio-political singularity and the bio-socio-political inflection,
Key words: transhumanism, politics, philosophy, extrapolitics,
dialogism, ideologies, singularity, postmodernism, complexity.
Politics is manifested specifically through ideologies which can be of various kinds, religious, social,
economic, etc. Throughout history these have served to promote or protect monarchical, nationalist
or purely economic political systems, whose objectives have been to participate actively in society,
culture and economy, finding in their expression direct competition with any other society, either by
superposition or denial of principles
Ideological competition seeks to obtain power, influence and wealth for the maintenance and
successful development of the political system that supports it. This competitive process culminates
in a natural confrontation to seize the wealth and means of the other or to simply eliminate the
threat of a competitor. These factors have always resulted in the affectation of populations
and damage to the environment.
The appearance of wars, the promotion of increasingly destructive weapons, firearms, biological
weapons, nuclear weapons, etc., the destruction of human heritage, cities, and the loss of social
have directly diminished the long-awaited welfare state of man, because in their
development they not only meant death, spread of diseases, exploitation of humans, inefficient
distribution of wealth and the emergence of famines, but also the destruction, contamination and
exploitation of the environment, to the extent that ecological policies of today have become more of
an emergency decision rather than an efficient vision of harmonious production. The latter has led to
The continuos clash between the Western civilization and the rest of the world is a modern example of
this assertion. The wars of civilizations, like the Soviet-Afghan war of 1979-1989 See Huntington, Samuel,
El choque de Civilizaciones, Ed. Paidós. Barcelona 1997. and the "global democratic revolution" at the
beginning of the Gulf War are an example of this. We could mention many more.
Milton Leitenberg. Deaths in Wars and Conflicts in the 20th Century. Cornell University Peace Studies
Program. Occasional Paper #29. 3erd edition. 2006. Pág. 14. Adding the number (of political genocides,
Armenia, Congo, Cambodia, China, North Korea) to the wars and conflicts sum for the twentieth century of
136.5 to 148.5 million deaths produces a total of 225.5 to 237.5 million deaths… for politically caused
deaths in the entire 20th century.”
Monuments, libraries, representative buildings and other cultural wealth that have been destroyed as
consequences of the wars.
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a marked decrease in the quality of food
, which added to the mechanism of exploitation or
continuous work, mercantilist vision, man has been relegated to, mean greater stress and poor
health, therefore lower quality of life.
If politics is a practice of mankind and, despite its religious, cultural and philosophical proposals,
mankind has not been able to order itself and rise to a level of exceptionality and probity in which
one can live fully in society, it is not common for us to do so. It is necessary to change man and not
only from a new philosophy, ideology or political system, but from within, man per se.
The main problem to be solved is the deficient level of well-being that exists today in society as a
product of the politics practiced and proposed by man, homo sapiens, that is to say, man himself.
In order to define politics, we start from Marcel Prelot’s
approach. He states that "politics", as a
concept, arises from the Greek words Polis, Politeía, Ta Politiká and Politiké.
Politics can be understood in two ways, politics as fact and politics as a specific concept. The first
meaning responds to the word Polis because it understands society as a phenomenon that is made
by individuals and is an individual maker. This is why politics as fact denotes politics as a common,
ordinary, everyday act of an individual in society and how he/she creates it
The second meaning arises from the other three voices: the exercise of government (Ta Politiká), the
State itself (Politeía) and the forces to achieve power and make it effective in the same social system
(Politiké). This is the reason why politics is understood as the practice or exercise of power to govern
or direct a social system. In other words, it is the subset of specific actions and techniques of the
politics as a fact related to the direction of government institutions.
Politics lato sensu or politics in general terms is an individual´s ability to create society through
common actions or to form a group capable of raising a political ideology, a perception of the world,
to obtain power and influence establishing a political system to solve the issue that, by their
perception, existed in the society in which they develop. This is a definition that encompasses and
contains politics as a fact made by mankind and as a specific concept of their practice.
Islam, Saidul and Ting Wong, Andre. Climate Change and Food In/Security: A Critical Nexus.
Environments 2017, 4(2), 38; Soil degradation,
fluctuations in rainfall and the water system due to high CO2 levels and rising temperatures, deficiencies
in micronutrients in crops (page 4), decrease in fish population (page 5), concentration of proteins in non-
legume crops (page 11).
Prelot as cited in Miró Quesada Rada, Francisco. Introducción a la Ciencia Política. Ed. Editora y Librería
Jurídica Grijley E.I.R.L. Lima. 2013. Pág. 3
Del Águila, Rafael. Manual de Ciencia Política. Ed. Trotta. Madrid. 2003, pág. 21 “La política es una
actividad que subyace y excede el marco estatal”. (“Politics is an activity that underlies and exceeds the
state framework.")
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Politics as a specific concept has been manifested in history in the form of four political theories: First
Political Theory or liberalism. Second Political Theory or socialisms. Third Political Theory or
nationalisms and fascisms. Fourth Political Theory or conservatism and neoconservatisms.
Dialectics is a philosophy method for the understanding of history as a succession of events marked
by ideas, thesis, opposed by an antithesis and finally overcomed by a synthesis. The dynamism of
existence is defined as an unstable metaphysical evolution, a continuous movement
. There is a
Gadamer, Hans-Georg. La dialéctica de Hegel. Cinco ensayos hermeúticos. Ed. Ediciones Cátedra.
Madrid. 1981. Pág. 22.
Politics as a specific concept
Politics as fact
Graphic 1
Graphic 2
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closed scheme that through conflict of differences (annulment
and overcoming, the restriction of
) explains the evolution of ideas.
Dialogism, on the other hand, is an intersubjective relationship that provides communication,
meaning and sense
in the search for truth
, through an act of knowledge called dialogue, a
relationship between subject and reality that does not override ideas. It is a participatory method
with reality, a constructivist bond
which starts from the constitutive, the action
. We can use the
words of Morin to define it, a process that "allows to maintain the duality within the unit"
The Dialogical Synthesis that I propose is a method to overcome ideas by contrasting them from two
temporal states (one temporality for instants of time 𝑡 = 𝑛 + 1 and another continuous one, along
the temporal variation Δ𝑡) that correspond to two structural relations, (overcoming- synthesis and
dialogue) and a third relation of containment or subjective elimination. An overcoming is provoked
by the continuous dialogue from which an apparent elimination by containment can be detached.
Two systems of thought, 𝑆1 and 𝑆2, that in an instant of time 𝑡 = 𝑛 + 1 oppose each other and
manifest themselves as the synthesis of the other, a dialectical relationship of overcoming, but that
over time Δ𝑡, both dialogue with each other gaining feedback continuously. In this way the existence
of the contrariety in the development of an idea and even in its practice is respected.
The subjective relationship is an independent view of 𝑆1 and 𝑆2, since it will depend on the nature of
opening or closing that each one has on itself so that their proposals and feedback cease and they
consider themselves eliminated until they are reactivated later, or so that they are aligned within the
arguments of the other system of thought and they are contained. Whatever the case, constant
feedback will result in a continuous dialogue within the synthesis.
𝑖𝑓, 𝑇 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠, 𝐴 = 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠 ∧ 𝑆 = 𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠
𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 (+): 𝑇 + 𝐴 = 𝑆
𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑠𝑚 (): 𝑇 ∧ 𝐴 = {𝑇, 𝐴, 𝑇𝐴,𝐴𝑇,𝐴𝐴,𝑇𝑇}
𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑦𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠 (∪): 𝑇 ∪ 𝐴 = {𝑇, 𝐴, 𝑆, 𝑇𝑇,𝐴𝐴,𝑆𝑆,𝑇𝐴,𝐴𝑇,𝑇𝑆,𝑆𝑇,𝐴𝑆,𝑆𝐴, 𝑇𝐴𝑆}
Hegel (as cited in Flórez, Ramiro. La dialéctica de la historia en Hegel. Ed. Gredos. Madrid. 1983.
Pág.157) Briefe von un dan Hegel, Hrsg. Von Johannes Hoffmeister und Rolf Fleschsig 4 vols9. Hamburgg,
1953-1961. Tomo II. Pág. 328-329. “Reducción a la unidad que hace que no exista ya más la diferencia.”
"Reduction to the unit that makes the difference no longer exists."
Gadamer, Hans Georg. Óp. Cit. Pág. 35.
Pampa Olga Arán, La herencia de Bajtín. editora. Ed. Editorial del Centro de Estudios Avanzados
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. (versión digital), 2016. Pág. 84.
Abellán-García Barrio, Álvaro. De la Dialéctica a la Dialógica. Mar Oceana: Revista del humanismo
español e iberoamericano, ISSN 1134-7627, Nº 31, 2012, págs. 97-126. Pág. 111.
Abellán-García Barrio, Álvaro. Óp. Cit. Pág. 113.
Sisto, Vicente. Bajtin y lo Social: Hacia la Actividad Dialógica Heteroglósica. Revista Athenea Digital.
Marzo 2015. Págs. 3 -29.
Morin, Edgar. Introducción al Pensamiento Complejo. Ed. Gedisa. España. 2005. Pág. 106.
I will use special notations to describe in a simple way what happens with each technique, a method of
analysis (signs) and a set of possibilities as a result.
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Transhumanism is a philosophical movement that bases its system of ideas on reason, defines its
moral sense as a continuation of standard humanism
, establishes its intellectual movement as
interdisciplinary and expresses ancient human aspirations in modern terms
through a cultural
movement and political proposals. Its objectives are to overcome the human state through the
understanding and evaluation of opportunities to improve the application of different existing and
developing technologies, in general terms, through the direct use of science in favor of the human
, towards a more fruitful state
(transhuman to posthuman).
The goal of transhumanism is: To seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of
intelligent life in its current human form and its limitation through science and technology, based on
the promotion of pro-life
principles and values. "A proposal to take the direction or the sense of our
own evolutionary development into our own hand"
This current of thought offers three complementary proposals to achieve the desired well-being,
which we will mention as Superintelligence, Superwellbeing and Superlongevity through paths that
specifically fall under the competence of current and developing technologies such as molecular
biology, bio-engineering, genetic engineering, technology information, molecular nanotechnology
and artificial intelligence
The expression of this thought is varied, being some of it’s variants
: Singularitarianists,
Extropianists, Technoprogressivists, Bioliberals and Religious Transhumanists.
Yudkowsky, E. Transhumanism as Simplified Humanism. Yudkowsky. Recovered from: Yudkowsky defines transhumanism mainly as a moral
philosophy, based on common sense, the same that founds the scientific method. It does not define it as a
complex philosophy, nor is it alien to what is known as standard humanism, but only its continuation by
applying new technologies that we have at our disposal.
Hughes, James. The politics of Transhumanism and the Techno-Millenial Imagination 1626‐‐2030.
Zygon Journal of religion and science. Volume47, Issue4 December 2012. Pages 757-776. “Transhumanism is a modern expression of ancient
and transcultural aspirations to radically transform human existence, socially and bodily”.
Hansell, Gregory and Grassie, William (Editors). Transhumanism and its Critics. Ed. Metanexus. USA.
2010. Part III. Ch. 9. More, Max. True Transhumanism. Pág. 137. “Transhumanism is both a reason-based
philosophy and a cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally
improving the human condition by means of science and technology.
Bostrom, Nick. Transhumanist Values. 2005. Pág. 3.
“Transhumanism is a loosely defined movement… It promotes and interdisciplinary approach to
understanding and evaluating the opportunities for enhancing the human condition and the human
organism opened up by the advancement of technology”.
Huxley, Julian. New Bottles for new wine. Ed. Chatto and Windus. LTD. Londres. Pág. 260.
More, Max. Óp. Cit.
Velázquez F., Héctor. Transhumanismo, Libertad e identidad Humana. Thelemata. Revista de Filosofía.
No. 41. 2009 Recuperado de:
Pág. 3.
Bostrom, Nick. Óp. Cit. Pág. 3
Velázquez Fernández, Héctor. Óp. Cit. Pág. 577.
González-Melado, Fermín. (2010). Transhumanismo (Humanity+) La ideología que nos viene. Pax et
Emerita. 6. 205-228. Pág. 210.
Hughes, James. “The politics…” Óp. Cit.
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We have seen that politics is every action of man with which society is created, however, what
makes it exclusive of this? If we appeal to the formation of societies, animals are also social beings
and many like bees, wasps and ants create complex social systems, an attitude that we will call pre-
politics. On the other hand, if intelligence is the decisive factor, once we create artificial intelligences
similar to man and we discover extraterrestrial intelligent life, would politics remain only human
practice? The answer is no, because the actions to create a society that could have such entities
would not be so different from ours, which is why I call them counter-politics (politics complement
set). If we add to this that homo sapiens coexisted with other species of the homo genus and
interacted with them and these in turn managed to create societies through their protopolitical
qualities, we would be facing another case in which the general politics is not born from Greek
voices, but, by expanding the scope of the concept, it originates with the practice of homo sapiens
and what is even better, does not remain static since, for example, politics was defined in a process
of feedback with protopolitics, a stage that I will call interpolitics (Graphic 3). It is to all this process
of evolution, adaptation and emergence of the politics that I call the Politics Path.
As we saw earlier, transhumanist philosophy proposes the evolution of human beings towards a
transitional state, the transhuman one, which we will call Homo Logos, until reaching the final goal, a
state in which humanity as we know it today has been completely abandoned, has been overcome:
the posthuman. If we continue with the Politics Path, once we understand that politics is evolving
and is executed by Homo Sapiens, if we consider the vision of transhumanism and its execution, after
the emergence of the new generation of mankind, Homo Logos, there would be a period of
coexistence between him and the Homos Sapiens, one of feedback and enrichment as occurred
during the interpolitical stage, only that it would be called transpolitics (Graphic 6) because of the
difference of actors. It is at this stage where extrapolitics manifests itself.
Extrapolitics, formed from the extra Latin prefix, whose meaning is "outside of, beyond"
, and the
voice of Greek origin politics
, is the final stage of the General Politics, of the politics of Homo
Sapiens. It is any proposal and execution of practices that end politics through the human
enhancement. It means leaving politics through a political proposal.
If the enhancement of the Homo Logos becomes continuous and opens the doors to the appearance
of its most advanced form, the posthuman, a suprapolitical stage would be lived in which they will
be linked and interrelated until the total transformation of the Homo Logos in posthumans is
reached. At that time we will have managed to complete the Politics Path (Graphic 4) from the
approach presented in this paper. In this final stage, the practice of the posthumans would be called
Online Oxford English Dictionary.Retrieved from:
Concept reviewed in second section.
Homo genus/H. Sapiens
General Politics
Homo Sapiens
Homo genus
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According to the arguments above, for an ideology to be denominated or defined as an extrapolitical
vision, it must meet a single requirement:
1. The consideration of man as a maturable and enhanceable subsystem.
Politics as fact
Political as a
specific concept
Homo Sapiens
General Politics
H. Sapiens
H. Sapiens
H. Sapiens/H. Logos
H. Logos/Posthumano
Graphic 4
Graphic 5
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Political ideologies have considered man as a mature element, but not enhanceable
. That is, they
seek to exploit human capabilities in terms of their own limit potential from intellectual and physical
development, and instruction in the management of emotions. We know that the structure of
human beings do not remain static at all
, because the environment and their habits modify them
continuously. These changes, epigenetic or morphological, such as operations or diseases and even
, may
or may not be heritable
and include a whole range of possibilities for
modification of the human individual
, but not a substantial or radical change of the species itself
that is fruitful and of rapid emergence, such as adaptations to climates or inheritance of certain
diseases. For this reason, enhancement emerges as a rational option of human modification, an
orientation of the modification guided by reason.
However, the enhancement must be guided from a less risky approach, therefore, in order to avoid
catastrophes, the post-politicist orientation of extrapolitics arises. In order to be named as such,
extrapolitics must comply with the following conditions:
1. Progressive.
Assume a plural (tolerant) and container (Non-exclusive) role. For this reason, it is committed to
propose and respect a Moral Dialogical Synthesis.
a. Universal vision proposal. (Synthetic-dialogical rationalism)
There is a disposition of matter in the universe that is common to all of us, which can be represented
from mathematical formulations, that is, in the same language for humanity, an objective
interpretation (in human terms) of reality. However, due to needs, cultural influence, ignorance and
intersubjectivity, this objective interpretation becomes subjective. This phenomenon is called
rationalization of reality. The subjective interpretation (rationalization) when reasoned returns to the
empirical-mathematical view, when its analysis remains free it becomes theological philosophies and
similars. Both, reasoned rationalization and free rationalization coexist, dialogue and oppose each
It is necessary to mention that nationalsocialism (member of third political theory) seeked for a human
pseudo improvement through eugenics.
Azam Moosavi and Ali Motevalizadeh Ardekani, Iran Biomed J. 2016 Nov; 20(5): 246258. doi:
10.22045/ibj.2016.01. “The cell epigenome is dynamic and can be affected by genetic and environmental
Ruiz-Orera J, Hernandez-Rodriguez J, Chiva C, Sabidó E, Kondova I, et al. (2015) Origins of De Novo
Genes in Human and Chimpanzee. PLOS Genetics 11(12): e1005721. To date, 634 de novo human-specific genes have been
Saavedra-Rodríguez L, Feig LA. Chronic Social Instability Induces Anxiety and Defective Social
Interactions Across Generations. Biological psychiatry. 2013;73(1):10.1016/j.biopsych.2012.06.035.
doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2012.06.035. A group of mice was subjected to high levels of stress, the offspring
inherited a defective social behavior. According to the study, the males would have generated that
variation in the offspring.
Nestler, Eric. El estrés deja su huella molecular. Mente y Cerebro. No. 59. 2013. Publicado originalmente
en Nature. Vol. 490. Págs. 171-172. Octubre. 2012. “Los ratones machos expuestos al estrés engendran
camadas más vulnerables al estrés”. The study also proved that it was possible to alter certain genes to
achieve a change in behavior in individuals, from resilient to susceptible and vice versa.
This refers to any surgical operation or superficial change that the person experiences.
All that beyond the so-called normal, the wide variation of human forms (including malformations and
Nasser-Eddin R D. Species- Specific Genes and Good Mutations; A New Approach to Test Evolution. Adv
Biotech & Micro. 2017; 7(1): 555705. DOI: 10.19080/AIBM.2017.07.555705. “Scientists have calculated
presence of 3500 human unique genes”. The human enhancement according to the extrapolitical proposal
would not imply the creation of humanoid chimeras, but the one of undertaking a rational, beneficial
modification that expands the capacities of the individual gradually and whose effects would be evaluated
through the pass of time.
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other. The reason proposed to be assumed as fundamental for post-politicist should not be
dialectical (exclusionary-deleterious) as in the Enlightenment
, but a resource within a synthetic-
dialogical process that contains, includes, tolerates and knows how to communicate with the free
rationalizations respecting their possible contributions as subjective expressions of human reason
orienting them towards the return to reason without imposing. The sustaining of a plurality
(subjectivity) within reason (objectivity), in whose return towards objectivity it is able to refer in
subjective terms the aims of objectivity, that is to say that it can communicate, implies three
guidelines: tolerance for communication towards containment.
b. Moral Dialogical Synthesis
Once we have understood the synthetic-dialectical reason, it is in the same way necessary a feedback
agreement of what is correct and incorrect for human beings based on rational principles. Huxley
commented on the need to integrate the ideas of harmony of Eastern thought
to what we call
extra-political projection. An affirmation that from modern studies, turns us to the consideration of
certain practices of spiritual traditions as allegorical or archetypal expressions of scientifically
verifiable processes, as the case of meditation and its benefits
, the contribution of its doctrines
and rituals in the formation of the personality
and psychological phenomena, handling of
, and physiological
, explained in special languages, whose secularized inclusion is
necessary to achieve a valued consensus between reason and religion. This proposal is impossible
without freedom as the driving axis of the process
The synthesis will be manifested from the moment in which reason contains and overcomes
mysticism, gives it form and proposes to build on this a path for the human being towards its
Hughes, James. “Contradictions from the enlightenment roots of transhumanism”. Journal of Medicine
and Philosophy, 35: 622-640. 2010. Doi:10.1093/jmp/jhq049. Pág. 624. “Post-rationalist movements
rejected the autonomy and universality of reason because it came inot conflicto with other values of
Enlightenment such as respect for the rights of persons and for cultural diversity”.
Huxley. Op. Cit. Pág. 261
See Eileen Luders, Florian Kurth, Arthur W. Toga, Katherine L. Narr & Christian Gaser. Meditation effects
within the hippocampal complex revealed by voxel-based morphometry and cytoarchitectonic
probabilistic mapping. Front. Psychol., 09 July 2013. The
correlation between the increment of the GM hippocampus (an organ which performs memory tasks)
with the number of years of meditation practice that a person possesses is suggested.
Kasamatsu, Akira. An Electroencephalograhic Study on the zen meditation (ZAZEN). Folia Psychiatrca et
Neurologica Japonica. Vol. 20, No. 4. 1966. The study involved a group of monks and disciples practicing
Zen meditation while being under EEG analys. The result was the hability of practicers to generate
changes in brain waves. The range includes the increase of alpha waves to the appearance of theta waves,
that is, a change in the state of consciousness executed by the subject towards a state of relaxation.
Sander L. Koole, Marieke Meijer & Carina Remmers (2017) Religious rituals as tools for adaptive self-
regulation, Religion, Brain & Behavior, 7:3, 250-253, DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2016.1156562.
Velaochaga Dam, Carlos. Psicología y Religión. Una visión antropológica. Ed. Tarea Asociación Gráfica
Educativa. Lima. 2007. According to the Hindu religion, the origin of the error lies in the ease with which
the mind is distracted, praying the mantram (Bhakti Yoga) and the Gnani Yoga are proposed for the
objective of focusing the mind. For Buddhism meditation is the means to know the mind and itself as part
of the whole. In Islam daily prayers (Shalaat) are a continual reminder that men are servants to a superior
force and must be subjected to it, to modify their conduct towards the trial.
Kohls, N., Sauer, S., Offenbächer, M., & Giordano, J. (2011). Spirituality: An overlooked predictor of
placebo effects? Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 366(1572), 1838-1848. Retrieved from See Panagiotidou, O. (2016). Religious
Healing and the Asclepius Cult: A Case of Placebo Effects. Open Theology, 2(1), pp. -. Retrieved 6 Jun.
2018, from doi:10.1515/opth-2016-0006 for a historical approximation of the religious placebo effect in
ancient Greece.
Bostrom, Nick. Óp. Cit. Pág. 13.
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evolution. Thus, the Dialogical Synthesis of morality will be executed in a moment of social time in
which the union of the different human valuations should be proposed from the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights through a Universal Declaration of Human Values
of global disclosure
to be accepted by the international community and assimilated as the common means for the extra-
political exercise of societies.
2. Post-democratic
a. The order as neguentropic agent.
We are going to define order as the human conception of the information organization of a system
that is functional and provides stability. Defining order as an utilitarian interpretation of human
reason is a role that a Scientific State must assume. This State may resolve conflicts based on
functional guidelines (that provide welfare) translated into social terms, as well as promote research
and development of technologies without resorting to taboos as impediments. It is necessary to
indicate that freedom will always be expressed in the possibility that individuals have of choosing
certain policies, there will be no impositions. Therefore, the State can differentiate between
enhancement and modification of humans as a goal, as well as set gradual stages of change to renew
generations and avoid polarization.
The enhancement is a modification, as Bostrom would say, of human nature in process of
for the sake of the ordering recursion seeking rational evolution, that is, the functional
and ordered modification of the biology of individuals (enhancement), of their true composition, and
not a gradual modification like the classic evolution that corresponds to an organizational adaptation
of the individual to certain conditions and circumstances, regardless of whether they are favorable in
rational terms
. In other words, altering the biological order would be the most rational
, because it
would deepen its virtues over collapse or entropy. A different idea to the alteration or modification
of the biological organization, which without a rational or objective orientation would cause the
collapse of the human system.
b. Political Dialogical Synthesis
“... or at any rate to assimilate those of their elements (of ideologies) which are relevant to itself
. That is how Huxley set a precursor idea of extrapolitics with a post-politicist
orientation because he knew how to see the need for a synthesis of human practices to include
society, which contains the government of society, of politics as a specific concept.
That is why political theories should reassess the democratic sense and the sense of freedom
, add
to them the Welfare State policy and correct distribution of wealth oriented towards the access of
enhancement technologies for the population, as well as the search for a conciliatory economy
between public and private management. On the other hand, the assumption of human identities as
one expressed in different ways in a wide range of possibilities (pluralisms), to which the inclusion of
As the spanish lawyer Albert Cortina propose. Cf. the interview: Fanjul, Sergio C., 02 March 2018.
Retina. El País. Spain.
Post-democratic system means in a general sense an anarchic-enlightement socity achieved through a
Bostrom, Nick. Óp. Cit.Pág. 4.
Fay, Jutin. Disease consequences of human adaptation. Applied & Translational Genomics. Volume 2, 1
December 2013, Pages 42-47.
Recordemos que el sentido de racionalidad es la visión de funcionalidad de la concepción humana.
Huxley. Op. Cit. Pág. 260. “The truth of the transhumanism approach and its central conception is larger
and more universal tan any previous truth, and is bound in the long run to supersede lesser, more partial,
or more distorted truths, such as Marxism, or Christian theology, or liberal individualism, or at any rate to
assimilate those of their elements which are relevant to itself.”
Bostrom (as cited in Hughes, James. Óp. Cit. “Contradictions…”). “Bostrom leaves open the possibility
that the singleton could evolve from liberal democratic selfgovernance, and be accountable to human
beings in an equal and transparent way”. Pág. 630.
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reason could bring them together again. For this reason, it is useful to understand the phenomenon
of "nationality" as an idea with a tendency towards uniformization (globalization) through the
dialogical exchange of social resources (migrations and cultural influences) in order to avoid the
appearance of any nationalist spirit. All this as part of a state restructuring plan that can dialogue
with the political ideologies of other states over time in order to strengthen and increasingly guide
the objective synthetic definition of politics as a concept towards extrapolitics as a fruitful concept
based on reason and rational morality described earlier. This process would be the phenomenon
called the dialogical synthesis of politics.
An extrapolitical system will be that government that arranges its structure and its practices towards
the application of policies to enhance human beings. However, it is important to mention that
depending on the orientation of the extrapolitical ideology, post-politicist or retro-political (its
counterpart), two possible scenarios can be foreseen: the bio-socio-political singularity and the bio-
socio-political inflection.
Both are mathematical concepts. The singularity originates in a point of a function for which there is
no derivative. Inflection, on the other hand, is that point where the derivative exists and the
concavity of a function changes. If we appeal to these through a simile, the bio-socio-political
singularity generates confusion due to ignorance, it does not inform, which, arranged in a social
context it will generate different perspectives about the phenomenon in question, inevitably
concluding in Conflict. It will be a chaotic process, not informative and conflicting.
The bio-socio-political inflection, on the other hand, will have a variation of speed with respect to
time. That is, it will be gradual, unlike the singularity, which implies dissemination and informative
policies, as well as clarification of debates or oppositions (to inform) about proposal. That is, a
proposal that as the point in the function means and provides stability of change.
Bio-socio-political Singularity
The bio-socio-political singularity will emerge from fulfilling the following features:
Retropolitical orientation of extrapolitics.
First Political Theory. Mercantilization of technologies. Unequal access to technologies of
enhancement, acquisitive exclusivity, creation of a genetic neo-oligarchy, no longer by inheritance of
titles or wealth.
Second Political Theory. Biological class conflict. Potential armed conflict with other states after the
application of enhancement policies. Biological class conflict against other regimes or failure of the
economic regime as it happened with ancient systems related to this theory.
Third Political Theory. Biological-cultural Supremacism. The main consequence is the emergence of
nationalist movements that Project themselves as superior to others, leading to wars. The possible
armed conflict in any region could be sustained by the flourishing of revanchist feelings of a historical
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, the intention of spreading a superior cultural vision in a purely imperial style
or the search
for spaces and territories for the sustenance of a collective determined
Fourth Political Theory. Potential religious supremacism or return of biological-cultural supremacism,
since the body of action of the aforementioned theory are the conservative groups
Chaotic application.
Any policy of enhancement that in its application is contrary to the gradual meaning (tolerant,
informative and inclusive) would be considered as a chaotic application:
Vertiginous. An application without prior information of the enhancement policies and their benefits
to the population.
Elitist. Restricted access of the population to enhancement technologies by some arbitrary criterion.
Mercantile. Mercantilization of enhancement technology.
Improvised. Related to poor state policies.
Model of government previous to a post-democratic formulation.
An anti-post-democratic model will become a political singularity if the government does not allow
the freedom of choice of individuals, it does not have the necessary policies to offer a system of free
access to all citizens, it is not involved in regulation or progressive implementation and it does not
assume a scientific and synthetic dialogical role of politics.
Bio-socio-political Inflection
In the next lines I will detail the stages of a bio-socio-political inflection.
Social Inflection
Social inflection is a process that must be carried out jointly, globally and particularly (by societies
and communities). It is a process that proposes, debates, includes, disseminates and reconciles.
Therefore it is necessary that the political-intellectual movement organizes as a worldwide political
party with a general advertising policy. This party should be capable to form authorized
organizations at a different regional level to increase the spread of proposals in different places of
the planet in different languages and terms. Achieved this, the debate, which today is real and it
consist of an academic and a social part, will be overcome easily.
As provoked by the Nazi rhetoric prior to the Second World War that infused the German claim of the
territories lost by the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. In Latin America the rhetoric of the Argentine
government that generated the Falklands War. In Asia as an example the Six Day War, as well as the
clashes over Kashmir.
The phenomenon unleashed by the Islamic State is a clear example of the attempt to expand, spread
and impose an ideology based on a cultural expression. (See Melamed, V. J. D. (2017). Estado islámico:
una amenaza para la seguridad internacional. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral-proquest- Other examples in the history are the process of romanization of the world
and the truncated attempt of Christianization of the territories of Western Asia.
The African (See On the causes of the partition of Central Africa, 1875 85. Foeken, Dick. Political
Geography Vol.14 No.1. Enero 1995. Págs. 80-100) and American colonization are some examples of this
type of phenomenon, expansions of policies in which economic interest also prevailed. The Nazi
Hungerplan project would use the Ukrainian territory as efficient areas for food production, with the
population having to migrate or die of hunger. (See Snyder, Timothy. "Exploitation, Resettlement, Mass
Murder: Political and Economic Planning for German Occupation Policy in the Soviet Union, 19401941
(review)." Journal of Cold War Studies, vol. 11 no. 1, 2009, pp. 166-167. Project MUSE.)
Dugin, Alexander. La Cuarta Teoría Política. Ed. Publidisa. España. 2013. Pág. 121. Retrieved from:
Página 14 de 20
Academic debate - Academic polarization. The opposition materialism-immaterialism is the main
one. No sector will change its perspective so easily, for that reason the academic conciliation will
revolve around the achievement of the objectives through a political system and will be measured
according to the scope that the political activism of each group possesses.
Social debate - Social polarization. If we appeal to reason as the objective perspective of humanity
with an inclusive and not imposing role, the polarization of society could be minimized through a
terminological inclusion
. The conciliation of the social debate will revolve around respect for
individual freedoms and freedom of choice.
There will be another sector of the population that ignores the debate and does not polarize. To
them, the correct comunication would be through non technical disclosure about the advantages
and possibilities offered by extrapolitics.
Political Inflection
The political inflection is linked to politics as a specific concept, to the governance mechanism of the
social system, polity. It consists in restructuring the current State towards a post-democratic proposal
that assumes the project of human enhancement and that is capable of normalizing this objective
step by step in a progressive process.
Normalization. Polarization adjustment process
, a synthetic-dialogical process of broad information
on the part of the government and the implementation of technologies in such a way that they
remain completely and indiscriminately available to society. This process has two mechanisms of
execution: discipline (restructuring) and regulation (to norm
). The norm is the project of what is
wanted to be known as normal, in this case, what is meant by normal is rational, a sense through
which to discipline and regulate obtain dimensions that are not intended to act on a wrongdoing, but
For example, to express in religious terms the objectives of transhumanism and human enhancement to
a certain sector, so they could assimilate them without affecting their believes. That is an inclusive
rational process of people through a rational speech.
See Hernández Delgado, Rigoberto. La positividad del poder: la normalización y la norma. Teoría y
crítica de la psicología. 3, 81102 (2013). ISSN: 2116-3480. I rely on this work that proposes an enrichment
of Foucault's work on Political Power and George Canguilhem's perspective on norm and normalization,
however I give it a personal approach to the normalization process and I attach it to the problem of the
Normalize is to turn something into normal. To norm is to regulate an order. To discipline is to
restructure a system for that order.
Non technical
Graphic 6
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restructuring the system with the purpose of regulating to apply the project. In this way, I state the
extrapolitical normalization process of Political Inflection.
TO ASSUME. It is the establishment of the norm. The norm legitimates, proposes a project,
therefore, the State will assume the project for the inflection: "Greater human well-being, through
the enhancement of man for a fruitful and broad maturation of this."
TO RESTRUCTURE. It is the exercise of disciplinary power. The State will be regulated in favor of the
norm, which will provide a correct context to develop, an adequate sustenance, the post-democratic
state and its renewed structural, economic and moral proposal. The proliferation of a Welfare State
that allows free application.
TO NORM. Regulatory power. The freedom of choice of individuals as an expression of their own
well-being is established as an extrapolitical principle.
TO SPREAD. The dialogue between the value represented by the norm and the anti-value, other
, is executed. A dissemination and systematic information campaign is started on the
benefits of new extrapolitics. The project is disseminated throughout the State.
TO OBSERVE. Normalizing knowledge. There is no vigilance, in this case it is a state of observation,
which pays attention to the requirements of society, the impact of extrapolitics, the proposals of
groups, there is a tendency to correction, as it supports with advice and recommendations
Biological Inflection
The application of technologies for human enhancement must respond to a gradual and orderly
approach, around a biological order, which we will define as follows:
- Human beings create ecological niches to improve their quality of life
- Human beings create systems of thought, cultures, which influence their perception of the
- Both, the practices of this cultural tradition and the ecological niches alter their biology
- Human beings have always resorted to tools (ideas or actions) to improve their state of
well-being and avoid pain
Hernández Delgado, Rigoberto. Óp. Cit. Pág. 81. “la norma es un valor que se enfrenta a un antivalor, el
cual no será necesariamente su polo contrario”. "The norm is a value that faces an anti-value, which will
not necessarily be its opposite".
Savulescu, Julian. Procreative Beneficence: Why we should select the best children. Bioethics ISSN 0269-
9702 Volume 15 Number 5/6 2001.
García-Belaúnde, Víctor. La Genética de Dios. Ed.Máquina de Ideas. Lima. 2017. Pág.14. Belaúnde cita la
propuesta de Michael Wheeler y Andy Clark para mencionar que el hombre a través de nichos ecológicos
modifica su tansformó su naturaleza.
Íb. Pag. 70. “En otras palabras, la naturaleza humana parece surgir despúes de millones de años de
construcción activa de ambientes artificales (herramientas y cultura) que nos cambiaron, y continúan
haciéndolo, tanto como lo hace la selección natural.” (“In other words, human nature seems to emerge
after millions of years of active construction of artificial environments (tools and culture) that changed us,
and continue to do so, as natural selection does.”)
Singer, Peter. Ética Práctica. Cambridge University Press. Gran Bretaña. 1995. Pág. 77. “El dolor y el
sufrimiento son malos y deberían ser evitados o minimizados, independientemente de la raza, sexo o a la
especie del ser que sufra”. I agree with the vision proposed by Singer about pain and the need of living
beings to escape pain, even if we expand the abstraction of the concept and consider plants and fungi, the
organism does not escape only from pain, but avoids unfavorable conditions, for therefore, it is attached
Página 16 de 20
- The animals do it
. It's natural. Therefore, it is part of biological functioning, which
becomes a biological order, because it has a functional utility.
- Genetic engineering is one of the tools available to man, so its application for increasing
well-being is an ordered, functional, utilitarian perception of our own ecological niches
In this way, genetics would be the first step to generate a substantial change in consonance with the
biological order. The post-politicist extrapolitics seeks a progressive change, first biological, of
improvement over the innate human potential and expansion of intellectual capacities, as well as an
increase in well-being level a moment when molecular nanotechnologies can be applied and a later
one in relation to the implementation of bionic enhancements, one executed with caution and
parallelism to scientific advance.
The proposal of the singularitarianism will be considered as an accelerated projection to consider
very carefully, because the experience itself of some proposed goals (digitization of consciousness,
mechanical avatars, interconnected consciousnesses, etc.) are proposals for the vertiginous
transcendence of the human being. Although at the moment they are based on projections governed
by the Law of Morgan, they are part of a stage that should be considered after the genetic heritable
enhancement, due to the radically posthumanist repercussions on the individual and society.
Hughes identified 2 proposals of governance into the transhumanist comunity
. The solution for this
is a progressive process to transform society, a bilogical inflection, one that comprises both, an
enlightened technocracy that will turn into a self governance as the process to ameliorate the
oposition of the conservative sector. That will allow the State to study, in depth, human being’s
reaction to the transformation into posthuman condition.
To create the extrapolitical spectrum we will draw a perpendicular axis to the conventional political
spectrum, a biopolitical one. We will locate the Bioethical Threshold at point zero from which, in a
to pleasure. The welfare discussed in the document revolves around individual pleasure in communion
with the community.
Singer, Peter. Loc. Cit.
García-Belaúnde, Víctor. Óp Cit. Pág 75. “Ya sea por la sola construcción de nichos o con la ayuda de
ingeniería genética, los humanos seguirán dominando su propia naturaleza, y eventualmente alterarán
sus estyructuras internas y cambiarán sus genes.”
Hughes, James. Óp. Cit. “Contradictions…”. Pág. 630
Biological and Bionic
Bionic and Mechatronic
Graphic 7
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positive sense, the extrapolitical spectrum will be detached and, in a negative sense, we could have
the political one.
Bioethical threshold. This surface frames the edges of the main debate between politics and
extrapolitics, the humanist vision that opposes mainly from four angles:
- Religious humanism. Based on the belief of the existence and intervention of gods, acceptance of
spiritual bodies, astral dimensions and divine creeds.
- Cultural humanism. Possible supremacist arguments that deny human enhancement due to the
existence of superior ethnic groups.
- Ontological humanism. Based on human dignity and in an essence transcendent to human beings,
which precedes them and which must remain inviolable.
- Naturalist humanism. (Based on criticism in the impossibility of the application of technologies on
man or around the ignorance of collateral effects.
The Extrapolitical spectrum distinguishes new dichotomies, mainly the orientation of extrapolitics
between retropolitics - post-politicism and the type of human enhance biological-mechatronic. From
these axes, two additional polarizations are defined, about the model of government,
postdemocratic-dystopian, and the application and effects gradual-chaotic.
Graphic 8
Graphic 9
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There is a process of evolution that human beings experienced and will continue to do, an argument
from which we configure the Politics Path and define it as the process in which our species will form
its society based on its biological properties. In addition, we verify a group of ideologies that respond
to the criteria of enhancement and maturation of the human being, which based on the Politics Path
described, are called extrapolitical ideologies.
These ideologies can be represented in the extrapolitical spectrum, an extension of the original one,
a model in which differences are not only biopolitical. An inclusive orientation for humanity, rational
and nondistopic, the post-politicist extrapolitics, and another dystopian excluding retro-politics,
each one of these has a consequence on the global society, the bio-socio-political inflection (orderly
and inclusive transit towards transhumanity) and the bio-socio-political singularity (a chaotic and
excluding transit towards transhumanity) respectively.
We can conclude that any extrapolitical ideology must overcome the staticist or bioconservative
ideologies through a moral dialogism and a dialogical synthesis of politics so that once applied and
achieved the bio-socio-political inflection a transpolitical dialogism takes place, a process in which
Homo Logos proposals are fed with extrapolitics to overcome that transitory and intermediate state
between politics and suprapolitics and repeat the road towards the achievement of a post-human
and post-political state.
Having exposed all of the above, it is imperative to formulate and propose a post-politicist
extrapolitic ideology common to the world from those related to the transhumanist philosophy, as
well as its diffusion and the grouping of supporters for its proposal and application in different
countries under one common direction. Otherwise, the application of policies under a conventional
political regime could open the doors to a dystopian scenario, a global bio-socio-political singularity.
Graphic 10
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The issue of climate change has been gaining widespread attention and concern as it has the ability to directly/indirectly affect our standard of living and quality of life. It has often been postulated that changes in climate would have a vast effect on food production systems and that food security might be threatened due to increasing climate change. However, it seems that research on climate change and food in/security has often been one-sided; with climate change being identified as the cause of food insecurity and not how the systems in place to ensure food security have exacerbated the issue of climate change. This paper thus seeks to give a more balanced view and thus understanding of the complex relationship between climate change and food security by critically examining both systems.
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For a long time, scientists have tried to describe disorders just by genetic or environmental factors. However, the role of epigenetics in human diseases has been considered from a half of century ago. In the last decade, this subject has attracted many interests, especially in complicated disorders such as behavior plasticity, memory, cancer, autoimmune disease, and addiction as well as neurodegenerative and psychological disorders. This review first explains the history and classification of epigenetic modifications, and then the role of epigenetic in biology and connection between the epigenetics and environment are explained. Furthermore, the role of epigenetics in human diseases is considered by focusing on some diseases with some complicated features, and at the end, we have given the future perspective of this field. The present review article provides concepts with some examples to reveal a broad view of different aspects of epigenetics in biology and human diseases.
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This paper suggests a cognitive approach to the Asclepius cult which may throw light on the supplicants’ personal experiences of healing during the ritual of incubation. In particular, the possibility of healing at the Asclepius sanctuaries is presented as a potential result of the patients’ placebo responses. The prerequisites of placebo effect as determined by Nicholas Humphrey are traced in the wider social and conceptual contexts of Greek antiquity and the specific religious context of the Asclepius cult. In this framework, it is argued that personal experiences of people, social information about the Asclepius’ healing powers and the confirmation of this information by human doctors would have influenced how people “lived” an illness or a disease infliction, “appropriated” the religious beliefs in Asclepius, and experienced cures at the asclepieia. These cures could have derived from patients’ self-healing mechanisms, but would have been perceived and conceptualized as “healing miracles” performed by the god. This preliminary study intends to show how cognitive approaches can enrich historical knowledge on the Asclepius cult and on supplicants’ healing experiences, suggesting that such approaches may contribute to a better understanding of “lived religion” and of multiple religious experiences in various religious contexts.
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PRÓLOGO La Universidad enfrenta un reto singular. En la actualidad su papel como proveedor de contenido ya no puede considerarse suficiente, simplemente porque el internet ofrece muchas fuentes en constante actualización, situación que lamentablemente no garantiza que la información ahí contenida sea veraz ni de calidad. En ese sentido, las instituciones de educación superior deben procurar que sus cursos utilicen como bibliografía material que califique como Recurso Educativo Abierto (Open Educational Resource), elaborado por especialistas y diseñado para mantenerse vigente. Para lograr lo antes expuesto, los autores de esta obra presentan una propuesta de libro de texto universitario de “Introducción a la Ciencia de los Polímeros” dirigido a alumnos de nivel licenciatura. Para facilitar su distribución se planteó que su edición fuera en formato digital (PDF y HTML) y totalmente gratuita. Con el objetivo de que este libro pudiera ser considerado Recurso Educativo Abierto, se integró con material original y otros elementos con licencias de sus respectivos autores para ser reutilizados sin fines comerciales. Finalmente, editorial CUCEI abrió un canal de comunicación permanente a través de redes sociales (@eCUCEI), con el que se pretende dar seguimiento a los comentarios, dudas y sugerencias que realicen los lectores. Esa retroalimentación se hará llegar a los autores con el fin de mejorar y mantener vigente la información que integra este trabajo. Dr. Pedro Ortega Gudiño (@DrGudinho) Compilador Administrador de la cuenta @eCUCEI
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The birth of new genes is an important motor of evolutionary innovation. Whereas many new genes arise by gene duplication, others originate at genomic regions that do not contain any gene or gene copy. Some of these newly expressed genes may acquire coding or non-coding functions and be preserved by natural selection. However, it is yet unclear which is the prevalence and underlying mechanisms of de novo gene emergence. In order to obtain a comprehensive view of this process we have performed in-depth sequencing of the transcriptomes of four mammalian species, human, chimpanzee, macaque and mouse, and subsequently compared the assembled transcripts and the corresponding syntenic genomic regions. This has resulted in the identification of over five thousand new transcriptional multiexonic events in human and/or chimpanzee that are not observed in the rest of species. By comparative genomics we show that the expression of these transcripts is associated with the gain of regulatory motifs upstream of the transcription start site (TSS) and of U1 snRNP sites downstream of the TSS. We also find that the coding potential of the new genes is higher than expected by chance, consistent with the presence of protein-coding genes in the dataset. Using available human tissue proteomics and ribosome profiling data we identify several de novo genes with translation evidence. These genes show significant purifying selection signatures, indicating that they are probably functional. Taken together, the data supports a model in which frequently-occurring new transcriptional events in the genome provide the raw material for the evolution of new proteins.
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Este artículo revisa el trabajo de Mijail Bajtín, un autor que se ha transformado en referencial para las Ciencias Sociales contemporáneas. Es así, que se abordan algunas de sus propuestas conceptuales más relevantes tales como las nociones de enunciación, dialogismo, responsividad, géneros discursivos y heteroglosia, en el marco de una teoría centrada en el acontecimiento y en la actividad. A partir de esta revisión se discuten algunos efectos que estos conceptos tienen para la consideración de sujeto y de lo social como objetos de la teoría e investigación en ciencias sociales.
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Creemos que buena parte de los males del pasado siglo son consecuencia de la dialéctica como ideología o como mentalidad; y que la mejor forma de superar la actual crisis (filosófica, ética, económica, cultural, etc.) es proponer un nuevo estilo de pensar que permita al hombre una mejor comprensión de sí mismo y de sus posibilidades de desarrollo personal y comunitario. Un momento importante en esa tarea exige clarificar los dos conceptos sobre los que pivota este artículo: la dialéctica y la dialógica.
Religious groups have long cultivated ritualistic practices such as prayer, fasting, and religious holidays. According to Wood (in press), religious rituals may strengthen people’s capacity for self-control and enhance their social standing. In this view, the psychological benefits from religious rituals derive from the effortfult nature of such rituals. We suggest, however, that religious rituals may facilitate not only effortful self-control among their practitioners, but also implicit forms of self-regulation, and improve the alignment between explicit and implicit processes. Through these multiple routes, religious rituals may function as tools for adaptive self-regulation.