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Large-scale agricultural investments trigger direct and indirect land use change: New evidence from the Nacala corridor, Mozambique

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Land Use Science

Abstract and Figures

The Nacala corridor in Mozambique is one of the main host regions for large-scale agricultural investments (LAIs) in Africa. LAI companies produce crops for export, with scarcely known impacts on small-scale farmers and the environment. We conducted 101 interviews with small-scale farmers living near an LAI to elicit their perceptions of the LAI’s impacts on their own land use and the environment. Additionally, we used remote sensing to assess land use change between 2000 and 2015 in two study areas in Guruè and Monapo districts. The results show that LAIs caused deforestation both directly and indirectly. The main environmental impact perceived by farmers was that LAIs had blocked their access to rivers. Positive spillovers did occur, but could not compensate for the negative impacts experienced. A peaceful coexistence of LAIs and small-scale farmers in the Nacala corridor is only possible if existing injustices around the occupation of land are resolved.
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Large-scale agricultural investments trigger direct and indirect land use
change: New evidence from the Nacala corridor, Mozambique
Julie G. Zaehringera,*, Ali Atumaneb, Sibylle Bergera and Sandra Eckerta
a Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Hallerstrasse 10, 3012
Bern, Switzerland;,
b Faculty of Agriculture, Catholic University of Cuamba, Cuamba, Mozambique;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +41-31-631-88-69; ORCiD:
0000-0002-3253-5128; Twitter: @julie_gwen
Large-scale agricultural investments trigger direct and indirect land use
change: New evidence from the Nacala corridor, Mozambique
The Nacala corridor in Mozambique is one of the main host regions for large-scale agricultural
investments (LAIs) in Africa. LAI companies produce crops for export, with scarcely known
impacts on small-scale farmers and the environment. We conducted 101 interviews with small-
scale farmers living near an LAI to elicit their perceptions of the LAI’s impacts on their own land
use and the environment. Additionally, we used remote sensing to assess land use change between
2000 and 2015 in two study areas in Guruè and Monapo districts. The results show that LAIs
caused deforestation both directly and indirectly. The main environmental impact perceived by
farmers was that LAIs had blocked their access to rivers. Positive spillovers did occur, but could
not compensate for the negative impacts experienced. A peaceful coexistence of LAIs and small-
scale farmers in the Nacala corridor is only possible if existing injustices around the occupation
of land are resolved.
Keywords: Nacala corridor; indirect land use change; displacement; deforestation; large-scale
agricultural investments; spillovers
Word Count: 7,531
The 2008 food price crisis drew investors’ attention to what was widely perceived as a vast
resource of “idle” or “underused” land in Africa (The World Bank, 2011). Today, large-scale
agricultural investments cover about 10 million hectares of African farmland (Nolte,
Chamberlain, & Giger, 2016). In theory, such investments can benefit host countries by
improving their overall agricultural production, and local populations by alleviating poverty
(Collier & Dercon, 2014; Smaller, Speller, Mirza, Bernasconi-Osterwalder, & Dixie, 2015). In
reality, however, few of them have held these promises (Breu et al., 2016; White, Jr, Hall,
Scoones, & Wolford, 2012).
Mozambique is one of the main host countries for international agricultural investments in
Africa (Nolte et al., 2016). After independence from Portugal in 1975, the country adopted a
socialist development ideology, promoting collectivization as well as state-owned farms to
foster development of the agricultural sector. The failure of this model was an important factor
contributing to the outbreak of a civil war lasting from 1977 to 1992. The war inflicted massive
losses on the cash crop sector, forcing many farmers back into subsistence agriculture, and
destroyed much of cattle production as well as basic infrastructure. Towards the end of the war,
Mozambique joined the structural adjustment programmes of the International Monetary Fund
and the World Bank (Hofmann, 2013). With the transition towards a liberalized market
economy, the country, and especially the agricultural sector, became highly dependent on aid
(Cabral, 2009; De Renzio & Hanlon, 2007). Reforms of the agricultural sector were supported
by the European Union (EU), the World Bank, the United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Danish
International Development Agency (DANIDA). Nevertheless, the country still faces a deficit
in food production and strongly relies on imports (Amanor & Chichava, 2016). Despite policy
frameworks aimed at strengthening family farming, the emphasis has clearly shifted towards
seeking foreign investments into large-scale agriculture. The government attracts investors by
enabling them to acquire secure land use and benefit rights, known as Direito de Uso e
Aproveitamento da Terra (DUAT) (German, Cavane, Sitoe, & Braga, 2016). Under the New
Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition of the G8, which was proposed by the government of
the United States and signed by many states and multilateral institutions, a Framework
Agreement was signed with Mozambique. At the national level, this subsequently translated
into national public policy favouring agricultural investments (UNAC & GRAIN, 2015).
Emerging growth corridors like the Nacala corridor (Di Matteo & Schoneveld, 2016) are part
of the government’s Strategic Plan for the Development of the Agricultural Sector 2011–2020
(PEDSA) (Republica de Moçambique, Ministério da Agricultura, 2011) as well as the National
Investment Plan for the Agricultural Sector 2013–2017 (PNISA) (Republica de Moçambique,
Ministério da Agricultura, 2013). The Nacala corridor is one of four planned corridors within
the African Agricultural Growth Corridor initiative announced at the World Economic Forum
in 2009 (Ikegami, 2015). Its prestige project ProSAVANA, backed by Japanese and Brazilian
investors, was considerably slowed down after Brazilian investors realized that most land was
actually farmed by small-scale farmers and that land rights were rather strong (Wise, 2014);
and also due to widespread protests by a coalition of Mozambican and international NGOs
(Shankland & Gonçalves, 2016). However, in 2016, the project’s implementing bodies released
the draft of their master plan (Cooperação Triangular para o Desenvolvimento Agrário da
Savana Tropical em Moçambique, 2016), and according to the most recent news, ProSAVANA
activities are underway despite continued strong opposition (No to ProSavana Campaign,
2018). Overall, between 2002 and 2013, almost 500 agricultural investments were approved in
Mozambique; of these, 30% were operational in 2013 (Di Matteo & Schoneveld, 2016). Many
of these projects have led to the displacement of farmersdespite the new land law, which
grants local people the right to any land they have been farming for more than 10 years. In
several cases, investors met with strong resistance from farmers and civil rights organizations
(Norfolk & Hanlon, 2012; UNAC & GRAIN, 2015). Displacement of land users seems to be a
very common phenomenon, despite the fact that Mozambique is recognized as having one of
the most progressive land laws in Africa, which in the absence of formal titling treats customary
land rights with the same respect as it does other land rights (German et al., 2016).
The land that investors target in Mozambique is mostly covered by mosaics of forest, shrubland,
and farmland (Di Matteo & Schoneveld, 2016). The establishment of large-scale farms usually
involves the clearing of land and, accordingly, the loss of important ecosystem services and
biodiversity. In addition, indirect land use changes (or “leakage effects”) occur when land uses
displaced from a given location are reallocated to another location (Bergtold, Caldas, Sant’anna,
Granco, & Rickenbrode, 2017; Lambin & Meyfroidt, 2011). The concept of indirect land use
change has been proposed to address the unintended release of greenhouse gas emissions
triggered by the expansion of cropland for biofuel production (Finkbeiner, 2014; Searchinger
et al., 2008). This is happening in the Brazilian Cerrado region, where the production of
sugarcane ethanol on existing pasture or cropland has led to the intensification of food and feed
crops on pasture and cropland and to the expansion of cropland at the expense of tree cover in
frontier areas (Barretto, Berndes, Sparovek, & Wirsenius, 2013). Apart from increasing
greenhouse gas emissions, indirect land use change can have various other impacts, such as
reduced biodiversity and altered microclimates, among others. Indirect land use change often
occurs at the global or regional scale, far from the originally displaced land use (e.g. Andrade
de Sá, Palmer, & di Falco, 2013), but it may also occur locally. Bergtold et al. (2017) found
that farmers surveyed in the Brazilian Cerrado had converted pastureland to soybean production
after this land use had been displaced by sugarcane expansion.
The existing literature on indirect land use change focuses almost exclusively on biofuel
production in South America. Although the African continent has attracted countless large-scale
agricultural investments (LAIs) for production of a wide range of crops, only few studies so far
look at the indirect land use change caused by LAIs in Africa. Exceptions include one study on
a large-scale jatropha plantation in Mozambique, which found small-scale farmers clearing
miombo woodlands for crop cultivation (von Maltitz, Gasparatos, Fabricius, Morris, & Willis,
2016). Case studies of jatropha in Ghana showed that small-scale farmers who had lost land to
jatropha companies were forced to shorten their fallow periods, with negative consequences in
terms of soil degradation (Acheampong & Campion, 2014; Schoneveld, German, & Nutakor,
2011). In Zambia, German et al. (2011) observed indirect land use change in the context of
jatropha introduction on small-scale farmers’ land, to which farmers had responded by clearing
forest areas to cultivate their displaced food crops.
The fact that Mozambique ranks 181st of 188 countries in terms of its Human Development
Index (UNDP, 2016) highlights the need for LAIs in this country to provide co-benefits for
local populations or, at the very least, to not further jeopardize their well-being. But despite the
large number of investments in Mozambique, little empirical evidence has been published on
the impacts these LAIs have on poverty alleviation, and even less on how they affect land use
and the environment (Rulli & D’Odorico, 2017). Deininger and Xia (2016) analysed data from
the agricultural census which suggest that there were some positive spillover effects from LAIs
onto neighbouring small-scale farms, for example in terms of access to inputs and employment.
A study on households’ perception of a large-scale jatropha plantation in Sofala province found
only few negative impacts of the LAI on ecosystem services and small economic benefits (von
Maltitz et al., 2016). Joala et al. (2016) reported that people living near a LAI producing
macadamia in Guruè district had lost access to streams and other natural resources. These scarce
and diverging findings suggest that we need more comprehensive studies of LAI impacts on
land use and the environment to fully grasp their implications for sustainable development.
LAIs are a prominent example of how land, especially in developing countries, is being
revalorized based on increasing global demand for food and fuel crops (Nolte et al., 2016;
Verburg et al., 2015). Our study is embedded in land system science, whose aim is to better
understand the causes of such phenomena along with their consequences in terms of land use
change (Reenberg, 2009; Turner, Lambin, & Reenberg, 2007). Achieving this aim requires
increased differentiation between causal effects and causal mechanisms. (Meyfroidt, 2015).
While remote sensing is an important means of monitoring and assessing land use and land
cover (LULC) changes (Ariti, van Vliet, & Verburg, 2015; Lambin & Geist, 2008; Rogan &
Chen, 2004; Scharsich, Mtata, Hauhs, Lange, & Bogner, 2017; Wulder et al., 2008; Zhu &
Woodcock, 2014), establishing causal links between observed LULC changes and LAIs is
difficult without more in-depth information. In this study, we therefore combined remotely
sensed data with the perceptions of small-scale farmers voiced in interviews to confirm the
causal link between selected LULC changes in the Nacala corridor and the presence of LAIs.
We specifically aimed to answer the following research questions: (1) To what degree are small-
scale farmers involved with the LAIs in their vicinity, and are there positive spillovers in terms
of knowledge and technology transfer? (2) How has land use in the surroundings of LAIs
changed over the past 20 years? (3) How has small-scale farmers’ land use changed, and is there
any evidence of indirect land use change caused by LAIs? (4) What are the overall impacts of
LAIs on the environment and social-ecological systems as perceived by small-scale farmers?
To answer these questions, we analysed data from interviews with 101 small-scale farmers
living near selected LAIs in the Nacala corridor and related those findings to LULC change
information from remotely sensed data.
Study Areas
We selected two study areas in the Nacala corridor: the districts of Monapo in the east and
Guruè in the west (Figure 1). They represent two different agroecological zones and thus
contain different types of LAIs. Together, they cover most types of agricultural investments
present in the Nacala corridor.
Guruè district in the north of Zambézia province has about 400,000 inhabitants (Joala et al.,
2016). It has a temperate climate and receives 1,400 to 2,000 mm of rainfall between October
and April (Manhique & Zucule, 2012), which is more than other parts of the province get. The
mountainous areas have been used for tea plantations the largest in Mozambique since
colonial times. The area has attracted different types of agricultural investors since around 2003
(Joala et al., 2016). Local production systems have changed tremendously since non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) and aid agencies began to promote soybeans in Guruè
district (Di Matteo, Otsuki, & Schoneveld, 2016). Today, soybeans are by far the main cash
crop grown by small-scale farmers in the district (Joala et al., 2016).
Monapo district in Nampula province had about 351,012 inhabitants in 2012 and a population
density of 99 inhabitants per square kilometre, which is about three times as high as in Guruè
(INE, 2012). The district has a semiarid to subhumid climate, with annual rainfall ranging
between 800 and 1,000 mm. The main rainy season occurs from January to March (Manhique
& Zucule, 2012). Small-scale rainfed cultivation of maize and pulses is the main economic
activity in both districts.
During fieldwork in 2016 we identified 12 companies involved in LAIs in Guruè district, of
which 10 were at least partly owned by foreign investors. We selected three of the latter for
closer investigation in the present study (Table 1, LAI1–LAI3). All three had been established
between 2009 and 2012. In Monapo we found 13 companies active in LAIs, of which five were
at least partly owned by foreigners. Here, too, we selected three companies for closer
investigation that had been established between 2007 and 2013 and were at least partly foreign-
owned (Table 1, LAI4LAI6). The selected LAIs are representative of the most recent wave of
LAIs in the Nacala corridor. In terms of market destinations of the selected LAIs’ produce,
soybeans were purchased by large poultry companies based in Nampula and Manica provinces,
while macadamia nuts were exported mainly to South Africa. Bananas were exported to Eastern
Europe, the Middle East, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia. Vegetables were produced for
local markets in Nampula and Pemba. It should be noted that LAI4 went bankrupt in March
2018 due to the Panama disease affecting its banana plants in what is the first reported incidence
of the disease in Mozambique (Hanlon, 2018).
Interviews with small-scale farmers
We interviewed a total of 101 small-scale farmers living within one (Guruè) to two (Monapo)
kilometres from one of the six LAIs. The interviews took place between October and December
2016. To select households, we created 20 random points within a one- or two-kilometre buffer
around each LAI in ArcGIS. In the field, enumerators asked the household closest to the
coordinates of a random point for permission to conduct an interview. If the household refused,
they continued to the next closest household. Between 13 and 20 small-scale farmers were
interviewed around each LAI. Interviews were held with the household member who declared
him- or herself to be most familiar with the household’s current land use activities. Overall, 85
respondents were men and 16 women. The interview guide contained open and closed questions
on three main topics: (1) general household characteristics and involvement with the LAI; (2)
perceived land use and crop management changes and their link to the LAI; (3) perceived direct
impacts of the LAI on the environment and on the household in general. Three local
enumerators conducted the interviews in Makua or in Portuguese and took notes in Portuguese
as well as audio recordings. The interview transcripts were later translated into English.
Interviews lasted around 1 hour. Qualitative information was coded by the main author and
transferred to an Excel database for statistical analysis. We calculated frequencies of responses
using the R statistical software (R Core Team, 2015). As the three LAIs in Monapo district were
located very close to each other, we decided to treat them as one case for analysis of the
interview data. Accordingly, we compared a total of four cases in the analysis.
Processing and analysis of remotely sensed data
To verify and support small-scale farmers’ perceptions regarding LULC changes in their area
and how they are linked to the establishment of the analysed LAIs, we classified the study areas’
LULC at two distinct times based on remotely sensed data and did a spatially explicit LULC
change analysis for the period in between. The intention was not to establish causal links
between the LAIs and general LULC change in the study areaswhich is not possible based
on such a change analysis but to investigate the direct impacts of LAIs on LULC and to
identify overall LULC trends in the study areas in order to put respondents’ perceptions into a
broader context.
We performed the classifications and change analysis using the Google Earth Engine cloud
computing environment. We queried the United States Geological Service (USGS) Landsat
data archive for Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System (LEDAPS)
surface reflectance products, which are already geometrically coregistered, orthorectified, and
atmospherically corrected. The products are provided with a cloud mask and a quality
assessment band. For each selected product we additionally calculated the Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).
We generated two image collections representing the situation in 2000 and in 2015. In order to
obtain cloud-free seasonal composites of surface reflectance we had to include two to four years
of imagery for each point in time. For 2000, we used imagery acquired between 1999 and 2002;
for 2015, we used data acquired between 2014 and 2016 for Guruè and between 2015 and 2016
for Monapo. This resulted in two raster data stacks representing the two study areas in the dry
season, in the wet season, and in between. Such seasonal composites representing key
phenological time windows can be helpful in separating certain land cover and land use classes
in a reliable way (Griffiths et al., 2014; Griffiths, Müller, Kuemmerle, & Hostert, 2013). A more
detailed description of the method used to generate these seasonal image collections is available
in (Eckert, Kiteme, Njuguna, & Zaehringer, 2017). We chose the year 2000 as the baseline
situation for the LULC change analysis because gap-free and monthly data for years more
immediately preceding LAI establishment were not available due to a technical failure of the
Landsat ETM+ sensor between 2002 and 2014. Nevertheless, we created dry-season composites
for 2005–2007 and did a careful visual check to make sure that no major LULC changes had
occurred before the implementation of the LAIs whose pilot phases in some cases began as
early as 2008. However, due to the reduced quality (data gaps and banding) of these 2005–2007
composites, we could not use them for the analysis of LULC change across the entire study
The field reference data required to train and validate the two LULC classifications were
collected during a field visit in September 2016. Additional reference data were digitized in
Google Earth, which offered high-resolution data captured in 2003, 2005, and 2016 for areas in
Monapo and 2006, 2015, 2016, and 2017 for areas in Guruè.
We defined LULC classes that reflect the natural vegetation cover in the two study areas, as
well as ones that reflect land covers and uses that developed with increasing human activities
in the study areas. All raster data stacks were classified using random forest (RF), an ensemble
method for supervised classification, and regression trees (CART), developed by Breiman
(2001). RF is a high-performance machine learning algorithm based on an ensemble of decision
trees. We used 1,000 trees for the RF model, and the number of selected features was set as the
square root of all features. The Gini coefficient served as the impurity criterion. The accuracy
of the resulting LULC classifications was assessed using a 10-fold cross-validation procedure
and withholding 10% of our field reference data to independently assess the accuracy of the RF
model. We calculated overall accuracy, class-wise user’s and producer’s accuracies, as well as
kappa accuracy (Congalton & Green, 2008). The overall accuracies for 2000 and 2015 range
between 87% and 92%. The kappa accuracies lie between 83% and 90%. Detailed class
accuracies for the two subsets of Monapo and Guruè are provided in Tables S1 and S2 in the
Supplementary Material. We assessed LULC change for each pixel by creating cross-tabulation
matrices for the interval from 2000 to 2015 and calculating net change within a 5 km buffer
around each LAI.
Results and Discussion
Involvement of interviewed households with LAIs
Almost half (45%) of the households interviewed (n=101) had lived at the current location since
the respondent’s birth (Table 2). Only 9% of those respondents who had not been born in the
area (n=56) had moved there because they had found employment with one of the LAI
companies; however, another 16% had moved there to look for work. This shows that the
prospects of potential employment with an LAI company have attracted a certain number of
immigrants to the Nacala corridor. All but one of the households interviewed depend on
subsistence farming (99%, n=101), and a large majority commercialize part of their crops,
selling them mainly on local markets (87%). On average, households cultivate less than three
hectares of cropland. At the time of the interviews, 22% of all households (n=101) had at least
one member working for one of the LAI companies, which shows that LAIs are a further
important source of income in the study areas. This is in line with the findings of Deininger and
Xia (2016), whose analysis of nationwide agricultural survey data confirms that the
establishment of LAIs led to job creation for small-scale farmers within a radius of 25
kilometres. Furthermore, in another 24% of households one or more household members had
worked for an LAI company in the past but had stopped doing so. This suggests that the LAI
companies in our study areas have a high fluctuation of workers. Overall, more than half (55%)
of the households interviewed (n=101) had never had a household member employed by an
LAI company. The main reason stated by respondents was the difficulty of finding a job (49%,
n=55) – especially in Monapo. This indicates a high demand for wage labour from small-scale
farmers in the Nacala corridor. However, another 22% of those who had never been employed
by an LAI company had been discouraged by the perceived bad working conditions, which
included companies firing workers for no reason, and the poor salaries paid. Only 9% preferred
to work on their own farm, mainly around LAI1, and a few respondents generally had no interest
in employment with an LAI company (6%). Among the households with one or more members
currently or previously employed by an LAI company (n=46), 59% stated that this did not affect
labour availability for their own farming activities, while 15% said it meant that they no longer
had enough labour available. One respondent said that the income from their employment with
the LAI company had enabled them to hire someone to work their own fields. Further, among
the households with a member currently or previously employed by an LAI company (n=46),
33% said that they had learned something while working for the LAI company that they found
useful for their own farm. The topics mentioned most frequently in this context were
horticultural techniques, use of chemicals, use of fertilizers, mechanized farming, and irrigation
techniques. These results indicate that positive spillovers in terms of agricultural technology
transfer seem to occur at least for some farmers employed with an LAI company.
Impacts of LAIs on LULC changes
In this section, we present small-scale farmers’ perceptions of LULC changes related to their
own land use activities and of tree cover changes in the surrounding landscapes. We relate these
perceptions to the results of our remote sensing analysis, in which we focused on both the land
of the newly established LAIs and their surroundings. While the remote sensing analysis does
not enable us to establish causal links between the LAIs and LULC changes in general, it does
shed light on the LAIs’ direct impacts on LULC and supports respondents’ claims that the LAIs
were at least partly established on previously cultivated cropland and thus contributed to
deforestation in the area. Furthermore, it enables us to put respondents’ statements about local-
level changes linked to their own land use activities into the context of overall LULC trends in
the study areas.
In our description of results, we refer to “households losing land to an LAI” and “an LAI taking
land from local households”. We have chosen this wording despite the contractual agreements
existing between the LAI companies and the government. As German et al. (2016) have shown,
non-compliance with agreed conditions of land alienation and with partnership agreements is
widespread in Mozambique, and none of the farmers we interviewed in the Nacala corridor had
participated in land negotiations or formally agreed to giving up their land. In their view, the
situation was such that they had no other choice but to cede their land to the investors.
Changes in cropland: Overall, more than 60% of the households interviewed had changed the
size of their cropland since they had started to cultivate it (Table 3). In almost all LAI cases
analysed, more households reported a decrease in cropland than an increase. However, results
from the remote sensing analysis show an overall net increase in small-scale farmers’ cropland
between 2000 and 2015 of almost 5% of the total analysed area in Guruè and Monapo (Table
4). This contradiction can be explained by the fact that our survey focused specifically on
households close to the selected LAIs, which are much more likely to have lost land to an LAI
than households located further away. The remote sensing results, on the other hand, show an
overall trend of cropland expansion in the wider landscape as it is common in most rural areas
of Sub-Saharan Africa, where small-scale farmers, in the absence of agricultural inputs, are
trying to increase production and adapt to increasing soil degradation by expanding their
cropland (IAASTD, 2009). Indeed, a study on cropland expansion across the tropics showed
that Mozambique ranked 17th of 128 countries in terms of its annual increment in cropland
between 1999 and 2008, which averaged 724 km2 and resulted almost entirely from the
expansion of annual crops (Phalan et al., 2013). The main reason stated by those respondents
who had expanded their cropland was that they had wanted to increase their overall crop
production; only two respondents near LAI1 said they had had to expand their cropland in order
to be able to leave part of the land fallow (Table 3). Two thirds of the households who had
expanded their cropland had done so at the expense of forest, whereas the remaining third used
existing crop- or bushland (Table 3). This shows that cropland expansion by small-scale farmers
remains an important direct cause of deforestation in our study areas.
More than 90% of those households who had experienced a net decrease in cropland (n=47)
stated that this was because their land had been taken by the nearby LAI. This means that the
land was still used for crop production but was now farmed by one of the LAI companies instead
of small-scale farmers. Only one of the respondents who reported a decrease in cropland had
passed cropland on to his son, who had converted it into a cashew plantation (Table 3).
Land use displacement: Overall, about half of all interviewed households had lost land to one
of the LAIs. Their proportion was particularly high around LAI2 and LAI3 in the Guruè study
area, where around three quarters of the interviewed households were affected. Households had
lost more than 3 ha on average across all cases, and one household had lost as much as 25 ha to
one of the soy-producing LAIs in the Guruè study area (Table 3). Eight of those households
who reported no change or an overall increase in cropland had also lost cropland to one of the
LAIs but had been able to replace it with an equivalent or even larger area of land elsewhere.
The remote sensing analysis confirmed these statements, showing that the analysed LAIs
occupied 3,917 hectares of what had previously been small-scale cropland. This corresponds to
55% of the LAIstotal surface (Table 5). Especially LAI2 in Guruè and LAI4, LAI5, and LAI6
in Monapo were almost entirely established on previous small-scale farmerscropland. The
establishment of LAI2 had involved the conversion of almost 2,000 hectares of small-scale
cropland fertile land that had used to be a cereal plantation in colonial times into soya
plantations, which corresponds to 85% of the LAI’s surface (Figure 2, Table 5). This illustrates
Mozambique’s complex land use history after the country’s independence, when Portuguese
colonial estates were turned into state farms. Due to mismanagement and insecurity during the
civil war, many of them collapsed and were gradually occupied by small-scale farmers (often
former state farm workers). Many of these farmers were legally entitled to the land, as they had
occupied it in good faith for more than 10 years; but with the arrival of the investors, who had
applied for and had been granted a DUAT by the government, the farmers were nonetheless
expelled from the land (Cabral & Norfolk, 2016). In Monapo, the increase in monoculture
banana plantationsbelonging to LAI4, which became operational in 2007 constituted the
largest positive net change (1,437 ha) in all analysed LULC classes in that case study area
(Table 4). As much as 80% of the three analysed LAIs in Monapo were established on previous
small-scale farmers’ cropland (Figure 3, Table 5). This indicates that although only about 40%
of interviewed households in Monapo reported having lost land to one of the LAIs, it is likely
that many more households shared the same experience. While small-scale cropland was the
largest overall source of land for the LAIs in our study, another 39% of their area had previously
been forest and bushland (2,797 ha), and the remaining 6% had mainly been natural wetlands
(454 ha). Particularly LAI1 and LAI3 were to a large extent established on previously forested
land. Nevertheless, the establishment of LAI1 had involved the conversion of 301 hectares of
small-scale cropland into soya plantations, while LAI3 had converted 271 hectares of small-
scale cropland into macadamia plantations and mechanically irrigated crop farming (Figure 2).
In sum, the results from our LULC change analysis show that in all four cases analysed, the
LAIs had partly been established on land previously cultivated by small-scale farmers. This
refutes the assumption made by government and development actors that LAIs bring idle land
into production (Deininger & Byerlee, 2011). In fact, as we will see in the following paragraphs,
it is the small-scale farmers who lost their land to LAIs who have had to search for new, so-
called “idle” land and make it arable.
In theory, the Territorial Planning Law (Law 19/2007) provides for the payment of “just
compensation” for the loss of standing crops or trees (Cabral & Norfolk, 2016). However, our
results show that not even half of the households who had lost land to one of the LAIs had
received any kind of compensation. This depended highly on the specific LAI company
involved. In the cases of LAI1 and LAI2, all households had received some small
compensation; according to respondents near LAI1, it had been calculated based on the number
of trees on their land. Only two respondents near LAI3, and only one respondent near the three
LAIs in Monapo had received anything in exchange for their cropland. Nevertheless, more than
60% of those households who had lost land to one of the LAIs had managed to acquire new
cropland (Table 3). However, households who had lost land to an LAI still ended up with an
average 1.8 (± 3.4) ha less cropland than before (n=48). Overall, 75% of households who had
lost land to an LAI had experienced a net reduction in cropland.
A little more than 60% of those households who had acquired new cropland after having lost
land to an LAI had established this new cropland in forest, clearing 3 (±2) ha of trees on average
(n=17). The remaining households used existing crop- or bushland. In the case of LAI3, an
important part of indirect land use change occurred on a forest patch directly adjacent to the
LAIs southern boundary (Figure 2). During a field visit in September 2016, small-scale farmers
who had been displaced from their land by LAI3 showed us this patch. It consisted of miombo
woodland that these farmers were now clearing in order to establish new cropland (Figure 4).
This is in line with the remote sensing analysis, which showed that 91% of all new small-scale
cropland in the study areas was established at the expense of forest (Table 5). The findings from
the interviews indicate that part of this deforestation can be attributed to the LAIs, whose
establishment displaced small-scale farmers, leaving them with little other choice than to clear
new land in forested areas. LAI implementation thus contributed to an existing substantial trend
of small-scale farmers expanding their cropland at the expense of forest. In other words, by
occupying small-scale farmers’ cropland, the LAIs further heightened the already considerable
pressure from agricultural production on the region’s natural ecosystems, thereby likely
reducing important ecosystem services. In addition, some of the LAIs we examined also
contributed to deforestation directly, by converting previously forested lands into monoculture
plantations. Deforestation of miombo woodlands as a consequence of land use displacement
has also been reported in the case of a large-scale jatropha farm in Sofala province (von Maltitz
et al., 2016), but our study is one of few that confirm such processes of indirect deforestation
outside the biofuel sector and for several LAIs.
When asked about the difference between their new cropland and the cropland they had lost to
the LAI, most households in all four cases reported that the newly acquired cropland had a
lower soil quality than the land they had lost. Two households near LAI2 said that their new
cropland was located in a depression and therefore risked being flooded during the rainy season.
Another household mentioned that the new land was full of tree trunks, which made it difficult
to prepare the soil. One household near the Monapo LAIs said that the new cropland was further
away from the river and hence the source of irrigation water. This means that these farmers had
not only had to invest labour into clearing new cropland, but likely now also faced lower
production due to inferior land quality. Schoneveld et al. (2011) reported a similar finding for
land users in Ghana who had lost their land to a foreign biofuel company. Nevertheless, it
should also be noted that two of our respondents perceived their new land to be of better quality
than the land they had lost.
Changes in forest and tree cover: Three quarters of all households interviewed perceived a
decrease in the landscape’s tree cover (Table 3). It is worth noting, however, that 18% of these
respondents (n=77) referred to timber or fruit tree plantations (mainly mango trees) rather than
natural forest. The remaining respondents did not perceive any change in tree cover, with the
exception of one respondent in the Monapo study area, who said the tree cover had increased.
Most households stated that the decrease was due to cropland expansion; few said it was due to
people cutting down trees for construction and other uses, or generally to population growth.
However, about 12% of the respondents in Monapo said that the LAI companies had cut down
trees, and one household near LAI2 mentioned that the LAI company had cut trees for
construction. It appears that respondents around LAI1 and LAI3 were hardly aware that these
LAIs had been established almost exclusively on previously forested land, as shown by our
remote sensing analysis. Overall, the remote sensing analysis revealed that between 2000 and
2015 more than 14,000 ha of forest and bushland (8.43% of the overall study area in Guruè and
Monapo) were lost within and outside the analysed LAIs (Table 4). Only a little more than half
of the respondents perceived that there was actually still some natural tree cover left in the
landscape (Table 3).
Perceived direct impacts of LAIs on the environment and on households
In this section, we examine the overall perceived impacts of the LAIs on the environment and
on households. For the majority of households interviewed (60%, n=100) the LAIs had had
exclusively negative impacts. Only 12% of respondents (n=100) stated that the LAI in their
vicinity had had exclusively positive impacts on households. Another 15% reported positive
and negative impacts, while 13% had experienced no impacts at all. Perceptions differed widely
between the six LAIs. While 71% (n=52) of respondents in Monapo perceived the three LAIs
there to have had negative impacts, 43% of households near the soya-producing LAI1 in Guruè
(n=14) perceived positive impacts and 29% perceived no impacts at all (Figure 5).
The two main positive impacts, each mentioned by 8% of respondents (n=100), were an
increase in employment opportunities and improved infrastructure. Around LAI1, other
important positive impacts included the fact that the LAI sells crops to the surrounding
communities (14%, n=14) and that it provides amenities (7%, n=14) or medicine (7%, n=14) to
workers. The main negative impacts of LAIs were that they had occupied farmers’ land (36%,
n=100), that they mistreated workers (17%), and that they blocked peoples footpaths (16%) or
access to rivers (11%) and forests (7%). None of these negative impacts applied around LAI1,
and the mistreatment of workers was only an issue around the three LAIs in Monapo.
The main reason for the negative perception of LAIs is that they were largely established on
small-scale farmers’ land. Many land users had started to cultivate new land when they settled
back in the area after the 16-year civil war. Losing this land to an LAI twenty years later must
have had a profound impact on their lives. As Norfolk and Hanlon (2012) show, in some cases
land users had been promised new land and support for agricultural production but had never
received it. Widespread resentment at the loss of land also explains the large number of conflicts
reported by the respondents in our study.
When we asked respondents directly whether the LAI had had any impact on the environment,
36% said yes. This was mostly the case around LAI2, where 55% of respondents (n=20)
reported environmental impacts. The main environmental impact across both study areas,
mentioned by 12% of respondents (n=95), was that the LAIs had blocked their access to water
sources. This had occurred around several of the LAIs and confirms the common assumption
and findings from other studies that many LAIs occupy not only land but also water resources
(Breu et al., 2016; Smaller et al., 2015; Woodhouse, 2012; Zaehringer, Wambugu, Kiteme, &
Eckert, 2018). Air pollution (5%) and water pollution from pesticides (4%) were the second
and third most common environmental impacts mentioned.
A total 31% of respondents (n=100) stated that the LAI in their vicinity had had an impact on
people’s health. This was by far most prominent around the soya-producing LAI2, where 58%
of respondents (n=19) said so. The main issues around this LAI were air pollution (26%, n=19),
followed by cold and diarrhoea (21%). The problem of aerial pesticide spraying by LAI1 and
its impacts on neighbouring farmers crops and people’s health was also reported by
Mandamule (2016) and UNAC and GRAIN (2015). Other issues mentioned by two or fewer
respondents included hypertension due to stress over cropland loss, respiratory problems,
infectious diseases, muscle pain, and lack of help when people fell ill. However, these were
mentioned by respondents near one of the LAIs in Guruè where the issue of land loss appeared
to be particularly conflictive, so the perception of health impacts may have been influenced by
these land conflicts. Single respondents also reported positive impacts of LAIs on health, such
as better nutrition, improved health infrastructure, and increased food supply.
As many as 42% of all respondents (n=101) said that the LAI had improved infrastructure in
their community. This was particularly pronounced around LAI1 (67%, n=15), where the two
main infrastructure projects were school buildings (57%, n=15) and a hospital (43%). However,
a working paper by Cabral and Norfolk (2016) reports these projects to have failed. We have
not been able to establish whether the buildings had actually been under construction at the time
of our interviews or whether our respondents had mentioned them in anticipation of future
benefits. Respondents in the Monapo study area (n=52) also highlighted improved water supply
(23%), a hospital (20%) although they said it was not operational and school buildings
Conflicts between communities and LAI companies were very widespread, with 78% of all
respondents mentioning them. The majority of respondents around all LAIs except LAI1
confirmed that conflicts between the communities and the LAI companies were ongoing. Only
few respondents specified the types of conflicts; they included conflicts over water, over
compensation for lost land, over the closure of access to land, and others. When asked whether
they would generally prefer the LAI in their vicinity to stay or to leave, 54% of all respondents
(n=101) wished for the LAI to leave. These results show that the perceived positive impacts on
infrastructure around some of the LAIs as well as the income opportunities the LAIs provided
could not make up for small-scale farmers’ loss of land and access to natural resources. Only
around LAI1 did a majority of respondents (73%, n=15) wish for the LAI to remain. This is
rather surprising, as reports of ongoing conflicts between the company running LAI1 and
neighbouring land users are common (Mandamule, 2016; UNAC & GRAIN, 2015). The reason
for this difference in findings remains unclear. We assume that either our respondents’ views
do not reflect those of the overall population, or the conflicts have been mitigated or solved in
the meantime. Nevertheless, this finding suggests that a beneficial coexistence of LAIs and
small-scale farmers is possible in the Nacala corridor if small-scale farmers perceive the
benefits from LAIs to outweigh the costs.
With this study, we add important empirical evidence to a scarce but growing body of literature
on the impacts of LAIs on small-scale farmers in developing countries. Establishing causal links
between the establishment of an LAI and land use change in the surrounding area by means of
remote sensing and spatial analysis alone is challenging. Our interdisciplinary assessment,
which combines in-depth qualitative case studies with quantitative information on land cover
and land use change from earth observation data, is in line with the aim of land system science
to shed light on the context-specific causes and consequences of land use change. Our evidence
of small-scale farmers’ cropland being displaced into forest and thus of indirect land use
changes due to LAIs is an important contribution to an understudied but increasingly relevant
dimension of land system science (Liu et al., 2018; Meyfroidt, Lambin, Erb, & Hertel, 2013).
In this respect, we wish to underline the need for impact assessments of LAIs to become more
holistic and include direct and indirect impacts in all dimensions of sustainability. Considering
economic impacts alone does not do justice to the highly complex social-ecological systems in
Our study shows that LAIs producing food crops for international and national markets in the
Mozambican Nacala development corridor have manifold impacts on the lives of local small-
scale farmers, land use, and the surrounding landscapes.
First, the establishment of LAIs in the Nacala corridor of Mozambique has caused many small-
scale farmers to lose cropland that was essential to their livelihoods. In this highly poverty- and
disaster-prone rural context, with people still recovering from decades of civil war, land is by
far the most important asset for most rural households. Although a number of households in our
study received some small compensation for their loss of cropland from the respective LAI
companies, this was just a drop in the ocean compared to the true value of the land. Besides
having lost land to an LAI, many small-scale farmers also complained that the LAIs had blocked
their access to water sources and their footpaths. The fact that many Mozambican small-scale
farmers lost access to land and water and experienced a reduction in the size and quality of their
cropland as a result of claims on land for the production of food and animal feed crops that
serve demands by predominantly urban populations in developed countries raises important
questions of social and environmental justice (Martinez-Alier, Temper, Bene, & Scheidel,
2016) that require further exploration.
Second, besides this direct negative socio-economic impact on farmers’ livelihoods, an
important indirect consequence of LAIs established on previous small-scale cropland is the
displacement of small-scale farmers’ land uses into previously forested areas, which can
severely compromise the ecological sustainability of the respective LAIs. The indirect land use
changes induced by LAIs in the Nacala corridor add to the existing trend of cropland expansion
and put further pressure on the biodiversity-rich miombo woodlands (Chirwa, Syampungani, &
Geldenhuys, 2008) in this area. Furthermore, several LAI companies contributed to
deforestation directly by clearing woody vegetation themselves. This suggests that future
environmental impact assessments need to consider both direct and indirect effects of LAIs on
the environment.
Third, many local households expressed a strong wish for employment with LAI companies.
Job opportunities exist but are insufficient and unstable. Positive spillovers in terms of the
transfer of knowledge about agricultural practices from LAIs were reported by some of the
respondents who had worked for one of the LAI companies; and some of the LAI companies
had invested in infrastructure for the surrounding communities. Nevertheless, small-scale
farmers’ overall perception of LAIs was mostly negative, and many of them wished for the
LAIs to abandon their operations in the Nacala corridor. This conflictive situation can probably
only be improved if the existing injustices around the occupation of land are resolved through
fair compensation and adequate support of small-scale farmers by LAI companies and the
Fourth, our results show that a progressive land law alone cannot guarantee that private
investments in land automatically contribute to poverty alleviation and sustainable
development. As land system scientists who see themselves as change agents and wish to
advance transformations towards sustainability, we believe it is vital to foster exchanges on an
equal footing and social learning among the different actors involved in and affected by LAIs.
Only through jointly negotiated transformative actions can Mozambique’s progressive land law
lead towards more sustainable development in the Nacala corridor that would benefit small-
scale farmers, LAI companies, and the environment all at once. This is especially important in
view of future ProSAVANA activities, which might aggravate the situation for small-scale
farmers and the environment in the Nacala corridor unless sustainability considerations are
taken seriously.
The research for this publication was conducted as part of the BELMONT Forum and FACCE–
JPI project “African Food, Agriculture, Land and Natural Resource Dynamics, in the context
of global agro-food-energy system changes (AFGROLAND)” (Grant Number:
40FA40_160405). The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the French
National Research Agency, and the South African National Research Foundation. We are
grateful to the 101 respondents who took the time to answer our questions, and to the research
assistants who conducted the interviews. We thank Magalie Bourblanc for sharing her
knowledge on investment policies in Mozambique. We also thank Marlène Thibault for
copyediting our manuscript and the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive and useful
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cover using all available Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 144, 152–171.
Table 1: Characteristics of LAIs and numbers of household interviews conducted. Sources: own
data; UNAC and GRAIN (2015); Joala et al. (2016); Triangular Cooperation for Agricultural
Development of the Tropical Savannah in Mozambique (2012).
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
District Guruè Guruè Guruè Monapo Monapo Monapo
produced Soy, rice,
maize Soy, maize Macadamia,
maize Banana Soy Vegetables
countries of
, Brazil
Netherlands South Africa Mauritius/
Norway South Africa Mauritius
water sources Information
unavailable No irrigation River River River Artificial
8001000 10001200 12001400 10001200 10001200 10001200
2012 2009 2012 2007 2013 2012
Numbers of
15 20 14 19 20 13
Table 2: General information on households and their involvement with LAIs. Values indicate
per cent of respondents per case and overall unless indicated otherwise.
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
2.7 (1.9)
2.3 (1.8)
3 (2.3)
1.8 (1.8)
2.8 (1.8)
Table 3: Small-scale farmers’ statements regarding net changes in the size of their cropland,
displacement of their land uses by LAIs, and perceived changes in tree cover in the LAIs’
surroundings. Values indicate per cent of respondents per case and overall unless indicated
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
3.2 (4)
3.0 (1.8)
5.9 (6.4)
1.3 (0.6)
2.1 (1.2)
-1.8 (3.4)
-1.8 (1.8)
-3.7 (5.5)
-1.0 (0.7)
-0.7 (2)
Table 4: Net changes in main LULC classes observed by means of remote sensing. Percentages
present net changes as a share of the total area analysed per case or overall, respectively.
Net changes
Overall Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
(ha) (%) (ha) (%) (ha) (%) (ha) (%)
Tea (LAI)
Soya (LAI)
Mech. irrig.
agri. (LAI)
Sisal (LAI)
Banana (LAI)
Mech. irrig. agri. = Mechanically irrigated agriculture (pivot irrigation)
Table 5: Land use changes to LAI and to small-scale cropland as percentage of the new cropland
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Land use change to
(LAI area:
7,166 ha)
(LAI area:
2,190 ha)
(LAI area:
2,321 ha)
(LAI area:
949 ha)
(LAI area:
1,706 ha)
Forest to LAI
Other to LAI
Land use change to
small-scale cropland
(New SSC
area: 21,084)
(New SSC
area: 4,941 ha)
(New SSC area:
5,972 ha)
(New SSC area:
5,611 ha)
(New SSC area:
4,560 ha)
Forest to SSC
Other to SSC
SSC = small-scale cropland
Figure 1: Overview of the Nacala corridor and location of the study areas.
Figure 2: LULC classification maps and change maps of the Guruè study area. The three
investigated LAIs are illustrated separately, with (a) showing LAI1, (b) LAI2, and (c) LAI3.
The change maps indicate only the most important class changes.
Figure 3: LULC classification maps and change map of the Monapo study area. The change
map indicates only the most important class changes.
Figure 4: Indirect land use change due to the displacement of small-scale farmers’ cropland into
forest triggered by the establishment of LAI3, illustrated by (a) a photo taken in September
2016 (by first author) and an excerpt from the Landsat scenes for (b) 2000 and (c) 2015.
Figure 5. Perceived direct impacts of LAIs on (a) households, (b) the environment, (c) people’s
health, (d) infrastructure, and (e) conflicts, as well as (f) overall preference of households for
LAI companies to remain or leave; all expressed as percentages of households reporting impacts
or no impacts (a–e) or a certain preference (f).
... The civil war that lasted from 1977 to 1992 devastated Mozambique and was one key factor for the current socio-economic situation. To escape from guerrilla activities, people moved from rural areas to urban centers, resulting in an accelerated urbanization, and large parts of the country were almost inhabited, with the following consequences [4,5]: marked reduction in cash crop sector; many farmers returned to subsistence agriculture; reductions in cattle production; and, lost of basic infrastructure. After the civil war, people resisted to return to former farmers and resume subsistence farming close to urban centers [4]. ...
... ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 22 January 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202401.1542.v15 ...
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Mozambique is one of the poorest countries of the world. However, it has natural resources and if they are managed under sustainable development principles, Mozambique can overcome the current problems. In the present socioeconomic status, soil is one of its most important resources and must be protected from pollution and from degradation. This review focuses on the identification and discussion of the main soil quality stressors, namely: soil fertility; deforestation and its sources: agriculture, timber harvesting, charcoal production and uncontrolled fires; mining activities, manly gold artisanal explorations and industrial open-pit coal mining. The sustainable use of the natural resources is mandatory to allow future generations to continue profiting for this nature-based wealth.
... The agricultural sector contributes significantly to environmental issues such as land use, climate change, acidification, eutrophication, and ecotoxicity [1][2][3][4]. A large share of these environmental impacts is connected to food production [5]. ...
... Thus, it is important to consider the influence of these factors in order to interpret results accurately [33,34]. Traditionally, the inclusion of iLUC has been primarily limited to biofuels and energy crops, with relatively less emphasis on agricultural products [4,35]. Since land is a limited resource in constant demand, utilizing land for agricultural purposes can trigger iLUC, such as converting land to grow energy crops or displacing one crop with another. ...
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Increasing legume intake through dietary diversification confers nutritional and environmental benefits. This study used life cycle assessment to evaluate the environmental impacts of producing frozen green peas from conventional and organic farming. We explored two ways of treating farm data: modeling each farm (baseline) and using a uniform distribution of each farm parameter’s average, maximum, and minimum values (alternative). We also assessed the indirect land-use change (iLUC) impacts by applying a deterministic model and used the EF 3.0 method to estimate the midpoint environmental impacts. The results of the two scenarios for pea cultivation (including iLUC) showed notable differences in absolute terms with minor discrepancies in the contribution analysis (e.g., climate change (CC) for the baseline and alternative were 0.98 and 2.09 kg CO2 eq./kg fresh peas, respectively). Generally, conventional peas had a higher environmental impact than organic peas, although this was not uniformly observed across all farms. When included, iLUC accounted for nearly half of the CC score. Pea cultivation was the most impactful phase due to emissions from fertilizers and field operations. The impacts of pea production can be reduced by anaerobic digestion of pea residues with energy and nutrient recycling. However, improvements in processing and nitrogen use efficiency could significantly enhance the overall environmental performance of frozen green peas. In summary, this study emphasizes the need for sustainable practices to minimize the environmental impact of frozen pea production.
... A similar global study of different land investment types found that oil palm, wood fiber, and tree plantations are associated with enhanced forest loss while forests within logging and mining concessions have experienced mixed outcomes [43]. Other work has evaluated land use changes associated with land investments (within and outside concession areas) in Mozambique and Kenya and found that land deals have driven deforestation and excluded smallholders from accessing water and other agricultural resources [44,45]. Given the pronounced impacts to diverse ecosystems and their critical role in supporting global biodiversity [46], this handful of studies highlights the changes in land use and tenure that can be associated with land investments and points to the emerging risk that the rapid expansion of TALSLAs poses to ecosystem functions, which are directly linked to human needs (e.g. ...
... Our findings suggest that TALSLAs can pose a serious threat to relative species richness and that the productive use of a large fraction of deals directly impact areas deemed important for supporting endemic, endangered, or threatened species. We found similar potential biodiversity losses in areas surrounding the deals, suggesting that TALSLAs may also give rise to indirect ecological impacts beyond the deal boundaries if the previous land users are 'pushed out' to surrounding land [44]. However, our results related to species abundance demonstrate nearly equal number of deals expected to see increases in abundance as compared to loss of abundance. ...
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Agricultural large-scale land acquisitions have been linked with enhanced deforestation and land use change. Yet the extent to which transnational agricultural large-scale land acquisitions (TALSLAs) contribute to-or merely correlate with-deforestation, and the expected biodiversity impacts of the intended land use changes across ecosystems, remains unclear. We examine 178 georeferenced TALSLA locations in 40 countries to address this gap. While forest cover within TALSLAs decreased by 17% between 2000 and 2018 and became more fragmented, the spatio-temporal patterns of deforestation varied substantially across regions. While deforestation rates within initially forested TALSLAs were 1.5 (Asia) to 2 times (Africa) higher than immediately surrounding areas, we detected no such difference in Europe and Latin America. Our findings suggest that, whereas TALSLAs may have accelerated forest loss in Asia, a different mechanism might emerge in Africa where TALSLAs target areas already experiencing elevated deforestation. Regarding biodiversity (here focused on vertebrate species), we find that nearly all (91%) studied deals will likely experience substantial losses in relative species richness (−14.1% on average within each deal)-with mixed outcomes for relative abundance-due to the intended land use transitions. We also find that 39% of TALSLAs fall at least partially within biodiversity hotspots, placing these areas at heightened risk of biodiversity loss. Taken together, these findings suggest distinct regional differences in the nature of the association between TALSLAs and forest loss and provide new evidence of TALSLAs as an emerging threat to biodiversity in the Global South.
... Between 2000 and 2010, two state programs were introduced, PROAGRI (National Program for the Agrarian Development) and the Green Revolution, to stimulate private and foreign investment to modernize agriculture [27]. A joint program between Mozambique, Brazil, and Japan (PROSAVANA program) to develop agriculture in the 6 million ha of land in the Nacala corridor (provinces of Nampula, Niassa, and Zambézia) was created to mainly produce soy, cotton, and maize [27,28]. The "National Biofuels Strategy and Policy" opened up opportunities for large biofuel production projects. ...
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Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. However, it has natural resources, and if they are managed under sustainable development principles, it can overcome its current problems. In the present socioeconomic status, soil is one of its most important resources and must be protected from pollution and degradation. This review identifies and discusses the main soil quality stressors, namely soil fertility; deforestation and its sources: agriculture, timber harvesting, charcoal production, and uncontrolled fires; mining activities, manly gold artisanal explorations, and industrial open-pit coal mining; and solid wastes management. The sustainable use of natural resources is mandatory for future generations to continue to profit from this nature-based wealth.
... Furthermore, deforestation and forest degradation might not only occur on site; it might also be caused elsewhere via so-called leakage or spillover effects of compensation measures, namely indirect land use changes and an acceleration of deforestation and forest degradation due to increased pressure on openly accessible forest patches outside of newly established protected areas (Meyfroidt et al., 2020). Such unintended (indirect) consequences of land leases and related conservation policy interventions and certification schemes have been reported in various geographical contexts (Heilmayr et al., 2020;Magliocca et al., 2020;Zaehringer et al., 2018). ...
... This study has revealed that large-scale agricultural investments (LSAI) can ignite land use and land cover change as agricultural activities expand into areas that were predominantly grassland, savanna woodlands, wetlands and rangelands. The results are consistent with other reports that agricultural investments can account for land use changes (Zaehringer and Atumane et al., 2018;. The LULC are also attributed to other activities related to agricultural investments such as road construction, adoption of modern farming methods from the investors, arrival of immigrants seeking employment on the investors' farms, and the allure of business opportunities arising from LSAI (Herrmann, 2017). ...
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Agriculture is one of Uganda's key growth sectors aimed at achieving socioeconomic transformation and middle income status by 2040. This strategy has attracted Ugandan and foreign investors to the sector resulting in land use and land cover change. The investments have exerted pressure on agricultural land including those considered non-arable and kindled land use and land cover changes in Kanungu, Nakasongola and Nwoya districts. Lack of data on such changes hampers interventions to mitigate the negative effects that affect land productivity, food and nutrition security as well as household livelihoods. In this regard, we examined the effects of large-scale agricultural investments (LSAI) on land use and land cover changes from 2000-2020 in the three districts. An exploratory research design involving mixed methods enabled data collection. Land use land cover changes were examined using LandSat ETM7 of 2000 and Sentinel-2 images of 2020 complemented by questionnaire survey and key informant interviews conducted in 2018 and 2019. The images were processed, verified and assessed for accuracy and land use land cover changes displayed in Sankey diagrams. Results revealed that by 2020, LSAI accounted for land use and land cover change of 6.4% in Nwoya, 7.9% in Kanungu and 1.7% in Nakasongola districts; while grasslands, bushlands and woodlands declined. LSAI and related activities like increased built up This article is licensed under a Creative Commons license, Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 153 Byaruhanga, M.B. et al. areas created spatial changes in the distribution and pattern of land use and cover types.
... The climate is tropical (to subtropical), with a semiarid region in the southern part of the provinces and two seasons, a dry cool season and a rainy hot one. In this area, protected areas are interspersed with numerous large-scale agricultural investments [6,7] which, in the last decade have meant that natural resources are rapidly depleting in this part of Mozambique [8]. ...
In recent years many efforts have been made to locate and measure land degradation worldwide to reach the target to reduce its progress, reduce poverty and increase food security and nutrition, following the United Nation Convention to combat desertification (UNCCD) and the Land degradation neutrality (LDN) initiative of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of 2030 Agenda. Several international reports provide different guidance on the most suitable land degradation indicators, and methodological approach in measuring and monitoring them. Among all, land productivity indicator raised interest because it can be easily quantified and spatialized using remote sensing data and techniques, and influence that the various limiting factors have on its performance can be verified. Focusing on the land productivity trajectories, the objective of this study is to analyze how different climatic datasets and trend calculation methods may affect productivity analysis. Analysis was tested and validated in the northern part of Mozambique, as it is a climatically vulnerable zone whose natural resources are rapidly depleting in recent years due to deforestation actions and reduction of soil fertility. Long-term normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series were used as a proxy of land potential productivity from 2001 to 2020. Results were tested for trend significance using different calculation methods and climatic dataset to analyze the effect of data to trend responses. Rainfall dataset was used for climatic signal as the rain is the main limiting factor in arid and semi-arid zones.KeywordsLand DegradationNDVI Time SeriesTrend AnalysisMulti-Temporal Remote SensingSDG
Land inequality stalls economic development, entrenches poverty, and is associated with environmental degradation. Yet, rigorous assessments of land-use interventions attend to inequality only rarely. A land inequality lens is especially important to understand how recent large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) affect smallholder and indigenous communities across as much as 100 million hectares around the world. This paper studies inequalities in land assets, specifically landholdings and farm size, to derive insights into the distributional outcomes of LSLAs. Using a household survey covering four pairs of land acquisition and control sites in Tanzania, we use a quasi-experimental design to characterize changes in land inequality and subsequent impacts on well-being. We find convincing evidence that LSLAs in Tanzania lead to both reduced landholdings and greater farmland inequality among smallholders. Households in proximity to LSLAs are associated with 21.1% (P = 0.02) smaller landholdings while evidence, although insignificant, is suggestive that farm sizes are also declining. Aggregate estimates, however, hide that households in the bottom quartiles of farm size suffer the brunt of landlessness and land loss induced by LSLAs that combine to generate greater farmland inequality. Additional analyses find that land inequality is not offset by improvements in other livelihood dimensions, rather farm size decreases among households near LSLAs are associated with no income improvements, lower wealth, increased poverty, and higher food insecurity. The results demonstrate that without explicit consideration of distributional outcomes, land-use policies can systematically reinforce existing inequalities.
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Agriculture is the main branch of activity in Mozambique, it is constitutionally the basis of development and it has been seen as a guarantee of structural transformation and improvement of the population's living conditions. This research is guided by the theoretical perspective that articulates the processes of social transformation, rural and agricultural development with the idea of the Agricultural Growth Corridors (AGC) to understand the social processes that allow a glimpse of social and agricultural transformation in and through the Nacala Corridor, in the province of Niassa. The research outlines the agriculture in the corridor, its characteristics and the problems experienced by small local producers; it also identifies if they know if they are part, what is an AGC and their expectations on the corridor; as well as their productive dynamics regarding access and availability of inputs and production factors. The research is qualitative, linked to the participatory orientation approach, and took place between 2018 and 2022. To collect data, the literature review, individual and group interviews are used as techniques. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed for content and thematic analysis. The research highlights the emergence of the AGC idea and its application in Africa, mainly in Southern and Eastern Africa, pointing out some key global actors in the process. It makes a brief presentation of the three main Mozambican corridors, highlighting the debates and reflections on the Nacala Corridor, indicating some investments and agricultural investors working on it; in addition to characterizing the social and economic corridor, in particular the province of Niassa. It characterizes the Mozambican agricultural sector and indicates some policy instruments which guide it. In the country, the idea of corridors, as transport corridors, is old and part of the strategy of domination and colonization. With the independence, they have evolved into Development Corridors and recently they have been transformed into AGC corridors. Focusing on associations of small producers, the research seeks to understand their productive and social dynamics, and how they are articulated with the narratives that have a development strategy in the AGC. In working the land, these associations face obstacles and difficulties: poor access to mechanized means of cultivation and irrigation; poor access to technology, techniques and agricultural extension for production; poor access and use of inputs and production factors; poor access and use of logistical infrastructure for post-production and post-harvest, such as warehouses and means for conservation; weak market integration and, when integrated, unfair marketing and poor access to credit and sources of financing for the activity. Thus, the process of agricultural modernization and technification in the Nacala Corridor does not dialogue with the individual and collective projects of communities and associations; these are not in a position to say that they can and do make a living from agriculture, as well as that through it they are able to engender transformative processes to improve their production and living conditions; and they are far from being the ones positively benefited by the implementation of the corridor, due to the lack of investments and public policies that respond to the structural difficulties, common to this production segment, making them dependent on support and/or help.
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Most prior studies have found that substituting biofuels for gasoline will reduce greenhouse gases because biofuels sequester carbon through the growth of the feedstock. These analyses have failed to count the carbon emissions that occur as farmers worldwide respond to higher prices and convert forest and grassland to new cropland to replace the grain (or cropland) diverted to biofuels. By using a worldwide agricultural model to estimate emissions from land-use change, we found that corn-based ethanol, instead of producing a 20% savings, nearly doubles greenhouse emissions over 30 years and increases greenhouse gases for 167 years. Biofuels from switchgrass, if grown on U.S. corn lands, increase emissions by 50%. This result raises concerns about large biofuel mandates and highlights the value of using waste products.
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Africa has been heavily targeted by large-scale agricultural investments (LAIs) throughout the last decade, with scarcely known impacts on local social-ecological systems. In Kenya, a large number of LAIs were made in the region northwest of Mount Kenya. These large-scale farms produce vegetables and flowers mainly for European markets. However, land use in the region remains dominated by small-scale crop and livestock farms with less than 1 ha of land each, who produce both for their own subsistence and for the local markets. We interviewed 100 small-scale farmers living near five different LAIs to elicit their perceptions of the impacts that these LAIs have on their land use and the overall environment. Furthermore, we analyzed remotely sensed land cover and land use data to assess land use change in the vicinity of the five LAIs. While land use change did not follow a clear trend, a number of small-scale farmers did adapt their crop management to environmental changes such as a reduced river water flows and increased pests, which they attributed to the presence of LAIs. Despite the high number of open conflicts between small-scale land users and LAIs around the issue of river water abstraction, the main environmental impact, felt by almost half of the interviewed land users, was air pollution with agrochemicals sprayed on the LAIs' land. Even though only a low percentage of local land users and their household members were directly involved with LAIs, a large majority of respondents favored the presence of LAIs nearby, as they are believed to contribute to the region's overall economic development.
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This study spatially assesses, quantifies, and visualizes the agricultural expansion and land use intensification in the northwestern foothills of Mount Kenya over the last 30 years: processes triggered by population growth, and, more recently, by large-scale commercial investments. We made use of Google Earth Engine to access the USGS Landsat data archive and to generate cloud-free seasonal composites. These enabled us to accurately differentiate between rainfed and irrigated cropland, which was important for assessing agricultural intensification. We developed three land cover and land use classifications using the random forest classifier, and assessed land cover and land use change by creating cross-tabulation matrices for the intervals from 1987 to 2002, 2002 to 2016, and 1987 to 2016 and calculating the net change. We then applied a landscape mosaic approach to each classification to identify landscape types categorized by land use intensity. We discuss the impacts of landscape changes on natural habitats, biodiversity, and water. Kappa accuracies for the three classifications lay between 78.3% and 82.1%. Our study confirms that rainfed and irrigated cropland expanded at the expense of natural habitats, including protected areas. Agricultural expansion took place mainly in the 1980s and 1990s, whereas agricultural intensification largely happened after 2000. Since then, not only large-scale producers, but also many smallholders have begun to practice irrigated farming. The spatial pattern of agricultural expansion and intensification in the study area is defined by water availability. Agricultural intensification and the expansion of horticulture agribusinesses increase pressure on water. Furthermore, the observed changes have heightened pressure on pasture and idle land due to the decrease in natural and agropastoral landscapes. Conflicts between pastoralists, smallholder farmers, large-scale ranches, and wildlife might further increase, particularly during the dry seasons and in years of extreme drought.
The expansion of sugarcane production in the Brazilian Cerrado has resulted in indirect land-use change (ILUC), occurring when displaced land-uses in one location are reallocated to another. Studies, however, usually identify ILUC at the regional or national level far from the original area of a displaced land-use. This study examines the occurrence of ILUC due to sugarcane expansion for ethanol production at the farm level in the Brazilian Cerrado. It fills a gap in the literature by examining socio-economic, policy and farm-level factors that influence ILUC at the farm level in the Brazilian Cerrado using face-to-face enumerated surveys. Results indicate ILUC did occur at the farm (producer) scale and farmers who undertook ILUC intensified agricultural production on their farms. Results inform policymakers on how the intensification of agricultural practices may make it potentially difficult to keep protected lands out of production, reducing the environmental benefits from sugarcane-based biofuel production.
National parks are established to reduce human influence on nature and contribute to species conservation, biodiversity and ecological services. Other states of protection like the UNESCO world heritage sites, for example, are created for maintaining culturally important places or lifestyles. In the Matobo Hills (Zimbabwe) both states of protection are present, a national park and a world heritage site. In addition, the land outside the National Park belongs to two different systems of ownership, namely "common" (i.e. community-owned) and "not-common" (privately or governmentally owned) land. In this paper, we investigated how the state of protection and the ownership affected the land use and land cover. We derived maps using Landsat images from 1989, 1998 and 2014 by supervised classification with Random Forests. To compensate for the lack of ground data we inferred past land use and land cover from recent observations combining photographs, Google Earth images and change detection. We could identify four classes, namely shrub land, forest, patchy vegetation and agricultural area. The Matobo National Park showed a stable composition of land cover during the study period and the main changes were observable in the surroundings. Outside the national park, forest increased by about 7%. The common lands have changed substantially and their agricultural area decreased. We attribute this development to the Fast Track Land Reform, which took place in the early 2000s. Our approach shows that combining information on recent land cover with change detection allows to study the temporal development of protected areas.