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Abstract and Figures

Over the years robotics has made great progress. Nowadays, robots begin to be part of the life of any person, designated social robotic. Humanoid robots are fascinating and have several advantages, such as they can work in places where there is a risk of contamination, risk of health, danger of life, places that are difficult to access. They also are able to access different types of terrain and to climb stairs. NAO robot is currently the humanoid platform with high sensory capacity that it has lower costs in the market. This robot is similar to human in order to have a more real and natural with society. Using the capabilities of the robot and adding other sensors, we can have a more powerful machine in our society. NAO robot is presented in this paper as a domestic robot.
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INESC TEC-INESC Technology and Science and
University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
ORCID: 0000-0002-1660-7718
INESC TEC - INESC Technology and Science and
Institute of Engineering Of Coimbra, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, and
Knowledge Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced
Innovation and Development (GECAD) of the ISEP/IPP, Portugal.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2204-6339
INESC TEC-INESC Technology and Science and
University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
ORCID: 0000-0002-5798-1298
Over the years robotics has made great progress. Nowadays, robots begin to be part of the
life of any person, designated social robotic. Humanoid robots are fascinating and have
several advantages, such as they can work in places where there is a risk of contamination,
risk of health, danger of life, places that are difficult to access. They also are able to access
different types of terrain and to climb stairs. NAO robot is currently the humanoid platform
with high sensory capacity that it has lower costs in the market. This robot is similar to
human in order to have a more real and natural with society. Using the capabilities of the
robot and adding other sensors, we can have a more powerful machine in our society. NAO
robot is presented in this paper as a domestic robot.
Keywords: NAO robot, wireless sensors, Humanoid robots, Domestic robots, object
1. Introduction
Over the years robotics has made great progress, nowadays robots begin to be part
of the life of any person, designated social robotics [1].
Humanoid robots are fascinating and have several advantages, such as they
can work in places where there is a risk of contamination, risk of health, danger
CLAWAR 2018: 21st International Conference on Climbing and
Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines,
Panama City, Panama, 10-12 September 2018
of life, places that are difficult to access [2]. They also are able to access different
types of terrain and to climb stairs [3]. The behavior of humanoid robots produces
feelings that facilitate the communication between machine and man.
There are many cases where you need a machine similar to the man to be able
to replace it in your work environment [4].
In recent years, social robotic has seen the emergence of sophisticated
humanoid robots, as Honda Asimo and NAO [5].
We chose the platform NAO that is currently the humanoid platform with high
sensory capacity that it has lower costs in the market. This robot is similar to the
human in order to have a more real and natural interaction with society. NAO is
a good platform for software development because it is easy to learn how to
program and it has a high sensory ability.
This paper is divided into four sections. The first section gives a brief
introduction of different domestic robots. The second section presents NAO robot.
An extension of platform NAO using sensors and an architecture of recognize
objects using NAO robot is described in third section. Our conclusions are drawn
in the final section.
2. Domestic Robots
Domestic Robots can help you carry out all kinds of tasks at home, such as
cooking, cleaning, company, babysitting or answering questions. Science fiction
has come to fruition, and they are available to make people's lives easier by
dismissing people from household chores and giving them the opportunity to do
other leisurely things [6].
Nowadays all people use domestic robots in their homes, such as:
Roomba Vacuum: can vacuum the floor of the house alone [7];
Bimby: can cook alone meals, sweets or whatever the person wants;
Winbot: robot that clean the glass;
Husqvarna automower: robot that mows the lawn very efficiently.
The area of robots has been an area of great evolution appearing also robots
as: Zenbo, Kuri. The use of humanoid robots as domestic robots were appeared,
as, Pepper [8], Honda Asimo and NAO robot [5]. These robots are more
developed able to do different household tasks, thus becoming much more
expensive when compared with the simpler robots and that only perform one task.
To combat this situation we present the NAO robot, as a domestic robot.
3. NAO robot
NAO robot (figure 1) is humanoid robot developed by Aldebaran Robotics,
a French company. It has 58 cm in height and it weighs 5.4 kg which make it easy
to transport [9]. With twenty five degrees-of- freedom (DOF) and more than 50
sensors, NAO is a robust robot to develop a wide range of applications.
Figure 1- NAO robot
NAO is specially used as a social robot. NAO robot has a similar appearance
when compared with a human. NAO allows to perform several basic actions, such
as sitting, walking, picking up objects with your hands, among others.
NAO robot has a disadvantage, its autonomy. In normal use NAO just has 90
minutes of autonomy which makes this robot only used as proof of concept and
not as a daily instinctive use robot. On the other hand we can conclude that the
robot has several advantages, as it is easy to carry, because it is small and it is
light. It has equipped with two cameras, like human eyes and can speak and can
recognize the most popular languages in world [10]. Are so many applications
that NAO robot has been used, such as: sports and interaction with humans.
A. Rehabilitation
By cameras robot can see the movement of patients and avoid them if the
movement are correct or no [11]. NAO is able to replicate the movement of
humans, so it can explain to patient how to the correct movement [12, 13].
B. Autism Children
NAO robot has been used to help autistic children in improving their behavior
[15, 16]. The studied cases show that children suppress the autistic behavior
during human-robot interaction and they can maintain visual contact with NAO
C. Traditional Robotic Soccer
NAO robot participate in RoboCup (the World Championship of Robotics)
as a soccer playing NAO robot has been the star of the Standard Platform
League where robots are expected to operate fully autonomously [17, 18].
4. Nao robot as a domestic robot
In this section we present different architectures that can reach NAO robot as
a domestic robot. Firstly is presented an extension of NAO robot using sensors
and after is presented an architecture to recognize objects.
4.1. Platform using sensors
This architecture present the integration of three sensors to NAO robot (figure
2). To integrate the sensory network were chosen the following sensors:
Temperature sensor: LM35 sensor 545753 YWrobot.
Photoresistor Light sensor: 531289 ywrobot;
Gas sensor: MQ Series Gas Sensor Module L1te v1.0 sandbox
Figure 2- Architecture integrating three sensors to NAO robot
When integrating three sensors in Arduino, a set of collections is provided in
order to validate their operation against the accuracy and precision.
The Arduino is equipped with the Wireless Proto Shield by using SPI
Communication. This allows pairing both NAO and sensorial array using WIFI
802.11 [19]. Using Choreographe, the tool used to program the NAO, it is possible
to elaborate a set of tasks for the interaction with the general public.
An Arduino library called CoGasSensorShield was used. This library
allowed to receive a value (e.g., gas sensor) via Wifi from an Arduino board and
thus issue an alert when desired. Given the limitations of the library, it was
extended in order to access the three sensors previously chosen, and with the
respective intervals that had previously been analyzed. After this work of
adaptation, a project was developed in Choregraphe that allowed to execute a set
of movements and dialogues associated to the output of the program in Arduino
in order to promote the human-machine interaction.
Intervals of values for the presence of gas, high temperature and luminosity
were analyzed and elaborated. In the Arduino, an alert was sent via Wifi when
values outside these ranges were registered. It reads and analyzes the values that
the sensors transmit and throws an alert, if it justifies, and if it has in the presence
of a dangerous situation. So that the alert is given correctly, different parameters
have been stipulated. The Arduino continuously reads all sensor values and
processes this information and whenever there is a state change it alerts the robot.
NAO robot will transmit alerts in different situations that was predefined, in
situations of danger to people, taking into account the ambient temperature, gas
levels and brightness. If the sensors detect that ambient has a high level of
temperature and the light is less, the robot will transmit a fire alert. In case of an
alert, NAO tells people to evacuate and explains to them what is happening. The
alert is also given by sending a message directly to the responsible. In case of fire
the message will be sent directly to the firemen, with the address, in order to solve
the problem effectively and quickly.
4.2. Recognition Objects
Choreographe Software is the tool used to program the NAO, it is possible to
elaborate a set of tasks for interaction with the general public. Through this
program that we used to program NAO robot can learn the different objects so
that later it can identify them. As proof of concept we used five types of object to
recognize, such as, a banana, a bottle of water, a mobile phone and a medicine.
Objects of different areas that are essential in ambient assisting living.
First we used robot to capture different images with different objects. We
selected different objects in different positions and at different distances, in order
to create a dataset, so that the robot could distinguish the different objects. Then
the images were segmented. The contour of the object was made so that the robot
could distinguish it when the object is surrounded by other objects. After the
outline of each object, we indicate the name of the object and the position in which
it is.
All the information is sent to the robot so that it can memorize the different
images, the name of the different objects and their position so that the robot can
later distinguish the different objects in different circumstances.
Finally, the vision recognition module belonging to the Choreographe
program was used. We was used this module robot acquire an image in real time
and analyze, if him recognize they tell what it is.
One of the limitations of NAO robot is the memory, so as future work will be
created a cloud computing service. It is through the cloud computing service that
the robot can recognize objects more quickly and accurately. Cloud will have a
wide set of images of many objects in different positions so that the robot can
recognize all the existing objects in a more viable and faster way of processing.
Despite being connected to the cloud will always have the ability to recognize a
set of predefined objects, essences of that environment so that in case there is
some failure of connection to the cloud the robot with him in the same way do
their activities. In a house we may have one robot but we can have more than one.
Figure 3- Cloud Operating Diagram
In figure 3 we can observe a cloud operating diagram. There we see robots in
different places of the house communicating each other and communication with
the server. The server communicating with the cloud to obtain the information
and give it back to the robot.
5. Conclusion
NAO robot can perform different domestic tasks. NAO robot can walk, talk,
see and grab objects. Despite its basic functions, through cameras the robot can
recognize objects and people. Adding sensors to the robot, it is able to send
environmental alerts in dangerous situations. We can conclude that the robot is a
domestic robot capable of doing not only domestic tasks, but also doing company
or having a dialogue. Having a humanoid aspect and an affordable cost is a key
point in the acceptance of the robot by our society.
This work is financed by the ERDF - European Regional Development Fund
through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization
- COMPETE 2020 Program within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006961,and
by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
(Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) as part of project
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... Robotics courses deal with kinematics, dynamics and control of manipulators [1], but it is fundamental to involve students in the construction and development of robotic platforms, and in project-oriented learning in order to forest creative and divergent thinking, and promote acquisition of self-learning and practical skills [2]. For this reason the use of a robotic teaching platform allows the students a fast understanding of the theoretical topics, and the use of open platform allows students to easily evolve acquired knowledge for project-based learning [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. In this paper, we will focus autonomous driving with the aim of participating in the autonomous driving competition in the National Festival of Robotics in Portugal. ...
This paper presents the construction of an autonomous robot to participating in the autonomous driving competition of the National Festival of Robotics in Portugal, which relies on an open platform requiring basic knowledge of robotics, like mechanics, control, computer vision and energy management. The projet is an excellent way for teaching robotics concepts to engineering students, once the platform endows students with an intuitive learning for current technologies, development and testing of new algorithms in the area of mobile robotics and also in generating good team-building.
Conference Paper
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The work presented here proposes two different ROS packages to enrich the teleoperation of the robot NAO: speech-based teleoperation (in Basque) and gesture-based tele-operation together with arm control. These packages have been used and evaluated in a human mimicking experiment. The tools offered can serve as a base for many applications.
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This paper presents a series of 4 single subject experiments aimed to investigate whether children with autism show more social engagement when interacting with the Nao robot, compared to a human partner in a motor imitation task. The Nao robot imitates gross arm movements of the child in real-time. Different behavioral criteria (i.e. eye gaze, gaze shifting, free initiations and prompted initiations of arm movements, and smile/laughter) were analyzed based on the video data of the interaction. The results are mixed and suggest a high variability in reactions to the Nao robot. The results are as follows: For Child2 and Child3, the results indicate no effect of the Nao robot in any of the target variables. Child1 and Child4 showed more eye gaze and smile/laughter in the interaction with the Nao robot compared to the human partner and Child1 showed a higher frequency of motor initiations in the interaction with the Nao robot compared to the baselines, but not with respect to the human-interaction. The robot proved to be a better facilitator of shared attention only for Child1. Keywords: human-robot interaction; assistive robotics; autism
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Depression and loneliness among the elderly are one of the biggest problems affecting the world population. This leads to elderly isolation which is a major risk factor for suicide. Moreover, if isolation is coupled with physical illness and incapacitation, such a risk increases exponentially. To fight back this problem, roboticists have been proposing solutions to autonomously monitor, support and even promote physical activities among the elderly. Nevertheless, those appear as very high-cost and complex solutions that require an advanced technical expertise. Recent off-the-shelf solutions, such as the well-known NAO robot, emerged as possible alternatives. An extension to the NAO robot, denoted as RIA, is being developed at the Engineering Institute of Coimbra (ISEC). The RIA is not only built for a social interaction with the elderly but also as an autonomous tool to promote professional care through the analysis of health and environmental parameters. Therefore, the RIA robot is an adapted NAO low-cost platform equipped with several sensors that can measure different parameters like body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate. By validating this valuable platform, the foundations were laid for a whole new paradigm in elderly care.
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In this paper we present and evaluate a novel method for teleoperating a humanoid robot via a full-body motion capture suit. Our method does not use any a priori analytical or math- ematical modeling (e.g. forward or inverse kinematics) of the robot, and thus this ap- proach could be applied to the calibration of any human-robot pairing, regardless of differ- ences in physical embodiment. Our approach involves training a feed-forward neural network for each DOF on the robot to learn a map- ping between sensor data from the motion cap- ture suit and the angular position of the robot actuator to which each neural network is allo- cated. To collect data for the learning process, the robot leads the human operator through a series of paired synchronised movements which capture both the operator’s motion capture data and the robot’s actuator data. Particle swarm optimisation is then used to train each of the neural networks. The results of our ex- periments demonstrate that this approach pro- vides a fast, effective and flexible method for teleoperation of a humanoid robot.
Conference Paper
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This article presents the mechatronic design of the autonomous humanoid robot called NAO that is built by the French company Aldebaran-Robotics. With its height of 0.57 m and its weight about 4.5 kg, this innovative robot is lightweight and compact. It distinguishes itself from existing humanoids thanks to its pelvis kinematics design, its proprietary actuation system based on brush DC motors, its electronic, computer and distributed software architectures. This robot has been designed to be affordable without sacrificing quality and performance. It is an open and easy-to-handle platform. The comprehensive and functional design is one of the reasons that helped select NAO to replace the AIBO quadrupeds in the 2008 RoboCup standard league.
Imitation is considered to be a kind of social learning that allows the transfer of information, actions, behaviors, etc. Whereas current robots are unable to perform as many tasks as human, it is a natural way for them to learn by imitations, just as human does. With the humanoid robots being more intelligent, the field of robot imitation has getting noticeable advance. In this paper, we focus on the pose imitation between a human and a humanoid robot and learning a similarity metric between human pose and robot pose. In contrast to recent approaches that capture human data using expensive motion captures or only imitate the upper body movements, our framework adopts a Kinect instead and can deal with complex, whole body motions by keeping both single pose balance and pose sequence balance. Meanwhile, different from previous work that employs subjective evaluation, we propose a pose similarity metric based on the shared structure of the motion spaces of human and robot. The qualitative and quantitative experimental results demonstrate a satisfactory imitation performance and indicate that the proposed pose similarity metric is discriminative.
This paper reviews “socially interactive robots”: robots for which social human–robot interaction is important. We begin by discussing the context for socially interactive robots, emphasizing the relationship to other research fields and the different forms of “social robots”. We then present a taxonomy of design methods and system components used to build socially interactive robots. Finally, we describe the impact of these robots on humans and discuss open issues. An expanded version of this paper, which contains a survey and taxonomy of current applications, is available as a technical report [T. Fong, I. Nourbakhsh, K. Dautenhahn, A survey of socially interactive robots: concepts, design and applications, Technical Report No. CMU-RI-TR-02-29, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002].
It is not hard to imagine why robots raise privacy concerns. Practically by definition, robots are equipped with the ability to sense, process, and record the world around them. Robots can go places humans cannot go, see things humans cannot see. Robots are, first and foremost, a human instrument. And after industrial manufacturing, the principle use to which we’ve put that instrument has been surveillance. Yet increasing the power to observe is just one of ways in which robots may implicate privacy within the next decade. This chapter breaks the effects of robots on privacy into three categories — direct surveillance, increased access, and social meaning — with the goal of introducing the reader to a wide variety of issues. Where possible, the chapter points toward ways in which we might mitigate or redress the potential impact of robots on privacy, but acknowledges that in some cases redress will be difficult under the current state of privacy law.
Conference Paper
In this paper, we present a localization method for humanoid robots navigating in arbitrary complex indoor environments using only onboard sensing. Reliable and accurate localization for humanoid robots operating in such environments is a challenging task. First, humanoids typically execute motion commands rather inaccurately and odometry can be estimated only very roughly. Second, the observations of the small and lightweight sensors of most humanoids are seriously affected by noise. Third, since most humanoids walk with a swaying motion and can freely move in the environment, e.g., they are not forced to walk on flat ground only, a 6D torso pose has to be estimated. We apply Monte Carlo localization to globally determine and track a humanoid's 6D pose in a 3D world model, which may contain multiple levels connected by staircases. To achieve a robust localization while walking and climbing stairs, we intergrate 2D laser range measurements as well as attitude data and information from the joint encoders. We present simulated as well as real-word experiments with our humanoid and thoroughly evaluate our approach. As the experiments illustrate, the robot is able to globally localize itself and accurately track its 6D pose over time.
Conference Paper
Domestic service robots have long been a staple of science fiction and commercial visions of the future. Until recently, we have only been able to speculate about what the experience of using such a device might be. Current domestic service robots, introduced as consumer products, allow us to make this vision a reality.This paper presents ethnographic research on the actual use of these products, to provide a grounded understanding of how design can influence human-robot interaction in the home. We used an ecological approach to broadly explore the use of this technology in this context, and to determine how an autonomous, mobile robot might "fit" into such a space. We offer initial implications for the design of these products: first, the way the technology is introduced is critical; second, the use of the technology becomes social; and third, that ideally, homes and domestic service robots must adapt to each other.