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Split Payments in Payment Networks: ESORICS 2018 International Workshops, DPM 2018 and CBT 2018, Barcelona, Spain, September 6-7, 2018, Proceedings


Abstract and Figures

Traditional blockchain systems, such as Bitcoin, focus on transactions in which entire amount is transferred from one owner to the other, in a single, atomic operation. This model has been re-used in the context of payment networks such as Lightning network. In this work, we propose and investigate new payment model, called split payments, in which the total amount to be transferred is split into unit-amounts and is transferred independently through the same or different routes. By splitting the payments this way, we achieve an improved total liquidity of the payment network, simplify the route advertising, reduce the amount of funds needed to be locked in the channels, and improve the privacy properties.
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Split Payments in Payment Networks
Dmytro Piatkivskyi(B
)and Mariusz Nowostawski
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Abstract. Traditional blockchain systems, such as Bitcoin, focus on
transactions in which entire amount is transferred from one owner to the
other, in a single, atomic operation. This model has been re-used in the
context of payment networks such as Lightning network. In this work,
we propose and investigate new payment model, called split payments,
in which the total amount to be transferred is split into unit-amounts
and is transferred independently through the same or different routes. By
splitting the payments this way, we achieve an improved total liquidity of
the payment network, simplify the route advertising, reduce the amount
of funds needed to be locked in the channels, and improve the privacy
1 Introduction
The scalability problem of Bitcoin has received considerable attention by the
community. Various solutions have been proposed [13] and one of the most
promising is the utilization of off-chain transactions, for example through the
Lightning network [4]. Off-chain payment network is based on the concept of
state channels that can operate offline, consulting the blockchain only when
opening or closing a channel. The state channels form a payment network which
allows for peer-to-peer instantaneous transactions.
The payment networks ultimately solve the inherent blockchain scalability
limitation, however, the payment networks themselves are limited in many ways.
They require careful consideration and appropriate balancing of multiple, often
competing, trade offs. Many properties of the network will depend on the way
the network organizes itself. Implementation choices will make a great difference.
In this paper we demonstrate how to better organize the network. In particular,
we suggest to abandon the idea of single atomic payments and to embrace the
concept of money flows, and the use of split payments. We show that splitting
payments into a number of unit payments improves a number of important
properties, such as liquidity, funds lock-in, and privacy.
2 Background and Past Work
The Lightning network is a payment protocol built on top of the Bitcoin proto-
col. It allows for transaction throughput scaling by keeping and updating Bit-
coin transactions off-chain. A Lightning network transaction is processed within
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018
J. Garcia-Alfaro et al. (Eds.): DPM 2018/CBT 2018, LNCS 11025, pp. 67–75, 2018.
68 D. Piatkivskyi and M. Nowostawski
Lightning channels which are actually Bitcoin transactions. The idea is that two
users mutually fund a Bitcoin transaction, the Fun d i n g transaction, and spend it
returning the invested funds with the Commitment transaction. They both sign
the commitment transactions, but only publish the funding transactions on the
blockchain. Once a channel is established, i.e. the funding transaction reaches the
blockchain, funds can be moved within the channel (up to the channel capacity)
by simply updating the commitment transaction. When any participant wants
to spend funds outside the payment network, the channel is closed by publishing
the current state of the commitment transaction to the blockchain.
One can route a payment through intermediate nodes. For example, if there
is a channel between Alice and Bob and a channel between Bob and Charlie,
Alice can send funds to Charlie through Bob. The technique that makes payment
routing possible is called Hashed Timelock Contract (HTLC). For more details
on its implementation the reader should refer the original paper [4].
Payment networks are not a new concept. They are studied under different
variations of the notion – trust networks [57], credit networks [8], path-based
transaction (PBT) networks [9] and Payment-Channel Networks (PCN) [10].
There were efforts undertaken to improve the Lightning network. Flare [11]
suggests maintaining routing tables to be able to discover paths in the network.
Roos et al. [9] proposed an alternative routing scheme that is privacy preserving.
Grunspan and P´erez-Marco [12] put forward an idea of ant routing where path
lookup requests are passed from node to node in the network. Decker et al. [13]
suggested an improvement over the Lightning transaction update mechanism.
Malavolta et al. [14] studied the mechanism which binds transactions together,
so they can be routed. Another paper from this research group [10] demon-
strated a rather surprising trade off between privacy and concurrency in PCNs,
and impossibility to achieve both simultaneously. In the later parts of this article,
we will show that our proposed mechanism addresses and mitigates the prob-
lem. Piatkivskyi et al. [15] brought attention to the problem of colluding nodes
and discussed how it influences forensics of the Lightning network. Herrera-
Joancomarti et al. [16] gave an overview on the state of the art in privacy issues
of payment networks.
3 Split Payments
3.1 Payment Splitting Proposal
The core idea of our proposal is to split payments into a number of smaller
sub-payments of equal amounts, i.e. a number of payments of unit amounts,
and send them independently, not preserving the atomicity property. There are
various ways to split payments up. One way of doing so is amounts of the orders
of 10. If a user wants to pay 23 k satoshi, she splits the payment into 2 sub-
payments of 10k satoshi and 3 sub-payments of 1 k satoshi.
Split payments are to be sent independently. At the moment of payment ini-
tiation, the sender calculates the cheapest path and begins establishing HTLCs
by that path starting with the larger sub-payments. If at any point of time an
Split Payments in Payment Networks 69
HTLC establishment fails, or the sender receives a fee update, she suspends the
sub-payments for which HTLCs have not yet been established and re-calculates
the cheapest path again. Then the suspended sub-payments are resumed to be
sent by the new cheapest path. It may happen that for some larger sub-payment
there is no path of needed capacity. In such a case the sub-payment has to be
further split. If there is no capacity to route any payments in the needed direc-
tion, the whole sub-payment queue is suspended for a timeout. After the timeout
is elapsed, an attempt to send the sub-payment is repeated. This process could
continue indefinitely until the payment is complete. The user sets a time frame
within which the payment is expected to execute. We call such parameter time
to live (TTL). Obviously, some payments have to be carried out instantly,
while other can wait. It will make a trade off between the time it takes to com-
plete a payment and the fee paid for that payment. A payment is considered
successful if all sub-payments are successfully delivered within the set TTL.Ifa
payment has not been delivered within the set TTL, it is marked as failed, even
though it could have been partially sent. Such payments are not sent back, con-
sequentially failed payments change the balances of the nodes en route. Partial
transitions are further discussed in the following sections.
3.2 Atomic Multi-path Payments
Atomic multi-path payments (AMP) [17] are the implementation of the concept
of flows in a flow network. There are number of principal differences that sets
AMP and split payments apart. The main difference is that the whole AMP
flow executes atomically, that is either all of the sub-payments are sent at once
or none. For that, each extended sub-payment remains pending until all sub-
payment flows are extended. That increases the duration of funds being locked.
The superiority of split payments success rate comes from the fact that an
AMP fails if maximum flow between two nodes is less than the payment amount.
Split payments still attempt to execute. As sub-payments are timely spread,
there is a chance that within the execution window some payments will pass
in the opposite direction increasing the maximum amount that can be sent.
A substantial disadvantage is that a payment can be only partially executed.
Notwithstanding the transaction acknowledgement complications, we deem par-
tial payments harmless as the rest of the payment can be sent on-chain using
splicing [18], if to be sent from a Lightning channel. We stress that partially exe-
cuted payments do not introduce additional inconvenience. If a payment cannot
be executed, it has to be sent in any other way anyway. The non-executed part
of a payment can be sent the very same way the whole failed payment would
have to be sent.
70 D. Piatkivskyi and M. Nowostawski
3.3 Network Analysis
Privacy. The privacy benefits of the proposed strategy are many. First of all,
there is no need for routing nodes to disclose current channel capacities. Instead,
the paying node, knowing the static topology, can simply request unit pay-
ments. The probability that a particular path is able to route a payment is
relatively high, given the small unit payment amount. Besides, the fact that all
the payments could only be of a certain unit amount makes the payment cor-
relation analysis difficult. Timing analysis will be significantly complicated as
there expected to be a large number of such unit payments in the network.
Security. In our proposal the collateral risk is relatively low with split payments
because all the actual payments are of unit amount only. If a sub-payment gets
stuck, the sender stops using the routing node that failed. Moreover, as there
exists a threat of losing money to colluded receiver and a node en route [15],
the maximum loss is limited by the amount of the largest sub-payment. If the
sender loses money to the colluding nodes, it can simply stop casting the flow.
Concurrency. Split payments transform the problem of possible occurrence of
a deadlock into a performance bottleneck. While deadlocks are still theoretically
possible, for it to happen a number of sub-payments totaling to the channel
capacity have to conglomerate simultaneously at two nodes. We consider the
chance of such a deadlock negligible, resolving the trade-off between privacy and
concurrency in payment networks described in [10].
Lower fees. The described use of network will presumably yield lower fees for
transactions. First of all, it may happen that the cheapest path is not able to
process the whole payment due to capacity limitation. Secondly, since payments
are sent sequentially, it may happen that a cheaper path will appear some time
after the payment has been issued. Most importantly, the more efficient network
will naturally drive the transaction cost down.
4 Simulation
A massive effort have been invested into developing a Lightning network simula-
tor called Blyskavka (a Ukrainian word for Lightning). The simulator is meant to
be open source, yet making it public requires certain preparations which hinders
the release. Blyskavka is a multi-agent simulator that was built for general pur-
pose payment network simulations. It is written in java and uses MASON [19]as
a simulation engine. Blyskavka simulates the Lightning network operation rather
than the Lightning network itself, meaning it does not simulate the actual trans-
actions being signed and the blockchain communication. It does open and close
channels that are modelled as graph edges. It also simulates HTLC’s by blocking
and then releasing amounts on the path.
Split Payments in Payment Networks 71
The simulation works with the Newman-Watts–Strogatz model of the small-
world network family, the uniform random graph model and a custom model
that we call peripheral.Theperipheral graph model differentiates between the
core network that consists of routing nodes and the wallet nodes that connect
to the core network — the peripheral network. The core network is generated
following any other model. Having generated the core network, the wallet nodes
are added, choosing randomly Krouting nodes to connect to.
The simulation is discrete event based. Each simulation step a node decides
what to do—whether to send a payment or not. In all the experiments the
payment frequency for each node is once every 25 simulation steps. If a node
decides to transfer money, it randomly with uniform distribution selects the
destination node and the payment amount within the set range—between 0.1
and 20. As a result, nodes create uniform and symmetric traffic in the network.
As payments can be delayed, they are scheduled as well. Each step a payment
makes an attempt to execute itself – atomic payments at once, split payments
a unit amount sub-payment at a time. If a payment cannot be executed, it is
scheduled for the next step until it is out of time to live (TTL). The simulation
is flexible on what metrics it can take measurements of. For the purpose of the
described research, only success rate was of interest.
For this research we generate both, hub-and-spoke and organic topologies.
Hub-and-spoke topology correspond to the peripheral graph model, organic
topology is described by either the Newman-Watts–Strogatz model or by the
uniform random graph model.
In our experiments we study networks of 1000 and 10000 nodes with different
level of connectivity, defined by the parameter K. The small network size is
dictated by the poor scalability of the simulator. Hub-and-spoke network has the
core network consisting of 20 nodes for the network size of 1000 nodes and 50
nodes for the network size of 10000 nodes. The numbers are chosen deliberately
so that the success rate starts low enough to show its increase with TTL value.
Each node, regardless if it is a routing or wallet node, has Kchannels with initial
capacity of 5 on each side. For this research channel cost is disregarded.
Intuitively, and then proven experimentally, the organic topology efficiency
grows with the number of channels in the network. Organic topology with K=2
is very inefficient, hence we set K=4. To match the total funds invested into
the hub-and-spoke network under scrutiny, the initial channel capacities should
remain 5. We also generate higher connectivity networks with K=4 for hub-
and-spoke network and K=8 for organic network.
5 Experiments
It is hard to study the effects a change of a variable causes in the various net-
work properties. For that, all variables that could also affect the success rate of
the network have to be fixed, while still conserving the adequate liveliness and
soundness of the network. To reduce the number of confounding variables, we
randomly generate an instance of a particular network topology, with a given
72 D. Piatkivskyi and M. Nowostawski
fixed properties. Any comparison is done then for exactly the same network
In the experiments described in this article TTL is an independent variable,
i.e. we study the dependency of success rate on the TTL value. For that, TTL
is being varied from 50 simulation steps (where slight TTL increase brings a
considerable difference in success rate) to 2000 simulation steps (where there is
no longer any substantial increase in success rate with growing value of TTL).
That demonstrates how the network improves with longer TTL.
The experiments were performed within a strictly defined framework. Each
run lasts at least N=3TTL simulation steps and repeated multiple times
to investigate the variance across runs. Furthermore, network topologies were
generated randomly and for the same configuration there were generated multiple
instances of the same topology, to compensate for a particular instance favouring
one or the other model, just out of pure chance of the connectivity of a given
The ultimate benchmark for the network we deem the success rate. To ade-
quately measure it, we run the simulation for a number of steps N, but stop
accounting transactions into statistics TTL steps before it finishes. This leaves
each transaction enough time to either complete or fail. The transactions in
the network, however, are continuously generated and they continue creating
traffic (Fig. 1).
5.1 Split payments vs. AMP
The core of the experiments was focused on the comparison of split payments
and AMPs. The first thing to notice is the striking difference the splitting makes
across all charts, particularly in case of the organic topology. With TTL > 1000,
0 500 1000 1500 2000
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Hub−and−spoke topology, K=2
Success rate
0 500 1000 1500 2000
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Hub−and−spoke topology, K=4
Success rate
Fig. 1. A 20-1k hub-and-spoke network.
Split Payments in Payment Networks 73
the difference is above 35%. The hub-and-spoke network also shows a signifi-
cant improvement which is more constant and makes up over 10% improvement,
reaching 20% difference for TTL > 1000. Those experimental results demon-
strate the superiority of split payments when it comes to liquidity. Apart from
proving the better performance of split payments these graphs provide hints
about what network configurations are more efficient. Even though promising,
those hints are not to be considered facts and need to be verified in a more
rigorous manner.
Better connectivity networks. In all of the experiments we keep the amount
invested in the network at the same level to make the comparisons meaningful.
Therefore, when increasing the number of channels Ktwofold, we divide the
average channel capacity by 2. All the figures suggest that it is better to invest
less in a single channel and have more channels established. In other words, the
more interconnected the network the greater its performance.
Hub-and-spoke topology efficiency. Hub-and-spoke topology is by far out-
performing the organic topology, even when the latter has twice as many chan-
nels (of half capacity, so the total investment in the network remains constant).
Important to note that wallet nodes in the hub-and-spoke topology are not con-
sidered when routing. If they take part relaying payments, the efficiency, hence
the liquidity, grows considerably. This suggests that in spite of all the shortcom-
ings, some form of centralization will be present as it constitutes a major factor
to the network efficiency.
High intensity traffic. Having the same core network, but increased number
of wallet nodes increases the success rate in the hub-and-spoke network. The
organic network, on the other hand, suffers from the growing number of nodes.
On the other hand, the splitting strategy shows the best efficiency for larger
organic topologies making the difference of about up to 65%, taking up 34%
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Organic topology, K=4
Success rate
0 500 1000 1500 2000
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Organic topology, K=8
Success rate
Fig. 2. An organic topology of 1000 nodes.
74 D. Piatkivskyi and M. Nowostawski
success rate of atomic multi-path payments to 99% of split payments. This is a
rather considerable improvement over the atomic baseline.
200 400 600 800 1000
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Hub−and−spoke topology, K=2
Success rate
200 400 600 800 1000
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Organic topology, K=8
Success rate
Fig. 3. Networks of 10000 nodes.
6 Conclusions
We have introduced the area of research focusing on payment networks and
money flows. We have investigated an improvement in the design of the pay-
ment network, based on the split payment model. The new strategy has been
experimentally demonstrated to substantially increase the liquidity of payment
network. We have investigated what payment network topological characteristics
tend to yield better liquidity. Another important contribution is the Lightning
network simulator, named Blyskavka, that has been designed to be general-
purpose and we expect it to be used in the future research work on payment
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... Many researchers suggested considering the balance of a channel in an LN as crucial information [24][25][26][27]. This would enable users to find a viable payment path quickly [28,29]. ...
... Zhang et al. [23] introduced a distributed simulator that reduced transaction fees along a payment channel, though it faced constraints regarding the success rate and average transaction value. Many researchers suggested considering the balance of a channel in an LN as crucial information [24][25][26][27]. This would enable users to find a viable payment path quickly [28,29]. ...
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The Lightning Network (LN), a second-layer protocol built atop Bitcoin, promises swift, low-cost transactions, thereby addressing blockchain scalability and enhancing user privacy. As the global financial technology landscape evolves, the LN's importance in the future of fintech and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) becomes increasingly pivotal. The anticipated rise of blockchain-based payments and smart contracts in businesses demands a more agile and secure payment system. However, the LN's early stage raises valid concerns about security and reliability, especially when implemented on a huge asymmetric network such as the Internet, potentially hindering its broader adoption. Malicious nodes could intentionally cause payment failures or initiate attacks, such as DDoS attacks, by overwhelming other nodes in the network with channel-opening requests. As a result, users will be discouraged from using the LN; hence, the technology will become obsolete as individuals will not waste the time and power investment required for using this technology. Addressing these issues, this paper proposes an innovative invitation model protocol (IMP) to reinforce the LN's security and reliability. The IMP creates an exclusive 'Club' within the LN, admitting only nodes verified as honest, thereby bolstering network security and reliability. The protocol empowers Club Founders to expel members exhibiting malicious activities, thereby preserving the invested time, energy, and funds of the network's users. The IMP was rigorously tested using Amazon Web Services Virtual Machines within the Bitcoin and Lightning Network's Testnet environment, which is a highly asymmetric network. The results demonstrated the protocol's efficacy in fulfilling its objectives, marking a significant step towards a safer and more efficient blockchain transaction network. As the blockchain continues to revolutionize the financial sector, implementing robust security measures such as the IMP becomes essential. This research paper introduces a novel approach to enhancing the reliability and security of a Lightning Network (LN), and thus distinguishes itself from the existing literature, by introducing an additional step before establishing or joining such a network. The research underscores the critical role of such protocols in realizing the potential of the LN in powering the next wave of fintech and industrial innovation.
... Besides, the final number of successful payments is slightly less than the SR method. Because the SR method splits payments to micro-payment units that increases the liquidity [31] of funds in low-latency networks. For example, the payer cannot transfer 5 coins through two paths with a maximum capital of 4. But it can be done by applying SR method. ...
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Blockchain technology is widely applicable to modern payment systems but has inherent throughput limitations. Off-chain networks are proposed to solve scalability issues, which allows parties to efficiently perform micropayments without committing all of the payments to the blockchain. Off-chain payments with security and privacy protection requirements use the smart contract to ensure security and reduce the risk of sensitive information leakage. Although off-chain payments avoid expensive on-chain operations, it raises many concerns, such as the capacity limitation of payment channels and highly dynamic channel status, lowering the throughput of payment channel networks (PCNs). In our work, we explore the path overlap issues in PCNs and propose a decentralized payment routing scheme to improve the network throughput and reduce the redundant traffic overhead of PCNs, thereby guaranteeing efficient payments. The simulation results indicate that the proposed routing algorithm can achieve higher throughput than other routing schemes while guaranteeing short payment times.
The Lightning network (LN) addresses Bitcoin’s scalability issues by providing fast and private payment processing. In order to mitigate failures caused by insufficient channel capacities, LN introduced multi-path payments. To the best of our knowledge, the effect of multi-path payments remains unclear. In this paper, we therefore study the impact of multi-path payments on performance and privacy. We identify metrics quantifying the aforementioned properties and utilise them to evaluate the impact of multi-path payments. To this end, we develop a simulator implementing pathfinding in LN using single and multi-path payments as well as various pathfinding algorithms. We find that, while the success rate of multi-path payments is up to \(20\%\) higher, the impact of multi-path payments on performance otherwise remains within limits. On the other hand, the impact on privacy appears to be greater, e.g., multi-path payments are more likely to encounter an on-path adversary and the relationship anonymity is more likely to be compromised by colluding intermediate hops. However, multi-path payments are less likely to be deanonymised based on the path lengths.
Sharing data across various Internet of Things (IoT) devices has been a common challenge due to efficiency, security, and stability issues. Blockchain, with security features, is considered to be a potential solution for data sharing in IoT settings. However, traditional blockchain-based solutions cannot satisfy the efficiency requirement of high-frequency data sharing among IoT devices. In this paper, we propose an efficient IoT data sharing approach by adopting the Payment Channel Network (PCN)-extended blockchain. Besides, we develop a homomorphic hashing-based transaction segmentation scheme to solve the issue of low transaction success ratio caused by channel deposit restrictions in PCN. In addition, a Multi-point Relay (MPR)-based multi-path routing scheme has been developed to ensure high-frequency transaction forwarding. The communication overhead of maintaining the routing table is reduced by our proposed Multi-point Relay Selection algorithm, and multiple alternate paths generated by Multiple Routing Path algorithm can improve the transaction success rate. Experiment evaluations have demonstrated that that our proposed approach outperforms the baseline approaches in terms of the transaction efficiency and success ratio.
To guarantee delivery of their intended functionalities in the presence of unresponsive parties, current smart-contracts cut users off from being able to commit their responses after a fixed period of time has elapsed. However, current blockchains have limited transaction processing capacities, so a fixed amount of time will not always be sufficient to receive every (C-TX). This paper presents a mechanism for adaptive cutoffs (ACs) which ensures that users retain the opportunity to commit despite blockchain congestion, and enables early cutoffs when the number of required is low. A non-interactive argument system for setting adaptive cutoffs under the current Ethereum Virtual Machine is described. Additionally, disputable cutoffs (DCs) are presented, which are a more efficient approach used in parallel to ACs based on a bisection-based dispute. Furthermore, it’s empirically demonstrated that an AC/DC-enabled smart-contract can receive a larger number of than its non-adaptive counterparts when user responsiveness is slowed due to denial of service or congestion.
One of the main limitations of blockchain systems based on Proof of Work is scalability, making them unsuitable for e-commerce and small payments. Currently, one of the principal directions to overcome the scalability issue is to use the so-called “layer two” solutions, like Lightning Network, where users can open channels and send payments through them. In this paper, we propose a Probabilistic Logic model of Lightning Network, and we show how it can be adopted to compute several properties of it. We conduct some experiments to prove the applicability of the model, rather than providing a comprehensive analysis of the network.KeywordsProbabilistic Logic ProgrammingBlockchainLightning Network
Scaling blockchain efficiency is crucial to its widespread usage in which the payment channel is one of the most prominent approaches. With payment channels and the network they construct, two users can move some transactions off-chain to avoid expensive and time-consuming on-chain settlements. Existing works are devoted to designing high-throughput payment channel networks (PCNs) or efficient PCN routing policies to reduce the fee charged by intermediate nodes. In this paper, we investigate the PCN routing from a different perspective by answering whether the routing fee of transactions can be saved through being a bit more patient. The key idea is to reorder the processing sequence of atomic transactions, other than to handle each of them separately and immediately. We present two mechanisms, one is periodic transaction processing and the other is purely strategic waiting. In the former, the incoming transactions in a short time interval are processed collectively. We formulate an optimization model to minimize their total routing fee and derive the optimal permutation of processing transactions as well as the routing policy for each of them. A Shapley value based scheme is presented to redistribute the benefit of reordering among the transactions efficiently and fairly. In the latter, we model the waiting time of a strategic transaction on a single payment channel as the first passage time problem in queuing theory when the transaction value is higher than the channel balance upon its arrival. By capturing the balance dynamics, we are able to calculate the recursive expression of waiting time distribution that is useful to gauge a user's cost of patience. Experimental results manifest that our cost redistribution mechanism can effectively save routing fees for all the transactions, and the waiting time distribution coincides with the model well.
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Path-based transaction (PBT) networks, which settle payments from one user to another via a path of intermediaries, are a growing area of research. They overcome the scalability and privacy issues in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum by replacing expensive and slow on-chain blockchain operations with inexpensive and fast off-chain transfers. In the form of credit networks such as Ripple and Stellar, they also enable low-price real-time gross settlements across different currencies. For example, SilentWhsipers is a recently proposed fully distributed credit network relying on path-based transactions for secure and in particular private payments without a public ledger. At the core of a decentralized PBT network is a routing algorithm that discovers transaction paths between payer and payee. During the last year, a number of routing algorithms have been proposed. However, the existing ad hoc efforts lack either efficiency or privacy. In this work, we first identify several efficiency concerns in SilentWhsipers. Armed with this knowledge, we design and evaluate SpeedyMurmurs, a novel routing algorithm for decentralized PBT networks using efficient and flexible embedding-based path discovery and on-demand efficient stabilization to handle the dynamics of a PBT network. Our simulation study, based on real-world data from the currently deployed Ripple credit network, indicates that SpeedyMurmurs reduces the overhead of stabilization by up to two orders of magnitude and the overhead of routing a transaction by more than a factor of two. Furthermore, using SpeedyMurmurs maintains at least the same success ratio as decentralized landmark routing, while providing lower delays. Finally, SpeedyMurmurs achieves key privacy goals for routing in PBT networks.
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Bitcoin does not scale, because its synchronization mechanism , the blockchain, limits the maximum rate of transactions the network can process. However, using off-blockchain transactions it is possible to create long-lived channels over which an arbitrary number of transfers can be processed locally between two users, without any burden to the Bitcoin network. These channels may form a network of payment service providers (PSPs). Payments can be routed between any two users in real time, without any confirmation delay. In this work we present a protocol for duplex micropayment channels, which guarantees end-to-end security and allow instant transfers, laying the foundation of the PSP network.
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We introduce the concept of a trust network—a decentralized payment infrastructure in which payments are routed as IOUs between trusted entities. The trust network has directed links between pairs of agents, with capacities that are related to the credit an agent is willing to extend another; payments may be routed between any two agents that are connected by a path in the network. The network structure introduces group budget constraints on the payments from a subset of agents to another on the trust network: this generalizes the notion of individually budget constrained bidders. We consider a multi-unit auction of identical items among bidders with unit demand, when the auctioneer and bidders are all nodes on a trust network. We define a generalized notion of social welfare for such budget-constrained bidders, and show that the winner determination problem under this notion of social welfare is NP-hard; however the flow structure in a trust network can be exploited to approximate the solution with a factor of 1 − 1/e. We then present a pricing scheme that leads to an incentive compatible, individually rational mechanism with feasible payments that respect the trust network’s payment constraints and that maximizes the modified social welfare to within a factor 1 − 1/e.
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Abstract We introduce MASON, a fast, easily extensible, discrete-event multi-agent simulation toolkit in Java. MASON was designed,to serve as the basis for a wide,range of multi- agent simulation,tasks ranging,from,swarm,robotics to machine,learning,to social complexity,environments.,MASON carefully delineates between,model,and visual- ization, allowing models to be dynamically detached from or attached to visualizers, and to change platforms mid-run. We describe the MASON system, its motivation, and its basic architectural design. We then compare,MASON to related multi-agent li- braries in the public domain, and discuss six applications of the system we have built over the past year to suggest,its breadth,of utility.
Conference Paper
Permissionless blockchains protocols such as Bitcoin are inherently limited in transaction throughput and latency. Current efforts to address this key issue focus on off-chain payment channels that can be combined in a Payment-Channel Network (PCN) to enable an unlimited number of payments without requiring to access the blockchain other than to register the initial and final capacity of each channel. While this approach paves the way for low latency and high throughput of payments, its deployment in practice raises several privacy concerns as well as technical challenges related to the inherently concurrent nature of payments that have not been sufficiently studied so far. In this work, we lay the foundations for privacy and concurrency in PCNs, presenting a formal definition in the Universal Composability framework as well as practical and provably secure solutions. In particular, we present Fulgor and Rayo. Fulgor is the first payment protocol for PCNs that provides provable privacy guarantees for PCNs and is fully compatible with the Bitcoin scripting system. However, Fulgor is a blocking protocol and therefore prone to deadlocks of concurrent payments as in currently available PCNs. Instead, Rayo is the first protocol for PCNs that enforces non-blocking progress (i.e., at least one of the concurrent payments terminates). We show through a new impossibility result that non-blocking progress necessarily comes at the cost of weaker privacy. At the core of Fulgor and Rayo is Multi-Hop HTLC, a new smart contract, compatible with the Bitcoin scripting system, that provides conditional payments while reducing running time and communication overhead with respect to previous approaches. Our performance evaluation of Fulgor and Rayo shows that a payment with 10 intermediate users takes as few as 5 seconds, thereby demonstrating their feasibility to be deployed in practice.
Conference Paper
Bitcoin has emerged as the most successful cryptocurrency since its appearance back in 2009. However, its main drawback to become a truly global payment system is its low capacity in transaction throughput. At present time, some ideas have been proposed to increase the transaction throughput, with different impact on the scalability of the system. Some of these ideas propose to decouple standard transactions from the blockchain core and to manage them through a parallel payment network, relegating the usage of the bitcoin blockchain only to transactions which consolidate multiple of those off-chain movements. Such mechanisms generate new actors in the bitcoin payment scenario, the Payment Service Providers, and new privacy issues arise regarding bitcoin users. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive description of the most relevant scalability solutions proposed for the bitcoin network and we outline its impact on users’ privacy based on the early stage proposals published so far.
MASON is a fast, easily extensible, discrete-event multi-agent simulation toolkit in Java, designed to serve as the basis for a wide range of multi-agent simulation tasks ranging from swarm robotics to machine learning to social complexity environments. MASON carefully delineates between model and visualization, allowing models to be dynamically detached from or attached to visualizers, and to change platforms mid-run. This paper describes the MASON system, its motivation, and its basic architectural design. It then compares MASON to related multi-agent libraries in the public domain, and discusses six applications of the system built over the past year which suggest its breadth of utility.
Conference Paper
Credit networks represent a way of modeling trust between entities in a network. Nodes in the network print their own currency and trust each other for a certain amount of each other's currency. This allows the network to serve as a decentralized payment infrastructure---arbitrary payments can be routed through the network by passing IOUs between trusting nodes in their respective currencies---and obviates the need for a common currency. Nodes can repeatedly transact with each other and pay for the transaction using trusted currency. A natural question to ask in this setting is: how long can the network sustain liquidity, i.e. how long can the network support the routing of payments before credit dries up? We answer this question in terms of the long term failure probability of transactions for various network topologies and credit values. We prove that the transaction failure probability is independent of the path along which transactions are routed. We show that under symmetric transaction rates, the transaction failure probability in a number of well-known graph families goes to zero as the size, density or credit capacity of the network increases. We also show via simulations that even networks of small size and credit capacity can route transactions with high probability if they are well-connected. Further, we characterize a centralized currency system as a special type of a star network (one where edges to the root have infinite credit capacity, and transactions occur only between leaf nodes) and compute the steady-state transaction failure probability in a centralized system. We show that liquidity in star networks, complete graphs and Erdos-Renyi networks is comparable to that in equivalent centralized currency systems; thus we do not lose much liquidity in return for their robustness and decentralized properties.
Conference Paper
We study protocols to enable one user (the principal) to make potentially profitable but risky interactions with an- other user (the agent), in the absence of direct trust be- tween the two parties. In such situations, it is possible to enable the interaction indirectly through a chain of credit or "trust" links. We introduce a model that provides insight into many disparate applications, including open currency systems, network trust aggregation systems, and manipula- tion-resistant recommender systems. Each party maintains a trust account for each other party. When a principal's trust balance for an agent is high enough to cover poten- tial losses from a bad interaction, direct trust is sufficient to enable the interaction. Allowing indirect trust opens up more interaction opportunities, but also expands the strat- egy space of an attacker seeking to exploit the community for its own ends. We show that with indirect trust ex- change protocols, some friction is unavoidable: any protocol that satisfies a natural strategic safety property that we call sum-sybilproofness can sometimes lead to a reduction in ex- pected overall trust balances even on interactions that are profitable in expectation. Thus, for long-term growth of trust accounts, which are assets enabling risky but valuable interactions, it may be necessary to limit the use of indi- rect trust. We present the hedged-transitive protocol and show that it achieves the optimal rate of expected growth in trust accounts, among all protocols satisfying the sum- sybilproofness condition.