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Verrucous hemangioma and histopathological differential diagnosis with angiokeratoma circumscriptum neviforme



Verrucous hemangioma is a rare vascular skin disorder with an immune profile similar to vascular neoplasms, but with behavior and evolution of vascular malformations. Its main differential diagnosis is angiokeratoma circumscriptum neviforme, with an almost indistinguishable clinical presentation because both diseases appear as erythematous patches that evolve to violaceous plaques, becoming scaly and even verrucous, most commonly affecting the lower limbs. Histopathology is crucial for the correct diagnosis: while in angiokeratoma the vascular alterations are limited to the papillary dermis, verrucous hemangioma extends deep into the dermis, reaching the subcutaneous tissue.
An Overview About Oxidation in Clinical Practice of Skin Aging 712
Verrucous hemangioma and histopathological differential diagnosis with
angiokeratoma circumscriptum neviforme*
Kenselyn Oppermann1, Ana Letícia Boff2, Renan Rangel Bonamigo1,3
Abstract: Verrucous hemangioma is a rare vascular skin disorder with an immune profile similar to vascular neoplasms, but
with behavior and evolution of vascular malformations. Its main differential diagnosis is angiokeratoma circumscriptum
neviforme, with an almost indistinguishable clinical presentation because both diseases appear as erythematous patches that
evolve to violaceous plaques, becoming scaly and even verrucous, most commonly affecting the lower limbs. Histopathology
is crucial for the correct diagnosis: while in angiokeratoma the vascular alterations are limited to the papillary dermis, verru-
cous hemangioma extends deep into the dermis, reaching the subcutaneous tissue.
Keywords: Angiokeratoma; Hemangioma; Skin diseases, vascular
Female patient, phototype IV, four years of age, with a his-
tory of a reddish irregular patch on the right lumbosacral region
that appeared in the first year of life, with rapid and progressive
increase, evolving to a hyperkeratotic, verrucous plaque affecting
the entire right lower limb, including the plantar region. The lesion
was asymptomatic, and there was no report of local trauma or fam-
ily history.
On detailed physical examination, the lesion showed a li-
near pattern and morphological differences according to the topo-
Received 15 May 2017.
Accepted 04 February 2018.
* Work conducted at the Public Health Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State Health Department, Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil.
Financial support: None.
Conflict of interest: None.
1 Dermatology Department and Public Health Dermatology Outpatient Clinic, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State Health Department, Porto Alegre (RS),
2 Pathology Department, Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil.
3 Dermatology Department, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil.
Mailing address:
Kenselyn Oppermann
©2018 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia
graphy: it was more erythematous-violaceous on the gluteal region,
predominantly scaly on the posterior aspect of the leg, extending to
the ipsilateral plantar region, where it appeared as an erythematous
patch (Figures 1, 2, and 3). Comparative measurements of the lower
limbs showed no discrepancy; X-rays of the lower limbs and electro-
cardiogram were normal.
Anatomical pathological examination showed mild hy-
perkeratosis, prominent papillomatosis, and proliferation of small
and medium-caliber blood vessels located in the papillary dermis,
An Bras Dermatol. 2018;93(5):712-5.
FIgure 1: Ex-
tensive lesion
with erythema-
plaques with a
linear pattern
FIgure 3: Detail
of keratotic le-
sion on posterior
FIgure 2: Detail
of erythema-
lesion on
lumbosacral and
gluteal regions
and posterior
FIgure 4: Overall appearance on histopathology. Mild hyperkerato-
sis and acanthosis; papillomatosis; vascular proliferation, predomi-
nantly in the papillary dermis (Hematoxylin & eosin, x50)
An Bras Dermatol. 2018;93(5):712-5.
extending to the subcutaneous tissue (Figures 4 and 5). Combined
clinical and histopathological findings determined the diagnosis as
verrucous hemangioma (VH).
VH is a rare congenital vascular anomaly with a clinical
presentation very similar to that of angiokeratoma circumstriptum
neviforme (ACN). The International Society for the Study of Vas-
cular Anomalies (ISSVA) stratifies vascular anomalies into vascular
tumors and vascular malformations. Vascular tumors, such as in-
Verrucous hemangioma and histopathological differential diagnosis with angiokeratoma circumscriptum neviforme 713
714 Oppermann K, Boff AL, Bonamigo RR
An Bras Dermatol. 2018;93(5):712-5.
FIgure 5: Fundamental detail on histopathology. Proliferation of
small vessels also in the subcutaneous tissue, characteristic of ver-
rucous hemangioma (Hematoxylin & eosin, x200)
fantile hemangiomas, result from exacerbated cell proliferation, are
more prevalent in females, tend to regress with the child’s growth,
and present positive immunohistochemistry for WT1 (Wilms tumor
1 protein) and GLUT1 (glucose transporter-1 protein).1 On the other
hand, vascular malformations consist of errors in vessel morpho-
genesis, with equal male/female prevalence, that grow proportion-
ally with the child, and that do not display involution or positive
IHC for WT1 or GLUT1.1
Despite important efforts to standardize the nomenclature
for vascular anomalies, the case reported here illustrates the diffi-
culty in classifying these disorders. Some authors, like Imperial and
Helwig, consider VH a malformation involving the subcutaneous
tissue, with reactive acanthosis and epidermal hyperkeratosis;2
however, other authors consider it a true hemangioma (tumor),
since its present positivity for WT1 and GLUT1.3 The ISSVA classi-
fication of 2014 includes VH — as well as its principal differential
diagnosis, ACN — in the disorders yet not classified, since the clini-
cal-pathological characteristics are still not totally clear.1
The clinical presentation of VH and ACN include erythem-
atous patches that evolve to squamous and even verrucous plaques,
most often affecting the lower limbs.4,5 Given the clinical similarity,
anatomical pathological examination is imperative for diagnostic
confirmation. In ACN the epidermal findings of acanthosis with hy-
perkeratosis — often even hypergranulosis — are very evident and
charT 1: Differences between verrucous hemangioma and
angiokeratoma circumscriptum neviforme
Age at onset At birth or in early
At birth or in early
Sex No predilection, or
male predominance?
Females (3:1)
plaques on lower
plaques on lower
Histopathology Involvement of the
subcutaneous tissue
Involvement of the
papillary dermis
IHC Positive to GLUT1
and WT1
No reports of
Evolution Progression
accompanies child’s
No reliable data
Management Laser (deeper) Cryotherapy,
curettage, laser,
the vascular alterations are limited to the papillary dermis, whereas
in VH the papillomatosis is a predominant feature, with vascular
proliferation, and besides accompanying the papillomatosis in the
papillary dermis, the vessels extend to the deep dermis and subcu-
taneous tissue. Chart 1 summarizes the differences between the two
disease entities.
Another especially important complementary test is the
scanogram, which measures the limbs comparatively. In the pres-
ence of asymmetry, Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) should be
remembered. The syndrome is characterized by the triad of Port
wine stain, venous and lymphatic malformations, and hypertrophy
of soft tissues in the affected area. There are some reports of associ-
ation between ACN and KTS.5
Since VH lesions do not regress, but expand as the child
grows, treatment becomes challenging. Combined therapy with
surgery and laser is considered the first choice, and alternatives in-
clude cryotherapy and electrocoagulation.6 In more extensive cases,
in which surgery becomes unfeasible, sirolimus can be an interest-
ing option.7 q
VH: verrucous hemangioma; ACN: angiokeratoma circumscriptum neviforme; IHC:
Verrucous hemangioma and histopathological differential diagnosis with angiokeratoma circumscriptum neviforme 715
1. Wassef M, Blei F, Adams D, Alomari A, Baselga E, Berenstein A, et al. Vascular
Anomalies Classification: Recommendations from the International Society for the
Study of Vascular Anomalies. Pediatrics. 2015;136:e203-14.
2. Imperial R, Helwig EB. Verrucous hemangioma. A clinicopathologic study of 21
cases. Arch Dermatol. 1967;96:247-53.
3. Knöpfel N, Hoeger PH. Hemangioma verrucoso o malformación venosa
verrucosa? Hacia una clasificación asentada em el estudio genético. Actas
Dermosifiliogr. 2016;107:427-8.
4. Ghosh SK, Bandyopadhyay D, Ghoshal L, Haldar S. Angiokeratoma circumscriptum
naeviforme: A case report of a rare disease. Dermatol Online J. 2011;17:11.
5. Wankhade V, Singh R, Sadhwani V, Kodate P, Disawal A. Angiokeratoma
circumscriptum naeviforme with soft tissue hypertrophy and deep venous
malformation: A variant of Klippel Trenaunay syndrome? Indian Dermatol Online
J. 2014;5:S109-12.
6. Yang CH, Ohara K. Successful surgical treatment of verrucous hemangioma: a
combined approach. Dermatol Surg. 2002;28:913-19.
7. Hammill AM, Wentzel M, Gupta A, Nelson S, Lucky A, Elluru R, et al. Sirolimus
for the Treatment of Complicated Vascular Anomalies in Children. Pediatr Blood
Cancer. 2011;57:1018-24.
How to cite this article: Oppermann K, Boff AL, Bonamigo RR. Verrucous hemangioma and histopathological differential diagnosis with
angiokeratoma circumscriptum neviforme. An Bras Dermatol. 2018;93(5):712-5.
An Bras Dermatol. 2018;93(5):712-5.
Kenselyn Oppermann 0000-0003-0519-2868
Preparation and writing of the manuscript, Collecting, analysis and interpretation of
data, Effective participation in research orientation, Critical review of the literature
Ana Letícia Boff 0000-0002-5207-0567
Effective participation in research orientation
Renan Rangel Bonamigo 0000-0003-4792-8466
Approval of the final version of the manuscript, Effective participation in research orien-
tation, Intellectual participation in propaedeutic and/or therapeutic conduct of studied
cases, Critical review of the literature, Critical review of the manuscript
... Verrucous venocapillary malformation (VVM), formerly known as verrucous hemangioma, is characterized by well-demarcated, single or multiple, dark red/purple or black verrucous plaques and nodules which may show hyperkeratinization, thickening, darkening and bleeding [1,2]. VVM usually appears at birth or during early childhood [2]. ...
... Verrucous venocapillary malformation (VVM), formerly known as verrucous hemangioma, is characterized by well-demarcated, single or multiple, dark red/purple or black verrucous plaques and nodules which may show hyperkeratinization, thickening, darkening and bleeding [1,2]. VVM usually appears at birth or during early childhood [2]. On the other hand, angiokeratomas are welldemarcated vascular lesions which are characterized histopathologically by superficial vascular ectasia accompanied by hyperkeratosis [3]. ...
... VVM, also known as verrucous hemangioma, is a rare congenital vascular malformation which is usually localized to the lower extremity, unilaterally [2]. Even though, VVM has an immune profile analogous to the vascular proliferations; it exhibits histopathological features, clinical behavior and evolution pattern of vascular malformations [2,3]. ...
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Verrucous venocapillary malformation, formerly known as verrucous hemangioma, presents itself as single or multiple, well-demarcated, erythematous plaques that eventually acquire hyperkeratinization, oozing, bleeding and become thicker and darker over time. We report a case of verrucous venocapillary malformation in 33-year old woman referred to the dermatology outpatient clinic with the complaint of hyperkeratotic plaques covering the entire right leg and thigh, present since birth.
... 30,31 Penegakan diagnosis VH dilakukan terutama dengan pemeriksaan histopatologi. 32,33 Menurut literatur, gambaran histopatologi VH dengan pewarnaan HE menunjukkan gambaran hiperkeratosis, akantosis epidermis yang bervariasi dan telangiektasis papiler yang menutupi hemangioma kavernosa atau kapiler profunda. 22 Gambaran histopatologi yang merupakan karakteristik VH adalah epidermis hiperplasia reaktif yang ditandai dengan akantosis irregular, hiperkeratosis dan papilomatosis. ...
... 2,32 Pada ACN ditemukan akantosis, hiperkeratosis bahkan hipergranulosis pada epidermis, perubahan vaskular terbatas pada dermis papiler, sedangkan pada VH papilomatosis merupakan gambaran utama disertai proliferasi vaskular dalam papila dermis yang meluas ke dermis dalam dan jaringan subkutan. 13,32 Pada kasus ini, hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi menyokong diagnosis VH. Pengambilan biopsi yang dalam hingga jaringan subkutan merupakan langkah diagnostik yang penting dan perlu ditekankan, karena pada biopsi superfisial gambaran lesi VH cenderung serupa dengan ACN. ...
... Pengambilan biopsi yang dalam hingga jaringan subkutan merupakan langkah diagnostik yang penting dan perlu ditekankan, karena pada biopsi superfisial gambaran lesi VH cenderung serupa dengan ACN. 32,36 Pemeriksaan histopatologi tetap menjadi baku emas dalam menegakkan diagnosis VH, di mana diagnosis HV ditandai dengan saluran ektatik yang meluas ke dermis yang lebih dalam dibandingkan dengan ACN. 32,34 Konfirmasi diagnosis VH pada kasus ini dilakukan berdasarkan pemeriksaan CD31 dan MRI. ...
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Hemangioma verukosa adalah malformasi vena verukosa terlokalisisasi berupa hemangioma kapiler atau kavernosa dengan reaksi proliferasi epidermis berupa hiperkeratosis, akantosis dan papilomatosis serta ditandai dengan proliferasi dan pelebaran vaskular pada dermis hingga subkutan. Kelainan ini biasanya ditemukan pada ekstremitas bawah dan unilateral. Hemangioma verukosa sering didiagnosis sebagai malformasi vena atau limfatik. Seorang anak laki-laki berusia 11 tahun datang dengan bercak merah kehitaman yang kasar dan berbenjol-benjol pada kaki kanan yang dimiliki sejak lahir. Empat bulan sebelumnya, bercak tersebut berdarah akibat terkena lemparan bola kemudian menjadi semakin kasar, tebal dan bertambah gelap. Diagnosis awal pasien adalah hemangioma dan dilakukan krioterapi, namun lesi tidak membaik setelah 6 kali krioterapi. Diagnosis VH harus dipertimbangkan terutama jika menemukan lesi papul, plak maupun nodul eritematosa hiperkeratotik, ada saat lahir, berlokasi di ekstremitas bawah dan menunjukkan pertumbuhan setelah trauma atau infeksi. Dari hasil anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, serta penunjang, pasien didiagnosis dengan hemangioma verukosa. Terapi eksisi dengan margin yang adekuat pada kasus hemangioma verukosa dapat memberikan prognosis yang baik dan tingkat kekambuhan yang rendah. Terapi pada pasien ini berupa kombinasi salep clobetasol propionate 0,05% dan salicylic acid 5% kemudian dilakukan eksisi.
... The overlying epidermis shows a variable degree of acanthosis, papillomatosis, and compact hyperkeratosis. Typically, the deep dermis and hypodermis are not involved, helping distinguish them from verrucous hemangioma (4). ...
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Dear Editor, A 45-year-old man presented with a large, dark, keratotic, warty, and friable plaque on the distal posterior aspect of the left leg (Figure 1, a). The patient reported that the lesion was not present at birth but had appeared approximately at the age of three as an erythematous patch that progressively grew over the time. During adolescence, the surface of the lesion became rough and warty and was easily traumatized due to its location, resulting in recurrent bleeding episodes over a period of years. For this reason, the patient requested lesion removal. The patient did not report any other significant comorbidity, and physical examination revealed no other abnormalities. A shaving biopsy of the lesion was performed, and histopathology highlighted ectatic vascular spaces with some luminal red blood cell beneath a papillomatous and hyperkeratotic epidermis (Figure 1, b). Based on clinical and histopathological features, a diagnosis of angiokeratoma circumscriptum naeviforme (ACN) was established. ACN is one of the five disorders belonging to the group of angiokeratomas (AKs) that also include AK of Mibelli, AK of Fordyce, solitary or multiple AK, and AK corporis diffusum. Among these variants, ACN is the rarest and is seldom studied (1). AKs are benign vascular anomalies of the superficial vascular plexus that appear as dark red papules and plaques arranged either discretely or in clusters. ACN lesions are typically situated unilaterally on the lower limbs, especially on the legs and feet, but can occasionally occur elsewhere. Lesions are generally noted in early childhood. The early lesions are flat and reddish in color, while older lesions become increasingly studded and acquire a verrucous or warty surface. There is no tendency of spontaneous improvement, and minor traumas can easily cause beading and infection (2). While the plaques were linear in disposition in most of the cases reported in the literature, a peculiar feature of our case was the isolated, round, and giant appearance of the plaque. Even though ACN is not typically associated with other abnormalities, coexistence with other vascular malformations has been reported in some cases, including AK of Fordyce, Cobb syndrome, Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, nevus flammeus, infantile hemangioma, and traumatic arteriovenous fistula (3). From a histological point of view, ACN appears as dilated dermal papillary capillaries drained by dilated venules. The overlying epidermis shows a variable degree of acanthosis, papillomatosis, and compact hyperkeratosis. Typically, the deep dermis and hypodermis are not involved, helping distinguish them from verrucous hemangioma (4). Lichen simplex chronicus, verrucous carcinoma, and verrucous melanoma must also be considered in the differential diagnosis (5). Recurrent bleeding or cosmetic reasons are common indications for treatment. Surgical excision represents the most effective option. Other possibilities include diathermy, electrocautery, cryosurgery, or laser (6). In our case, there was no macroscopic residual disease after the shaving biopsy. A collagen dressing was applied, and the wound underwent second intention healing in three weeks. There was no evidence of local recurrence after 18 months. References: Das A, Mondal AK, Saha A, Chowdhury SN, Gharami RC. Angiokeratoma circumscriptum neviforme: An entity, few and far between. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2014;5:472-4. Mittal R, Aggarwal A, Srivastava G. Angiokeratoma circumscriptum: a case report and review of the literature. Int J Dermatol. 2005;44:1031-4. Wankhade V, Singh R, Sadhwani V, Kodate P, Disawal A. Angiokeratoma circumscriptum naeviforme with soft tissue hypertrophy and deep venous malformation: A variant of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome? Indian Dermatol Online J. 2014;5(Suppl 2):S109-S112. Oppermann K, Boff AL, Bonamigo RR. Verrucous hemangioma and histopathological differential diagnosis with angiokeratoma circumscriptum neviforme. An Bras Dermatol. 2018;93:712-5. Goldman L, Gibson SH, Richfield DF. Thrombotic angiokeratoma circumscriptum simulating melanoma. Arch Dermatol. 1981;117:138-9. del Pozo J, Fonseca E. Angiokeratoma circumscriptum naeviforme: successful treatment with carbon-dioxide laser vaporization. Dermatol Surg. 2005;31:232-6.
... VVM is generally difficult to treat [3]. Currently, combined therapy with laser (pulsed dye laser or ablative lasers) and surgery is considered the first-line of therapy [4]. Other treatment options include topical steroids, cryoablation, and radiotherapy with variable success [2]. ...
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Verrucous venous malformation (VVM) is a vascular malformation that is rarely reported in the literature which has vascular and hyperkeratotic components affecting mainly the extremities, difficult to treat, and often associated with complications mainly bleeding, ulceration with secondary infections, and limitation of movement. In this article, we report a successful improvement of VVM with sirolimus.
... The diagnosis of AKC can be usually suspected clinically and confirmed by histopathological study, which identifies characteristic ectatic thin-walled vascular channels in the papillary dermis with acanthosis and hyperkeratosis of the epidermis. The deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue are not affected and if they are involved the probable diagnosis is a verrucous hemangioma [1,2,9]. The differential diagnosis includes verrucous haemangioma, melanocytic nevus, melanoma, capillary aneurysm, pigmented basal cell carcinoma, and Spitz nevus [2]. ...
Angiokeratoma circumscriptum is the rarest variant of angiokeratoma. It usually affects females and it is characterized by dark-red to blue-black confluent papules or nodules on lower limbs in a segmental and unilateral distribution. We describe the clinical and histopathological findings in a patient with angiokeratoma circumscriptum and discuss the etiology, associations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment.
Background: The classification of vascular anomalies includes terms of nomenclature that are not based on histogenesis resulting in confusion among health professionals of different specialties. Ongoing efforts to classify them properly have taken place. This literature review aimed to identify erroneous nomenclature of vascular anomalies and to investigate their continued use over the past four years after the last International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) update. Methods: Literature research was based on pertinent classifications (ISSVA, WHO) and books related to vascular anomalies and soft tissue pathology. After identifying twelve entities with confusing terminology, new research in the Pubmed database was conducted to verify their continued use in the last four years. Results: The literature review highlighted terms referring to vascular malformations as neoplasms. In addition, terms used as equivalents represent entirely different entities. On the other hand, different terms to characterize the same entity were also recorded. Furthermore, regardless of the last ISSVA update in 2018, terms that are only descriptive or do not correspond to vascular anomaly histogenesis are consistently used. Conclusion: Despite intensive efforts in the last decades for correct terminology and classification of vascular anomalies, modifications are still required. A common and broadly accepted scientific terminology should be applied, accurately representing histogenesis or pathogenesis, to obtain a common language among medical specialists, given that a multidisciplinary approach is crucial for managing vascular anomalies. HIPPOKRATIA 2022, 26 (4):126-130.
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The orphanage is the best place for neglected children to get services, education, skills to become quality and useful children for many people. To create all that, it is necessary to improve the quality of the Orphanage. The Fajar Harapan Infant and Toddler Orphanage is currently experiencing several problems, including: Monitoring child growth using only the Manual Towards Health Card (KMS), Lack of knowledge of caregivers about child growth and development, and lack of child health equipment. Based on the existing problems, the following solutions can be given: Designing child development applications; Provide counseling, training and guidance to caregivers related to children's growth and development and nutritional intake, as well as providing orphanage health equipment. From the results of Community Service activities that have been carried out, namely the availability of applications for monitoring web-based growth and development that can be accessed online, making it easier for caregivers to see the growth and development of their foster children and making it easier for administrators to monitor the growth and development of foster children. Availability of health equipment such as scales, height measuring instruments, head circumference measuring instruments, thermometers, mattresses, and first aid kits to support growth and development control. With the existence of growth and development counseling activities, it provides the benefit of increasing caregiver knowledge about child development and increasing caregiver skills in providing nutritional intake and providing stimulation to children so that children's health and growth and development improve better.
In the traditional correction method of abnormal data in online education system, the unreasonable selection of training samples by RBF neural network leads to a large error in the correction of abnormal data. Therefore, GA algorithm is used to improve RBF neural network, and a new intelligent correction method of abnormal data in online education system based on big data technology is proposed. The classification model of abnormal data in online education system is constructed by decision tree classification algorithm. The pretreatment of abnormal data is completed based on big data technology. The specific pre-processing steps include: data cleaning, data integration, data transformation, data reduction, dimension reduction, numerical reduction, data discretization and concept layering. GA-RBF neural network is used to correct abnormal data of online education system. By comparing the performance of this method with the traditional intelligent correction method of abnormal data in online education system, it can be seen that the prediction and filling accuracy of this method is higher than that of the traditional method, and the performance is improved.
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Vascular anomalies represent a spectrum of disorders from a simple "birthmark" to life- threatening entities. Incorrect nomenclature and misdiagnoses are commonly experienced by patients with these anomalies. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for appropriate evaluation and management, often requiring multidisciplinary specialists. Classification schemes provide a consistent terminology and serve as a guide for pathologists, clinicians, and researchers. One of the goals of the International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) is to achieve a uniform classification. The last classification (1997) stratified vascular lesions into vascular malformations and proliferative vascular lesions (tumors). However, additional disease entities have since been identified that are complex and less easily classified by generic headings, such as capillary malformation, venous malformation, lymphatic malformation, etc. We hereby present the updated official ISSVA classification of vascular anomalies. The general biological scheme of the classification is retained. The section on tumors has been expanded and lists the main recognized vascular tumors, classified as benign, locally aggressive or borderline, and malignant. A list of well-defined diseases is included under each generic heading in the "Simple Vascular Malformations" section. A short definition is added for eponyms. Two new sections were created: one dealing with the malformations of individually named vessels (previously referred to as "truncular" malformations); the second groups lesions of uncertain or debated nature (tumor versus malformation). The known genetic defects underlying vascular anomalies are included in an appendix. This classification is meant to be a framework, acknowledging that it will require modification as new scientific information becomes available. Copyright © 2015 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
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Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a cutaneous capillary malformation on a limb in association with soft tissue swelling with or without bony hypertrophy and atypical varicosity. The capillary malformation associated with KTS is port wine stain. Angiokeratoma circumscriptum naeviforme (ACN) is a congenital variant of angiokeratoma commonly present on the lower limb as a hyperkeratotic plaque. ACN is rarely associated with KTS. We report a case of ACN with soft tissue hypertrophy and deep venous malformation (possibly a variant of Klippel-Trenaunay) in a 4-year-old male child.
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Angiokeratomas are relatively rare vascular lesions characterized by ectasias of the papillary dermal blood vessels with secondary epidermal changes in the form of acanthosis and/or hyperkeratosis. Amongst the several variants of angiokeratomas, angiokeratoma circumscriptum is the least common one. Angiokeratoma circumscriptum naeviforme (ACN) is a still rarer type of angiokeratoma, which is typically seen at birth. We report here a case of linear, unilateral, verrucous plaques on the leg of a young man, diagnosed as ACN.
Verrucous hemangioma is a structural variant of capillary or cavernous hemangioma in which reactive epidermal acanthosis, papillomatosis, and hyperkeratosis develop secondarily. The clinical appearance of verrucous hemangioma may simulate that of angiokeratoma and the separation of the two lesions is important, since the histologic and clinical behavior are different. Verrucous hemangiomas are vascular malformations, whereas the angiokeratomas are telangiectasias, Verrucous hemangioma usually involves the lower extremities and spreads slowly. As the lesion spreads, satellite nodules may develop. Verrucous hemangioma involves the dermis and the subcutaneous fat, but angiokeratoma involves only the papillary dermis. Recurrence is frequent in verrucous hemangioma because of the involvement of the deeper tissue and possibly because of altered hemodynamics opening up preexisting noncanalized malformed vessels. Verrucous hemangioma should be excised while still small to prevent large and unsightly scars.
Vascular anomalies comprise a diverse group of diagnoses. While infantile hemangiomas are common, the majority of these conditions are quite rare and have not been widely studied. Some of these lesions, though benign, can impair vital structures, be deforming, or even become life-threatening. Vascular tumors such as kaposiform hemangioendotheliomas (KHE) and complicated vascular malformations have proven particularly difficult to treat. Here we retrospectively evaluate a series of six patients with complicated, life-threatening vascular anomalies who were treated with the mTOR inhibitor sirolimus for compassionate use at two centers after failing multiple other therapies. These patients showed significant improvement in clinical status with tolerable side effects. Sirolimus appears to be effective and safe in patients with life-threatening vascular anomalies and represents an important tool in treating these diseases. These findings are currently being further evaluated in a Phase II safety and efficacy trial.
Verrucous hemangioma, also known as angiokeratoma circumscriptum naeviforme, is a rare congenital vascular abnormality. Episodes of bleeding and infection following trauma or scratching are frequent. Superficial ablative therapies using laser, cryotherapy, and electrocautery are always followed by recurrence. To report the clinical and histopathologic characteristics and treatment results of verrucous hemangioma. This study included 23 patients with verrucous hemangioma treated by en toto surgical excision in combination with laser therapy. Palpation, inspection, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed to delineate surgical margins. The clinical presentation of verrucous hemangioma ranged from a small solitary verrucous plaque or cluster of lesions with unilateral limb involvement to Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome with bone hypertrophy. Histologically all specimens revealed the existence of hemangioma-like components in the subcutaneous tissue and dilated subepidermal blood cysts. The 14 patients presenting with small, localized lesions were cured by one session of surgery without recurrence, while the 9 patients with wider and more extensive lesions required combination therapy in several stages for optimal results. Surgical excision in combination with laser therapy is the preferred treatment for verrucous hemangioma because the crucial pathologic change is concentrated in the subcutaneous tissue. The use of clinical inspection, palpation, and imaging studies before surgery is helpful in delineating the underlying mass.
Hemangioma verrucoso o malformación venosa verrucosa? Hacia una clasificación asentada em el estudio genético
  • Knöpfel N
Knöpfel N, Hoeger PH. Hemangioma verrucoso o malformación venosa verrucosa? Hacia una clasificación asentada em el estudio genético. Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2016;107:427-8.