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Tracing the human brain's classical language areas in extant and extinct hominids

  • University of Hamburg & Charles University

Abstract and Figures

Language is a cognition that makes us human. It is a function of the structure of the human brain that is made possible by complex wiring of neural networks that evolved over millions of years since humans shared the last common ancestor with the great apes. The human brain accommodates two principle cortical areas that are strongly involved in computing linguistic processes: Broca's and Wernicke's areas. Discovered in the latter half of the 19th century, the regions represent localized but relatively segregated linguistic modules which are linked through connective pathways. Broca's and Wernicke's areas are ancient parts of the primate brain, however, their functional specializations have undergone significant transformations during primate evolution. This chapter will review neurobiological findings concerning the internal make-up and function of the homologous brain areas to Broca's and Wernicke's areas in extant nonhuman primates and discuss relevant knowledge that exists on the brain morphology of extinct hominins. Comparative neurobiology holds the key to understanding how the core language areas have developed their specialized functions in human brains by offering insights into developments that could have been the driving forces for language during evolutionary history.
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Tracing the human brain's classical
language areas in extant and extinct
Eva Maria Luef
Seoul National University, College of Education
AbstractLanguage is a cognition that makes us human. It is a function of the
structure of the human brain that is made possible by complex wiring of neural
networks that evolved over millions of years since humans shared the last com-
mon ancestor with the great apes. The human brain accommodates two principle
cortical areas that are strongly involved in computing linguistic processes: Broca's
and Wernicke's areas. Discovered in the latter half of the 19th century, the regions
represent localized but relatively segregated linguistic modules which are linked
through connective pathways. Broca's and Wernicke's areas are ancient parts of
the primate brain, however, their functional specializations have undergone sig-
nificant transformations during primate evolution. This chapter will review neu-
robiological findings concerning the internal make-up and function of the homol-
ogous brain areas to Broca's and Wernicke's areas in extant nonhuman primates
and discuss relevant knowledge that exists on the brain morphology of extinct
hominins. Comparative neurobiology holds the key to understanding how the
core language areas have developed their specialized functions in human brains
Eva Maria Luef
by oering insights into developments could have been the driving forces for lan-
guage during evolutionary history.
Keywordsbrain, Broca's area, classical language areas, evolution, origins,
Wernicke's area
From so simple a beginning, endless forms most
beautiful and most wonderful have been,
and are being, evolved.
— Darwin, 1859
Throughout history, many societies believed that language was a gift
from God to humans. According to the Bible, immediately upon creation
Adam received the task from God to give names to all living things and
hence develop a language with which he could communicate with Eve.
Human society and language are treated as inseparable entities not just
by the authors of the Bible, but even more so by modern science that has
demonstrated how deeply ingrained language is into our biological and
social existence. Contrary to biblical belief, this close relationship is a
result of the evolutionary pressures of the ancestral past moulding and
shaping the unique human mind as we know it today.
Language is a multifaceted cognitive ability dependent on a complex
brain to support it. For humans, communication requires a wide range of
dierent cerebral processes contributing to construct linguistic mean-
ing in the brain. The essence of the neurobiology of language consists
of identifying particular linguistic functions and their cerebral control
centers to be able to assign functions to specific brain areas. Many con-
temporary language-brain models are deeply rooted in the premise that
two cortical left-hemispheric areas govern the majority of language
processes (Price, 2012). This is not to say that no other cerebral regions
contribute to linguistic tasks or that the core language areas exclusively
compute language. A variety of subcortical structures may be involved
in lexical, phonological, syntactic, and/or semantic processes (e.g., Du
Tracing the human brain's language areas
& Brown-Schmidt, 2017; Duau, Moritz-Gasser, & Mandonnet, 2014;
Tiedt et al., 2017). In addition, right-hemispheric structures also make
important contributions to language (Silbert, Honey, Simony, Poeppel, &
Hasson, 2014). More generally, linguistic processing can build upon and
benefit from non-linguistic cognition, such as numerical or spatial pro-
cessing (see, e.g., de Bruin, Roelofs, Dijkstra, & Fitzpatrick, 2014; Hauser,
Chomsky, & Fitch, 2002), which makes the definition of what constitutes
a language area dicult. The two core language areas, namely Broca's
and Wernicke's areas, are historically important and well-researched
brain regions in terms of linguistic cognition, and a considerable body of
research has consolidated their undebated role for language.
This review will discuss the evolutionary development of the core
language areas of modern human brains as we know them today. Starting
with an historical overview of their discoveries and important findings
from early brain-language research of the 19th century, it will continue
with a description of which cytoarchitectonic studies have contribut-
ed to our current knowledge of the language areas and their functions.
Neurobiological studies on nonhuman primates will show how equiva-
lent brain regions in monkeys and apes process information related to
species-specific communication and how functionality of those areas
changed during the evolution of Homo sapiens. Lastly, archaic humans
– extinct members of the genus Homo – which are considered as evolu-
tionary intermediaries between the great apes and humans, will be the
focus of discussion. Evidence relating to the existence of the core lan-
guage areas in the brains of various species of extinct hominins can pro-
vide compelling insights into the evolutionary history of neurolinguistic
structures of the human brain.
The neurobiological basis of language has traditionally been considered
as centered upon two core language areas called Broca's area and Wer-
nicke's area. They are named after their discoverers, the French phy-
sician Pierre Paul Broca (1824–1880) and the German neurologist Carl
Eva Maria Luef
Wernicke (1848–1905), who were among the first to describe their role
in linguistic processing.
Examining two patients who were unable to speak, Broca discovered
that damage to the left inferior frontal gyrus of the cerebral cortex led
to language production deficits (so-called Broca's aphasia or non-fluent
aphasia, see Broca, 1861, 1865). Neither claims of location nor left-later-
alization of this brain area were entirely new (for a review of the histor-
ical debate over the discovery of the lateralized language area known as
Broca's area see, e.g., Finger, 2010). However, previous work was rather
preliminary and lacking in many of the evidential details that were lat-
er provided by Broca, who has thus historically been credited with the
discovery of that language area (Cubelli & Montagna, 1994). Tradition-
ally, Broca's area has been described as a productive region concerned
with the encoding of vocal signals into meaningful syllables, words (e.g.,
Indefrey & Levelt, 2004; Papoutsi et al., 2009) and sentences (Embick,
Marantz, Miyashita, O'Neil, & Sakai, 2000).
Post-mortem analyses of the brains of both Broca's patients and re-
cent re-examinations with modern neuroimaging techniques revealed
their lesions to be more extensive than solely to the posterior part of the
left inferior frontal gyrus. They include the insula, anterior parts of the
superior temporal lobe and parts of the inferior parietal lobule as well
as subcortical parts, such as the claustrum, putamen and globus pal-
lidus (Cabanis, Iba-Zizen, Abelanet, Monod-Broca, & Signoret, 1994;
Castaigne, Lhermitte, Signoret, & Abelanet, 1980; Dronkers, Plaisant,
Iba-Zizen, & Cabanis, 2007). Based on these findings, it has become clear
in the last few decades that the clinical description of Broca's aphasia
also involves substantial subcortical and insular damage (Petrides, 2014)
and that a localized lesion to solely Broca's area results in a rather mild
and reversible language production problem (Mohr et al., 1978; Penfield
& Roberts, 1959).
In 1874, Carl Wernicke identified another cortical area whose dam-
age led to language impairment, in this case in the domain of language
perception. Disruptions to the posterior portion of the left superior tem-
poral gyrus result in a type of aphasia, which is primarily characterized
by poor speech/language comprehension but relatively fluent language
output (so-called Wernicke's aphasia or fluent aphasia, see, e.g., Benson
& Ardila, 1996). Wernicke's area is most commonly described as a recep-
Tracing the human brain's language areas
tive region for processing and integrating auditory sensory information
(Guenther, 2016) and lies immediately posterior to the primary audito-
ry cortex, which is considered crucial for the perceptual processing of
speech (Petrides, 2014). Wernicke (1881) suggested that the critical re-
gion for auditory language comprehension spans the superior temporal
gyrus, including the cortex of the superior temporal sulcus and the ad-
jacent lip of the middle temporal gyrus. He proposed the existence of
a larger peri-Sylvian cortical and insular language region in the human
brain, including the core language region identified by him. This postu-
lation proved remarkably consistent with the findings of the majority
of studies that would follow within the next century, including neuro-
psychological as well as modern functional neuroimaging studies (e.g.,
Dronkers, Redfern, & Ludy, 1995; Friederici, 2011; Penfield & Roberts,
Typical language processing in the human brain is relatively strictly
lateralized. Broca's and Wernicke's areas, as well as Heschl's gyrus and
the insula, are primarily left-hemispheric regions (Bidula & Króliczak,
2015; but see Keller et al., 2011), whereas a number of right-hemispheric
brain regions also play a role, such as the mid part of the superior tempo-
ral sulcus (Glasel et al., 2011; Leroy et al., 2015).
After the discoveries of Broca and Wernicke, the German physician
Ludwig Lichtheim developed a model of language function that placed
both core language areas at the center and attempted to describe how
they interact for linguistic computing (Graves, 1997; Lichtheim, 1885).
Broca's view of brain language processes corresponded with a mosaic
map of specific and separate language function centers, including a gen-
eral faculty for languages and a specific faculty of articulation and dier-
ent input/output pathways (peripheral sensory, motor nerve), between
which no connection was described (Broca, 1865). Wernicke, on the oth-
er hand, drawing upon his teacher and mentor Theodor Meynert, pro-
posed connective pathways between dierent language centers and saw
all linguistic functions as inter-related in both functional and anatomical
terms (Wernicke, 1874, 1881). Based on Wernicke's paradigm, Lichtheim
formulated the Wernicke-Lichtheim Model of linguistic processing (later
modified most notably by Geschwind, 1965) which defines Wernicke's
area as the auditory center, Broca's area as the motor output center,
and both connected to an (non-localized) conceptual center (Lichtheim,
Eva Maria Luef
1885). The model puts strong emphasis on the functional connectivity of
cerebral areas and their associative networks, a view that was support-
ed by other researchers at the time who showed fiber tracts linking the
core language areas (e.g., Burdach, 1822; Dejerine, 1895). Thanks to the
pioneering work by Geschwind (1970), a large fiber tract between Broca's
and Wernicke's area, the arcuate fasciculus, was identified as a crucial
pathway for language processing (see also Marin in this volume). Later
research identified additional fiber tracts linking lateral areas of the tem-
poral cortex with the frontal cortex (Petrides & Pandya, 1988; Schmah-
mann et al., 2007), and a part of the superior longitudinal fasciculus was
described as most crucial for language processing (e.g., Schmahmann et
al., 2007). In the last ten to fifteen years, numerous studies using diu-
sion tensor imaging (DTI-tractography) have delineated with modern
neuroimaging techniques the relationship of language to white matter
pathways, such as the arcuate fasciculus, ventral pathway and uncinate
fasciculus (Catani & Jones, 2005; Frey, Campbell, Pike, & Petrides, 2008;
Saur et al., 2008). Whether the arcuate fasciculus actually plays the role
in linguistic processing that Geschwind described has been debated re-
cently (see Dick & Tremblay, 2012, for a review).
Undoubtedly, most researchers agree with the general premise of
the dual-pathway model of language/speech processing, where a dorsal
stream maps auditory speech sounds to articulation and a ventral stream
maps auditory speech sounds to meaning (Ungerleider & Haxby, 1994);
however, the exact neural connections comprising the system are often
considered controversial (Hickok, 2009; Rauschecker, 2011; Rauscheck-
er & Tian, 2000; Saur et al., 2008; Weiller, Bormann, Saur, Musso, & Ri-
jntjes, 2011). Although the extensive degree of connections between the
dierent brain language areas was not known at the end of the 19th cen-
tury, Wernicke's and Lichtheim's work guided future researchers in the
direction that proved to be most useful for finding the neurobiological
foundations of language. The Wernicke-Lichtheim Model came to be the
standard neuropsychological model for language and was elaborated on
extensively over the following 100 years (Ben Shalom & Poeppel, 2008;
Graves, 1997), spawning many modern descendants (see, e.g., Friederici,
2002; Hickok & Poeppel, 2004; Indefrey & Levelt, 2004; Price, 2000).
Broca's and Wernicke's areas are often inconsistently defined in the
literature as both involving large portions of the cortex with relatively
Tracing the human brain's language areas
vague boundary markings (Guenther, 2016). In general, there is substan-
tial variation concerning the precise boundaries of the areas among indi-
viduals as well as between hemispheres of the same individual (Amuts et
al., 1999; Steinmetz & Seitz, 1991). One way to delineate discrete cortical
areas more narrowly is to define them on the basis of their cellular or-
ganization (i.e., the cytoarchitecture). Cells receive, compute and send
out information to other cortical and subcortical structures with which
they are linked (Petrides, 2014), and their internal make-up is relevant
to understanding their particular functions. The procedure of hardening
brains to stain cellular elements of thinly sectioned slices only became
possible in the latter part of the 19th century and was pioneered by Carl
Wernicke's teacher Theodor Meynert, who was able to demonstrate dif-
ferent cell types and various layers of neurons in dierent cortical re-
gions (Meynert, 1867). His work was followed by other researchers, in-
cluding the German neuro-anatomist Korbinian Brodmann who in 1909
published the most famous cytoarchitectonic map of the human cerebral
cortex, introducing the numerical nomenclature to denote the cortical
regions that is still widely used today (i.e., “Brodman area” or “BAplus
corresponding number of his cytoarchitectonic map). The following two
centuries saw a rise in interest in cytoarchitecture due to the develop-
ment of new methods and techniques (e.g., Economo & Koskinas, 1925;
Sarkissov, Filimono, Kononowa, Preobraschenskaja, & Kukuew, 1955),
and beginning in the 1980s, functional neuroimaging of distinct foci of
functional activity in the human brain drew on cytoarchitecture to define
cortical regions (e.g., Talairach & Tournoux, 1988).
Both Broca's and Wernicke's areas correspond to more than one
Brodmann area. Broca's area includes Brodmann's areas 44 and 45, with
area 44 lying on the pars opercularis and area 45 on the pars triangularis
of the inferior frontal gyrus (Amuts et al., 2010), while Wernicke's area
corresponds to parts of Brodmann's areas 21, 22 (central and posterior
superior temporal gyrus), 41 and/or 42 (Ardila, Bernal, & Rosselli, 2016).
Even though there are no exact correspondences between the core lan-
guage areas and their cytoarchitecture, the cytoarchitectonic divisions of
the human cortex are particularly useful in cross-species comparisons.
Cortical cells, like all other biological structures, change slowly and thus
remain highly conserved for a longer evolutionary period (Geschwind &
Eva Maria Luef
Rakic, 2013), opening up the possibility of comparative neurobiological
studies across related species.
Primates first appeared in the fossil record around 55 million years ago
(Seiert, Perry, Simons, & Boyer, 2009), with the evolutionary lineage
leading to modern humans splitting from the great ape lineage about
seven to eight million years ago (Langergraber et al., 2012). The diverse
order of primates includes prosimians, such as lemurs and tarsiers, and
a multitude of simian species, for instance marmosets, capuchins, ma-
caques and apes. The great apes (Hominidae) are the closest living rel-
atives of humans and share over 97% of genes with them (Locke et al.,
2011). Macaque monkeys are, after humans, the most widespread pri-
mate genus and share about 93% of their genes with humans (Gibbs et
al., 2007). Research pertaining to the evolution of human behavior is of-
ten focused on chimpanzees, but neuroscience widely uses macaques to
model functions of the human brain.
During human evolution, there was substantial neurological rewiring
and reorganization of the cortex, wherein some areas increased in size
(e.g., the anterior prefrontal cortex) while others decreased (e.g., parts
of the insular cortex, see Semendeferi, Armstrong, Schleicher, Zilles, &
Van Hoesen, 1998, 2001). The increase in white matter volume of the pre-
central cortex indicates that the frontal lobes in humans have increased
in neurological complexity as compared to those in great apes (Schoen-
emann, Sheehan, & Glotzer, 2005). The human brain is not just an en-
larged version of the chimpanzee brain but diers with regard to form
and function (Rilling, 2006).
Cytoarchitectonic studies have helped trace the nonhuman origins
of specific human brain regions to draw conclusions as to their evolu-
tionary development. Cortical regions homologous (in cell make-up) to
Broca's and Wernicke's areas have been identified in macaque monkeys
(Galaburda & Pandya, 1982; Preuss, 2000) as well as in all great apes
(Cantalupo & Hopkins, 2001; Spocter et al., 2010), and those areas seem
Tracing the human brain's language areas
to be involved specifically in the processing of species-specific vocal and
gestural communication signals (Gil-da-Costa et al., 2006; Petrides, Ca-
doret, & Mackey, 2005; Taglialatela, Russell, Schaeer, & Hopkins, 2008).
The function of Broca's area in humans may thus be a specialization of
more ancient brain functions related to vocal and gestural communica-
tion in Old World primates (Schenker et al., 2010).
The macaque homologue of Broca's area has gained fame with the
discovery of mirror neurons, which are a class of neurons that represent
meanings of actions (in the sense of an action vocabulary) accessible
through auditory stimuli (Kohler et al., 2002). Therefore, the link be-
tween motor action and speech is not new to the human Broca's area but
has an evolutionary precedent, a fact that has fed various hypotheses on
language origins (e.g., Gallese, 2008).
While Broca's area is lateralized to the left cortical hemisphere in
most humans (Toga & Thompson, 2003), the degree of lateralization of
homologous regions in nonhuman primates is still unclear. Allometric
measurements of the homologue of Broca's area in chimpanzees are not
in agreement over hemispheric specialization (Cantalupo & Hopkins,
2001; Schenker et al., 2010). Human brains are characterized by the so-
called Broca's cap, a bulge at the level of the temporal pole that includes a
part of Broca's area, namely Brodmann area 45 (see Falk, 2014). A similar
structure in chimpanzees, called the orbital cap (which does not exact-
ly correspond to Broca's cap, see Falk, 2014), may or may not show size
dierence between the two hemispheres (Cantalupo & Hopkins, 2001;
Schenker et al., 2010; Sherwood, Broadfield, Holloway, Gannon, & Hof,
2003). Nevertheless, behavioral studies suggest a certain degree of lat-
eralization of communicative functions in nonhuman primates (Vau-
clair, 2004). Chimpanzees have been shown to possess a tendency to
process species-specific sounds primarily in the inferior frontal gyrus of
the left hemisphere (Taglialatela et al., 2008; Wilson & Petkov, 2011). In
macaques, stimulation of the left Broca's area homologue elicits orofa-
cial movements (Petrides et al., 2005), and orofacial asymmetries were
shown to be associated with the production of species-specific calls in
marmosets, macaques and chimpanzees (Fernández-Carriba, Loeches,
Morcillo, & Hopkins, 2002; Hook-Costigan & Roger, 1998; Schenker et
al., 2010). Due to the fact that chimpanzees tend to produce asymmetric
orofacial movements during the production of (learned) calls, it has been
Eva Maria Luef
suggested that both tasks are functionally lateralized to the left hemi-
sphere (Losin, Russell, Freeman, Meguerditchian, & Hopkins, 2008).
While lateralization of the nonhuman homologue to Broca's area
is still contested, more agreement exists concerning asymmetry in the
chimpanzee homologue of Wernicke's area (Hopkins et al., 2016; Spocter
et al., 2010). In humans, the planum temporale at the core of Wernicke's
area is significantly enlarged in the left hemisphere, with the left-hemi-
spheric area being approximately ten times larger in size than the right
one (Geschwind & Levitsky, 1968). The nonhuman homologue area of
Brodmann area 22, comprising the largest part of Wernicke's area, is
called the temporo-parietal area (Tpt) and has been localized in ma-
caques, galagos (Gannon, Kheck, & Hof, 2008; Preuss & Goldman-Rakic,
1991) and all great apes (Hopkins, Marino, Rilling, & MacGregor, 1998,
see Figure 1). The human-like lateral asymmetry is already evident in ba-
boons and great apes (Hopkins et al., 1998; Hopkins & Nir, 2011; Marie et
al., 2017), indicating that the planum temporale asymmetry dates back to
a common ancestor of catarrhine primates (Sherwood, Subiaul, & Zaw-
idzki, 2008).
A number of behavioral studies suggested that perception of spe-
cies-specific vocalization may be lateralized to the left cerebral hemi-
sphere in macaques (e.g., Ghazanfar, Smith-Rohrberg, & Hauser, 2001;
Hauser & Anderson, 1994; Petersen, Beecher, Zoloth, Moody, & Stebbins,
1978). Neurobiological studies confirmed some of these findings and, ad-
ditionally, identified the left Tpt area in macaques to be specifically in-
Figure 1. Schematic drawing of macaque (left), chimpanzee (mid) and human (right) brains
(left hemispheres) with Brodmann areas 44/45 and temporo-parietal areas (Tpt) indicated
(based on Amuts et al., 2010; Frey, Mackey, & Petrides, 2014; Gannon, Holloway, Broadfield,
&Braun, 1998; Schenker et al., 2008; Spocter et al., 2010). Images are not to scale.
Tracing the human brain's language areas
volved in the processing of conspecific calls (Hener & Hener, 1986;
Poremba et al., 2004). Rauschecker et al. (1995) demonstrated that pure
tones are processed at the core region of the superior temporal cortex
in macaques, whereas complex, species-specific vocalizations are pro-
cessed in more lateral regions.
A neuroimaging study measuring planum temporale activity of
chimpanzees during the perception of species-specific vocalizations
confirmed that the planum temporale region of the chimpanzee brain
is functionally specialized for the processing of species-specific vocal
signals, though no evidence was found for a lateralization eect (Tagli-
alatela, Russell, Schaeer, & Hopkins, 2009). The majority of studies on
nonhuman primates corroborate the fact that the temporal region of the
primate brain, including humans, is home to a voice recognition system
that is specialized in processing communication signals from conspecif-
ics (see, e.g., Belin, Zatorre, Lafaille, Ahad, & Pike, 2000; Petkov et al.,
2008; Spocter et al., 2010).
There is ample evidence indicating that species-specific communica-
tion signals of great apes are lateralized to the left cerebral hemisphere,
although the exact brain regions involved may be yet unclear. Studies
that directly measure neurological processes during communication
tasks are scarce (e.g., Taglialatela et al., 2009), but numerous behavioral
studies have revealed a trend of left-lateralization. Manual gestures in
most great apes seem to be governed by left-hemispheric structures (e.g.,
chimpanzees: Hobaiter & Byrne, 2013; Hopkins & Leavens, 1998; bonobos:
Hopkins & Vauclair, 2012) and the laterality eect may be even stron-
ger when vocalizations accompany these gestures (Hopkins & Cantero,
2003; Taglialatela, Russell, Schaeer, & Hopkins, 2011). Both Broca's and
Wernicke's areas have been implicated in those communicative process-
es. Hopkins and Nir (2011) and Spocter et al. (2010) identified a correla-
tion between the degree of asymmetry of the planum temporale and the
propensity for right-handedness of gestures in chimpanzees (Hopkins &
Nir, 2011; Spocter et al., 2010). Tagliatelata et al. (2006) described the
same correlation for gesture handedness and size of the inferior frontal
gyrus. As shown by Meguerditchian et al. (2012), both the planum tem-
porale and inferior frontal gyral surface asymmetry are correlated with
communicative gesture in chimpanzees. At the moment it is unclear
which of the two brain regions is more closely linked to communication.
Eva Maria Luef
Handedness, in general, has been described to be strongly associat-
ed with language in modern humans, with the majority of right-handed
people demonstrating left-hemispheric specialization for language func-
tion (Knecht et al., 2000). A study of hand preference in chimpanzees,
however, has shown that the neurobiological correlates of handedness in
chimpanzees do not seem to be related to the language areas (Hopkins &
Cantalupo, 2004). Handedness may have co-evolved with language only
during human evolution (Corballis, 2003), and the connection between
the two is possibly related to gestural communication or tool use (see,
e.g., Hopkins, Russell, & Cantalupo, 2007; Meguerditchian, Vauclair, &
Hopkins, 2013).
Broca's and Wernicke's areas and their nonhuman homologues are
not only dierent in size and situated in dierent cortical locations
across species, but are also characterized by dierences in their inter-
nal cell-makeup. Broca's area and the temporal plane in humans display
wider cortical minicolumns, and this is particularly pronounced in the
left hemisphere (Rilling & Stout, 2014). Moreover, notable dierenc-
es between the association networks of the language areas have been
described, with human Broca's areas displaying more extensive con-
nections to the temporal gyrus than the homologue in nonhuman pri-
mates' brains. Concerning white matter pathways, comparable frontal
connections can be found in humans and nonhuman primates, including
the superior longitudinal fasciculus, the uncinate fasciculus, the cingu-
lum, the arcuate fasciculus and the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus
(de Schotten, Dell'Acqua, Valabregue, & Catani, 2012; Makris & Pandya,
2009; Rilling, Glasser, Jbabdi, Andersson, & Preuss, 2011). While some
of these pathways have been relatively preserved during the evolution of
great apes and humans, others were substantially reorganized. The tra-
jectory of the arcuate fasciculus, for instance, has been strongly modified
in human brains, linking the left frontal cortex to the middle and inferior
frontal gyri and parts of Broca's and Wernicke's areas (de Schotten et al.,
2012). In contrast, in macaques the terminal connection of the arcuate
fasciculus leads to areas of the visual cortex, whereas in chimpanzees
connections with the inferior parietal lobe (supramarginal and angular
gyri) are dominant (Rilling et al., 2008). This suggests that the cortical
organization and connections of the arcuate fasciculus have undergone
significant changes during human evolution by establishing connections
Tracing the human brain's language areas
to and from the core language areas, supposedly subserving linguistic
functions in the human brain.
In summary, the existing literature on the neurobiology of Broca's
and Wernicke's areas and their connections in human and nonhuman
primates notes a number of similarities as well as dierences between
the species. One of the key questions that now emerges is when the hu-
man-typical adaptations arose during human evolution.
As language is ubiquitous to all modern humans, it must at least date back
to before 200,000 years ago when all modern humans shared a common
ancestor (Cann, 2012). In line with evolutionary theory, language could
have been formed through gradual adaptations within the existing gene
pool of variation and without any extreme mutations prevailing to spread
to future generations (Bickerton, 2002).
Because of a lack of data, no definite evidence exists that could tell
us about the presumed communication systems of the extinct members
of the hominin group (i.e., the genus Homo) or the neurobiological cor-
relates of their linguistic ability. However, indirect evidence can be gath-
ered by studying brain morphology of archaic humans. This is possible
with skull imprints, so-called endocranial casts (or endocasts, see Figure
2) that show the indentations of the former brain and blood vessels on
the inside of the skull (Holloway, Broadfield, & Yuan, 2004). By using
this method, particular brain regions can be identified and analyzed in
terms of their size. Endocast studies are a standard methodology of pa-
leoneurology, but unfortunately, researchers are often confronted with
the problem of incomplete and fractured skulls from which sulcal in-
dentations can be dicult to determine. Therefore, a certain degree of
uncertainty is imminent to this method. Nonetheless, endocast models
are valuable and crucial tools for understanding hominin brain evolution
when very little direct evidence is available.
The immediate ancestors of humans, the Australopithecines, likely did
not appear until four million years ago during the Pliocene in East Africa
Eva Maria Luef
(see Figure 3; Leakey, Feibel, McDougall, Ward, & Walker, 1998). Their
cranial capacity was about 400–450 cubic centimeters (which is com-
parable to large chimpanzee brains) and tentative evidence suggests an
occipital asymmetry (Holloway, 1983). Concerning the language regions,
it is disputed whether Broca's area is clearly defined on Australopithe-
cine endocasts (Holloway, 1983). Falk (1980), for instance, sees enough
evidence for the argument that the Australopithecine Broca's area re-
sembles that of great apes. For Wernicke's area, only tentative evidence
exists. The assumed increase in the posterior parietal association cortex
of Australopithecine brains could have resulted in reorganization of cer-
tain temporal regions, including Wernicke's area, by around three mil-
lion years ago (Holloway, 1983; Spocter et al., 2010).
With the advent of the genus Homo, evidence for the core language
areas becomes clearer on endocasts. When exactly the first archaic hu-
man emerged has been a matter of discussion, though it is assumed that
by 1.9 million years ago Homo rudolfensis had appeared in East Africa
(Antón, Potts, & Aiello, 2014). Those bipedal, terrestrial creatures pos-
sessed a brain the size of around 530 cubic centimeters, and the endocast
of a famous skull from the Turkana Basin (KNM-ER 1470) shows clear
imprints of an asymmetric Broca's area similar to that of modern humans
(Holloway, 2015). Contemporary species to H. rudolfensis may have in-
Figure 2. Endocasts from Sambungmacan Homo erectus from Indonesia. Broca's area is en-
larged in the left hemisphere in comparison to the right one (reprinted from The Anatomical
Record, Vol. 262, Broadfield et al., Endocast of Sambungmacan 3, p. 375, Copyright (2001)
with permission from Wiley).
Tracing the human brain's language areas
cluded H. habilis and H. erectus/ergaster (Boyd & Silk, 2015), and endo-
casts of specimens of both species seem to demonstrate an asymmetric
enlargement in Broca's area (Harris, 1998; Tobias, 1998). Wernicke's area
is assumed to have resulted from the general growth of the superior tem-
poral areas (see, e.g., Oubre, 1997). H. erectus, the first human to expand
beyond Africa and a direct ancestor of modern humans (e.g., Sept, 2015),
had evolved larger brains (approximately 1,000 cubic centimeters) with
a clear left-occipital-right-frontal asymmetry and a pronounced Broca's
cap, as is characteristic for modern humans (Wu, Holloway, Schepartz, &
Xing, 2011). Wynn (1998) suggests that both Broca's and Wernicke's areas
in H. erectus were distinctly human-like.
Approximately 600,000 years ago, a new species appeared in Europe,
Homo heidelbergensis, which was only a bit smaller-brained (approxi-
mately 1,200 cubic centimeters) than modern humans (which is around
1,250 cubic centimeters, see, e.g., Boyd & Silk, 2015). Endocast prints
show that their brains were left-occipital-right-frontal asymmetric and
showed a prominent bulge in the left hemisphere over Broca's area (Hol-
loway et al., 2004). By 300,000 years ago, the evolutionary transition
began that would lead to Homo neanderthalensis in Europe. Neander-
thals had a brain larger than those of modern humans (approximately
1,500 cubic centimeters) and displayed a clear asymmetry in Broca's area
(Holloway, 2015; Jerison, 1997). According to Holloway (1985), Broca's
area is as developed on Neanderthal endocasts as it is in those of modern
humans. Homo sapiens altai (or Homo sapiens ssp. Denisova, or simply
Figure 3. Human family tree.
Eva Maria Luef
Denisovans), close relatives of Neanderthals and modern humans whose
fossils were recently discovered in Russia and China, had the largest
brains of all archaic humans known today (approximately 1,800 cubic
centimeters, Li et al., 2017). At present not much is known about Broca's
and Wernicke's areas in this species.
While left-hemispheric asymmetry is well established in archaic hu-
mans, its relation to language function is unclear. In an attempt to put
together more puzzle pieces to supplement the scarce data that exists on
the neurobiology of archaic humans' language capabilities, researchers
have started to include additional information from fossils that could be
relatable to linguistic function, such as hand preference (Steele & Uo-
mini, 2009). The archeological record can provide evidence for hand
preference of a species through material culture (tools, artefacts) as well
as through skeletal asymmetries resulting from preferential use of one
limb. Even though right-hand preference is suggested to date back as far
as 1.9 million years ago (Toth, 1985), the evidence becomes substantial
with H. heidelbergensis (Lozano, Mosquera, Bermudez de Castro, Arsua-
ga, & Carbonell, 2009) and the Neanderthals (Frayer et al., 2012; Uomini,
2011). Whether language and handedness evolved in tandem in archaic
hominins is dicult to answer based on the current data, and the exact
nature of the concatenation of language and handedness in hominins re-
mains unknown at present.
The existence of the modern core language areas in the brains of ar-
chaic humans is certainly tantalizing for research into language origins,
though the evidence is mostly uncertain or even highly speculative at
times. An enlarged Broca's cap, for instance, may also appear on endo-
casts of large chimpanzees, indicating that language does not need be
the driving force behind its increase (Holloway, 1983). More generally,
there is no evidence that these areas in archaic humans functioned as
speech/language centers. Without additional evidence regarding respi-
ratory control and vocal tract anatomy of a species, it is dicult to ascer-
tain solely from neuropaleontological data whether a species possessed
the abilities to develop a verbal form of proto-language (Deacon, 1997;
however see Fitch, De Boer, Mathur, & Ghazanfar, 2016). Anthropologi-
cal research often has to draw on circumstantial evidence to construct a
case for language in archaic hominins, connecting, for instance, the pro-
duction of art or tools to symbolic language.
Tracing the human brain's language areas
A new research avenue that has recently opened up is the inclusion
of genetics into the question of the origins of human language. Advances
in molecular technology have made it possible to start to relate specif-
ic brain regions to a set of underlying genes, whose expression directly
influences the development of that region. Relevant findings concern-
ing the neurobiology of language have resulted from this research and
the forkhead box protein p2 (known as FOXP2) has been suggested to
play a role in the functioning of Broca's and Wernicke's areas (Liégeois
et al., 2003). The gene has also been identified in Neanderthals (Krause
et al., 2007) and Denisovans (Meyer et al., 2012), which has spurred hy-
potheses on language abilities in those close relatives of modern humans.
Another recent gene discovery could make important contributions to
the genetics of language: GPR56 is strongly linked to the Sylvian fissure
language region, including Broca's area (Bae et al., 2014). New emerging
hypotheses on the genetics of language should take into account what
role the gene might have played during human evolution.
The field of language evolution has naturally suered from paucity of
data, due to the fact that cognitive abilities do not fossilize, and one way
forward can be seen in modern neurogenetics. Through the identification
of particular sets of genes that are crucial for the development of relevant
language areas in the human brain and by comparing those data to ge-
netic information gathered from extant nonhuman primates and extinct
hominins, new insights will be possible. The field of paleogenetics is only
just emerging as a key player in the evolution of language, but it may well
turn out to be the missing link between primatology, paleoanthropology
and modern linguistics that can move the field of language evolution for-
ward in the 21st century.
In modern humans, Broca's and Wernicke's areas are complex cerebral
regions mediating a versatile range of functions related to language. In
terms of their evolutionary history, it can be assumed that the new lin-
guistic functions of Homo sapiens brains arose most likely through the
modification of existing brain circuitry that was present in the last an-
Eva Maria Luef
cestor of humans. The neurobiological correlates of today's linguistic
abilities were built on pre-existing neural structures that subserved dif-
ferent cognitive abilities in primate history. It is the most likely evolu-
tionary scenario that Broca's and Wernicke's areas originally processed
information in ways that happened to be useful to language: Broca's area
may have evolved to extract and analyze sequential and motor patterns
while Wernicke's area may have evolved out of a more general ability to
analyze species-specific calls. Both of these skills make a useful substrate
for language to utilize and their neural connectivity and behavioral in-
terplay could have provided the crucial impetus for the development of
the linguistic mind.
This work was made possible by the Research Resettlement Fund for New
Faculty and the Overhead Fund 2017 of the College of Education of Seoul
National University. I thank Jong-seung Sun for her help during the
preparation of the manuscript and the artist Jaehyeong Yoo who created
the drawings. In addition, I am grateful to five thoughtful reviewers who
provided valuable comments for improving the manuscript.
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... Infact, pitch discrimination is so important for primate communication that it is somewhat specialised by being slightly lateralised in the left temporal lobe. Again as noted in Chapter Four, Bendor and Wang (2005) located more 'pitchselective neurones' in a marmoset's left temporal lobes than the right whilst Luef (2018) demonstrated that left temporal lobes of macaques also become more active than than right when they hear and process the calls of their own species. Likewise, Marie and Roth (2018), Hopkins and Spocter (2010) and Gannon (1998) discovered that the left temporal lobes of baboons and chimps are slightly enlarged, and especially in the 'planum temporale' area where the Wernicke's auditory language processing area is found in humans. ...
... As also discussed, this temporal lateralisation in the Homo genus dramatically increased in Homo heidelbergensis in which the first genetic FOXP2 'language' mutations occurred. 289 So by the time of the first humans when this functional lateralisation was complete, the 'dominant' left temporal lobe was specialising in syntactically decoding language 288 Despite the overall functional bilateralism of primate temporal lobes there is, as mentioned in Chapter 3] and earlier in this chapter, a slight increase in the size and/or pitch recognition activity of the left temporal lobe of marmosets (Bendor and Wang, 2005), macaques (Luef, 2018), baboons (Marie et al, 2018) and chimps (Spocter et al, 2010;Gannon et al,1998). 289 The FOXP2 'language' gene in Heidelberg Man not only enhanced its cortical lateralisation but also the neural connections between its Broca's and Wernicke's language areas. ...
... For proto Wernicke's areas in macaques seeLuef (2018) for marmosets see Bendor and Wang, 2005 and for baboons and chimps seeMarie, Roth et al (2018),Hopkins, Spocter et al (2010) andGannon (1998). All referenced in Chapter 4].275 ...
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ABSTRACT FOR WEB VERSION OF BOOK This monograph is on the evolutionary importance of music for hominin communication and in particular the emergence of a sing-song gestural proto language(or clusters of such languages) in early hunter-gatherer forms of the Homo genus from around one million years ago. The more complex messages of this primordial language consisted of holistic combinations or strings of utterances, melodic pitches and gestures that had to be learnt and expressed in their entirety, although a slight degree of lexical juggling of the components of these combinatory phrases was possible. Inspite of not being a fully open grammatical, this proto language that some refer to a ‘musilanguage’ was, nevertheless, capable of transmitting simple symbolic information. For this hypothetical language the monogram draws on primate studies, the fossil record, adult-infant communication, genetics, cognitive studies, linguistics, musicology: and the fact that the very first although slight archaeological evidence symbolic behaviour appears in the Homo genus from around 600,000 years ago As such, the Homo-made musilanguage represents a halfway house between instinctive primate communication and grammatical language that appeared in modern humans around 200,000 years ago. A short synopsis of the ideas presented in this book is also found in my chapter entitled ‘Nine Reasons that Support Prehistoric Hominin Musicality and Musilanguage’ in the 2020 book ‘Music in Human Experience: Perspectives on a Musical Species’ edited by Johnathan Friedmann, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK. [ISBN (10): 1-5275-8010-5 & (13): 978-1-5275-8010-7]
... Rudolfensis'in çağdaşları H. habilis ve H. erectus'un Broca bölgesinde de asimetrik bir genişleme gösterdiği, özellikle Erectus'un 1000 cm 3 civarı bir beyin hacmi ile belirgin bir Broca çıkıntısına sahip olduğu görülmektedir. 10 600 bin yıl önce H. heidelbergensis'in beyninin (hacmi 1.250 cm 3 ) sol yarım küresinde Broca bölgesi üzerinde de açık bir çıkıntı tespit edilmiştir (Luef 2018 Bu çıkıntı yaklaşık 2 -2.5 milyon öncesinde ortaya çıkmaya başlamıştır. Homo türlerinde bu çıkıntının olduğu görülüyor. ...
... Bu bilgi için bk.(Luef 2018;P. Tobias 1998; Wu vd. ...
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İnsanın bilişsel kapasiteleri ile ilgili pek çok soru cevap beklemektedir. Dil de bu bilişsel kapasitelerden biridir. Paul Broca ve Carl Wernicke’nin 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısındaki keşiflerinden bu yana dilin beyindeki işleyişi ile ilgili önemli ilerlemeler kaydedilmiştir. Klasik model olarak da adlandırılan Broca-Wernicke modeli beyinde farklı işlevler için görev yapan modülleri varsayar. Bu görüş yerleşimci modeldir. Bağlantıcılık adı verilen model ise beyindeki modüller yaklaşımını reddeder. Beyin bölgelerinin birbirleriyle bağlantılı hâlde bütüncül olarak çalıştığını öne sürer. Dilin kökeni araştırmaları da dil ve beyin ilişkisine ışık tutar. Dilin işleyişinde beynin rolü ve arkaik insan türlerinde beyinle ilgili bulgular dilin kökeni araştırmalarına sık sık konu olur. Bu makalede beyin bölgeleri ve dil ilişkisiyle ilgili güncel bulgular değerlendirilmekte, bu bulguların dilin evrimi tartışmalarındaki etkileri tartışılmaktadır
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The planum temporale (PT) is a critical region of the language functional network in the human brain showing a striking size asymmetry toward the left hemisphere. Historically considered as a structural landmark of the left-brain specialization for language, a similar anatomical bias has been described in great apes but never in monkeys—indicating that this brain landmark might be unique to Hominidae evolution. In the present in vivo magnetic resonance imaging study, we show clearly for the first time in a nonhominid primate species, an Old World monkey, a left size predominance of the PT among 96 olive baboons (Papio anubis), using manual delineation of this region in each individual hemisphere. This asymmetric distribution was quasi-identical to that found originally in humans. Such a finding questions the relationship between PT asymmetry and the emergence of language, indicating that the origin of this cerebral specialization could be much older than previously thought, dating back, not to the Hominidae, but rather to the Catarrhini evolution at the common ancestor of humans, great apes and Old World monkeys, 30–40 million years ago.
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Morphological mosaics in early Asian humans Excavations in eastern Asia are yielding information on human evolution and migration. Li et al. analyzed two fossil human skulls from central China, dated to 100,000 to 130,000 years ago. The crania elucidate the pattern of human morphological evolution in eastern Eurasia. Some features are ancestral and similar to those of earlier eastern Eurasian humans, some are derived and shared with contemporaneous or later humans elsewhere, and some are closer to those of Neandertals. The analysis illuminates shared long-term trends in human adaptive biology and suggests the existence of interconnections between populations across Eurasia during the later Pleistocene. Science , this issue p. 969
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Recent advances in understanding the functionality of the human hippocampus has led to a number of proposals for how hippocampus may support a range of cognitive abilities beyond memory. Building on these advances, we offered a new account of the memory-language interface [Duff and Brown-Schmidt (Front Hum Neurosci 6:69, 2012)]. We proposed that the same processes by which the hippocampal declarative memory system creates and flexibly integrates representations across diverse sources in the formation of new memories, and maintains representations on-line to be evaluated and used in service of behavioral performance, are the same processes necessary for the flexible use and on-line processing of language. This proposal leads to a set of testable predictions and hypotheses about how language and memory work together and argues that efforts to examine the relationship between memory and language are best served by broad-scope approaches that include the study of a range of communicative activities, including those that are characteristic of everyday language use. In this chapter we review the evidence for hippocampal contributions to language use across communicative phenomena (e.g., semantic representation, gesture, perspective-taking) and a range of language related processes (e.g., on-line processing, statistical learning). The present represents a time of tremendous potential for discovery and progress in the study of memory and language and for more representative, biologically plausible, and ecologically valid investigations of memory-and-language-in-use in every-day life.
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For four decades, the inability of nonhuman primates to produce human speech sounds has been claimed to stem from limitations in their vocal tract anatomy, a conclusion based on plaster casts made from the vocal tract of a monkey cadaver. We used x-ray videos to quantify vocal tract dynamics in living macaques during vocalization, facial displays, and feeding. We demonstrate that the macaque vocal tract could easily produce an adequate range of speech sounds to support spoken language, showing that previous techniques based on postmortem samples drastically underestimated primate vocal capabilities. Our findings imply that the evolution of human speech capabilities required neural changes rather than modifications of vocal anatomy. Macaques have a speech-ready vocal tract but lack a speech-ready brain to control it.
The fifth edition of a work that defines the field of cognitive neuroscience, with entirely new material that reflects recent advances in the field. Each edition of this classic reference has proved to be a benchmark in the developing field of cognitive neuroscience. The fifth edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences continues to chart new directions in the study of the biological underpinnings of complex cognition—the relationship between the structural and physiological mechanisms of the nervous system and the psychological reality of the mind. It offers entirely new material, reflecting recent advances in the field. Many of the developments in cognitive neuroscience have been shaped by the introduction of novel tools and methodologies, and a new section is devoted to methods that promise to guide the field into the future—from sophisticated models of causality in brain function to the application of network theory to massive data sets. Another new section treats neuroscience and society, considering some of the moral and political quandaries posed by current neuroscientific methods. Other sections describe, among other things, new research that draws on developmental imaging to study the changing structure and function of the brain over the lifespan; progress in establishing increasingly precise models of memory; research that confirms the study of emotion and social cognition as a core area in cognitive neuroscience; and new findings that cast doubt on the so-called neural correlates of consciousness.
Increases brain size has been hypothesized to be inversely associated with the expression of behavioral and brain asymmetries within and between species. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing the relation between asymmetries in the planum temporale (PT) and different measures of the corpus callosum (CC) including surface area, streamline count as measured from diffusion tensor imaging, fractional anisotropy values and the ratio in the number of fibers to surface area in a sample of chimpanzees. We found that chimpanzees with larger PT asymmetries in absolute terms had smaller CC surface areas, fewer streamlines and a smaller ratio of fibers to surface area. These results were largely specific to male but not female chimpanzees. Our results partially support the hypothesis that brain asymmetries are linked to variation in corpus callosum morphology, although these associations may be sex-dependent.