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The herpetofauna (Amphibia, Crocodylia, Squamata, Testudines) of the Isalo Massif, Southwest Madagascar: combining morphological, molecular and museum data

  • Zoological Society of London
  • Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali in Turin (Italy)

Abstract and Figures

This study summarizes the data of multiple surveys carried out at the Isalo Massif (southwestern Madagascar), both within and outside the National Park limits between 2004 and 2014, providing an updated list of the amphibians and non-avian reptiles present within the area. We used an integrative taxonomic approach, combining morphological and molecular data sets to identify collected samples as either described species, or as undescribed candidate species. We here report on one new amphibian candidate species (Mantidactylus sp. aff. multiplicatus Ca65 "Isalo"), and two new amphibian distribution records (Mantella sp. aff. expectata "South", Scaphiophryne sp. aff. calcarata Ca02) compared to the former inventories of the area. Additionally, we provide molecular reference sequences for 23 of the 24 amphibian taxa and for 40 of the 47 reptile taxa known to occur in the area, combining all available sources. With this study, we validate Isalo as an important centre of biodiversity and micro-endemism within Madagascar, with four described endemic amphibian (Gephyromantis azzurrae, Mantella expectata, Mantidactylus nora lottae, and Scaphiophryne gottlebei) and one reptile species (Trachylepis nancycoutu-ae). Of the taxa here listed for Isalo, seven amphibians and six reptiles are new candidate species, and among them at least one amphibian (Mantidactylus sp. aff. multi plicatus Ca65 "Isalo") and three reptiles (Lygodactylus sp. aff. tuberosus Ca02 "Is-alo", Paroedura sp. aff. bastardi Ca02 "Isalo" and P. sp. aff. bastardi Ca03 "Ilakaka") are currently known only from Isalo. The unique biodiversity of the Isalo Massif was likely favoured by the confluence of different biomes in the area and/or its role as a refugium during palaeoclimatic oscillations. Our study highlights the crucial importance of applying molecular taxo-nomic identification in updating the species lists even of previously well surveyed areas, and of maintaining and increasing museum voucher collections as a permanent and accessible testimony of the biodiversity inventory.
Diversity of Mantella species and corresponding morphotypes found in the Isalo Massif: A) Individual of M. expectata from Sakavato with typical coloration (MRSN A5204); B) individual of M. expectata from Malaso with darker limbs; C) individual of M. expectata from Antambonoa with a contrasting reddish lower back. This is a rather common coloration in M. expectata populations from the northern section of the Isalo National Park (Crottini et al. 2008) (B-C photos not reliably referable to certain vouchers, but confirmed by molecular means as M. expectata following Crottini et al. 2008); D-E) individuals from Sakavato representing the M. sp. aff. expectata "South" mitochondrial lineage (already known from Tranomaro and Tsingy de Bemaraha) (D: MRSN A5222; E: MRSN A5230), note the typical M. expectata coloration of MRSN A5222 and the intermediate (M. expectata/M. betsileo) chromatic traits of MRSN A5230; F) individual of M. betsileo from Andriamanero with a typical M. betsileo colour pattern (photo not reliably referable to a certain voucher but confirmed by molecular means as M. betsileo); G-H) individuals of M. betsileo from Sakavato (G: FAZC 12825) and Karofoty (H: photo not reliably referable to a certain voucher but confirmed by molecular means as M. betsileo following Gon?alves et al. (in prep.)) exhibiting different levels of intermediate (M. expectata and M. betsileo) chromatic traits; I) ventral side of M. betsileo (FAZC 12825 as in G); and J) ventral side of M. expectata (MRSN A5204 as in A) exhibiting no distinctive differences in the ventral colour pattern.
Photos in life of lizard species recorded in the Isalo Massif: A) Brookesia brygooi (ACZC 2569) from the Namazaha Valley; B) Furcifer major (FAZC 14640) from Zahavola; C) Furcifer oustaleti from the Analalava Forest (photo not reliably referable to a certain sample or voucher); D) F. verrucosus from circuit Piscine Naturelle (photo not reliably referable to a certain sample or voucher); E) Hemidactylus mercatorius (ACZC 1945) from the Namazaha Valley; F) Lygodactylus sp. aff. tuberosus Ca02 (MRSN R3746) from Malaso; G) Paroedura picta from Zahavola (photo not reliably referable to a certain sample or voucher); H) P. sp. aff. bastardi Ca01 (FAZC 14631) from Zahavola; I) P. sp. aff. bastardi Ca03 from Ilakaka (photo not reliably referable to a certain sample or voucher); J) P. vahiny (MRSN R3748) from Malaso; K) Phelsuma hielscheri from Piscine Naturelle (tissue sample not collected); L) P. mutabilis from the Namazaha Valley (tissue sample not collected); M) P. standingi from Isalo (no precise locality, tissue sample not collected); N) Zonosaurus laticaudatus (MRSN R3213) from the Canyon des Makis; O) Z. madagascariensis from Andranonombilahy (tissue sample not collected); P) Z. karsteni from Analamangabe (tissue sample not collected); Q) Chalarodon madagascariensis from Ilakaka (tissue sample not collected); R) Oplurus cyclurus from Malaso (photo not reliably referable to a certain sample or voucher); S) O. quadrimaculatus from Zahavola (tissue sample not collected); T) O. saxicola (photo not reliably referable to a certain sample or voucher) from Sakavato; U) Trachylepis elegans from the Namazaha Valley (tissue sample not collected); V) T. gravenhorstii from the Namazaha Valley (tissue sample not collected); W) T. nancycoutuae from the Namazaha Valley (tissue sample not collected).
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W C et al.
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© 2018 Deutsche Gesellscha für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V. (DGHT), Mannheim, Germany
SALAMANDRA 54(3) 178–200 15 August 2018 ISSN 0036–3375
e herpetofauna (Amphibia, Crocodylia, Squamata, Testudines)
of the Isalo Massif, Southwest Madagascar:
combining morphological, molecular and museum data
W C, G M. R,, F A, G A, P E B,
F M, V M, J E R, D R,
M V A C
1) CIBIO, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, InBIO, Universidade do Porto, Campus Agrário de Vairão,
Rua Padre Armando Quintas, No 7, 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal
2) Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, NW1 4RY London, UK
3) Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (CE3C), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa,
Bloco C2, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
4) Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Via G. Giolitti, 36, 10123 Torino, Italy
5) Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Via Cinthia, 80126 Napoli, Italy
6) Acquario di Genova, Area Porto Antico, Ponte Spinola, 16128 Genova, Italy
7) Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany
8) Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimabazaza, BP 4096, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar
9) Technische Universität Braunschweig, Zoological Institute, Mendelssohnstr. 4, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany
Corresponding author: W C, e-mail:
Manuscript received: 28 November 2017
Accepted: 19 March 2018 by J K
Abstract. is study summarizes the data of multiple surveys carried out at the Isalo Massif (southwestern Madagascar),
both within and outside the National Park limits between  and , providing an updated list of the amphibians and
non-avian reptiles present within the area. We used an integrative taxonomic approach, combining morphological and mo-
lecular data sets to identify collected samples as either described species, or as undescribed candidate species. We here report
on one new amphibian candidate species (Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca “Isalo”), and two new amphibian distri-
bution records (Mantella sp. a. expectata “South, Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca) compared to the former inventories
of the area. Additionally, we provide molecular reference sequences for  of the  amphibian taxa and for  of the  rep-
tile taxa known to occur in the area, combining all available sources. With this study, we validate Isalo as an important centre
of biodiversity and micro-endemism within Madagascar, with four described endemic amphibian (Gephyromantis azzurrae,
Mantella expectata, Mantidactylus nora lottae, and Scaphiophryne gottlebei) and one reptile species (Tra chy le pi s na nc yc out u-
ae). Of the taxa here listed for Isalo, seven amphibians and six reptiles are new candidate species, and among them at least
one amphibian (Mantidactylus sp. a. multi plicatus Ca “Isalo”) and three reptiles (Lygodactylus sp. a. tuberosus Ca “Is-
alo”, Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca “Isalo” and P. sp. a. bastardi CaIlakaka”) are currently known only from Isalo. e
unique biodiversity of the Isalo Massif was likely favoured by the conuence of dierent biomes in the area and/or its role
as a refugium during palaeoclimatic oscillations. Our study highlights the crucial importance of applying molecular taxo-
nomic identication in updating the species lists even of previously well surveyed areas, and of maintaining and increasing
museum voucher collections as a permanent and accessible testimony of the biodiversity inventory.
Key words. Dry forest, museum specimens, species survey, integrative taxonomy, candidate species, S rRNA, COI.
Madagascar is one of the most important hotspots of bio-
diversity worldwide (M et al. , G B-
 , K et al. , V et al. , A-
 et al. ). e island is characterized by an incredibly
high faunal endemism rate, ranging from  in birds to
 in native amphibians (G V , P et
al. ), and with about  non-marine squamate species
only found in Madagascar (G V , J
e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
et al. ). Madagascar is characterized by a strong cli-
matic heterogeneity and it is roughly divided from north
to south into a humid east and an arid west (V et al.
, B et al. ). Five broad bioclimatic zones are
currently recognized: the eastern humid rainforest belt, the
sub-humid highlands, the western dry deciduous forests,
the southwestern sub-arid spiny forests, and the montane
grasslands and shrublands (S , G et
al. , G V , V et al. ). e
climate in the western part of the island is overall hot and
dry, with a cooler-drier and a warmer-wetter season that
each last months (G B ). is
climate supports a diversity of sclerophyllous deciduous
forests, open woodland and savannas that change in com-
position from northern subhumid areas to southern spiny
bushland (G B ). Diversity pat-
terns of the herpetofauna largely reect this subdivision,
with bioclimatic boundaries coinciding with major areas
of biotic turnover (B et al. , ). Dry decidu-
ous forest in Madagascar has been experiencing a dramatic
decrease in the last decades and, since the s, has been
reduced by almost  of its original extent (W et al.
). Knowledge is limited on the fauna and ora of this
biome, and even less is known about their biology and eco-
logical interactions.
While the richness of amphibians peaks in the eastern
and northern rainforest areas (e.g., more than  amphi-
bian species are known to occur in Ranomafana National
Park,  in Betampona Strict Nature Reserve, and at least
 in Marojejy National Park; V et al. , R et
al. , G W ), the reptiles also ex-
hibit high species richness in western and southwestern
Madagascar (R , B et al. ).
In contrast, the patterns of local endemism appear to be
distinctly higher, for both amphibians and reptiles, in the
north (D’C et al. , B et al. ).
An analysis of the herpetofaunal diversity of the dry
forests of western Madagascar (R ) has
conrmed this bioregion as an important centre for spe-
cies diversity and local endemism. At least  of the is-
land’s named herpetofauna occurs in this region, with are-
as of higher habitat heterogeneity reaching distinctly high-
er species richness values (R , B
et al. , G et al. , B et al. ). For
example, in the Tsingy de Bemaraha Massif,  species of
amphibians and  of reptiles have been recorded, and of
these, ve amphibians and  reptile species are considered
local endemics (B et al. ).
One other important area known to be highly heteroge-
neous in terms of available habitats and hosting many local
endemic species is the Isalo Massif (M et al. ).
Part of this area is included in the Parc National de l’Isalo,
established in its current borders in  (G
B ). In this study we update the previously
published inventory of the amphibians of this area (M-
 et al. ), and report on the known reptiles (Squa-
mata, Testudines and Crocodylia) inhabiting this area,
complementing the former, unpublished inventory on the
herpetofauna of Isalo by H (). We used an inte-
grative taxonomic approach, combining the external mor-
phology of specimens, photographs in life, and DNA se-
quences to assign collected/observed amphi bians and rep-
tiles to either described species or undescribed candidate
species. To allow these data to be as informative as possible
for a better management of the area’s unique biodiversity,
we also provide a list of the available voucher specimens
hosted in the herpetological collection of the Museo Re-
gionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino (Italy). e term ‘rep-
tiles’ is used in this study as referring to non-avian reptiles
only, i.e., in this case vertebrates in the orders Squa mata,
Testudines and Crocodylia.
Material and methods
Study site
e Isalo Massif is situated in the southwestern corner of
the Province of Fianarantsoa (Fianarantsoa Faritany) and
hosts the Parc National de l’Isalo, one of the largest pro-
tected areas of Madagascar (, ha). Elevation ranges
between  and  m, with narrow canyons of up to 
m deep, most of which occur in the eastern and northwest-
ern sectors of the area. is area is characterized by the
presence of sandstone outcrops and rocks with a mosaic
of three main habitat types: savannas, open valleys, and
narrow canyons (M A ). Savan-
nas are expansive prairies that are repeatedly exposed to
re during the dry seasons, with isolated trees and forested
spots. Humidity is low and temperature uctuations be-
tween night and day are high. In this kind of habitat, riv-
ers and pools are usually temporary, fed by seasonal rains,
and dry for most of the year. e open valleys are usually
vegetated by gallery forests that vary in dimension. Here
the aquatic habitats consist of permanent or semi-perma-
nent torrents with both cascades and pools being present.
e montane, rocky part of the massif is intersected by
canyons of dierent dimensions and depths in which wa-
ter is present to a variable extent. In these humid canyons,
vegetation is absent or limited to few isolated trees due to
the scarcity of light. e climate is dry tropical, with 
of precipitation occurring between November and March
and with mean temperatures varying between °C in June
and °C in February (M et al. ).
Survey methods
Multiple surveys were carried out in Isalo, both within and
outside the National Park limits, between  and 
(Fig. , Supplementary Table S). Most of our sampling
took place during the rainy season, when the activity of
most species is at its highest. Sampling was conducted op-
portunistically during both day and night, using headlamps
and hand-held torchlights, in a quest to explore all availa-
ble habitats along transects or trails and by visiting seasonal
streams and temporary ponds. Our search for amphibians
W C et al.
also included locating vocalising males. Locality data were
recorded using a GPS receiver (Supplementary Table S).
Most animals were photographed with analogical and/
or digital cameras to document their coloration in life and
subsequently released at the place of capture. For molecu-
lar analyses, toe clips of adult amphibians, n tips of tad-
poles, and tissue samples of reptiles were usually collected
and stored in  ethanol. If individuals were suspected
of possibly belonging to new and undescribed taxa, a lim-
ited number of specimens were collected as vouchers. ey
were anaesthetized by immersion in (amphibians), or in-
jection with (reptiles) MS, followed by euthanasia with
an overdose of MS. ey were then xed in  forma-
lin or  ethanol and later transferred to  etha-
nol for long-term storage. e lists of tissue samples and
voucher specimens analysed for this study are provided in
Supplementary Tables S–S.
Species identication in the eld was carried out mostly
using the descriptions provided by G V (),
and additional photographic records from scientic publi-
cations. e nal inventory of amphibian and reptile spe-
cies of the Isalo Massif is given as a compilation of the work
carried out by our team and complemented by records re-
trieved from other publications for species not found by us
(G V , H , P et al. ,
C et al. , M et al. ).
Toponyms used in this study are those more consistent-
ly used in the literature (Supplementary Table S). In most
cases, anyhow, they correspond to informal local names.
Molecular species identication
Total genomic DNA was extracted from tissue samples us-
ing proteinase K digestion ( mg/ml concentration) fol-
lowed by a standard high-salt extraction method (B-
 et al. ). A fragment of ca.  bp of the ter-
minus of the mitochondrial S rRNA gene (hereaer re-
ferred to as S), proven to be suitable for amphibian iden-
tication (V et al. a), was amplied for  sam-
ples, while a fragment of around  bp of the standard
barcoding region of the cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI;
N et al. ) was amplied for  reptile samples. For
three amphibian samples, it was not possible to amplify the
S fragment, and in these instances other mitochondri-
al gene fragments were used, i.e., S ’ terminus, or cyto-
chrome b (Cytb). e molecular taxonomic identication
using the COI fragment was not possible for some reptile
species due to missing reference sequences. In these in-
stances, other mitochondrial gene fragments (S, ND,
ND, ND, Cytb) were used for identication (see Supple-
mentary Table S and S for details and GenBank acces-
Figure 1. Maps of the study area with all sampling localities for both amphibians and reptiles. Andravaka not included because GPS
data were not available and this site could therefore not be georeferenced unambiguously.
e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
sion numbers of newly determined sequences [KX
KX, MH–MH], and Supplementary
Table S for primers and cycling protocols). All fragments
were sequenced using an ABI XL automated sequenc-
er at Macrogen Inc. Chromatograms were checked and se-
quences were manually edited where necessary, using the
sequence alignment editor of BioEdit (V...; H ).
To assess taxon identity, sequences of each morpholog-
ically identied taxon were compared among each other
and each sequence was compared using the Basic Local
Alignment Search Tool (BLAST, http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.
gov/Blast.cgi, A et al. ) with all homologous
sequences available in GenBank http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
gov/GenBank/), using the nucleotide blast (nblast) option
with default parameters. Average genetic distances within
and between species were calculated by uncorrected pair-
wise genetic distance estimations (uncorrected p-distance)
using MEGA (K et al. ; Supplementary Table
S and S).
Some specimens could not be assigned to any described
or identied candidate species (V et al. , P
et al. , N et al. ). For these taxa, we applied
the terms and abbreviations, conrmed candidate spe-
cies (CCS), unconrmed candidate species (UCS), or deep
conspecic lineage (DCL) as dened by V et al.
(). Our denominations of already identied candidate
species follow P et al. () for amphibians and N
et al. () for reptiles, although we decided to comple-
ment these working names with information on the mor-
phologically closest described species by prexing the spe-
cies epithet with sp. a.and a descriptor of the locality
from where the taxon is known (this toponym was added
in cases of species known only from Isalo) or of a charac-
teristic trait of the candidate species.
Candidate species of amphibians were identied based
on a threshold of  minimum divergence for the S
gene fragment (see also V et al. b, F et
al. , V et al. ). Candidate species of reptiles
were identied following the dierent thresholds proposed
for the dierent groups by N et al. (). e sequenc-
es of the other gene fragments were used to rene species
identication within a known species group and there was
no need to apply a minimum threshold.
In this study, we also provide updated distribution-
al range information within the Isalo Massif for amphi-
bians based on locality records from museum specimens,
molecular data, GenBank, and literature (mostly G
V , M et al. ; Supplementary Table
S). For reptiles, the distribution of each species includes
locality records from museum specimens, molecular data,
GenBank, and literature (mostly G V ,
H ; Supplementary Table S).
Museum specimens
Most of the specimens collected during our multiple sur-
veys in Isalo have been deposited in the herpetological col-
lections of the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali (Turin,
Italy) and the Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza
(Antananarivo, Madagascar). We refer to these specimens
using their collection numbers preceded by acronyms
MRSN and PBZT, respectively. In addition to these, we
provide taxonomic information on some additional speci-
mens hosted in various collections. For these records, we
use their catalogue numbers preceded by their institution
acronyms (SMF, Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt, Germa-
ny; UADBA, Université dAntananarivo, Mention Zoolo-
gie et Biodiversité Animale, Antananarivo, Madagascar;
ZMA, Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam, e Netherlands
(collections currently in the process of being integrated
in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center of Leiden); UMMZ,
Museum of Zoology at the University of Michigan; ZSM,
Zoologische Staats samm lung München, Germany). Field
number acronyms are FAZC (Franco Andreone Zoologi-
cal Collection) and ACZCV (Angelica Crottini Zoological
Collection Voucher). In instances where specimens have
already been deposited in institutional collections, but are
not yet catalogued, they are given as FAZC/MRSN (for
specimens in Turin) and FAZC/PBZT (for specimens in
Antananarivo), respectively.
Specimens hosted in the MRSN collection (Supplemen-
tary Table S and S) were visually inspected and their tax-
onomic identication was reassessed based on the results
obtained in this study. A careful morphological inspection
and verication of diagnostic traits was performed when
molecular data were insucient to conrm species iden-
In total, amphibian and  reptile species were record-
ed in Isalo by combining all available data sources, and we
here provide DNA sequences for almost all of these spe-
cies. Like M et al. (), we failed to detect in
the eld Scaphiophryne menabensis that, at the moment,
remains known from the area by a single voucher speci-
men (UMMZ , University of Michigan, Museum of
Zoology: V et al. , G et al. ).
Among the amphibians,  taxa () belong to the
family Mantellidae while six () are Microhylidae.
Hyperoli dae and Ptychadenidae are present with only one
species each. We conrm the presence of  (out of the )
amphibian species listed by M et al. () and
provide evidence for the occurrence of one new candidate
species (Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca “Isalo”).
We also report two new amphibian distribution records
(Mantella sp. a. expectata “South” and Scaphiophryne sp.
a. calcarata Ca) compared to the previous inventories
of the area. Four of the amphi bian species and one can-
didate species seem to be Isalo endemics: Gephyro mantis
azzurrae, Mantella expectata, Scaphiophryne gottlebei,
Mantidactylus noralottae and M.sp. a. multiplicatus Ca
“Isalo. In this study, Gephyromantis corvus is tentatively
not considered microendemic to Isalo, because there is a
W C et al.
record of this species from the Makay Massif (R-
 G ), even though this record is in
need of conrmation and might turn out to represent a dif-
ferent species of the subgenus Phylacomantis. Finally, we
report new locality records for ten amphibian taxa with-
in the Isalo Massif: Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca,
Dysco phus insularis, Boophis occidentalis, Laliostoma labro-
sum, Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca “Isalo”, Gephyromantis
corvus, G.azzurrae, Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca
“Isalo, M. noralottae, and M. sp. a. cowani Ca “small”
(see Supplementary Table S).
Our molecular and morphological analyses of speci-
men MRSN A (part of the type series of G. azzurrae
M A ) suggest this specimen was
wrongly assigned to G. azzurrae and we here propose to re-
fer it to G. corvus (Fig. , Supplementary Table S and S).
is specimen was not analysed genetically by M
A () when describing G. azzurrae and was
erroneously assigned to this species.
e reptile species of Isalo belong to  of the  fami-
lies known from the island (Supplementary Table S and
S). Most abundant are Gekkonidae and Lamprophiidae,
which are represented by  and  species, respectively (or
 and  of the total). Isalo represents an expansion of
the known range for six taxa (Crocodylus niloticus, Paroe-
dura sp. a. bastardi Ca “Marofandilia/Miandrivazo,
Trachylepis gravenhorstii lineage b, O. saxicola, Lycodr-
yas guentheri, and L. sp. CaAndohahela”). A total of six
species are probably undescribed (Lygodactylus sp. a. pic-
tus Ca “Isalo, L. sp. a. tuberosus Ca “Isalo, Paroedura
sp. a. bastardi Ca “Marofandilia/Miandrivazo, P. sp a.
bastardi Ca “Isalo”, P. sp. a. bastardi Ca “Ilakaka, and
L. sp. a. pseudo granuli ceps CaAndohahela”); of these,
three taxa are known only from here and might be micro-
endemic to this massif (Lygodactylus sp. a. tuberosus Ca
“Isalo, Paro edura sp. a. bastardi Ca “Isalo”, and P. sp.
a. bastardi Ca “Ilakaka”). Note that Lygodactylus sp. a.
pictus Ca “Isalo” is excluded from this list, because in this
study we report this taxon also from the nearby Zombitse-
Vohibasia National Park (details follow). Beside these, the
only other reptile species endemic to Isalo is Trachylepis
nancy coutuae.
To c om p l em e n t t h e w or k o f M et al. (), we
here report on the distribution, habitat preferences, and in-
traspecic genetic variability of the new amphibian candi-
date species Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus CaIs-
aloand the newly recorded Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcara-
ta Ca and Mantella sp. a. expectata “South, and subse-
quently provide an annotated species list of the Isalo reptiles.
Species accounts
Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca
“Isalo” (UCS)
Fig. A
Locality records: Andohasahenina (MRSN A), Andriamane-
ro (MRSN A, MRSN A, ACZCV ), Namazaha
Valley (also referred to as Namaza) (MRSN A, MRSN A,
MRSN A, MRSN A), Piscine Naturelle.
is undescribed species represents a new record for
Madagascar and could represent a new example of micro-
endemism in Isalo. is lineage is phylo genetically close to
M.multiplicatus, M. sp. a. betsilea nus Ca “Tolagnaro”,
M. sp. a. betsileanus Ca Andohahela”, and the sym-
patric M. noralottae. Note that a formal resurrection of
M.multiplicatus B,  is still needed, but this
species name was already used by P et al. () an-
ticipating an upcoming taxonomic revision. e genetic
distance between M. sp. a. multiplicatus Ca “Isaloand
all the other species of the aforementioned group is ca. 
(S). is UCS represents the third Brygoomantis from
Isalo, with the other two being M. noralottae and M.sp.
Figure 2. Two new amphibian records from the Isalo region: A) An adult male of Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”
(FAZC 14351) in dorsolateral view from Piscine Naturelle, Petit Nazareth (30 November 2009, not collected); B) adult Scaphiophryne
sp. a. calcarata Ca02 (MRSN A6895) in dorsolateral view from Ranohira (22 January 2011).
e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Figure 3. Diversity of Mantella species and corresponding morphotypes found in the Isalo Massif: A) Individual of M. expectata
from Sakavato with typical coloration (MRSN A5204); B) individual of M. expectata from Malaso with darker limbs; C) individual of
M.expectata from Antambonoa with a contrasting reddish lower back. is is a rather common coloration in M. expectata populations
from the northern section of the Isalo National Park (C et al. 2008) (B–C photos not reliably referable to certain vouchers,
but conrmed by molecular means as M. expectata following C et al. 2008); D–E) individuals from Sakavato represent-
ing the M.sp. a. expectata ”South” mitochondrial lineage (already known from Tranomaro and Tsingy de Bemaraha) (D: MRSN
A5222; E:MRSN A5230), note the typical M. expectata coloration of MRSN A5222 and the intermediate (M. expectata/M. betsileo)
chromatic traits of MRSN A5230; F) individual of M. betsileo from Andriamanero with a typical M. betsileo colour pattern (photo
not reliably referable to a certain voucher but conrmed by molecular means as M. betsileo); G–H) individuals of M. betsileo from
Sakavato (G:FAZC 12825) and Karofoty (H: photo not reliably referable to a certain voucher but conrmed by molecular means as
M. betsileo following G et al. (in prep.)) exhibiting dierent levels of intermediate (M. expectata and M. betsileo) chromatic
traits; I)ventral side of M. betsileo (FAZC 12825 as in G); and J) ventral side of M. expectata (MRSN A5204 as in A) exhibiting no
distinctive dierences in the ventral colour pattern.
a. ulcerosus Ca “Isalo. New surveys followed up with
molecular taxonomic identication of the samples will be
needed to dene its extent of occurrence in Isalo due to
its supercial morphological similarity with M. noralottae.
Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca (CCS)
Fig. B
Locality record: Ranohira (MRSN A).
e name S. calcarata (M, ) has not yet been
unequivocally assigned to any population of Scaphio-
phryne, and three deeply divergent mitochondrial lineag-
es exist in Madagascar: S. sp. a. calcarata Ca (or S.sp.
a. calcarata B; known from Tolagnaro and Berenty), S. sp.
a. calcarata Ca (or S. sp. a. calcarata A; known from
Kirindy and Menabe) (terminology follows V et
al. [] and P et al. [], respectively), and S. sp.
a. calcarata Ankarafantsika (P et al. ). S. sp. a.
calcarata Ca was previously reported as S. calcarata by
M et al. (), and we here also report the occur-
rence of S. sp. a. calcarata Ca (S p-distance between
populations from Kirindy and Isalo ca. ), revealing Is-
alo as a contact zone between these two taxa. e molecu-
lar divergence between S. sp. Ca and S. sp. Ca (ca. ;
S) is supported by bioacustic data (calls from Kirindy
and Berenty are highly divergent, G V []),
but no calls are known from Ankarafantsika or Isalo. e
population from Ankarafantsika shows a  genetic dis-
W C et al.
tance (S) to populations of both Kirindy and Isalo and
ca.  from populations from Berenty and Tolagnaro.
Mantella sp. a. expectata South” (DCL)
Figs D–E
Locality record: Sakavato (MRSN A, MRSN A).
is lineage was already known from Tranomaro (in the
southeast) and Bemaraha in the west (R
et al. ). e S sequences of these two individuals
(EF–EF) were already published (C
et al. ) and released in GenBank as M. cf. expectata/
betsileo. Interestingly, individual MRSN A was une-
quivocally identied as M. expectata (see Fig. D) due to its
coloration, whereas MRSN A exhibits chromatic traits
that are intermediate between M. expectata and M. betsileo
(see Fig. E). ese samples have a genetic distance (S) of
ca  to both M. betsileo and M. expectata, whose interspe-
cic genetic distance is only about . (see Supplemen-
tary Table S for more details). In general, Mantella spe-
cies are genetically poorly dierentiated from each other
(S et al. ), and the taxonomy of Mantella sp.
a. expectata “South” remains dicult, although prelimi-
nary phylogeographic analyses suggest it might deserve to
be treated as an independent taxon (unpublished data). It
is likely that a more robust study of the validity of this line-
age will be possible only when more samples are available.
Pelomedusa subrufa (L, )
Fig. A
Locality records: Ambatovaky (MRSN R), Zahavola (MRSN
R), Isalo (no precise locality).
is species is the most common freshwater turtle in
Madagascar and widely distributed from the Sahamala-
za Peninsula in the northwest (P et al. ) to all
of the southwest. Pelomedusa subrufa is generally found
in stagnant water bodies and temporary ponds. In Isalo,
it was found in Ambatovaky and Zahavola in slow-ow-
ing streams, and it was previously reported from here by
H ().
Crocodylus niloticus L, 
Fig. B
Locality records: Ranohira (FAZC /PBZT-uncatalogued).
e species was found in the Ianakandrarezo River (vis-
ual record by PEB and GMR) and the Hazofotsy River in
Ranohira. Subfossil remains of C. niloticus are known from
Ampoza (G J ). is site is close
to the Analavelona Massif, which is located at a short dis-
tance (around  km) west of Isalo. However, with the re-
cent recognition of the genus Voa y B,  the iden-
tication of these remains requires reassessment (B
, G J ). e two records from
the Ranohira area represent the rst reliable report of the
Nile crocodile from the Isalo Massif. Although occasion-
ally hunted by local people, the species seems to be so se-
cretive in the area that there is no information about the
behaviour and ecology of the Isalo populations.
Brookesia brygooi R N, 
Fig. A
Locality records: Namazaha Valley (MRSN R), Isalo (no pre-
cise locality).
Figure 4. Gephyromantis azzurrae (M A, 2007), paratype MRSN A5313 (A, lateral view in life; B, dorsal and ventral
views in preservative), here genetically and morphologically reassigned to G. corvus.
e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Brookesia brygooi belongs to the Brookesia decaryi group,
which includes aridity-adapted species that live within the
dry-deciduous forests on the western slope of the central
high plateau of the island (T et al. ). It inhab-
its the leaf litter stratum during the day and is found resting
on low vegetation during the night. It can be quite dicult
to observe in Isalo, although there is a record of one event
in which several individuals were sampled in one single
night (S. N, pers. comm.) is population is ge-
netically similar to the populations of B. brygooi at Kirindy
with which it shares a distinctive lineage when compared
to B. brygooi from Ankarafantsika (C et al. ).
Furcifer major (B, )
Fig. B
Locality records: Andranomena (MRSN R), Malaso, Rano-
hira (MRSN R), Zahavola (MRSN R–R), Isalo (no
precise locality).
is taxon was formerly considered a large-sized subspe-
cies of Furcifer lateralis (B , K B
) inhabiting the arid southwestern region of Mada-
gascar. A recent taxonomic revision of the carpet cha-
meleons elevated this taxon to species rank (F et
al. ), which therefore also applies to specimens from
Isalo. H () reported this taxon as F. lateralis.
e samples analysed in this study are genetically simi-
lar to each other (Supplementary Table S) whereas they
have a genetic distance at the COI fragment of ca.  to
F.viridis,  to F. lateralis, and ca.  to sympatric
F.oustaleti and F. verrucous.
Furcifer oustaleti (M, )
Fig. C
Locality records: Analalava Forest, Bereketa (MRSN R),
Namazaha Valley.
A recent phylogeographic analysis revealed the presence of
two distinctive lineages within this species, but refrained
from formally describing a new species based on the still-
limited evidence available (F R ).
e populations from Isalo belong to F. oustaleti Clade D
sensu F R () and are genetically
uniform for the marker analysed (Supplementary Table
Furcifer verrucosus (C, )
Fig. D
Locality records: Piscine Naturelle, Sakavato (MRSN R,
MRSN R).
Slightly smaller, F. verrucosus can be easily mistaken for
F. oustaleti that also widely overlaps its distribution range.
Furcifer verrucosus is quite common in disturbed areas al-
though it can be found in a wide array of habitats at sites be-
low  m a.s.l. (R R ).
A recent phylogeographic analysis revealed the presence of
a western and an eastern lineage (F R
). e Isalo population belongs to F. verrucosus Clade
B sensu F R (), and the analysed
samples from Isalo exhibit a genetic variability of .
(COI; Supplementary Table S) between each other.
Blaesodactylus sakalava (G, )
Locality record: Isalo (no precise locality).
In Isalo, this species is currently known from a record
made by H () and a photographic record avail-
able online (ickriver, Pete Read: http://www.ickriver.
com/photos/@No//). No molecular
data from Isalo are available for this species.
Figure 5. Chelonian and a crocodilian species found in the Isalo Massif: A) Pelomedusa subrufa (MRSN R3737) from Zahavola in life;
B) Crocodylus niloticus preserved specimen (FAZC 14784, PBZT-uncatalogued) from Hazofotsy River (Ranohira).
W C et al.
Figure 6. Photos in life of lizard species recorded in the Isalo Massif: A) Brookesia brygooi (ACZC 2569) from the Namazaha Val-
ley; B) Furcifer major (FAZC 14640) from Zahavola; C) Furcifer oustaleti from the Analalava Forest (photo not reliably referable
to a certain sample or voucher); D) F. v e rr u co s us from circuit Piscine Naturelle (photo not reliably referable to a certain sample or
voucher); E) Hemidactylus mercatorius (ACZC 1945) from the Namazaha Valley; F) Lyg od ac ty lu s sp. a. tuberosus Ca02 (MRSN
R3746) from Malaso; G) Paroedura picta from Zahavola (photo not reliably referable to a certain sample or voucher); H) P. sp.
a. bastardi Ca01 (FAZC 14631) from Zahavola; I) P. sp. a. bastardi Ca03 from Ilakaka (photo not reliably referable to a certain
sample or voucher); J) P. vahiny (MRSN R3748) from Malaso; K) Phelsuma hielscheri from Piscine Naturelle (tissue sample not
collected); L) P. m u t a b i l i s from the Namazaha Valley (tissue sample not collected); M) P. s t a n d i n g i from Isalo (no precise locality,
tissue sample not collected); N) Zonosaurus laticaudatus (MRSN R3213) from the Canyon des Makis; O) Z. madagascariensis from
Andranonombilahy (tissue sample not collected); P) Z. karsteni from Analamangabe (tissue sample not collected); Q) Chalarodon
madagascariensis from Ilakaka (tissue sample not collected); R) Oplurus cyclurus from Malaso (photo not reliably referable to a
certain sample or voucher); S) O. quadrimaculatus from Zahavola (tissue sample not collected); T) O. saxicola (photo not reliably
referable to a certain sample or voucher) from Sakavato; U) Tra chy le pi s e leg an s from the Namazaha Valley (tissue sample not
collected); V) T. gr av en h or st ii from the Namazaha Valley (tissue sample not collected); W) T. na nc yc ou tu a e from the Namazaha
Valley (tissue sample not collected).
e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Geckolepis typica G, 
Locality records: Analalava Forest (UMMZ ), Be-
reketa (UMMZ ), Sahanafa (UMMZ ), Isalo
(no precise locality).
e only specimens of this taxon from Isalo are those in
the collection of the Museum of Zoology at the Univer-
sity of Michigan, but another record stems from H
(). As for Isalo, neither molecular data nor informa-
tion on its habitat are available.
Hemidactylus mercatorius G, 
Fig. E
Locality records: Analalava Forest (MRSN R–R), Mala-
so (FAZC /PBZT-uncatalogued), Namazaha Valley, Rano-
hira – Motel d’Isalo, Zahavola.
Hemidactylus mercatorius is one of the few non-endemic
squamate species of Madagascar, being present and wide-
ly distributed in eastern Africa and on many islands of
the Indian Ocean. Samples from Isalo belong to the most
common haplotype, occurring both in the Sambirano and
northeast, and in the southern central east, southeast, and
south (V et al. ). e analysed populations ex-
hibit an average genetic variation of . (COI; Supple-
mentary Table S) between each other.
Lygodactylus sp. a. pictus Ca “Isalo” (UCS)
Locality record: Analalava Forest (ZMA ).
is genus still contains several undescribed species (P
et al. , , M et al. ). Isalo lineage was
previous reported by P et al. () and refers to a
specimen deposited in the collection of the Naturalis Bio-
diversity Center, Leiden (e Netherlands), collected in the
Analalava Forest. It is morphologically similar to L.pictus
although genetically it has at least  genetic distance to
all other species of Lygodact ylus for which S sequences
are currently available. For comparison, we sequenced the
S and COI fragment (S: MH–MH, COI:
MH–MH) of a recently collected specimen
of Ly god ac tyl us sp. a. pictus Ca “Isalo” from the Forêt de
Vohibasia (Zombitse-Vohibasia National Park) and the S
fragment proved to be  identical to the S sequence of
this taxon collected in the Analalava Forest (P et al.
; AY). is lineage is therefore currently known
at least from Isalo and Zombitse-Vohibasia.
Lygodactylus sp. a. tuberosus Ca “Isalo” (UCS)
Fig. F
Locality records: Malaso (MRSN R, MRSN R).
is candidate species is identied here for the rst time.
e analysed specimens were found in open grassland
near canyon entrances and rocky microhabitat in Malaso.
Morphologically, this taxon is quite similar to L. tubero-
sus. e genetic distance between L. tuberosus from Ifaty
(MH) and this UCS from Isalo is ca.  at the ana-
lysed COI fragment. e genetic distance in S between
this UCS and the syntopic Lygodactylus sp. a. pictus Ca
“Isalois ca. , and ca.  to L. tuberosus from Toliara
and Belalanda (e.g., AY, LN).
Paroedura picta (P, )
Fig. G
Locality records: Andriamanero, Zahavola.
is ground-dwelling species is typically found in the dry
forests or on sandy substrate in spiny scrub vegetation of
southern Madagascar (G V ). Within
Isalo, it is commonly encountered in open savannah areas.
e samples here analysed have a genetic distance of 
(S) to P. picta from Kirindy (AF) and only  to
P. picta from the Toliara region (GU). In the COI
fragment analysed, the samples of P. picta from Isalo have
ca.  genetic distance to other P. picta from the pet
trade or from Isalo (KR and JQ, respective-
ly), and ca.  distance to another P. picta from the pet
trade (KM), therefore suggesting the existence of a
complex of cryptic species.
Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca “Marofandilia/Miandriva-
zo” (UCS)
Fig. H; Fig. A
Locality records: Zahavola (MRSN R, MRSN R), Nama-
zaha Valley (MRSN R), Isalo (no precise locality, MRSN
is UCS belongs to the P. bastardi species complex, which
contains several undescribed species (J et al. ,
A et al. , G et al. ). It was found within
the canyon in a shaded area close to the stream where hu-
midity was high due to the presence of a small cave and a
waterfall. It was already known from Marofandilia and Mi-
andrivazo, and the S genetic distance of the Isalo popula-
tion to these other populations is  (GU, Maro-
fandilia and GU, Miandrivazo; A et al. ).
Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca Isalo” (UCS)
Locality records: Malaso, Zahavola (FAZC /PBZT-uncata-
is UCS also belongs to the P. bastardi species complex.
In , individuals belonging to this taxon were found on
W C et al.
rocky surfaces in open areas in close proximity to the Mu-
seum of the Isalo National Park, next to the Zahavola can-
yons (where also Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca “Maro-
fandilia/Miandrivazo occurs). Other individuals were
observed in open grassland near canyon entrances and in
rocky microhabitats. ese two sympatric lineages (Paro-
edura sp. a. bastardi Ca “Marofandilia/Miandrivazo”
and Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca “Isalo”) are geneti-
cally highly dierentiated, with values of uncorrected p-
distance at the analysed COI and S gene fragment of ca.
 (Supplementary Table S) and , respectively. e
analysed samples from Isalo are  divergent (COI) from
P.bastardi from Toliara (JQ, N et al. ).
Paroedura sp. a. bastardi CaIlakaka” (UCS)
Fig. I; Fig. B
Locality records: Ilakaka, Kazofoty (MRSN R), Isalo (no pre-
cise locality, MRSN R, MRSN R–R).
is is another UCS of the P. bastardi species complex that
is present in Isalo. is taxon was already known from pre-
vious work (A et al. ), and the genetic distance of
this taxon to co-occurring species of the P. bastardi com-
plex is  (COI, Supplementary Table S),  (S) to
P.sp. a. bastardi CaMarofandilia/Miandrivazo, and
 (COI, Supplementary Table S) and  (S) to P. sp.
a. bastardi Ca “Isalo”, respectively. e genetic distance
between dierent samples of this species is ca.  at the
analysed S fragment (GU, A et al. ).
Paroedura vahiny N R, 
Fig. J
Locality records: Andohasahenina (MRSN R), Malaso
(MRSN R), Isalo (no precise locality).
is poorly known species is characterized by having an
overall smooth appearance, determined by the presence of
small and scattered tubercles and numerous small scales
on both body and head. In his report, H () list-
ed P. androyensis for Isalo National Park, but this record
almost certainly refers to P. vahiny, described few years af-
ter. In contrast to the holotype of P. vahiny that was found
on a plant stem in the forest, this taxon was found on the
ground in Isalo. It exhibits a genetic distance, at the COI
fragment, of ca.  to all the other syntopic species of
Paroedura (Supplementary Table S), but the lack of a COI
reference for P. vahiny from the type locality prevents us
from assigning these samples on a molecular basis. Simi-
larly, for the S gene fragment, samples of this taxon are
 similar to almost all other Paroedura species. We
here refer to this taxon as P. vahiny pending conrmation
by means of a molecular comparison with samples from
the type locality.
Phelsuma hielscheri R, O S, 
Fig. K
Locality records: Ranohira, close to Isalo Ranch (N et al.
), Petit Nazareth Valley, Piscine Naturelle, Zahavola (MRSN
R), Isalo (no precise locality, ZSM /).
Phelsuma hielscheri is a regionally endemic species of
southwestern Madagascar that belongs to the P. d u b i a
group (R et al. ). is species is so far known only
from a few localities such as Kirindy, Morondava and Isalo.
Phelsuma hielscheri is quite dicult to observe in Isalo. In-
dividuals were spotted during the daytime, active on Pan-
danus sp. leaves. Only one specimen was collected in Za-
havola from which no DNA sequences could be obtained.
Phelsuma mutabilis (G, )
Fig. L
Locality record: Namazaha Valley.
Phelsuma mutabilis is distributed along the southern and
western Madagascar coasts up to Ankarafantsika in the
northwest (C et al. ). is species in known
to inhabit both natural and anthropogenic areas and is
adapted to live in dierent environments such as trees and
bushes, but also on walls of buildings or fences. In Isalo, a
representative of this species was observed in the Nama-
zaha Valley where it was basking on a tree trunk (A. C-
, pers. obs.). P. mutabilis exhibits an intraspecic ge-
netic distance of . across Madagascar (S, C
et al. ). e analysed sample from Isalo conrms this
intraspecic variability by showing a genetic distance rang-
ing from to  (S) to other populations (Toliara, Ejeda,
Antsalova: R et al. ; Beroroha, Makay: S et
al. ).
Phelsuma standingi M H, 
Fig. M
Locality records: Ranohira, Isalo (no precise locality).
Phelsuma standingi is a large species of day gecko with un-
resolved phylogenetic relationships (R et al. ,
), occurring only in the arid spiny forest of southwest-
ern Madagascar. Like P. hielscheri, P.standingi is quite rarely
seen in Isalo and our surveys did not yield any new obser-
vations. e only DNA sequence available for this species
from Isalo refers to a published record (S, DQ), of
which the locality is given as “South of Isalo” (S et al.
). erefore, it might actually refer to the Zombitse-
Vohibasia National Park, where we have observed the spe-
cies as well, rather than to the Isalo Massif itself. On the
other hand, B K () reported on a visu-
al record of this species in Ranohira.
e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Tracheloptychus madagascariensis P, 
Locality record: Isalo (no precise locality).
is taxon was reported from Isalo by B (). No
molecular data from Isalo are available for this species.
Zonosaurus laticaudatus (G, )
Fig. N
Locality records: Canyon des Makis (MRSN R), Isalo (no pre-
cise locality, FAZC /MRSN R-uncatalogued).
In Isalo, this species was observed in forested habitat in-
side large canyons. e analysed samples suggest a close
relationship to Z. laticaudatus from Tsingy de Bemaraha
( for COI, JQ;  for the S fragment, KC;
N et al. , R et al. ).
Zonosaurus madagascariensis (G, )
Fig. O
Locality records: Andranonombilahy, Canyon des Makis (MRSN
In contrast to Z. laticaudatus, this species is mostly dis-
tributed in eastern Madagascar, although there are areas
in the northwest where these two species co-occur. In Is-
alo, the observed individuals were found in forested habi-
tat inside or at the entrance of large canyons. e samples
analysed show a genetic distance of ca.  to Z. mada-
gascariensis from Tsingy de Bemaraha (JQ) and
Mahasoa (JQ), and  to specimens from Maro-
jejy (JQ) (COI). At the S fragment, Z. madagas-
cariensis from Isalo is only  divergent from the clos-
est sister species, Z. haraldmeieri from the Forêt d’Ambre
(KC). More in-depth analyses will be needed to as-
sess whether Z. haraldmeieri is a chromatic variant of
Z.madagascariensis or represents a true sister species of re-
cent divergence (R et al. , R
et al. , B et al. ).
Zonosaurus ornatus (G, )
Locality record: Isalo (no precise locality).
Not encountered during our surveys, but reported from Is-
alo by G V (), where it was observed in
open grasslands. is visual record is in need of conrma-
tion, as no photographic or physical voucher is available,
and we cannot exclude this record was mistaken, e.g., by
confusion with an unusually colored Z. karsteni. No mo-
lecular data from Isalo specimens are available.
Zonosaurus karsteni (G, )
Fig. P
Locality records: Analamangabe, Ranohira Bas (FAZC /
PBZT-uncatalogued), Isalo (no precise locality).
is species is currently known from fragmented and geo-
graphically distant populations in the dry forests of west-
ern Madagascar (G V ). It has been re-
ported before in Isalo by H (). e populations
of this species analysed so far (Andranomanintsy, Bema-
raha, Kirindy, Lambokely, Mikea, and Petriky) show a
low phylo geographic substructure (R et al.
). Zonosaurus karsteni from Isalo conrms this pat-
tern in that the samples had a genetic distance at both the
S and ND fragment of only  to Z. karsteni from To-
liara and Mikea-Ankindranoka.
Chalarodon madagascariensis P, 
Fig. Q
Locality records: Analalava Forest (UADBA ), Antambonoa
(MRSN R–R), Canyon des Makis (MRSN R), Ilaka-
ka, Vohimaro (FAZC /PBZT-uncatalogued), Isalo (no pre-
cise locality, MRSN R–R).
is species was encountered in Vohimaro aer it was al-
ready reported from this area (H ) and Anala-
lava (M et al. ). Samples from Isalo are
genetically more similar to the population of C. mada-
gascariensis at Tsingy de Bemaraha (in the central west)
than to the geographically closer populations at Toliara
(M et al. ).
Oplurus cyclurus (M, )
Fig. R
Locality records: Analalava Forest (ZSM /-/),
Andohasahenina (MRSN R), Andranomena (MRSN R),
Antambonoa (MRSN R), Malaso (MRSN R).
Oplurus cyclurus is a largely arboreal and rupicolous igua-
na that can be easily identied by its tail bearing enlarged
spines (G V ). In Isalo, specically in the
Analalava Forest, two mitochondrial lineages with a genet-
ic distance of up to  at the S occur (M
et al. ). Our samples of O. cyclurus from Malaso are
genetically uniform for both S and COI (Supplementary
Table S) and equally divergent (; S) from the samples
of both clades present in the Analalava forest.
Oplurus grandidieri M, 
Locality record: Antoha (MRSN R).
W C et al.
Only one specimen of Oplurus grandidieri was collect-
ed in Isalo. It exhibits a genetic distance of  to a sam-
ple of O. grandidieri from Zazafotsy (S; EU;
M et al. ) and of  from two samples
from the pet trade (COI, KMA et al.
; AB, O K ). Oplurus
grandidieri has a low genetic divergence compared to
O. erinensis (S, c-mos uncorrected p-distances = .
and , respectively; M et al. ), and ac-
cording to our data, the COI distance is  compared to a
specimen of O. erenensis from Toliara; JQ, N
et al. ).
Oplurus quadrimaculatus D, 
Fig. S
Locality records: Andohasahenina (MRSN R), Andranom-
ena (MRSN R–R, MRSN R), Malaso (FAZC /
MRSN R-uncatalogued), Zahavola, Isalo (no precise locality,
MRSN R–R).
is species lives throughout the arid areas of southwest-
ern Madagascar, but can also be found in the drier parts of
the central highlands up to  m a.s.l. (Ibity Massif) and
near the rainforest in the Tolagnaro area (G V
). In Isalo, it was collected in Malaso, but, in contrast
to O. cyclurus, which is more arboreal, this relatively com-
mon species was found on large rocks and boulders. is
taxon was previously recorded by H (). Oplu-
rus quadrimaculatus is known to comprise two well-sup-
ported clades, one representing the highland populations
(Antoetra, Ambositra, and Andringitra) and the other one
the southern populations (Toliara, Tolagnaro, Andohahe-
la, and Tranoroa) (M et al. ). e pop-
ulation at Isalo belongs to the southern lineage, and one
sample exhibits a  distance (S) to this southern line-
age. At the COI fragment, O. quadrimaculatus from Isalo
shows a genetic distance of  to samples from Andohahe-
la (JQ).
Oplurus saxicola G, 
Fig. T
Locality record: Sakavato (MRSN R–R).
is rock-dwelling species inhabits the south of Madagas-
car (G V ). In Isalo, it has been found only
in Sakavato, and this represents the rst observation in this
area. Like O. quadrimaculatus, O. saxicola appears to com-
prise two divergent lineages: one in the southeast (Esomo-
ny, from where a new species of Chalarodon has recent-
ly been described; M et al. ), and one in the
southwest (M et al. ). e sample from
Isalo belongs to this last clade from the southwest, from
which it diers by  (S), while it exhibits  (S) di-
vergence from the sample from Esomony.
Grandidierina rubrocaudata (G, )
Locality record: Isalo (no precise locality).
is taxon was reported for Isalo by B (). No
molecular data are available for this species from Isalo.
Trachylepis elegans (P, )
Fig. U
Locality records: Andohaosy (MRSN R), Andranombilahy
(MRSN R), Andranomena (MRSN R), Malaso, Nama-
zaha Valley, Ranohira Motel d’Isalo, Vallee du Petit Nazareth
(MRSN R), Zahavola (MRSN R), Isalo (no precise local-
ity, MRSN R).
In Isalo, individuals were found in open grasslands and out-
side canyons, where they are oen seen basking on rocky
surfaces. A recent preliminary analysis of the genetic vari-
ability of this species across its distribution identied four
genetic lineages (V et al. ). e analysed samples
from Isalo are genetically homogeneous (., Supple-
mentary Table S) and belong to the most widespread line-
age of T. elegans, the lineage A sensu V et al. ().
Trachylepis gravenhorstii (D B, )
Fig. V
Locality records: Sambalahy (Andriamanero), Malaso (FAZC
/MRSN R-uncatalogued), Namazaha Valley (MRSN R),
Ranohira, Zahavola (MRSN R).
Trachylepis gravenhorstii can be found both in the ground
and on tree trunks (G V ), but not inside
canyons. In Isalo, we identied two dierent lineages, a
and b (sensu V et al. ), with a genetic distance
at the analysed COI fragment of  between each other. As
far as we know, lineage a was found only in the village of
Ranohira, whereas lineage b occurred in at least two lo-
calities within the Massif (Malaso and Zahavola). Molec-
ular taxonomic identication of the individuals collected
in the Namazaha Valley was not possible. e presence of
T.gravenhorstii lineage b in Isalo represents a new distri-
butional record for this lineage.
Tra ch yl epi s nan cy co ut uae (N R, )
Fig. W
Locality records: Andranomena (MRSN R), Bemenara
(MRSN R), Bevato, Malaso (FAZC /PBZT-uncata-
logued), Namazaha Valley, Zahavola (MRSN R).
is skink species is endemic to Isalo, inhabiting rocky
substrates including large boulders and cli faces. Trachy-
e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
lepis nancycoutuae was found in the southeastern sections
of the Isalo NP and in the centre of the massif. is is a
very secretive species, which seems to be quite abundant
in this region, although it is dicult to collect. A phylo-
genetic analysis of the genus Trachyle pis has recently been
published and revealed that T. nancycoutuae probably is
the sister species of an undescribed species inhabiting the
area of Ambalavao and Andringitra (T. sp. a. vato; L
et al. ).
Dromicodryas bernieri (D, B D, )
Fig. A
Locality records: Andranomangara, Andranomena (MRSN
R), Lola (MRSN R), Malaso, Ranohira (MRSN R),
Zahavola (MRSN R).
In Malaso, this snake species was encountered during the
day on rocks close to a shallow canyon, while in Ranohira,
it was found along a secondary road. e analysed samples
from Isalo are genetically similar to each other (. Sup-
plementary Table S) and to the individuals from Ifaty (,
JQ, N et al. ).
Ithycyphus oursi D, 
Fig. B
Locality records: Canyon des Makis (MRSN R), Anjofo,
Namazaha Valley.
In Isalo, this species has been spotted in the Canyon des
Makis, Anjofo, and in the Namazaha Valley where one
adult individual was observed predating on an adult
Furcifer ousta leti (C et al. ). Irrespective of
their morphological dierences, I. oursi and I. miniatus
are genetically poorly dierentiated (ca. , COI). e two
analysed samples from Isalo are identical to each other in
COI, but have a ca.  genetic divergence from a sample
from Ranobe (JQ; N et al. ).
Madagascarophis meridionalis (D, )
Fig. C
Locality records: Andranomena (MRSN R), Canyon des Rats
(MRSN R), Malaso (FAZC /PBZT-uncatalogued, FAZC
/PBZT-uncatalogued), Namazaha Valley (MRSN R,
MRSN R), Ranohira: Motel d’Isalo, Reine de l’Isalo (MRSN
R), Tsitorina (FAZC /MRSN R-uncatalogued), Vallée
du Petit Nazareth (MRSN R), Zahavola (MRSN R), Isalo
(no precise locality).
In Isalo, we found two distinct genetic lineages of this spe-
cies with ca.  of genetic divergence at the analysed COI
gene fragment. e sample from the Canyon des Rats be-
longs to a lineage also present in Ifaty, Ihosy and Ranomafa-
na (N et al. , R et al. ), whereas samples
from Malaso, Ranohira and Zahavola belong to a lineage
found also in Tsimanampetsotsa (N et al. ). Both
lineages are present in the Namazaha Valley. H
() recorded this taxon as M. colubrinus.
Mimophis mahfalensis (G, )
Fig. D
Locality records: Andranomena (MRSN R), Bemenara
(MRSN R, MRSN R), Bereketa (MRSN R), Malaso,
Ranohira, Zahavola.
Mimophis mahfalensis and the recently described M. oc-
cultus R, M, L, Y, W, J, F-
, N, S, B R,
 are the only Malagasy snakes that belong to the mostly
African subfamily Psammophiinae (R et al. ). In
Isalo, M. mahfalensis can be found in dry forest, thornbush
savannah, and anthropogenic habitats. e analysed sam-
ples from Isalo are identical to each other in the markers
studied (Supplementary Table S) and more similar to the
individuals from Ibity (, COI) than to those from Toliara
(, COI). Using specimens from Isalo, R et al. ()
provided data on the internal anatomy of M. mahfalensis
to demonstrate the presence of toxin-secreting glands, sup-
porting the notion to classify the Psammophiinae as a sub-
family of the Lamprophiidae (P et al. ).
Leioheterodon madagascariensis D B, 
Locality record: Bereketa, Isalo (no precise locality).
In Isalo, this species is currently known only from a report
by H () and from Bereketa (G V
), but no molecular data are available.
Leioheterodon modestus (G, )
Fig. E
Locality records: Analalava Forest (FAZC /MRSN R-un-
catalogued), Andozoky (MRSN R), Canyon des rats (MRSN
R), Lola (MRSN R), Namazaha Valley, Ranohira (FAZC
/PBZT-uncatalogued), Ranohira – Motel d’Isalo, Isalo (no
precise locality).
is is a common species in Isalo and individuals were
seen in open savannas, gallery forest, and in canyons. In
Isalo, individuals of L. modestus have been recorded to pre-
date upon the microendemic frog Scaphiophryne gottlebei
(R et al. ).
Specimen FAZC , collected close to the Analalava
Forest, was identied by molecular means (COI) as Leio-
heterodon geayi M, . We compared a COI se-
quence of this specimen with sympatric and allopatric pop-
W C et al.
ulations of L. modestus (ACZC , FAZC , FAZC
 from Isalo; FAZC  from Zazafotsy, MH;
FAZC  from Pont Bevilany, MH) and found
that the COI sequence of specimen FAZC  had an av-
erage genetic distance of  to the otherwise similar COI
sequences of the other analysed samples of L. modestus.
We therefore amplied the S fragment of this specimen
and of FAZC  from Isalo and those sequences were
identical ( genetic distance), suggesting a possible am-
plication of a nuclear COI pseudogene in the case of speci-
men FAZC . However, these S sequences had a 
 genetic similarity to Leioheterodon madagascariensis
(AY from N et al. ). Morphologically, these
six specimens (four from Isalo and two from elsewhere, de-
tails provided above) are identical to each other and they
all correspond phenotypically to L. modestus. We therefore
think that there might be a case of mislabelling the S se-
quence AY (N et al. ) and suggest that this
sequence actually refers to L. modestus.
Liophidium vaillanti (M, )
Fig. F
Locality record: Zahavola (MRSN R).
is species was rarely observed in Isalo. e known indi-
vidual from Zahavola has a coloration that is quite dierent
from those from other localities (compare pictures of L.sp.
a. vaillanti “South” – which corresponds to this record
on page  and of L. vaillanti on page  in G
V ). However, analysed samples of this species
exhibit limited genetic dierentiation [ to L. vaillanti
from Kirindy (DQ, EU; Cytb) and Tsiman-
ampetsotsa (GQ; Cytb);  to L. vaillanti from Tsi-
manampetsotsa (GQ; S)]. M et al. ()
observed that this species is at least partly ophiophagous.
Lycodryas guentheri (B, )
Fig. G
Locality records: Zahavola (MRSN R), Isalo (no precise lo-
We have only one record of this species from Zahavola,
where the individual was found in a shrub outside the can-
yon. As for L. carleti, no sequences were previously avail-
able, but with  ventral scales (all other Lycodryas species
have more),  scales at midbody,  subcaudals and su-
pralabial scales, our inspection of specimen MRSN R
suggests this record being referable to this taxon (V
et al. , N et al ). A record of L. gaimardi ex-
ists from the Isalo area (H ), but neither mor-
phological nor precise locality information are available, so
it could represent another record for L.guen theri. Geneti-
Figure 7. Photos of snake species in life recorded in the Isalo Massif: A) Dromicodryas bernieri from Malaso (tissue sample not
collected); B) Ithycyphus oursi (ACZC 1932) from Namazaha Valley; C) Madagascarophis meridionalis (FAZC 14638) from Malaso
(sample not sequenced); D) Mimophis mahfalensis (FAZC 14677) from Malaso; E) Leioheterodon modestus from the Namazaha Valley
(tissue sample not collected); F) Liophidium vaillanti (MRSN R3210) from Zahavola; G) Lycodryas guentheri (MRSN R3739) from
Zahavola; H) Lycodryas sp. a. pseudogranuliceps Ca01 “Andohahela(MRSN R3216) from Antoha; I) amnosophis lateralis (ACZC
1928) from the Namazaha Valley; J) Acrantophis dumerili from Ilakaka (tissue sample not collected); K) Sanzinia volontany from the
Namazaha Valley (tissue sample not collected); L) Madatyphlops arenarius (FAZC 14696) from near Ilakaka (sample not sequenced).
e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
cally, this taxon seems to be closely related to L. macula-
tus from the Comoros (ZSM /) and Mayotte (ZSM
/ and ZSM /) from which it has between
and  genetic distance at the analysed S gene, respec-
tively, and  at the COI fragment.
Lycodryas sp. a. pseudogranuliceps CaAndohahela”
Fig. H
Locality record: Antoha (MRSN R).
is undescribed species of Lyco dr yas is already known
from Andohahela in southeastern Madagascar (N et
al. ). Considering similar geographical patterns in Lio-
phidium vaillanti and Mantella sp. a. expectata South”,
this anity of Isalo to Andohahela in southeastern Mada-
gascar is interesting to note. In Isalo, this species was found
on a small shrub at night. It seems to be closely related to
L.granuli ceps and L. pseudogranuliceps. e genetic distance
between the specimen from Isalo and Andohahela is and
 at the analysed S and COI gene fragments, respective-
ly. Our sample has  (S) and  (COI) divergences from
L. pseudogranuliceps from Befandriana-Avaratra in north-
ern Madagascar (ZSM /, N et al. , ).
Pseudoxyrhopus quinquelineatus (G, )
Locality record: Isalo (no precise locality).
is species is currently known from Isalo only by the
record published by H (). No molecular data
from Isalo are available.
amnosophis lateralis (D, B D, )
Fig. I
Locality records: Andriamanero (FAZC /MRSN R-uncata-
logued), Namazaha Valley.
e individuals found in the Namazaha Valley and Andria-
manero were active on trails during the day. e analysed
samples from Isalo are quite similar to each other (.,
Supplementary Table S) and genetically similar (; COI)
to the individuals from Ranomafana as published by N
et al. ().
Acrantophis dumerili J, 
Fig. J
Locality records: Andohasahenina, Ilakaka, Namazaha Valley, Is-
alo (no precise locality).
is species was reported from Isalo by H ().
We observed it in Andohasahenina and Ilakaka, but no
samples were collected. is species was recently (October
) found in Namazaha Valley (L. B, pers. comm.),
inactive on the ground during the day. Two species are cur-
rently known in this genus, but molecular analyses revealed
a third lineage in the south and southeast of Madagascar
(O- W et al. ). e only data for this
species from Isalo available to us are those of a published
record (S, EU; O- W et al. ).
Sanzinia volontany V G, 
Fig. K
Locality records: Canyon de Zahavola, Namazaha Valley, Isalo
(no precise locality).
is taxon was formerly considered a subspecies of
S.mada gascariensis (O- W et al. ),
but has recently been elevated to species level (R
et al. ). As per its new denition, this species is re-
stricted to the west of Madagascar where it has a patchy
distribution mostly limited to habitats with trees and large
shrubs. In Isalo, this species was found in both primary
and secondary forests. In , one young individual was
observed resting for several days inside the Canyon of Za-
havola, where it was probably hunting. None of the new-
ly collected samples from Isalo could be successfully se-
quenced; we therefore here refer to a published record (S,
EU – O- W et al. ).
Madatyphlops arenarius (G, )
Fig. L
Locality records: Ilakaka (FAZC /MRSN R-uncatalogued),
Ranohira (MRSN R–R).
Madatyphlops arenarius is a worm-like blind snake known
from the west and south of Madagascar. It inhabits sandy
substrates and can be encountered under stones and, rare-
ly, active on the ground at night. In Isalo, this species is
rarely found, and only a few records are currently avail-
able (three specimens have been collected). One specimen
was found crossing a dirt road at night. Unfortunately, it
was not possible to amplify DNA fragments from these re-
cently collected specimens. e only genetic data available
for this species from Isalo are those of a published record
(COI, JQ; N et al. , ). is sample has
 genetic distance to a sample of Madatyphlops arenarius
from Ifaty (KT; N et al. ). In fact, a recent
publication indicated that M. arenarius might be a com-
plex of at least four dierent taxa and a systematic revision
of this group is therefore needed to assign this name to one
or more populations (N et al. ).
W C et al.
In this study, we generated reference sequences for almost
all amphibians and reptiles known from Isalo. ese in-
clude ) S sequences of  of the  amphibian taxa pre-
viously listed by M et al. (), and ) S se-
quences of one new taxon (Mantidactylus sp. a. multi-
plicatus Ca “Isalo”) and two new species distribution
records (Mantella sp. a. expectata “South and Scaphio-
phryne sp. a. calcarata Ca); nally, we ) provide ref-
erence sequences for  of the  reptile taxa current-
ly known from this area. For seven taxa (Blaesodactylus
sakalava, Geckolepis typica, Grandidierina rubrocaudata,
Leioheterodon madagascariensis, Pseudoxyrhopus quin-
quelineatus, Tracheloptychus madagascariensis, and Zono-
saurus ornatus) we only have reports from literature (B-
 , , H , G V ), as
those taxa were not observed by our team during the mul-
tiple surveys we conducted in Isalo. In his species inven-
tory from Isalo National Park, H () reported
on Lygodactylus tolampyae (G, ), a taxon al-
ready known from the Zombitse-Vohibasia National Park
(G V ), and on L. gaimardi (S,
). Although we could not verify the taxonomic identi-
ties of these records we think they might refer to one of the
two candidate species of Lygodactylus reported herein, and
to L. guentheri or Lycodryas sp. a. pseudogranuliceps Ca
Andohahela”, respectively.
Overall, when comparing our results with those avail-
able from other dry deciduous forests in Madagascar, it
would appear that amphibian species richness ( species-
level taxa) in the Isalo Massif is relatively high and more
diverse than at other western sites such as the Tsingy de
Bemaraha National Park [ species; B et al. ()],
the Kirindy dry forest [; G ()], Ankarafantsika
National Park, and in the Montagne des Français [; M
et al. () and D’C et al. ()]. e scenario is
slightly dierent for reptiles: compared to the  species-
level taxa of reptiles in Isalo, there are higher numbers in
Tsingy de Bemaraha (, B et al. ),  in Mikea
(R ),  in the Montagne des Français
(D’C et al. ), whereas Kirindy and Ankarafant-
sika host similar numbers ( and  taxa, respectively;
B et al. , R R ).
If our results are compared with values available from the
eastern rainforests, amphibian richness is obviously much
lower (see for comparison G et al. , R et
al. , H et al. ), while values for rep-
tile richness are roughly similar (A et al. ,
G et al. , K , D’C et al. ,
G et al. ).
e high level of species richness and the apparently lo-
cally endemic species observed in Isalo can be interpreted
as a result of palaeoclimatic oscillations (R
N , M W ). If this is true,
the rainforest species could have expanded their ranges
and survived in the massif during warm and humid peri-
ods due to habitat availability and the presence of perma-
nent water and sub-humid forests, while dryness-adapted
species remained constrained to small refugia in suitable
areas (C , M W ); and the
situation would have been the opposite during colder and
drier periods. On the other hand, the peculiar position of
the Isalo Massif and the structure of the sandstone forma-
tion that provides a number of humid (canyons) and arid
habitats might have favoured the coexistence of taxa typi-
cal of multiple biomes. is heterogeneity allows for the
presence of species adapted to dierent habitats, from the
eastern humid forest, via the western dry deciduous forest
to the southern subarid savannas, as is demonstrated by
the presence of typical rainforest (e.g., Boophis luteus) and
dry habitat (e.g., Brookesia brygooi) species. For some taxa,
Isalo can also be characterized as a contact zone of dif-
ferent lineages such as those found in Trachylepis graven-
horstii and Madagascarophis meridionalis, and of closely
related taxa such as Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca
and Ca. In the case of T. gravenhorstii, lineage a was al-
ready known from Isalo (Analalava Forest) as well as An-
toetra, Ranomafana and Vohiparara (V et al. ).
ese latter three localities are all located on the humid
eastern side of the island. Lineage b is instead widespread
in the subarid-subhumid southern area (Tolagnaro, Ando-
hahela, Manantanely, Tranomaro, Ambolavao and Toliara;
V et al. ). Similarly, the samples from Zahavo-
la, Ranohira and Malaso of M. meridionalis correspond to
the lineage known from Tsimanampetsotsa (arid environ-
ment) whereas the one from the Canyon des Rats, together
with samples known from Ifaty and Toliara, belongs to the
lineage present at Ihosy and Ranomafana (humid environ-
Figure 8. Photos of preserved specimens of Paroedura sp. a.
bastardi Ca01 “Marofandilia/Miandrivazo” (A; MRSN R2553)
and Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca03 “Ilakaka” (B; MRSN R2568).
e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
e analysis of populations of M. expectata (FigsA–C,
J), M. sp. a. expectata “South” (Figs D–E) and M.betsileo
(Figs F–I) revealed that these taxa vary greatly in their
colour patterns (Fig. ). Interestingly, in Sakavato, two
morphologically similar individuals with intermediate
(M.expectata/M. betsileo) chromatic traits (Figs E, G)
were identied by their mitochondrial DNA and their
analysis revealed that these individuals represent two dif-
ferent taxa (M. sp. a. expectata “South” – Fig. E, and
M.betsileo – Fig. G). is might be due to introgressive
hybridization of the mtDNA (C et al. , C-
 et al. ) or convergent evolution of the same colora-
tion pattern promoted by living in the same environment
and sharing the same selective pressures, for example pre-
dation (Müllerian mimicry; C et al. ).
In this study, we provide a thorough taxonomic iden-
tication of most of the Isalo specimens hosted in the
MRSN collection (Supplementary Table S and S) and
found that only Scaphiophryne menabensis is not repre-
sented in its amphibian collection. As far as reptiles are
concerned, Crocodylus niloticus, Lygodactylus sp. a. pic-
tus Ca “Isalo, Blaesodactylus sakalava, Geckolepis typica,
Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca “Isalo”, Phelsuma mutabi-
lis, Phelsuma standingi, Zonosaurus karsteni, Zonosaurus
ornatus, Trache loptychus madagascariensis, Grandidierina
rubrocaudata, amnosophis lateralis, Sanzinia volontany,
Acranto phis dumerili, Leioheterodon madagascariensis, and
Pseudoxyrhopus quinquelineatus are currently not repre-
sented in the MRSN collection. e ndings reported in
this study highlight the crucial importance of combining
extensive eld research with molecular taxonomic identi-
cation and with the morphological inspection of vouch-
er specimens hosted in museum collections (R et al.
). With this approach, it is possible to generate taxo-
nomically accurate species lists and (when necessary) up-
date previously published work to accurately assess the
bio diversity value of a surveyed area. In some instances,
the lack of reference sequences in public repositories did
not allow a sample to be unequivocally assigned to a de-
scribed or undescribed taxa. In these cases, their identi-
cation was facilitated only by the availability of corre-
sponding museum specimens (e.g., Paroedura vahiny and
Lycodryas guentheri). At the same time the availability of
preserved specimens enabled us to ascertain the consist-
ency of diagnostic characters. is was the case in our Leio-
heterodon samples that we assigned to L. modestus on the
basis of diagnostic morphological traits when molecular
data were misleading. It provided a possibility to extract
new tissue samples from existing specimens that facilitated
the sequencing and reassignment of one G. azzurrae para-
type (MRSN A) to G. corvus and the investigation of
other aspects of specimen morphology (e.g., coloration, as
in some specimens of Mantella spp. analysed in our study).
All this underscores the crucial role that historical and
modern collections play in cataloguing world biodiversity
and the importance of maintaining specimens in perma-
nent and accessible museum collections (D L S et
al. , A ).
Our thanks go to the Malagasy authorities for granting research
and export permits, to the Madagascar Institut pour la Conser-
vation des Ecosystèmes Tropicaux (MICET) for logistical help,
and to the Madagascar National Parks Association (MNP) for
granting us access to the Park. Particular thanks go to the col-
leagues, students and assistants who helped in the eld: A
(MNP park guide), D E, I L, D. J
H, M G, I A. I, A-
 L, and S R; and to H. S
H and M K who contributed to the
laboratory work. A R helped us with logis-
tics and assistance in Isalo. Our eldwork was made possible with
the support of the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation
Fund, EDGE, Zoological Society of London, Amphibian Special-
ist Group-Madagascar, Conservation International, Gondwana
Conservation and Research, Regione Piemonte, Reptiland, and
the Zurich Zoo. e Portuguese National Funds through FCT
Foundation for Science and Technology supported the PhD fel-
lowship of WC (SFRH/BD//) and the Investigador
FCT (IF) grant to AC (IF//). is work is funded by
National Funds through FCT within theIF///CP/
CTExploratory Research Project.
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e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
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Supplementary material
Supplementary Tables:
Table S. List of toponyms and corresponding GPS coordinates.
Table S. List of amphibian samples analysed for this study.
Table S. List of Isalo’s voucher specimens of amphibians un-
equivocally identied based on morphology and/or molecular
Table S. List of reptile samples analysed for this study.
Table S. List of Isalo’s voucher specimens of reptiles unequivo-
cally identied based on morphology and/or molecular analyses.
Table S. Primer sequences and PCR conditions used in the
present study.
Table S. Pairwise genetic distances (p-distances) between and
within amphibian taxa according to S rRNA gene fragment se-
quence variation.
Table S. Pairwise genetic distances (p-distance) between and
within reptile taxa according to COI gene fragment sequence
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Supplementary Table S1. List of toponyms and corresponding GPS coordinates.
Locality Isalo Lat Long Locality Isalo Lat Long
Ambatovaky -23.403000° 45.102667° Kazofoty -22.123667° 45.408833°
Ambovo -22.508000° 45.352500° Lola -22.925667° 45.324667°
Amparambatomavo -22.301833° 45.356000° Malaso -22.591466° 45.357449°
Ampasibe -23.039167° 45.276167° Mandarano -23.414444° 45.111111°
Analalava Forest -22.587883° 45.130750° Marojana River -22.457167° 45.373333°
Analamangabe -22.484959° 45.384079° Morahariva -22.768667° 45.307000°
Andohaosy -22.516667° 45.333333° Motel d'Isalo
-22.552650° 45.422600°
Andohasahenina -22.833333° 45.188000° Namazaha Valley -22.536667° 45.374833°
Andozoky -22.483333° 45.300000° Oasis Mariany -22.631670° 45.363644°
Andranomangara -22.574028° 45.366361° Petit Nazareth valley -22.554167° 45.353833°
Andranombilahy -22.808500° 45.236000° Piscine Naturelle -22.559667° 45.371833°
Andranomena -22.740167° 45.275000° Ranohira -22.556233° 45.420005°
Andriamanero -22.367167° 45.392000° Ranohira Bas -22.489133° 45.391917°
Anjofo -22.369400° 45.361000° Reine de l'Isalo -22.623500° 45.339667°
Ankademoky -22.373333° 45.261667° Sahanafa -22.305833° 45.291333°
Antambonoa -22.371833° 45.291000° Sakamalio -22.434833° 45.255167°
Antoha -22.057833° 45.391833° Sakavato -23.483500° 44.934833°
Bemenara -22.801167° 45.250000° Sevalava -22.536944° 45.308889°
Bereketa -22.608333° 45.157833° Tsianerena -22.873000° 45.304333°
Bevato -22.506000° 45.355833° Tsimanolabero -22.576500° 45.383333°
Canyon des Makis -22.486497° 45.376649° Tsiombivositra -22.302500° 45.358333°
Canyon des Rats -22.479875° 45.376632° Tsitorina -22.058167° 45.356167°
Grotte des Portugais -22.301000° 45.306167° Vohimaro -22.290278° 45.358889°
Hazofotsy River
-22.555183° 45.476900° Vohitanana -22.635333° 45.341000°
Iambahatsy -22.405833° 45.268833° Zahavola -22.623000° 45.358667°
Ilakaka -22.695600° 45.221933°
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Fieldnumber Institutional collection
Family Subfamily Taxon Locality Cate gory 16S 3'
16S 5'
ACP2352 ACZC 1976 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis doulioti Ranohira, Motel d’Isalo KX066561 - -
ACP2353 ACZC 1977 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis doulioti Ranohira, Motel d’Isalo KX066562 - -
ACP1443 FAZC 14716 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis doulioti Zahavola KX066560 - -
AC655 FAZC 11891 MRSN A2827 Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis luteus Namazaha Valley KX066573 - -
AC656 FAZC 11890 MRSN A2828 Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis luteus Namazaha Valley KX066574 - -
AC657 FAZC 11870 MRSN A2829 Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis luteus Namazaha Valley KX066575 - -
ACP1455 FAZC 14747 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis obscurus Andriamanero KX066563 - -
ACP1456 FAZC 14748 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis obscurus Andriamanero KX066564 - -
ACP1458 FAZC 14753 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis obscurus Andriamanero KX066565 - -
ACP3360 FAZC 14343 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis obscurus Anjofo MH063278 - -
AC400 FAZC 12735 MRSN A5387 Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis obscurus Canyon des Rats KX066566 - -
AC594 FAZC 12563 MRSN A4998 Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis occidentalis Andriamanero KX066569 - -
AC403 FAZC 12566 MRSN A5000 Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis occidentalis Andriamanero KX066571 - -
AC401 FAZC 12562 MRSN A5002 Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis occidentalis Andriamanero KX066568 - -
AC402 FAZC 12564 MRSN A5004 Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis occidentalis Andriamanero KX066572 - -
AC570 FAZC 12565 MRSN A5006 Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis occidentalis Andriamanero KX066570 - -
ACP2354 ACZC 1979 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Boophinae Boophis occidentalis Ranohira, Motel d’Isalo KX066567 - -
ACP1464 FAZC 14770 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Analalava Forest KX066666 - -
ACP1462 FAZC 14764 MRSN A6913 Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Malaso KX066668 - -
ACP1448 FAZC 14728 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Namazaha Valley KX066655 - -
ACP1428 FAZC 14679 MRSN A6888 Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Ranohira Bas KX066653 - -
ACP1433 FAZC 14688 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Ranohira KX066654 - -
AC416 FAZC 12641 MRSN A5337 Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Reine de l’Isalo KX066660 - -
AC410 FAZC 12642 MRSN A5338 Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Reine de l’Isalo KX066663 - -
AC411 FAZC 12643 MRSN A5339 Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Reine de l’Isalo KX066656 - -
AC413 FAZC 12645 MRSN A5340 Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Reine de l’Isalo KX066658 - -
AC415 FAZC 12647 MRSN A5341 Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Reine de l’Isalo KX066667 - -
AC418 FAZC 12649 MRSN A5342 Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Reine de l’Isalo KX066665 - -
AC419 FAZC 12650 MRSN A5343 Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Reine de l’Isalo KX066661 - -
AC412 FAZC 12644 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Reine de l’Isalo KX066657 - -
AC414 FAZC 12646 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Reine de l’Isalo KX066659 - -
Supplementary Table S2. List of amphibian samples analysed for this study. For each tissue sample the ID, eldnumber, Institutional catalogue number, higher classication, species name, col-
lection locality and GenBank accession number are provided. AC and ACP, Angelica Crottini extraction codes; ACZC, Angelica Crottini Zoological Collection; ACZCV, Angelica Crottini Zoo-
logical Collection Voucher; FAZC, Franco Andreone Zoological Collection; MRSN A-, Amphibian collection of the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali of Torino, Italy; MT032, Meike Teschke
extraction code; SMF, Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt, Germany. $, individuals showing intermediate chromatic traits between M. betsileo and M. expactata; £, individual showing the chromatic
colouration typical of M. expectata; *, New species record; °, New Range extension; Category, Category of candidate species.
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Fieldnumber Institutional collection
Family Subfamily Taxon Locality Cate gory 16S 3'
16S 5'
AC417 FAZC 12648 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Reine de l’Isalo KX066664 - -
AC420 FAZC 12652 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Laliostominae Laliostoma labrosum Zahavola KX066662 - -
ACP1435 FAZC 14692 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Analalava Forest UCS KX066547 - -
ACP1419 FAZC 14659 PBZT-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Andranomangara UCS KX066548 - -
AC586 FAZC 12956 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066549 - -
AC593 FAZC 12957 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066550 - -
AC436 FAZC 12958 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066551 - -
AC437 FAZC 12959 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066552 - -
AC438 FAZC 12960 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066553 - -
AC439 FAZC 12961 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066554 - -
AC440 FAZC 12962 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066555 - -
AC441 FAZC 12963 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066556 - -
AC442 FAZC 12964 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066557 - -
AC443 FAZC 12965 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066558 - -
AC444 FAZC 12966 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio UCS KX066559 - -
ACP2521 FAZC 14348 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Zahavola UCS KX066546 - -
ACP1421 FAZC 14665 MRSN A6900 Mantellidae Mantellinae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Zahavola UCS KX066545 - -
AC430 FAZC 12567 MRSN A5309 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Andriamanero KX066638 - -
AC431 FAZC 12568 MRSN A5310 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Andriamanero KX066639 - -
AC432 FAZC 12569 MRSN A5311 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Andriamanero KX066640 - -
ACP2298 ACZC 6914 ACZCV 0286 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Andriamanero KX066641 - -
ACP2299 ACZC 6915 ACZCV 0287 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Andriamanero KX066642 - -
ACP2300 ACZC 6916 ACZCV 0288 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Andriamanero KX066645 - -
ACP2301 ACZC 6917 ACZCV 0289 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Andriamanero KX066643 - -
ACP2302 ACZC 6918 ACZCV 0290 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Andriamanero KX066644 - -
ACP2307 ACZC 6925 ACZCV 0293 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Canyon des Rats KX066647 - -
ACP2308 ACZC 6926 ACZCV 0294 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Canyon des Rats KX066646 - -
AC584 FAZC 12910 MRSN A5312 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Iambahatsy KX066649 - -
ACP2287 ACZC 6896 ACZCV 0199 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Namazaha Valley KX066648 - -
AC585 FAZC 12979
(MRSN A5314)
SMF 85859 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Sakamalio KX066650 - -
AC433 FAZC 12980
(MRSN A5315)
SMF 85860 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Sakamalio KX066651 - -
ACP2572 FAZC 12805 MRSN A5374 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis azzurrae Tsitorina KX066652 - -
ACP2588 FAZC 13000 MRSN A5325 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Ambovo KX066631 - -
ACP2574 FAZC 11813 MRSN A2783 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Andohasahenina KX066637 - -
ACP2578 FAZC 11803 MRSN A2785 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Andohasahenina KX066629 - -
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Fieldnumber Institutional collection
Family Subfamily Taxon Locality Cate gory 16S 3'
16S 5'
ACP2581 FAZC 11804 MRSN A2787 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Andohasahenina KX066630 - -
ACP2573 FAZC 11993 MRSN A2784 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Andranomena KX066627 - -
ACP2576 FAZC 11927 MRSN A2992 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Ilakaka KX066628 - -
ACP2575 FAZC 14355 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Isalo, no precise locality
KX066633 - -
ACP2597 FAZC 14630 MRSN A6928 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066636 - -
ACP2587 FAZC 12661 MRSN A5323 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066635 - -
ACP2285 ACZC 6894 ACZCV 0196 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066621 - -
ACP2284 ACZC 6893 ACZCV 0197 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066620 - -
ACP2286 ACZC 6895 ACZCV 0198 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066622 - -
ACP2292 ACZC 6906 ACZCV 0297 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066626 - -
ACP2278 ACZC 6870 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066615 - -
ACP2279 ACZC 6871 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066616 - -
ACP2280 ACZC 6882 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066617 - -
ACP2281 ACZC 6883 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066618 - -
ACP2282 ACZC 6884 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066619 - -
ACP2288 ACZC 6897 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066623 - -
ACP2289 ACZC 6898 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066624 - -
ACP2290 ACZC 6899 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066625 - -
ACP1453 FAZC 14741 MRSN A6916 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Malaso KX066614 - -
AC575 FAZC 12951 MRSN A5313 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Sakamalio KX066634 - -
ACP2586 FAZC 12859 MRSN A5373 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Tsiombivositra KX066632 - -
ACP2585 FAZC 12758 MRSN A5324 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Zahavola KX066613 - -
ACP2310 ACZC 6929 ACZCV 0292 Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Zahavola KX066612 - -
ACP2303 ACZC 6919 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Zahavola KX066609 - -
ACP2304 ACZC 6920 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Zahavola KX066610 - -
ACP2305 ACZC 6921 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Zahavola KX066611 - -
ACP1416 FAZC 14654 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Gephyromantis corvus Zahavola KX066608 - -
ACP2293 ACZC 6907 ACZCV 0200 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella betsileo Andriamanero KX066678 - -
AC115 FAZC 12808 MRSN A5217 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella betsileo Bereketa EF674843 - -
AC119 FAZC 12825 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella betsileo $ Sakavato EF674845 - -
AC160 FAZC 12879 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella betsileo Sahanafa EF674841 - -
AC161 FAZC 12880 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella betsileo Sahanafa EF674842 - -
AC169 FAZC 12692 MRSN A5211 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella betsileo Tsianerena EF674844 - -
MT032 FAZC 12769 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella betsileo Tsitorina KX066677 - -
AC379 FAZC 12938 MRSN A5153 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella expectata Ambovo KX066674 - -
AC017 FAZC E16 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella expectata Andranomena EF674848 - -
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Fieldnumber Institutional collection
Family Subfamily Taxon Locality Cate gory 16S 3'
16S 5'
AC113 FAZC 12800.2 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella expectata Antoha - - MH063417
AC114 FAZC 12800.3 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella expectata Antoha - - MH063418
ACP2291 ACZC 6904 ACZCV 0298 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella expectata Malaso KX066675 - -
ACP2283 ACZC 6885 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella expectata Malaso KX066676 - -
AC121 FAZC 12827 MRSN A5222 £ Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella sp. a. expectata “South”* £ Sakavato DCL EF674847 - -
AC116 FAZC 12810 MRSN A5230 $ Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantella sp. a. expectata “South”* £ Sakavato DCL EF674846 - -
ACP1426 FAZC 14676 MRSN A6887 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus femoralis Canyon des Makis KX066679 - -
ACP1447 FAZC 14727 MRSN A6890 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus femoralis Namazaha Valley KX066680 - -
AC649 FAZC 13005 MRSN A5252 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Ambovo KX066599 - -
AC650 FAZC 13005
(MRSN A5253)
SMF 85861 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Ambovo KX066600 - -
AC651 FAZC 13008 MRSN A5254 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Ambovo KX066601 - -
AC652 FAZC 13005
(MRSN A5255)
SMF 85862 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Ambovo KX066602 - -
AC653 FAZC 13005
(MRSN A5256)
SMF 85863 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Ambovo KX066603 - -
AC654 FAZC 13005
(MRSN A5257)
SMF 85864 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Ambovo KX066604 - -
ACP1457 FAZC 14751 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Andriamanero KX066598 - -
ACP3359 FAZC 14340 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Anjofo MH063279 - -
ACP2309 ACZC 6928 ACZCV 0295 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Canyon des Rats KX066606 - -
ACP2306 ACZC 6924 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Canyon des Rats KX066605 - -
ACP2582 FAZC 14750 MRSN A6877 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus noralottae Andriamanero KX066607 - -
ACP1411 FAZC 14645 MRSN A6891 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo” Analalava Forest CCS KX066581 - -
ACP1465 FAZC 14771 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo” Analalava Forest CCS KX066580 - -
ACP1459 FAZC 14754 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo Andriamanero CCS KX066578 - -
ACP1460 FAZC 14755 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo Andriamanero CCS KX066579 - -
AC434 FAZC 12737 MRSN A5397 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo Canyon des Makis CCS KX066585 - -
AC435 FAZC 12775 MRSN A-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo Kazofoty CCS KX066586 - -
ACP1446 FAZC 14725 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo Namazaha Valley CCS KX066577 - -
AC660 FAZC 12797 MRSN A5398 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo Tsitorina CCS KX066587 - -
ACP1417 FAZC 14655 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo Zahavola CCS KX066582 - -
ACP1442 FAZC 14711 PBZT-uncatalogued Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo” Zahavola CCS KX066584 - -
ACP1450 FAZC 14732 MRSN A6912 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14 “Isalo” Zahavola CCS KX066583 - -
ACP2294 ACZC 6908 ACZCV 0281 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”* Andriamanero UCS KX066593 - -
ACP2295 ACZC 6909 ACZCV 0282 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”* Andriamanero UCS KX066594 - -
ACP2296 ACZC 6911 ACZCV 0283 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”* Andriamanero UCS KX066591 - -
ACP2297 ACZC 6912 ACZCV 0284 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”* Andriamanero UCS KX066592 - -
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Fieldnumber Institutional collection
Family Subfamily Taxon Locality Cate gory 16S 3'
16S 5'
ACP1452 FAZC 14736 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”* Andriamanero UCS KX066595 - -
ACP1454 FAZC 14745 MRSN A6893 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”* Andriamanero UCS KX066590 - -
ACP2583 FAZC 14737 MRSN A6885 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”* Andriamanero UCS KX066596 - -
ACP1444 FAZC 14719 MRSN A6889 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”* Namazaha Valley UCS KX066589 - -
ACP1449 FAZC 14729 MRSN A6901 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”* Namazaha Valley UCS KX066588 - -
AC1267 FAZC 14351 UNAVAILABLE Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65 “Isalo”* Piscine Naturelle UCS KX066597 - -
AC576 FAZC 12894 MRSN A5432 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Ankademoky CCS KX066681 - -
AC577 FAZC 12896 MRSN A5434 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Ankademoky CCS KX066682 - -
AC426 FAZC 12898 MRSN A5435 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Ankademoky CCS KX066683 - -
AC427 FAZC 12908 MRSN A5423 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Iambahatsy CCS KX066684 - -
AC578 FAZC 12909 MRSN A5424 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Iambahatsy CCS KX066685 - -
AC429 FAZC 12917 MRSN A5425 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Iambahatsy CCS KX066687 - -
AC581 FAZC 12919 MRSN A5426 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Iambahatsy CCS KX066689 - -
AC580 FAZC 12918 MRSN A5428 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Iambahatsy CCS KX066688 - -
AC579 FAZC 12911 MRSN A5436 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Iambahatsy CCS KX066686 - -
AC582 FAZC 12947 MRSN A5427 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Sakamalio CCS KX066690 - -
AC583 FAZC 12950 MRSN A5429 Mantellidae Mantellinae Mantidactylus sp. a. cowani Ca48 “small” Sakamalio CCS KX066691 - -
ACP1432 FAZC 14686 MRSN A-uncatalogued Microhylidae Dyscophinae Dyscophus insularis Ranohira KX066576 - -
ACP3570 FAZC 14368 MRSN A-uncatalogued Microhylidae Dyscophinae Dyscophus insularis Ranohira MH063280 - -
ACP3573 FAZC 14369 MRSN A-uncatalogued Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne brevis Ranohira, Motel d’Isalo - MH063338 -
ACP1431 FAZC 14685 MRSN A6924 Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne brevis Ranohira KX066693 - -
AC587 FAZC 12734 MRSN A5040 Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne brevis Reine de l’Isalo KX066694 - -
AC448 FAZC 12754 MRSN A5041 Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne brevis Reine de l’Isalo KX066695 - -
AC058 FAZC 13026 MRSN A5840 Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Bevato EF674849 - -
AC048 FAZC 12533 MRSN A5841 Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Malaso EF674850 - -
ACP2533 ACZC 6869 UNAVAILABLE Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Malaso KX066696 - -
ACP2534 FAZC 14674 PBZT-uncatalogued Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Malaso KX066697 - -
AC001 FAZC VS3 MRSN A-uncatalogued Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Zahavola EF674851 - -
ACP3362 FAZC 14360 MRSN A-uncatalogued Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca01 Isalo, no precise locality
UCS MH063281 - -
ACP3572 FAZC 14358 MRSN A-uncatalogued Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca01 Ranohira, Motel d’Isalo UCS MH063282 - -
ACP3571 FAZC 14359 MRSN A-uncatalogued Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca01 Ranohira, Motel d’Isalo UCS MH063283 - -
ACP1420 FAZC 14663 MRSN A6895 Microhylidae Scaphiophryninae Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca02*° Ranohira CCS KX066692 - -
AC408 FAZC 12736 MRSN A5018 Hyperoliidae _ Heterixalus luteostriatus Canyon des Makis KX066673 - -
ACP1439 FAZC 14700 MRSN A-uncatalogued Hyperoliidae _ Heterixalus luteostriatus Ranohira KX066672 - -
ACP1410 FAZC 14641 MRSN A6896 Ptychadenidae _ Ptychadena mascareniensis Analalava Forest KX066670 - -
ACP1425 FAZC 14675 PBZT-uncatalogued Ptychadenidae _ Ptychadena mascareniensis Analamangabe KX066671 - -
ACP1461 FAZC 14763 MRSN A-uncatalogued Ptychadenidae _ Ptychadena mascareniensis Malaso KX066669 - -
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Supplementary Table S3. List of Isalo’s voucher specimens unequivocally identied based on morphology and/or molecular analyses. e distribution of each species includes localities records from
museological specimens, molecular data from this study, GenBank and literature (mostly Mercurio et al. 2008; Glaw & Vences 2007). ACZCV, Angelica Crottini Zoological Collection Voucher;
FAZC, Franco Andreone Zoological Collection; MRSN A-, Amphibian collection of the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali of Torino, Italy; PBZT, Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza,
Antananarivo, Madagascar; SMF, Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt, Germany. $, individuals showing intermediate chromatic traits between M. betsileo and M. expectata; £, individual showing the
chromatic colouration typical of M. expectata; *, New species record; °, New Range extension.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 11805 MRSN A2982 Mantellidae Boophis (Sahona) doulioti (Angel, 1934) Andohasahenina Andohasahenina, Andranomena, Can-
yon des Makis, Iambahatsy, Mandara-
no, Marojana River, Namazaha Valley,
Ranohira, Vohimaro, Zahavola
is frog is common in southern and western Madagascar
and, in Isalo, it lives in dierent habitats, like riverbeds
with slow-owing permanent waters or temporary swamps
inside savanna, but it can also be found within villages
and town. Dierent samples from Isalo are genetically
FAZC 11965 MRSN A2981 Mantellidae Boophis (Sahona) doulioti (Angel, 1934) Andranomena
MRSN A767 Mantellidae Boophis (Sahona) doulioti (Angel, 1934) Canyon des
FAZC 12793 MRSN A5001 Mantellidae Boophis (Sahona) doulioti (Angel, 1934) Vohimaro
FAZC 12760 MRSN A4999 Mantellidae Boophis (Sahona) doulioti (Angel, 1934) Zahavola
FAZC 12555 MRSN A5003 Mantellidae Boophis (Sahona) doulioti (Angel, 1934) Zahavola
FAZC 14716 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Boophis (Sahona) doulioti (Angel, 1934) Zahavola
FAZC 11891 MRSN A2827 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) luteus (Boulenger, 1882) Namazaha Valley Namazaha Valley is treefrog is present in canyons with evergreen gallery
vegetation along permanent streams. e three avail-
able samples of this species from Namazaha Forest have
a genetic diversity of 1.5% (p-distance transformed into
FAZC 11890 MRSN A2828 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) luteus (Boulenger, 1882) Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11870 MRSN A2829 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) luteus (Boulenger, 1882) Namazaha Valley
FAZC12664 MRSN A2779 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Andranombilahy Andohasahenina, Andranombilahy,
Andriamanero, Anjofo, Ankademoky,
Canyon des Makis, Canyon des Rats,
Iambahatsy, Marojana River, Namazaha
Valley, Vallée du Petit Nazareth,
is species has recently been resurrected from the
synonymy with Boophis goudoti (Glaw et al. 2010) and in
Mercurio et al. (2008) it was referred as B. cf. periegetes.
In Isalo these frogs can be found on the ground or
perched on branches and rocks in areas near to streams
even with small amount of water but constantly owing.
Dierent samples from Isalo are genetically uniform.
FAZC 12365 MRSN A2780 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Andranombilahy
FAZC 11928 MRSN A2781 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Andranombilahy
FAZC 11929 MRSN A2782 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Andranombilahy
FAZC 14343 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Anjofo
FAZC 12823 MRSN A5388 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Ankademoky
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12338 MRSN A2856 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Canyon des
FAZC 12735 MRSN A5387 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Canyon des Rats
FAZC 12905 MRSN A5389 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Iambahatsy
FAZC 12906 MRSN A5390 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Iambahatsy
FAZC 12930 MRSN A5391 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Iambahatsy
FAZC 11876 MRSN A2853 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12342 MRSN A2854 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12343 MRSN A2855 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11884 MRSN A2857 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12344 MRSN A2858 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12042 MRSN A4104 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) obscurus (Boettger, 1913) Vallée du Petit
FAZC 12563 MRSN A4998 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Andriamanero Andriamanero, Canyon des Makis,
Iambahatsy, Namazaha Valley, Rano-
is species is largely arboreal and is found along streams
with permanent or temporary waters in dry deciduous
forests. In 2009 one individual was found in the garden of
an Hotel in the town of Ranohira. Dierent samples from
Isalo are genetically uniform.
FAZC 12566 MRSN A5000 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Andriamanero
FAZC 12562 MRSN A5002 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Andriamanero
FAZC 12564 MRSN A5004 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Andriamanero
FAZC 12565 MRSN A5006 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Andriamanero
FAZC 12592 MRSN A5320 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Andriamanero
FAZC 12579 MRSN A5847 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Andriamanero
FAZC 12578 MRSN A5869 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Andriamanero
MRSN A754 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Canyon des
FAZC 12336 MRSN A2709 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Canyon des
FAZC 12337 MRSN A2711 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Canyon des
FAZC 12931 MRSN A5321 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Iambahatsy
FAZC 12356 MRSN A2706 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 12357 MRSN A2707 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 11878 MRSN A2708 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11877 MRSN A2710 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11873 MRSN A2712 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Namazaha Valley
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
MRSN A2884 Mantellidae Boophis (Boophis) occidentalis Glaw & Vences, 1994 Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 11850 MRSN A2761 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Andohasahenina Andohasahenina, Andranomena,
Andriamanero, Bemenara, Analalava
Forest, Iambahatsy, Lola, Malaso,
Namazaha Valley, Oasis Mariany,
Ranohira, Reine de l’Isalo, Sevalava,
Zahavola, Isalo, no precise locality info.
is is an arid-adapted species inhabiting all of western
Madagascar. A recent phylogeographic analyses revealed
Isalo is in the contact zone between two main genetic
subgroups, the central and the southern lineages (Pabijan
et al. 2015). e samples analysed for this study all belong
to the central lineage, which also in Pabijan et al. (2015)
seems to be the more abundant. e genetic distance
between these two lineages is of ca. 1%.
FAZC 11963 MRSN A2760 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Andranomena
FAZC 12907 MRSN A5346 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Iambahatsy
FAZC 12755 MRSN A5344 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Lola
FAZC 12756 MRSN A5345 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Lola
FAZC 12833 MRSN A5856 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Lola
FAZC 12832 MRSN A5884 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Lola
FAZC 12851 MRSN A6446 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Lola
FAZC 14764 MRSN A6913 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Malaso
FAZC 14728 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12685 MRSN A5880 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Oasis Mariany
FAZC 14679 MRSN A6888 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Ranohira Bas
FAZC 12634 MRSN A5336 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12641 MRSN A5337 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12642 MRSN A5338 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12643 MRSN A5339 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12645 MRSN A5340 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12647 MRSN A5341 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12649 MRSN A5342 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12650 MRSN A5343 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12653 MRSN A5870 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12654 MRSN A5879 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12644 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12646 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12648 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12626 MRSN A5858 Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Sevalava
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12652 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868) Zahavola
FAZC 11807 MRSN A2957 Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Andohasahenina Andohasahenina, Andranomangara,
Andriamanero, Analalava Forest,
Ranohira, Sakamalio, Zahavola
is undescribed species was referred to as B. sp. a. wittei
in Mercurio et al. 2008. is species is closely related
to B. wittei, to which is quite similar in morphology and
colouration. Some bioacoustics dierences exist, although
the mitochondrial phylogeography of the species does not
agree with the call dierences (M. Vences, pers. obser).
e genetic dierence between this UCS and B. wittei is of
about 7%, but dierent samples from Isalo are genetically
FAZC 11808 MRSN A2958 Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Andohasahenina
FAZC 14659 PBZT-uncata-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Andranomangara
FAZC 12988 MRSN A5855 Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio
FAZC 12987 MRSN A5864 Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio
FAZC 12989 MRSN A5867 Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Sakamalio
FAZC 12956 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 12957 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 12958 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 12959 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 12960 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 12961 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 12962 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 12963 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 12964 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 12965 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 12966 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Sakamalio
FAZC 14348 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo Zahavola
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 14665 MRSN A6900 Mantellidae Blommersia sp. a. wittei Ca05 “Isalo” Zahavola
FAZC 12567 MRSN A5309 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Andriamanero Andriamanero, Canyon des rats, Iam-
bahatsy, Namazaha Valley, Sakamalio,
is species belongs to the same subgenus (Phylacomantis)
of G. corvus, with which it occurs sympatrically, and in
some instances syntopically. Even if the co-existence of
two sympatric Phylacomantis species in Isalo is undoubt-
ful (p-distance = 9%), recent collected data urges for a
taxonomic revision of the Isalo species. is recently de-
scribed species is generally found within deep and forested
canyons. In comparison to the published data (Mercu-
rio et al. 2008, Mercurio & Andreone 2007) we here
report on three new localities within Isalo: Canyon des
rats, Namazaha Forest, and Tsitorina. Tsitorina reparesent
the northernmost known locality for the species and it is
found outside the Isalo National Park borders. Samples
from Sakamalio, Iambahatsy and Tsitorina are more simi-
lar to each other than the samples from Andriamanero,
Canyon des Rats and Namazaha Valley. e genetic
distance of these two groups is of about 1% (p-distance
transformed into percent).
FAZC 12568 MRSN A5310 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 12569 MRSN A5311 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Canyon des Rats
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Canyon des Rats
FAZC 12910 MRSN A5312 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Namazaha Valley
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12979
SMF 85859 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 12980
SMF 85860 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 12805 MRSN A5374 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) azzurrae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 13000 MRSN A5325 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
Ambovo Ambovo, Andohasahenina, Andranom-
ena, Ilakaka, Malaso, Sakamalio,
Tsiombivositra, Zahavola
is species was for long time considered a microende-
mism of Isalo, but a recent survey recovered this species
also in Makay (Rakotondravony & Goodman 2011),
although genetic analyses are still needed to conrm spe-
cies identity. is species lives along streams and is locally
common in small, shallow canyons with temporary pools.
Gephyromantis corvus can be found in syntopy with its
congeneric G. azzurrae, although it seems that these two
species generally prefer two dierent habitats, with G.
azzurrae inhabiting forested deep canyon, while G. corvus
open shallow canyons. However, a taxonomic revision of
this sympatric sister species is currently needed to rene
species identity of G. corvus, whose name has probably
been misapplied. Due to this confusion, we here decided
to provide only a partial list of localities for its distribu-
tion. is list only includes individuals that have been
screened molecularly. Noteworthy, G. azzurrae paratype
specimen MRSN A5313 (Fig. 4) is here assigned to G.
corvus based on molecular data and morphological inspec-
tion of the specimen. is specimen was not analysed
genetically at the time of publication of the G. azzurrae
description (Mercurio & Andreone 2007) and was er-
roneously assigned to this new species.
FAZC 13001 MRSN A5326 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 11813 MRSN A2783 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 11803 MRSN A2785 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 11804 MRSN A2787 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 11921 MRSN A2963 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 11993 MRSN A2784 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 11964 MRSN A2786 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 11838 MRSN A3181 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 12041 MRSN A4251 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 11801 MRSN A4262 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 11792 MRSN A4776 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 11950 MRSN A6447 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 14355 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 14630 MRSN A6928 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 12627 MRSN A5322 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 12661 MRSN A5323 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 14741 MRSN A6916 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 12951 MRSN A5313 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 12859 MRSN A5373 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 12021 MRSN A2799 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 12020 MRSN A2800 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 12758 MRSN A5324 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12848 MRSN A5872 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) corvus (Glaw & Vences,
FAZC 11927 MRSN A2992 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) cf. corvus Andranombilahy Unassigned
FAZC 12596 MRSN A5372 Mantellidae Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) cf. corvus Andriamanero Unassigned
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Andriamanero Andrehitogna, Andriamanero, Antoha,
Bereketa, Kazofoty, Sahanafa, Sakavato,
Tsianerena, Tsitorina
is species generally occurs in small temporary streams
or ponds in open savannahs, although it can also be found
in canyons with vegetation. In Sahanafa and Tsianerena
this species was found syntopically with M. expectata
(see Fig. 3A (MRSN A5204) and in Sakavato with M. sp.
a. expectata “South” (Fig. 3D-E; MRSN A5222, MRSN
A5230) (Mercurio et al. 2008, Crottini et al. 2008).
Dierent samples from Isalo are genetically uniform at the
analysed 16S rRNA gene fragment.
FAZC 12784 MRSN A5232 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Antoha
FAZC 12785 MRSN A5233 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Antoha
FAZC 12786 MRSN A5235 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Antoha
FAZC 12808 MRSN A5217 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Bereketa
FAZC 12776 MRSN A5237 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Kazofoty
FAZC 12879 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Sahanafa
FAZC 12880 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Sahanafa
FAZC 12825
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Sakavato
FAZC 12692 MRSN A5211 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Tsianerena
FAZC 12783 MRSN A5225 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Tsitorina
FAZC 12772 MRSN A5226 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Tsitorina
FAZC 12771 MRSN A5228 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Tsitorina
FAZC 12779 MRSN A5229 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Tsitorina
FAZC 12770 MRSN A5231 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Tsitorina
FAZC 12778 MRSN A5234 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Tsitorina
FAZC 12773 MRSN A5236 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Tsitorina
FAZC 12781 MRSN A5238 Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Tsitorina
FAZC 12769 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Tsitorina
FAZC 12572 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Isalo, no precise
locality info
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12780 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 12788 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 12782 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 12571 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 12774 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872) Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 12818 MRSN A5158 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ambatovaky Ambatovaky, Ambovo, Amparambat-
omavo, Ampasibe, Andohaosy, Ando-
hasahenina, Andozoky, Andranomena,
Andravaka, Antambonoa, Antoha, Be-
menara, Bereketa, Grotte des Portugais,
Iambahatsy, Isalo Oasis, Lola, Malaso,
Morahariva, Petit Nazareth, Ranohira,
Reine de l’Isalo, Sahanafa, Sakamalio,
Sakavato, Tsianerena, Tsimanolabero,
Tsiombivositra, Vohitanana, Zahavola
is is an Isalo micro-endemism (Fig. 3A-C). It prefers
open sun-exposed areas, close to canyons and temporary
pools (Mercurio & Andreone 2006, Mercurio et al.
2008). It may be locally very abundant and likely widely
distributed all through the Isalo Massif. For this, the col-
lecting activity for the pet-trade appears not having large
impacts on the natural populations (Rabemanajara et
al. 2008). A phylogeographic analyses reveal a genetic
substructuring with less genetic variability in the North as
opposite to the South (Crottini et al. 2008). Interestingly,
in Antoha, where only M. betsileo were thus far reported,
at least two tadpoles (FAZC 12800.2 and FAZC 12800.3)
were unequivocally identied as M. expectata (this study).
Dierent samples from Isalo are genetically uniform at the
analysed 16S rRNA gene fragment.
FAZC 12817 MRSN A5190 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ambatovaky
FAZC 12938 MRSN A5153 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ambovo
FAZC 12942 MRSN A5171 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ambovo
FAZC 12992 MRSN A5178 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ambovo
FAZC 12993 MRSN A5219 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ambovo
FAZC 12864 MRSN A5199 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Amparambato-
FAZC 12732 MRSN A5152 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ampasibe
FAZC 12729 MRSN A5174 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ampasibe
FAZC 12730 MRSN A5200 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ampasibe
FAZC 12726 MRSN A5202 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ampasibe
FAZC 12728 MRSN A5213 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ampasibe
FAZC 12731 MRSN A5218 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ampasibe
FAZC 12944 MRSN A5175 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohaosy
FAZC 12943 MRSN A5185 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohaosy
FAZC 11812 MRSN A3082 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 11855 MRSN A3228 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11802 MRSN A3435 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11855 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 12941 MRSN A5198 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andozoky
FAZC 12940 MRSN A5215 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andozoky
FAZC 12001 MRSN A3191 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andranomena
FAZC 12011 MRSN A3432 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andranomena
FAZC 12010 MRSN A3433 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andranomena
FAZC 11980 MRSN A4695 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andravaka
FAZC 12887 MRSN A5143 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Antambonoa
FAZC 12884 MRSN A5148 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Antambonoa
FAZC 12886 MRSN A5189 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Antambonoa
FAZC 12888 MRSN A5205 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Antambonoa
Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Antoha
Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Antoha
FAZC 11956 MRSN A3080 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11958 MRSN A3083 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11959 MRSN A3084 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11955 MRSN A3086 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11954 MRSN A3189 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11959 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 12870 MRSN A5220 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Grotte des Por-
FAZC 12924 MRSN A5147 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Iambahatsy
FAZC 12922 MRSN A5155 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Iambahatsy
FAZC 12923 MRSN A5193 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Iambahatsy
FAZC 12920 MRSN A5214 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Iambahatsy
FAZC 12603 MRSN A5149 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Malaso
FAZC 12600 MRSN A5173 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Malaso
FAZC 12604 MRSN A5191 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Malaso
FAZC 12605 MRSN A5223 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Malaso
Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Malaso
FAZC 12674 MRSN A5151 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Morahariva
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12676 MRSN A5166 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Morahariva
FAZC 12671 MRSN A5179 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Morahariva
FAZC 12675 MRSN A5181 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Morahariva
FAZC 12670 MRSN A5192 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Morahariva
FAZC 12672 MRSN A5197 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Morahariva
FAZC 12673 MRSN A5209 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Morahariva
FAZC 12658 MRSN A5195 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12659 MRSN A5216 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12878 MRSN A5154 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Sahanafa
FAZC 12877 MRSN A5162 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Sahanafa
FAZC 12871 MRSN A5208 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Sahanafa
FAZC 12946 MRSN A5159 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Sakamalio
FAZC 12954 MRSN A5167 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Sakamalio
FAZC 12952 MRSN A5194 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Sakamalio
FAZC 12955 MRSN A5203 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Sakamalio
FAZC 12935 MRSN A5224 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Sakamalio
FAZC 12826 MRSN A5204 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Sakavato
FAZC 12693 MRSN A5142 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsianerena
FAZC 12694 MRSN A5144 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsianerena
FAZC 12679 MRSN A5160 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsianerena
FAZC 12680 MRSN A5177 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsianerena
FAZC 12695 MRSN A5183 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsianerena
FAZC 12691 MRSN A5212 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsianerena
FAZC 12614 MRSN A5145 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsimanolabero
FAZC 12616 MRSN A5146 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsimanolabero
FAZC 12615 MRSN A5161 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsimanolabero
FAZC 12862 MRSN A5165 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsiombivositra
FAZC 12853 MRSN A5184 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsiombivositra
FAZC 12855 MRSN A5187 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsiombivositra
FAZC 12854 MRSN A5188 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsiombivositra
FAZC 12863 MRSN A5196 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsiombivositra
FAZC 12857 MRSN A5221 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Tsiombivositra
FAZC 12036 MRSN A3085 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vallée du Petit
FAZC 12048 MRSN A3190 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vallée du Petit
FAZC 12610 MRSN A5150 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vohitanana
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12520 MRSN A5157 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vohitanana
FAZC 12608 MRSN A5163 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vohitanana
FAZC 12607 MRSN A5182 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vohitanana
FAZC 12606 MRSN A5201 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vohitanana
FAZC 12029 MRSN A3081 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12038 MRSN A3434 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12655 MRSN A5156 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12750 MRSN A5164 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12611 MRSN A5168 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12621 MRSN A5169 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12751 MRSN A5170 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12612 MRSN A5172 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12619 MRSN A5176 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12617 MRSN A5180 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12739 MRSN A5186 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12657 MRSN A5206 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12738 MRSN A5207 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12618 MRSN A5210 Mantellidae Mantella expectata Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12827 MRSN A5222 Mantellidae Mantella sp. a. expectata “South” * £ Sakavato Sakavato is represent a new record for the studied area, com-
pared with the previous species inventory (Mercurio et
al. 2008). Mantella sp. a. expectata “Southwas already
known from Tranomaro and Bemaraha (Rabemanajara
et al. 2008). ese specimens show a genetic distance
(16S) of ca 1% with both M. betsileo and M. expectata.
e 16S rRNA gene sequences of these two individuals
(EF674846-EF674847) were already published (Crottini
et al. 2008) and released in GenBank as M. cf. expectata/
betsileo. Interestingly, individual MRSN A 5222 was un-
equivocally identied as Mantella expectata (see Fig. 3D;
MRSN A5222) due to its M. expectata typical colorations.
Specimen MRSN A5230 shows chromatic traits intermedi-
ate between the two species M. expectata and M. betsileo
(see pics Fig. 3E). is aspect highlights the importance of
further investigate the genetic and chromatic variability of
these two species.
FAZC 12810 MRSN A5230 Mantellidae Mantella sp. a. expectata “South” * $ Sakavato
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12573 MRSN A5276 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Andriamanero Andriamanero, Canyon des Makis,
Canyon des Rats, Iambahatsy, Nama-
zaha Valley, Sakamalio, Tsimanolabero,
is species can be found on the ground or in the low
vegetation along brooks inside or outside of the primary
forest. Calling males can be found in the vegetation along
calm stretches of brooks. e systematic of all the Och-
thomantis species is still poorly understood and a revision
of the entire subgenus is needed to clarify their taxonomy.
Dierent from Mercurio et al. (2008), this taxon from
Isalo is here attributed to the true M. femoralis species due
it its morphological and genetic uniformity with M. femo-
ralis individuals from Anja Reserve (Ambalavao) which
is found in the East Betsileo region. However, future
taxonomic revisions might change this species attribution.
Dierent samples from Isalo are genetically uniform at the
analysed 16S rRNA gene fragment.
FAZC 12574 MRSN A5277 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
FAZC 12575 MRSN A5278 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
FAZC 12593 MRSN A5279 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
FAZC 12594 MRSN A5280 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
FAZC 12340 MRSN A2680 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Canyon des
FAZC 12341 MRSN A2681 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Canyon des
FAZC 12752 MRSN A5281 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Canyon des Rats
FAZC 12925 MRSN A5282 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
FAZC 12348 MRSN A2682 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12347 MRSN A2683 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12349 MRSN A2684 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11895 MRSN A2685 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11879 MRSN A2686 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11871 MRSN A2690 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Namazaha Valley
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12981 MRSN A5027 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
FAZC 13003 MRSN A5283 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
FAZC 12530 MRSN A5275 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
FAZC 12018 MRSN A2790 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
FAZC 12019 MRSN A2791 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
FAZC 14676 MRSN A6887 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Canyon des
FAZC 14727 MRSN A6890 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Ochthomantis) femoralis (Boulenger,
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 13020 MRSN A5035 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Ambovo Ambovo, Andriamanero, Anjofo, Can-
yon des Rats
is recently described and micro-endemic species of
Isalo was until recently only known from the type local-
ity: Ambovo (Mercurio & Andreone 2007). With this
study we extended the known distribution of this species
to three additional localities within Isalo: Andriamanero,
Anjofo, Canyons des Rats. is species seems to be
restricted to canyons habitats. Dierent samples from Isalo
are genetically uniform at the analysed 16S rRNA gene
fragment. e genetic distance between M. noralottae and
the newly recorded Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a.
multiplicatus Ca65 "Isalo" is of ca. 4%.
FAZC 13021 MRSN A5036 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 13005 MRSN A5252 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 13008 MRSN A5254 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 13023 MRSN A5317 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 13024 MRSN A5318 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 13022 MRSN A5319 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 13005
SMF 85861 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 13005
SMF 85862 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 13005
SMF 85863 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 13005
SMF 85864 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 12996 PBZT-uncata-
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 12998 PBZT-uncata-
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 14340 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2008
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
Canyon des Rats
FAZC 14750 MRSN A6877 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) noralottae Mercurio &
Andreone, 2007
FAZC 12733 MRSN A5878 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Ampasibe Ampasibe, Andohasahenina, An-
driamanero, Ankademoky, Antoha,
Canyon des Makis, Analalava Forest,
Iambahatsy, Kazofoty, Lola, Namazaha
Valley, Ranohira, Sakamalio, Tsimano-
labero, Tsitorina, Petit Nazareth valley,
is undescribed species was referred to as M. sp. a. ul-
cerosus in Mercurio et al. (2008) and it is already known
to occur also in Tsingy de Bemaraha. It belongs to the
subgenus Brygoomantis and it is genetically closely related
to M. ulcerosus to which it is strongly dierentiated mo-
lecularly (ca. 11% p-distance) and bioacustically (Vieites
et al. 2009, Perl et al. 2014). In Isalo it was collected in
many localities generally in swamps or along slow moving
streams with gallery forest. Dierent samples from Isalo
are genetically uniform at the analysed 16S rRNA gene
FAZC 11790 MRSN A2965 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 11788 MRSN A2966 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 11797 MRSN A2967 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 11795 MRSN A2968 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 11789 MRSN A2969 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 11787 MRSN A2970 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 11793 MRSN A2971 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12581 MRSN A5395 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12891 MRSN A5399 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12333 MRSN A2673 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Canyon des
FAZC 12737 MRSN A5397 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Canyon des
FAZC 14645 MRSN A6891 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Analalava Forest
FAZC 14771 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Analalava Forest
MRSN A6027 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Isalo, no precise
locality info
MRSN A6028 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Isalo, no precise
locality info
MRSN A6029 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Isalo, no precise
locality info
MRSN A6030 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Isalo, no precise
locality info
MRSN A6031 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Isalo, no precise
locality info
MRSN A6032 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Isalo, no precise
locality info
MRSN A6034 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 12775 MRSN A-
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12740 MRSN A5881 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12345 MRSN A2671 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12346 MRSN A2672 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12983 MRSN A5021 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12984 MRSN A5022 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12986 MRSN A5023 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12985 MRSN A5024 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 13010 MRSN A5400 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12842 MRSN A5849 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12522 MRSN A5859 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12523 MRSN A5860 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12524 MRSN A5861 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12831 MRSN A5868 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12536 MRSN A5875 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12683 MRSN A5877 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12797 MRSN A5398 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12046 MRSN A2972 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Vallée du Petit
FAZC 12024 MRSN A2973 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12529 MRSN A5392 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12544 MRSN A5393 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12546 MRSN A5394 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 12552 MRSN A5396 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 14711 PBZT-uncata-
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
FAZC 14732 MRSN A6912 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. ulcerosus Ca14
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 11785 MRSN A2964 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
Andohasahenina Andohasaheinina, Andriamanero,
Namazaha Valley, Piscine Naturelle
is undescribed species represents a new species record
for Madagascar. is species belongs to the complex of the
M. betsileanus and it shows a genetic similarity of ca. 96%
with almost all the other species of this complex. is tax-
on is phylogentically close to M. multiplicatus, M. sp Ca29
“Tolagnaro”, M. sp. Ca30 “Andohahela” and the sympatric
M. noralottae. is taxon went probably overlooked due to
the supercial morphological similarity with M. noralottae
(genetic divergence= 4.1%, p-distance).
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
FAZC 14745 MRSN A6893 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
FAZC 14737 MRSN A6885 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
FAZC 11875 MRSN A2689 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11872 MRSN A2878 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 14719 MRSN A6889 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 14729 MRSN A6901 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Brygoomantis) sp. a. multiplicatus Ca65
Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12899 MRSN A5419 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
Ankademoky Ankademoky, Iambahatsy, Sakamalio is undescribed species was referred to as M. cf. lugubris
in Mercurio et al. (2008). It belongs to the subgenus
Hylobatrachus and it was already known to occur in the
Central-eastern Madagascar: Antoetra, Itremo, Manombo
and Ranomafana (Crottini et al. 2011, Perl et al. 2014,
Riemann et al. 2015, Strauss et al. 2016). Dierent sam-
ples from Isalo are genetically uniform at the analysed 16S
rRNA gene fragment and are genetically very similar (1%
p-distance) with samples from other known localities. Fur-
ther investigations are needed to disentangle the taxonomy
and phylogenetic relationships of this species complex.
FAZC 12900 MRSN A5420 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani “small”
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12901 MRSN A5421 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12902 MRSN A5422 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12894 MRSN A5432 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12895 MRSN A5433 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12896 MRSN A5434 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12898 MRSN A5435 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12908 MRSN A5423 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12909 MRSN A5424 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12917 MRSN A5425 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12919 MRSN A5426 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12918 MRSN A5428 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12911 MRSN A5436 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12912 MRSN A5437 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12913 MRSN A5438 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12947 MRSN A5427 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12950 MRSN A5429 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12936 MRSN A5439 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12948 MRSN A5440 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
FAZC 12978 MRSN A5441 Mantellidae Mantidactylus (Hylobatrachus) sp. a. cowani Ca48
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12846 MRSN A6024 Microhylidae Dyscophus insularis Grandidier, 1872 Lola Lola, Ranohira is is a fossorial species occurring in the western dry
forests of Madagascar. It occupies a range that goes from
Ankarafantsika and Ambanja in the north-west to Isalo
and Tsimanampetsotsa in the south-west. It breeds in
stagnant shallow waters, and in Isalo it has been reported
only from Ranohira and Lola. Dierent samples from Isalo
are genetically uniform at the analysed 16S rRNA gene
fragment and are genetically very similar (1% p-distance)
with samples from other known localities.
FAZC 12852 MRSN A6442 Microhylidae Dyscophus insularis Grandidier, 1872 Lola
FAZC 12742 MRSN A6445 Microhylidae Dyscophus insularis Grandidier, 1872 Lola
FAZC 12741 MRSN A6516 Microhylidae Dyscophus insularis Grandidier, 1872 Lola
FAZC 14367 MRSN A-
Microhylidae Dyscophus insularis Grandidier, 1872 Ranohira
FAZC 14368 MRSN A-
Microhylidae Dyscophus insularis Grandidier, 1872 Ranohira
FAZC 14686 MRSN A-
Microhylidae Dyscophus insularis Grandidier, 1872 Ranohira
FAZC 11991 MRSN A2687 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne brevis (Boulenger, 1896) Andranomena Andranomena, Ilakaka, Ranohira,
Reine de l’Isalo,.
is species in known to occur in the dry south and
south-west of the Island. It is generally found in open
savanna close to temporary water bodies where it breeds.
In Isalo this species is quite widespread and in 2009 one
individual has been found freshly died in the pool of an
Hotel in Ranohira (specimen FAZC 14369). Dierent
samples from Isalo are genetically uniform at the analysed
16S rRNA gene fragment.
FAZC 14685 MRSN A6924 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne brevis (Boulenger, 1896) Ranohira
FAZC 14369 MRSN A-
Microhylidae Scaphiophryne brevis (Boulenger, 1896) Ranohira, Motel
FAZC 12734 MRSN A5040 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne brevis (Boulenger, 1896) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12754 MRSN A5041 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne brevis (Boulenger, 1896) Reine de l’Isalo
MRSN A5308 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne brevis (Boulenger, 1896) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12849 MRSN A6443 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne brevis (Boulenger, 1896) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12850 MRSN A6444 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne brevis (Boulenger, 1896) Reine de l’Isalo
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 13025 MRSN A5837 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ambovo Ambovo, Amparambatomavo, An-
dohasahenina, Andranombilahy, An-
dranomena, Antambonoa, Bemenara,
Bevato, Canyon des Makis, Ilakaka,
Lola, Malaso, Marojana River, Mora-
hariva, Tsiombivositra, Petit Nazareth
valley, Vohitanana, Zahavola
is species is one of the most peculiar amphibians of
Isalo and thus far in known only from this region. It is
nocturnal and could be found in deep canyons and tem-
porary streams. is species is an explosive breeder, form-
ing large breeding aggregations that last few days just aer
the rst seasonal rainfall (Rosa et al. 2011). e genetic
variability at the Cytb mitochondrial gene fragment is very
low across its entire distributional range (Crottini et al.
2008). is high gene ow among dierent populations
inhabiting dierent canyons in the Isalo Massif seems
to be determined by the tadpoles that are washed away
when heavy rains aect the area, rather than the mobility
of the adults (Andreone et al. 2013). Adult individuals
of S. gottlebei have been conrmed to be part of the diet
of young Leioetherodon modestus (Rosa et al. 2010). Dif-
ferent samples from Isalo are genetically uniform at the
analysed 16S rRNA gene fragment. e genetic distance
between S. gottlebei and S. sp. Ca1, S. sp. Ca2 and S. brevis
is of 5% (p-distance transformed into percent).
FAZC 11858 MRSN A2810 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11915 MRSN A2811 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11822 MRSN A3090 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11827 MRSN A3092 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11821 MRSN A3094 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11829 MRSN A3096 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11826 MRSN A3099 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11815 MRSN A3101 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11828 MRSN A3105 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andohasahenina
FAZC 11922 MRSN A2805 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andranombilahy
FAZC 11978 MRSN A2806 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andranombilahy
FAZC 11996 MRSN A2802 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andranomena
FAZC 11994 MRSN A2807 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andranomena
FAZC 11997 MRSN A3102 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Andranomena
FAZC 11948 MRSN A2801 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11949 MRSN A2804 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11947 MRSN A3089 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11938 MRSN A3091 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11935 MRSN A3093 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11934 MRSN A3097 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 11937 MRSN A3098 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 11933 MRSN A3103 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bemenara
FAZC 13026 MRSN A5840 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Bevato
MRSN A2596 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Ilakaka (from
MRSN A2597 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 12531 MRSN A5843 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Isalo, no precise
locality info
FAZC 12681 MRSN A5838 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Malaso
FAZC 12533 MRSN A5841 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Malaso
FAZC 12534 MRSN A5857 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Malaso
FAZC 12686 MRSN A5882 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Malaso
FAZC 12532 MRSN A4961 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Marojana River
FAZC 12531 MRSN A5842 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Marojana River
FAZC 12039 MRSN A2618 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vallée du Petit
FAZC 12040 MRSN A2619 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vallée du Petit
FAZC 12034 MRSN A2808 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vallée du Petit
FAZC 12035 MRSN A3104 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Vallée du Petit
FAZC 12015 MRSN A2803 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12014 MRSN A2809 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12026 MRSN A3095 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12027 MRSN A3100 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 13268 MRSN A5839 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12556 MRSN A5854 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12508 MRSN A5866 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12688 MRSN A5873 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 12507 MRSN A5876 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 Zahavola
FAZC 14360 MRSN A-
Microhylidae Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca01 Isalo, no precise
locality info
Unknown is species was formerly named S. calcarata in Mercu-
rio et al. (2008), or S. sp. a. calcarata B or S. sp. Ca1 in
Vieites et al. (2009) and Perl et al. (2014). As far as we
know, the S. calcarata complex clearly consists of at least
three distinct species but assigning any of these to the no-
men “calcarata” or its junior synonyms is still diculted by
the poor state of conservation and lack of detailed locality
information for the type series. is undescribed species
was already known form Tolagnaro and Berenty.
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 14358 MRSN A-
Microhylidae Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca01 Ranohira, Motel
FAZC 14359 MRSN A-
Microhylidae Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca01 Ranohira, Motel
FAZC 14663 MRSN A6895 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne sp. a. calcarata Ca02 * ° Ranohira Unknown is undescribed species represents a new record for
Isalo. is species was formerly named S. calcarata in
Mercurio et al. (2008), or S. sp. a. calcarata A or S. sp.
Ca2 in Vieites et al. (2009) and Perl et al. (2014). is
undescribed species was already known form Kirindy
and Menabe. is study revealed Isalo as the contact zone
between these two undescribed species of the S. calcarata
complex. e genetic distance between S. sp. Ca1 and S.
sp. Ca2 is of ca. 4% (p-distance).
FAZC 11992 MRSN A2882 Microhylidae Scaphiophryne sp. Ca? Andranomena Unassigned
FAZC 12736 MRSN A5018 Hyperoliidae Heterixalus luteostriatus (Andersson, 1910) Canyon des
Canyon des Makis, Ranohira, Vohi-
is treefrog is the most widely distributed Heterixalus
species of Madagascar and it can be found from the Saha-
malza Peninsula (Penny et al. 2017) in the north to Isalo,
Ihosy and Zombitse in the south, mostly living in swamps
and rice elds, but it can also be found within town and
villages. e analysed individuals of H. luteostriatus from
Isalo have a genetic distance of about 2-3% with popula-
tions from northern localities (Ambanja and Ankarafan-
FAZC 14700 MRSN A-
Hyperoliidae Heterixalus luteostriatus (Andersson, 1910) Ranohira
FAZC 12796 MRSN A5017 Hyperoliidae Heterixalus luteostriatus (Andersson, 1910) Vohimaro
FAZC 14675 PBZT-uncata-
Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Analamangabe Ambovobe, Analamangabe, Andohasa-
henina, Andranomena, Andriamanero,
Analalava Forest, Iambahatsy, Ilakaka,
Malaso, Morahariva, Oasis Mariany,
Oasis Mariany, Ranohira, Reine de
l’Isalo, Sahanafa, Sevalava, Vallée du
petit Nazareth, Zahavola
A recent phylogeographic analysis of the entire P. mascar-
eninensis species complex revealed the occurrence of three
endemic genetic lineages in Madagascar, which have their
closest relative in Tanzania (Zimkus et al. 2017). e lin-
eage occurring in Isalo belong to OTU 1 (sensu Zimkus et
al. 2017), which is the most widely distributed lineage and
the one that can be found within all four biogeographic
zones of Madagascar: eastern humid, central highland,
western arid, and southwestern sub-arid. is species is
usually absent from forests and abundant in temporary
and permanent water bodies as well as swamps and rice
elds. Dierent samples from Isalo are genetically uniform
at the analysed 16S rRNA gene fragment and the genetic
distance between OTU 1 (occurring in Isalo) and OTU 2
and OTU 3 is of 3% and 4% (p-distance), respectively.
FAZC 11847 MRSN A2719 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Andohasahenina
FAZC 11798 MRSN A2721 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Andohasahenina
FAZC 11966 MRSN A2720 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Andranomena
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Cata-
logue Number
Family Taxon Locality Distribution Remarks
FAZC 12597 MRSN A5403 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Andriamanero
FAZC 14641 MRSN A6896 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Analalava Forest
FAZC 14763 MRSN A-
Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Malaso
FAZC 12704 MRSN A5352 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Morahariva
FAZC 12696 MRSN A5405 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Morahariva
FAZC 12697 MRSN A5406 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Morahariva
FAZC 12698 MRSN A5407 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Morahariva
FAZC 12699 MRSN A5408 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Morahariva
FAZC 12700 MRSN A5409 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Morahariva
FAZC 12701 MRSN A5410 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Morahariva
FAZC 12702 MRSN A5411 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Morahariva
FAZC 12706 MRSN A5412 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Morahariva
FAZC 12843 MRSN A5850 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Oasis Mariany
FAZC 12845 MRSN A5853 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Oasis Mariany
FAZC 12829 MRSN A5883 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Oasis Mariany
MRSN A763 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Ranohira
FAZC 12872 MRSN A5413 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Sahanafa
FAZC 12629 MRSN A5404 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Sevalava
FAZC 12044 MRSN A3128 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Vallée du Petit
FAZC 12030 MRSN A3127 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Zahavola
FAZC 12537 MRSN A5402 Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) Zahavola
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Andreone, F, P. E. Bergò, V. Mercurio & G. M . Rosa (2013):
Spatial Ecology of Scaphiophryne gottlebei in the canyons
of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar. – Herpetologica, 69: 1121.
Crottini, A., M. Barbuto, M. Casiraghi & F. Andreone
(2011b): A rapid amphibian survey at Itremo-Ambato-
nandrahana, central Madagascar, with conrmed absence
of chytrid fungus and recommendations for future moni-
toring activities. – North-Western Journal of Zoology, 7:
Crottini, A., Y. Chiari, V. Mercurio, A. Meyer, M.
Vences & F. Andreone (2008): Into the canyons: the
phylogeography of the Malagasy frogs Mantella expectata
and Scaphiophryne gottlebei in the arid Isalo Massif, and
its signicance for conservation (Amphibia: Mantellidae
and Microhylidae). – Organisms Diversity & Evolution,
8: 368377.
Glaw, F., J. Köhler, I. De La Riva, D. R. Vieites & M. Ven-
ces (2010): Integrative taxonomy of malagasy treefrogs:
combination of molecular genetics, bioacoustics and
comparative morphology reveals twelve additional spe-
cies of Boophis. – Zootaxa, 82: 182.
Mercurio, V. & F. Andreone (2006): e tadpoles of
Scaphiophryne gottlebei (Microhylidae: Scaphiophryni-
nae) and Mantella expectata (Mantellidae: Mantellinae)
from Isalo Massif, South-central Madagascar. – Alytes,
23: 8195.
Mercurio, V. & F. Andreone (2007): Two new canyon-
dwelling frogs from the arid sandstone Isalo Massif, cen-
tral-southern Madagascar (Mantellidae-Mantellinae). –
Zootaxa, 1574: 3147.
Mercurio, V., G. Aprea, A. Crottini, F. Mattioli, J. Ran-
drianirina, T. Razafindrabe & F. Andreone (2008):
e amphibians of Isalo Massif, southern-central Mada-
gascar: high frog diversity in an apparently hostile dry
habitat. – Monograe del Museo Regionale di Scienze
Naturali di Torino, 558.
Pabijan, M., J. Brown, L. M. Chan, H. Rakotondravony,
A. P. Raselimanana, A. D. Yoder, F. Glaw & M. Ven-
ces (2015):Phylogeography of the arid-adapted Malagasy
bullfrog, Laliostoma labrosum, inuenced by past connec-
tivity and habitat stability. – Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution 92: 11-24.
Penny, S. G., F. Andreone, A. Crottini, A. Bellati, L.
M. S. Rakotozafy, M. W. Holderied, C. Schwitzer &
G. M. Rosa (2017): Combining old and new evidence to
increase the known biodiversity value of the Sahamala-
za Peninsula, Northwest Madagascar. – Contribution to
Zoo logy, 86: 273-296.
Perl, R. G. B., Z. T. Nagy, G. Sonet, F. Glaw, K. C. Wollen-
berg & M. Vences (2014): DNA barcoding Madagascar’s
amphibian fauna. – Amphibia-Reptilia, 35: 197206.
Rabemananjara, F. C. E., A. Crottini, Y. Chiari, F. An-
dreone, F. Glaw, R. Duguet, P. Bora, O. Ravoahangi-
malala Ramilijaona & M. Vences (2007): Molecular
systematics of Malagasy poison frogs in the Mantella bet-
sileo and M. laevigata species groups. – Zootaxa, 1501: 31-
Rabemananjara, F. C. E., N. Rasoamampionona Ramino-
soa, O. Ravoahangimalala Ramilijaona, D. Rako-
tondravony, F. Andreone, P. Bora, A. I. Carpenter,
F. Glaw, T. Razafindrabe, D. Vallan, D. R. Vieites
& M. Vences (2008): Malagasy poison frogs in the pet
trade: a survey of levels of exploitation of species in the
genus Mantella. – pp. 277-300 in: Andreone, F. (ed.): A
Conservation Strategy for the Amphibians of Madagas-
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(2010): Predation of the snake Leioheterodon modestus
(Günther, 1863) upon the microhylid frog Scaphiophryne
gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 at Isalo, southern Mada-
gascar. – Herpetology Notes, 3: 259261.
Rosa, G. M., V. Mercurio, A. Crottini & F. Andreone
(2011): Explosion into the canyon: breeding aggregation
in Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 – North-
Western Journal of Zoology, 7(2): 329-333.
Strauss, A., F. Guilhaumon, R. D. Randrianiaina, C. W.
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Vieites, D. R., K. C. Wollenberg, F. Andreone, J. Köh-
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Zimkus, B. M., L. P. Lawson, M. F. Barej, C. D. Barratt,
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Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Supplementary Table S4. List of reptile samples analysed for this study. For each tissue the ID, eld number, institutional catalogue number, higher classication, species name, collection
locality and GenBank accession number are provided. AC and ACP, Angelica Crottini extraction codes; ACZC, Angelica Crottini Zoological Collection; FAZC, Franco Andreone Zoological
Collection; FGMV, Frank Glaw and Miguel Vences eld number; ZCMV, Zoological Collection of Miguel Vences; MRSN R-, Reptiles ollection of the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali
of Torino, Italy; TM, Tobias Müuenchenberg. *, individual molecularly identied as L. geayi using the COI marker but conrmed L. modestus aer morphological inspecion; °,New range
extension; Category, Category of candidate species.
Sample ID Fieldnumber Institutional
Order Family Taxon Locality Cate-
COI 16S 3'
ND1 ND2 ND4 Cytb
ACP1430 FAZC 14682 MRSN R3737 Chelonia Pelomedusidae Pelomedusa subrufa Zahavola MH063339 - - - - -
Loricata Crocodylidae Crocodylus niloticus ° Ranohira MH063340 - - - - -
Chamaeleonidae Brookesia brygooi Namazaha Valley MH063341 - - JX101759 - -
Chamaeleonidae Furcifer major Malaso MH063342 MH063284 - - - -
Chamaeleonidae Furcifer major Zahavola MH063343 MH063285 - - - -
Chamaeleonidae Furcifer major Zahavola MH063344 MH063286 - - - -
AC405 FAZC 12816 MRSN R3161 Squamata:
Chamaeleonidae Furcifer oustaleti Bereketa - MH063287 - - - -
Chamaeleonidae Furcifer oustaleti Namazaha Valley MH063345 MH063288 - - - -
Chamaeleonidae Furcifer oustaleti Namazaha Valley MH063346 - - - - -
ACP2604 FAZC 12814 MRSN R3165 Squamata:
Chamaeleonidae Furcifer verrucosus Sakavato MH063347 MH063289 - - - -
ACP2603 FAZC 12813 MRSN R3169 Squamata:
Chamaeleonidae Furcifer verrucosus Sakavato MH063348 MH063290 - - - -
Gekkonidae Blaesodactylus sakalava Isalo, no precise
locality info
- - - - - -
Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica Bereketa - - - - - -
Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica Bereketa - - - - - -
Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica Analalava Forest - - - - - -
Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica Analalava Forest - - - - - -
Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica Sahanafa - - - - - -
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Fieldnumber Institutional
Order Family Taxon Locality Cate-
COI 16S 3'
ND1 ND2 ND4 Cytb
Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica Isalo, no precise
locality info
- - - - - -
Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Isalo, no precise
locality info
MH063349 - - - - -
ACP1414 FAZC 14650 PBZT-uncata-
Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Malaso MH063350 - - - MH063422 -
Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Namazaha Valley MH063351 - - - - -
Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Namazaha Valley MH063352 MH063291 - - - -
Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Ranohira, Motel
MH063353 - - - - -
Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Zahavola MH063354 - - - - -
ZMA 19595 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Lygodactylus sp. a. pictus
Ca01 “Isalo”
Analalava Forest UCS - AY653238 - - - -
ACP1413 FAZC 14649 MRSN R3746 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Lygodactylus sp. a. tu-
berosus Ca02 “Isalo”
Malaso UCS MH063355 MH063292 - - MH063423 -
ACP1418 FAZC 14656 MRSN R3749 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Lygodactylus sp. a. tu-
berosus Ca02 “Isalo”
Malaso UCS MH063356 MH063293 - - - -
Gekkonidae Paroedura picta Andriamanero MH063357 - - - MH063424 -
Gekkonidae Paroedura picta Zahavola MH063358 MH063294 - - MH063425 -
ACP2758 FAZC 14743 MRSN R3736 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca01 “Marofandilia/Mian-
drivazo” °
Zahavola UCS MH063359 MH063295 - - - -
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca01 “Marofandilia/Mian-
drivazo” °
Zahavola UCS MH063360 MH063296 - - MH063426 -
ACP3349 FAZC 14661 MRSN R3745 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca01 “Marofandilia/Mian-
drivazo” °
Zahavola UCS MH063361 MH063297 - - - -
ACP3344 FAZC 11940 MRSN R2553 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca01 “Marofandilia/Mian-
drivazo” °
Isalo, no precise
locality info
UCS MH063362 - - - - -
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca02 “Isalo”
Zahavola Campsite UCS MH063363 MH063298 - - - -
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca02 “Isalo”
Zahavola UCS MH063364 MH063299 - - - -
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Fieldnumber Institutional
Order Family Taxon Locality Cate-
COI 16S 3'
ND1 ND2 ND4 Cytb
ACP2755 FAZC 14657 PBZT-uncata-
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca02 “Isalo”
Zahavola UCS MH063365 MH063300 - - - -
ACP3346 FAZC 11800 MRSN R2569 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca03 “Ilakaka”
Isalo, no precise
locality info
UCS MH063366 MH063301 - - - -
ACP3345 FAZC 11819 MRSN R2568 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca03 “Ilakaka”
Isalo, no precise
locality info
UCS MH063367 MH063302 - - - -
ACP3343 FAZC 11932 MRSN R2529 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca03 “Ilakaka”
Isalo, no precise
locality info
UCS MH063368 MH063303 - - - -
ACP3347 FAZC 12790 MRSN R3205 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi
Ca03 “Ilakaka”
Kazofoty UCS MH063369 - - - -
ACP2592 FAZC 14730 MRSN R3748 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Paroedura vahiny Malaso MH063370 MH063304 - - - -
REPT_F358 REPT_F358 ZSM 192/2004 Squamata:
Gekkonidae Phelsuma hielscheri Isalo, no precise
locality info
JQ909529 - - - -
Gekkonidae Phelsuma mutabilis Namazaha Valley MH063371 MH063305 - - MH063427 -
Sound-P31 Sound-P31 UNAVAIL-
Gekkonidae Phelsuma standingi Isalo, no precise
locality info
- DQ270564 - - - -
Gerrhosauridae Tracheoleptychus madagas-
Isalo, no precise
locality info
- - - - - -
AC450 FAZC 12763 MRSN R3213 Squamata:
Gerrhosauridae Zonosaurus laticaudatus Canyon des Makis - MH063306 - - - -
ACP2598 FAZC 12767 MRSN R-
Gerrhosauridae Zonosaurus laticaudatus Isalo, no precise
locality info
MH063372 MH063307 - - - -
ACP2602 FAZC 12761 MRSN R3232 Squamata:
Gerrhosauridae Zonosaurus madagas-
Canyon des Makis MH063373 MH063308 - - - -
Gerrhosauridae Zonosaurus madagas-
Isalo, no precise
locality info
MH063374 - - - - -
ACP1438 FAZC 14698 PBZT-uncata-
Gerrhosauridae Zonosaurus karsteni Ranohira Bas MH063375 MH063309 MH063420 - - -
Gerrhosauridae Zonosaurus ornatus Isalo, no precise
locality info
- - - - - -
UADBA 21059 Squamata:
Opluridae Chalarodon madagas-
Analalava Forest - EU099706 - - - -
ACP3316 FAZC 12792 PBZT-uncata-
Opluridae Chalarodon madagas-
Vohimaro MH063376 MH063310 - - - -
ZSM 939/2003 Squamata:
Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus Analalava Forest - EU099720 - - - -
ZSM 940/2003 Squamata:
Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus Analalava Forest - EU099732 - - - -
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Fieldnumber Institutional
Order Family Taxon Locality Cate-
COI 16S 3'
ND1 ND2 ND4 Cytb
Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus Analalava Forest - EU099721 - - - -
Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus Analalava Forest - EU099722 - - - -
Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus Analalava Forest - EU099723 - - - -
Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus Analalava Forest - EU099724 - - - -
AC445 FAZC 12665 MRSN R3239 Squamata:
Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus Malaso - MH063311 - - - -
Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus Malaso MH063377 MH063312 - - MH063428 -
Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus Malaso MH063378 MH063313 - - MH063429 -
Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus Malaso MH063379 MH063314 - - - -
ACP2599 FAZC 12789 MRSN R3215 Squamata:
Opluridae Oplurus grandidieri Antoha MH063380 MH063315 - - - -
ACP2539 FAZC 14687 MRSN R-
Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus Malaso MH063381 MH063316 - - MH063430 -
Opluridae Oplurus saxicola ° Sakavato MH063382 MH063317 - - - -
Scincidae Grandidierina rubrocauda-
Isalo, no precise
locality info
- - - - - -
Scincidae Trackylepis elegans Malaso MH063383 - MH063421 - - -
Scincidae Trackylepis elegans Ranohira, Motel
MH063384 - - - - -
Scincidae Trachylepis gravenhorstii
lineage 4a
Ranohira MH063385 MH063318 - - - -
Scincidae Trachylepis gravenhorstii
lineage 4a
Ranohira MH063386 MH063319 - - - -
Scincidae Trachylepis gravenhorstii
lineage 4a
Ranohira MH063387 MH063320 - - - -
ACP1406 FAZC 14635 MRSN R-
Scincidae Trachylepis gravenhorstii
lineage 4b °
Malaso MH063388 MH063321 - - - -
AC424 FAZC 12724 MRSN R3221 Squamata:
Scincidae Trachylepis gravenhorstii
lineage 4b °
Zahavola - MH063322 - - - -
ACP1403 FAZC 14632 PBZT-uncata-
Scincidae Trachylepis nancycoutuae Malaso MH063389 - - - - -
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Fieldnumber Institutional
Order Family Taxon Locality Cate-
COI 16S 3'
ND1 ND2 ND4 Cytb
Dromicodryas bernieri Andranomangara MH063390 - - - - -
Dromicodryas bernieri Ranohira MH063391 - - - - -
AC404 FAZC 12631 MRSN R3226 Squamata:
Dromicodryas bernieri Zahavola - MH063323 - - - -
ACP2590 FAZC 12764 MRSN R3120 Squamata:
Ithycyphus oursi Canyon des Makis MH063392 MH063324 - - - -
Ithycyphus oursi Namazaha Valley MH063393 - - - - -
ACP1437 FAZC 14697 MRSN R3741 Squamata:
Madagascarophis meridi-
Canyon des Rats MH063394 - - - - -
Madagascarophis meridi-
Malaso MH063395 - - - - -
ACP1346 FAZC 14658 PBZT-uncata-
Madagascarophis meridi-
Malaso MH063396 - - - - -
Madagascarophis meridi-
Namazaha Valley MH063397 - - - - -
Madagascarophis meridi-
Namazaha Valley MH063398 MH063325 - - - -
Madagascarophis meridi-
Ranohira, Motel
MH063399 - - - - -
AC425 FAZC 12664 MRSN R3183 Squamata:
Madagascarophis meridi-
Reine de l’Isalo - MH063326 - - - -
AC574 FAZC 12807 MRSN R-
Madagascarophis meridi-
Tsitorina - MH063327 - - - -
Madagascarophis meridi-
Zahavola MH063400 MH063328 - - - -
Mimophis mahfalensis Malaso MH063401 - - - - -
Mimophis mahfalensis Ranohira MH063402 - - - - -
Mimophis mahfalensis Zahavola MH063403 - - - - -
Leioheterodon madagas-
Bereketa - - - - - -
Leioheterodon madagas-
Isalo, no precise
locality info
- - - - - -
ACP1436 FAZC 14695 MRSN R-
Leioheterodon modestus * Analalava Forest MH063404 MH063329 - - - -
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Fieldnumber Institutional
Order Family Taxon Locality Cate-
COI 16S 3'
ND1 ND2 ND4 Cytb
AC421 FAZC 12725 MRSN R3233 Squamata:
Leioheterodon modestus Lola - MH063330 - - - -
Leioheterodon modestus Ranohira, Motel
MH063405 - - - - -
Leioheterodon modestus Ranohira MH063406 - - - - -
ACP2537 FAZC 14704 PBZT-uncata-
Leioheterodon modestus Ranohira MH063407 MH063331 - - - -
AC422 FAZC 12666 MRSN R3210 Squamata:
Liophidium vaillanti Zahavola - MH063332 - - - MH063419
ACP1405 FAZC 14634 MRSN R3739 Squamata:
Lycodryas guentheri° Zahavola MH063408 MH063333 - - - -
ACP2594 FAZC 12806 MRSN R3216 Squamata:
Lycodryas sp. a. pseudo-
granuliceps Ca01 Ando-
hahela” °
Antoha CCS MH063409 MH063334 - - - -
Pseudoxyrhopus quinque-
Isalo, no precise
locality info
- - - - - -
ACP2591 FAZC 12632 MRSN R-
amnosophis lateralis Andriamanero MH063410 MH063335 - - - -
amnosophis lateralis Namazaha Valley MH063411 - - - - -
Ad1-LB417 Ad1-LB417 UNAVAIL-
Sanziniidae Acrantophis dumerili Isalo, no precise
locality info
- EU419793 - - - -
Smv2-ISA229 Smv2-ISA229 UNAVAIL-
Sanziniidae Sanzinia volontany Isalo, no precise
locality info
- EU419803 - - - -
Typhlopidae Madatyphlops arenarius Isalo, no precise
locality info
JQ909606 - - - - -
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Supplementary Table S5. List of Isalo’s voucher specimens of reptiles unequivocally identied based on morphology and/or molecular analyses. e distribution of each species includes
localities records from museological specimens, molecular data from this study, GenBank. ACZCV, Angelica Crottini Zoological Collection Voucher; FAZC, Franco Andreone Zoologi-
cal Collection; FGMV, Frank Glaw and Miguel Vences eld number; MRSN R-, Reptile collection of the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali of Torino, Italy; PBZT, Parc Botanique et
Zoologique de Tsimbazaza, Antananarivo, Madagascar; UADBA, Université d’Antananarivo Département de Biologie Animale, Madagascar; ZMA, Zoological Museum of Amsterdam, e
Netherlands; ZSM, Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Germany.*, individual molecularly identied as L. geayi using based onthe the COI marker but conrmed L. modestus aer
morphological inspection; °, New Range extentsion.
Sample ID Museum Catalogue Number Family Taxon Locality Notes
FAZC 12820 MRSN R3207 Pelomedusidae Pelomedusa subrufa (Lacépède, 1788) Ambatovaky
FAZC 14682 MRSN R3737 Pelomedusidae Pelomedusa subrufa (Lacépède, 1788) Zahavola
FAZC 14784 PBZT-uncatalogued Crocodylidae Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti, 1768 Ranohira
FAZC 11867 MRSN R2546 Chamaeleonidae Brookesia brygooi Raxworthy & Nussbaum, 1995 Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11972 MRSN R2891 Chamaeleonidae Furcifer major (Brygoo, 1971) Andranomena
UNAVAILABLE MRSN R1185 Chamaeleonidae Furcifer major (Brygoo, 1971) Ranohira
FAZC 12023 MRSN R2474 Chamaeleonidae Furcifer major (Brygoo, 1971) Zahavola
FAZC 12022 MRSN R2475 Chamaeleonidae Furcifer major (Brygoo, 1971) Zahavola
FAZC 12816 MRSN R3161 Chamaeleonidae Furcifer oustaleti (Mocquard, 1894) Bereketa
FAZC 12814 MRSN R3165 Chamaeleonidae Furcifer verrucosus (Cuvier, 1829) Sakavato
FAZC 12813 MRSN R3169 Chamaeleonidae Furcifer verrucosus (Cuvier, 1829) Sakavato
UNAVAILABLE UMMZ 196575 Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica GRANDIDIER, 1867 Bereketa
UNAVAILABLE UMMZ 196576 Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica GRANDIDIER, 1867 Bereketa
UNAVAILABLE UMMZ 215902 Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica GRANDIDIER, 1867 Analalava Forest
UNAVAILABLE UMMZ 215903 Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica GRANDIDIER, 1867 Analalava Forest
UNAVAILABLE UMMZ 215904 Gekkonidae Geckolepis typica GRANDIDIER, 1867 Sahanafa
FAZC 12230 MRSN R2567 Chamaeleonidae Calumna cf. gastrotaenia Ambohimandrozo Village Unassigned
FAZC 11897 MRSN R2406 Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Gray, 1842 Analalava Forest
FAZC 11898 MRSN R2407 Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Gray, 1842 Analalava Forest
FAZC 14650 PBZT-uncatalogued Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Gray, 1842 Malaso
FAZC 13027 MRSN R3206 Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Gray, 1842 Ranohira
FAZC 14633 MRSN R3747 Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mercatorius Gray, 1842 Zahavola
UNAVAILABLE ZMA 19595 Gekkonidae Lygodactylus sp. a. pictus Ca01 “Isalo” Analalava Forest
FAZC 14649 MRSN R3746 Gekkonidae Lygodactylus sp. a. tuberosus Ca02 “Isalo” Malaso
FAZC 14656 MRSN R3749 Gekkonidae Lygodactylus sp. a. tuberosus Ca02 “Isalo” Malaso
FAZC 12669 MRSN R3209 Gekkonidae Lygodactylus sp. Zahavola Unassigned
FAZC 14743 MRSN R3736 Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca01 “Marofandilia/Miandrivazo” ° Zahavola
FAZC 14661 MRSN R3745 Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca01 “Marofandilia/Miandrivazo” ° Zahavola
FAZC 11940 MRSN R2553 Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca01 “Marofandilia/Miandrivazo” ° Isalo, no precise locality info
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Catalogue Number Family Taxon Locality Notes
FAZC 12360 MRSN R2448 Gekkonidae Paroedura cf. bastardi Ca01 “Marofandilia/Miandrivazo” ° Namazaha Valley
FAZC 14657 PBZT-uncatalogued Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca02 “Isalo” Zahavola
FAZC 11932 MRSN R2529 Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca03 “Ilakaka” Isalo, no precise locality info
FAZC 11819 MRSN R2568 Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca03 “Ilakaka” Isalo, no precise locality info
FAZC 11800 MRSN R2569 Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca03 “Ilakaka” Isalo, no precise locality info
FAZC 12790 MRSN R3205 Gekkonidae Paroedura sp. a. bastardi Ca03 “Ilakaka” Kazofoty
FAZC 14730 MRSN R3748 Gekkonidae Paroedura vahiny Malaso
FAZC 11816 MRSN R2400 Gekkonidae Paroedura vahiny Andohasahenina
FAZC 11919 MRSN R2415 Gekkonidae Paroedura cf. bastardi Andohasahenina Unassigned
FAZC 11967 MRSN R2396 Gekkonidae Paroedura cf. bastardi Andranomena Unassigned
FAZC 11968 MRSN R2397 Gekkonidae Paroedura cf. bastardi Andranomena Unassigned
FAZC 11969 MRSN R2398 Gekkonidae Paroedura cf. bastardi Andranomena Unassigned
FAZC 12032 MRSN R2417 Gekkonidae Paroedura cf. bastardi Zahavola Unassigned
FAZC 11941 MRSN R2552 Gekkonidae Paroedura cf. bastardi Isalo, no precise locality info Unassigned
REPT_F358 ZSM 192/2004 Gekkonidae Phelsuma hielscheri Rösler, Obst & Seipp, 2001 Isalo, no precise locality info
FAZC 12031 MRSN R2486 Gekkonidae Phelsuma hielscheri Rösler, Obst & Seipp, 2001 Zahavola
FAZC 12763 MRSN R3213 Gerrhosauridae Zonosaurus laticaudatus (Grandidier, 1869) Canyon des Makis
FAZC 12767 MRSN R-uncatalogued Gerrhosauridae Zonosaurus laticaudatus (Grandidier, 1869) Isalo, no precise locality info
FAZC 12761 MRSN R3232 Gerrhosauridae Zonosaurus madagascariensis (Gray, 1831) Canyon des Makis
FAZC 14698 PBZT-uncatalogued Gerrhosauridae Zonosaurus karsteni ° Ranohira Bas
FGMV 2002_1465 UADBA 21059 Opluridae Chalarodon madagascariensis Peters, 1854 Analalava Forest
FAZC 12890a MRSN R3127 Opluridae Chalarodon madagascariensis Peters, 1854 Antambonoa
FAZC 12890b MRSN R3128 Opluridae Chalarodon madagascariensis Peters, 1854 Antambonoa
FAZC 12762 MRSN R3219 Opluridae Chalarodon madagascariensis Peters, 1854 Canyon des Makis
GA 78 MRSN R2446 Opluridae Chalarodon madagascariensis Peters, 1854 Isalo, no precise locality info
GA 77 MRSN R2447 Opluridae Chalarodon madagascariensis Peters, 1854 Isalo, no precise locality info
FAZC 12792 PBZT-uncatalogued Opluridae Chalarodon madagascariensis Peters, 1855 Vohimaro
UNAVAILABLE ZSM 939/2003 Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus (Merrem, 1820) Analalava Forest
UNAVAILABLE ZSM 940/2003 Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus (Merrem, 1820) Analalava Forest
FAZC 12371 MRSN R2454 Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus (Merrem, 1820) Andohasahenina
FAZC 11970 MRSN R2377 Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus (Merrem, 1820) Andranomena
FAZC 12889 MRSN R3238 Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus (Merrem, 1820) Antambonoa
FAZC 12665 MRSN R3239 Opluridae Oplurus cyclurus (Merrem, 1820) Malaso
FAZC 12789 MRSN R3215 Opluridae Oplurus grandidieri Mocquard, 1900 Antoha
FAZC 11843 MRSN R2380 Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Andohasahenina
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Sample ID Museum Catalogue Number Family Taxon Locality Notes
FAZC 11988 MRSN R2378 Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Andranomena
FAZC 11942 MRSN R2379 Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Andranomena
FAZC 11943 MRSN R2381 Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Andranomena
UNAVAILABLE MRSN R3270 Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Isalo, no precise locality info
UNAVAILABLE MRSN R3266 Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Isalo, no precise locality info
UNAVAILABLE MRSN R3269 Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Isalo, no precise locality info
UNAVAILABLE MRSN R3267 Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Isalo, no precise locality info
UNAVAILABLE MRSN R3265 Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Isalo, no precise locality info
UNAVAILABLE MRSN R3268 Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Isalo, no precise locality info
FAZC 14687 MRSN R-uncatalogued Opluridae Oplurus quadrimaculatus ° Malaso
FAZC 13263 MRSN R3243 Opluridae Oplurus saxicola ° Sakavato
FAZC 13264 MRSN R3244 Opluridae Oplurus saxicola ° Sakavato
FAZC 13265 MRSN R3245 Opluridae Oplurus saxicola ° Sakavato
FAZC 13266 MRSN R3246 Opluridae Oplurus saxicola ° Sakavato
FAZC 13019 MRSN R3224 Scincidae Trachylepis elegans (Peters, 1854) Andohaosy
FAZC 11931 MRSN R2393 Scincidae Trachylepis elegans (Peters, 1854) Andranombilahy
FAZC 11990 MRSN R2437 Scincidae Trachylepis elegans (Peters, 1854) Andranomena
UNAVAILABLE MRSN R1173 Scincidae Trachylepis elegans (Peters, 1854) Isalo, no precise locality info
FAZC 12045 MRSN R2455 Scincidae Trachylepis elegans (Peters, 1854) Petit Nazareth valley
FAZC 12549 MRSN R3123 Scincidae Trachylepis elegans (Peters, 1854) Zahavola
FAZC 14635 MRSN R-uncatalogued Scincidae Trachylepis gravenhorstii (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) lineage 4b ° Malaso
FAZC 12724 MRSN R3221 Scincidae Trachylepis gravenhorstii (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) lineage 4b ° Zahavola
FAZC 12362 MRSN R2449 Scincidae Trachylepis gravenhorstii (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11973 MRSN R2401 Scincidae Trachylepis nancycoutuae (Nussbaum & Raxworthy, 1998) Andranomena
FAZC 11951 MRSN R2430 Scincidae Trachylepis nancycoutuae (Nussbaum & Raxworthy, 1998) Bemenara
FAZC 14632 PBZT-uncatalogued Scincidae Trachylepis nancycoutuae (Nussbaum & Raxworthy, 1998) Malaso
FAZC 12667 MRSN R3212 Scincidae Trachylepis nancycoutuae (Nussbaum & Raxworthy, 1998) Zahavola
FAZC 12007 MRSN R2367 Lamprophiidae Dromicodryas bernieri (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) Andranomena
FAZC 12765 MRSN R3227 Lamprophiidae Dromicodryas bernieri (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) Lola
FAZC 11824 MRSN R2366 Lamprophiidae Dromicodryas bernieri (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) Ranohira
FAZC 12631 MRSN R3226 Lamprophiidae Dromicodryas bernieri (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) Zahavola
FAZC 12764 MRSN R3120 Lamprophiidae Ithycyphus oursi Domergue, 1986 Canyon des Makis
FAZC 12006 MRSN R2336 Lamprophiidae Madagascarophis meridionalis (Domergue, 1987) Andranomena
FAZC 14697 MRSN R3741 Lamprophiidae Madagascarophis meridionalis (Domergue, 1987) Canyon des Rats
FAZC 14658 PBZT-uncatalogued Lamprophiidae Madagascarophis meridionalis (Domergue, 1987) Malaso
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Sample ID Museum Catalogue Number Family Taxon Locality Notes
FAZC 14788 PBZT-uncatalogued Lamprophiidae Madagascarophis meridionalis (Domergue, 1987) Malaso
FAZC 11869 MRSN R2334 Lamprophiidae Madagascarophis meridionalis (Domergue, 1987) Namazaha Valley
FAZC 11868 MRSN R2339 Lamprophiidae Madagascarophis meridionalis (Domergue, 1987) Namazaha Valley
FAZC 12664 MRSN R3183 Lamprophiidae Madagascarophis meridionalis (Domergue, 1987) Reine de l’Isalo
FAZC 12807 MRSN R-uncatalogued Lamprophiidae Madagascarophis meridionalis (Domergue, 1987) Tsitorina
FAZC 12047 MRSN R2335 Lamprophiidae Madagascarophis meridionalis (Domergue, 1987) Vallée du Petit Nazareth
FAZC 12519 MRSN R3182 Lamprophiidae Madagascarophis meridionalis (Domergue, 1987) Zahavola
FAZC 12009 MRSN R2363 Lamprophiidae Mimophis mahfalensis (Grandidier, 1867) Andranomena
FAZC 11944 MRSN R2351 Lamprophiidae Mimophis mahfalensis (Grandidier, 1867) Bemenara
FAZC 12368 MRSN R2352 Lamprophiidae Mimophis mahfalensis (Grandidier, 1867) Bemenara
FAZC 12815 MRSN R3176 Lamprophiidae Mimophis mahfalensis (Grandidier, 1867) Bereketa
FAZC 14695 MRSN R-uncatalogued Lamprophiidae Leioheterodon modestus (Günther, 1863) * Analalava Forest
FAZC 12995 MRSN R3236 Lamprophiidae Leioheterodon modestus (Günther, 1863) Andozoky
FAZC 12766 MRSN R3234 Lamprophiidae Leioheterodon modestus (Günther, 1863) Canyon des rats
FAZC 12725 MRSN R3233 Lamprophiidae Leioheterodon modestus (Günther, 1863) Lola
FAZC 14704 PBZT-uncatalogued Lamprophiidae Leioheterodon modestus (Günther, 1863) Ranohira
FAZC 12666 MRSN R3210 Lamprophiidae Liophidium vaillanti (Mocquard, 1901) Zahavola
FAZC 14634 MRSN R3739 Lamprophiidae Lycodryas guentheri (Boulenger, 1896) ° Zahavola
FAZC 12806 MRSN R3216 Lamprophiidae Lycodryas sp. a. granuliceps Ca01 “Andohahela” ° Antoha
FAZC 12632 MRSN R-uncatalogued Lamprophiidae amnosophis lateralis (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) Andriamanero
FAZC 11833 MRSN R2369 Typhlopidae Madatyphlops arenarius (Grandidier, 1872) Ranohira
FAZC 11844 MRSN R2368 Typhlopidae Madatyphlops arenarius (Grandidier, 1872) Ranohira
FAZC 14696 MRSN R-uncatalogued Typhlopidae Madatyphlops arenarius (Grandidier, 1872) Ilakaka
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Supplementary Table S6. Primer sequences and PCR conditions used in the present study; *: originally from Arévalo et al. (1994); modied primer sequences developed by Ed Louis,
Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo; **: originally from Burbrink et al. (2000); modied primer sequences developed by De Queiroz et al. (2002).
Gene Primer name Sequence (5’-3’) Source PCR conditions
16S rRNA 3’ terminus AC_16s_ar CGCCTGTTTATCAAAAACAT Palumbi et al. (1991) 94 (90), [94 (45), 55 (45), 72 (90) x33], 72 (300)
16S rRNA 3’ terminus AC_16s_br CCGGTYTGAACTCAGATCAYGT Modied from Palumbi et al. (1991)
16S rRNA 5’ terminus 16SL3 AGCAAAGAHYWWACCTCGTACCTTTTGCAT Vences et al. (2003) 94 (90), [94 (45), 55 (45), 72 (90) x33], 72 (350)
16S rRNA 5’ terminus 16SAH ATGTTTTTGATAAACAGGCG Vences et al. (2003)
COX1 RepCOI-F TNTTMTCAACNAACCACAAAGA Nagy et al. (2012) 94 (180), [94 (40), 49 (30), 72 (60) x40], 72 (420)
ND1 + associated tRNAs ND1 intf2 AAYCGVGCVCCWTTYGACCTWACAGA Schmitz et al. (2005) 95 (120), [95 (30), 50 (30), 72 (60) x40], 72 (600)
ND1 + associated tRNAs ND1 tmet TCGGGGTATGGGCCCRARAGCTT Leaché & Reeder (2002)
ND4 ND4 CACCTATGACTACCAAAAGCTCATGTAGA Arévalo et al. (1994)* 94 (90), [94 (45), 47 (45), 72 (90) x33], 72 (600)
Cytb - amphibians Cytb-a CCATGAGGACAAATATCATTYTGRGG Bossuyt & Milinkovitch (2000) 94(90), [94 (30), 53 (45), 72 (90) x 35], 72 (600)
Cytb - amphibians Cytb-c CTACTGGTTGTCCTCCGATTCATGT Bossuyt & Milinkovitch (2000)
Cytb - reptiles L14910 GACCTGTGATMTGAAAAACCAYCGTTGT Burbrink et al. (2000)** 94 (420), [94 (40), 49,3 (30), 72 (60) x40], 72 (420)
Cytb - reptiles H16064 CTTTGGTTTACAAGAACAATGCTTTA Burbrink et al. (2000)**
Online Supplementary data e herpetofauna of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar
Supplementary Table S7. Pairwise genetic distances (p-distance) between (below the diagonal) and within (along the diagonal, bold) amphibian taxa according to 16S rRNA gene fragment
sequence variation; *, New species record.
B. doulioti
B. luteus
B. obscurus
B. occidentalis
L. labrosum
B. sp. Ca05
G. azzurrae
G. corvus
M. betsileo
M. sp. a. expectata South*
M. expectata
M. femoralis
M. noralottae
M. sp. Ca14
M. sp. Ca65*
M. sp. Ca48
D. insularis
S. brevis
S. gottlebei
S. sp. Ca01
S. sp. Ca02*
H. luteostriatus
P. mascareniensis
B. doulioti 0.001
B. luteus 0.137 0.014
B. obscurus 0.136 0.114 0.002
B. occidentalis 0.149 0.116 0.095 0.001
L. labrosum 0.118 0.157 0.156 0.150 0.002
Blommersia sp. Ca05 0.124 0.151 0.162 0.149 0.112 0.001
G. azzurrae 0.183 0.190 0.183 0.160 0.153 0.157 0.003
G. corvus 0.159 0.169 0.175 0.176 0.148 0.144 0.091 0.001
M. betsileo 0.159 0.182 0.180 0.170 0.122 0.107 0.171 0.153 0.006
M. sp. a. expectata South*0.162 0.184 0.179 0.168 0.115 0.108 0.179 0.164 0.015 0.000
M. expectata 0.153 0.179 0.183 0.168 0.118 0.103 0.177 0.154 0.017 0.009 0.002
M. femoralis 0.155 0.174 0.190 0.182 0.145 0.147 0.173 0.163 0.160 0.162 0.155 0.004
M. noralottae 0.146 0.169 0.196 0.167 0.130 0.139 0.165 0.164 0.142 0.133 0.137 0.115 0.000
Mantidactylus sp. Ca14 0.156 0.166 0.195 0.187 0.122 0.147 0.177 0.165 0.158 0.152 0.153 0.143 0.106 0.000
Mantidactylus sp. Ca65* 0.143 0.168 0.181 0.180 0.122 0.139 0.171 0.150 0.142 0.140 0.133 0.121 0.041 0.101 0.001
Mantidactylus sp. Ca48 0.156 0.166 0.180 0.181 0.133 0.166 0.174 0.145 0.152 0.154 0.156 0.122 0.115 0.134 0.112 0.000
D. insularis 0.170 0.196 0.210 0.189 0.163 0.184 0.200 0.191 0.196 0.197 0.188 0.180 0.174 0.174 0.172 0.200 0.002
S. brevis 0.168 0.174 0.175 0.158 0.147 0.161 0.181 0.172 0.166 0.167 0.168 0.180 0.158 0.162 0.155 0.186 0.116 0.004
S. gottlebei 0.164 0.171 0.171 0.152 0.151 0.162 0.175 0.165 0.166 0.169 0.168 0.177 0.155 0.165 0.158 0.192 0.124 0.047 0.005
Scaphiophryne sp. Ca01 0.169 0.174 0.173 0.150 0.159 0.161 0.172 0.165 0.169 0.179 0.175 0.175 0.158 0.168 0.159 0.176 0.124 0.056 0.052 0.001
Scaphiophryne sp. Ca02* 0.175 0.185 0.178 0.160 0.163 0.156 0.167 0.171 0.163 0.179 0.166 0.178 0.165 0.172 0.161 0.180 0.125 0.050 0.051 0.038 n/c
H. luteostriatus 0.217 0.216 0.232 0.223 0.200 0.197 0.204 0.208 0.208 0.211 0.205 0.225 0.213 0.196 0.200 0.213 0.173 0.147 0.153 0.160 0.156 0.000
P. mascareniensis 0.172 0.164 0.186 0.188 0.168 0.184 0.180 0.186 0.188 0.194 0.191 0.181 0.181 0.184 0.176 0.201 0.168 0.168 0.172 0.168 0.176 0.183 0.000
Online Supplementary data – Walter Cocca et al.
Supplementary Table S8. Pairwise genetic distances (p-distance) between (below the diagonal) and within (along the diagonal, bold) reptile taxa according to COI gene fragment sequence variation.
P. subrufa
C. niloticus
B. brygooi
F. major
F. oustaleti
F. verrucosus
H. mercatorius
L. sp. a. tuberosus Ca02
P. picta
P. sp. a. bastardi Ca01
P. sp. a. bastardi Ca02
P. sp. a. bastardi Ca03
P. vahiny
P. hielscheri
P. mutabilis
Z. laticaudatus
Z. madagascariensis
Z. karsteni
C. madagascariensis
O. cyclurus
O. grandidieri
O. quadrimaculatus
O. saxicola
T. elegans
T. gravenhorstii
T. nancycoutuae
D. bernieri
I. oursi
M. meridionalis
M. mahfalensis
L. modestus
L. guentheri
L. sp. a. granuliceps Ca02
T. lateralis
M. arenarius
P. subrufa n/c
C. niloticus 0.249 n/c
B. brygooi 0.288 0.276 n/c
F. major 0.303 0.303 0.188 0.002
F. oustaleti 0.302 0.291 0.190 0.096 0.000
F. verrucosus 0.301 0.271 0.191 0.105 0.087 0.007
H. mercatorius 0.280 0.253 0.315 0.301 0.300 0.297 0.026
L. sp. a. tuberosus Ca02 0.250 0.250 0.302 0.290 0.300 0.281 0.229 0.000
P. picta 0.290 0.298 0.309 0.287 0.293 0.304 0.262 0.239 0.021
P. sp. a. bastardi Ca01 0.289 0.286 0.334 0.320 0.330 0.301 0.277 0.255 0.279 0.001
P. sp. a. bastardi Ca02 0.286 0.265 0.327 0.331 0.325 0.291 0.240 0.265 0.282 0.263 0.000
P. sp. a. bastardi Ca03 0.273 0.286 0.312 0.325 0.335 0.322 0.248 0.227 0.249 0.246 0.233 0.004
P. vahiny 0.280 0.286 0.312 0.325 0.335 0.322 0.248 0.227 0.249 0.244 0.233 0.215 n/c
P. hielscheri 0.277 0.253 0.298 0.296 0.311 0.286 0.252 0.243 0.267 0.295 0.263 0.258 0.258 n/c
P. mutabilis 0.254 0.263 0.285 0.271 0.283 0.271 0.250 0.237 0.271 0.275 0.249 0.254 0.254 0.198 n/c
Z. laticaudatus 0.249 0.222 0.280 0.258 0.261 0.244 0.235 0.225 0.282 0.261 0.274 0.246 0.246 0.237 0.234 n/c
Z. madagascariensis 0.235 0.225 0.259 0.284 0.261 0.279 0.257 0.237 0.293 0.288 0.254 0.271 0.271 0.238 0.236 0.159 0.007
Z. karsteni 0.250 0.221 0.280 0.272 0.273 0.261 0.248 0.250 0.292 0.276 0.271 0.261 0.261 0.235 0.228 0.146 0.172 n/c
C. madagascariensis 0.256 0.241 0.276 0.276 0.273 0.266 0.257 0.251 0.268 0.282 0.227 0.235 0.259 0.235 0.246 0.211 0.200 0.202 n/c
O. cyclurus 0.271 0.263 0.312 0.295 0.305 0.294 0.245 0.257 0.276 0.294 0.258 0.261 0.261 0.240 0.265 0.227 0.230 0.210 0.186 0.000
O. grandidieri 0.233 0.248 0.278 0.290 0.305 0.318 0.251 0.253 0.265 0.280 0.241 0.254 0.254 0.245 0.250 0.207 0.217 0.199 0.166 0.170 n/c
O. quadrimaculatus 0.253 0.245 0.281 0.310 0.284 0.301 0.225 0.249 0.292 0.295 0.236 0.280 0.290 0.233 0.256 0.204 0.196 0.229 0.170 0.158 0.154 n/c
O. saxicola 0.244 0.242 0.281 0.291 0.282 0.288 0.239 0.255 0.275 0.281 0.242 0.265 0.270 0.239 0.247 0.207 0.209 0.210 0.167 0.160 0.139 0.000 n/c
T. elegans 0.267 0.267 0.288 0.311 0.309 0.271 0.242 0.258 0.276 0.279 0.250 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.260 0.212 0.204 0.220 0.195 0.213 0.219 0.219 0.208 0.003
T. gravenhorstii 0.268 0.265 0.310 0.310 0.308 0.272 0.242 0.260 0.279 0.284 0.241 0.254 0.254 0.266 0.254 0.221 0.212 0.210 0.198 0.202 0.198 0.220 0.209 0.106 0.035
T. nancycoutuae 0.237 0.226 0.302 0.309 0.291 0.288 0.247 0.231 0.262 0.288 0.273 0.250 0.250 0.267 0.244 0.210 0.196 0.215 0.227 0.194 0.216 0.224 0.224 0.189 0.185 n/c
D. bernieri 0.272 0.285 0.296 0.296 0.313 0.268 0.288 0.272 0.310 0.313 0.300 0.286 0.286 0.279 0.279 0.254 0.268 0.264 0.266 0.273 0.267 0.272 0.279 0.278 0.282 0.281 0.005
I. oursi 0.293 0.295 0.304 0.303 0.325 0.256 0.278 0.289 0.325 0.310 0.327 0.298 0.298 0.302 0.293 0.277 0.280 0.266 0.308 0.303 0.281 0.274 0.285 0.275 0.305 0.289 0.196 0.000
M. meridionalis 0.285 0.274 0.306 0.290 0.296 0.270 0.273 0.285 0.278 0.313 0.303 0.279 0.279 0.288 0.273 0.287 0.286 0.274 0.266 0.286 0.267 0.290 0.287 0.283 0.289 0.283 0.188 0.205 0.036
M. mahfalensis 0.267 0.254 0.293 0.299 0.310 0.308 0.290 0.257 0.281 0.299 0.312 0.299 0.299 0.284 0.268 0.272 0.234 0.271 0.262 0.277 0.288 0.280 0.274 0.283 0.282 0.252 0.193 0.226 0.187 0.001
L. modestus 0.280 0.279 0.283 0.287 0.299 0.258 0.289 0.266 0.296 0.310 0.286 0.254 0.254 0.260 0.242 0.264 0.261 0.257 0.261 0.282 0.258 0.274 0.265 0.275 0.285 0.274 0.177 0.221 0.198 0.183 0.078
L. guentheri 0.290 0.268 0.295 0.280 0.296 0.244 0.275 0.273 0.298 0.318 0.310 0.297 0.295 0.284 0.265 0.269 0.265 0.250 0.261 0.278 0.265 0.282 0.267 0.284 0.287 0.276 0.177 0.211 0.185 0.184 0.180 0.000
L. sp. a. granuliceps Ca02 0.306 0.312 0.285 0.305 0.323 0.301 0.311 0.284 0.326 0.323 0.331 0.282 0.282 0.289 0.270 0.276 0.298 0.278 0.296 0.319 0.283 0.342 0.297 0.299 0.298 0.293 0.184 0.215 0.207 0.218 0.208 0.138 n/c
T. lateralis 0.286 0.294 0.293 0.310 0.326 0.271 0.294 0.287 0.295 0.322 0.318 0.292 0.292 0.287 0.285 0.282 0.287 0.274 0.294 0.296 0.280 0.289 0.292 0.295 0.289 0.288 0.200 0.219 0.224 0.226 0.191 0.211 0.212 0.008
M. arenarius 0.277 0.267 0.295 0.296 0.292 0.293 0.269 0.272 0.272 0.293 0.290 0.246 0.246 0.274 0.271 0.257 0.256 0.243 0.269 0.266 0.262 0.281 0.261 0.272 0.265 0.264 0.244 0.265 0.260 0.230 0.243 0.251 0.259 0.274 n/c
... A fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene of about 571 nucleotidic positions was amplified using the primer pairs 16Sa 5 ′ -AAACTGGGATTAGATACCCCACTAT-3 ′ (forward) and 16Sb 5 ′ -GAGGGTGACGGGCGGTGTGT-3 ′ (reverse) [17]. This molecular marker was selected with consideration of its wide application on the genus Paroedura, the number of DNA sequences deposited on GenBank, and the DNA sequences provided by Aprea et al. [13], Cocca et al. [18], Miralles et al. [7] and Piccoli et al. [8]. ...
... The sample GA 505 showed an identity score of 100% with the sample GA 506 (accession number: GU128989, see [13]) and >98% with samples ZSM849/2010 (ZCMV 12740) and GA 374 (accession numbers: MW318987 and GU129005, see [7,13]), ascribed to P. rennerae in Miralles et al. [7]. The samples FGMV 1523 and FGMV 1524 had the same haplotype, showing an identity score of 100% with the sample ZMA 19603 (accession number: GU128992, see [13]) and of 90.1% with samples MRSN: R2528 and MRSN: R2529 (accession numbers: MH063302 and MH063303, see [18]). It should be noted that both samples FGMV 1523 and FGMV 1524 were used in the taxonomic and molecular analysis by Miralles et al. [7], where they were identified as P. guibeae. ...
... It should be noted that both samples FGMV 1523 and FGMV 1524 were used in the taxonomic and molecular analysis by Miralles et al. [7], where they were identified as P. guibeae. The samples GA 324 and GA 325 had the same haplotype, which showed an identity score of about 94-95% with the specimens FGMV 1522, FGMV 2236 and ACP2541 (accession numbers: GU128988, GU128991), ascribed to P. picta in Aprea et al. [13] and Cocca et al. [18], and with the homologous 16S trait of the complete mitochondrial genomes sequenced in Hara et al. [25] (accession number: AP019518) and Starostová and Musilová [26] (accession number: NC_028326). ...
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We present a comparative chromosome study of several taxa of the Malagasy ground geckos of the Paroedura bastardi and P. picta species groups. We employed a preliminary molecular analysis using a trait of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene (of about 570 bp) to assess the taxonomic status of the samples studied and a cytogenetic analysis with standard karyotyping (5% Giemsa solution), silver staining (Ag–NOR staining) and sequential C-banding (C-banding + Giemsa and + fluorochromes). Our results show that all the taxa studied of the P. bastardi group (P. ibityensis, P. rennerae and P. cf. guibeae) have a similar karyotype composed of 2n = 34 chromosomes, with two metacentric pairs (1 and 3) and all other pairs being acrocentric. Chromosome diversification in the P. bastardi group was mainly linked to the diversification of heteromorphic sex chromosome systems (ZZ/ZW) in P. ibityensis and P. rennerae, while no heteromorphic sex chromosome pair was found in P. cf. guibeae. The two taxa investigated of the P. picta species group (here named P. picta and P. cf. picta based on molecular data) showed the same chromosome number of 2n = 36, mostly acrocentric elements, but differed in the number of metacentric elements, probably as a result of an inversion at chromosome pair 2. We highlight that the genus Paroedura is characterized by the independent diversification of heterogametic sex chromosomes in different evolutionary lineages and, similarly to other phylogenetically related gecko genera, by a progressive formation of a biarmed element by means of tandem fusions and inversions of distinct pairs.
... The fixed material was temporarily preserved at 4 • C and transferred to the laboratory where it was stored at −20 • C and subsequently processed as described below. The taxonomic attribution of the study samples was determined by means of a preliminary molecular analysis using a trait of the 12S rDNA (samples GA 507-510) (see below) or following the taxonomic attribution by Cocca et al. [27] (samples FAZC 11897 and FAZC 11898) based on morphological and/or molecular analyses. ...
... The selected fragment of the 12S (of about 400 bp) was successfully amplified in all the individuals studied, with the exception of the samples FAZC 11897 and FAZC 11898, which have been already taxonomically identified in Cocca et al. [27]. The preliminary molecular analysis facilitated a taxonomic assessment of the samples studied as reported in Table 1. ...
... Several molecular analyses on Malagasy populations of H. mercatorius showed t existence of limited genetic variability within the island, but distinct haplotypes occur different regions (see [8,27,37]). The results of the present study show that the individua of H. mercatorius here considered are karyologically uniform in the chromosome numb and morphology, localisation of NORs clusters, and general chromosomal content an distribution of heterochromatin. ...
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This contribution provides the first karyotype description of Hemidactylus mercatorius and discusses the interspecific chromosome diversification in the genus. Chromosomal analysis was performed on samples from different Malagasy populations using standard karyotyping, Ag-NOR staining, and banding methods (sequential C-banding + Giemsa, + Chromomycin A3, +4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole). Irrespective of sex or sampling locality, H. mercatorius shows a karyotype of 2n = 42 with metacentric (1, 18–21), submetacentric (4), subtelocentric (5, 11), and acrocentric pairs (all the remaining pairs). There was no heteromorphic chromosome pair and no clear distinction between macro- and microchromosomes. NORs were localised close to the centromeres of a medium acrocentric pair (14). Heterochromatic blocks were identified on the telomeric and centromeric regions of most chromosome pairs. A comparison with the karyotype of H. mabouia highlights that the different morphology of several chromosome pairs clearly distinguishes the two species, contrasting the previously proposed synonymy. The differences between the karyotypes of H. mercatorius and H. mabouia concern the number of biarmed and acrocentric elements, suggesting the occurrence of several chromosome inversions. Considering all the available karyotype data on Hemidactylus and its sister genus Cyrtodactylus, it is possible to advance an evolutionary hypothesis on their chromosomal evolution, starting from a common ancestor with 2n = 48 and all acrocentric elements. From this ancestral condition, the karyotype diversification in the two genera has been prevalently characterised by a progressive accumulation of fusions and inversions which have reduced the total chromosome count and increased the number of biarmed chromosomes.
... This is mostly due, among other reasons, to the difficult access to many key areas, including protected areas, hampering a regular monitoring of the local wildlife. These are, for example, Isalo, Montagne d'Ambre, Ranomafana, and Andasibe (i.e., Raxworthy & Nussbaum, 1994;Andreone et al., 2001;Penny et al., 2017;Mercurio et al., 2008;Cocca et al., 2018), all of which are also well-known touristic destinations (Gardner et al., 2018;Goodman et al., 2018). Other sites, like the ones visited by Andreone et al., (2000) and are instead very seldom visited and never surveyed repeatedly. ...
... Parc National de l'Isalo. In this area of south-western Madagascar our survey enabled the identification of 24 species, of which nine were considered candidate species at the time of the first surveys(Mercurio et al., 2008;Cocca et al., 2018). The possibility to collect specimens over several repeated expeditions gave Cocca et al.(2018) the chance to identify two new species with respect to Mercurio et al. (2008), Mantidactylus riparius and Scaphiophryne obscura, and characterise Mantella sp. ...
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Vouchering, integrative taxonomy and natural history collections: a case study with the amphibians of Madagascar SUMMARY Natural history collections have played an important role in the origin of natural history museums. Over the time these institutions have become places where "voucher specimens" and other kinds of natural history objects were preferably deposited. In this paper we further highlight the importance to consider collecting biological specimens as a useful / needed action for the expansion and diffusion of scientific collections, as well as for advancing sciences and, indirectly, conservation. We also report on a recent trend of underestimating the need of voucher specimens and provide evidences that the collection of a selected number of individuals as voucher specimens is necessary to contribute to such a goal and duty of cataloguing the world biodiversity and promote its conservation. Voucher specimens play the crucial function-among the others-to confirm the presence of a species at a locality at a given time, document the original ecological and biological diversity before change, can enable long-term studies and comparisons (i.e., using for example morphological or molecular tools) and can serve as a basis for ecological studies. Specifically, we used the amphibians of Madagascar as a case-study to highlight the need to continuing the collection activities, showing that their collection has been crucial to the cataloguing of Malagasy biodiversity and thus moving towards their conservation. The use of ancillary data alone (including photographs, videos, acoustic recordings, and genetic analysis carried out on tissue samples), frequently considered in alternative to vouchering, although useful, remains insufficient.
... this is in line with most other Madagascar-endemic vertebrate radiations whose species richness is strongly influenced by the colonization-or not-of these rainforests (Crottini et al. 2012). A number of species also occur in the more arid west and South-west of the island (Blommers-Schlösser 1979;Blommers-Schlösser & Blanc 1993;, the majority of which live in small relict humid forests such as in the canyons of the Isalo limestone massif (Mercurio et al. 2008;Cocca et al. 2018) or the tsingy de Bemaraha limestone karst (Bora et al. 2010). however, several species have adapted specifically to arid environments, such as Scaphiophryne brevis, S. calcarata, S. obscura, Dyscophus insularis, or Laliostoma labrosum, all of which are rather robust species that evade desiccation during dry episodes by burrowing into the ground (Blommers-Schlösser & Blanc 1991;Pabijan et al. 2015;Scherz et al. 2021). ...
... aff. wittei Ca05 "Isalo" byCocca et al. (2018).Holotype. zSM 31/2004 (field number FgzC 47), an adult male, collected by F. glaw, M. Puente, M. thomas & r. randrianiaina at a stream near ranohira, Isalo Massif (22.5856°S, 45.3997°E, 813 a.s.l.), southwestern Madagascar, on 21 January 2004. ...
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Frogs of the Blommersia wittei complex are widespread in western and northern Madagascar, and are one of two clades of the family Mantellidae that have colonized the Comoran island of Mayotte. Based on a comprehensive set of DNA sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene and the nuclear-encoded RAG1 and SACS genes, integrated with morphological and bioacoustic data, we here analyze the genetic differentiation of populations of this complex across Madagascar. We confirm that a candidate species named B. sp. Ca5 in previous studies represents a genetically welldefined evolutionary lineage distributed over much of western Madagascar, which we describe herein as Blommeria bara sp. nov. based on its molecular and bioacoustic differentiation. Blommersia wittei occurs across northern Madagascar but its type locality Ambanja, at the lower Sambirano river, is very close to the range of another, newly discovered microendemic lineage that was only found at two sites along the upper Sambirano river (here named as candidate species B. sp. Ca12). The B. wittei complex thus provides an example of a clade of closely related Malagasy frogs that contains species widespread over hundreds of kilometers, as well as extreme microendemics. For a full resolution of this species complex, more data need to be collected on the geographical contact among these two lineages, on the morphology and bioacoustics of B. sp. Ca12, and on the north-eastern populations of B. wittei at Sambava, which are weakly differentiated in mitochondrial genes but differ in bioacoustics and possibly in the extent of foot webbing.
... Its type locality was given as "village de Mahavelo, plateau Karimbola, une trentaine de kilomètres à l`ouest de Beloha (Androy); sol de sables roux; végétation d`épineux (Didiéréacées); altitude 150 m", and its vertical distribution extends from 7 to 230 m a.s.l. in the Madagascan south (D'Cruze et al. 2009;Domergue 1987;Neaves et al. 2019). Specimens were also found in southern central Madagascar, in the Isalo Massif (Cocca et al. 2018) and farther east, in the Andringitra National Park (Nagy et al. 2007), at an altitude of 850 m a.s.l. (Rosa et al. 2016). ...
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Experiences with the Terrarium-keeping of the Cat-eyed Snake, Madagascarophis meridionalis Domergue, 1987 (Squamata: Serpentes) Andreas S. Schillert all illustrations by the author unless indicated otherwise Summary I have been keeping a pair of the yellow colour morph of the Madagascar-endemic snake Madagascarophis me-ridionalis since early in 2016. Added to it were a pair of the grey and another three males and one female of the yellow variety late in 2016. A brief overview of the genus is followed by a portrait of M. meridionalis regarding its pholidosis, distribution range, natural habitat and ecology. The following is an account of my more than six years of experiences with keeping and propagating this species as well as with raising its juveniles.
... the taxonomic history of Phylacomantis has been characterized by some confusion due to the high morphological similarity of all four species, but at present, the four species and their geographic range are well delimited (Cocca et al. 2018(Cocca et al. , 2020: G. corvus and G. kintana co-occur in the Isalo Massif in the South; G. corvus is also known from forest fragments close to the Andringitra Massif (Anja, Sakaviro, traranoro) and possibly from the Makay massif (rakotondravony & goodman 2011); G. atsingy appears to be restricted to the tsingy de Bemaraha Massif, probably including Beanka in the west (Crottini et al. 2011;raselimanana 2013); and G. pseudoasper is more widespread in the humid, transitional and dry forests of the North East, North and Sambirano regions (glaw & vences 2007). ...
The mantellid subgenus Phylacomantis (genus Gephyromantis) currently contains four species of frogs distributed in the South (G. corvus, G. kintana), West (G. atsingy), North East, North, and Sambirano regions (G. pseudoasper) in Madagascar. We assess the molecular systematics of these amphibians based on extended sampling and analysis of multiple nuclear-encoded and mitochondrial genes. We confirm the delimitation of the four known species, which form monophyletic groups in a mitochondrial tree and separate phylogroups without haplotype sharing in haplotype networks of four nuclear markers. Newly included samples of G. pseudoasper from the North and North East regions confirm a comparatively low genetic variation of this species across its range, with pairwise genetic distance in the 16S gene not exceeding 1.4%. On the contrary, newly collected specimens from three sites in the North East and North West of the island strongly differed from all other Phylacomantis, with genetic distances exceeding 4.8% for the16S gene. Mitochondrial and nuclear markers strongly suggest them to be sister to G. corvus from the South. Due to haplotype sharing in two nuclear genes, absence of detectable morphological differences, and lack of data on bioacoustic differentiation, we describe these populations as a new subspecies, G. corvus bakilana ssp. nov., emphasizing that this taxon may be elevated to species status in the future pending new data. This biogeographic pattern, with apparently disjunct sister lineages in the South vs. North West of Madagascar, is rare among Malagasy anurans and calls for increased exploration of the remaining humid forest fragments in the North West and West of the island.
... The climate of Isalo is sub-desertic and dry tropical, but some canyons are on the limit of the humid eastern and dry western biomes, hosting enclaves of humid forests. Around 850-1200 mm of rain falls every year, with 90% of the precipitation occurring between November and March [17]. A few rivers are permanent, whereas many others are seasonal. ...
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Simple Summary The spiny-tailed lizard Oplurus cyclurus is a widespread endemic iguanian occurring in southern and western Madagascar dry areas. This species is mostly arboreal, and little is known about its spatial ecology. We conducted a radio tracking study on 19 individuals of a population with saxicolous habits, inhabiting an open, treeless savannah in the Isalo sandstone massif (central-southern Madagascar). Tracked lizards had a small home range size (95% isopleth = 247.8 m²) and showed high site and burrow fidelity. The activity pattern was unimodal, increasing along the day and with juveniles more active than adults in unfavourable weather conditions. Basking occurred mostly near the burrow entrance. Despite high burrow fidelity, lizards changed shelters regularly (approx. once a week), but there was no obvious relation between lizards’ body and/or tail size and the width and depth of selected burrows. We argue that the saxicolous habits of this population may entail local behavioural adaptations. Abstract Understanding the spatial ecology of species has important implications for conservation, as it helps identify suitable habitats and minimum requirements for biodiversity monitoring and management. The spiny-tailed lizard Oplurus cyclurus is a widespread endemic iguanid occurring in dry areas of southern and western Madagascar. While the species is known to be mostly arboreal, populations of the Isalo sandstone massif suggest local adaptation to a less forested savannah and a more exposed habitat. We radio-tracked 19 spiny-tailed lizards to investigate the species’ rock-dwelling behaviour and spatial ecology at Isalo National Park. Tracked individuals showed high site and burrow fidelity, and a basking behaviour mostly tied to the accessibility of their burrow, the time of day, and their life stage. Activity peaked during the sunniest hours, while juveniles were more active than adults with unfavourable weather conditions. Despite high burrow fidelity, lizards used shelters non-exclusively, regularly changing (approx. once a week) with neighbouring burrows (average distance between burrows = 13.6 m). However, there was no obvious relation between lizards’ body and/or tail size and the width and depth of selected burrows. Dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Models estimated frequented areas over 247.8 m² (95% isopleth), where territorial overlap is common. Our results challenge the notion that burrow-site fidelity is the sole driving factor behind space utilization in the studied population. We argue that the apparently unusual saxicolous habits imposed by habitat features (the absence of trees) may lead to local behavioural adjustments influencing antipredatory and foraging strategies, as well as intraspecific interactions.
... Our multilocus phylogenetic hypothesis placed the new species as sister to the P. guibeae lineage from Tranoroa (Fig. 6). Paroedura guibeae is known to contain at least four mitochondrial lineages, two of which were considered as distinct candidate species by Cocca et al. (2018), in accordance with our results of high intraspecific uncorrected p-distance range (0.0-14.8%). A taxonomic assessment of the Paroedura guibeae clade is, therefore, needed to clarify their species status. ...
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Using an integrative taxonomic approach including genetic and morphological data, we formally describe a new microendemic gecko species belonging to the Paroedura bastar-di clade, previously referred to as P. bastardi D. We name this taxon currently known from Anja Reserve and Tsaranoro Valley Forest (south-central Madagascar), as P. manongava-to sp. nov. The new species differs from other species of the P. bastardi clade by ≥ 12.4% uncorrected p-distance at the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene and it forms a monophylet-ic group in the COI mtDNA phylogenetic tree. It lacks haplotype sharing at the nuclear KIAA1239 and CMOS genes with the other species of the same complex, including the syntopic P. rennerae. Given its limited extent of occurrence and high levels of habitat fragmentation linked to forest clearances and fires, we propose the IUCN Red List Category of Critically Endangered, based on the B1ab(iii) criterion. The conservation value of Anja Reserve and Tsaranoro Valley Forest is remarkable. Preserving the remaining deciduous forest habitat is of paramount importance to protect these narrow-range reptile species.
... Identity and justification.-this lineage of the M. betsileanus clade was first discovered by Cocca et al. (2018) and named 'Mantidactylus sp. aff. ...
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Malagasy frogs of the subgenus Brygoomantis in the mantellid frog genus Mantidactylus currently comprise 14 described species of mostly brown, riparian frogs. Data from DNA barcoding suggested that the diversity of this subgenus is dramatically underestimated by current taxonomy. We here provide a comprehensive revision of this subgenus. We use hybrid-enrichment based DNA barcode fishing to obtain mitochondrial DNA fragments from the name-bearing type material of 16 of the 20 available names for members of this subgenus, and integrate these into a genetic dataset consisting of 1305 individuals sampled across Madagascar. By thus assigning the nomina to genetic lineages, we can confidently establish synonyms, revalidate old names, and describe the remaining diversity. We take an integrative approach to our descriptions, drawing together genetics, morphometrics and morphology, and bioacoustics for assignment. We also provide a robust phylogenomic hypothesis for the subgenus, based on 12,818 nuclear-encoded markers (almost 10 million base pairs) for 58 representative samples, sequenced using a hybrid-enrichment bait set for amphibians. Those data suggest a division of the subgenus into eight major clades and show that morphological species complexes are often paraphyletic or polyphyletic. Lectotypes are designated for Rana betsileana Boulenger, 1882; Rana biporus Boulenger, 1889; Rana curta Boulenger, 1882; Mantidactylus ambohimitombi Boulenger, 1918; Mantidactylus tripunctatus Angel, 1930; and Rana inaudax Peracca, 1893. For several other nomina, previous authors had considered a certain syntype as holotype; this has been seen as lectotype designation by implication, which, however, is ambiguous according to the provisions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Hence, we validate a previous lectotype designation by implication for Limnodytes ulcerosus Boettger, 1880 by explicitly designating the same individual as lectotype. In one other such case, that of Mantidactylus brauni Ahl, 1929, we deviate from previous authors and designate a different specimen as lectotype. We revalidate Rana inaudax Peracca, 1893 as Mantidactylus inaudax (Peracca, 1893) bona species, and Mantidactylus tripunctatus Angel, 1930 bona species. The identities of three further species (M. ambohimitombi, M. biporus, M. tricinctus) are largely redefined based on new genetic data. By designating the lectotype of Rana aluta (MZUT An725.1) as the neotype of Mantidactylus laevis Angel, 1929 we also stabilize the latter nomen (as junior synonym of M. alutus) whose original type material is lost. Based on DNA sequences of its lectotype, we consider Mantidactylus brauni Ahl, 1929 as junior synonym of M. ulcerosus (rather than M. biporus). We formally name 20 new species and four new subspecies: M. ambohimitombi marefo ssp. nov., M. ambohimitombi miloko ssp. nov., M. mahery sp. nov., M. steinfartzi sp. nov., M. incognitus sp. nov., M. jonasi sp. nov., M. katae sp. nov., M. kortei sp. nov., M. riparius sp. nov., M. fergusoni sp. nov., M. georgei sp. nov., M. jahnarum sp. nov., M. marintsoai sp. nov., M. grubenmanni sp. nov., M. gudrunae sp. nov., M. augustini sp. nov., M. bletzae sp. nov., M. brevirostris sp. nov., M. eulenbergeri sp. nov., M. glosi sp. nov., M. stelliger sp. nov., M. manerana sp. nov., M. manerana fotaka ssp. nov., and M. manerana antsanga ssp. nov. This leaves Mantidactylus subgenus Brygoomantis with 35 described species and six subspecies (including nominate subspecies). Based on our taxonomic revision, we discuss (i) the importance of definitive assignment of historical names via archival DNA analysis; (ii) the relevance of the subspecies category to name geographic variation within species; (iii) the value of molecular characters in formal species diagnoses in taxa with substantial individual variation of morphology; (iv) the use of phylogenomic approaches for taxonomy, by confirming that some morphologically similar taxa are not each other’s closest relatives, and in several cases belong to entirely different major subclades within Brygoomantis, thus facilitating lineage diagnosis; and (v) the need to interpret genetic distances in a probabilistic framework rather than using fixed thresholds, where higher distances confer a higher likelihood of genetic incompatibilities across the genome and thus completion of speciation.
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Sleep is ubiquitous in the animal kingdom and yet displays considerable variation in its extent and form in the wild. Ecological factors, such as predation, competition, and microclimate, therefore are likely to play a strong role in shaping characteristics of sleep. Despite the potential for ecological factors to influence various aspects of sleep, the ecological context of sleep in non-avian reptiles remains understudied and without systematic direction. In this review, we examine multiple aspects of reptilian sleep, including (i) habitat selection (sleep sites and their spatio-temporal distribution), (ii) individual-level traits, such as behaviour (sleep postures), morphology (limb morphometrics and body colour), and physiology (sleep architecture), as well as (iii) inter-individual interactions (intra-and inter-specific). Throughout, we discuss the evidence of predation, competition, and thermoregulation in influencing sleep traits and the possible evolutionary consequences of these sleep traits for reptile sociality, morphological specialisation, and habitat partitioning. We also review the ways in which sleep ecology interacts with urbanisation, biological invasions, and climate change. Overall, we not only provide a systematic evaluation of the conceptual and taxonomic biases in the existing literature on reptilian sleep, but also use this opportunity to organise the various ecological hypotheses for sleep characteristics. By highlighting the gaps and providing a prospectus of research directions, our review sets the stage for understanding sleep ecology in the natural world.
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We present the latest version of the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software, which contains many sophisticated methods and tools for phylogenomics and phylomedicine. In this major upgrade, MEGA has been optimized for use on 64-bit computing systems for analyzing bigger datasets. Researchers can now explore and analyze tens of thousands of sequences in MEGA. The new version also provides an advanced wizard for building timetrees and includes a new functionality to automatically predict gene duplication events in gene family trees. The 64-bit MEGA is made available in two interfaces: graphical and command line. The graphical user interface (GUI) is a native Microsoft Windows application that can also be used on Mac OSX. The command line MEGA is available as native applications for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. They are intended for use in high-throughput and scripted analysis. Both versions are available from free of charge.
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Prior herpetological surveys in 1996 and 2000 identified 14 species of amphibians and 32 species of reptiles from the Sahamalaza Peninsula. This work increases the total number of amphibian and reptile species known from this area to 20 and 43 respectively. To maximise our chances of species detection, survey effort covered the entire wet season and part of the dry season, and utilised a combination of opportunistic searching, transect searching, pitfall trapping, and acoustic recording. We identified species through an integrative taxonomic approach, combining morphological, bio-acoustic and molecular taxonomy. Together, this enabled the detection of cryptic and seasonally inactive species that were missed in the shorter prior surveys that relied on morphological identification alone. The taxonomic identification of amphibians utilised a fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene; taxonomic identification of reptiles utilised a fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene, and when necessary, also mitochondrial fragments of the 16S rRNA ND1, ND2, ND4 genes. All sequences were deposited in Genbank and COI sequences were also deposited in the BOLD database to foster taxonomic identification of malagasy reptiles. We report two new taxa: a species of Boophis, since described as B. ankarafensis, and a candidate new species of microhylid (ge-nus: Stumpffia). We document range expansions of Boophis tsilo-maro, Cophyla berara, Blaesodactylus ambonihazo beyond their type localities. Along with significant range expansions across a range of taxa, including Blommersia sp. Ca05, Boophys brachy-chir, Brookesia minima, Ebenavia inunguis, Geckolepis humblo-ti, Madascincus stumpffi, Pelomedus subrufa and Phelsuma ko-chi. Forest in the peninsula is under extreme pressure from human exploitation. Unless unsustainable agricultural and pastoral practices encroaching on these habitats halt immediately, both forest and the species that occur there, several of which appear to be local endemics, may be irreversibly lost.
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The Mascarene ridged frog, Ptychadena mascareniensis, is a species complex that includes numerous lineages occurring mostly in humid savannas and open forests of mainland Africa, Madagascar, the Seychelles, and the Mascarene Islands. Sampling across this broad distribution presents an opportunity to examine the genetic differentiation within this complex and to investigate how the evolution of bioclimatic niches may have shaped current biogeographic patterns. Using model-based phylogenetic methods and molecular-clock dating, we constructed a time-calibrated molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the group based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytochrome b (cytb) genes and the nuclear RAG1 gene from 173 individuals. Haplotype networks were reconstructed and species boundaries were investigated using three species-delimitation approaches: Bayesian generalized mixed Yule-coalescent model (bGMYC), the Poisson Tree Process model (PTP) and a cluster algorithm (SpeciesIdentifier). Estimates of similarity in bioclimatic niche were calculated from species-distribution models (MAXENT) and multivariate statistics (Principal Component Analysis, Discriminant Function Analysis). Ancestral-area reconstructions were performed on the phylogeny using probabilistic approaches implemented in BioGeoBEARS. We detected high levels of genetic differentiation yielding ten distinct lineages or operational taxonomic units, and Central Africa was found to be a diversity hotspot for these frogs. Most speciation events took place throughout the Miocene, including ‘‘out-of-Africa” overseas dispersal events to Madagascar in the East and to São Tomé in the West. Bioclimatic niche was remarkably well conserved, with most species tolerating similar temperature and rainfall conditions common to the Central African region. The P. mascareniensis complex provides insights into how bioclimatic niche shaped the current biogeographic patterns with niche conservatism being exhibited by the Central African radiation and niche divergence shaping populations in West Africa and Madagascar. Central Africa, including the Albertine Rift region, has been an important center of diversification for this species complex.
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The Malagasy giant chameleons (Furcifer oustaleti and Furcifer verrucosus) are sister species that are both broadly distributed in Madagascar, and also endemic to the island. These species are also morphologically similar and, because of this, have been frequently misidentified in the field. Previous studies have suggested that cryptic species are nested within this chameleon group, and two subspecies have been described in F. verrucosus. In this study, we utilized a phylogeographic approach to assess genetic diversification within these chameleons. This was accomplished by (1) identifying clades within each species supported by both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, (2) assessing divergence times between clades, and (3) testing for niche divergence or conservatism. We found that both F. oustaleti and F. verrucosus could be readily identified based on genetic data, and within each species, there are two well-supported clades. However, divergence times are not contemporary and spatial patterns are not congruent. Diversification within F. verrucosus occurred during the Plio-Pleistocene, and there is evidence for niche divergence between a southwestern and southeastern clade, in a region of Madagascar that shows no obvious landscape barriers to dispersal. Diversification in F. oustaleti occurred earlier in the Pliocene or Miocene, and niche conservatism is supported with two genetically distinct clades separated at the Sofia River in northwestern Madagascar. Divergence within F. verrucosus is most consistent with patterns expected from ecologically mediated speciation, whereas divergence in F. oustaleti most strongly matches the patterns expected from the riverine barrier hypothesis.
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Assemblages that are exposed to recurring temporal environmental changes can show changes in their ecological properties. These can be expressed by differences in diversity and assembly rules. Both can be identified using two measures of diversity: functional (FD) and phylogenetic diversity (PD). Frog communities are understudied in this regard, especially during the tadpole life stage. We utilised tadpole assemblages from Madagascan rainforest streams to test predictions of seasonal changes on diversity and assemblage composition and on diversity measures. From the warm-wet to the cool-dry season, species richness (SR) of tadpole assemblages decreased. Also FD and PD decreased, but FD less and PD more than expected by chance. During the dry season, tadpole assemblages were characterised by functional redundancy (among assemblages-with increasing SR), high FD (compared to a null model), and low PD (phylogenetic clustering; compared to a null model). Although mutually contradictory at first glance, these results indicate competition as tadpole community assembly driving force. This is true during the limiting cool-dry season but not during the more suitable warm-wet season. We thereby show that assembly rules can strongly depend on season, that comparing FD and PD can reveal such forces, that FD and PD are not interchangeable, and that conclusions on assembly rules based on FD alone are critical.
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Zusammenfassung Die Amphibienfauna des Kirindy-Trockenwaldes in Westmadagaskar. Die Amphibienfauna des Kirindy-Waldes in Westmadagaskar wurde über vier Jahre hinweg im Rahmen einer ökologischen Studie untersucht. Sie besteht aus 15 Arten aus vier verschiedenen Anurenfamilien (Mantellidae, Ranidae, Hyperoliidae, Microhylidae). Unter diesen Arten gibt es ein weites Spektrum von Explosionslaichern und solchen, die sich über die ganze Regenzeit hinweg fortpflanzen. In bezug auf die Wahl des Laichgewässers gibt es ähnlich viele Generalisten und Spezialisten. Vermutlich als Anpassung an die hohe Ephemeralität der Laichgewässer ist die larvale Entwicklungszeit einiger Arten sehr kurz. Zu den Arten des Kirindy-Waldes werden weitere Verhaltensbeobachtungen und ökologische Merkmale vorgestellt. Abstract The amphibian fauna of the Kirindy forest in western Madagascar was analysed over the course of four years within the context of an ecological study. It consists of 15 species out of four anuran families (Mantellidae, Ranidae, Hyperoliidae, Microhylidae). There is a wide spectrum of explosive and prolonged breeders. About the same number of habitat specialists and generalists is present. Larval developmental time of several species is very short presumably as an adaptation to the high ephemerality of the breeding ponds. Further behavioural observations and ecological data are provided.
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Madagascar hosts a high diversity of amphibians estimated at over 500 species, nearly all of them endemic. Surprisingly few data are available on the activity cycles of this fauna, despite its importance for ecological, evolutionary and conservation research. Here we report the results of a year-round survey of amphibians along a transect bordering the Analamazaotra forest near Andasibe in central eastern Madagascar. During 120 transect walks evenly spaced through the year, a total of 2530 individuals of 40 species of anurans was observed. Abundance was higher during the warm/rainy season (December to April) and peaked in February. Of the five climatic predictors measured, only mean temperature and relative humidity showed high importance values, and multi-model averages indicate that these two variables have a strong effect on amphibian abundance along the transect. Species richness showed no evident peak during the study period and was best explained by a model including average temperature and rainfall. Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that Boophis sibilans, B. tephraeomystax, B. boehmei and Plethodontohyla notosticta were more frequently encountered along the transect on cold and humid days while Plethodontohyla mihanika, Gephyromantis boulengeri and Spinomantis aglavei were distinctly more abundant on cold and dry days, and Paradoxophyla palmata on warm and dry days. The results of our study flag a number of species as suitable candidates for future monitoring initiatives and suggest that a simple combination of visual and acoustic surveys can estimate amphibian activity with high sample sizes in Madagascar’s rainforests.