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FinTech and the transformation of the financial industry

FinTech and the transformation of the financial industry
Rainer Alt
&Roman Beck
&Martin T. Smits
#Institute of Applied Informatics at University of Leipzig 2018
Dear readers,
This preface introduces the special issue on FinTech in
Electronic Markets. The issue includes a total of eight papers,
which cover diverse aspects in the broad FinTech universe.
Seven papers emerged from the special issue call that was
published in 2016 and one paper from a fast-track that was
organized with the Business Information Systems Conference
(BIS) from 2016. Taken alone, the number of submissions for
the FinTech special issue call was larger than for regular spe-
cial issues in Electronic Markets, which might suggest that
the term itself has only recently gained broad attention.
For example, a simple query on Google Trends reveals that
it was only in 2014 that the compound term BFinTech^
emerged on a broad scale and made the transformation of
the financial industry visible to everybody (Arner et al.
2016). An industry that had remained rather stable over de-
cades was apparently confronted all of a sudden with new
market participants and the acceleration of digital innovation.
A surge in the foundation of new companies (Bstart-ups^)
occurred, which promised to change the entire industry with
some even claiming that this will be the beginning of the end
of banks. This would confirm statements from the 1990s
whereby Bbanking is essential, banks are not^or whereby
Bbanks are the steel industry of the [nineteen]nineties^(Beck
2001, p. 7). Some 25 years later, we may see the beginning of
this (digital) transformation. Although the financial industry
as a whole and many of the traditional players from the world
of Bbig banks^exist, the BFinTech^movement has substan-
tially influenced this sector.
FinTech (r)evolution
Like similar compound terms, such as BBioTech^,BFinTech^
is a rather simple and obvious combination of an application
domain (Bfinancial^)andBtechnology^. The financial sector
has grown over the last centuries with the first bank being
established in 1472 and a large variety of other businesses
(e.g., securities firms, insurance companies, real estate agents)
following since (Alt and Puschmann 2016, p. 9). Financial
companies are often referred to as service providers since they
support firms in a primary market to conduct their business
and have over time shaped a secondary market in which fi-
nancial service providers (e.g., mortgage brokers, commercial
banks, investment bankers) interact among each other (Zhu et
al. 2004). From this Ban extensive network of interrelation-
ships that is more complex, reciprocal, and less linear than
traditional manufacturing and retailing industries^resulted
(Zhu et al. 2004, p. 21). Technologies - the second element
of the FinTech term - have become key in handling financial
processes.Following Bouwman et al. (2005) a technology is a
manner of organizing things, coordinating processes, and
performing tasks more easily. This general definition
recognizes analog as well as digital technologies, which
have both spread in the financial sector. Previous work on
the evolution of FinTech already suggests that financial
technologies have a longer legacy than the term FinTech
itself. For example, Lee and Shin (2018, p. 36) link the roots
of FinTech to the diffusion of the internet since the 1990s.
Arner et al. (2016) paint a broader picture and recognize fi-
nancial technologies already in the mid-nineteenth century. A
historical perspective may even start earlier with the emer-
gence of financial institutions (see Fig. 1).
The first applications of technologies used by banks and
trading companies relied on physical media containing the
information/value (e.g., paper, coins). Since transferring these
documents and values across distances was only feasible via
*Rainer Alt
Leipzig University,
Leipzig, Germany
IT University of Copenhagen,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Tilburg University,
Tilburg, Netherlands
Electronic Markets
physical modes of transportation, markets were primarily lim-
ited to a regional scope. This changed with innovations in
information and communication technology (short BIT^). In
particular, the visual and later the electrical telegraph, enabled
to separate information from its physical representation and to
transmit it faster over larger distances. The economic impli-
cations were fundamental, and the telegraph was recog-
nized as an element of industrialization in modern societies
(Malone et al. 1987). These analog technologies may be
seen as a second phase of financial technologies and lasted
until the mid-twentieth century.
Starting with the inception of digital information and com-
munication technologies, the era of digital financial technolo-
gies sometimes also referred to as Be-Finance^(Gomber et
al. 2017,p.540)started and Arner et al. (2016,p.1282)
assert that Bcertainly, by the late 1980s, financial services had
become largely a digital industry, relying on electronic trans-
actions between financial institutions, financial market partic-
ipants, and customers around the world.^In the banking sec-
tor, the technologies spread along the banking value chain,
which has evolved to comprise four clusters (Bons et al.
2012,p.198;Marinč2013): customers (e.g., retail, commer-
cial, investment), channels (e.g., branches, brokers, web, mo-
bile, social), financial service providers (e.g., banks, non-
banks) and interbank providers (e.g., exchanges, networks).
Examples of this technological diffusion are:
&Since the 1960s large financial service providers in par-
ticular banks have emerged as pioneers in using IT
inhouse. Especially large banks have established IT de-
partments that often comprise several thousand em-
ployees. These organizational units have developed pro-
prietary application systems and operate corporate net-
works linking internal units including their branch offices.
Over the years, these systems also enabled electronic in-
terfaces to customers (e.g., ATMs, online banking) and to
external stakeholders (e.g., other banks, financial
&In the interbank area, multinational electronic networks
emerged, such as the Society for Worldwide Interbank
Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) in 1973 and the
Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement
Express Transfer System (TARGET) in 1999. They were
an important building block for digitalization between
banks, which established interfaces to their internal
systems (interbank area). A more recent network is the
European Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), which
started in 2009 and has only recently been enhanced to
handle real-time processes among banks (e.g., SEPA
Instant Credit Transfer). In addition, providers of ex-
changes began a substitution of physical trading floors
by electronic trading and clearing systems in the 1980s.
Meanwhile, most exchanges worldwide (e.g., CBOT in
Chicago, EEX in Leipzig, NYSE in New York, XETRA
in Frankfurt) are fully electronic and allow trading stocks,
certificates and other derivatives in real-time.
&Overall, the need for standardization became evident with
the variety of individual and incompatible information
systems along the banking value chain. Initiatives for in-
terface standards (e.g., HBCI for online banking, FIX for
stock trading, UNIFY for loans) were driven by financial
service providers and packaged software systems became
available by IT vendors (e.g., Finastra, SAP, Temenos).
Both developments (i.e. interface standards and standard
software) aimed at alleviating the inefficiencies that came
along with proprietary systems.
Similar developments occurred in the insurance industry,
albeit at a smaller scale due to less interactivity of the insur-
ance business. Overall, the phase of digital financial technol-
ogy illustrated that products and services in the entire financial
industry may be supported by IT. This also led to consider-
ations whether the regulatory institutions were in place to take
advantage of these innovations and to contain the risks inher-
ent in activities that occurred electronically. While the benefits
have outweighed the risks in many cases (for online banking
see Arner et al. 2016, p. 1285), the financial crisis starting in
2007 and the subsequent regulatory restrictions emphasized
their role for enabling as well as for inhibiting transformations
in the financial industry. In fact, the competitive landscape
during the digital phase remained rather stable and IT largely
improved existing structures.
Various factors suggest this observation: First, although the
diffusion of IT has led to an increase of outsourced processes
and activities, the degree of vertical integration in the banking
industry has remained high. For example, research from
Gellrich et al. (2005) found a reduction of only 5 % in their
analysis of 859 European banks. Their measure of vertical
integration dropped from an average of 82.2% in 1995 to an
average of 77.2% in 2002. Since then the sector has
Analog technologies
Based on
physical media
~1500 ~1860 time
Information technologies
Digital technologies
Banking IT FinTech
Fig. 1 Evolution of financial
R. Alt et al.
presumably seen further reductions of in-house production
and a thrust towards more outsourcing, specialization and di-
versification. Second, the number of banks has decreased dur-
ing the digital phase and the number of employees (i.e. manual
workforce) has increased. Between 1980 and 2009, the num-
ber of institutions diminished from 37,090 to 15,801 in the US
and from 3006 to 1774 in Germany (OECD 2018). In contrast,
the workforce grew from 2,019,341(1990) to 2,302,628 in the
US and from 495,700 (1980) to 633,550 in Germany (OECD
2018). This may be seen as a potential for automation and for
digital processes that overcome the problem of manual activ-
ities between various information systems. A statement from a
report from 2013 on the support of business processes with IT
may support this: BAcross Europe,retail banks have digitized
only 20 to 40 percent of their processes; 90 percent of
European banks invest less than 0.5 percent of their total
spending on digital^(Olanrewaju 2013). Such low innovation
investments may sound surprising since banks are known as
early adopters of IT and reportedly invested higher amounts of
their revenues in IT than businesses in other industries. For
example, Gopalan et al. (2012, p. 30) report that Bglobally, the
banking sector spends anaverage of 4.7 percent to 9.4 percent
of operating income on IT, while other sectors spend less:
insurance companies and airlines, for example, spend 3.3 per-
cent and 2.6 percent of income, respectively.^It seems that
high IT investments were not similar to driving the digital
transformation of business processes and business models.
The inefficiencies inherent in this situation have led to a
fertile ground for the current phase of the FinTech movement,
which roughly coincided with the financial crisis. It builds on
four driving forces that were summarized in a position paper
from the last special issue on banking published by Electronic
Markets in 2012 (Alt and Puschmann 2012, p. 204f). These
were the:
&growing pace of diffusion of innovative downstream IT
solutions. When the position paper was published in 2012,
the FinTech Bingredients^were foreseeable, but the notion
BFinTech^only saw its broad diffusion shortly thereafter.
Instead, the position paper referred to the developments as
BBanking IT innovations^. Following the main business
services in banking, a collection of new digital services in
the areas financial information, planning & advisory, pay-
ments, investments, financing, and cross-process support
provided a glimpse on the broad spectrum of FinTech
solutions in banking. Very often, the solutions were limit-
ed in scope and addressed a specific customer problem.
&emergence of non-banks and new start-up businesses of-
fering focused financial services. After the financial crisis,
an uptake of investments in financial start-up businesses
took place. For example, the global volume of annual
venture capital funding rose from USD 3.7 bn in 2013 to
USD 16.5 bn in 2017 (CBInsights 2018). The start-up
mentality may be seen as a key element of FinTech and
although incumbents began to create new organizational
units (e.g., innovation labs, think tanks, spin offs), it seems
that neither banks nor insurance companies were capable
of exhibiting the same creative, dynamic and Bdigital^
mindset that was and still is atthecoreofmany
start-up businesses.
&changing behavior of banking customers towards online
banking and multi-bank-relations. The diffusion of mobile
devices and digital financial services has enabled cus-
tomers to obtain ubiquitous access to financial informa-
tion. In addition, the electronic tools offer functionalities
that were previously reserved to bank advisors. Overall,
the loyalty to a main bank has decreased and customers
tend to favor relationships with multiple financial service
providers. For example, more than half of Germanysre-
tail banking customers already use services from rival
suppliers and are open for financial products offered by
IT companies (Bain and Company 2017).
&regulatory and competitive consequences of the financial
crisis that occurred in 2007. They included new rules for
separating retail and investment banking (e.g., Dodd-
Frank Act), for protecting consumers and markets (e.g.,
MiFID), reporting schemes to prohibit fraudulent behav-
ior (e.g., AIA, FATCA) and requirements for higher cap-
ital coverage (e.g., the Basel agreements). These growing
legal restraints mainly increased the pressure on traditional
financial service providers.
The Electronic Markets special issue in 2012 concluded
that banks were only at the beginning of seeing the potential
offered by mobile and Internet technology (Bons et al. 2012;
Alt and Puschmann 2012). In 2018, we may say that this
development has taken place. Besides a further growth of
FinTech start-up funding, many incumbents have increased
the digitalization of their processes and sometimes even intro-
duced new products and services (e.g., enhanced online bank-
ing, customer apps and video conferencing, crypto assets).
Thus, the emergence of FinTech is impressive, but has not
come Ball of a sudden^and relies on a long legacy of financial
technology. Is it a revolution or rather an evolution? FinTech
may indeed be conceived as a simple evolution if a linear
development path could be observed. However, the advances
in IT (e.g., artificial intelligence, big data, platforms, social
media), the adoption of a customer-oriented perspective and
the start-up mentality may represent aspects that lead to dis-
continuities. This is also reflected in definitions of FinTech,
which have been coined since 2014. In this vein, Gimpel et al.
(2018) refer to FinTech when Bdigital technologies such as the
Internet, mobile computing, and data analytics to enable, in-
novate, or disrupt financial services^. Process disruption and
service transformation are named as key forces for FinTech
besides technology innovation (Gomber et al. 2018,p.224f)
FinTech and the transformation of the financial industry
and as a main differentiator in relation to the previous terms
Bdigital finance^or Be-Finance^(Gomber et al. 2017,p.
Levels of transformation
To characterize the level of IT-induced change, the five de-
grees of business transformation from Venkatraman (1994)
have become a well-known framework. They comprise two
evolutionary levels (localized exploitation, internal integra-
tion) and three revolutionary levels (business process rede-
sign, business network redesign, business scope redefinition).
For the sake of simplicity, the three intra-organizational levels
shall be combined, which leads to three levels. They first serve
to characterize how the FinTech phase is different from the
previous digital banking phase (referred to as BBanking IT^in
Table 1): IT may either improve activities and processes with-
in the organization, improve the interplay with participants in
the business network or influence Bbusiness scope and the
logic of business relationships within the extended business
network^(Venkatraman 1994,p.83):
&At the internal organization level, FinTech comprises a
change in business focus from internal business processes
into adopting a customer-centric perspective (Alt and
Puschmann 2016,pp.3640, pp. 94102; Davies et al.
2016; Marjanovic and Murthy 2016; Pousttchi and
Dehnert 2018; Goodale 2012). Multiple aligned online
channels complemented and partly substituted the classi-
cal branch offices (Shim and Shin 2016, pp. 170173;
Davies et al. 2016;Goodale2012) and core competencies
shifted from customer service, products and transaction
handling towards the management of online channels, da-
ta analytics and platforms (Alt and Puschmann 2016,pp.
3334; Dhar and Stein 2017). This comes with a growing
number of digitalized (automated) processes (Ehrenfeld
2017), which are less integrated in core banking systems,
but are often developed inhouse following agile method-
ologies with defined API interfaces (Alt and Puschmann
2016, pp. 153185).
&At the business network level, businesses in the FinTech
era are more networked with specialized external partners
(Shim and Shin 2016, pp. 172176; Gimpel et al. 2018)
and competition tends to be more intense with lower mar-
gins (Alt and Puschmann 2016,pp.3135; Davies et al.
2016). In addition to the traditional financial services
world, the competitive landscape ofFinTech now includes
new start-ups and lateral entrants (Davies et al. 2016), who
feature distinctive different corporate cultures than tradi-
tional financial services firms (Gomber et al. 2017,p.
540). Due to reduced switching costs among FinTech
Table 1 Specifics of FinTech on
three transformation levels Transformation level Banking IT (up to around 2008) FinTech (after 2008)
External organization
- Regulation low equity requirements, low
stricter rules; less protection
- Business model innovation branch business & offline services online & mobile services
- Governance of
centralized institution as focal firm distribution of tasks
- Payment style majority of customers using cash non-cash payments increase
Network organization
- Networking small number of network partners many specialized partners
- Margins and cost structure high margins in core business lower margins,
higher competition
- Competitors other traditional financial service
start-ups, lateral entrants
- Culture hierarchical cooperative, agile
- Customer retention high customer loyalty reduced switching costs
Internal organization
- Business focus process-oriented customer-centric
- Customer interaction offline first online first, omni-channel
- Core competencies distribution, products, transactions online distribution; platforms
- Vertical integration high integration low integration
- Service portfolio banks are general service providers small diverse providers
- Automation processes require manual steps fully-automated processes
- IT-architecture monolithic systems, inhouse
modular systems, APIs
R. Alt et al.
providers, customer retention also tends to be lower
(Pousttchi and Dehnert 2018).
&At the external organization level, regulation changes
from lower equity requirements, less supervision, and
high protection from national legislation towards stricter
rules for held equity, more supervision on an international
level, and less protection offered by national laws (Alt and
Puschmann 2016,pp.2527; Arner et al. 2017;Lawrence
2016;PousttchiandDehnert2018). This is also required
since the key infrastructures (e.g., central bank, payment
networks) will no longer be provided by centralized na-
tional bodies or focal firms but by electronic systems that
are operated by various network partners for specific tasks
(e.g., payments, investment, financing) or even work on a
fully decentralized basis (e.g., blockchains) (Alt and
Puschmann 2016, pp. 94102; Němcová and Dvořák
2013). The widespread use of digital infrastructures al-
lows cost-efficient operations and the move towards cash-
less societies.
Based on the evolution of financial technologies as de-
scribed above, the term BFinTech^stands for all applications
using analog and primarily digital IT to deliver financial so-
lutions (Arner et al. 2016, p. 1272). It comprises a broad va-
riety of innovative ideas and new business models enabled by
digital technologies. FinTech solutions may be found for cus-
tomer interactions (e.g., personal finance management), for
payment services (e.g., payments based on blockchain tech-
nology), for funding and lending (e.g., crowdsourcing/
funding), and for insuring (e.g., usage-based insurance).
Note that this represents a functional perspective, which dif-
fers from an institutional perspective that sees FinTech as spe-
cific types of (start-up) businesses. This functional perspective
opens the view to three sub-areas of FinTech:
&The specific nature of the insurance business, in particular
its focus on managing risks, has given rise to the term
BInsurTech^, which may be observed from 2015 onwards.
In this regard, Stöckli et al. (2018)conceiveInsurTechas
BA phenomenon comprising innovations of one or more
traditional or non-traditional market players exploiting in-
formation technology to deliver solutions specific to the
insurance industry.^
&The relevance of compliance and regulatory issues for the
financial industry has led to the combination of
Bregulatory^and Btechnology^,i.e.BRegTech^.Itde-
scribes the use of technology, particularly IT, in the con-
text of regulation, monitoring, reporting and compliance
(Deloitte 2016). RegTech solutions Baim to ease regulato-
ry compliance and substitute for manual labor in standard
regulatory and compliance processes^(Gomber et al.
&Finally, to emphasize the traditional banking business
within FinTech, some authors have chosen the notion of
BankTech (e.g., Schwab and Guibaud 2016). Despite rec-
ognizing technologies and innovations in the banking sec-
tor more precisely, it admittedly has not gained broad
Special issue contributions
A combination of these three FinTech sub-areas and the three
transformation levels yields a two-dimensional matrix. It pro-
vides a suitable frame for positioning the papers submitted to
the present special issue (see Fig. 2). From the eight papers,
two are cross-domain and relevant to all three FinTech do-
mains (papers 1 and 6), whereas five have a distinct focus
on BankTech (papers 2, 4, 5, 7, 8) and one paper (paper 3)
BankTech InsurTech RegTech
FinTech domain
Transformation level
High frequency trading
Robo advisor platforms
bitcoin mining
Participation in mobile
Consumer decisions
in retail banking
Typ o l o g y of In su rtec h
Crowdsourcing investment
Startups taxonomy of service offerings
Fig. 2 Transformation aspects
addressed in the special issue
papers (numbers refer to
individual papers)
FinTech and the transformation of the financial industry
on InsurTech. Following the scope of Electronic Markets,
most papers address transformations affecting the network
and/or the external organizational level. The paper that pre-
sents research on the internal level (paper 8) refers to poten-
tials within an electronic market organization.
The first paper is titled BUnderstanding FinTech start-ups^
and authored by Henner Gimpel, Daniel Rau and Maximilian
Röglinger. It presents a taxonomy of service offerings based
on non-functional characteristics to classify consumer-
oriented FinTech start-up service offerings that is derived from
227 cases (Gimpel et al. 2018). Although the authors do not
explicitly apply a specific theoretical lens, they pursue a sys-
tematic taxonomy development process. The empirically val-
idated taxonomy serves to define the mechanics underlying
FinTech service offerings, thereby creating a foundation for
the design of innovative services. It helps to understand the
logic of consumer-oriented start-ups and is therefore assigned
to the external organization level.
The second paper explores Bthe digitalization impact on
consumer decision making in retail banking^.KeyPousttchi
and Maik Dehnert focus on how digitization of financial ser-
vices influences consumer decision-making in retail banking
(Pousttchi and Dehnert 2018). The paper contributes to under-
standing customer contacts and applies decision theory to
specify (personal, social, attitudinal, and other) factors that
influence decisions by retail banking consumers to search,
purchase, and finally use a new financial service. In the
FinTech transformation matrix, it may be assigned to the net-
work transformation level (design of external relationships
with customers) and the BankTech column.
The third article investigates Btransformational characteris-
tics and transformational capabilities of InsurTech
innovations^. Emanuel Stöckli, Chrisitian Dremel and Falk
Übernickel analyze 200 InsurTech innovations and distin-
guish between innovations that create value on the firm level
and those that create value on the network level (Stöckli et al.
2018). The paper provides a broad perspective on transforma-
tion since besides internal and network level aspects, the logic
of InsurTech businesses is discussed as well. The authors ap-
ply grounded theory to derive a typology of six InsurTech
innovations and resource-based view theory to identify 14
transformational capabilities that influence the six innovation
The fourth paper contributes to BUnderstanding finan-
cial institutionsparticipation in the nascent mobile pay-
ments ecosystem^. Kui Du aims to explain why US cred-
it unions innovate their financial services by participating
in the nascent mobile payments ecosystem or not (Du
2018). The author uses three theories to define the three
factors: prospect theory to define the factor Bperformance
loss^, resource dependency theory to define the factor
Bcustomer facing IT capabilities^, and institutional theory
to define the factor Bcompetitive pressure^. The research
contributes to BankTech with an emphasis on the exter-
nal organization level.
The fifth contribution is titled BFrom chaining blocks
to breaking even^and analyzes the long-term sustainabil-
ity of bitcoin proof-of-work mining between 2012 and
2016. Jona Derks, Jaap Gordijn and Arjen Siegmann an-
alyze the actors involved in the Bitcoin network as well as
the value flows between these actors, using publicly avail-
able data (Derks et al. 2018). They conclude that the
Bitcoin network has not been sustainable over most of
the investigated period and that the network will only
become sustainable if more computationally efficient al-
gorithms become available (leading to 50% reduction of
electricity costs) or if miners receive substantially higher
Bitcoin mining fees (+50%). The research applies network
theory and the E3 value modeling method to calculate
profitability and sustainability of the Bitcoin financial net-
work, in particular for the proof-of-work mining method.
The sixth research raises the question BHow do investors
decide?^and investigates factors that influence how crowd-
investors make investment decisions. Andreas Hoegen,
Dennis M. Steininger and Daniel Veit find that decision
making in crowdfunding differs from traditional financing
decisions. They provide insight in crowdsourcing processes
at the network level and apply decision theory to analyze
investment decisions in crowdfunding (Hoegen et al.
they find differences between factors influencing invest-
ment decisions in crowdfunding versus traditional financial
decisions. Social capital is identified as a key factor for
crowdfunding investment decisions and requires not only
personal contacts to important individuals and investors but
also a wide social reach to create awareness for the cam-
paign and win many early investors. Other factors required
for attracting crowdfunding investments are digital plat-
forms as well as platform design and features.
The seventh contribution from the special issue call is
on BDesigning a robo-advisor for risk-averse, low-budget
Investors^. Dominik Jung, Verena Dorner, Christof
Weinhardt and Hakan Pusmaz observed that customers
were reluctant to adopt new FinTech solutions from banks
and identified a lack of usability as a main inhibitor (Jung
et al. 2018). They address this problem by applying a
combined approach based on technology acceptance the-
ory (Bease-of-use^and Busefulness of technology^)and
cognitive load theory (Bcognitive limitations of the user^)
to derive four design principles for firms that aim at de-
veloping robo-advisor solutions in banking. The valida-
tion shows that these principles are helpful in
implementing and improving the customer-oriented
R. Alt et al.
perspective, which has been recognized as an important
ingredient of FinTech.
The eighth and final paper BComputational speed and
high-frequency trading profitability^was authored by
Alexandru-Ioan Stan and focuses on high frequency
traders in equity markets. It pursues the research question
of how data processing power, news accuracy, and news
arrival intensity may affect trading profitability under dif-
ferent trading strategies (Stan 2018).BasedonITproduc-
tivity theories the author evaluates how the performance of
high frequency securities trading is affected by the trading
behavior of the traders, the market conditions for securities
trading, and the news accuracy and news intensity offered
to the traders. The Monte Carlo simulation experiments
reveal that IT investments enhance the trading performance
of ultra-high-frequency traders more than high-frequency
Summary and outlook
The goal of this preface was to introduce the FinTech special
issue with a summary on the evolution of the FinTech phe-
nomenon and to derive the formative elements, which may
serve to explain why FinTech provides disruptive potential
for the financial industry and goes beyond a simple linear
continuation of existing developments. As described in the
retrospective, financial technologies date back to the begin-
ning of financial institutions and the current FinTech phase
started around 2008. On the one hand, this phase builds on
the evolution and convergence of multiple technologies (e.g.
mobile devices, wireless networks, web technologies), on the
other hand, neither customer-orientation nor innovation or en-
trepreneurial spirit featured the same presence and combina-
tion prior to the FinTech movement. To structure how
FinTech-induced transformation of the financial industry
might occur, the preface introduced a framework that divides
FinTech regarding the subdomains banking (BankTech), in-
surance (InsurTech), and regulations (RegTech) at the three
transformation levels: internal, network and external.
First, the submissions to the special issue reflect the dom-
inance of the banking sector within the FinTech domains.
Although these papers provide additional insights in focused
areas of the broad field of FinTech, more research on the two
other FinTech domains (InsurTech, RegTech) deems neces-
sary. While the paper on InsurTech points at the existence of
numerous innovations, a brief analysis undertaken on Google
Scholar confirmed the impression of only limited available
research in the RegTech domain. This is remarkable since
legal and regulatory requirements and checks have accrued
in view of the growing regulation that has occurred in the
financial industry after the financial crisis of 2008. RegTech
solutions aim to automate standard procedures and to provide
suggestions for more complex decisions. As the analysis from
Deloitte (2016) suggests, RegTech start-ups not only focus on
compliance, but also on identity management, risk manage-
ment, regulatory reporting and transaction monitoring. From
these new business models, an increased outsourcing of reg-
ulatory activities may be expected, which will lead to more
digitalization and networking in the financial value chains.
Second, only little attention has also been given to the link
of FinTech innovations to the primary sector. As mentioned in
the third paragraph of this preface, the main purpose of the
financial sector is to enable transactions in the primary market.
Among the examples payment and cash flow solutions, that
support supply chains in the manufacturing industry, are inte-
grated. Another example is the diffusion of (smart) service
models (e.g., seamless transactions within the sharing econo-
my) which are more transaction-intensive than the goods-
oriented models. Such innovations provide opportunities for
incumbents, start-ups, and intermediaries, thereby blurring the
boundaries between industry sectors and the finance sector.
Besides an increased integration of FinTech solutions with
the primary sector, another path of integration points at a
stronger integration in the secondary sectors.With the maturiy
of FinTech businesses, questions of interoperability between
FinTech systems and traditional core banking systems will
have to be addressed to overcome the isolated nature of many
today's FinTech models. New business models emerge at
these interfaces, which will further propel the FinTech move-
ment at the network level. Clearly, more research on business
model innovations across industries is needed here.
Third, these blurring boundaries are fueled even further by
the debate on blockchain (or distributed ledger) technologies.
By changing the transfer of digital assets and property rights
within and across industries they are believed to create new
FinTech business opportunities. Although research in this area
has emerged from the banking domain (e.g., electronic cur-
rencies, in particular Bitcoin), broader research on the use of
these infrastructures of value is only evolving and more en-
gaged scholarly attention is needed to fully grasp the develop-
ments at the interface of different technologies and industries
as well as the related flows of assets and services. One possi-
ble path of evolution was suggested in a recently published
editorial of Electronic Markets on the Bco-evolution
hypothesis^, whereby the availability of decentralized techno-
logical infrastructures might also enable decentralized forms
of conducting business (Alt 2018).
Fourth, FinTech businesses are more IT companies than
financial providers were before. However, even for FinTech
companies IT supports a business purpose and they also have
to meet the classical and recurring challenge in IT organiza-
tions known as Bmisalignment between business and IT^
(Peppard and Ward 1999). The difference in organizational
FinTech and the transformation of the financial industry
cultures between the existing finance industry and entrepre-
neurial startups is also visible in the way IT architecture is
envisioned: IT managers in the incumbent industry tend to
focus on designing architectures, definitions and ontologies,
instead of focusing on business impact or customer-orienta-
tion. In contrast, business managers often demand Btell me
which technology we need, then I will deal with the business
impact^. This misalignment between ITand business needs to
be solved for establishing an organization-wide digital
mindset and for adopting the entrepreneurial spirit that is
known from start-up companies. While incumbents need to
learn how to generate innovation from Binside out^and to
implement the outcome of their innovation entities (e.g.,
research/innovation labs, think tanks, satellite start-ups) on a
larger scale, start-up businesses will also need to meet the
challenge of scaling up and of maintaining the innovative
start-up momentum with their organizational growth.
This special issue aimed to shed light on several fields
that merit further research. Hopefully, the collection of
research articles included in the special issue provided
some impulse in this regard and towards financial ser-
vices to become more customer-oriented. We wish to
thank all authors, reviewers and editors that were in-
volved in making this special issue possible and hope
you enjoy reading it.
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grating trust and automation in finance. Communications of the
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Du, K. (2018). Complacency, capabilities, and institutional pressure:
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bile payments ecosystem. Electronic Markets, 28(3).
Ehrenfeld, J. (2017). Securities market automation from standards to self-
learning machines: Current state and future perspectives. Journal of
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Gellrich, T., Hackethal, A., & Holzhäuser, M. (2005). Vertical integration
and bank performance. In O. K. Ferstl, E. J. Sinz, S. Eckert, & T.
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Heidelberg: Physica.
Gimpel, H., Rau, D., & Röglinger, M. (2018). Understanding FinTech
start-ups - a taxonomy of consumer-oriented service offerings.
Electronic Markets, 28(3).
Gomber, P., Koch, J.-A., & Siering, M. (2017). Digital finance and
FinTech: Current research and future research directions. Journal
of Business Economics, 87(5), 537580.
Gomber, P., Kauffman, R. J., Parker, C., & Weber, B. W. (2018). On the
FinTech revolution: Interpreting the forcesof innovation, disruption,
and transformation in financial services. Journal of Management
Information Systems, 35(1), 220265.
Goodale, J. (2012). Bank 1.0 and Bank 2.0 success entails learning from
each others best practices. Whitepaper TSYS, https://
Gopalan, S., Jain, G., Kalani, G., & Tan, J. (2012). Breakthrough IT
banking. McKinsey on Business Technology, 26(Spring), 3035.
Hoegen, A., Steininger, D.M., & Veit, D. (2018). How do investors de-
cide? An interdisciplinary review of decision-making in
crowdfunding. Electronic Markets, 28(3).
Jung, D., Dorner, V., Weinhardt, C., & Pusmaz, H. (2018). Designing a
robo-advisor for risk-averse, low-budget consumers. Electronic
Markets, 28(3).
Lawrence, G. B. (2016). Adaptive financial regulation and RegTech - a
concept article on realistic protection for victims of bank failures.
Duke Law Journal, 66(3), 567604.
Lee, I., & Shin, Y. J. (2018). Fintech: Ecosystem, business models, in-
vestment decisions, and challenges. Business Horizons, 61(1), 35
Malone, T. W., Yates, J., & Benjamin, R. I. (1987). Electronic markets
and electronic hierarchies. Communications of the ACM, 30(6),
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Marinč, M. (2013). Banks and information technology: Marketability vs.
relationships. Electronic Commerce Research, 13(1), 71101.
Marjanovic, O., & Murthy, V. (2016). From product-centric to customer-
centric services in a financial institution Exploring the organiza-
tional challenges of the transition process. Information Systems
Frontiers, 18(3), 479497.
Němcová, Z., & Dvořák, J. (2013). Technology payment cards commu-
nication with banking institutions in the field of cashless payment.
Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of
Economics & Administration, 18(26), 116128.
OECD (2018). Income statement and balance sheet. https://stats.oecd.
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Olanrewaju, T. (2013). The rise of the digital bank. Financial Times, Oct.
Peppard, J., & Ward, J. (1999). Mind the gap: Diagnosing the relation-
ship between the IT organisation and the rest of the business.
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Pousttchi, K., & Dehnert, M. (2018). Exploring the digitalization impact
on consumer decision making in retail banking. Electronic Markets,
Schwab, F., & Guibaud, S. (2016). The rise of BankTechthe beauty of a
hybrid model for banks. In S. Chishti & J. Barberis (Eds.), The
FinTech book (pp. 245247). Wiley, Chichester.
Shim, Y., & Shin, D. (2016). Analyzing Chinas fintech industry from the
perspective of actornetwork theory. Telecommunications Policy,
40(23), 168181.
Stan, A.-I. (2018). Computational speed and high-frequency trading prof-
itability: An ecological perspective. Electronic Markets, 28(3).
Stöckli, E., Dremel, C., & Uebernickel, F. (2018). Exploring characteris-
tics and transformational capabilities of InsurTech innovations to
understand insurance value creation in a digital world. Electronic
Markets, 28(3).
Venkatraman, N. (1994). IT-enabled business transformation: From auto-
mation to business scope redefinition. Sloan Management Review,
35(2), 7387.
Zhu, K., Kraemer, K. L., Xu, S., & Dedrick, J. (2004). Information tech-
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industry. Journal of Management Information Systems, 21(1), 17
FinTech and the transformation of the financial industry
... Content recommendation and streaming media caching have been key areas of research in multimedia systems. Chen et al. (2007) [8] discuss the implementation and benefits of SProxy, a segment-based caching proxy designed to enhance internet streaming. Their approach addresses challenges such as UDP traffic blocking and coordination issues between caching discrete segments and streaming continuous media. ...
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Effective content recommendation in new media relies heavily on algorithmic approaches to enhance user engagement and satisfaction. This abstract explores the current landscape of content recommendation systems in new media platforms, focusing on how algorithms are leveraged to deliver personalized and relevant content to users. The success of these systems hinges on their ability to analyze vast amounts of user data, such as browsing history, preferences, and social interactions, to predict content that aligns with individual interests. Key algorithmic techniques include collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, and hybrid methods, each serving distinct purposes in enhancing recommendation accuracy. The abstract examines the challenges and opportunities in algorithmic content recommendation, including issues of privacy, algorithm bias, and the need for continuous algorithm refinement. Effective algorithms not only increase user engagement but also drive business objectives such as increased user retention and monetization through targeted advertising. Ultimately, the abstract concludes by highlighting the importance of ongoing research and development in algorithmic approaches to keep pace with the evolving demands and complexities of new media content recommendation systems.
... It is found disruptive to traditional banking services as they can provide banking services directly to customers without any intermediaries which impacts the operation of banking sector including payment transactions. Now customers are able to conduct transactions within a short span of time in more convenient way which hinder them from approaching bank branches to carry on transactions (Alt et al., 2018). Transformation in financial sector, especially in banking sector has boosted the growth of fintech mobile payment applications. ...
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Fintech payment applications have gained popularity among customers during these years, especially after the COVID-19 outbreak. Technological advancement and penetration of internet and smartphones among people boosted the growth of fintech startups which provide financial services to customers directly including banking services without any intermediaries. Financial technology is providing new variants of services by leveraging technology in financial services to meet the expectations of customers. This study primarily focuses on what factors influence customers towards adoption of fintech mobile payment applications and also covers the effect of demographic variables (age, gender, education qualification, and monthly income) on adoption of fintech payment applications. The research is quantitative and analytical in nature. Primary data is collected through questionnaire. Data were collected from 120 respondents and analyzed with the help of percentage, and weighted average scores and hypothesis was tested using chi-square. The results show that gender and age of customers significantly influence the adoption of fintech payment applications. The study identifies, convenience, ease of use, reduced transaction cost and cashback and rewards are the major factors motivating customers toward fintech payment applications.
... Data silos, as Davenport and Patil (2012) have noted, fragment information across different departments and legacy systems, complicating the achievement of a unified customer and operational perspective. Furthermore, these institutions often operate on outdated systems that lack necessary scalability and flexibility for handling increasing data volumes and complexity, a situation highlighted by Alt et al. (2018). Additionally, reliance on manual data processing not only introduces inefficiencies but also increases the likelihood of errors and delays in decision-making. ...
... Information technology (IT) has indeed upgraded the financial sector, transforming the way banking services are offered and changing the nature of financial transactions (Alt et al., 2018). IT has brought about significant changes in the ways traditional banks operate and has impacted all aspects of banking, including customer service, operation, and risk management (Shankar and Rishi, 2020). ...
This research explores factors influencing the adoption of mobile banking applications within the context of the extends traditional Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) model by incorporating four additional customer-focused constructs. Conducted among individuals from both rural and urban areas of Uttarakhand, India, the study utilized a questionnaire distributed through Google Forms. Analyzing data with Smart PLS 3, the findings indicate that perceived ease of use, personal Innovativeness, and self-efficacy significantly impact mobile banking adoption intention, while perceived usefulness, subjective norm, and trust factors have negligible effects. The study concludes that the TAM model effectively assesses the technological adoption of mobile banking applications. With increasing demand and competition among banking institutions introducing diverse mobile platforms, consumers are drawn to third-party apps, prompting banks to enhance features. The research delves into the evolving consumer preferences and variables influencing the adoption of mobile banking applications in this dynamic landscape.
... Whether it's recommending customized investment portfolios, suggesting personalized savings plans, or providing tailored insurance options, these insights enable customers to achieve their financial objectives more effectively. [4] Moreover, personalized insights facilitate enhanced risk management and fraud detection. By understanding customer behavior and recognizing deviations from normal patterns in real-time, financial institutions can promptly identify and prevent fraudulent activities. ...
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This journal article delves into the realm of FinTech and investigates the profound impact of Behavioral Real-Time Analytics Platforms on the financial services industry. By leveraging advanced technologies, these platforms enable financial institutions to extract valuable insights from real-time user behavior data, revolutionizing customer experiences, risk management strategies, and overall business growth. This article examines the key components, benefits, and practical applications of Behavioral Real-Time Analytics Platforms in FinTech, highlighting their capacity to drive data-driven decision-making and transform the landscape of digital finance.
... The current technological advancements have spurred innovations in the financial sector, leading to the emergence of Financial Technology (FinTech). The inception of FinTech traces back to 1866 with the introduction of money transfer systems like Fedwire, and notably gained momentum in 2008, marking "a new era of Fintech" (Alt et al., 2018), driven by technological evolution such as mobile devices, wireless networks, and web technologies, resulting in significant transformations, particularly in banking. FinTech integrates various fields, including finance, advisory, payments, and compliance (Leong & Sung, 2018), and its development in the financial realm encompasses areas such as government funds, payments, venture capital, franchising, and investment. ...
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This study evaluates the impact of financial technology usage, social media influencer presence, and investment experience on cryptocurrency investment decisions, considering financial literacy as a moderating factor. Financial technology refers to using technology in financial systems to create new service products, technologies, and business models. Social media influencers have gained fame and exert significant influence over their followers on social media platforms. Meanwhile, investment experience encompasses the duration of an investor's experience in trading transactions. Data for the study were obtained through a Google Form questionnaire distributed via social media to cryptocurrency investors aged 20 to 30 in the Jabodetabek area. Convenience sampling technique was employed to obtain a sample of 192 respondents. Data analysis was conducted using the SEM-PLS method with SmartPLS software. The results indicate that using financial technology and social media influencers positively influences cryptocurrency investment decisions, while investment experience does not significantly impact. However, financial literacy does not strengthen the influence of financial technology usage, social media influencers, and investment experience on cryptocurrency investment decisions. The research findings indicate that enhancing financial literacy among young investors should be prioritized. This can be achieved through formal education programs and financial literacy campaigns. Practitioners in the financial industry also need to provide financial education to their clients and offer educational content on cryptocurrency. These measures can help mitigate uncontrolled investment risks and promote informed investment decisions, thereby contributing to the stability of the financial market and the financial protection of the wider community.
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يسعى البحث الى بيان دور وتأثير تبني ادوات التقنيات المالية الرقمية ( Fin Tech) كإحدى ادوات التحول الرقمي لتعزيز الابداع المالي ، بعد ان اصبحت التقنية المالية ( Fin Tech) ألية مبتكرة لتحسين انظمة وعمليات قطاع الخدمات المالية والمصرفية ومكننتها والمساعدة في تقديم الخدمات على نطاق واسع مثل خدمات الدفع الإلكترونية وتحويل الاموال بين الافراد وتسهيا عمليات الاقتراض والتمويل والادخار، كما وتساهم هذه التقنية في تقديم خدمات مبتكرة لدعم المستفيدين ( الشركات واصحاب الاعمال والافراد) في مجال الصناعة المصرفية وذلك من اجل ادارة عملياتهم المالية بشكل افضل، ويتمثل الهدف من البحث في ابراز تطور التقنية المالية باعتبارها موضوع العصر في الميدان المالي والمصرفي والتطرق الى اهم الخدمات التي تقدمها وصولا الى الافاق المستقبلية لها في ضل ثورة الابتكارات التقنية والتي غيرت من شكل الاستثمار والادخار والانفاق وبالشكل الذي يمكن المؤسسات المصرفية والمالية من تحسين وتعزيز ابداعها المالي، ولتحقيق هذا الهدف قد اعتمد الباحث على المنهجين الوصفي والتحليلي لغرض تحليل انموذج وفرضيات البحث وتحديد العلاقات المنطقية بين متغيرات الدراسة ، اذا عد البحث ادوات تبني التقنيات المالية متغيرا مستقلا يؤثر في تعزيز الابداع المالي بوصفه متغيرا تابعاً ، كما وعد الباحث استمارة الاستبيان كأحد ادوات جمع البيانات وقد اشتملت على عدة اجزاء فتناول الاول منها : البيانات الشخصية لا فراد عينة البحث ، في حين تناول الجزء الثاني منها: الفقرات الخاصة بالمتغير المستقل وفقرات المتغيرات الفرعية وقد اشتمل هذا الجزء على (20 ) فقرة ، وتناول في لجزء الثالث منها: الفقرات الخاصة بالمتغير التابع وفقرات المتغيرات الفرعية وقد اشتمل هذا الجزء على ( 20 ) فقرة، وفي ضوء ذلك استعان الباحث بمجموعة من الاساليب الاحصائية من اجل اختبار من اجل تحليل واختبار متغيرات البحث وتمثلت ب ( التكرارات والمتوسطات الحسابية ، والانحراف المعياري ، ومعامل الارتباط البسيط ، ومعامل الانحدار البسيط ، ومعامل التحديد) .
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Economic resilience is crucial for urban sustainability as it ensures stability and growth in the face of external shocks, promotes social cohesion and inclusivity, fosters environmental sustainability, and enhances cities’ adaptability to future challenges. This study expands the conventional perspective on economic resilience beyond the context of shocks, focusing on the inherent resilience of regional economic systems. A novel method for quantifying economic resilience is introduced, emphasizing system sensitivity and adaptability. Using Chinese prefecture-level city data and an econometric model, we empirically examine how Fintech, a major digital transition in current urban systems, affects economic resilience. The findings reveal that Fintech has a substantial positive effect on economic resilience, primarily through the upgrading of industrial structures and technological innovation. Furthermore, there is significant regional heterogeneity in the impact of Fintech on economic resilience, with more pronounced contributions in the east, central, and western regions of China, as opposed to the northeast. Additionally, the impact of Fintech on economic resilience is more substantial in large-scale cities. The promotion of economic resilience through digital transformation serves as a potent risk prevention measure. Understanding the role of economic resilience in urban systems holds valuable implications for countries worldwide.
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Bitcoin is a widely-spread payment instrument, but it is doubtful whether the proof-of-work (PoW) nature of the system is financially sustainable on the long term. To assess sustainability, we focus on the bitcoin miners as they play an important role in the proof-of-work consensus mechanism of bitcoin to create trust in the currency. Miners offer their services against a reward while recurring expenses. Our results show that bitcoin mining has become less profitable over time to the extent that profits seem to converge to zero. This is what economic theory predicts for a competitive market that has a single homogenous good. We analyze the actors involved in the bitcoin system as well as the value flows between these actors using the e³value methodology. The value flows are quantified using publicly available data about the bitcoin network. However, two important value flows for the miners, namely hardware investments and expenses for electricity power, are not available from public sources. Therefore, we contribute an approach to estimate the installed base of bitcoin hardware equipment over time. Using this estimate, we can calculate the expenses miner should have. At the end of our analysis period, the marginal profit of mining a bitcoin becomes negative, i.e., to a loss for the miners. This loss is caused by the consensus mechanism of the bitcoin protocol, which requires a substantial investment in hardware and significant recurring daily expenses for energy. Therefore, a sustainable crypto currency needs higher payments for miners or more energy efficient algorithms to achieve consensus in a network about the truth of the distributed ledger.
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Recent developments in the insurance industry embrace various “Insurance Technology” (InsurTech) innovations. To date, there is a lack of structured assessments of InsurTech. Prior research on FinTech fails (1) to clarify how InsurTech can be characterized and what capabilities are employed, and hence, (2) to reveal implications for value creation on firm and industry level. We address this by inductively building a model of InsurTech innovation adopting the grounded theory method. Our empirical data includes 208 InsurTech innovations from a market analysis based on Twitter data and a multiple-case study. The resulting model comprises 52 characteristics and 14 transformational capabilities and is integrated with extant value networks and intermediation literature. The former explains how InsurTech affects firm-level value creation and suggests that disruptive potentials emerge from aligning the transformational capabilities along three interdependent activities. The latter explains the entrance of digital intermediaries and their roles in the personal insurance market.
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The financial services industry has been experiencing the recent emergence of new technology innovations and process disruptions. The industry overall, and many fintech start-ups are looking for new pathways to successful business models, the creation of enhanced customer experience, and approaches that result in services transformation. Industry and academic observers believe this to be more of a revolution than a set of less influential changes, with financial services as a whole due for major improvements in efficiency, customer centricity, and informedness. The long-standing dominance of leading firms that are not able to figure out how to effectively hook up with the “Fintech Revolution” is at stake. We present a new fintech innovation mapping approach that enables the assessment of the extent to which there are changes and transformations in four areas of financial services. We discuss: operations management in financial services and the changes occurring; technology innovations that have begun to leverage the execution and stakeholder value associated with payments, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and cross-border payments; multiple innovations that have affected lending and deposit services, peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, and social media use; issues with respect to investments, financial markets, trading, risk management, robo-advisory and services influenced by blockchain and fintech innovations.
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Retail banking has undergone a massive transformation in the last few years. A major aspect is changing consumer behavior. The aim of the paper is to better understand retail banking consumers regarding the impact of digitalization. Consequently, we acquired online consumer review data from Germany, the UK and US. We analyzed the data using coding techniques of grounded theory, supported by interdisciplinary literature to identify and categorize the relevant influence factors. The outcome of the paper is an integrated model of consumer decision-making in today’s retail banking along with four detailed partial models of the respective decision stages.
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The financial sector is facing radical transformation. Leveraging digital technologies to offer innovative services, FinTech start-ups are emerging in domains such as asset management, lending, or insurance. Despite increasing investments, the FinTech phenomenon is low on theoretical insights. So far, the offerings of FinTech start-ups have been predominantly investigated from a functional perspective. As a functional perspective does not suffice to fully understand the offerings of FinTech start-ups, we propose a taxonomy of non-functional characteristics. Thereby, we restrict our analysis to consumer-oriented FinTech start-ups. Our taxonomy includes 15 dimensions structured along the perspectives interaction, data, and monetization. We demonstrate the applicability of our taxonomy by classifying the offerings of 227 FinTech start-ups and by identifying archetypes via a cluster analysis. Our taxonomy contributes to the descriptive knowledge on FinTech start-ups, enabling researchers and practitioners to analyze the service offerings of FinTech start-up in a structured manner.
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Crowdfunding is on the rise: its volume grew 1000% in only three years and is about to outpace worldwide venture capital spending. A quickly growing body of research is exploring the emerging crowdfunding phenomenon. While the literature offers a detailed and comprehensive picture of decision-making for traditional startup financing or bank loans, it does not provide a holistic understanding of decisions to invest in crowdfunded ventures. Many individual studies investigate isolated factors that influence investor decision-making in crowdfunding campaigns without integrating the findings regarding those influences. A comprehensive view of the relevant decision-making factors is necessary to build future research on and for practitioners to gain a better understanding of how investors choose. We conduct an interdisciplinary literature review to examine which factors influence the investment decisions in crowdfunding. From an analysis of 68 articles, we construct a comprehensive framework of relevant influence factors. Even though prior research covers many factors, others have received scant attention. Especially investors’ cognitive features and the context in which the investment decision is made seem to strongly influence decisions but are scarcely researched. In addition, most reviewed studies focus more on individual factors and campaign success than underlying decision processes. To highlight novel factors of crowdfunding investment decisions, we compare decision-making in traditional investments, such as venture capital and bank loans, to crowdfunding. Our findings offer new avenues for research toward understanding how the shift induced by crowdfunding changes our choices and actions. The analysis should support the endeavor to build better theories and provide a basis for further social and technological development. © 2017 Institute of Applied Informatics at University of Leipzig
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Regulatory change and technological developments following the 2008 Global Financial Crisis are changing the nature of financial markets, services, and institutions. At the juncture of these phenomena lies regulatory technology or “RegTech”—the use of technology, particularly information technology, in the context of regulatory monitoring, reporting, and compliance. Regulating rapidly transforming financial systems requires increasing the use of and reliance on RegTech. Whilst the principal regulatory objectives (e.g., financial stability, prudential safety and soundness, consumer protection and market integrity, and market competition and development) remain, their means of application are increasingly inadequate. RegTech developments are leading towards a paradigm shift necessitating the reconceptualization of financial regulation. RegTech to date has focused on the digitization of manual reporting and compliance processes. This offers tremendous cost savings to the financial services industry and regulators. However, the potential of RegTech is far greater – it has the potential to enable a nearly real-time and proportionate regulatory regime that identifies and addresses risk while facilitating more efficient regulatory compliance. We argue that the transformative nature of technology will only be captured by a new approach at the nexus of data, digital identity, and regulation. This paper seeks to expose the inadequacy of digitizing analogue processes in a digital financial world, sets the foundation for a practical understanding of RegTech, and proposes sequenced reforms that could benefit regulators, industry, and entrepreneurs in the financial sector and other industries.
Banks have reacted much more enthusiastically to the FinTech revolution than many of their customers. Robo-advisory, automated web-based investment advisory, in particular promises many advantages for both banks and customers - but consumer adoption has been slow so far. Recent studies suggest that this might be due to a mix of low trust in banks, high expectations of transparency and general inability or unwillingness to engage with investment questions. Research in decision support and guidance shows customers’ willingness to interact with a decision support tool depends greatly on its usability. We identify requirements for robo-advisory, derive design principles and evaluate them in two iterations with a real robo-advisor in a controlled laboratory study. The evaluation results confirm the validity of our identified design principles.
Fintech brings about a new paradigm in which information technology is driving innovation in the financial industry. Fintech is touted as a game changing, disruptive innovation capable of shaking up traditional financial markets. This article introduces a historical view of fintech and discusses the ecosystem of the fintech sector. We then discuss various fintech business models and investment types. This article illustrates the use of real options for fintech investment decisions. Finally, technical and managerial challenges for both fintech startups and traditional financial institutions are discussed.