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238 Pak J Med Sci 2012 Vol. 28 No. 1
The da Vinci robotic system (Intuitive Surgical
Systems, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA) is the most impor-
tant advancement in the minimally invasive sur-
gery of last decade. It was introduced by Intuitive
Surgical Systems in 1999 and was accepted by Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) in April 2005 for
gynecologic procedures. This technology is being
adopted rapidly to standard laparoscopic tech-
niques such as hysterectomy, myomectomy, sa-
cral colpopexy, lymph node dissection operations
performed in the U.S. Despite this system is being
used widely in the United States of America it is not
performed for most gynecologic interventions in all
over the world, especially in Asia.
The da Vinci Surgical System: The da Vinci surgi-
cal instrument contains the surgical console, robotic
1. Dr. Mustafa Kara,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Bozok University Medical Faculty,
Yozgat, Turkey.
Dr. Mustafa Kara,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Bozok University Medical Faculty,
Yozgat, Turkey.
Address: Bozok University Medical Faculty,
Adnan Menderes Boulevard No. 190,
66200 Yozgat/ Turkey.
* Received for Publication: August 19, 2011
* 1st Revision Received: August 27, 2011
* 2nd Revision Received: September 29, 2011
* 3rd Revision Received: December 20, 2011
* Accepted for Publication: December 21, 2011
Short communication
Robotic Surgery in Gynecology Practice:
Current Approaches
Mustafa Kara
Laparoscopic surgery has been widely used in gynecology practice for more than 20 years. Despite
the advent of laparoscopy led to advances, it has not been widely used in gynecology because
of some disadvantages, including two-dimensional imaging, unstable camera platform, limited
mobility of laparoscopic instruments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the advantage and
disadvantages of the robotic surgery, especially the da Vinci system. Robotic surgery utilization
in gynecology eld has been studied in many trials. The literature was searched, advantages
and disadvantages of robotic surgery were evaluated. This paper showed that previous studies
which have been done suggest robotic surgery can be used in gynecologic interventions. Two-
dimensional imaging is replaced with three dimensional technique in the da Vinci robot with
increased perception and magnication. Moreover, tremor and motion scaling which complicate
the operation are not seen in the robotic surgery and the surgical procedures that are typically
difcult can be done easier than laparoscopy. However, the price and the loss of tactual feeling
are accepted as big disadvantages of robotic surgeries. This manuscript will highlight the
science behind the robotic surgery, recent advances in minimally invasive surgery, the most
recent clinical trial results and important issues we need to consider prior to implementation
of the robot in Turkey.
KEY WORDS: Robotic surgery, da Vinci robot, Gynecology, Laparoscopy, Minimally invasive
Pak J Med Sci January - March 2012 Vol. 28 No. 1 238-241
How to cite this article:
Kara M. Robotic Surgery in Gynecology Practice:Current Approaches. Pak J Med Sci
Robotic Surgery in Gynecology Practice
Pak J Med Sci 2012 Vol. 28 No. 1 239
cart, and the endoscopic stack (Fig.1). The surgical
console consists of binocular vision system, instru-
ment controllers, and foot pedals. The vision sys-
tem consists of two micro cameras and two optic
cables transforming the two-dimensional imaging
to the binocular imaging. The instrument control-
lers are commanded by thumb and index nger of
each hand. The surgeon is seated in an ergonomic
position and moving these two ngers lead to the
attached devices. There are ve foot pedals. These
pedals are used to adjust the instruments, camera
focus, bipolar and monopolar cautery.
The robotic cart contains four mechanical arms
and these arms are joined to the surgical console via
a channel. Each arm has three or four articulating
parts providing the movements easily. The central
arm contains the optic system. The weight of the
cart is nearly 500kg and it can be operated easily on
a wheel base. The endoscopic stack contains moni-
tor, light source, and CO2 insufator.
Firstly, the laparoscopic ports are placed and
docking the robotic arms, the surgeon manipulates
attached instruments. Two-dimensional imaging
is replaced with three dimensional in the da Vinci
robot with increased perception and magnication.
Moreover, tremor and motion scaling which com-
plicate the operation are not seen in the robotic sur-
gery and the surgical procedures that are typically
difcult can be done easier than laparoscopy.1,2
Finer and more dexterous movements due to wrist
like motion of the robotic arm allow to enable op-
erations which is difcult for traditional laparosco-
py with robot such as intracorporeal suturing and
knot tying. The bedside assistant can suction, grasp,
and pass suture through an accessory laparoscopic
port, as well as manipulate the uterus. The surgeon
is seated and more comfortable in robotic technol-
ogy than a standing and holding two instruments
laparoscopic surgeon. Consequently, the limiting
factors such as fatigue and frustration are less im-
portant for robotic surgeon. In addition potential
for telesurgery shorter hospital stay, minimal pain,
quick recovery, and decreased blood loss are other
advantegous of robotic surgery.3,4 The loss of tac-
tual feeling is the major problem of the surgeons
using da Vinci robot. The lack of tactile feeling and
high cost are limitations of this system.
Port Placement: The recommendations about port
placement by the Intuitive Surgical Company which
developed and marketed the da Vinci surgical
robot as follows: da Vinci endoscope port (12mm)
are placed directly above the umbilicus. Right da
Vinci instrument (8mm) is placed on the patient’s
right side, 2-3 cm from the anterior superior iliac
spine, along a line to the umbilicus. Left da Vinci
instrument port (8mm) is placed on the patient’s
left side, offset superiorly on a 15 degree angle from
the camera port, 8cm from the endoscope port and
at least 8cm from the 4th arm port. This port not
used with 3 arm system. The fourth arm da Vinci
Fig.1: The da Vinci robot. (A) The surgeon console
(B) Robotic cart (C) Endoscopic stack.
Fig.2: Robotic port placement for benign
gynecologic conditions.
Fig.3: Robotic hysterectomy.
240 Pak J Med Sci 2012 Vol. 28 No. 1
port (8mm) is placed on the patient’s left side, 2-3
cm from the anterior superior iliac spine, along a
line to the umbilicus. This is the port location for
the left instrument arm when using a 3 arm system
Gynecologic Robotic Procedures: There is limited
data about the usage of the robotic surgery in
gynecology eld. Literature consists of descriptive
retrospective case series. Large, randomized,
prospective studies to evaluate the outcomes of
the surgeries and costs are needed. Information
is insufcient to suggest that robotic-assisted
procedures might be superior than other techniques.
Mostly heterogenous, small retrospective studies
have shown safety and feasibility for tubal
reanastomosis, hysterectomy, prolapse, myomas up
to 2000gm, adenomyosis, lymph node dissection,
ovarian remnant syndrome, endometriosis,
adhesion, and pelvic pain. Future prospective
studies are required.5-8
The robotic learning curve for a single surgeon
was found to be steep in a study reported by Bell
et al.9 Nezhat et al reported that robotic-assisted
surgery was found to be effective for endoscopic
surgery. Learning curve for suturing is faster in this
procedure and the quality of the image is better.3
The rst 20 cases were more important than other
cases because the surgeons acquired their surgical
skills in these rst cases. Lenihan et al reported that
the learning curve for experienced surgeons was
shorter than beginners it was dened as 50 cases.4
Guru and co-workers compared the robotic and
laparoscopic surgery in their study. Although the
robotic procedures were more time consuming
the suturing process were performed in a shorter
time in with robot than laparoscopy. Suturing with
laparoscopy was dened difcult and impossible
in 73% and 9% of the participants, respectively
in the same study.10 Robotic surgery was found
to be successful for hysterectomy as much as
standard laparascopic hysterectomy (Fig.3). It
contains technologic convenience such as remote
telesurgery, and easiness of teaching endoscopic
surgery.11,12 Boggess et al reported that robotically
assisted total hysterectomy for benign gynecologic
indications is capable and requires low morbidity
and a short hospital stay. Their study suggests
that robotic approach is easier than conventional
procedures and minimally invasive for high-risk
patients.13 Advincula et al14 compared with robot-
assisted laparoscopy and traditional laparotomy
and analyzed the cost of these two operations.
The blood loss and hospital stay were found to
be less in robotic group than laparoscopic group.
However, the cost of the operation was higher in
robotic myomectomy group than the other one.
Bedient et al15 assessed the success of robot-assisted
and laparoscopic myomectomy. Short-term
surgical outcomes were similar according to their
data. Nezhat et al16 compared with robot-assisted
and standard laparoscopic myomectomy in a
retrospective matched control study (Fig.4). They
reported the same short term outcomes in these two
Robotic surgery contains various benets for
pelvic oor reconstructive surgery (Fig.5). The
usage of robotic surgery in urogynecologic surgery
will increase and this technology is an enabler in
laparoscopic surgery, especially in microsurgical
and suture-intensive operations.17,18
Advanced laparoscopic surgery is a milestone at
the beginning of minimally invasive pelvic surgery.
Mustafa Kara
Fig.4: Robotic myomectomy. Fig.5: Robotic sacrocolpopexy.
Pak J Med Sci 2012 Vol. 28 No. 1 241
Robotic Surgery in Gynecology Practice
The limited mobility of the laparoscopic instru-
ments, two-dimensional imaging, unstable camera,
long learning curve, and a poor ergonomic position
are the disadvantages of the laparoscopy. These
difculties caused to the invention of the da Vinci
robot. Robotic surgery is a new milestone. The da
Vinci robot has a lot of technical advantages includ-
ing easy manipulation, high image quality, ease of
use. Furthermore, it is convenient for inexperienced
surgeons and the learning curve is short. However,
high cost associated with this technology, neces-
sity of extra time to set up and docking (variable
team effort), lack of tactile feedback and sensation,
inability to reposition the patient (Trendelenburg
position), and bulkiness of the current system (uter-
ine manipulation) are main disadvantages. Despite
these limitations much attention should be paid to
the promise of the robotic surgery.
I am grateful to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceana Nezhat
who works at Endoscopy Laser Institute of Atlanta
for his kind assistance to improve my professional
surgical training.
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Full-text available
Advanced laparoscopic procedures for gynecologic surgery have not been widely adopted in clinical practice despite nearly 20 years of improvements in laparoscopic technology. The da Vinci robotic surgical system was cleared for use in gynecologic surgery in the U.S in 2005. Many surgeons have embraced da Vinci technology over conventional laparoscopy because of its technologic advantages of wristed instrumentation, high definition 3-D optics, ergonomics, and autonomy of camera control. Furthermore, many surgeons with limited advanced laparoscopic skills have successfully converted their practice from primarily laparotomy to minimally invasive surgery using the da Vinci System. The purpose of this article is to review the development of robotic procedures in gynecology through the current literature. This article reviews recent peer-reviewed literature concerning robotic-assisted laparoscopic procedures including hysterectomy, myomectomy, radical hysterectomy, pelvic and aortic lymphadenectomy, trachelectomy, parametrectomy, tubal anastamosis, sacrocolpopexy, and others. The majority of this literature consists of descriptive retrospective case series from the investigator's early experience; in fact these early reports represent innovation of a new operative technique. Some reports compare outcomes to open and standard laparoscopic procedures. Future prospective studies comparing complications, pain, return to routine activity, and long-term clinical outcomes with open and laparoscopic procedures will be necessary to completely appreciate the impact of robotic technology.
Full-text available
To compare patient characteristics, operative variables, and outcomes of 24 patients who underwent robotic-assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) with 44 patients who underwent conventional TLH. We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 44 patients with TLH and 24 patients with robotic TLH. Robotic TLH was associated with a shorter hospital stay (1.0 vs 1.4 days, P=0.011) and a significant decrease in narcotic use (1.2 vs 5.0 units, P=0.002). EBL and droP in hemoglobin were not significantly different. The operative time was significantly longer in patients undergoing robotic TLH (142.2 vs 122.1 minutes, P=0.027). However, only need for laparoscopic morcellation, BMI, and uterine weight, not robotic use, were independently associated with increased operative times. Robotic hysterectomy can be performed safely with comparable operative times to those of conventional laparoscopic hysterectomy. Postoperative measures were improved over measures for conventional laparoscopy.
Full-text available
The term "robot" was coined by the Czech playright Karel Capek in 1921 in his play Rossom's Universal Robots. The word "robot" is from the check word robota which means forced labor. The era of robots in surgery commenced in 1994 when the first AESOP (voice controlled camera holder) prototype robot was used clinically in 1993 and then marketed as the first surgical robot ever in 1994 by the US FDA. Since then many robot prototypes like the Endoassist (Armstrong Healthcare Ltd., High Wycombe, Buck, UK), FIPS endoarm (Karlsruhe Research Center, Karlsruhe, Germany) have been developed to add to the functions of the robot and try and increase its utility. Integrated Surgical Systems (now Intuitive Surgery, Inc.) redesigned the SRI Green Telepresence Surgery system and created the daVinci Surgical System((R)) classified as a master-slave surgical system. It uses true 3-D visualization and EndoWrist((R)). It was approved by FDA in July 2000 for general laparoscopic surgery, in November 2002 for mitral valve repair surgery. The da Vinci robot is currently being used in various fields such as urology, general surgery, gynecology, cardio-thoracic, pediatric and ENT surgery. It provides several advantages to conventional laparoscopy such as 3D vision, motion scaling, intuitive movements, visual immersion and tremor filtration. The advent of robotics has increased the use of minimally invasive surgery among laparoscopically naïve surgeons and expanded the repertoire of experienced surgeons to include more advanced and complex reconstructions.
To analyze the feasibility, safety, advantages, and disadvantages of using robotic technology for gynecologic surgeries in a large group of patients. Retrospective study (Canadian Task Force classification II-3). Tertiary endoscopic referral centers. Eighty-seven patients requiring laparoscopic treatments for benign gynecologic conditions. Charts reviewed from robotic-assisted gynecologic operative laparoscopies. Length of surgery, time for robot assembly and disassembly, rate of conversion to laparotomies, and complications. Between January 2006 and August 2007, 137 robotically assisted gynecologic procedures were performed in 87 patients. The da Vinci Surgical System was used. The average length of the surgeries was 205 minutes (60-420 minutes). Assembly of the robot lasted 16 minutes (10-27 minutes) when disassembly took 2.5 minutes (2-6 minutes). There were no conversions to laparotomy. There were three complications. Robotic-assisted technology, in its present state, is enabling more surgeons to perform endoscopic surgery. Its advantages are 3D Vision and a faster learning curve for suturing and operating while sitting. It's an exciting enabling technology with a great future.
Robotic surgery with its numerous advantages over conventional laparoscopy has assumed an ever-expanding role in pelvic and pelvic floor reconstructive surgery. Our goal is to review the literature regarding robotic use in urogynecologic surgery. The current literature demonstrates the feasibility and safety of performing robotic urogynecologic procedures in a wide variety of cases. Robotic sacrocolpopexy and hysterectomy are most commonly described, but the use of robotics in the repair of complex pelvic fistulae has also been examined. The available studies mainly consist of case series with short-term follow-up, but early outcomes appear to be comparable to open surgery with decreased patient morbidity. The role of robotics in urogynecologic surgery will continue to grow, as there is an increasing access to the robotic platform, and its use is being incorporated into residency training. More robust studies will be needed to validate the continued use of the robot, as there are concerns regarding cost, training, and credentialing.
To report on the perioperative outcomes after robotically assisted total hysterectomy for benign indications in a large patient population with predominantly complex pathology. One hundred fifty-two patients underwent robotic hysterectomy for noncancer indications from May 2005 to May 2008. A systematic chart review of consecutive robotic cases was conducted based on preoperative and perioperative characteristics of each patient. Each case was evaluated for its complexity based on preoperative diagnosis, prior pelvic or abdominal surgery, patient's body mass index, and uterine weight. The overall operative time was 122.9 minutes, estimated blood loss was 79.0 mL, and there were three (2.1%) intraoperative complications, with no perioperative blood transfusions or conversions. There were five (3.5%) patients with postoperative complications, and length of hospital stay was 1.0 days on average. Of the characteristics indicating complexity, only uterine weight greater than 250 g resulted in significantly increased operative times, attributable to increased morcellation time. Robotically assisted total hysterectomy for benign indications in patients with complex pathology is feasible, with low morbidity and a short hospital stay. This study suggests that robotic assistance facilitates the use of a minimally invasive approach in high-risk patient populations. III.
To compare surgical outcomes of patients with symptomatic leiomyomas after robot-assisted ("robotic") or laparoscopic myomectomy. Retrospective chart review of 81 patients undergoing robotic (n=40) or laparoscopic (n=41) myomectomy. Data included fibroid characteristics (number, weight, location, and pathologic findings), operating time, blood loss, complications, and postoperative hospitalization length. Patients undergoing laparoscopy had a significantly larger mean uterine size, larger mean size of the largest fibroid, and greater number of fibroids. When adjusted for uterine size and fibroid size and number, no significant differences were noted between robotic vs laparoscopic groups for mean operating time (141 vs 166 minutes), mean blood loss (100 vs 250 mL), intraoperative or postoperative complications (2% vs 20% and 11% vs 17%, respectively), hospital stay more than 2 days (12% vs 23%), readmissions, or symptom resolution. Short-term surgical outcomes were similar after robotic and laparoscopic myomectomy; long-term outcomes were not assessed.
Robotic gynecologic procedures were FDA-approved in March 2005. Published average times for robotic hysterectomies vary from 192 minutes to 242 minutes and one report indicated operative times ranging from 4.5 to ten hours. Many critics cite learning curves and increased operative times as a deterrent to performing robotic hysterectomies. This is a retrospective review of surgical times (learning curve) for the first 100 consecutive extrafascial hysterectomies with or without salpingo-oophorectomy for a single surgeon. Operating times were recorded by operating room nursing staff for each case. The times reported are from "skin to skin," which is defined as from when the surgeon started to place anything vaginally until the last suture was placed to close the trocar sites. We report average times for hysterectomy per 20 cases. The average time for hysterectomies was as follows: First 20 cases--124 minutes, second 20 cases--94 minutes, third 20 cases--85 minutes, fourth 20 cases--88 minutes, fifth 20 cases--81 minutes. Age, body mass index and uterine weights were comparable between groups. Complications were highest in the first 20 at 15 percent, compared with 5 percent for the remaining groups, but this did not reach statistical significance. The learning curve for da Vinci hysterectomies is steep, with the maximum improvement in surgical times in the first 20 cases. Minimal improvement was demonstrated after this.
Advanced laparoscopic surgery marked the beginning of minimally invasive pelvic surgery. This technique lead to the development of laparoscopic hysterectomy, colposuspension, paravaginal repair, uterosacral suspension, and sacrocolpopexy without an abdominal incision. With laparoscopy there is a significant decrease in postoperative pain, shorter length of hospital stay, and a faster return to normal activities. These advantages made laparoscopy very appealing to patients. Advanced laparoscopy requires a special set of surgical skills and in the early phase of development training was not readily available. Advanced laparoscopy was developed by practicing physicians, instead of coming down through the more usual academic channels. The need for special training did hinder widespread acceptance. Nonetheless by physician to physician training and society training courses it has continued to grow and now has been incorporated in most medical school curriculums. In the last few years there has been new interest in laparoscopy because of the development of robotic assistance. The 3D vision and 720 degree articulating arms with robotics have made suture intensive procedures much easier. Laparosco-pic robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy is in the reach of most surgeons. This field is so new that there is very little data to evaluate at this time. There are short comings with laparoscopy and even with robotic-assisted procedures it is not the cure all for pelvic floor surgery. Laparoscopic procedures are long and many patients requiring pelvic floor surgery have medical conditions preventing long anesthesia. Minimally invasive vaginal surgery has developed from the concept of tissue replacement by synthetic mesh. Initially sheets of synthetic mesh were tailored by physicians to repair the anterior and posterior vaginal compartment. The use of mesh by general surgeons for hernia repair has served as a model for urogynecology. There have been rapid improvements in biomaterials and specialized kits have been developed by industry. The purpose of this article is to present an update in urogynecologic laparoscopy, robotic surgery, and minimally invasive vaginal surgery.