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A volcanological map of the active Ischia volcanic field that includes Vivara Island is presented. The volcanological map is at the 1:10,000 scale and is based on 1:5000 field mapping, geological CAR.G data, and new volcanological studies. Geological data are represented on the three-dimensional orographic background digital terrain model of the inland and offshore areas of the volcanic field. This allows a better visualization of the main morphological, volcanic, and geological structures. Six phases were identified on the basis of volcanotectonic events; the 110 volcanic units were arranged following these evolutive phases, and a volcanosedimentary apron unit was introduced. This volcanological map enables visualization of the volcanic evolution of the Ischia volcanic field and could be useful for the evaluation of volcano-related hazards in the area.
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Volcanology of Ischia (Italy)
Alessandro Sbrana, Paola Marianelli & Giuseppe Pasquini
To cite this article: Alessandro Sbrana, Paola Marianelli & Giuseppe Pasquini (2018) Volcanology
of Ischia (Italy), Journal of Maps, 14:2, 494-503, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2018.1498811
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Volcanology of Ischia (Italy)
Alessandro Sbrana, Paola Marianelli and Giuseppe Pasquini
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
A volcanological map of the active Ischia volcanic eld that includes Vivara Island is presented.
The volcanological map is at the 1:10,000 scale and is based on 1:5000 eld mapping, geological
CAR.G data, and new volcanological studies. Geological data are represented on the three-
dimensional orographic background digital terrain model of the inland and oshore areas of
the volcanic eld. This allows a better visualization of the main morphological, volcanic, and
geological structures. Six phases were identied on the basis of volcanotectonic events; the
110 volcanic units were arranged following these evolutive phases, and a
volcanosedimentary apron unit was introduced. This volcanological map enables visualization
of the volcanic evolution of the Ischia volcanic eld and could be useful for the evaluation of
volcano-related hazards in the area.
Received 10 April 2018
Revised 6 July 2018
Accepted 6 July 2018
Volcanological map; volcanic
eld; digital terrain model;
Ischia; Vivara; Italy
1. Introduction
Ischia Island represents the emerged portion of a wide
volcanic eld (Bruno, de Alteriis, & Florio, 2002;Orsi,
Gallo, & Zanchi, 1991) extending from the continental
slope (facing westward on the Tyrrhenian batial plain)
to the continental volcanic area of Campi Flegrei. It is
part of the Phlegraean Volcanic District (Orsi, De Vita,
& Di Vito, 1996), the most widespread active volcanic
system of the Mediterranean area, developed inside the
Campanian Plain half graben. The PVD formed fol-
lowing the opening of the Tyrrhenian basin, along a
system of regional transfer faults, aecting the Tyrrhe-
nian side of the Apennine chain during the Neogene
Quaternary evolution of the area (Sartori, 2003;Scan-
done, 1979); it comprises (Figure 1(A, B)) two big vol-
canic elds, Ischia and Campi Flegrei, fed mainly by
evolved alkaline magmas and the minor volcanic eld
of Procida, characterized by trachybasalticshoshonitic
monogenic tuand scoria cones and minor lavas
(Brown et al., 2014;DAntonio et al., 2013;Paoletti,
DAntonio, & Rapolla, 2013; and references therein).
Previous detailed Ischia geological maps include the
1:10,000 geological map of Rittmann (1930),Rittman
and Gottini (1980) and the 1:10,000 map of Vezzoli
(1988). The description of the Mt Epomeo resurgent
block as being a result of a volcanotectonic mechanism,
the mapping of lahars, and the reconstruction of the
sequence of events were described in pioneering
works of Rittmann. Recent volcanism is well detailed
in Vezzoli (1988); in its geological map, a coherent stra-
tigraphic framework of the volcanic events is based on
a complete dataset of absolute ages (Gillot, Chiesa,
Pasquarè, & Vezzoli, 1982). In a more recent paper,
Brown, Orsi, and De Vita (2008) detail the strati-
graphic framework between 75 and 50 ka, highlighting
that volcanism was very active in this period.
New geological maps of the volcano were recently rea-
lized in the framework of the CAR.G Project (Regione
Campania, 2011;Servizio Geologico dItalia, 2018).
These maps signicantly improve the stratigraphy of
whole successions, absolute ages, the mapping of units,
recognition of eruptive centers, and knowledge of the cal-
dera resurgence and of relations of uplift phenomena and
related epiclastic forming around the resurgent block.
Deposits that are the result of sector collapse of resurgent
block anks are traced and mapped both on land and in
the marine areas surrounding Ischia.
Based on the CAR.G data and on new volcanological
studies, an updated volcanological map of the Ischia vol-
canic eld that includes Vivara Island was generated in
this study. Geological data were placed on the three-
dimensional (3D) orographic background digital terrain
model(DTM)oftheinlandandoshore areas of the vol-
canic eld. This enables a better visualization of the vol-
canic structure. The design of the legend on the basis of a
simplied lithology and of volcanological features, clar-
ies the reading of the map as well as the comprehension
of volcanological evolution of the eld. Furthermore,
normal faults related to caldera resurgence (induced by
magma injection) were distinguished from regional and
normal faults interesting the whole volcanic eld.
This new volcanological map should be very useful for
the following reasons. The intensely urbanized island is
environmentally very fragile because its morphology
© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of Journal of Maps
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (, which
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CONTACT Paola Marianelli Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa, via S. Maria 53, 56126 Pisa, Italy
2018, VOL. 14, NO. 2, 494503
and the activity of the volcano induce hazards related to
volcanic events, such as destructiveearthquakes (the last
occurred in 2017 causing several casualties (De Novellis
et al., 2018), formation of mud ows and landslides, sec-
tor collapses and related debris avalanches linked tovol-
canotectonic uplift (De Vita, Sansivero, Orsi, & Marotta,
2006) and subsidence phenomena, and general volcanic
deformation processes.
2. Volcanic eld history
Volcanic elds develop in both continental and mar-
ine environments (Passaro, De Alteriis, & Sacchi,
2016). Volcanic successions outcropping on the Ischia
Island register a long history, dating from more than
150 ka ago (Gillot et al., 1982;Vezzoli, 1988)tothe
present; the last erupted deposits (Arso lavas and pyr-
oclastics) date to 13011302 AD (Rittman & Gottini,
Volcanism develops through the building of a volca-
nic eld made mainly by monogenic volcanoes (tu
cones, scoria cones, spatter cones and spatter ramparts,
lava domes and lava ows) dispersed over an area of
250 km
(Figure 2). Volcanics have mainly trachytic
compositions (Vezzoli, 1988), whereas trachybasalts
and shoshonites characterize few deposits. Several pyr-
oclastic units emplaced during paroxysmal eruptions
were mapped on the island and traced in submarine
areas up to the nearby Campi Flegrei volcanic eld,
which is covered by several of these volcanic units
Figure 1. A: Phlegrean Volcanic District (Google Earth image). B: Phlegrean Volcanic District, view from Ischia. In the foreground
Castello dIschia spatter cone, followed by the Vivara turing, by Procida volcanic eld, and in the background, continental Phle-
grean Fields and Somma-Vesuvius volcano. C: Castello dIschia spatter cone, view from North. D: Porticello cli(southeastern island),
deposits of Secca dIschia oshore volcano (see Figure 2). E: Pietra Martone, Mt. Epomeo Green Tu. In picture note the normal fault
wall of the resurgent block and the scar of debris avalanche.
(Sbrana, Fulignati, Marianelli, Boyce, & Cecchetti,
2009;Sbrana et al., 2011;Servizio Geologico dItalia,
2018). Some of these, which occurred between 60 and
56 ka ago, are linked to the Ischia caldera formation
(Brown et al., 2008;Carlino, Cubellis, Luongo, &
Obrizzo, 2006;Sbrana et al., 2009;Vezzoli, 1988; and
references therein).
The uplift of a resurgent block (Mt Epomeo) charac-
terizes the central portion of the caldera (Acocella &
Funiciello, 1999;Carlino, 2012;Carlino et al., 2006;
Orsi et al., 1991;Sbrana et al., 2009;Tibaldi & Vezzoli,
2004 and references therein). This block, tilted south-
ward and fragmented in smaller blocks, is delimited
by conjugate systems of faults at SW of Mt Epomeo
(Main Map). The resurgence deeply inuenced the
morphology and geology of the volcanic eld also
with the formation of an epiclastic and volcanic
apron all around Mt Epomeo. Several epiclastic units,
interlayered with volcanic deposits, were identied
during the geological survey and were linked to sector
collapses inducing debris avalanches, and accelerated
erosion phases of the resurgent block. Several authors
(Carlino, 2012;Carlino et al., 2006;Rittmann, 1930;
Sbrana et al., 2009; and references therein) link the
resurgence of Mt Epomeo and the volcanic activity
around the block to a laccolith-shaped shallow
magma body. The faulting mechanism evidenced in
the Main Map is induced by emplacement at very
Figure 2. Geological and structural sketch map of Ischia volcanic eld. Deposits of debris avalanches and volcanic vents are high-
lighted in marine areas. Location of toponyms (numbered dots) cited in the main text is also reported.
shallow depths of apophyses of the magmatic intrusion
that drove resurgence (Sbrana et al., 2011). Other
authors explain the structure of the resurgence by an
increase in pressure in a shallow magma chamber
using a trapdoor model (Acocella & Funiciello, 1999)
or a simple shear model (Orsi et al., 1991).
The volcanological studies and seismic surveys per-
formed in marine areas show clearly that in Ischia, stra-
tigraphic sequences are present in numerous units
derived from eruptive vents located in the marine
areas surrounding the island; among these are the pyr-
oclastic units of volcanoes of Secca dIschia, Citara,
SantAngelo, Monte Cotto and San Michele, Grotta
dello Spuntatore, San Montano, and the Plinian depos-
its of Russo units (Sbrana et al., 2011).
During the last phase of activity, uplifts and subsi-
dences aected the volcanic eld. On the northern
side of the island, marine terraces and shoreline fossi-
liferous sediments recorded an uplift of about 60 m
after 5.5 ka; structural terraces aected the southern
side of the island facing the Maronti shore at similar
heights, whereas uplifted ancient shorelines are evident
in the Forio area on the west side of the island, and fur-
rows are present on the southeast marine clis between
SantAngelo and Chiarito.
After the Roman era, subsidence aected the island.
The Roman small town of Aenaria (the ancient name
of Ischia), dating back to 200 BC, is presently sub-
merged 6 m east of the island. A general trend of
slow subsidence of the island, with a maximum value
of about 1 cm/yr, has been recorded by GPS network
and DInSAR data since 1992 (De Martino et al.,
2011;Manzo et al., 2006). Intense hydrothermalism
(Chiodini et al., 2004) and volcanotectonic earthquakes
characterize the island (De Novellis et al., 2018).
3. Methods
The rst step toward the realization of this volcanolo-
gical map was the generation of the data necessary for
preparing the topographic 3D base map.
The inland orographic background of the map is the
result of the Lidar DTM (1 × 1 m ground resolution, Z-
error ± 15 cm, years 20092012) and the ORCA project
DTM (5 × 5 m, years 20042005). These two digital
elevation models were next overlapped to create a rea-
listic tridimensional eect, using Adobe Photoshop
CS6. The high-resolution Lidar DTM, (see http://sit., was also used to
check the location of geomorphological elements
such as faults, fractures, crater rims, and scars.
The topographic contour lines (http://sit. were derived from the
smoothing and contouring process on the ORCA DTM.
The oshore bathymetric reconstruction was based
on the map of De Alteriis, Tonielli, Passaro, and De
Lauro (2006) and of Passaro et al. (2016).
The orographic background of inland and oshore
areas constitute the raster base of the map. The map
was completed by extracting the buildings and the
main road features from the Open Street Map (OSM)
database, through the OSM plugin for Quantum GIS
(QGIS Desktop 2.18.12).
The data source (CAR.G geological maps) covers the
land and marine areas of the volcanic eld. The CAR.G
surveys were realized at the 1:5000 scale. During the
geological survey, the guidelines issued by the Italian
Geological Survey were followed, using unconformity
bounded stratigraphic units (UBSU), delimitated on
the basis of the presence of evident, demonstrable,
and signicant unconformities.
All the volcanic, epiclastic, and sedimentary units
mapped in CAR.G geological surveys are reported in
this new volcanological map. Thus, the details of the
geological surveys (made in the eld at the 1:5000
scale) were maintained.
In this study, all data were stored and generated in a
geographical information system (GIS) developed with
ESRI ARCGIS 10.2.2, using the cartographical refer-
ence system WGS 84-UTM 33N. Data generation in
a GIS environment enables the production of the fol-
lowing thematic layouts: topographic and bathymetric
contour lines; polygonal and linear base map elements;
and polygonal, linear, and punctual features for volca-
nological, geological, and geomorphological elements
and location of fumaroles and springs.
All these vector layers were exported and graphically
managed with Adobe Illustrator CS6, to obtain the nal
map layout at the scale 1:10,000.
4. Results and discussion
4.1. Phases of activity and associated
volcanological units
About 110 volcanic units were identied and arranged
in the volcanological legend map, following the six evo-
lutive phases identied on the basis of volcanotectonic
events (caldera formation, resurgence phases of Mt.
Epomeo) and of periods of stasis, in the history of
the volcanic eld (Figure 3).
In each phase, the volcanic units are distinguished in
deposits linked to explosive or to eusive activity. Fur-
thermore, a volcanosedimentary apron succession was
introduced in the map legend to point out the role of
the resurgent block in the volcanological evolution of
4.1.1. Phase 1: Building of the Ischia volcanic eld
(>15073 ka ago)
The deposits of the building of the Ischia volcanic eld
are grouped in the rst phase. This activity spanned
from about >15073 ka ago (Figure 3). The oldest
units of the volcanic eld are linked mostly to
monogenic tucones, lava domes, spatter cones
(Figure 1(C)), and lava ows. The Vivara trachybasaltic
turing (Figure 1(A)) also formed during this phase.
Afterward, Plinian eruptions (La Carrozza unit)
occurred. Their deposits are covered by thick lava
fountains deposits, related to eruptive fractures (Tor-
one, Monte di Vezzi, 130 ka). At around 117 and
100 ka ago, lava ows and lava domes were emplaced.
An explosive paroxysm is recorded in the volcanic suc-
cessions around 100 ka ago; deposits of Plinian events
form LElefante and Spiaggia dAgnone units. The vol-
canic eld building continued up to 73 ka ago, with the
emplacement of lava domes and lava ows.
4.1.2. Phase 2: Ischia caldera forming and lling
(60<56? ka)
Caldera-forming paroxistic phase (6056 ka ago).
Around 60 ka ago, several layers of pumice-rich depos-
its intercalated by paleosoils, the Pigniatiello For-
mation (Rosi, Sbrana, & Vezzoli, 1988) blanketed the
southern and eastern sectors of Ischia, Vivara, and Pro-
cida islands and the continental Campi Flegrei volcanic
eld, east of Ischia. At Vivara, deposits of mac scoria
cones outcrop at the bottom and top of the Pigniatiello
Formation without evidence of stasis. These deposits
are linked to volcanoes that are submerged today in
the area between Castello dIschia and Vivara Island,
Figure 3. Simplied chronostratigraphic sequence (not to scale) of Ischia volcanic eld. For the meaning of labels of units, see the
Legend in the Main Map.
respectively, the Formiche di Vivara and Catena volca-
noes (Figure 2). The Pigniatiello Formation was fol-
lowed by explosive eruptions of high magnitude that
formed an ignimbrite plateau (5856 ka ago), continu-
ous in marine areas all around the island and extends
to Campi Flegrei. On the island, these are present as
welded ignimbrites and breccias. These eruptions
induce the Ischia caldera collapse. At least three tuac-
eous units, named Pizzone, Frassitelli, and Tufo Verde
dellEpomeo ponded inside caldera are recognized.
These constitute the succession of the uplifted block
located at the caldera center (see Phase 3). The intracal-
dera tus appeared to be intensely hydrothermalized. A
submarine volcano (Secca dIschia) forms in the south-
eastern oshore of the Ischia volcanic eld (Figure 2)at
the end of this paroxysmal phase. Thick deposits of this
volcano cover the southeast hills of the island (Figure 1
(D)) and can also be found inside the eastern portion of
the Ischia caldera, in the Scarrupata di Barano area.
Epiclastic caldera lling (<56? ka ago). After the
caldera collapse, an important stasis in volcanism is
observed. In this period, erosion and epiclastic sedi-
mentation in marine environment partially lled the
Ischia caldera depression. The span of the stasis is
not well dened, but several epiclastic and sedimentary
units, more than 100 m thick, cover (Main Map) the
upper tus of the sin-caldera succession (Epomeo
Green tu, 56 ka). This suggests a relatively long period
of rest interrupted by the volcanism resumption
(Citara tus, Phase 3, 45 ka ago).
4.1.3. Phase 3: Postcaldera activity and caldera
resurgence (<56?33 ka ago)
After collapse and partial epiclastic lling, a fast resur-
gence of the caldera center started. The beginning of
resurgence is not well constrained by absolute age or
stratigraphic data. In any case, there is geological evi-
dence that 33 ka ago, the center of the caldera (Mt Epo-
meo) was uplifted at least 600 m (Sbrana et al., 2009).
In the southwestern sector of the resurgent block
(Figure 1(E)), eld surveys show that the intracaldera
tus of the paroxysmal phase of activity (Phase 2)
appear discordantly covered by yellow tus dated to
33 ka ago that sealed the normal fault plane of the
resurgent block, thus enabling denition of the age of
the uplift movements. These pyroclastics are related
to the tucones aligned along the master faults of
the resurgent block. These data are evidence that the
rst phase of resurgence occurred after the caldera col-
lapse and before 33 ka ago.
Resumption of volcanism after the caldera collapse
occurred around 45 ka ago with the Citara tucone
located in the western oshore area of the volcanic
eld (Figure 2) after about 11 ka of stasis in volcanism.
In the same period (about 39 ka ago, De Vivo et al.,
2001), the supereruption in the Campi Flegrei volcanic
eld known as the Campanian Ignimbrite (Marianelli,
Sbrana, & Proto, 2006) and the formation of the Campi
Flegrei caldera occurred. Deposits of this event (Tufo
Grigio Campano-Breccia Museo) are interlayered in
the Vivara successions covering a coarse fallout of the
Ischia caldera-forming phase (Phase 2).
Geological mapping and the absolute ages of volca-
nic deposits reveal that in this period, several eruptive
vents, scoria cones and tucones developed on the
normal faults driving the uplift of Mt. Epomeo resur-
gent block on the western, southwestern, and southern
sides. Furthermore, in this phase, several vents opened
in the western and southern marine areas (Main Map).
4.1.4. Phase 4: Renewal of volcanic activity (29
13 ka ago)
After a repose period of about 8 ka, renewal of volcanic
activity occurred between 25 and 18 ka ago in the wes-
tern and southwestern sectors of the volcanic eld. This
explosive activity included several Plinian pumice
deposits linked to source areas located oshore of the
island in the west (Russo pyroclastics). Meanwhile,
from the craters of La Nave and Pilaro, located on
the border of the continental slope in the west sector
of the island, thick layers of spatters and pumiceous
breccias (Scarrupata di Panza and La Nave units, etc.)
were emplaced.
During this timespan (about 18 ka) basaltic magmas
fed the tucone of Solchiaro (east of Vivara on the
Procida volcanic eld) just before the eruption of the
dome and lavas of St. Anna, and the pumice sheets of
Mormile linked to violent strombolian and/or sub-Pli-
nian eruptions from vents east of the resurgent block.
The emplacement of the domes of Costa Sparaina
and Trippodi occurred between 16 and 13 ka ago on
the eastern master faults of the Epomeo resurgent
4.1.5. Phase 5: New phase of Mt. Epomeo and
uplift (105 ka ago)
Between 10 and 6 ka ago, monogenic volcanoes or vol-
canic complexes were active mainly in the northern
and eastern sectors of the island. Lava domes and
lava ows formed at east, north-east: Selva del Napoli-
tano, Fundera, and Zaro complex. Tucone activity
occurred at Casamicciola, Cava del Puzzillo, and Villa
Arbusto, where explosive hydromagmatic centers, yel-
low tucones, are activated. The phase was closed by a
phreatoplinian eruption, the Piano Liguori unit
(5.6 ka), which caused the emplacement of a thick
cover of ashy layers. These deposits mantle all the
southeastern reliefs of the island. The source area,
which possibly subsided or collapsed after the eruption,
is hypothesized to be between the Arso vent and the
Montagnone dome (De Vita, Sansivero, Orsi, Marotta,
& Piochi, 2010).
During this phase and the successive Phase 6, several
debris avalanche deposits, followed by thick sequences
of debris ows and landslide deposits, were emplaced
because of sector collapses of the anks of the Mt Epo-
meo resurgent block (see description in Section 2.2.7).
This fact and the presence of uplifted marine epi-
clastics suggest that a new phase of resurgence of the
central portion of the caldera and of some sector of
the island took place as a response to the relling and
evolution of the shallow magmatic system of Ischia.
4.1.6. Phase 6: Historical phase (3.7 ka ago1302
The volcanism in the Ischia volcanic eld was very
intense in Greek and Roman times, up to the Middle
Ages; at least 15 volcanic edices located mainly in
the eastern sector of the island were identied. They
are represented by complexes of domes and lavas
(Rotaro and Montagnone) with associated pyroclastics,
scoria and spatter cones of Vateliero, Molara, Cava
Nocelle, Punta della Cannuccia, Ischia Porto, and
Spiaggia degli Inglesi. Other mapped pyroclastic units
are not referable to a well-identied volcanic edice.
This is particularly true for the pumice sheet of Cretaio
(Figure 4(A)) sub-Plinian eruption deposits that were
aged to 150 A.D. The coarse ashes of the Rotaro com-
plex mantle the Vivara island successions.
In 1302, the Arso eruption occurred with scoriae
spatter and lava ow. The presence of mixed/mingled
magmas (Piochi, Civetta, & Orsi, 1999) in the erupted
deposits, and the eruption of mac magmas (Vateliero,
Punta della Cannuccia scoria cones) characterize this
last phase of activity. In this phase, the NE SW regional
(transtensional) fault system activates the rise of deep
mac melts (Acocella & Funiciello, 1999;Sbrana
et al., 2011).
This phase appears to have been preceded by a gen-
eral uplift of the northern sector of the island as high-
lighted by the marine epiclastics (sands) and terraces
observed on the north coast from Bagnetielli to Mezza-
via vecchia.
4.2. Epiclastic apron associated to the Mt
Epomeo resurgent block
The morphologic evolution associated to the caldera
resurgence and its related earthquakes well explain
the formation and evolution of this unit. Sedimentary
apron deposits in areas surrounding the Mt Epomeo
resurgent block were derived by the removal of some
cubic kilometers of deposits that ponded inside caldera,
following sector collapses, accelerated erosion, and
landslide processes induced by the volcanotectonic
resurgence events.
Debris avalanches outcrop on the island (Figure 1
(E), Figure 2,Figure 4(B, C)) and extend to the marine
areas, reaching distances of 10 km from the coast to the
north and west, and about 40 km to the south (Chiocci
Figure 4. A: Sub-Plinian fallout deposit of 150 AD Cretaio eruption. B: Megaboulder in debris avalanche deposit at Cava Scura. C:
Debris avalanche deposit at Cava Acquara; note dierent megaboulders of tu. D: aerial view of mud ow channel and deposits at
Monte di Vezzi (30 April 2006).
& De Alteriis, 2006;De Alteriis et al., 2010). Their
deposits characterize the morphology of the inland
areas, where hummock morphologies develop and in
marine areas, where bathimetric, side-scan sonar and
reection seismic surveys reveal the widespread pres-
ence of hummock-shaped chaotic deposits.
Geological data and absolute ages indicated that this
epiclastic apron was formed mainly during Phases 5
and 6. The age of formation of debris avalanches is
dened by De Alteriis et al. (2010) for the southern
debris avalanche (Bocca di Serra unit) as 2.75.2 ka;
the northern debris avalanche (Lacco Ameno unit) is
covered by marine sediments having an absolute age
of 5.8 ka. These sediments are today uplifted by at
least 60 m. Furthermore, the apron epiclastics are not
covered by younger volcanics.
These age indications correlate the increase in vol-
canism in the fth to sixth phases and the eruption
of mac magmas with the rejuvenation of volcanic,
magmatic, and associated seismic activity. This could
have induced a new phase of uplift/destabilization of
the resurgent block, triggering the sector collapse of
the western (Forio), northern (Casamicciola), and
southern (Serrara Fontana) sides of the resurgent
block. Debris avalanche deposits are covered by thick
sequences of debris ow, mud ows, and landslides.
Debris ow and mud ow deposits appear because of
increased erosion, whereas earthquakes favor the for-
mation of landslide deposits that are widely distributed
on the apron.
5. Final remarks and conclusions
The volcanological map of Ischia and Vivara placed on
3D DTM represents a contribution to the reconstruc-
tion of the volcanic evolution of the Ischia volcanic
eld. The general interest in this volcanological map
derives from the fact that Ischia represents a good
example of an active and dangerous volcanic eld
with a big caldera structure that is aected by huge
and rapid resurgence.
The cartographic representation of the units
placed on 3D DTM shows the morphology of the vol-
canoes not covered by successive deposits. For
instance, the climax of activity of Phases 5 and 6
resulted in multiphase dome complexes (the Rotaro
and Montagnone domes), whose morphological
structure is particularly evident, as well as the lava
tephra blankets of the Plinian and sub-Plinian units
of the last phase of activity.
In this volcanological map is particularly evident the
morphology induced by the resurgent block and conse-
quent apron development, both inland and in marine
areas of the Ischia volcanic eld, where debris ava-
lanche deposits and debris ows model the surface
The resurgence phenomena expose very thick
explosive pyroclastics emplaced during the caldera
collapse, highlighting the processes of hydrothermal
alteration inside the caldera as a result of huge ther-
mal anomaly.
Post resurgence volcanism occurs along the active
high-angle normal faults that drive the Mt Epomeo
uplift (Figures 1(E) and 2), and in the whole volcanic
eld. This represents a very important case-study of
caldera that was aected by large and fast uplift since
recent geological time (Di Giuseppe, Troiano, & Car-
lino, 2017;Sbrana et al., 2009). This process is associ-
ated to high volcanic hazard (Carlino, 2012) due to
the extensive urbanization of the island and surround-
ings. In fact, some of the volcanotectonic faults mapped
in this volcanological map are seismogenetic in recent
times: e.g. the 1883 and 2017 destructive earthquakes
were located on the faults bordering the resurgent
block south of Casamicciola (Figure 2).
Anal remark addresses the importance of this map
for the mitigation of volcanic, seismic, and geological
hazards that deeply aect the island, e.g. recent
mudows (Figure 4(D)). This volcanological map,
being focused on the distribution of deposits, their
age, and their geographical distribution, represents a
tool for dening specic risk maps for this densely
inhabited island.
ESRI ArcGIS 10.2.2 was used to elaborate the digital
elevation model, to collect all the vectorial information
in a GIS, and to create new features. Quantum GIS
(QGIS Desktop 2.18.12) was used to extract the base-
map elements through the OSM plugin. The design
of the nal map layout was performed using Adobe
Photoshop CS6 and Adobe Illustrator CS6.
The contribution of the CAR.G Project team, the Geological
Survey of Italy, and the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e
la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) and Regione Campania is
acknowledged in the map. The authors are grateful to Ste-
fano Carlino, Makram Murad-al-shaikh and Salvatore Pas-
saro for their constructive comments, suggestions and
criticisms that helped to improve the quality of the
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was nancially supported by the University of
Paola Marianelli
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... [28], and Chiocci et al. (2023) [29]. Vezzoli, 1998, andSbrana et al., 2018) [30,31]. The fault structures outside the study area (black dotted square) are based on Vezzoli (1988); Nappi et al. (2010), and Sbrana et al. (2018) [31][32][33]. ...
... [28], and Chiocci et al. (2023) [29]. Vezzoli, 1998, andSbrana et al., 2018) [30,31]. The fault structures outside the study area (black dotted square) are based on Vezzoli (1988); Nappi et al. (2010), and Sbrana et al. (2018) [31][32][33]. ...
... Vezzoli, 1998, andSbrana et al., 2018) [30,31]. The fault structures outside the study area (black dotted square) are based on Vezzoli (1988); Nappi et al. (2010), and Sbrana et al. (2018) [31][32][33]. The 2017 epicentral location (blue star) is taken from De Novellis et al. (2018) [34], and the historical earthquakes from Selva et al. (2021) [35]. ...
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Over the past two decades, the airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) system has become a useful tool for acquiring high-resolution topographic data, especially in active tectonics studies. Analyzing Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) from LiDAR exposes morpho-structural elements, aiding in the understanding of fault zones, among other applications. Despite its effectiveness, challenges persist in regions with rapid deformation, dense vegetation, and human impact. We propose an adapted workflow transitioning from the conventional airborne LiDAR system to the usage of drone-based LiDAR technology for higher-resolution data acquisition. Additionally, drones offer a more cost-effective solution, both in an initial investment and ongoing operational expenses. Our goal is to demonstrate how drone-based LiDAR enhances the identification of active deformation features, particularly for earthquake-induced surface faulting. To evaluate the potential of our technique, we conducted a drone-based LiDAR survey in the Casamicciola Terme area, north of Ischia Island, Italy, known for the occurrence of destructive shallow earthquakes, including the 2017 Md = 4 event. We assessed the quality of our acquired DTM by comparing it with existing elevation datasets for the same area. We discuss the advantages and limitations of each DTM product in relation to our results, particularly when applied to fault mapping. By analyzing derivative DTM products, we identified the fault scarps within the Casamicciola Holocene Graben (CHG) and mapped its structural geometry in detail. The analysis of both linear and areal geomorphic features allowed us to identify the primary factors influencing the current morphological arrangement of the CHG area. Our detailed map depicts a nested graben formed by two main structures (the Maio and Sentinella faults) and minor internal faults (the Purgatorio and Nizzola faults). High-resolution DEMs acquired by drone-based LiDAR facilitated detailed studies of the geomorphology and fault activity. A similar approach can be applied in regions where the evidence of high slip-rate faults is difficult to identify due to vegetation cover and inaccessibility.
... Ischia Island has been deeply studied regarding the debris avalanche deposits, both offshore [33][34][35][36][37] and onshore (Figure 3a [37]). Seven debris avalanches surround the Epomeo Mt., showing a close relationship with the corresponding deposits on the continental shelf [38] (Figure 3b). ...
... Ischia Island has been deeply studied regarding the debris avalanche deposits, both offshore [33][34][35][36][37] and onshore (Figure 3a [37]). Seven debris avalanches surround the Epomeo Mt., showing a close relationship with the corresponding deposits on the continental shelf [38] (Figure 3b). ...
... Seven debris avalanches surround the Epomeo Mt., showing a close relationship with the corresponding deposits on the continental shelf [38] (Figure 3b). [37]. (b) Onshore and offshore extension of the Epomeo Mt. gravitational landforms and offshore extension of the debris avalanche deposits (modified after Della Seta et al.) [38]. ...
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Marine geohazards in the Bay of Naples, an eruptive region during the late Quaternary, have been assessed based on both morpho-bathymetric and seismic data. Previously identified areas of high marine hazard with slide potential (northern Ischia slope, Naples canyons, and Sorrento Peninsula–Capri slope) have been confirmed and integrated through the seismo-stratigraphic analysis of selected seismic sections. We evaluated the occurrence of important fossil submarine landslides in the stratigraphic record. Several kinds of submarine landslides have been individuated through morpho-bathymetric and seismic interpretation, including creeping, debris avalanches, and debris flows, among others, often controlled by volcanic eruptions. Submarine landslides of Naples Bay are primary geohazards in the marine and coastal areas, which has been ascertained with significant volcanic and tsunami hazards involving the gulf. Despite previous studies on these topics, much work is still needed to compile a systematic database of the submarine landslides of the Bay of Naples, representing a future step of this research.
... This is a key issue even for the dynamically very active Ischia Island (Southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy), characterized by intense hydrothermal activity, documented since the early sixteenth century by the study of Iasolino (1588), which represents the first cartography and systematic analysis of the island's thermal springs with a therapeutic aim. Despite the number of geological maps at the 1:10,000 scale (Rittmann, 1930;Sbrana et al., 2018;Sbrana & Toccaceli, 2011;Vezzoli, 1988) which, over time, have contributed to represent and update tectonic-volcanic history of the island, there is no hydrogeological mapping on the same scale up to now. Celico et al. (1999) and are the only sources for a simplified sketch of aquifer formations on Ischia Island. ...
... Based on the most recent geological maps and data from the CAR.G Project (National Geological CARtography) (Sbrana et al., 2018;Sbrana & Toccaceli, 2011), and on new volcanological and hydrogeological surveys and studies, a novel hydrostratigraphic framework was constructed and a map of the geohydrologic units of Ischia Island was generated on a scale of 1:10,000. ...
... Volcanism at Ischia is dominated by the ignimbritic Mt. Epomeo Green Tuff (MEGT) eruptions (60-55 ky BP) that generated a caldera depression in the central part of the island (Brown et al., 2008;2014;Sbrana et al., 2018;Sbrana & Toccaceli, 2011;Vezzoli, 1988). The caldera, partially filled by the MEGT ignimbrites, became the site of marine sedimentation and hosted a geothermal system fed by magmatic and marine fluids (Sbrana et al., 2009). ...
... Ischia is an active volcanic field in the north-western corner of the Gulf of Naples (Fig. 1a). Its complex volcanic history, characterized by alternating constructive and destructive volcanic and volcano-tectonic phases, also including caldera-forming events and block resurgence (Fig. 1a), started > 150 ka and has been divided into different periods of both explosive and effusive activity, based on geochronological data along with volcanological and geochemical features of the emitted products ( Fig. 1a; Poli et al. 1987;Vezzoli 1988;Civetta et al. 1991;Brown et al. 2008Brown et al. , 2014Sbrana et al. 2018;Selva et al. 2019). ...
... The Zaro eruption originated at 6.6 ± 2.2 (Vezzoli 1988) ka in the north-western corner of Ischia (Fig. 1a) from NE-SW trending eruptive fractures (Fig. 1b;Vezzoli et al. 2009;de Vita et al. 2010;Sbrana et al. 2018) and produced a ~ 0.1 km 3 lava complex. It is composed of stacked asymmetric domes, scoria cones and viscous lava flows, affected by NW-SE oriented strike-slip faults (Vezzoli et al. 2009). ...
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Determining the time spans of processes related to the assembly of eruptible magma at active volcanoes is fundamental to understand magma chamber dynamics and assess volcanic hazard. This information can be recorded in the chemical zoning of crystals. Nevertheless, this kind of study is still poorly employed for the active volcanoes of the Neapolitan area (Southern Italy), in particular, for Ischia island where the risk is extremely high and this information can provide the basis for probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment. For these reasons, we acquired chemical composition on clinopyroxene crystals erupted at Ischia during the Zaro eruption (6.6 ± 2.2 ka) and performed numerical simulations of the input of mafic magma into a trachytic reservoir, in order to investigate various aspects of pre-eruptive dynamics occurring at different timescales. This event emplaced a ~ 0.1 km³ lava complex, in which the main trachytic lava flows host abundant mafic to felsic enclaves. Previous petrological investigation suggested that mafic magma(s) mixed/mingled with a trachytic one, before the eruption. In this work, the clinopyroxene zoning patterns depict the growth of crystals in different magmatic environments, recording sequential changes occurred in the plumbing system before the eruption. The evolution of the plumbing system involved a hierarchy of timescales: a few hours for magma mingling caused by mafic recharge(s) and likely occurred multiple times over a decade during which a dominant magmatic environment was sustained before the eruption. Such timescales must be considered in volcanic hazard assessment at Ischia and similar active volcanoes in densely populated areas.
... Ischia is a volcanic island located in the northwestern part of the Gulf of Naples ( Fig. 1; Orsi et al., 1996), characterized by alternating effusive and explosive eruptions (e.g., Selva et al., 2019). Volcanism at Ischia dates back to more than 150 ka and continued with centuries to millennia of quiescence, until the most recent eruption occurred in 1302 CE (e.g., Vezzoli and Barberi, 1988;Sbrana and Toccaceli, 2011;Sbrana et al., 2018). A poorly defined period of pyroclastic activity predated the large Mt. ...
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Somma-Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei, and Ischia are three active volcanoes in the Neapolitan Area (Italy). In this work, we evaluated the combined tephra fallout hazard posed by the three volcanoes on a large-size (~600 km × 700 km) and high-resolution (~3 km) domain. In order to explore the effect of the intrinsic variability in eruption and wind conditions on tephra hazard we used a probabilistic approach (probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment, PVHA). For Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei, we grouped the possible eruptive size classes into small-, medium- and large-scale eruptions, while for Ischia we considered only the large-scale scenario, as it is the only one that can affect the mainland. We created a synthetic dataset of ground loads by performing 1500 tephra dispersion simulations for each eruption size class of each volcano (for a total of 10,500 simulations) using the numerical model Fall3D. For each simulation, we randomly sampled the eruptive parameters from suitable probability density functions and meteorological conditions from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset on the period 1990–2020. The hazard evaluation has been performed using a Bayesian Event Tree (BET) approach accounting for the results of the simulations, the variability in vent location and the mean annual rates of eruption for each volcano and eruption size class. In this way we obtained a set of hazard maps for Southern Italy showing the threshold tephra load that would be exceeded with selected mean annual rates within a 50-year exposure time. We found that greater tephra load thresholds are exceeded in the south–south-eastern regions.
... -TF-55 has a phonolitic-trachytic composition with a low alkali ratio (mean = 0.8) and low CaO values (mean = 1.0 wt%). Its position within the CaO/FeO vs. Cl diagram plots is in the field of Ischia; however, Ischia's known volcanic activity only dates back to 150 ka (Sbrana et al. 2018). Glass compositions similar to TF-55 have been observed for tephra layers TF-64 and TF-64a (c. ...
In the lacustrine succession F4‐F5 of the Fucino Basin, central Italy, 20 visible tephra layers were identified in the time interval 250–315 ka (Marine Isotope Stages 8–9). Fifteen of them contained suitable material to explore their volcanic sources. Among these tephra some well‐known eruptions and eruptive sequences of the Roman and Roccamonfina volcanoes were identified, such as the Tufo Giallo di Sacrofano and the Lower White Trachytic Tuff, respectively. Furthermore, the sediment succession documents a more complex eruptive history of the Sabatini, Vulsini, Colli Albani and Roccamonfina volcanic complexes during the investigated period, as inferred from previously undescribed tephra deposits. Single‐crystal‐fusion ⁴⁰ Ar/ ³⁹ Ar dating of two of the inspected tephra layers combined with two already published tephra ages provided the basis for a Bayesian age‐depth model. The modelled tephra ages allow chronological constraining of so‐far undefined eruptions of the Sabatini (272.5±4.7, 281.8±4.7, 308.5±2.8, 312.8±2.1 ka), the Vulsini (311.7±2.3, 311.9±2.3 ka) and the Colli Albani (301.0±3.6 ka) volcanic districts. Two tephra layers of an undefined volcanic source from the Roman volcanoes have modelled ages of 309.5±2.7 and 310.5±2.6 ka. The new ⁴⁰ Ar/ ³⁹ Ar and modelled ages were further used for a reassessment of the timing of already known and dated eruptive units, such as the Tufo Giallo di Sacrofano ( ⁴⁰ Ar/ ³⁹ Ar: 289.3±4.8 ka). Tephra tentatively correlated with the Valle Santa Maria, Case Pisello and the White Trachytic Tuff Unit E3 or Unit F offer modelled ages for these eruptions of 296.6±3.9, 301.8±3.5 and 303.6±3.4 ka, respectively. The results complete the tephrostratigraphical investigations of the c. 425 ka old F4‐F5 record, extend the Mediterranean tephrostratigraphical framework and provide a significant contribution for improving knowledge on Italian volcanic explosive activity.
... range. Along the coast, three main debris flow units can be identified, exhibiting different lithological and textural characteristics [33]: ...
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The morphoevolution of coastal areas is due to the interactions of multiple continental and marine processes that define a highly dynamic environment. These processes can occur as rapid catastrophic events (e.g., landslides, storms, and coastal land use) or as slower continuous processes (i.e., wave, tidal, and current actions), creating a multi-hazard scenario. Maronti Bay (Ischia Island, Southern Italy) can be classified as a pocket beach that represents an important tourist and environmental area for the island, although it has been historically affected by slope instability, sea cliff recession, and coastal erosion. In this study, the historical morphoevolution of the shoreline was analysed by means of a dataset of aerial photographs and cartographic information available in the literature over a 25-year period. Furthermore, the role of cliff recession and its impact on the beach was also explored, as in recent years, the stability condition of the area was worsened by the occurrence of a remarkable landslide in 2019. The latter was reactivated following a cloudburst on the 26th of November 2022 that affected the whole Island and was analysed with the Dem of Difference technique. It provided an estimate of the mobilised volumes and showed how the erosion and deposition areas were distributed and modified by wave action. The insights from this research can be valuable in developing mitigation strategies and protective measures to safeguard the surrounding environment and ensure the safety of residents and tourists in this multi-hazard environment.
... The eruption history of the Ischia volcano is rather long, reconstructed only for its subaerial part from a span of 150 kyr 5,6 . After an initial long period of mostly effusive activity, a series of Plinian to sub-Plinian eruptions and pyroclastic flows ensued, leading up to a main caldera-forming event at about 55 kyr 7 . ...
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The destructive (Mw 3.9) earthquake of 21 August 2017 re-opened the question on where magma resides at the Ischia island volcano. The peculiar complexity of the seismic source initiated the debate on the involvement of fluid-related processes, but the magmatic origin of the event remains uncertain. Here we use ground displacement and broadband seismic data to investigate the magmatic system of Ischia volcano, where progressive underplating of mafic material at mid-crustal depth feeds the deep structures, which are characterized by exceptionally high seismic velocity and are connected with a shallow crystal mush. Although no direct evidence of large molten volumes was found, strong anisotropy suggests that the crystal mush is pervaded by magma-intruded dykes. We propose that the 2017 event was due to a negative tensile deformation caused by depressurization of supercritical fluids along a shallow southwest (SW-)-dipping fault defined by receiver functions (RFs) data, which acted as a valve regulating the overpressure of deep magmatic fluids.
We analysed the hydrogeochemical and isotopic contents in groundwater for the period 2002–2020, in the Ischia Island, a volcanic island in Southern Italy, and compared them with seismic events that occurred in the same period. The study is based on a large hydrochemical database, which includes chemical (major and minor compounds, metals and trace elements) and isotopic analyses (δ18O and δ2H). For each of the 34 seismic events occurred in the studied period, we considered coordinates, date, time, depth and magnitude. To exclude the influence of meteorological variability on the hydrochemistry, we examined rainfall time series measured in four stations located in the island. Results show hydrogeochemical anomalies for some chemical elements observed months before the seismic events. Arsenic, electrical conductivity, chromium and vanadium have been identified as potentially affected by hydrogeochemical anomalies related to the earthquakes. The variations in stable isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) in groundwater also seem associated with the earthquakes. This study aims to contribute to the individuation of components in groundwater prone to register sudden changes related to seismic events and it highlights the need of a continuous and long-term hydrogeochemical monitoring in seismic areas. Indeed, the conclusions of this study must be further confirmed by a future continuous monitoring of major compounds, trace elements and isotopes in groundwater to evaluate the effective temporal coincidence/lag with the seismic events.
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The causative source of the first damaging earthquake instrumentally recorded in the Island of Ischia, occurred on August 21st 2017, has been studied through a multiparametric geophysical approach. In order to investigate the source geometry and kinematics we exploit seismological, GPS and Sentinel-1 and COSMO-SkyMed DInSAR co-seismic measurements. Our results indicate that the retrieved solutions from the geodetic data modelling and the seismological data are plausible; in particular, the best-fit solution consists of an E-W striking, south dipping normal fault, with its center located at a depth of 800 m. Moreover, the retrieved causative fault is consistent with the rheological stratification of the crust in this zone. This study allows us to improve the knowledge of the volcano-tectonic processes occurring on the Island, which is crucial for a better assessment of the seismic risk in the area.
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The island of Ischia (located in the Bay of Naples, Italy) represents a peculiar case of a well-exposed caldera that has experienced a large (>800 m) and rapid resurgence, accompanied by volcanic activity. What drives the resurgence of calderas is a crucial issue to investigate, because this process is associated with potential eruptions and high risk to people living within and around such large active volcanic systems. To improve the knowledge of volcano-tectonic processes affecting the caldera of Ischia, electromagnetic imaging of the structures associated with its resurgence was performed and integrated with available geological information. A magnetotelluric (MT) survey of the island was carried out along two main profiles through the central-western sector, providing an electrical resistivity map to a depth of 3 km. These resistivity cross sections allowed us to identify the presence of a very shallow magmatic intrusion, possibly a laccolith, at a depth of about 1 km, which was responsible for both the resurgence and the volcanic activity. Furthermore, the tectonic structures bordering the resurgent area and the occurrence of a large thermal anomaly in the western sector of the caldera also provided a signature in the resistivity cross sections, with the magma intrusion producing advection of hot fluids with high geothermal gradients (>150 °C km−1) in the southern and western sectors. All of these data are fundamental for the assessment of the island’s volcano-tectonic dynamics and their associated hazards. The structure and activity of the island have been controlled by the process of resurgence associated with the arrival of new magma and the progressive intrusion of a laccolith at a shallow depth. The reactivation of such a shallow system may imply imminent eruption which would pose a major volcanic hazard.
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Volcanic activity on the island of Ischia in the past 10 k.y. has included both effusive and explosive eruptions, mainly in the eastern sector of the island. Vent location, eruption dynamics, transport mechanisms, and depositional processes have been reconstructed for each recognized lithostratigraphic unit. Periods of quiescence have alternated with periods of very intense volcanism, mainly concentrated at ca. 5.5 ka and over the past 2.9 k.y. Volcanism has not been continuous, but it has been strongly influenced by the mechanism of a resurgence phenomenon that has affected the island since ca. 33 ka. Therefore, it has been hypothesized that magma intrusion and uplift events have occurred intermittently. In the past 5.5 k.y., volcanic activity has been invariably accompanied by the emplacement of slope instability-related deposits, illustrating that the slope instability was also induced by reactivation of vertical movements, likely related to resurgence.
The Gulf of Naples corresponds to a tectonic sink connected with recent volcanic activity in the South-Campanian area (Phlegrean Fields, Ischia and Vesuvius). At its extreme northwest, the Isle of Ischia was early recognized as a volcano-tectonic horst by Rittmann1. Previous data2 concluded that its uplift ended around 300,000 yr, and that the Green Tuff formation, of which it is predominantly composed, had an age of some 700,000 yr. But tectonic and morphological studies, together with original tephrostratigraphical observations on the slope of the horst, led us to do some new K-Ar datings. These revealed that the 780 m uplift of the horst from the sea level is younger than 33,000 yr; the Green Tuff, which was considered to be the oldest volcanic unit in the island is now dated at 56,000 yr, its eruption following the dismantlement of a first volcanic complex now dated as not older than 130,000 yr.
Here, we show the bathymetric map of Ischia Island and its offshore area (Naples Bay, Italy), an active volcanic complex in the NW sector of Naples Bay. The map presented here is based on full seafloor coverage, carried out by merging multibeam swath bathymetric data acquired from several projects using different equipment, single beam echo-sounder data and topographic data, with a final grid cell size of 20 × 20 metres. The obtained Digital Terrain Model allows a full view of the main morphological units, and may help future geomorphologic and geologic interpretations of the study area. Several previously unknown morphologic highs of the seafloor are mapped and named, in honour of the main researchers and/or events which characterized the recent history of Ischia Island.