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Speech Outcome Evaluation After Two-Flap Palatoplasty In Plastic Surgery Division Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital: A Retrospective study

Latar Belakang: Salah satu tujuan utama operasi sumbing palatum adalah untuk memperbaiki mekanis-
me artikulasi agar proses pembentukan suara dapat berjalan normal. Studi ini bertujuan mengevaluasi ha-
sil kemampuan bicara pada pasien dengan sumbing palatum yang menjalani operasi two-ap palatoplasti
sebelum usia 2 tahun.
Metode: Studi restrospektif dilakukan terhadap 22 anak dengan sumbing palatum unilateral komplit (de-
ngan atau tanpa sumbing bibir) yang menjalani two-ap palatoplasti antara tahun 2002 hingga 2006 di Ru-
mah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Penilaian dilakukan oleh seorang ahli terapi wicara, yang mencakup
pola artikulasi, hipernasalitas, inteligibilitas, dan kompentensi velofaring.
Hasil: Sebelas pasien menjalanni palatoplasi sebelum usia 2 tahun, dan 11 lainnya setelah usia 2 tahun.
Kemampuan bicara ke-22 pasien pascapalatoplasti dinilai secara perseptif dari rekaman suara yang di-
standarisasi. Kompetensi velofaring pada pasien yang menjalani palatoplasti sebelum dan sesudah usia 2
tahun dibandingkan, dengan hasil 72.7% baik, 18.2% cukup, dan 9.1% buruk, versus 54.5% baik, 9.1%
cukup baik, dan 36.4% buruk secara restrospektif.
Kesimpulan: Melakukan two-ap mukoperiosteal palatoplasti pada anak dengan sumbing palatum
sebelum usia 2 tahun menunjukkan hasil kemampuan bicara yang lebih baik, meskipun makna statistik
belum signikan. Studi prospektif lanjut dengan jumlah sampel lebih besar diperlukan untuk mendukung
hasil studi ini.
Kata kunci: cleft palate, palatoplasty, speech outcome
Backgrounds: One of the primary goal of cleft palate repair is to provide an intact mechanism for normal
speech production. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the two-ap mucoperiosteal palatoplasty pro-
cedure on speech outcomes in patients undergoing surgical repair before the age of 2 years.
Methods: A retrospective analysis study was done on 22 children with complete unilateral cleft palate
(with or without cleft lip) who underwent two-ap palatoplasty between year 2002 to 2006 at Cipto Ma-
ngunkusumo Hospital. Evaluation was performed by a speech pathologist for pattern of articulation, hy-
pernasality, intelligibility, and velopharyngeal competence.
Results: Palatoplasty were performed after 2 year-old in 11 patients and before 2 year-old in 11 patients.
Speech of the 22 children postpalatoplasty was evaluated perceptually from standardised tape recordings.
Velopharyngeal competence in patients who underwent palatoplasty before 2 year-old compared to after 2
year-old were 72.7% good, 18.2% fair and 9.1% poor versus 54,5% good, 9,1% fair and 36,4% poor respec-
Conclusion: Two-aps mucoperiosteal palatoplasty performed before the age of 2 years old shows better
speech outcome in all parameters, although the numbers are not statistically signicant. Further prospec-
tive study with larger sample is needed.
Keyword: cleft palate, palatoplasty, speech outcome
Intania Djoenaedi, Siti Handayani, Luh Karunia Wahyuni, Kristaninta Bangun
Jakarta, Indonesia
left lip and palate are the most common
congenital craniofacial anomalies encoun
tered by plastic surgeons1. The incidence
of cleft lip and palate is 46%, followed by isola-
ted cleft palate at 33%, and isolated cleft lip at
21%. Unilateral clefts are nine times more com-
mon than bilateral clefts1. Individuals born with
cleft lip and or palate require care from multi-
ple specialties to optimize treatment outcome1-3.
The techniques of palatoplasty have
changed considerably from the ancient times to
date2,4,5. The 19th century witnessed a great evo-
lution in palatoplasties, allowing higher success
From Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of
Surgery, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Universitas
Presented in The Fifteenth Annual Scientic Meeting of
Indonesian Association of Plastic Surgeon, Semarang,
Central Java, Indonesia
Speech Outcome Evaluation After Two-Flap
Palatoplasty In Plastic Surgery Division Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital: A Retrospective study
Disclosure: The authors have no nancial interest to
declare in relation to the content of this article. 153
of cleft palate closure and more optimal outco-
mes4. Renements in the basic principles of re-
pair and greater attention to the anatomic and
functional details marked the beginning of a
modern cleft palate treatment. Treatment objec-
tive in palatoplasty has not only been the sim-
ple anatomic closure of the palate but also to
create an adequately functioning velophary-
ngeal mechanism for normal speech produc-
tion, and avoidance of abnormal maxillofacial
growth after repair2,4-6. Speech quality remains
the most important output by which to assess
the surgical success3. The most effective techni-
que for the surgical repair of palatal clefts conti-
nues to provoke controversy2,4.
One of the factors that has been iden-
tied to inuence speech outcome for children
with cleft palate is the timing of primary palatal
surgery. The majority of studies suggested that
earlier surgery was associated with better
speech, better articulation, and production of a
more normal resonance to minimize the deve-
lopment of compensatory articulations6. It is
generally thought that speech are improved by
early cleft palate repair (before 24 months of
age) and that delayed closure (after 4 years) is
associated with less retardation of midfacial
The Division of Plastic Surgery in Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital utilizes the two-ap
mucoperiosteal palatoplasty technique with
mscle realignment to treat a unilateral or bila-
teral complete cleft palate. Primary cleft palate
surgical repair is recommended between 18
months-old up to 2 years old8. This study eva-
luates how primary palatal surgery timing affe-
ct speech outcome and how it can be used as a
guideline for the ideal time in treating complete
cleft palate in our division.
This retrospective analytic study was
performed at the Division of Plastic Surgery
and Medical Rehabilitation Department,
Faculty of medicine University of Indonesia
Cipto Ma-ngunkusumo Hospital Jakarta during
June-July 2010. Patients with complete cleft
palate with or without cleft lip, who underwent
palatoplasty at the Division Plastic Surgery
Cipto Mangun-kusumo hospital between 2002
and 2006 are included. All patients underwent
two-ap mu-coperiosteal palatoplasty repair
for soft and hard palate with repositioning of
the muscle (intravelar veloplasty), regardless of
the cleft severity and operator. All patients
already had prior cleft lip repair. Patients with
associated syndromic malformation, oronasal
stulas, mental disorder, redo palatoplasty, the
need for secondary velopharyngeal surgery,
and loss of follow up were excluded from this
Patients were divided into two groups
based upon timing of palatoplasty: those re-
paired between 2 years old and > 2 years old.
Eleven patients were included in each group for
analysis. A perceptual analysis will be perfor-
med from audio recordings of the patients. The
recordings are done by one resident of plastic
surgery using a high quality digital recorder in
a noise-free room. The microphone will be pla-
ced 15 cm away from the mouth of the patient
with the articulation samples will stored in a se-
parate audio cassette tape for each patient.
Each child articulates 13 sentences in
Bahasa Indonesia, including words predomi-
nantly consisted of nasal and oral consonant,
with phonation emphasis of the vowels “a”, “i”,
and “u”. The words are listed in Table 1. Patie-
nts also count numbers from 1 to 10 in Bahasa.
Speech samples of the patients will be blindly
analyzed by a speech pathologist who is experi-
enced in the assessment of cleft palate speech,
using headphones in a noise-free room. Percep-
tual analysis of intelligibility, articulation, and
resonance are analyzed following the Murthy
rating criteria for speech parameters16. Based on
the scoring obtained from these parameters, the
velopharyngeal competence level is divided
into either good, fair, or poor. Good result
would refer to denite and probable adequate
velopharyngeal competency. Fair result means
marginal velopharyngeal competency, whilst
poor score means a probable or denite
inadequate velopharyngeal compeetency. The
data is statistically analyzed using SPSS 16.0 for
Twenty-two patients with unilateral co-
mplete cleft lip and palate who underwent the
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi - March 2012
intravelar veloplasty are included in the study.
Informed consents are obtained from the paren-
ts to participate in this study. Patients ranged
between 3.5 to 13 year-old (mean 8.2 year) at
time of speech evaluation. Palate repair were
done between 1 to 8 year-old (mean 29.1 mon-
ths). 15 patients are male, 7 female. Based on
Saphiro-Wilk normality test, this data has nor-
mal distribution (p= 0.716). Eleven patients un-
derwent palatoplasty at 2 years old (aged 12
to 24 months, mean 18.4 months), and eleven
others at >2 years old (aged 30 to 96 months,
mean 39.8 months). Only two of the 22 patients
received speech therapy, one and two sessions
each. Patient demography is listed in Table 2.
An overall assessment of articulation,
resonance, and intelligibility, as well as velo-
pharyngeal competence post palatoplasty in all
patients shows that 68.2% of patient has normal
phonemes production, 63.6% has normal nasa-
lity, 77.3% has intelligibile speech, and 63.6% of
them has good velopharyngeal comptetence.
Volume 1 - Number 2 - Speech Outcome Evaluation After Two-Flap Palatoplasty
5*5& & 5'5& & 5.5& & & &
565& & 6*3"(& & 6'6'#& & 6.7.& & &
525& & 2*2'(8 & & 2'2*7& & 2.2'& & & &
5$5& & $*.(& & 9*($'& & $.$.7
585& & 8*:*+& & 8'8'& & $*8.
5+5& & 0*+*& & +':*.& & +.:*(
5:5& & :*96.& & :'(:'/& & 7-:.
575& & 7*2*& & 7*7'& & 7.$*
535& & 3*3*/& & /*3'& & 0*3.
595& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&9*($'& & 9'(.9& & 9.3./
5(5& & (*(*%& & *('%*& & 6*(.
5#5& & 7-#*(8& & 3*#'& & #.9*+
5%5& & %*0'& & $*%'& & %.%.
Other distributions of abnormal phonemes, hy-
pernasality and speech untelligibility is summa-
rized in Table 3.
Speech outcomes are then assessed ba-
sed on the timing of primary palatal surgery in
regards to articulation, hypernasality, and
speech intelligibility. Articulation and hyper-
nasality criteria in Table 3 are further grouped
to either normal or abnormal. Intelligibility are
either normal or requiring listener’s attention,
and velopharyngeal competence are either
good, fair, or poor. In all accounts, the group of
patient who underwent primary palate repair
before the age of two shows a higher propor-
tion of having normal articulation, normal
nasality, and inteligible speech as shown in
Table 4. Velopharyngeal competence of the
early versus later-repair group shows a
tendency of those repaired before the age 2
years to have fewer poor competence (9.1%
versus 36.4%) shown in Table 5. However, these
gures are not found to be statistically signi-
The ideal surgical technique for the re-
pair of unilateral palatal cleft is an ongoing de-
bate. However, the primary goals of palatal
repair remain to provide a functional velo-
pharyngeal mechanism for the development of
normal speech and to minimize any detrimental
effects on maxillofacial growth by achieving a
tension-free multilayer closure of the palatal
defect with minimal dissection and a succesful
reconstruction of the levator muscle sling2-5,17.
Although the two-ap palatoplasty was rst
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi - March 2012
popularized more than 25 years ago in world,
there are several modication to the original
technique. In this study, all samples underwent
two ap mucoperiosteal palatoplasty modied
by di-ssection of the abnormal attachments of
the velar muscles and suturing them without
ten-sion, as intravelar veloplasty. All subjects
have had their lips repaired.
Dynamically, speech is characterized by
ordered maintenance and release of intra oral
pressure, producing phonemes (high pressure
consonants and vowels) controlled at the level
of the lips, tongue, palate, and larynx18.
Children under 4 years of age have generally
not yet reached the level of maturity required to
cooperate enough to allow for the appropriate
perceptual test to accurately asses articulation,
resonance and velopharyngeal competence19.
This perceptual assessment is conducted bet-
ween the age of 3.5 and 13 years. The age of one
of our samples is 3,5 years, but the patient coo-
perate enough to follow the test and the sample
sound can be assessed well by speech patholo-
gist. Males predominance is found in the cleft
lip and palate population. In this study, male is
twice as many as the female sample1.
The timing of palatal closure is critical,
and the best time to achieve this is before the
development of palate-related sounds, or the
phonemic stage of development. Early palatal
repair and its benecial effects on speech have
been reported by several authors13. Meanwhile,
in our study, 50% of our samples had palate
repair at the age of more than 2 years old. This
may be due to the lack of knowledge or econo-
mic difculties to get appropriate treatment.
McWilliams et al.21, performed Furlow palato-
plasty in 63 patient, and non Furlow (Von
Langenback, four ap Wardill) in 20 patients.
Furlow patients had better speech outcome than
non Furlow, with normal nasal resonance for
Furlow patients around 79%, moderate
hypernasality was 4.76%, and 98% of Furlow
patients showed normal articulation. Susam
park et al20 had 56 patients with unilateral cleft
lip and palate repaired using the push-back
technique, 80.1% had normal and good velo-
pharyngeal competence. The Salyer et al19 study
performed modied two ap palatoplasty at
younger age patients, regardless the type of
cleft, 91% shows normal and mildly impaired
hypernasality, 63.2 normal to mildly impaired
articulation. In our study, all patients who
underwent two ap palatoplasty and intravelar
veloplasty by several surgeons, shows 77.3% to
have a normal to mildly impaired articulation,
77.3% has normal to mild hypernasality, 77.3%
has normal intelligibility, and 63.6% good
velopharyngeal competence.
Current developmental research has
shown that speech develops between 18 to 24
months of age. Dorf and Curtin13 used 12
months of age as an arbitrary dividing point
between early and late palatal repair and found
better speech, specically, with fewer compen-
satory articulations, in those who had early
palatal repair. Salyer et al operated at approxi-
mately 8 months of age, which is the ideal time
to perform the two-ap palatoplasty. In this
study, the cut-off point of the early and late
palatoplasty is 2 years old. All of the samples
are divided into two groups. The group who
had early palatoplasty has 90.9% normal articu-
lation and only 63.6% of the sample who perfor-
med late palatoplasty has normal articulation.
The group who had early palatoplasty has
90.9% normal and mildly nasal resonance, 90.9
% normal intelligibility and 72.7% good velo-
pharyngeal competence, compare with 63.6%,
63.6% and 54.5% in group who had late pala-
toplasty. In our study, there is a patient who
had palatoplasty at age 8 years old and gives
good velopharyngeal competence. However,
this difference was not statistically signicant
by Fischer test. Although we are unable to show
statistically that the palatoplasty before 2 years
old is superior to the palatoplasty more than 2
years, a trend toward this conclusion has been
According to this study, the manage-
ment of cleft palate that has been implemented
in our center: by two ap mucoperiosteal tech-
nique and surgery timed around 2 years of age
is still applicable because the rate of good
speech outcome is acceptable (72.7%). In the fu-
ture, we propose to conduct a more thorough
research with bigger samples and better design
to have a more reliable result.
Volume 1 - Number 2 - Speech Outcome Evaluation After Two-Flap Palatoplasty
of cleft palate closure and more optimal
outcomes4. Renements in the basic principles
of re-pair and greater attention to the anatomic
and functional details marked the beginning of
a modern cleft palate treatment. Treatment
objective in palatoplasty has not only been the
sim-ple anatomic closure of the palate but also
to create an adequately functioning velophary-
ngeal mechanism for normal speech produc-
tion, and avoidance of abnormal maxillofacial
growth after repair2,4-6. Speech quality remains
the most important output by which to assess
the surgical success3. The most effective techni-
que for the surgical repair of palatal clefts conti-
nues to provoke controversy2,4.
One of the factors that has been iden-
tied to inuence speech outcome for children
with cleft palate is the timing of primary palatal
surgery. The majority of studies suggested that
earlier surgery was associated with better
speech, better articulation, and production of a
more normal resonance to minimize the deve-
lopment of compensatory articulations6. It is
generally thought that speech are improved by
early cleft palate repair (before 24 months of
age) and that delayed closure (after 4 years) is
associated with less retardation of midfacial
The Division of Plastic Surgery in Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital utilizes the two-ap
mucoperiosteal palatoplasty technique with
muscle realignment to treat a unilateral or bila-
teral complete cleft palate. Primary cleft palate
surgical repair is recommended between 18
months-old up to 2 years old8. This study eva-
luates how primary palatal surgery timing affe-
ct speech outcome and how it can be used as a
guideline for the ideal time in treating complete
cleft palate in our division.
1. Thorne CH, Beasley RW, Aston SJ, Bartlett SP,
Gurtner GC, Spear SL, eds. Grabb and Smith’s plastic
surgery. 6th ed. Philadelphia: LWW, 2007:201-25.
2. Aalst JA, Kolappa K, et al. Nonsyndromic Cleft
Palate. Plast Reconstr Surg 2008;121(1):1-14.
3. Sell D, Grunwell P, et al. Cleft Lip and Palate Care in
the United Kingdom—The Clinical Standards
Advisory Group (CSAG) Study. Part 3: Speech
Outcomes. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2001; 38(1):30-7.
4. Leow AM, Lo LJ. Palatoplasty: Evolution and
Controversies. Chang Gung Med J. 2008;31(1): 335-45.
5. Khosla RK, Mabry K, et al. Clinical Outcomes of the
Furlow Z-Plasty for Primary Cleft Palate Repair. Cleft
Palate Craniofac J 2008; 45(5): 501-10.
6. Rohrich R J, Gosman AA. An Update on the Timing
of Hard Palate Closure: A Critical Long-Term
Analysis. Plast Reconstr Surg 2004;113(1):350-2.
7. Brunnega K and Lohmander A. A Cross-Sectional
Study of Speech in 10-Year-Old Children With Cleft
Palate: Results and Issues of Rater Reliability. Cleft
Palate Craniofac J 2007; 44(1):33-44.
8. Kirschner RE, Randall P, et al. Cleft Palate Repair at 3
to 7 Months of Age. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000; 105(1):
9. Martin H, Lee ST, et al. Anatomic Basis of Cleft Palate
and Velopharyngeal Surgery: Implications from a
Fresh Cadaveric Study. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998; 101
(3): 613-27.
10. Hassan ME and Askar S. Does Palatal Muscle
Reconstruction Affect the Functional Outcome of
Cleft Palate Surgery? Plast Reconstr Surg 2007;119(6):
11. Kummer AW. Cleft Palate and Craniofacial
Anomalies: effects on Speech and Resonance. Albany,
NY: Delamar-Thomson Learning, 2001.
12. Rohrich JR, Love EJ, et al. Optimal Timing of Cleft
Palate Closure. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000;106(2):
13. Dorf D and Curtain JW. Early cleft palate repair and
speech outcome. Plast Reconst Surg 1982;70: 75.
14. Karling J, Larson O, Leanderson R, Henningsson G.
Speech in unilateral and bilateral cleft palate patients
from Stockholm. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 1993;30:73–
15. Jones MH, Chapman KL, et al. The Impact of Cleft
Type on Early Vocal Development in Babies With
Cleft Palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2003; 40(5): 453-9.
16. Murthy J, Sendhilnathan S, et al. Speech Outcome
Following Late Primary Palate Repair. Cleft Palate
Craniofac J. 2010;47(2):156-61.
17. Andrades PM. The Importance of Radical Intravelar
Veloplasty during Two-Flap Palatoplasty. Plast
Reconstr Surg 2008;122:1121.
18. Borud LJ, Ceradini D, Eng N, et al. Second-Language
Acquisition following Pharyngeal Flap Surgery in
Non-English-Speaking Immigrant. Plast Reconstr
Surg 1999;106(3):640-4.
19. Salyer KE, Sng KWE, Sperry EE, et al. Two-Flap
Palatoplasty: 20-Year Experience and Evolution of
Surgical Technique. Plast Reconstr Surg 2006;118:193.
20. Park S, Saso Y, Ito O, et al. The Outcome of Long-
Term Follow-Up after Palatoplasty. Plast Reconstr
Surg 2000;105:12.
21. McWilliams, Jane B, Pet er R, et al. Speech
Characteristic Associated with the Furlow
Palatoplasty as Compared with Other Surgical
Technique. Plast Reconstr Surg 1996;99(4):610-19.
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi - March 2012
Luh Karunia Wahyuni, M.D.
Cleft Craniofacial Center. Plastic Surgery Division
Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital
Jalan Diponegoro.No.71, Gedung A
Full-text available
Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes regarding the rate of hypernasality and oronasal fistula formation in patients with cleft palate who underwent primary palatoplasty at our center and under our management protocol. Material and Medthod: A Cross-sectional study of 40 consecutive non-syndromic cleft palates with/or without cleft lips, born between February 2007 and December 2008, who underwent primary palatoplasty at Srinagarind Hospital, Thailand. Demographic data that were recorded includes: patients with cleft types, age at palatoplasty, operating surgeons and surgical techniques. Results: 40 consecutive patients. There were 23 boys and 17 girls. Three patients had associated disease; one patient had amniotic band syndrome and clubfeet, two patients had G-6-PD deficiency. Mean age at time of evaluation was 5.7 years (5.0-6.9 years). Mean age at palatoplasty was 14.1 months (9-64 months). There were three plastic surgeons and plastic surgery residents. The predominant cleft lip type was Veau 3 (52.5%) followed by Veau 4 (27.5%) and Veau 1 (20%). Two-flap palatoplasty was used in all patients. The rate of hypernasality was 37.5% (15 out of 40 patients). Mild hypernasality was 25% and moderate hypernasality was 12.5%. Oronasal fistula occurred in 10 patients, fistula rate was 25%. Oronasal fistula closure was performed on nine patients (90%).Two patients (5%) had residual oronasal fistula at the time of the study. There were no statistically significant differences in the cleft types, age at palatoplasty and operating surgeons in hypernality rates and oronasal fistula formation. Conclusion: The rate of hypernasality and oronasal fistula formation was comparable to results from other standard cleft centers in cleft palate patients who underwent primary palatoplasty during previous rounds of our management protocol.
Full-text available
Early palate repair is recommended to minimize the development of disordered speech. We studied the speech outcome of late palate repair in 131 patients. The success of late palate repair is questioned because of the persistence of learned, compensatory misarticulations that are difficult to correct in spite of the establishment of correct palatal anatomy and a competent velopharyngeal mechanism. The objective of this study is to highlight the speech results following late primary repair of the palate. Retrospective analysis of speech outcomes in 131 patients with cleft lip and palate who underwent primary palate repair after the age of 10 years between November 2000 and December 2004. None of the patients had received supervised institution-based speech therapy. However, all patients were counseled and oriented and demonstrated the correct place and manner of articulation for the phonemes misarticulated by them. Preoperative and 6- to 12-month postoperative speech samples were assessed within the parameters of articulation, hypernasality, nasal air emission, and speech intelligibility. The analysis indicated improvement in all speech parameters leading to an overall improvement in postoperative intelligibility for most patients. Although definite improvement occurs in all parameters of speech following late primary palate repair, residual speech problems persist in most patients, requiring further evaluation and appropriate treatment.
Treatment of cleft palate has evolved over a long period of time. Various techniques of cleft palate repair that are practiced today are the results of principles learned through many years of modifications. The challenge in the art of modern palatoplasty is no longer successful closure of the cleft palate but an optimal speech outcome without compromising maxillofacial growth. Throughout these periods of evolution in the treatment of cleft palate, the effectiveness of various treatment protocols has been challenged by controversies concerning speech and maxillofacial growth. This article reviews the history of cleft palate surgery from its humble beginnings to modern-day palatoplasty, and describes various palatoplasty techniques and commonly used modifications. Current controversial issues on the timing of cleft palate repair, and the effects on speech and maxillofacial growth are also discussed.
The purpose of this study was to compare the two-flap palatoplasty technique for cleft palate repair, with and without radical intravelar veloplasty, with special emphasis on the fistula rate and speech outcome. A retrospective, time-series cohort of 213 consecutive patients with primary two-flap palatoplasty before and after the introduction of a radical intravelar veloplasty was studied. The main outcome measures were immediate postoperative complications, oronasal fistula rate, and speech. A perceptual speech evaluation was performed by two speech pathologists and included hypernasality, nasal emission, articulation, intelligibility, and overall velopharyngeal competence. The need for secondary palate surgery for velopharyngeal insufficiency was also analyzed. There were no differences in postoperative complications between the two study groups. Postoperative morbidity occurred in six patients (2.8 percent) and consisted of two patients with respiratory compromise, two patients who required reoperation for bleeding, and two patients with oronasal fistula. Perceptual speech evaluation demonstrated significantly better speech outcomes (81.9 percent versus 49.5 percent, p < 0.001) and a significantly lower rate of secondary palate surgery for velopharyngeal insufficiency (29 percent versus 6.7 percent, p = 0.008) in the radical intravelar veloplasty group. The most important predictive factor of speech outcome was the addition of a radical intravelar veloplasty (odds ratio, 0.175; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.039 to 0.785). Despite study design limitations, such as experience bias and follow-up differences, this study demonstrates that radical intravelar veloplasty may enhance the functional results of the two-flap palatoplasty without increasing postoperative morbidity. A novel classification of the muscle repair is proposed based on the amount of muscle dissection and retropositioning.
To review the clinical outcomes following the Furlow Z-plasty for primary cleft palate repair. The primary objective was to determine if the presence of an associated sequence or syndrome (i.e., Pierre Robin sequence), age at palate repair, cleft type, or surgeon experience influenced speech outcomes after a Furlow Z-plasty. The outcomes of 140 patients who underwent palate repair were analyzed retrospectively. Speech evaluations were performed to score the severity of hypernasality, nasal escape, articulation errors, and velopharyngeal insufficiency. The mean age at latest evaluation was 4 years 9 months (age range 2 years old to 12 years old and 4 months). Of the 140 patients, 83% had no evidence of hypernasality, 91% had no presence of nasal escape, and 69% had no articulation errors. Overall, 84% of patients had no evidence of velopharyngeal insufficiency. Secondary posterior pharyngeal flap to correct velopharyngeal insufficiency was required in only 2.1% of patients. The formation of an oronasal fistula occurred in only 3.6% of patients. Nonsyndromic patients with Pierre Robin sequence and syndromic patients did just as well as purely nonsyndromic patients in terms of velopharyngeal insufficiency, hypernasality, and nasal escape. Syndromic patients were more likely to make mild-to-moderate articulation errors. In addition, age at palate repair, cleft type, and surgeon experience had no statistically significant effect on speech results. The Furlow Z-plasty yielded excellent speech results in our patient population with minimal and acceptable rates of fistula formation, velopharyngeal insufficiency, and the need for additional corrective surgery.
Speech production and age at palatal repair were investigated in 80 cleft palate children. Children whose palates were repaired prior to the onset of speech production demonstrated significantly better speech than those whose palates were repaired between 12 and 27 months of age. The supposition that earlier palatal repair results in more normal speech development was, in fact, demonstrated in these cases. Rather than using chronologic age alone as the deciding factor in determining timing of initial palatal repair, the stage of each child's phonemic development should be considered if maximum speech potential is to be achieved and if speech development is to parallel normal noncleft peers. Determining this stage of development through early speech and language evaluations, beginning at 6 months of age, thus becomes an essential component in the habilitation of children with cleft palate. Continued research is needed to ensure against giving the obtainment of early speech normalcy disproportionate emphasis over craniofacial growth considerations. To this end, continued cooperative research between surgeons and speech pathologists is imperative in order to base these important decisions on substantiated findings.
The speech of 84 patients with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate and 19 patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate was judged by professional listeners and compared with a control group of 40 noncleft subjects. The unilateral cleft group consisted of two subgroups: one group of 45 patients, who were treated with presurgical orthopedics before primary surgery, and one group of 39 patients, who were not. The speech of the patients and the noncleft subjects was tape recorded and randomly mixed prior to listener judgments. No significant differences in articulation or resonance were found between the subgroups of unilateral cleft patients. The results also indicated that the bilateral cleft patients had poorer speech and needed more speech therapy than the unilateral cleft patients. All cleft patients were found to have poorer speech than the noncleft subjects in spite of considerable speech therapy and complementary surgical treatment. This has resulted in a change in the Stockholm approach toward earlier palatal surgery, tailor-made pharyngeal flap operations, and earlier parental information and treatment of articulatory deviations.
The purpose of this investigation was to apply the findings of an anatomic study of the levator veli palatini, palatopharyngeus, and superior constrictor muscles in 18 fresh cadaveric specimens of normal adults to analyze current controversies in velopharyngeal function and cleft palate surgery. The levator veli palatini was observed to form a muscular sling, suspending the velum from the cranial base. Its fibers occupied the middle 50 percent of the velum, lying in transverse orientation and without significant overlap across the midline. It is well placed to function as the prime mover in the velar component of velopharyngeal closure. The velar component of the palatopharyngeus consisted of two heads clasping the levator and inserting into the latter just short of the midline. Its pharyngeal component inserted into the superior constrictor in the lateral and posterior pharyngeal walls. Together, these two muscles formed a sphincter around the velopharyngeal port, suggesting that both muscles are involved in the pharyngeal component of velopharyngeal closure. Based on the premise that the goal of palatoplasty is to restore normal anatomy, the intravelar veloplasty has a sound basis, and theoretically improves both velar and pharyngeal wall function because it corrects the dysmorphology of both the levator and palatopharyngeus. Although the Furlow palatoplasty also reorients these velar muscles correctly in the transverse position, the resulting overlap of the levator and palatopharyngeus across the midline is morphologically abnormal. In addition, the use of large Z-plasty flaps in wide clefts may cause excessive lateral tension, increasing the risk of fistula formation and causing an impairment of velar stretch capacity. The raising of a vertical pharyngeal flap divides the fibers of the superior constrictor and has the potential to impair pharyngeal wall function. The sphincter pharyngoplasty interferes less with pharyngeal wall anatomy. The potential for an obstructive outcome seems to be related to the use of wide, long flaps and a tight, overlapping type of flap inset. In addition, the level of flap inset is important: an inset at the level of the uvula has the greatest risk of causing obstruction, whereas a higher inset at the level of attempted velopharyngeal closure seems to provide the best opportunity for achieving velopharyngeal competence while avoiding hyponasality and obstruction.
The speech outcome was studied retrospectively in 140 cleft-palate patients who underwent push-back palatoplasty. Velopharyngeal function and articulation disorders were evaluated serially at 4, 7, 10, and more than 10 years of age. On comparison of velopharyngeal function between 4 years of age and the most recent review (>10 years), it was unchanged in 90 patients (64.3 percent), whereas it showed deterioration in 14 patients and showed improvement in 8 patients. The other 28 patients underwent pharyngeal flap surgery; this group also included patients with functional deterioration. Changes of velopharyngeal function often occurred between 4 and 7 years of age but sometimes occurred after 10 years of age. Articulation disorders were observed in 49 subjects (35.0 percent) at 4 years of age. Many of the patients with glottal stop showed improvement from 4 to 7 years of age. Palatalized articulation showed less improvement than glottal stop (p < 0.01). The number of patients with articulation disorders decreased significantly between 4 years of age and the most recent review (p < 0.001). These findings suggest that speech does not become stable before 10 years of age and that patients with cleft palate should be carefully followed until they are beyond this age.
We report the speech outcome in 90 children with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate who underwent soft palate repair either between 3 and 7 months of age (n = 40) or later than 7 months of age (n = 50). In all patients, palatoplasty was performed by one of two experienced surgeons using a modification of the Furlow technique, and speech evaluations were conducted using the Pittsburgh Weighted Values for Speech Symptoms Associated with Velopharyngeal Incompetence by two speech pathologists with high inter-rater reliability. There were no differences between the groups with respect to resonance, nasal air emission, and articulation. Velopharyngeal function, as measured by the total speech score, was similar between the two groups of patients, as were the rates of secondary pharyngoplasty. These results suggest that very early closure of the soft palate may not offer significant benefit over repair later in infancy with respect to speech outcome.
Treatment objectives for the cleft palate patient--normal speech, normal maxillofacial growth, and normal hearing--are closely related. Controversy about the timing of cleft palate surgery is directed at the need for early palatoplasty for improved speech and hearing versus delayed hard palate repair for undisturbed facial growth. This controversy as to the value of early versus delayed closure continues into the present. The authors present an updated argument regarding this controversy along with a comprehensive literature review. They also present a logical algorithm based on the literature and their personal experience.