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Sentiment Analysis To Predict Global Cryptocurrency Trends


Abstract and Figures

This project involves discovering relationships between forum talks and bitcoin price changes. We have shown that there is a big correlation between bitcoin price and forum posts. For that purpose we took the data from the Bitcoin Discussion of, performed sentiment analysis as well as relevant statistical analysis, topic modeling and then constructed neural network to predict bitcoin price values.
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Capstone Thesis
Sentiment Analysis To Predict Global Cryptocurrency
By: Gasia Atashian,
Hrachya Khachatryan
Supervised by Arsen Mamikonyan
Submitted to the College of Science and Engineering
May 2018
This project involves discovering relationships between forum talks and bitcoin price changes.
We have shown that there is a big correlation between bitcoin price and forum
posts. For that purpose we took the data from the Bitcoin Discussion of,
performed sentiment analysis as well as relevant statistical analysis, topic modeling and then
constructed neural network to predict bitcoin price values.
Abstract 3
Introduction 5
2. Related research 6
3. Data Gathering and Preprocessing: 7
3.1 Data Collection: 7
3.2 BitcoinTalk forums: 7
3.3 Historical Bitcoin Price data 8
4. Topic Models: LDA 10
4.1 Data Preparation and Transformation 10
4.2 Constructing a document-term matrix 11
4.3 Applying the LDA model 11
4.4 Results 11
5. Sentiment analysis 13
5.1 Sentiment analysis of forum posts 13
5.2 Bitcoin price change Peaks 13
5.3 Relation of sentiment analysis to price changes 14
6. Neural Network 15
6.1 Model Architecture 15
6.2 Model validation. 16
6.3 Feature Summary: 16
6.4 Model results: 18
8. Model Evaluation and Summary 23
9. Code Sources 23
References: 24
1. Introduction
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is used to make online payments and has become very popular
nowadays. Moreover this cryptocurrency is not only used for online payments, but also for
investments. Hence it became very important nowadays to understand how the bitcoin price
changes and what kind of factors influence its fluctuation. The rise of cryptocurrencies has
changed the way of economic transactions greatly. Besides the bitcoin several other
cryptocurrencies have come into existence as well. The increase of the bitcoin circulation also
brought a lot of users into social media and online forums to share their opinions and reactions
about this cryptocurrency. People who have common interests tend to make posts about certain
topics. Moreover, as bitcoin is mostly traded on the Internet, they make their decisions about
buying or selling the bitcoins mainly based on the information that they obtain from the same
Internet, usually from online forums and social media. And the relationship of such forum
discussions and bitcoin price fluctuations is not well studied today. Therefore this paper aims to
find such relationships by making sentiment and topic analysis of Bitcoin discussion posts from and construct a predictive model.
In order to build our model we have downloaded data from bitcointalk, cleaned the data and used
machine learning to figure out correlation between blog posts and bitcoin price. We have scraped
the data from the mentioned source (Bitcoin discussion), then cleaned that to keep only the
useful information by removing unmeaningful words as well as HTML tags, stemmed the words,
(more on this in section 4.1). And after that we constructed a topic model with Latent Dirichlet
allocation (LDA) [1], which is described in section 2. Then we made a sentiment analysis of our
data. Afterward by having that information we analyzed which kind of impact does that have on
bitcoin price fluctuations by building a neural network with multiple layers (section 6).
2. Related research
Some people made forum posts sentiment analysis, without considering the information derived
from cumulative user posts’ data gathered during a specified period [9], while others made
research on online user comments.
For that purpose, topic modeling has been intensively studied as a technique for analysing user
opinions and thoughts from their textual posts[10]. Topic modeling[11] is a text-mining method
that gives a collection of prevailing topics and related keywords out of a large-scale document
corpus. The topics give users an instant overview of the overall corpus, by eliminating the need
to read through all the posts, which would be very difficult and time-consuming process.
Lately, collaborative filtering and topic modeling were integrated for generating scientific article
suggestion systems on online community[12]. A Temporal Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(TM-LDA) system was used to make a deep analysis of the online social media by employing an
advanced Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling[13]. Also, application of the LDA
approach to Chinese social reviews discovered the sentiments underlying some social events and
3. Data Gathering and Preprocessing:
3.1 Data Collection:
Data is a gathered information that comes from real observations. Data collection plays a vital
role in each project, as the effectiveness and the cleanliness of the data directly affects the
results. For this project, the data is mainly gathered from two resources; from the bitcointalk
forums and from the historical bitcoin price exchange data.
3.2 BitcoinTalk forums:
Analyzing the different forums of social media, we mostly found bitcoin related data on Reddit,
Twitter and BitconTalk. We tried to gather data from Reddit and do analysis on, however
Bitcointalk forum was more related to our project as Reddit contained more generalized posts.
Although there are many projects that did sentiment analysis on Twitter data, but we decided to
use BitcoinTalk data to add more value to the overall research and project.
We gathered data from forum, which consists of topics and each topic
contains replies. Using the library Scrapy in python [4], we scraped the HTML data of each page
from bitcointalk forums since April 23, 2011 6:24:16 PM until May 05, 2018 01:15:00 AM,
which took almost 5 hours to complete. Then we separated each topic with its replies. We
preprocessed the data by cleaning the message part and separating the quoteheader for the
message. Initially, messages contained HTML noise, like ''' which we replaced it by its
human readable form which is '.
We used htmlpackage in python, specifically the unescape function to clean the HTML noise
and also the following mappings to further clean the rest:
map_clean= {''' : "'",
'"' : '"',
' ' : ' ',
'<br />' : ' ',
'<br/>' : ' ',
'<br >' : '',
'<b>' : '',
'&lt': '<',
'&gt': '>',
'&le': '<=',
'&ge': '>='}
Our final data frame consists of the following columns:
Timestamp, topic_id, topic_title, message_number, message_author, message_text, quoteheader.
Timestamp is an integer in Unix time
Topic_id is the id of each topic as the Bitcointalk keep tracks of unique id topic
Ttopic_title is the title of the topic
Message_number is the queue where the message (reply) stands in the following topic
Message_author is the author of the message (reply)
Message_text is the extracted message (reply)
Quoteheader refers to the quotheader if there is any.
In total we have 1046382 rows, with 25047 unique topic_title (topic_id)
Figure 3.1. Bitcointalk forums data.
Having the data ready, we can proceed to the next step.
3.3 Historical Bitcoin Price data
We have used the GDAX python library [5] to gather bitcoin history data. The API gives 200
points on each request, we had to gather the data part by part and then merge them.
We collected the data from 2014 until 2018 in an interval of 5 minutes.
The data contained six features, timestamp, low, high, open, close and volume.
Timestamp refers to the time in Unix time which we converted it to human readable date-time.
Low is the lowest price the bitcoin has been in the interval, same as high with the highest price.
Open is the opening price, which means the initial price in that interval, same as closing with the
closing price.
Volume refers to the traffic of transaction in the given time.
The following figure is our data:
Figure 3.1. Bitcoin price data.
Figure 3.2. The plot of bitcoin price historical data.
As the most interesting part was from 2016 to 2018, we filtered the historical data, as well as the
forum posts data to that range, and built our model based on that.
4. Topic Models: LDA
As our main goal is to find relations between forum talks and bitcoin price changes, we also
considered topic modeling in order to include topic distributions of the posts as an additional
feature in our model to have better results. Topic modeling is described as a way of finding a
group of words (topics) from a set of documents, which can be a collection of sentences, that
best shows the information of each of the documents. It can also be considered as a method of
text mining – a way of obtaining recurring patterns of words in textual context [15]. There are
many techniques of such modelings, however, the widely used one is the Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA), which we used in our model to separate our posts into topics [3]. The LDA
model discovers the different topics that are contained in a particular document and the portion
of the topic that is present in a document. We took bitcoin price value per 5 minutes as labels of
our model; hence as input we took the set of all the posts that were made during every 5 minutes.
So the LDA model was constructed on the set of documents, which are represented as bags of
posts per 5 minutes. We built a model with 15 topics. Then for each document we got the
weights of the topics, and added those weights as additional features to our input data for the
neural network.
4.1 Data Preparation and Transformation
Data preparation is very important in order to build a meaningful topic model, because
documents may contain a lot of nonsensical words which will interfere generating useful topics.
So the following transformations were performed to prepare the data.
Tokenizing: converting a document to its atomic elements. In our case, we are interested
in tokenizing to words [1].
Stopping: removing meaningless words. Certain parts of English speech, like
conjunctions (“for”, “or”) or the word “the” are meaningless to a topic model. These
terms are called stop words and were removed from our token list [1].
Stemming: bringing words, that have equivalent meaning, to the same term. For
example,the words “stemming”, “stemmer”, “stemmed”, should be interpreted as the
same; hence stemming reduces those words to “stem”. So this is very important, because
otherwise our model would view those words as separate entities and will reduce the
frequency of that model which will influence the decision of the topics. For this purpose
the python implementation of Porter stemming algorithm was used to stem the words,
which performs different operations to remove unnecessary parts from the words by
having lists of English suffixes and prefixes in accordance with their usage rules [2].
4.2 Constructing a document-term matrix
Now at this stage, we have a tokenized, stopped and stemmed list of words. Then we constructed
a list of lists, one list for each of our original documents, which means we grouped all posts for
each subject into one list [3].
As was already mentioned, in order to build an LDA model we need to get the frequencies of the
terms within the documents. To do that we constructed a document-term matrix, which will
contain the frequencies of the words for each of the documents. First, we assigned a unique
integer id to each unique token then collected word counts and relevant statistics. As a result we
got an object called corpus, which represents a list of vectors equal to the number of documents.
In each document vector is a sequence of tuples. For example one of the vectors can be: [(0, 2),
(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 1), (5, 1)], which represents one of the documents. The tuples are (term
ID, term frequency) pairs.
4.3 Applying the LDA model
Now we have a document-term matrix and we generate an LDA model using gensim library [3].
Our LDA model is then stored. This model has a lot of functions that provide us with the needed
information. For instance, we can review our topics with the print_topic and print_topics
methods. Also we can get the topics for each of our documents. Hence by having this model, we
can understand which topics were most popular in particular periods of time and which kind of
impact does that have on the performance of the neural network predictions.
4.4 Results
The obtained 15 topics are represented as array of words with their weights. So the overall
picture of the topics is the following:
Figure 4.1. LDA topics.
Based on these topic representations we can see that indeed there are meaningful topics in the
documents. We can notice that the discussions of the forum are about important topics which
indeed can influence the price fluctuations. We can even label these topics. For instance, if we
look at topic number 2, based on the represented words, we can conclude that this topic is mainly
about stock investments in the market. As another example, we can take topic number 5. In this
case we can even make a complete meaningful sentence with the provided words. An example of
such sentence can be: ”It is good time to invest money and buy coins to make a profit”. Another
interesting topic is the 10th. We can see that this topic is about future price rise.
To sum up the results of LDA topic modeling, we can say that, the topics of the forum
discussions are indeed related to bitcoin. Hence, it is logical to make a hypothesis that the
discussions around the relevant topics may play a significant role in bitcoin price fluctuations.
Therefore as we became confident about the propriety of the topics, we decided to include the
weights of the 15 topics for each document as an auxiliary feature to our neural network (see
section 6).
5. Sentiment analysis
5.1 Sentiment analysis of forum posts
After dividing our documents into topics and constructing the LDA model, it is logical to
understand how positive the posts of each document were. To that purpose we use TextBlob
library to evaluate documents from our data set. TextBlob gives two values polarity (from -1 to
1), that shows the positiveness of the data and subjectivity (from 0 to 1), which shows how
subjective the data is [6]. Next, these two values also were added to the input data of the
predictive model as auxiliary features.
TextBlob example:
look way sub even perfect price
buy majority people see sub coin
1 (positive)
1 (subjective)
price go halve people literally
-0.9 (negative)
argument support fact general
trend price dip well
0.05 (neutral)
0.5 (less subjective)
zero loss formula review software
peter morgan muler
0 (neutral)
0 (not subjective)
5.2 Bitcoin price change Peaks
We followed a general algorithm for finding local minimum and maximum in the bitcoin price
change data. According to our algorithm, a point is considered a maximum peak if it has the
maximal value, and was preceded (to the left) by a value lower by delta, and followed (to the
right) by a value lower by delta. The following plot shows the result of detecting maximum and
minimum points on bitcoin price change data. In next section we will see the relation of the
sentiments to such peaks
Figure 5.1. Bitcoin price peaks.
5.3 Relation of sentiment analysis to price changes
Figure 5.2. Sentiment analysis and price change relation.
From the figure above we can notice some correlation of sentiments with price changes. For
instance, in some regions, the positiveness is correlated with the increases in the price, and
negativeness is correlated with the decreases. However there are also some regions where this
correlation is not observed. The obtained correlation factor is not so high it is about 3%. All in
all, we added the sentiments to the neural network in order to see how it helps to make better
6. Neural Network
6.1 Model Architecture
Next, we started to construct a neural network that predicts bitcoin price based on our data,
which is a set of user posts with some auxiliary features. We built Keras neural network [7]. As
the network required the inputs to be vectors, we decided to use StarSpace word embedding in
order to map words to a vector in a space that has high dimensions. These word embeddings give
semantic and syntactic information of the words. For instance, the words, which are similar, are
close to each other in this space and the words which are dissimilar, are far apart [8].
Before training the model we labeled the data. We tried different methods of labeling. First we
calculated the labels as the logarithm of the ratio of the average price of bitcoin in next 5 minutes
to the average price of previous 5 minutes: ). However, after trainingog( lAverage P rice N ext 5 M in
Average P rice P rev 5 M in
our model we got very bad results, our model was not learning anything and the loss was not
decreasing. Then we took the label as the normalized values of bitcoin price for each 5-minute
data and got better results. Moreover, we tried different ways of normalizing and the results for
each method are represented in section 7.
The main input to the model was the collection of the posts for every 5 minutes, represented as a
sequence of words which we got from StarSpace in a vector form. But to spice things up, we also
added auxiliary inputs to the model, such as polarity and subjectivity, whose correlation to the
data was 3%. Then we included the volume of transactions within each 5 minute as another
feature, whose correlation was 12%. And finally we added the 15 weights of the topics of our
LDA model as new auxiliary features. By having such amount of features we examined their
different combinations in the neural network and represented all obtained results in section 7. To
combine the main input data (the posts) with the auxiliary features we first passed our vectors to
the LSTM layer. LSTM transformed the sequence of the vectors into a single vector, containing
information about the entire sequence. Then we fed into the model our auxiliary input data by
concatenating it with the LSTM output. Next we stacked three deep densely-connected networks
with different amounts of neurons and finally applied the main logistic regression layer with
sigmoid activation as our labels range from 0 to 1.
6.2 Model validation.
Our final filtered data contains 351666 forum replies, which we transformed into 5-minute bags,
which made a total of 141981, and divided randomly to three sets: train, test and validation with
the respective ratios: 80%, 10%, 10%. To measure the performance of our model we used the
values of loss function measured in mean squared error, as well as the R squared score which
measures how the data points are close to the fitted values. Assuming that the best naive model
without training it on the data is to predict the mean value of the initial label, we can compare
our model to the mean model and measure how well it does. The R-squared score is calculated
by using the following formula:
where is the sum of square of difference between the real value and the R2= 1 RS S
predicted, and is the sum of squares of difference between the real value and the meanSSR
In other words, R squared is used as the indicators of the goodness of our model. The values of
the indicators, as well as the plots of the losses, are represented in section 7.
Trying different
architectures and different combinations of features, we obtained different results which are
shown below.
6.3 Feature Summary:
StarSpace converted our words into 100 dimensionality vectors, followed by an LSTM of
32 neurons and three fully connected layers which takes the output of LSTM and the
auxiliary variables as its input. The input and output size of the fully connected layers is
the same size as the sum of LSTM output and number of auxiliary variables.
Word padding refers to the dimensionality of the initial sentence input; for example
having 150 word padding with a sentence containing 100 words, means adding empty
words to the sentence to make the dimensionality 150, wherease the sentences that have
more than 150 words, will cut it up to 150 words.
The following is the histogram of the number of word in our messages. It goes up to 2000
Figure 6.1.
Histogram of
number of words
in sentences
Our experiment showed that using padding of 750 words reduce the complexity of the
algorithm and doesn’t affect the loss.
Sigmoid is the activation function which is used in the fully connected layers as well as
the last layer.
LDA topic refers to the probability vector of each forum to belong to one of the 15 LDA
trained topics.
Price label, we used two types of normalization. In the Min Max case we normalized the
price to fall into the range 0 to 1. And in the Uniform min max case, we took the
logarithm of the price and then normalized it to fall in the range 0 to 1 which gave almost
a uniform distribution.
Figure 6.2: Price label histograms:Price label min max vs price label uniform min max.
6.4 Model results:
This experiment is done to try different word paddings in case of the non-uniform price labeling
(min max), and one experiment using LDA topics.
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Word padding
Price label
Min Max
Min Max
Min Max
Min Max
LDA topics
RMSE Train set
RMSE Test set
RMSE validation set
R squared Train set
R squared Test set
R squared Validation set
# hours to train on CPU
Train_val loss
This experiment is done to try different combinations of auxiliary variables in case of the
uniform price labeling (uniform min max).
Model 5
Model 6
Model 7
Model 9
Word padding
Price label
Uniform min
Uniform min
Uniform min
Uniform min
LDA topics
Loss Train set
Loss Validation set
RMSE Train set
RMSE Test set
RMSE validation set
R squared Train set
R squared Test set
R squared Validation
# hours to train on CPU
Train_val loss
The following plots are dedicated to the Train and Validation loss depending on epoch (left side
part plot), and predictions on a part of test data set (right side part plot) for each model.
Model 1:
Model 2:
Model 3:
Model 4:
Model 5:
Model 6:
Model 7:
Model 8:
Model 9:
8. Model Evaluation and Summary
From the obtained results we can conclude that the model works pretty well taking into account
that the data was not so much and was taken only from one forum. We can see that the highest R
squared score was obtained in case of having only 150 words in each document, however, this is
not a good prediction because the large amounts of posts were omitted in this case. Next, we can
see that changing that value from 750 to 1500 does not make much difference, because there are
not so many documents with a length larger than 750. Min max price labeling gives better R
squared score, and less loss, however, the distribution of the price is right skewed, which means
we have more chance to be near the real value by predicting the value near the left peak.
Although uniform min max gives more loss and less R squared, but statistically it is more
accurate to do the experiment on. Using uniform min max labeling, with 750 we have R squared
score about 0.22. However, when we added also LDA topics’ weights as a feature the model
worked better and we got R squared score 0.28. By this result we can say that our hypothesis
made in section 4.4 was true; indeed LDA topic weights improved the R squared score. Hence
we can say that topic distribution of the posts influence price fluctuations. And we should also
notice that in case of including LDA topics the uniform normalization gave a higher score than
the other one. Moreover, the results of adding the auxiliary variables of polarity, subjectivity and
volume also increase the wellness of the model.
In conclusion, from the plots of the losses of our model we can see that in addition to not bad
accuracies of value predictions, the model predicts the moments of increases and decreases of the
price very well. And for further improvements we will try to test our model on larger dataset
from different forums as well as social media.
9. Code Sources
All the source codes are provided in the following GitHub repository:
1. Blei D. (2003). Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
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2. Porter M. (2006). The Porter Stemming Algorithm.
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3. Barber J. (n. d.). Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) with Python.
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5. D. (n.d.). Danpaquin/gdax-python. Retrieved from
6. Tutorial: Quickstart¶. (n.d.). Retrieved from
7. Chilamkurthy, S. (2017, January 05). Keras Tutorial - Spoken Language Understanding.
Retrieved from
8. Getting started with the Keras functional API. (n.d.). Retrieved from
9. Kim, Y. B., Lee, S. H., Kang, S. J., Choi, M. J., Lee, J., & Kim, C. H. (2015). Retrieved
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11. Blei DM, Ng AY, Jordan MI. Latent dirichlet allocation. Journal of machine Learning
research. 2003;3(Jan):993–1022.
12. Wang C, Blei DM. Collaborative topic modeling for recommending scientific articles.
Retrieved from
13. Wang Y, Agichtein E, Benzi M. TM-LDA: efficient online modeling of latent topic
transitions in social media. Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international
conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. 2012:123–31.
14. 28. Xianghua F, Guo L, Yanyan G, Zhiqiang W. Multi-aspect sentiment analysis for
Chinese online social reviews based on topic modeling and HowNet lexicon.
Knowledge-Based Systems. 2013;37:186–95.
15. KDnuggets. (n.d.). Retrieved from
... Atashian and Hrachya [16] used the LDA to construct a predictive model for Bitcoin using sentiment analysis, as the internet primarily influences cryptocurrency. Data scraped from, a bitcoin forum, from April 23, 2011, to May 05, 2018. ...
Full-text available
Digital cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have exploded in recent years in both popularity and value. By their novelty, cryptocurrencies tend to be both volatile and highly speculative. The capricious nature of these coins is helped facilitated by social media networks such as Twitter. However, not everyone's opinion matters equally, with most posts garnering little to no attention. Additionally, the majority of tweets are retweeted from popular posts. We must determine whose opinion matters and the difference between influential and non-influential users. This study separates these two groups and analyzes the differences between them. It uses Hypertext-induced Topic Selection (HITS) algorithm, which segregates the dataset based on influence. Topic modeling is then employed to uncover differences in each group's speech types and what group may best represent the entire community. We found differences in language and interest between these two groups regarding Bitcoin and that the opinion leaders of Twitter are not aligned with the majority of users. There were 2559 opinion leaders (0.72% of users) who accounted for 80% of the authority and the majority (99.28%) users for the remaining 20% out of a total of 355,139 users.
... Atashian and Hrachya [16] used the LDA to construct a predictive model for Bitcoin using sentiment analysis, as the internet primarily influences cryptocurrency. Data scraped from, a bitcoin forum, from April 23, 2011, to May 05, 2018. ...
Full-text available
Digital cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have exploded in recent years in both popularity and value. By their novelty, cryptocurrencies tend to be both volatile and highly speculative. The capricious nature of these coins is helped facilitated by social media networks such as Twitter. However, not everyone's opinion matters equally, with most posts garnering little to no attention. Additionally, the majority of tweets are retweeted from popular posts. We must determine whose opinion matters and the difference between influential and non-influential users. This study separates these two groups and analyzes the differences between them. It uses Hypertext-induced Topic Selection (HITS) algorithm, which segregates the dataset based on influence. Topic modeling is then employed to uncover differences in each group's speech types and what group may best represent the entire community. We found differences in language and interest between these two groups regarding Bitcoin and that the opinion leaders of Twitter are not aligned with the majority of users. There were 2559 opinion leaders (0.72% of users) who accounted for 80% of the authority and the majority (99.28%) users for the remaining 20% out of a total of 355,139 users.
Cryptocurrencies are more and more used in official cash flows and exchange of goods. Bitcoin and the underlying blockchain technology have been looked at by big companies that are adopting and investing in this technology. The CRIX Index of cryptocurrencies indicates a wider acceptance of cryptos. One reason for its prosperity certainly being a security aspect, since the underlying network of cryptos is decentralized. It is also unregulated and highly volatile, making the risk assessment at any given moment difficult. In message boards one finds a huge source of information in the form of unstructured text written by e.g. Bitcoin developers and investors. We collect from a popular crypto currency message board texts, user information and associated time stamps. We then provide an indicator for fraudulent schemes. This indicator is constructed using dynamic topic modelling, text mining and unsupervised machine learning. We study how opinions and the evolution of topics are connected with big events in the cryptocurrency universe. Furthermore, the predictive power of these techniques are investigated, comparing the results to known events in the cryptocurrency space. We also test hypothesis of self-fulling prophecies and herding behaviour using the results.
User-generated reviews on the Web reflect users’ sentiment about products, services and social events. Existing researches mostly focus on the sentiment classification of the product and service reviews in document level. Reviews of social events such as economic and political activities, which are called social reviews, have specific characteristics different to the reviews of products and services. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised approach to automatically discover the aspects discussed in Chinese social reviews and also the sentiments expressed in different aspects. The approach is called Multi-aspect Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Online Social Reviews (MSA-COSRs). We first apply the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model to discover multi-aspect global topics of social reviews, and then extract the local topic and associated sentiment based on a sliding window context over the review text. The aspect of the local topic is identified by a trained LDA model, and the polarity of the associated sentiment is classified by HowNet lexicon. The experiment results show that MSA-COSR cannot only obtain good topic partitioning results, but also help to improve sentiment analysis accuracy. It helps to simultaneously discover multi-aspect fine-grained topics and associated sentiment.
Conference Paper
Researchers have access to large online archives of scientific articles. As a consequence, finding relevant papers has become more difficult. Newly formed online communities of researchers sharing citations provides a new way to solve this problem. In this paper, we develop an algorithm to recommend scientific articles to users of an online community. Our approach combines the merits of traditional collaborative filtering and probabilistic topic modeling. It provides an interpretable latent structure for users and items, and can form recommendations about both existing and newly published articles. We study a large subset of data from CiteULike, a bibliography sharing service, and show that our algorithm provides a more effective recommender system than traditional collaborative filtering.
We describe latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), a generative probabilistic model for collections of discrete data such as text corpora. LDA is a three-level hierarchical Bayesian model, in which each item of a collection is modeled as a finite mixture over an underlying set of topics. Each topic is, in turn, modeled as an infinite mixture over an underlying set of topic probabilities. In the context of text modeling, the topic probabilities provide an explicit representation of a document. We present efficient approximate inference techniques based on variational methods and an EM algorithm for empirical Bayes parameter estimation. We report results in document modeling, text classification, and collaborative filtering, comparing to a mixture of unigrams model and the probabilistic LSI model.
Getting started with the Keras functional API
  • S Chilamkurthy
Chilamkurthy, S. (2017, January 05). Keras Tutorial-Spoken Language Understanding. Retrieved from ​ 8. Getting started with the Keras functional API. (n.d.). Retrieved from
TM-LDA: efficient online modeling of latent topic transitions in social media
  • Y Wang
  • E Agichtein
  • M Benzi
Wang Y, Agichtein E, Benzi M. TM-LDA: efficient online modeling of latent topic transitions in social media. Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. 2012:123-31.
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) with Python
  • J Barber
Barber J. (n. d.). Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) with Python. Retrieved: 67a.html
Keras Tutorial -Spoken Language Understanding
  • S Chilamkurthy
Chilamkurthy, S. (2017, January 05). Keras Tutorial -Spoken Language Understanding. Retrieved from 8. Getting started with the Keras functional API. (n.d.). Retrieved from