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Algorithmic Warfare Applying Artificial Intelligence to Warfighting



The defence domain is about to be completely disrupted by the rise of intelligent machines. Unlike older programmable computers these machines do not give the same output for the same input every time. Instead, like you, these artificial intelligences continually learn, evolve ‘on the job’ and display emergent behaviours that may surprise, for good or bad. Successfully using these smart machines will need even smarter humans. Intelligent machines are simultaneously powerful and brittle, brilliant and childlike, dazzling and incomprehensible. Their application to warfighting will need to be undertaken carefully, prudently and realistically. This book aims to help that process. The age of algorithmic warfare has arrived. We need to get smarter—and quickly.
Algorithmic Warfare
Applying Articial Intelligence to Warghting
Peter Layton
© Commonwealth of Australia 2018
is work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the
Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without
prior written permission. Inquiries should be made to the publisher.
e views expressed in this work are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of
Defence, the Royal Australian Air Force or the Government of Australia.
e Commonwealth of Australia will not be legally responsible in
contract, tort or otherwise, for any statements made in this document.
ISBN: 978192562267
A catalogue record for this
book is available from the
National Library of Australia
A catalogue record for this book is available
from the National Library of Australia.
Published and distributed by:
Air Power Development Centre
F3-G, Department of Defence
PO Box 7932
Telephone: + 61 2 6128 7041
Facsimile: + 61 2 6128 7053
Since the first days of air power, the pace of technological
innovation has been relentless. is rapid pace continues with
a range of technologies emerging that threaten to disrupt and
overturn conventional thinking on warfighting and traditional force
structures. Last year, Beyond the Planned Air Force determined that
disruptive technology included autonomous weapons, uninhabited
systems, artificial intelligence, smart algorithms and ‘big data’
Combined employment of some of these disruptors can be
described as algorithmic warfare, which can be characterised in two
ways: first, the disruptors will pervade future air forces influencing
their roles and missions; and second, warfare will evolve beyond
network-centric conceptions. e conduct of future wars will
increasingly change as intelligent machines for the first time begin
to assist and counsel humans in warfighting. Not surprisingly, it
is becoming apparent that the advice provided by algorithms will
significantly shape future military judgments.
While such a future offers tantalising prospects for making air
forces more strategically and operationally effective, many questions
arise about the ethical, moral and legal aspects of the employment
of air power. Although many of these questions are legitimate, they
sometimes consider only part of the story. Some of the worries that
emerge may be addressed by carefully examining what evolving
intelligent machine technologies can and cannot do.
ese technologies are simultaneously powerful and brittle,
brilliant and childlike, dazzling and incomprehensible. Indeed, such
seeming contradictions are probably best described by Moravecs
paradox, which holds that intelligent machines find the difficult
things easy and the easy things difficult.
Dr. Laytons paper explores the concept of algorithmic warfare
and, in doing so, discusses the technology involved, human-machine
teaming matters, diverse warfighting aspects and new employment
strategies. While this challenging new area will disrupt and influence
everything Air Force does, the process has evidently already begun.
Algorithmic warfare has arrived and deserves considerable thought.
GPCAPT Andrew Gilbert
March 2018
About the Author
Dr Peter Layton, PhD is a RAAF Reserve Group Captain and a
Visiting Fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University. He
has extensive aviation and defence experience and, for his work at the
Pentagon on force structure matters, was awarded the US Secretary
of Defense’s Exceptional Public Service Medal. He has a doctorate
from the University of New South Wales on grand strategy and has
taught on the topic at the Eisenhower College, US National Defence
University. For his academic work, he was awarded a Fellowship to
the European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy. He is the author of
the book Grand Strategy.
Foreword ........................................................................................ iii
About the Author ..............................................................................v
1. Introduction ............................................................................... 1
2. e Technology of Algorithmic Warfare .................................... 5
3. Making Algorithmic Warfare Happen ...................................... 19
4. Waging Algorithmic Warfare .................................................... 31
5. Others’ Algorithmic Warfare .................................................... 47
6. Ethical Matters and Law of Armed Conflict Implications ......... 59
7. Conclusion ............................................................................... 71
Select Bibliography ......................................................................... 75
We live in a time of rapid disruptive technological change
impacting all aspects of our lives and societies. is is particularly
evident in the field of information technology (IT) where the
defence domain is trying hard to keep up with the ongoing
remarkable developments in the commercial realm. is is a sharp
difference to 30 years ago during the Cold War when the military
led technological development, took a calculated approach to such
change and carefully managed disruptions.
e latest disruptive technologies emerging from the commercial
realm that concern defence include advanced computing, ‘big data
analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), autonomy and robotics. In this,
the 2018 US National Defense Strategy reflects much contemporary
strategic thinking in declaring that: ‘e drive to develop [these]
new technologies is relentless, expanding to more actors with lower
barriers of entry, and moving at accelerating speed….’ e tone is
worried as these are ‘the very technologies’ determined necessary to
‘be able to fight and win the wars of the future.’
e five ‘technologies’ noted in the preceding paragraph are not
strictly comparable. Some are technologies but some are capabilities
that other technologies might give future warfighters. Indeed, certain
capabilities, like autonomy, are already operational and have been
for decades. is conflation of technologies and military capabilities
tends to hinder current defence debates not sharpen them. e new
Algorithmic Warfare
term, ‘algorithmic warfare’, may instead be more useful in describing
and discussing the latest technology-pushed warfighting concepts.
Algorithms are the sequence of instructions and rules that
machines use to solve problems. ey transform inputs to outputs
and as such are the crucial conceptual and technical foundation
stone of modern IT and the new intelligent machines. Algorithms
may also become the conceptual and technical foundation stone of
future warfighting.
e term’s present use emanates from the US DoD’s Project
Maven. is project aims to use AI systems trained using
advanced computing techniques to autonomously analyse big
data. Immediately apparent is that this undertaking results from
integrating several differing technologies and functions. Maven’s
success depends on the performance of the algorithms used.
Regardless of the terminology used, the practical impact of
intelligent machines on our established force structures and
warfighting is uncertain. Will algorithmic warfare mean that we can
do things better or, in contrast, that we can do better things? Will our
current warfighting styles simply evolve or instead be revolutionised
by incorporating intelligent machines? Will intelligent machines
transform our current force structure models? is paper explores
such questions and more.
Chapter 2 delves into the technical basis of algorithmic warfare,
focusing on machines that learn and have emergent properties;
these machines are intrinsically quite different to our current
programmable machines. Chapter 3 looks at the practical matters
that shape algorithmic warfare implementation and the apparent,
perhaps unexpected importance of the human-machine interface to
winning wars. Chapter 4 examines algorithmic warfare to discuss
both how this might enhance our current warfighting concepts
and conversely how it might radically transform them. Algorithmic
warfare may replace our current network-centric warfare concepts.
Chapter 5 looks at Chinese and Russian thinking; both are using
unique applications of algorithmic warfare for domestic societal
management and disruption. Chapter 6 considers ethics and
pertinent law of armed conflict issues.
Importantly, this paper tries to stay practically focused on
the application of emerging and probable intelligent machine
technologies to warfighting. For commercial reasons as much as
anything, fictional books and movies remain fascinated by the
notions of robot soldiers fighting a final battle against the human
race. e technologies involved in those forums remain distant, as
this paper will persuade you. However, while Terminator cyborgs
and Cyberdyne’s Skynet are imaginary, today’s smart-phone and
internet search engines already use intelligent machine technologies,
the Chinese Government’s Skynet intelligent surveillance system is
operational and Project Maven will deliver its AI-powered analysis
system to the USAF later this year. Intelligent machines have arrived.
Algorithmic warfare is now very real and demands deep professional
Algorithmic Warfare
T T
 A W
e ability to undertake algorithmic warfare rests on computing
technology advances in three main areas. e first involves the several
decades of exponential growth in computer-processing power that
has allowed sharp improvements in implementing machine-learning
techniques. e second involves the sudden growth in ‘big data’; very
large, often automated, mined and created datasets suitable to train
learning-capable machines. e third involves the steady evolution
of cloud technology so that computers can readily access off-board
processing and data resourcing to solve problems.
From considering these areas, it is apparent that algorithmic
warfare is not a discrete technology such as directed energy weapons
or hypersonics. Instead, the concept’s technologies will have a
broad, all-pervasive effect, progressively becoming omnipresent
in warfighting. For the first time, military machines are becoming
intelligent, potentially making those defence forces that successfully
embrace them more effective and efficient. Such smart machines
though do have distinct limitations that need to be understood and
which can be exploited.
Algorithmic Warfare
Intelligent Machines
Military machines have long been automated. A Harpoon anti-
ship missile of the 1970s for example could accurately fly for several
minutes at high-subsonic speeds at very low altitudes, operate its
radar, analyse the radar picture, determine a particular ship to target,
and then fly a complex attack profile. ese complicated machines,
like our modern desktop computers, were programmable. Such
machines analyse structured data, use carefully designed logic flows
and take pre-defined actions to complete tightly specified tasks.
Such systems are broadly considered as deterministic, that is for
a given input the output will always be the same unless there is a
hardware failure or software glitch. ey can be very powerful but
are inherently rigid.
Your mobile phone and online search engines contain the early
beginnings of something quite different. IBM calls these ‘cognitive’
machines. Instead of being pre-programmed, they learn from their
interactions with humans and the environment to continually
update their internal model of the world. ey are probabilistic,
that is they provide not simply answers to numerical problems but
confidence-weighted responses together with supporting evidence.
ey can identify patterns and provide fresh insights when analysing
unstructured data; an important issue given some 80 per cent of the
world’s data is unstructured. Cognitive machines though do not give
the same result every time but rather provide ‘best-guess’ answers
across a range. Cognitive machines are intelligent, at least compared
to the preceding programmable ones.
Cognitive machines are enabled by high processing power.
Such machines need specialised chips specifically designed for the
particular purposes intended. e affordability of these unique chips
then depends on their being placed into high-volume production,
which in turn, depends on the chip’s commercial importance. e
e Technology of Algorithmic Warfare
recent sharp advances in chip design have been driven mainly by the
demands of speech and face recognition systems, and autonomous
cars. When mass-produced, these new chips will rapidly improve
commercial computer applications and by lowering costs will allow
intelligent machines to be widely adopted by armed forces. e
first, Nvidia’s Xavier chip, is designed specifically for autonomous
vehicles and combines high processing power, reliability and
energy-efficiency. In the future, quantum computing may further
revolutionise processing power with major intelligent machine
e new chips are important to machine learning, the key
technical advance driving recent intelligent machine development.
Instead of programming the computer with each individual step
needed to solve a problem, machine learning uses learning algorithms
that make inferences from the data provided. Crucially, rather than
the computer programmers, the learning algorithms create the rules
that intelligent machines use. is means these computers can be
used for complicated tasks unable to be manually programmed, such
as face recognition across Facebooks almost two billion users. With
different training data, the same learning algorithm can be used to
generate new rules and instructions appropriate to new tasks. In
general, the more data used to train the learning algorithm the better
the rules and instructions devised.
ere are two principal machine-learning methods: supervised
and unsupervised. In the former, the learning algorithms are given
labelled data. For example, photos of naval ships labelled ‘warships’
might be fed through the algorithm so it can devise the rules that
the intelligent machine could use to classify such pictures again in
the future when fed large photo datasets. Supervised learning though
requires people to tag and categorise the data; this can be a time-
consuming, error-prone task
Algorithmic Warfare
In contrast, unsupervised learning uses unlabelled data. e
learning algorithms identify patterns for themselves in the data they
are is fed. is approach is broadly like how humans learn; they
observe the world, determine how objects are related and, from
that, build an internal model about how the world works. With
unsupervised learning though, it is unsure what data associations the
learning algorithms make. While the process entails using known
statistical methods to assess the data, the only indicator is how well
the intelligent machine performs the set task.
e unsupervised learning method involves several techniques.
In reinforcement learning, the learning algorithm interacts with
a dynamic environment that provides feedback about rewards and
punishments for doing tasks correctly. Most famously, the AlphaGo
intelligent machine, trained to use reinforcement learning, recently
defeated the world Go champion. e strategy game of Go has
long been considered a particularly difficult challenge for intelligent
machines to master. is somewhat startling intelligent machine
success appears to have significantly influenced Chinese military
thinkers about the need to embrace intelligent machines and
algorithmic warfare. In the case of AlphaGo, the machine trained
initially playing against humans and then against itself, becoming
progressively better each time.
Similar in concept are Generative Adversarial Networks that
compete against each other to improve their performance. Each
network tries to trick the other by making it increasingly difficult for
the other to correctly complete its task. is technique allows smaller
datasets to be used for training because the opponent can generate
increasingly realistic, but false, data against which to train.
Deep learning is the current state-of-the-art in machine learning.
While still using learning algorithms, these are stacked in layers to
create an artificial ‘neural network’. When this deep neural network
is fed data, it determines the features to use for data classification
e Technology of Algorithmic Warfare
itself. is means that such networks can improve their performance
over time as they continually train themselves on the new data
received while operating. In contrast, conventional machine learning
continues to rely on the training received from the original dataset
and classification features so derived.
Apple smart phones use a trained deep neural network to activate
the Siri voice recognition application when the words ‘Hey Siri’ are
spoken. e ‘Hey Siri’ detector, a ‘simple’ probabilistic intelligent
machine, makes its best guess at what has been said by accounting
for the differences in each voice and the constantly changing
background environments. AlphaGo also used deep neural networks
as it undertook its reinforcement learning playing others and itself.
With such advanced computing techniques, intelligent machines
can now interpret information and solve specific problems more
consistently than humans or programmable computers. e
difficulty lies in explaining how these solutions are arrived at. e
decision-making logic of intelligent machines, especially those using
neural networks, is quite opaque. It seems we can either have higher
accuracy answers or clearly understand how the machine determined
them, but not both.
Unsurprisingly, some organisations opt for machines whose
decisions are explainable over potentially higher accuracy solutions
because they can only trust decision-making that they can
understand. To do otherwise seems to them too big a leap of faith.
In response, DARPA has a new Explainable AI (XAI) program that
aims to devise intelligent machines that both perform well and can
explain to humans how they reached decisions. Some argue however
that machines generating explanations acceptable to humans may
not necessarily accord with how the machines generated the solution
in the first place. e machines may have simply learnt how to please
Algorithmic Warfare
Intelligent machines are distinctly different from earlier
programmable ones and perhaps more like us. Intelligent machines
do not necessarily give the same output each time in the same
situation. While they can learn independently, it is not always
apparent what they have learnt or how they categorise data. is
aspect is magnified in neural network machines as they continue to
learn and evolve ‘on the job’. ey are therefore capable of emergent
behaviour and may well surprise, for better or worse, just as their
intelligent human creators can.
Big Data
Learning machines learn from data; the more the better. e
sudden arrival of ‘big data’ was a crucial step in the contemporary
development of intelligent machines for without this the technology
would have remained embryonic. Big data is defined as ‘extremely
large data sets that may be analysed computationally to reveal
patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human
behaviour and interactions.’1 Big data’s major elements, colloquially
termed ‘the three Vs’, are: ever-larger Volumes of data; increasing
Velocity of data flows, and growing Variety of sources (imagery,
voice, video, text, etc).
Digital data is growing at an astonishing rate. In 2013, around the
time that intelligent machine technology development quickened,
the world produced 4.4 zettabytes of data. (A zettabyte is 10 21 i.e.
a one followed by 21 zeros.) By 2020, this annual production rate
is expected to be 44 zettabytes and, by 2025, 163 zettabytes. Video
1 Oxford English Dictionary,
data [accessed 23 February 2018].
e Technology of Algorithmic Warfare
and images makes up a large portion of the new digital data of which
more than 80% is unstructured.
e older programmable technology machines can use only struc-
tured data. Such data is carefully organised to be able to be used in
relational databases e.g. Excel spreadsheets. ese databases are easily
and quickly searchable using simple algorithms. Whether generated
by humans or machine, the structured data used is purposefully
formatted to fit the requirements of the computer systems being used.
e Internet-of-ings (IoT) involves widespread multiple-type
sensor dispersion; many of these produce structured data to allow
ready machine-to-machine communication.
Unstructured data is the reverse: it does not fit into the fields
of row-column databases. Types of unstructured data files include
e-mail messages, documents, social media, videos, imagery, audio
files, presentations and webpages. Such data may be generated by
humans or by machines such as unmanned reconnaissance platforms
and remote imagery devices. Unstructured data is not easily
Intelligent machines for the first time can analyse both
structured and unstructured data, giving the data meaning in terms
of relationships, patterns and associations. Without this type of
computer system, most of the world’s zettabyte data collection would
be wasted. Moreover, the more structured and unstructured data that
is fed into intelligent machines, the more effective and efficient they
become through learning.
While data quantity is important, users increasingly realise that
data quality may be even more so. Poor quality data can mislead
intelligent machines, making their outputs dubious. Intelligent
machines need data that is standardised, normalised, has duplicated
data deleted, verified and enriched, with verifying and enriching
particularly important to making the data useful. Enriching brings
out specific features significant to the machine learning and the
Algorithmic Warfare
problem set that the intelligent machine is being trained for. In
2015, the US DoD for the first time prioritised data quality over
data quantity.
Quality is also important in data storage. ere should be
only a single data view even if the data is stored across multiple
disparate systems. In achieving this, maintaining data hygiene is
crucial; data should be clean, that is, mostly error-free. In contrast,
dirty data describes data that is erroneous, incomplete and outdated.
Google, Amazon and Facebook have invested significantly in data
scrubbing to maintain the high level of data hygiene that their
intelligent machines require to achieve reliable outputs.
e on-the-job learning capabilities of intelligent machines mean
that more than stored data has an impact. Microsoft’s experimental
Tay chatbot was initially trained, apparently by neural networks,
using cleaned data troves. Tay then went ‘live’ to engage with the
public online using Twitter to improve its performance through
machine learning from these interactions. However, Twitter trolls
managed to retrain Tay using offensive tweets that caused Tay to
erratically respond to some questions using racist slang and far-right
ideology. Microsoft shut Tay down after 16 hours as Tay’s tweets
steadily worsened. Intelligent machines are only as good as the data
they are trained on. Tay had a significant data-diet vulnerability
in that the tweets it was fed when ‘live’ were unfiltered. A similar
data-diet issue arose with IBM’s Watson which learned to swear after
accessing the website, Urban Dictionary. As the adage goes: ‘garbage
in, garbage out’.
Diet issues may also arise with machine-to-machine communica-
tion. Dispersed IoT sensors represent potential false data input points
given that they often lack the computing power to host sophisticated
cyber security software and that the risks of some network protocols
employed, such as IPv6, are unknown. Smart cybersecurity systems
running on the networks that feed into the intelligent machines may
e Technology of Algorithmic Warfare
need to include managed threat and anomaly detection, and predic-
tive analysis.
Data-diet discussions suggest whether machine outputs can be
trusted. Learning machines train on big data; the datasets they use
can impact in four ways.
First, if the dataset is too small, the intelligent machine may skew
or misunderstand the issue. However, obtaining large datasets can
be problematic because even using supervised machine learning
approaches, the data labelling effort can be substantial. Added to this
is that even minor variations in the problem that is assigned to an
intelligent machine may require a different dataset. For example, an
intelligent machine being trained to land an aircraft may require a
dataset for each of the different environmental conditions expected.
Second, the algorithms do not determine facts about the world but
rather about the dataset. e intelligent machines therefore become
tightly tuned to the data they are trained on rather than develop
general rules about how the world works. While such machines
may perform well, it is difficult to determine what their boundaries
are and when they reach them; the machines thus can suddenly fail
rather than degrade gracefully. ere is a further twist to this: if we
do not know how intelligent machines reach decisions, then we do
not know what datasets are needed to train them properly.
ird, feeding machines large datasets may not allow them to
determine which of the many decisions that they need to make
to complete a complicated task are critical. Driving a vehicle for
example involves many different tasks but machines have trouble
learning which of them are especially vital and how all these tasks
relate. In contrast, when learning a task, humans determine how
the various elements interact and then decide which are critical to
success. Humans can then adjust the tasks they undertake to suit the
situation being experienced.
Algorithmic Warfare
Last, the datasets used to train intelligent machines can be
biased for a variety of reasons, thus making the machine’s outputs
less trustworthy. Bias can be introduced by the dataset not
fully representing the problem. Such biases can be deliberately
entered by malicious actors, as in the Tay case earlier discussed, or
unintentionally when the dataset compilers consider only a narrow
perspective. Furthermore, the datasets are inherently historical so
that the solutions identified are biased towards the past. is causes
the implicit assumption that the future is just like the past and thus
change is problematic.
e complicated issues associated with big data and intelligent
machines highlight the need for organisations to have sophisticated
data strategies. Data availability, collection, hygiene and governance
are all important matters for such strategies to address. Intelligent
machines need focussed support to ensure that they learn most
appropriately and effectively. While some new machine learning
techniques involve reducing the quantity of data required, all
approaches require some data. Moreover, a fundamental attribute
of intelligent machines is that they learn from their interaction
with humans and the environment or, in other words, they learn
continually from new data. Carefully leveraging data seems essential
to get the best from contemporary intelligent machines.
e most efficient way to facilitate intelligent machines’ access
to big data sets is to use cloud computing. Broadly speaking, cloud
computing involves storing and accessing data and programs from
external sources using the internet rather than from the computer’s
own hard drive. In the late 1990s, a cumulus cloud drawing was
used to represent the Internet and so ‘cloud’ become a metaphor
e Technology of Algorithmic Warfare
for accessing services over it. e Siri application (noted earlier) is
mostly in-the-cloud regarding speech recognition, natural language
interpretation and various information services.
Cloud computing proponents assert that it is more resilient,
secure, scalable, agile, responsive and supportive of information
sharing than on-computer hard-drive storage or using hardware
servers on small local area networks. e disadvantages include:
first, the cloud may crash or become unavailable, thus preventing
access and sharply degrading an organisation’s capabilities; second,
privacy may be limited because the cloud service provider can readily
access your cloud data; third, the cloud infrastructure is owned and
determined by the service provider; and last, customisation options
are inherently few.
While, algorithmic warfare requires cloud computing for best
performance, many current cloud computing technologies are not
suited to AI and machine learning. For example, the data fed to
intelligent machines from the cloud needs to be of the machine-
required quality; good cloud data hygiene is essential. ere are
inherent challenges in cleaning, standardising and normalising data
accessed in real-time from the many potential different applications
and sources given these could be classified, private, public, domestic,
international, human or machine.
Military clouds are technically challenging, as they must be
accessible in harsh electronic countermeasure environments. Not
all intelligent machines on the battlefield though may need to
access the cloud directly. Instead, a larger nearby platform may
provide a local area network that the smaller intelligent measures
plug into. e larger platform may then act as a secure, robust,
jam-resistant gateway to connect with the overarching cloud.
e smaller intelligent machines operating far forward within
the harshest electronic environment can then use redundant and
Algorithmic Warfare
secure line-of-sight communication links between themselves, and
backwards to the larger platform.
Intelligent machines are inherently unpredictable; their
behaviours are emergent not fixed as the machines we have become
used to or which today’s testing regime is based on. Given this, there
are four important issues when considering testing an intelligent
First, intelligent machines have many possible system states and it
is impossible to test all, or indeed, most. Second, they interact with
a dynamic environment that is unable to be specified and certified
beforehand. ird, intelligent machines learn but it is not possible
to determine fully what they have learnt. In this regard, intelligent
machine developers are more likely to be data collectors and trainers
than the conventional programmers that current testing regimes
assume. Last, while humans test machines so that they gain trust
their performance, this generally involves testing in closed scripted
environments. While this approach is inherently unsuitable for
testing intelligent machines, no alternative has been found that will
give humans complete confidence.
Testing becomes even more problematic when we remember
that intelligent machines evolve by learning from their experience.
Contemporary testing regimes test a machine once, confident
that, as long as the design is not altered, the machine will perform
similarly over time, regardless of where in the production line it has
been manufactured. is is not so for intelligent machines. ey
evolve and, depending on their design, may not self-synchronise; this
means that all similar machines may not perform the same. Testing
and recertification may need to happen periodically to account
e Technology of Algorithmic Warfare
for emergent behaviours and to determine their similarities and
differences by testing each ‘identical’ intelligent machine.
Algorithmic warfare involves intelligent machines, big data
and the cloud. In considering these elements, we tend to draw
instinctively on our earlier understandings about programmable
computers. is is not surprising because they have become such
a large part of our home and work lives that their presence is not
just unremarkable but required. If these machines do not produce
consistent outcomes, we know there must be a hardware or software
failure. We also know that their software can be replicated across
millions of machines so they all perform the same.
ese ‘understandings’ are out of place in the new world of
intelligent machines. Perhaps the phrase ‘intelligent machine’ is itself
somewhat misleading. In some respects, intelligent machines react
more like humans than traditional machines. At the upper end, they
are self-aware and self-evolving, displaying a new form of intelligence
high on the evolutionary train. eir outputs may surprise us;
they keep on learning the longer they operate so that testing them
may require applying techniques humans use to test each other.
Implementing the concept of algorithmic warfare across our
warfighting organisations may require innovative approaches quite
unlike those earlier employed with our non-intelligent machines.
Algorithmic Warfare
M A
W H
inking about intelligent machines has long featured concerns
about their replacing humans. Contemporary intelligent machines
have some real strengths but their technological foundations build
in some real shortcomings. ese foundations limit contemporary
intelligent machines to having narrow, not general, intelligence.
e key, at least initially, is using their strengths to support human
decision-making, but not supplant it.
Narrow machine intelligence equals or exceeds human intelligence
for specific tasks within a particular domain; their utility is context-
dependent. In contrast, general machine intelligence equals the full
range of human performance for any task in any domain. When
general AI might be achieved remains debatable, but seems several
decades away.
Military force structures take a long time to change and so,
accordingly, several decades may not be that far in the future.
While there is a fascination in popular culture with robot warriors,
Terminators and Slaughter-bots, warfighting is a practical activity.
e technology that will allow general intelligence is unknown, thus
making useful calculations about its potential battlefield capabilities
at best problematic. Instead the interest for the near and medium
term is in the way that narrow intelligence machine technologies
could be employed in the modern battlefield.
Algorithmic Warfare
In general terms, combat success goes to those who can maximise
their strengths while minimising their weaknesses. Both humans and
contemporary technology intelligent machines have their strengths
and weakness and crucially these differ. e most important role
for intelligent machines might thus involve using their strengths
to reduce how human weaknesses impact negatively on achieving
battlefield success. is complementary approach seems to fit
best with the capabilities of today’s emerging narrow intelligence
machines. e matter is though more complex than it first appears;
implementation has some twists and turns.
Intelligent Machines’ Fortes and Foibles
While narrow intelligence machines can be very powerful, they are
simultaneously quite brittle being generally unable to handle quite
minor context changes. Google’s AlphaGo defeated the world’s best
human Go player but only on the standard 19-by-19-inch board.
AlphaGo’s move-selection and position-evaluation convolutional
neural networks were trained with data related to that specific size
board. To play on other size boards would require new training and
software code changes. In another example, a machine trained to
read formal documents may struggle to read vernacular texts.
e domain adaptability of intelligent machines, that is, being
able to apply knowledge learned in one context to another, is also
poor compared to humans. Moving a machine from one task to
another generally requires retraining, although emerging transfer-
learning techniques can help. ese can help an intelligent machine
shift from doing one task to another similar one. For example,
AlphaGo learned chess in four hours and reached a standard able to
defeat most computer chess programs. is task adjustment involved
moving a machine optimised to play games from one game to
Making Algorithmic Warfare Happen
another; a relatively minor change assisted by highly codified game
Domain adaptability in the military world though relates more
to operational environments: air, sea, land, space and cyber. Narrow
intelligence machines can operate in these different environments
with varying degrees of difficulty. Autonomous systems like
driverless cars need to build a high-fidelity model of the location that
they operate in. For this, they use an integrated but eclectic array of
sensors and wireless networking. Even so, operating in the inherently
cluttered, confusing, always-changing ground environment remains
difficult for narrow intelligence machines. However, unmanned air
vehicles fly in relatively uncrowded skies characterised by low rates
of environmental change and few obstacles, thus making these
narrow intelligence machine’s tasks much easier. e most favourable
situation for narrow intelligence autonomous systems to operate in is
low-complexity environments with little uncertainty.
Accepting the limitations of brittleness and domain adaptability,
there are numerous tasks that military forces undertake that can
usefully exploit the strengths of machine intelligence. Such tasks
may be grouped under the three Vs of big data: volume, velocity and
e volume of data created annually is measured in zettabytes as
discussed earlier. is is far too much to be analysed by conventional
means. In a limited example, the US Air Force has a wide-area
imagery sensor for city surveillance. However, it takes 20 analysts
working continually over a 24-hour period to exploit even 10% of
the collected data. e remaining data is stored and may never be
properly examined. e underlying problem is that there are simply
not enough people available to analyse all the data being collected,
even if personnel budgets were unconstrained. e problem is
compounded as humans are inherently slow to analyse and process
data within a given timeframe.
Algorithmic Warfare
e first major use of intelligent machines in the US Air Force
is analysing the huge volumes of video data collected by unmanned
aircraft systems during counter-terrorism operations across the
greater Middle East. e recently established Algorithmic Warfare
Cross-Functional Team, or Project Maven, aims to quickly bring
into service systems capable of applying intelligent machine learning
and algorithmic solutions to sorting and analysing the vast amounts
of intelligence data that MQ-9 Predator remotely piloted aircraft
collect. Maven may be extended later into other areas experiencing
high volume data loads including logistics, communications,
situational awareness and management.
e velocity of data also raises issues. With the increasing
sophistication of programmable machines, the pace of warfare has
stepped up. It is becoming very difficult for humans to comprehend
what is happening fast enough to react in a sensible manner.
Intelligent machines can cope with very fast data flows and generally
make relatively better decisions than humans in such circumstances
although these decisions may not necessarily be the optimum. In the
commercial sphere, automated stock trading is an example of high-
velocity machine decision-making that is mostly successful but which
periodically fails. In the military domain, machines are increasingly
being tasked with responding automatically to high-speed threats in
the fields of missile defence, cyber-attacks and electronic warfare.
Lastly, are issues associated with the increasing variety of data.
e recent exponential increase in the numbers and types of sensors
means that many diverse types of data are collected. Because humans
have limited attention frames, they tend to find that some data
sources are easier to comprehend than others. Video, for example, is
easier to instinctively understand than detailed radar parametric data.
Intelligent machines are better able to scan the many data sources
and types and, in real-time, determine activity patterns, associations
and relationships. With algorithms assisting them, intelligence
Making Algorithmic Warfare Happen
analysts can be automatically alerted to significant events rather than
having to continually assess multiple data streams waiting for such
events to occur. Intelligent machines can be attention-multipliers.
While intelligent machines are well suited for big ‘V’ tasks, other
tasks better suit humans. ey are, for example, better at inductive
thought: being able to generalise from limited information. Because
intelligent machines need a lot more information to do so, they can
only derive broad rules from the data provided, and this needs to be
high quality as discussed in the previous chapter.
Inductive thinking also relates to matters of uncertainty; intelligent
machines perform more reliably in low uncertainty environments and
situations. e battlefield however is generally an environment of high
uncertainty and only limited information on which to base actions.
Indeed, adversaries try to magnify both aspects and use them to their
e problem is compounded as battlefields are inherently
confusing; knowing which specific snippets of information are
important can be hard to discern. us, intelligent machines soaking
up large volumes of diverse data may devise somewhat skewed
decisions through assessing both small amounts of useful and
large quantities of useless information. Humans are better at using
expert knowledge to disregard extraneous information quickly and
focus somewhat frugally on just the information needed to make a
decision. In other words, humans generally make better judgments
in environments of high uncertainty.
Algorithmic Warfare
Human-Machine Teaming
Humans and machines both clearly have strengths and
shortcomings. is means that, regarding contemporary technology,
the notion that machines could replace humans is misleading. In
algorithmic warfare, the real implementation issue is then a practical
one: determining the optimum blend of human and machine
intelligence that best leverages the attributes of each. In other words,
what is the best way to form human-machine combat teams?
e teaming of humans and intelligent machines has been likened
to the mythical Centaur, a half-man, half-horse creature with the
brains of a human and the power and speed of a horse. Importantly
however, there is an interdependence in human-machine teaming
that goes beyond the simple maximise strengths/minimise weakness
implication of the Centaur analogy.
In the matches between AlphaGo and the world’s best human
player, it was found that both improved from interacting. AlphaGo
developed a new move that startled humans while the human player
also devised an original, novel move. He and others who have played
AlphaGo consider that they now look at the game from a fresh
perspective and have sharply improved their performances.
e Go experience repeats the occasion when computers first
defeated humans at chess in the late 1990s. Since that time, humans
have played chess with computers and chess computers have played
each other but the best results have come from human-computer
teams playing together. World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov
observed in 2010 that:
‘Teams of human plus machine dominated even the strongest
computers. Human strategic guidance combined with the
tactical acuity of a computer was overwhelming. We could
concentrate on strategic planning instead of spending so
Making Algorithmic Warfare Happen
much time on calculations. Human creativity was even more
paramount under these conditions.’2
is suggests a way forward in human-machine teaming. e
human segment makes use of the human abilities in intuition,
induction, lateral thinking, domain adaptability, generalising,
and working in high-certainty and complex environments. e
machine segment makes use of the machine abilities involving 3V
big data analysis, high-speed problem solving, and single-mindedly
concentrating on tightly defined problems.
What this laundry list might mean in practice was demonstrated
when Kasparov teamed with a machine to play chess. He did not
need to worry about making simple tactical gaffes. e machine
could project ahead, and forecast the consequences and the likely
counters the other player might take. Given this, Kasparov could
focus more on strategic matters.
In some respects, intelligent-machine teaming might be seen
as having a research assistant able to complete analytic, estimation
and forecasting tasks very quickly. Humans can devise numerous
potential strategies. e intelligent machines can then quickly
calculate the probability of success for each option and the likely
countermoves by an adversary. e seeming inference that the next
step would be to remove the humans and completely automate
strategy development would be mistaken. Intelligent machines are
probabilistic machines that determine the mathematical likelihood
of certain events occurring; they choose the highest probability
outcome. Consequently, they do not take risks or ‘leaps of faith’ as
humans do.
2 Garry Kasparov, ‘e Chess Master and the Computer’, e New York Review
of Books, 2 February 2010.
Algorithmic Warfare
A strategy is not repeatable in a mathematical sense. Indeed, if a
strategy has previously succeeded, others will anticipate a repetition
and will have already taken steps to thwart it.3 Instead, success
generally comes to those able to be creative and devise new strategies.
Intelligent machines drawing on historical data appear inherently
incapable of that creative leap.
A strategy operates within a unique context and is thus in itself
unique. Determining probabilities of success can help humans
hone their thinking and throw up new ideas but not in itself devise
consistently winning approaches. By their nature, unique situations
are not suited to being solved using probabilities. Intelligent
machines seem suitable for solving some types of problems but not
ere is an important twist. In 2005, the online site Playchess.
com hosted a freestyle chess tournament where teams of people and
computers competed in any combination they thought best. e
overall results were predictable. Human-machine teams defeated
teams of machines only, seemingly irrespective of how sophisticated
the computers were in the computer-only teams or how poor the
machines in the human-machine teams were. e surprise came
with the winners: two unremarkable chess players teamed with three
equally unremarkable machines.
e difference in this human-machine teaming was that the
humans had focussed on having better business process designs. In
this case, the business processes encompassed firstly how the humans
should work better with the machines to accomplish the specific task
(winning at Chess), and secondly how the machines should better
3 Edward Luttwak, Strategy: e Logic of War and Peace, Belknap Press,
Cambridge, 1987.
Making Algorithmic Warfare Happen
think about the task. e outcome of this approach led Kasparov to
observe that:
‘Weak human + machine + better process was superior to a
strong computer alone and, more remarkably, superior to a
strong human + machine + inferior process.’
In warfighting, where success is crucial, this observation is worth
deeply considering and perhaps incorporating. Such an approach
would involve building an improved human-machine interface
in the sense that both humans and machine are trained to work
together better. e nature of the interface would vary with the
specific tasks to be undertaken. is interface would be comprised of
both tangible and intangible interface elements: machine hardware
and software combining with human skilling.
In addition, and addressing the second part of the business
process, the humans and the intelligent machines would together
examine problems related to the task. e team’s combined skills
would be improved by devising solutions through assessing various
options. is is a kind of reinforcement learning, working backwards
and forwards between humans and intelligent machines, to educate
both. After all, both are ‘learning’ machines.
Together, these various activities would allow the humans to gain
more trust in the intelligent machines and acquire useful knowledge
about their foibles. ere may still be no way to convincingly explain
why the intelligent machines make the decisions they do even
though broad experience with them would allow an understanding
to develop of when they were likely to fail.
Algorithmic Warfare
Human-Machine Interactions
e operational capability of human-machine teams appears to
depend on how the humans and machines relate. In this of course,
all parties are innately unpredictable and thus the teams are dynamic.
ere will be stresses and strains on both sides of the human-machine
divide that make the capability of the team somewhat uncertain,
much like human only teams.
Several human-machine team modes are commonly identified.
ese lie on the continuum from manual control to full autonomy, a
term whose precise definition is itself proving difficult.
Human-in-the-loop. In this mode, humans retain control of
selected functions preventing actions by the intelligent machines
without authorisation; humans are integral to the system’s control
loop. e difficult design issue is how to determine exactly where in
the process human intervention should be undertaken, and that will
vary with the task and the capabilities of the machine. If too much
human intervention is needed, its usefulness may be doubtful.
Human-on-the-loop. e intelligent machine controls all
aspects of its operations but humans monitor the operations and can
intervene when, and if, necessary. In a variation, the machine, when
at a critical point, such as engaging a target, might notify the human
about impending action and either await positive authorisation or
continue unless stopped. Some missile defence systems use human-
on-the-loop techniques whereby the system proceeds unless a human
overrules the automated track engagement decision.
Human-out-of-the-loop. e machine’s algorithms control all
aspects of system operation without human guidance or intervention.
e machine engages without direct human authorisation or
notification. While using human-out-of-the-loop operations is
problematic, its implementation is by no means uncommon. is
Making Algorithmic Warfare Happen
form of control is at times also termed human-off-the-loop or
Human-out-of-the-loop is of most concern in circumstances
where a machine independently targets and fires weapons at people
on the battlefield without human authorisation. Such control though
might be much less problematic when injuring humans is unlikely
such as during cyber warfare operations or employing electronic
Human-out-of-the-loop might also be acceptable if restricted
to being used for defending humans. For example, an anti-missile
system might be allowed to operate automatically as soon as an
approaching hostile high-speed missile was detected if there was
insufficient time to consult humans before its impact. e naval
Phalanx Close-In-Weapon System of the 1980s could be set to
automatically search for and engage any missiles that the system’s
algorithms deemed a threat.
Similarly, human-out-of-the-loop has also long been used in
anti-ship missiles like Harpoon (see Chapter 1). Today’s land-attack
missiles are comparable. Launched from hundreds of kilometres
away, these missiles independently navigate to the target area and
then search for and identify the targeted building and engage.
Fire and forget weapon systems have been used for many years
in various situations where the danger to humans is thought too
high and requiring reducing. is history makes some recent
concerns about future human-out-of-the-loop machines appear
somewhat belated although no less important. e laws of armed
conflict mandate that discriminating between combatants and non-
combatants must be attempted (discussed more later). Some users of
earlier fire and forget weapons, such as land mines, may have paid
too little attention to this mandate.
Machine-to-Machine. While less obvious, this mode of machine
interaction is becoming increasingly important. Machine-to-machine
Algorithmic Warfare
interaction is fundamental to high-speed battlefield actions and
achieving battlefield effects faster. However, with the high-speed
communications involved, unexpected interactions or errors can
cause the system to spiral out of control very quickly.
Several ‘flash crashes’ have shocked financial markets because
of unintended intelligent machine interactions. While intelligent
machines may regularly perform better than humans in certain tasks,
they will occasionally fail. If they are tightly coupled to multiple
other intelligent machines, there is a distinct possibility that a failure
- or some unexpected output - may turn into a flash crash with
potentially catastrophic effects. In planning machine-to-machine
interaction, attention needs to be paid to developing overall system
resilience so as to be able to manage a flash crash.
Contemporary intelligent machines offer the warfighter
excellent capabilities albeit narrow and with some shortcomings.
is means that the major issue now in introducing intelligent
machines to the battlefield is finding the best mix of machine and
human competencies. Notable in this is the capability of the weak
human+machine+better process combination to defeat both highly
capable machines alone and strong human+machine+inferior process
combinations. While highly skilled humans and sophisticated
intelligent machines are necessary, they are perhaps not sufficient to
succeed on the battlefield. Task-optimised human-machine interfaces
could be the key to optimal human-machine teaming and thereby
victory in future wars.
W A W
e business of war has seen many technologies come and go,
some evolutionary, others revolutionary. e full impact that
intelligent machines will have on future warfighting is unclear but
some indications can be discerned.
ere have long been earnest debates about machines and the
nature of war. It seems the nature of war will stay as it is: violent,
chaotic, destructive and murderous, with no change likely from
intelligent machine technologies. War at its core, however, involves
applying or threatening violence to humans. If both sides have
intelligent machines, it may become simply a case of machines being
violent to other machines. But is this still war?
While a robot battle would test the opposing states’ materiel
resources as the process of violent machine attrition ran its course,
whether it would be consequential is uncertain. Geoffrey Blainey
considers that wars are undertaken when the states concerned do
not have an accurate assessment of their relative strengths.4 Robot
wars may be a means to gain such an assessment albeit one more of
materiel strengths than of moral ones. If states feel they have a greater
stake in a conflict after the wars between the machines conclude,
they may move on to wars between the people.
4 Geoffrey Blainey, e Causes of War, 3rd Edn, e Free Press, New York, 1988.
Algorithmic Warfare
ere is a seductive notion inherent here that low stakes conflicts
might be able to be decided by robot wars even if high stakes ones
cannot. Such robot wars would be similar then to current grey
zone conflicts but destructive, a new step then in the continuum
between war and peace. Such an argument overturns a Russian
notion (discussed further in the next chapter) that, if all involved
have intelligent machines, and none has a decisive advantage, that
there will be peace through a balancing of military power. Instead,
such widespread proliferation may lead to a greater temptation for
states to unleash robot forces upon each other, hopeful that, while
avoiding human casualties, the robots can decide the issue.
Today that perspective would probably mainly involve intelligent
machine cyber forces battling in the virtual domain. In the
medium-term perhaps it may expand to intelligent-machine swarms
fighting each other at sea, in the air or in remote land areas. Crisis
management approaches will need to be reconceived, with priority
given initially to approaches to manage intelligent machine-powered
If the nature of war in the main appears only little changed with
the rise of intelligent machines, not so the character of war. ere
are already warnings that intelligent machines will have significant
impacts and perhaps overthrow some time-honoured precepts. ese
issues are discussed in the next section.
Regarding strategies, the picture is more nuanced, as the final
section examines. ere are two distinct schools of thought: will
intelligent machines allow us to do things better or rather do better
things? Robert Work, the US Deputy Secretary of Defense in the
last years of the Obama Administration and a very knowledgeable
and passionate intelligent machine advocate, has held both views.
Initially, he held the ‘do better things’ position and then later
emphasised ‘do things better’. Both positions are worth discussing
as they bring out useful perspectives on waging algorithmic warfare.
Waging Algorithmic Warfare
War’s Changing Character
Curiously, intelligent machines may return mass to the battlefield.
In recent decades the trend in armed forces has been to develop force
structures based around a relatively small number of highly effective,
multi-role platforms. Intelligent machine technology may allow
these highly sophisticated weapon systems to be complemented by
a very large number of dramatically lower cost, unmanned systems
optimised for specific tasks. e unmanned systems would be in
extremis expendable and so could be risked in the more dangerous
tasks that the few expensive manned platforms might not sensibly
With numerically larger forces, attrition would no longer be the
Achilles heel it is today where losing even one major platform, such
as an aircraft carrier, could be disastrous. In contrast, if a force of few
manned systems and many unmanned systems was fielded, attrition
would be both tolerable and better able to be actively managed.
Such a force structure would then gracefully degrade during combat
operations but not potentially, catastrophically fail.
Such a force would be characterised by having highly dispersed
capabilities. is is important for smaller defence forces where with
current force structure models, important capabilities might reside in
only one or two large platforms. If those platforms are destroyed or
damaged crucial capabilities might be completely lost. In contrast, in
a mixed manned/ unmanned force structure these capabilities could
be widely spread across many elements. e adversary would have
difficulty targeting sufficient numbers of the dispersed force elements
to cause the whole capability to be lost.
Intelligent machines may also quicken the pace of battle.
Intelligent machines can analyse big V data much faster than humans
potentially speeding up decision-making dramatically. Already,
intelligent machines are being used in those defensive systems where
Algorithmic Warfare
time is critical, such as cyber and anti-missile defence. Future tightly
integrated offensive and defensive intelligent machine systems could
respond to threats at machine speed. e pace of battle would then
exceed what humans can keep up with, in terms of understanding
what actions were being taken and whether they were proving
successful or not. At least for a period, war might escape human
control. Victory, or defeat, might not be known until the intelligent
machines involved in fighting the battles announced it.
Visions of massed unmanned forces controlled by machine-speed
decision-makers suggest significant potential disruption to current
force structure models. is may be especially so for those forces built
around a small number of large platforms. In this regard, some in the
US have questioned whether large aircraft carriers could withstand
attacks by swarms of hundreds of small, unmanned air vehicles. New
force structure models may be needed.
Such ideas though might impact upon an old idea that has
applied mainly in conventional warfighting. Traditionally, the size of
a population has suggested a nation’s potential military power. While
small states with high-quality forces might achieve some remarkable
victories, over time large population countries could, if they wished,
always grind them down. Quantity measured by numbers of people
was seen to have a strategic quality of its own.
Intelligent machines bid fair to overturn this. Small wealthy
countries may now be able to generate greater mass than much larger
poor ones. Moreover, countries with unfavourable demographics,
with more old people than young, may no longer be disadvantaged.
Developing an intelligent machine heavy force structure might allow
a small number of personnel to wield disproportionally large combat
is notion can be extended into training. Intelligent machines
could revolutionise military training as they have chess instruction.
It has long been known that people advance faster at playing games
Waging Algorithmic Warfare
by playing progressively better opponents. Since the late 1990s,
young chess players have been honing their skills by literally playing
the world’s best opponents on their home computers and devices.
is approach has sharply accelerated their training.
In 1958, Bobby Fischer became a chess grandmaster at 15;
this age record was not broken for 33 years. Over the last 27 years
however, 20 others have broken it with the record now standing at
age 12. Coupled with accelerated learning is that the computer-age
students seem less constrained by traditional chess tenets. Moves are
now simply valued in terms of being good or bad for game success
not whether they conform to approved doctrines.
Regarding military skills, Western military forces are considered
the benchmark to compare national forces against. Some believe that
other states, by using carefully devised intelligent machine training,
may be able to overtake Western competencies and field more
skilled personnel. Western militaries’ great advantage would then be
e chess example highlights that a noticeable feature of
algorithmic warfare is that commercial drivers fundamentally
shape it. During the Cold War, large military R&D spending
drove technological development, allowing commercial spinoffs.
Today, large commercial R&D spending drives intelligent machine
developments, bringing military spinoffs. Such spinoffs though are
not necessarily likely to be optimised for military purposes. Instead,
they will be designed to meet consumer demands even though that
may make them affordable by armed forces.
e commercial imperative will have further influences. Intelligent
machine technology may evolve much faster than traditional military
technology as commercial developers will want to quickly capture
a return from their investment before other better products arrive.
Similar market imperatives suggest that new intelligent machine
technology will quickly diffuse globally. Both factors suggest that
Algorithmic Warfare
strategic surprise may be possible when a country, or even a non-state
actor, suddenly fields unexpectedly effective intelligent machines.
In this way, intelligent machine developments aimed at consumer
market profits might encourage regional arms races as a secondary
effect. Keeping up with intelligent machine developments in
neighbouring countries may seem prudent, even if the military
utility of these developments is uncertain. In a similar vein, market
considerations further suggest that trying to ban or legally constrain
intelligent machine technologies may be problematic.
ese dynamics call for armed forces to be more permeable to
outside influences than previously. To succeed with intelligent
machines, ideas and technology will need to flow both inwards
and outwards between the commercial and military worlds. is is
especially so given the apparent importance of optimising human-
machine interfaces for military tasks (as highlighted earlier). Armed
forces may need to adopt new organisational structures and processes
to make them more porous and better able to exploit commercial
intelligent machine technologies and thinking.
Strategies: Do Things Better
In recent years, American strategic thinkers and the US DoD
developed the ird Offset concept. Drawing on Defence Science
Board research findings, the concept envisaged inserting intelligent
machines deep into America’s battle networks to achieve a step
increase in performance.
Two great power competitors, China and Russia, have built
up theatre-wide battle networks comparable in performance to
America’s and potentially able to deny US military forces access
to specific regions. e ird Offset aimed to enhance America’s
battle networks so they could overcome these networks if needed.
Waging Algorithmic Warfare
Developing such a conventional force capability would strengthen
deterrence by denial and so avoid reliance on nuclear deterrence.
Battle networks comprise interlinked digital computer systems
conceptualised as four virtual grids (information, sensing, effect
and command) that overlay the operational theatre. e various
elements of an armed force, from individuals to single platforms to
battle groups, are then interacting nodes on these grids. Each can
receive, act on, or forward data provided from the various grids as
appropriate. e operation of the grids can be understood using
John Boyd’s well-known observation, orientation, decision and
action (OODA) loop. e sensing grid observes, the information
grid orients (through disseminating information), the command grid
decides, and the effects grid acts by targeting adversary forces.5
Boyd’s OODA loop is the principal idea animating current battle
network operations and so is important when considering inserting
intelligent machines into them. For Boyd, winning at any level of
war requires working the OODA loop faster than an adversary.
Doing this means that the adversary’s reactions to friendly force
initiatives will always lag, becoming less and less appropriate to the
battle as it evolves. e crucial aspect to attaining the necessary faster
OODA loop speed is rapid orientation. Success lies in building an
accurate image of the battlespace more rapidly than an opponent.
Situational awareness is the sine qua non of victory; a notion that
military aviators have turned into a mantra.
Modern battle networks are excellent at gathering, storing
and sharing information from the battlefield but noticeably less
successful at processing and contextualising this information. e
5 For more detail on battle networks see Peter Layton, Fifth Generation Air
Warfare, Paper No. 43; RAAF Air Power Development Centre, Canberra, June
Algorithmic Warfare
networks have been overwhelmed by big data’s 3Vs: volume, velocity
and variety, and have trouble turning data quickly into useful
intelligence. e networks have not proven as effective as originally
hoped in building an accurate battlefield picture, especially when
time is constrained.
e new intelligent machines offer a solution to this shortcoming.
With these inserted, Robert Work considers battle networks:
‘will be able to sense and perceive battlefield patterns more
readily and rapidly, facilitate more timely and relevant combat
decisions, and apply more rapid, discreet and accurate effects
with less loss of life. If all these things happen, the Joint
Force will operate at a higher, more effective tempo than its
adversaries, and thereby gain an important, if not decisive,
advantage in both campaign and tactical level operations.’6
As an important influence on ird Offset thinking, Work
considered the big idea in battle network enhancements was human-
machine teaming; this was ‘the coin of the realm’, the ird Offset’s
central organising element. e way to do things better was to spread
intelligent machines across all aspects of battle networks. ere were
five basic building blocks.
First are deep learning machines, powered by neural networks
and trained with big data sets, inserted into every battle network
grid. ey would speed up grid operation especially those against
high-speed cyber, electronic-warfare, and space-architecture attacks
and for those times when ‘missiles …are coming screaming in at you
at Mach 6 [when] you’re going to have to have a learning machine
that helps you solve that problem right away.’
6 Robert Work, ‘Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and the ird
Offset’, pp 2-5 in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data And Cloud Taxonomy, Govini,
Arlington, 2017.
Waging Algorithmic Warfare
Second is improved human-machine collaboration using
intelligent learning machines to help humans make higher quality
decisions more quickly. e intelligent machines could better
and much more swiftly analyse big data and advise humans on
operationally significant patterns, associations and relationships
ird involves using intelligent machines to facilitate assisted
human operations. With this, all combat forces could plug directly
into and call upon the power of the entire battle network to
accomplish assigned tasks. In advocating this building block, Work
declared that: ‘I’m telling you right now, ten years from now if the
first person through a breach isn’t a fricking robot, shame on us.
Assisted human operations, wearable electronics, making sure that
our war-fighters have combat apps that help them in every single
possible contingency. We can do this.
Fourth is enhanced human-machine combat teaming that allows
seamless coordinated operations between manned and unmanned
systems, including some that are increasingly autonomous in their
operations. In the near-term, these might include small intelligent
machine vehicles that support lower-level infantry units by following
them around with stores and ammunition or self-driving trucks that
follow a lead manned vehicle. Notable is that both applications are
to improve existing practices but not offer revolutionary capabilities.
Lastly are intelligent-machine enabled kinetic and non-kinetic
autonomous weapons capable of collaborative high-speed attacks.
Such technology could allow extensive cross-domain attacks to
be mounted simultaneously in an intelligent machine powered
extension of the 1990s’ concepts of parallel warfare.
While the focus in the ird Offset intelligent machine approach
is on great-power conventional deterrence, it was considered that
such enhancements would allow engaging other lesser states and
non-state actors. In the latter case, for example, intelligent machine
Algorithmic Warfare
analysis of suitable big data could help target terrorist groups. Such
analysis could explore online Islamic State or Al Qaeda narratives at
machine speed to find operationally significant patterns, associations
and relationships. Such technology can reportedly examine more
non-English language content in a week than Western open-source
agencies have in 30 years. is new ability to look across very large
news article datasets spanning dozens of languages can be used for
many purposes including mapping and tracking in real-time the
discourse of particular terrorist organisations.
Strategies: Do Better Things
A more radical concept has been developed in parallel with the
ird Offset’s approach of diffusing intelligent machines across battle
networks. In contrast, this idea distributes intelligent machines in
a manner that shifts the primary function of battle networks away
from information sharing and towards machine-waged warfare. is
approach potentially makes battle networks less important.
While, as with the ird Offset, the strategy problem remains
strengthening deterrence by denial, the threat perception is somewhat
different. e near-term future is seen as featuring potentially hostile
state and non-state actors that can both employ precision-guided
weapon systems and integrated battle networks of various forms
across the full conflict spectrum.
Countering such state-of-the-art dangers requires new operational
ways and capability means to win on the envisaged increasingly lethal
battlefields. Future-force structure options are though constrained as
the costs of personnel and manned weapons systems are high and
sharply rising. Force sizes are accordingly expected to continue to
decline although with better quality.
Waging Algorithmic Warfare
e problem is that, in an era of proliferated hostile guided
weapons system and adversary battle networks, it is not apparent
whether quality will remain able to overcome quantity. Mass may
again become an important force attribute when adversaries can
impose medium to high attrition rates on numerically small friendly
forces. e present force structure model is probably unsustainable
into the medium-future.
A distributed intelligent-machine approach potentially addresses
this dilemma by transforming battle networks from movers of
information into active fighting networks. Intelligent machines do
more than enhance processing and improve contextualising; they
now become actors themselves. is offers a vision of robotic warfare
conducted by unmanned and increasingly autonomous intelligent
machine weapon systems, operating across multiple domains (air,
sea, land, space, and cyber) and across all types of military operations.
While this intelligent machine warfare approach still involves
human-machine teaming, the place of machines is much greater. e
‘do things better’ diffused intelligent machine approach
emphasised the role of humans in man-machine teaming. The ‘do
better things’ distributed intelligent machine approach reverses this.
Machines now loom large as meaningful participants, not simply
trusted advisers: humans command, machines do. In some
respects, it is now not the battle network that is key to victory
but the edge devices; the network is conceptually inverted.
is proposed machine-waged way of war brings three gains.
First, it could allow affordable mass based around a force structure of
many unmanned systems and limited numbers of crewed platforms.
Second, it would sharply lower risks to personnel, thus lowering
casualty rates of hard-to-replace, highly skilled people. Moreover,
it would also ease the stresses and strains of war on people while
reducing human workload, fatigue and cognition demands. ird, it
could lower the present battle network’s vulnerabilities to electronic
Algorithmic Warfare
jamming and cyber-attacks by sharply reducing the communication
demands across the four grids. Intelligent machines may be able to
wage war semi-independently, only needing human guidance from
afar occasionally.
e distributed intelligent machine approach does raise a
fundamental issue when considering warfare overall. e approach
alters the shape of the present offence-defence balance although
the direction is unsure. Is the offence or the defence dominant in
this brave new robotic age? e worry is that, if offence dominates,
the incentives to strike first in a crisis might grow. is would be
strategically destabilising as all participants would then prefer to land
the first blow given this may be a knockout one.
In considering changes to tactical level warfighting, this approach’s
stress on intelligent machine actors may impact mostly in enabling
both faster pace and the use of swarms.
In terms of pace, intelligent machines would now form many
machine-machine teams that would undertake numerous tasks at
machine speeds. Actions would occur at speeds never before seen in
warfighting. Such high-velocity battlefield activities would lead to
hyperwar, a term coined by USMC General (Rtd) John Allen and
Amir Husain.
Hyperwar sees human decision-making as having a somewhat
rather secondary role at the tactical level. As the time to complete
the OODA loop approaches zero, human cognition will simply be
unable to keep up. Allen and Husain write that:
‘e speed of battle at the tactical end of the warfare spectrum
will accelerate enormously, collapsing the decision-action
cycle to fractions of a second, giving the decisive edge to the
side with the more autonomous decision-action concurrency.
At the operational level, commanders will be able to ‘sense’,
‘see’, and engage enemy formations far more quickly by
applying machine-learning algorithms to collection and
Waging Algorithmic Warfare
analysis of huge quantities of information and directing
swarms of complex, autonomous systems to simultaneously
attack the enemy throughout his operational depth.’7
Intelligent machine-speed decision making will almost
instantaneously coordinate large groups of sensors and shooters, thus
enabling rapid force massing, machine attacks across large areas and
quick regrouping for rapid re-tasking.
e ‘foot’ soldiers of hyperwar are conceived as being consumer
quadcopter drone sized, unmanned air systems of many different
types controlled by on-board intelligent machine technologies. Air
systems match machine-speeds best in allowing easy traversing of
difficult terrain, quick regrouping into task-oriented force packages,
and relatively swift action. While an interesting notion, such small
unmanned air systems would suffer significant range and payload
issues especially if needing to attack to an enemy’s operational
depth. It may be practical only in the forward edge of the battlefield
unless long-range, large-scale drone delivery, and perhaps recovery,
systems are developed. Accordingly, some see such autonomous
drones being game-changing technology principally when used in
surveillance, reconnaissance and light-attack missions in dense urban
environments, the most likely battlefields of the future.
Current small consumer drones are generally programmable
machines flown using a combination of human commands and
off-board computer processing. New computer chips developed to
meet commercial demand (e.g. Nvidia’s Xavier chip for autonomous
vehicles noted earlier) will progressively provide consumer drones
with onboard intelligence. is will allow them to navigate and
process sensor-collected data onboard independent of ‘the cloud’,
7 General John R. Allen, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired), and Amir Husain, ‘On
Hyperwar’, USNI Proceedings Magazine, Vol. 143, No. 7, July 2017.
Algorithmic Warfare
GPS signals, or a remote hand controller. ey will become capable
of autonomous operations once launched.
In research and development are numerous intelligent-machine
drones. Nvidia has trained an intelligent machine drone fitted with
its chips and two cameras to navigate down densely forested trails
where GPS signals cannot be received. Swiss researchers are flying
DroNet that uses a smart phone camera and machine intelligence
algorithms to interpret complicated urban street scenes and navigate
them safely. e algorithm features a deep neural network trained
using several thousand urban road-driving scenes; the algorithm was
then able to transfer this learning into a closed environment and fly
indoors and in large parking garages. e first affordable, intelligent
machine consumer drone is likely to be the forthcoming Teal 2 that
uses the Nvidia’s Jetson TX2 chip running Neurala software featuring
learning algorithms.
e broad hyperwar concept indicates what may be progressively
achievable by placing increasing priority on intelligent machine
autonomy. Even so, hyperwar is more likely to involve a continuing
series of multi-domain salvo or spasm attacks rather than a
continuous flowing action. Physical constraints mean that it would
take time to rearm, refuel and reposition own-force intelligent
machines for follow-on attacks. ere would be a further need to
assess damage inflicted and adversary responses. Hyperwar it seems
might follow a shoot-look-shoot schema. Humans would provide the
initial intent in the look phase and then launch human-out-of-the-
loop intelligent machines to undertake the shoot phase and attack.
Beyond pace, the second fundamental change to warfighting may
be the rise of the swarm. A swarm comprises numerous individual
elements or small groups that coordinate to undertake specific
missions as a coherent whole. In warfighting, the elements would be
heterogeneous with simple and complex elements, each optimised
for different tasks, but all coordinating as a single battlefield entity.
Waging Algorithmic Warfare
In contrast to manoeuvre warfare where own-forces concentrate
to attack specific centres of gravity, the swarm construct envisages
own-forces widely distributed across a battlefield and only coming
together when needed. Such dispersal complicates an adversary’s
response, as the swarm seems everywhere and nowhere. Once the
swarm comes together though, they are in such numbers that they
can quickly overwhelm hostile defence systems.
While a distant intelligent machine could undoubtedly control
a large swarm, the communications load might be problematic. To
address this, once launched by a human controller, the swarms will
self-organise and self-direct through the various elements interacting
among themselves. Being close to each other also means the elements
can communicate using line-of-sight datalinks and be noticeably
more resistant to electronic jamming.
In this, each element may use learning machine technology similar
to that a smart phone but still possess limited onboard processing
capabilities. is individual shortcoming can be overcome through
the elements coming together as a swarm. As the various elements
cooperate and share information, they develop an emergent short-
term virtual intelligence appropriate to the defined task. is sort
of machine intelligence is self-organising, unscripted, continually
fine-tuning, dynamic and largely autonomous. e on-going
machine-to-machine conversations occur with little or no human
knowledge or involvement.
is close-in interaction between swarm elements makes the
much-larger, broad-area battle network somewhat irrelevant. While
it can provide some services, it may be unreliable as it is vulnerable
to jamming. e swarm can operate as an independent entity, at least
between taskings.
e swarming construct has three advantages. First, it can allow a
more efficient allocation of resources across an area compared to what
a few large platforms can provide. Second, a self-healing network can
Algorithmic Warfare
continue operations even if some elements are lost. e emergent
intelligence can simply adjust as the situation dictates. ird,
multiple cooperative activities can be undertaken at different places
simultaneously. Nevertheless, the operationalisation of intelligent
machine swarms remains at best embryonic.
e impact of algorithmic warfare is wide-ranging. However,
unlike most pervious changes in warfighting technology, algorithmic
warfare has a commercial foundation. e hardware components
of algorithmic warfare are principally shaped and determined by
market factors and consumer demand. With everyone having access
to this hardware, the decisive factor seems likely to be who possesses
the better software and, in particular, the best algorithms.
If wanting to do things better, better algorithms will allow own-
force battle networks to be technically superior in contextualising
information faster than those of an adversary, thus ensuring OODA
loop supremacy. On the other hand, if seeking to do better things,
better algorithms will mean that our force can operate at an even
faster speed in both offence and defence, and employ more intelligent
swarms able to outthink those of an opponent. e issue is however
broader than this binary distinction suggests. China and Russia
have been thinking about algorithmic warfare as well and have some
unique ideas.
O’ A W
American advances in algorithmic warfare and the associated
ird Offset thinking have stimulated strong Chinese and Russian
interest. China has become a ‘fast follower’ and is implementing
an ambitious new national strategy to become the world leader in
intelligent machine technology, at least initially to gain an economic
edge. In the military domain, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
now considers the application of intelligent machine technology will
fundamentally change the character of war. ‘Intelligentized’ warfare
will replace today’s network-centric warfare, and is accordingly
imperative to embrace.
In contrast, while Russia has severe economic constraints, this
shortcoming creates a demand to be innovative in using intelligent
machine technology, whether created in Russia or elsewhere. Whereas
China may hold developing new intelligent machine technology to
be the key to success, Russia appears to consider that using this new
technology in unexpected ways is the best way for it to gain strategic
While both nations are keenly watching US military initiatives
and innovations, China and Russia are ahead of America in the
application of algorithmic warfare in two specific national security
areas. China has long sought to enforce domestic stability but these
efforts are becoming much more individualised and intense though
Algorithmic Warfare
progressively greater application of intelligent machines. China’s
societal management techniques are reaching deeper than ever
before and showing other like-minded states what is possible. ese
techniques could also be deployed offshore to the PLA’s new bases
and China’s future One Belt/ One Road enclaves.
On the other hand, Russia’s predecessor state, the Soviet Union
often used influence operations to disturb domestic stability in other
nations. Russia has recently decided to also adopt such strategies
but to extend them by applying its expertise in intelligent machine
algorithm. Russia has cleverly been able to use others’ algorithms
against them, perhaps creating a whole new dimension to algorithmic
Chinese Approaches
e PLA and the Chinese Communist Party have both been
profoundly impressed by the capabilities that the US military has
demonstrated through harnessing the power of modern IT. is
has led the PLA to shift from older views that manpower numbers
primarily determine combat strength towards seeing scientific and
technological innovation as central.
In embracing such a perspective, the PLA is keenly aware that
it missed the initial years of the military IT revolution and that it
has been playing catch-up ever since. It now continually monitors
emerging technologies to determine if there is one that might
occasion another revolution in military affairs. With intelligent
machines, they believe they may have found such a technology.
OthersAlgorithmic Warfare
PLA strategic thinkers anticipate today’s ‘informatized’ warfare
will progressively give way to tomorrow’s ‘intelligentized’ warfare.8
In introducing intelligent machine technologies to warfighting, the
character of warfare will transform. e post-information warfare era
is beginning.
In part, this belief rests on the Marxian-derived notion that
contemporary ways of war reflect the economic approach of the
time. e industrial age brought large-scale mechanised warfare, the
information age network-centric warfare, the intelligent machine age
will similarly bring a new approach.
e PLA’s enthusiasm is greatly assisted by the Party embracing
intelligent machine technology as the next ‘big thing’ in China’s
economic development and therefore requiring vast investment and
Party involvement. President Xi Jinping has called on the PLA to
‘seize the high ground’ of intelligent machine technology and close
the gap with the US, the perceived military power gold standard, as
quickly as possible.
From the PLAs viewpoint however, there is more to this than just
keeping up with the Americans. e PLA has traditionally tried to
develop technologies and capabilities that target US vulnerabilities.
Intelligent machine technology though seems the key to post-
information age warfare. If China can develop superior intelligent
machine technology and the PLA adopts it before the US military,
it may give the PLA a decisive advantage. is technology could
allow the PLA to transform contemporary warfighting approaches,
8 ‘Informatized’ and ‘intelligentized’ are the English translations made by
Elsa Kania of terms used in PLA journals. See: Else B. Kania, Battlefield
Singularity: Artificial Intelligence, Military Revolution, and China’s Future
Military Power, Center for a New American Security, Washington, November
2017, p. 12
Algorithmic Warfare
leapfrog the US military and seize the commanding heights of future
strategic-level competition. In this, the PLA seems to be moving
from notions of undertaking asymmetric warfare to mirroring ird
Offset ideas that innovation is key to future battlefield success.
e PLA’s lofty ambitions are made more realistic by the Party’s
mid-2017 New Generation AI Development Plan that aims for
China to lead the world in intelligent machine technologies by 2030.
To achieve this, the intention is to emphasise developing dual-use
technologies that can bring significant market success and that can
be later adopted by the PLA. In achieving this goal, data has become
seen as a key Chinese strategic asset. As earlier discussed, big data
is important in intelligent machine learning. By 2020, China will
have 20 per cent of the world’s data and, by 2030, 30 per cent; all
readily accessible for intelligent machine algorithm development and
training. No other individual country comes close.
e PLA is still in the initial stages of determining how it
specifically leverages dual–use intelligent machine technology even
though the idea that the future involves ‘intelligentized’ warfare has
taken hold. e first use of intelligent machine technologies by the
PLA seems likely to be to improve strategic and operational level
command thinking, both through enhancing training and providing
is use develops not from studying the lessons of foreign wars as
is traditionally done but from the impact of the AlphaGo intelligent
machine winning at Go (discussed earlier). Given that Chinese
strategists’ regard Go and warfare as conceptually similar, this event
decisively captured the imagination of PLA thinkers.
Intelligent machines now seem to be capable of engaging in
the complex analysis and strategic thinking necessary to direct
battles. Crucially, as intelligent machines can consistently beat
the best human players, such machines may also be able to win
wars. Intelligent machines could now play an integral role in
OthersAlgorithmic Warfare
decision-making in future warfare. At least initially, this involvement
may be to advise higher-level commanders about developing courses
of action, evaluating options, and assessing likely outcomes. As
this may be done at machine speed, PLA commanders could then
potentially stay inside an adversary’s decision cycle.
An early application of intelligent machine command advisers
may be in specific high-value platforms. e PLA Navy is presently
researching intelligent machines able to support submarine captains.
As well as helping these individuals manage a very complicated
task, such support may make Chinese captains more skilled and
thereby the equal of more highly experienced US Navy captains.
A submarine environment may indeed be well suited to the use of
intelligent machine advisers. As noted earlier, such technology best
fits operations in low complexity environments with little-moderate
At the tactical level, the main interest is in intelligent machine
technology that might support swarm concepts. Intelligent swarms
are perceived as a disruptive technology that could overturn present-
day tactical doctrines and force structures. Numerous civilian and
military research organisations have thus been publishing swarm-
related research with several Chinese defence companies recently
demonstrating swarming air systems.
is work seems particularly interested in devising intelligent
swarms that can complete their missions in harsh electronic warfare
environments. is interest could have arisen because the PLA
considers itself lagging in information warfare as it does not have
the sophisticated data-sharing communication networks that the US
has. Giving unmanned systems more autonomy may overcome this
Beyond interest in command advising and swarm concepts, China
has developed considerable expertise in using intelligent machine
technology for population management (see the next section). ese
Algorithmic Warfare
techniques may have application beyond China. e country is
steadily becoming more involved militarily in distant areas including
in Africa and the greater Middle East. e new Djibouti naval base
is the first but will undoubtedly be followed by others. Moreover,
the One Belt/One Road initiative looks set to establish large and
potentially vulnerable Chinese enclaves in some locations that suffer
high crime rates, occasional terrorism and periodic social instability.
For example, Gwadar, Pakistan may have 500,000 Chinese residents
by 2023, who probably will be accompanied by a large PLA Navy
Marine Corps unit. Chinese intelligent machine population
surveillance and control techniques, developed to prevent domestic
instability at home, could be applied elsewhere in offshore military
bases and enclaves.
Insurgencies would have considerable difficulty getting started
in the face of the continual deep surveillance that China’s adoption
of intelligent machine technology allows. In this, the Chinese
surveillance system would need to be hardened for offshore
deployment as it uses exposed fragile CCTV cameras with facial
recognition to follow people of interest. However, the cost of these
cameras is quickly reducing so that the loss and ongoing replacement
of even large numbers would be manageable.
OthersAlgorithmic Warfare
Chinese Societal Management/Internal Defence
e 2015 Chinese Military Strategy White Paper notes concerns
about internal stability. China is worried that external powers will
ferment ‘colour revolutions’ that could lead to disaffected Chinese
groups trying to overthrow Party rule.9 e approach taken to
prevent this is to actively stop groups forming. In general, individual
dissent is permitted unless it might lead to group demonstrations,
whether for good or bad causes. Widespread, ongoing, deep
population surveillance aims to obstruct this form of protest.
While close surveillance has characterised Chinese society for
several decades, applying intelligent machine technologies has
increased its impact while reducing staffing requirements. e
government’s implementation of these technologies draws on the
expertise of Chinas private IT companies such as Baidu, Alibaba and
Tencent. e companies thus have commercial incentives to make
government surveillance methods and technologies increasingly
efficient and valuable.
Intelligent machine technology running facial recognition
software is key. e Chinese government’s Skynet system is
installing some 570 million CCTV cameras nationwide; a much
larger number than humans alone could adequately monitor and
assess. Skynet identifies and tracks individuals across the country,
automatically alerting operators within the hierarchical command
structure as necessary. While the data collected by the various
firms and agencies involved is widely shared, the only owner of the
9 e phrase ‘colour revolutions’ arose from the peaceful protests that overthrew
authoritarian regimes in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan in the mid-2000s.
e protesters adopted different colours to symbolise their defiance of the
government: Georgia rose, Ukraine orange and Kyrgyzstan tulip. e pattern
continues with today’s Hong Kong pro-democracy activists adopting yellow.
Algorithmic Warfare
complete, consolidated dataset is the Party-State. Skynet can only
operate using intelligent machine technologies but, at the same time,
the data collected and analysed allows the intelligent machines to be
progressively better trained and improve their performance. Chinese
authorities believe that this positive reinforcement machine-learning
loop will, over time, be able to anticipate criminal behaviour.
e aim is to improve Chinese society through influencing
people’s future behaviour. Under the new social credit system,
intelligent machine algorithms are being trained to analyse big data
troves so they can rate individuals and companies by economic and
political trustworthiness. Good citizens will be rewarded; bad ones
punished. Such a program involves the technically difficult task of
linking numerous dissimilar data islands such as traffic monitoring,
banking, education, judicial systems, health datasets, social media,
shopping data and smartphones. e social credit system will be
mandatory for all 1.3bn Chinese citizens by 2020. Its scale and
complexity is only manageable using intelligent machines.
Previously deep societal surveillance systems needed large
numbers of people to operate and were of variable value because
of the staffs’ normal human foibles. Using the trained algorithms
overcomes most of these shortcomings. e algorithms can operate
24/7 rating people’s behaviour, and continually reward and punish
them, solely according to criteria set by the Party’s senior leadership.
Lower-level biases are reduced, as is the likelihood of corruption;
there is no need to rely on public servants, the legal system or even
the police. e Party-State has been criticised for following a ‘rule by
law’ axiom rather than the ‘rule of law’. In the intelligent machine
era however, it seems the Party will shift to ‘rule by algorithm’.
OthersAlgorithmic Warfare
Russian Approaches
Algorithmic warfare has also received attention in Russia where
President Vladimir Putin recently declared that: ‘whoever becomes
the leader in this [AI] sphere will become the ruler of the world.’
He considers that proliferating intelligent machines is desirable to
prevent any single state being dominant. With a balance in machine
forces, the international system will be stable and conflicts will be
Like China, Russia is increasingly investing in intelligent
machine technology R&D while understanding it is lagging others.
Nevertheless, some ambitious planning is in train: the Military
Industrial Committee targeted 30 per cent of military equipment
being robotic by 2025. Intelligent machine technology has already
been incorporated into various Russian military headquarters.
e new military national command centre includes systems with
learning algorithms that compile big data received from multiple
military and civilian sources. e logistic systems supporting Syrian-
based units use optimising algorithms to maximise supply flow and
movements. Lastly, air defence sites are using intelligent machine
technologies for automatic threat determination.
At the tactical level though, most of the well-publicised robotic
systems are simply remotely controlled devices and so reflect more
the technology of the older programmable era than the emerging
intelligent machine one. Even so, and differing from Western
thinking, Russia is emphasising developing ground combat systems,
up to main battle tanks, that incorporate intelligent machine
technologies. is emphasis results from interacting issues around
demographics and minimising battlefield personnel casualties.
Demographically Russia has two major problems: falling
population numbers and an aging population. With progressively
fewer young people entering the workforce each year, manning the
Algorithmic Warfare
armed forces is becoming challenging. is is especially for the land
forces that have traditionally relied on continually conscripting or
recruiting large numbers of young soldiers. Intelligent machines
accordingly offer a technological solution to Russia’s demographic
decline. ey are additionally appealing, as the land battlefield is
where most casualties occur. In the future intelligent machines could
take over the more risky battlefield duties sharply reducing losses of
scarce personnel during combat.
At the same time, Russian thinkers understand that land force,
human-on-the-loop or human-out-of- the-loop systems are
technically very challenging. Given this, research that would allow
remotely controlled vehicles to recover if their links are lost because
of electronic jamming or other interference is being undertaken
rather than automating the vehicles to be able to fight without
human guidance.
e inherent emergent nature of intelligent machines has led to
Russian military and defence industry concerns about such systems
potentially acting independently of their human commanders. is
view may have been reinforced by the recent experience of Russias
Yandex company’s experimental intelligent machine chatbot called
Alice’ going rogue within a day of going online, just as Microsoft’s
‘Tay’ did in 2016 (as discussed earlier).
Russian Influence Warfare
Russian innovation in algorithmic warfare has, like that of the
Chinese, occurred beyond traditional warfighting. Russia, also like
China, has stated strong concerns about external powers fermenting
‘colour revolutions’. Unlike China though, the Russian government
has determined that the best defence is a good offence and that
destabilising others will help support its domestic stability. In many
OthersAlgorithmic Warfare
respects, this strategy recalls actions undertaken during much of the
Soviet era.
Russia’s contemporary approach has become well-known and
involves active measures particularly in Europe and the US using
fake news, conspiracy websites, troll factories, networks of automated
accounts and targeted social media exploitation. Such measures aim
to create fear and distrust in the targeted societies, undermine trust
in democratic processes and shape election outcomes.
Intelligent algorithms play a crucial role in firstly determining
through analysing big data who is specifically useful to target, and
secondly in progressively optimising ongoing ‘attacks’ against those
identified over extended time periods. e logic of the strategy is to
gradually reinforce particular individuals’ existing opinions in a way
that makes them more extreme, but not to dramatically alter their
views. Intelligent machine algorithms for the first time allow warfare
to be individualised.
Two notable innovations mark this approach. First, the ‘big data’
troves used have been developed mostly by commercial organisations
and can be accessed either overtly by buying data or covertly by
cyber intrusions. Moreover, the individuals being targeted generate
the data; it does not need to be actively sought.
Second, Russia has been able to turn the algorithms used by
Facebook, Twitter, Google and others against them. ese commercial
organisations have segmented population groups into various
categories to feed information to individuals in certain ways as
their corporate algorithms decide. Russia has fed online misleading
information to these global, social-media giants tailored to then
be disseminated by the company’s own algorithms in a way that
advances Russian interests.
e result is that these commercial companies now need to
develop defensive algorithms to protect themselves and their
Algorithmic Warfare
customers against such exploitation in the future. A cyber battlespace
of duelling algorithms is emerging.
is battle becomes more urgent as intelligent machine
technologies can now produce fake news in any format (text, audio,
image, video etc) that is almost impossible to tell from the real item.
Soon YouTube may be hosting videos of political leaders declaring war
on another country that appear real, even after extensive technical
assessment. Such fakes could split societies and alliances especially
in times of crisis. Algorithms may then start wars even though not
quite in the way that those worried by robot terminators might have
originally conceived.
e algorithmic warfare approaches that China and Russia are
developing provide interesting perspectives on how others think
about this emerging area. China’s use of algorithmic warfare to
manage societies and by Russia to destabilise others is significant,
although problematic. Russia’s exploitation of others’ algorithms, in
particular, suggests how smaller nations might at least partly operate
in the new ‘intelligentized’ warfare era.
E M  L 
A C I
e capabilities of contemporary intelligent machines are
constrained. ey can perform only narrow tasks and have real
trouble transferring this learning to new situations or environments.
While they can analyse big data troves to determine associations,
relationships and patterns much better than humans, the learning
algorithms they use mean that the machines are ultimately
unpredictable. ey remain shaped by Moravec’s paradox that, while
intelligent machines can readily undertake high-level reasoning, they
struggle to emulate the sensor processing or motor skills of a one-
year-old human. Robots find the difficult things easy and the easy
things difficult.
e shortcomings of intelligent machines compound when
they are used in warfighting roles and must operate within long
established ethical frameworks and a large Law of Armed Conflict
corpus. States are obliged to use technology in certain stipulated ways
when fighting wars if they wish to comply. Some non-state actors
like Islamic State and Al Qaeda deliberately choose nonconformity
and thus embrace the moral censure and odium associated with it.
For those who choose morality and the advantages this brings,
the application of intelligent machines to warfighting must accord
with ethical and legal principles. ere is much contemporary debate
about whether intelligent machines can meet such high standards.
Algorithmic Warfare
Ethical Issues
Notable when discussing the ethics/morals underlying the use
of intelligent machine is Isaac Asimov’s renowned ree Laws of
Robotics.10 ese fictionally mandate that robots should be designed
to behave as follows:
A robot may not injure a human being or, through
inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except
where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
ese ‘laws’ seemingly applies to any difficulties, notwithstanding
several ambiguities and concerns that Asimov himself explored in
several novels. While today’s intelligent machines are not advanced
enough to follow Asimov’s advice, the three laws do draw attention
to a much larger issue.
Automated machines have been used to kill humans in war since
World War II with anti-personnel land mines the most obvious
example. For better or worse, it seems unlikely that humans will now
relinquish automated weapons. Instead the issue now is more how
to use automated weapons in their latest manifestation as intelligent
warfighting machines in ways that meet ethical concerns and
conform to the laws of war.
In accepting this challenge, some extend the argument by taking
a position that it is ethically problematic for a machine to decide
to kill someone. Machines can still be designed to kill people but
they should be excluded from the making the decision to kill. In
10 e ree Laws first appeared in Isaac Asimov, ‘Runaround’, pp. 94-103 in
Astounding Science Fiction, March 1942.
Ethical Matters and Law of Armed Conflict Implications
other words, judging who lives and who dies should not be left up to
algorithms as this treats people as objects denied their moral status.
e counter argument is that this is humanising an intelligent
machine; they analyse data in a probabilistic manner and do not
and cannot make moral judgements. It is the relevant commander
who has activated the machine and assigned it the task that
is responsible for life or death judgments. This person is
accountable for a decision’s outcomes in both a moral sense and
under the laws of armed conflict. With the commander’s
appointment comes the onus to understand the machines
under control. Intelligent machines however display emergent
behaviour; gaining an adequate ‘understanding’ is more
problematic than it may initially seem as further discussed later.
With the concern about machines killing humans comes worries
over Jus Ad Bellum, making just war. Some consider that with access
to intelligent machines, political leaders could find it easier to
prosecute wars because few soldiers are now being exposed to danger.
With little likelihood of friendly casualties, the political leaders could
be emboldened to wage more and greater wars, possibly involving
unlawful aggression and thus being unjust. is perspective, which
has also been expressed about airpower, is generic because it can
be applied to any technology that offers high levels of own-force
protection. Such technology it is believed will create a moral hazard
which political leaders are reluctant to resist; the argument suggests a
form of technology determinism.
e perceived failing though is not so much with intelligent
machines, airpower or force protection but rather with political
leaders. While the dangers of unjust wars are invoked, there are
countervailing concerns that waging unjust wars will expose the
political leadership’s country to terrorism from within and becoming
trapped in an unwinnable conflict. Such worries would seem
to require all political leaders to balance opportunities and risks
Algorithmic Warfare
before purposefully starting a war irrespective of whether intelligent
machine technology is employed or not. Unjust wars may still
happen. Constraining intelligent machine technology does not seem
a step that will prevent political leaders undertaking them.
Laws of War
Over the last century, many of the ethical concerns over how wars
are waged have been incorporated into the laws of armed conflict.
e laws aim to regulate the use of any weapon system on the
battlefield by using four important principles.
First, the most important is discrimination, more formally
termed distinction, and which involves a combatant observing a
clear differentiation between civilians and combatants. Attacks must
not be intentionally directed against civilians. Second is military
necessity: military force should only be used in actions that are
imperative to achieving the ends of wars. No more force should
be used than is necessary. ird is unnecessary suffering: weapons
and methods of warfare are prohibited that could cause superfluous
injury or unnecessary suffering. Fourth is proportionality: the use
of military force should not cause loss of civilian life or damage to
civilian objects excessive for the objectives sought. Proportionality
is the principle on which the modern stress on limiting collateral
damage is based. e killing of innocent civilians even by accident
should be purposefully avoided.
Discrimination is the principle that most troubles those thinking
about algorithm wars. e Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
movement considers it technically impossible to build an intelligent
machine that can distinguish between combatants and non-
combatants as humans can. e movement believes that applying
intelligent machines to warfighting should be banned, as have other
Ethical Matters and Law of Armed Conflict Implications
inherently indiscriminate weapons such as land mines, cluster bombs
and chemical weapons.
In contrast, in mid-2015, numerous intelligent machine experts
and esteemed scientists wrote an open-letter to the world arguing
that intelligent machines should be banned because they are too
discriminate. ey felt that political leaders of authoritarian states
might use them to very precisely kill their political opponents and
perhaps entire ethnic groups. Accordingly, intelligent warfighting
machines should be banned thereby preventing a global arms race
in such devices. Such worries have some basis because history
includes political leaders who have tried to kill their opponents and,
at times, whole ethnic groups; indeed, some authoritarian states
today continue such practices to varying degrees. is argument,
like that for just war, at its core relates more to political leaders than
technology. e absence of intelligent warfighting machines in the
past did not prevent such actions; the Romans still exterminated the
Some who take the middle ground offer an alternative: that
intelligent machines can be programmed to follow the laws of conflict
better than humans can. Humans can make poor decisions by not
fully correctly analysing the facts within complicated situations and
by allowing emotion, stress, danger and fear cloud their judgments.
Intelligent machines unimpeded by such human shortcomings could
coolly calculate the course of action best suited to upholding the
laws of war.
ere seems value in this argument. Tactical-level commanders
might gain from having readily to hand on their smart phones an
intelligent machine legal adviser just as higher-level commanders
have human legal advisers now. It is possible to conceive of
algorithms emulating such legal advisers as they do now in the
commercial world. However, just as these present advisers do not
Algorithmic Warfare
make command decisions, it seems unlikely that intelligent machines
Making complex decisions on military necessity and
proportionality requires integrating many like and unlike factors
unique to each situation. Such decisions are moral ones that require
transferring knowledge from quite different circumstances to new
ones. While law is built from case studies of past situations, military
law tries to apply law to unknown future situations. As has been
discussed, these qualities are not within the scope of contemporary
narrow-intelligent machine technologies.
Intelligent machine qualities return us to the matter of
discriminating between combatants and non-combatants. e
Campaign to Stop Killer Robots has a point: intelligent machines
have discrimination issues. is is particularly so in crowded land
environments where combatants and non-combatants are often
intermingled. Indeed in some wars, unscrupulous combatants
deliberately hide amongst the people, using them for camouflage
to avoid attack. is is a worst-case scenario for applying intelligent
machine technologies when any failure is unacceptable for ethical,
legal and military reasons.
ere are however other warfighting scenarios than the ones
most problematic for intelligent machines. It was earlier noted that
the most favourable situation for narrow intelligence autonomous
systems to operate in is low complexity environments with little
uncertainty. Such environments may be found at sea, in the air, and
in remote land areas. In these environments, non-combatants either
rarely go or can be readily identified. ese environments seem to be
those intelligent machines might best suit.
However, two issues arise. First, today there are many autonomous
anti-ship, anti-air and anti-surface missiles that have been developed
for such less-taxing environments. ese missiles use programmable
computers that suffer many of the flaws attributed now to intelligent
Ethical Matters and Law of Armed Conflict Implications
machines including being inflexible, brittle, having inherently
imperfect software and being unable to be tested in all possible
situations. Adherence to the laws of war is accordingly sought
through the use of appropriate training, tactics and procedures
(TTP) rather than missile programming. With suitable TPP, human
operators are able to employ the missiles in a manner that meets law
of war concerns. It has become accepted practice that any failures
in the operational use of such weapons are then the responsibility
of the command chain involved not solely the missile. ose in the
command chain are legally accountable.
Some argue that as the learning process of intelligent machines
is uncertain, and that they have the potential to make inexplicable
decisions, no one can be held to account for any machine failings.
ere is some logic to this. In terms of practice though, it has become
the norm to make the command chain involved accountable. It is the
command chain who deliberately chooses to use such autonomous
systems to gain specific warfighting benefits and who set out the
TTPs. It is accordingly the command chain who should bear the
risks of legal accountability.
Importantly, no command chain should be under any illusion
that an intelligent machine or, for that matter, a programmable
machine or human, will always perform completely as expected.
Before using such weapons, the command chain should be able to
reasonably expect that the intelligent machine involved will function
as envisaged and what may result if it does not. is is a domain
for classical risk management: how can the damage that a ‘rogue’
machine might inflict be limited if the feared risk does eventuate?
e second issue is similar. Intelligent machine technologies
seemingly offer much to improve the limited discrimination qualities
of today’s programmable autonomous missiles. Such a prospect
underlies the hopes of those who see such machines being better
Algorithmic Warfare
capable of meeting laws of war than humans and the fears of those
who fret about such machines being too good at discriminating.
Using Intelligent Machines Acceptably
Intelligent machines have strengths and weaknesses that limit
their use both technically and under the laws of war. If the machines
are used in ways that may directly kill humans, such as in intelligent
machine swarms, they come with definite constraints. Such machines
are best suited for war at sea, in the air, or on land in remote
regions, that is, battlefields where non-combatants are unlikely to
be or readily identified. In more problematic environments, such
as in most counter-insurgencies, it seems unwise to employ killing
As with some improvised explosive devices, unscrupulous
opponents in the future may use intelligent killing machines that
are incapable of discriminating between combatants and non-
combatants. Our choice then would be how to respond. e second
law of war principle, military necessity, offers a legal way out:
military force should only be used in actions that are indispensable
to achieving the ends of the war. Unscrupulous actions can be met
with unscrupulous actions if needed to win a just war.
Historically, military necessity has been invoked by many states
to justify using land mines even though they were fully aware of
the technology’s inherently indiscriminate nature. is approach
remains: 164 states have signed the Mine Ban Treaty but 32 have
not, including China, Russia, India, Iran, North Korea and the US.
In any future conflict, the final decision to use intelligent
machines to directly kill humans will depend on the context. In
current conflicts, Western forces, including the US, do not respond
to their unscrupulous opponents by being equally unscrupulous;
Ethical Matters and Law of Armed Conflict Implications
indeed, military thinking advocates exactly the reverse. e choice
is ours, but is interdependent with the choices the adversary makes.
Moving aside from such difficult matters, intelligent machines
offer much to enhance current autonomous weapon discrimination
and not only offensive weapons as earlier mentioned. Missile defence
systems, which need to respond to attacks very quickly, currently
rely mainly on TPPs to avoid friendly casualties or unintentionally
engaging non-combatants. Such an approach becomes less viable as
operational environments become more complicated and electronic
warfare jamming is encountered.
e highly automated Patriot missile defence system has
inadvertently shot down two friendly aircraft in such situations.
Because removing its automatic capabilities would mean that it was
incapable of reliably shooting down hostile ballistic missiles, the
problem is not completely solvable. It might however, be reduced by
integrating intelligent machine technologies into the Patriot missile’s
seeker system. is would provide a last-ditch barrier to inadvertent
shoot downs by allowing the seeker to independently identify the
aircraft it is targeting. While this would not make unintentional
shoot downs impossible, it would reduce their likelihood. e
command chain would remain liable but the risk would reduce.
If the intelligent machine is being used for a function that does
not directly kill humans, there would seem few legal constraints
on its use. Such machines might then be widely applied to logistics
management, transportation sequencing, command advising, cyber
security, electronic attack and many other combat enabling and
combat support roles.
ere is an important exception to this rather sanguine perspective.
Cyber represents a unique middle-ground domain where intelligent
machines may operate and directly kill no one but still pose some
significant risks. Terminator-style robots of limitless aggression, with
inexhaustible energy supplies, and endless weapon stocks exist only
Algorithmic Warfare
in fiction. While constrained to the virtual world, AI-powered cyber
weapons bear a worrying similarity to such imaginary robots. Future
offensive cyber operations could employ intelligent machine viruses
that might replicate continually, draw energy from their hosts and
remain forever at war in the cyber domain.
To avoid such a dystopian future, the responsible command
chains would need to ensure that such algorithms had failsafe
controls within their core program and that they were verified. Given
inherent testing difficulties however, this may also be a case where
developing an intelligent machine cybersecurity defence algorithm in
parallel with the original virus might be prudent.
Beyond such nightmare scenarios, there are more pedestrian
matters concerning the increasingly extensive use of intelligent
machines. Humans may gradually become deeply reliant upon
intelligent machines for advice and to perform many functions.
ere is the prospect that algorithmic choices may progressively
replace human judgment in many situations. As discussed often
though, intelligent machines have weaknesses as well as strengths;
there will inevitably be occasions when they fail. When they do, the
human users will bear the responsibility and be accountable as they
are now when failures occur.
Human accountability remains central to ethics and laws of war
and this responsibility will progressively increase with the wider
application to warfare of intelligent machine technologies. In other
words, while machines may perform some tasks much better than
humans, only humans can ‘do’ responsibility and accountability, a
situation somewhat reminiscent of Moravec’s paradox. ere seem
three clear conclusions.
First, machine users must understand their systems are fallible and
will, at times, fail in unexpected ways. Using them tactically needs to
reflect this with suitable risk management protocols implemented to
limit damage inflicted when the inevitable failures occur.
Ethical Matters and Law of Armed Conflict Implications
Second, for humans to fully understand how their intelligent
machines operate in the sense of strengths and weaknesses, they
will need optimised training regimens. Intelligent machines will
bring new training demands, but not remove the need for training.
Intelligent machines and their humans will need to train together.
ird, the human-machine interface design is critical to humans
understanding what the intelligent machines are doing. However,
humans need to understand that gaining such understanding
remains problematic. Intelligent machines will inherently make inex-
plicable decisions; they intrinsically do think differently. e critical
matter for humans is to try to ensure that the occasional inexplicable
intelligent machine action is recoverable from.
Algorithmic Warfare
Algorithmic warfare has become practical because of three key
computing technology advances. First is the exponential growth in
computer processing power that has allowed implementing high-
performance machine learning techniques. Second is the sudden
growth in ‘big data’: very large datasets suitable to train learning-
capable machines. ird is the steady evolution of cloud technology
allowing ready accessing of off-board processing and data.
e characteristics of intelligent machines differentiate them
from traditional programmable machines. Intelligent machines do
not necessarily give the same output each time in the same situation.
While they can learn by themselves, it is not always apparent what
they have learnt or how they categorise data. is aspect is magnified
in neural network machines as they continue to learn and evolve
‘on the job’. ey are capable of emergent behaviour and may well
surprise: for better or worse.
Intelligent machines are superior to humans in analysing big ‘V’
data: high volume, high velocity and diverse variety. Regarding data
volume, much more data is now collected than can ever be sensibly
analysed by humans; there is no viable alternative to machine analy-
sis. Regarding velocity, intelligent machines work at machine speed,
almost beyond the comprehension of humans. Regarding variety,
humans have limited attention frames, favouring some data sources
over others. Machines analyse data more comprehensively.
Algorithmic Warfare
However, intelligent machines have some shortcomings compared
to humans. ey are quite brittle and generally unable to handle
minor context changes. Moreover, such machines have poor domain
adaptability in that they can struggle to apply knowledge learned in
one context to another. Humans are also better at inductive thought:
being able to generalise from limited information. Humans generally
make better judgments in environments of high uncertainty.
is means that the major issue today in introducing intelligent
machines to the battlefield is finding the best blend of machine and
human cognition. Task-optimised human-machine interfaces could
be key to optimal human-machine teaming and victory in future
In being applied to warfighting, intelligent machines may change
the character of war and overthrow some established precepts. e
current emphasis on quality may be displaced, mass may return to
the battlefield and the pace of battle quicken. Such notions could
disrupt current force structure models. e size of an armed force
may become disconnected from the population size of the state
fielding it. Small wealthy states might field much larger forces
than large poorer ones. Intelligent machines may also allow all to
sharply improve their training, reducing the advantages in skill and
experience some states currently possess.
In considering strategy, there are two distinct schools of thought:
will intelligent machines allow us to do things better or instead
to do better things? e ‘do things better’ school emphasises
inserting intelligent machines deep into battle networks to enhance
performance. Such networks currently have trouble processing and
assessing information; using intelligent machines within the network
may solve this. e ‘do better things’ school emphasises distributing
intelligent machines in a manner that shifts the primary function of
battle networks from information sharing towards machine-waged
warfare. e battle networks then become active fighting networks
where edge devices dominate. Machine-speed hyperwar emerges and
the tactical mainstay becomes swarming intelligent machines.
American advances in algorithmic warfare have stimulated
Chinese and Russian interest. China has become a ‘fast follower’ and
is implementing an ambitious new national strategy to become world
leader in intelligent machine technology. In the military domain,
the PLA considers that intelligent machine technology will lead to
‘intelligentized’ warfare replacing today’s network-centric warfare.
An early embrace of such a transformation may allow the PLA to
overtake America’s military. In contrast, Russia’s flagging economy
hinders its progress in intelligent machine technology but creates a
demand to innovate, both using technology created in Russia and
China and Russia lead in two specific national security areas.
China has long sought to enforce domestic stability but these
efforts are becoming much more individualised and intense though
progressively applying intelligent machines more widely. China is
moving towards a ‘rule by algorithm’ future. On the other hand,
Russia has embraced algorithmic warfare influence operations to
disturb other nation’s domestic stability. Russia cleverly uses others’
algorithms against them, perhaps creating a whole new dimension to
such warfare and suggesting a way smaller nations might manoeuvre
in the new ‘intelligentized’ warfare era.
Human responsibility and accountability are central to the
ethics and laws of war; applying intelligent machine technologies
to warfare will not fundamentally alter this. While it may be that
machines do some tasks much better than humans, the actions of
intelligent machines are inherently inexplicable. Only humans can
‘do’ responsibility and accountability.
Intelligent machines seem set to remake our ways of war. Our
machines have previously been extensions of ourselves; they do tasks
our bodies can do, only physically better. But our new machines are
Algorithmic Warfare
different. ey are intelligent, can learn, display emergent behaviours
and make apparently incomprehensible decisions. It is tempting to
anthropomorphise them as humans have done for centuries with our
gods and animals, but this would be unwise. Our new intelligent
machines do not think like us, they literally reason differently,
have dissimilar logic flows and possess unusual rationalities. In
the business of making war, they are truly new actors that bring
disruptive capabilities in their wake. e future of war may well not
be like its past. Buckle up for a possible reboot.
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... The security of the database from hacking is another issue that must be dealt with. Artificial Intelligence in its current state can perform specialized tasks far better and faster than humans do, but the output they provide require human intelligence to analyze them and make them suitable for further use (Layton, 2018). ...
... The triad of Big Data, the high-performance machine learning, and the continuously improving cloud technology together contributes to a novel approach referred to as Algorithmic Warfare by some experts. Experts and researchers -such as Peter Layton (2018) and Greg Rowlands (2018) -speculate that the future of warfare will have a significant contest against algorithms and hardware. ...
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One approach to military leadership is the philosophy of mission command. Mission command is supported by several principles and all of them are essential, without those it cannot be fully applied. These principles are the mutual trust between participants, the understanding, the clearly articulated intent of the superior, the decentralized execution and the timely-made decisions. As the Artificial Intelligence is progresssing and gaining ground it will influence the entirity of the military command and control process: new decision situations will arise and the human-machine cooperation may create new relationships. This paper scrutinizes whether the identified principles of mission command can be applied in the same way in the Artificial Intelligence-infused operational environment as it can be among traditional circumstances
... Algoritmi e decisioni autonome Gli algoritmi sono essenziali per la costruzione di una "agentività digitale". I sistemi d'arma autonomi utilizzano algoritmi complessi per elaborare informazioni, identificare obiettivi, prendere decisioni ed eseguire azioni senza un intervento umano diretto (Layton, 2018). ...
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Alghoritmic Warfare: Autonomous Weapon Systems and Digital Agency. The growing use of autonomous weapons systems in ongoing conflicts is redefining the modern warfare dynamics, raising ethical and accountability issues. This article illustrates the typology of deployed weapons and explores the extent to which these systems can make autonomous decisions independent of human control, introducing the concept of digital agency in the military and outlining the dangers of the coming of a military digicracy.
... 주권 침해 등이 발생할 수 있다 (Layton, 2018 ...
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Nations with advanced military capabilities are now focusing on developing AI algorithms for weapon system intellectualization development to retain their dominance. However, such endeavors are expensive in terms of time, effort, and resources, so it is necessary to develop it using open source to expand sharing and cooperation with industry–academic–government research and development collaboration. This study is aimed at elaborating the need for adoption of it and suggesting future implementation and improvement of open source SW in military despite the negative impact of security vulnerabilities when applied to the military weapon system. For this, the present study was design to investigate the benefit (intercommunity and cooperation) and harm (military sovereignty and technology vulnerability) of this open source platform through analysis of domestic and international case with defense area. The results of the study indicate that establishing an appropriate platform can help secure military sovereignty and prevent technology subordination, increase the efficiency of AI R&D, ensure collaboration and connectivity between weapons systems, and strengthen software security.
... The Federation has also tested their attack helicopters, the Mi-28N, which have incorporated a drone launcher able to deploy Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance systems and intelligent loitering munitions 25 . Apart from this individual realm though, Russia is also working towards perfecting its missiles and their performance, with special consideration about electronic warfare and their air-defense and command-and-control systems 26 . weapons and autonomously operating robot soldiers 30 . ...
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Despite the world’s generalized stability and peace maintenance, new technologies have affected every aspect of everyday life and practice, from transportation and communication to military capabilities. The new possibilities technologies such as Artificial Intelligence have introduced, along with the still unexplored aspects they entail, present an unprecedented multi-faceted reality in the military domain. Weaponized offensive technologies are being developed in parallel with defensive capabilities, enabling a continuous race between the two and between the states that engage in Artificial Intelligence research and development. These novelties raise a new modus operandi on the conventional battlefield, but also in cyberspace, reshaping the very nature of war. Incorporating AI-enabled offensive technologies in (cyber) war is followed by unfamiliar benefits, challenges, legal and ethical questions. In this paper, I will try to emphasize some of the most common AI-enabled technologies used in contemporary warfare, mention relevant case studies and some of the major states’ policies and national developments, all while presenting both the benefits and the challenges of integrating cutting-edge technologies in the military sphere.
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For approximately thirty years an unanswered question has hung over the military enterprise of nation-states: As the digital information age progresses, should we construct a military for the information age, or should we construct an information age military? The former would be an old enterprise applying new tools to its roles and missions. The latter would be a new enterprise. The new tools would not only alter the roles and missions the military prosecutes; they would alter the primary purposeful activity of the modern military. The short answer is that militaries and the national security communities that support them have hedged, wary of the uncertainty which comes with complex change. Into this gap has grown a new type of insecurity-a type not confined to military affairs and national security but society-wide-which open societies in particular are yet to fully understand and, thus to develop an appropriate response. The formulation of an appropriate response ties directly back to the thirty-year question. The response, where it exists, is decidedly fragmented. A new addition to the associated lexicon-"cogni-tive warfare"-has made its way into the discussion and makes no pretense of being confined strictly to military affairs. While a topic of increasing interest, anything resembling a bounded and discrete set of meanings to be associated with cognitive warfare has yet to emerge and seems a way off. This article aims to address this omission and to take stock of how the national security, intelligence, and defense (NSID) communities might begin to approach a coherent understanding of cognitive security. It argues the conflation of operational information warfare with cognitive warfare is a category error that must be addressed first. The hubris of the early digital age provides a lesson to be avoided.
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This article reflects on securitization efforts with respect to ‘killer robots’, known more impartially as autonomous weapons systems (AWS). Our contribution focuses, theoretically and empirically, on the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, a transnational advocacy network vigorously pushing for a pre-emptive ban on AWS. Marking exactly a decade of its activity, there is still no international regime formally banning, or even purposefully regulating, AWS. Our objective is to understand why the Campaign has not been able to advance its disarmament agenda thus far, despite all the resources, means and support at its disposal. For achieving this objective, we challenge the popular assumption that strong stigmatization is the universally best strategy towards humanitarian disarmament. We investigate the consequences of two specifics present in AWS, which set them apart from processes and successes of the campaigns to ban anti-personnel landmines, cluster munitions, and laser-blinding weapons: the complexity of AWS as a distinct weapons category, and the subsequent circumvention of its complexity through the utilization of pop-culture, namely science fiction imagery. We particularly focus on two mechanisms through which such distortion has occurred: hybridization and grafting. These provide the conceptual basis and heuristic tools to unpack the paradox of over-securitization: success in broadening the stakeholder base in relation to the first mechanism and deepening the sense of insecurity in relation to the second one does not necessarily lead to the achievement of the desired prohibitory norm. In conclusion, we ask whether it is not the time for a more epistemically-oriented expert debate with a less ambitious, lowest common denominator strategy as the preferred model of arms control for such a complex weapons category.
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In recent years, militaries around the world have recognised the need to rapidly increase investments in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and examine the potential ways it may be employed in future warfighting. Over time, AI will likely infuse most military equipment and enable the battlespace. Yet, there is still much to be determined in terms of the application and management of AI as a military capability. AIl machine learning has enormous potential for enhancing efficiency, quickly identifying patterns and detecting items within very large data troves. But, AI also has known weaknesses and lacks robustness and, to be effective, it must still be carefully teamed with humans. In this paper, Dr Peter Layton considers these issues and proposes operational level defensive and offensive concepts for an AI-enabled battlespace. He then explores how these concepts may be applied to the traditional sea, land and air domains. The intent is to stimulate discussion and new ways of thinking about how AI may be employed in the future and how to begin preparing for that future now.
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May lethal autonomous weapons systems—‘killer robots’—be used in war? The majority of writers argue against their use, and those who have argued in favour have done so on a consequentialist basis. We defend the moral permissibility of killer robots, but on the basis of the non-aggregative structure of right assumed by Just War theory. This is necessary because the most important argument against killer robots, the responsibility trilemma proposed by Rob Sparrow, makes the same assumptions. We show that the crucial moral question is not one of responsibility. Rather, it is whether the technology can satisfy the requirements of fairness in the redistribution of risk. Not only is this possible in principle, but some killer robots will actually satisfy these requirements. An implication of our argument is that there is a public responsibility to regulate killer robots’ design and manufacture.
Artificial Intelligence and National Security
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  • Taniel Chan
Allen, Greg and Chan, Taniel, Artificial Intelligence and National Security, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Cambridge, July 2017.
Patriot Wars: Automation and the Patriot Air and Missile Defense System
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  • K John
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CNA: Analysis and Solutions
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War-Algorithm Accountability, Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict
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  • Gabriella Blum
  • Naz K Modirzadeh
Lewis, Dustin A., Blum, Gabriella and Modirzadeh, Naz K., War-Algorithm Accountability, Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict, Research Briefing, August 2016.
20YY: Preparing for War in the Robotic Age
  • Robert O Work
  • Shawn Brimley
Work, Robert O. and Brimley, Shawn, 20YY: Preparing for War in the Robotic Age, Center for a New American Security, Washington, January 2014.