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Case Report: Biloma gastrostomy after failed sonogram-guided percutaneous aspiration, pigtail catheter insertion and surgical drainage


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Bilomas are rare abnormal extrabiliary accumulation of bile. This can be either intrahepatic or extrahepatic following traumatic or spontaneous rupture of the biliary tree. The commonest causes of biloma are surgery, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage, transcatheter arterial embolization and abdominal trauma. We report here a 15 year old patient whom we followed for over 10 years. His chief complaints were right hypochondriac pain, loss of appetite and vomiting. Initial clinical presentation, sonographic as well as laboratory findings suggested a liver abscess, which was drained, but the definitive diagnosis of biloma was entertained after sonographically guided percutaneous aspirations and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 7 years later. We also discuss the role of imaging and surgical challenges encountered that culminated into bilomo-gastrostomy. The patient is now enjoying a peaceful life.
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Case Report: Biloma gastrostomy after failed sonogram-guided
percutaneous aspiration, pigtail catheter insertion and surgical
drainage [version 1; referees: awaiting peer review]
TomR.Okello , DavidsonOcen , JimmyOkello , IrenePecorella ,
DerrickAmone 6
1,2 2,3 2,4 5
Referee Status: AWAITING PEER
05Jul2018, :19(doi: )First published: 1 10.12688/aasopenres.12876.1
05Jul2018, :19(doi: )Latest published: 1 10.12688/aasopenres.12876.1
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AAS Open Research 2018, 1:19 Last updated: 05 JUL 2018
AAS Open Research
TomR.Okello( )Corresponding author:
 :Conceptualization,DataCuration,FormalAnalysis,Investigation,Methodology,ProjectAdministration,Resources,Author roles: Okello TR
Software,Supervision,Validation,Visualization,Writing–OriginalDraftPreparation,Writing–Review&Editing; :DataCuration,Ocen D
Investigation,Methodology,Resources,Writing–OriginalDraftPreparation,Writing–Review&Editing; :Investigation,Methodology,Okello J
Resources,Writing–OriginalDraftPreparation; :Investigation,Methodology,Resources,Software,Supervision; :DataPecorella I Amone D
Nocompetinginterestsweredisclosed.Competing interests:
OkelloTR,OcenD,OkelloJ How to cite this article: et al. Case Report: Biloma gastrostomy after failed sonogram-guided percutaneous
AASOpenResearch2018, :19aspiration, pigtail catheter insertion and surgical drainage [version 1; referees: awaiting peer review] 1
(doi: )10.12688/aasopenres.12876.1
©2018OkelloTR .Thisisanopenaccessarticledistributedunderthetermsofthe ,whichCopyright: et al CreativeCommonsAttributionLicence
ThisworkwassupportedbytheAfricanAcademyofSciencesthroughaDELTASAfricaInitiativeGrant[DEL-15-011],aspartGrant information:
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
05Jul2018, :19(doi: )First published: 1 10.12688/aasopenres.12876.1
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AAS Open Research 2018, 1:19 Last updated: 05 JUL 2018
Biloma is a rare but challenging condition in Uganda and
Sub-Saharan Africa. The term biloma was introduced in 1979 by
Gould and Pater to describe a loculated bile collection located
outside the biliary tree1. Lee and Suh (2007), also defined
biloma as loculated collection of bile outside the biliary tree2.
As an encapsulated collection of bile within the abdomen, a
biloma is formed when there is bile duct interuption3. Bilomas
are often found during the postoperative period many days after
surgery as a localized encapsulated extraductal bile collection4.
Post-operative biliary leaks are rare complications of abdomi-
nal surgery, but if untreated, may result in significant morbidity
and mortality5. Although bilomas are usually a result of surgical
complications and abdominal trauma, spontaneous bilomas also
do occur, but these are rare6.
Case report
The patient first presented to St Mary’s Hospital Lacor, Gulu
district in July 2007 at 15 years of age with complaints of right
hypochondrial pain associated with vomiting and loss of appetite
for 2 months. There was no abdominal distention, no constipation
and no fever. The patient was found to be afebrile, not jaundiced,
not anemic and had normal blood pressure. His abdomen was of
normal fullness and soft, but he had a tender, enlarged smooth
edged liver 10 cm below the costal margin. The patient’s eryth-
rocyte sedimentation rate was elevated at 70 mm/h, and he
exhibited bleeding and clotting times of 4 min and 4 min 30 s,
respectively (normal range is 1–8 mm/h for adults); other blood
indices were within normal range. A stool examination showed
no ova or cysts, HIV serology was negative and liver enzymes
were slightly elevated.
Ultrasound (US) of the abdomen revealed an echo-complex mass
in the liver hilum extending to the left lobe of the liver. A diagno-
sis of liver abscess to rule amoebic liver abscess was entertained
(Figure 1a, b). Approximately 1100 ml pus was percutaneously
aspirated under US guidance and thereafter serial percutaneous
aspiration was performed every 48 hours and antibiotics were
prescribed for 10 days, IV ciprofloxacin (500 mg every
12 hours) and IV metronidazole (500 mg every 8 hours). This
treatment did not elicit a response, thus a surgical incision
was made and drainage was performed on the 11th day and a
drainage tube was left in situ. The patient was discharged after
significant improvement
After 25 months (18 years of age), the patient presented with
similar complaints of pain in the right hypochondrium and a
tender right upper quadrant. The findings of respiratory, cardio-
vascular and neurological examinations were unremarkable. US
results showed a recurrent liver abscess measuring 8×10 cm and
the patient had normal bleeding and clotting time. A percutaneous
pigtail catheter was placed in situ and after emptying 277 ml pus,
the patient was discharged for review after 2 months.
The patient continued to present with complaints of epigastric
pain, progressive weight loss, easy fatigability, due to recurrent
liver abscesses, and percutenous drainage was the preferred mode
of therapy. After a further 3 years (at 21 years of age) he developed
fever and, worsening epigastric pain, with no vomiting and
no constipation. During this particular episode the patient’s
appearance indicated illness. The patient had a body tempera-
ture of 39°C, a blood pressure of 131/74 mmHg and a pulse of
80 bpm. His abdomen had right hypochodrial tenderness. US and
percutenous aspiration revealed 420 ml yellowish bilious fluids
mixed with pus. Culture and sensitivity analysis of the aspirate
reveal Streptococcus pyogenes sensitive to ciprofloxacin and
chloramphenicol. Percutenous serial aspiration with a 2-week
course of the aforementioned antibiotics using the same regimen
led to a significant improvement. In September 2016, a percute-
nous transhepatic cholangiogram (PTC) revealed a bile lacunae
and a diagnosis of biloma was made, but on the fifth day after the
PTC, the patient developed cholangitis due to Staphylococcus
aureus, which responded to antibiotics. A follow-up sonogram
revealing the biloma is shown in Figure 2a, b.
Figure 1. Abnormal ultrasound findings. (a) Abdominal Sonogram
in transverse (left) and sagittal (right) sections showing an echo-
complex fluid collection sub-hepatic left lobe liver, 10×8 cm in size.
(b) Sonogram obtained 3 months following ultrasound-guided serial
aspiration in transverse (left) and sagittal (right) sections show an
echo complex indicating fluid collection in the sub-hepatic left lobe
of the liver. The size of fluid collection had reduced to 277.1 cm3 in
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AAS Open Research 2018, 1:19 Last updated: 05 JUL 2018
performed as an internal drainage procedure. The post-operative
recovery was uneventful and the patient was discharged on
day 9 after surgery. Since then, up until the point of writing, the
patient has been symptom-free and continues to enjoy good life
and gainful employment.
Bilomas are rare, with a reported incidence of about 2.5% after
cholecystectomy6. The prevalence of biloma after hepatectomy
is 35.7% (95 % CI, 26.2–45.2), but after blunt liver injury it
rises to 36%7. Post-traumatic and post-surgical collections of
encysted bile (bilomas) can be difficult to diagnose, such that
puncture of the cystic lesion under radiological guidance is
essential8. Spontaneous biloma caused by spontaneous rupture
of the intrahepatic duct, without any underlying disease (as
occurred in our patient) is a very rare finding2. Bilomas can
become infected2.
Clinically, patients with bilomas present with right upper
quadrant pain, fever within 7 days and in rare situations with gas-
tric outlet obstruction6. Patients with biloma will present with
abdominal pain, nausea, anorexia, jaundice, and fever. How-
ever, this may vary from minimal symptoms to full blown
biliary peritonitis9. Presentation of right upper quadrant
abdominal pain associated with a history of recent abdomi-
nal trauma or surgery is suspicious and diagnosis is confirmed
by detection of typical radiological features, with a differen-
tial diagnosis of a pseudocyst10. CT scans and MRI revealing
upper abdominal fluid collection may aid the diagnosis of
Biloma management may vary, from percutaneous aspira-
tion, percutaneous catheter drainage, surgical drainage to overt
surgical treatment; however, smaller bile leaks often resolve
spontaneously in few days9. A drainage catheter positioned
and left in place often leads to improvement after 7 days11.
Binmoeller et al. report that endoscopic treatment of biloma is
technically successful in 95% of cases5. However, biloma occur-
ring after hepatectomy and after blunt liver injury is self-limiting12.
Endoscopic decompression main biliary tract could be often useful
in treating biloma13. Biloma are also often successfully treated with
Endosonography (EUS)-guided biloma drainage14.
Whilst, Chen, Geng and Zhao (2002)15, and other studies13,16
report that there is no need for surgical exploration, since biloma
is self limiting7 and in other situations percutaneous insertion
of a drainage catheter or simple needle aspiration are adequate2,
other authors allude to surgical drainage for biloma6. Transgastric
drainage of biloma has been found to successfully treat patients
with biloma achieving complete fluid resolution and symptom
relief17. Successful drainage of biloma with biloma-gastrostomy
has also been reported by Nayak et al.
Written informed consent was obtained from the patient agreeing
that this manuscript can be published.
Figure 2. Follow-up ultrasound findings. (a) Follow up sonogram
obtained after percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (images
not retrieved) show a large sonolucent sub hepatic left liver lobe mass
12×11cm, with a wall thickness of 0.22 cm. (b) Follow-up sonogram
obtained after percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography revealed
biloma mass adjacent to the gall bladder with internal debris.
A surgeon was then consulted 6 months after discharge
(June 2017), the following was noted: patient had persistent
epigastric pain, and persistent biloma, despite serial percutane-
ous aspiration and insertion of a pigtail catheter. The patient had
normal blood indices: hemoglobin, 15.2g/dl; white cell count
range, 4300-6000 cells/mm3; serum glutamic-oxaloacetic
transaminase, 6 U/l (normal range, 0-37 U/l); serum glutamic
pyruvic transaminase, 56 U/l (normal range, 0-40 U/l). Open
surgical drainage was performed under general anesthesia, and a
bigger drain tube left in the biloma cavity. The Biloma drained
from 600 ml to 2 mls within 12 days.
From the 13th day after surgery, the volume of discharging bilious
material progressively increased from 2 ml to a maximum of
1270 ml on day 26 after the operation. On day 30 after the
operation, a re-laparotomy was done and a biloma-gastrostomy
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AAS Open Research 2018, 1:19 Last updated: 05 JUL 2018
Data availability
All data underlying the results are available as part of the article and
no additional source data are required.
Competing interests
No competing interests were disclosed.
Grant information
This work was supported by the African Academy of Sciences
through a DELTAS Africa Initiative Grant [DEL-15-011], as part of
the THRiVE-2 initiative.
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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Cholangiocarcinomas are tumors that arise from the ductal epithelium of the intrahepatic or extra-hepatic bile ducts. Patients are usually asymptomatic or may present with weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite and abdominal pain (intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas) or jaundice (extra-hepatic cholangiocarcinomas). Subcapsular bile vessel rupture, due to intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, is an extremely rare clinical presentation, which is an emergent and potentially life-threatening complication. We report the case of a 79-year-old female patient suffering from an intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma that completely obliterated the left main hepatic duct. This obstruction in intrahepatic bile flow had resulted in intraperitoneal rupture of subcapsular bile vessels (not infiltrated by the tumor) of the left liver lobe and formation of spontaneous biloma. The patient was admitted for acute abdominal pain. Computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) revealed the tumor and an upper abdominal fluid collection. Since the patient was hemodynamically stable and afebrile, a CT-guided percutaneous aspiration of the collection was undertaken, showing a biloma. A left hepatectomy was performed two weeks later and today, sixty months since the incident, the patient enjoys good health, with no signs of local recurrence or distant metastases. Intraperitoneal rupture of bile ducts and subsequent spontaneous biloma formation, due to an intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma which completely obstructed the left main hepatic duct, is a unique situation and this is the first time to be reported. Prompt surgical management can lead to successful treatment of this rare and difficult entity.
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AIM: To summarize systematically our ten-year experience in non-surgical treatment of postoperative bile leakage, and explore its methods and indications. METHODS: The clinical data of 57 patients with postoperative bile leakage treated non-surgically from January 1991 to December 2000 were reviewed retrospectively. RESULTS: The site of the leakage was mainly the disrupted or damaged fistulous tracts of T tube in 25 patients (43.9%), the fossae of gallbladder in 14 cases (24.6%), the cut surface of liver in 7 cases (12.3%), and it was undetectable in the other 2 cases. Besides bile leakage, the wrong ligation of bile ducts was found in 3 patients, residual stones of the distal bile duct in 5 patients, benign papillary strictures in 3, and biloma resulting from bile collections in 2. The diagnoses were made according to the history of surgery, clinical situation, abdominal paracentesis, ultrasonography, ERCP, PTC, MRI/MRCP, gastroscopy and percutaneous fistulography. All 57 patients were treated non-surgically at the beginning of bile leakage. The non-surgical methods included keeping original drainage unobstructed, percutaneous abdominal paracentesis or drainage, percutaneous transhepatic cholangial/biliary drainage (PTCD/PTBD), endoscopic management, traditional Chinese medicine and so on. Of the 57 patients, 2 patients died, 5 were converted to reoperation later, the other 50 were directly cured by non-surgical methods without any complication. The cure rate of the non-surgery was 82.5% (50/57). CONCLUSION: Many nonoperative methods are available to treat postoperative bile leakage. Non-surgical treatment may serve as the first choice for the treatment of bile leakage for its advantages in higher cure rate, convenience and safety in practice. It is important to choose the specific non-surgical method according to the volume, site of bile leakage and patient's condition. Keywords: $[Keywords] Citation: Chen XP, Peng SY, Peng CH, Liu YB, Shi LB, Jiang XC, Shen HW, Xu YL, Fang SB, Rui J, Xia XH, Zhao GH. A ten-year study on non-surgical treatment of postoperative bile leakage. World J Gastroenterol 2002; 8(5): 937-942
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Here, we report a patient with bile duct injury (BDI) following open cholecystectomy, who developed a very large biloma, causing duodenal and biliary obstruction, and also had a biliary stricture at the site of BDI. We successfully managed the patient by endoscopic biloma-gastrostomy with biliary stenting that resulted in resolution of the biloma and aggressive endoscopic management of the biliary stricture with stent bundles till resolution. Pertaining this case to be the one with largest biloma in the literature (approximately 6.5 L), which developed following open cholecystectomy that resulted in biliary stricture following injury to BD. We successfully managed the patient by endoscopic biloma-gastric stenting and an aggressive endoscopic management of biliary stricture.
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Bilomas resulting as a complication of cholecystectomy are often due to a leak from an inadequately secured cystic duct stump, an accessory bile duct or a duct of Luschka in the gallbladder fossa of the liver. Occasionally, bilomas may have an unusual presentation. We describe here a rare case of biloma in the lesser sac after an uneventful laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
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Biloma is defined as any collection of bile outside the biliary tree, usually resulting from surgery complications and abdominal trauma. Spontaneous occurrence of bilomas is rare, occasionally associated with choledocolithiasis. The present report describes a case of spontaneous biloma, whose diagnosis was radiologically confirmed. At laparotomy, the presence of a retroperitoneal biloma was observed. Intraoperative cholangiography has not demonstrated the presence of fistula. After drainage, the patient progressed well and was discharged.
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A biloma is a rare disease characterized by an abnormal intra- or extrahepatic bile collection due to a traumatic or spontaneous rupture of the biliary system. Laboratory findings are nonspecific. The diagnosis is usually suspected on the basis of a typical history (right upper quadrant abdominal pain, chills, fever and recent abdominal trauma or surgery) and is confirmed by detection of typical radiologic features. We report the case of a patient with a history of previous cholecystectomy for lithiasis who presented with clinical symptoms and laboratory data suggestive of acute pancreatitis. Imaging studies also revealed the presence of a chronic and asymptomatic biloma, which could be mistaken for a pseudocyst. The atypical location and ultrasound findings suggested an alternative diagnosis. We therefore reviewed the known literature for bilomas, focusing on the role of ultrasonography, which can reveal some typical aspects, such as location and imaging features. We conclude that ultrasound plays a key role in the assessment of a suspected biloma in patients with appropriate history and clinical features and provides valuable diagnostic clues even in the absence of these.
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A biloma is an encapsulated bile collection outside the biliary tree. Most cases are caused mainly by iatrogenic injury and trauma, and are usually located in the sub-hepatic space. Spontaneous biloma is an uncommon entity. We report three rare cases of spontaneous hepatic subcapsular biloma formation in association with choledocholithiasis in two patients and cholangiocarcinoma in one patient. All the patients presented with extrahepatic biliary obstruction with no previous history of abdominal surgery, instrumentation, or trauma. Ultrasound and computerized tomography of the abdomen documented hepatic subcapsular biloma. The patients were initially managed with antibiotics and radiologically guided pigtail drainage of the collections, followed by definitive treatment of their underlying cause.
Introduction: Some case series have reported that hepatectomy was used to treat major bile leakage and biloma. However, it is unknown whether non-operative management (NOM) can be used to treat these complications. Our hospital uses NOM primarily for blunt liver injuries. This study describes the incidence and treatment of newly developed biloma in hemodynamically stable patients with blunt liver trauma and investigates NOM as a treatment option. Methods: A retrospective chart review was conducted from January 2006 to May 2012 at a tertiary care hospital in Japan. The primary outcome measures were the incidence of biloma and the number of patients who required operative management. Biloma was defined as a cystic lesion with low density near the site of liver injury on contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography. Results: Chart review identified 98 patients (63 males and 35 females). Thirty-five of 98 patients (35.7 % [95 % CI, 26.2-45.2]) developed biloma. Infected biloma in three, of whom one required percutaneous drainage. Hepatectomy was not performed. Conclusion: Our data suggest that biloma after NOM of blunt liver injury is common (36 %), but infected biloma is rare. All patients with bilomas were treated using NOM. Most bilomas are self-limited, and NOM is feasible.
Endosonography (EUS)-guided biliary drainage is a novel therapeutic option for patients with biliary obstruction after failed endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Many case reports and series worldwide have shown satisfactory clinical outcomes in terms of technical and clinical success rates, which approach 80%-100%. However, these procedures need to be performed by experts to minimize the possible complications, which have been reported in as many as 14-35% of patients. The most common complications encountered in these procedures are bile leakage, pneumoperitoneum, peritonitis, and stent related complications such as stent migration. Here, we report the case of a female patient who had cholangiocarcinoma and underwent EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy after failed ERCP; stent malposition occurred during the procedure, leading to biloma formation that was successfully treated with EUS-guided biloma drainage.
Post-traumatic and postsurgical collections of encysted bile (biloma) can be difficult to diagnose. Certain radiographic features may suggest the diagnosis, but puncture of the cystic lesion is essential. Moreover, the lesions may be treated by percutaneous insertion of a drainage catheter without need for surgical exploration. In the last 3 1/2 years we have encountered 3 patients with this condition, 2 of whom were successfully drained by percutaneous technique. In 1 patient the overall radiographic appearance was suggestive of delayed rupture of the spleen, and the biloma was drained by simple needle aspiration intraoperatively.