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Semantic Measures: Using Natural Language Processing to Measure, Differentiate, and Describe Psychological Constructs


Abstract and Figures

Psychological constructs, such as emotions, thoughts, and attitudes are often measured by asking individuals to reply to questions using closed-ended numerical rating scales. However, when asking people about their state of mind in a natural context (“How are you?”), we receive open-ended answers using words (“Fine and happy!”) and not closed-ended answers using numbers (“7”) or categories (“A lot”). Nevertheless, to date it has been difficult to objectively quantify responses to open-ended questions. We develop an approach using open-ended questions in which the responses are analyzed using natural language processing (Latent Semantic Analyses). This approach of using open-ended, semantic questions is compared with traditional rating scales in nine studies (N = 92–854), including two different study paradigms. The first paradigm requires participants to describe psychological aspects of external stimuli (facial expressions) and the second paradigm involves asking participants to report their subjective well-being and mental health problems. The results demonstrate that the approach using semantic questions yields good statistical properties with competitive, or higher, validity and reliability compared with corresponding numerical rating scales. As these semantic measures are based on natural language and measure, differentiate, and describe psychological constructs, they have the potential of complementing and extending traditional rating scales.
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Semantic Measures: Using Natural Language Processing to Measure,
Differentiate, and Describe Psychological Constructs
Oscar N. E. Kjell and Katarina Kjell
Lund University Danilo Garcia
Blekinge County Council, Karlskrona, Sweden, and University
of Gothenburg
Sverker Sikström
Lund University
Psychological constructs, such as emotions, thoughts, and attitudes are often measured by asking
individuals to reply to questions using closed-ended numerical rating scales. However, when asking
people about their state of mind in a natural context (“How are you?”), we receive open-ended answers
using words (“Fine and happy!”) and not closed-ended answers using numbers (“7”) or categories (“A
lot”). Nevertheless, to date it has been difficult to objectively quantify responses to open-ended questions.
We develop an approach using open-ended questions in which the responses are analyzed using natural
language processing (Latent Semantic Analyses). This approach of using open-ended, semantic questions
is compared with traditional rating scales in nine studies (N!92–854), including two different study
paradigms. The first paradigm requires participants to describe psychological aspects of external stimuli
(facial expressions) and the second paradigm involves asking participants to report their subjective
well-being and mental health problems. The results demonstrate that the approach using semantic
questions yields good statistical properties with competitive, or higher, validity and reliability compared
with corresponding numerical rating scales. As these semantic measures are based on natural language
and measure,differentiate, and describe psychological constructs, they have the potential of comple-
menting and extending traditional rating scales.
Translational Abstract
We develop tools called semantic measures to statistically measure, differentiate and describe subjective
psychological states. In this new method, natural language processing is used for objectively quantifying
words from open-ended questions, rather than the closed-ended numerical rating scales traditionally used
today. Importantly, the results suggest that these semantic measures have competitive, or higher, validity
and reliability compared with traditional rating scales. Using semantic measures also brings along
advantages, including an empirical description/definition of the measured construct and better differen-
tiation between similar constructs. This method encompasses a great potential in terms of improving the
way we quantify and understand individuals’ states of mind. Semantic measures may end up becoming
a widespread alternative applied in scientific research (e.g., psychology and medicine) as well as in
various professional contexts (e.g., political polls and job recruitment).
Keywords: psychological assessment, natural language processing, latent semantic analyses
Supplemental materials:
Oscar N. E. Kjell and Katarina Kjell, Department of Psychology, Lund
University; Danilo Garcia, Blekinge Center of Competence, Blekinge County
Council, Karlskrona, Sweden, and Department of Psychology, University of
Gothenburg; Sverker Sikström, Department of Psychology, Lund University.
Parts of this article were presented at the 31st International Congress of
Psychology in Yokohama, Japan, July 24–29, 2016. This research is
supported by a grant from the Swedish Research Council (2015-01229).
Oscar N. E. Kjell and Sverker Sikström conceived the studies on reports
regarding external stimuli and subjective states of harmony and satisfac-
tion; Katarina Kjell, Oscar N. E. Kjell, and Sverker Sikström conceived the
studies on reports regarding subjective states of depression and worry.
Oscar N. E. Kjell and Katarina Kjell collected the data. Oscar N. E. Kjell,
Katarina Kjell, and Sverker Sikström analyzed the data. Sverker Sikström
developed the software for analyzing the parts using natural language
processing. Oscar N. E. Kjell, Katarina Kjell, Danilo Garcia, and Sverker
Sikström wrote the article. The authors have no competing interest to
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Oscar
N. E. Kjell or Sverker Sikström, Department of Psychology, Lund Uni-
versity, Institutionen för psykologi, Box 213, 221 00 LUND. E-mail: or
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Psychological Methods
© 2018 American Psychological Association 2018, Vol. 1, No. 999, 000
Rating scales is the dominant method used for measuring peo-
ple’s mental states, and is widely used in behavioral and social
sciences, but also in practical applications. These scales consist of
items such as I am satisfied with my life (Diener, Emmons, Larsen,
& Griffin, 1985) coupled with predefined response formats, often
ranging from 1 !strongly disagree to 7 !strongly agree (Likert,
1932). Hence, this method requires one-dimensional, closed-ended
answers from respondents. These methods furthermore require the
participants to perform the cognitive task of translating their men-
tal states, or natural language responses, into the one-dimensional
response format to make them fit current methods in behavioral
sciences. In contrast, we argue that future methods in the field
should be adapted to the response format used by people, where
natural language processing and machine learning may solve the
problem of translating language into scales. In summary, the
burden of translating mental states into scientific measurable units
should be placed on the method, not the respondents. Furthermore,
this method conveys limited information concerning respondents’
states of mind, as their options for expressing themselves are
limited. For example, an individual answering “7” here indicates a
high level of satisfaction, but there is no information as to how the
respondent has interpreted the item or upon which aspects he or
she based the answer: Did the individual consider his or her
financial situation, relationships with others, both or perhaps
something entirely different?
Although numerical rating scales are widespread, easily quan-
tifiable and have resulted in important findings in different fields,
they have drawbacks (e.g., see Krosnick, 1999), which are ad-
dressed by our approach. Taking advantage of the human ability to
communicate using natural language, we propose a method for
enabling open-ended responses that are statistically analyzed by
means of semantic measures. We argue that this method contains
several advantages over numerical rating scales. First, in daily life
subjective states tend to be communicated with words rather than
numbers. A person wanting to find out how their friend feels or
thinks tends to allow open-ended answers rather than requiring
closed-ended numerically rated responses. However, the rating
scale method requires the respondent (rather than the experimental
or statistical methods) to perform the mapping of their natural
language responses into a one-dimensional scale. Second, the
respondent is not forced to answer using (rather arbitrary) numer-
ical rating scales, but is encouraged to provide reflective, open
answers. Third, the construct measured is immediately interpreted
by respondents, allowing them to freely elaborate on a personally
fitting answer. Closed-ended items use a fixed response format
imposed by the test developer (e.g., Kjell, 2011), whereas semantic
questions (e.g., “Overall in your life, are you satisfied or not?”)
allow respondents to answer freely concerning what they perceive
to be important aspects of a psychological construct. Finally, the
semantic measures may also describe the to-be-measured con-
struct; for example, by revealing statistically significant keywords
describing or defining various dimensions in focus. In sum, it
could be argued that verbal responses have a higher ecological and
face validity compared with rating scales.
There has been a lack of methods for quantifying language (i.e.,
mapping words to numbers) to capture self-reported psychological
constructs. However, computational methods have been intro-
duced in social sciences as a method for quantifying language
(e.g., Kern et al., 2016; Neuman & Cohen, 2014; Park et al., 2014;
Pennebaker, Mehl, & Niederhoffer, 2003). A commonly used
automated text analysis approach within psychology is the word
frequency procedure by Pennebaker, Francis, and Booth (2001)
referred to as Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC). Word
frequency approaches are based on hand-coded dictionaries, where
human judges have arranged words into different categories, such
as pronouns,articles,positive emotions,negative emotions,
friends, and so forth (Pennebaker, Boyd, Jordan, & Blackburn,
2015). Thus, the results from a LIWC analysis reveal the percent-
ages of words in a text categorized in accordance with these
predefined categories. This technique has been successful in ex-
amining how individuals use the language (e.g., their writing
style), but less successful in examining the content of what is being
said (Pennebaker, Mehl, & Niederhoffer, 2003). Pennebaker et al.,
(2003) point out that content-based dictionaries encounter prob-
lems dealing with all the possible topics people discuss, thus
leading to poorer results due to difficulties in terms of categorizing
all of these possible topics.
LIWC also suffers from other drawbacks. Categorizations of
words as either belonging or not belonging to a category does not
reflect the fact that words are more or less prototypical of a
category. For example, words such as neutral,concerned, and
depressed differ in negative emotional tone, whereas LIWC would
require each word to either belong or not belong to a negative
emotion category. LIWC also fails to capture complex nuances
between words. For example, in LIWC2015 (Pennebaker et al.,
2015) love and nice both belong to the positive emotion category,
which fails to represent differences in, for example, their valence
and arousal. Hence, this binary method is limited in terms of
capturing nuances in language and complex interrelationships be-
tween words. A more precise measure should acknowledge the
degree of semantic similarity between words. Pennebaker et al.
(2003) conclude that “the most promising content or theme-based
approaches to text analysis involve word pattern analyses such as
LSA [Latent Semantic Analysis]” (p. 571). LSA allows research-
ers to automatically map numbers to words within a language.
Sikström has recently developed a web-based program called
Semantic Excel (, which performs dif-
ferent natural language processing analyses (Garcia & Sikström,
2013; Gustafsson Sendén, Sikström, & Lindholm, 2015; Kjell,
Daukantaite˙, Hefferon, & Sikström, 2015; Roll et al., 2012). To
quantify texts, Semantic Excel is currently based on a method
similar to that of LSA, which is both a theory and a method for
acquiring and representing the meaning of words (Landauer, 1999;
Landauer & Dumais, 1997; Landauer, Foltz, & Laham, 1998;
Landauer, McNamara, Dennis, & Kintsch, 2007).
LSA assumes that the contexts in which a specific word appears
convey information about the meaning of that word. Hence, the
first step in LSA involves representing text as a matrix of word
co-occurrence counts, where the rows represent words and the
columns represent a text passage or some other kind of context
(e.g., Landauer et al., 1998). Singular value decomposition (Golub
& Kahan, 1965) is applied to this matrix to reduce the dimension-
ality, and this high-dimensional structure is referred to as a seman-
tic space. Ultimately, each word is represented by an ordered set of
numbers (a vector), referred to as a semantic representation. These
numbers may be seen as coordinates describing how the words
relate to each other in a high-dimensional semantic space. The
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
closer the “coordinates” of two words are positioned within the
space, the more similar they are in terms of meaning.
LSA has performed well in several text processing tasks, such as
determining whether the contents of various texts have similar
meaning (Foltz, Kintsch, & Landauer, 1998). Further, McNamara
(2011) points out that LSA has inspired the development of new
methods for producing semantic representations, such as Corre-
lated Occurrence Analog to Lexical Semantics (COALS; Rohde,
Gonnerman, & Plaut, 2005). We believe that semantic represen-
tations from other similar methods would also work for our pro-
posed method using semantic measures. However, importantly the
LSA approach has recently been successfully applied within psy-
chology for predicting psychological constructs from texts
(Arvidsson, Sikström, & Werbart, 2011; Garcia & Sikström, 2013;
Karlsson, Sikström, & Willander, 2013; Kjell et al., 2015;
Kwantes, Derbentseva, Lam, Vartanian, & Marmurek, 2016; Roll
et al., 2012). Nevertheless, these predictions are typically per-
formed on free texts written for very different purposes, such as
status updates on Facebook, autobiographical memories, descrip-
tion of parents, and essays answering hypothetical scenarios.
Hence, they are not collected with the objective of efficiently
measuring a specific construct. They are thus not tailored for
complementing rating scales, which probably is the most dominant
approach to collect self-report data in behavioral science to date.
To the best of our knowledge, natural language processing has
not been applied as a method for complementing and extending
rating scales. Compared with LIWC’s binary categorizations of
words, LSA provides a finer and continues measure of semantic
similarity, which reflects the nuances between semantic concepts.
We believe that LSA’s multidimensional representation of the
meaning of words is particularly suitable for measuring psycho-
logical constructs. Further, we argue that the multidimensional
information included in this natural language processing method
may complement and extend the one-dimensional response for-
mats of rating scales. This is why we aim to adapt and further
develop these LSA-based computational methods in order to create
a semantic measures method capable of both measuring and de-
scribing a targeted construct based on open-ended responses to a
semantic question. This method has the potential of statistically
capturing how individuals naturally answer questions about any
type of psychological construct.
Methodological and Statistical Approach
The various semantic representations and analyses used in this
article are described next, and descriptions of key terms relating to
the developed method are presented in Table 1. The first part
describes the semantic space and its semantic representations. This
includes how semantic representations are added to describe sev-
eral words and how artifacts relating to frequently occurring words
are controlled for. The second part describes how the semantic
representations are used for different analytical procedures in the
forthcoming studies. This includes testing the relationship between
words and a numerical variable (i.e., semantic-numeric correla-
tions), predicting properties such as the valence of words/text (i.e.,
semantic predictions), measuring the semantic similarity between
two words/texts (i.e., semantic similarities) and testing whether
two sets of words/texts statistically differ (i.e., semantic ttests).
Semantic Excel was used for all included studies, as it is capable
of both producing and analyzing semantic representations.
The Semantic Space and Its Semantic Representations
The semantic space. An approach similar to LSA as imple-
mented by Landauer and Dumais (1997) is employed to produce
the semantic space and its semantic representations. Creating high-
quality semantic representations requires a very large dataset,
much larger than the data collected within the current studies.
Therefore, a semantic space was created to function as a “model”
for the smaller data sets generated in the current studies. Whereas
some researchers produce domain-specific semantic spaces (e.g., if
diaries are studied, the semantic space is based on a large amount
of text from other diaries), we instead use a general semantic
space. Although this might to some extent decrease the domain-
specific semantic precision of semantic representations, it does
make different studies more comparable with each other, while
also simplifying analyses.
The current semantic space was originally created using a mas-
sive amount of text data (1.7 "10
words) summarized in the
Table 1
Brief Description of Key Terms Relating to Semantic Measures
Term Description
Semantic measures Umbrella term for measures based on semantic representations.
Semantic question/item A question/item developed to produce responses appropriate for analyses of semantic representations.
Semantic word/text response The response to a semantic question (e.g., descriptive words).
Word-norm A collection of words representing a particular understanding of a construct; a high word-norm refers to the construct
under investigation (e.g., happy) and optionally a low word-norm refers to the construct’s opposite meaning (e.g.,
not at all happy).
Semantic space A matrix (here based on LSA) in which words (in rows) are described on several dimensions (in columns) that
represent how all words relate to each other.
Semantic representation The vector (i.e., an ordered set of numerical values) that words are assigned from the semantic space.
Semantic similarity score Is the value specifying the semantic similarity between two words/texts, derived by calculating the cosine of the
angle between the semantic representations of each word/text.
Unipolar scale The semantic similarity between semantic responses and a high (or low) word norm.
Bipolar scale The semantic similarity of the high norm minus the semantic similarity of the low norm.
Semantic-numeric correlation The relationship between the semantic representations of words and a numeric variable such as a rating scale.
Semantic prediction The predicted/estimated property of a word/text such as valence.
Semantic t-test The statistical test of whether two sets of words/texts differ in meaning.
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English (Version 20120701) Google N-gram database (https:// LSA typically uses document con-
texts (Landauer & Dumais, 1997), whereas COALS uses a
(ramped) “window” of four words (i.e., the four closest words
on both sides of a target word, where the closest words have the
highest weight; Rohde et al., 2005). Rohde et al. (2005) found
that smaller text corpora require larger windows, whereas for
larger text corpora smaller window sizes are adequate without
sacrificing performance. Because our corpus may be considered
very large, we use 5-gram rather than documents. Using 5-gram
contexts from the database, a co-occurrence (word by word)
matrix was set up, where the rows contained the 120,000 most
common words in the n-gram database and the columns con-
sisted of the 10,000 most common words in the n-gram data-
Hence, each cell in the co-occurrence matrix denoted the
frequency at which the words in the associated row/column
co-occur within the 5-gram.
To increase/decrease the importance of infrequent and fre-
quent words, log-frequency was used; meaning that the cells
were normalized by computing the natural logarithm plus one
(for different weighting functions, see for instance Nakov,
Popova, & Mateev, 2001). Singular value decomposition was
then used for compressing the matrix (while at the same time
preserving as much information as possible). This was carried
out to keep the most informative data while leaving out “noise.”
To identify how many dimensions to use in the space, some
kind of a synonym test is typically conducted. Landauer and
Dumais (1997) use a relatively short synonym test taken from a
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); however, we
applied a more extensive test. This test analyzed how closely
synonym word pairs from a thesaurus are positioned to each
other in relation to the other words in the semantic space. Thus,
the quality of the semantic space is measured by the rank order
of the number of words positioned closer to one of the two
synonym words than the two words are positioned to each other.
The fewer words that are positioned closer to any of the
synonym words than the synonyms themselves, the better qual-
ity is attributed to the semantic space. Testing the sequence of
the powers of 2 (i.e., 1, 2, 4,...256, 512, 1024) dimensions,
we found that the best test score was achieved using 512
dimensions, which was subsequently considered the optimal
number of dimensions. This semantic space has been demon-
strated to be valid in previous research (e.g., Kjell et al., 2015).
The semantic representation of participant responses. By
adding the semantic representations of single words (while nor-
malizing the length of the vector to one), one may capture and
summarize the meaning of several words and paragraphs. Hence,
the words generated by participants were assigned their semantic
representations from the semantic space; and then all the words’
representations for an answer were being summed up and normal-
ized to the length of one. However, the word/text responses gen-
erated by the participants were first cleaned using a manual pro-
cedure assisted with the spelling tool in Microsoft Words, so that
words were spelled according to American spelling. Misspelled
words were corrected when the meaning was clear or were other-
wise ignored. Instances of successively repeated words or where
participants had written “N/A” or the like were excluded. Answers
including more than one word in response boxes only requiring
one descriptive word were also excluded.
Controlling for artifacts relating to frequently occurring
words. When aggregating the words to a semantic representa-
tion, a normalization is conducted to correct for artifacts related to
word frequency. This is achieved by first calculating a frequency-
weighted (taken from Google N-gram) average of all semantic
representations in the space (x
), so that the weighting is
proportional to how frequently the words occur in Google N-gram.
This representation is then subtracted prior to aggregating each
word and then added to the final value (i.e., Normalization
N!xi"xmean## #xmean), where Nis the number of words in the
text used for creating the semantic representation, and Normaliza-
tion is a function normalizing the length of the resulting vector to
Using the Semantic Representations in Analyses
Semantic-numeric correlations. The semantic representa-
tions can be used for analyzing the relationship between semantic
responses and a numerical variable (e.g., numerical rating scale
scores). This is achieved by first translating the semantic responses
into corresponding semantic representations (as described above),
followed by predicting the corresponding numeric rating scales on
the basis of these representations by means of multiple linear
regression analyses; that is, y!#
where y is the to-be predicted numerical value, #
is the intercept,
through x
are the predictors (i.e., the values from the m number
of semantic representations; x
!the first dimension of the se-
mantic representations, x
the second dimension and so on) and #
through #
are the coefficients defining the relationship between
the semantic dimensions and the rating scale scores. When the
predicted variable is categorical, multinomial logistic regression is
To avoid overfitting the model, not all semantic dimensions are
used. The number of semantic dimensions to be included in the
analysis is here optimized by selecting the first dimensions that
best predict the actual score as evaluated using a leave-10%-out
cross-validation procedure. More specifically, the optimization
involves testing different numbers of dimensions, starting with the
first dimension(s), which carries most of the information and
adding more until all dimensions have been tested. The set of
dimensions that best predict the outcome variable is finally used.
The sequence used for adding more semantic dimensions aims to
initially increase a few dimensions each time and then gradually
increase by larger numbers. In practice, this was simply achieved
by adding 1, then multiplying by 1.3 and finally rounding to the
nearest integer (e.g., 1, 3, 5, 8, where the next number of dimen-
sions to be tested are the first 12; in other words ([8 $1] !1.3).
In previous research, we have found this sequence to be valid and
computationally efficient (e.g., see Kjell et al., 2015; Sarwar,
Sikström, Allwood, & Innes-Ker, 2015). Subsequently, by using
leave-10%-out cross-validation, the validity of the created seman-
Although some remove the most common words such as she,he,the,
and a, we keep them, because some of these words may be of interest (e.g.,
see Gustafsson Sendén, Lindholm, & Sikström, 2014) and valid results can
be achieved even when keeping them.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
tic predicted scales may be tested by assessing its correlation to the
numeric variable.
Semantic predictions. To further understand the relationship
between words and numerical variables, it is often helpful to
estimate various semantic-psychological dimensions of words
such as valence. The semantic representations may be used for
estimating these dimensions based on independently trained mod-
els. This approach uses previously trained semantic models and
applies them to new data. In the current studies, we use the
Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW; Bradley & Lang,
1999) to create a semantic trained model for valence. ANEW is a
preexisting comprehensive list of words where participants have
rated the words according to several dimensions, such as valence
(ranging from unpleasant to pleasant). This enabled us to train each
word in the word list to its specific valence rating with a semantic-
numeric correlation of r!.72 (p%.001, N!1,031). This trained
model of valence is then applied to participants’ answers to the
semantic questions in order to create a semantic predicted scale of
ANEW valence.
Semantic similarity scales. To measure the level of similarity
between a semantic response and a psychological construct, we
compute the semantic similarity between semantic responses and
word norms, which describes the endpoints of the psychological
dimensions. For example, a high semantic similarity between the
answer to a semantic question regarding harmony in life and the
word norm for harmony suggests a high level of harmony in life
(see Figure 1). These word norms are developed by an independent
sample of participants generating words describing their view of
the constructs being studied (high norms, e.g., “harmony in life”)
and their opposite meaning (low norms, e.g., “disharmony in life”).
The semantic representations of the word norms are generated
from participants’ replies to word norm questions, where the
semantic representations from all the generated words are summed
up and the resulting vector is normalized to the length of one.
The semantic similarity between two vectors is calculated as the
cosines of the angle. Because the vectors have been normalized to
the length of one, this calculation is the same as the dot product
(i.e., "i!1
maibi!a1b1#a2b2#···#ambm, where aand brefers
to the two semantic representations, &refers to summation and m
is the number of semantic dimensions). These semantic similarity
scales between the semantic representations of semantic responses
and word norms are either unipolar (i.e., similarity to the high
norm of the to-be-measured construct) or bipolar (i.e., high minus
low similarity values).
Semantic t-test. The difference between two sets of texts may
be tested using the semantic representations (cf. Arvidsson et al.,
2011). This is achieved by first creating a semantic representation
reflecting the semantic difference between the two sets of texts; we
refer to this vector as a semantic difference representation. The
semantic similarity is then measured between this semantic differ-
ence representation and each individual semantic response. Fi-
nally, these semantic similarity values of the two sets of texts may
be compared by means of a ttest. However, to avoid biasing the
results, these steps also include a leave-10%-out procedure.
This is specifically carried out by leaving-out 10% of the re-
sponses before adding the semantic representations for each of the
two sets of texts to be compared. Then one of the two semantic
representations is subtracted from the other to create the semantic
difference representation. The semantic similarity is computed
between the semantic difference representation and the semantic
representations of each semantic response initially left out in the
leave-10%-out procedure. The leave-10%-out procedure is re-
peated until all responses have been used to produce a semantic
similarity score. Finally, the difference in semantic similarity
between the two sets of texts is tested using a standard ttest in
order to attain a pvalue and an effect size.
In two different methodological paradigms, we empirically ex-
amine the validity and reliability of semantic measures in relation
to traditional numeric rating scales. First, we develop semantic
measures to describe external stimuli and examine whether these
measures more accurately categorize facial expressions and yield
higher interrater reliability compared with numerical rating scales.
Second, we develop semantic measures for subjective states and
examine the validity and reliability of subjective reports related to
mental health. In all analyses, alpha was set at .05.
Reports Regarding External Stimuli
Studies 1 and 2 focused on reports regarding external stimuli,
where participants made judgments based on facial expressions,
and reports regarding different aspects of the stimuli. The term
external is here used to emphasize that all participants describe
(their subjective interpretation of) identical facial expressions
rather than, for example, describing their subjective states (which
Figure 1. A conceptual illustration of the semantic similarities between word responses and a word norm. The
word response high in harmony in life is positioned closer to the harmony in life word norm than the response
low in harmony in life. Decimal numbers represent cosine, where the word response high in harmony in
life yields a higher cosine (i.e., semantic similarity) than the word response low in harmony in life. See the online
article for the color version of this figure.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
is the focus in Studies 3–9). We tested whether the semantic
measures were capable of categorizing and describing facial ex-
pressions from a validated picture database, including happy, sad,
and contemptuous (Langner et al., 2010). The pictures of facial
expressions were selected from a validation study in which human
models were trained and coached by specialists to reliably express
highly prototypical and recognizable facial expressions (Langner
et al., 2010). Hence, these validated facial expressions were seen
as the gold standard in relation to categorizing the responses as
correct or not. The semantic questions required participants to
describe the expressions using three descriptive words. This was
compared with the methodological design validating the database
(Langner et al., 2010), where expressions were categorized using
checkboxes or rated using 5-point scales covering the following
dimensions: degree of happiness, sadness and contempt, as well as
valence, arousal, intensity, clarity, and genuineness.
The pictures were selected based on the highest interrater agree-
ment of the targeted facial expression (Langner et al., 2010). Our
studies included pictures depicting neutral, happy, sad, and con-
temptuous expressions. Neutral expressions were used for ensuring
that the design remained the same as the original validation study,
in which participants first evaluated the attractiveness of each
model. Happy and sad were selected to align with the forthcoming
part on subjective reports regarding mental health. Contemptuous
was selected as it has been shown in previous studies that this
expression is difficult to label, and thus had the lowest interrater
reliability (Langner et al., 2010). This difficulty demonstrates a
suitable challenge for the semantic questions approach, where it
may potentially provide information on how participants perceive
and describe this expression. Semantic questions enable partici-
pants to openly describe their perception of the face, rather than
asking participants to tick a checkbox (Study 1) or use a labeled
rating scale (Study 2). Hence, semantic questions are proposed to
yield a higher level of accuracy when categorizing pictures as well
as higher interrater reliability.
Participants were recruited using Mechanical Turk (www.mturk
.com), which is an online platform that enables offering payment
to individuals to partake in studies. Mechanical Turk as a means of
collecting research data within psychology has demonstrated re-
sults similar to more conventional methods, as well as good
generalizability (Buhrmester, Kwang, & Gosling, 2011). The sam-
ples for the studies concerning external stimuli are described in
Table 2.
Instruments and Material
Pictures of facial expressions from the Radboud Faces Database
(Langner et al., 2010) were used. Study 1 and 2 included pictures
of six face models displaying four different facial expressions,
including happy, sad, contemptuous, and neutral.
Rating scales for external stimuli included the instruction to:
“Please look at the picture below. Answer the questions about how
you interpret the expression.” As in the validation study (Langner
et al., 2010), Study 1 included nine checkbox alternatives describ-
ing different expressions (i.e., “happy,” “sad,” “contemptuous,”
“angry,” “disgusted,” “fearful,” “surprised,” “neutral,” and “oth-
er”); as well as 5-point scales for the intensity (“weak” to
“strong”), the clarity (“unclear” to “clear”), the genuineness
(“fake” to “genuine”), and the valence (“negative” to “positive”) of
the expressions. In Study 2, the nine alternatives were replaced by
three rating scales concerning to what extent the three expressions
Table 2
Information About Participants Within Each Study for Objective Stimuli
Study: Condition N(Excluded due to
control questions)
Age Min-Max;
Mean (SD) years Gender Nationality
Mean time (SD)
in minutes and
seconds Payment
in US$
Study 1: Rating scales condition 148 18–68; 34.45 (13.04) F !56.8% US !87.2% 9.32 (5.47) .50
M!42.6% IN !10.8%
O!.7% O !2%
Study 1: Semantic questions condition 119 20–65; 35.70 (11.28) F !58.8% US !89.1% 14.38 (8.31) .50
M!40.3% IN !6.7%
O!.8% O !4.2%
Study 2: Rating scales condition 183 (7) 19–74; 34.25 (11.67) F !54.7% US !80.7% 11.23 (8.08) .50
M!44.8% IN !17.1%
O!.6% O !2.2%
Study 2: Semantic questions condition 134 (5) 19–67; 34.03 (11.57) F !63.2% US !85% 13.44 (8.20) .50
M!36.1 IN !12.8%
O!.8 O !2.3%
Face-norms: Expressions 107 (3) 19–61; 32.22 (9.54) F !51.4% US !95.3% 6.56 (4.59) .40
M!47.7% IN !3.7%
O!.9% O !.9%
Face-norms: Dimensions 107 (3) 20–64; 33.97 (10.20) F !62.6% US !81.3% 19.22 (14.02) .40
M!37.4% IN !15.9%
Note.F!Female; M !Male; O !Other; US !United States of America; IN !India.
In Study 1 there were no control questions.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
“happy,” “sad,” and “contemptuous” were expressed in the pic-
tures (1 !not at all to 5 !very much). This condition also
included a rating scale for degree of arousal (1 !low to 5 !high).
With regard to the neutral pictures, only the rating scale for
attractiveness was presented.
Semantic items for external stimuli first included the following
general instructions: “Please look at the pictures. Answer the
question about how you interpret the expressions. Please answer
with one descriptive word in each box.” The instructions were
followed by the following semantic item: “Describe the expression
in the picture with three descriptive words.” For the neutral pic-
tures in Study 1, the attractiveness question was phrased: “How
attractive do you think the person in the picture is? Please answer
with one descriptive word in each box.” In Study 2, the first part
was further clarified to read: “How unattractive or attractive do
you think the person in the picture is?” Three boxes were presented
underneath each question.
Word norms for external stimuli were generated by asking
participants to imagine an expression. This was carried out to
attain a general norm, which is not dependent on specific pictures
depicting an expression. The following instructions were used:
“Please imagine that you should describe the expression of a face
in a picture. Write five words that best describe a facial expression
of happy and five words that best describe a facial expression of
not at all happy. Please only write one word in each box.” These
instructions were adapted for “sad” and “contemptuous,” as well as
to cover the rating scales used in the validation study of the
pictures, including: valence (i.e., negative vs. positive), arousal
(i.e., low vs. high), intensity (i.e., weak vs. strong), clarity (i.e.,
unclear vs. clear), genuineness (i.e., fake vs. genuine), and attrac-
tiveness (i.e., unattractive vs. attractive). The targeted word (e.g.,
happy for the happy norm) was added to the norm with a frequency
of one word more than the most frequently generated word by the
participants (i.e., f(max) $1; see discussion in the online supple-
mentary material [OSM]).
All studies were carried out using the following general struc-
ture. First, participants were informed about the survey, confiden-
tiality, their right to withdraw at any time without giving a reason
and that they could contact the research leader with any questions
about the survey. They were asked to agree to the consent form and
subsequently complete the survey. Last, demographic information
was collected and participants were presented with debriefing
In both Study 1 and 2, participants evaluated the various faces
from the Radboud Faces Database. The studies involved two
conditions: semantic questions and rating scales. Participants were
randomly assigned to one of the conditions within the survey. The
semantic questions condition was the same for Study 1 and 2, in
which the semantic questions and instructions were presented with
each of the 24 pictures. In both studies, participants started eval-
uating the randomly presented neutral pictures in relation to their
attractiveness, followed by the randomly presented pictures de-
picting the different expressions. In the rating scales condition of
Study 1, the same design as in the validation study (Langner et al.,
2010) was used in which the nine facial expression alternatives
were presented, whereas the three rating scales were presented in
Study 2. The word norms relating to the reports on external stimuli
were collected in two separate studies; one for the expressions and
another for the dimensions. The word norm questions were pre-
sented in random order.
The detailed results for Study 1 are presented in the OSM.
Descriptive data of the number of words generated by participants
in the semantic questions is presented in Table S1 in OSM. In
Study 2, the semantic questions and the rating scales conditions
both involved a one third chance of being correct through random
categorization. The semantic responses produced 83.1% correct
categorizations of facial expressions when using semantic pre-
dicted scales. This was achieved by training the semantic repre-
sentations to the expressed facial expression using semantic pre-
dicted scales based on multinomial logistic regressions where
participants were used as the grouping variable. When grouping
the training to pictures, the overall level of correctness reached
78.8%. In comparison, the rating scales responses produced an
overall correct categorization (i.e., the targeted expression receiv-
ing the highest rating score) of 74.2%. Hence, grouping according
to participants, '
(1) !62.95, p%.001 or pictures, '
(1) !15.75,
p%.001 yields significantly higher levels of overall correct
categorizations compared with using rating scales.
It is also possible to categorize the facial expressions using word
norms. The semantic similarity scores between the responses to
each picture and the word norms was normalized to z-scores. A
response was categorized as correct when the semantic similarity
with the word norm representing the facial expression depicted in
the picture was the highest. When using semantic similarity scales,
the overall correct categorization reached 80.7% with unipolar
scales (i.e., happy, sad, and contemptuous) and 80.1% with bipolar
scales (i.e., subtracting “not at all happy,” “not at all sad,” and “not
at all contemptuous” for each construct, respectively). Hence, both
unipolar and bipolar scales yield significantly higher correct cat-
egorizations compared with numerical rating scales (unipolar:
(1) !32.19; bipolar: '
(1) !26.82; p%.001). The signifi-
cantly higher level of categorization using semantic measures
supports the validity of this method.
In the rating scales condition, the overall correctness was 74.2%.
Ties were categorized as incorrect, so a correct score required the
rating scale score to be higher on the rating item for the targeted
expression (e.g., happy) than for the two other rating scale items
concerning facial expression (i.e., sad and contemptuous). This is
arguably the most straightforward approach, especially as the
validated database of pictures included prototypical facial expres-
sions based on the Facial Action Coding System (see Langner et
al., 2010). This system emphasizes the anatomy of facial expres-
sions (e.g., Bartlett et al., 1996), where the pictures include basic
emotions in which the expressions are frequently recognized
across cultures (Ekman, 1992). However, a less stringent approach
is to split the correctness point between the ties, so that .50 is given
to answers where one of the two highest scores include the targeted
expression, and .33 is given when the same rating scores have been
given for all three rating scales items. Employing this approach
yields an overall correct categorization of 80.7%.
However, it is important to point out that affording the rating
scales condition this advantage does not make it significantly
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
better compared with the semantic measures. Training the seman-
tic questions responses using participants as a grouping variable
still produces significantly higher levels of correct categorizations,
(1) !4.95, p!.026, whereas the comparisons with the other
methods do not exhibit any significant differences. On the other
hand, the semantic method could be improved by means of several
other factors. For example, one could control for missing values
within the semantic questions condition. That is, missing values
could arguably be treated as 1/3 of a correct answer in order to
become more comparable with the rating scale condition. The
semantic categorization may be further improved upon by adjust-
ing weights to each semantic similarity scale; however, this is
outside the scope of this article.
To analyze interrater reliability, both trained and similarity
scales were studied. Unipolar and bipolar scales were used for the
categorization of expressions, and bipolar scales were used for the
other dimensions. For the semantic trained scales of valence,
intensity, clarity, genuineness, and attractiveness, the semantic
representations from the semantic questions were first trained to
the mean score for each dimension from the rating scales condi-
tion, and then validated using leave-10%-out cross-validation.
Semantic measures yield significantly higher interrater reliabil-
ity compared with rating scales with regard to both categorizing
expressions and describing the related dimensions. All trained
models, except for the attractiveness model grouped according to
pictures, were significant in Study 2 (Pearson’s rranged from .53
to .91 for the significant models [p%.001]; see Table S5). The
interrater reliability statistics were measured by both intraclass
correlation coefficient (ICC; two-way agreement) and Krippen-
dorff’s alpha. The differences between approaches were tested by
bootstrapping Krippendorff’s alpha (1,000 iterations), followed by
significance testing the results using ttests between the various
semantic measures and corresponding rating scale. As the boot-
strapping procedure may end up computationally intensive, scores
in the semantic conditions were rounded to two significant digits.
Importantly, the ICC values tend to be higher using semantic
measures as compared with rating scales (see Table 3). The ttests
revealed that the semantic measures yield a significantly higher
Krippendorff’s alpha compared with the rating scales for all di-
mensions (p%.001), except for attractiveness, where rating scales
were significantly higher (p%.001; Table S6). Further, applying
semantic predictions of ANEW valence to the semantic responses
also yields a high interrater reliability (ICC
!.767; Krippen-
dorff’s (!.74, CI [.72, 76]).
Analyzing word responses also enables statistically based word
descriptions of the constructs being studied. Figure 2 plots words
that differ statistically between sets of word responses on the
x-axes and words that statistically relate to the semantic similarity
scales on the y-axes. In this way, the plots describe discriminative
characteristics between the various constructs in focus. And even
though participants have not been primed with the psychological
constructs, happy facial expressions were described as happy and
joyful, sad facial expressions were described as sad and unhappy
and contempt facial expressions were described as annoyed and
The results from Study 2 suggest that the semantic measures
encompass higher validity and interrater reliability compared with
rating scales, except for evaluations of attractiveness; which was
also supported by the results in Study 1. Even though the method
used for categorizing facial expressions differed between Study 1
(using check boxes) and 2 (using rating scales), the results from the
semantic conditions are to a high extent replicated between the
studies. Importantly, the ability of semantic measures to correctly
categorize facial expressions to a higher degree than rating scales
in Study 2 demonstrates their ability to differentiate between
measured constructs.
The clarification of the semantic question of attractiveness used
in Study 2 revealed an improvement of interrater reliability from
Study 1. However, the low interrater reliability might reflect that
perceived attractiveness is subjective in nature and thus should not
encompass high interrater reliability, as participants perceive the
various models differently. That is, rating attractiveness is more
subjective than categorizing prototypical facial expressions. Inter-
rater reliability may potentially be further increased by additional
clarification of the semantic question; for example, by making sure
Table 3
Krippendorff’s Alpha (() and Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC)
Three descriptive words (N:(!133; ICC !127)
Rating scales (N!181)
Trained semantic scales
Bipolar similarity scalesParticipants Pictures
([95% CI] ICC (2,1) ([95% CI] ICC (2,1) ([95% CI] ICC (2,1) ([95% CI] ICC (2,1)
.60 [.52, .69] NA .53 [.44, .62] NA .58 [.49, .66]
NA .48 [.44, .52] NA
.57 [.48, .66]
Valence .81 [.80, .82] .840 .81 [.80, .81] .806 .82 [.81, .82] .835 .31 [.23, .38] .318
Arousal .77 [.75, .78] .802 .77 [.75, .78] .806 .72 [.71, .72] .734 .13 [.03, .21] .137
Intensity .64 [.61, .66] .694 .62 [.60, .64] .667 .53 [.51, .54] .553 .24 [.15, .32] .249
Clarity .66 [.64, .67] .708 .64 [.62, .65] .683 .67 [.67, .68] .694 .24 [.16, .33] .255
Genuineness .77 [.75, .79] .817 .77 [.75, .79] .820 .68 [.67, .69] .706 .17 [.08, .25] .178
Attractiveness 21 [.17, .24] .317 .01 [).09, .10] .002 .21 [.19, .22] .255 .31 [.23, .38] .354
ICC is sensitive to missing values, which is why participants are removed so that these computations are based on 127 participants in the semantic question
Expressions are based on nominal data; in the semantic questions condition there are three categories; meanwhile in the rating scale condition
there are seven categories including the various combinations of ties.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
that all participants interpret attractiveness in a similar way. Par-
ticipants may, for example, be instructed to only evaluate attrac-
tiveness rather than describing other facial characteristics they
believe to be related to attractiveness. Instructions could further
aim to limit the risk that participants evaluate potentially different
kinds of attractiveness, such as beauty, cuteness or sexual attrac-
Semantic measures also have an advantage over rating scales in
terms of not priming participants with concepts required for de-
fining the numerical scales. That is, despite the fact that partici-
pants were not primed with the targeted expressions, happy ex-
pressions were most frequently described using the word happy
and sad using the word sad. Further, previous research reports low
interrater agreement with regard to contempt and has argued that
this is the result of issues with the label of the expression rating
scale rather than the expression itself (Langner et al., 2010). In
contrast, the semantic questions approach lets participants generate
a description of the expression, including annoyed and irritated.
Figure 2. a– c. Words that significantly describe one facial expression while covarying for the other two facial
expressions. On the x-axis, words are plotted according to the '-values from a chi-square test, with Bonferroni
correction for multiple comparisons (Bonf. !Bonferroni line where '!4.26, .05 indicates the uncorrected p
value line, where '!1.96). On the y-axis, words are plotted according to point-biserial correlations (r!.09
at the Bonferroni line, and r!.04 at the .05 uncorrected pvalue line). More frequent words are plotted with
a larger font size with fixed lower and upper limits. The x-axes represent '-values associated to (a) words
generated to the sad and contemptuous pictures (black/left) versus words generated to happy pictures (green/
right); in (b) happy and contemptuous words (black/left) versus sad words (green/right); and in (c) happy and
sad words (black/left) versus contemptuous words (green/right). The y-axes show significant words related to
semantic similarity (SS) scales; cov. !covariate. N!133. See the online article for the color version of this
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This means that whereas rating scales only provide a number in
relation to the question/item, semantic measures enhance the un-
derstanding of what was measured by providing a description of it.
In sum, the results demonstrate that the semantic measures may be
used for measuring, differentiating, and describing psychological
dimensions of facial expressions.
Reports Regarding Subjective States
Next, we develop semantic measures for two psychological
constructs pertaining to well-being: harmony in life and satis-
faction with life, as well as two psychological constructs relat-
ing to mental health problems: depression and worry. These
constructs are theoretically different, but are frequently found
to be highly correlated when measured by rating scales. In these
studies, the answers have no relation to external stimuli iden-
tical to all participants, which was the case in the previous
facial expression studies. Instead, we analyze how the self-
reported subjective responses relate to each other across psy-
chological constructs and response formats (i.e., semantic ques-
tions vs. rating scales).
Satisfaction with life, here measured with the numerical
rating scale the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS; Diener et
al., 1985), focuses on evaluations based on comparing actual
with expected and desired life circumstances. Harmony in life is
here measured using the numerical rating scale the Harmony in
Life Scale (HILS; Kjell et al., 2015). Li (2008) points out that:
“Harmony is by its very nature relational. It is through mutual
support and mutual dependence that things flourish” (p. 427).
Hence, the HILS focuses on psychological balance and inter-
connectedness with those aspects considered important for the
respondent. Kjell et al. (2015) found that harmony in life and
satisfaction with life differ significantly in terms of how par-
ticipants perceive their pursuit of each construct. The pursuit of
harmony in life is significantly related to words linked to
interdependence and being at peace such as peace,balance,
calm,unity,andlove, whereas the pursuit of satisfaction with
life is significantly related to words linked to independence and
achievements, such as money,work,career,achievement,and
fulfillment. Hence, these (and associated) words are proposed to
make up the positive endpoints representing a high degree of
harmony in life versus satisfaction with life, respectively. Fur-
ther, the words generated in relation to each construct signifi-
cantly differed with a medium effect size (Cohen’s d!.72) in
a semantic ttest (Kjell et al., 2015). This clear semantic
difference between the constructs suggests that semantic mea-
sures might provide a clear differentiation between the two
Depression and worry/anxiety share a common mood factor of
negative affectivity, whereas low positive affectivity is typical for
depression alone (Axelson & Birmaher, 2001; Brown, Chorpita, &
Barlow, 1998; Watson, Clark, & Carey, 1988). Clinical depression
is characterized by symptoms such as a lack of interest or pleasure
in doing things, fatigue, feelings of hopelessness and sadness
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Depression is often
measured by the nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9),
which targets the DSM–IV diagnostic criteria (Kroenke, Spitzer, &
Williams, 2001). We anticipate that the semantic responses of
participants in relation to depression correspond to these criteria
(including words such as sad, tired, disinterested, etc.). Excessive
and uncontrollable worry, on the other hand, is recognized by
symptoms such as restlessness, being on edge and irritability
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Worry is often assessed
with the seven-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7;
Spitzer, Kroenke, Williams, & Löwe, 2006), which is linked to
these symptoms. Thus, semantic responses to worry are anticipated
to relate to these symptoms (including words such as tense, ner-
vous, anxious, etc.).
Numerical rating scales targeting depression and worry/anx-
iety tend to correlate strongly with each other (Muntingh et al.,
2011; Spitzer et al., 2006). This may be seen as a measurement
problem associated with numerical rating scales, as correctly
identifying and differentiating between the two constructs be-
comes difficult. Some argue that this significant overlap is due
to a frequent co-occurrence between these conditions (Kessler,
Chiu, Demler, Merikangas, & Walters, 2005), whereas others
argue that problems differentiating these have considerable
implications in terms of treatment (Brown, 2007; Wittchen et
al., 2002). However, considering the conceptual and criteria-
based differences between these two constructs, semantic mea-
sures are proposed to be able to differentiate between these
constructs more clearly than rating scales.
The Overall Rationale of the Studies Concerning
Subjective States
Studies 3–9 focused on reports regarding subjective states,
where participants answered semantic questions by generating
descriptive words or texts. Participants then answered numeri-
cal rating scales corresponding to the studied constructs. The
semantic questions were presented first so that the items in the
rating scales would not influence the generation of words and
texts by participants. Because we are developing a new ap-
proach for measuring subjective states, we have carried out
seven studies, which in a controlled and iterative manner en-
abled us to examine potential strengths and weaknesses asso-
ciated with the method, as well as the replicability of the main
findings (which is important considering the replicability con-
cerns within psychological research; e.g., Open Science Col-
laboration, 2015).
The aim of Study 3 was to pilot the semantic questions of
satisfaction with life and harmony in life and study their relation-
ships with the corresponding numerical rating scales. The aim of
Study 4 was to examine the semantic questions in a larger sample
than the one used in Study 3. The aim of Study 5 involved
examining how the semantic measures of harmony and satisfaction
relate to rating scales of depression, anxiety and stress. Studies 3–5
included both descriptive words and text responses. The aim of
Study 6 was to test shorter instructions for the semantic questions.
The aim of Study 7 was to examine the effects of requiring fewer
word responses, where participants only had to answer the seman-
tic questions using one, three, or five words rather than 10. The
aim of Study 8 was to develop semantic questions for depression
and worry. The aims of Study 9 involved examining the test–retest
reliability of the semantic measures for harmony and satisfaction,
and at Time 2 (T2) examine the interrelationship between the
semantic measures for all four constructs.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Participants were recruited using Mechanical Turk. The samples
for the studies concerning subjective states are described in Table 4.
Semantic questions concerning subjective states were developed
for both using descriptive words and text responses. Pilot studies
from our lab have shown that a high validity of the semantic
measures requires a semantic question with instructions to be
posed in a clear manner. Hence, the following guidelines were
applied: Participants should in detail describe their state or per-
ception of the to-be-answered question, for example their own life
satisfaction, rather than describing their view of life satisfaction as
a general concept. To get the best effect, the question and its
accompanying instructions should stress the strength and fre-
quency of words related to the construct (or lack of it). To receive
a consistent response mode among participants, the instructions
Table 4
Information About Participants Within Each Study for Subjective States
Study: Condition N(excluded due to
control questions) Age Min-Max;
Mean (SD) years Gender Nationality Mean time (SD) in
minutes and seconds Payment in
Study 3 92 (13) 18–64; 33.36 (10.93) F !51.1% US !73.9% 14.18 (8.23) .30
M!48.9% IN !23.9%
Study 4 303 (24) 18–74; 34.87 (12.17) F !55.4% US !95% 20.06 (10.20) .50
M!44.6% IN !2.6%
Study 5 296 (19) 18–74; 36.40 (13.45) F !60.1% US !86.1% 17.08 (21.10) .30
M!39.9% IN !10.5%
Study 6 193 (9) 18–64; 35.88 (10.97) F !51.8% US !78.8% 10.27 (7.07) .80
M!48.2% IN !18.1%
Study 7: 1 word 361 (20) 18–72; 30.80 (10.02) F !43.8% US !91.4% 3.07 (2.50) .20
M!56.0% IN !6.4%
O!.3% O !2.2%
Study 7: 3 words 350 (18) 18–65; 31.61 (9.65) F !48.6% US !95.4% 3.35 (2.23) .20
M!50.9% IN !2.6%
O!.6% O !2.0%
Study 7: 5 words 257 (19) 18–63; 30.53 (9.24) F !44.4% US !94.2% 4.34 (4.47) .20
M!55.6% IN !3.5%
Study 8 399 (36) 18–69; 34.45 (11.45) F !51.0% US !86.2% 9.44 (5.42) .50
M!48.7% IN !10.6%
O!.3% O !3.3%
Study 9: T1 854 (42) 18–64; 32.76 (10.09) F !50.9% US !93.5% 5.53 (3.52) .50
M!49.0% IN !4.1%
Study 9: T2 477 (42) 18–63; 34.11 (10.47) F !54.5% US !93.9% 16.32 (9.32) 1.00
M!45.5% IN !4.4%%
Harmony 120 18–51; 29.43 (7.89) F !40.8% US !95.8% 2.46 (2.16) .10
M!59.2% IN !1.7%
Disharmony 96 18–59; 29.75 (8.49) F !43.8% US !93.8% 2.36 (1.28) .10
M!56.3% IN !5.2%
Satisfaction 93 19–60; 29.87 (9.12) F !31.2% US !98.9% 2.15 (1.07) .10
M!68.8% O !1.1%
Dissatisfaction 84 18–74; 33.14 (13.35) F !44% US !91.7% 2.44 (1.41) .10
M!56% IN !4.8%
Worried 104 18–65; 28.73 (8.80) F !52.9% US !93.3% 2.14 (1.46) .10
M!46.2% IN !4.8%
O!1.0% O !1.9%
Depressed 110 18–65; 30.57 (9.64) F !45.5% US !89.1% 1.59 (1.52) .10
M!53.6% IN !7.3%
O!0.9% O !3.6%
Note.F!Female; M !Male; O !Other; US !United States of America; IN !India.
In Word-norms studies there were no control questions.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
should also inform the participant to write one word in each box
(except for the text responses) to discourage freestanding nega-
tions (e.g., “not happy” rather than “unhappy” or “sad”). The
questions, which in combination with instructions were used for
prompting open-ended responses within the studies, include:
“Overall in your life, are you in harmony or not?,” “Overall in your
life, are you satisfied or not?,” “Over the last 2 weeks, have you
been worried or not?,” and “Over the last 2 weeks, have you been
depressed or not?” The questions are posed with different time
frames (i.e., overall in your life vs. over the last 2 weeks) to reflect
the timeframes prompted in the instructions/items for each respec-
tive numerical rating scale. The instructions for the semantic
questions concerning harmony are presented below (these were
then adapted to satisfaction with life, depression and worry).
Semantic question instructions for descriptive words
responses. “Please answer the question by writing 10 descriptive
words below that indicate whether you are in harmony or not. Try
to weigh the strength and the number of words that describe if you
are in harmony or not so that they reflect your overall personal
state of harmony. For example, if you are in harmony then write
more and stronger words describing this, and if you are not in
harmony then write more and stronger words describing that.
Write descriptive words relating to those aspects that are most
important and meaningful to you. Write only one descriptive word
in each box.”
Short semantic question instructions for descriptive words
responses. “Please answer the question by writing 10 words that
describe whether you are in harmony or not. Write only one
descriptive word in each box.”
Semantic question instructions for text responses. “Please
answer the question by writing at least a paragraph below that
indicates whether you are in harmony or not. Try to weigh the
strength and the number of aspects that describe if you are in
harmony or not so that they reflect your overall personal state of
harmony. For example, if you are in harmony then write more
about aspects describing this, and if you are not in harmony then
write more about aspects describing that. Write about those aspects
that are most important and meaningful to you.”
Word norm items for subjective states included the following
instructions: “Please write 10 words that best describe your view
of harmony in life. Write descriptive words relating to those
aspects that are most important and meaningful to you. Write only
one descriptive word in each box.” The instructions were adapted
to also cover “disharmony in life,” “satisfaction with life,” “dis-
satisfaction with life,” “being worried,” and “being depressed.”
(As there are no antonyms for worried and depressed, norms for
these constructs were not created for the current study, although
one could potentially create norms for “not worried” and “not
depressed.”) The targeted words were also added (i.e., f(max) $
1), as in the facial expression studies.
The Harmony in Life Scale (Kjell et al., 2015) was used in
Studies 3–7 and 9. The scale includes five items (e.g., “I am in
harmony”), which are answered on a scale ranging from 1 !
strongly disagree to7!strongly agree. For the different studies,
McDonald’s omega (Dunn, Baguley, & Brunsden, 2014) ranged
from .91–.95 and Cronbach’s alpha ranged from .89–.95.
The Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al., 1985) was used
in Studies 3–7 and 9. It comprises five items (e.g., “I am satisfied
with life”) answered on the same scale as the HILS. In the various
studies, McDonald’s omega and Cronbach’s alpha ranged from .90
to .94.
The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, the short version
(DASS; Sinclair et al., 2012) was used in Study 5. It includes seven
items for each of the three constructs: depression (e.g., “I felt
downhearted and blue”), anxiety (e.g., “I felt I was close to
panic”), and stress (e.g., “I found it hard to wind down”). Partic-
ipants were required to answer using a 4-point scale assessing
severity/frequency of the constructs. Both McDonald’s omega and
Cronbach’s alpha were .93 for depression and .90 for anxiety and
The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 (Spitzer et al., 2006)
was used for measuring worry in Studies 8 and 9 at T2. It includes
seven items answered on a scale ranging from 0 !not at all to3!
nearly every day. It assesses how frequently the respondent has
been bothered by various problems over the last two weeks (e.g.,
“Worrying too much about different things”). In both studies,
McDonald’s omega and Cronbach’s alpha were .94.
The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (Kroenke & Spitzer, 2002)
was used for assessing depression in Studies 8 and 9 at T2. Its
structure and response format is similar to that of GAD-7, com-
Table 5
Types of Semantic Questions and Numerical Rating Scales Included in Each of the Studies
Study Semantic questions Numerical rating scales
3H & S; words and text responses HILS, SWLS
H & S; words and text responses HILS, SWLS
5 H & S; words and text responses HILS, SWLS, DASS
6 H & S; words responses; short instructions HILS, SWLS
7 H & S; 1, 3, or 5 words responses HILS, SWLS
8D&W; words responses GAD-7, PHQ-9
9: T1 H & S; words responses HILS, SWLS
9: T2 H, S, D & W; words responses HILS, SWLS, GAD-7, PHQ-9, MC-SDS-FA
Note. The semantic questions included the long instructions and required 10 descriptive words if nothing else
is specified. Bold font highlights important (new) aspects of the study.
Study 4 includes more participants than Study 3. H !Harmony in life; S !Satisfaction with life; D !
Depression; W !Worry; HILS !Harmony in Life Scale; SWLS !Satisfaction with Life Scale; DASS !
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales the short version; GAD-7 !Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7;
PHQ-9 !Patient Health Questionnaire-9; MC-SDS-FA !The Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, the
short version Form A.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
prising nine items (e.g., “Feeling down, depressed or hopeless”). In
both studies, McDonald’s omega and Cronbach’s alpha were .93.
The Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale (Crowne &
Marlowe, 1960) the short version Form A (MC-SDS-FA; Reyn-
olds, 1982) was used in Study 9 at T2. It encompasses 12 items
(e.g., “No matter who I’m talking to, I’m always a good listener”),
which require responses indicating whether the statements are
personally true or false. Both McDonald’s omega and Cronbach’s
alpha were .73.
Control questions were used in accordance to previous research
(Kjell et al., 2015). These required respondents in Studies 3–9 to
answer a specific alternative (e.g., “Answer ‘disagree’ on this
question”) in various places throughout the surveys. Participants
who did not answer all control items correctly were excluded from
the analyses, as this type of approach has been demonstrated to
Table 7
Correlations Between Predicted and Actual Rating Scale Scores
as a Function of Number of Participants in Study 9 at T2
Function of Nparticipants Pearson’s r
Hw: HILS Sw: SWLS Ww: GAD-7 Dw: PHQ-9
8 ns ns ns ns
16 ns ns ns ns
32 .40
ns .30
64 .48 .43 .25
128 .63 .46 .47 .39
256 .70 .62 .51 .49
477 .72 .63 .58 .59
Note. All correlations were significant at p%.001 unless otherwise
specified; (N!477). ns !not significant; ps !participants; Hw !
Harmony words; Sw !Satisfaction words; Ww !Worry words; Dw !
Depression words; HILS !Harmony in Life Scale; SWLS !Satisfaction
with Life Scale; GAD-7 !Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7; PHQ-
9!Patient Health Questionnaire-9.
Table 8
Correlations Between Predicted and Actual Rating Scale Scores
as a Function of Serial Position of the Words in Study 9 at T2
Word position
Function of word at serial position Pearson’s r
Hw: HILS Sw: SWLS Ww: GAD-7 Dw: PHQ-9
First .50 .47 .48 .62
Second .43 .47 .41 .36
Third .42 .34 .35 .44
Fourth .33 .29 .29 .40
Fifth .36 .35 .35 .13
Sixth .38 .40 .23 .24
Seventh .22 .28 .30 .36
Eighth .32 .25 .36 .21
Ninth .29 .13
.21 .30
Tenth .37 .18 .23 .24
Note. All correlations were significant at p%.001 unless otherwise
specified; (N!477). Hw !Harmony words; Sw !Satisfaction words;
Ww !Worry words; Dw !Depression words; HILS !Harmony in Life
Scale; SWLS !Satisfaction with Life Scale; GAD-7 !Generalized
Anxiety Disorder Scale-7; PHQ-9 !Patient Health Questionnaire-9.
Table 6
Semantic Responses Trained to Rating Scales Scores Demonstrate Validity, Reliability, and the High Influence of Valence
Study: condition S3
(N!91) S4
(N!301) S5
(N!294) S6
(N!190) S7: 1-w
(N!355) S7: 3-w
(N!349) S7: 5-w
(N!256) S9: T1
(N!852) S9: T2
(N!477) S8
N!399 S9: T2
Correlation items Pearson’s r Correlation items Pearson’s r
Hw HILS .60
Ww GAD-7 .57
SWLS .34
PHQ-9 .47
Hw: Valence as
HILS ns ns .23
ns .36
ns .19
Ww: Valence as
GAD-7 .14
SWLS ns ns ns ns .16
ns .11
ns PHQ-9 ns ns
Sw SWLS .50
Dw PHQ-9 .63
HILS ns .64
GAD-7 .56
Sw: Valence as
SWLS .25
ns ns .27
ns .19
Dw: Valence as
PHQ-9 .20
HILS ns ns ns .25
ns ns .10
GAD-7 ns ns
GAD-7 PHQ-9 .86
Note. Pearson’s rbetween predicted and actual values. ns !not significant; Hw !harmony words; Sw !Satisfaction words; Ww !Worry words; Dw !Depression words; HILS !Harmony
in Life Scale; SWLS !Satisfaction with Life Scale; GAD-7 !Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7; PHQ-9 !Patient Health Questionnaire-9; S !Study; 1-w, 3-w, and 5-w !number of words
required as response to the semantic question (i.e., one, three, and five, respectively).
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
yield high statistical power and improve reliability (Oppenheimer,
Meyvis, & Davidenko, 2009).
In Studies 3–9 regarding subjective states, the semantic ques-
tions were presented first followed by the rating scales (see Table
5 for an overview of the type of semantic questions and rating
scales included in these studies). Studies 3–7 started with the
semantic questions concerning harmony in life and satisfaction
with life in a random order. Only Studies 3–5 included both
descriptive words and descriptive texts as response formats. Par-
ticipants were randomly presented with either the word- or text-
based items first (harmony and satisfaction were in random order).
Studies 6–9 only included descriptive word-based (not text) re-
sponse formats. Study 6 included the short instruction version of
the descriptive word item. In Study 7, participants were asked to
answer using either one, three, or five words.
In Studies 3–7 and 9, the open-ended items were followed by the
HILS and the SWLS. The DASS was presented last in Study 5.
Study 8 encompassed the same general structure as the one used in
previous studies, but instead of asking about harmony and satis-
faction, it included semantic questions concerning worry and de-
pression, followed by the respective rating scales: the GAD-7 and
the PHQ-9.
Study 9 involved a test–retest procedure. This meant that at
Time 1 (T1), participants filled out the semantic questions for
harmony and satisfaction followed by the HILS and the SWLS. At
T2, they were asked via the message service of Mechanical Turk
to partake in a follow-up study. At T2 (30.79, SD !2.01, days
after T1), they first filled out the questions from T1 followed by
the questions from Study 8. Finally, they filled out the MC-SDS-
In the development of the word norms for subjective states,
participants were randomly assigned to answer one of the word
norm questions and then answer the demographic battery of ques-
tions. The studies received ethical approval from the ethical com-
mittee in Lund, Sweden.
Descriptive data regarding the number of words generated by
participants for the semantic questions (Table S7) and the results
for the descriptive text responses are presented in the OSM. Some
semantic measures and rating scales were not normally distributed;
in particular GAD-7 and PHQ-9 showed a positive skew (which
makes sense, because these scales were originally developed for a
clinical population, but have later been validated in the general
population; see Löwe et al., 2008 for GAD-7 and Martin, Rief,
Table 9
Correlations Between Predicted and Actual Rating Scale Scores
as a Function of the Number of Words in Study 9 at T2
Function of N-first-words Pearson’s r
Hw: HILS Sw: SWLS Ww: GAD-7 Dw: PHQ-9
1 .50 .47 .48 .62
2 .62 .56 .48 .50
3 .66 .58 .45 .57
4 .62 .58 .51 .60
5 .67 .62 .54 .59
6 .66 .62 .57 .61
7 .66 .64 .57 .63
8 .67 .64 .59 .62
9 .69 .63 .59 .61
10 .72 .63 .58 .59
Note. All correlations were significant at p%.001 unless otherwise
specified; (N!477). Hw !Harmony words; Sw !Satisfaction words;
Ww !Worry words; Dw !Depression words; HILS !Harmony in Life
Scale; SWLS !Satisfaction with Life Scale; GAD-7 !Generalized
Anxiety Disorder Scale-7; PHQ-9 !Patient Health Questionnaire-9.
Table 10
Word-Norms Measure Constructs Independently From Rating Scales as Seen by Their Intercorrelations
Measure type Numeric scales Valence SSS
Measure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2. SWLS .83
3. GAD-7 ).67 ).60
4. PHQ-9 ).67 ).64 .86
5. Hw: Valence .74 .59 ).55 ).53
6. Sw: Valence .71 .67 ).51 ).52 .70
7. Ww: Valence .52 .48 ).61 ).52 .45 .48
8. Dw: Valence .59 .55 ).60 ).62 .50 .51 .72
9. Hw: Bipolar .65 .52 ).52 ).49 .87 .64 .42 .44
10. Sw: Bipolar .64 .60 ).47 ).47 .63 .89 .44 .45 .62
11. Hw: Unipolar .43 .34 ).38 ).36 .57 .43 .33 .33 .72 .46
12. Sw: Unipolar .35 .33 ).28 ).30 .32 .51 .27 .23 .36 .63 .44
13. Ww: Unipolar ).32 ).29 .39 .32 ).34 ).37 ).52 ).37 ).33 ).39 ).21 ).12
14. Dw: Unipolar ).30 ).28 .31 .29 ).27 ).29 ).31 ).33 ).26 ).28 ).20 ns .60
Note. Pearson’s r correlations, all correlations were significant at p%.001 unless otherwise specified. N!477. ns !not significant; HILS !Harmony
in Life Scale; SWLS !Satisfaction with Life Scale; GAD-7 !Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7; PHQ-9 !Patient Health Qustionnaire-9; Hw !Harmony
words; Sw !Satisfaction words; Ww !Worry words; Dw !Depression words; Valence !Semantic Predicted Valence Scale; Bipolar !Bipolar
Semantic Similarity Scale; Unipolar !Unipolar Semantic Similarity Scale; SSS !Semantic Similarity Scales.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Klaiberg, & Braehler, 2006 for PHQ-9). Consequently, it could be
argued that rank-ordered statistical analyses, such as Spearman’s
rho, should be used in these instances. Throughout this article,
however, Pearson’s ris presented as being consistent in the studies
on subjective reports and thus increase comparability across stud-
ies. Further, Pearson’s rdoes not involve transforming the data
into ranks and thus losing information. Importantly though, com-
puting Spearman’s rho tends to yield similar results and overall
conclusions as compared with Pearson’s r(e.g., with Spearman’s
rho in Study 9 at T2, there tends to be slightly smaller correlation
coefficients for the well-being measures and larger coefficients for
the ill-being measures).
Predicting Rating Scale Scores From Semantic Word
Using semantic-numeric correlations, the predictive validity of
semantic word responses was examined in relation to the rating
scales. Table 6 shows that the semantic responses may be trained
to predict targeted numerical rating scales (i.e., the semantic re-
sponses for harmony predict the targeted rating scale the HILS
rather than, e.g., the SWLS) with consistently high correlations. In
Study 9 (N!477), the predictions yielded strong correlations to
targeted rating scale scores (r!.58–.72, p%.001; Table 6).
Further, results show that the semantic responses of harmony and
satisfaction may also be used for predicting rating scores of de-
pression, anxiety, and stress, although with lower correlations
compared with the targeted numerical rating scale (Table S9). It is
here worth noting that these lower correlations show that the
trained scales tend to discriminate between psychological con-
structs insofar that the semantic responses predict the rating scales
of the targeted construct better than other constructs.
Even though the SWLS and the HILS (r!.80 to r!.88) as
well as the GAD-7 and the PHQ-9 (r!.86 to r!.87) correlate
strongly throughout the studies, the semantic responses tend to
differentiate among these constructs. In Study 8 and 9 at T2,
semantic responses regarding depression are trained to best predict
the rating scale of depression, while semantic responses of worry
are trained to best predict the rating scale of worry. Similarly, in
Studies 3–9, the semantic responses regarding harmony in life are
trained to best predict the rating scale of harmony. However, note
that this prediction specificity (i.e., that word responses predict the
targeted rating scale score better than other rating scale scores) is
not consistent with regard to satisfaction. The semantic word
responses regarding satisfaction with life are trained to predict
rating scales of satisfaction and harmony equally well in Study 5.
In Study 6 and 7, where one and three words were required as a
response, as well as Study 9 at T2, the satisfaction responses
actually predict the rating scale of harmony better than the rating
scale of satisfaction. Hence, semantic responses concerning har-
mony consistently predict the rating scale of harmony better than
the rating scale of satisfaction, whereas semantic content of satis-
faction appears to predict both rating scales equally well. As the
purpose of training is to find the best mathematical fit rather than
providing a theoretical explanation, the underlying theoretical rea-
son behind this requires more research. In short, the overall
tendency for prediction specificity (e.g., where harmony responses
Table 11
Semantic Questions Responses Differ Significantly Between Related Psychological Constructs
Study: Condition
Harmony versus satisfaction words Depression versus
worry words
S3 S4 S5 S6 S7: 1-w S7: 3-w S7: 5-w S9: T1 S9: T2 S8 S9: T2
t-value 2.67 12.71 10.75 7.70 12.36 15.56 12.10 23.66 18.08 16.86 18.43
Cohen’s d.28 .73 .63 .56 .66 .83 .76 .81 .85 .85 .84
Note. This table presents semantic ttests of the summarized semantic representations of the related psychological constructs. S !study; w !words; T !
time; S3 was significant at p%.01, all others at p%.001; where all except S3, encompass medium to large effect sizes.
Rating Trained Valence Bipolar Unipolar
Scale type
Pearson’s r
Correlated scales
Harmony and satisfaction scales
Four different semantic harmony scales correlated with HILS
Four different semantic satisfaction scales correlated with SWLS
Figure 3. Pearson correlation (y-axis) among the various types of scales
(x-axis) for harmony and satisfaction. The red bars show the correlation
between harmony and satisfaction for one numerical measure (HILS-
SWLS) and for four different semantic measures. The green bars show
HILS correlated with four different semantic measures of harmony, while
the blue bars similarly show corresponding correlations for SWLS and four
semantic measures of satisfaction. Rating !numerical rating scales;
Trained !trained predicted scales between word responses and rating
scales; Valence !semantic predicted ANEW valence scales; Bipolar !
bipolar semantic similarity scales; Unipolar !unipolar semantic similarity
scales. See the online article for the color version of this figure.
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Figure 4 (opposite)
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
predict the HILS better than the SLWS) throughout the studies and
across the constructs (except for satisfaction) support the validity
of the semantic responses and their semantic representations.
The trained predictions are also robust (Table 7–9). Examining
the correlations as a function of participants shows that a sample
size of approximately 64 participants is required to reach signifi-
cant results, although the correlations increase with sample size
(see Table 7). Examining the function of generated words reveals
that the first word accounts for the largest part of the predictive
power (see Table 8) and that the ninth and tenth words do not
always increase the correlation (see Table 9). To sum up, that
semantic responses reliably predict rating scales supports the va-
lidity of the semantic measures.
Semantic Similarity Scales Independently Measure
Semantic similarity scales may be used for measuring subjective
states without relying on rating scales. The correlations to rating
scales tend to be moderate for unipolar similarity scales and strong
for bipolar similarity scales (Table 10, Figure 3). With regard to
the satisfaction words, the unipolar satisfaction semantic similarity
scale correlates with the SWLS score (in Study 9 T2: r!.33), and
the bipolar satisfaction semantic similarity scale correlates with the
SWLS score to an even higher degree (r!.60). Similarly, with
regard to the harmony words, the unipolar harmony semantic
similarity scale correlates with the HILS score (r!.43), and the
bipolar harmony semantic similarity scale yields a higher correla-
tion (r!.65).
However, it is noteworthy that the semantic similarity scales
sometimes correlate higher to a rating scale it is not intended to
measure compared with the intended target construct. That is, it
could be expected that the semantic similarity scales generated for
each construct would exhibit the highest correlation in relation to
its specific rating scale. This is the case when it comes to the
harmony words and the harmony semantic similarity scale, where
the correlation is higher with regard to the HILS (r!.43) than
with regard to the SWLS (r!.34); however, when it comes to the
satisfaction words and the satisfaction semantic similarity scale,
there is a higher correlation with regard to the HILS (r!.35) and
not the SWLS (r!.33). Similarly, with regard to the worry words
and the worry semantic similarity scale, there is a higher correla-
tion when it comes to the GAD-7 (r!.39) than to the PHQ-9 (r!
.32), whereas the depression words and the depression semantic
similarity scale do not exhibit a higher correlation when it comes
to the PHQ-9 (r!.29), but rather when it comes to the GAD-7
(r!.31). Hence, there is a lack of clear target specificity among
semantic similarity scales and rating scales.
Semantic Similarity Scales Differentiate Between
Similar Constructs
We suggest that the less than perfect correlations of semantic
similarity scales to rating scales may not necessarily indicate a
measurement error in the semantic measures. Instead, semantic
similarity scales may measure different qualities that efficiently
differentiate between similar constructs, whereas rating scales tend
to capture one-dimensional valence. This suggestion was tested by
applying an independently trained model of the ANEW (Bradley
& Lang, 1999) in order to create semantic predicted valence scales.
According to our suggestion, these semantic valence scales corre-
late significantly stronger with respective rating scales compared
with the bipolar similarity scales (z!4.32–5.61, p%.001,
two-tailed; Lee & Preacher, 2013). Further, using the valence scale
as a covariate when training semantic responses to rating scales
reduces the correlation considerably (see Table 6). Hence, rating
scales are highly influenced by general valence; potentially driven
by a general positive or negative attitude to life, rather than distinct
answers related to targeted constructs. This interpretation is con-
sistent with findings that the rating scales have strong intercorre-
lations (see also Kashdan, Biswas-Diener, & King, 2008). On the
other hand, the similarity scales based on construct-specific word
norms exhibit a lower intercorrelation compared with rating scales.
In addition, semantic ttests further support the semantic difference
between semantic responses by discriminating well between the
semantic responses with medium to large effect sizes (see Table
11). This suggests that semantic measures more clearly tap into
the targeted construct, which is supported further when describing
the constructs using word plots.
Describing Constructs With Keywords
Figures 4–6 provide empirically derived depictions of the stud-
ied constructs by plotting words that significantly discriminate in
relevant dimensions, including different semantic responses (x-
axes) and semantic scales or rating scales (y-axes). The plots tend
to conceptualize the constructs in a meaningful way, which is also
intuitively consistent with a theoretical understanding of the con-
structs as outlined in the introduction. The semantic responses
concerning satisfaction with life highlight words such as happy,
content, and fulfilled,whereasharmonyinliferesponseshighlight
sion and worry are also distinct, where depression is significantly
related to words such as sad,down,andlonely,andworryisassoci-
ated with anxious,nervous, and tense. This supports the construct
validity of the semantic measures. Semantic measures empirically
describe/define the constructs.
Figure 4. a–f. Semantic measures differentiate between constructs of satisfaction and harmony as shown by plotting significant keywords. The figures
also show the independence of constructs using semantic measures (e, f) as compared with numerical rating scales (g, h). On the x-axis, words are plotted
according to the '-values from a chi-square test, with a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (Bonf. !Bonferroni line where '!4.04, .05
indicates the uncorrected pvalue line, where '!1.96). On the y-axis, words are plotted according to point biserial correlations (r!.13 at the Bonferroni
line, and r!.06 at the.05 uncorrected pvalue line). More frequent words are plotted with a larger font size with fixed lower and upper limits. The x-axes
represent '-values associated with words generated in relation to satisfaction (blue/left) versus harmony (green/right). The y-axes show significant words
related to Semantic Similarity (SS) scales or rating scales; HILS !Harmony in Life Scale; SWLS !Satisfaction with Life Scale; cov !covariate. N!
477. See the online article for the color version of this figure.
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Figure 5 (opposite)
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The ability of measures to offer a good differentiation between
constructs may be tested further by examining the number of
significant words and their position in the figures when covarying
the different scales. Scales that are independent should still yield
significant words on the axis where they are being covaried
(here the y-axis). For example, if the semantic similarity scales of
harmony and satisfaction measure the respectively targeted con-
struct with high independence, it should follow that covarying the
scales with each other would impact the plotted harmony and
satisfaction word responses differently compared with their orig-
inal positions without a covariate. In contrast, if the scales are not
measuring the constructs differently/independently, the impact of
covarying the scales would have a similar effect on the position of
both the harmony and the satisfaction word responses, where both
sets of words would be positioned to not be significant on the
y-axis. That is, for semantic similarity scales we hypothesize an
independence between the word responses, in which such inde-
pendence may manifest itself in such a way that word responses
for the targeted construct are positioned on the higher end of the
y-axis, whereas the word responses related to the covaried con-
struct are positioned on the lower end of the y-axis. In contrast,
when covarying the numerical rating scales, we hypothesize that
word responses between constructs will not show independence,
and thus not be significant on the y-axis anymore.
Indeed, the results show that covarying the harmony semantic
similarity scale with the satisfaction semantic similarity scale (or
vice versa) reveals a significant independence between these con-
structs by yielding correlations to relevant words describing the
construct; that is, 44 and 37 significant words on the y-axes in
Figure 4e and 4f, respectively. This is not the case when covarying
the corresponding numerical rating scales; that is, only six and zero
significant words on the y-axes in Figure 4g and 4h, respectively.
This independence is also found with regard to depression and
worry (see Figure 5). When the semantic similarity scales of worry
and depression are covaried with each other, there are 35 and 36
significant words on the y-axes in Figure 5e and 5f, respectively.
However, when the rating scales of depression and worry are
covaried, there are only six and 22 significant words on the y-axes
in Figure 5g and 5h, respectively.
Further, the semantic similarity scales actually tap into different
aspects than the semantic predicted ANEW valence scales and the
rating scales, which becomes clear when described in the word
figures. The figures plotting rating scales and semantic predicted
valence scales tend to reveal a similar structure, which suggests
that rating scales focus on valence. Meanwhile, the semantic
similarity scales demonstrate a structure that is more in line with
their theoretical conceptualizations. This becomes even more clear
when covarying the semantic predicted ANEW valence scales in
figures. That is, figures with harmony and satisfaction semantic
similarity scales covaried with the semantic predicted ANEW
valence scale have 23 and 24 significant words in Figure 6c and
6d, respectively. Meanwhile, the harmony and satisfaction rating
scales covaried with the semantic predicted ANEW valence scale
reveal zero significant words (Figure 6e–f). This is also the case
when it comes to depression and worry: in terms of semantic
similarity scales, 25 and 26 words are significant in Figure 6g and
6h, respectively, and in terms of rating scales, zero words are
significant (Figure 6i–j). It should be pointed out that this offers
further support for the strong, one-dimensional link between rating
scales and valence. Overall, these results suggest that similarity
scales more clearly differentiate between the psychological con-
structs compared with rating scales.
Semantic measures exhibit satisfactory test–retest reliability
over 31 days (see Table 12). Trained scales tend to demonstrate
moderate correlations for both harmony in life and satisfaction
with life. Although unipolar semantic similarity scales demonstrate
low test–retest correlations, bipolar semantic similarity scales
show moderate correlations for both harmony and satisfaction.
Social Desirability
Overall, the semantic measures, as compared with rating scales,
are associated with less social desirability as measured using the
Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, the short version Form
A (Table 13; Reynolds, 1982). The rating scales yield the antici-
pated positive correlations with the well-being measures and neg-
ative correlations with the ill-being measures. Training the seman-
tic content to the social desirability scale only yielded a weak
significant relationship for the semantic question of depression.
The unipolar semantic similarity scales only yielded a low
significant relationship between worry and social desirability.
Meanwhile, among the bipolar semantic similarity scales, only
harmony–disharmony displayed a weak significant relationship to
social desirability. Compared with the rating scales, the semantic
predicted ANEW valence scale displayed correlations with similar
strength for the ill-being measures and somewhat weaker strength
for the well-being measures. Note that all correlations between
social desirability and the semantic predicted ANEW valence scale
were positive, as positivity in response to the semantic questions
tends to relate to social desirability. Further, plotting the words
reveals that there are no words significantly related to low or high
social desirability scores.
Figure 5. a– h. Semantic measures differentiate between constructs of depression and worry as shown by plotting significant keywords. The figures also
show the independence of constructs using semantic measures (e, f) as compared with numerical rating scales (g, h). On the x-axis, words are plotted
according to the '-values from a chi-square test, with a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (Bonf. !Bonferroni line where '!4.04, .05
indicates the uncorrected pvalue line, where '!1.96). On the y-axis, words are plotted according to point-biserial correlations (r!.13 at the Bonferroni
line, and r!.06 at the .05 uncorrected pvalue line). More frequent words are plotted with a larger font with fixed lower and upper limits. The x-axes
represent '-values associated with words generated in relation to depression (blue, left) versus worry (red, right). The y-axes show significant words related
to Semantic Similarity (SS) scales or rating scales; PHQ-9 !Patient Health Questionnaire-9; GAD-7 !Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale-7 (GAD-7);
cov. !covariate; N!477. See the online article for the color version of this figure.
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Figure 6 (opposite)
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Discussion on Reports Regarding Subjective States
The results reveal that semantic measures may be used for
measuring, differentiating, and describing subjective experiences
of psychological constructs, including both well-being and ill-
being. It is demonstrated that trained semantic responses predict
rating scales scores with a high level of accuracy; which hold
throughout seven studies involving differences in terms of required
word responses (with 1, 3, 5, or 10 descriptive words, or free text
as presented in the OSM) and varying levels of detailed instruc-
tions. In addition, using semantic similarity scales enables mea-
suring, differentiating and describing psychological constructs in-
dependent from rating scales. It is also shown that semantic
measures show satisfactory test–retest reliability. Further, the four
semantic questions, as compared with the corresponding rating
scales, appear less susceptible to social desirability. Arguably, this
might be because they promote a more personal and thus honest
account of one’s state of mind.
Semantic Measures Versus Rating Scales
In our studies, semantic similarity scales appears to exhibit
higher construct specificity and independence to similar constructs
compared with rating scales. The word figures exhibit target spec-
ificity and independence when it comes to semantic similarity
scales but not rating scales, even though there is a lack of target
specificity among correlations between semantic similarity scales
and respective rating scales. In addition, this target specificity and
independence were found for both descriptive words in relation to
harmony, satisfaction, depression, and worry, as well as text re-
sponses in relation to harmony and satisfaction (see OSM). Over-
all, the results support that semantic measures demonstrate high
construct validity where they clearly tap into the to-be-measured
construct, whereas rating scales to a greater extent appear to be
tapping into a common construct relating to valence.
Valence-Focused Rating Scales and Construct-Specific
Semantic Measures
What rating scales might have in common is that they more
strongly tap into valence, whereas semantic similarity scales are
better at differentiating between constructs. The hypothesis that
rating scales are highly valence-driven is supported empirically by
the results showing that covarying the semantic predicted ANEW
valence scales when training the semantic responses to rating
scales largely reduces the correlations. Similarly, our results show
that the semantic predicted ANEW valence scales of each semantic
response have a higher correlation with the rating scales as com-
pared with respective semantic similarity scale. Hence, the affec-
tive valence of the generated words is strongly related to the rating
In addition, the word figures demonstrate that semantic similar-
ity scales, as compared with rating scales, are more distinct from
the semantic predicted ANEW valence scales. That rating scales
exhibit none or few significant words when being covaried with
the semantic predicted ANEW valence scales, as well as with each
other, is also in accordance with previous findings, including the
high intercorrelation among rating scales and the lack of target
specificity between correlations of rating scales and semantic
similarity scales.
From a theoretical perspective, we argue that rating scales
and valence have one-dimensionality in common. That is, va-
lence is conceptualized as ranging from pleasant to unpleasant
Table 12
Semantic Questions Demonstrate Satisfactory Test–Retest
Reliability for the Well-Being Measures in Study 9 Between T1
and T2
Semantic questions Pearson’s r
Unipolar semantic similarity scales
Hw: Unipolar at T1 and T2 .24
Sw: Unipolar at T1 and T2 .20
Bipolar semantic similarity scales
Hw: Bipolar at T1 and T2 .52
Sw: Bipolar at T1 and T2 .48
Semantic predicted valence scales
Hw: Valence at T1 and T2 .55
Sw: Valence at T1 and T2 .52
Trained models
T1 Hw: HILS and T2 Hw:
T1 Sw: SWLS and T2 Sw:
Rating scales
HILS at T1 and T2 .71
SWLS at T1 and T2 .82
Note.N!477. Hw !Harmony words; Sw !Satisfaction words;
H-SSS !Harmony-Semantic Similarity Scale; S-SSS !Satisfaction-
Semantic Similarity Scales; Hw: Bipolar !Harmony minus Disharmony
Semantic Similarity Scale; Sw: Bipolar !Satisfaction minus
Dissatisfaction-Semantic Similarity Scale; HILS !Harmony in Life Scale;
SWLS !Satisfaction with Life Scale.
Figure 6. a–j. Compared with rating scales, semantic measures do a better job differentiating between mental health constructs beyond valence. On the
x-axis, words are plotted according to the '-values from a chi-square test, with a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (Bonf. !Bonferroni line
where '!4.04, .05 indicates the uncorrected pvalue line, where '!1.96). On the y-axis, words are plotted according to point-biserial correlations (r!
.13 at the Bonferroni line, and r!.06 at the .05 uncorrected pvalue line). More frequent words are plotted with a larger font with fixed lower and upper
limits. The x-axes represent '-values associated with words generated in relation to a, c-f) satisfaction (blue, left) versus harmony (green, right) and b, g-j)
depression (blue, left) versus worry (red, right). The y-axes in Figures c-j are covaried (cov.) with the semantic predicted (SP) ANEW valence scale; SS !
Semantic Similarity; HILS !Harmony in Life Scale; SWLS !Satisfaction with Life Scale; PHQ-9 !Patient Health Questionnaire-9; GAD-7 !
Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale-7. N!477. See the online article for the color version of this figure.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
(i.e., in the construction of the ANEW, words were rated on a
picture-based scale depicting pictures of happy, smiling to
unhappy, frowning characters; Bradley & Lang, 1999) This is
arguably similar to the one-dimensional response format often
used for rating scales. Response formats for rating scales tend
to focus on the respondent’s positive or negative stance on
various statements (although the scale may differ, such as
ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree or not at all to
nearly every day). This may potentially explain the lack of clear
specificity among rating scales and semantic similarity scales.
Overall, the results suggest that rating scales are more fo-
cused on valence compared with semantic similarity scales,
whereas semantic similarity scales are more focused on the
to-be-measured construct compared with rating scales. Hence,
the results indicate that semantic similarity scales, independent
from rating scales, may be used for measuring, differentiating
and describing participants’ subjective experience of harmony
in life, satisfaction with life, depression and worry with high
validity and reliability.
Limitations, Future Research, and Overall Conclusions
Answering semantic questions seems to require more time
and effort for participants compared with rating scales. In the
studies on reports regarding external stimuli, the semantic ques-
tions conditions, as compared with the rating scales conditions,
took longer to complete for participants (see Table 2). In terms
of effort, the semantic questions conditions yield lower percent-
ages of participants completing the study, presumable due to the
effort required for generating semantic answers. Even though
the randomization procedure should divide 50% of the partici-
pants in the semantic questions condition, there were only 45%
in Study 1 and 42% in Study 2 completing this condition.
However, it should be noted that semantic questions conditions
may be rendered less time-consuming by requesting fewer
words; for example, we found that it is possible to achieve good
results by only requiring one word, as well as using short
instructions in reports regarding subjective states. In addition,
the relatively higher level of effort needed for semantic ques-
tions might be one of the strengths of this approach. That is,
semantic questions may lead to more thought through answers.
In contrast, instructions for rating scales often ask respondents
to not think for too long on each question, but instead answer
with what first comes to mind.
The current studies focus on psychological constructs relating to
well-being and mental health problems; however, future studies
could study a broader range of psychological constructs and con-
texts. Further, the current semantic questions allow the respondent
to decide for him- or herself what is important for the to-be-
measured construct. However, in terms of mental health diagnoses,
future research could examine to what extent these semantic ques-
tions cover important diagnostic criteria outlined in manuals such
as the DSM–5.
Moreover, the studies on subjective states only include self-
report rating scales, whereas future studies should evaluate these
using objective measures. In addition, whereas the current studies
compare semantic measures with rating scale methodologies, fu-
ture studies may also compare them with interview techniques
(e.g., the International Neuropsychiatric Interview; MINI; Sheehan
et al., 1998). Finally, future studies could also explore potential
advantages with using semantic representations based on other
algorithms, such as COALS, as well as word frequency strategies,
such as LIWC.
To sum up, our results from experiments based on both
external stimuli and subjective states show that semantic mea-
sures are competitive, or better, compared with numerical
rating scales when evaluated both in terms of validity and
reliability. Semantic measures address limitations associated
with rating scales, for example by allowing unrestricted open-
ended responses. Importantly, semantic similarity scales enable
measuring constructs independent of rating scales, and we
demonstrated that they are good at differentiating even between
similar constructs. Trained semantic scales may also be used for
closely studying the relationship between texts/words and nu-
meric values. This is particularly valuable when numeric values
represent objective outcomes rather than subjective rating
scales, when studying a particular characteristic of a word
response, such as valence, or in situations when it is difficult to
construct a representative word norm (such as in the case of
social desirability). Future research should investigate to what
extent these results generalize to other psychological con-
structs, situations and contexts.
That semantic measures are able to measure, differentiate,
and describe psychological constructs in two different para-
digms demonstrate their potential to improve the way we quan-
tify individual states of mind, and thus our understanding of the
human mind. Therefore, we argue that semantic measures offer
an alternative method for quantifying mental states in research
Table 13
Semantic Questions Show Lower Social Desirability Than Rating Scales
Correlated constructs Training to
MC-SDS-FA Valence
SP scales Unipolar
SS scales Bipolar SS
scales Rating
Harmony ns .11
ns .11
Satisfaction ns .11
ns ns .19
Worry ns .15
NA ).16
Depression .08
ns NA ).14
Note. Study 9 at T2, N!477. SP !Semantic Predicted; SS !Semantic Similarity; ns !not significant;
MC-SDS-FA !The Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale the short version Form A.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
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recruitment, etc.).
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Received January 25, 2017
Revision received March 28, 2018
Accepted April 10, 2018 !
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... The quantitative computational linguistic analysis of text data is a new measurement method available to science and practice. Semantic analysis can predict and understand psychological constructs from textual data (Arnulf et al., 2014), with open-ended questions demonstrating equal or higher validity and reliability compared to closed-ended numerical rating scales (Kjell et al., 2019). Grunenberg et al. (2024) outperformed traditional recruiter judgements in assessing applicants' Big Five personality traits based on CVs and short text responses. ...
... We quantified the construct of organizational culture from textual data, and we established structural equivalence (similarity of relationships) with the results of the corresponding survey instrument. However, like in similar studies in psychology (e.g., Arnulf & Larsen, 2020;Kjell et al., 2019), we cannot claim metric or scalar equivalence (He & van de Vijver, 2012). Finding the same dimensional structure in survey and text data does not mean that a particular organization would score similarly regardless of whether survey or text data was analysed. ...
... The developed dictionary provides researchers and managers with an exciting new tool for describing organizational culture, providing more comprehensive insights compared to self-report surveys only. Given the similar structure of text and survey results, a takeaway for survey research is that semantic themes largely predetermine associations between constructs such as cultural dimensions (Arnulf & Larsen, 2020;Kjell et al., 2019) -they help us understand how people respond to questionnaires. The measures derived from theory-driven text analysis were found to be at least equally insightful as data-driven text analysis approaches. ...
... This innovative system learned to map psychometric measurements of anxiety, stress, and depression to usergenerated word sequences, employing search strategies rooted in cognitive science and associative knowledge modeling. Question-based Computational Language Assessment (QCLA) involves generating text by asking participants to answer open-ended questions that can be transformed into a quantifiable vector using NLP 29 . This method captures a severity measure of mental health and a detailed description of mental states. ...
... While NLP approaches offer advantages, past research on languagebased methods has not achieved the same level of accuracy as rating scales. The reason for this is that the previous validation of language-based approaches has primarily used rating scales as the outcome measure, where validity is measured by a correlation to the rating scales and therefore does not allow testing of whether rating scales or language measures have the highest validity 29,31 . To address this issue, the present study compares descriptive word-based responses and rating scales using an outcome criterion that is independent of rating scales. ...
... The primary and original contribution of this study lies in its examination of the accuracy of assessing emotional states using person-generated text responses compared to rating scales. While computational methods for analyzing language data have been previously introduced in other works 29 , this study focuses specifically on the comparative evaluation of these two assessment approaches. The present work aims to show that language-based measures on emotional states, analyzed by NLP, have higher accuracy in categorizing emotional states compared to commonly used rating scales dedicated to measuring these states. ...
Full-text available
Psychological constructs are commonly quantified with closed-ended rating scales. However, recent advancements in natural language processing (NLP) enable the quantification of open-ended language responses. Here we demonstrate that descriptive word responses analyzed using NLP show higher accuracy in categorizing emotional states compared to traditional rating scales. One group of participants ( N = 297) generated narratives related to depression, anxiety, satisfaction, or harmony, summarized them with five descriptive words, and rated them using rating scales. Another group ( N = 434) evaluated these narratives (with descriptive words and rating scales) from the author’s perspective. The descriptive words were quantified using NLP, and machine learning was used to categorize the responses into the corresponding emotional states. The results showed a significantly higher number of accurate categorizations of the narratives based on descriptive words (64%) than on rating scales (44%), questioning the notion that rating scales are more precise in measuring emotional states than language-based measures.
... The cataloged statements were quantified by using a version of the LSA (Landauer, 2007) algorithm as described in Kjell et al. (2019). The semantic space was created from the Swedish version of Google N-gram that is publicly available for download at ...
... The length of this vector was normalized to one. A prediction model for accuracy was created following the method that is specified in Kjell et al. (2019). We first preprocessed the semantic space by applying the SVD algorithm on the vectors representing the eyewitness statements. ...
... This list contains words such as "emotional, " "feelings, " "modest, " but also "religious" and "tempting. " We then created a semantic representation of this list using the same method as for the semantic representation of the statements, with the exception that we use an English LSA representation with 512 dimensions from Kjell et al. (2019). That is, we summed the semantic representation in each dimension for all words in the list and normalized the length of the resulting vector to one by dividing each dimension with length of the vector. ...
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In two studies, we examined if correct and incorrect statements in eyewitness testimony differed in semantic content. Testimony statements were obtained from participants who watched staged crime films and were interviewed as eyewitnesses. We analyzed the latent semantic representations of these statements using LSA and BERT. Study 1 showed that the semantic space of correct statements differed from incorrect statements; correct statements were more closely related to a dominance semantic representation, whereas incorrect statements were more closely related to a communion semantic representation. Study 2 only partially replicated these findings, but a mega-analysis of the two datasets showed different semantic representations for correct and incorrect statements, with incorrect statements more closely related to representations of communion and abstractness. Given the critical role of eyewitness testimony in the legal context, and the generally low ability of fact-finders to estimate the accuracy of witness statements, our results strongly call for further research on semantic content in correct and incorrect testimony statements.
... Without going into details at this point, the mentioned technologies allow us to compute the degree to which variables overlap in meaning (Larsen and Bong, 2016). This has opened a completely new perspective on methodology because it appeared that a vast range of research findings hitherto seen as empirical were instead following from the semantic dependencies between the variables: semantic algorithms can actually predict 80-90% of human response patterns a priori based only on the questionnaire texts as inputs, sometimes replicating all information used to validate constructs (Arnulf et al., 2014;Nimon et al., 2016;Gefen and Larsen, 2017;Shuck et al., 2017;Kjell et al., 2019;Rosenbusch et al., 2020;Larsen et al., 2023). ...
... In this way the semantic matrix could pose as a Bayesian prior to research in the social sciences (Gelman and Shalizi, 2013). One can now compute the likely relationships among all variables prior to making empirical data collections (Gefen and Larsen, 2017;Arnulf et al., 2018a;Kjell et al., 2019;Gefen et al., 2020;Rosenbusch et al., 2020;Kjell K. et al., 2021;Nimon, 2021). From a statistical point of view, one should ask questions like who, how, why, and how much people will comply with what is semantically expected. ...
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This is a review of a range of empirical studies that use digital text algorithms to predict and model response patterns from humans to Likert-scale items, using texts only as inputs. The studies show that statistics used in construct validation is predictable on sample and individual levels, that this happens across languages and cultures, and that the relationship between variables are often semantic instead of empirical. That is, the relationships among variables are given a priori and evidently computable as such. We explain this by replacing the idea of “nomological networks” with “semantic networks” to designate computable relationships between abstract concepts. Understanding constructs as nodes in semantic networks makes it clear why psychological research has produced constant average explained variance at 42% since 1956. Together, these findings shed new light on the formidable capability of human minds to operate with fast and intersubjectively similar semantic processing. Our review identifies a categorical error present in much psychological research, measuring representations instead of the purportedly represented. We discuss how this has grave consequences for the empirical truth in research using traditional psychometric methods.
... These questions were inspired by similar language assessments of cognitive, evaluative SWB that have predicted corresponding rating scales at r = .85 [48,58]. For the language analysis in this paper, we used only the essay. ...
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Background Unhealthy alcohol consumption is a severe public health problem. But low to moderate alcohol consumption is associated with high subjective well-being, possibly because alcohol is commonly consumed socially together with friends, who often are important for subjective well-being. Disentangling the health and social complexities of alcohol behavior has been difficult using traditional rating scales with cross-section designs. We aim to better understand these complexities by examining individuals’ everyday affective subjective well-being language, in addition to rating scales, and via both between- and within-person designs across multiple weeks. Method We used daily language and ecological momentary assessment on 908 US restaurant workers (12692 days) over two-week intervals. Participants were asked up to three times a day to “describe your current feelings”, rate their emotions, and report their alcohol behavior in the past 24 hours, including if they were drinking alone or with others. Results Both between and within individuals, language-based subjective well-being predicted alcohol behavior more accurately than corresponding rating scales. Individuals self-reported being happier on days when drinking more, with language characteristic of these days predominantly describing socializing with friends. Between individuals (over several weeks), subjective well-being correlated much more negatively with drinking alone ( r = -.29) than it did with total drinking ( r = -.10). Aligned with this, people who drank more alone generally described their feelings as sad , stressed and anxious and drinking alone days related to nervous and annoyed language as well as a lower reported subjective well-being. Conclusions Individuals’ daily subjective well-being, as measured via language, in part, explained the social aspects of alcohol drinking. Further, being alone explained this relationship, such that drinking alone was associated with lower subjective well-being.
Few studies have investigated plants’ healing effects, particularly through touch-based therapy, on older adults. As hypertension rates continue to climb worldwide, touch-based therapy for hypertension prevention has become a significant priority in public health initiatives. This study investigated the impact of tactile interaction with real grass (a landscape activity) versus artificial grass on older adults’ physical and cognitive abilities. Employing a within-subject design, we assessed the physiological and emotional effects of touching real grass versus artificial glass for 10 min. Study participants included 50 Chinese individuals, with an average age of 85.64 ± 3.72 years. Measurements included blood pressure, electroencephalogram, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and standard deviation (SD). Analyzing the SD data revealed that participants experienced a heightened sense of relaxation and calmness after touching real grass, compared to artificial grass. Furthermore, the participants’ brainwave patterns—measured in mean power units—exhibited an upward trend while interacting with real grass, whereas they exhibited a downward trend during the interaction with artificial grass. Moreover, the mean systolic blood pressure significantly decreased following interaction with real grass. These findings suggest that engaging with real grass through touch potentially alleviates mental stress, in contrast to the effects of artificial grass.
Failures of listening to individuals raising concerns are often implicated in safety incidents. To better understand this and theorize the communicative processes by which safety voice averts harm, we undertook a conceptual review of “safety listening” in organizations: responses to any voice that calls for action to prevent harm. Synthesizing research from disparate fields, we found 36 terms/definitions describing safety listening which typically framed it in terms of listeners’ motivations. These motivational accounts, we propose, are a by-product of the self-report methods used to study listening (e.g., surveys, interviews), which focus on listening perceptions rather than actual responses following speaking-up. In contrast, we define safety listening as a behavioral response to safety voice in organizational contexts to prevent harms. Influenced by cognitive, interactional, and environmental factors, safety listening may prevent incidents through enabling cooperative sensemaking processes for building shared awareness and understanding of risks and hazards.
We sought to understand the U.S. college instructors’ perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 on their instructional and assessment practices of college instructors. Between February and July 2021, 145 faculty teaching at over 80 different U.S. institutions (Meanage = 41.29 years, SDage = 10.95; %female = 69.7) completed an online survey. Given the novelty of the circumstances, and the lack of existing measures to adequately study the context at the time, the survey consisted mainly of constructed response questions. To analyze such a volume of written responses, we conducted topic modeling using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), a machine learning approach Blei et al. J Mach Learn Res 3:993–1022 2003 [8]. This method is appropriate for identifying key themes within a set of responses. Most instructors reported that during Spring 2020 at least one course they taught shifted from an in-person to an online format (88.7%). Topic models based on instructors’ responses to open-ended questions provided additional insights about how instructors prioritized content, adjusted grading policies, prepared students to complete exams, navigated the challenges of administering online assessments, and addressed concerns of academic integrity. Even in non-emergency teaching situations, recommendations for best practices for online and remotely delivered exams in higher education contexts are influenced by an understanding of assessment-related challenges during COVID-19. The findings from the present study not only provide an application of a machine learning approach such as topic modeling, but also contribute to a growing understanding of how COVID-19 affected assessment practices in higher education.
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Language data available through social media provide opportunities to study people at an unprecedented scale. However, little guidance is available to psychologists who want to enter this area of research. Drawing on tools and techniques developed in natural language processing, we first introduce psychologists to social media language research, identifying descriptive and predictive analyses that language data allow. Second, we describe how raw language data can be accessed and quantified for inclusion in subsequent analyses, exploring personality as expressed on Facebook to illustrate. Third, we highlight challenges and issues to be considered, including accessing and processing the data, interpreting effects, and ethical issues. Social media has become a valuable part of social life, and there is much we can learn by bringing together the tools of computer science with the theories and insights of psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record
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Empirically analyzing empirical evidence One of the central goals in any scientific endeavor is to understand causality. Experiments that seek to demonstrate a cause/effect relation most often manipulate the postulated causal factor. Aarts et al. describe the replication of 100 experiments reported in papers published in 2008 in three high-ranking psychology journals. Assessing whether the replication and the original experiment yielded the same result according to several criteria, they find that about one-third to one-half of the original findings were also observed in the replication study. Science , this issue 10.1126/science.aac4716
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Using outpatients with anxiety and mood disorders (N = 350), the authors tested several models of the structural relationships of dimensions of key features of selected emotional disorders and dimensions of the tripartite model of anxiety and depression. Results supported the discriminant validity of the 5 symptom domains examined (mood disorders; generalized anxiety disorder, GAD; panic disorder; obsessive-compulsive disorder; social phobia). Of various structural models evaluated, the best fitting involved a structure consistent with the tripartite model (e.g., the higher order factors, negative affect and positive affect, influenced emotional disorder factors in the expected manner). The latent factor, GAD, influenced the latent factor, autonomic arousal, in a direction consistent with recent laboratory findings (autonomic suppression); Findings are discussed in the context of the growing literature on higher order trait dimensions (e.g., negative affect) that may be of considerable importance to the understanding of the pathogenesis, course, and co-occurrence of emotional disorders.
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Conceptually, the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS; Diener et al. in J Pers Assess 49(1):71–75, 1985) emphasizes evaluations comparing actual and expected life circumstances. Contrastingly we developed the Harmony in Life Scale (HILS) emphasizing psychological balance and flexibility in life. Study 1 (476 participants) developed the HILS. In Study 2 participants (N = 787, T1; N = 545, T2) answered well-being related questionnaires and generated words/texts related to HIL/SWL. The HILS yields satisfactory statistical properties, correlates as expected to well-being related scales, whilst HIL/ SWL form a two-factor model. Hierarchical regressions reveal that HILS explains considerably more unique variance than SWLS in most included measures. Quantitative semantic analyses (employing latent semantic analyses) on words related to HIL/SWL reveal that they differ significantly in their semantic content. Word frequency analyses show that harmony significantly relate to peace, balance, etc. and satisfaction with job, money, etc. The HILS demonstrates validity, reliability, and uniqueness complementing the SWLS in forming a more holistic understanding of subjective well-being.
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Previous research has shown a male bias in the media. This study tests this statement by examining how the pronouns She and He are used in a news media context. More specifically, the study tests whether He occurs more often and in more positive semantic contexts than She, as well as whether She is associated with more stereotypically and essential labels than He is. Latent semantic analysis (LSA) was applied to 400 000 Reuters’ news messages, written in English, published in 1996–1997. LSA is a completely data-driven method, extracting statistics of words from how they are used throughout a corpus. As such, no human coders are involved in the assessment of how pronouns occur in their contexts. The results showed that He pronouns were about 9 times more frequent than She pronouns. In addition, the semantic contexts of He were more positive than the contexts of She. Moreover, words associated with She-contexts included more words denoting gender, and were more homogeneous than the words associated with He-contexts. Altogether, these results indicate that men are represented as the norm in these media. Since these news messages are distributed on a daily basis all over the world, in printed newspapers, and on the internet, it seems likely that this presentation maintains, and reinforces prevalent gender stereotypes, hence contributing to gender inequities.
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Language use is a psychologically rich, stable individual difference with well-established correlations to personality. We describe a method for assessing personality using an open-vocabulary analysis of language from social media. We compiled the written language from 66,732 Facebook users and their questionnaire-based self-reported Big Five personality traits, and then we built a predictive model of personality based on their language. We used this model to predict the 5 personality factors in a separate sample of 4,824 Facebook users, examining (a) convergence with self-reports of personality at the domain- and facet-level; (b) discriminant validity between predictions of distinct traits; (c) agreement with informant reports of personality; (d) patterns of correlations with external criteria (e.g., number of friends, political attitudes, impulsiveness); and (e) test-retest reliability over 6-month intervals. Results indicated that language-based assessments can constitute valid personality measures: they agreed with self-reports and informant reports of personality, added incremental validity over informant reports, adequately discriminated between traits, exhibited patterns of correlations with external criteria similar to those found with self-reported personality, and were stable over 6-month intervals. Analysis of predictive language can provide rich portraits of the mental life associated with traits. This approach can complement and extend traditional methods, providing researchers with an additional measure that can quickly and cheaply assess large groups of participants with minimal burden. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved).
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Evaluating the correctness of eyewitness statements is one of the biggest challenges for the legal system, and this task is currently typically performed by human evaluations. Here we study whether a computational method could be applied to discriminate between correct and incorrect statements. The semantic evaluation method (SEM) is based on latent semantic analysis (Landauer and Dumais Psychol Rev 104: 211–240, 1997),—a method for automatically generating high dimensional semantic representations of words and sentences. The verbal data was extracted from the recorded narratives from a prior eyewitness study investigating the role of repeated retellings on subsequent recall accuracy and confidence (Sarwar et al. Cognit Psychol 25(5):782–791, 2011). Participants watched a film of a kidnapping and then either retold the events to a single listener, or discussed the content with a confederate at five separate times over a 20-day period. Their subsequent written recall was analyzed using the SEM. The results show that accuracy can be predicted from quantification of the semantic content of eyewitness memory reports using SEM. This result also held true when data was separated into three distinct categories and the SEM was trained and tested on different categories of data.
We tested whether the characteristics of a person's personality can be assessed by an automated analysis of the semantic content of a person's written text. Participants completed a questionnaire measuring the so-called Big Five personality traits. They also composed five short essays in which they were asked to describe what they would do and how they would feel in each of five scenarios designed to invoke the creation of narrative relevant to the Big Five personality traits. Participants' essays were processed for content by Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA; T. Landauer & S. Dumais, 1997), a model of lexical semantics. We found that LSA could assess individuals on three of the Big Five traits, and we discuss ways to improve such techniques in future work.