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Metals and Arsenic in Water Supply for Riverine Communities Affected by the Largest Environmental Disaster in Brazil: The Dam Collapse on Doce River



Considered the worst environmental disaster in Brazilian history, the collapse of Samarco dam directly affected the Doce river. Inhabitants living along the river who relied mainly on Doce river's water supply for agriculture and human consumption faced risk from the mining residue exposure. This study aimed to investigate the disaster’s impact on small family farmers living in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo States by water elemental quantification and evaluate the potential pathways of contamination by survey. In July 2016, 48 water points - including well, river and public distributed water - of 3 cities (Belo Oriente, Governador Valadares and Colatina) were sampled for determination of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn and Zn elements. Ninety-eight percent of the inhabitants interviewed related Doce river water usage before the tragedy for diversified purposes, while only thirty-six per cent used it after the disaster, mainly for irrigation. Fe and Mn presented concentrations above the Brazilian legislation for drinking water and irrigation in all locations, but not in all samples. Pb concentration was above the drinking water legislation in one location. All the other elements concentrations were within safe limits. Colatina, the farthest city from the dam, presented the highest values, followed by Governador Valadares and Belo Oriente.
Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry
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e-ISSN 1984-6428
| Vol 10 | | No. 4 | | Special Issue June 2018 |
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Metals and Arsenic in Water Supply for
Riverine Communities Affected by the
Largest Environmental Disaster in Brazil:
The Dam Collapse on Doce River
Gabriel Oliveira de Carvalho*a, André de Almeida Pinheiroa, Dhoone Menezes de
Sousaa, Janeide de Assis Padilhaa, Juliana Silva Souzaa, Petrus Magnus Galvãoa,
Thaís de Castro Paivaa, Aline Soares Freireb, Ricardo Erthal Santellib, Olaf Malma,
and João Paulo Machado Torresa
aLaboratório de Radioisótopos Eduardo Penna Franca, Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Avenida Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Bloco G, Sl. 061, Rio de
Janeiro, 21941-902, Brazil.
bDepartamento de Química Analítica, Instituto de Química, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Avenida Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149, Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, 21941-909, Brazil
Article history: Received: 02 October 2017; revised: 21 February 2018; accepted: 27 February 2018. Available
online: 20 June 2018. DOI:
Considered the worst environmental disaster in Brazilian history, the collapse of Samarco dam directly affected the
Doce river. Inhabitants living along the river who relied mainly on Doce river's water supply for agriculture and
human consumption faced risk from the mining residue exposure. This study aimed to investigate the disaster’s
impact on small family farmers living in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo States by water elemental quantification
and evaluate the potential pathways of contamination by survey. In July 2016, 48 water points - including well, river
and public distributed water - of 3 cities (Belo Oriente, Governador Valadares and Colatina) were sampled for
determination of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn and Zn elements. Ninety-eight percent of the inhabitants
interviewed related Doce river water usage before the tragedy for diversified purposes, while only thirty-six per cent
used it after the disaster, mainly for irrigation. Fe and Mn presented concentrations above the Brazilian legislation
for drinking water and irrigation in all locations, but not in all samples. Pb concentration was above the drinking
water legislation in one location. All the other elements concentrations were within safe limits. Colatina, the farthest
city from the dam, presented the highest values, followed by Governador Valadares and Belo Oriente.
Keywords: contamination; Doce river; family farming; metals; dam collapse; water
1. Introduction
On 5th November of 2015, an iron-ore mining
dam called Fundão collapsed in Mariana city,
Minas Gerais State in Southeastern Brazil. More
than 50 million cubic meters of toxic mud were
leached [1, 2]. This event has been considered
the worst Brazilian environmental disaster due to
its large scale and social and environmental
damages [3]. The dam belongs to the mining
company Samarco, a joint venture of Vale S.A
and BHP Billiton. The flood ran throughout more
than 600 km of the Doce river, leading to a direct
destruction of ecosystems, impacts on fauna and
flora, as well as serious socioeconomic losses
that caused problems regarding clean water
supply for human consumption and agriculture [3,
4]. A multitude of social problems have risen after
the dam rupture, mainly on water access for
consumption and irrigation.
Mining activity in Minas Gerais State has been
developed since the beginning of Portuguese
colonization of Brazil. Due its rich mineral
deposits, the region encompassing Mariana city is
named “Iron Quadrangle”. Formerly exploited
targeting gold, nowadays, iron is the main metal
De Carvalho et al.
Orbital: Electron. J. Chem. 10 (4): 299-307, 2018
of interest in this region [5]. Mining activity leads
to the mobilization of trace elements to the
environment. It has been identified an influence of
iron-ore mining on the concentrations of the
elements Fe, Mn, Cu, Hg, Cr, and Ni to the
surrounding environment [6]. In that way, it can
either add new sources of contamination, or
mobilize the elements naturally occurring in the
Doce river is the second largest river of the
southeast region of Brazil. Its draining basin
encompasses an area of approximately 83,400
km2. With a population superior to 3.5 million,
there are diverse economic activities along this
river, such as agriculture, mining, energy
production, human and animal supply, and
irrigation [7]. Family farming is practiced along the
Doce river and, consequently, the riverine
communities relied on the river water, mainly for
irrigation, animal supply and fishery. In a broader
definition, the Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) considers that family farming is "a means
of organizing agricultural, forestry, fisheries,
pastoral and aquaculture production which is
managed and operated by a family and
predominantly reliant on family labor, including
both women’s and men’s" [8]. Brazilian legislation
has a stricter definition of family farmers which
specify the maximum area, amongst other
considerations [9]. Because of the usual small
properties and low income, it depends strongly on
the local availability of water and mineral
resources of the soils.
The mud from the collapsed dam presented
high proportion of sand and silt and it was mainly
composed of SiO, Fe, Mn, Cu, Ca and Cr [10, 11].
The waste that leaked from the dam caused
damages to human health, fishery resources,
water quality, riparian vegetation and compacted
the soil along the margins of the river [3, 4, 12].
Brazilian “Mineral Resources Research
Company” (CPRM) reported higher Fe
concentrations in the leaked mud (>15%) when
compared to the region background values, while
the other elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni,
Pb, Zn) were in a comparable level [13].
Nonetheless, Mn and Fe concentrations in the
Doce river have been reported to be respectively
four times and one and half times higher than the
water from an uncontaminated river nearby. In the
same study, it was also observed potential risks
of cytotoxicity, DNA damages and high potential
of mobilization from mud to water for Pb, As, Sr,
Fe, Mn and Al [11].
This study aimed to evaluate the potential toxic
risk posed by the use of water by riverine farmers
affected by the dam collapsed in Doce river,
regarding chemical elements concentration (Mn,
Fe, As, Cd, Sn, Pb, Ni, Cr, Zn, Cu, Hg), and
identify the critical pathways for the arsenic and
metal human exposure through the water uses.
2. Results and Discussion
All interviewed people between 18 and 82
years old were owner or in charge of small rural
properties. Amongst them 32 were males, while
12 were females. The majority only had up to the
middle school (65%), while few reached the high
school (21%) and some of them did not study or
were illiterate (14%). Twenty of them reported
being farmers; the rest defined themselves by
retired, fisherman, unemployed or housewives.
Some of the participants lived in remote areas
or under very simple conditions without access to
technology and media of information. Because of
that, 20% of them reported only discovering about
the dam collapse after the mud wave arrived at
their properties, despite living far from the
accident, at least 200 km downstream from
Mariana town. As a consequence, 88% of the
participants related changes and losses in their
agricultural production. The majority, however,
followed the news by television and anticipated
the consequences of the disaster. For the author's
information, there was no system or attempt to
notify these vulnerable residents about the danger
Concerning the Doce river water usage, 98%
related using it before the tragedy for different
purposes, such as irrigation animal supply,
cooking, swimming, showering and fishing. On the
other hand, only 36% used it after the disaster.
And within this group, about 80% of them were
only using it for irrigation, with different plants
cultivation being reported. There was a concern
about the health consequences of this water, as
60% of them considered the water not suitable for
usage even after treatment. Because of the
general concern about the public water, the
majority of them stated buying mineral water for
drinking and cooking, consequently increasing
their expenses. Nonetheless, only 48% declared
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Orbital: Electron. J. Chem. 10 (4): 299-307, 2018
receiving public or private support regarding water
supply, which means half of them had to rely on
buying or donations.
Concentrations of elements in well water
samples had a high coefficient of variation within
locations and a wide range of values (min and
max) (Table 1). This could be result of the large
heterogeneity of element composition in the soil
of Minas Gerais State [14] or even the
heterogeneity of the mud from the dam [11]. Fe
and Mn presented concentrations above the
legislation for irrigation and drinking water [15,
16], while Pb had one concentration above the
limit for drinking water in Belo Oriente. All other
elements presented values below their maximum
values permitted. In well water samples from
Colatina, the maximum value for Mn was 10 times
higher than the limit, and the maximum Fe found
was almost 50 times higher than stipulated as
safe. Belo Oriente presented the lowest values for
the majority of elements analyzed. Moreover,
Colatina city also had one well water sample with
Arsenic concentration reaching the maximum
permitted by legislation (Table 1; Table IS-
supplementary material).
Belo Oriente, Governador Valadares and
Colatina had respectively 4, 9 and 5 well samples
with concentrations of Fe and 2, 3 and 2 well
samples with concentrations of Mn above the
stipulated as safe for human consumption (Figure
1). To the best of authors’ knowledge, there are
no previous studies for well water in this region for
these elements before the dam collapse to
compare with; nonetheless, it was observed an
enrichment of Fe and Mn in sediments affected by
the mud in the Doce river margins [12]. Moreover,
in a study performed on well water sampled five
months later than the accident, the authors
reported Mn and Fe concentrations higher
(Mn=520 µg L-1; Fe=34130 µg L-1) in the sampling
point closer to the Doce river (Espírito Santo
state), when compared to the farther sampling
station (Mn=26 µg L-1; Fe=3830 µg L-1) [17].
Considering the high background concentrations
for Fe and Mn in the sediments of “Iron
Quadrangle” region - Fe=21.7 g L-1, Mn=6.3 g L-1
[14], it could be expected a natural enrichment of
these elements in well water along the area.
Fe concentrations in two samples of the
supplemental water supply offered by the dam
owner Samarco at the farthest city from the dam
collapse (Colatina city) were not in accordance
with to the Brazilian legislation regarding the
human consumption. The values were two to
three times higher than the threat value. The
samples of supplemental water supply at the
closest sampling point (Belo Oriente city) were in
accordance with the legislation for all analyzed
elements (Table 1).
Figure 1. Boxplot representing data for Fe and Mn from well points for Belo Oriente (BO) - 200Km,
Governador Valadares (GV) - 280Km - and Colatina (CO) - 400Km.
De Carvalho et al.
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Considering Doce river water samples, the
highest values were found for the farthest
sampling station from the collapsed dam (Colatina
city - 400 km), with critical values for Mn and Fe,
above stipulated as safe for a class 2 river [18] -
this legislation categorizes the water bodies in
classes, being class-2 suitable for drinking and
irrigation after conventional treatment, as well as
recreational and fishing. Samples from Colatina
presented maximum value for Fe and Mn
concentration one order of magnitude higher than
the threat limit (Table 1). In contrast, the closest
city from the collapsed dam - Belo Oriente city
(200 km) - presented the lowest values for the
majority of elements analyzed. Because there is
only 1 river sample for this city, the values cannot
be conclusive. In addition, one river sample from
Governador Valadares had Zn concentration
above the class-2 threshold. Considering that
CONAMA 357/2005 river regulation sets values
for dissolved Fe and Cu and our study reports
total Fe e Cu, direct comparisons are not possible.
However, when comparing the concentrations
with the other legislations, Colatina and
Governador Valadares had river points with
values of Fe above the stipulated for drinking.
Table 1. Elements concentration in river, well water and supplemental water supply for Belo Oriente,
Governador Valadares and Colatina. Values are in µg L-¹. Bold values are above maximum values
stipulated by Brazilian legislation. Drinking water: Portaria MS Nº 2914 - 12/12/2011. Irrigation:
CONAMA 396/2008. Class 2 river: CONAMA-357/2005. * Values for dissolved metals.
Reference values- Brazilian Legislation
c-Class 2 river
Well water (ab)
Belo Oriente (n=10)
Gov. Valadares (n=14)
Colatina (n=7)
Supplemental water supply (a)
Belo Oriente
River Water (c)
Belo Oriente
Gov. Valadares
Gov. Valadares
Colatina (n=5)
De Carvalho et al.
Orbital: Electron. J. Chem. 10 (4): 299-307, 2018
An independent group of research recorded
higher concentrations for the elements As, Cd, Cr,
Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb one month after the accident in
the 3 river locations analyzed by our study.
However, there was no increasing pattern of
elemental concentration with the distance from
the collapsed dam in April 2016 [17]. This different
pattern could be related with the contamination
movement leaching down the river. Moreover, a
similar range of concentration for the elements
analyzed in the Doce river has been found
(samples collected at Bento Rodrigues, close to
the dam rupture, on 28th November 2015), except
Mn and Zn concentrations, which were higher in
our study [11]. Because it reported a specific
place different of our study, comparisons are
limited. The Governmental Environmental Agency
of the State of Minas Gerais (IGAM), which has a
historical monitoring for the river, found an
increase in concentrations of at least one order of
magnitude for the elements As, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni for
some points of the Doce river, while Mn and
dissolved Fe presented a steep increase after the
collapse, followed by a reduction after 1 month
[19]. It is important to note that similar levels of
elements concentrations on Doce river have been
related before the accident however the historical
mean is lower than the values reported in our
study. These results, also presented in the Table
2, underlie the need to continue monitoring the
river contaminations to identify fluctuations and
possible leaching of contaminants to underground
A previous study on Doce river after the dam
collapse reported elements concentration in the
particulate fraction as high as 48143 µg L-¹ for Fe
and 15514 µg L-¹ for Mn, while their dissolved
concentration were at least 2 orders of magnitude
lower - 102 and 273 µg L-¹, respectively [20]. This
result suggests that the larger amount of these
elements is bounded to the suspended particles
in the water. This could explain the high values
found in our study since there was a high
sediment input observed after the dam collapse. It
is also important to observe the potential risk of
remobilization from the particulate fraction, which
can make them bioavailable.
In addition to the impact caused by the mud,
other human activities can also influence the
elements contamination profile. Considering a
human population of more than three million
residing along its basin [7], there are multiple
potential agents which could impact the
mobilization of contaminants to the river and
underground water, such as: agricultural and
industrial activities, domiciliary and industrial
sewage, as well as historical mining in the region.
We found significant Pearson correlations (p <
0.05) between the elements Mn-As (r = 0.89), Mn-
Fe (r = 0.79), Mn-Sn (r = 0.53), Fe-Ni (r = 0.70),
As-Sn (r = 0.56), Cr-Cu (r = 0.57) and Fe-As (r =
0.57) for well waters (n = 30). The correlation
between the concentrations of Fe and Mn may be
related to the ore itabirita, which is abundant in the
region. The co-occurrence of these elements is
therefore natural in this geographical area [21,
22]. The soil composition could be also
responsible for other correlations found in this
investigation. However, more studies are needed
to confirm this hypothesis, since our data are not
enough to explain these findings. Additionally,
groundwater is not affected by the exact same
effects that influence river water, such as
oxidation of Fe and Mn by atmospheric oxygen.
There is also the adsorption of As in sedimentary
particles enriched with Fe and Mn, which could
explain the correlation between these elements
These values are also higher than considered
safe for drinking water by U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency and European Environment
Agency, which estimated the maximum
contaminant levels for iron and manganese at 200
- 300 µg L-1 and 50 µg L-1, respectively. Thus,
considering the best and worst scenery the Doce
river population are ingesting approximately 228
and 1674 µg/day of Fe and 22 and 124 µg/day
exclusively by drinking water, assuming a daily
water intake of 2 liters [23, 24].
Daily intake of these elements, above a safe
concentration, can lead to health problems. Some
diseases are associated with high levels of these
elements in drinking water, for example, excess
iron can cause genetic disorder
(haemochromatosis), while manganese overload
can cause neurologic disorder, such as the
syndrome known as “manganism” which
resemble Parkinson’s disease and includes
symptoms like neurobehavioral manifestations,
weakness and rapid postural tremor and others
[25-27]. In children, undesired effects include
lower cognitive performance, impaired verbal
function, and full-scale IQ scores [28].
De Carvalho et al.
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Table 2. Elements concentration in the Doce river reported by other studies. Values are in µg L-¹. On
the table A = river points not reached by the mud, B = river points reached by the mud, <LOD are values
bellow the limit of detection (LOD), Naque is a city close to Belo Oriente. IGAM data refers to a data
series (1997-2015) with multiple points along the river before and after the disaster. * Values for
dissolved metals
As Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Zn
River water Segura et al [11]
A 0.04
± 0.03
± 0.005
± 0.06
<LOD 61
± 44
± 1.04
± 0.28
± 0.07
± 25
B 0.44
± 0.35
± 0.040
± 0.41
<LOD 1166
± 2583
± 254
± 0.50
<LOD 6.6
± 6.2
River water GIAIA [19]
Naque 12/2015 <2 4 <40 - 25490 1210 50 <10 -
Naque 04/2016 <2 <1 <40 - 6690 142 <10 <10 -
Gov. Val. 12/2015 40 3 40 - 15865 1260 50 15 -
Gov. Val. 04/2016 <2 <1 <40 - 6360 104 <10 <10 -
Colatina 12/2015 14 5 40 - 3770 100 70 <10 -
Colatina 04/2016 4 <1 <40 - 1280 15 <10 <10 -
River water IGAM [21]
Before 28 1.5 70 411 2070 1654 28 67 -
After 108 15.8 2873 675 32260 936000 2280 1650 -
3. Material and Methods
In July 2016, eight months after the dam has
collapsed, the water used for human and animal
consumption and also for irrigation were sampled
at 48 points, along 3 cities affected by the rupture
of the dam. Water samples were collected from
inhabitants’ wells, from the Doce river and also
from inhabitants’ supplemental water supply -
provided to them either by Samarco or
government. The sampling sites were cities along
the Doce River: Belo Oriente (n=16) and
Governador Valadares (n=16) at Minas Gerais
state and Colatina (n=16) at Espírito Santo state
(Figure 2). These cities represent a distance
gradient from the initial point of the disaster.
Additionally, field blanks (n=3) for each city were
Belo Oriente is located approximately 200 km
from the Fundão Dam at Minas Gerais state and
samples were collected in the most impacted area
of this city. Governador Valadares city, also at
Minas Gerais State, is approximately 280 km
distant from Mariana city. It is the largest city,
compared to the other two. Samples were
collected in the river margins, as well as in islands
where farmers used to live and develop
agriculture. Colatina is located at Espírito Santo
State, at approximately 460 km away from
Prior to sample collection, all sampling bottles
were decontaminated with 5% neutral detergent
(Extran®, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) for
12h and then decontaminated with 10% (v/v)
HNO3 (J.T.Baker, NEUTRASORB®, México)
solution for more 12h. Sampling was conducted
accordingly to the 1669 protocol from U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [29].
Water was collected in 1 L glass bottles and
conditioned with HCl (v/v) (Loba chemie, Mumbai,
India) 0.5% for mercury quantification and HNO3
10% (v/v) for analysis of the other elements.
Total mercury concentrations were performed
by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy
(CVAFS) with automatized system (Merx, Brooks
Rand Labs®). Samples analyses were done
accordingly to the standard protocol EPA 1631
[30]. In the process, 25g of the water samples
were processed with 100 μL of Bromine chloride.
Following, 100 μL of Hydroxylamine 30% and
then 100 μL of Tin(II) chloride 20% were added to
De Carvalho et al.
Orbital: Electron. J. Chem. 10 (4): 299-307, 2018
the samples. Quality assurance procedures
included the analyses of analytical blanks and
standard solutions (in concentration of the middle
of the analytical curve) between each 16 vials,
where the precision recovery was in a range of 70-
Figure 2. Map showing the three cities investigated at this study. Exact sampling points omitted to
protect participants confidentiality.
The quantification of total Zn, Ni, Cr and Cu
was performed in a flame atomization atomic
absorption spectrometer (FAAS, model
AA240FS, Varian). For the FAAS analysis, 1 L of
each sample was previously reduced to 20 mL
using hot plate, with periodic addition of HCl 37%
at 1 hour intervals, until complete digestion and
final volume of 50 ml. Concentrations of Fe, Mn,
As, Cd, Sn e Pb were obtained in an Inductively
coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS, X
Series II model, Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Bremen, Germany) with operational software
PlasmaLab at Laboratório de Desenvolvimento
Analítico (LaDA) at Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. Operational instrumental
conditions are presented in Table 3. For ICP
analysis, water samples were previously filtered
on 0.45 μm cellulose acetate filters (Whatman). In
such assay, the authors assumed that the applied
sample acidification provided an appropriated
extraction/digestion for the purpose of the present
study, which is the acute toxicological risk for
human health. Although it means that this is not
the total element fraction in the sample, the
authors consider that the elements that are
strongly bound to the particles do not represent an
important toxicological human health threat. An
internal standardization was performed by
monitoring the isotopes of 45Sc, 72Ge, 103Rh and
For both analysis, the quality control (QC) was
carried out through the use of analytical and field
blanks, which were processed in the same way as
the samples. The mean field blanks
concentrations were subtracted from the samples.
Standard solutions of the elements analyzed were
separately injected with known concentrations as
quality control, and the recoveries were between
90% and 110%.
Table 3. Experimental conditions used on ICP-MS
equipment to element determination in water
RF Power
1400 W
Nebulizing flow rate
0.90 L min
Auxiliary gas flow rate
0.70 L min
Aditional gas flow rate
0.14 L min
Cold gas flow rate
13.0 L min
Dwell time
10 ms
Sample uptake rate
0.90 mL min
Type of Nebulizer
A socio-environmental questionnaire was
used to draw the profile of the inhabitants and
evaluate the potential pathways of human
contamination by the water affected by the
collapsed dam. In order to be eligible to participate
in this study, participants must have resided close
to the Doce river, as to be impacted by the dam
De Carvalho et al.
Orbital: Electron. J. Chem. 10 (4): 299-307, 2018
collapse either directly or indirectly. Within these
requirements, the socio-environmental
questionnaire was applied and rendered general
information about its use and residents profile. It
was accompanied by an informed consent form to
explain the research purposes of the study. The
questionnaire can be accessed on the
supplementary material.
4. Conclusions
Our study revealed that water used by many
riverine families along the Doce River is
unsuitable for agriculture or consumption. There
are no pre-disaster studies in the region, so we
cannot affirm the disaster is responsible for the
contamination profile observed. Nevertheless, it is
very important to note that the disaster caused
families shifting the source of water they rely on,
from river to well or donation, due to the lack of
public and private support. We can highlight that
the use of this water in the long term could be
associated with health risks.
Further studies and a long-term monitoring on
the water quality along the Doce river are
essential, since metals and other contaminants
from the mud deposited in the sediment can be
continually resuspended and released to the river
and underground water. We also recommend an
investigation of potential contaminations in the
food produced in the region.
Supporting Information
Table IS. Elements concentration in river, well
water and supplemental water supply for all Belo
Oriente, Governador Valadares and Colatina
sampling points. Values are in µg L-¹.
Funding for the fieldwork and analysis of trace
elements was provided by Greenpeace through
Rio de Gente project. Part of the fieldwork funds
were provided by the Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro (UFRJ) through the availability of official
vehicles of the institution. The Brazilian National
Council for Scientific and Technological
Development (CNPq), the Coordination of
Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES)
and State of Rio de Janeiro Research Foundation
(FAPERJ) supported the post-graduate students
participating in the project through the scholarship
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... Esses estudos foram agrupados de acordo com a similaridade do segmento de análise, independentemente do tipo de amostra analisada. Os estudos desta revisão analisaram 1) amostras de água 8,9,10,13,17,18,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 ; 2) solo 9,14,25,30,31,32,33,34 ; 3)sedimentos 9,13,18,21,28,33,35 ; 4) rejeitos 9,32,34,36 ; 5) partículas em suspensão 13 ; 6) vegetação e plantas 22,30,36,37,38,39 ; 7) organismos aquáticos 8,17,21,35,40,41,42,43,44,45 ; 8) comunidade microbiana 9,18,26,31,32 e 9) prevalência de doenças humanas após o rompimento da barragem 23,24,46,47 . Nesse sentido, ressalta que a maior parte dos estudos abordaram mais de uma das variáveis citadas anteriormente. ...
... Dos 15 estudos que analisaram amostras de água oriundas da bacia do Rio Doce, após o derramamento da barragem do Fundão, sete foram descritos na tabela 1, por se referirem, predominantemente, à análise de água 9,10,13,25,27,28,29 . Todos estes estudos demonstraram aumento nos níveis de metais pesados, principalmente de ferro (Fe), manganês (Mn), cobre (Cu), chumbo (Pb), níquel (Ni), alumínio (Al), cromo (Cr), cobalto (Co), cádmio (Cd), mercúrio (Hg) e arsênio (As) nas amostras de água. ...
... A água presente na bacia do rio Doce foi diretamente afetada pelos rejeitos de mineração, aumentando, consequentemente, os níveis de metais pesados nesta porção do meio ambiente. Esse evento impossibilita a utilização da água para consumo humano, bem como para atividades agrícolas 29 . Além disso, pode afetar outros organismos que estão diretamente em contato com esta água, como é o caso dos peixes e outros organismos aquáticos, afetando diretamente a biodiversidade local, bem como a saúde humana, via cadeia alimentar 19,20 . ...
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Objetivo: analisar as evidências científicas existentes até o presente momento que descrevem os efeitos tóxicos causados à saúde humana e ao ambiente, devido à liberação dos rejeitos de minério, decorrentes do rompimento da barragem de Fundão em Mariana - MG. Métodos: a revisão narrativa da literatura baseou-se na busca de artigos em quatro bases de dados: PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct e LILACS, utilizando os descritores “Dam”, “Fundão” e “Mariana” junto com o operador booleano “AND”. Resultados: trinta e quatro das oitenta e cinco publicações encontradas atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e foram utilizadas para compor a presente revisão. Foram observados os seguintes efeitos tóxicos: contaminação da água e do solo, principalmente, por metais pesados, potencial genotóxico, citotóxico e mutagênico da água, diminuição da diversidade microbiana, contaminação de peixes, perda da vegetação e prejuízos ao metabolismo de crescimento de plantas. Entre esses metais, foi relatado aumento na concentração de ferro, manganês, cobre, cádmio, chumbo, arsênio, cromo, magnésio, alumínio, mercúrio, cobalto, bário, níquel e selênio. Além disso, o desastre promoveu o aumento no número de casos de doenças humanas, como dengue, doenças respiratórias, dermatológicas, intestinais, psicológicas e comportamentais. Conclusão: todas as evidências científicas expostas na presente revisão sugerem que houve a contaminação ambiental, bem como da população local, por agentes tóxicos presentes nos rejeitos de minério, em especial metais pesados, liberados após o rompimento da barragem de Fundão. Assim, torna-se essencial a realização de mais estudos que visem esclarecer os efeitos tóxicos crônicos decorrentes dos rejeitos de minério liberados ao ambiente.
... This behavior reflects a more expressive variability of total manganese, both in temporal and spatial terms in the Doce River watershed. Recent studies report measurements of total manganese at high concentrations and even violating environmental standards all over the Doce River watershed (de Carvalho et al. 2018). This is likely related to Fundão disaster, since manganese is part of iron mining tailings and tends to be gradually remobilized from sediment deposited in river channels to surface waters by chemical and physical-chemical processes, representing a medium and long-term risk to the population and aquatic ecosystems Baudson et al. 2021;Moreira et al. 2021;Duarte & Neves 2023). ...
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In the occurrence of environmental disasters involving water resources, deploying an emergency monitoring network for assessing water quality is within the first measures to be taken. Emergency networks usually cover a large set of water quality variables and monitoring stations along the watershed. Focusing on variables that represent greater risk to the environment and have less predictable spatial and temporal distribution is a strategy to optimize efforts on monitoring. The goal of this study is to assess the use of Shannon's entropy to identify non-critical water quality variables in an emergency monitoring network implemented in a watershed impacted by the collapse of a mining iron tailing dam, the Doce River watershed (Brazil). Monitoring stations were grouped into water quality subregions through cluster analysis and Shannon's entropy was used to estimate information redundancy of monitored variables. From information redundancy and after checking for compliance with environment normative, non-critical water quality variables were identified. Results indicated that non-critical variables represent 32–50% of the variables monitored. Emergency network managers find in this method a robust tool to improve the network performance. However, special attention should be paid to outliers' presence that can bias analyses based on Shannon's entropy.
... The sludge reached the Atlantic Ocean in 15 days, expanding the environmental impacts to estuarine and coastal ecosystems, extending hundreds of kilometers into the sea (Marta-Almeida et al. 2016;Neves et al. 2016). Four years after the tragedy, Rio Doce waters still presented high levels of turbidity and high concentrations of suspended solids, toxic compounds, and heavy metals, including arsenic, aluminum, manganese, and lead, which are toxic and bioaccumulative (Carvalho et al. 2017(Carvalho et al. , 2018RENOVA 2018;Silva et al. 2022). The collapse of the tailing dam in Bento Rodrigues had huge social, economic, and ecological impacts that still are barely understood (Escobar 2015;Jacobi & Cibim 2015;Neves et al. 2016). ...
The Rio Doce Hydrographic Basin (RDB) was once covered by magnificent tropical forest, which remained untouched by Europeans for three centuries after the arrival of the Portuguese colonists in the Brazilian coast in 1500. Nevertheless, a dramatic change in land use occurred throughout the entire RDB after the turn of the 19th century. Currently, the RDB is one of the most degraded regions in southeastern Brazil and, recently, it was the scenario of the worst environmental disaster in Brazilian history. In this series of papers, we aim to construct a baseline biodiversity assessment that documents the changes in bird communities within the RDB throughout the last two centuries. In this first part, we present the history of the RDB landscape, its explorers, and their collections based on an extensive literature review and museum data. Early biological surveys in the RDB only started at the beginning of the 19th century and were conducted mostly by German and French naturalists. During the first eight decades of ornithological exploration, foreign field naturalists conducted expeditions to the RDB and collected hundreds of bird specimens. Unfortunately, labelling and curatorial procedures were often poor and despite the prodigious efforts of those naturalists, results obtained were often meagre. The second phase of exploration occurred from the 1900s to the 1960s and was dominated by expeditions conducted by Brazilian natural history museums. During this phase, labelling and curatorial procedures improved considerably and the material collected significantly advanced our knowledge about the RDB avifauna The third phase occurred from the 1970s to the first decade of the 21st century, when collection of specimens decreased sharply and the research activity slowly shifted from museums to universities, with a focus on ecology and natural history. We are now in a fourth, more pluralistic phase, in which research continues to be done by universities, Brazilian natural history museums have resumed their collection activity, and birdwatching has emerged as a popular activity in Brazil, producing a tremendous amount of data in a short period of time.
... In the Brazilian territory, the studies carried out during the last two decades have been concentrated mainly in four regions: (i) "Iron Quadrangle" region, Minas Gerais state, in which As is released into the environment through activities related to gold mining Deschamps et al., 2002Deschamps et al., , 2003Borba et al., 2003;Mello et al., 2006;Deschamps and Matschullat, 2007;Bundschuh et al., 2012a;Silva et al., 2018;Carvalho et al., 2018;Paraguassú et al., 2019); (ii) Ribeira Valley region (Paraná, and São Paulo states), which is highly contaminated due to mining, processing and refining of "Pb-Zn-Ag" ores, in which As is naturally found in rocks and soils Abreu and Figueiredo, 2004;Akcil and Koldas, 2006;Blodau, 2006;Campaner and Luiz-Silva, 2009;Cha et al., 2018); (iii) the Amazonia region, including the area of the municipality of Santana, in the state of Amapá (AP), where As is associated with manganese (Mn) ores exploited during the last five decades (Santos et al., 2003;Mandal et al., 2004;J. Bundschuh et al., 2017;de Meyer et al., 2017;da Silva Júnior et al., 2019); and (iv) impact of coastal zone by As-laden river water discharging into the Atlantic Ocean (Mirlean et al., 2011(Mirlean et al., , 2012(Mirlean et al., , 2013(Mirlean et al., , 2014(Mirlean et al., , 2016Cagnin et al., 2017;de Meyer et al., 2017;Dolci et al., 2017;Gao et al., 2018;Baeyens et al., 2019). ...
This review presents a holistic overview of the occurrence, mobilization, and pathways of arsenic (As) from predominantly geogenic sources into different near-surface environmental compartments, together with the respective reported or potential impacts on human health in Latin America. The main sources and pathways of As pollution in this region include: (i) volcanism and geothermalism: (a) volcanic rocks, fluids (e.g., gases) and ash, including large-scale transport of the latter through different mechanisms, (b) geothermal fluids and their exploitation; (ii) natural lixiviation and accelerated mobilization from (mostly sulfidic) metal ore deposits by mining and related activities; (iii) coal deposits and their exploitation; (iv) hydrocarbon reservoirs and co-produced water during exploitation; (v) solute and sediment transport through rivers to the sea; (vi) atmospheric As (dust and aerosol); and (vii) As exposure through geophagy and involuntary ingestion. The two most important and well-recognized sources and mechanisms for As release into the Latin American population's environments are: (i) volcanism and geothermalism, and (ii) strongly accelerated As release from geogenic sources by mining and related activities. Several new analyses from As-endemic areas of Latin America emphasize that As-related mortality and morbidity continue to rise even after decadal efforts towards lowering As exposure. Several public health regulatory institutions have classified As and its compounds as carcinogenic chemicals, as As uptake can affect several organ systems, viz. dermal, gastrointestinal, peptic, neurological, respiratory, reproductive, following exposure. Accordingly, ingesting large amounts of As can damage the stomach, kidneys, liver, heart, and nervous system; and, in severe cases, may cause death. Moreover, breathing air with high As levels can cause lung damage, shortness of breath, chest pain, and cough. Further, As compounds, being corrosive, can also cause skin lesions or damage eyes, and long-term exposure to As can lead to cancer development in several organs.
... However, this work seems to be the first report of isolation if this amoeba species from a profoundly impacted environment. First reported as in high concentration in the Doce River mud (Carvalho et al., 2017(Carvalho et al., , 2018, iron ions are required in many biological processes as metalloprotein components and enzyme cofactors in most microorganisms. However, they may behave as toxic compounds at high concentrations (Bruins et al., 2000;Porcheron et al., 2013). ...
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In November 2015, two iron ore tailing dams collapsed in the city of Mariana, Brazil. The dams' collapse generated a wave of approximately 50 million m 3 of a mixture of mining waste and water. It was a major environmental tragedy in Brazilian history, which damaged rivers, and cities 660 km away in the Doce River basin until it reached the ocean coast. Shortly after the incident, several reports informed that the concentration of metals in the water was above acceptable legal limits under Brazilian laws. Here the microbial communities in samples of water, mud, foam, and rhizosphere of Eichhornia from Doce River were analyzed for 16S and 18S rRNA-based amplicon sequencing, along with microbial isolation, chemical and mineralogical analyses. Samples were collected one month and thirteen months after the collapse. Prokaryotic communities from mud shifted drastically over time (33% Bray-Curtis similarity), while water samples were more similar (63% Bray-Curtis similarity) in the same period. After 12 months, mud samples remained with high levels of heavy metals and a reduction in the diversity of microeukaryotes was detected. Amoebozoans increased in mud samples, reaching 49% of microeukaryote abundance, with Discosea and Lobosa groups being the most abundant. The microbial communities' structure in mud samples changed adapting to the new environment condition. The characterization of microbial communities and metal-tolerant organisms from such impacted environments is essential for understanding the ecological consequences of massive anthropogenic impacts and strategies for the restoration of contaminated sites such as the Doce River.
... To this moment, few were the publications that assess the quality of the water consumed by the population of Governador Valadares and neighboring municipalities 13,15 , which hinders general results. Furthermore, there are no studies in the region previous to the disaster, which makes it impossible to state that it was responsible for the contamination profile observed 12,32 . Finally, we did not assess the exposure of pregnant women to the aluminum in food, air, kitchen utensils and hygiene items and thus we could not make sure that the metal was present only in the consumed water. ...
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OBJECTIVE To analyze the many factors regarding socioeconomic and healthcare-related variables linked to maternal diseases and the possible impact of the environmental disaster of Mariana, given the prenatal exposure to different water sources for human consumption that were associated with low birthweight in full-term live births in the Municipal Hospital of Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais. METHODS Case-control study, carried out with live births at the Municipal Hospital of Governador Valadares, from May 2017 to July 2018. The case group consisted of full-term live births and low birthweight, and the control group consisted of full-term live births with adequate weight, matched by gender and date of birth. For each case, two controls were selected. Data collection was performed through interviews with the puerperal women, and complementary information was obtained by analyzing the prenatal card and medical records. For data analysis, logistic regression was performed. RESULTS The study included 65 live births from the case group and 130 from the control group. After the analysis was adjusted for other factors under study, we found that the higher risks of low birthweight are associated with the first childbirth (OR = 2.033; 95%CI = 1.047–3.948; p = 0.036), smoking during pregnancy (OR = 2.850; 95%CI = 1.013–8.021; p = 0.047) and consumption of water supplied by the municipalities affected by the tailings from the Fundão dam failure (RC = 2.444; 95%CI = 1.203–4.965; p = 0.013). CONCLUSIONS The variables “water consumed during pregnancy,” “previous pregnancies” and “maternal smoking” were associated with low birthweight in the population studied. The importance of epidemiological studies that assess water quality and its adverse health effects is reinforced, as well as greater prenatal control of first-time pregnant women and greater support of policies against smoking, especially during pregnancy.
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The Doce River Basin (DRB) suffers with the adverse impacts of mining activities, due to its high level of urbanization and numerous industrial operations. In this study, we present novel insights into contaminant flow dynamics, seasonal variations, and the primary factors driving concentration levels within the region. We conducted an extensive analysis using a database sourced from the literature, which contained data on the contamination of arsenic (As) and lead (Pb) in the Doce River. Our primary aim was to investigate the patterns of As and Pb flow throughout the entire basin, their response to seasonal fluctuations, and the key parameters influencing their concentration levels. The results showed significant seasonal fluctuations in As and Pb fluxes, peaking during the rainy season. The 2015 Fundão dam breach in the DRB led to notable changes, elevating elemental concentrations, particularly As and Pb, which were subsequently transported to the Atlantic Ocean. These increased concentrations were primarily associated with iron and manganese oxides, hydroxides, and sulfates, rather than precipitation, as evidenced by regressions with low R² values for both As (R² = 0.07) and Pb (R² < 0.001), concerning precipitation. The PCA analysis further supports the connection between these elements and the oxides and hydroxides of Fe and Mn. The approach employed in this study has proven to be highly effective in comprehending biogeochemical phenomena by leveraging data from the literature and could be a model for optimizing resources by capitalizing on existing information to provide valuable insights for drainage basin management, particularly during crises.
The great diversity of industrial development scenarios on the planet, together with the intricate network of interactions that connects individuals, society, and the environment lead the industry's impacts to manifest themselves in different ways on the planet. This situation signals the importance of sectors such as legal regulation, environmental consultancy, and industry to invest in the adoption of sustainable pollution remediation and control practices, to translate the particular socio environmental complexity of the different parts of the globe in affirmative propositions that favor the balance of the ecological system. Thus, remediation strategies must consider a flexible and resilient approach, which incorporates a duration compatible with the life cycle of the project to be remedied and which minimizes the use of resources, making it sustainable. In this context Phytoremediation appears as an example of a low cost, minimally invasive approach for the remediation of contaminated areas. This chapter aims to address global trends in the remediation sector, with an emphasis on the role of phytoremediation as a sustainable and wide-ranging strategy in different parts of the globe. This chapter aims to address global trends in the remediation industry, seeking to highlight the diversity of existing scenarios that often require the application of efficient strategies, which incorporate the concepts of sustainability and resilience and that are compatible with resource limitations. Thus, some research trends in remediation are presented, with emphasis on phytoremediation as a strategy for application in the real world. On 19 June 2020, Environmental Business International (EBI) ( organized a webinar on “Emerging Technology and the Environmental Industry: 2020–2030.” Technology has been a key element in the evolution of the environmental industry in the last 50 years. However, the next 10 years may be the most influential decade with immense potential for innovation. How the new applications and developments in information technology, automation, artificial intelligence, remote sensors, and other technologies will impact the global remediation markets. It is predicted that some of the emerging contaminants viz. perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), 1-4 Dioxane, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, disinfection byproducts in drinking water their treatment technologies, Hydrocarbons, Heavy metals, Nuclear waste, and Asbestos, etc. will attain considerable significance in the coming decade.
Several studies have investigated the consequences of heavy metal contamination in the vicinity of individual Fe ore mines, however, at present there are no systematic studies that consider the global scenario; this work strives to begin filling that gap. This review includes data reported for metals and pH in soil, overburden, sediment, tailings, and water in the vicinity of Fe mines at sites in 19 countries over the past 15 years. Elements of concern include As, Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu, Cd, Co, Pb, Ni and Zn. Various pollution and ecological risk indices were applied to evaluate environment risks by heavy metals.
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The impacts of the SAMARCO iron tailing spill along more than 650 km, between the dam and the plume of the Doce River in the Atlantic, were assessed by the determination of toxic metals. The tailing spill caused a substantial increase in suspended sediment loads (up to 33,000 mg L⁻¹), in addition to large depositions of waste along the Doce basin. The highest estimated transport of dissolved metals was observed for Fe (58.8 μg s⁻¹), Ba (37.9 μg s⁻¹) and Al (25.0 μg s⁻¹). Sediments reached the highest enrichment factors (EFs) for Hg (4,234), Co (133), Fe (43), and Ni (16), whereas As (55), Ba (64), Cr (16), Cu (17), Mn (41), Pb (38) and Zn (82) highest EFs were observed for suspended particulate matter (SPM). Iron, As, Hg, Mn exceeded sediment quality guidelines. Therefore, the risk of occurrence of adverse effects is highly possible, not only due to the dam failure, but also due to the Fe mining and the artisan Au mining. Heavy rain episodes will likely cause enhanced erosion, remobilization, and transport of contaminated particles, sustaining high inputs of SPM and metals for the years to come and threatening the ecosystem services.
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On November 5, 2015, after the collapse of the Fundão tailings dam, a massive amount of iron mine waste was released into the Doce River system in southeast Brazil. The aim of our study was to determine the mass fractions of potentially toxic elements in soil affected by the deposition of material by the waste wave. A preliminary screening was performed with portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (PXRF) and principal component analysis (PCA). The EPA 3050B method was further applied to digest the samples for quantitative determination of As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. PCA was useful to classify the mine waste samples based on the Fe signal from the PXRF spectra, in spite of the heterogeneous nature of the material discharged into the Doce River system. The anomalous levels of As (up to 164 mg kg−1) and Mn (as high as 2410 mg kg−1) found in some mine waste and affected soil samples are within the background ranges typically observed in the soils of the Iron Quadrangle region. The toxicity characteristic leaching procedure shows no evidence of hazards regarding As, but a high natural background level of Mn was found in the mobile fraction. This preliminary environmental assessment highlights the importance of evaluation of long-term effects on soil directly impacted, as well as on the aquatic biota of the Doce River system and adjacent coastal environment given the large affected area, which includes regions with varying background levels of toxic elements.
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We review the ecological and socio-economic impacts of the catastrophic dam failure in Mariana, Brazil. Tailing management practices by Samarco mining company ultimately caused a dam breach that abruptly discharged between 55 and 62 million m³ of tailings into the Doce River watershed. On November 5th, 2015, a tsunami of slurry engulfed the small district of Bento Rodrigues, loading the Doce River and its estuary with toxic tailings along a 663.2 km trajectory, extending impacts to the Atlantic coast. Acute ecological impacts will adversely affect livelihoods of more than 1 million people in 41 riparian municipalities by reducing local access to fisheries resources, clean water, crop production sites, hydroelectric power generation and raw materials. The threats to riverine human communities are particularly critical for the disadvantaged populations from remote areas that rely on subsistence agriculture and fisheries, and are uniquely vulnerable to long-term heavy metal exposure. At the landscape scale, we predict multiple negative impacts, ranging from alterations of the genetic diversity of fish populations to long-term vegetation loss and poor regeneration in contaminated areas. Consequently, compromised soil stability and runoff control will increase the risk of further geomorphologic disturbance, including landslides, bank failure and mass movements. We propose spatially explicit long-term monitoring frameworks and prioritary mitigation measures to cope with acute and chronic risks. We posit that, from a national perspective, disastrous impacts like that of Doce River may become more frequent, given the recent regulatory changes that undermine both institutional governance structures and enforcement of environmental regulation.
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Full text available: In November 2015, a large mine-tailing dam owned by Samarco Corporation collapsed in Brazil, generating a massive wave of toxic mud that spread down the Doce River, killing 20 people and affecting biodiversity across hundreds of kilometers of river, riparian lands, and Atlantic coast. Besides the disaster's serious human and socioeconomic tolls, we estimate the regional loss of environmental services to be ~US$521 million per year. Although our estimate is conservative, it is still six times higher than the fine imposed on Samarco by Brazilian environmental authorities. To reduce such disparities between estimated damages and levied fines, we advocate for an environmental bond policy that considers potential risks and environmental services that could possibly be impacted by irresponsible mining activity. Environmental bonds and insurance are commonly used policy instruments in many countries, but there are no clear environmental bond policies in Brazil. Environmental bonds are likely to be more effective at securing environmental restitution than post-disaster fines, which generally are inadequate and often unpaid. We estimate that at least 126 mining dams in Brazil are vulnerable to failure in the forthcoming years. Any such event could have severe social-environmental consequences, underscoring the need for effective disaster-management strategies for large-scale mining operations. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
This study focuses on the vertical distribution of total and reactive As in two contrasted coastal sedimentary environments: the Abrolhos Continental Shelf (ACS), a carbonate and siliciclastic shelf sediment, and the Doce River Continental Shelf (DRCS), a submerged delta system. The Doce River was the location of a massive ore tailings dam collapsed in November 2015. Millions of liters of tailings were dumped into the river and reached the continental shelf, causing the country's biggest environmental disaster. We evaluated the As content in sediment of the DRCS before the dam collapse. At both sites, the total As background measured in bottom sediment revealed relative natural enrichment (above 8mg/kg). Content of As decrease with depth; reactive As showed surficial peaks which were associated with Fe and Mn oxides. The ACS sediment did not show significant enrichment or contamination of As, with an enrichment factor (EF) of approximately 2 and a geoaccumulation index (Igeo) near 0. In contrast, the DRCS exhibited severe As enrichment (EF=15) and contamination (Igeo between 3-4). This enrichment is attributed to long-term iron and gold exploitation in the Doce River watershed. The high levels of reactive As, up to 108 mg/kg, alert us to an environmental risk due to potential As bioaccessibility. These data provide an important perspective on the As contamination in continental shelves and encourage the monitoring of the ore mine environmental impacts.
Manganese (Mn) is the fifth most abundant metal on earth. Although it is a well understood essential trace element, in excess, Mn is neurotoxic. Initial toxic symptoms associated with Mn are of psychiatric nature and are clinically defined as locura manganica. Neurological signs of Mn toxicity include dystonia, progressive bradykinesia, and disturbance of gait, slurring, and stuttering of speech with diminished volume. Studies indicate that children who ingested Mn in the drinking water (WMn) at or above a level of 0.241 mg/L for a minimum of three years performed more poorly in school as measured by mastery of language, mathematics, and in their overall grade average. The Mn-exposed children also performed more poorly on a battery of neurobehavioral tests. It was also found a significant association between higher WMn and lower cognitive performance, verbal function, and full-scale intelligence quotient (IQ) scores. Young children appear to make up a vulnerable group in exposed populations. Toxicity of WMn is a problem particularly in areas of industrial waste or where Mn is leaching from the soil into public drinking water. Practical and cost-effective approaches are available to remove Mn from drinking water. It is crucial to protect developing brains against Mn toxicity.
On November 5th, 2015, Samarco's iron mine dam – called Fundão – spilled 50–60 million m3 of mud into Gualaxo do Norte, a river that belongs to Rio Doce Basin. Approximately 15 km2 were flooded along the rivers Gualaxo do Norte, Carmo and Doce, reaching the Atlantic Ocean on November 22nd, 2015. Six days after, our group collected mud, soil and water samples in Bento Rodrigues (Minas Gerais, Brazil), which was the first impacted area. Overall, the results, water samples – potable and surface water from river – presented chemical elements concentration according to Brazilian environmental legislations, except silver concentration in surface water that ranged from 1.5 to 1087 μg L−1. In addition, water mud-containing presented Fe and Mn concentrations approximately 4-fold higher than the maximum limit for water bodies quality assessment, according to Brazilian laws. Mud particle size ranged from 1 to 200 μm. SEM-EDS spot provided us some semi quantitative data. Leaching/extraction tests suggested that Ba, Pb, As, Sr, Fe, Mn and Al have high potential mobilization from mud to water. Low microbial diversity in mud samples compared to background soil samples. Toxicological bioassays (HepG2 and Allium cepa) indicated potential risks of cytotoxicity and DNA damage in mud and soil samples used in both assays. The present study provides preliminary information aiming to collaborate to the development of future works for monitoring and risk assessment.
O fundador da Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto, o mineralogista Francês Claude Henrique Gorceix, definiu certavez o estado de Minas Gerais como aquele com o peito de aço e o coração de ouro. Essa comparação vale emespecial para o Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF), uma região clássica da geologia e da mineração brasileira, que seestende entre as cidades de Belo Horizonte (NW), Itabira (NE), Ouro Preto (SE) e Congonhas (SW). Ocorremaqui jazidas de ferro (Fe), manganês (Mn), ouro (Au), bauxita e pedras preciosas, como topázio e esmeralda. A área foi descoberta pelos bandeirantes no final do século XVII quando buscavam pela esmeralda, raridadesobre a qual circulavam na época colonial os boatos mais insanos. Entretanto, eles encontraram o ouro, e esteera preto, motivo pelo qual a localidade do descobrimento passou a ser chamada de Ouro Preto. Os primeirosachados do metal nobre em torno de 1693 levaram a uma verdadeira febre aurífera. Houve naquele tempouma migração enorme em direção às montanhas ao redor desse lugar, denominado inicialmente Villa Rica.E essa migração trouxe todos os seus aspectos positivos e negativos. Assim, antigas crônicas mencionam que no norte do país monastérios inteiros eram despovoados, porque também os monges foram atraídospelo novo Eldorado. A procura dos aventureiros pelo metal nobre foi tão grande que a superpopulação daárea causou em 1701 uma enorme emergência de fome, que suprimiu grande parte da população. Muitosmorreram com os bolsos cheios de ouro, mas não havia nada comestível que pudesse ser adquiridos com seus tesouros. Uma vez que as ocorrências mais produtivas nos aluviões e sedimentos do rio do Carmo foramexploradas rapidamente, a febre aurífera chegou a um fim já após aproximadamente quarenta anos. Somentemuito mais tarde surgiu na região a exploração subterrânea organizada do ouro. Como conseqüência a regiãoem torno de Ouro Preto perdeu muito de sua importância econômica, ainda assim a cidade permaneceu por muito tempo o centro administrativo de Minas e posteriormente foi promovida à capital do Estado. Com oreconhecimento geológico e a exploração das enormes ocorrências do minério de ferro na área do QF após asegunda guerra mundial, Minas Gerais viveu um renascimento econômico e transformou-se num dos estados mais ricos do Brasil. Ouro Preto com seu centro histórico bem conservado, suas igrejas barrocas ricas em ouro e obras de arte, seus museus, entre eles o bem conhecido museu mineralógico da Escola de Minas, e outros monumentos e aspectos interessantes se transformou em uma jóia turística nacional.