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Balantidium coli

  • Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Budweiss, Czech Republic


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Francisco Ponce-Gordo
Complutense University
Madrid, Spain
Kateřina Jirků-Pomajbíková
Institute of Parasitology Biology Centre, ASCR, v.v.i.
Budweis, Czech Republic
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Ponce-Gordo, F., Jirků-Pomajbíková, K. 2017. Balantidium coli. In: J.B. Rose and B. Jiménez-Cisneros, (eds)
Global Water Pathogens Project. (R. Fayer and W. Jakubowski, (eds) Part
3 Protists) Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI,
Acknowledgements: K.R.L. Young, Project Design editor; Website Design
Published: January 15, 2015, 11:50 am, Updated: October 18, 2017, 5:43 pm
Balantidium coli
To date, Balantidium coli is the only ciliate protozoan
reported to infect the gastrointestinal track of humans.
During its life cycle, two stages exist: the active trophozoite
stage which inhabits the hindgut, and the resting/resistant
cyst stage which is shed with the feces and is the
transmissible stage to new hosts. The parasite can infect a
wide range of mammals, pigs being the main reservoir. The
organism has also been found in some birds.
In most cases, B. coli is not considered a public health
problem because infections are usually asymptomatic;
however, in some (still not clearly determined)
circumstances the parasite could invade the intestinal
mucosa causing a disease known as balantidial dysentery
(balantidiasis) which could be fatal. Transmission from one
infected individual to others is by a fecal-oral route in
which contaminated drinking water or food are the main
modes of transmission. Close contact with pigs and poor
condition of the water sources are the main risk factors
associated with the infection by the parasite.
Control measures includes the identification and treatment
of infected people, the safe disposal of excreta (both of
human and animal origin), avoiding the use of night soil as
fertilizer for vegetables to be consumed raw, and the
improvement in the quality of the water sources. There
have not been any specific studies about B. coli cyst
survival time in the environment or about specific
inactivation processes during wastewater or drinking water
The protozoan ciliates of the genus Balantidium are
transmitted by a fecal-oral route in which cysts are the
infective stage. Balantidium cysts can be present in
temperate and tropical surface waters worldwide. Among
the species in this genus, there is only one infecting
humans, Balantidium coli, and no subspecies, serotypes, or
genetically diverse types have been named to date. The
main reservoir of this species is swine. Human infections
are related worldwide in relation to low sanitation or to
contamination of drinking water sources with human and
animal (especially swine) feces. Worldwide prevalence is
low, estimated less than 1%, with most cases reported in a
few endemic areas in which prevalence could rise up to
30%. Most infections are asymptomatic, but the organism
could in some cases produce a severe infection and even
the death of the host, usually associated with other
concurrent illness. Waterborne transmission has been
documented in some cases
1 Epidemiology of the disease and
1.1 Global burden of disease
1.1.1 Global distribution
Balantidium coli is reported worldwide although it is
more common in temperate and tropical regions (Areán and
Koppisch, 1956). The Philippines, Papua New Guinea, some
Pacific Islands, some regions of Central and South America
and central Asia are considered endemic areas (Fletcher et
al., 2012; Kline et al., 2013; Owen, 2005; Schuster and
Ramirez-Avila, 2008; Zaman, 1978).
In humans, the overall prevalence is estimated to be
0.02 to 1% (Areán and Koppisch, 1956; Boonjaraspinyo et
al., 2013; Schuster and Ramirez-Avila, 2008; Walzer and
Healy, 1982). It is possible that these numbers are an
underestimation of the real situation as the parasite is
considered usually asymptomatic and most reports and
statistics are based on data from symptomatic or
compromised patients (Cooper and Guderian,
1994; McCarey, 1952; Nuti et al., 1979; Walzer et al.,
1973). In endemic areas of South America the prevalence
has been reported to be 1 to 12% (Areán and Koppisch,
1956; Devera et al., 1999; Esteban et al., 1998), and even
near 30% in Oceania (Kline et al., 2013; Walzer and Healy,
1.1.2 Symptomatology
It remains undetermined whether B. coli alone is
pathogenic. Trophozoites inhabit the intestine, feeding on
bacteria and other intestinal contents. In most cases,
infections are asymptomatic and the infected host shows no
clinical signs, suggesting that this ciliate is an opportunistic
parasite that could take advantage of the weakened status
of the host caused by other infections, lesions, or diseases.
In such cases, the parasite could invade the intestinal wall
causing the disease known as balantidiasis or balantidial
dysentery. In the chronic form of the disease, the symptoms
varied from unspecific abdominal disorders (diarrhea,
abdominal pain) to cramping rectal pain, nausea and
vomiting, whereas in the acute form these symptoms can be
accompanied by mucus and blood in feces, and in severe
cases, hemorrhages and perforation could occur resulting
in parasite dissemination to other tissues or even in the
death of the host (Areán and Koppisch, 1956; Neafie et al.,
2011; Zaman, 1978). In most of the human patients with
extraintestinal balantidiasis, a concurrent intestinal
infection was usually not diagnosed (Anargyrou et al.,
2003; Dhawan et al., 2013; Sharma and Harding, 2003;
Vasilakopoulou et al., 2003) but a common characteristic
was that they suffered from another illness such as
diabetes, hepatic disorders, pulmonary and renal
disorders, HIV infection or cancer (e.g. Anargyrou et al,.
2003; Clyti et al., 1998; Ferry et al., 2004; Karuna and
Khadanga, 2014; Sharma and Harding, 2003;
Vasilakopoulou et al., 2003). In the last few years, several
cases have described the presence of B. coli in urine (Maino
et al., 2010; Bandyopadhyay et al., 2013; Karuna and
Khadanga, 2014; Khanduri et al., 2014), which stresses the
importance of the examination of the urinary specimens.
The economic importance of balantidiasis is not well
determined. In different studies it has been suggested that
Balantidium coli
B. coli infections in animals could affect the development of
the offspring directly (by causing mortality or reducing the
weight gain; (Bauri et al., 2012; Bilic and Bilkei, 2006) or
indirectly (i.e., by affecting the milk composition in the
mother; Hinde, 2007). There are no data regarding the
economic status of balantidiasis in humans.
1.2 Taxonomic classification of the agent
1.2.1 Taxonomy
Balantidium coli, the first intestinal protozoan formally
identified in humans, is the largest protozoan inhabiting the
human intestine and the only ciliate known to infect
humans. The first formal description of this organism was
reported as Paramecium coli by Malmsten in 1857
(Malmstein, 1857) but soon afterwards it was renamed as
Balantidium coli by Stein in 1863 (Stein, 1863). Some
proposals to change this name were made during the 20th
century but they were not accepted until recently. Based on
genetic analysis, Pomajbiková et al. (2013)(Pomajbíková et
al., 2013) proposed to reclassify the human species in a
new genus, as Neobalantidium coli for the homeothermic
clade. Chistyakova et al. (2014) (Chistyakova et al., 2014)
considered this name as a junior synonym of Balantioides
coli, which was proposed by Alexeief (1931) (Alexeief,
1931). Because the nomenclature is under revision and to
avoid confusion for the readers, we use the name that
remains accepted worldwide and is commonly used in the
scientific and medical literature - Balantidium coli.
The parasite has been described in a large number of host
species (see “Reservoirs”). Based on morphological
differences of specimens gathered from different host
species, or from results of cross-infection studies, some
researchers proposed that isolates from pigs, guinea pigs,
camels and several non-human primates were different
species (e.g., (Hegner, 1934; McDonald, 1922). Such
morphological differences could be related to differences in
growth conditions (Levine 1961); this nutrient-related
variability has been also observed in in vitro cultures
(Barbosa et al., 2015; Levine, 1940). Failures by some
authors in cross-infections studies (i.e., see Awakian,
1937; Schumaker, 1930) have also led to the implication
that an isolate was host specific and therefore a separate
species. But most of these species have been considered
synonyms of B. coli (Levine, 1961; Levine, 1985). However,
Balantidium suis from pigs and Balantidium caviae from the
guinea pig have infrequently been used in publications until
recently (Schuster and Ramirez-Avila, 2008). Recent
genetic analysis with isolates from pigs, gorillas, and
humans (Ponce-Gordo et al., 2008; Ponce-Gordo et al.,
2011) have shown some genetic variability within the
species, but this is not related to the origin of the isolates
from a particular host species; in fact, these results and
others obtained with isolates from different mammalian
hosts including elk, African buffalo, several suid species
(i.e., domestic pig, red river hog and South American tapir)
and non-human primates (Pomajbíková et al., 2013; Ponce-
Gordo et al., unpublished) and from ostriches and rheas
(Ponce-Gordo et al., 2008; Ponce-Gordo et al., 2011; Ponce-
Gordo et al., unpublished) indicate that only one species
infects warm-blooded animals (mammals and birds),
Balantidium coli.
1.2.2 Physical description (morphology)
Balantidium coli has two stages in its life cycle: the
active, feeding, replicating stage (the trophozoite) that is
found most commonly in the lumen of the large intestine,
and the nonreplicating encysted stage (the cyst) that
develops in the lower colon and is excreted in the feces.
Trophozoites (Figure 1) are large (usually 100-150 µm in
length; the size range varies somewhat according to
different authors) and ovoid, with the entire cell surface
covered by cilia. A mouth-like opening, the cytostome, is
located in the anterior part of the cell. There is an elongate
or kidney-shaped macronucleus usually located in the
posterior part of the cell and a smaller, round micronucleus
which usually overlaps the macronucleus and is not easily
observable. Some vacuoles can also be seen in the
cytoplasm. The cysts (Figure 2) are also large (40-60 µm in
diameter); they are round and contain a single cell
surrounded by a thick cyst wall. In stained cysts the
macronucleus and some vacuoles can be easily identified
and, occasionally, cilia can be seen.
Figure 1 Balantidium coli trophozoite from a pig
sample, unstained. Scale bar: 50 μm.
Balantidium coli
Balantidium coli has two stages in its life cycle: the active, feeding, replicating stage (the trophozoite) that is found most
commonly in the lumen of the large intestine, and the nonreplicating encysted stage (the cyst) that develops in the lower colon and is
excreted in the feces. Trophozoites (Figure 1) are large (usually 100-150 µm in length; the size range varies somewhat according to
different authors) and ovoid, with the entire cell surface covered by cilia. A mouth-like opening, the cytostome, is located in the
anterior part of the cell. There is an elongate or kidney-shaped macronucleus usually located in the posterior part of the cell and a
smaller, round micronucleus which usually overlaps the macronucleus and is not easily observable. Some vacuoles can also be seen in
the cytoplasm. The cysts (Figure 2) are also large (40-60 µm in diameter); they are round and contain a single cell surrounded by a
thick cyst wall. In stained cysts the macronucleus and some vacuoles can be easily identified and, occasionally, cilia can be seen.
Figure 1 Balantidium coli trophozoite from a pig sample, unstained. Scale bar: 50 μm.
Figure 2 Balantidium coli cysts from a pig sample.
Scale bar: 50 μm. Left: Unstained cyst. Right: Cyst stained
with Lugol's iodine; an egg of Trichuris suis also shown for
comparison purposes.
Balantidium coli
Figure 2 Balantidium coli cysts from a pig sample. Scale bar: 50 μm. Left: Unstained cyst. Right: Cyst stained with Lugol's
iodine; an egg of Trichuris suis also shown for comparison purposes.
1.3 Transmission
1.3.1 Routes of transmission
Balantidium cysts are found in the feces of infected
individuals. Balantidiasis is considered a waterborne and
foodborne disease. The parasite is transmitted by the fecal-
oral route, with the cysts, and possibly but less likely the
trophozoites, being ingested with fecally-contaminated
water and food. Transmission by coprophagia could occur
in animals, and this possibility has been suspected for some
human infections, especially in asylums, orphanages,
prisons and mental institutions (Areán and Koppisch, 1956;
Giacometti et al., 1997; Schuster and Ramirez-Avila, 2008).
It has been considered that the trophozoites of B. coli
cannot survive passage through the stomach (Schuster and
Visvesvara, 2004) and the cysts were the only infective
stage (Schuster and Ramirez-Avila, 2008). However, recent
studies on captive great apes infected with B. coli suggest
that trophozoites might also be infective (Pomajbíková et
al., 2010). This possibility should be further investigated; if
confirmed, trophozoites would likely need to be ingested
within a few hours after excretion of the stools as their
survival in the environment is limited (Areán and Koppisch,
1956), whereas cysts can survive with in the environment
for ten days at room temperature (Rees, 1927) and for
several weeks in pig feces, particularly if kept moist and
away from direct sunlight (Schuster and Visvesvara, 2004).
The cyst wall provides protection from stomach acid.
Outbreaks of balantidiasis are rare. Apart from two
reports in mental institutions (Areán and Koppisch, 1956;
Giacometti et al., 1997), only two other outbreaks were
reported from southern Persia (McCarey, 1952) and from
the Pacific island of Truk (Walzer et al., 1973; Walzer and
Healy, 1982). In Persia, 87 cases were thought to be caused
by human-to-human transmission among Muslims in an oil
refinery town, whereas the outbreak in Truk affected 110
persons after a devastating typhoon that caused
widespread contamination of water supplies with pig feces.
As a waterborne parasite, B. coli could be transmitted
by drinking water but also by recreational water. In
countries with high sanitation standards, transmission is
mainly due to an occasional contamination (i.e., in
swimming pools) or a process failure within water utilities
(Bellanger et al., 2013), while in the developing world it
could be the consequence of inadequate or insufficient
sewage treatment and water supply systems that can be
affected by adverse environmental conditions (e.g., the
typhoon in Truk) (Plutzer and Karanis, 2016; Thompson and
Balantidium coli
Smith, 2011).
1.3.2 Reservoirs
Balantidiasis is a zoonotic disease. The parasite has
been described in a wide range of mammalian hosts other
than humans, including non-human primates, pigs and wild
boars, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, equids and rodents
(Hegner, 1934; Levine, 1961; Levine 1985); Balantidium
infecting ostriches and rheas might also be B. coli ( Ponce-
Gordo et al., 2008; Ponce-Gordo et al., 2011). On the other
hand, Balantidium species from poikilothermic hosts have
been erroneously reported as B. coli and their hosts (i.e.,
turtle, cockroaches) have been incorrectly listed as suitable
hosts of B. coli (i.e., Areán and Koppisch, 1956; Neafie et
al., 2011).
The most important reservoirs are the domestic pig and
wild boars. Other hosts potentially important in the
transmission of B. coli to humans are rodents, wild boars,
sheep, goats, camels and horses. Domestic pigs are infected
worldwide with B. coli, with prevalence ranging from 50 to
100% of the animals examined (Hindsbo et al., 2000; Ismail
et al., 2010; Schuster and Ramirez-Avila, 2008; Weng et al.,
2005; Yatswako et al., 2007; Yin et al., 2015). In pigs, these
ciliates are non-invasive and non-pathogenic (Schuster and
Visvesvara, 2004). Among the studies, prevalence and the
intensity of infection varied between gender and age
groups and in some cases opposite results were found
between the studies, but probably the main factors
affecting infection rates were the management practices at
each farm and the veterinary care (Schuster and Ramirez-
Avila, 2008). In general, facilities with cement floors,
adequate cleaning protocols, and sewage disposal reduced
the prevalence among pigs (Ismail et al., 2010; Giarratana
et al., 2012; Weng et al., 2005; Yatswako et al., 2007; ).
There are very few studies on the prevalence of B. coli
in wild boars and feral pigs. The data available indicate that
prevalences are lower than in domestic pigs, ranging from
4 to 70% depending on the study (Navarro-Gonzalez et al.,
2013; Solaymani-Mohammadi et al., 2004). Other suids
such as the Central American tapir has been found infected
with B. coli (Cruz Aldan et al., 2006), but its
epidemiological importance in relation to the transmission
of B. coli to humans is unknown.
The epidemiology of B. coli in some Muslim countries
has not been clearly determined, but reservoirs other than
pigs have been proposed to be of local importance.
Although pig farming is forbidden in Muslim countries,
human balantidiasis exists in some regions, such as Iran
(Solaymani-Mohammadi et al., 2005a; WHO 1979). It has
been proposed that wild boars might act as the main
reservoirs (Solaymani-Mohammadi et al., 2005a;
Solaymani-Mohammadi et al., 2005b); other authors have
suggested camels (Cox 2005), donkeys (Khan and Fallon
2013), and sheep and goats (Jamil et al., 2015). In Iran and
neighboring countries, the parasite has been found in cattle
and buffaloes (Mirzaei and Khovand 2015; Samad,
2011; Tarrar et al. 2008) but most of the reports have been
based on the cyst stage, which is indistinguishable from the
cattle ciliate Buxtonella sulcata (Sultan et al., 2013) so the
importance of ruminants (cattle and buffaloes) as reservoirs
of B. coli should be considered with caution.
Balantidium coli has been found in several rodent
species. Rats have been considered as a possible source of
infection of B. coli for humans and as a source of spreading
the cysts in the environment (Awakian, 1937; Bogdanovich,
1955; Schumaker, 1930). Other rodents, such as the
lowland paca (Cuniculus paca) which is raised as a source
of proteins in some Central American countries, can harbor
this ciliate Matamoros et al. (Matamoros et al., 1991) gave
a prevalence of 5.7% in farmed pacas in Costa Rica and
may play a role in the transmission of the parasite to
humans in these regions.
1.3.3 Incubation period
There are no data on prepatent and incubation periods
of B. coli in humans. According to experimental infections
in piglets and non-human primates, the incubation period
ranges from 3 to 6 days (Yang et al., 1995).
1.3.4 Period of communicability
The infectious dose or dose-response for trophozoites or
cysts is not known. The disease is communicable
(infectious) for as long as organisms are excreted, but it
should be noted that in chronic balantidiasis the parasite is
identified in the stools only sporadically (Areán and
Koppisch, 1956). Cysts can survive much longer (weeks)
outside the host body whereas trophozoites die at a faster
rate (hours) (Areán and Koppisch 1956; Schuster and
Visvesvara, 2004). This information is important for
understanding human-to-human transmission, because
cysts are rarely detected in human feces and trophozoites
are often found in cases of dysentery (Areán and Koppisch,
1956; Kennedy and Stewart, 1957).
1.3.5 Population susceptibility
Persons working with animals appear at greatest risk of
acquiring balantidiasis, especially those in contact with
pigs (the main reservoir host of B. coli). Pig-to-human
transmission was recorded in areas where humans live in
close proximity with domestic pigs and even share
habitation (Ferry et al., 2004; Sharma and Harding, 2003).
In most cases, people at greatest risk live in poor hygienic
conditions (Barnish and Ashford, 1989; Esteban et al.,
1998; Owen, 2005). Others at risk work in abattoirs where
pig intestines are handled; farmers working with pig feces;
zookeepers working with apes carrying B. coli infections, or
are veterinarians or veterinary students (Anargyrou et al.,
2003; Schuster and Visvesvara, 2004). In regions where
pigs are not reared such as Muslim countries, the contact
with other reservoirs such as wild boars, camels, small
ungulates or equids could be the source of infection. In all
cases, a poor hygienic environment or poor personal
hygiene (see below – hygiene measures) would facilitate
both the animal-to-human and the human-to-human
Another important factor is the health status of the
Balantidium coli
person, which is of paramount importance for the onset of
the infection and of the disease. This includes the physical
condition, concurrent pathologies, immunological status
and immunodepression (Anargyrou et al., 2003; Maino et
al., 2010; Vasilakopoulou et al., 2003; Yazar et al., 2004; )
and diet (nutritional status) of each person (Schovancová et
al., 2013). Balantidium coli is usually detected in persons
with other infectious agents (other protozoa, helminths,
bacteria, viruses), with systemic diseases, or suffering
malnourishment. All of these conditions complicate the
medical management and the prognosis (Walzer and Healy,
1982). Although there is no conclusive evidence that these
other infections render the host more susceptible to B. coli
(Schuster and Ramirez-Avila 2008), the extraintestinal
locations of the parasite are usually associated with other
concurrrent illness (e.g., Anargyrou et al., 2003; Clyti et al.,
1998; Ferry et al., 2004; Karuna and Khadanga, 2014;
Khanduri et al., 2014; Sharma and Harding, 2003;
Vasilakopoulou et al., 2003). Other factors that might
facilitate balantidiasis include the virulence of B. coli
subpopulations (still not confirmed) and the number of
infecting forms ingested (Schuster and Ramirez-Avila,
1.4 Population and individual control measures
The populations at greatest risk are people living in
close contact with reservoir hosts (as in many rural areas),
people living in poor sanitation environments with limited,
unconditioned, or absent adequate infrastructures for
water supply and sewage disposal; people with poor
hygienic habits, those at low socio-economical levels, and
those residents and workers in institutions (as asylums,
orphanages, prisons and mental institutions) where
hygienic supervision is inadequate (Schuster and Ramirez-
Avila, 2008; Yatswako et al., 2007). Human infection is rare
in temperate areas and in industrialised countries (Ferry et
al., 2004). In France a clinical case of balantidiasis in a not
immunocompromised patient, who lived alone, with no
history of travel or chronic inflammatory bowel disease was
recently reported (Bellanger et al., 2013). The patient was
not working in contact with animals. He reported having
been on a hike the previous weekend during which he had
drunk water through a polyurethane hydration pouch
bladder. The patient insisted that he did not refill the
hydration system during the hike. In the authors´ opinion,
the persistence of residual water in the patient’s hydration
pouch bladder was the source of the contamination
(Bellanger et al., 2013).
1.4.1 Hygiene measures – hand washing, disinfection
The best means of protection against B. coli infection is
by providing adequate clean water for drinking and other
uses (Schuster and Ramirez-Avila, 2008). Because it is
unrealistic to attempt to render reservoir animals (mainly
pigs) B. coli-free, the best option is to keep animals and
their feces away from contaminating water sources used for
human consumption.
Chlorine, at concentrations normally used for ensuring
water safety, is not effective against cysts of B. coli
(Schuster and Ramirez-Avila, 2008). Water boiling is
acceptable. Individual hygiene measures include washing
hands with soap and clean water after being in contact with
reservoir hosts or before handling food, and washing fruits
and vegetables with clean water.
1.4.2 Drug therapy
Until the 1950s, about one third of persons with severe,
acute balantidiasis would die (Areán and Koppisch, 1956).
Since then, the use of antibiotics has clearly improved the
prognosis and now most fatal cases are associated with
another concurrent pathology. Balantidium coli infections
are easily treated with antibiotic therapy, provided that the
correct diagnosis is made in time (Knight, 1978). For
humans, treatment consists of tetracycline (500 mg four
times daily for 10 days; not recommended for pregnant
women or for children under 8 years old), metronidazole
(750 mg three times daily for 5 days) or iodoquinol (640 mg
three times daily for 20 days). It is advisable to give the
patient a starch-free diet (Areán and Koppisch, 1956;
Schovancová et al., 2013). Pigs (the main reservoir of B.
coli) can be treated with oxytretracycline.
2 Environmental Occurrence and Persistence
2.1 Detection methods
Trophozoites of B. coli rapidly disappear outside the
host (Areán and Koppisch, 1956) and only the cysts can be
found in environmental samples. There are no specific or
standardized methods for detection and those applied for
other enteric protozoa and helminths can be used with B.
In fecal samples, trophozoites can be easily detected by
microscopy in saline smears by their size and their slow
motion; in fixed samples, the morphology of the
macronucleus can be easily recognized in both trophozoites
and cysts in temporary smears stained with iodine. Other
staining methods such as hematoxylin-eosin or trichrome
are also useful. Cysts can be recovered using common
coprological techniques (i.e., centrifugation methods for
concentration). In samples from cattle and buffaloes, the
diagnosis based on the identification of cysts should not be
considered confirmatory because other ciliates (namely B.
sulcata) with morphologically identical cysts could also be
present. Complementary genetic analysis should be made
in this case. For this purpose, the sequences corresponding
to the ribosomal genes (the small subunit rDNA and the
5.8s rDNA, and the internal transcribed spacers –ITS– 1
and 2), although showing some genetic heterogeneity, can
be used (Pomajbíková et al., 2013; Ponce-Gordo et al.,
2008; Ponce-Gordo et al., 2011).
In environmental samples, the B. coli trophozoites
would not be detectable (they disappear soon after the
passage of the stools; Areán and Koppisch, 1956) and only
the cysts would be found. However, it is not possible to
differentiate on morphological grounds the cysts of B. coli
from those of other Balantidium species (i.e., amphibian or
fish balantidia), or even from those of other ciliates (as B.
sulcata from cattle), and genetic analysis should be made to
Balantidium coli
correctly identify the species.
2.2 Data on occurrence in the environment
2.2.1 Feces
Only very little data are known about intensity of
infection of B. coli in pig or human samples, because
generally it is difficult to choose an appropriate
quantification method for ciliates. The only study by
Růžicová et al. (2014) reported a few data on the intensity
of infection of B. coli during calibration of the diagnostic
and quantitative method FLOTAC® on both stages
(Růžicová et al., 2014). The cysts were quantified in pig
feces, whereas trophozoites in chimpanzees, which
similarly as human feces contain trophozoite stages of B.
coli. Despite it is optimized on chimpanzee feces, it can be
used also for the detection and quantification of human
2.2.2 Sewage and sludge
Few data are available on the presence of B. coli cysts
in environmental samples, and care should be taken when
interpreting the data available to date because they are
based on unreliable cyst morphology (see “Detection
The presence of the parasite has been reported in large
numbers in sludge from a wastewater processing facility in
Bahrain but the origin was uncertain, because prevalence
among the residents served by the processing facility was
found to be negligible (two positive patients out of over
18,000 samples examined) and pigs were absent (Amin,
1988). In another report, Balantidium cysts were found in
the sewage water in Bangladesh; the samples were
collected from different places and B. coli cysts were found
in three places although in low intensity ranging between 5
to 7.5 × 104 stages cysts per liter (Khanum et al., 2012).
2.2.3 Drinking waters
The balantidiasis outbreak of Truk followed a typhoon
affecting an island with primitive catchment water supplies,
low hygiene standards, and high numbers of pigs in close
contact with humans. The combination of these factors
resulted in the contamination of the water supplies (Walzer
et al. 1973). Apart from this outbreak derived from a
catastrophic situation, there are no published outbreaks of
balantidiasis in relation to water supplies. However, several
authors have raised concerns about the risk of epidemics.
In Australia, B. coli was detected in feral pig populations
that were foraging and wallowing in major public drinking
water catchments (Hampton et al., 2006). The authors
speculated that chances of pathogens reaching the main
water supply might be high.
In Hyderabad, India, B. coli cysts were detected in 61 of
232 water samples (26.3% positive) collected in hostels,
small restaurants, households, and various public places.
The source of the contaminated samples was the water
stored in overhead tanks and various other containers
(Jonnalagadda and Bhat, 1995). In three districts in
Pakistan, B. coli cysts were detected in all three sources of
drinking water used for examination (tap water, ponds, and
drain water) with total prevalence 5.78% (26/450) (Ayaz et
al., 2011). A recent case report of a patient suffering from
dysentery caused by B. coli related to water was reported
in France by Bellanger et al. (Bellanger et al., 2013).
2.2.4 Soil
The only information about the occurrence of B. coli in
the soil is from Nigeria where B. coli cysts were found in
water and soil samples in two out of the seven pig farming
areas (Yatswako et al., 2007). The prevalence of B. coli in
pig population in the studied area ranged between 35.3 and
75.7 % (207 samples positive for B. coli out of 402 collected
samples in total).
In southwestern Nigeria, intestinal parasites, including
B. coli, were detected on selected vegetables from open
markets; the contamination was attributed to contaminated
soil (Ogbolu et al., 2009). In Brazil several protozoan and
helminth species including B. coli, were detected on field-
grown strawberries although the prevalence was quite low
(da Silva et al., 2014).
2.3 Persistence
There are few published data on the survival and
viability of B. coli cysts in the environment. As mentioned
above, the cysts could survive for several weeks in moist
feces away from direct sunlight (Schuster and Visvesvara,
2004). Early studies in parasitology sugggest that the cysts
survive in the environment for at least ten days at room
temperature (Rees, 1927), whereas trophic ciliates can
survive for as long as ten days in the environment (Zaman,
3 Reduction by sanitation management
There are no data available about the inactivation or
removal of B. coli cysts by sanitation treatment processes.
Because of their larger size (40-60 µm in diameter) it is
possible that cysts are removed by sedimentation or
filtration more so when compared to the removal of smaller
protozoan cysts and helminth eggs. This suggests that the
cysts will end up in the sludge and would remain an
indicator of sanitation effectiveness for solid fecal waste
treatment technologies.
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... Balantidiasis is usually an asymptomatic infestation of the colon, but symptoms may manifest in patients with low immunity, and such patients may also experience systemic involvement. 2, 28 Bandyopadhyay A et al. 16 presented a case that was similar to our case finding, in which an elderly 72-yearold female patient presented with symptoms of mild fever, dysuria, increased frequency of micturition, and pelvic pain for 7 days. Urine microscopy showed dual infection of B. Coli and T. Vaginalis. ...
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Parasitic infection becomes an unsolved problem in using of automated instruments for urinalysis. Most common parasitic infections described in literature are Trichomonas vaginalis, Schistosoma hematobium and Microfilaria. Other rare organisms are Balantidium coli and Paramecium. The main purpose of this article is to raise the awareness in pathologists and clinicians on the importance of cytological evaluation of urine. This study was done to find the associations between the age and point prevalence of organisms in our zone in the last 6 years. Identification of parasites in centrifuged deposits of urine sediment is a relatively rare occurrence in clinical practice. A fairly wide morphological spectrum of parasites may be diagnosed through microscopic examination of centrifuged urine sediment. They may present with symptoms like pyuria, hematuria, diarrhoea, burning micturition, itching and morphological awareness helps in prompt and effective management in most cases.
Data on human gastrointestinal parasites (GIP) infections in the african sub-regions and countries are mainly lacking in terms of prevalence and population stratification by afflicted age group, symptomatology, multi-parasitism, and diagnostic methods. This study aims to describe the GIP reported in african countries and discuss the extent of the burden in the african context. Only 68.42% (39/57) of african countries reported human cases of GIP with helminths (45%, CI: 40–50%, I²: 99.79%) as the predominant parasitic group infecting the african population. On a regional scale, Central Africa had the highest pooled prevalence for GIP (43%, CI: 32–54%, I²: 99.74%), while the Central African Republic led all countries with a pooled prevalence of 90% (CI: 89–92%, I²: 99.96%). The vulnerable population (patients who are minorities, children, old, poor, underfunded, or have particular medical conditions) was the most affected (50%, CI: 37–62%, I²: 99.33%), with the predominance of GIP in the 6 to <20 years age group (48%, CI: 43–54%, I²: 99.68%). Reports on multi-parasitism (44%, CI: 40–48%, I²: 99.73%) were almost double the reports of single infections (43%, CI: 27–59%, I²: 99.77%) with combined molecular and non-molecular techniques demonstrating the best performance for GIP identification. The current review spans more than 40 years of GIP reports from the african continent. Geographical characteristics, environmental factors, habits of its inhabitants, and their health status play a crucial role in GIP modulation and behaviour in its captive hosts. Strategies for regular and enhanced surveillance, policy formation, and high-level community awareness are necessary to identify the true incidence in Africa and the transmission of the pathogens via water and food.
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Background Balantidium coli is a ciliated protozoan parasite, which causes intestinal and extraintestinal infections in humans. It is transmitted feco-orally by ingesting infective cysts with food and water. Urinary balantidiasis may occur through contamination (direct spread from the anal area), secondarily to rectovaginal fistula and following immune suppression. Data about cases of urinary balantidiasis are rare in the world. Currently, there are no documented reports of urinary balantidiasis in Ethiopia. As our understanding, there are only eleven documented reports of urinary balantidiasis globally. However, cases of urinary balantidiasis among pregnant women have not been documented yet. The aim of this report is to alarm health professionals for considering the occurrence of such rare cases and conduct diagnosis. Case Presentation A 24-year old pregnant woman was admitted due to severe preeclampsia and preterm delivery at Debre Tabor Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, gynecology ward. Her urine was presented to inpatient laboratory for routine urinalysis. We detected unusual and ciliated parasite from her urine sediment characterized by its active and rotary motility through its cilia and possessing macro- and micro-nuclei, several food vacuoles and ingested red blood cells inside the cytoplasm. Hematuria, many white blood cells and epithelial cells were also detected from the urine sediment, which suggests genito-urinary tract infection due to this parasite. This rare parasite finding was confirmed to be B. coli. Conclusion The route of transmission and extraintestinal existence from this woman’s urine was unclear. It might be due to feco-oral transmission and spread to the genitourinary tract through direct anal contact. Moreover, it might be associated with immune suppression as she is pregnant woman.
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The ciliate Balantioides coli is a human enteric parasite that can cause life-threatening infections. It is a food- and waterborne parasite, with cysts being the infective stage. Despite its importance as a potential pathogen, few reports have investigated its presence in environmental samples, and some issues need attention including i) The accuracy of B. coli identification. In most cases, the protozoa is identified only by its morphological traits, which can be identical to those from other parasitic ciliates of animals. Genetic analysis of cysts recovered from environmental samples is necessary for species confirmation. In addition, genetic methods used with faecal samples need to be adequately validated with environmental matrices. ii) The methodology for searching this parasite in environmental samples. The protocols include an initial phase to isolate the cysts from the matrix followed by a second phase in which concentration procedures are usually applied. The methods may be valid but are not standardised and differences between studies could affect the results obtained. iii) The areas that needs further research. The development of genetic identification methods and standardised analytical protocols in environmental samples are required, as well as the assessment of viability and infectivity of B. coli cysts. The development of axenic culture systems will boost research on this parasite.
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The term “sustainability” could be defined as the process of people maintaining changes in a homeostasis-balanced environment, in which the exploitation of resources, direction of investments, orientation of technological development, and institutional change are all in harmony. The most significant global effort to address sustainable development is the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among the various targets set within the 17 SDGs, the end of neglected tropical zoonoses (NTZs) is an example of how coordinated social, economic, and environmental efforts are needed to achieve this goal. Balantidiasis, caused by Balantidium coli, is a zoonotic parasitic disease characterized by high infection and incidence rates; however, it is only scantly investigated and therefore considered a NTZ. In this review article, balantidiasis was used as a model to demonstrate how proper management of NTZs falls in all the SDGs and how a holistic approach to animal and human diseases could improve their health status and other aspects of their being. In this manuscript, the SDGs were divided in three pillars: (i) social, (ii) economic, and (iii) eviromental. This theoretical division helps to demonstrate that the presence and, consequently, the control of an NTZ could be reflected on all the 17 SDGs.
Balantioides coli (=Balantidium coli) is the only ciliate that parasitizes humans. Pigs are the main reservoir. Other species, as camels, cattle, donkey, sheep and goat have been also proposed as reservoirs for human infections. The parasite has a direct life cycle, being transmitted by the faecal-oral route. This type of cycle and the large number of host species imply an important potential for zoonotic transmission of the parasite. Infections are most commonly found in tropical and temperate regions, with prevalence up to 100% in pigs; high prevalence values have been also recorded in some non-human primates and camels. In humans, prevalence is usually under 10% in the population at risk. The main epidemiological factors involved in the transmission of this parasite include close contact with pigs, lack of basic sanitation infrastructures (water supply, wastewater disposal) and hygiene. Individual health status, intestinal microbiota and diet are also important for the onset of the infection. Outbreaks caused by this parasite are rare; those reported to date were related to poor hygienic conditions or to catastrophic natural disasters. Balantioides coli infections can be asymptomatic and symptomatic, which can be chronic (with intermittent diarrhoea), or acute (a dysenteric form which can be life-threatening). Efective treatments include tetracycline, iodoquinol and 5-nitroimidazole compounds (metronidazole, secnidazole). The main effective individual preventive measure is the use of disinfected water for drinking and other uses. Adequate water supply infrastructures, proper disposal of wastewater and animal faeces, and regular monitoring programs on farms will help limit transmission.
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Background and Aim: Cryptosporidium parvum and Hymenolepis nana are intestinal parasites that are commonly found in the unclean environment. Their presence in rats promotes the transmission of the cryptosporidiosis and hymenolepiasis to humans or animals nearby. This study aimed to determine the molecular characteristics of C. parvum and H. nana and their distribution in rats on Lombok Island. Materials and Methods: C. parvum and H. nana were investigated in 50 rats from Lombok Island. The molecular-parasitological technique used was polymerase chain reaction and sequencing method. Results: From 50 samples of rats' stool from 10 locations on Lombok Island, 8% (4/50) of C. parvum was detected molecularly with an 18S rRNA gene and 2% (1/50) of H. nana with COX 1 gene. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that C. parvum carrying rats on Lombok Island have a genetic relationship with C. parvum with Obi7 isolates, Japan and H. nana has a genetic relationship with Rodentolepis nana identified with Hn-VT isolates, India. Conclusion: The highest incidence of parasites was found in rats that were caught in the urban areas of Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Immediately, public health programs in these types of contaminated areas should receive priority attention to prevent further transmission of the parasites from animals to human beings.
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Intestinal parasites, helminths, and protozoa challenge health and welfare of pigs and deteriorate the sustainability of swine farms leading to monetary losses. A multicentric survey was conducted for approximately one year. Overall, 1150 fecal samples were collected from eight intensive farms in Greece at regular intervals and examined by flotation and Ziehl-Neelsen techniques. Age, season, and time of last recorded antiparasitic treatment were assessed as possible risk factors using binary regression models. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasitism in pigs was 44.7%. The most frequently detected parasites in the studied population were the protozoa Balantidium coli (37.8%), followed by Entamoeba spp. (8.3%), Cystoisospora suis (6.0%), and the nematodes Ascaris suum (3.7%), Trichuris suis (2.5%), and Oesophagostomum spp. (1.4%). Distribution of intestinal parasites in different age groups was as expected. In autumn, the prevalence of Balantidium coli infection enhanced whereas the prevalence of Entamoeba spp. and Cystoisospora suis infections increased in spring. Time of last recorded antiparasitic treatment influenced Balantidium coli and Trichuris suis infection levels. Our results demonstrated that swine intestinal parasitism in intensive farms of Greece seems to be relatively common and highlighted the importance of proper laboratory examinations, as well as the need for tailored made control programs.
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Background: Balantidium coli, a parasitic unicellular ciliate, often causes asymptomatic balantidiasis of the colon, but extraintestinal disease may occur rarely in immunosuppressed individuals. Renal balantidiasis associated with systemic lupus erythematosus has not been reported before. Case presentation: We present a case of a 48-year-old Thai woman who presented with nephrotic syndrome due to systemic lupus erythematosus-related nephritis. Initially, few B. coli cysts were found in urine sediment, but these increased substantially following treatment with prednisolone. She made an uneventful recovery with 10 days of oral tetracycline therapy. No B. coli cysts were found in her stool. Conclusion: The route of infection in our patient was unclear but is likely to have been orofecal. Neither her infection nor its treatment caused a deterioration in her renal function.
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Pigs had a higher degree of gastrointestinal protozoa infection 93 out of 100 faecal samples. Balantidium coli infected pigs were controlled effectively by oxytetracycline (100% on 3 rd day of observation) and Metronidazole +Furazolidone combination (100% on 5 th day of observation). Initially B. coli infected pigs had decreased haemoglobin, pack cell volume and total erythrocyte count values, but these pigs returned towards normal ranges after 7 th day of observation. The differential leukocyte count values of B. coli infected pigs showed decreased values of neutrophils, and lymphocytes, and increased eosinophils values come towards normal range on 7 th day of observation. The average body weight gain in oxytetracycline and metronidazole + furazolidone combination treated Tampworth & Desi piglets showed higher viz.35.25 ± 1.64 kg and 28.08 ± 1.75 kg of body weight respectively than untreated infected control piglets (15.75 ± 2.39). The average body weight gain in Oxytetracycline and metronidazole + furazolidone combination treated desi piglets were higher body weight viz. 36.67 ± 1.07 kg and 32.50 ± 0.96 kg respectively than untreated infected control piglets (22.00 ± 0.88 kg). In both the treatment group, the group treated with Oxytetracycline had significantly higher body weight gain 35.25 ± 1.64 kg and 36.67 ± 1.07 kg in both T & D and desi piglets respectively than metronidazole +furazolidone combination treated T & D and desi piglets (28.08 ± 1.75 kg, 32.50 ± 0.96 kg respectively). The observation on different hematological parameters during B. coli infection and their treatment indicated that the harm caused by B. coli in pigs could be reduced to a greater extent by suitable therapeutic management. Application of suitable control packages were found to be very encouraging for maintaining optimum health and economical pig production. Oxytetracycline drugs showed higher efficacy than metronidazole + furazolidone combination and it show significantly higher growth in body weight in both T& D and desi piglets.
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Parasitic infection is a global health problem especially in developing countries. Municipal wastewaters always contain cysts of parasitic protozoans at some level. The present study was conducted to detect protozoan parasites in different stages of the treatment plant to check its efficacy. Wastewaters were collected from 3 points of the Pagla Sewage Treatent Plant (PSTP) of Dhaka, Bangladesh, throughout the year, 2007-08 at fortnight intervals. Giardia spp., Entamoeba spp., Entamoeba coli, Endolimax nana, Idoamoeba butschlii and Balantidium coli were detected at different times in different stages of the treatment plant. Among these Giardia and Entamoeba spp. were found most frequently than others. Both the prevalence and dominance of protozoan parasites were reduced gradually with the sampling point of the treatment plant which means that the treatment plant was effective in reducing protozoan parasites but not too effective to eliminate them completely.
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Balantidium coli is a zoonotic protozoan parasite, and pork is considered the major source of Balantidium infection in humans. Transmission is direct and commonly occurs through the ingestion of water and food, especially vegetables, contaminated with infectious cysts. Ingestion of meat contaminated, with faecal material during the evisceration process, can represent a potential risk of B. coli transmission. In order to determine the rate of B. coli infection in pigs regularly slaughtered at abattoirs in the province of Messina (Sicily, Italy), faecal samples of 242 pigs (122 commercial hybrid and 120 Nero Siciliano pigs) were collected and evaluated by standard methods for the presence of trophozoites and/or cysts. A total of 105 of the commercial hybrid (86.06%), but only 44 of the Nero Siciliano (36.66%) pigs, were identi-fied as positive for B. coli infection. The results obtained, may be linked to the type of farming employed.
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Balantidium coli is the only ciliated protozoan which is known to infect human and nonhuman primates. Route of infection is faecal-oral route. It is actively motile and causes mostly asymptomatic infections, or it may develop dysentery which is similar to that which is caused by Entamoeba histolytica. Here, we are describing a case of an accidental finding of B.coli in the urine of a patient who presented with acute renal failure, based on its characteristic morphology and motility which were seen on light microscopy. This is the third case of Urinary Balantidiosis which has been reported from India.
Outbreak incidents raise the question of whether the less frequent aetiological agents of outbreaks are really less frequent in water. Alternatively, waterborne transmission could be relevant, but the lack of attention and rapid, sensitive methods to recover and detect the exogenous stages in water may keep them under-recognized. High quality information on the prevalence and detection of less frequent waterborne protozoa, such as Cyclospora cayetanensis, Toxoplasma gondii, Isospora belli, Balantidium coli, Blastocystis hominis, Entamoeba histolytica and other free-living amoebae (FLA), are not available.
Balantidium coli is a cosmopolitan parasitic-opportunistic pathogen that can be found throughout the world. However, little information is available about prevalence of B. coli in pigs in China. In the present study, the prevalence of B. coli in pigs was investigated in Hunan province, subtropical China, between January 2012 and August 2014. A total of 3925 diarrheic fecal samples from nine representative administrative regions in Hunan province, subtropical China, were examined for the presence of B. coli cysts and/or trophozoites using microscopy after sedimentation with water. The overall prevalence of B. coli in pigs was 36.9 % (1450/3925). The present survey revealed high circulation of B. coli in pigs in Hunan province, subtropical China, which poses potential threats to human health. The results of the present investigation have important implications for the control of B. coli infections in pigs in Hunan province, subtropical China. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive report of B. coli prevalence in sows in Hunan province, subtropical China.
Diseases and infections shared between animals and humans are mainly called zoonotic diseases which may be categorized as emerging, reemerging and neglected. All types of these diseases occur t hroughout the world including Bangladesh. The results on the prevalence and effects of zoonotic diseases in humans and animals of Bangladesh are analyzed from the published literatures and presented in this report. It appears from the literature that there are about 1415 human pathogens of which 61% are zoonotic and nearly half of all human pathogens can be classified as emerging, of which 75% of these are caused by zoonotic pathogens. The major zoonotic bacterial diseases recorded in Bangladesh are Anthrax, Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Salmonellosis, Campylobacteriosis and Leptospirosis, of which only Anthrax has been reported as clinical outbreaks form in both the humans and cattle. During the period 2009 to 2012, anthrax caused death of hundreds of cattle and more than 650 cases of cutaneous anthrax in humans including fatalities in two humans associated with anthrax. The major reported viral zoonotic diseases in Bangladesh include Avian influenza, Rabies, Nipah virus infection, Japanese encephalitis, Rotavirus and Dengue fever. Avian influenza caused by highly pathogenic H5N1 in humans and poultry in Bangladesh and about six humans affected with H5N1 but all of them have recovered. Since 27 March 2007 when Avian influenza was reported to have occurred for the first time in Bangladesh, this virus spread in 51 out of 64 districts with more than 480 outbreaks, culled more than two million poultry birds and cost Tk. 55 billion (US $ 757.9 million) in Bangladesh. Rabies is considered as a priority zoonosis in Bangladesh and it is mainly transmitted to humans and food animals mainly through dog bite nearly 100,000 people and at least 2000 died of rabies in 2009 in Bangladesh. Nipah virus infection is an important emerging infectious disease has been recognized since 2001 in Bangladesh and up to February 2011, 173 humans cases have been identified, of which 110 (63.58%) died. Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a vector borne zoonotic disease, first recognized in Bangladesh since an outbreak in 1977 and 12.38% encephalitis patients had JE virus infection which was associated with mortality, physical disability and cognitive difficulties. Rotavirus is a worldwide distributed zoonotic disease affecting mammals and birds and it has been reported from Bangladesh in humans (23.75%), animals (12 to 43.78%) and broiler birds (13.15%) associated with diarrheic syndrome. Dengue fever was first reported in Bangladesh in 1964 and outbreak that began in 2000 predominantly caused by DENV-3 in which 5551 cases recovered and 93 Dengue related deaths were reported. The dermatomycosis has been reported in 9.3% cattle, 18.6% goats and 25.2% in contact humans. The major zoonotic parasites recorded in cats in Bangladesh include Paragonimus westermani (9.09%), Ancyclostoma tubaeforme (36.36%), Dirofilaria immitis (9.09%), Toxocara cati (45.45%) and Toxoplasma gondii (9.09%), in dogs include Diphyllobothrium latum (13.3%), Diphylidium caninum (16.69%), Echinococcus granulosus (9.17%), Ancylostomum caninum (9-100%), Gnathostoma spingerum (40.0%), Toxocara canis (23.3%), Trichuris vulpis (13.8%) and in pigs include Entaemebea histolytica (17.24%) and Balantidium coli (60.34%). The prevalence of zoonotic protozoan diseases recorded in humans in Bangladesh include amebiasis (E. histolytica 4.71% & E. dispar 12.6%), giardiasis (21% in children & 51% in malnourished children), cryptosporidiasis (1.4 to 3.5% in diarrheic patients) and visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar) which was first reported in Jassore in 1824 but still sporadic outbreaks are occurring in the different districts in Bangladesh. Sero-surveillance studies showed 16 to 17% cattle, 17.65 to 53.6% sheep, 12.09 to 35.4% goats and 15.89% women had T. gondii antibodies in Bangladesh. It appears from these results that all types of emerging, reemerging and neglected zoonotic diseases are widely prevalent and pose a great threat to human health in Bangladesh. Neglected Veterinary medical profession and its extension services, poor people without any knowledge of zoonotic diseases who are in close contact with livestock and their products, and unhygienic processing, maintaining and marketing the livestock and livestock products have made the situation graver in Bangladesh.DOI:
In this work, we present reisolation and redescription of Balantidium duodeni Stein, 1867 from the European common brown frog Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758 using light and electron microscopy. This species has a unique morphological feature-its cells are flattened along the dorsoventral axis. Because of its unique morphology and localization (duodenum) in the gastrointestinal tract of the host, it has been proposed to recognize B. duodeni as a member of separate genus, Balantidiopsis Penard, 1922. Molecular phylogenetic analysis demonstrates it to be close to the type species Balantidium entozoon (Ehrenberg, 1838). We argue that its placement into separate genus is not substantiated. We also propose to reinstate the genus Balantioides Alexeieff, 1931 with the type species Paramecium coli (Malmstein, 1857). The recently proposed generic name for this taxon, Neobalantidium Pomajbíková et al., 2013, is a junior synonym of the previously recognized name.