
Geochemistry of oil shale in Azerbaijan

  • Institute of Geophysics and Geology (Azerbaijan)
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In the paper, the geochemical characteristics of more than 60 deposits and outcrops of oil shales in Azerbaijan, related to geological formations of the Cretaceous-Miocene age were considered. Samples of oil shale were taken from the surface outcrops and ejected materials of mud volcanoes. The main goal of the study is to determine the organic geochemical features of oil shales in order to know their role in the formation of hydrocarbons. A comparative analysis of the studied oil shale was performed with foreign countries in which the shale industry has a long history.

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... Neogenin ümumi qalınlığı 8500 m-dir. Dördüncü dövr çöküntüləri iri çaqıllı, gil və qravelit təbəqəli, ümumi qalınlığı 200 m olan konqlomerat və qumdaşı laylarının növbələşməsi ilə səciyyələnirlər [21,23,30]. ...
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In the paper, the geochemical and mineralogical compositions of the mud volcanoes of the Central Gobustan (Shikhzarli) and the Northern Gobustan (Demirchi) characterized by distinctive neotectonic features were studied. These studies allow to establish some patterns based on the quantitative parameters. It was determined that silicate minerals are distributed more in the northern allochthonous zone of the Shamakhy-Gobustan region. The predominant mineral of sulphides is pyrite (62.5%) on the mud volcano Shikhzarli located in a microblock of parahochthonous genesis. Here the concentration of quartz is of a secondary nature. Identified a certain mineral kyanite for mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan that is not considered a characteristic mineral. The revealed radical differences in the element and mineralogical composition are associated with various paleotectonic, paleogeographic, paleoclimatic conditions, as well as paleoweathering and parent rocks.
Although the mining area has been restored, the environmental problems caused by years of large-scale oil shale mining are still continuing, coupled with the intensive distribution of the surrounding petrochemical industry, posing a serious threat to the local ecological environment. In this study, we investigated eight heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, As, Cr, Mn and Zn) contamination and distribution around mining area, evaluated the potential risks of environment, identified the main sources of metal pollution and performed source apportionment. The results showed that the original north and south dumps were seriously polluted, and the CF values were significantly higher than other sampling sites. Ni, Zn and Mn have high coefficients of variation, which may be greatly affected by human factors and especially the waste slag piled up. The concentration of heavy metals in the water was lower than in the soil; soil particles, pH, Eh and acid mine drainage influence the variation of heavy metal concentrations. As and Cd have very high RAC values, and accordingly they were mainly present in the exchangeable and reduced fractions. Mn was exposed to higher ecological risks, followed by Pb, although there were high loads on carbonate bound and oxidizable fractions. APCS-MLL receptor model was used to identify and apportionment three main sources of contamination. The mean contribution rates of industrial activity, atmospheric deposition and mixed sources accounted for 39.77%, 22.24% and 37.99%, respectively. Cluster analysis further classified the metal pollution sources according to the spatial distance of sampling points.
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There are 2508 mud volcanoes in 42 geographic regions of the world. The territory of East Azerbaijan and the adjacent Caspian Sea is characterized by a wide distribution of mud volcanoes on a global scale. The total number of mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan is 353, of which 154 are marine. Compared to other geographic regions, the country's mud volcanoes differ in the number of eruptions and their daily gryphon and salse activity. In addition, the registration of all types of mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan has led to the fact that the country is called "the land of mud volcanoes". In this regard, the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan create favorable conditions for the study of volcanic activity from the point of view of environmental hazard. The article studies the content and total amount of gases emitted into the atmosphere, and the degree of mineralization of waters, as well as the organic and elemental composition of breccias. Areas with a high anomalous radioactive background in the crater area were identified and the reasons for its occurrence were explained. An associative relationship was found between an increase in the level of gamma radiation and the concentration of uranium for breccia samples taken from an area with a higher radioactive background. The chemical, including the radioactive contents of the water and breccia samples, were compared to the average concentration of the elements in drinking water and sedimentary rocks, respectively.
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The paper is devoted to a detailed study of oil shale that is considered a new alternative energy and fuel resource for Azerbaijan. More than 60 surface manifestations of oil shale, related to sediments between Eocene and Miocene in the territories Shamakhi-Gobustan, Absheron, Pre-Caspian-Guba, Vandam-Lahij and etc. of the Republic are investigated on its distribution regularity and geochemical properties. Oil shale of these epochs, which can’t be reached due to exploration wells, but brought from the different depths to the Earth’s surface (where oil shale surface manifestations widely distributed) by eruptions of mud volcanoes have been studied as well. Along with geochemical study of oil saturated rocks, found in ejected production of mud volcanoes, a comparative analysis have been conducted on heavy fractions, obtained from these rocks and oil shale. The results of these studies show that bitumen (its heavy fractions) of Eocene-Miocene oil shale and oil-saturated rocks are similar, and may cause to formation and accumulation of hydrocarbons in ultra-deep sediments of mud volcanic areas. All conducted investigations are increasing the topicality of perspectives of shale gas in Azerbaijan, which is non-traditional for the country.
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There are more than 350 mud volcanoes onshore and offshore in Azerbaijan, related to sediments between Paleogene and Miocene epoch. The Shamakhi­Gobustan region occupies a large area of the Greater Caucasus southeastern subsidence and is characterized by the most widespread occurrence of mud volcanoes. There are 120 mud volcanoes in the region. The region is also known as a widespread zone of surface manifestations of oil shale. Eruption of mud volcanoes finishes with emission of products at a depth of up to 6­8 km and more. These products are sole data, which contain information on geology of deep deposits of region, where have not been studied with drilling or detailed geophysical surveys. In the paper has been studied oil shale and oil­saturated rocks of the EoceneMiocene epoch, brought from the different depths to the Earth's surface with the eruptions of mud volcanoes. The amount of organic matter in oil shale ranges between 7.56­42.55%. The results of geochemical analysis of oil shale and oil saturated rocks make possible to estimate the areas on hydrocarbon generation and accumulation in deep­seated Sediments. Also, studies in these areas provide great opportunities for exploring shale gas in Azerbaijan.
The paper deals with the structure and origin of organic substance (OS) in the oil shales of Guba (Shabranchay and Velvelechay) and Ismayilli (Dially field) regions of Azerbaijan relating to the Paleogene-Miocene sediments. According to the results of geochemical studies of oil shales, including the step-by-step thermal analysis of kerogene, it has been revealed that the major mass changes in the interval of 300–500 0C temperature. Thus, changing of the structure of aliphatic organic substances occurs at low temperature, but an aromatic – at high ranges. Due to the results of pyrolysis of OS, the first stage is the forming of oil-like substances and pyrolysed water; by the increasing of temperature take place gas formation and the last stage – coal formation.
The article deals with history of study and use of shales in the foreign countries which is compared with investigations conducted in the last years in Azerbaijan. Evolution of the ideas about combustible shales of Azerbaijan has secular history and three stages are distinguished in their study. Problems of the shales genesis, regulations of their areal extension, tectonic-structural peculiarities of region were studied in the last stage. The analysis of investigations results shows that hereinafter for development of practical use technology of the combustible shales it is necessary to continue these works in Azerbaijan.
The article gives a brief overview of the history of Azerbaijan’s territorial losses from 1918 - the proclamation of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic - to the early 1990s - the last Armenian-Azerbaijani war. With reference to literary and documentary sources, it outlines the vicissitudes of the seizure by Armenia of Azerbaijani territories in different ways with the help of their patrons - powers that pursue their own interests in the region. The author focuses on territorial losses in favor of Armenia, but at the same time gives information about lesserknown and less significant territorial concessions by Azerbaijan to Georgia.
Azerbaijan is a classic country of oil and gas. The fact prevent use of other types of minerals which are spread over a wide range in some regions of Republic. However, in recent years, due to the dynamic development of the industrial and consumer sectors in Azerbaijan, the requirement for new energy resources are growing, and the idea of exploring alternative energy sources such as oil shale becomes very important. The article is devoted to the study of geology and geochemistry of oil shale, founded in the surface and ejected rocks of mud volcanoes, and estimation its probable reserves. Oil shale manifestations and deposits are located mainly in Guba, Ismayilli, Shamakhi, Gobustan, Absheron and other regions in Azerbaijan, and associated with Cretaceous-Miocene sediments. The calculations of oil shale reserves (probable) were performed only using surface and extrapolation data. However, a study ejected products of mud volcanoes confirms that deeper sediments of mudvolcanic areas contain large stock of oil shale. There is no doubt that total reserves will increase with drilling deep wells in these areas. In the paper, to estimate of hydrocarbon potential of deep sediments on the basis of geological and geochemical study of oil shale and oil-bearing rocks association in ejected products of mud volcanoes is the first investigation.
Последние годы в связи с расширением минерально-сырьевой базы нашей страны большое внимание уделяется освоению и изучению из так называемых альтернативных источников природных битумов. Природные битумы как новый вид минерального сырья должны рассматриваться с позиции не только современных, но и будущих достижений, а также возможных путей их использования. В связи с этим важное значение приобретает их изучение выявление закономерности размещения формирования и их генезис. Нами было проанализировано большое количество литературных источников, отчетов и результатов полевых экспедиций. Было установлено, что в пределах республики таких природных ресурсов немало. Природные битумы скапливаются в различновозрастных образованиях на территории Восточного Азербайджана в основном на Абшеронском полуострове, Шамаха-Гобустанском, Нижне-Куринском районах и др. Только на Абшеронском полуострове на месторождении Гырмаки наличия битумов исчисляется тысячами тонн, что говорит о больших запасахтяжелой нефти. Кроме того на старых нефтяных площадяхтакже обнаруживаются большие территории нефтезагрязненных почв. Это месторождения:Балаханы, Бинагады, Шубани и Локбатан. На некоторых из них нефтяная абсорбция достигает толщины в один метр. Выявлено также около 20 крупных битумных месторождений и их проявлений. Они сосредоточены в междуречье Куры и Габалы, Нижне-Куринском, Шамахы-Гобустанском, Абшерон и Прикаспийско-Губинских районах. Они относятся к разломным и стратиграфическим комплексам. Можно сказать, что битумы встречаются в осадках в диапазоне юра-четвертичный период. Проведение полевых экспедиций дало возможность получить следующие результаты. Нижне-Куринский район.Битумные проявления в пределах антиклинальной зоны Каламадын-Мишовдаг-Бяндованский сконцентрированы в юго-восточном переломном направлении структуры Каламаддин. На сопках и грифонах группы Ахтармаарды на площади 0,63 га глубиной от 1-3 метров встречаются породы содержащие до 21 % битумов. Заслуживают внимание породы содержащие битумы на площади Бяндован. Здесь отмечаются битумные слои толщиной от 40 до 62 м по площади, охватывающей до 31 га. На антиклинальной зоне Кюровдаг и Нефтчалабитумсодержащие породы отмечены на площадях Кюровдаг и Бабазанан. Проявления здесь имеют толщину 3-4 м, охват площади 0,4 га. Степень битумонасышенных пород 40 %. На площади вулкана Ахтарма-Пашалы отмечается разрез толщиной 3-5 м пропитанный битумом в пределах от 30-34 %. Аналогичные породы встречаются и в коплексеГырлыг и Мишовдаг. Площадь охвата 0,30-0,35 га. Интерес вызывает и содержание микроэлементов в битумах Нижне-Куринскойнефтегазаносной области. Для обнаруженных микроэлементов по их величинам был установлен концентрационный ряд. Fe>Ti>Zr>Mn>Ni>Cr>Zn>Cu>V>Mo>Co Гобустанский район. Этот район на юго-востоке Большого Кавказа по степени распределения битумов резко отличается. В связи с битумопроявлениями, полевые научно
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