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Pengaruh Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Melalui Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai Kementrian Agama di Jombang

  • University of Merdeka Malang Indonesia

Abstract and Figures

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengembangan sumberdaya manusia terhadap kinerja pegawai melalui kepuasan kerja di kantor kementerian agama Kabupaten Jombang, Populasi penelitian ini pegawai kementerian agama Jombang. penelitian ini berjenis sensus kare jumlah populasi 115 pegawai seluruhnya dijadikan sampel penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pengembangan sumberdaya manusia berpengaruh terhadapa kepuasan kerja pegawai. (2) pengembangan sumberdaya manusia tidak berpengaruh terhadapa kinerja pegawai.(3) kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadapa kinerja pegawai. (4) pengembangan sumberdaya manusia berpengaruh terhadapa kinerja pegawai melalui kepuasan kerja. Kata kunci: pengembangan sumberdaya manusia, kepuasan kerja dan kinerja pegawai Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of human resource development on the performance of employees through job satisfaction in the office of the ministry of religion of Jombang regency. The population of this research is Jombang religious ministry employee. this study type census kare the total population of 115 employees are entirely sampled research. The results showed that (1) the development of human resources affect employee job satisfaction. (2) human resource development has no effect on employee performance (3) job satisfaction influence to employee performance. (4) the development of human resources affect employee performance through job satisfaction. Keywords: development of human resources, job satisfaction and employee performance PENDAHULUAN Kinerja pegawai kementerian agama di Jombang dari segi pelayanan mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun, akan tetapi peningkatan kinerja tidak secara langsung menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kinerja karyawan. Masalah kinerja karyawan yang dihadapi kementerian agama Jombang selama ini, antara lain: penyelesaian tugas oleh karyawan secara berkualitas belum sesuai dengan yang diharapkan kementerian agama, timbulnya ketidakpuasan (kurang puas) sebagian masyarakat oleh sistem pelayanan pegawai kementerian agama, pegawai kurang disiplin, baik berdasarkan aspek kehadiran kerja maupun kepatuhan
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... Thus, its capabilities and skills need to be continuously developed. If the company HR has a high knowledge level then the companies competitiveness will be even higher (Jatmika & Andarwati, 2017). The purpose of training and HR development is to improve employee ability both affective (attitude), cognitive (knowledge) and psychomotor (behavior) and prepare employees in facing changes. ...
This study aimed to determine how the implementation of human resource development to improve employee performance on Banyualit Spa ‘n Resort. Human resource development is the people or employee preparation to assume higher responsibilities in the organization or company. Performance is the work result/a process measurement or a person’s achievements regarding tasks assigned to them. The research design used in this study was a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. It was conducted at the Banyualit Spa ‘n Resort located in Lovina, Singaraja Bali. The study results indicated that the Banyualit Spa ‘n Resort has developed human resources well. However, it needs to be improved.
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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of employee performance at the office of the Ministry of Religion of the city of Makassar. This study is a quantitative description with a population of all employees of the Makassar City Ministry of Religion, amounting to 101 people. Sampling was carried out using a simple sampling technique (Simple Random Sampling), so that the number of samples that could be used in this study was 30 percent of the total 101 people, so the number of samples was 30 people. Data was collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation techniques. The data collected is presented through a frequency table and processed through a scoring technique. The results showed that the performance of employees at the office of the Ministry of Religion of the city of Makassar was classified as effective, based on the aspects; 1) quality of work, 2) punctuality, 3) initiative, 4) ability to complete work
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