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Microplastic debris is a globally‐pervasive contaminant, which presents a substantial risk to marine
biota, food webs and ecosystems. Microplastics are heterogeneously distributed, with highest
concentrations associated with the oligotrophic subtropical gyres, and relatively
biologically‐productive semi‐enclosed seas and coastal waters. Encounter rates between biota and
microplastics are driven by their geographical overlap and relative concentrations, as well as the
characteristics of the plastic, and the motility, detection capabilities and feeding strategy of the
organism. We identify four main routes via which microplastics can infiltrate marine food webs:
ingestion, inhalation, entanglement and trophic transfer. Drawing upon established research and
more recent exposure studies using microplastics, we highlight how plastics can be detected,
ingested, processed and rejected by filter feeders. Finally, we consider how marine organisms can
affect microplastics, by incorporating the plastic into biological matrices, through to the movement,    
A multude of food webs exist in the world's oceans, made up of a wide variety of organisms
that occupy disnct niches and possess different behavioral and feeding strategies. So far, only a
small fracon of these taxa have been included in studies concerning microplasc debris in marine
ecosystems. Microplascs (microscopic plasc debris, 100 nm ‐ 5 mm diameter) are now widely
recognised as a pollutant of internaonal concern (Galgani et al., 2013; GESAMP 2016).
Understanding the potenal impacts this prolific contaminant can have on marine life and food webs
has become of intense interest, with an exponenal increase in research being conducted in recent
years. In this chapter we explore how microplascs enter marine food webs, and consider the
complex, iterave relaonship between microplascs, biota and biologically‐mediated ecological
processes. Microplasc ingeson has been documented in animals throughout the marine food web,
including zooplankton (Desforges et al., 2014), fish (Bellas et al., 2016; Lusher et al., 2013), marine
mammals (Lusher et al., 2015; Bravo‐Rebolledo et al., 2013), turtles (Nelms et al., 2015) and seabirds
(Tourinho et al., 2010). We explore the factors affecng microplasc consumpon and infiltraon
into marine food webs, with consideraon given to spaal overlap, predator‐plasc raos, the
properes of microplasc debris, and the life‐history and feeding‐strategies of biota demonstrated to
consume plasc. At the individual level, microplascs pose a risk to the health of the organism;
indeed, a growing number of experimental studies have demonstrated that at crical concentraons,
microplascs can adversely affect feeding, energec reserves, reproducon, growth and survival in
invertebrate and vertebrate species, including calanoid copepods (Cole et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2013),
polychaete worms (Wright et al., 2013; Green et al., 2016), fish (Rochman et al., 2015) and oysters
(Sussarellu et al., 2016). The latest evidence suggests that microplascs could also affect higher levels
of biological organisaon, with populaon shis and altered behaviour impacng upon the ecological
funcon of keystone species (Galloway et al., 2017). While the risks microplascs pose to individual
biota are explored in greater detail in other chapters of this book, here we focus on how plascs have
the potenal to affect food webs and marine ecosystems as a whole. Furthermore, we consider how
Although microplascs are a relavely new topic in the environmental sciences, researchers
have been able to learn from the experimental approaches and understanding gleaned from the
fields of ecotoxicology, marine biology, and aquac chemistry. Basic mechanisms of feeding and
energy transfer in marine food webs are well understood, and this knowledge has been useful in    
understanding observed interacons between microplascs and biota. Lessons learnt from
nanoparcle research have been of parcular relevance to microplascs exposure studies,
parcularly in respect to uptake mechanisms and mechanisms underpinning observed health effects,
as well as developing sound ecological risk assessment (Syberg et al., 2015; Hüffer et al., 2017). In
contrast, collecng field data on the distribuon and quanty of microplascs in different ecological
compartments (water surface, water column, seafloor habitats, strandline) has turned out to be a
significant challenge, requiring novel approaches, method development and opmisaon
(Hidalgo‐Ruz et al., 2012; Lusher et al., 2017). An ongoing issue facing microplascs researchers is the
absence of harmonised sampling or sample analyses protocols, and a forward challenge for the field
Perhaps the most important variable affecng the flux of microplasc parcles into marine food
In recent years, there has been a concerted effort to idenfy the different habitats polluted
with plasc debris, and ascertain the concentraons of microplascs across a wide range of aquac
ecosystems. Microplascs are ubiquitous in the world´s oceans, and their presence in remote
locaons, including the Arcc (Lusher et al., 2015), Antarcc (Waller et al., 2017), mid‐oceanic atolls    
(Do Sul et al., 2014) and the oceanic depths (Woodall et al., 2014), have highlighted their widespread
distribuon. However, accurately determining the concentraons and type of microplascs present
in seawater and sediments has proven a challenge. Adaptaons to tradional sampling techniques
(e.g. trawls, sediment grabs; see review by Hidalgo‐Ruz et al., 2012) have proven invaluable for
collecng samples, however isolang and idenfying microplascs has required a more novel
approach (see INFOBOX 1). In recent years, a wide range of methodologies have been suggested for
extracng and analysing plascs (see reviews by Lusher et al., 2017 and Miller et al., 2017), however
the variety of methods employed can oen result in incomparable datasets. Analysing such data is
further confounded by the heterogenous distribuon and temporal variability in microplasc
Global sampling efforts have helped to idenfy ‘hotspots’ of plasc (Eriksen et al., 2014, Cozar
et al., 2015, van Sebille et al., 2015). For example, the North Pacific, South Pacific and North Atlanc
subtropical oceanic gyres, which amass flotsam from throughout the oceanic basins, have all been
highlighted as accumulaon zones for microplasc debris (Moore et al., 2001; Law et al., 2010;     
Eriksen et al., 2013). Oceanic gyres are largely oligotrophic and therefore relavely devoid of marine
life, however for biota that can survive in the gyres, interacons with microplasc will be
commonplace. For example, in the North Pacific gyre, Moore et al., (2001) observed a 6:1 plasc to
plankton rao, and Goldstein & Goodwin (2013) idenfied 33% of gooseneck barnacles (Lepas spp.)  
had consumed between 1 and 30 items of microplasc. However, our understanding of the numbers
and distribuon paerns of microplascs in marine environments is far from complete. This was
pointed out already in the study dataset of >330 µm parcles from surface water tows, which
showed smallest parcles to be most prevalent, but only down to a certain size group (1 mm) aer
which the concentraons decreased (Cozar et al., 2014). This absence of smaller plasc may result
from difficules in idenfying very small parcles, or might be explained by bioc or abioc
Enclosed and semi‐enclosed seas like the Mediterranean Sea and the Balc Sea have also been
noted for their high microplasc concentraons (Collignon et al., 2914, Setälä et al., 2016b and    
Gewert et al., 2017) and thus have been proposed to accumulate plasc debris in greater amounts
than open oceans (Fossi et al., 2016). As increasing concentraons inevitably increase the exposure
of organisms at the base of the food webs, this may be the case also at higher trophic levels. In the
Mediterranean Sea, stomach analyses from large pelagic predators (swordfish and tuna) revealed
that 18.5% of the fish examined contained microplascs. The reported concentraons of    
microplascs from the surface waters of another highly polluted semi‐enclosed sea basin, the Balc
Sea, show how the microplasc concentraons in surface waters may significantly differ spaally
(Setälä et al., 2016b, Gewert et al., 2017), and may reach high concentraons (up to 4.7 x 105 km
)     
close to highly populated urban areas with low water exchange, or as was found by Gorokhova
(2015), in deep water layers separated by a halocline. In the Balc Sea the field observaons of
microplascs in the food web have mainly related to fish, herring being the most studied fish species.
Bråte et al., (2017) analyzed the data from various studies on microplascs in fish from these Nordic
waters; in the analyzed dataset consisng of 1425 individuals of Atlanc and Balc herring,
microplasc ingeson varied between 0 and 30%. Ogonowski et al., (2017) reported that
approximately 50% of herring individuals had ingested plascs along the Swedish coast in the Balc    
Sea, although the numbers of microplascs on individual fish were low (0‐1/fish), reflecng great
variability between samples. In comparison, very low numbers of parculate microplascs (fibres
were excluded) were also found in a recent study containing over 500 herring individuals from the
open sea areas of the northern Balc Sea (Budimir et al., in press). The reported share of herring
with ingested microplasc parcles varies greatly between these studies, and may at least partly be
explained by spaal differences in the overlap of microplascs and herring. Differences in methods
used for extracng microplascs from fish ssue makes comparisons between studies difficult and
A recent study predicts the greatest overlap between microplascs and marine life will occur
in coastal regions (Clark et al., 2016). Coastal waters and estuaries have relavely high biological
producvity owing to their shallow, protected waters and fresh nutrional inputs from rivers, which
are valued by aquaculture and fisheries, and encompass important nursery grounds for
commercially‐exploited marine taxa. It is postulated that their proximity to sources of anthropogenic
polluon (e.g. marime industry, urban areas, riverine inputs), puts them at high risk of microplasc
polluon. Microplasc sampling in coastal regions is problemac owing to the density of organic
material in these waters (Cole et al., 2014), nevertheless recent studies have highlighted the overlap
between plascs and biota in coastal waters. In the English Channel, a 36.5% incidence of
microplasc ingeson in demersal and pelagic fish species has been observed (Lusher et al., 2013),
while 70% of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) sampled from the coastlines of European countries  
along the English Channel have been shown to consume microplasc (Devriese et al., 2015). More
recently, Steer et al., (2017) idenfied the rao of microplascs to fish larvae ranged from 1:27
Microplascs consist of a wide range of polymers which have their own special characteriscs
that affect their distribuon in the water, and thereby which organisms and habitats are prone to
plasc exposure. Local wind condions, water currents as well as geomorphology all affect the
distribuon of microplascs in water and their spaal accumulaon (Barnes et al., 2009). The vast
amounts of anthropogenic debris washing up on beaches across the globe (Browne et al., 2011)
provides visual evidence of the efficiency with which floang plasc debris can be transported on the    
sea surface. Approximately half of marine plasc debris is inially buoyant (e.g. polystyrene,
polyethylene, polypropylene), while denser plasc (e.g. polyvinylchloride, nylon) readily sinks in
seawater. As observed from numerous sampling campaigns, microplascs can permeate throughout
the water column, with plasc and microplasc debris, including low‐density polymer plasc, widely
Laboratory exposures have been used to demonstrate that bioc interacons including
biofouling (Fazey and Ryan, 2016; Kaiser et al., 2017), egeson (Cole et al., 2013; Cole et al., 2016)
and bioturbaon (Näkki et al., 2017), as well as physical processes such as fragmentaon (Andrady,
2017), can affect the properes and movement of plascs; it is hypothesised these processes could
result in changes to the distribuon of microplascs within marine ecosystems where biota and
plascs overlap (Figure 1; Clark et al., 2016). In these waters, we might expect a downwards flux of
plasc debris, resulng in an accumulaon of microplascs on the seafloor (Barnes et al., 2009,
Woodall et al., 2014). However, it is important to recognise that vercal flux should be considered a
redistribuon of plascs, and not a ‘removal’ mechanism. Benthic ecosystems can be highly
biologically‐producve habitats, supporng a diverse array of life that play vital roles in the oceanic
carbon pump (Turner, 2015), reef formaon (Beck et al., 2011) and bioturbaon (Cadee, 1976).
Environmental sampling has idenfied plasc polluon in every benthic habitat invesgated,
including highly remote areas such as both Arcc (Bergmann et al., 2017) and Antarcc (Munari et      
al., 2017) polar regions and the deep sea (Woodall et al., 2014, Bergmann et al., 2017). Plasc
concentraons in sediments are highly variable, due in part to different sampling and extracon     
methodologies and also to the natural heterogeneity of sediments. Concentraons of up to 6,600
microplascs kg
‐1 have been reported in Arcc sediments (Bergmann et al., 2017) and in a study of 42
sites around the Australian coastline (Ling et al., 2017), a regional average of 3,400 microplascs L
 
were reported, with the highest individual sample yielding 12,500 plascs L
. Laboratory exposures
have shown that benthic invertebrates readily consume plasc, and this can have a detrimental
impact on their health and funconality. A reducon in energy reserves (Wright et al., 2013b),
reproducon (Sussarellu et al., 2016), metabolism and bioturbaon acvity (Green et al., 2016) have
been reported in benthic organisms, with potenal impacts to ecosystem funconing (Volkenborn et
Figure 1. Potenal pathways for the transport of microplascs and its biological interacons (Source:  
Compared to the dynamic interacons between a predator/grazer and their natural prey, the
relaonships between an animal and microplasc is somewhat simplified. The feeding mode and
life‐history of an organism will affect both its encounter and ingeson rate of microplasc. Organisms
may acvely select microplascs from the environment in search of prey or they may ingest them
Microplascs are passive: freely floang on the water surface; suspended or slowly sinking in
the water column; or, deposited on or within the seabed. Encounter rate (i.e. the commonality with
which a predator comes into contact with it’s prey) is a crucial factor affecng the ingeson rate of
that prey (e.g. Evans, 1989). Primarily, encounter rate is influenced by the relave abundance of
predator/grazer and prey; for microplasc ingeson to occur, there would need to be a significant
spaal overlap between biota and plasc, and a substanal amount of plasc present for a likely
Classic work on feeding efficiencies have shown how changes in prey density affect the
ingeson rates of predators. Ingeson increases with an increasing prey density up to a saturaon
point, whereby the predator cannot process more prey even though the prey density sll increases,
as described by Solomon (1949) and Holling (1959). This has also been shown in laboratory studies
with virgin microplascs and various invertebrate taxa: the more parcles the organisms were
offered, the more they were ingested, even when working with the relavely high concentraons
used in laboratory sengs (e.g. Cole et al., 2013, Setälä et al., 2016a). Gelanous organisms (e.g.
jellyfish and ctenophores) may feed without reaching a saturaon level. This means that even in very
high concentraons of prey they connue capturing them but start to egest/vomit prey that they are
unable to process. However, it has been observed that jellyfish ingested relavely low numbers of
microplascs compared to other filter feeders (e.g. copepods) in the South China Sea (Sun et al.,
2017). The classical Holling‐type ingeson paerns may also be affected by clogging of feeding
appendages. In such cases, a high concentraon of microplascs (fibres) may decrease feeding
Figure 2. Number of ingested 10 µm spheres (mean±SD) in blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus) at three      
different bead concentraons (Low = 5, medium = 50 and high = 250 beads mL
). Source: Setälä et      
Acve, mole predators (e.g. cruising predators) will encounter prey, and we therefore assume
plasc, more readily as they move through the water or sediment. Non‐mole animals will encounter      
microplascs the same way they come into contact with suspended or deposited prey (i.e. water
currents bringing parcles close enough for capture, or generang localised currents to draw
suspended parcles to the organism). Sessile organisms are also not able to avoid exposure to    
microplascs, and are subjected to all parcles present in the suspension they are feeding in.
However, passively floang and sessile organisms, and ambush predators, can compensate for      
Animals detect prey using visual or chemical cues, or hydromechanical signals when idenfying
mole prey moving through the water. Organisms relying upon visual detecon may mistake
microplascs as prey. For example, ocean‐foraging Fulmars travel vast distances across the North
Atlanc, relying on visual cues to select prey floang near the ocean surface; dissecons of Fulmars
beached along European coastlines have rounely idenfied the seabirds’ stomachs are full of plasc
(van Franeker et al., 2011). Researchers oen note that microplasc debris comes in a wide range of
shapes, size and colour, however it is currently unclear whether these aributes have any influence
The swimming acvity and speed of mole prey affects their encounter rate, with numerous
studies establishing that acvely moving prey are detected more frequently and encountered more
oen (Gerritsen & Strickler, 1977, Gerritsen, 1984, Tiselius et al., 1993). As microplascs are passive
parcles, they cannot be detected using hydromechanical signals, and we would therefore expect
them to be encountered less frequently than mole prey at similar concentraons. For example, in
pelagic communies the swimming acvity of the predator is affecng the encounter rate of
microplasc parcles in addion to their density and overall distribuon. However, as plasc
parcles are non‐mole, they make easy targets for predators and may therefore be ingested (if not
acvely rejected) more readily than natural prey which can incite escape‐responses (e.g. Green,
Chemical cues play a significant, but variable role in the prey selecon of marine organisms
from invertebrates to mammals. For example fish have diversely developed olfactory organs (Hara,
1975) for detecng signals related to reproducon and feeding. Some marine species possess highly
developed chemosensory organs (e.g. sharks) while in some others they may be poorly developed,
(e.g. visual predators like pike (Hara, 1975). Crustaceans, such as copepods are generally considered
to be selecve feeders that display flexibility in their feeding behavior (Koehl and Sckler, 1981);
discriminaon between prey can be based on size (Frost 1972), molity (Atkinson 1995) or chemical
signals (Cowles et al.,1988). Not all chemicals are sensed; what is important is that in order for an    
organism to receive a chemical smuli, the chemical itself should be soluble in water. Chemical
signals can assist in the selecon for high‐quality food, determined by protein content (Cowles et al.,
1988), or be used to avoid unsuitable prey (e.g. harmful algae containing toxic compounds like
saxitoxin). However, acve avoidance of unsuitable or toxic prey by copepods is most likely a result of
Field‐collected data and exposure experiments show that plasc parcles floang in the
water and embedded in the sediment are rapidly colonized by rich microbial communies comprising
of procaryoc and eucaryoc organisms, like bacteria and algae (Oberbeckmann et al., 2014,
Harrison et al., 2014). So far there is very lile informaon on how the formaon of biofilm actually
affects the ingeson of microplascs. Recent studies show, that the effects of biofouling are most
likely taxon‐ or even species‐specific. Vroom et al., 2017 idenfied that biofouling of polystyrene
beads promoted ingeson by planktonic crustaceans, although this was somewhat dependent on
taxon, size and stage of the grazers. For two of the three copepod species studied (Acartia longiremis    
and Calanus finmarchicus, excluding the adult females of the laer) it was shown that in most cases    
the fouled microplascs were ingested by more individuals and at higher rates than the unfouled
plascs. However one copepod species, Pseudocalanus spp., did not ingest any of the microplasc
parcles offered. Contradictory results were reported by Allen et al., (2017) who studied the
ingeson of weathered, fouled and unfouled pre‐producon pellets (PS, LDPE and HDPE), by a
scleracnian coral species known to use chemosensory cues for feeding. Their results showed that
the corals ingested different types of plascs, consuming significantly more unfouled than fouled
microplascsweretakenup. 
Most of the informaon that has so far been produced on the parameters affecng microplasc
ingeson by marine organisms come from simplified laboratory experiments. Results from
experimental work should not be directly applied to natural condions where confounding factors
exist. When conducng environmentally relevant experimental work on ingeson and effects of
microplascs in food webs, the concentraon, size and type of the used parcles should be adjusted
to correspond to natural condions. At the moment there is sll a mismatch between “reality” and
laboratory experiments. So far most experiments are run with microplasc concentraons higher
than those commonly found in the environment, and with virgin parcles of uniform size and shape
that fail to accurately represent the condions in the field (Phuong et al., 2016). This inconsistency is
likely to influence our understanding of the marine microplasc problem as Ogonowski et al., (2016)
showed in laboratory experiments comparing the effects of primary and secondary microplascs.
They showed that secondary microplascs have more negave effects on feeding in a cladoceran,
Daphnia magna,compared to primary microplascs commonly used in previous studies. The reason   
why experimental laboratory studies have not used microplasc concentraons commonly observed
in marine environment is their “low” concentraons but also the uncertainty in assessing their    
concentraons. Microplasc concentraons found in marine environments vary significantly
between areas and habitats but seem to be low when compared to the numbers of the real prey,
which makes environmentally relevant exposure studies difficult. Long lasng exposure experiments
in mesocosms mimicking natural condions would be needed to more accurately assess the
The ingeson, entanglement or inhalaon of microplasc by marine organisms can be viewed
as an entry point into marine food webs. Owing to their small size, microplascs are bioavailable to a
wide range of marine organisms, and can be both selecvely and accidentally ingested (Schuyler et
al., 2012). The ingeson of microplasc parcles is affected by their concentraon, size, shape,
distribuon and chemical character (i.e. density, chemical signal), and the animal’s feeding habits. In
animals with developed organs for prey detecon, plasc polymers may thus not be selected or they   
Filter feeding organisms are prevalent throughout marine food webs, from small planktonic
invertebrates and benthic taxa, to megafauna, where they feed on suspended organic material, such
as algae, zooplankton, fish larvae and detritus. The size range of parcles that can be ingested by a
grazer depends on the feeding mode (e.g. filter feeding or raptorial), gape size and specific feeding       
mechanisms of the grazer/predator. For filter feeders, the actual size limits for the ingested prey are
set by the structure and funcon of the filtering apparatus used for trapping parcles from the
suspension (Riisgård and Larsen, 2010). Filtering devices in suspension feeding organisms are not
simple sieves that mechanically clean the water from suspended parcles. The structures of filtering
apparatus found in unicellular, invertebrate or vertebrate organisms differ greatly, both between and
among taxa, with varying levels of adaptability and sensory capability. Parcle capture depends on
parcle type (e.g. shape, size, density), parcle concentraon, water viscosity, the quanty of water
that is filtered and filtering efficiency. Besides direct contact, the capturing mechanisms may also
involve other factors, such as chemo‐ and mechanorecepon (Riisgård and Larsen, 2010). Moreover,
experimentally measured clearance rates of plankton have been found to vary also depending on
temperature, salinity and the type of prey that has been offered (e.g. Kiorboe, 1982, Garrido et al.,
2013). Daily clearance rates of marine invertebrates can vary from microlitres (unicellular organisms,
like ciliates), to millilitres (copepods), litres (bivalves), hundreds of litres (gelanous zooplankton), or
Two parameters are commonly used to esmate the efficiency and outcome of filter feeding:
ingeson and clearance rate. The ingeson rate denotes the number of prey parcles ingested per
predator in a me unit. Ingeson rate can be experimentally esmated directly, through observaons
of ingested prey parcles inside the organism, or indirectly, as the disappearance of prey from the    
experimental media over me. In the past, inert plasc parcles (spheres) have been used as
surrogates for natural prey to esmate feeding parameters in planktonic organisms (Huntley et al.,
1983, Borsheim, 1984, Nygaard et al., 1988,). These historical studies with Calanus and related
copepod genera have demonstrated a preference for algae over polystyrene beads, alongside size
selecvity (Fernandez 1979, Donaghay and Small, 1979, Huntley et al., 1983). However, observaons
for such preferences do not necessarily hold for all developmental stages, which further complicates
things, i.e. when exposure studies are being conducted. Clearance rate is a derivave of ingeson
rate and is calculated by dividing the laer by prey concentraon. The clearance rate thus measures
the water volume that an individual organism can clear of food parcles in a me unit. To understand
the probability of any suspended parcle to be ingested by a filter feeding organism, both the
From the viewpoint of a small filter‐feeding organism under natural condions, microplasc
concentraons may be too low for rounely encountering a plasc parcle. However, in waters
containing high concentraons of microplascs the situaon is different even for a small organism
with a relavely low clearance rate and efficiency, such as a copepod. As an example, the
experimentally defined daily clearance rates of common copepods may vary between ca. 10 to <200
mL (Frost, 1975, Engström et al., 2000, Setälä et al., 2009). In theory, a copepod feeding for example
with a high clearance rate of 144 mL / day (Frost, 1975), at a concentraon of 9200 plascs m
‐3 as has        
been observed from the Pacific Ocean (Deforges et al., 2014), a single microplasc would be ingested
by every 0.7 copepods, assuming all parcles are edible and the animals are solely undertaking
passive ingeson without rejecon of plasc. Assessments based on animals collected from the field,
have also confirmed the role of zooplankton as entry points for microplascs to food webs. In the
study of Desforges et al., (2015) which was based on analysis of the number of ingested microplascs
from subsurface collected zooplankton and the overall distribuon of these species from the
Northeast Pacific Ocean idenfied encounter of microplascs by zooplankton as 1 parcle per every
34 copepods and 1 parcle per every 17 euphausiid. The authors further esmated that both the
juvenile salmon as well as adult returning fish would be affected daily with ingested microplascs
Invertebrates with capacity for filtering larger quanes of water, and with a longer lifespan
(e.g. bivalves), or large filter feeders (such as whales) may encounter microplascs far more
frequently than zooplankton. Bivalves are one of the key organisms when entry points of
microplascs to marine food webs are assessed. They are efficient suspension feeding animals that
form links between the pelagic and benthic ecosystems and are a key source of prey for many marine
fish, birds and mammals. In the Balc Sea it has been assessed that within one year the blue mussel
beds would, in theory, filter a water volume equivalent to the whole sea basin (Kautsky and Kautsky,
2000). The numbers of microplascs found in bivalves vary significantly ranging from less than 0.5
parcles (Eastern Atlanc and Balc Sea) to over 100 parcles (Western Atlanc) per animal
(Mathalon and Hill, 2014, Vandermeersch et al., 2015, Railo, 2017). Exposure of large filter feeders to
microplascs has been shown by Fossi et al., (2014) aer examining concentraons of phthalates and
organochlorine compounds of a basking shark and a baleen whale. The authors concluded that
micro‐lier is ingested by these large filter feeders together with their neustonic prey. A comparave
study carried out in two semi‐enclosed basins; the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Cortez in the       
Gulf of California (Fossi et al., 2016) gives supporng informaon indicang that fin whales in highly
polluted areas are exposed to major health hazards due to microplascs and their co‐contaminants.
Considering the vast amounts of water these animals filter (5,893 m
/day; Fossi et al., 2014), this
‘Microplasc’ is typically used to describe plasc parcles smaller than 5 mm in diameter, with
a lower size limit of 100 nm; plascs larger than 5 mm are considered ‘macroplascs’, while plascs
smaller than 100 nm in size are termed ‘nanoplasc’ (Cole et al., 2011). Using these size
classificaons, the largest microplasc parcles (5000 µm) have a diameter 50,000 mes larger than
the smallest microplasc (0.1 µm). Moreover, when we consider volume and surface area, these
differences become even more apparent. Imagine a spherical shaped microplasc parcle, like the
ones used in experimental studies, or the plasc microbeads commonly used in exfoliang personal    
care products: a 5 mm diameter bead is 1.25 x 10
14 
mes greater in volume and 2.50 x 10
9larger by  
area than a 100 nm diameter bead. Of course most of the weathered microplasc parcles that are
found in the marine environment are not uniform in shape, with fibrous, planar and irregularly
shaped plasc being most prevalent. Nevertheless, differences in a parcle’s dimensions will have a
significant impact on the risk they pose to marine life. For example, microplascs of different sizes
may differ in their behaviour under marine condions (i.e. buoyancy), biological availability, and
capacity to incite biological effects. Furthermore, the larger surface area to volume raos associated
with smaller parcles greatly increases the plasc’s capacity for adsorbing (and potenally
desorbing) water borne pollutants (e.g. persistent organic pollutants, hydrophobic organic    
contaminants) (Koelmans et al., 2016), up to one million mes greater than that found in the
Venlaon has also been idenfied in exposure experiments as a means by which microplascs
can be concentrated from the surrounding water. Was et al., (2014) idenfied that the shore crab
(Carcinus maenas) was able to respire polystyrene microbeads, which accumulated on the surface of  
their gills. Blue mussels (Mytilus trossulus) and Balc clams (Macoma balthica) have also been shown    
to accumulate microplasc parcles to their gills aer 24 h incubaons; however, the bead
Numerous organisms have been shown to entangle with fibers or larger plascs (e.g. Laist,
1997, Cole et al., 2013, NOAA 2014, Taylor et al., 2016). They may be found in the swimming or
feeding appendages of invertebrates, in the valve gapes of bivalves or entangled around larger
animals. Entanglement with fibers in field collected animals has been observed even in remote areas
such as the deep seas, where fibers were found on sea pens and hermit crabs (Taylor et al., 2016).
When these organisms are eaten by higher trophic level predators the plascs adhered to external
Once ingested, microplascs will either be egested or retained by the organism. If a predator
consumes an organism that has retained microplasc, the predator will be indirectly consuming this
plasc as part of its diet, in a process referred to as ‘trophic transfer’. The trophic transfer of plasc
has been documented in predatory Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) that consumed  
polypropylene rope fibres embedded in fish (Murray and Cowie, 2011); shores crabs (Carcinus  
maenas) that indirectly ingested fluorescent polystyrene 0.5 µm and 10 µm microspheres present in
common mussels (Mytilus edulis) (Farrell and Nelson, 2013; Was et al., 2014); mysid shrimps  
(Neomysis integer) that consumed fluorescent polystyrene 10 µm spheres previously taken up by    
mesozooplankton (Setälä et al., 2014); and, fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus) that consumed an insect  
larvae containing microbeads in a mesocosm experiment (Lehniemi and Setälä, unpublished). The
trophic transfer of microplascs and associated POPs from Artemia nauplii to zebrafish (Danio rerio)    
was also verified in a laboratory experiment (Batel et al., 2016) and microplasc debris found in
faecal pellets of predatory seabirds (great skuas, Stercorarius skua) was greatest when correlated  
For trophic transfer to occur, microplasc must be consumed alongside the prey. This includes
plasc adhered to algae (Bhaacharya et al., 2010, Gutow et al., 2015), or the external surfaces of an
animal (e.g. entrapped in the setae of a copepods’ appendages; Cole et al., 2013), or retained
indefinitely within the organism itself. Plascs are commonly observed in the intesnal tract of
marine animals, including seabirds (van Franeker & Law, 2015), fish (Lusher et al., 2013),    
invertebrates (Murray and Cowie, 2011) and turtles (Nelms, 2016); this occurs where larger plascs
or coalesced polymeric fibres cause a gut blockage, prevenng the plasc from being shied via
peristalc acon. In the common shore crab (Carcinus maenas), polystyrene microspheres have been  
observed to lodge between the microvillae which line the stomach, resulng in prolonged gut
retenon mes. In copepods, starvaon has been observed to increase gut retenon mes, with 10
µm polystyrene microspheres remaining in the intesnal tracts of Calanus helgolandicus for up to 7  
days, far exceeding the typical gut passage mes of just 2 hours (Cole et al., 2013). In the common
mussel (Mytilus edulis), 3.0‐9.6 µm polystyrene microspheres have been demonstrated to translocate  
into the circulatory fluid (haemolymph), where they can remain for in excess of 48 days (Browne et
al., 2008; von Moos et al., 2012). Owing to their small size, nanoplascs (<100 nm diameter) have the
capacity to cross epithelia, and therefore have the capacity to enter ssues and circulatory fluids, for
example in dendric cells that transport small parcles (eg. bacteria) across gut epithelial cell walls
In numerous aquac ecosystems, persistent chemical pollutants (i.e. PCBs, PAHs and methyl
mercury) have been shown to biomagnify as they pass up the food chain (reviewed by Blais et al.,
2007). The increasing body burdens of such pollutants in higher trophic organisms arises from the
hydrophobicity of these chemicals, resulng in their accumulaon within fay ssues of prey
species. So far, there have been no quantave measures of microplascs passing up the food chain,
and it therefore remains unclear whether plascs will biomagnify in marine food webs.
Biomagnificaon will largely depend upon the transience of plascs in an organism, with
biomagnificaon only occurring where plascs are readily ingested and retained. Retenon of
plascs can be influenced by food availability (Cole et al., 2013; Was et al., 2014) and shape (Murray
and Cowie, 2001), but will be predominantly governed by the size of the plasc (Galloway, 2015). In    
Figure 3. we predict how the size of a plasc parcle is likely to relate to the probability of that
Figure 3. Considering how microplasc size might influence the probability of biomagnificaon of    
plascs occurring in a food chain. (1) Very small (i.e. nano) plascs are readily absorbed by the gut
and are retained within the circulatory fluid and/or ssues; (2) Moderately sized plascs are ingested,
are present within the organism during gut transit, and then readily egested; (3) Larger and fibrous
plascs are ingested but, owing to their size, remain in the intesnal tract; (4) The largest
In this secon, we consider how marine organisms, trophic dynamics and biologically‐mediated
ecological processes can alter the fate of a microplasc, and highlight how microplascs might
Microplascs consumed, respired or adhered by an organism will be subject to passive,
biologically‐mediated transportaon, with both vercal and lateral movement to be expected across
a variety of habitats (e.g. water column, sediments). The distances by which microplascs can be
transported via a biological vector will largely depend on the movement, migratory routes and gut
Figure 4. How biota transport microplascs within marine ecosystems. Image by Mahew Cole     
Diel vercal migraons, a synchronous daily migraon of a wide range of taxa, have been
highlighted as a potenal route by which microplascs could be transported from the sea surface to
deeper waters (Cole et al., 2016b; Clark et al., 2016). Organisms may ingest plascs whilst feeding at
the surface at night, which can then be egested hundreds of meters below the surface. For example,
a large (2‐3 mm) copepod swimming at speeds of between 30–90 m h
‐1 (Enright, 1977), with a gut
evacuaon me of approximately 2 hours (Cole et al., 2013), could vercally transport microplasc to
depths of 60‐180 m. Lusher et al., (2016) idenfied that 11% of mesopelagic fish caught in the
Northeast Atlanc had microplascs in their digesve tracts, and although it was unknown at what
depth these plascs were consumed, the majority of species idenfied undergo diel vercal
migraon and follow their zooplankton prey to the surface to feed; it is therefore plausible to suggest
that ingeson of the microplascs may have occurred at the surface whilst feeding, and egested at
The geographical distribuon of marine plasc has largely been considered from a physical
perspecve, with abioc processes (i.e. wind, rivers, oceanic currents) expected to be the dominant
factors in distribung this pervasive pollutant (Sherman and van Sebille, 2016). We consider that
migratory species could also facilitate the transport of plascs. Migratory species have been widely
demonstrated to play a vital role in the long‐range transport of persistent pollutants (e.g. PCBs, DDT,
methyl mercury; Blais et al., 2007). For example, migratory fish (e.g. trout, salmon) have been shown
to accumulate persistent organochlorines in their ssues while feeding in marine habitats, which are
released in their eggs during spawning at otherwise prisne, freshwaters sites (Krummel et al., 2003;
Mu et al., 2004). Numerous migratory species, including turtles (Nelms et al., 2015), ocean‐foraging
seabirds (van Franeker, 2015), and cetaceans (Lusher et al., 2015), are rounely sampled with plascs
in their intesnal tracts. These animals undertake large scale, annual migraons; for example, the
Gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) travels 6000 km annually from the coast of Mexico to the Chukchi      
Sea, and the Arcc tern (Sterna paradiasaea) migrates 19,000 km from Greenland to the Antarcc  
each year (Alerstam et al., 2003). The egeson of plasc within faeces, scat or guano, the
regurgitaon of plascs by seabirds when feeding their young (Sileo et al., 1990), or the death of the    
animal, will all contribute to the deposion of plasc in terrestrial, freshwater or marine habitats far
Within the marine environment, microplascs are rapidly colonized by ‘biofilms’, made up of
microorganisms, plants and epibionts that aach and grow on substrates. The characteriscs of the
biofilm that forms on a plasc will be influenced by the polymer, and the biological or ecological
matrix through which it has passed; as such, the microbial complex that forms on the surface of
plascs may act as a tracer of the journey of a microplasc within marine compartments (Galloway
et al., 2017). The development of a biofilm can change the characteriscs of the plasc polymer, for
example by increasing their mass (Lobelle and Cunliffe, 2011; Zeler et al., 2013; Rummel et al.,
2017), and altering their chemical signal (see Detecting microplastics). It has been postulated that  
biofilm formaon could be enough to cause otherwise buoyant plascs to sink or oscillate within the
water column, depending on the size and density of the plasc (Ye & Andrady, 1991, Kooi et al.,
In bivalves, feeding or rejecon of parcles that are suspended in the water is the outcome of
passive and acve selecon. The size of the parcles that may be ingested depends on the filtraon
apparatus of the parcular species. In Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae, uptake of polystyrene  
microbeads was size dependent, with microplascs larger than the oral groove unable to be ingested,
while smaller plascs were readily consumed (Cole & Galloway, 2015). If the size is right, and prey is      
directed to the specialized feeding organs (ctenidium) it may sll be rejected as pseudofaeces if
considered unpalatable. Studies made with blue mussels have shown that the idenficaon of
unsuitable parcles and their sorng in suspension‐feeding bivalves takes place in the
lecn‐containing mucus that covers feeding organs, where interacon with carbohydrates from
suspension takes place (Espinosa et al., 2010). Mussels (Mytilus edulis) have been visualised rejecng  
nanopolystyrene (Ward & Koch, 2009), and microplasc polyvinylchloride in their pseudofaeces
(personal observaons of authors). The fate of microplascs incorporated into pseudofaeces remains
Ingested microplascs will typically be passed along the intesnal tract through peristalc
acon. Within the intesnal tract microplascs will either be adsorbed across the gut lining, become
entrapped in the gut (i.e. intesnal blockage causing retenon of plasc), or become incorporated
into the animal’s faeces and egested. Microplascs have been idenfied in the faecal pellets of
copepods (Cole et al., 2013), and it is assumed most animals that consume plascs will then egest
them. Microplascs have been observed in commercially caught fish (e.g. Lusher et al., 2013), and
whilst there is currently no data to explain the fate of plasc post ingeson, it could be assumed that
the majority would pass through the gut and get packaged in faecal pellets. The repackaging of
plasc into the faeces of an animal will alter the properes (i.e. relave buoyancy) of the plascs
within the water column (Cole et al., 2015), and represent an alternate route by which plascs can be
Sinking faeces and marine aggregates play a vital role in the biological pump, whereby carbon
and nutrients in the euphoc zone are repackaged, and transported to the ocean depths (Turner,
2014). Faeces from anchovies in the producve upwelling system off the coast of Peru were observed
as a key contributor to downward flux in sediment traps, with faecal sinking rates averaging >1 km d
 
(Staresinic et al., 1983). In this scenario, any microplascs contained within these pellets may reach
benthic sediments within a very short space of me. However, experimental work has documented
that the incorporaon of microplascs into faecal pellets (Cole et al., 2016) and marine aggregates
(Long et al., 2015), will alter the buoyancy of the biological matrix. Many carbon flux studies have      
concluded that slowly sinking faeces are unlikely to reach the seabed, instead becoming repackaged
through coprophagy (i.e. the consumpon of faecal maer) by larger zooplankton species (Turner,
2002), or broken down through microbial acon. In faeces containing microplasc, coprophagy
would therefore represent a route by which plascs can re‐enter the marine food web. This has been
demonstrated with copepods, when polystyrene microplascs ingested by the small copepod,
Centropages typicus, were egested in their faecal pellets and subsequently ingested by the larger  
copepod, Calanus helgolandicus (Cole et al., 2016). The study further highlighted that  
microplasc‐laden pellets were more prone to fragment, making them more bioavailable to
Benthic sediments have been idenfied as an important sink for microplascs, including high‐density
plascs which readily sele out of the water column, and lower‐density plascs whose movement to
the benthos is facilitated by biological matrices. Highly polluted coastal sediments may comprise 3%
microplascs (Carson et al., 2011), whilst esmates of 4 billion bioplasc and polymer fibres per km
 
are reported in Indian seamount sediments (Woodall et al., 2014). Within sediments, microplascs
become bioavailable to benthic dwelling fauna, including important commercial species such as
Norwegian lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (Murray & Cowie, 2011) and shellfish (Rochman et al.,  
2015). A number of papers having highlighted the capacity for benthic organisms, including bivalves
(Sussarellu et al., 2016), echinoderms (Graham & Thompson, 2009) and polychaetes (Wright et al.,
2013, Besseling et al, Green et al., 2016) to ingest microplascs, with the potenal to incite negave
health effects with repercussions for their funconality (i.e. reduced bioturbaon acvity, reduced    
energec reserves). As with pelagic organisms, it is hypothesised that benthic taxa can alter the
properes of microplascs, and through bioturbaon move plascs from the sediment‐water
interface deeper into sediments. This has been evidenced in polychaetes and clams that transported
microplasc fibres (polyethylene fishing line <1 mm) to depths of 1.7‐5.1 cm during a three week
mesocosm experiment (Näkki et al., 2017). However, determining the capacity for sediment‐dwelling
biota to redistribute plasc under natural condions remains unknown, and it is unclear whether
Microplascs are under extensive research, and their complex interacons with marine food webs
are becoming increasingly evident. Microplascs are pervasive, environmentally‐persistent parcles,
which have the potenal to flux between the water column, seabed and biota. Nano‐ and
microplascs can enter marine food webs via a number of entry‐points, and can subsequently be
cycled through different bioc compartments; these bioc processes can result in changes to the
properes and movement of the microplasc. Parameters governing the entrance of microplascs    
into food webs include the spaal overlap of microplascs and biota, the feeding strategy and
molity of the organism, and the characteriscs of the plasc. From the studies carried out so far, we
have learned that different taxa, species, and developmental stage of a species, will each process,
handle and react to microplascs in a myriad of ways. Some organisms have mechanisms that
protect them from consuming anthropogenic contaminants, while others readily ingest large
numbers of microplasc parcles together with their natural prey. With microplasc polluon in the
marine environment becoming a growing threat, the numbers of both primary‐ and secondary
microplascs is increasing. There may therefore come a me, when the exposure experiments which
are carried out today, and which have been cricized because of their high microplasc
concentraons, will be considered as “historic” research with environmentally relevant
OS and ML acknowledge Ministry of Environment and Academy of Finland (MIF 296169) for funding.
RLC is funded through a Natural Environment Research Council GW4+ PhD studentship
(NE/L002434/1). MC acknowledges funding from the Natural Environment Research Council
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Alerstam, T. Hedenström, A., & Åkesson, S. (2003). Long‐distance migraon: evoluon and
Andrady, A.L. (2017). The plasc in microplascs: A review. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 119(1),    
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... Microplastics, essentially tiny plastic fragments with diameters less than 5 mm, are increasingly saturating soils, largely due to the degradation of larger plastic debris, tire abrasions, and the direct application of sewage sludge to farmlands [4,5]. The sheer ubiquity of these minuscule particles in the environment has raised eyebrows given their long-lasting nature and potential to cause ecological harm [6]. Similarly, heavy metal pollutants, many of which are byproducts of anthropogenic activities like mining, smelting, and the indiscriminate disposal of industrial wastes, have become tenacious contaminants in many soils, leading to toxicological threats to both flora and fauna [7][8][9][10]. ...
... They often act as the primary point of entry for these contaminants into food webs [2]. As these pollutants get taken up, they can adversely affect plant growth, morphology, and physiology, thereby jeopardizing the entire ecosystem and human health [6,11]. The traditional methods to mitigate the effects of these pollutants, such as phytoremediation for heavy metals or mechanical removal for microplastics, are often labor-intensive, inefficient, or impractical at larger scales. ...
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As global pollution escalates, plants increasingly encounter microplastic and metal contaminants in their habitats, posing severe challenges to their growth, physiology, and overall health. This review delves into the transformative potential of nanotechnology in bolstering plant resilience against such pollutants. Nanoparticles, with their unique properties, present promising strategies to protect plants from microplastic-induced physical obstruction and chemical toxicity, as well as from heavy metal stress. In the backdrop of mounting environmental stressors, nanoparticles can play a pivotal role in enhancing the uptake, sequestration, and detoxification processes in plants. By understanding the intricate mechanisms through which nanoparticles act, researchers can potentially develop targeted applications to mitigate the detrimental effects of microplastics and heavy metals. This exploration not only brings to the fore the immediate benefits of using nanoparticles but also underlines the need for a comprehensive assessment of their environmental impact to ensure sustainable applications in the future.
... Microplastics (MP) are plastic particles <5 mm (Arthur et al., 2009). First reported in the oceans (Carpenter and Smith, 1972), any other environmental compartment investigated since then has appeared affected by MP, as documented for freshwater (Dris et al., 2015), soil (Büks and Kaupenjohann, 2020), atmosphere (Habibi et al., 2022), and biota (Setälä et al., 2018;Franzellitti et al., 2019;Ugwu et al., 2021). The MP contamination of rivers is particularly interesting, with regard to their role as freshwater ecosystems, as natural resources, and as pathways and potential sources of MP to adjacent ecosystems. ...
... Microplastics have accumulated in the ocean and threaten marine and fresh life from plankton to fish and mammals when present in large concentration (Avio et al., 2017). Setälä et al. (2018) showed that 33% of the gooseneck barnacles (Lepas spp.) ingested 1 -30 microplastic particles. Microplastics in the marine environment destined up in seafood as fish, bivalves and crustaceans (Gallo et al., 2018). ...
In aquatic ecosystems, planktonic organisms play a crucial role in ecosystem services, such as biogeochemicaland nutrient cycling. Microplastics (MPs) influence on plankton may extend through the whole aquatic food chain via., trophic transfers. MPs in the ocean are not only present in the water but are also eaten by planktons and transported to other trophic levels by them. Coastal habitats and littoral zone vegetation are particularly vulnerable to plastic pollution in aquatic systems. The abundance of microplastics in aquatic habitats forces researchers to investigate their effects on ecosystem processes and food webs.
... Secondary MPs are more harmful than primary MPs. The marine organisms have developed organs for prey detection, and the presence of a large number of plastic polymers may be unfavourable conditions (Setälä et al. 2018). MPs are typically retained in the body of organisms for several weeks to months after ingestion. ...
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Aquaculture is a rapidly expanding food sector worldwide; it is the farming of fish, shellfish, and other marine organisms. Microplastics (MPs) are small pieces of plastic with a diameter of less than 5 mm that end up in the marine environment. MPs are fragments of large plastics that take years to degrade but can frustrate into small pieces, and some commercially available MPs are used in the production of toothpaste, cosmetics, and aircraft. MPs are emerging contaminants; they are ingested by marine species. These MPs have effects on marine species such as growth retardation and particle translocation to other parts of the body. Recently, MPs accumulation has been observed in shrimps, as well as in a wide range of other scientific reports. So, in this study, we review the presence, accumulation, and causes of MPs in shrimp. These plastics can trophic transfer to other organisms, changes in plastic count, effects on the marine environment, and impacts of MPs on human health were also discussed. It also improves our understanding of the importance of efficient plastic waste management in the ocean, as well as the impact of MPs on marine biota and human health.
... In food webs, organisms at different trophic levels may ingest and accumulate MNPs and associated environmental pollutants (Carbery et al., 2018). However, Setälä et al. (2018) reported that in addition to ingestion, microplastics can contaminate food webs in the aquatic environment through inhalation and entanglement by the organisms. Once MNPs and associated environmental pollutants are incorporated in the bodies of organisms, they move along the network of food chains comprising various trophic levels (Fig. 4). ...
... In food webs, organisms at different trophic levels may ingest and accumulate MNPs and associated environmental pollutants (Carbery et al., 2018). However, Setälä et al. (2018) reported that in addition to ingestion, microplastics can contaminate food webs in the aquatic environment through inhalation and entanglement by the organisms. Once MNPs and associated environmental pollutants are incorporated in the bodies of organisms, they move along the network of food chains comprising various trophic levels (Fig. 4). ...
A new threat has been unlocked for the past decade is that microplastics and nanoplastics can potentially adsorb other environmental pollutants. Acting as a vector they can transfer and exacerbate the bioavailability of several contaminants in different environmental compartments. The adsorption and interaction can be influenced by several factors including the micro-nanoplastic characteristics and the matrices in contact. Accordingly, it should critically look into the possibilities of natural aging and weathering processes that can alter the plastic properties, which can induce surface assimilation. Despite the investigations carried out so far, the adsorption behavior and interactions and long-term fate still need to be better understood. Consequently, this chapter reviews the current knowledge on the adsorption behavior and interaction of micro and nanoplastics in soils and aquatic environments, including the factors influencing adsorption, the mechanisms and interactions involved, and the impacts of adsorption. The chapter also addresses the current challenges and the methodological gaps in understanding the adsorption behavior and interaction of micro and nanoplastics with possible future research outlooks to fulfill these gaps.
... Additionally, contaminated fecal pellets may become buried, facilitating long-term MP deposition and accumulation in sediments. Studies by Setälä et al. (2018), Mateos-Cárdenas et al. (2022) and Costa et al. (2020) demonstrate the detrimental effects of MP accumulation on aquatic organisms. Large plastic or plastic fibers can cause blockages in intestinal tracts, hindering movement despite peristaltic action. ...
Marine microdebris (MDs, <5 mm) and mesodebris (MesDs, 5–25 mm), consist of various components, including microplastics (MPs), antifouling or anticorrosive paint particles (APPs), and metallic particles (Mmps), among others. The accumulation of these anthropogenic particles in macroalgae could have significant implications within coastal ecosystems because of the role of macroalgae as primary producers and their subsequent transfer within the trophic chain. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the abundance of MDs and MesDs pollution in different species of macroalgae (P. morrowii, C. rubrum, Ulva spp., and B. minima) and in surface waters from the Southwest Atlantic coast of Argentina to evaluate the ecological damage. MDs and MesDs were chemically characterized using μ-FTIR and SEM/EDX to identify, and assess their environmental impact based on their composition and degree of pollution by MPs, calculating the Polymer Hazard Index (PHI). The prevalence of MDs was higher in foliose species, followed by filamentous and tubular ones, ranging from 0 to 1.22 items/g w.w. for MPs and 0 to 0.85 items/g w.w. for APPs. It was found that macroalgae accumulate a higher proportion of high-density polymers like PAN and PES, as well as APPs based on alkyd, PMMA, and PE resins, whereas a predominance of CE was observed in surrounding waters. Potentially toxic elements, such as Cr, Cu, and Ti, were detected in APPs and MPs, along with the presence of epiplastic communities on the surface of APPs. According to PHI, the presence of high-hazard score polymers, such as PAN and PA, increased the overall risk of MP pollution in macroalgae compared to surrounding waters. This study provided a baseline for MDs and MesDs abundance in macroalgae as well as understanding of the environmental impact of this debris and their bioaccumulation in the primary link of the coastal trophic chain.
... Mechanical and chemical abrasion of plastics results in microplastics (<5 mm in size) that come in many shapes, sizes, and polymer types (Browne et al., 2011;Cole et al., 2011). The small size of microplastics facilitates their transport in the atmosphere, in water, and through food webs (Bergmann et al., 2019;Brahney et al., 2020;Setälä et al., 2018). ...
Microplastic contamination is ubiquitous across the globe, even in remote locations. Still, the sources and pathways of microplastics to such locations are largely unknown. To investigate microplastic contamination in a semi‐remote location, we measured microplastic concentrations in nine oligotrophic lakes within and around the International Institute for Sustainable Development—Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Our first objective was to establish ambient concentrations of microplastics in bottom sediments, surface water, and atmospheric deposition in semi‐remote boreal lakes. Across all lakes, mean shallow and deep sediment microplastic concentrations, near‐surface water microplastic concentrations from in situ filtering, and dry atmospheric microplastic deposition rates were 551 ± 354 particles kg ⁻¹ , 177 ± 103 particles kg ⁻¹ , 0.2 ± 0.3 particles L ⁻¹ , and 0.4 ± 0.2 particles m ⁻² day ⁻¹ , respectively. Our second objective was to investigate whether microplastic contamination of these lakes is driven by point sources including local runoff and direct anthropogenic inputs or nonpoint sources such as atmospheric deposition. Lakes were selected based on three levels of anthropogenic activity—low, medium, and high—though activity levels were minimal across all study lakes compared with highly populated areas. Whereas a positive correlation would indicate that point sources were a likely pathway, we observed no relationship between the level of anthropogenic activity and microplastic contamination of surface water. Moreover, the composition of microplastics in surface water and atmospheric deposition were similar, comprising mostly polyester and acrylic fibers. Together, these results suggest that atmospheric deposition may be the main pathway of microplastics to these remote boreal lakes. Environ Toxicol Chem 2024;00:1–13. © 2024 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC.
... Owing to their diminutive dimensions, microplastics are exposed to marine organisms via diverse pathways, including filter feeding, respirational intake, and entanglement (Setälä et al. 2018). Artemia salina was subjected to different concentrations of PP MPs for 48 h. ...
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The increasing use of polypropylene (PP) in consumer products leads to the microplastic (PP MPs) contamination of the aquatic ecosystems. Comprehensive toxicological studies of weathered/aged and new PP MPs with Artemia salina are a need of the hour. Our study explores the toxicological differences between naturally weathered (aged) and prepared new PP MPs on Artemia salina. Both the weathered and new PP MPs were prepared using controlled grinding and sieving at ≤ 125 µm. Artemia salina was treated with different concentrations (0.25, 0.5, and 1 mg/mL) of PP MP particles for up to 48 h. The uptake of weathered PP MP particles by Artemia salina was higher than the new PP MPs. The accumulation of PP MP particles was found in the intestine. There was increased oxidative stress recorded in the animal treated with the weathered PP MPs than the new PP MPs. Artemia salina treated with weathered PP MPs showed higher ROS generation and increased, activity of oxidative enzymes like LPO, SOD, and CAT. Collectively, our findings underscore the detrimental effects of weathered and prepared new PP MPs on Artemia salina, which is an ecologically significant species of zooplankton. There is an urgent need and effective measures required to address plastic disposal strategies in an environmentally safe manner.
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This study investigates the relationship between individuals' knowledge of the environmental impacts of plastic bags and their intentions to use them. Employing a quantitative correlational research design, the study surveyed 50 participants (Female n=44; Male n=6), with an age range of 16 to 49 years (M=39.64, SD=6.66). Participants were approached through convenience sampling and completed two questionnaires: a true/false questionnaire assessing knowledge and a Likert scale questionnaire measuring intentions to use plastic bags. Results indicated a negative correlation (r =-0.19) between knowledge and intentions to use plastic bags, suggesting that increased environmental knowledge corresponds with a decreased intention to use plastic bags. However, this correlation was not statistically significant (t (48) =-1.360, p = 0.18007), indicating that the observed relationship may be due to chance. The findings highlight the complexity of behavior change and suggest that additional factors may influence the intention to use plastic bags. Further research with larger sample sizes and varied methodologies is recommended to explore this relationship more comprehensively.
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Although plastic is ubiquitous in marine systems, our current knowledge of transport mechanisms is limited. Much of the plastic entering the ocean sinks; this is intuitively obvious for polymers such as polystyrene (PS), which have a greater density than seawater, but lower density polymers like polyethylene (PE) also occur in sediments. Biofouling can cause large plastic objects to sink, but this phenomenon has not been described for microplastics < 5 mm. We incubated PS and PE microplastic particles in estuarine and coastal waters to determine how biofouling changes their sinking behavior. Sinking velocities of PS increased 16% in estuarine water (salinity 9.8) and 81% in marine water (salinity 36) after 6 weeks of incubation. Thereafter sinking velocities decreased due to lower water temperatures and reduced light availability. Biofouling did not cause PE to sink during the 14 weeks of incubation in estuarine water, but PE started to sink after six weeks in coastal water when sufficiently colonized by blue mussels Mytilus edulis, and its velocity continued to increase until the end of the incubation period. Sinking velocities of these PE pellets were similar irrespective of salinity (10 vs. 36). Biofilm composition differed between estuarine and coastal stations, presumably accounting for differences in sinking behavior. We demonstrate that biofouling enhances microplastic deposition to marine sediments, and our findings should improve microplastic transport models.
Technical Report
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This report summarises the knowledge on plastics in Nordic marine species. Nordic biota interacts with plastic pollution, through entanglement and ingestion. Ingestion has been found in many seabirds and also in stranded mammals. Ingestion of plastics has been documented in 14 fish species, which many of them are of ecology and commercially importance. Microplastics have also been found in blue mussels and preliminary studies found synthetic fibres in marine worms. Comparability between and within studies of plastic ingestion by biota from the Nordic environment and other regions are difficult as there are: few studies and different methods are used. It is important that research is directed towards the knowledge gaps highlighted in this report, to get a better understanding on plastic ingestion and impact on biota from the Nordic marine environment.
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Although mounting evidence suggests the ubiquity of microplastic in aquatic ecosystems worldwide, our knowledge of its distribution in remote environments such as Polar Regions and the deep sea is scarce. Here, we analyzed nine sediment samples taken at the HAUSGARTEN observatory in the Arctic at 2,340 - 5,570 m depth. Density separation by MicroPlastic Sediment Separator and treatment with Fenton's reagent enabled analysis via Attenuated Total Reflection FTIR and µFTIR spectroscopy. Our analyses indicate the wide spread of high numbers of microplastics (42 - 6,595 microplastics kg-1). The northernmost stations harbored the highest quantities, indicating sea ice as a transport vehicle. A positive correlation between microplastic abundance and chlorophyll a content suggests vertical export via incorporation in sinking (ice-) algal aggregates. Overall, 18 different polymers were detected. Chlorinated polyethylene accounted for the largest proportion (38 %), followed by polyamide (22 %) and polypropylene (16 %). Almost 80 % of the microplastics were ≤ 25 µm. The microplastic quantities are amongst the highest recorded from benthic sediments, which corroborates the deep sea as a major sink for microplastics and the presence of accumulation areas in this remote part of the world, fed by plastics transported to the North via the Thermohaline Circulation.
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Recent studies suggest size-selective removal of small plastic particles from the ocean surface, an observation that remains unexplained. We studied one of the hypotheses regarding this size-selective removal: the formation of a biofilm on the microplastics (biofouling). We developed the first theoretical model that is capable of simulating the effect of biofouling on the fate of microplastic. The model is based on settling, biofilm growth and ocean depth profiles for light, water density, temperature, salinity and viscosity. Using realistic parameters, the model simulates the vertical transport of small microplastic particles over time, and predicts that the particles either float, sink to the ocean floor, or oscillate vertically, depending on the size and density of the particle. The predicted size-dependent vertical movement of microplastic particles results in a maximum concentration at intermediate depths. Consequently, relatively low abundances of small particles are predicted at the ocean surface, while at the same time these small particles may never reach the ocean floor. Our results hint at the fate of ‘lost’ plastic in the ocean, and provide a start for predicting risks of exposure to microplastics for potentially vulnerable species living at these depths. Ups and downs in the ocean: Effects of biofouling on the vertical transport of microplastics. Available from: [accessed Jun 19, 2017].
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In the aquatic environment, microplastic (MP; <5 mm) is a cause of concern because of its persistence and potential adverse effects on biota. Studies of microlitter impacts are mostly based on virgin and spherical polymer particles as model MP. However, in pelagic and benthic environments, surfaces are always colonized by microorganisms forming so-called biofilms. The influence of such biofilms on the fate and potential effects of MP is not understood well. Here, we review the physical interactions of early microbial colonization on plastic surfaces and their reciprocal influence on the weathering processes and vertical transport as well as sorption and release of contaminants by MP. Possible ecological consequences of biofilm formation on MP, such as trophic transfer of MP particles and potential adverse effects of MP, are virtually unknown. However, evidence is accumulating that the biofilm−plastic interactions have the capacity to influence the fate and impacts of MP by modifying the physical properties of the particles. There is an urgent research need to better understand these interactions and increase the ecological relevance of current laboratory testing by simulating field conditions in which microbial life is a key driver of biogeochemical processes.
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We collected plastic debris in the Stockholm Archipelago using a manta trawl, and additionally along a transect in the Baltic Sea from the island of Gotland to Stockholm in a citizen science study. The samples were concentrated by filtration and organic material was digested using hydrogen peroxide. Suspected plastic material was isolated by visual sorting and 59 of these were selected to be characterized with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Polypropylene and polyethylene were the most abundant plastics identified among the samples (53% and 24% respectively). We found nearly ten times higher abundance of plastics near central Stockholm than in offshore areas (4.2×10(5)plastics km(-2) compared to 4.7×10(4)plastics km(-2)). The abundance of plastic debris near Stockholm was similar to urban areas in California, USA, and the overall abundance in the Stockholm Archipelago was similar to plastic abundance reported in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea.
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It was thought that the Southern Ocean was relatively free of microplastic contamination; however, recent studies and citizen science projects in the Southern Ocean have reported microplastics in deep-sea sediments and surface waters. Here we reviewed available information on microplastics (including macroplastics as a source of microplastics) in the Southern Ocean. We estimated primary microplastic concentrations from personal care products and laundry, and identified potential sources and routes of transmission into the region. Estimates showed the levels of microplastic pollution released into the region from ships and scientific research stations were likely to be negligible at the scale of the Southern Ocean, but may be significant on a local scale. This was demonstrated by the detection of the first microplastics in shallow benthic sediments close to a number of research stations on King George Island. Furthermore, our predictions of primary microplastic concentrations from local sources were five orders of magnitude lower than levels reported in published sampling surveys (assuming an even dispersal at the ocean surface). Sea surface transfer from lower latitudes may contribute, at an as yet unknown level, to Southern Ocean plastic concentrations. Acknowledging the lack of data describing microplastic origins, concentrations, distribution and impacts in the Southern Ocean, we highlight the urgent need for research, and call for routine, standardised monitoring in the Antarctic marine system.
This is the first survey to investigate the occurrence and extent of plastic contamination in sediments collected in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica). Plastic debris extracted from 31 samples of sediments were counted, weighted and identified by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). All sediment samples contained plastics: a total of 1661 items of debris (3.14 g) were recorded from the 31 samples of sediment. Plastic particles in the samples ranged from 0.3 to 22 mm in length. Fibres were the most frequent type of small plastics debris detected. In terms of abundance, microplastics (< 5 mm) accounted for 78.4% of debris. 9 polymer types were found: the most common material (94.13% by weight) was styrene-butadiene-styrene copolymer (SBS), widely used in pneumatic tires, etc. A decreasing concentration of plastic debris at increasing distances from the Mario Zucchelli Base was evidenced.
Microplastics (MPs) are observed to be present on the seafloor ranging from coastal areas to deep seas. Because bioturbation alters the distribution of natural particles on inhabited soft bottoms, a mesocosm experiment with common benthic invertebrates was conducted to study their effect on the distribution of secondary MPs (different-sized pieces of fishing line<1mm). During the study period of three weeks, the benthic community increased MP concentration in the depth of 1.7-5.1cm in the sediment. The experiment revealed a clear vertical gradient in MP distribution with their abundance being highest in the uppermost parts of the sediment and decreasing with depth. The Baltic clam Macoma balthica was the only study animal that ingested MPs. This study highlights the need to further examine the vertical distribution of MPs in natural sediments to reliably assess their abundance on the seafloor as well as their potential impacts on benthic communities.