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Susceptibility to antibiotics in isolates of Lactobacillus plantarum RAPD-type Lp299v, harvested from antibiotic treated, critically ill patients after administration of probiotics


Abstract and Figures

Recultured Lactobacillus plantarum 299v‐like strains were tested regarding antibiotic susceptibility, and no decrease was detected. Antibiotics are frequently used to treat patients in intensive care units (ICUs) and are associated with a significant risk of selection of resistant bacterial strains. In particular, it is possible that genetic transfer of antibiotic resistance to the resident gastrointestinal flora, as well as to administered probiotics, may be increased in the ICU setting. The aim of the present investigation was to detect possible changes in antimicrobial susceptibility in reisolates of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus plantarum 299v (Lp299v) given to antibiotic treated, critically ill patients. Lp299v‐like strains were identified in cultures of biopsies and fecal samples from 32 patients given the probiotic strain enterally in two previous ICU studies. The patients received a variety of antibiotics. Isolates with the same genomic RAPD profile (RAPD‐type) as Lp299v were obtained to enable monitoring of antibiotic susceptibility by E‐tests. Forty‐two isolates, collected throughout the course of illness, were tested against 22 different antibiotics. No obvious decrease in susceptibility was found for 21 of the tested antibiotics. There was a tendency toward decreased susceptibility to ampicillin. The stable antibiotic susceptibility profiles of the Lp299v‐like isolates studied here suggests this probiotic is less likely to acquire resistance when administered to critically ill patients treated with broad‐spectrum antibiotics.
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MicrobiologyOpen. 2019;8:e642. 
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Probiotics are widely used in society for health promotion, and they
are often employed in medical settings, primarily to prevent the
side effects of antibiotics. A number of studies and reviews have
suggested that probiotics have beneficial effects on critically ill
patients (Barraud, Bollaert, & Gibot, 2013; Bo et al., 2014; Elaine
et al., 2012; Goldenberg et al., 2013; Manzanares, Margot Lemieux,
Langlois, & Wischmeyer, 2016; Shimizu et al., 2013), whereas other
investigations have shown no advantages of probiotics compared to
Revised:11Februar y2018 
DOI: 10.1002/mbo3.642
Susceptibility to antibiotics in isolates of Lactobacillus
plantarum RAPD- type Lp299v, harvested from antibiotic
treated, critically ill patients after administration of probiotics
Bengt Klarin1| Anders Larsson2| Göran Molin3| Bengt Jeppsson4
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2018 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
This study was pe rformed at Sk åne Universit y Hospital, L und, Sweden and at Probi AB , Lund, Sweden.
1Department of Anaesthesiology and
Intensive Care, Lund University and Skåne
University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
2Department of Surgical Sciences, Section of
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Uppsala
University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
3Applie dNutritionandFood
Chemistry, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
4Department of Surgery, Lund University
and Skåne University Hospital, Malmö,
Bengt Klarin, Department of
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Skåne
University Hospital, SE-221 85 Lund,
Funding information
Region Skåne, Sweden; Scandinavian Society
Probi AB, Lund, Sweden.
Recultured Lactobacillus plantarum 299v- like strains were tested regarding antibiotic
susceptibility, and no decrease was detected. Antibiotics are frequently used to treat
patients in intensive care units (ICUs) and are associated with a significant risk of se-
lection of resistant bacterial strains. In particular, it is possible that genetic transfer of
antibiotic resistance to the resident gastrointestinal flora, as well as to administered
probiotics, may be increased in the ICU setting. The aim of the present investigation
was to detect possible changes in antimicrobial susceptibility in reisolates of the pro-
biotic strain Lactobacillus plantarum 299v (Lp299v) given to antibiotic treated, criti-
cally ill patients. Lp299v- like strains were identified in cultures of biopsies and fecal
samples from 32 patients given the probiotic strain enterally in two previous ICU
studies. The patients received a variety of antibiotics. Isolates with the same genomic
RAPD profile (RAPD- type) as Lp299v were obtained to enable monitoring of antibi-
illness, were tested against 22 different antibiotics. No obvious decrease in suscepti-
bility was found for 21 of the tested antibiotics. There was a tendency toward de-
creased susceptibility to ampicillin. The stable antibiotic susceptibility profiles of the
Lp299v- like isolates studied here suggests this probiotic is less likely to acquire re-
sistance when administered to critically ill patients treated with broad- spectrum
antibiotic pressure, antibiotic susceptibility, critically ill patients, E-test, Lactobacillus plantarum
299v, probiotics
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   KLARIN et AL .
controls (Gu, Wei, & Yin, 2012; Wang et al., 2013). However, little
is known about a number of critical issues in this context, such as
the possible impact of probiotics on the normal microbiological flora
(Imperial & Ibana, 2016), and the effects of administered drugs on
the antibiotic susceptibility of probiotics. Some experimental ani-
mal data support the suggestion that antibiotic resistance genes are
transferred to probiotic strains (Mater, Langella, Gérard Corthier, &
pital environment.
The highest antibiotic pressure is in the intensive care units
(ICUs), where patients with few exceptions are given antibiotics,
mainly broad- spectrum agents, as an important part of their treat-
ment. Therefore, in ICUs there is significant ongoing selection of
bacteria with resistance to antibiotics (Karam, Chastre, Wilcox,
& Jean- Louis Vincent, 2016; Zilahi, Artigas, & Martin- Loeches,
2016). The colon can be regarded as a fermenter that has a high
bacterial content, and it is highly likely that there is exchange
of different molecules including genetic material. Probiotics are
used in many ICUs mainly in order to reduce the prevalence of
antibiotic- associated diarrhea. Nonetheless, we hypothesized that
transfer of antibiotic resistance to probiotics could occur in this
Lactobacillus plantarum is considered to be a genomically stabile
ceptibility of Lp299v to a number of agents have failed to reveal any
changes over the years. Guidelines on interpretive breakpoints for
the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of a number of
antibiotics against strains of the species Lactobacillus plantarum have
beenpublishedby theEuropeanFood SafetyAgency (EFSA) (EFSA
2005) an d were updated f or some of the se agents in 20 08 (EFSA
Lactobacillus plantarum 299v (Lp299v; DSM9843) is the probiotic
component of a number of products that have been commercially
available for more than three decades in Sweden and for several
years in other countries. Moreover, Lp299v in the form of a fruit
drink (ProViva®) has been used as a prophylactic remedy in many
Swedish hospitals, including ICUs. To date, several ICU studies using
the strain Lp299v (Klarin, Johansson, Molin, Larsson, & Jeppsson,
2005; Klarin, Wullt, et al., 2008; McNaught, Woodcock, Anderson,
& MacFie, 20 05), and th e genomical ly closely re lated L. plantarum
299 (= DSM 6595) [Klarin, Molin, Jeppsson, & Larsson, 2008; Rayes,
Seehofer, et al., 2002; Rayes, Hansen, et al., 2002) have not shown
any important side effects of these probiotics.
Two earlier ICU- based studies of critically ill patients receiv-
ing broad- spectrum antibiotics addressed the following issues: (1)
whether administration of Lp299v resulted in adherence of the pro-
biotic to the gut mucosa (Study 1, Klarin et al., 2005) and (2) whether
coadministration of Lp299v with antibiotics reduced colonization of
Clostridium difficile (Study 2, Klarin, Wullt, et al., 200 8). In the present
investigation, 42 isolates of RAPD- type Lp299v cultured from rectal
mucosal biopsies (Study 1) or fecal specimens (Study 2) were inves-
tigated to determine whether antibiotic susceptibility profiles were
altered after gastrointestinal transit in patients on broad- spectrum
antibiotics. The results showed no significant changes in the antibi-
otic susceptibility profiles of Lp299v- like isolates screened against a
panel of 22 broad- spectrum antibiotics. This finding together with
the low incidence of side effects observed in Studies 1 and 2, indi-
cates that the probiotic Lp299v should be a viable candidate for use
in critically ill patients receiving antibiotics.
2.1 | Samples
In two separate prospective randomized controlled investigations
(Studies 1 and 2) the probiotic strain Lp299v was given enterally
to critically ill adult patients anticipated to require intensive care
for ≥3days. Eigh t patients in Stud y 1 and 22 patient s in Study 2
were given Lp299v. The control groups (seven and 22 patients, re-
spectively) received similar standard treatments but no probiotics
(Figure1). Biopsies were taken in Study 1,and fecalsampleswere
collected in Study 2. Six samples (three from each study) collected
before start of the intervention began were positive for Lp299v. All
other positive samples shown in the figures came from patients ran-
domized to the Lp299v group. In Study 1, a total of 47 biopsies were
taken (27 in the Lp299v group and 20 in the control group), with a
median of three samples per patient. In Study 2, 167 fecal samples
were collected (74 and 93 in Lp299v and control patients, respec-
tively), also with a median of three samples per patient. Lp299v- like
isolates were obtained from biopsies of the rectal mucosa (Study 1),
or from fecal samples (Study 2). In both studies samples were col-
lected at inclusion and thereafter twice a week until discharge from
the ICU. The patients were treated with different types of antibi-
otics, initially empirically and thereafter in accordance with clinical
findings and the results of microbiological cultures. All patients had
received one or more doses of antibiotics before any study product
was given and before the first biopsy or fecal sample.
2.2 | Analyses
Lactobacilli were cultured from rectal mucosal biopsies or fecal
specimens at the time of Studies 1 and 2 using Rogosa agar (Oxoid,
Basingstoke, Hampshire, England) incubated anaerobically at 37°C
for 3 days. Colonies suspected to be Lp299v (large, creamy white-
yellowish, and somewhat irregular in shape) were isolated and fur-
ther identified by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA typing
(RAPD) (Johansson, Quednau, Molin, & Ahrné, 1995). All isolates
werestored at−8 0°C pendinganalysis. Afterreconditioningofthe
frozen strains, Brucella broth suspensions of the respective strain,
were inoculated on Brucella agar plates (Oxoid). E- test strips of 22
antibiotics (detailed below in section 2.3) were applied on the inocu-
lated agar plates, and incubated anaerobically at 35°C for 72 hr. All
analyses were done in duplicate.
To enable comparisons of MIC values of the harvested isolates
and the original strain, the isolates were divided into four groups
according to their exposure to antibiotics and administration of
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Lp299v: (1) isolates cultured from samples collected prior to pro-
biotic intervention in each study; (2) isolates obtained from rectal
mucosa biopsies; (3) isolates acquired from fecal samples; (4) isolates
obtained from fecal samples from patients in Study 2 given Lp299v
(as the fruitdrink ProViva®) after conclusion of their participation in
the study. The subjects in group 4 were given the control product
(without probiotics) during the study period, but then as non- ICU
patients at the same Department of Infectious Diseases received the
same treatment as other patients in that ward.
2.3 | Tested antibiotics
A wide panel of antibiotics (E- tests; AB Biodisk, Solna, Sweden)
was tested against the original strains and the Lp299v- like isolates.
The following antibiotics were given to one or more of the study
participants were ampicillin, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, cefuroxime,
clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamicin, imipenem, levofloxacin,
meropenem, metronidazole, netilmicin, piperacillin, tobramicyn,
trimethoprim (to patients given in combination with sulfametoxa-
zole), and vancomycin. To fulfill regulatory requirements for the
company holding the patent on Lp299v (Probi AB), some antibi-
otics seldom used in Sweden were also tested namely; cefepime,
chloramphenicol, kanamycin, linezolid, quinupristin/dalfopristin,
and streptomycin.
3.1 | Studied samples
Forty-t wo cultured Lp299v-like isolates were analyzed together
with the original strain (Lp299v), and with the genomically closely
related strain Lactobacillus plantarum 299.
The strain L. plantarum 299 (DSM6595) has been used in stud-
ies of ICU patients conducted by our group (Klarin, Molin, et al.,
2008) and by other researcher (Oláh, Belágyi, Issekutz, Gamal, &
Bengmark, 2002; Rayes, Seehofer, et al., 2002; Rayes, Hansen, et al.,
2002), and therefore it was also of interest to evaluate the antibiotic
susceptibility of this probiotic. Six isolates were from samples taken
at study inclusion (prior to probiotic intervention), and 24 were from
samplescollectedduring the studyperiods.From threepatientsin
the control group (not given Lp299v) in Study 2, 16 samples (12 of
them positive for Lp 299v) were obtained after conclusion of the ac-
tual study period. These patients required an extended care period
with fur ther antibiotic therapy after their s tay in ICU, and as ordinar y
FIGURE1 FlowdiagramshowingthenumberofpatientsthatparticipatedinStudies1and2
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   KLARIN et AL .
ward patients they received routine care that included the fruit drink
ProV iva®.
3.2 | MIC determinations
The MIC values determined for Lp299v and L. plantarum 299 were
within a twofold (1 + 1) dilution (Table 1) and thus did not differ
measurably. Both Lp299v and L. plantarum 299 are intrinsically re-
sistant to aminoglycosides, vancomycin, and metronidazole, and in
this study they also had high MIC values for levofloxacin. Ratios of
MICs for the remaining 13 antibiotics to MICs of the Lp299v original
susceptibility to most of the tested drugs. Differences in MIC lev-
els were within a twofold dilution step (1 + 1) except for ampicillin,
several isolates of which showed an MIC increase in two 1 + 1 steps
(1 + 3). There was no correlation with any increase in MIC for other
antibiotics in the samples that had an increased MIC for ampicillin.
MIC breakpoints for some of the tested antibiotics have been de-
able, none of the observed deviations from the original strain led to
changes from susceptibly to resistance.
The tested isolates were exposed to different antibiotics and
combinations of antibiotics and to the environment in the GI tract
for varying periods of time. In almost all cases the drugs were given
intravenously, and cephalosporins and carbapenems were used most
frequently. In patient s with several subsequent isolates, we found no
from the sample taken at study inclusion had been treated with an-
tibioticsfor 1–20daysbeforestartofthe investigation. Ourresults
demonstrate that the antibiotic susceptibility of the probiotic bac-
terium Lactobacillus plantarum 299v remains stable also after pas-
sage through the GI tract in patients treated with broad- spectrum
The present evaluation was performed on frozen samples that had
beencollec te dint wopreviouss tudiesands toreda t−80 °C(Stu di es
1 and 2) and our aim was to detect changes in antibiotic susceptibil-
ity of a probiotic Lactobacillus strain given to intensive care patients.
These patients were treated with broad- spectrum antibiotics ad-
ministered parenterally, and hence major changes in the microbiota
could be anticipated, in particular selection of antibiotic- resistant
bacterial species or clones. Conceivably, this situation would favor
dissemination of antibiotic resistance that would include the pro-
biotic strain in focus in our study. However, in two cohorts of pa-
tients, we were unable to detect any changes in susceptibility of the
probiotic strain to a number of antibiotics, most of which had been
susceptibility to resistance for any of the tested antibiotics. It was
impossible for us to conclude that transitions cannot occur, because
MIC breakpoints are lacking for many of the antibiotics widely used
to treat critically ill patients. Notwithstanding, the MIC values for
Lp299v for the antibiotics considered, (e.g., cephalosporins and car-
bapenems) were all low, indicating that development of resistance
is less likely.
In six of the 42 samples that we assessed (representing five of
32 individuals) the ampicillin MIC values showed an increase in two
1 + 1 dilution steps (1 + 3), possibly approaching what can be con-
sidered decreased susceptibility. Consecutive samples from some of
those patients showed no trend towards greater reduction in sus-
ceptibility, although the values did shift over time (but were none-
theless higher than values for the original strain). If this was indeed
a true decrease in susceptibility, there probably would have been an
increase over time or a stable increase in the MIC value. None of the
patients of interest were treated with ampicillin. The major part of
TABLE1 MIC values (mg/L) determined by E- tests for L.
plantarum 299 and L. plantarum 299v, and MIC breakpoints for the
species L. plantarumpresentedbyEFSA(EFSA2005)
EFSA, MIC breakpoints
species L. plantarum
Ampicillin 0.094 0.094 4
Cefepime 0.047 0.047 Not specified/tested
Cefotaxime 0.094 0.094 Not specified/tested
Ceftazidime 0.5 0.75 Not specified/tested
Cefuroxime 0.25 0.5 Not specified/tested
Chloramphenicol 2 2 8
Clindamycin 2 3 4
Erythromycin 0.75 1 4
Gentamicin 32 32 64
Imipenem 0.064 0.064 Not specified/tested
Kanamycin >256 >256 64
Levofloxacin 32 32 Not specified/tested
Linezolid 10.75 4
Meropenem 0.064 0.064 Not specified/tested
Metronidazole >256 >256 Not specified/tested
Neomycin Not
Netilmicin 48 32 Not specified/tested
Piperacillin 0.5 0.75 Not specified/tested
0.5 0.5 4
Streptomycin >2 56 >256 64
Tetracycline Not
Tobramycin >2 56 >2 56 Not specified/tested
Trimethoprim 0.125 0.125 8
Vancomycin >256 >25 6 `Not required`
MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration.
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FIGURE2 Reisolates of L. plantarum 299v found in inclusion samples
Study Z (1 or 2)
Study centre X
Pat no Y
Ratios of measured MICs for reisolates of L. plantarum 299v
compared to MICs for the original strain
FIGURE3 Reisolates of L. plantarum 299v collected in Study 1
Lp299v S1 2 - 4 S1 2 -11 S1 2 -14 S1 8 -22 S1 14 -8 S1 15 -4 S1 15 -7
S1 X - Y
Study 1
Pat no X
Study day Y
Ratios of measured MICs for reisolates of L. plantarum 299v
compared to MICs for the original strain
6 of 9 
   KLARIN et AL .
the samples with an increase in the MIC of ampicillin were collected
after several days of treatment in the ICU.
Other species and strains used as probiotics show intrinsic resis-
tance to several antibiotics (Wong, Ngu, Dan, Ooi, & Lim, 2015), al-
though with different patterns compared with L. plantarum 299 and
Lp299v. However, the changes in antibiotic susceptibilit y of bacterial
strains used as probiotics have been studied and have in some cases
been found to be due to increased activity in cellular efflux pump
mechanisms (Thumu & Halami, 2012). This may explain the observed
change in the MIC of ampicillin.
Lp299v and L. plantarum 299 have been used in several clinical
studies without any reports of infections with pathogens showing
extended antimicrobial resistance that might have originated from
these two strains. Therefore, we focused the present postexposure
survey focused on these probiotics.
The GI tract is estimated to harbor 600 or more bacterial spe-
cies, some of which exhibit intrinsic or acquired resistance to various
antibiotics. Inevitably, such species or strains may be positively se-
lected to varying degrees during antibiotic treatment, as exemplified
by the occurrence of antibiotic- associated diarrhea, which is often
caused by the opportunistic pathogen Clostridium difficile (Kevin,
Brown, K hanafer, Nick Daneman , & Fismana, 2013; Nap olitano &
Edmiston,2017;Vardakas, Trigkidis, Boukouvala,&Falagas, 2016).
An investigation of pharyngeal streptococci in healthy volunteers
demonstrated that even short periods of treatment with macrolides
(3 days for azitromycin) were sufficient to increase the proportion
of macrolide- resistant strains from 26% to 86%, and such ecological
changes persisted for at least 6 months (Malhotra- Kumar, Lammens,
Coenen, Van Herck, & Goossens, 2007). Also a study of patients
admitted for thoracic surgical procedures and given cefazolin for
various lengths of time showed a significant increase in the prev-
alence of resistant Escherichia coli at discharge compared to admis-
sion (Jonkers, Swennen, London, Driessen, & Stobberingh, 2002).
The figures reported in the cited study may not be representative
for all species and locations, but they do reveal dramatic changes
in selection of resistant strains within a few days of antibiotic treat-
ment. Many of the retrieved isolates in the present investigation
came from patients with prolonged antibiotic load, and the probabil-
ity of either an induced resistance or selection of resistant bacteria
would be considered high in such subjects. Gram- negative bacteria
may play the most important role in infections originating from the
GI tract, although gram- positive pathogens are also a clinical issue.
Increasing occurrence of multidrug- resistant cocci is becoming a se-
rious problem in many clinics and above all in critically ill patients
(Lee, Lee, Park, Jeong, & Lee, 2015; Munita, Bayer, & Arias, 2015).
Selective decontamination has been applied for many years and has
been considered not to carry any risk of development of resistant
bacteria, although modern techniques have disproved that assump-
tion (Buelow, Bello González, & Verslius, 2014; Buelow et al., 2017).
In contrast the use of probiotics has appeared as a complement in
the prevention of emergence of antibiotic resistance (Ouwehand,
Treatment with antibiotics changes the intestinal microbiota in
an unfavorable way, but ongoing research concerning this topic and
FIGURE4 Reisolates of L. plantarum 299v collected in Study 2
Lp299v II 2-13 II 2-15 III 1-4 III 4-2 III 4-4
III 7-3 III 14-11 III 15-8 III 16-4 III 19-4 IV 1-13
IV 3-7 IV 5-9 IV 5-13 IV 8-15 V 1-3 V 1-4
N X - Y
Study centre N
Pat no X
Study day Y
Ratios of measured MICs for reisolates of L. plantarum 299v
compared to MICs for the original strain
 7 of 9
use of probiotics as a complement in restoring a microbial balance
has provided promising results. It is necessary to find suitable com-
mensals of human origin for use in approaches developed to rees-
tablish balance and colonization resistance (Blaser, 2016; Pamer,
2016) is of vital importance. The results of our investigation identify
Lp299v, alone or more likely in combination with other strains as
a possible candidate for use in this context. Lp299v was originally
detected in human feces.
Clearly, it is necessary to consider the question of whether
the analyzed strains actually constituted bacteria that had been
exposed long enough to the conditions that prevail in the endoge-
nous fermenter—the colon. We have previously demonstrated that
Lp299v becomes established on the rectal mucosa to the same ex-
tent in antibiotic treated, critically ill patients as in healthy volun-
teers (Klarin et al., 2005). Introduced exogenous bacteria and fungi
(probiotics or other microorganisms) are chiefly visitors to the GI
tract, whereas the commensal microbiome is by definition prone to
remain. Administered Lp299v bacteria adhere to the mucosa and
stay there for shorter or longer periods of time. The mechanism for
this adhesion occurs via a mannose entity on the epithelium cell site
(Adlerberth et al., 1996) and hence it is plausible that Lp299v first
adheres to the mucosa, after which the bonding at that location is
disrupted and the bacteria are transported with the luminal content
and then adhere at another binding site a bit further down the gut.
This process is repeated and might be considered analogous to a
chromatography column. In addition, since the Lp299v thrive in the
gut, new generations of this strain—with the same genetic profile—
should be released. Inasmuch as Lp299v has been found to remain
adhered to the rectal mucosa long after cessation of oral adminis-
tration (Johansson et al., 1993), it is reasonable to assume that the
mannose- to- bacterium adherence bond is fairly strong. This implies
that the exposure time necessary for exchange of genetic material
in the GI tract should be sufficient, and also that the feces samples
taken can actually can represent exposed bacteria and not merely
bacteria that have rapidly passed through the gut.
In our study, the MIC values were not identical for the exposed
bacteria and the native strain, which strengthens our argument that
the cultured strains represent bacteria that had been properly ex-
posed to the fermentative environment of the GI tract. It is distinctly
possible that the retrieved Lp299v bacteria had adhered to the mu-
cosal epithelium several times in different locations during their
journey to the rectum or that they were indeed new generations of
this strain.
We found no changes in antibiotic susceptibility, and thus we
conclude that the Lp299v genome is stable. Therefore it can also
be assumed that there is little risk that Lp299v genetic material will
spread to other species.
Conditions in the human (and animal) GI tract, and especially
in the colon, are suitable for genetic exchange between species
(Salyers, Gupta, & Wang, 2004), with some species being more
pr one th a no the rstoa c ta sd ono r sa nd/o rr e ci pie nts .Furth erm o re ,
animal studies have provided overwhelming evidence for in vivo
FIGURE5 Reisolates of L. plantarum 299v collected from control patients after concluding participation in Study 2
Lp299v II 1-11 II 1-13
II 1-16 II 1-19 II 18-24
II 18-28 II 18-32 II 18-35
II 18-38 II 18-42 II 18-45
II 20-24
N X - Y
Study site N
Pat no X
Day after
study start Y
Ratios of measured MICs for reisolates of L. plantarum 299v
compared to MICs for the original strain
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   KLARIN et AL .
bacterial transfer of resistance genes (Moubareck, Bourgeois,
Courvalin, & Doucet- Populaire, 2003; Tannock, Bateup, &
Jenkinson, 1993). It also seems likely that bacteria transiently col-
onizing the intestine (e.g., probiotics) can take part in the exchange
of resistance genes. Accordingly, as part of the safety profile of
probiotics in preparations marketed as health products and for
prophylactic use in hospitals, it should be confirmed that the bac-
teria strains in these products are not prone to development of
antibiotic resistance, and this should be demonstrated by available
in vitro and in vivo methodology.
In conclusion, we found no evidence that Lactobacillus planta-
rum 299v is prone to acquiring genetic material coding for antimi-
crobial resistance in antibiotic treated, critically ill patients. In the
context of susceptibility, L. plantarum 299v is also stable against
antimicrobial agents in clinical settings with high antimicrobial
This study was supported by grants from Region Skåne, Sweden, the
Scandinavian Society for AntimicrobialChemotherapy Foundation,
and an unconditional grant from Probi AB, Lund, Sweden.
GM and BJ are stock holders in Probi AB.
Bengt Klarin
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Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the
supporting information section at the end of the article.
How to cite this article: Klarin B, Larsson A, Molin G, Jeppsson
B. Susceptibility to antibiotics in isolates of Lactobacillus
plantarum RAPD- type Lp299v, harvested from antibiotic
treated, critically ill patients after administration of probiotics.
MicrobiologyOpen. 2019;8:e642.

Supplementary resource (1)

... The MIC was determined by a broth microdilution assay and the results in Table 1 indicated that, among LAB, only L. brevis CNTA 1374 demonstrated sensitivity to all antibiotics tested according to the referenced cut-off values [30]. However, it should be noted that kanamycin resistance has been described as intrinsic in pediococci and most lactobacilli species (including L. plantarum) [61][62][63]. This has been observed in numerous previous works and has been explained by the high rate of spontaneous chromosomal mutations conveying resistance to aminoglycosides, having a low potential for horizontal spread [61,64,65]. ...
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The use of bacteria and/or their compounds is an alternative to the use of positive-list additives that the food industry is using as a tool to meet consumer demands for more natural, long-shelf-life, and healthy products, in short, to offer clean label foods. The aim of this study is to investigate the suitability of cell-free supernatants (CFSs) from Qualified Presumption of Safety strains as bioprotective cultures. Out of an initial screening panel of about 200 isolates, strains Pediococcus acidilactici CNTA 1059, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum CNTA 600, Levilactobacillus brevis CNTA 1374, and Bacillus subtilis CNTA 517 demonstrated strong antimicrobial activity against, especially, Gram-positive bacteria. The CFSs of these four strains showed minimum inhibitory concentration values between 0.15% and 5% against Listeria monocytogenes and Lentilactobacillus parabuchneri. None of the four selected strains exhibited acquired resistance to target antibiotics, and the non-toxigenicity of all the CFSs was demonstrated. In the case of the three lactic acid bacteria, the presence of bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances was confirmed following the decline in antimicrobial activity due to treatment with proteases. Regarding B. subtilis, biosynthetic gene clusters for different bacteriocin-like substances, including protease-resistant lipoproteins, were found via whole-genome sequencing. In addition, all of the CFSs exhibited stable antimicrobial activity at a wide range of temperatures (70–121 °C) used for the pasteurization and sterilization of food products, with a loss of antimicrobial activity ranging from 3% to 28%. These results point to the possibility that CFSs from these strains could be used in the food industry as a biocontrol tool to develop new products.
... Lpb. plantarum 299v strains are intrinsically resistant to vancomycin, metronidazole, and aminoglycosides such as kanamycin and amikacin [31]. Therefore, Lpb. ...
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Tejuino is a popular and traditional beverage consumed in north and western of Mexico, due to its biological properties, it is considered a natural source of probiotics. Nevertheless, few studies have been performed on Tejuino microbiota. In this work, the probiotic potential of the tejuino isolated Lactiplantibacillus plantarum BI-59.1 strain was investigated. Its effectiveness was compared with a commercial Lactobacillus spp and identified by 16S rDNA sequence homology. Lactiplantibacillus plantarum BI-59.1 strain showed probiotic properties, i.e., production of antimicrobial compounds (lactic acid and presence of plantaricin A gene), inhibition of entero-pathogens by planktonic cells and metabolites (Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium inhibition to HT29-MTX adhesion), biofilm formation, bacterial adhesion (HT29-MTX, 3.96 CFU/cell), and tolerance to stimulated gastrointestinal conditions (tolerance to pH 3 and bile salts). The strain was gamma hemolytic, susceptible to most antibiotics and negative for gelatinase production; thus, the Lactiplantibacillus. plantarum BI-59.1 strain is suitable for its use as a probiotic for nutraceutical or pharmaceutical formulations.
... In addition to the intrinsic resistance of Lp. plantarum strains to vancomycin and streptomycin, non-intrinsic resistance to other antibiotics has been reported in some Lp. plantarum strains [18][19][20]. The bioinformatic analysis of AMR genes in Lp. plantarum genomes also showed that some Lp. ...
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In this study, lactic acid bacteria were isolated from 21 top-selling probiotic products on Korean market and their antimicrobial resistance were analyzed. A total 152 strains were claimed to be contained in these products and 70 isolates belonging to three genera (Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Lactococcus) were obtained from these products. RAPD-PCR showed diversity among isolates of the same species except for two isolates of Lacticaibacillus rhamnosus from two different products. The agar dilution method and the broth dilution method produced different MICs for several antimicrobials. With the agar dilution method, five isolates (three isolates of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, one isolate of B. breve, one isolate of B. longum) were susceptible to all nine antimicrobials and 15 isolates were multi-drug resistant. With the broth microdilution method, only two isolates (one isolate of B. breve and one isolate of B. longum) were susceptible while 16 isolates were multi-drug resistant. In this study, only two AMR genes were detected: 1) lnu(A) in one isolate of clindamycin-susceptible and lincomycin-resistant Limosilactobacillus reuteri; and 2) tet(W) in one tetracycline-susceptible isolate of B. longum B1-1 and two tetracycline-susceptible isolates and three tetracycline resistant isolates of B. animalis subsp. lactis. Transfer of these two genes via conjugation with a filter mating technique was not observed. These results suggest a need to monitor antimicrobial resistance in newly registered probiotics as well as probiotics with a long history of use.
... The tolerance of the L. plantarum KC3 to 16 types of antibiotics is shown in Table 2. According to Klarin et al. (2019), the ampicillin minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of L. plantarum 299v and L. plantarum 299 were both 0.094 µg/mL. ...
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Lactic acid bacteria are representative probiotics that have beneficial effects on humans. Nineteen strains among the 167 single strains from kimchi was selected and their physiological features were investigated. The selection of a strain was based on strong enzyme (lipase, α-amylase, and α-glucosidase) inhibitory activities and anti-obesity effects in the adipocytes. For the final selection, the strain Lactiplantibacillus plantarum KC3 was tested for its potential as a starter. To assess its functionality, a freeze-dried culture of L. plantarum KC3 was administered to a diet-induced obese mouse model receiving a high-fat diet. The animal group administered with L. plantarum KC3 showed significant body weight loss during the 12-week feeding period compared to the high-fat control group. This study investigated the physiological characteristics of selected strain and evaluated its potential as an anti-obesity probiotic in mice.
... The antibiotic resistance profile of the DY46 strain showed partial similarity with the previously reported Lb. plantarum profiles (Klarin, Larsson, Molin, & Jeppsson, 2019;C.;Sharma, Gulati, Thakur, & Pal, 2017;P.;Sharma, ...
Lactiplantibacillus plantarum is a significant probiotic where it could be found in ubiquitous niches. In this study, a new Lb. plantarum strain DY46 was isolated from a traditional lactic-acid-fermented beverage called shalgam. The whole genome of the DY46 was sequenced and obtained sequences were assembled into a 3.32 Mb draft genome using PATRIC (3.6.8.). The DY46 genome consists of a single circular chromosome of 3,332,827 bp that is predicted to carry 3219 genes, including 61 tRNA genes, 2 rRNA operons. The genome has a GC content of 44.3% includes 98 predicted pseudogenes, 25 complete or partial transposases and 3 intact prophages. The genes encoding enzymes related in the intact EMP (Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas) and PK (phosphoketolase) pathways were predicted using BlastKOALA which is an indicator of having facultative heterofermentative pathways. DY46 genome also predicted to carry genes of Pln E, Pln F and Pln K showing the antimicrobial potential of this bacterium which can be linked to in vitro antagonism tests that DY46 can inhibit S.enterica sv. Typhimurium ATCC14028, K. pneumonie ATCC13883, and P. vulgaris ATCC8427. Moreover, it is determined that all resistome found in its genome were intrinsically originated and the strain was found to be tolerant to acid and bile concentrations by mimicking human gastrointestinal conditions. In conclusion, L. plantarum DY46 is a promising bacterium that appears to have certain probiotic properties, confirmed by “in vitro” and “in silico” analyses, and is a potential dietary supplement candidate that may provide functional benefits to the host.
... In addition to the intrinsic resistance of Lp. plantarum strains to vancomycin and streptomycin, non-intrinsic resistance to other antibiotics has been reported in some Lp. plantarum strains [18][19][20]. The bioinformatic analysis of AMR genes in Lp. plantarum genomes also showed that some Lp. ...
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In this study, the survival capacity (acid and bile salt tolerance, and adhesion to gut epithelial cells) and probiotic properties (enzyme activity-inhibition and anti-inflammatory activities, inhibition of adipogenesis, and stress hormone level reduction) of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum LRCC5314, isolated from kimchi (Korean traditional fermented cabbage), were investigated. LRCC5314 exhibited very stable survival at pH 2 and in 0.2% bile acid with 89.9% adhesion to Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells after treatment for 2 h. LRCC5314 also inhibited the activities of α-amylase and α-glucosidase, which are involved in elevating postprandial blood glucose levels, by approximately 72.9% and 51.2%, respectively. Treatment of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells with the LRCC5314 lysate decreased the levels of the inflammatory factors nitric oxide, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1β, and interferon-γ by 88.5%, 49.3%, 97.2%, and 99.8%, respectively, relative to those of the cells treated with LPS alone. LRCC5314 also inhibited adipogenesis in differentiating preadipocytes (3T3-L1 cells), showing a 14.7% decrease in lipid droplet levels and a 74.0% decrease in triglyceride levels, as well as distinct reductions in the mRNA expression levels of adiponectin, FAS, PPAR, C/EBPα, TNF-α, and IL-6. Moreover, LRCC5314 reduced the level of cortisol, a hormone with important effect on stress, by approximately 35.6% in H295R cells. L. plantarum LRCC5314 is identified as a new probiotic with excellent in vitro multifunctional properties. Subsequent in vivo studies may further demonstrate its potential as a functional food or pharmabiotic.
... In addition to the intrinsic resistance of Lp. plantarum strains to vancomycin and streptomycin, non-intrinsic resistance to other antibiotics has been reported in some Lp. plantarum strains [18][19][20]. The bioinformatic analysis of AMR genes in Lp. plantarum genomes also showed that some Lp. ...
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The safety of the probiotic strain Q180, which exerts postprandial lipid-lowering effects, was bioinformatically and phenotypically evaluated. The genome of strain Q180 was completely sequenced, and single circular chromosome of 3,197,263 bp without any plasmid was generated. Phylogenetic and related analyses using16S rRNA gene and whole-genome sequences revealed that strain Q180 is a member of Lactiplantibacillus (Lp., formerly Lactobacillus) plantarum. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes were bioinformatically analyzed using all Lp. plantarum genomes available in GenBank, which showed that AMR genes are present differently depending on Lp. plantarum strains. Bioinformatic analysis demonstrated that some mobile genetic elements such as prophages and insertion sequences were identified in the genome of strain Q180, but because they did not contain harmful genes such as AMR genes and virulence factor (VF)- and toxin-related genes, it was suggested that there is no transferability of harmful genes. The minimum inhibition concentrations of seven tested antibiotics suggested by the European Food Safety Authority guidelines were slightly lower than or equal to the microbiological cut-off values for Lp. plantarum. Strain Q180 did not show hemolytic and gelatinase activities and biogenic amine-producing ability. Taken together, this study demonstrated the safety of strain Q180 in terms of absence of AMR genes and VF- and toxin-related genes as a probiotic strain.
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Probiotics are widely used in different forms of food or food supplements due to their health benefits. Probiotics consumption has seen an increase over the years. The main species used in probiotic products are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, along with other species such as Bacillus. Generally, probiotic microorganisms are accepted as safe even though they are resistant to several antibiotics. Some probiotic strains with intrinsic antibiotic resistance may be beneficial in regenerating gut microbiota during antibiotic therapy. However, the antibiotic resistance genes identified in probiotic microorganisms may carry the risk of the transfer of resistance genes to pathogens, raising concerns. For instance, tetracycline resistance genes have often been detected in probiotic organisms Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. The antibiotic resistance genes carried on mobile genetic elements create reservoirs for pathogen resistance. This transfer of resistant genes to opportunistic pathogens and their spread may pose great danger. Hence, the purpose of this review was to assess the presence of antibiotic resistance in probiotic microorganisms and the potential transfer of the resistant genes to pathogens or commensal bacteria in the intestine.
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A new Lb. plantarum strain DY46 was isolated from a traditionally fermented non-alcoholic beverage called shalgam from the Southern region of Anatolia following incubation on MRS agar at 30°C for 5 days. DY46 is gram-positive, short rod and catalase-negative. This bacterium fermented 22 of the 49 substrates tested on API CH50 fermentation panels. Whole-genome sequencing was performed using the Illumina Miseq platform to learn more about the metabolic capabilities of DY46. The sequences were assembled into a 3.32 Mb draft genome using PATRIC 3.6.8. consisting of 153 contigs, and preliminary genome annotation was performed using the RAST algorithm. The DY46 genome consists of a single circular chromosome of 3,332,827 bp that is predicted to carry 3219 genes, including 61 tRNA genes, 2 rRNA operons. The genome has a GC content of 44.3% includes 98 predicted pseudogenes, 25 complete or partial transposases and 3 intact prophages. DY46 genome also predicted to carry genes of Plantaricin-E, Plantaricin-F and Plantaricin-K showing the antimicrobial potential of this bacterium which can be linked-to in vitro antagonism tests that DY46 can inhibit Salmonella Typimirium ATCC14028, Klebsiella pneumonie ATCC13883, and Proteus vulgaris ATCC8427. The acid and bile tolerance of DY46 revealed this strain could potentially pass through the stomach and reach into the gut to provide probiotic therapeutic affects on health.
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This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the in vitro, animal, and clinical studies with the bacterial strain Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 299v (L. plantarum 299v; formerly named Lactobacillus plantarum 299v) published up until June 30, 2020. L. plantarum 299v is the most documented L. plantarum strain in the world, described in over 170 scientific publications out of which more than 60 are human clinical studies. The genome sequence of L. plantarum 299v has been determined and is available in the public domain (GenBank Accession number: NZ_LEAV01000004). The probiotic strain L. plantarum 299v was isolated from healthy human intestinal mucosa three decades ago by scientists at Lund University, Sweden. Thirty years later, a wealth of data coming from in vitro, animal, and clinical studies exist, showing benefits primarily for gastrointestinal health, such as reduced flatulence and abdominal pain in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Moreover, several clinical studies have shown positive effects of L. plantarum 299v on iron absorption and more recently also on iron status. L. plantarum 299v is safe for human consumption and does not confer antibiotic resistance. It survives the harsh conditions of the human gastrointestinal tract, adheres to mannose residues on the intestinal epithelial cells and has in some cases been re-isolated more than ten days after administration ceased. Besides studying health benefits, research groups around the globe have investigated L. plantarum 299v in a range of applications and processes. L. plantarum 299v is used in many different food applications as well as in various dietary supplements. In a freeze-dried format, L. plantarum 299v is robust and stable at room temperature, enabling long shelf-lives of consumer healthcare products such as capsules, tablets, or powder sachets. The strain is patent protected for a wide range of indications and applications worldwide as well as trademarked as LP299V ® .
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Background: The gut microbiota is a reservoir of opportunistic pathogens that can cause life-threatening infections in critically ill patients during their stay in an intensive care unit (ICU). To suppress gut colonization with opportunistic pathogens, a prophylactic antibiotic regimen, termed "selective decontamination of the digestive tract" (SDD), is used in some countries where it improves clinical outcome in ICU patients. Yet, the impact of ICU hospitalization and SDD on the gut microbiota remains largely unknown. Here, we characterize the composition of the gut microbiota and its antimicrobial resistance genes ("the resistome") of ICU patients during SDD and of healthy subjects. Results: From ten patients that were acutely admitted to the ICU, 30 fecal samples were collected during ICU stay. Additionally, feces were collected from five of these patients after transfer to a medium-care ward and cessation of SDD. Feces from ten healthy subjects were collected twice, with a 1-year interval. Gut microbiota and resistome composition were determined using 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic profiling and nanolitre-scale quantitative PCRs. The microbiota of the ICU patients differed from the microbiota of healthy subjects and was characterized by lower microbial diversity, decreased levels of Escherichia coli and of anaerobic Gram-positive, butyrate-producing bacteria of the Clostridium clusters IV and XIVa, and an increased abundance of Bacteroidetes and enterococci. Four resistance genes (aac(6')-Ii, ermC, qacA, tetQ), providing resistance to aminoglycosides, macrolides, disinfectants, and tetracyclines, respectively, were significantly more abundant among ICU patients than in healthy subjects, while a chloramphenicol resistance gene (catA) and a tetracycline resistance gene (tetW) were more abundant in healthy subjects. Conclusions: The gut microbiota of SDD-treated ICU patients deviated strongly from the gut microbiota of healthy subjects. The negative effects on the resistome were limited to selection for four resistance genes. While it was not possible to disentangle the effects of SDD from confounding variables in the patient cohort, our data suggest that the risks associated with ICU hospitalization and SDD on selection for antibiotic resistance are limited. However, we found evidence indicating that recolonization of the gut by antibiotic-resistant bacteria may occur upon ICU discharge and cessation of SDD.
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Antibiotic resistance is a global public health problem that requires our attention. Indiscriminate antibiotic use is a major contributor in the introduction of selective pressures in our natural environments that have significantly contributed in the rapid emergence of antibiotic-resistant microbial strains. The use of probiotics in lieu of antibiotic therapy to address certain health conditions in both animals and humans may alleviate these antibiotic-mediated selective pressures. Probiotic use is defined as the actual application of live beneficial microbes to obtain a desired outcome by preventing diseased state or improving general health. Multiple studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of probiotic use in the health of both livestock and humans. As such, probiotics consumption is gaining popularity worldwide. However, concerns have been raised in the use of some probiotics strains that carry antibiotic resistance genes themselves, as they have the potential to pass the antibiotic resistance genes to pathogenic bacteria through horizontal gene transfer. Therefore, with the current public health concern on antibiotic resistance globally, in this review, we underscore the need to screen probiotic strains that are used in both livestock and human applications to assure their safety and mitigate their potential in significantly contributing to the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in our natural environments.
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Over the last several decades, antibacterial drug use has become widespread with their misuse being an ever-increasing phenomenon. Consequently, antibacterial drugs have become less effective or even ineffective, resulting in a global health security emergency. The prevalence of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) varies widely among regions and countries. The primary aim of antibiotic stewardship programs is to supervise the three most influential factors contributing to the development and transmission of MDROs, namely: (1) appropriate antibiotic prescribing; (2) early detection and prevention of cross-colonization of MDROs; and (3) elimination of reservoirs. In the future, it is expected that a number of countries will experience a rise in MDROs. These infections will be associated with a high consumption of healthcare resources manifested by a prolonged hospital stay and high mortality. As a counteractive strategy, minimization of broad-spectrum antibiotic use and prompt antibiotic administration will aid in reduction of antibiotic resistance. Innovative management approaches include development and implementation of rapid diagnostic tests that will help in both shortening the duration of therapy and allowing early targeted therapy. The institution of more accessible therapeutic drug monitoring will help to optimize drug administration and support a patient-specific approach. Areas where further research is required are investigation into the heterogeneity of critically ill patients and the need for new antibacterial drug development.
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Background Critical illness is characterized by a loss of commensal flora and an overgrowth of potentially pathogenic bacteria, leading to a high susceptibility to nosocomial infections. Probiotics are living non-pathogenic microorganisms, which may protect the gut barrier, attenuate pathogen overgrowth, decrease bacterial translocation and prevent infection. The purpose of this updated systematic review is to evaluate the overall efficacy of probiotics and synbiotic mixtures on clinical outcomes in critical illness. Methods Computerized databases from 1980 to 2016 were searched. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) evaluating clinical outcomes associated with probiotic therapy as a single strategy or in combination with prebiotic fiber (synbiotics). Overall number of new infections was the primary outcome; secondary outcomes included mortality, ICU and hospital length of stay (LOS), and diarrhea. Subgroup analyses were performed to elucidate the role of other key factors such as probiotic type and patient mortality risk on the effect of probiotics on outcomes. ResultsThirty trials that enrolled 2972 patients were identified for analysis. Probiotics were associated with a significant reduction in infections (risk ratio 0.80, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.68, 0.95, P = 0.009; heterogeneity I2 = 36 %, P = 0.09). Further, a significant reduction in the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) was found (risk ratio 0.74, 95 % CI 0.61, 0. 90, P = 0.002; I2 = 19 %). No effect on mortality, LOS or diarrhea was observed. Subgroup analysis indicated that the greatest improvement in the outcome of infections was in critically ill patients receiving probiotics alone versus synbiotic mixtures, although limited synbiotic trial data currently exists. Conclusion Probiotics show promise in reducing infections, including VAP in critical illness. Currently, clinical heterogeneity and potential publication bias reduce strong clinical recommendations and indicate further high quality clinical trials are needed to conclusively prove these benefits.
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The rapid emergence and dissemination of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms in ICUs worldwide threaten adequate antibiotic coverage of infected patients in this environment. The causes of this problem are multifactorial, but the core issues are clear: the emergence of antibiotic resistance is highly correlated with selective pressure resulting from inappropriate use of these drugs. Because a significant increase in mortality is observed when antibiotic therapy is delayed in infected ICU patients, initial therapy should be broad enough to cover all likely pathogens. Receipt of unnecessary prolonged broad-spectrum antibiotics, however, should be avoided. Local microbiologic data are extremely important to predict the type of resistance that may be present for specific causative bacteria, as is prior antibiotic exposure, and antibiotic choices should thus be made at an individual patient level.
Background: Antibiotics can disturb gastrointestinal microbiota which may lead to reduced resistance to pathogens such as Clostridium difficile (C. difficile). Probiotics are live microbial preparations that, when administered in adequate amounts, may confer a health benefit to the host, and are a potential C. difficile prevention strategy. Recent clinical practice guidelines do not recommend probiotic prophylaxis, even though probiotics have the highest quality evidence among cited prophylactic therapies. Objectives: To assess the efficacy and safety of probiotics for preventing C.difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) in adults and children. Search methods: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, CENTRAL, and the Cochrane IBD Group Specialized Register from inception to 21 March 2017. Additionally, we conducted an extensive grey literature search. Selection criteria: Randomized controlled (placebo, alternative prophylaxis, or no treatment control) trials investigating probiotics (any strain, any dose) for prevention of CDAD, or C. difficile infection were considered for inclusion. Data collection and analysis: Two authors (independently and in duplicate) extracted data and assessed risk of bias. The primary outcome was the incidence of CDAD. Secondary outcomes included detection of C. difficile infection in stool, adverse events, antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) and length of hospital stay. Dichotomous outcomes (e.g. incidence of CDAD) were pooled using a random-effects model to calculate the risk ratio (RR) and corresponding 95% confidence interval (95% CI). We calculated the number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome (NNTB) where appropriate. Continuous outcomes (e.g. length of hospital stay) were pooled using a random-effects model to calculate the mean difference and corresponding 95% CI. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to explore the impact of missing data on efficacy and safety outcomes. For the sensitivity analyses, we assumed that the event rate for those participants in the control group who had missing data was the same as the event rate for those participants in the control group who were successfully followed. For the probiotic group, we calculated effects using the following assumed ratios of event rates in those with missing data in comparison to those successfully followed: 1.5:1, 2:1, 3:1, and 5:1. To explore possible explanations for heterogeneity, a priori subgroup analyses were conducted on probiotic species, dose, adult versus pediatric population, and risk of bias as well as a post hoc subgroup analysis on baseline risk of CDAD (low 0% to 2%; moderate 3% to 5%; high > 5%). The overall quality of the evidence supporting each outcome was independently assessed using the GRADE criteria. Main results: Thirty-nine studies (9955 participants) met the eligibility requirements for our review. Overall, 27 studies were rated as either high or unclear risk of bias. A complete case analysis (i.e. participants who completed the study) among trials investigating CDAD (31 trials, 8672 participants) suggests that probiotics reduce the risk of CDAD by 60%. The incidence of CDAD was 1.5% (70/4525) in the probiotic group compared to 4.0% (164/4147) in the placebo or no treatment control group (RR 0.40, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.52; GRADE = moderate). Twenty-two of 31 trials had missing CDAD data ranging from 2% to 45%. Our complete case CDAD results proved robust to sensitivity analyses of plausible and worst-plausible assumptions regarding missing outcome data and results were similar whether considering subgroups of trials in adults versus children, inpatients versus outpatients, different probiotic species, lower versus higher doses of probiotics, or studies at high versus low risk of bias. However, in a post hoc analysis, we did observe a subgroup effect with respect to baseline risk of developing CDAD. Trials with a baseline CDAD risk of 0% to 2% and 3% to 5% did not show any difference in risk but trials enrolling participants with a baseline risk of > 5% for developing CDAD demonstrated a large 70% risk reduction (interaction P value = 0.01). Among studies with a baseline risk > 5%, the incidence of CDAD in the probiotic group was 3.1% (43/1370) compared to 11.6% (126/1084) in the control group (13 trials, 2454 participants; RR 0.30, 95% CI 0.21 to 0.42; GRADE = moderate). With respect to detection of C. difficile in the stool pooled complete case results from 15 trials (1214 participants) did not show a reduction in infection rates. C. difficile infection was 15.5% (98/633) in the probiotics group compared to 17.0% (99/581) in the placebo or no treatment control group (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.10; GRADE = moderate). Adverse events were assessed in 32 studies (8305 participants) and our pooled complete case analysis indicates probiotics reduce the risk of adverse events by 17% (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.71 to 0.97; GRADE = very low). In both treatment and control groups the most common adverse events included abdominal cramping, nausea, fever, soft stools, flatulence, and taste disturbance. Authors' conclusions: Based on this systematic review and meta-analysis of 31 randomized controlled trials including 8672 patients, moderate certainty evidence suggests that probiotics are effective for preventing CDAD (NNTB = 42 patients, 95% CI 32 to 58). Our post hoc subgroup analyses to explore heterogeneity indicated that probiotics are effective among trials with a CDAD baseline risk >5% (NNTB = 12; moderate certainty evidence), but not among trials with a baseline risk ≤5% (low to moderate certainty evidence). Although adverse effects were reported among 32 included trials, there were more adverse events among patients in the control groups. The short-term use of probiotics appears to be safe and effective when used along with antibiotics in patients who are not immunocompromised or severely debilitated. Despite the need for further research, hospitalized patients, particularly those at high risk of CDAD, should be informed of the potential benefits and harms of probiotics.
Clostridium difficile infections are the leading cause of health care-associated infectious diarrhea, posing a significant risk for both medical and surgical patients. Because of the significant morbidity and mortality associated with C difficile infections, knowledge of the epidemiology of C difficile in combination with a high index of suspicion and susceptible patient populations (including surgical, postcolectomy, and inflammatory bowel disease patients) is warranted. C difficile infections present with a wide spectrum of disease, ranging from mild diarrhea to fulminant colitis or small bowel enteritis and recurrent C difficile infections. Early implementation of medical and operative treatment strategies for C difficile infections is imperative for optimal patient outcomes. National and international guidelines recommend early operative consultation and total abdominal colectomy with end ileostomy and preservation of rectum. Diverting loop ileostomy and colonic lavage followed by intravenous metronidazole and intracolonic vancomycin administered via the efferent limb of the ileostomy should be considered as an alternative to total colectomy in selected patients. New and emerging strategies for C difficile infection treatment include monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, probiotics, biotherapeutics, and new antibiotics. A successful C difficile prevention and eradication program requires a multidisciplinary approach that includes early disease recognition, implementation of guidelines for monitoring adherence to environmental control, judicious hand hygiene, evidence-based treatment and management strategies, and a focused antibiotic stewardship program. Surgeons are an important part of the clinical team in the management of C difficile infection prevention and treatment.
Antibiotics have been the most important risk factor for Clostridium difficile infection (CDI). However, only data from non-randomised studies have been reviewed. We sought to evaluate the risk for development of CDI associated with the major antibiotic classes by analysing data from randomised controlled trials (RCTs). The PubMed, Cochrane and Scopus databases were searched and the references of selected RCTs were also hand-searched. Eligible studies should have compared only one antibiotic versus another administered systemically. Inclusion of studies comparing combinations of antibiotics was allowed only if the second antibiotic was the same or from the same class or if it was administered in a subset of the enrolled patients who were equally distributed in the two arms. Only a minority of the selected RCTs (79/1332; 5.9%) reported CDI episodes. Carbapenems were associated with more CDI episodes than fluoroquinolones [risk ratio (RR) = 2.44, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.32–4.49] and cephalosporins (RR = 2.24, 95% CI 1.46–3.42), but not penicillins (RR = 2.53, 95% CI 0.87–7.41). Cephalosporins were associated with more CDIs than penicillins (RR = 2.36, 95% CI 1.32–4.23) and fluoroquinolones (RR = 2.84, 95% CI 1.60–5.06) alone. There was no difference in CDI frequency between fluoroquinolones and penicillins (RR = 1.34, 95% CI 0.55–3.25). Finally, clindamycin was associated with more CDI episodes than cephalosporins and penicillins (RR = 3.92, 95% CI 1.15–13.43). In conclusion, data from RCTs showed that clindamycin and carbapenems were associated with more CDIs than other antibiotics.
Anti-infectives, including antibiotics, are essentially different from all other drugs; they not only affect the individual to whom they are given but also the entire community, through selection for resistance to their own action. Thus, their use resides at the intersection of personal and public health. Antibiotics can be likened to a four-edged sword against bacteria. The first two edges of the antibiotic sword were identified immediately after their discovery and deployment in that they not only benefit an individual in treating their infection but also benefit the community in preventing the spread of that infectious agent. The third edge was already recognized by Alexander Fleming in 1945 in his Nobel acceptance speech, which warned about the cost to the community of antibiotic resistance that would inevitably evolve and be selected for during clinical practice. We have seen this cost mount up, as resistance curtails or precludes the activities of some of our most effective drugs for clinically important infections. But the fourth edge of the antibiotic sword remained unappreciated until recently, i.e., the cost that an antibiotic exerts on an individual's own health via the collateral damage of the drug on bacteria that normally live on or in healthy humans: our microbiota. These organisms, their genes, metabolites, and interactions with one another, as well as with their host collectively, represent our microbiome. Our relationship with these symbiotic bacteria is especially important during the early years of life, when the adult microbiome has not yet formed.