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Spatio-temporal heterogeneity of soil microbial properties in a conventionally managed arable field


Abstract and Figures

Purpose Knowledge about the spatio-temporal variability of soil microbial properties is crucial in evaluating their structure-function relationship and their impact on ecosystem functions. The aim of the study was to determine the spatio-temporal variation of the selected microbial properties at the surface horizon in a conventionally managed arable field. Materials and methods The area selected for the research, which was mainly covered with typical Luvisols, was a uniformly managed system that was considered to be homogenous in respect to texture (mostly loamy fine sand). Winter wheat was cultivated after winter rape as the forecrop. A grid soil sampling (10 m × 10 m) was used to assess the spatial heterogeneity of soil properties across a 0.5-ha field. Soil samples were collected at 50 points from the upper 20 cm of soil in April and August 2007. Colony-forming units (CFUs) of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes, and basal respiration (BR) were analyzed. Data were evaluated using classical statistical and geostatistical methods. Results and discussion Fungal CFUs were significantly lower than the bacterial ones with a B/F (bacteria/fungi) ratio of 80.0 in April and 45.1 in August. Bacterial CFUs, B/F ratio, and BR level revealed significantly higher values in April than in August, while fungi showed the opposite trend. Other studied properties did not show significant differences between sampling months. Only some of the properties, such as the bacterial community in August, the number of actinomycetes in April, and qCO2 on both sampling dates, revealed significant spatial autocorrelation (Moran’s I) and were spatially dependent at the scale of sampling grid, whereas the qCO2 revealed a higher differentiation in the spatial pattern between April and August than the other studied properties. Most of the spatially correlated properties were in the weak variability class (a nugget effect > 75%), while only the qCO2 (August) ratio was in the moderate variability class (a nugget effect between 25 and 75%). Conclusions Most of the microbial-related properties did not exhibit a spatial structure at the examined scale, thus suggesting that changes in these properties would be detectable at a distance shorter than 10 m. More frequent seasonal sampling must be included in the sampling strategy in order to better understand whether studied properties show any permanent spatial patterns in soil over time or whether they are more randomized.
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Spatio-temporal heterogeneity of soil microbial properties
in a conventionally managed arable field
Anna Piotrowska-Długosz
&Barbara Breza-Boruta
&Jacek Długosz
Received: 24 January 2016 /Accepted: 3 May 2018 /Published online: 11 May 2018
Purpose Knowledge about the spatio-temporal variability of soil microbial properties is crucial in evaluating their structure-
function relationship and their impact on ecosystem functions. The aim of the study was to determine the spatio-temporal
variation of the selected microbial properties at the surface horizon in a conventionally managed arable field.
Materials and methods The area selected for the research, which was mainly covered with typical Luvisols, was a uniformly
managed system that was considered to be homogenous in respect to texture (mostly loamy fine sand). Winter wheat was
cultivated after winter rape as the forecrop. A grid soil sampling (10 m × 10 m) was used to assess the spatial heterogeneity of
soil properties across a 0.5-ha field. Soil samples were collected at 50 points from the upper 20 cm of soil in April and August
2007. Colony-forming units (CFUs) of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes, and basal respiration (BR) were analyzed. Data were
evaluated using classical statistical and geostatistical methods.
Results and discussion Fungal CFUs were significantly lower than the bacterial ones with a B/F (bacteria/fungi) ratio of 80.0 in
April and 45.1 in August. Bacterial CFUs, B/F ratio, and BR level revealed significantly higher values in April than in August,
while fungi showed the opposite trend. Other studied properties did not show significant differences between sampling months.
Only some of the properties, such as the bacterial community in August, the number of actinomycetes in April, and qCO
on both
sampling dates, revealed significant spatial autocorrelation (MoransI) and were spatially dependent at the scale of sampling grid,
whereas the qCO
revealed a higher differentiation in the spatial pattern between April and August than the other studied
properties. Most of the spatially correlated properties were in the weak variability class (a nugget effect > 75%), while only
the qCO
(August) ratio was in the moderate variability class (a nugget effect between 25 and 75%).
Conclusions Most of the microbial-related properties did not exhibit a spatial structure at the examined scale, thus suggesting that
changes in these properties would be detectable at a distance shorter than 10 m. More frequent seasonal sampling must be
included in the sampling strategy in order to better understand whether studied properties show any permanent spatial patterns in
soil over time or whether they are more randomized.
Keywords Geostatistics .Microbial colony-forming units .Microorganisms .Soil respiration .Spatial variability
1 Introduction
Soil microorganisms are the living components of soil or-
ganic matter, and despite comprising only a small percent-
age of the total mass of organic matter, they are considered
to have a crucial impact on numerous important biochem-
ical processes such as the release of plant-available nutri-
ents, organic matter dynamics, and soil structure formation
(Gangneux et al. 2011).
Soil is a very heterogeneous and complex system in which
neither microorganisms nor other soil components are irregu-
larly distributed (Černohlávková 2009). Even within uniform-
ly managed systems, which are typically assumed to be more
Responsible editor: Richard K. Shaw
*Anna Piotrowska-Długosz
Department of Biogeochemistry and Soil Science, Laboratory of Soil
Science and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture and
Biotechnology, UTP University of Science and Technology, 6
Bernardyńska St., 85-029 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Department of Microbiology and Food Technology, Faculty of
Agriculture and Biotechnology, UTP University of Science and
Technology, 6 Bernardyńska St., 85-029 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Journal of Soils and Sediments (2019) 19:345355
The Author(s) 2018
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
homogenous than natural systems, biological processes (e.g.,
growth and colony formation) may produce aggregations of
microorganisms at various spatial scales (Franklin and Mills
2003). Soil microorganisms and microbial processes are con-
trolled by factors such as organic matter content, soil moisture,
texture, and pH, all of which exhibit spatial heterogeneity as
well (Guox et al. 2012). Studies of the spatial patterns in
microbial communities are still relatively rare (Martiny et al.
2011), and determining their spatial patterns is extremely
complicated due to the large number of factors that affect
microbial activity (Yergeau et al. 2010) as well as the fact that
microbial properties have considerable temporal variability
(Lauber et al. 2013). Soil microbiota can exhibit patchy dis-
tributions at a scale from several millimeters to several meters
(Nunan et al. 2003; Tecon and Or 2017). The spatial variabil-
ity is often determined for one scale (e.g., Peigné et al. 2009),
but multi-scaled comparisons have been considered as well
(e.g., Franklin and Mills 2009). Franklin and Mills (2003)
had previously explored the multi-scale spatial distribution
of microbial community structure in an agricultural field and
found that several scales of spatial autocorrelation can exist
within the centimeter to 10-m scale.
Most studies of microbial and other soil properties are fo-
cused on the differences in their spatial structure that are
caused by natural and anthropogenic factors. It was shown
that the spatial distribution of soil microorganisms depends
on the position in landscape (Du et al. 2015), type of land
use (e.g., forest vs. cultivated field) (Francioli et al. 2014),
time and methods of soil sampling, and soil treatment (e.g.,
different types of tillage, fertilization, or crop rotation)
(Garcia-Orenes et al. 2013).
Less attention has been paid to the spatial variation of
soil properties in a uniformly managed arable field, where
no experimental factors were tested (Peigné et al. 2009;
Franklin and Mills 2009). Very often, the soils within
uniformly managed sites are considered to be homoge-
nous, and thus, it is assumed that the soil properties are
similar. Accordingly, the number of analyses of soil prop-
erties is limited to a few measured points in given area,
and a composite sample is often assessed to represent the
average population in the area sampled. However, the av-
erage values of homogenized soil samples often do not
accurately reflect the real state of soil ecosystems.
High spatial heterogeneity of soil properties, especially mi-
crobial ones, can mask the effects of different soil manage-
ment treatments (Peigné et al. 2009). It is, therefore, important
to detect, and ultimately estimate and map the spatial patterns
of soil properties. Spatial variability and the dependence of
soil properties are controlled by inherent variations in soil
characteristics (e.g., parentalmaterial, vegetation, and climate)
or are affected by exogenous factors such as crop production
practices (tillage, fertilization, and crop rotation) (Gülser et al.
2016). Such practices may alter the local patchiness of soil
nutrients and contribute to the additional heterogeneity of soil
properties and thus affect soil microbial communities
(Cavigelli et al. 2005).
Conventional statistical analyses are not appropriate to
identify spatial patterns as these analyses require an assump-
tion of independence among samples, which is violated when
autocorrelated (spatially dependent) data are considered
(Deblauwe et al. 2012). Thus, since the 1950s, spatial statistics
have been developed to deal with the problem of spatial auto-
correlation (Cobo et al. 2010). One of the most widely used
approaches for evaluating the spatial variability of natural re-
sources such as soils is geostatistics (Jafari et al. 2011). The
geostatistical methods primarily consider the spatial variabil-
ity of soil properties as a random process that is dependent on
space but there has been an increasing need to estimate tem-
poral changes in the spatial patterns of such properties as well
(Shahandeh et al. 2005; Liu et al. 2009). The application of
geostatistical methods by soil scientists focuses on predicting
the spatial variability of soil properties using different kriging
methods over small to large spatial scales (Peigné et al. 2009;
Wang et al. 2009; Baldrian et al. 2010a).
Current studies on the temporal variability in microbial
properties have shown contradictory trends with various
studies reporting peaks in different seasons as well as both
positive and negative responses to temporal patterns in soil
temperature and moisture (Borowik and Wyszkowska
2016; Bao et al. 2016). The composition of bacterial and
fungal communities can vary on the scale of days (Zhang
et al. 2011), seasons (Kennedy et al. 2006;Lipson2007),
and years (DeBruyn et al. 2011). In some cases, the chang-
es in these communities can be linked to changes in the soil
environmental conditions (Rasche et al. 2011). Studies
from temperate ecosystems found temperature to be impor-
tant in determining temporal variability (Wardle 1998),
while in a tropical forest, the highest microbial biomass
was usually observed when soil moisture was favorable
(Pandey et al. 2007).
Taking into account the significant temporal variability
of the soil biological properties, we hypothesized that these
properties differed in spatial distribution over time in the
same area, which may be helpful for addressing basic sci-
entific questions, such as what is the nature of the spatial
distribution of microorganisms and whether the spatial pat-
tern of soil microbial properties is time dependent and if so
to what extent. Therefore, the aims of this study were to (1)
investigate the spatial variation of microbial properties in
the surface horizons of Luvisols and the contribution of
random variability (nugget) to total variability (sill)of
studied properties, (2) determine whether temporal vari-
ability affects the spatial pattern variation of microbial
properties, and (3) assess the relationship between the set
of soil microbial features and some physicochemical prop-
erties across the studied area.
346 J Soils Sediments (2019) 19:345355
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
2 Material and methods
2.1 Site description and sample collection
The study was carried out in a grid patterned 40 × 90 m
area in 80 ha of an agricultural field located near the
village of Orlinek (near Mrocza) in the Pomerania and
Cuiavia region (53° 1531N, 17° 3243E), northwest
Poland. The field has been continuously managed for
more than 20 years. The soil that was studied was clas-
sified as a typical Luvisol (IUSS Working Group WRB
2007), which was composed of 79.3% sand, 14.6% silt,
and 6.1% clay. The landform of the study area is flat.
Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was cultivated after
winter rape (Brassica napus L.) as the forecrop. Mineral
fertilization was applied in accordance with winter wheat
requirements and presented in details earlier (Piotrowska-
Długosz et al. 2017). The area was characterized by an
average monthly air temperature of 12.9 °C and the total
rainfall of 447.4 mm during the growing season (March
October) in 2007 (Table 1). Soil samples (50) were col-
lected from the 020-cm top layer of soil at regular in-
tervals (10 m × 10 m) during the stage of winter wheat
spreading on April 12, 2007 and directly after the harvest
on August 6, 2007. Each composite sample comprised
ten sub-samples that were taken randomly from a circular
area with a radius of 2 m from the node point (ISO
10381-2: 2002), mixed to account for short-range (<
10 m) spatial variability.
The soil samples were transported to the laboratory in
sterile plastic bags and were stored at 4 °C (up to 24 h) to
estimate the number of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria, fil-
amentous fungi, and actinomycetes as well as the soil
respiration rate.
2.2 Soil biological properties
The plate count method was employed to estimate the number
of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria, filamentous fungi, and acti-
nomycetes. Microbiological inoculation was done during 24 h
after sample collection. Ten grams of each soil sample was
added to 90 ml of Ringers solution. After homogenization for
30 min, tenfold serial dilutions were made (10
to 10
Then, inoculations of the prepared soil solutions were made
on proper culture media. In order to determine the total num-
ber of bacteria, a yeast extract-peptone-soil extract medium
was used (YPS) (Atlas 1997). Actinomycetes were isolated
on yeast extract glucose agar (YGA) with 100 μgml
tin and filamentous fungi were isolated on Rose-Bengal agar
containing 30 μgml
streptomycin (Atlas 1997). The num-
ber of colony-forming units (CFUs) that was obtained was
determined per 1 g of soil dry matter (CFUs g
d.m. of soil).
Basal respiration (BR) was determined according to
Stotzky (Stotzky 1965) with some modification (Piotrowska
et al. 2006). The rate of BR was expressed in milligrams/CO
C/kilogram of soil per hour within 15 days of incubation (sum
of five individual measurements). The specific respiration of
the microbial biomass or the microbial metabolic quotient was
calculated as the ratio of BR to microbial biomass: qCO
C/mg MBC per hour) (Anderson and Domsch
1990). The data about soil microbial properties are reported
as averages of fourfold laboratory determinations.
2.3 Statistical and geostatistical approaches
The dataset was analyzed independently twicefirst in a clas-
sical way in order to investigate the general status of the soil
microbiological properties at two sampling times and their
links with the physicochemical soil properties and then using
a geostatistics approach in order to investigate the spatial var-
iation of soil properties. The basic statistical parameters were
evaluated using STATISTICAv. 9.0 Software. Normality was
the general observation for only some variables (Shapiro-Wilk
test). Most of the properties did not show a normal distribution
and therefore were transformed accordingly (Table 2). Since
the transformation improved the normality of most of the
properties, further analyses were performed with the corrected
data. Differences in the average values of the soil properties
collected in April and August were determined using Tukeys
test (significant level = p< 0.05). Linear correlation analysis
based on Pearsonscoefficients(p< 0.05) was performed to
determine the relationships between the variables. A classifi-
cation scheme based on their CV [%] was used to identify the
extent of variability for the soil properties (Wilding 1985).
The spatial relationship among neighboring observations
of the variables were assessed using the global MoransI
autocorrelation coefficient (Liu et al. 2013). The spatial auto-
correlation is a measure of the similarity (correlation) between
Table 1 Distribution of monthly averaged air temperature and monthly
sum of rainfall in 2007
Months Temperature (°C) Rainfall (mm)
January 3.4 73
February 0.8 33
March 5.5 55
April 9.0 17
May 14.3 84
June 18.2 112
July 18.0 89
August 18.1 29
September 12.7 40
October 7.2 23
November 1.7 27
December 0.8 36
J Soils Sediments (2019) 19:345355 347
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nearby observations of a single variable on a two-dimensional
surface. The pairs of observation of a single variable that are
close to each other are more similar, and pairs of observations
of variables that are far apart from each other are more likely
to be less similar (Griffith and Chun 2016). The values of
MoransIrange from + 1.0 (strong positive spatial autocorre-
lation) to 0 (no autocorrelation, a random pattern) and to 1.0
(strong negative autocorrelation). MoransIwas calculated
using a 50-m active lag distance and a 10-m lag interval
(ArcGIS 9.3).
A semivariograms were determined for soil properties that
were studied in order to characterize the degree of spatial
variability between neighboring samples, and the appropriate
model function was fitted to the semivariogram (Webser and
Oliver 2008). Depending on the spatial characteristics de-
scribed by the data, spherical, linear, and Bassel-K models
were fitted to different variables. The parameters of the model
describing the spatial structure (γ(h)=C
semivariance, range, and sill or total semivariance were cal-
culated. C
represents the nugget effect, which is the variance
at zero distance and represents field and experimental variabil-
ity or random variability, which is undetectable at the sam-
pling scale. The sill (C
+ C) is the lag distance between the
measurements at which one value for a variable does not in-
fluence the neighboring values. The range is the separation
distance at which the values of one variable become spatially
independent of another. At separation distances greater than
the range, the sampled points are no longer spatially correlated
(Shahandeh et al. 2005). Furthermore, the ratio of the nugget
to sill [Co/(Co + C)]·100 indicates the degree of randomness
in the datas spatial variability (Cambardella et al. 1994). This
ratio was used in this study to define three classes of spatial
dependencefor the soil variables. When the ratio was less than
25%, the variable was considered to have a strong
dependence; when it was between 25 and 75%, the soil vari-
able had a moderate spatial dependence; and if the ratio was
higher than 75% or the slope of the semivariogram was = 0,
the variable was considered to be random or a non-spatially
correlated (pure nugget).
To choose the best models to adjust the empirical
variograms, a cross-validation procedure was applied. The
criterion for selecting the best fitting models was the mean
squared deviation ratio (MSDR), which was calculated from
the squared errors and kriging variances (Bishop and Lark
2006). If the model for the variogram is accurate, the MSDR
should be close to one (Kerry and Oliver 2007). The punctual
kriging was the procedure by which the values of the soil
properties were estimated at unsampled locations (Webser
and Oliver 2008). The maps illustrating the spatial variance
of the parameters that were determined were drawn based on
the semivariograms. The geostatistical calculations were done
using Isatis software (Geovariance Co.).
3 Results
3.1 Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis
of soil properties
The dataset of the basic properties of the soil under study (e.g.,
pH, soil moisture, total C and N, clay, silt, and sand fractions)
was presented earlier (Piotrowska and Długosz 2012).
Only fungal CFUs in April and qCO
ratio in August were
normally distributed in the studied soil. The other properties
were not distributed normally and an appropriate transforma-
tion was done before further geostatistical analysis (Table 2).
Although a logarithmic transformation of B/F ratio values
reduced its skewness, the values were still not normally dis-
tributed. A normal distribution of soil properties was con-
firmed by the similar values of means and medians as well
as by skewness coefficients that were close to 0 (between 0.13
and 0.59) (Table 3). A left-tailed skewness resulted in the
mean being lower than the median and more results were
higher than the mean, which was mainly true for the total
bacteria count and the B/F ratio. A positive kurtosis indicates
a relatively peaked distribution whereas a negative one indi-
cates a flat distribution compared to the normal distribution.
Fungal CFUs showed kurtosis values not much higher than
zero, while the total count of bacteria and the B/F ratio data
both in April and August as well as the qCO
results in April
indicated a high leptokurtic distribution.
The coefficient of variation (CV%) was calculated as an
index for assessing the overall variability of the dataset
(Wilding 1985). Most of the studied variables revealed a high
variability (CV > 35%), which indicated that the results were
quite differentiated on the studied area. Among these proper-
ties, the total bacteria count and the B/F ratio from both
Table 2 pvalues and statistical transformations of soil properties
Property Sampling month pvalue Transformation
Bacterial CFUs 10
) April 0.0000 Log
August 0.0000 Log
Fungal CFUs 10
) April 0.4017
August 0.8354
Actinomycetes CFUs
April 0.0003 Log
August 0.0019 Log
B/F April 0.0000
August 0.0000
BR (mg CO
) April 0.0090 Log
August 0.0077 Sqrt
April 0.0002 Log
August 0.0944
B/F bacteria to fungi ratio, BR basal respiration, qCO
metabolic quotient,
Log logarithmic transformation, Sqrt square root transformation
348 J Soils Sediments (2019) 19:345355
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sampling dates tended to be the most variable with a CV value
that ranged from 62.8 to 110% (Table 3). Only soil respiration
showed a moderate variability as was indicated by CV values
of between 24.9 and 25.8%.
The significant correlation coefficients obtained among the
studied properties and chemical properties showed earlier
(Piotrowska and Długosz 2012) are presented in Table 4
(p< 0.05). A significant but relatively weak relationship was
found between bacterial CTUs and pH H
August. A significant but negative relationship was found
between fungal CTUs and pH H
The organic carbon content was positively correlated with BR,
and fungal CTUs in both April and August.
3.2 Geostatistical analysis of properties studied
Spatial autocorrelation of soil properties was calculated from
grid points at 10-m lag intervals. Significant spatial autocor-
relation was only found for bacterial CFUs in August, actino-
mycetes count in April, and qCO
ratio on both sampling
dates. (Table 5). The spatial autocorrelation was low ranging
from 0.158 to 0.097. The highest value of MoransIwas noted
for the qCO
ratio determined in August (0.158).
To characterize the spatial variability of the properties, spatial-
ly autocorrelated linear (L) or spherical (Sph) models with the
nugget effect (NE) were fitted to the calculated semivariograms
(Table 6,Fig.1ac). The results indicated that most of the het-
erogeneity of soil properties was due to the random variability.
The spatial heterogeneity of the variables studied was categorized
into two classes based on the percentage of total variance (sill)
present as a random variance [(Co/Co + C),%]. Most of the var-
iables showed a weak spatial dependence and had a nugget/sill
ratio over 75%, and only soil moisture and qCO
in August
revealed a moderate spatial structure. The qCO
ratio showed a
higher differentiation in the spatial pattern than the other proper-
ties studied between April and August (Table 6). Variables such
as total fungi count and BR level showed a pure nugget effect (a
nugget/sill ratio = 100%) (Fig. 1c).
The ranges of influence, which ranged between 40 and 50 m
(Table 6), were only calculated for the qCO
ratio since it was
characterized by a spherical model of the semivariogram. The
range values were not, however, calculated for the total bacteria
and the actinomycetes count despite the fact that they were
spatially dependent at the scale of our sampling grid, because
the linear model was fitted to the calculated semivariograms of
these properties.
3.3 Temporal changes of data and their spatial
Significant differences between the properties that were stud-
ied in April and August were observed only for the bacterial
and fungal CFUs, the B/F ratio, and soil respiration (Tukeys
Table 3 Statistics of soil microbial properties (n=50)
Property Sampling month Min Max Mean Geometric mean Median SD Skewness Kurtosis CV (%)
Bacterial CFUs 10
) April 11.0 141.0 36.0a 30.0 28.0 26.0 2.34 6.54 72.0
August 6.0 77.0 23.9b 20.5 19.2 15.0 1.88 3.63 62.8
Fungal CFUs 10
) April 1.4 9.4 4.5b 4.2 4.4 1.7 0.44 0.29 38.7
August 1.0 9.3 5.3a 5.0 5.0 1.8 0.13 0.12 33.3
Actinomycetes CFUs 10
) April 2.5 28.6 11.4a 10.2 10.5 5.7 1.27 1.61 49.6
August 3.2 33.8 13.7a 12.2 12.7 6.7 1.15 1.44 49.2
B/F ratio April 78.6 150 80.0a 71.4 63.6 152.9 2.84 9.02 110
August 60.0 82,8 45.1b 41.0 38.4 83.3 3.21 12.2 86.7
BR (mg CO
) April 0.53 1.58 0.93a 0.91 0.92 0.23 0.69 0.82 24.9
August 0.28 1.17 0.69b 0.67 0.66 0.18 0.72 1.01 25.8
ratio April 0.17 1.01 0.38a 0.35 0.35 0.18 1.32 2.14 45.9
August 0.05 0.75 0.32a 0.27 0.29 0.16 0.59 0.17 50.8
Different small letters between April and August indicate significant differences (Tukeys test, p< 0.05); The abbreviations of each variable are those
given in Table 2
SD standard deviation; CV (%) coefficient of variation
Table 4 Correlation matrix
Relationship Coefficient of correlation
April August
Bacterial CFUs/pH H
Fungal CFUs/pH H
/fungal CFUs
Correlations presented are significant at p<0.05
organic carbon, BR basal respiration
J Soils Sediments (2019) 19:345355 349
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test, p<0.05, Table3). Based on the mean values, both bac-
terial CFUs and the B/F ratio and soil basal respiration were
higher in April than in August (43, 44, and 26%, respectively),
while fungal CFUs were significantly higher in August com-
pared to April (15%).
The main application of geostatistics to soil science has
been to estimate and map the soil property values that could
occur in unsampled areas. The spatial pattern of the spatially
autocorrelated properties are shown in Fig. 2ad. The kriged
maps of bacterial CFUs differed on both sampling dates (Fig.
2a, b). The highest bacterial CFUs in April were observed
along the western part of the transect at a length of 0 to
10 m and over the entire width of the area. The lowest count
of bacteria was distributed in the eastern part of the field (65 to
90 m long) and over the entire width of the area). The distri-
bution of bacterial CFUs in August was different. The lowest
count of bacteria in August was noted in the northwest quad-
rant of the field (0 to 20 m long and 20 to 40 m wide), while
the highest was observed in an area 50 to 90 m long and over
the entire width of the area. The spatial distribution of the
actinomycetes CFUs was different than those of the bacteria
and did not share any similarities at both sampling times. In
April, a higher count of actinomycetes tended to be located at
lengths of 0 to 60 m and 15 to 40 m wide. A band of relatively
lower actinomycetes CFUs ran vertically from the north to the
south of the field at a length of 60 to 90 m (Fig. 2c). In August,
the actinomycete count was uniformly distributed within the
area, and only small area between 30 and 70 m long and 0 to
15 m wide had lower values of this property (Fig. 2d).
Similarly, other properties showed different spatial structures
depending on the sampling time (data not presented).
4 Discussion
4.1 Basic statistics of studied variables and their
seasonal changes
The data of the properties that were measured appeared to be
variable within one sampling time as well as between both
Table 5 MoransIfor properties
studied Property Sampling month MoransIZScore pvalue
Bacterial CFUs 10
) April 0.046 1.472 0.142
August 0.106 2.731 0.006
Fungal CFUs 10
)April 0.018 0.044 0.965
August 0.026 0.967 0.334
Actinomycetes CFUs 10
) April 0.103 2.602 0.009
August 0.038 1.226 0.221
B/F ratio April 0.050 1.607 0.108
August 0.032 1.233 0.218
BR (mg CO
) April 0.011 0.651 0.515
August 0.097 1.613 0.107
qCO2 April 0.098 2.521 0.012
August 0.158 3.709 0.0002
The abbreviations of each variable are those given in Table 2
Table 6 Parameters of variogram models
Property Sampling month Model Nugget
(Co + C)
Co/(Co + C)
Bacterial CFUs April
Fungal CFUs August NE 3.63·10
100 0.090 0.978 W
Actinomycetes CFUs April
BR (mg CO
qCO2 April
Sph, NE
Sph, NE
The abbreviations of each variable are those given in Table 2
Sph spherical, Llinear, NE nugget effect, SE standard error, MSDR mean squared deviation ratio, SD spatial dependence, Mmoderate, Wweak
350 J Soils Sediments (2019) 19:345355
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sampling periods and a moderate variability was observed.
The results from the present study (Table 3) showed a higher
variability of microbial rather than physicochemical properties
(Piotrowska and Długosz 2012) as described by the coeffi-
cient of variation (CV%) as well as the minimum, maximum,
and standard deviation. Our results are in agreement with sev-
eral studies that were carried out at the field scale on arable
soils (Sebai et al. 2007;Štursová et al. 2016). In the study of
Sebai et al. (2007), the microbial properties and processes
were significantly influenced by properties such as organic
matter content, soil moisture, pH values or texture. In this
study, however, the variability of these properties was not a
source of variability for the microbiological properties since
all of them exhibited low CV values (less than 15%)
(Piotrowska and Długosz 2012).
In our conventionally managed soil, more bacterial than
fungal CFUs were noted, which confirmed studies that had
been done earlier (Hassink et al. 1993; Velvis 1997). Some
studies have shown that soil management on arable land af-
fects the B/F ratio. In most cases, bacteria dominate under
conventional tillage, whereas fungi dominate under no-
tillage (de Vries et al. 2006). This has been attributed to the
direct contact between bacteria and the substrate under
conventional tillage, which encourages bacterial growth
(Jiang et al. 2011) and could be ascribed to the suppression
of fungal hyphae, and hence fungal growth, by intensive till-
age (de Vries et al. 2006).
The soil microbial biomass and activity usually shows
strong seasonal variation, although the trends in this variation
are differentiated due to many various climatic (temperature,
moisture), environmental, and anthropogenic factors that in-
fluence soil microbial communities across wide geographical
regions (Gourmelon et al. 2016). Therefore, the data for the
seasonal changes of soil microorganisms that is found in the
literature are contradictory (e.g., Baldrian et al. 2010b), sug-
gesting that both bacteria and fungi react to various seasonal
natural and anthropogenic factors in different ways. We found
significantly higher fungal CFUs in August than in April and
an opposite trend for bacterial community, which could be
explained by a higher temperature and soil moisture, since
fungi are more sensitive to changes in climatic condition than
bacteria (Kaisermann et al. 2015). In this study, a higher air
temperature in August than in April (about 10 °C, Table 1)
may also reflect the higher soil temperature. This could have
an impact on the soil microbial properties as was stated earlier
by Khalid (2012). Additionally, the nitrogen fertilizer applied
Fig. 1 Experimental
semivariograms of (a)qCO
April, (b)qCO
in August, (c)BR
in April
J Soils Sediments (2019) 19:345355 351
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in spring (March) could have stimulated the bacterial commu-
nity and decreased the fungi, which is partially in line with de
Vries et al. (2006), who noted that an increasing N input in a
grassland caused a decrease of the fungi biomass, while the
bacterial biomass remained constant. The lack of significant
differences in the actinomycetes CFUs between April and
August may be due to the fact that this community has been
shown to be less sensitive to stressful conditions than either
bacteria or fungi (Pourreza et al. 2014).
4.2 Spatial variability of microbial properties
Most of the properties studied did not exhibit spatial structure
at the examined scale, thus suggesting that changes in these
properties would be probably detectable at a distance shorter
than 10 m. This was confirmed by the lack of an autocorrela-
tion and a high or pure nugget, which represents the measure-
ment error or non-measurable variation at distances other than
those sampled (Mummey et al. 2010) and is used to calculate
the nugget/sill ratio, which indicates the spatial structure at the
sampling scale and allows the relative size of the nugget effect
among different soil properties to be compared (Webser and
Oliver 2008). The absence of spatial structure or weak spatial
dependence that was obtained for most of the microbial prop-
erties in this study was probably due to several different ef-
fects of (1) the content of clay, silt, and sand, which also was
not spatially structured (pure nugget effect) (Piotrowska and
Długosz 2012); (2) the nested occurrence of microorganisms;
(3) soil structure, e.g., different type, quantity, and shape of
soil aggregates; and (4) measurement error. In fact, it has been
stated earlier that a weak spatial dependence of a soil property
(high variability) is controlled by exogenous factors such as
climatic factors (moisture and temperature) vegetation cover,
or human activity and is related to experimental error
(Cambardella et al. 1994; Webser and Oliver 2008). Some
authors have suggested that soil microorganisms are particu-
larly variable compared to other properties, and that their
abundance and activity change along an environmental gradi-
ent (Franklin and Mills 2003; Philippot et al. 2009). Even
within a homogenous system, biological processes may pro-
duce aggregations of organisms at various spatial scales
(Franklin and Mills 2003). The level of spatial variability of
microbial communities varied in different ranges and is related
to various biotic and abiotic factors (e.g., temperature, pH,
content, and substrate availability) (Guox et al. 2012).
In fact, soil properties do not vary independently and rather
variably measured at a certain point in space in the outcome of
several physical, chemical, and biological processes, all of
which are more or less spatially variable (Guox et al. 2012).
In this study, however, soil pH and C
content could not be
the source ofvariability for soil microbial properties since they
revealed strong and moderate spatial dependence
(Piotrowska-Długosz et al. 2016). Based on the earlier studies,
we suppose that high contribution of nugget effect in sill or
pure nugget effect in this study may be partially related to the
applied tillage and fertilizers that was applied in autumn in the
previous year. In fact, the weak spatial dependence of soil
properties or a pure nugget effect indicates an extrinsic vari-
ability, i.e., due to management practices such as tillage,
Fig. 2 Spatial distribution of (a) bacterial CFUs in April, (b)bacterial
CFUs in August, (c) actinomycetes CFUs in April, (d) actinomycetes
CFUs in August. In each figure, darker shading represents the highest
values while light shading represents the lowest values
352 J Soils Sediments (2019) 19:345355
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mineral and organic fertilization, and pesticide application,
(Nayak et al. 2007; García -Ruiz et al. 2008) or it is the result
of an inappropriate sampling scheme.
4.3 Correlations among the properties studied
Previous studies have shown that the size and activity of soil
microbial communities are sensitive to variations in the soil
physical and chemical properties (Aciego Pietri and Brookes
2009), mainly to soil moisture, soil reaction, and organic car-
bon content. Some authors indicated contrasting soil pH ef-
fects on fungal and bacterial growth (Rousk et al. 2009), what
is in agreement with our data (Table 4). In this study, we found
a significant positive relationship between pH and the bacte-
rial colony-forming units, while negative relationship between
pH and fungal CFUs, for which the values of the relationship
were however low (Table 4). It is possible that the small pH
gradient (2 units) (Piotrowska and Długosz 2012) did not alter
strongly the spatial distribution of microorganisms in soil,
which was confirmed by other studies (Drenovsky et al.
2010), and did not reveal the negative relationship between
bacterial and fungal CFUs. Several recent studies have shown
however that soil pH is a strong driver of the abundance of
microbial communities (Hallin et al. 2009;Kaiseretal.2016).
Thus, Bru et al. (2011) reported that soil pH alone explained
17.1 and 21.4% of the spatial variability in the abundance of
the total bacterial community and the functional microbial
community that are involved in N-cycling, respectively.
The content of C
was significantly correlated with the
rate of soil respiration and fungal colony-forming units, al-
though values of the correlation coefficients were low as
was in the case with the soil reaction. Other studies indicated
a closer relationship between C
content and microbial
properties and showed the importance of C
as a microbial
substrate and as a habitat for microbial growth and mainte-
nance (Wallenius et al. 2011; Garcia-Orenes et al. 2013).
5 Conclusions
Most of the microbiological properties did not exhibit spatial
structure at the examined scale, thus suggesting that changes
in these properties would probably be detectable at a distance
shorter than the one used in the study. Therefore, an evaluation
of their spatial characteristics would require a higher density
of sampling. Only some of the microbial properties, such as
bacterial CFUs in August, actinomycetes CFUs in , and qCO
ratio on both sampling dates, were spatially dependent at the
scale of sampling grid, whereas they reveal a high variability.
The spatial structure of most the variables that showed a spa-
tial autocorrelation differed depending on the sampling time.
A variation in time has affected the spatial variability and
consequently has changed the shape of the semivariograms
of these variables. That is why more frequent seasonal sam-
pling should be included in the further experimental planning
in order to find a suitable sampling distance for characterizing
the spatial structure of properties being studied.
Acknowledgments Much gratitude is due to Michele Simmons for proof
reading the article.
Funding information The research was financially supported by the
Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project no. N 310
030 32/1588).
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-
priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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... Soil samples were obtained from various locations in a specific field, then carefully analyzed in the laboratory, and the results were extended to cover the entire area. The heterogeneity of soil properties within a field can be significant, making the conventional approach insufficient for capturing this spatial variability (Piotrowska-Długosz et al. 2018). Moreover, the reliance on empirical correlations often showed a lack of accuracy in predicting and guiding immediate management decisions. ...
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Agronomists and researchers have demonstrated persistent interest in examining the relationship between soil properties and crop productivity with the objective of improving agricultural practices. The application of geophysics and statistical models offers valuable techniques for analyzing the complex nature of this relationship. This article investigated the application of geophysical techniques and statistical models to understand the impact of soil properties on agricultural productivity. It thoroughly examined the main factors that influence this relationship through an extensive analysis of existing literature. The results showed that there was correlation between crop yield and soil nutrient level, soil texture, pH level and increased electrical conductivity. The study further recorded that electrical resistivity increased with greater depth due to further dryness in the soil. The study's findings and analyses made valuable contributions to improving agricultural methodologies and increasing crop productivity, while also prioritizing the preservation of sustainable soil management techniques.
... Approximately 34% of the lands fall into the low K ex class, 61% into the medium class, and only 5% into the high class (Table 5). These findings demonstrate a high diversity of SF properties in the study areas, aligning with the research conducted by Piotrowska-Długosz et al. (2019). ...
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Soil fertility (SF) is a crucial factor that directly impacts the performance and quality of crop production. To investigate the SF status in agricultural lands of winter wheat in Khuzestan province, 811 samples were collected from the soil surface (0–25 cm). Eleven soil properties, i.e., electrical conductivity (EC), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE), available phosphorus (Pav), exchangeable potassium (Kex), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and soil pH, were measured in the samples. The Nutrient Index Value (NIV) was calculated based on wheat nutritional requirements. The results indicated that 100%, 93%, and 74% of the study areas for CCE, pH, and EC fell into the low, moderate, and moderate to high NIV classes, respectively. Also, 25% of the area is classified as low fertility (NIV < 1.67), 75% falls under medium fertility (1.67 < NIV value < 2.33), and none in high fertility (NIV value > 2.33). Assessment of the mean wheat yield (AWY) and its comparison with NIV showed that the highest yield was in the Ramhormoz region (5200 kg.ha⁻¹), while the lowest yield was in the Hendijan region (3000 kg.ha⁻¹) with the lowest EC rate in the study area. Elevated levels of salinity and CCE in soils had the most negative impact on irrigated WY, while Pav, TN, and Mn availability showed significant effects on crop production. Therefore, implementing SF management practices is essential for both quantitative and qualitative improvement in irrigated wheat production in Khuzestan province.
... Spatial variability of soil properties as well as quality indicators are being widely assessed and mapped using geospatial tools now-a-days [15,16]. Even spatiotemporal assessment and monitoring of soil microbial properties was also reported using geospatial tools [17][18][19]. Spatial structure of soil microbiological properties and enzyme activities using geostatistical techniques was globally described at field scale [20][21][22][23], landscape scale [24], regional scale [25] etc. Soil abiotic parameters viz. soil organic carbon and nitrogen etc showed spatial variability at larger scale, whereas the soil biotic properties viz. ...
Soil microbiological properties viz. soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and dehydrogenase activity (DHA) are sensitive soil quality indicators. Spatial modeling and prediction map of soil MBC and DHA were generated for a semiarid agricultural farm, New Delhi, India from 288 geo-referenced grid samples spaced 100 m × 100 m distance using geospatial techniques and geo-statistics. Soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) ranged from 19.7 to 519.7 µg g-1 with standard deviation of 84.1 and soil DHA varied from 1.2 to 17.2 µg TPF g-1 dry soil hr-1 with sample variance of 10.89. Soil MBC and DHA had high data viability with coefficient of variation (CV) of 42.5 % and 53.2%, respectively. The best fit semivariogram for both soil MBC and DHA was exponential model and had practical spatial range of 1500 m and 1473 m respectively. Environmental disturbances or extrinsic factors dominantly influenced the spatial variability of soil MBC, expressing its weak spatial dependency. Besides, both soil structural/internal factors and extrinsic factors controlled soil DHA variability with moderate level of spatial dependency. Spatial variability map of soil MBC and DHA, prepared with good accuracy through ordinary kriging in GIS software, showed that major area of the farm had soil MBC ranging from 150 to 250 mg kg-1 and had DHA from 1.2 to 10 µg TPF g-1 dry soil hr-1.
... Geostatistical methods determine the spatial variability and dependence of any variable and provide the creation of the variation map for that variable. Geostatistical methods, which assume that variables change with distance, are better tools for identifying and estimating the spatial variability of variables than traditional statistical methods (Sauer et al., 2006;Piotrowska-Długosz et al., 2019). Geostatistical tools are mostly used to predict the spatial structure of soil properties using semivariogram models, that supplying the required knowledge for Kriging being a method for interpolating data at unsampled pinpoints (Goovaerts, 1999lıç & Kılıç 2007Bogunovic et al., 2017;Mashalaba et al., 2020). ...
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In this study, the effect of endogenous and exogenous factors on the soil microbiome in the primitive forest ecosystems of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve (Shyrokoluzhansky massif) in Ukraine was been investigated as temporal variation. These unique ecosystems have a model value for investigating the distinctive soil microbiota, such as the structure of their microbial communities, the number of major ecological groups, and their spatial variability. For this aim, microbial communities in the soil were been researched in the years 2008 and 2018 by field sampling, and georeferenced field data has been collected for mapping process in geographic information systems (GIS). Microbiological studies on soils in the research area were been carried out according to the general methods used in soil microbiology. Spatial distribution of microbial communities was been transformed to interpolated raster maps for the years 2008 and 2018 by utilizing Kriging interpolation method in GIS. The relationships of soil microbial communities with elevation, climate, and soil variables were also investigated by utilizing available climate (annual mean temperature and annual precipitation amount), elevation, and soil (sand-silt-clay, organic matter, pH, and cation exchange capacity) raster maps. Statistical analyses were been conducted by utilizing test of normality (Shapiro–Wilks), descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation, and linear regression analyses. Significant increases in the number of microorganism communities were been detected from 2008 to 2018, with the most significant increases seen in oligotrophs and pedotrophs, followed by ammonifiers and bacteria. While ammonifiers and bacteria constituted the first group similar to each other in terms of the number of microorganisms, the second group was been formed by pedotrophs and oligotrophs. The differences between these two groups of microorganisms also reflected in their relationships with the independent variables. The strongest associations with microorganism communities were been found between elevation, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), precipitation and temperature variables. While ammonifiers and bacteria showed a negative relationship with elevation, CEC and precipitation, and a positive relationship with temperature, pedotrophs and oligotrophs showed a positive relationship with altitude, CEC and precipitation and a negative relationship with temperature. Strong relationships were been modeled. Temperature and precipitation values also increased significantly between 2008 and 2018, giving some clues about how global warming affects the geographical distribution of microorganism communities. *Corresponding author. E-mail Addres:
... Moreover, it is hypothesized that different environmental covariates simultaneously influence soil biological properties because they are correlated to soil characteristics (Santos et al., 2014) and both alter crop yield. However, few studies have been carried out to model the spatial changes in soil biological properties using environmental covariates, machine learning approaches, and spatial statistics (Shahbazi et al., 2013;Piotrowska-Długosz, 2019;Tajik et al., 2020). Soil biological properties including dehydrogenase and cellulose enzyme activities and their spatial relationship with soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and soil pH were investigated by Piotrowska-Dugosz (2011); their results revealed a weak spatial autocorrelation of the cellulose enzyme with dehydrogenase. ...
Mapping of soil properties by using novel machine learning (ML) algorithms and optimized environmental covariates is of great importance for agricultural management to enhance crop production. This research aimed at evaluating ML algorithms to predict spatial distribution of soil biological properties and wheat yield in the Southwest of Iran. Topsoil samples (0–30 cm) were collected from a total of 60 sampling locations and wheat grain yield (plot 1 × 1 m) was recorded at each location. Soil properties including urease (Ur), alkaline phosphatase (AP), basal respiration (BR), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), soil organic carbon (SOC), MBC:SOC ratio, and metabolic quotient (qCO2) were measured. At the first step, Random Forest (RF) model was employed to predict soil biological properties by using terrain attributes, remote sensing indices and soil properties as covariates. In this step, both Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and Pearson regression were applied to select the most important covariates in predicting soil biological properties and to decrease the dimension of the input space with considering no reduction in prediction accuracy. Secondly, wheat grain yield was modeled using six ML algorithms; they were optimized and evaluated in Caret package with 10-fold cross validation. Results showed the highest prediction accuracy for qCO2 (R2 adj = 0.80) and the lowest for BR (R2 adj = 0.23). Compared to environmental predictors, soil covariates had a greater effect in modeling Ur, qCO2, MBC and MBC:SOC ratio, while, for AP and BR, bands 6 and Chanel Network Base Level were the most important factors, respectively. In prediction of wheat grain yield, both Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB) and RF models outperformed with R2 adj of 0.89 and 0.88, respectively. Results indicated that the Ur and AP played the major roles in predicting wheat grain yield and explaining its spatial variability. Our modeling results suggested that soil biological properties and yield can be estimated easily with reasonable accuracy. Overall, their high resolution maps may be useful for decision makers, stakeholders and applicants in agricultural management practices towards precision agriculture.
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Soil fertility (SF) is crucial factor that directly impact the performance and quality of crop production. To investigate the SF status in agricultural lands under winter wheat in Khuzestan province, 811 samples were collected from the soil surface (0–25 cm) depth. Eleven soil properties i.e. electrical conductivity (EC), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE), available phosphorus (P av ), exchangeable potassium (K ex ), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and soil pH. The Nutrient Index Value (NIV) was calculated based on wheat nutritional requirements. The results indicated that 100%, 93%, and 74% of the study areas for CCE, pH, and EC fell into the low, moderate, and moderate to high NIV classes, respectively. Also, 25% of area is classified as low fertility (NIV < 1.67), 75% falls under medium fertility (1.67 < NIV value < 2.33), and none of in high fertility (NIV value > 2.33). Assessment of the mean wheat yield (AWY) and its comparison with NIV showed that the highest yield was in the Ramhormoz region (5200 Kg. ha − 1 ), while the lowest yield was in the Hendijan region (3000 Kg. ha − 1 ) with the lowest EC rate in the study area. Elevated levels of salinity and CCE in soils had the most negative impact on irrigated WY, while P av , TN, and Mn availability showed significant effects on crop production. Therefore, implementing SF management practices is essential for both quantitative and qualitative improvement in irrigated wheat production in Khuzestan province.
Management practices and soil environmental variables influence microbiological properties and may cause inaccuracies in the interpretation of the results of these bioindicators. This study evaluated the sensitivity of seven microbiological properties to soil management and environmental variables of a Rhodic Ferralsol from a subtropical region of Brazil. The experimental area was cultivated with crotalaria and corn, followed by a fallow period. Samples were collected monthly for a year to determine soil enzyme activities and heterotrophic bacteria and fungi counts. Soil respiration was evaluated directly in the field. Total hydrolytic activity, cellulases, proteases, dehydrogenases and soil respiration were sensitive to management. Moreover, soil respiration was sensitive to fluctuations in soil temperature (r = 0.75) and pre-sampling precipitation (r = 0.54). Dehydrogenase activity was sensitive to soil moisture (r = 0.72) and total microorganisms (r = 0.61). The bacterial (5.69 ± 0.37 log10 CFU g soil−1) and fungal (3.99 ± 0.42 log10 CFU g soil−1) counts showed low sensitivity to soil management and environmental variables. The seven microbiological properties evaluated responded differently to the management and environmental variables. This information must be considered when using soil quality bioindicators to avoid errors in interpreting results.
Understanding how spatial heterogeneity in soil microbial community structure and enzyme activities vary seasonally, and identifying the underlying mechanisms, are crucial for predicting how soil organic matter dynamics and nutrient cycling may respond to environmental change. We examined spatial variability in microbial community structure and enzyme activity and measured associated changes in plant biomass, soil microclimate, soil nutrients and other soil characteristics for 75 sampling points across a 15 × 15 m area of a Leymus chinensis meadow steppe in northeastern China over three seasons (summer, fall and spring). We observed seasonal variation in the spatial patterns of soil microbial community structure and enzyme activity, and the plant and soil variables associated with this variation also changed over time. Specifically, the microbial community structure exhibited strong spatial dependence, with high a relative spatial variance [C / (C + C0) ≥ 0.9] in summer, whereas it was more homogeneous in spring and fall. In summer, the spatial patterns of plants, soil dissolved inorganic N and dissolved organic C were the most significant predictors of spatial variation in microbial community structure. In fall, a mix of plant and soil physical explanatory variables explained 22–46 % of the spatial variation in microbial community structure. Meanwhile, only soil physical variables (soil bulk density and electrical conductivity) were strongly associated with spatial variation in microbial community structure in spring. The spatial links between microbial community structure and enzyme activity were reshaped throughout the growing season. We observed strong spatial links between soil microbial community structure and enzyme activity in spring and fall. In summer, the association between soil enzyme activities and microbial biomass was decoupled, indicating that microbial biomass showed higher turnover than soil enzymes at this time. Overall, our results reveal the drivers of spatial variation in soil microbial community structure and enzyme activity shift seasonally, highlighting the value of seasonal sampling to accurately estimate the heterogeneity and complexity of ecosystem-level processes in grasslands.
This paper presents the results of a study of carbon sorbent from sewage sludge and sawdust (biochar) effect on the restoration of soil microbiome after herbicide treatment. At the genus level, 28 representatives were found in the original soil, 35.7% of which were aerobes. Of these, Gaiella and Methylotenera predominated. Of the anaerobic - most were Veillonella and Faecalibacterium. The proportion of microorganisms affected by the herbicide was 71.4%. 32% completely disappeared from the soil microbial community, 39.3% recovered after the introduction of biochar. There was a recovery almost to the original value of microorganisms of the genera Veillonella, Faecalibacterium, Gaiella, Ilumatobacter, Gemmatimonas. The number of Azotobacter increased by 7.3 times. In the soil subjected to herbicide treatment, the proportion of microorganisms exhibiting catalase activity decreases or completely disappears. Members of the genus Gaiella, known as catalase-positive bacteria, were absent in herbicide-treated soil. Their population resumed after soil treatment with biochar, . Intrasporangium, also being catalase positive, were reduced by more than 4 times under the action of the herbicide. Cleaning the soil with a biosorbent made it possible to restore their numbers by 56%. The introduction of biochar from sewage sludge and sawdust into the soil activated the soil microbiota. The assessment of α-diversity by the Shannon index showed a 1.5-fold decrease in the species diversity of the microbial community of the soil treated with the herbicide. Cleaning the soil with biochar restored the soil microbiome, with a Shannon index of 2.4.
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The greater increase in daily minimum temperature than daily maximum temperature has been widely observed at global scale. A growing body of evidence suggests that this asymmetrically diurnal warming has great impacts on aboveground ecological processes. However, little is known about the effect of the asymmetrically diurnal warming on belowground biotic organisms. This study was conducted as part of a field manipulative experiment with day (6:00 a.m.e6:00 p.m.), night (6:00 p.m.e6:00 a.m.) and diurnal warming (24 h) in a temperate steppe, to assess shifts in soil microbial community composition and physiology in response to asymmetrically diurnal warming. Our results show that contrasting hydrothermal conditions of the two experimental years (2006e2007) reshaped microbial community structure and modified C use patterns in the grassland ecosystem. Consistent with our hypothesis, day and night warming had different effects on some specific microbial groups and microbial C utilization potential. Significant reductions in the relative proportion of total bacteria, gram-positive bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and microbial C utilization potential, were observed under conditions of night warming only. The close association of microbial C utilization patterns with ecosystem C exchange and coupled responses of plant and microbe to nightwarming highlight physiological continuity in plantemicrobeesoil system.
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Soil, the living terrestrial skin of the Earth, plays a central role in supporting life and is home to an unimaginable diversity of microorganisms. This review explores key drivers for microbial life in soils under different climates and land-use practices at scales ranging from soil pores to landscapes. We delineate special features of soil as a microbial habitat (focusing on bacteria) and the consequences for microbial communities. This review covers recent modeling advances that link soil physical processes with microbial life (termed biophysical processes). Readers are introduced to concepts governing water organization in soil pores and associated transport properties and microbial dispersion ranges often determined by the spatial organization of a highly dynamic soil aqueous phase. The narrow hydrological windows of wetting and aqueous phase connectedness are crucial for resource distribution and longer range transport of microorganisms. Feedbacks between microbial activity and their immediate environment are responsible for emergence and stabilization of soil structure—the scaffolding for soil ecological functioning. We synthesize insights from historical and contemporary studies to provide an outlook for the challenges and opportunities for developing a quantitative ecological framework to delineate and predict the microbial component of soil functioning.
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Spatial variability of soil physical properties in a cultivated field such as; bulk density (BD), penetration resistance (PNT), saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP), were determined by geostatistical method. While BD values varied between 1.12 and 1.41 g cm-3, PNT resistance (0.66 to 1.88 MPa), clay content (31.48 to 43.97%), Ks (1.46 to 3.37 mm h-1), FC (30.40 to 39.66%) and PWP (19.22 to 24.42%) values showed variations with soil cultivation. In kriging interpolation for the spatial variability of soil properties, the biggest r2 and cross validation r2 values were determined with spherical model for PNT, Ks, FC values, and exponential model for clay, BD and PWP. Spatial dependences of the properties, except BD, were found to be strong in the field. Ks values significantly increased with increasing BD (0.340*), and decreasing clay content (-0.905**) and PNT (-0.288*) values in the field. Spatial variations of soil physical properties in the field are generally controlled by the particle size distribution as a fundamental factor. Heterogeneity and variation of soil physical parameters in a field due to soil plowing should be taken into consideration for a successful agricultural management.
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Soil microorganisms play key roles in ecosystem functioning and are known to be influenced by biotic and abiotic factors, such as plant cover or edaphic parameters. New Caledonia, a biodiversity hotspot located in the southwest Pacific, is one-third covered by ultramafic substrates. These types of soils are notably characterised by low nutrient content and high heavy metal concentrations. Ultramafic outcrops harbour diverse vegetation types and remarkable plant diversity. In this study, we aimed to assess soil bacterial and fungal diversity in New Caledonian ultramafic substrates and to determine whether floristic composition, edaphic parameters and geographical factors affect this microbial diversity. Therefore, four plant formation types at two distinct sites were studied. These formations represent different stages in a potential chronosequence. Soil cores, according to a given sampling procedure, were collected to assess microbial diversity using a metagenomic approach, and to characterise the physico-chemical parameters. A botanical inventory was also performed. Our results indicated that microbial richness, composition and abundance were linked to the plant cover type and the dominant plant species. Furthermore, a large proportion of Ascomycota phylum (fungi), mostly in non-rainforest formations, and Planctomycetes phylum (bacteria) in all formations were observed. Interestingly, such patterns could be indicators of past disturbances that occurred on different time scales. Furthermore, the bacteria and fungi were influenced by diverse edaphic parameters as well as by the interplay between these two soil communities. Another striking finding was the existence of a site effect. Differences in microbial communities between geographical locations may be explained by dispersal limitation in the context of the biogeographical island theory. In conclusion, each plant formation at each site possesses is own microbial community resulting from multiple interactions between abiotic and biotic factors.
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Understanding of effects of soil temperature and soil moisture on soil respiration (Rs) under future warming is critical to reduce uncertainty in predictions of feedbacks to atmospheric CO2 concentrations from grassland soil carbon. Intact cores with roots taken from a full factorial, 5-year alpine meadow warming and grazing experiment in the field were incubated at three different temperatures (i.e. 5, 15 and 25°C) with two soil moistures (i.e. 30 and 60% water holding capacity (WHC)) in our study. Another experiment of glucose-induced respiration (GIR) with 4 h of incubation was conducted to determine substrate limitation. Our results showed that high temperature increased Rs and low soil moisture limited the response of Rs to temperature only at high incubation temperature (i.e. 25°C). Temperature sensitivity (Q10) did not significantly decrease over the incubation period, suggesting that substrate depletion did not limit Rs. Meanwhile, the carbon availability index (CAI) was higher at 5°C compared with 15 and 25°C incubation, but GIR increased with increasing temperature. Therefore, our findings suggest that warming-induced decrease in Rs in the field over time may result from a decrease in soil moisture rather than from soil substrate depletion, because warming increased root biomass in the alpine meadow.
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Soil bacteria provide a large range of ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling. Despite their important role in soil systems, compositional and functional responses of bacterial communities to different land use and management regimes are not fully understood. Here, we assessed soil bacterial communities in 150 forest and 150 grassland soils derived from three German regions by pyrotag sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Land use type (forest and grassland) and soil edaphic properties strongly affected bacterial community structure and function, whereas management regime had a minor effect. In addition, a separation of soil bacterial communities by sampling region was encountered. Soil pH was the best predictor for bacterial community structure, diversity and function. The application of multinomial log-linear models revealed distinct responses of abundant bacterial groups towards pH. Predicted functional profiles revealed that differences in land use not only select for distinct bacterial populations but also for specific functional traits. The combination of 16S rRNA data and corresponding functional profiles provided comprehensive insights into compositional and functional adaptations to changing environmental conditions associated with differences in land use and management.
To better understand the distribution of soil microbial communities at multiple spatial scales, a survey was conducted to examine the spatial organization of community structure in a wheat field in eastern Virginia (USA). Nearly 200 soil samples were collected at a variety of separation distances ranging from 2.5 cm to 11 m. Whole-community DNA was extracted from each sample, and community structure was compared using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) DNA fingerprinting. Relative similarity was calculated between each pair of samples and compared using geostatistical variogram analysis to study autocorrelation as a function of separation distance. Spatial autocorrelation was found at scales ranging from 30 cm to more than 6 m, depending on the sampling extent considered. In some locations, up to four different correlation length scales were detected. The presence of nested scales of variability suggests that the environmental factors regulating the development of the communities in this soil may operate at different scales. Kriging was used to generate maps of the spatial organization of communities across the plot, and the results demonstrated that bacterial distributions can be highly structured, even within a habitat that appears relatively homogeneous at the plot and field scale. Different subsets of the microbial community were distributed differently across the plot, and this is thought to be due to the variable response of individual populations to spatial heterogeneity associated with soil properties.
Sulfur (S) has long been recognized as essential for plant metabolism, but over the last 30 years the increasing deficit of sulfur has become a problem all over the world. For this reason, more research should be devoted to determining the content and spatio-temporal variability of sulfur in relation to an improved management of this element. The aims of this study were to assess the spatio-temporal variability of soil sulfur forms and arylsulfatase activity against selected physicochemical properties on a plot scale.
Forests are recognised as spatially heterogeneous ecosystems. However, knowledge of the small-scale spatial variation in microbial abundance, community composition and activity is limited. Here, we aimed to describe the heterogeneity of environmental properties, namely vegetation, soil chemical composition, fungal and bacterial abundance and community composition, and enzymatic activity, in the topsoil in a small area (36 m²) of a highly heterogeneous regenerating temperate natural forest, and to explore the relationships among these variables. The results demonstrated a high level of spatial heterogeneity in all properties and revealed differences between litter and soil. Fungal communities had substantially higher beta-diversity than bacterial communities, which were more uniform and less spatially autocorrelated. In litter, fungal communities were affected by vegetation and appeared to be more involved in decomposition. In the soil, chemical composition affected both microbial abundance and the rates of decomposition, whereas the effect of vegetation was small. Importantly, decomposition appeared to be concentrated in hotspots with increased activity of multiple enzymes. Overall, forest topsoil should be considered a spatially heterogeneous environment in which the mean estimates of ecosystem-level processes and microbial community composition may confound the existence of highly specific microenvironments.