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The aim of this article is to provide a brief outline of different research paradigms. It explores the philosophical underpinnings of three major paradigms: positivism, interpretivism, and critical theory. The article starts with a brief description of the four components of a research paradigm: ontology, epistemology, methodology, and methods. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the three paradigms and what characterizes the four components in each of the three paradigms. The article concludes by stating that researchers can investigate different phenomena under any of the three paradigms and they should not eschew the possibility of subscribing to different paradigms because of any concerns that they have to be mutually exclusive. Instead, the decision of choosing a philosophical outlook to investigate a phenomenon should be guided by the necessities and requirements of a research study rather than the obdurate insistence of adhering to one particular philosophical outlook to the exclusion of others.
International Journal of Educational Investigations
Available online @
2016 (October), Vol.3, No.8: 51-59
ISSN: 2410-3446
An Introduction to Research Paradigms
Adil Abdul Rehman1* and Khalid Alharthi2
1. English Language Institute, King Abdualziz University, Jeddah, Jeddah, 21589, B. O Box 80200,
Saudi Arabia.
2. English Language Institute, King Abdualziz University, Jeddah, Jeddah, 21589, B. O Box 80200,
Saudi Arabia.
*Corresponding Email:
Abstract The aim of this article is to provide a brief outline of different research paradigms.
It explores the philosophical underpinnings of three major paradigms: positivism,
interpretivism, and critical theory. The article starts with a brief description of the four
components of a research paradigm: ontology, epistemology, methodology, and methods.
This is followed by a detailed discussion of the three paradigms and what characterizes the
four components in each of the three paradigms. The article concludes by stating that
researchers can investigate different phenomena under any of the three paradigms and they
should not eschew the possibility of subscribing to different paradigms because of any
concerns that they have to be mutually exclusive. Instead, the decision of choosing a
philosophical outlook to investigate a phenomenon should be guided by the necessities and
requirements of a research study rather than the obdurate insistence of adhering to one
particular philosophical outlook to the exclusion of others.
Keywords: research paradigm, ontology, epistemology, methodology, positivism,
interpretivism, critical theory
As researchers, we have to be able to understand and articulate beliefs about the nature of
reality, what can be known about it and how we go about attaining this knowledge. These are
elements of research paradigms. A paradigm is a basic belief system and theoretical framework
with assumptions about 1) ontology, 2) epistemology, 3) methodology and 4) methods. In other
words, it is our way of understanding the reality of the world and studying it. We will look
closely at the four components of a research paradigm.
1.1. Ontology
Ontology and epistemology are to research what ‘footings’ are to a house: they form the
foundations of the whole edifice. (Grix, 2004, p. 59)
Ontology refers to “the nature of our beliefs about reality” (Richards, 2003, p. 33).
Researchers have assumptions (sometimes implicit) about reality, how it exists and what can
be known about it. It is the ontological question that leads a researcher to inquire what kind of
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reality exists: “A singular, verifiable reality and truth [or] …. socially constructed multiple
realities” (Patton, 2002, p. 134).
1.2. Epistemology
Epistemology refers to “the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge and the
process by which knowledge is acquired and validated” (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2003, p. 13). It is
concerned with “the nature and forms [of knowledge], how it can be acquired and how
communicated to other human beings” (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2007, p. 7). It is the
epistemological question that leads a researcher to debate “the possibility and desirability of
objectivity, subjectivity, causality, validity, generalisability” (Patton, 2002, p. 134). Adhering
to an ontological belief system (explicitly or implicitly) guides one to certain epistemological
assumptions. Therefore, if a singular verifiable truth is assumed, “then the posture of the
knower must be one of objective detachment or value freedom in order to be able to discover
‘how things really are’ and ‘how things really work’” (Guba & Lincoln, 1994, p. 108).
Conversely, belief in socially constructed multiple realities leads researchers to reject the
notion that people should be studied like objects of natural sciences; they get involved with the
subjects and try and understand phenomena in their contexts.
1.3. Methodology
Methodology is “an articulated, theoretically informed approach to the production of data”
(Ellen, 1984, p. 9). It refers to the study and critical analysis of data production techniques. It
is the “strategy, plan of action, process or design” that informs one’s choice of research
methods (Crotty, 1998, p. 3). It “is concerned with the discussion of how a particular piece of
research should be undertaken” (Grix, 2004, p. 32). It guides the researcher in deciding what
type of data is required for a study and which data collection tools will be most appropriate for
the purpose of his/her study. It is the methodological question that leads the researcher to ask
how the world should be studied.
1.4. Methods
Methods are specific means of collecting and analysing data, such as questionnaires and open
ended interviews. What methods to use for a research project will depend on the design of that
project and the researcher’s theoretical mindset. However, it must be noted that use of particular
methods does not entail ontological and epistemological assumptions.
We will now look at three different approaches to educational research: 1) Positivism 2)
Interpretivism 3) Critical theory. This is essential because as consumers of research, we have
to be able to look deeper into claims made by researchers who adhere to different research
paradigms. According to Patton (2002), “When researchers operate from different frameworks,
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their results will not be readily interpretable by or meaningful to each other” (p.134). Being
aware of a researcher’s ontological and epistemological beliefs (which are not always made
explicit but have to be deduced) will help us better understand the import and relevance of the
study. Furthermore, someone who is ideologically rooted in one research paradigm and
ignorant of the theoretical underpinnings and terminology of other research paradigms is not
in a good position to appraise research conducted under a different tradition.
2.1. Positivism
The term positivism refers to a branch of philosophy that rose to prominence during the early
nineteenth century because of the works of the French philosopher Auguste Comte (Richards,
2003, p. 37). Positivism assumes that reality exists independently of humans. It is not mediated
by our senses and it is governed by immutable laws. The ontological position of positivists is
that of realism. Positivists strive to understand the social world like the natural world. In nature,
there is a cause-effect relationship between phenomena, and once established, they can be
predicted with certainty in the future. For positivists, the same applies to the social world.
Because reality is context free, different researchers working in different times and places will
converge to the same conclusions about a given phenomenon. The epistemological position of
positivists is that of objectivism. Researchers come in as objective observers to study
phenomena that exist independently of them and they do not affect or disturb what is being
observed. They will use language and symbols to describe phenomena in their real form, as
they exist, without any interference whatsoever. As Hutchinson (1988) states, “Positivists view
the world as being ‘out there’, and available for study in a more or less static form” (cited in
Gall et al., 2003, p. 14). Positivists believe that there are laws governing social phenomena,
and by applying scientific methods, it is possible to formulate these laws and present them
through factual statements.
Many scholars have criticized the positivist approach (see Richards, 2003, p. 37). While
objective and scientific methods are appropriate for studying natural objects, they are not as
successful when they are applied on social phenomena. The complexity of laws governing
individuals, their idiosyncrasies, their relationship with each other, with institutions and with
society are in stark contrast with the order and regularity one finds in the natural world. The
positivist assumption that applying scientific methods to social phenomena will lead to
discovery of laws that govern them has been deemed “naïve” by Richards (2003, p.37) who
cites different researchers who go so far as to say that “Positivism is dead. By now, it has gone
off and is beginning to smell” and “It has become little more than a term of abuse” (Richards,
2003, p.37).
Criticism of the positivist paradigm lead to the emergence of post-positivism, which
“straddles both the positivist and interpretivist paradigms” (Grix, 2004, p. 86). Post-positivism
is an attempt to address the weaknesses of the positivist paradigm. The ontological position of
post-positivism is that of critical realism. It assumes a reality that exists independent of the
observer, but which can only be apprehended imperfectly because of the complexity of social
phenomena; it also recognizes the possibility of the researcher’s own beliefs and values
affecting what is being observed.
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Positivist methodology relies heavily on experimentation. Hypotheses are put forward in
propositional or question form about the causal relation between phenomena. Empirical
evidence is gathered; the mass of empirical evidence is then analysed and formulated in the
form of a theory that explains the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
The approach to analyzing data is deductive; first, a hypothesis is proposed, then it is either
confirmed or rejected depending on the results of statistical analysis. The purpose is to measure,
control, predict, construct laws and ascribe causality (Cohen et al., 2007). If it could be proved
that A caused B, then a theory will be formulated for wider applicability which will illustrate
the causal relation between A and B: ‘A causes B’ or ‘A leads to B’ etc. To be able to do this,
the researcher has to make sure that it was indeed A that caused B, not anything else. This calls
for manipulation because in the social world, there are always different factors that could lead
to a certain effect. For the theory to be robust, it has to be able to withstand efforts to refute it
empirically. To make sure no other variables caused the effect, positivist researchers try to
control extraneous variables, with two or more groups being subjected to the same conditions
with the only difference being the independent variable. Establishing causal relation between
phenomena without any interference from extraneous variables means that the experiment has
internal validity. However, that still leaves open to discussion the question of external validity.
The more rigorous the attempts of a researcher to control extraneous variables, the more effect
it has on generalisability. If the amount of control has created an environment that is nearly
impossible to find in a real world situation, the results of the experiment could be meaningless.
Positivist research often generates numerical data. Gall et al. (2003) sum this up cogently
when they say:
The use of quantification to represent and analyze features of social reality is consistent with
positivist epistemology. Because this epistemology assumes that features of social reality
have a constancy across time and settings, a particular feature can be isolated and it can be
conceptualized as a variable, that is, as an entity that can take on different values. These
values can be expressed as numerical scales. (pp. 19-20)
The quantitative data that positivist researchers use to answer research questions and
formulate theories can be collected through true experiments or less rigorous quasi-
experiments, standardized tests and large or small scale surveys using closed ended
questionnaires. The numeric data that are generated through these methods are subjected to
descriptive or inferential statistical analysis.
According to the positivist approach, research is deemed to be of good quality if it has a)
internal validity b) external validity c) reliability d) objectivity (Guba & Lincoln, 1994). If the
researcher proves that it is the independent variable (and not other variables) that had an effect
on the dependent variable, the study is considered to have internal validity. If the results thus
arrived at are generalizable, it has external validity. If different researchers conduct the study
in different times, places and contexts and arrive at the same results, it has reliability. If
researchers study phenomena without contaminating their apprehension, they are considered
to be objective.
The positivist paradigm has been widely criticized by interpretivists and critical theorists
(See Gage, 2007; Richards, 2003). One of the most commonly repeated criticisms is that
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scientific methods, though appropriate for studying natural phenomena, fall short when they
are used to study individuals and social phenomena (Gage, 2007; Gall et al., 2003; Grix, 2004;
Richards, 2003). Although this criticism is not without merit, one must remember that
sometimes, those leveling this criticism at positivism might have different worldviews. As
Hughes and Sharrock (1997) point out, “The critics of positivist social science… like all critics
have a tendency to present a picture of the opposition, in this case positivism, as if it were not
only stupid but without any subtlety and variety” (p.24). Anti-positivists, for all their criticisms,
“have never been able to formulate an alternative conception that answers the most important
questions” (House, 1991, p. 3). Despite the barrage of criticism from anti-positivists, there has
been no decline in positivistic research in education and some positivist researchers have
“awakened from their torpor in responding to criticism and began to reply, point by point”
(Gage, 2007, p. 6). Grix (2004) outlines the reasons for this most cogently:
The attractiveness of an approach seeking the precision, exactitude and power of prediction
promised by the natural sciences is understandable. The human sciences can be messy,
people unpredictable and factors leading to events hard to unravel. Positivism attempts to
overcome this messiness by seeking rules and laws with which to render the social world
understandable. (pp. 81-82)
2.2. Interpretivism
Interpretivism is a “response to the over-dominance of positivism” (Grix, 2004, p. 82).
Interpretivism rejects the notion that a single, verifiable reality exists independent of our senses.
Interpretive ontology is anti-foundationalist. It refuses “to adopt any permanent, unvarying (or
foundational) standards by which truth can be universally known” (Guba & Lincoln, 2005, p.
204). Instead, interpretivists believe in socially constructed multiple realities. Truth and reality
are created, not discovered. It is not possible to know reality as it is because it is always
mediated by our senses. Interpretive epistemology is subjective. External reality cannot be
directly accessible to observers without being contaminated by their worldviews, concepts,
backgrounds etc. As Flick states, “Perception is seen not as a passive-receptive process of
representation but as an active constructive process of production” (2004, p.89). Individuals
interact with other individuals and society and ascribe meaning and names to different social
According to Grix (2004), “researchers are inextricably part of the social reality being
researched, i.e. they are not ‘detached’ from the subject they are studying” (p.83). In the case
of different well-argued interpretations about one phenomena, one interpretation is not chosen
or preferred over others as the “correct” one but the existence of multiple knowledges is
accepted with the acknowledgement that different researchers bring different perspectives to
the same issue. The goal of interpretive research is not to discover universal, context and value
free knowledge and truth but to try to understand the interpretations of individuals about the
social phenomena they interact with. This concept of knowledge is an inevitable corollary of
interpretive ontology. If one believes in multiple socially constructed realities, it follows that
these realities are approached from different angles by different people. As Blaikie (2000)
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Social researchers can only collect data from some point of view, by making ‘observations’
through spectacles with lenses that are shaped and colored by the researcher’s language,
culture, discipline-based knowledge, past experiences (professional and lay), and
experiences that follow from these… Therefore, there will always be a gap of some kind
between the data that are collected and the reality that they are supposed to represent. (p.
Interpretive methodology requires that social phenomena be understood “through the eyes of
the participants rather than the researcher” (Cohen et al., 2007, p. 21). The goal of interpretive
methodology is to understand social phenomena in their context. Interpretivists collect mostly
qualitative data from participants over an extended period of time, as in ethnography and case
studies. The approach to analyzing data thus generated is inductive, i.e. the researcher tries to
discover patterns in the data which are collapsed under broad themes to understand a
phenomenon and generate theory. This is the polar opposite of the deductive approach, in
which researchers start off by identifying patterns and themes before starting the data collection
process; once data is collected, researchers would search through the data for words, statements
and events which are instances of the pre-identified patterns and themes. Interpretivists use the
inductive approach instead of the deductive approach because “they tend to see theory as
deriving from data collection and not as the driving force of research” (Grix, 2004, p. 108).
Data is mostly verbal instead of statistical and it is usually audio/video recorded to “preserve
the events in a fairly authentic manner for subsequent data analysis” (Gall et al., 2003, p. 21).
Interpretive researchers employ methods that generate qualitative data, and although
numerical data could be involved, they are not relied upon. Examples of data collection
methods that yield qualitative data include: open ended interviews with varying degrees of
structure (standardized open-ended interviews, semi-standardized open ended interviews, and
informal conversational interview), observations, filed notes, personal notes, documents etc.
Guba and Lincoln (1994) have proposed a set of criteria to judge the trustworthiness of
interpretive research. Research is considered to be of good quality if it has credibility (internal
validity), transferability (external validity), dependability (reliability) and confirmability
(objectivity) (Guba & Lincoln, 1994, p.114). If researchers are honest and conscientious in
their efforts for approximation to truth, the results hold resonance for people in other contexts
and the steps and methods of the study are described in detail, then study has elements of the
quality criteria proposed by Guba and Lincoln.
The interpretive paradigm has been criticized for, among other things, being “soft”,
incapable of yielding theories that could be generalized to larger populations and the
involvement of the researcher with participants which leads to lack of objectivity (Grix, 2004).
Richards (2003) disagrees and states that qualitative inquiry is not “soft… it demands rigour,
precision, systematicity, and careful attention to detail” (p.6). Although positivist research has
its merits, there are social phenomena that could be best investigated under the interpretive
paradigm. Surveys, closed ended questionnaires and lists of numbers alone are sometimes not
the best option because “they are not designed to explore the complexities and conundrums of
the immensely complicated social world that we inhabit” (Richards, 2003, p. 6).
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2.3. Critical Theory
Critical theory originates from the works of a group of twentieth century authors who were
affiliated with the Institute of Social Research at the University of Frankfurt, hence the name
‘the Frankfurt School’. They include Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer,
Erich Fromm and later Jürgen Habermas. The ontological position of critical theorists is that
of historical realism. It is assumed that a reality exists, but it has been shaped by cultural,
political, ethnic, gender and religious factors which interact with each other to create a social
system. Epistemologically, critical theory is subjective in that it is assumed that no object can
be researched without being affected by the researcher. Critical educational researchers try to
be self-conscious of their own epistemological presuppositions and communicate them clearly
when entering into an investigation so “no one is confused concerning the epistemological and
political baggage they bring with them to the research site” (Kincheloe & McLaren, 2005, pp.
Knowledge endorsed by those in power (politically or educationally) is to be viewed
critically. The rules that legitimatize some bodies of knowledge and delegitimize others should
be questioned. In the words of Kincheloe (2008), we should ask ourselves: “How did I get
stuck with this body of knowledge and these lenses through which to see the world?” (p.21).
The aim of critical educational research is not merely to explain or understand society
but to change it (Patton, 2002). It is critical of both interpretive and positivist approaches to
research because they are regarded to be “enmeshed in dominant ideology… neither has an
interest in changing the world, and neither has an emancipatory goal” (Scott & Usher, 2000, p.
35). Instead of generating knowledge of the social world as it exists and perpetuate knowledge
status quo (Kincheloe, 2008), critical researchers endeavor to bring to light the beliefs and
actions that limit human freedom with the ultimate aim of transforming the situation. The task
of critical educational researchers is to confront those in positions of power and expose the
oppressive structures that subjugate people and create inequality. According to Guba and
Lincoln (1994), “The inquirer is cast in the role of instigator and facilitator” (p.113).
Critical methodology is dialogic and dialectical (Guba & Lincoln, 1994); it requires the
investigator to engage the subjects in dialogue with the aim of bringing about a change in their
outlook on social systems that keep them deprived of intellectual and social needs. To prevent
the possibility of the participants being marginalized, researchers use a collaborative approach
and engage the subjects in formulating questions, data collection and analysis etc. The
transformation of social systems that are built on injustice and discrimination could be achieved
by the methodologies employed by critical educational researchers: critical ethnography,
critical discourse analysis, action research, ideology critique, etc. Critical ethnography is
aimed at probing and criticizing taken for granted assumptions about race, culture, gender,
economy, politics etc. to change awareness. In critical discourse analysis, analysts set out to
study how the powerful use language to maintain their authority. According to Gall et al.
(2003), “An individual’s awareness is both expanded and constrained by the language that is
available to the individual for encoding his experience” (p.497). Therefore, it is possible to
control awareness by controlling language. Action research refers to ways of investigating an
immediate problem by identifying a problem, planning an intervention, implementing the plan,
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observing the changes and reflecting on the changes observed (Richards, 2003). Ideology
critique exposes values and practices that aim to keep people subjugated.
In critical research, mostly qualitative data is generated, although quantitative data could
also be used. Examples of qualitative data collection methods are mentioned under the
interpretive paradigm.
Critical research is deemed to be of good quality if it takes into account the political,
cultural, ethnic and gender antecedents of the situation. Another criterion for quality critical
research is the degree to which the subjects’ misapprehensions about the dominant ideology
and status quo are exposed and the degree to which it facilitates “action designed to redress the
unequal and oppressive structures that have now been exposed” (Richards, 2003, p. 40).
Nathaniel Gage (1989) went so far as to call the discussions and disagreements between
adherents of different educational research approaches ‘the paradigm wars’. Guba and Lincoln
(1994) considered this description overdrawn because it painted the matter as more
confrontational than it actually was. Personally, we do not agree with the view that the three
paradigms should be treated as three religions: that adherence to one paradigm makes one a
heretic according to the lenses of the adherents of other paradigms. This fanatical view would
also preclude the possibility of mixing any elements of different paradigms because they are
‘incompatible’. One should choose methods and methodology which one finds most suitable
for investigating the phenomena one sets out to investigate. We do not believe that one should
distort one’s own outlook to force oneself to abide by the creed of a philosophical or
methodological tradition just to avert the threat or accusation of intellectual
Blaikie, N. (2000). Designing Social Research. Cambridge, England: Polity Press.
Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education (6th ed.). New
York, NY: Routledge.
Crotty, M. (1998). The foundations of social research: Meaning and perspective in the
research process. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Ellen, R. F. (1984). Ethnographic research: A guide to general conduct. New York, NY:
Academic Press.
Flick, U. (2004). Constructivism. In U. Flick, E. von Kardorff, & I. Steinke (Eds.), A
companion to qualitative research (pp. 8894). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gage, N. (2007). The paradigm wars and their aftermath: A historical sketch of research on
teaching since 1989. In M. Hammersley (Ed.), Educational Research and Evidence-
based Practice (pp. 151166). London, England: Sage.
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Gall, M. D., Gall, J. P., & Borg, W. R. (2003). Educational research: An introduction (7th ed.).
Boston, MA: Pearson.
Grix, J. (2004). The Foundations of Research. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Guba, E. G., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Competing paradigms in qualitative research. In N. K.
Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (Vol. 2, pp. 163194).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Guba, E. G., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging
confluences. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The Sage handbook of qualitative
research (3rd ed., pp. 191215). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
House, E. R. (1991). Realism in research. Educational Researcher, 20, 29.
Hughes, J. A., & Sharrock, W. W. W. (1997). The philosophy of social research. London,
England: Longman.
Kincheloe, J. L. (2008). Knowledge and critical pedagogy. London, England: Springer.
Kincheloe, J. L., & McLaren, P. (2005). Rethinking critical theory and qualitative research. In
N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The Sage handbook of qualitative research (3rd
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... The positivist approach is a systematic and scientific which uses quantitative research techniques and analysis (Park, Konge & Artino, 2020). This indicates that the researcher can only be an objective observer to study a phenomenon that exists independently of any influence or disturbance (Rehman & Alharthi, 2016 Rehman and Alharthi (2016) indicated that positivist approach relies on experimentation and the hypothesis is normally put forward as a proposition about the causal relation between phenomena. This entails the collection of empirical evidence, which is further analyzed to formulate a theory that explains the relationship between multiple variables (Park, Konge & Artino, 2020). ...
... Another subjective paradigm approach is the interpretive methodology, which reflects not on the views of the researcher, but those of the participants being observed in the study (Park, Konge & Artino, 2020;Rehman & Alharthi, 2016). The researcher may fail to interpret the findings based on the participants' point of view, due to their culture, language, knowledge and past experience differences ( (Park, Konge & Artino, 2020;Antwi & Hamza, 2015). ...
... Another approach that tries to eliminate the influence of the researcher on the development of the theory is the critical theory approach. This approach adopts a dialogic and dialectical by engaging the participants in a dialog of the subject the researcher is exploring (Rehman & Alharthi, 2016). This also involves the participants in the process of formulating questions, data collection and the analysis of the findings. ...
... RESEARCH METHOD It is important to follow a certain method when conducting research to obtain comprehensive insight into the specific research field. Therefore, research is conducted according to a particular methodology (Rehman & Alharthi, 2016). In this particular property valuation scenario, a practical research approach needed to be followed (Amidu, Boyd, & Agboola, 2019). ...
... Positivism usually revolves around formulating a problem statement, conducting experiments, and testing whether the results of the experiment solve a problem or at least provide insight as to how a field can be improved upon (Feigl, 2020). Research in this paradigm is conducted according to the design science method, where certain theories or problems are resolved by designing or simulating a solution through experimentation (Rehman & Alharthi, 2016). This study involved the development of an experimental DSS and verified whether this type of technology was applicable in dynamic residential property valuation in South Africa. ...
... The study was grounded in the interpretivism paradigm. According to Rehman and Alharthi (2016), interpretivists posit that truth and reality are not discovered but rather created, and that multiple socially constructed realities exist. The aim of interpretivism is to advance knowledge by understanding people's distinct perspectives and the significance attached to those perspectives (Creswell & Poth, 2016). ...
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Generally, school libraries serve the purpose of promoting a culture of reading among users and creating environments that foster literacy. They achieve this by offering reading materials that are relevant and appealing to individuals of all ages. School libraries play a crucial role in facilitating quality teaching and learning, thereby positively impacting student achievement. Recognising the influential role of educators in shaping students' learning experiences and the specific challenges faced by those in rural settings, this qualitative case study research investigates the potential of school libraries as centres for teacher professional support, aiming to improve instructional practices. The study reflects on the experiences of three primary and three secondary schools purposefully selected from a South African rural education district. Through the use of Google Forms and semi-structured interviews, the data revealed that school libraries serve as dynamic hubs that foster professional growth among teachers, enhance lesson preparation, promote learner engagement, create learner-centred environments, and address resource disparities. The research concludes that incorporating school libraries as vibrant professional hubs in rural educational settings is essential for advancing teacher pedagogy, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and effective learning environment. Therefore, the study advocates for the prioritisation of school library availability to enhance overall teacher pedagogy in rural educational landscapes.
... To characterize the suitable MWS that teachers present based on examples for teaching topics in the domain of algebra, the present study has been formulated in the interpretive paradigm with a qualitative focus (Rehman and Alharthi, 2016), specifically using the model of an instrumental collective case study (Stake, 2007). This study design is justified based on the selection of two teachers or representative cases, allowing for the comprehension and description of their mathematical work in the classroom (Simons, 2011). ...
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Both international examination results and scientific evidence related to the teaching and learning of school algebra point to the necessity for analyzing mathematical practice in the classroom. In this context, we have formulated the research objective of characterizing the mathematical work that teachers favor based on the examples that they implement in the teaching of topics within the domain of secondary school algebra. To this end, this study is situated within the interpretive paradigm utilizing an instrumental collective case study approach. The study design entails the selection of two representative cases of mathematics teachers in Chilean schools, with the objective of understanding and describing their mathematical work in the secondary school classroom based on the examples they present. The results show that the first teacher utilizes varied examples that activate distinct forms of mathematical thinking, promoting the activation of both instrumental and discursive genesis. In contrast, the second teacher follows a more traditional approach, with the use of examples to illustrate and motivate, and a direct presentation of knowledge, activating primarily semiotic genesis, in which a transition between the numerical and the algebraic is lacking. Ultimately, the results highlight the importance of deeper consideration of the choice of examples in the teaching of algebra and how these examples can influence students’ learning. Furthermore, additional ideas are put forward for future work in this line of research associated with the use of examples in the classroom.
... This research was guided by positivist paradigm, rooted in the philosophical foundation that there is an objective reality that can be observed, measured, and studied systematically, hence, questionnaires was used as an instrument of data collection, this research aligns with the quantitative research approach, which aims to gather numerical data that can be analyzed statistically to draw objective conclusions (Rehman & Alharthi, 2016). ...
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Objective. This study investigates the logistic regression modelling of demographic factors and bibliokleptomanism o bilbiomania among library users in Nigeria. Design/Methodology/Approach. This research was guided by positivist paradigm, therefore questionnaires were used as an instrument of data collection. Four hypotheses were formulated and tested with binary logistic regression model to ascertain the factors that predict bibliomania (tendency to steal books) among library users. Results/Discussion. The findings of the study revealed that the majority of library users in Nigeria report a low incidence of book theft. This study provides valuable insights for library administrators and policymakers to develop effective strategies for book theft prevention. The rejection of the null hypothesis indicates a significant relationship between respondents' age and the likelihood of stealing books. Younger individuals (ages 15-24 years) are less likely to engage in book theft compared to older users. Furthermore, the research revealed that individuals 2 with lower educational levels are less likely to steal books in the library. In contrast, the study suggests that socioeconomic status alone may not be a significant predictor of bibliomania in Nigerian libraries. Conclusions. The research provide valuable guidance for library administrators and policymakers seeking to address the issue of book theft effectively. By understanding the demographic factors associated with this behaviour, libraries can tailor their prevention efforts to target high-risk groups while simultaneously implementing broader measures to safeguard their collections and promote a culture of respect for intellectual property within the community. Originality/Value. The research presents valuable insights into the prevalence, predictors, and implications of book theft in Nigerian libraries, with implications for both practice and future research in the field of library science. RESUMEN Objetivo. Este estudio investiga el modelado de regresión logística de factores demográficos y bibliocleptomanismo o bilbiomanía entre usuarios de bibliotecas en Nigeria. Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque. Esta investigación estuvo guiada por el paradigma positivista, por lo que se utilizaron cuestionarios como instrumento de recolección de datos. Se formularon y probaron cuatro hipótesis con un modelo de regresión logística binaria para determinar los factores que predicen la bibliomanía (tendencia a robar libros) entre los usuarios de la biblioteca. Resultados/Discusión. Los hallazgos del estudio revelaron que la mayoría de los usuarios de bibliotecas en Nigeria reportan una baja incidencia de robo de libros. Este estudio proporciona información valiosa para que los administradores de bibliotecas y los formuladores de políticas desarrollen estrategias efectivas para la prevención del robo de libros. El rechazo de la hipótesis nula indica una relación significativa entre la edad de los encuestados y la probabilidad de robar libros. Las personas más jóvenes (entre 15 y 24 años) tienen menos probabilidades de robar libros en comparación con los usuarios mayores. Además, la investigación reveló que las personas con niveles educativos más bajos tienen menos probabilidades de robar libros en la biblioteca. Por el contrario, el estudio sugiere que el nivel socioeconómico por sí solo puede no ser un predictor significativo de la bibliomanía en las bibliotecas nigerianas. Conclusiones. La investigación proporciona una valiosa orientación para los administradores de bibliotecas y los encargados de formular políticas que buscan abordar el problema del robo de libros de manera efectiva. Al comprender los factores demográficos asociados con este comportamiento, las bibliotecas pueden adaptar sus esfuerzos de prevención para dirigirse a grupos de alto riesgo y, al mismo tiempo, implementar medidas más amplias para salvaguardar sus colecciones y promover una cultura de respeto por la propiedad intelectual dentro de la comunidad. Originalidad/Valor. La investigación presenta información valiosa sobre la prevalencia, los predictores y las implicaciones del robo de libros en las bibliotecas nigerianas, con implicaciones tanto para la práctica como para la investigación futura en el campo de la biblioteconomía. PALABRAS CLAVE: Bibliocleptomanía, bibliomanía, robo de libros, biblioteca, robo compulsivo, recursos de información. Introduction and background to the Study
... We obtained approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at a metropolitan university in the southern region of the United States. The qualitative descriptive design used in this study was derived from the interpretivist research paradigm, which holds that reality and truth are socially constructed and that complex phenomena can have many interpretations (Rehman & Alharthi, 2016). ...
Chronic special education teacher (SET) shortages are a national concern and particularly problematic in rural school districts. That is, rural districts face challenges when it comes to hiring and retaining qualified SETs. To understand the contributing factors related to retention and attrition, it is essential to gain insight from rural SETs first-hand. The purpose of this study was to listen to and learn from current and former rural SETs and gain insight on their needs and how they believe retention can be improved in geographically isolated areas. Including the voices of current rural SETs and those who chose to leave their position shed light on the benefits of being employed in rural areas while bringing attention to current issues that need to be addressed to improve SET retention. Using a qualitative descriptive research design, we analyzed open-ended survey responses from 185 participants. In all, a total of six themes and 11 subthemes emerged. Findings highlight the needs of rural SETs, and corresponding recommendations for administrators and school leaders in rural communities are offered.
This study aimed to explore the roles of the community in managing the covid-19 crisis in the Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. To achieve this, we employed a qualitative phenomenological research design. This, in turn, helped us conduct in-depth and key informant interviews and FGDs. The study participants were community members of the towns, health workers/COVID-19 task forces, religious leaders, experts from government sectors and Non-government Organizations (NGOs), resourceful community members and workers of Jimma Emergency Operation Center, and staff of the Jimma University Institute of Health. By determining their size using the data saturation point method, we selected 17 participants. Two FGDs were conducted with six participants in each group. data were then analyzed thematically. We used data sources and method triangulations to enhance the credibility of the findings. The findings of this study revealed the covid-19 crisis has brought psychosocial, economic, and spiritual problems to the community. In particular, individuals with low incomes, sectors with serious human interactions, urban dwellers, and vulnerable groups suffered significantly during the pandemic. The community applied both formal and informal techniques to respond to the pandemic. Misconceptions, poor implementation of protocols, and resource scarcity were the major challenges that the community faced in its efforts to combat the crisis. However, the community used two strategies to address the aforementioned challenges. They implemented the precautionary measures recommended by the WHO and applied the traditional social support system. Therefore, collaborative efforts are needed from the community as well as different stakeholders in campaigning to raise awareness of the importance of precautionary measures for COVID-19 prevention and control activities.
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This study investigated the implementation strategies of Civic Education as a compulsory subject in the senior secondary schools within Kabwe District. Utilising both quantitative and qualitative methods anchored on the convergent parallel design, the research provides a comprehensive analysis of the alignment between national policy directives and actual practices in schools through the strategies adopted by educators in the delivery of Civic Education. The findings reveal commendable adherence to national education policies, and disparities in local policy presence signal the need for comprehensive implementation strategies. Furthermore, the findings shed light on strategies schools adopted, including policy alignment, local policy development, and advocacy initiatives, emphasising the importance of fostering civic literacy and engagement beyond the classroom. Recommendations include enhancing policy alignment, strengthening local policy development, promoting advocacy and awareness, providing support and resources, fostering collaboration, and implementing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Remarkably, the findings offer novel and valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders involved in Civic Education implementation, emphasising the importance of bridging policy and practice to cultivate informed and engaged citizens, ultimately contributing to broader societal goals of democratic participation and development.
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The ethnographic experience is an indelible venture that continuously redefines one's life. Bringing together important cross-currents in the national debate on education, this book introduces the student or practitioner to the challenges, resources, and skills informing ethnographic research today. From the first chapter describing the cultural foundations of ethnographic research, by George Spindler, the book traces both traditional and new approaches to the study of schools and their communities.
Graduate and professional TESOL students will welcome this research methods textbook for undertaking qualitative, naturalistic and action research projects. Uniquely, the book offers a three-level structured progression, suited both to novice and intermediate students with a focus on development as classroom teachers of English, and to advanced students engaged in academic research work in applied linguistics. Every chapter is structured to develop the important skills for undertaking QI in a rigorous and serious way, at whatever level is appropriate for the reader's purpose. The book is both scholarly in approach and written in an engagingly direct and clear style.
Raging during the 1980s, the Paradigm Wars resulted in the demise of objectivity-seeking quantitative research on teaching—a victim of putatively devastating attacks from anti-naturalists, interpretivists, and critical theorists. Subsequently, the interpretivists' ethnographic studies flourished, enhancing the cultural appropriateness of schooling, and critical theorists' analyses fostered the struggles for power for the poor, non-Whites, and women. Two alternative versions of the aftermath are also conceivable. Pragmatism and Popper's piecemeal social engineering offer paths toward a productive rapprochement of the paradigms, one guided by the moral obligations of educational research.
In our chapter in the first edition of this Handbook (see record 1994-98625-005), we presented two tables that summarized our positions, first, on the axiomatic nature of paradigms (the paradigms we considered at that time were positivism, postpositivism, critical theory, and constructivism, p. 109, Table 6.1); and second, on the issues we believed were most fundamental to differentiating the four paradigms (p. 112, Table 6.2). These tables are reproduced here as a way of reminding our readers of our previous statements. The axioms defined the ontological, epistemological, and methodological bases for both established and emergent paradigms. The issues most often in contention that we examined were inquiry aim, nature of knowledge, the way knowledge is accumulated, goodness (rigor and validity) or quality criteria, values, ethics, voice, training, accommodation, and hegemony. An examination of these two tables will reacquaint the reader with our original Handbook treatment. Since publication of that chapter, at least one set of authors, J. Heron and P. Reason, have elaborated on our tables to include the participatory/cooperative paradigm (Heron, 1996; Heron & Reason, 1997, pp. 289-290). Thus, in addition to the paradigms of positivism, postpositivism, critical theory, and constructivism, we add the participatory paradigm in the present chapter (this is an excellent example, we might add, of the hermeneutic elaboration so embedded in our own view, constructivism). Our aim here is to extend the analysis further by building on Heron and Reason's additions and by rearranging the issues to reflect current thought. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Designing Social Research
  • N Blaikie
Blaikie, N. (2000). Designing Social Research. Cambridge, England: Polity Press.
Ethnographic research: A guide to general conduct
  • R F Ellen
Ellen, R. F. (1984). Ethnographic research: A guide to general conduct. New York, NY: Academic Press.