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Settlement and Integration Needs of Skilled Immigrants in Canada



It is often believed that the settlement and integration of skilled immigrants is moderately easy in Canada, and that skilled immigrants do well in Canada after a brief adjustment period. However, numerous barriers prevent the effective integration of skilled immigrants in the mainstream society. Despite being famous for its Federal Skilled Worker Program, which includes the immigration of skilled workers through Express Entry, Canada shows disappointing results in the economic and social outcomes of the integration of skilled immigrants. This has socioeconomic implications for the immigrants and affects their health and wellbeing. Therefore, there is a need for all those who are involved with immigrant integration to explore and be conversant about the contexts and issues faced by skilled newcomers in Canada. In reviewing the academic and grey literature on the settlement and integration of skilled immigrants in Canada, this paper highlights the challenges faced by skilled immigrants in Canada and the needs experienced by them in facing these challenges. It provides an overview of the experiences and expectations of skilled immigrants related to their settlement and integration in Canada. This paper indicates a need to evaluate the availability of immigrant services focused on skilled immigrants and the effectiveness of the existing support offered to them by various government and non-government agencies.
social sciences
Settlement and Integration Needs of Skilled
Immigrants in Canada
Vibha Kaushik 1,* and Julie Drolet 2
1Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
2Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary, Edmonton, AB T5J 4P6, Canada;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-587-350-4152
Received: 6 February 2018; Accepted: 23 April 2018; Published: 3 May 2018
It is often believed that the settlement and integration of skilled immigrants is moderately
easy in Canada, and that skilled immigrants do well in Canada after a brief adjustment period.
However, numerous barriers prevent the effective integration of skilled immigrants in the mainstream
society. Despite being famous for its Federal Skilled Worker Program, which includes the immigration
of skilled workers through Express Entry, Canada shows disappointing results in the economic and
social outcomes of the integration of skilled immigrants. This has socioeconomic implications for the
immigrants and affects their health and wellbeing. Therefore, there is a need for all those who are
involved with immigrant integration to explore and be conversant about the contexts and issues faced
by skilled newcomers in Canada. In reviewing the academic and grey literature on the settlement
and integration of skilled immigrants in Canada, this paper highlights the challenges faced by skilled
immigrants in Canada and the needs experienced by them in facing these challenges. It provides
an overview of the experiences and expectations of skilled immigrants related to their settlement
and integration in Canada. This paper indicates a need to evaluate the availability of immigrant
services focused on skilled immigrants and the effectiveness of the existing support offered to them
by various government and non-government agencies.
skilled immigrants; immigrant integration; barriers to integration; settlement and
integration needs
1. Introduction
Compared to other industrialized countries, Canada has a fairly high net migration rate (difference
between total immigrants and total emigrants per 1000 population). In 2017, the net migration rate
for Canada was 5.7%, whereas for the Unites States it was 3.9% (Central Intelligence Agency 2018).
In 2016, Canada had a foreign-born population of 7.5 million people representing 21.9% of the total
population (Statistics Canada 2017). Between 2011 and 2016, around 1,212,075 foreign-born people
immigrated to Canada (Statistics Canada 2017), and, between 2004 and 2015, Canada has welcomed
an average of approximately 250,000 immigrants every year (Citizenship and Immigration Canada
(Citizenship and Immigration Canada CIC)). A large number of immigrants are accepted for entry
under the Federal Skilled Worker Program to address labour shortages identified by the Government
of Canada in the Canadian labour market (Sakamoto et al. 2010). For instance, between 2002 and
2014, Canada took 983,887 skilled immigrants, of which 408,895 were principal applicants under the
Federal Skilled Worker Program (Citizenship and Immigration Canada CIC). In 2016, 59,999 skilled
workers were accepted under this program, out of which 46.8% were principal applicants and 53.2%
were spouses or dependents (Government of Canada 2017e). On 1 January 2015, the Government of
Canada introduced a new electronic Express Entry system to manage the applications for permanent
residence under federal economic immigration programs, including the Federal Skilled Worker
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Program (Government of Canada 2017a). Express Entry is a faster and more flexible system for
managing immigration application through which “CIC selects candidates that are most likely to
succeed in Canada” (Government of Canada 2017a, para. 3). Recently, Canada’s immigration minister
unveiled that Canada is all set to raise its annual immigrant intake to historic levels. This multi-year
plan will bring approximately one million new immigrants to Canada by 2020. Of those, approximately,
58% will be skilled immigrants (Government of Canada 2017d).
Canadian immigration policy views immigrants as a significant asset to the country’s social
and economic vitality. For that reason, Canada is globally recognized for its well-established
immigration policies and integration programs and for the public discourse surrounding the
importance of immigrants for local and federal economies (Sidney 2014). Immigration has emerged
as a de facto population and labour force policy which has provided solutions for several demographic
challenges in Canada, such as an aging population and shrinking birth rate, a declining dependency
ratio, and skills shortages in a global and information-based economy (Boyd and Alboim 2012;
Elabor-Idemudia 2005
). To address these challenges, Canadian immigration policy has evolved from
being racially discriminatory until the 1960s, to introducing a purportedly objective point system
in 1967, to adjusting the immigration inflow between the late 1970s to the early 1980s according to
the fluctuating business cycle. In recent times, Canadian immigration policy has been emphasizing
immigration for “designated” occupations, to attract highly skilled workers with advanced educational
credentials and professional experience to best address Canada’s economic needs (Boyd and Alboim 2012;
Green and Green 2004;Henry and Tator 2006;Reitz 2007). Recent policy initiatives focus on perfecting
the immigration system to best address Canada’s economic needs (Sidney 2014). The current system
prioritizes the entry of immigrants with advanced educational achievements and skills; however,
it does not guarantee their successful settlement and integration (Casson 2013).
Canada is a member of the Group of Seven (G7) leading industrial economies and the Organization
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It is one of the world’s wealthiest and most
developed nations. Canada boasts a high standard of living and steady economic growth and has
built itself a global reputation for being a welcoming and inclusive society. For all these reasons, it is
tempting to believe that the settlement and integration of skilled immigrants is moderately easy in
Canada and that skilled immigrants do well in Canada after a brief adjustment period, provided they
remain motivated and work hard (Hum and Simpson 2004; Toronto Region Immigrant Employment
Council (TRIEC 2018a)). However, numerous challenges prevent their effective integration in
mainstream society (Picot and Sweetman 2012). In fact, Lowe and Ortiz (2015) have characterized
Canada as showing “disappointing” results in the economic and social outcomes of the integration of
skilled immigrants.
The goal of this article is to provide a general overview of the current literature on the settlement
and integration of skilled immigrants in Canada. This article adds to the existing literature by
incorporating new material from academic peer-reviewed articles and grey literature including
government and stakeholder reports. When examining the integration of skilled immigrants in
Canada, most authors focus largely on the economic integration (i.e., employment outcomes) of
the skilled immigrants. The intent of this article, however, is to explore and identify the needs of
skilled immigrants related to their settlement and integration in Canada with respect to information,
employment, language, and culture. In addition, this paper draws together different factors associated
with the health outcomes of skilled immigrants in Canada. The paper presents key concepts that
are relevant to the settlement and integration of immigrants in Canada, discusses the challenges to
effective social and economic integration of skilled immigrants, and makes recommendations for
future research.
2. Concepts Related to Settlement and Integration of Skilled Immigrants
The settlement and integration of immigrants is complex and multifaceted. Therefore, it is important
to define the terms “settlement” and “integration” prior to exploring this area. In the literature, the term
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settlement is often used to indicate the preliminary steps in the integration process in which the
initial needs of immigrants are met in domains such as housing, school registration for immigrant
children, initiation of language training for adults, accessing mainstream services, and gaining a
basic understanding of rights and responsibilities (Drolet et al. 2012;
Government of Canada 2017b
Handford and Tan 2003
;Mwarigha 2002;Valtonen 2008). On the other hand, the term integration is used
to refer to the “ability to contribute, free of barriers, to every dimension of Canadian life—economic,
social, cultural, and political” (CIC 2001, p. 6)—and is often used as an umbrella term to discuss
the settlement process of immigrants in Canada (Li 2003). Integration entails a desirable outcome,
as immigrants become members of the host society. It is used to gauge the success and failure of
immigrants and to determine the efficacy of the Canadian immigration policy. For instance, it is used
to assess the extent to which immigrants converge to the average economic performance of their
Canadian-born counterparts or to their average normative and behavioural standards (Li 2003). An
immigrant is considered to be successfully integrated if s/he adopts an official language (English or
French), moves away from ethnic enclaves, and participates in social-economic and political activities
of the mainstream society (Dorais 2002;Li 2003;Tam 2003).
Settlement and integration is a two-way process, which requires commitment on the part of
the immigrants to adapt to the life in Canada and a supportive attitude on the part of Canadians to
welcome new people and cultures (Thomson 2010). The process varies depending on individual needs
and does not take place within a fixed time frame. The process of settlement and integration requires
that housing, education, nutrition, and healthcare needs of the immigrants are met; that immigrants
participate fully and satisfyingly in the labour market, local economy, society, and community; that
immigrants achieve a sense of belonging in the community (Murphy 2010).
3. Challenges to Effective Social and Economic Integration of Skilled Immigrants
Recent immigrants to Canada are the most educated and highly trained immigrants to date
(Banerjee and Verma 2011), yet they continue to face difficulties in the settlement process (Man 2004;
Reitz 2007). As skilled immigrants are economically motivated, professionally trained, and vocationally
oriented, their settlement experiences are distinct from those of other classes of immigrants (Chen 2008;
Meraj 2015). Migrating as permanent residents, they carry high expectations about their settlement in
Canada, with all their demands fulfilled for a more professionally successful life than in their home
countries (Trumper and Wong 2010). However, many skilled immigrants face significant challenges in
their social and economic integration (Gauthier 2016).
The major factors that are considered to be the biggest challenges to effective social and
economic integration of skilled immigrants include: (a) lack of information and guidance; (b) lack
of recognition of foreign credentials; (c) lack of recognition of previous work experience or employers’
requirement for Canadian experience; (d) lack of language skills; (e) difficulties in obtaining references;
(f) prejudices, stereotypes, and discrimination; (g) cultural integration; (h) social and emotional support;
and (i) health and wellbeing (Alboim and McIsaac 2007;Banerjee and Phan 2014;Chen et al. 2010;
Drolet et al. 2015
Esses et al. 2007
;Gauthier 2016;George and Chaze 2009;Government of Canada 2006;
Lowe and Ortiz 2015
;Murphy 2010;Ng and Omariba 2010;Reitz 2007;Sakamoto et al. 2010;Weiner 2008).
In the following, the literature on the above nine factors will be reviewed under four broad categories:
(a) information and guidance; (b) employment; (c) language and culture; (d) health and wellbeing.
3.1. Information and Guidance
In 2006, the Government of Canada conducted a series of focus groups with immigrants
and immigrant serving agencies in Ontario cities to study the settlement and integration needs
of immigrants. The findings revealed that the written resources available at the time when the
participating immigrants first arrived in Canada were insufficient to meet their needs. The need
for authentic and immigrant-friendly information about the benefits and challenges of immigrating
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prior to when immigrants leave their home countries so that they can make informed decisions about
migrating to Canada was also observed (Government of Canada 2006).
In a similar initiative in 2014, CIC funded a survey to gather information about the experiences,
expectations, and service needs of the overseas and prospective skilled immigrants to Canada.
The survey identified an urgent need for pre-arrival information and guidance on employment support,
such as career paths, education, training, professional licensing. The findings highlighted that even
though the exact point at which prospective skilled immigrants are ready to receive information
about settlement may vary, the fact that they want this information while still overseas means
that there are particular pre-migration information and guidance needs. (Lowe and Ortiz 2015).
The Canadian Immigration Integration Program (CIIP) also suggested that the settlement process
often takes longer and poses significant difficulties to immigrants, who do not receive pre-migration
information (
Centre for Community Based Research 2010
). CIIP is a Government of Canada-funded
initiative involving the Government of Canada, the Association of Canadian Community Colleges
(ACCC), and a network of partners across Canada. The program was launched as a pilot project in
2007 and transformed into a full-fledged program in 2010. It provides free pre-departure orientation to
federal skilled workers, provincial nominees, and their spouses and adult dependents, while they are
still overseas during the final stages of the immigration process (Government of Canada 2015a).
Other studies have confirmed the need for information and guidance prior to arrival in Canada.
For instance, a study of university-educated South Asian immigrant women in Toronto revealed
that skilled immigrants would be better prepared for finding employment, housing, or for securing
accreditation of qualification if they were provided realistic information before or during the application
process (George and Chaze 2009). Goldberg (2002), who reported that the lack of pre-immigration
licensing information affected the new skilled immigrants’ access to regulated occupations in Ontario,
identified a similar need earlier. Lack of licensing information is identified as a major challenge for
the skilled immigrants in regulated professions, especially for the internationally trained engineers.
The information on government websites does not include practical details related to the settlement and
living in Canada or employment-related information, such as educational requirements, requirements
related to Canadian experience, and job search strategies such as resume building and networking
(George and Chaze 2009,2012). To address this concern, Banerjee and Phan (2014) suggested that
making available the detailed information about occupational requirements and expectations to the
skilled immigrants prior to immigration can help them better prepare for integration in Canada.
It is increasingly clear from the literature that information and guidance enable the settlement and
integration of immigrants. Therefore, these should be recognized as a necessary resource. To address
this need, the Government of Canada (2015a) administers a funding program for the delivery of
targeted and high-quality pre-arrival settlement services related to information and orientation,
language training, employment-related services, community connections, needs assessments and
referrals, and support services. However, it is important to make the information and guidance
accessible, usable, and culturally meaningful to the prospective immigrants. Therefore, it should be
made available in several immigrant languages (Caidi and Allard 2005).
3.2. Employment
In the literature, employment is widely discussed as a highly prioritized area for the majority
of immigrants (Murphy 2010). Despite the fact that there is a shortage of skilled labour in Canada
and that skilled immigrants gain entry in Canada on the basis of a positive evaluation of their
potential to contribute to Canada’s economic well-being (Reitz 2005), skilled immigrants experience
high rates of underemployment and unemployment in Canada compared to their Canadian-born
counterparts (Desjardins and Cornelson 2011;Sakamoto et al. 2010;Statistics Canada 2005). Major
factors that are considered to be barriers to employment include a lack of recognition of foreign
credentials, lack of recognition of previous work experience or employers’ requirement for Canadian
experience, difficulties in obtaining references, and discrimination (Alboim and McIsaac 2007;
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Murphy 2010;Statistics Canada 2005;Weiner 2008). These barriers to employment intersect
with each other and complicate the economic integration of skilled immigrants. For instance,
in a collaborative research project involving several Toronto-based community agencies serving
Sakamoto et al. (2010)
explored what Canadian experience means in the context of
skilled immigrant employment and found that Canadian experience is not only seen as a necessary
requirement for obtaining employment, but it is also used by employers as a tool to discriminate against
immigrants. Similarly, Houle and Yssaad (2010) found that the recognition of foreign credentials and
work experience impedes not only the economic integration of skilled immigrants, but also their
broader integration within the Canadian society.
A number of studies have indicated that new skilled immigrants face devaluation of
foreign credentials and work experience in Canada, which poses a significant difficulty in
finding an appropriate employment consistent with their qualifications and previous work
experience (
Aydemir and Skuterud 2005
;Banerjee and Phan 2014;Green and Worswick 2009;
Houle and Yssaad 2010
;Li 2001;Reitz 2005;Sakamoto et al. 2010). Immigrants who are qualified
to work in regulated professions in their home country experience significant downgrading of their
foreign credentials in Canada (Banerjee and Phan 2014). In fact, the downgrading of foreign credentials
does not stop at highly regulated professions, such as physicians, engineers, teachers, social workers,
but it also takes place in unregulated professions (Reitz 2005). Other studies have explored the
issue of devaluation of immigrants’ foreign credentials from the perspective of racial discrimination.
For instance, Esses et al. (2007) examined the role of bias against visible minorities in the devaluation
of immigrants’ foreign-acquired qualification and credentials and concluded that racial biases against
visible minorities may result in the devaluation of immigrants’ foreign credentials.
The challenges faced by skilled immigrants in the area of employment have implications not only for
immigrants and immigrant serving agencies, but also for Canadian employers and Canadian society at
large (Murphy 2010). Therefore, there is a need to mitigate the barriers faced by skilled immigrants in
finding an appropriate employment in line with their qualification and experience (Muthui 2012). In this
regard, the role of foreign credential accreditation has also received attention.
Statistics Canada (2005)
maintains that accredited foreign credentials enhance the employability of skilled immigrants, boost their
economic success, and facilitate their integration process. The accreditation of foreign credential makes
a greater pool of resources available for Canada and facilitates the likelihood of skilled immigrants
becoming contributors to rather than dependent on the Canadian society and the Canadian government
(Statistics Canada 2005).
A need for a proper process of assessment of the foreign credentials has also been indicated
(Alberta Employment and Immigration 2010;Brooks 2009). A major hurdle that the professional
immigrants experience after arriving in Canada is the delay in the recognition of their foreign
credentials (Newton et al. 2012). More often than not, the immigrants find the process of getting
foreign credentials accredited and previous work experience recognized very lengthy, time-consuming,
and expensive. Sometimes, this process requires further education, leaving immigrants feeling
frustrated (Statistics Canada 2005).
Skilled immigrants frequently experience difficulties in gaining a professional license or getting
accreditation for their foreign qualifications for regulated professions, especially when there are specific
gaps in their training. This is evident when professional training may be relevant for the home country,
but it may not contain some key elements that are required in Canada. In such cases, the immigrants are
almost always obliged to repeat their entire professional training in Canada (Reitz 2005;Reitz et al. 2014).
There are suggestions that immigrant bridging programs, such as occupation-specific programs
that involve collaborations among educational institutions, governments, and regulating bodies, can
efficiently fill the specific skills gaps (Reitz 2005;Reitz et al. 2014). In fact, there are several bridging
programs available throughout Canada, such as Career Bridge internships initiated by the TRIEC,
Qualification En Pharmacie offered by Universitéde Montréal, the Engineering and Technology
Upgrading Program offered by Calgary Catholic Immigration Society, the International Pharmacy
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Bridging Program offered by the Bredin Centre for Learning in Edmonton and Calgary, and the
Bridge to Canadian Nursing Certificate program or Ready to Teach program offered by Mount Royal
University and SAIT Polytechnic in Alberta (Government of Alberta 2018;Reitz 2005;
Reitz et al. 2014
However, the policy development in this domain has proceeded unevenly across the provinces.
As Ontario leads in policy initiatives, bridging programs to optimize immigrant skill utilization may be
more advanced there (Reitz et al. 2014). For instance, the TRIEC initiative has been influential not only
in Toronto but also in other regions in Ontario. Ontario’s Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration has
funded the most extensive number of bridge training programs for internationally trained individuals
in Canada (TRIEC 2018b), including bridge programs from pharmacy and nursing to midwifery or
biotechnology (TRIEC 2018b). Calgary Region Immigrant Employment Council (CRIEC) and Edmonton
Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC) also provide employment support to immigrants in
their respective regions; however, we need more such initiatives across Canada (Reitz et al. 2014).
The Government of Canada (2006) suggested that bridging programs with minimal salaries can
be used by immigrants as a means of gaining Canadian experience, to enhance their knowledge
of the Canadian workforce, and to avail opportunities to demonstrate their existing skills. Also,
stakeholders across Canada acknowledge that multi-layered bridging programs can help immigrants
obtain clinical or workplace experience, skills training, academic upgrading, examination preparation,
language training, and other knowledge and competencies that they may lack, but are often a
prerequisite for obtaining credential recognition (Government of Canada 2015b). The federal
government and the stakeholders insist that bridging programs are highly effective in facilitating
the professional integration of skilled immigrants in Canada (Government of Canada 2015b;
Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants 2017
;Pharmacists’ Gateway Canada 2014); however,
empirical research has problematized the bridging programs. For instance, Hathiyani (2017) has
argued that bringing programs are often surrounded by inconsistencies and instabilities making them
incapable of addressing systemic issues and making the business sector, rather than immigrants, their
main beneficiary.
Sakamoto et al. (2010) indicated that there is a need for mentoring programs to facilitate a
connection between a skilled immigrant and an established Canadian professional in the same or a
related occupation. In addition, a need for volunteer work, internship, and/or co-op programs has
been indicated, as some previous skilled immigrants found them very helpful in gaining the much
desired Canadian experience (Sakamoto et al. 2010). Addressing this need, several government and
non-government immigrant-serving agencies collaborate with employers to offer mentorship programs
to help immigrants develop their professional networks, improve their job search strategies, enhance
their professional understanding, and gain insights into Canadian workplace culture. One-on-one
and Small Group Mentoring Programs by Calgary Region Immigrant Employment Council (CRIEC),
Career Mentorship Program by Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC), and the
Mentoring Partnership initiated by TRIEC are few examples of mentorship programs in Canada.
3.3. Language and Culture
The need for language training and support also figures heavily for immigrants in terms of
settlement and integration. Approximately 99% of the principal applicants under the Federal Skilled
Worker Program and roughly 85% of skilled workers’ spouses and dependents are able to speak English
and/or French (Statistics Canada 2005). Currently, to be eligible for Express Entry, the applicants for
Federal Skilled Worker Program must meet the minimum language requirement as per the Canadian
Language Benchmark for listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities in English or French
(Government of Canada 2017c). However, these abilities vary and may not always be considered
to be sufficient for effective communication in day-to-day life, or for employment (Murphy 2010).
Lack of Canadian accent or rhythm of speech, knowledge of specific linguistic skills such as job,
position, or industry-specific jargons, knowledge of Canadian expressions, idioms, and/or slangs,
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and cross-cultural communication may affect the employment outcomes (Government of Canada 2006;
Social Planning Council of Ottawa 2009).
Language skill is repeatedly identified as an important factor that facilitates access to the intended
occupation and determines the occupational outcomes of skilled immigrants (Grenier and Xue 2011;
Grondin 2005). Official language ability is one of the most heavily emphasized pathways to integration.
There is a general consensus among immigrants, particularly, skilled immigrants, that improving
language abilities can facilitate their settlement and integration into the mainstream Canadian society
(Galiev and Masoodi 2012). Nonetheless, inadequate access to cultural knowledge, inadequate local
language skills, and lack of opportunities to interact with those who speak official languages are
barriers to immigrant integration (Derwing and Waugh 2012;Kaushik et al. 2016). Therefore, there is a
need to include information about Canadian culture, workplace norms, soft skills training, and other
practical information in language and culture training programs (Murphy 2010;Sakamoto et al. 2010).
The federal and the provincial governments in Canada are addressing these needs by developing
comprehensive language and culture training programs for new immigrants. One such federal
initiative is the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program delivered by the
Government of Canada (Government of Canada 2017f). The program provides English and French
language training. Another such initiative is the Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program
(ISAP) (CIC 2011), which helps immigrants in the adaptation, settlement, and integration into the
Canadian society and institutions. However, more programs focused on providing advanced language
training for the professional immigrants are needed to address specific needs of the skilled immigrants
Grant 2007
). One way to address this need is to provide on-site language and communication skills
training offered by the employers (Brooks 2009).
3.4. Health & Wellbeing
It has been widely documented that the health status of immigrants is generally better as compared
to their Canadian-born counterpart; however, it deteriorates after they arrive in Canada (Ali 2002;
Bergeron et al. 2009;Lou and Beaujot 2005;Newbold and Danforth 2003;
Ng and Omariba 2010
This phenomenon is repeatedly referred to as the “healthy immigrant effect” (Ng 2011) and is
widely used as a paradigm to study immigrants’ health (Diaz 2017). Literature outlines several
potential explanations for the healthy immigrant effect, such as pre-immigration health screening
or medical exam, relatively healthy behaviours of new immigrants prior to migration, immigrant
self-selection—the hypothesis that the healthiest and wealthiest individuals are the most likely to
migrate—, and finally the hypothesis that the less healthy immigrants return home (Jasso et al. 2004;
Kennedy et al. 2015;McDonald and Kennedy 2004). The healthy immigrant effect extends to both
physical as well as mental health outcomes. The phenomenon has been observed in the context of
self-reported health (Fuller-Thomson et al. 2011;Newbold 2009), self-perceived mental health (
Ali 2002
Lou and Beaujot 2005), chronic diseases (Meshefedjian et al. 2014), and mental illness (Newbold 2009;
Smith et al. 2007;Vang et al. 2017).
Stress is considered a major risk factor for a variety of physical and mental illnesses (Health
Canada 2008). The immigrants may develop poor health outcomes as they face multiple psychological
stressors during settlement and integration, including change of social environment, adapting to new
cultural norms, inability to speak the new language, finding a suitable employment, experiencing
a decreased socioeconomic status, separation from family and friends, and lack of social support
(Chadwick and Collins 2015;CIC 2011;
Robert and Gilkinson 2012
). On the other hand, the immigrants
are also less likely to experience declining health if they are highly satisfied with their settlement
experience. In other words, there is a positive association between the settlement experience and the
health and well-being of immigrants (Newbold 2009;George et al. 2015).
The social determinants of immigrant health include employment and income (Dean and
Wilson 2009), socioeconomic status (Ng and Omariba 2010), and race and ethnicity, in particular
racism and discrimination (Hyman 2009). As discussed earlier in this paper, skilled immigrants face a
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number of barriers and, as a result, they often end up in jobs that underutilize their education and skills.
Unemployment and underemployment negatively impact the overall health of immigrants, more
specifically, their mental health (Dean and Wilson 2009). For instance, in a longitudinal survey, skilled
immigrants who were over-qualified for their current employment reported a decline in their mental
health and persistent feelings of sadness, depression, or loneliness. The survey indicated a direct link
between immigrants’ poor mental health and their unmet expectations or general dissatisfaction with
employment (Chen et al. 2010).
Poor mental health leads to low morale, reduced productivity, rapid employee turnover,
and higher rates of absenteeism, injuries, and long- and short-term disabilities in general
(Institute for Work and Health 2011)
. However, there is a lack of clear guidelines from the government
on how to deal with mental health issues of immigrants. Moreover, there is a need for additional
funding to settlement programs to hire mental health workers and/or to train the existing settlement
agencies’ staff on how to better deal with this issue (CIC 2011). To tackle the issue of immigrant
mental health, Puyat (2013) recommended a social support system to increase the conviction amongst
immigrants that they will receive help whenever they need it and feel valued by other people. He also
suggested that this model of social support would help immigrants cope with adverse circumstances
during the settlement phase and provide a buffer against health problems. Immigrant services with
increased lingual support and cultural competency can also provide better social support to immigrants.
In addition, counselling or psychological services are also warranted within immigrant settlement
agencies (Chadwick and Collins 2015;Mental Health Commission of Canada 2012).
4. Conclusions
Canada proudly welcomes immigrants from around the world, acknowledges their economic
contributions, and understands their importance for the country’s future economic growth, job creation,
and overall prosperity. For this reason, Canada’s immigration policy lays emphasis on the point system
which is designed to attract skilled immigrants who show promise of being able to join in and
contribute to the Canadian economy and society. However, despite the fact that our immigration
policies favour skilled professionals and highly educated persons, our skilled immigrants often find
themselves in a disadvantaged position while searching for an employment corresponding to their
aptitudes and professional experience. As a result, questions arise concerning Canada’s integration
capacity, the quality of the welcome extended to the skilled newcomers, and the efficacy of the public
machinery in producing and promoting the socioeconomic inclusiveness of the newcomers in Canada
(Government of Canada 2017e;Pathways to Prosperity 2018;Riddel et al. 2016).
This review of the literature highlights the challenges faced by the skilled immigrants in Canada
and the needs experienced by them in facing these challenges. It provides an overview of the
experiences and expectations of the skilled immigrants related to their settlement and integration in
Canada. The article builds an understanding of the landscape of programs and practices and how they
affect and support skilled immigrants through the process of settlement and integration. It points to
the gap between the needs of the skilled immigrants and the existing support offered to them and
indicates that skilled immigrants require effective needs-driven settlement services when they first
decide to migrate to Canada and linguistically and culturally appropriate health and social services as
they navigate the process of settlement and integration in a new environment. To achieve a successful
social and economic integration of skilled immigrants in the mainstream Canadian society, further
support is needed that meets the socioeconomic, linguistic, cultural, and health and wellbeing needs
of the skilled immigrants and their family members.
There is a need to evaluate the availability of settlement services focused on skilled immigrants
and the effectiveness of the existing support offered by employers, government, and non-governmental
organizations. Future research can systematically review and present a comparison of the settlement
and integration provisions for skilled immigrants across the provinces and territories of Canada.
Future research can also review international literature. International comparisons would allow for a
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better understanding of the issue and for better recommendations for the improvement of immigration
and settlement policies for skilled immigrants in Canada. An analysis of the political will to develop
better programs and policies to foster a smooth and successful socioeconomic integration of skilled
immigrants will also make for an interesting study.
Denying skilled immigrants access to programs and services, which can facilitate their integration
in the mainstream Canadian society, is unjust and can lead to their marginalization and exclusion.
The effective integration of skilled immigrants requires collaboration between various stakeholders
such as the immigrants, social services providers, researchers, policy makers, governments,
and employers. This paper is a contribution to the literature that informs all those who are involved
with immigrant integration about the need to advocate for immigrant needs, to augment collaboration
so to achieve full integration of skilled immigrants, and to promote a holistic approach to immigrant
integration and wellbeing.
Author Contributions:
V.K. conceptualized the study, reviewed the literature, and wrote the original draft of the
paper. J.D. reviewed and edited the paper and supervised the literature review.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... The discriminatory job market and the mandatory so-called "Canadian experience" were found to be associated with poor MH among AIR in our study. Similar findings were found in previous Canadian immigrant studies [39,40]. The issue, however, appears to be more prevalent for racialized groups. ...
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Purpose Mental health (MH) is a critical public health issue. Arab immigrants/refugees (AIR) may be at high risk for MH problems owing to various unique stressors, such as post-September/11 demonization. Despite the growing AIR population in Western countries, there is a lack of AIR-MH research in these nations. The CAN-HEAL study examined MH experiences and needs among AIR in Ontario, Canada. Methods This study employed a cooperative community-based participatory research and integrated knowledge translation approach. The study used photovoice, qualitative interviews and a questionnaire survey. Sixty socio-demographically diverse AIR adults partook in this study. The research was informed by the “social determinants of health” framework and the “years since immigration effect” (YSIE) theory. Results The term “mental health” was deemed offensive for participants aged > 30 years. Participants proposed other culturally-appropriate words including “well-being” and “emotional state”. The prevalence of poor mental well-being in the sample was alarming (55%). Of first-generation immigrant participants, 86.8% reported negative changes in MH since migration. The negative changes are not straightforward; they are complex and dynamic, and mainly related to micro/macro-aggression, cross-cultural pressures, dissatisfaction with the health and social care system, and poor living conditions. Intersections between different socio-demographic factors (e.g., gender, length of residency, income, parenthood, religion) amplified the negative changes in MH and exacerbated inequities. Conclusions MH needs among AIR are distinct and intersectionality aggravated inequities. Culturally and structurally competent healthcare and structural/policy reformation are required to tackle MH inequities. This can be fulfilled through intersectoral cooperation and including AIR in decision-making.
... Canadian immigration also reinforces racial and gender inequalities entrenched within the Canadian economy and society (Block & Galabuzi, 2011). Racialized immigrants are overrepresented in lower-paying precarious employment, contributing to higher poverty rates and negative outcomes for physical and mental health (Kaushik & Drolet, 2018;Liu, 2019;Premji & Shakya, 2017). Deskilling and underemployment among new immigrants likewise contribute to higher poverty rates (Liu, 2019;Reitz et al., 2014) and declining health among immigrants (Gagnon et al., 2021;Premji & Shakya, 2017). ...
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This study contributes to the ongoing efforts to address systemic inequality within social work by examining Canadian social workers’ attitudes toward immigrants who are permanent residents (PR), refugees, temporary residents (TR), or undocumented immigrants. Using a cross-sectional design with a convenience sample (n = 653), we explore how social workers’ attitudes toward immigrants vary in relation to (a) respondents’ demographics, (b) contact with immigrants, (c) perceptions of equal opportunities among immigrants, (d) perceptions of deservingness for immigrants with different legal statuses, and (e) the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on these attitudes. Findings While Canadian social workers generally express positive attitudes toward immigrants, there is a slightly stronger endorsement for PR and refugees to access public services compared to nonstatus (NS) immigrants and TR. Social workers who identify as conservative or have limited contact with immigrants are more likely to perceive NS immigrants as potential criminal threats or burdens on the healthcare system. Significantly, a majority of respondents feel that their social work training inadequately prepares them to work effectively with immigrants. Applications Canadian social workers advocate for principles of diversity, inclusion, and commitment to social justice. However, perceptions regarding which immigrants deserve access to social services vary based on legal status, suggesting a limitation in social workers’ professional mandate. The study discusses implications for social work education and training, emphasizing the need to address and unsettle systemic racism within the profession.
... 2). Since racism continues to persist in Canadian workplaces, it makes sense that settlement agencies help newcomers understand their rights as employees and new citizens (Kaushik and Drolet 2018), and that employers work to further train their existing employees regarding the existence of white supremacy culture in Canadian workplaces (Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion 2018, pp. 21-22). ...
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This article explores the strategies used by government-sponsored institutions dedicated to addressing systemic barriers to employment for racialized immigrants in Edmonton. The research involved conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews with service providers, employment program coordinators from different settlement and employment agencies, and a research and training centre operating in Edmonton, Alberta. The first objective is to understand the barriers racialized immigrants face through the hiring and promotion process. The second objective is to understand the support provided by those institutions and the impact of their equity policies on how they assist racialized Canadians in finding gainful employment. Lastly, this study explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement on the employment of racialized immigrants in Edmonton. The results show that around 50% of employment service providers acknowledged that visible minority immigrants face barriers while integrating into the labour market, including racial microaggressions in their jobs. In addition, the findings indicate a lack of programs tailored to the needs of racialized job seekers. Participants in this study recognized that the Black Lives Matter movement raised awareness among employers regarding racial issues in the workplace. Hence, there is a demonstrated need for employers to undergo training to recognize and address racism in hiring, promoting, and retaining racialized employees at Canadian workplaces. Interviewees recognized that the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted racialized employees and newcomers. They recommended that Canadian companies establish educational programs that emphasize the importance and benefits of racial diversity, equity, and inclusion in the hiring process.
... 11,12 It is also worth noting that successful acculturation is partially dependent on integration into the workforce, however, a majority of the immigrants face credential recognition barriers imposed by Canadian employers which impede their participation in the labor market. 13 Additionally, new immigrants often face difficulties in the use of health services and are less likely to benefit from prevention or treatment strategies, partly due to language and cultural barriers, and partly due to insufficient information or misinformation, leading to non-compliance to treatment, lack of awareness on ethnic differences in health, and eventually a decline in overall health status. 12,[14][15][16] This decline in the healthy immigrant effect, combined with an existing predisposition subsequently places some ethnic groups at an elevated risk for developing T2D, including South Asians. ...
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Type 2 diabetes is a serious chronic condition affecting millions of people worldwide. South Asians (individuals originating from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal) represent a high-risk ethnicity for developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) and experience a high prevalence of the disease, even in migrant populations. The objective of this study was to investigate perceptions and experiences of South Asians living with T2D in Ontario, and their utilization of diabetes related services within the provincial healthcare system. Data were obtained from 20 in-depth interviews with South Asian participants diagnosed with T2D and living in the Greater Toronto Area. Our findings indicate a dissatisfaction with Ontario’s coverage for diabetes services; varying uptake of recommended health tests, exams, and monitoring equipment; low utilization of additional resources (diabetes centers); and a need for primary care physicians to better facilitate awareness and utilization of available coverages and resources in the community. This study provides support for the fact that even in Canada’s universal healthcare system, disparities exist, particularly for ethnic minorities, and that a universal prescription drug coverage component is a crucial step forward to ensure equitable access to health services utilization for all.
... Ainsi, avant même l'intégration au marché de l'emploi, lors de l'embauche, certaines demandes des employeurs ne sont pas juste des conditions, mais aussi une façon de discriminer (Drolet & Kaushik 2018). La demande d'expérience antérieure canadienne revient souvent dans des témoignages d'immigrants (Namululi 2017). ...
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There is a growing interest in immigrant receiving countries like Canada and the United States in spreading the benefits of immigration to less-favoured regions and cities that face a myriad of demographic and economic challenges associated with aging or shrinking populations, slow growth, and economic decline. This chapter uses the cases of Atlantic Canada and the US Rust Belt to examine two different approaches to immigration and uneven development. In Canada, place-based immigration programmes explicitly encourage immigration to Atlantic Canada while immigrant integration is supported through ‘top-down’ federally-funded settlement, multiculturalism, and citizenship programmes. Conversely, in the US, efforts to use immigration to address spatial inequality are happening outside of formal policy channels from the ‘bottom-up’, driven by networks of local business associations and non-profit organisations that increasingly promote immigration as a tool of economic revitalisation in the Rust Belt. Drawing on several years of fieldwork in both regions involving participant observation at immigration summits and conventions, stakeholder interviews, and media and document analysis, this chapter considers the implications of these diverging approaches. Ultimately, dynamic regions need dynamic solutions, and cities in these regions provide a roadmap for understanding the role of immigration in addressing uneven development.
International students (IS) are increasingly positioned as “ideal” economic immigrants for their supposedly limited settlement and integration needs, resulting in a growing number of education-migration, or edugration, immigration pathways. However, the settlement and integration experiences student-migrants undergo during edugration are undertheorized. Using collaborative autoethnography (CAE), we examine five graduate student-migrants’ edugration experiences in Canada. Our interest is not whether student-migrants are sufficiently integrated or settled through the eyes of the state, but rather the experiential impacts of edugration; in other words, we examine not the process of assimilation but the experience of being positioned as “easily” assimilated subjects. Our findings suggest three distinct experiential categories produced by edugration: unfamiliarity, uncertainty, and ambivalence. Together, these experiences form a unique settlement and integration experience due to extended periods of temporariness. Through this conceptualization, we argue that the recruitment of IS through multi-step migration pathways like edugration presents ethical questions for both the state and higher education. While we support strategic calls for more coordinated, cross-sectoral efforts to improve the lived experiences of student-migrants, we caution against justifying these calls based on neoliberal, econometric, or (neo)colonial rationales regarding (1) the value of IS as human capital, and (2) assimilationist notions of settlement and integration. We instead encourage more critical, nuanced discussions of student-migrant experiences which actively resist such logics.
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As a consequence of international migration, a large number of workplaces are becoming linguistically diverse. This creates challenges for the workplace integration of immigrants and increases the risk of their social exclusion. A systematic review was conducted to determine the effects of linguistic diversity on social integration of immigrants within the workplace. Articles were identified by reviewing abstracts in electronic databases using key words related to linguistic diversity, social integration, immigrants and workplace. The search yielded ten peer reviewed articles, published in English, between 2000 and 2014. Information was extracted and synthesized from both quantitative and qualitative studies. The studies in this review were found to be concerned on three key areas of investigation: (1) social integration or social inclusion/exclusion, (2) social interaction and inter-group perception, and (3) accent discrimination. Smooth social and professional assimilation and the equality of opportunities for the immigrants were considered as the determining factors of their complete social integration in the workplace. Most studies in this review established a connection between social integration and local language skills; some also identified that factors such as racial discrimination and ethnicity based stereotyping contributed to social exclusion of immigrants, particularly when the studies involved visible minorities. The review enhances our understanding of challenges of complete social integration faced by immigrants and reinforces the need to invest in policies and program aimed at preventing marginalization of immigrants. However, due to limited number of studies identified by this review and the variation in findings, further research is necessary to investigate the role of linguistic diversity in the workplace integration of immigrants in immigrant receiving countries.
The International Handbook of Career Guidance represents a project of inter- tional professional cooperation. It is intended as a catalyst for reform and was designed to support the development of career guidance in the years to come. Working for over four years from Belgium and Australia we had the privilege to collaborate with over 50 colleagues throughout the world to produce this Handbook. In every instance we selected key researchers who have an established reputation in the field of career development. They agreed to be involved and we are grateful for their support in this major effort. In this handbook we have tried to bring together a collection that summarises the diverse aspects of career guidance. It is a synthesis of the domain of career and vo- tional guidance firstly for an international readership and secondly it is designed to act as a reference for academics, researchers and professionals in the expanding field of career development. For this reason the Handbook includes coverage of the ba- ground and history of guidance right through to poignant issues relating to careers in the modern world of work. Policy issues relating to the provision of careers services as well as professional issues relating to career education, career counselling, career assessment, program evaluation and research methodologies are covered.
Objectives: Immigrants are typically healthier than the native-born population in the receiving country and also tend to be healthier than non-migrants in the countries of origin. This foreign-born health advantage has been referred to as the healthy immigrant effect (HIE). We examined evidence for the HIE in Canada. Design: We employed a systematic search of the literature on immigration and health and identified 78 eligible studies. We used a narrative method to synthesize the HIE across different stages of the life-course and different health outcomes within each stage. We also examined the empirical evidence for positive selection and duration effects – two common explanations of migrants’ health advantage and deterioration, respectively. Results: We find that the HIE appears to be strongest during adulthood but less so during childhood/adolescence and late life. A foreign-born health advantage is also more robust for mortality but less so for morbidity. The HIE is also stronger for more recent immigrants but further research is needed to determine the critical threshold for when migrants’ advantage disappears. Positive selection as an explanation for the HIE remains underdeveloped. Conclusions: There is an absence of a uniform foreign-born health advantage across different life-course stages and health outcomes in Canada. Nonetheless, it remains the case that the HIE characterizes the majority of contemporary migrants since Canada’s foreign-born population consists mostly of core working age adults.
The present study compares the occupational trajectories of highly skilled immigrants in regulated occupations to those outside of the regulated occupations, from their pre-migration occupation, to their first job in Canada, and to subsequent jobs. Licensing requirements are likely to affect new immigrants’ occupational trajectories since they have a direct effect on how employers assess qualifications. This study utilizes growth curve modeling (GCM) and a unique dataset that contains detailed information on new immigrants’ experiences in Canada: the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC). Our findings indicate that immigrants working in regulated occupations prior to migration who are unable to find jobs in regulated occupations in Canada face a significantly greater drop in occupational status when they first arrive than those working in unregulated professions in their home country. Furthermore, their occupational progression over time is not faster than that of their counterparts from unregulated professions. Those who worked in unregulated fields prior to migration but found jobs in regulated fields in Canada experience an improvement in their occupational status after migration. Lastly, for those who worked in regulated professions in their home country and were able to find jobs within regulated fields in Canada, initial occupational status scores are similar to their scores in their country of origin, and there is little change in occupational status with time in Canada. The results of this study highlight the importance of ensuring that the licensing process is made easier to navigate for new immigrants. Our findings clearly indicate that immigrants who are able to successfully enter a regulated profession soon after migration fare much better in terms of occupational status than those who are unable to become licensed.
The relative prosperity of Canada's larger metropolitan areas makes it tempting to believe that immigrants integrate into the economy with relative ease, such that they enjoy a standard of living fairly comparable to native-born Canadians. But as appealing as this belief may be, is it true? This paper reviews the literature on the economic integration of Canadian immigrants and suggests that differences among immigrants-according to the circumstances and timing of their arrival-have significant implications for their economic success. While the evidence indicates that, on average, immigrants continue to experience an earnings disadvantage at entry with respect to their native born counterparts, most recent studies reject the idea these earnings eventually converge. © 2004 by the Institute of Urban Studies All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of obstacles to socioeconomic integration faced by highly-skilled immigrant women (HSIW) to Quebec, followed by a discussion of Quebec’s socio-political context and interculturalism, in an effort to better situate these obstacles. With these in mind, implications for diversity management are discussed. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is largely based on a review of the immigrant integration, interculturalism and diversity management literatures pertaining to the socioeconomic integration of highly-skilled immigrants. It focusses on the socioeconomic integration of HSIW in the Quebec context. Findings – The authors find that researchers should continue to examine aspects of the social and political contexts in which immigrant integration and diversity management take place when conducting studies in these areas. The authors also encourage continued research pertaining to specific groups, as these may bring to light-specific dynamics that can lead to exclusion. Practical implications – This paper includes implications for diversity management in organizations seeking to foster inclusive practices with regards to ethnic minorities and immigrants in general, and HSIW in particular. Originality/value – The paper sheds new light on immigrant integration and diversity management in Quebec by bridging the gap between three areas of study that are interconnected but seldom discussed together: socioeconomic integration of immigrants, interculturalism and diversity management in organizations.