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Information Gain Directed Genetic Algorithm Wrapper Feature selection for Credit Rating


Abstract and Figures

Financial credit scoring is one of the most crucial processes in the finance industry sector to be able to assess the credit-worthiness of individuals and enterprises. Various statistics-based machine learning techniques have been employed for this task. “Curse of Dimensionality” is still a significant challenge in machine learning techniques. Some research has been carried out on Feature Selection (FS) using genetic algorithm as wrapper to improve the performance of credit scoring models. However, the challenge lies in finding an overall best method in credit scoring problems and improving the time-consuming process of feature selection. In this study, the credit scoring problem is investigated through feature selection to improve classification performance. This work proposes a novel approach to feature selection in credit scoring applications, called as Information Gain Directed Feature Selection algorithm (IGDFS), which performs the ranking of features based on information gain, propagates the top m features through the GA wrapper (GAW) algorithm using three classical machine learning algorithms of KNN, Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for credit scoring. The first stage of information gain guided feature selection can help reduce the computing complexity of GA wrapper, and the information gain of features selected with the IGDFS can indicate their importance to decision making. Regarding the classification accuracy, SVM accuracy is always better than KNN and NB for Baseline techniques, GAW and IGDFS. Also, we can conclude that the IGDFS achieved better performance than generic GAW, and GAW obtained better performance than the corresponding single classifiers (baseline) for almost all cases, except for the German Credit dataset, IGDFS + KNN has worse performance than generic GAW and the single classifier KNN. Removing features with low information gain could produce conflict with the original data structure for KNN, and thus affect the performance of IGDFS + KNN. Regarding the ROC performance, for the German Credit Dataset, the three classic machine learning algorithms, SVM, KNN and Naïve Bayes in the wrapper of IGDFS GA obtained almost the same performance. For the Australian credit dataset and the Taiwan Credit dataset, the IGDFS + Naive Bayes achieved the largest area under ROC curves.
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Information Gain Directed Genetic Algorithm Wrapper Feature selection for
Credit Rating
Swati Jadhav, Hongmei He and Karl Jenkins
School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing, Cranfield University, Cranfield,
Financial credit scoring is one of the most crucial processes in the finance industry
sector to be able to assess the credit-worthiness of individuals and enterprises.
Various statistics-based machine learning techniques have been employed for this
task. “Curse of Dimensionality” is still a significant challenge in machine learning
techniques. Some research has been carried out on Feature Selection (FS) using
genetic algorithm as wrapper to improve the performance of credit scoring models.
However, the challenge lies in finding an overall best method in credit scoring
problems and improving the time-consuming process of feature selection. In this
study, the credit scoring problem is investigated through feature selection to improve
classification performance. This work proposes a novel approach to feature selection
in credit scoring applications, called as Information Gain Directed Feature Selection
algorithm (IGDFS), which performs the ranking of features based on information
gain, propagates the top m features through the GA wrapper (GAW) algorithm using
three classical machine learning algorithms of KNN, Naïve Bayes and Support Vector
Machine (SVM) for credit scoring. The first stage of information gain guided feature
selection can help reduce the computing complexity of GA wrapper, and the
information gain of features selected with the IGDFS can indicate their importance
to decision making.
Regarding the classification accuracy, SVM accuracy is always better than KNN and
NB for Baseline techniques, GAW and IGDFS. Also, we can conclude that the IGDFS
achieved better performance than generic GAW, and GAW obtained better
performance than the corresponding single classifiers (baseline) for almost all cases,
except for the German Credit dataset, IGDFS+KNN has worse performance than
generic GAW and the single classifier KNN. Removing features with low information
gain could produce conflict with the original data structure for KNN, and thus affect
the performance of IGDFS+KNN.
Regarding the ROC performance, for the German Credit Dataset, the three classic
machine learning algorithms, SVM, KNN and Naïve Bayes in the wrapper of IGDFS
GA obtained almost the same performance. For the Australian credit dataset and the
Taiwan Credit dataset, the IGDFS+Naive Bayes achieved the largest area under ROC
Keywords: Feature selection; Genetic algorithm in wrapper; Support vector machine; K
nearest neighbour clustering; Naive Bayes classifier; Information Gain; Credit scoring;
Accuracy; ROC curve
1 Introduction
The survey by Jadhav [1] showed that machine learning techniques have been
extensively applied in Credit Scoring, Loan Prediction, Money Laundering and other time
series problems (e.g. prediction of earnings per share [2]) in finance industry. In this
research, we focus on the Credit Scoring problem. Despite the advances of machine
learning techniques, financial institutions continually seek improvements in classifier
performance in an attempt to mitigate the credit risk [3].
Many machine learning applications involving large datasets usually exhibit the
characteristic of high dimensionality; one such example is financial analytics [4]. To deal
with such high-dimensional data, a solution involving dimensionality reduction is required
before looking for any insights into the data. Feature selection creates more accurate
predictive models in these applications while keeping the cost associated in evaluating the
features to a minimum. Credit scoring aims to reduce the probability of a customer
defaulting i.e. it predicts the credit risk associated with a customer. This helps decisions-
making, maximising the expected profit from the customers for financial institutions.
Feature subset selection removes redundant and irrelevant features from the dataset, thus
improving the classification accuracy and reducing the computational cost [5], [6]. The
advantage of feature selection is that the information of feature importance in the dataset
is not lost [7].
GA wrapper is the most popular method applied in the area of feature selection, and it has
shown its efficacy in various areas (medical diagnosis [8], computer vision/image
processing [9], text mining [10], bioinformatics [11], industrial applications [12].
Therefore, we explore the approach to solving feature selection in credit scoring problem.
In this study, we apply Information Gain [13] for initial feature selection, and then apply
K-nearest neighbour (KNN), Naïve Bayes (NB) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) [14],
[15] as the classification algorithms in the Genetic Algorithm Wrapper for credit scoring.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 introduces the state of the art in classical
wrapper algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimisation, the
machine learning models used in wrappers for feature selection in solving the credit scoring
problem and the challenges of feature selection along with the gaps identified. Section 3
discusses Information Gain, KNN, NB, SVM and the performance measures employed in
this study. A genetic algorithm wrapper with the above three models is developed in
Section 4. The experiments and evaluation are presented in Section 5. Finally, Section 6
concludes with discussions about the findings and future work.
2 Existing Work
Feature selection techniques have emerged as crucial in the applications where the input
space affects the classification algorithm’s performance. The process of feature selection
searches through the space of all feature subsets while calculating evaluation measure to
score the feature subsets. Since an exhaustive search is computationally too expensive,
meta-heuristic search techniques, such as Genetic algorithm (GA) [16] and Particle swarm
optimisation (PSO) [17] have been favoured for feature selection.
The wrapper-based feature selection approach [18] wraps the feature selection algorithm
around a classification/induction algorithm. The performance of this algorithm finally
selects a subset of features. The wrapper approach especially is useful to solve the problems
for which a fitness function cannot be easily expressed with an exact mathematical
equation. This technique has attracted a lot of research attention because of its simplicity
in implementation since the induction algorithm acts as a black box in the whole process
where knowledge of this algorithm is not mandatory [18]. The accuracy of this algorithm
is used as evaluation measure to select the features. Other advantages of wrapper
techniques are: Since classification algorithm decides the final selected subset, one gets
more control over the whole feature selection process; wrapper techniques can produce
very high accuracy because of this learning capacity rendered by the inner induction
A Genetic Algorithm Wrapper (GAW) has been widely applied to feature selection in data
mining [19]. An advanced data mining technique of SVM classifier is most popularly used
in such wrapper approach [20], [9], [21], [22]. When using SVM in a GA wrapper, SVM
parameters optimisation needs consideration. In the literature, a few variants of GA+SVM
algorithm have been proposed for feature selection in different application areas. For
example, a GA+SVM technique was studied for the classification of hyper spectral images
[9]. GA was used as a pre-processing step for the optimisation of SVM by Verbiest et al.
[21]. Frohlich & Chapelle [22] minimised existing generalization error bounds on SVMs
instead of performing cross-validation for a given feature subset. Anirudha et al. [23]
proposed a Genetic Algorithm Wrapper Hybrid Prediction Model for feature selection. In
this study, the outliers from the dataset were removed using K-means clustering technique,
and then a Genetic Algorithm Wrapper was used to select the optimal features. These
selected features were used to build the classifier models of Support Vector Machine,
Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, and k-nearest neighbour. A hybrid feature selection method
with GA wrapper using mutual information and using SVM is proposed by Huang et
al.[24]. Some recent attempts to improve the optimised feature selection process by parallel
processing are: [8], [25], [26], [27].
Aside from SVM, other machine learning models used in a wrapper approach include: C4.5
Decision trees [28], [29]; the model tree algorithm M5 [30]; Fuzzy Apriori Classifier [31];
Neural Network [32]; Bayesian Network classifier [33].
Another evolutionary computing method investigated for feature selection apart from
Genetic Algorithm is Particle Swarm Optimisation. A PSO wrapper for selecting features,
which are the most informative features for classification, was proposed in [34]. Lin et al.
[35] simultaneously determined the parameters and feature subset using PSO with SVM
and obtained similar result to GA + SVM.
Credit risk analysis, credit scoring and classification are significant problems in
computational finance. A 2016 Credit Access Survey by the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank
of New York indicates that approximately 40% of U.S. credit applications are rejected.
Moreover, between 20% and 40% of consumers expect to be rejected depending on the
type of credit sought, and many do not even apply. Yet, among these people there may
well be qualified customers for the right kind of lender [36].
The recent rapid growth in credit industry has made huge amounts of data available. Credit
scoring datasets often are high dimensional making the classification problem highly
complex, computationally intensive and less accurate for prediction [37]. Feature selection
becomes necessary to reduce the burden of computing and to improve the prediction
accuracy of the classification models for credit scoring [38], [39]. Various supervised
wrapper methods have been studied for feature selection due to the classification accuracy
entailed by the underlying algorithm although it comes at a cost of flexibility and
Somol et al. [40] studied filter as well as wrapper-based feature selection for the problem
of credit scoring classification. Huang et al.[41] proposed three strategies, which included
grid search and F-score calculations, for credit score evaluation. In this study, the authors
proposed a hybrid strategy based on GA and SVM for feature selection and parameters
optimisation built with relatively few input features. This achieved similar classification
accuracy when compared against neural networks, genetic programming, and C4.5
decision tree classifiers. Non-linear approaches such as kernel SVM have seen recent
applications in credit scoring since credit scoring data is often not linearly separable. In an
attempt to develop wrapper techniques on bankruptcy and credit scoring classification
problems, Liang et al. [42] used GA and PSO wrapper embedded with different machine
learning models, such as linear SVM, RBF kernel-SVM, NB, KNN, Classification and
Regression Tree, and Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP) to select features for
financial distress prediction. No best combination was found over the four datasets used in
the study. This study concluded that performing GA+logistic regression can improve
prediction improvements. Waad et al. [43] applied Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes,
MLP, Random Forest trees in wrapper on three credit datasets and showed that feature
subsets selected by such fusion methods were equally good or better than those selected by
individual methods.
Various traditional methods from statistics, non-parametric methods from computer
science, modern methods from data mining and machine learning, and artificial intelligence
techniques have been proposed in a bid to move away from manual methods and in search
of building complex classification models which yield better accuracies and reliability of
credit scorecards. Some of these applications are listed as following:
Application of KNN [44]; a wrapper feature selection with several machine learning
models, such as SVM, Rough Set Theory, Decision Tree and Linear Discriminant Analysis
(LDA), for credit scoring [45]; an ensemble classifier for feature selection in credit scoring
[46], [47]; Logistic Regression, Neural Networks, least square SVMs Gradient Boosting,
Decision Trees, and Random Forests for prediction of loan defaults [48]; a corporate credit
rating model using multi-class SVMs with an ordinal pairwise partitioning [49]; a weighted
least squares SVM which emphasised the importance of different classes [50] with
successful acceptable accuracy and less computation time; hybrid models using Rough
sets, Naïve Bayes and GA to classify credit risk of customers [51]; combination of Rough
set and meta heuristic search for feature selection for the credit scoring problem [52];
wrapper approach with Naïve Bayes, MLP, RBF neural network, SVM, Random Forest,
Linear Discriminant classifier and Nearest Mean classifier for feature selection for credit
rating prediction [53]; the combination of a clustering algorithm and GA with Decision
Tree for feature selection for credit scoring of customers [29]; a hybrid approach for credit
risk assessment using GA and ANN to obtain an optimum set of features to improve the
classification accuracy and scalability [54]; a GA with weighted bitmask as alternative of
polynomial fitness functions to estimate parameter range for building credit scoring models
[54]; parallelisation of Random Forest method and feature selection methods, such as filters
(t-test, LR, LDA), wrappers (GA, PSO) in credit scoring models [55].
The computing complexity of a machine learning algorithm is directly affected by problem
space, more so in the area of credit analysis due to the complex decision process involved.
Because of rapid advances in computing and information technologies, different types of
techniques have been studied in combination with each other in many of today’s real
applications. There is a growing tendency of using hybrid methods for complex problems.
Typically, credit scoring databases are often large and characterised by redundant and
irrelevant features [56]. Financial data and credit data in particular usually contain
irrelevant and redundant features [57]. The redundancy and the deficiency in data can
reduce the classification accuracy and lead to incorrect decision [58], [39]. The ability of
interpretation of the predictive power of each feature in the dataset is often a necessity in
certain applications. In such cases, a feature selection method such as Information Gain
that returns a score is more useful than methods that return only a ranking or a subset of
features, where the importance of features is not accounted for [59]. The choice of feature
selection method largely depends on the problem, the type of data and the end use of the
model. Which methods are most useful for feature subsetting is an open debate.
To fill the gap identified above in the field of credit scoring, we will investigate feature
selection problem for credit scoring by proposing an Information gain directed feature
selection method incorporating the GA wrapper with machine learning techniques of SVM,
KNN and Naïve Bayes. The literature has shown a few hybrid feature selection studies
undertaken using GA as wrapper along with the machine learning classification algorithms.
Some of them apply filtering techniques as a preprocessing techniques before the feature
selection step. But in the area of credit scoring, such applications are very few.
The novelty of the proposed methodology lies in how the features contributing most
towards the classification of credit applicants are propagated through the wrapper process.
This is a novel approach specifically in the area of credit scoring. Firstly, the proposed
strategy uses information-based ranking of features to reduce the feature set by modifying
the initial population pool of GA so that best individuals are picked. Secondly, this measure
is used to guide the evolution of GA by modifying the GA parameters of population pool,
crossover and mutation. The novelty also lies in the usage of a large credit dataset
constituting 30000 credit applicants: the Taiwan credit dataset which is not yet being used
in the hybrid feature selection strategies for credit scoring applications.
3 Methodology
To classify the credit applicants, this work first ranks the features in order of importance
to decision making/classification by measuring the information gain. The results are
incorporated in the information directed wrapper feature selection method using genetic
algorithm. Three classic machine learning models are embedded in the wrapper of GA, as
a black box of fitness evaluation and these are SVM, KNN and NB.
The SVM hyperparameter selection is done by the method of grid search. The
hyperparameter selection for K-nearest neighbor method (KNN) is done based on
Euclidean distances with cross-validation. KNN calculates a decision boundary (i.e.
boundaries for more than 2 classes) and uses it to classify new points. The K in KNN is a
hyperparameter that must be selected to get the best possible fit for the dataset. K controls
the shape of the decision boundary. The best K is the one corresponding to the lowest error
rate in cross validation. If test set is being used for hyperparameter setting, it may lead to
In the rest of this section, the various techniques used for developing the proposed
algorithm are discussed briefly. For improving the readability of this article, we describe
in brief the basic principles of the KNN, Naïve Bayes, SVM technique, especially for
finance industry who are not working in the machine learning area.
3.1 Information Gain of features
There are many ways of scoring the features such as Information entropy, Correlation, Chi
squared test and Gini index. Entropy is one of several ways to measure diversity. Impurity
of information can be measured by information entropy to quantify the uncertainty of
predicting the value of the goal variable.
Let y be a discrete random variable with two possible outcomes. The binary entropy
function H, expressed in logarithmic base 2, i.e. Shannon unit is given by Eq. (1):
   ( 1 )
where, (+,) are the classes, denotes the probability that a sample    , and
denotes the probability that   . Entropy quantifies the uncertainty of each
feature in the process of decision making. Eq. (2) calculates the conditional entropy of two
events X and Y, when X has value x:
  
 
   
 ( 2 )
Note: 
   .
The smaller the degree of impurity, the more skewed the class distribution. Entropy and
misclassification error are highest when class distribution is uniform. The minimum value
of entropy is attained when all the samples belong to the same class.
Information Gain (IG) is widely used on high dimensional data to measure the effectiveness
of features in classification. It is the expected amount of information, i.e. reduction in
Namely, the information gain (IG) from a feature x is given by Eq. (3):
   ( 3 )
Higher information gain means better discriminative power for decision making.
Information gain is a good measure to determine the relevance of feature for classification.
The importance of features towards decision making in our model is done by evaluating
them with the information gain measurement. Not all data attributes are created equally
and not all of them contribute equally to the decision making. Hence the attributes can be
sorted in the order of their contribution in decision making by listing the features in
decreasing order of information gain scores.
3.2 K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) Algorithm
KNN algorithm is a simple clustering algorithm, which produces highly competitive and
easily interpreted results, is faster and comes with good predictive power. It is one of the
most effective nonparametric methods, is simple to understand and easy to implement since
only one parameter - K (the number of nearest neighbors) - needs tuning. The number K of
nearest neighbors is key to the performance of the clustering process. The input to KNN
are K closest samples from training data and a new testing sample is classified based on
the minimum Euclidean distance as in Eq. (4).
 
( 4 )
where, X and Z are n-dimensional vectors in the feature space.
If a sample is in the K nearest neighbors, then it is assigned class membership of most
common K neighbours. The main task of KNN is to search the nearest neighbors for each
sample. The parameter K must be tuned for each dataset for enhancing the classification
accuracies. To choose the parameter K we use 10-Fold-cross validation to validate KNN
for various quantities of neighbors near rule-of-thumb values. Cross validation leads to the
highest classification generalizability. If employing KNN with different values of K on a
dataset, we obtain different accuracy at each round. The optimum K achieving the best
accuracy is used in the feature selection.
3.3 Naïve Bayes
The Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier uses Bayes' Theorem which counts the frequency of
‘attribute value - class’ combinations in the historical data to calculate probability of class
label Ci.
As stated by Twala [60], the basic principle of NB is the Bayes rule. The probability of
each class is calculated, given all attributes, and the class with the highest posterior
probability is the estimated class. Given an instance X for n observations, the probability
of a class value Ci can be calculated with Eq. (5).
 ( 5 )
Let a training set of samples and corresponding class labels be given by D. Each sample X
includes n independent attributes (x1, x2, …, xn). If there are m class labels such as C1, C2,
…, Cm, then classification is to derive the maximal posteriori, P(Ci|X):
 ( 6 )
P(X), which is prior probability, is fixed for all classes in a data set; hence can be
represented with Eq. (7).
  ( 7 )
Naïve Bayes algorithm assumes the conditional independence of attributes. Hence, the
class assignments of the test samples are given by Eq. (8) and (9):
 
 ( 8 )
   ( 9 )
If for a new sample, the posterior probability P(C2|X) is the highest for all the s classes,
then this sample belongs to class C2 according to the NB classifier.
3.4 The RBF-SVM classifier
SVM, a popular binary classifier, is used in the wrapper algorithm as a fitness evaluator
since it is able to deal with high dimension space [61]. The hyperplane supported by a small
number of vectors can be adaptable to various applications and yields good classification
performance [62]. SVMs are robust against local minima, offer good generalization
performance to new data, and are easily represented by few parameters [63]. But the SVM
method cannot directly show how important each feature is to decision making [64].
The credit scoring problem is modelled as mapping of input feature-set into the decision
variable (taking value as creditworthy or non-creditworthy), represented as y=f(F), where
y is the decision variable and F is the feature vector. Identifying creditworthy applicants
from non-creditworthy ones is not a linearly separable problem. Non-linear machines
which map the data to higher dimensions can be used to find a SVM hyperplane minimising
the number of errors for the training set.
RBF-kernel SVM, equivalent to a specific three-layer feed-forward neural network, is
powerful for non-linear binary classification problems. This kernel SVM maps the problem
space to higher dimension, i.e. makes the data linearly separable. Consequently, the linear
SVM could be applied to solve the non-linear problem, mapped to the newly generated
space with higher dimension. A RBF-SVM is good for solving very high dimensional
problems, even if number of features is larger than number of samples [65]. Let  be a
mapping function which maps feature vector F to the kernel function 
 The kernel SVM is expressed by Eq. (10):
   ( 10 )
where s are dual variables and is the kernel function replacing the inner
product of the corresponding two feature vectors, performing the nonlinear mapping into
feature space.
Correspondingly, learning to maximise the Eq. (11):
 
Subject to      and   ( 4 )
where C -an upper bound on - is the penalty parameter and is determined by the user.
In this study, the kernel of the SVM is set to (Gaussian) Radial-based function (RBF) (Eq.
 
 ( 52 )
The RBF-kernel SVM is given in Eq. (13):
 
  ( 63 )
The radial basis function kernel has an additional kernel parameter γ i.e. kernel bandwidth
to be optimised, where  
. As γ increases, the fit becomes more and more non-linear.
3.5 Performance Assessment Methods
The most commonly used measure of classifier performance is accuracy: the percent of
correct classifications predicted. Comparing performance of different classifiers is easy
with accuracy as a performance measure. But it is not possible to observe the performance
for each class, especially for those datasets where the classes are not balanced.
Accuracy is the number of correct predictions divided by the total number of observations,
and can be calculated with the confusion matrices by Eq. (14):
Accuracy = (TP+TN) / (TP+FN +TN +FP) ( 14 )
TP is the True Positives, when an applicant is creditworthy and is correctly classified
as creditworthy.
TN is the True Negatives, when an applicant is non-creditworthy and is correctly
classified as non-creditworthy.
FP is the False Positives, when an applicant is wrongly detected as being creditworthy.
FN is the False Negatives, when an applicant is wrongly detected as being non-
For a highly-unbalanced problem, we do not want to overfit to a single class, and the
receiver operating characteristic (ROC) is a good performance measure. ROC is a graphical
plot showing the trade-off between the rates of correct predictions of creditworthy
applicants with the rate of incorrect predictions of creditworthy applicants. The value of
Area Under the Curve (AUC) of ROC ranges from 0.50 to 1.00, and the values above 0.80
can be viewed as a good discrimination between the two categories of the target variable.
3.6 k-fold Cross Validation
We use k-fold cross-validation technique to validate our models for assessing how the
results generalize to an independent new dataset and to estimate prediction error. The
training data were randomly split into equal-sized k mutually exclusive subsets before
training the SVM classifier on each subset of data. Each time one of the k subsets is used
for testing and the remaining k-1 subsets are used for training. Accuracy computation is
performed k times based on the k tests, an average of the k resultant accuracies gives a
prediction of the classification accuracy. Cross validation uses all observations in the
available data for testing and all the test sets are independent of each other, hence the
reliability of the results is improved.
This study used k = 10, randomly dividing the data into 10 equal-sized parts, of which, one
part is used as a test dataset, and nine parts as training sets. The results of the 10 iterations
are averaged.
4 Genetic Algorithm Wrapper(GAW) for the Reduction of Feature Space
The GAW is used to obtain the optimal set from the original attributes, thus to reduce the
feature space. Meta-heuristic algorithms have played important role in optimisation, as
exhaustive search is too expensive. This section discusses the Genetic Algorithm wrapper
technique used in this study.
4.1 The Wrapper approach of Feature Selection
Figure 1 illustrates the wrapper approach, where the feature subset is selected by using a
classification algorithm, i.e., the classification algorithm acts as a black box without the
requirement of knowledge of the algorithm, and the results produced by the classifier are
evaluated with classification accuracy or other performance measures.
The feature selection process proceeds with the data being partitioned into training sets and
validation sets in a specific training/test rate (e.g. 90% for training and 10% for test in k-
fold cross-validation), then the classifier is run on the selected features of dataset. The
optimal feature subset is the one with highest classification accuracy.
For every feature subset taken into consideration, the wrapper method trains the classifier
and evaluates the feature subset by estimating the generalisation performance i.e. the
accuracy of the machine trained with this feature subset on the original data. The search
space is full feature space with n dimensions, where n is the number of full features. Hence,
a n bit string can be used to represent the selected status of n features. Namely, each bit
indicates whether a feature is selected (1) or unselected (0).
Figure 1: The Framework of Wrapper Approach for Feature Selection [18].
4.2 The Improved Genetic Algorithm Wrapper-IGDFS
Genetic algorithm(GA) is an adaptive mutation technique performing a heuristic search,
inspired by the evolution process of genetics. A population, comprising of competing
solutions, is maintained, which undergoes selection, crossover, and mutation to evolve and
converge to the best solution. Parallel search is performed on the solution space to find an
optimal solution without getting stuck in a local optimum. GA can produce promising
solutions for feature selection over a high-dimension space due to its robustness to the
underlying search space size and multivariate distributions [61].
To apply this algorithm to solve the credit scoring, two essential issues need to be solved:
fitness function and classifier choice. The classifier should be able to handle very high
dimension feature space given a limited sample space. SVM has the capacity [66] of
treating a high-dimensional data, avoid overfitting and offering nonlinear modelling. In
this study, we first apply the information gain to rank the features of dataset, then propagate
the top n features through the GAW process of feature selection using NB, KNN and SVM
as underlying classifiers.
Generally, the requirements for searching an optimal solution in the whole feature space
include a search engine with an initial state, a state space and a termination condition [18].
Given n number of features, the size of search space is 2n-1. As every feature has two
possible states: “1” or “0”, an n bit string will have 2n possible combinations. Assume τ
features, which are not important to decision making in terms of the values of their
information gains, be removed. The length of a binary string becomes n-τ. Even in the
reduced search space (2n-τ), a brute-force search for a large space of 2n-τ is still infeasible.
Of course, such space reduction is worthy for GA Wrapper search.
The ingredients of a Genetic Algorithm are:
(1) Chromosome: GA maintains a diverse population x1...n = <x1,..., xn> of n individuals
xi, the candidate solutions. The fitness of these individuals is evaluated by calculating an
objective function F(xi) that is to be optimised for a given problem. These individual
solutions are represented as ‘chromosomes’, which cover the entire range of possible
In this study, binary bit string is used to represent a chromosome. The bit strings
representing the genotype (abstract representation) need to be transformed to phenotype
(physical make-up), namely, feature index representation. The number n of bits represents
the number of features. If the i-th bit is 1, the feature xi is selected in the subset and if it is
0, feature xi is not selected.
(2) Selection operator: Selection is the process of evaluating the fitness of the individuals
and selecting them for reproduction. There are several ways to perform selection. Some
commonly used methods include Elitist Selection, Hierarchical Selection, Rank Selection,
Roulette-Wheel Selection and Tournament Selection. This work has used Tournament
selection to select sufficiently good individuals for mating.
(3) Crossover operator: Crossover operator creates two offspring from the two selected
parent chromosomes by exchanging part of their genomes. Crossover is the process of
extracting the best genes from parents and reassembling them into potentially superior
offspring. The simplest form of crossover is known as Single-point crossover. Other types
are Two-Point Crossover, Uniform crossover. This work has used single point crossover.
(4) Mutation operator: Mutation maintains genetic diversity of population from one
generation of chromosomes to the next and increases the prospect of the algorithm to
generate more fit individuals. Using a small mutation probability, at each position in the
string, a character at this position is changed randomly. Mutation of bit strings flips the bits
at random positions with a small probability. This work has used uniform mutation.
(5) Elitism: Elitism guarantees that the best fit members are passed on to the next
generation. The best individual or a set percentage of fittest members survives to the next
generation. Small elitism compared to the population size yields a good balance between
diversity and non-overfitting situation. High elitism makes the fittest individuals dominate
the population resulting in ineffective search. This work guarantees that 2 elite offspring
survive to the next generation.
(6) Diversity: Diversity of the population is an important factor influencing the
performance of the genetic search. Diversity ensures that the solution space is adequately
explored, especially in the earlier stages of the optimisation process. Very little diversity
results into the GA converging prematurely. The initial range of the population and the
amount of mutation affect the diversity of the population. Here tournament selection and
uniform mutation are used in the evolutionary process of GA.
(7) Termination criteria: Three possible termination criteria could be used for the GA: A
satisfying solution has been obtained, a predefined maximum number of generations has
been reached, the population has converged to a certain level of genetic variation [67]. The
algorithm convergence is sensitive to the mutation probability: a very high mutation rate
prevents the search from converging, whereas a very low rate results in premature
convergence of the search. The termination criteria for this work is maximum number of
generations = 20 to 50.
(8) Blackbox with fitness function: A fitness function evaluates the goodness of each
individual in the population in each generation against the optimisation criterion. To create
the next generation, the fittest individuals obtained are allowed to reproduce using the set
crossover and mutation rate. In this study, SVM, KNN and NB are used as the induction
algorithms for fitness evaluation.
Assume g(x) is the mapping function of machine learning model. Given an x, the state of
the goal variable can be estimated, i.e. y = g(x).
Assume A is the accuracy obtained by the classifier. It can be calculated by the function:
A=φ(Y ̃,Y), where Y is the list of goal states, and Y ̃ is the list of estimated goal states for all
test points.
We use the classification accuracy as the fitness value f, then
f = (g(x)|D,Y) (7)
where D is the test set.
The three GA wrapper techniques with the SVM, KNN and NB are denoted as GA-SVM,
GA-KNN, and GA-NB respectively.
Algorithm 1 provides the operational steps of the proposed method of Information Gain
Directed Feature Selection (IGDFS), where Algorithm 2 is one of KNN, NB and SVM
4.3 Experimental setup
In this work, three publicly available credit datasets are used to build and test the
performance of the proposed IGDFS algorithm. In the literature, these benchmark datasets
are frequently employed to compare performance of different classification methods. Table
1 describes these datasets. To ensure validity of the model to make predictions on new data,
k-fold cross validation method is implemented.
Our implementation of algorithms was carried out on Intel Pentium IV CPU running at 1.6
GHz and 256 MB RAM, in Matlab 2016 mathematical development environment and the
LibSvm toolbox developed by Chang & Lin [63].
For the proposed IGDFS approach, the parameters for the SVM classifier were obtained
using the Grid Search algorithm. The grid search algorithm is widely used in the literature
for model selection to obtain the best penalty parameter C and the kernel parameter γ [64].
4.4 The Datasets
This section details the characteristics of the datasets used in this study.
Table 1: Characteristics of all the datasets
In above table,
N = number of total samples present in the dataset,
n = number of features in the dataset,
Nn = number of good credit samples,
Np = number of bad credit samples.
4.4.1 The German Credit Dataset
The German Credit dataset [70] contains observations for 1000 past credit applicants on
20 variables. The applicants are rated as ‘good credit’ or ‘bad credit’. The two target
classes are distributed as: 700 samples (70%) for ‘good credit class and 300 samples (30%)
for ‘bad credit’ class.
4.4.2 The Australian Credit Dataset
The Australian Credit dataset [71] contains data from credit card applications. The
distribution of two target classes is fair, with 307 cases ( 44.5%) of ‘good credit’ and
383 cases ( 55.5%) of ‘bad credit’.
4.4.3 The Taiwan Credit Dataset
The Taiwan Credit dataset [72] contains data about customers’ default payment in Taiwan.
This is the largest dataset used in this study. The two target classes have 23364 cases
(77.88%) of ‘good credit’ and 6636 cases (22.12%) of ‘bad credit’.
4.5 Attribute normalisation
Often the attributes in the data have varying scales i.e. attributes with larger numeric ranges
may dominate those with smaller numeric ranges. One way to overcome this is by using
attribute normalisation. Kernel values are calculated by inner products of feature vectors
where greater-numeric-range attributes might cause numerical problems and normalisation
avoids these numerical difficulties [69]. We performed linear normalisation on each
attribute to the range [0, +1] using following formula:
 ( 8 )
where x' is the normalised value of feature x, x is the original value of feature x, min(x) and
max(x) are the minimum and maximum values of feature x.
The rest of this section details the parameter selection method for SVM and KNN
4.5.1 SVM parameters selection
C is the cost of classification and γ is the kernel parameter for a nonlinear support vector
machine (SVM) with a Gaussian radial basis function kernel.
The general procedure in developing an SVM is to optimise both C and γ for a dataset. The
problem of optimising these parameter values is called model selection, and the selection
results strongly influence the performance of the classifier. Accuracy is used to evaluate
the performance of a model on the datasets. To achieve good performance, some
preliminary experiments were conducted to determine the optimal model parameters using
exhaustive grid search approach [69] in finding the best C and γ for each dataset.
Both C and γ are scale parameters, so the grid is on a logarithmic scale. Doubling/halving
C and γ on adjacent grid points is a tried and tested process, as a complete grid-search is a
time-consuming process. If the search grid too fine, we may end up over-fitting the model
selection criterion, so a fairly coarse grid turns out to be good for generalisation as well as
computational expense. We exponentially increase the values of C and γ to identify best
parameters [69]. A coarse grid is used first to identify promising region on the grid and
then a finer grid search is conducted on that region to obtain a better cross-validation rate.
The grid search is described below:
Step 1: Set up a grid in decision space of (C, γ) with log2C {-5,…15} and log2γ {-15,
Step 2: Train SVM on each pair of (C, γ) in the model space, with k-fold cross validation.
Step 3: Experiment with various pairs of (C, γ) values and choose the one that leads to the
highest accuracy in cross validation.
Step 4: These best parameters are used to build a predictive model.
4.5.2 KNN parameter selection
The optimal K (number of neighbours) for KNN is the parameter that corresponds to the
lowest test error rate. We want to choose the tuning parameters, which best generalize the
data and which leads to the highest classification generalizability. In a better approach, the
test error rate is estimated by taking a subset from the training set in the fitting process
[73], [74]. We used k-fold cross validation as performance testing algorithm along with
KNN. Various quantities of K were used as near rule-of-thumb values. On each dataset, we
employed KNN with different values for K and obtained different accuracy for each K. The
K which leads to achieving the best accuracy is the optimum K.
4.6 Genetic Algorithm parameters
The general approach in determining the appropriate parameter set of genetic algorithm for
a given dataset is to conduct a number of trials of different combinations and choose the
best combination that produces good results for the particular problem [75]. In this study,
the parameters of GA are selected, referring to the ones [41], [76]. We tried various values
of population size (20100), mutation rate (0.0010.3), and number of generations (20-
100) to compare and obtain the best parameter combination. The final values of GA
parameters obtained after these comparisons which are used to train the GA system are
summarised in Table 2.
Table 2: The main GA parameters.
Objective function
Fitness value = Average accuracy
Population Size
Number of generations
Parent Selection
Tournament selection
Tournament Size
Crossover Type
Single point
Mutation Rate
Mutation Type
Uniform mutation
Stop Condition
Max number of generations
4.7 Experimental Results and Discussion
4.7.1 Information Gain based Ranking
Tables 3-5 show the information gain ranking for the features of all three datasets. The
ranking directly reflects the contribution of the features towards classification. Considering
these rankings, we devised the information gain directed feature selection (IGDFS)
algorithm. From the table below, the feature Credit amount is the most informative among
all features and ‘Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for’ is the least
informative in the German credit dataset.
Table 3: The order of features based on Information Gain for the German Credit Dataset
Feature name
Feature name
Credit amount
Other instalment plans
Status of existing checking
Personal status and sex
Duration in months
Foreign worker
Age in years
Other debtors / guarantors
Credit history
Instalment rate in percentage of
disposable income
Savings account/bonds
Number of existing credits at this bank
Present employment since
Present residence since
Number of people being liable to
provide maintenance for
Table 4: The order of features based on Information Gain for the Australian Credit
Rank No.
Feature name
Rank No.
Feature name
Table 4 shows the ranking of features for Australian Credit dataset. This dataset does not
name the features but identifies them with the labels X1, X2,….X14. As per the information
gain ranking, feature X2 is the most informative and X1 is the least informative.
Table 5: The order of features based on Information Gain for the Taiwan Credit Dataset
Rank No.
Feature name
Rank No.
Feature name
Table 5 shows the ranking of features for Taiwan Credit dataset. As per the information
gain ranking, the feature BILL_AMT_1(Amount of bill statement in September, 2005 (NT
dollar)) is the most informative and AGE is the least informative.
4.7.2 Parameter selection for SVM by Grid-Search method
A grid search was employed to search the SVM parameter space using a logarithmic scale.
A coarse search is first performed with a step ΔC coarse for parameter C in the range of [25,
215] and a step Δγ coarse for γ in the range [215, 23], where ΔC coarse = Δγ coarse = 2. Then a finer
search with step size ΔC fine = Δγ fine = 0.0625 is carried out in the promising region obtained
on the coarse grid. The prediction accuracy (10-fold) showed the best value at (C, γ) =
(2.1810, 0.0423) for German credit dataset. Thus, the optimal values of C and γ for this
dataset are 2.1810 and 0.0423, respectively (Figure 2).
Figures 2-4 below show the contour plot of grid search results for optimum values of SVM
parameters C and γ. The two parameters are shown in logarithmic axes x and y in the
graphs, the lines indicating the area where the deeper grid search was performed. The
colours of the lines indicate the graphical bounds of the searched space in the graph. The
parameter values obtained are used for training RBF-SVM.
Figure 2: Grid search trace for optimised parameter values for German credit dataset.
The model peaks at Accuracy=77.50%; (C=2.1810, γ=0.0423)
Figure 3: Grid search trace for optimised parameter values for Australian credit
dataset. The model peaks at Accuracy=87.39%; (C=0.2872, γ=0.0022)
Figure 4: Grid search trace for optimised parameter values for Taiwan credit dataset.
The model peaks at Accuracy=78.80%; (C=1, γ=0.0263)
Above grid search shows how the SVM classifier is optimised by cross validation using
accuracy score. There are no rules of thumb for grid search parameter optimisation. The
parameters are found at the best accuracy score of 77.5%, 87.39% and 78.80% for the
German credit, Australian credit and Taiwan credit datasets respectively. The parameter
values obtained are used for the experiments in next sections.
4.7.3 Accuracies for best solutions
To strengthen the significance of feature selection, we first ran experiments on baseline
classifiers with all features before applying GAW and then IGDFS using the three classical
classifiers (Table 6).
In GAW, Genetic algorithm acts as a wrapper technique with performance of three classical
machine learning algorithms used to obtain the best fitness function. In the IGDFS
algorithm, the top-ranking features obtained from information gain ranking are propagated
through the wrapper process as shown in Algorithm 1 in previous section.
The results of 10-fold cross validation on GAW and IGDFS for all the datasets are shown
in table below. The best average classification results are printed in bold.
It is seen that the GAW and IGDFS algorithms have performed better than the baseline
classifier algorithms. Hence, feature selection improves the performance of classification
compared to baseline methods. Compared with GAW, IGDFS gives improved accuracy in
most of the classifiers except KNN (German credit data) and NB (Taiwan credit data).
Table 6: Accuracy Performance of different classifiers over three datasets. (Best
performance in bold italics)
German Credit
Australian Credit
Taiwan Credit
4.7.4 ROC curves for the best solutions
ROC curves allow for a detailed analysis of the differences. Figure 5 shows the ROC curves
obtained with IGDFS for the three classifier algorithms on the German credit dataset.
Figure 5: ROC results of IGDFS on German credit dataset
This figure shows that the three classifiers in the wrapper of the GA with IGDFS obtained
almost the same performance for this dataset. The perfect close to the top left corner have
a better performance level than the ones closer to the baseline. Comparisons of all the
classifiers shows that the ROC curves are crossing each other. FPR (=1-Specificity) defines
how many samples are classified as bad even if they were good credit. For smaller false
positive rates, i.e. for early retrieval area (a region with high specificity values in the ROC
space- FPR between 0 and 0.1), IGDFS+KNN classifier (red curve) seems to perform
better. For middle FPR (between 0.1 and 0.75), IGDFS+NB (yellow curve) gives good
results. As the FPR increases beyond 0.75, IGDFS+SVM (blue curve) performs best.
Figure 6 shows the performance of all three classifiers on Australian credit dataset. IGDFS
+ NB, which has the largest area under ROC curve, performs best in classifying the credit
applicants in Australian Credit dataset. Next best performance is shown by IGDFS+KNN,
followed by IGDFS+SVM.
Figure 6: ROC results of IGDFS on Australian credit dataset
Figure 7: ROC results of IGDFS on Taiwan credit dataset
For the Taiwan credit dataset IGDFS+NB gives best results followed by IGDFS+KNN,
followed by IGDFS+SVM (Figure 7).
Observing the performance in Figures 5-7, the classifier and IGDFS combination giving
best ROC performance for all three datasets is IGDFS+NB.
4.7.5 Comparison of GAW and IGDFS for all datasets
Here, the performance of IGDFS is compared with the GAW algorithm based feature
selection method and the baseline classifiers in terms of prediction accuracy made by three
different classifiers KNN, and Naïve Bayes and RBF-SVM (Table 6). The findings are:
GAW+SVM performed better than the baseline SVM for all the datasets. This implies
that selected features have positive support to the decision making with the RBF-SVM
for the datasets. There is an improvement in the performance compared with the work
done by Liang et al. [42]. But the best accuracy results are obtained by the improved
IGDFS algorithm, where we identified important features and propagated them
throughout the whole wrapper process.
GAW+KNN performed slightly better than baseline KNN over the German and Taiwan
credit dataset, but not for Australian credit dataset. Our proposed IGDFS with KNN has
performed best in Australian and Taiwan credit dataset but not the German credit
GAW+NB significantly outperformed the baseline NB in all three datasets. This finding
was consistent with similar work by Chen et al. [77], who found that NB classifier was
highly sensitive to feature selection and the work done by Liang et al [42]. The IGDFS
again has proved to be the best method and it gives the highest prediction accuracy for
NB in all the datasets.
For the German credit data with 7 numerical and 13 categorical features:
There is much less variation in the classification accuracy of IGDFS for all three
Wrapper methods (GAW) clearly outperform baseline methods;
These GAW methods have shown very high-performance improvement when used with
SVM and NB as underlying classifier and acceptable classification accuracy
improvement on the German dataset than with KNN.
IGDFS performance is best with SVM and NB. GAW performs best with KNN for this
For the Australian credit data (6 numerical and 8 categorical features):
There is a lot of variation in the classification accuracy of IGDFS for all three classifiers;
Wrapper methods (GAW) outperform baseline methods except for the KNN method;
IGDFS performs best for all the three classifiers.
For the Taiwan credit data (16 numeric and 8 categorical features):
There is not much variation in the results for all the three techniques;
IGDFS performs better than GAW and baseline for all three classifiers except in NB.
5 Conclusion
Credit scoring is one of the significant problems in computational finance. In this work, we
developed the IGDFS, based on Information Gain and Wrapper technique, using three
different classical decision-making models of KNN, NB and SVM to select features for the
credit scoring problem. The average prediction performance by IGDFS, Genetic Algorithm
Wrapper and Baseline models are compared.
The intuition behind this work is that not all features are equally important and retaining
the top contributing feature into the final selected subset may improve the results of
classification, since the features not important to decision making could affect the
performance of decision making.
Looking at experimental results for all the datasets investigated, it is observed that the
classification accuracy achieved with different strategies is highly sensitive to the type of
data, size of data set and the rate of positive and negative samples in the dataset.
Among the three machine learning algorithms investigated, accuracies for the SVM with
baseline, GAW and IGDFS are consistently higher across all the datasets compared with
those for KNN and NB. This provides an evidence for the claim that SVMs may indeed
suffer in high dimensional spaces where many features are irrelevant and feature selection
may result in significant improvement in their performance [78].
GAW+KNN and IGDFS+KNN have shown very little improvement in the accuracy of
classification on the selected feature sets for all the datasets, compared with the baseline
KNN on the full features; for German credit dataset, the accuracy obtained by IGDFS has
in fact dropped. This might be because KNN is sensitive to the local structure of the data,
and the data structure is decided by Euclidean distance. When we remove some features
with low information gain in the process of decision making, the reduction of features could
affect the structure. Namely, the information gain of features could produce conflict with
the original data structure for KNN.
Wrapper feature selection is a costly method due to its comprehensive search on the feature
space. To reduce its computational cost, we used Information Gain to guide the feature
selection initially. This step removes features with low information gain, so that the
wrapper method is carried out on a smaller space, and the time complexity is reduced. This
can be seen by the results on all three credit datasets used in the study. We can conclude
that there is a potential for improvement in the models’ performances if the feature
selection method is chosen carefully.
In future studies, the results with other combinations of parameters for genetic algorithms
could be studied. The method of convergence as a stopping criterion for the GA will also
be investigated. The performance of IGDFS algorithm could be investigated with other
high dimensional datasets. Because of the nature of the credit scoring problem and its real
application domain, computing complexity is important concern when generating credit
scoring models [79]. Reducing the cost of credit analysis and aiding faster credit evaluation
are among top objectives of credit scoring models. The computational complexity of the
proposed algorithm, both in training and at runtime needs to be assessed to make it robust.
Also, the combination of other evolutionary algorithms and other machine learning
algorithms could be explored in future. Lastly, we aim to develop a soft package based on
the technique for public use in future.
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... Recently, more and more multi-label feature selection methods have been proposed one after another and have achieved the most advanced performance. Generally, based on the interaction with the learning system, these methods can be broadly categorized into three groups: wrapper-based methods [4,5], filter-based methods [6][7][8], and embeddingbased methods [9,10]. Specifically, the search process of feature subsets in the wrapper-based approach is completely guided by the learning model, which naturally has not only higher performance but also higher time complexity of the model. ...
... Combining Eqs. (5) and (6), we can update the objective function of SLCLR as follows: ...
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As one of the crucial methods for data dimensionality reduction, multi-label feature selection aims to eliminate irrelevant and redundant features from the data and retain only the most representative subset of features. Although many advanced multi-label feature selection methods have been proposed with state-of-the-art performance, it remains a long-standing challenge for multi-label feature selection to remove irrelevant and redundant features from the data. Besides, the existing graph-based multi-label feature selection methods are limited by the single way of learning similar graphs, leading to a considerable model limitation. To address these issues, we use the \(L_{1}\) norm sparsity constraint to eliminate irrelevant features and introduce the Laplace rank constraint to construct dynamic graphs to improve the sparsity of the model and overcome the model limitation problem. Next, we build a penalty term for eliminating redundant features by combining \(L_{1}\) norm and \(L_{2,1}\) norm to constrain the learning of the feature weight matrix. Then, we combine it with the linear mapping of instances to ground-true labels. We propose sparse, low-redundancy multi-label feature selection with constrained Laplacian rank (SLCLR). Finally, SLCLR was compared with nine advanced existing methods on thirteen benchmark multi-label datasets, and the experiment results on seven commonly used evaluation metrics all validated the good feature selection performance of SLCLR.
... Filter-based FS approaches have found applications in various domains. Information gain (IG), also known as mutual information (MI), is a common metric for measuring feature importance in high-dimensional datasets [85]. IG quantifies the expected reduction in entropy value when partitioning data according to a specific feature [86]. ...
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High-dimensional datasets often harbor redundant, irrelevant, and noisy features that detrimentally impact classification algorithm performance. Feature selection (FS) aims to mitigate this issue by identifying and retaining only the most pertinent features, thus reducing dataset dimensions. In this study, we propose an FS approach based on black hole algorithms (BHOs) augmented with a mutation technique termed MBHO. BHO typically comprises two primary phases. During the exploration phase, a set of stars is iteratively modified based on existing solutions, with the best star selected as the “black hole”. In the exploration phase, stars nearing the event horizon are replaced, preventing the algorithm from being trapped in local optima. To address the potential randomness-induced challenges, we introduce inversion mutation. Moreover, we enhance a widely used objective function for wrapper feature selection by integrating two new terms based on the correlation among selected features and between features and classification labels. Additionally, we employ a transfer function, the V2 transfer function, to convert continuous values into discrete ones, thereby enhancing the search process. Our approach undergoes rigorous evaluation experiments using fourteen benchmark datasets, and it is compared favorably against Binary Cuckoo Search (BCS), Mutual Information Maximization (MIM), Joint Mutual Information (JMI), and minimum Redundancy Maximum Eelevance (mRMR), approaches. The results demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed model in selecting superior features that enhance classifier performance metrics. Thus, MBHO is presented as a viable alternative to the existing state-of-the-art approaches. We make our implementation source code available for community use and further development.
... Improved versions like Relief-A, Relief-B, and Relief-F address these issues [23,24]. Filter methods based on information theory and correlation coefficients, such as information gain (IG), mutual information (MI), and joint mutual information (JMI), have been extensively researched [11,[25][26][27][28][29]. ...
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In the semiconductor manufacturing industry, achieving high yields constitutes one of the pivotal factors for sustaining market competitiveness. When confronting the substantial volume of high-dimensional, non-linear, and imbalanced data generated during semiconductor manufacturing processes, it becomes imperative to transcend traditional approaches and incorporate machine learning methodologies. By employing non-linear classification models, one can achieve more real-time anomaly detection, subsequently facilitating a deeper analysis of the fundamental causes behind anomalies. Given the considerable dimensionality of production line data in semiconductor manufacturing, there arises a necessity for dimensionality reduction to mitigate noise and reduce computational costs within the data. Feature selection stands out as one of the primary methodologies for achieving data dimensionality reduction. Utilizing wrapper-based heuristics algorithms, although characterized by high time complexity, often yields favorable performance in specific cases. If further combined into hybrid methodologies, they can concurrently satisfy data quality and computational cost considerations. Accordingly, this study proposes a two-stage feature selection model. Initially, redundant features are eliminated using mutual information to reduce the feature space. Subsequently, a Simplified Swarm Optimization algorithm is employed to design a unique fitness function aimed at selecting the optimal feature subset from candidate features. Finally, support vector machines are utilized as the classification model for validation purposes. For practical cases, it is evident that the feature selection method proposed in this study achieves superior classification accuracy with fewer features in the context of wafer anomaly classification problems. Furthermore, its performance on public datasets further substantiates the effectiveness and generalization capability of the proposed approach.
... The additional novelty of this work is the application of a genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters of the feature extractors. In machine learning, genetic algorithms are typically exploited for the purpose of feature "selection" (Sayed et al., 2019;Jadhav et al., 2018). Application of genetic algorithms for tuning feature extractors is very rare. ...
Due to its relevant real-life applications, the recognition of emotions from speech signals constitutes a popular research topic. In the traditional methods applied for speech emotion recognition, audio features are typically aggregated using a fixed-duration time window, potentially discarding information conveyed by speech at various signal durations. By contrast, in the proposed method, audio features are aggregated simultaneously using time windows of different lengths (a multi-time-scale approach), hence, potentially better utilizing information carried at phonemic, syllabic, and prosodic levels compared to the traditional approach. A genetic algorithm is employed to optimize the feature extraction procedure. The features aggregated at different time windows are subsequently classified by an ensemble of support vector machine (SVM) classifiers. To enhance the generalization property of the method, a data augmentation technique based on pitch shifting and time stretching is applied. According to the obtained results, the developed method outperforms the traditional one for the selected datasets, demonstrating the benefits of using a multi-time-scale approach to feature aggregation.
... Information gain (IG) calculates the reduction in entropy due to transforming the dataset [41]. It can be used for feature selection by evaluating the information gain from each variable in the context of the target variable [42]. If features have several potential outcomes, information gain may be biased; this bias can be rectified using gain ratio criterion [43]. ...
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Diabetes is a persistent metabolic disorder linked to elevated levels of blood glucose, commonly referred to as blood sugar. This condition can have detrimental effects on the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves as time passes. It is a chronic ailment that arises when the body fails to produce enough insulin or is unable to effectively use the insulin it produces. When diabetes is not properly managed, it often leads to hyperglycemia, a condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels or impaired glucose tolerance. This can result in significant harm to various body systems, including the nerves and blood vessels. In this paper, we propose a multiclass diabetes mellitus detection and classification approach using an extremely imbalanced Laboratory of Medical City Hospital data dynamics. We also formulate a new dataset that is moderately imbalanced based on the Laboratory of Medical City Hospital data dynamics. To correctly identify the multiclass diabetes mellitus, we employ three machine learning classifiers namely support vector machine, logistic regression, and k-nearest neighbor. We also focus on dimensionality reduction (feature selection—filter, wrapper, and embedded method) to prune the unnecessary features and to scale up the classification performance. To optimize the classification performance of classifiers, we tune the model by hyperparameter optimization with 10-fold grid search cross-validation. In the case of the original extremely imbalanced dataset with 70:30 partition and support vector machine classifier, we achieved maximum accuracy of 0.964, precision of 0.968, recall of 0.964, F1-score of 0.962, Cohen kappa of 0.835, and AUC of 0.99 by using top 4 feature according to filter method. By using the top 9 features according to wrapper-based sequential feature selection, the k-nearest neighbor provides an accuracy of 0.935 and 1.0 for the other performance metrics. For our created moderately imbalanced dataset with an 80:20 partition, the SVM classifier achieves a maximum accuracy of 0.938, and 1.0 for other performance metrics. For the multiclass diabetes mellitus detection and classification, our experiments outperformed conducted research based on the Laboratory of Medical City Hospital data dynamics.
Feature selection (FS) is a critical step in many data science-based applications, especially in text classification, as it includes selecting relevant and important features from an original feature set. This process can improve learning accuracy, streamline learning duration, and simplify outcomes. In text classification, there are often many excessive and unrelated features that impact performance of the applied classifiers, and various techniques have been suggested to tackle this problem, categorized as traditional techniques and meta-heuristic (MH) techniques. In order to discover the optimal subset of features, FS processes require a search strategy, and MH techniques use various strategies to strike a balance between exploration and exploitation. The goal of this research article is to systematically analyze the MH techniques used for FS between 2015 and 2022, focusing on 108 primary studies from three different databases such as Scopus, Science Direct, and Google Scholar to identify the techniques used, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. The findings indicate that MH techniques are efficient and outperform traditional techniques, with the potential for further exploration of MH techniques such as Ringed Seal Search (RSS) to improve FS in several applications.
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Credit scoring is one of the most important issues in financial decision-making. The use of data mining techniques to build models for credit scoring has been a hot topic in recent years. Classification problems often have a large number of features, but not all of them are useful for classification. Irrelevant and redundant features in credit data may even reduce the classification accuracy. Feature selection is a process of selecting a subset of relevant features, which can decrease the dimensionality, reduce the running time, and improve the accuracy of classifiers. Random forest (RF) is a powerful classification tool which is currently an active research area and successfully solves classification problems in many domains. In this study, we constructed a fast credit scoring model based on parallel Random forests and Recursive Feature Elimination (FRFE) . Two public UCI data sets, Australia and German credit have been used to test our method. The experimental results of the real world data showed that the proposed method results in a higher prediction rate than a baseline method for some certain datasets and also shows comparable and sometimes better performance than the feature selection methods widely used in credit scoring.
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With the development of Internet techniques, data volumes are doubling every two years, faster than predicted by Moore’s Law. Big Data Analytics becomes particularly important for enterprise business. Modern computational technologies will provide effective tools to help understand hugely accumulated data and leverage this information to get insights into the finance industry. In order to get actionable insights into the business, data has become most valuable asset of financial organisations, as there are no physical products in finance industry to manufacture. This is where data mining techniques come to their rescue by allowing access to the right information at the right time. These techniques are used by the finance industry in various areas such as fraud detection, intelligent forecasting, credit rating, loan management, customer profiling, money aundering, marketing and prediction of price movements to name a few. This work aims to survey the research on data mining techniques applied to the finance industry from 2010 to 2015.The review finds that Stock prediction and Credit rating have received most attention of researchers, compared to Loan prediction, Money Laundering and Time Series prediction. Due to the dynamics, uncertainty and variety of data, nonlinear mapping techniques have been deeply studied than linear techniques. Also it has been proved that hybrid methods are more accurate in prediction, closely followed by Neural Network technique. This survey could provide a clue of applications of data mining techniques for finance industry, and a summary of methodologies for researchers in this area. Especially, it could provide a good vision of Data Mining techniques in computational finance for beginners who want to work in the field of computational finance.
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The extensive applications of support vector machines (SVMs) require efficient method of constructing a SVM classifier with high classification ability. The performance of SVM crucially depends on whether optimal feature subset and parameter of SVM can be efficiently obtained. In this paper, a coarse-grained parallel genetic algorithm (CGPGA) is used to simultaneously optimize the feature subset and parameters for SVM. The distributed topology and migration policy of CGPGA can help find optimal feature subset and parameters for SVM in significantly shorter time, so as to increase the quality of solution found. In addition, a new fitness function, which combines the classification accuracy obtained from bootstrap method, the number of chosen features, and the number of support vectors, is proposed to lead the search of CGPGA to the direction of optimal generalization error. Experiment results on 12 benchmark datasets show that our proposed approach outperforms genetic algorithm (GA) based method and grid search method in terms of classification accuracy, number of chosen features, number of support vectors, and running time.
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Decision tree modelling, as one of data mining techniques, is used for credit scoring of bank customers.The main problem is the construction of decision trees that could classify customers optimally. This studypresents a new hybrid mining approach in the designof an effective and appropriate credit scoring model.It is based on genetic algorithm for credit scoringof bank customers in order to offer credit facilities toeach class of customers. Genetic algorithm can helpbanks in credit scoring of customers by selectingappropriate features and building optimum decisiontrees. The new proposed hybrid classification modelisestablished based on a combination of clustering, feature selection, decision trees, and genetic algorithmtechniques. We used clustering and feature selection techniques to pre-process the input samples toconstruct the decision trees in the credit scoringmodel. The proposed hybrid model choices and combinesthe best decision trees based on the optimality criteria. It constructs the final decision tree for creditscoring of customers. Using one credit dataset, results confirm that the classification accuracy of theproposed hybrid classification model is more than almost the entire classification models that have beencompared in this paper. Furthermore, the number ofleaves and the size of the constructed decision tree(i.e. complexity) are less, compared with other decision tree models. In this work, one financial dataset waschosen for experiments, including Bank Mellat credit dataset.
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Background/Objectives: This article presents a method of feature selection to improve the accuracy and the computation speed of credit scoring models. Methods/Analysis: In this paper, we proposed a credit scoring model based on parallel Random Forest classifier and feature selection method to evaluate the credit risks of applicants. By integration of Random Forest into feature selection process, the importance of features can be accurately evaluated to remove irrelevant and redundant features. Findings: In this research, an algorithm to select best features was developed by using the best average and median scores and the lowest standard deviation as the rules of feature scoring. Consequently, the dimension of features can be reduced to the smallest possible number that allows of a remarkable runtime reduction. Thus the proposed model can perform feature selection and model parameters optimization at the same time to improve its efficiency. The performance of our proposed model was experimentally assessed using two public datasets which are Australian and German datasets. The obtained results showed that an improved accuracy of the proposed model compared to other commonly used feature selection methods. In particular, our method can attain the average accuracy of 76.2% with a significantly reduced running time of 72 minutes on German credit dataset and the highest average accuracy of 89.4% with the running time of only 50 minutes on Australian credit dataset. Applications/Improvements: This method can be usefully applied in credit scoring models to improve accuracy with a significantly reduced runtime.
There is broad interest in feature extraction, construction, and selection among practitioners from statistics, pattern recognition, and data mining to machine learning. Data preprocessing is an essential step in the knowledge discovery process for real-world applications. This book compiles contributions from many leading and active researchers in this growing field and paints a picture of the state-of-art techniques that can boost the capabilities of many existing data mining tools. The objective of this collection is to increase the awareness of the data mining community about the research of feature extraction, construction and selection, which are currently conducted mainly in isolation. This book is part of our endeavor to produce a contemporary overview of modern solutions, to create synergy among these seemingly different branches, and to pave the way for developing meta-systems and novel approaches. Even with today's advanced computer technologies, discovering knowledge from data can still be fiendishly hard due to the characteristics of the computer generated data. Feature extraction, construction and selection are a set of techniques that transform and simplify data so as to make data mining tasks easier. Feature construction and selection can be viewed as two sides of the representation problem.
In this work we propose two formulations based on Support Vector Machines for simultaneous classification and feature selection that explicitly incorporate attribute acquisition costs. This is a challenging task for two main reasons: the estimation of the acquisition costs is not straightforward and may depend on multivariate factors, and the inter-dependence between variables must be taken into account for the modelling process since companies usually acquire groups of related variables rather than acquiring them individually. Mixed-integer linear programming models are proposed for constructing classifiers that constrain acquisition costs while classifying adequately. Experimental results using credit scoring datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods in terms of predictive performance at a low cost compared to well-known feature selection approaches.
Conference Paper
The massive increase of spam is posing a very serious threat to email and SMS, which have become an important means of communication. Not only do spams annoy users, but they also become a security threat. Machine learning techniques have been widely used for spam detection. Email spams can be detected through detecting senders' behaviour, the contents of an email, subject and source address, etc, while SMS spam detection usually is based on the tokens or features of messages due to short content. However, a comprehensive analysis of email/SMS content may provide cures for users to aware of email/SMS spams. We cannot completely depend on automatic tools to identify all spams. In this paper, we propose an analysis approach based on information entropy and incremental learning to see how various features affect the performance of an RBF-based SVM spam detector, so that to increase our awareness of a spam by sensing the features of a spam. The experiments were carried out on the spambase and SMSSpemCollection databases in UCI machine learning repository. The results show that some features have significant impacts on spam detection, of which users should be aware, and there exists a feature space that achieves Pareto efficiency in True Positive Rate and True Negative Rate.