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History of Mathematics in the Turkish Middle School Mathematics Curriculum and Textbooks


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to analyze how the history of mathematics incorporated into Turkish middle school mathematics curriculum (5th-8th grades) and textbooks. The data were collected through document analysis from the Turkish middle school mathematics curriculum guide (5th-8th grades) and six Turkish middle school mathematics textbook series approved by the National Board of Education. According to the results gathered from the math curriculum, only one reference of the history of mathematics was found in the sixth-grade learning objectives and a few suggestions acknowledging the use of the history of mathematics in the learning and teaching process. No trace of the history of mathematics found in the content and assessment aspects of the curriculum. Further, the total number of the instances of the history of mathematics found in the six Turkish middle school mathematics textbooks for 5th -8th grade is only twenty-seven. Most of the references found in the math textbooks were placed in the introduction part of the topic. Based on the findings, it is obvious that the history of mathematics was used like a rarely-found appetizer both in the curriculum and the textbooks. Bu çalışmanın amacı, matematik tarihine Türkiye’de ortaokul düzeyindeki matematik dersi öğretim programında (5-8. Sınıflar) ve ortaokul matematik ders kitaplarında nasıl yer verildiğini analiz etmektir. Araştırma verileri ortaokul matematik dersi öğretim programı kılavuzundan ve Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından onaylanmış olan ortaokul matematik dersi kitaplarından doküman incelemesi yoluyla elde edilmiştir. Ortaokul matematik dersi öğretim programının öğelerine ilişkin bulgulara göre, 6.sınıf kazanımlarında matematik arihine ilişkin sadece bir referans ve öğrenme-öğretme durumlarında ise matematik tarihinin kullanımına yönelik bazı öneri niteliğinde ifadeler bulunmuştur. İçerik ve ölçme-değerlendirme durumlarında ise matematik tarihine ilişkin hiçbir bulguya rastlanmamıştır. Ayrıca 5-8.sınıf ortaokul matematik dersi kitaplarında matematik tarihine ilişkin toplamda yirmi yedi tane örnek tespit edilmiştir. Matematik ders kitaplarında tespit edilen örneklerin çoğu, konuların giriş kısımlarında yer almaktadır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, matematik tarihinin hem programda hem de ders kitaplarında nadir bulunan bir çerez niteliğinde ele alındığı açıktır
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History of Mathematics in the Turkish Middle School Mathematics
Curriculum and Textbooks
Gülçin TAN-ŞİŞMAN a*, Büşra KİREZ a
aHacettepe ,  , 
Article Info
DOI: 10.14812/cuefd.361176
The purpose of this study was to analyze how the history of mathematics incorporated
into Turkish middle school mathematics curriculum (5th-8th grades) and textbooks. The
data were collected through document analysis from the Turkish middle school
mathematics curriculum guide (5th-8th grades) and six Turkish middle school
mathematics textbook series approved by the National Board of Education. According
to the results gathered from the math curriculum, only one reference of the history of
mathematics was found in the sixth-grade learning objectives and a few suggestions
acknowledging the use of the history of mathematics in the learning and teaching
process. No trace of the history of mathematics found in the content and assessment
aspects of the curriculum. Further, the total number of the instances of the history of
mathematics found in the six Turkish middle school mathematics textbooks for 5th-8th
grade is only twenty-seven. Most of the references found in the math textbooks were
placed in the introduction part of the topic. Based on the findings, it is obvious that the
history of mathematics was used like a rarely-found appetizer both in the curriculum
and the textbooks.
Article history:
History of Mathematics,
Turkish Middle School
Mathematics Curriculum,
Turkish Mathematics Textbooks.
Ortaokul Matematik Dersi Öğretim Programı ve Matematik Ders
Kitaplarında Matematik Tarihi
Makale Bilgisi
DOI: 10.14812/cuefd.361176
       matematik
da (5-da 
      ortaokul matemati  
program        
    incelemesi yoluyla  . Ortaokul
        6.s
        -
  ifadeler
.   -   matematik tarihine
     -8.s   
tespit 
 ,  
    , matematik tarihinin hem programda hem
 e
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Matematik Tarihi,
Matematik Ders .
Vol: 47 No: 1 Sayfa: 188-215
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
As a human endeavor and a rich cultural background, mathematics is one of the fundamental school
subjects more than four thousand years of history. While it is widely acknowledged that mathematics is
alive science involving the aspects of daily and professional life, most of the students believe that
mathematics is only about numbers, theorems, symbols, and procedures. One of the reasons behind the
belief that math is a mechanical subject might be due to the ways in which students experience and
engage with mathematics. As McCartney         
  -         
mathematics has a history which is rich in astonishing breakthroughs, false starts, misattributions,
confusions and dead-            
concerning the processes of growth and advancements in mathematical knowledge through focusing on
the sources of discoveries in mathematics, the accomplishments, problems, thoughts of well-known
mathematicians (Burton, 2003; Eves, 1990; Katz, 1993; Otte, 2007; Yee & Chapman, 2011).
Focusing on the integration of the history of mathematics, the ignored part of school mathematics,
ffective growth. Fried (2001) argued that history of mathematics (a)
reveals humanistic aspects of mathematics; (b) makes mathematics interesting, more understandable
and approachable; and (c) indicates the origin of mathematical concepts and procedures. Besides,
several research studies on the integration of history of mathematics into mathematics education have
indicated that history of mathematics has potential to promote more positive students attitudes
(Furinghetti, 2000; Liu, 2003; Marshall, 2000; McBride & Rollins, 1977) as well as to facilitate meaningful
understanding of mathematical concepts, procedures and problems through the use of alternative
examples, solution processes, strategies and methods from the history (Helfgott, 2004; Ho, 2008;
Kleiner, 2001). Further, the multicultural nature of mathematics might be enhanced by the integration
                
 studies have not only supported to the use
of history of mathematics in the learning and teaching process and also indicated many benefits for
          Hagerty, Smith & Goodwin, 2007;
Jankvist, 2009a; Kaye, 2008; Leng, 2006; Lim, 2011; Liu & Niess, 2006).
Considering a range of well-known arguments in favor of integration of history of mathematics in
classrooms (Fauvel, 1991; Fauvel & Van Maanen, 2000; Jankvist, 2009), the first question might be the
 he official document indicating the history of mathematics aimed to be integrated
            
            
       
           
  In this respect, formal curriculum might be considered as an officially-written
document that specifies what/how students are expected to learn and what/how teachers are expected
to teach and assess. The second possible answer for the question raised abov   
since they are curriculum materials produced to support curriculum as well as instruction. According to
              
instructional sources of teachers in many countries. Previous research has clearly indicated that math
textbooks play a central role in translating the intended curriculum into the opportunities to learn in
classrooms (      Fan, Zhu, & Miao, 2013; Reys, Reys, Lapan,
Holliday, & Wasman, 2003; Tan-& Akkaya, 2017; Tyson & Woodward, 1989; Woodward & Elliott,
1990). Valverde, Bianchi, Wolfe, Schmidt, and Houang (2002) conceptualized textbooks by using the
            
implemented curriculum. In this sense, curriculum and textbooks are considered as the initial parts of
mathematics education and they are one of the primary sources indicating the extent to which history
of mathematics is taken into account by decision-makers and curriculum developers.
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Although the integration of history of mathematics has continued to receive a great deal of attention
over t      
               
historical dimension of mathematics both in mathematics curriculum and textbooks (Ho, 2008;
Xenofontos & Papadopoulos, 2015). As seen in Table 1, the contemporary studies on history of
mathematics have been conducted with different participants (e.g. middle school students, math
teachers, etc.), various research designs (qualitative, quantitative and mixed) as well as focused on
different aspects (e.g. beliefs, attitudes, knowledge level, etc.).
Table 1.
The contemporary studies on the integration of history of mathematics
Authors & Year
Focus of history of
mathematics (HoM)
4th grade
Effects of HoM on
achievement, retention and
Positive effect on
achievement, retention and
Ju, Moon, &
Song, 2016
Analysis of HoM in Korean
math textbooks
Introduction of HoM in a
variety of ways, but limited to
order thinking
Xenofontos &
7th-9th grade
Analysis of the ways of
HoM integrated math
textbooks of Cyprus and
Utilization of HoM through
mostly biographical, the HoM
tasks included both lower and
higher cognitive demands
5th-8th grade
Analysis of use of HoM in
Limited use of HoM, only a
few examples supporting
deeper understanding or
analytical thinking
Povey, 2014
Lecturers of
HoM course
Opinions about use of HoM
in initial teacher education
Positive the contributions of
the studying HoM to the
prospective math teachers
Bayam, 2013
6th grade
Positive views
Gazit, 2013
& Math
The knowledge level about
the concepts, topics and
characters from HoM
A lack of knowledge about
HoM found in all groups
8th grade
Opinions about the HoM
integrated instruction
Positive opinions
& Haser, 2014
Attitudes and beliefs about
the use of HoM and the
level of knowledge of HoM
Positive attitudes and beliefs,
moderate level of knowledge
of HoM
Relationship between
creativeness and attitudes
and beliefs towards HoM
Low level of relationship
between creativeness,
attitudes and beliefs towards
Baki & ,
6-8th grade
The ways of using HoM in
Limited use of HoM
Bayam, 2012
6th grade
Effect of HoM on
mathematics achievement
and attitudes
Positive effect on
achievement, no significant
difference in attitude.
HoM integrated instruction
Significant difference in
attitude and achievement
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Table 1.
The current studies on the integration of history of mathematics (c
Authors & Year
Focus of history of
mathematics (HoM)
11th grade
Use of HoM in geometric
Increase in geometric proof
Panasuk &
Horton, 2012
Math teachers
Perceptions and the factors
related to the integration of
the HoM
A lack of knowledge and
confidence in HoM, time,
testing, resources found as
Clark, 2012
math teachers
Impact of the study of the
HoM on mathematical
knowledge for teaching
Positive impacts on the pre-
Yenilmez, 2011
math teachers
Opinions about the HoM
Positive opinions about the
Burns, 2010
math teachers
and the role of HoM
Positive views and changes in
beliefs about incorporation of
HoM in math lessons
math teachers
Attitudes and beliefs about
the use of HoM in teaching of
Positive attitudes and beliefs
Huntley & Flores,
math teachers
to develop mat knowledge for
Positive opinions and
Jankvist, 2010
Reflections about the meta-
issues of mathematics and its
The students were capable of
discussing and reflecting upon
meta-issues of mathematics
and its history.
Thomaidis &
Tzanakis, 2009
7th-9th grade
math textbooks
Analysis of use of HoM in
Greek high school math
Numerous historical examples
of math, but including errors,
obscurities, or
math teachers
Experiences related to use of
Dynamic Geometry Program
when solving the quadratic
equation with Khayyam
Positive feelings, recognition
making relations between
Smestad, 2008
Math teachers
the curriculum
Different conceptions about
HoM, different use of HoM
with different degrees
yurt, 2008
Senior high
Opinions about the HoM
integrated instruction
Positive opinions
7th grade
Effects of HoM on
achievement and attitudes
Positive effect on
achievement, no significant
difference in attitude
Smestad, 2000
math textbooks
Analysis of HoM in Norwegian
A very limited use of HoM
some of them inaccurate,
based on myths.
However, as seen in the Table 1, a few studies were focused on the use of historical foundations of
mathematical thinking in the mathematics textbooks (Baki &   
2015; Smestad, 2000; Thomaidis & Tzanakis, 2009; Xenofontos & Papadopoulos, 2015). Besides, the
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
lines of several reports have also revealed a little effort to incorporate the historical dimension of
mathematics both in elementary and middle school mathematics curriculum and textbooks (Ho, 2008;
Radford, Furingetti & Katz, 2007; Xenofontos & Papadopoulos, 2015). In the light of these issues, the
purpose of the study was to analyze the Turkish middle school mathematics curriculum and
mathematics textbooks in terms of how the history of mathematics was addressed. Indeed, the present
study essentially sought to answer the following questions:
1. How is the history of mathematics addressed in the main components of Turkish middle school
mathematics curriculum, namely, learning objectives, content, delivery, and assessment
2. How the history of mathematics is addressed in the Turkish middle school mathematics
It is believed that the results of this study will be valuable for curriculum developers, scholars, and
teachers who would like to search an example of the mathematics curriculum and textbooks within the
historical perspective. It is also believed that the results may contribute to the ongoing research by
giving an example from the Turkish educational context. Although the focus of the study was not on the
implementation of the curriculum as well as the use of the textbooks in classrooms, the results may also
shed light on the relationship between the intentions about the use of the history of mathematics as
stated in the official curriculum and the indications of the potential learning opportunities related to the
              
words [2002, p.13]).
Before moving to the next parts, it is believed that the general information about the national setting
of mathematics education in Turkey, where the study stems from, might be useful starting point for a
better understanding. Turkish education system has a highly centralized governance structure and the
Ministry of National Education (MONE) is the main body for planning, programming, executing,
monitoring and controlling all educational services including curriculum development and approval of
textbooks. In 2005, the striking curricular change was made in order to develop a more learner-centered
curriculum and a more constructivist way of learning. In 2012, with the announcement of the new law,
the length of compulsory education was increased from 8 to 12 years and redefined the system into 3
levels (12-years compulsory education covering 4-years elementary, 4-years middle and 4-years high
school). As a result of this structural reform, the MONE had to make the second i mportant curricular
revision. The revised Turkish middle school mathematics curriculum (5th-8th grade) was put into
implementation during the 2013-2014 academic year. The goal of the revised mathematics curriculum is
stated as to provide a learning environment in which students will gain mathematical knowledge and
skills required by the 21st century (MONE, 2013). With regard to the content, there are five main
learning strands, namely, numbers and operations; geometry and measurement; algebra; data analysis;
           
processing skills (e.g. reasoning, communication, etc.), affective dimensions (attitude, self-confidence,
self-regulation, etc.), and psychomotor skills are highly emphasized issues in the curriculum.
This study was designed to analyze how the history of mathematics occupied in the Turkish middle
school mathematics curriculum and math textbooks. For this purpose, data were collected through
document analysis. The first main data source of the study was the Turkish middle school mathematics
curriculum (5th-8th grades), namely the official curriculum document. The second main data sources
were the Turkish middle school mathematics textbooks approved by MONE during the 2015-2016
academic year. There are totally six approved textbooks and all of them were included in the document
. The detailed information
about the textbooks is provided in Table 2.
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Table 2.
The Turkish middle school mathematics textbooks analyzed in the study
Total number of pages
5th grade
588 (2 volume set)
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
6 math textbooks
1995 pages
Before the data analysis process, two frameworks were developed by the researchers. The first
framework, as given in the Table 3, was developed to analyze the official mathematics curriculum in
terms of the main components, namely, learning objectives, content, delivery, and assessment. More
specifically, the attention is here on where (objectives, content, delivery, and assessment) and how
(compulsory or suggested expressions) the history of mathematics incorporated in the curriculum.
Table 3.
The framework for the curriculum analysis
Where is HoM incorporated in the curriculum?
The components of curriculum
Learning Objectives
Teaching and learning process
Assessment process
How is the HoM incorporated in the curriculum?
The ways of expression
Compulsory (requirement, rule, etc.)
Suggested (recommendations, advice etc.)
The second framework, as given in the Table 4, was developed for the analysis of the math
textbooks. It has two parts as the place of utilization and the way of expression. The former is focused
on where the references to the history of mathematics used in the textbooks (e.g. introduction
activities, explanation of the topic to be learned, closure activities, or off-topic information). The latter
 
four categories: (1) simple historical/biographical references; (2) solution/proof of a method including
historical pieces; (3) mathematical tasks of purely cognitive elements that require a numerical solution,
explanation or proof and (4) discussion/projects relating the history of mathematics with life outside
mathematics. According to Xenofontos and Papadopoulos (2015), while the references clustered under
the first and second categories just present encyclopedic pieces of information without posing any
question to students, the references under the third and fourth categories present historical dimension
of mathematics through tasks, discussions and/or projects that asked students to produce solutions or
Table 4.
The framework for the textbook analysis
Where is HoM incorporated in the textbook?
The place of utilization
Introduction activities (e.g. gaining attention)
Presenting topic to be learned
Closure activities (e.g. retention and transfer)
Off-topic information (i.e. not related to topic)
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Table 4.
The framework for the textbook analysis (c
How is the HoM incorporated in the
The ways of expression
Simple historical /biographical references
Solution/proof of a method/formula
Mathematical tasks
Discussion/project tasks
In order to find out all relevant data (i.e. the references to the history of mathematics), the official
curriculum and the textbooks in each grade level were carefully examined line by line according to the
frameworks. During the analysis process, the researchers coded the data independently and then both
sets of data were compared to establish consistency in the assignment of codes to the same category.
The results gathered from the analysis of the Turkish middle school mathematics curriculum and six
Turkish middle school mathematics textbooks were presented in line with two main research questions.
The History of Mathematics in the Turkish Middle School Mathematics Curriculum
The major focus of the content analysis here was to identify all instances of the history of
mathematics in the Turkish Middle School Mathematics Curriculum (TMMC). Hence, learning objectives,
content, delivery, and assessment aspects of the curriculum were analyzed according to the framework.
The findings gathered from the content analysis are summarized in Table 5.
Table 5.
The instances of the HoM in the curriculum
The components of
Instances of the HoM found in the curriculum
The ways of expression
Learning Objectives
1 objective (6th grade)
No instances found
Learning and teaching
The use of fam
biographies, and their contributions to the
Assessment process
No instances found
Considering the learning objectives from 5th to 8th grades, the following sixth-grade objective (see
Figure 1) was the only one 
   
  th grade, p. 13). Based on the explanation statement, it can be said
that the way of expression is compulsory. In other words, use of the Sieve of Eratosthenes is the main
requirement for achieving this learning objective.
Figure 1. The objective and its explanation requiring the use of the Sieve of Eratosthenes
(TMMC, 6th grade, p. 13)
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
With regard to the content, among five main learning strands (i.e. numbers and operations;
geometry and measurement; algebra; data analysis; and probability), no trace of the history of
mathematics was found. As seen in Table 5, the history of mathematics was also reflected in the
learning and teaching process. In the cur         
       Figure 2), it was acknowledged that providing
the author of the first geometry book written in Turkish as well as introduced the standard units of
measurement. Since these explanations about the integration of history of mathematics with learning
and teaching of mathematics are given in the form of suggestions, the way of expression of learning and
teaching process is not compulsory activities. Like the content aspect of the curriculum, no trace of the
history of mathematics was found in the assessment part of TMMC.
Figure 2. The extract from the Use of Information related to the Development of Mathematics (TMMC,
2013 p. VIII)
The History of Mathematics in the Turkish Middle School Mathematics Textbooks
The aim of the content analysis here was to identify all instances of the history of mathematics in the
six Turkish middle school mathematics textbooks. Totally 1995 pages of the six middle school
mathematics textbooks were analyzed by line by line. The total number of the HoM-related pages for all
grades and all textbooks was found about thirty-five pages. Further, the total instances of the HoM
found in the six middle school mathematics textbooks was only twenty-seven. The results obtained from
the textbook analysis are summarized in Table 6.
Table 6.
The number of the instances of HoM in the textbooks
The place of utilization
The ways of expression
Simple historical
/ biographical
Solution /proof of a
method/ formula
Introduction activities
Presenting topic to be learned
Closure activities
Off-topic extra information
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Considering the grade levels, the history of mathematics was mostly taken into consideration in the
eighth grade, totally 12 references were found in two different textbooks. Surprisingly, as given in Table
7, no trace of the history of mathematics was found in the seventh-grade textbook. By sixth grade, 8
references and by fifth grade 7 references were determined.
Table 7.
The number of the instances of HoM by grades
According to the findings, the references related to the HoM were mostly placed in the introduction
part of the topic. Figure 3 and 4 are given as examples of the use of the HoM at beginning of the
mathematical topics.
Apart from one reference from the sixth-grade and two references from eighth-grade textbooks,
there was no evidence indicating the history of mathematics used while presenting the topic, concept,
skill, or formula to be learned in the textbook series. Figure 5 indicates that the Sieve of Eratosthenes
was used while presenting the topic of prime numbers that was also explicitly stated in the curriculum.
In Figure 6, a short description about the Pascal triangle and its construction were given.
The place of utilization
Presenting topic
Off-topic information
Figure 3. A short biography of Eratosthenes
(Dikey, 6th grade, p. 39)
Figure 4. A short 
contributions to geometry (Sevgi, 8th grade, p. 82)
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Besides, only the fifth-grade textbooks included in the references related to the HoM at the end of
the topic. Figure 7 provides example of the HoM placed in the closure part that was related to Wiliam
Playfair and his invention of the bar chart given at the end of the data analysis and interpretation topic.
Another example as given in the Figure 8 provides brief information about the first use of parenthesis in
mathematics by Christopher Clavius in 1608 and by Albert Girard in 1629.
Moreover, the historical dimension of mathematics were also used as off-topic extra information
(i.e. not related to topic or learning objective). According to results, only 3 references were found in the
sixth-grade textbook. Figure 9 indicates the use of the HoM as an off-topic information about Cahit Arf,
a world-famous Turkish mathematician, in the data analysis topic.
The findings concerning how the history of mathematics is integrated in the textbooks indicated that
the history of mathematics was expressed mostly in the way of historical or biographical references. As
seen in Table 8, out of 27 references, 18 of them were expressed in the form of either simple historical
or biographical information.
Figure 5. The Sieve of Eratosthenes
(Dikey, 6th grade, p. 41)
Figure 6. Pascal Triangle
(MEB, 8th grade, p. 78)
Figure 9. Cahit Arf, a world-famous Turkish mathematician (Dikey, 6th grade, p. 151)
Figure 7. 
(MEB, 5th grade, p. 127)
Figure 8. The first use of parenthesis in
(MEB, 5th grade, p. 61)
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Table 8.
The number of the HoM references according to the ways of expression by grades
The ways of expression
No question(s) for student(s)
Posing question(s) to student(s)
Simple historical/
biographical references
Solution /proof of a
method/ formula
The examples of the references expressed in the form of simple historical or biographical information
are provided in Figure 10 and 11.
According to the results, a few number of references to the history of a mathematical method or
formula containing a solution or proof without posing any question to student(s) were included in the
mathematics textbooks. Figure 5 (The Sieve of Eratosthenes) and Figure 
how the historical references to a method and its solution process used in the textbooks. Moreover, the
findings clearly indicated that the references asking students to interact with the history of mathematics
were rarely included in the textbooks. Only four references related to mathematical tasks of purely
cognitive elements requiring a numerical solution, explanation or proof and two references related to
discussion/project tasks connecting the history of mathematics with life outside mathematics were
found. Examples of these references are shown in Figures 12 and 13 respectively. Figure 12 illustrates an
example of mathematical task that provides short biographical information about Pythagoras and then,
asks stud             
 Figure 13, an
example of discussion/project tasks, a short historical information about the Ancient Egyptian Number
System and the table indicating what the Egyptian hieroglyphics (symbols) represent in our decimal
system as well as their descriptions are provided. Afterward, students are invited to discuss the
difficulties to perform calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) by using Egyptian
hieroglyphics. In order to complete this task, students need to collect information about how Egyptians
carry out calculations.
Figure 10. Abu al-Wafa' Buzjani, a Persian
mathematician and astronomer
(MEB, 8th grade, p. 145)
Figure 11. 
mathematician and astronomer
(Dikey, 6th grade, p. 127)
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Discussion & Conclusion
In the present study, the findings clearly indicated that both the curriculum and the textbooks are
attentive to the inclusion of historical aspect of mathematics. Considering the learning objectives of the
TMMC, the official curriculum, there is only one objective addressed the history of mathematics
explicitly. In the learning and teaching aspect of the TMMC, the important role of the history of
              
 . Nonetheless, no trace of the history of mathematics was found in the
content and the assessment components of the TMMC. Based on this result, it is obvious that although
the role of HoM in mathematics education is taken into consideration, its integration could not be fully
reflected in the components of the TMMC. In this respect, the results of the present study call for a
mathematics curriculum in which all aspects from learning objectives to assessment are well-balanced in
terms of historical dimensions of mathematics so that students are provided with learning opportunities
to meaningfully engage with mathematics as well as extend beyond rote application of procedures. As
            riculum increases
student motivation and achievement by humanizing the subject, emphasizing on the continuous
development of math and foster an appreciation of the multicultural inheritance and culturally
           
    
         
1993, p. 461). Towards this aim, the history of mathematics might be connected with all main
dimensions of math curriculum and become more visible and attractive for teachers and textbook
Furthermore, the findings emerged from the analysis of the six Turkish middle school mathematics
textbooks (for 5th-8th grades) indicated that the total page number of six textbook is 1995 and a middle
school student will meet about 35 pages of history of mathematics during his/her four-year middle
school process. In this respect, the inclusion of the historical dimensions of mathematics in the
textbooks, namely the potentially implemented curriculum, is very limited. Smestad (2000) made a
similar point with respect to the Norwegian math textbooks and found that a student will meet about 36
pages of history of mathematics in his/her ten-year schooling process. Another indicator of limited use
of HoM in the textbooks is the total number of the HoM-related instances that was found only twenty-
seven. Considering the grade levels, no trace of the history of mathematics was found in the seventh-
grade textbook. It might be interpreted that although fifth and sixth graders have little chance to see the
need or rationale behind development of a mathematical concept/theorem/rule through historical
perspective of math, in seventh grade, there is no chance offered for students to continue seeing
mathematics as an organic whole.
Figure 12. The Pythagorean Theorem,
(Sevgi, 8th grade, p. 110)
, (MEB???, 8th grade, p. 145)
Figure 13. The Egyptian hieroglyphics,
(Dikey, 6th grade, p. 15)
, (MEB???, 8th grade, p. 145)
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Besides, more than half of the HoM-related references in the textbooks were presented in the form
of encyclopedic pieces of information. Similar results were demonstrated in previous research as well.
of the history of mathematics in the Cypriot and Greek mathematics textbooks. According to Baki and
 
and pictures of mathematicians in elementary school mathematics textbooks. In this respect, the
findings of the current study clearly indicated that the references that ask students to interact with the
history of mathematics were rarely included in the textbooks. One of the possible reasons behind the
perfunctory attention given to the history of mathematics in the textbooks might be due to the
curriculum itself. Especially such countries as Turkey, having a highly centralized educational system, a
national curriculum is usually embodied in nation-wide unified textbooks. Thus, the extent to which the
historical aspect of mathematics is occupied in the curriculum directly affects the scope of the historical
elements in mathematics textbooks. To sum up, the findings of the present study indicated that
although the TMMC and the middle school math textbooks value the history of mathematics, there are
rather shallow and superficial mentions of the history of mathematics in terms of quantity and quality.
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Türkçe Sürümü
 
eri, en temel dersler Matematik
               
          
da 
 
de           
            
     ve deneyimlerine odaklanarak,
             
 (Burton, 2003; Eves, 1990; Katz, 1993; Otte, 2007; Yee ve Chapman, 2011).
          -
     
   
             
        
  -    , 
 nu  
             
-   
(2009)     
     -   
  ,        
            
        Hagerty, Smith ve Goodwin, 2007; Jankvist,
2009a; Kaye, 2008; Leng, 2006; Lim, 2011; Liu ve Niess, 2006).
Matematik  -     
       
 gereken     -   
             
      Posner (1995) resmi/hedeflenen
 
           
          
          
         Mullis, Martin, Foy, ve
           
         ,
hedeflenen     mesinde    
ektedir (Arseven, 2003;  Fan, Zhu, ve Miao, 2013; Reys, Reys, Lapan,
Holliday, ve Wasman, 2003; Tan-    Tyson ve Woodward, 1989; Woodward ve
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Elliott, 1990)          yel olarak
uygulanan   resmi program    
            
matematik tarihinin karar vericiler ve progra       
    ,      
         
               
         
(Ho, 2008; Xeno
         
           
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 
grubu/ veri
Matematik tarihinin (MT)
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Kore matematik ders
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biyografik 
ve 
Povey, 2014
MT dersi
Bayam, 2013
Gazit, 2013
ve Haser, 2014
u ve
Baki ve ,
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Tablo 1.
 
Matematik tarihinin (MT)
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Geometrik ispatlama
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 
yal 
Clark, 2012
Yenilmez, 2011
Burns, 2010
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MT dersinin pedagojik alan
Jankvist, 2010
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Tzanakis, 2009
ders 
Yunanistan lise matematik
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belirsizlik yaratan veya eksik
Baki ve 
Khayyam Metodu ile ikinci
dereceden denklem
Smestad, 2008
Programdaki MT
yurt, 2008
Smestad, 2000
 MT 
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Ancak, Tablo 1'de de   alan da    
, tarihsel te      Baki ve  
    2015; Smestad, 2000; Thomaidis ve Tzanakis, 2009; Xenofontos ve
Papadopoulos, 2015) bulu.        
          
       , 2008; Radford,
Furingetti ve Katz, 2007; Xenofontos ve Papadopoulos, 2015).     
      ,       
1. 2013 Ortaokul Matematik Dersi (5-    
          
2. Ortaokul matematik ders (5- ?
           
matematik tarihi perspektif     ,
akademisyenlere ve matematik      
         taya
 . 
      -    
            
   Valverde, ve 
2002)           
  -      
Bir sonraki         
          
 bir program irme
          
 , izlenmesi ve kontrol edilmesinden sorumludur.   
          
 
   (- ilkokul- ortaokul -
             
2013- -   ortaokul matematik    -8.
      pro    
 - ortam
olarak          
              
 
      -  ve psikomotor  
vurgulanm(MEB, 2013).
2013 ortaokul matematik dersi (5-       -
          
           
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
   - 
 -  MEB   devlet okul  
matematik ders (5-
 
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na 
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   tirilen       
          
    -   -  
(zor           
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 
 ele
            
      ,   
       a veya ek bilgi olarak)
          ise, ders
       ul   
 Xenofonto    (1)   ; (2) bir
           
   
           
 
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
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lere ders
          
            
         
           
Ortaokul Matematik Dersi Öğretim Programında Matematik Tarihinin Yeri
Ortaokul      yer verilen matematik tarihiyle il 
 ortaya konul   k,   ve  
Tablo 5.
5-            
       
        
 
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
            veri
            ir ifadeye
rastlanma       -  
        
         
  olumlu tutum      
          
          
        
 
Ortaokul Matematik Ders Kitaplarında Matematik Tarihinin Yeri
   6 ortaokul matematik ders kita   
           
- sayfadan, matematik tarihine
 ortaokul
matematik ders kita tespit edilen   
Ders kitaplabulgular 
Tablo 6.
Basit tarihi/
Konu sonunda
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
Ders            
    f        
  7.   , mat    
Tablo 7.
Konu sonunda
Ek bilgi
            
           
matematik tarihinin, 
            
           
 
 
. 82)
 Erastosten Kalburu
(Dikeys. 41)
 
(s. 78)
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
      e yorumlama konusunun sonunda Wiliam Playfair ve
             
             
n on iki 
in 
 veya biyografik bilgiler  
        basit tarihi veya biyografik
bilgiler 
Tablo 8.
Basit tarihi/ biyografik
Matematik tarihinin basit tarihi veya biyografik bilgiler 
 
(MEBs. 127)
 
(MEB, s. 61)
 Cahit Arf (Dikey, s. 151)
 , (MEB, . 145)
 Dikey, s. 127)
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
             
da de             
            
         
bir matematiksel 
ispat  gerektiren     tespit
edilirken; matematik tarihi ile     in
            
matematikse      
            
           
      
Tartışma ve Sonuç
Matematik tarihinin, ortaokul matematik dersi (5-
ders (5-     
bulgular, hem program hem de ders kitaplar     
 sadece tek bir a
           
        
       -  
           
        
 tam     Bu 
 mlar      matematik tarihinin dengeli
bir     .    
     nin   .
           
        vurgu yapacak ve
l boyutunun .
           
          
      
   
matematik tarihinin,  
hale ge.
 ,
(Sevgi, 
 
(Dikey, 
- , 47(1), 2018, 188-215
,   elenen 6     toplam sayfa
           
   ortaokul      lerinin 
             
          
Bunlara ek olarak,      tespit edilen toplam  
            
             
           
  
temelleri matematik tarihi perspektifi an deneyimleme     
          
          
         olarak tespit edilen
  
           Xenofontos ve
Papadopulos (2015),    , matematik
tarihinin benzer            
          
          elde
       ni deneyimlemesi ve 
   nadiren     .   
          
           
matematik            
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Acknowledgements or Notes - This is the extended version of the paper presented in the 13th
International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME-13), Hamburg, Germany on 24-31 July, 2016.
... However, those studies indicated that the use of HM in mathematics textbooks has important deficiencies in terms of activities and content (e.g., offering just brief biographies of mathematicians, their pictures, and their contributions to mathematics, and using HM mostly as a motivational tool) (Ju et al., 2016;Mersin & Karabörk, 2021;Smestad, 2000;Xenofontos & Papadopoulos, 2015). Numerous studies in Turkey have analyzed the HM content of national mathematics textbooks from a variety of perspectives over many years (e.g., Baki & Bütüner, 2013;Eren et al., 2015;Şaşmaz & Aybek, 2022;Tan-Şişman & Kirez, 2018). In those studies, the superficial and limited presentation of HM in textbooks was also reported. ...
... In Turkey, since all students and teachers follow the same curriculum, objectives, and mathematics textbooks due to the centralized educational system, textbooks play a dominant role in the teaching. For this reason, many researchers have focused on the integration of HM in Turkish mathematics textbooks based on grade levels, learning areas, format, content, location, function, and/or cognitive demands for many years, but mostly in a descriptive manner (Baki & Bütüner, 2013;Ceylan, 2021;Eren et al., 2015;Şaşmaz & Aybek, 2022;Tan-Şişman & Kirez, 2018). For example, studies have revealed that HM elements are more prevalent in numbers and geometry than algebra and statistics in both Turkish and other nations' mathematics textbooks (e.g., Ju et al., 2016;Mersin & Karabörk, 2021). ...
... For example, studies have revealed that HM elements are more prevalent in numbers and geometry than algebra and statistics in both Turkish and other nations' mathematics textbooks (e.g., Ju et al., 2016;Mersin & Karabörk, 2021). In terms of format, Turkish textbooks mostly included low-level cognitive demand snippets (e.g., introducing simple historical or biographical information) at the beginning of chapters (e.g., Şaşmaz & Aybek, 2022;Tan-Şişman & Kirez, 2018). Moreover, the main purpose of HM elements in Turkish textbooks was either to motivate learners towards mathematics (as a tool) or to transfer historical aspects of the discipline (as a goal), rather than to support the learning of mathematics (e.g., Ceylan, 2021;Şaşmaz & Aybek, 2022;Tan-Şişman & Kirez, 2018). ...
It is difficult for mathematics teachers to find and utilize relevant historical content for their students. In this study, we aimed to examine how prospective mathematics teachers (PMTs) evaluate the history of mathematics (HM) in curriculum resources and how they integrate the HM into lesson plans. We collected data through PMTs’ evaluation reports on the analysis of textbooks, lesson plans, and lesson plan reflections. PMTs evaluated textbooks critically, acknowledging the limits and recognizing the possibilities. They mostly provided negative evaluations and criticized the quality of HM in the textbooks. The findings revealed that PMTs’ evaluations of the analysis of HMs in textbooks served as a bridge to assist their utilization of HMs in lesson plans. When PMTs incorporated HM into their lesson plans in an effort to engage students in the learning of mathematics, the HM integration reached higher levels of cognitive demand. However, they performed less well when incorporating pedagogical instructions and student thinking. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed. Keywords: History of mathematics · Lesson plans · Mathematics textbooks ·Prospective mathematics teachers · 4S-model
... Various studies have been carried out on the national and international platform, where the content of the history of mathematics in the textbooks is examined (Baki & Butuner, 2013;Ekawati et al , 2018;Erdoğan et al , 2015;J et al , 2015;Incikabi et al , 2019;Mersin & D rm s, 2018;Sahin et al., 2016;Schorcht, 2018;Smestad, 2003;Tan Sisman & Kirez, 2018Xenofontos & Papadopoulos, 2015. These studies analyzed HoM elements under the categories such as where it is presented, learning area, content, purpose, the mathematical skill targeted, cognitive skills, teaching method, ways of use, grade level and frequency of use in textbooks. ...
... To analyze the identified HoM elements, a framework was formed by the researchers based on the studies in the literature (Ekawati et al., 2018;Incikabi et al., 2019;Mersin and Durmus, 2018;Riley, 2018;Sahin et al., 2016;Tan Sisman and Kirez, 2018;Tzanakis et al., 2002). ...
... Thirdly, regarding the first research questions, content type was examined to reveal how the HoM elements were presented. It is reported by various researchers that HoM can be included to various different contents in the textbooks (Gulikers & Blom, 2001;Jankvist, 2009;Man-Keung, 2000;Sahin et al., 2016;Tan Sisman & Kirez, 2018;Tzanakis et al., 2002;Wang & Yang, 2015). ...
... However, the history of mathematics has often not been integrated into mathematics classrooms as desired ways. For instance, some mathematics textbooks include, not integrate the history of mathematics with historical notes related to biographies and curiosity in the beginning or at the end of the section of the given mathematics topic (Fasanelli, 2000;Tan-Sisman & Kirez, 2018). In this case, the history of mathematics may seem discrete from the mathematics curriculum and remote from daily classroom activities (Jahnke et al., 1996). ...
... In addition, the current analysis of six Turkish middle school mathematics textbooks from fifth to eighth grade indicated that out of 1995 total pages of textbooks, the history of mathematics takes place only 35 pages of the books (Tan-Sisman & Kirez, 2018). Hence, fifth-grade students have little chance to see the rationale behind the development of mathematical concepts, rules, and formulas through the historical perspective of mathematics (Tan-Sisman & Kirez, 2018). But, through videos, fifth-grade gifted students had the opportunity to learn the "developmental and evolutionary aspects of mathematics" as a purpose. ...
... These values guide the learning and teaching processes within mathematics education (Cao et al., 2006). They manifest in the curriculum, teachers' pedagogical approaches, and classroom activities (Tan-Sisman & Kirez, 2018). Students, in turn, develop their learning paths and strategies influenced by these values (Cao et al., 2006). ...
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Within the realm of mathematics education, the examination of textbooks has emerged as a focal point of scholarly investigation. This endeavor necessitates the development of a comprehensive instrument capable of facilitating both qualitative and quantitative textbook analysis. To address this need, we draw upon a corpus of seminal studies, and supplement our analysis with local research reports that assess the quality of mathematics textbooks through a qualitative content analysis approach. Content analysis was utilized to examine the documents and identify the themes relevant to the analysis of mathematics textbooks. Our data analysis revealed the identification of six overarching themes for the systematic evaluation of mathematics textbooks: (1) language and communication, (2) content analysis, (3) pedagogical approach, (4) cultural sensitivity and inclusivity, (5) assessment and exercises, and (6) visual aids and presentation. Each of these themes is meticulously expounded upon, shedding light on their significance in shaping the intricacies of mathematics textbook authorship. This proposed analytical framework presents an invaluable resource for enhancing the quality of mathematics textbooks at the school level. The themes elucidated herein offer a structured approach to textbook assessment, ultimately fostering the advancement of mathematical education by improving the instructional materials that are integral to the teaching and learning process.
... In addition to these other studies, Mersin and Durmuş (2018) performed document analysis on four secondary school mathematics books taught in the same year documented 19 EHM or in average 4.8 EHM per textbook and in their study Şişman and Kirez (2018) found a total of 27 or 4.5 EHM per textbook in six secondary school mathematics taught during 2015-2016. Finally, a recent study by Ceylan (2021) found 27 EHM or 6.8 EHM per textbook after investigating mathematics textbooks taught in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades based on the Turkish Ministry of National Education designed four years as of 2018. ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate elements of the history of mathematics in secondary school mathematics textbooks in Ethiopia. In line with this, the study also identified the extent to which mathematics is seen as a social construct in textbooks. To achieve these four mathematics textbooks from Grades 9 to Grade 12 were selected for this purpose. The document review method used to determine the extent of use of elements of the history of mathematics, the stage in the unit it used, and the learning domains of mathematics it covered in these textbooks are considered. For document analysis purposes Erdoğan et al.’s (2015) classification of elements of the history of mathematics was adopted. This distribution involves historical notes, notes on usage areas of mathematics, applications with historical notes, and historical elements in students’ extracurricular activities. The result has indicated that it has found 26 elements of the history of mathematics and the highest number found in the grade 11 Mathematics textbook. The learning domain algebra in the form of historical notes also received the highest coverage than others. Moreover, the result has indicated most elements of the history of mathematics were used at the beginning stage of the unit. Finally, the study has concluded that elements of the history of mathematics are not sufficiently integrated with the contents of mathematics textbooks. Several elements of the history of mathematics are far from the social context of the learner, as indicated in the textbooks.
... Some empirical studies in the past have assessed the use of mathematics history as a pedagogy tool. However, most of these studies have been exploratory in nature, with limited attention on how it directly affects students' performance (Florio, 2020;Tan-Şişman & Kirez, 2018;Zengin, 2018). Tan-Şişman and Kirez (2018) conducted a content analysis of 5 th to 8 th Grade mathematics curriculum and textbooks, and found no mention of the history of mathematics in the content and assessment sections of the curriculum, with textbooks also placing less emphasis on history of mathematics. ...
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Education, science, and technology disciplines are closely and extensively connected in all formats and levels. The outbreak of COVID-19 has further squeezed this interconnection where the delivery of education in different scientific fields of studies at all education levels is almost impossible without the presence of technology. Today, there is a need more than ever to explore the intersection of education, science, and technology at both administrative and classroom levels. Educational leaders and policymakers should be aware of the requirements (e.g., role of culture, educational governance) for effective teaching and learning in the post-COVID-19 era. Teachers, instructors, and researchers need to be proficient in the way to convey knowledge with effective and innovative adoption of technology (e.g., online peer feedback) to the young generation as they are called “digital natives”. This book focuses on addressing and exploring these needs and recommends solutions from multiple perspectives. The book is divided into three sections related to studies on education, science, and technology. While each of the fist two sections includes five chapters, the last section involves four chapters. The chapters’ contributors are from the following countries: Albania, Australia, Azad Kashmir, Ghana, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Philippines, Singapore, the Netherlands, the USA, Tunisia, and Turkey. The diversity of the chapters from 14 different countries brings an international perspective to the book.
... Some empirical studies in the past have assessed the use of mathematics history as a pedagogy tool. However, most of these studies have been exploratory in nature, with limited attention on how it directly affects students' performance (Florio, 2020;Tan-Şişman & Kirez, 2018;Zengin, 2018). Tan-Şişman and Kirez (2018) conducted a content analysis of 5 th to 8 th Grade mathematics curriculum and textbooks, and found no mention of the history of mathematics in the content and assessment sections of the curriculum, with textbooks also placing less emphasis on history of mathematics. ...
... Some empirical studies in the past have assessed the use of mathematics history as a pedagogy tool. However, most of these studies have been exploratory in nature, with limited attention on how it directly affects students' performance (Florio, 2020;Tan-Şişman & Kirez, 2018;Zengin, 2018). Tan-Şişman and Kirez (2018) conducted a content analysis of 5 th to 8 th Grade mathematics curriculum and textbooks, and found no mention of the history of mathematics in the content and assessment sections of the curriculum, with textbooks also placing less emphasis on history of mathematics. ...
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The new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) curricula was introduced in 2019, offering senior secondary students four mathematics options to study: Essential Mathematics, General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics. Methods and Specialist are calculus-based options, and provide broader and diverse career opportunities post-secondary. ➢ This chapter investigated senior secondary students’ enrolment in calculus-based mathematics options between 2019 and 2020 in Queensland state schools from different districts. ➢ Results show a high dropout rate in calculus-based options as students progressed into their initial course/s of study. ➢ The study argues for resources to be made available to promote continued students’ participation and achievement.
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The main purpose of this research is to comparatively analyze the inclusion of history of mathematics in 6th grade mathematics textbooks in Greece and Türkiye. For this purpose, the research was conducted on the basis of qualitative research method and document analysis was used. The data sources for the research are 6th grade mathematics textbooks taught in public schools in Greece and Türkiye in the 2020-2021 academic years. The data of the research were analyzed by the content analysis method. According to the findings of the research, the number of items that include the history of mathematics in the Greek 6th grade mathematics textbook is quantitatively higher than the Turkish 6th grade mathematics textbook. In addition, while Greece focuses on the history of mathematics in the "Geometric" learning area in the 6th grade mathematics textbook, Turkish focuses on "Numbers and Operations" in the 6th grade mathematics textbook. However, it has been observed that the contents of the history of mathematics in both countries are similar, and the history of mathematics is included in different sections of the textbooks
Bu çalışmada 2018 ortaokul matematik dersi öğretim programına göre hazırlanmış Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının ders kitabı olarak kabul ettiği ve 2020-2021 eğitim-öğretim yılında okutulmakta olan 5, 6, 7 ve 8. Sınıflara ait 11 adet ders kitabı içerdikleri matematik tarihi öğelerinin sınıf düzeylerine, öğrenme alanlarına, konudaki veriliş yerine ve içerik türüne göre dağılımları incelenmiştir. İnceleme sonucunda 48 matematik tarihi öğesi tespit edilmiş, sınıf düzeylerine göre dağılımında 5. Sınıf düzeyinde yeterince matematik tarihi öğelerine yer verilmediği belirlenmiştir. Öğrenme alanlarına göre dağılımlarında daha çok “Sayılar ve İşlemler” ile “Geometri ve Ölçme” öğrenme alanlarına yer verildiği “Veri İşleme” ve “Olasılık öğrenme alanlarına yeterince yer verilmediği belirlenmiştir. Konu içinde veriliş yeri açısından incelendiğinde daha çok konuya giriş kısmında bilgi parçası şeklinde verildiği belirlenmiştir. Matematik tarihi içeriklerinin ise daha çok “Matematikçilerin katkıları”, “Matematiksel Kavram Gelişimi” ve “Tarihi Matematiksel Yöntemler” şeklinde verildiği belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda ders kitaplarında verilen matematik tarihi öğelerinin yeterli olmadığı, ders kitabı yazarlarının inisiyatifine göre bu öğelere yer verildiği ve verilen bilgilerin konu ile yeterince bütünleştirilemediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
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Ortaöğretim 9. sınıf matematik ders kitaplarının, ortaöğretim matematik dersi öğretim programına uygunluğu açısından incelenmesini amaçlayan bu çalışmada, doküman incelemesi yoluyla veri toplanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen Kısaltılmış Ortaöğretim Matematik Ders Kitabı İnceleme Yönergesi (K-DKİY) kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, hem Dikey yayıncılığa ait ders kitabının (DMK), hem de Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı yayınevine ait ders kitabının (MMK) genel olarak öğretim programında belirlenen kazanımları kapsayıcı nitelikte oluşturulduğunu göstermiştir. İçerik öğesi açısından, DMK’nın, MMK’ya göre öğretim programına daha uyumlu bir şekilde hazırlandığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Eğitim durumları öğesine yönelik bulgularda, DMK’nın programın öğrenme-öğretme yaklaşımının yansıtılmasında ve bu sürece dâhil edilmesi gereken “Matematiksel Yeterlilik ve Becerilerin” kazandırılmasında oldukça zayıf kaldığı; MMK’nın ise bazı eksiklikler haricinde programa uyumlu bir yapıda tasarlandığı görülmüştür. Sınama durumları açısından, MMK’nın, DMK’ya göre öğretim programında dikkate alınması gereken yaklaşımları daha yeterli düzeyde yansıttığını görülmüştür. This study aims to analyze the appropriateness of the ninth grade mathematics textbooks regarding the high school mathematics curriculum. As a qualitative study, the data were collected through document analysis. The main data collection instrument was the short form of Textbook Analysis Framework (S-TAF) developed by the researchers. The results indicated that both of the mathematics textbooks included in the almost all of the learning objectives determined in the curriculum. With regard to the learning strands, DMK was more appropriate than MMK. The findings of the study also indicated that the teaching and learning approaches embedded in DMK were not appropriate for the curriculum; on the other hand, MMK was mostly designed in line with the teaching and learning approaches of the curriculum except some deficits. As far as the assessment aspects of the curriculum concerned, the results clearly indicated that MMK was more appropriate than DMK.
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Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilkokul dördüncü sınıf matematik dersi Ondalık Kesirler konusunun Matematik Tarihi kullanılarak öğretiminin öğrencilerin akademik başarısı, hatırda tutma düzeyi ve motivasyonu üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemektir. Bu araştırma nicel araştırma desenlerinden ön test-son test kontrol gruplu yarı-deneysel araştırma deseninde kurgulanmıştır. Araştırma 2014-2015 eğitim-öğretim yılının ikinci yarısında Aydın ilinde iki devlet ilkokulunun 4. sınıflarında okuyan 26’sı deney grubunda ve 26’sı kontrol grubunda olmak üzere toplam 52 öğrenci ile yürütülmüştür. Deney grubuna Matematik Tarihi kullanılarak, kontrol grubuna ise Matematik Tarihi kullanılmadan matematik öğretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deney ve kontrol grubuna uygulama öncesi ve sonrasında “İlkokul Matematik Motivasyon Ölçeği (İMMÖ)” ile uygulama öncesi, sonrası ve uygulamanın bitiminden sekiz hafta sonra hatırda tutma düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla “Ondalık Kesirler Başarı Testi (OKBT)” uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda Matematik Tarihi kullanımının ilkokul dördüncü sınıf öğrencilerinin Ondalık Kesirler konusundaki akademik başarılarını, hatırda tutma düzeylerini ve matematik öğrenmeye yönelik motivasyonlarını önemli ölçüde yükselttiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
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In recent years, the topic of integrating history to mathematics lessons in teaching-learning processes has been frequently discussed among researchers. The main aim of this study is to present an example activity which enriched with history of mathematics and to take the views of students about teaching course in this way. In addition, to create awareness about the developmental stages of mathematics up to now is an implicit purpose. This research is a multiple case study. It was studied with twenty one students who continued eighth grade class in a private primary school. Worksheets containing two algorithms about calculating the square roots of numbers which were used in history were given to each student. In addition, after students reached the solution, they compared their results with results which they obtained from the calculator. Thus, they also saw that the calculator's operating system was similar to algorithms they used. Students' opinions about the integration of the history of mathematics to lessons were collected through an interview form. At the end of the activity, students stated that the chosen activities from the history of mathematics had attracted their interests. Also, they found an opportunity to compare different methods.
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In this paper, we examine the ways the history of mathematics is integrated in the national textbooks of Cyprus and Greece. Our data-driven analyses suggest that the references identified can be clustered in four categories: (a) biographical references about mathematicians or historical references regarding the origins of a mathematical concept (b) references to the history of a mathematical method or formula containing a solution or proof, (c) mathematical tasks of purely cognitive elements that require a solution, explanation or proof and (d) tasks that encourage discussion or the production of a project that would connect the history of mathematics with life outside mathematics. Furthermore, we employed a framework around the levels of cognitive demands derived from the literature to analyse the identified mathematical tasks.
Conference Paper
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In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in integrating the history of mathematics in teaching-learning activities in the classes. The main aim of this study is to determine how such activities strengthen students' geometric proof skills and their spatial perception. This research is designed as a multiple case study. The working group is 15 students from 11th grade in a high school. Students have worked on four learning activities from the history of mathematics related the volume of solids. Then, they are answered to a questionnaire consisted of 7 open ended questions. Most of the students have accomplished geometric proofs by using dissection method. Using the smaller shapes whose volumes are easy to compute has strengthened students' geometric proof skills. Moreover, the chosen activities from the history of mathematics have attracted students' interests. To ask the volume different frusta of pyramids and prisms and to use the history of mathematics in classrooms can be considered as recommendations.
In classrooms, we often treat mathematics as if we were learning on an island. We travel to that island once a day for mathematics and delve into a study that is pure, clean, and logically solid and has clear lines and no dirty corners. Students think that mathematics is closed, dead, emotionless, all discovered. It lies completely in a book or in the mind of the teacher, ready to be rolled out and absorbed. They probably have never read Augustus DeMorgan (Jones 1980), who said in 1831 that the teacher.
From a multicultural perspective, this research investigated to what extent Korean mathematics textbooks use history of mathematics. The results show even though educational use of history presented in Korean mathematics textbooks may provide a rich outlook, it does not encourage a fundamental change in the educational practice of school mathematics that has traditionally been entrenched in the Eurocentric narrative of mathematics. This suggests that the mathematics textbooks were not organized effectively to promote students’ understanding of diversity. Based on the results, we discuss the implications for the development of mathematics textbook from multicultural perspectives.
To determine the effects of the history of mathematics on the attitudes toward mathematics of college algebra students, an experiment was conducted in which a test group was exposed to historical items in the classroom and a control group received no such exposure. Analysis of a measure of attitude change indicated that there was a difference in attitude change for the two groups.