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Development Module Oriented Science Technology Society Indue Science Literacy Assessment for 7th-Grade Junior High School Students in 2nd -Semester


Abstract and Figures

The problem in the science learning process is the application of the scientific approach takes a long time in order to provide conceptual understanding to the students, there is no teaching materials that can measure students reasoning and thinking ability, and the assessment has not measured students reasoning and literacy skills.The effort can be done is to develop science technology society module indue science literacy assessment. The purpose of the research was to produce a module oriented society indue science science technology literacy assessment. The research is development research using Plomp model, consist of preliminary, prototyping, and assessment phase. Data collect by questionnare and documantion. The result there is science technology society module indue science literacy assessment is very valid.
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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Development Module Oriented Science
Technology Society Indue Science Literacy
Assessment for 7th-Grade Junior High School
Students in 2nd -Semester
To cite this article: Y R Arbi et al 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 335 012089
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ICOMSET IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012089 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/335/1/012089
Development Module Oriented Science Technology Society
Indue Science Literacy Assessment for 7th-Grade Junior High
School Students in 2nd -Semester
Y R Arbi 1,*, R Sumarmin 1 , D H Putri 1
1 Postgraduate of Biology Education Program, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang,
2Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri
Padang, Indonesia
Abstract. The problem in the science learning process is the application of the scientific
approach takes a long time in order to provide conceptual understanding to the students, there
is no teaching materials that can measure students reasoning and thinking ability, and the
assessment has not measured students reasoning and literacy skills.The effort can be done is to
develop science technology society module indue science literacy assessment. The purpose of
the research was to produce a module oriented society indue science science technology
literacy assessment. The research is development research using Plomp model, consist of
preliminary, prototyping, and assessment phase. Data collect by questionnare and
documantion. The result there is science technology society module indue science literacy
assessment is very valid.
1. Introduction
Learning process in science using scientific approach. Implementation scientific approach is not
optimal, because students take a long time to understanding of the concept. Teaching material to help
students prepare for learning process is the module. Modules can make students study independently.
Module is used to give to the students understanding of the concept develop by the Science
Technology Society approach. STS approach used to provide an understanding of science concept to
students. STS can improve the ability to reason through problem-solving activities in the comunity.
The concept of science relevant to student’s daily lives. STS according to Yager [1] a science
learning in a human experience context, which emphasizes the importance of science and technology.
STS approach suitable for use on materials related to the student environment. Learning material
related to student environment is interaction of human organism and environment, environmental
pollution and climate change.
NSTA has defined STS as the teaching and learning of science in the context of human experience.
It emphasizes the importance of technology and science, noting that technology is understood better
and accepted more readily as curriculum and course topics appropriate for all students even though it
has not been a focus previously [2].
ICOMSET IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012089 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/335/1/012089
Reasoning ability of students can be seen by assessment. Assessment can be used to measure the
ability to reasoning and high-level thinking is science literacy assessment. Science literacy assessment
consists of the cognitive level of application, analyse, synthesis, and evaluation.
2. Methods
The development of the module is based on the stages of the Plomp model. This module was
developed through three stages namely (1) preliminary research phase, (2) prototyping phase, and (3)
assessment phase [3]. Fomative evaluation is done at every single stage in the form cycle of
evaluation-revision. Implementation of this formative evaluation proposed by Tessmer (in Plomp [3]).
The trial subject is students in one class of 7th-grade of Junior High School numbers 12. Data
consist of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data obtained from observations and
interviews in preliminary research phase and one to one evaluation in prototyping phase. The
quantitative data obtained from the validity questionnaire.
Result of the research processed using the following equation.
Value = 
 x 100% (1)
This value is subsequently converted in accordance with validity criteria that can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Criteria level of validity
Percentase (%)
Level of validity
0 20
21 40
Less Valid
41 60
Enough Valid
61 80
81 100
Very Valid
3. Results and Discussion
Module contains a description of the material that consist the science technology society component
such as introduction, concept-forming, application of concepts, and consolidation of concepts. Module
was developed through three stages of Plomp model. In preliminary research phase there are fourth
process namely (1) problem analysis, (2) need analysis, (3) concept analysis, and (4) curiculum
analysis. In prototyping phase there are process namely (1) self evaluation, (2) expert review, and (3)
field tests. Validity doing by expert review. Validity of module includes aspect namely content
egibility, linguistic, presentation, and graphic.
3.1. Results
Based on preliminary research analysis finds that problem in the form of non-optimal the application
of scientific approach, there is no teaching materials that can measure students reasoning, and there is
no scientific literacy assessment use in learning process. Student need a module that help students
discover the concept itself. The module applied science technology society approach. Learning
material related to environment is interaction of human organism and environment, environmental
pollution and climate change.
Module contains a description of the material that consist the STS component such as introduction,
concept-forming, application of concepts, and consolidation of concepts. Component of introduction
contains the problem in acccordance with the indicators of learning process. Students can link the
problems encountered with the learning material through discourse.Component application of
concepts contains a sample application of the concepts.
ICOMSET IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012089 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/335/1/012089
Scientific literacy assessment in the module found on the competency tests. Science literacy
competency in module is using scientific evidence, identification scientific issue, and explaining
phenomena scientifically. The competency test contains questions that evaluate the achievement of
learning indicators in one learning activity that has been studied by the students. The literacy
assessment of science is an assessment with high-order thinking skills. Science literacy assessment not
only assesses content but also processes in the context of everyday life of students.
Module are develop tasted for validity. Results module validation by experts are presented in Table
Persentage (%)
Content Egibility
Very Valid
Very Valid
Very Valid
Very Valid
Very Valid
Based on Table 2 can be seen that the module are develop is very valid. During the validation,
experts give some advice to fix the cover, text color, and language. Cognitive competencies measured
using scientific literacy assessment. The science literacy content in interaction of human organism
and environment is ecosistem and population. The science literacy content in environmental pollution
is earth system exchange. The science literacy content in climate change is earth system energy. The
context of the literature of science on assessment is a personal, social, and global context.
Before use assessment tasted for validity. Results scientific literacy validation by experts are
presented in Table 3.
Persentage (%)
Content Egibility
Very Valid
Very Valid
Very Valid
3.2. Discussion
The result of validity test showed that the STS module indue scientific literacy assessment develop is
very valid. Module have suitable with basic competences. Module also accordance with the
development of the child. Student in 7th-grade is 12-13 years old that has been able to analyze
problems that are gives to him. This is in accordance with the opinion of Gredler [4] states that the
child has begun to thinking linked to concrete objects are developed, and comes to understand that a
given operation simultaneously and necessarily implies its inverse.
Module contains a description of the material that consist the science technology society
component such as introduction, concept-forming, application of concepts, and consolidation of
concepts. The STS components are made intact and directed in each learning activity. Directed
learning will help students to learn by themselves. This is in accordance with the opinion of Eggen [5]
that concept attainment could be used to help students understand the process of Inquiry and the
scientific method. This is in accordance with the opinion of Rosario [6] stated that STS approach using
varied strategies to allow student exposure to issues in the context of experience which would provide
opportunities for the students’ construction of knowledge
The introduction component relate to issues, events that students have known, or events contained
in society with the material to be discussed. It is a discourse that contains issues relating to learning
indicators. Students can relate problems encountered with learning materials through discourse. This is
ICOMSET IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012089 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/335/1/012089
in accordance with the opinion of Rosario [6] stated that important aspect of the approach is that
activities can be derived from the local community to make the lessons more relevant.
The concept-forming component contains the materials that corresponds to the learning indicator.
The materials is delivered in simple language in order to be understood by the students. This section
comes with an appropriate image to support the delivery of the material. The process of the concept
formation is done by discussion method. The process of forming this concept will make students find
the correct concept. This is in accordance with the opinion of Dikmentepe [7] states that inclusion of
the articles or books which tell about scientists’ lives, documentaries about scientific and technological
developments into the courses can help student to understand the nature of science and technology.
The concept application component contains examples of the application of concepts contained
within the concept consolidation section. This is in accordance with the opinion of Yager [8] which
states that STS focuses on the impact of science and technology to students.
Module include assessment of scientific literacy are developed with suitability indicators observed
articles with material from the article in accordance with the material, derived from a newspaper
article, and the article came from a magazine. Adjustments articles with incoming material on
psychomotor level observed. This is in accordance with the opinion of Rosario [6] stated that
familiarity with the environmental issues and problems of the community may make the experience
more effective.
The concept consolidation component contains conclusions about the material. The concept of
thinking is based on the material contained in the concept forming section. Stabilization of concepts is
needed to fit the concept of the material that has been studied. This is in accordance with the opinion
of Yager [8] states that the focus on student projects and real problems provides the way to illustrate
the importance of the concepts and processes.
Students who already understand the material will be able to do reasoning on the matter and
comment on the material provided. Module include scientific literacy assessment have explicit
indicators and learning goals, complete materials and according to the indicators that have been made.
The application of science literacy assessment can overcome the error that the assessment used is still
the assessment of knowledge, understanding, and application. Science literacy assessment has
difficulty ranging from understanding to synthesis. Science literacy assessment is an assessment
capable of measuring high-order thinking skills. Science literacy assessment not only assesses
knowledge but also assesses the ability of scientific thinking and uses it in the context of everyday life.
This is in accordance with the opinion of Wright [9] states that the tests are concerned with the literacy
related to problem solving in science.
4. Conclusion
The conclusion of the research that module oriented science technology society indue scientific
literacy assessment are develop is very valid. Module was developed contains a description of the
material that consist the science technology society component such as introduction, concept-forming,
application of concepts, and consolidation of concepts. Validity of module includes aspect namely
content egibility, linguistic, presentation, and graphic. Based on research that has been done, the
author gives advice to test one-on-one, small group, and pitch in different grades, so that the products
developed proven feasibility.
[1] Yager R E 1992 The Status of Science-Technology Society reform efforts around the world 1-2
[2] Dass P M 2005 Spring 14 1
[3] Plomp T 2013 Educational Design Research; An Introduction (Netherlands: Enschende) p 19
[4] Grendler M E 2009 Learning and Instruction : theory into practice (New Jersey: Pearson) p 80
[5] Eggen P D 2012 Strategies and models for teachers: teaching content and thinking skills
(Boston: Pearson) p 25.
[6] Rosario B I 2009 Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research 6 3
ICOMSET IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (2018) 012089 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/335/1/012089
[7] Dimentepe E, Yakar Z 2016 International Journal of Higher Education 5 11
[8] Yager R E, Akcay H 2007 Spring 16 7
[9] Wright R J 2008 Educational Assessment (California:Sage Publication) p 429
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