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Results of the January 2017 waterbird census in Slovenia


Abstract and Figures

In 2017, the International Waterbird Census (IWC) was carried out in Slovenia on January 14 and 15. Waterbirds were counted on all larger rivers, along the entire Slovenian Coastland and on most of the major standing waters in the country. During the census, in which 235 observers took part, 413 sections of the rivers and coastal sea with a total length of 1,427 km and 200 other localities (164 standing waters and 36 streams) were surveyed. The census was characterized by harsh winter conditions and high proportion of frozen water bodies. Altogether, 51,790 waterbirds of 61 species were counted. Thus, the number of waterbirds and the number of species recorded were close to the 21-year average. The highest numbers of waterbirds were counted in the Drava count area, i.e. 20,064 individuals (38.7% of all waterbirds in Slovenia). By far the most numerous species was Mallard Anas platyrhynchos (46.1% of all waterbirds), followed by Coot Fulica atra (6.8% of all waterbirds), Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (5.9% of all waterbirds), Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus (5.7% of all waterbirds) and Mute Swan Cygnus olor (3.9% of all waterbirds). The number of 1,000 counted individuals was also surpassed by Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis , Teal An. crecca , Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula , White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons , Pygmy Cormorant P. pygmeus and Grey Heron Ardea cinerea . Among the rarer recorded species, the Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis (registered for the first time during the January Waterbird Censuses and only for the third time ever in Slovenia) and Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis (the first probable A category individual for IWC and Slovenia) deserve special mention. Numbers of the following species were the highest so far recorded during the IWC: Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata (together with 2006 and 2012), Pintail An. acuta , Ferruginous Duck Ay. nyroca , Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis (together with 2003), Goosander Mergus merganser , Pygmy Cormorant, Herring Gull L. argentatus and Caspian Gull L. cachinnans . Number of Pochards Ay. ferina was the lowest so far recorded during the IWC.
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R  
   2017 
Results of the January 2017 waterbird
census in Slovenia
L B
DOPPS – Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic
Slovenije, Kamenškova 18, SI–2000 Maribor, Slovenija,
Januarsko štetje vodnih ptic (IWC) poteka v
Sloveniji od leta 1988, leta 1997 pa je bilo prvič
zastavljeno kot celosten, koordiniran in standardi-
ziran popis vodni h ptic na ozemlju celotne Slovenije
(Š 1997). Od takrat naprej štetje
pokriva vse večje reke, Obalo in večino pomemb-
nejših stoječih vodnih teles v državi (Š
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, B
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008a, b, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). K temu sta pripomogla
predvsem dobra organizacija in veliko število
sodelujočih prostovoljnih popisovalcev. Vporočilu
so predstavljeni rezultati januarskega štetja vodnih
ptic leta 2017, ki je v podobnem obsegu potekalo že
enaindvajsetič zapored.
Leta 2017 smo vodne ptice šteli 14. in 15.
januarja. Organizacija, potek, uporabljena metoda
štetja in popisni obrazci so bili takšni kot leta 1997
(Š 1997). Pri obdelavi in predstavitvi
rezultatov smo upoštevali tudi nekatere podatke,
zbrane zunaj organiziranega štetja, vendar
največ do sedem dni pred ali po koncu tedna,
predvidenega za štetje. Kormorane Phalacrocorax
carbo smo na števnih območjih Mure, Drave in
Savinje sistematično posebej šteli na znanih in
domnevnih skupinskih prenočiščih. Na skupinskih
prenočiščih smo šteli tudi pritlikave kormorane
P. pygmeus, zvonce Bucephala clangula velike
žagarje Mergus merganser in galebe Laridae na
števnem območju Drave. Mokože Rallus aquaticus
smo na ptujskih studenčnicah in potoku Črnec
(Murska ravan) sočasno s štetjem drugih vodnih
ptic popisali ob pomoči predvajanja posnetka
oglašanja. Metoda je podrobneje opisana v B
(2002). Vštetje so bile ta ko kot vsako leto vključene
vrste iz naslednjih skupin ptic: plovci Anatidae,
slapniki Gaviidae, kormorani Phalacrocoracidae,
čaplje Ardeidae, štorklje Ciconiidae, plamenci
Phoenicopteridae, ponirki Podicipedidae, tukalice
Ral lidae, pobrežnik i Charadriiformes ter belorepec
Haliaeetus albicilla, rjavi lunj Circus aeruginosus,
močvirska uharica Asio ammeus, vodomec Alcedo
atthis in povodni kos Cinclus cinclus.
Januar 2017 je bil najhladnejši v nekaj zadnjih
desetletjih. Povprečna mesečna temperatura je bila
povsod občutno nižja od dolgoletnega povprečja.
V večjem delu zahodne Slovenije in Gorenjske je
bil januar do 3°C hladnejši kot običajno. Drugod
po državi je bil odklon še večji, del Dolenjske in
Štajerske je bil 4 do 5 °C hladnejši od povprečja
primerjalnega obdobja. V nižinskem svetu se je
temperatura spustila najnižje med 7. in 11. 1., ko
so marsikje v notranjosti Slovenije izmerili okoli
–20°C, na Primorskem in Obali pa okoli –10°C.
Neposredno pred štetjem je izrazito mrzlo obdobje
12. in 13. 1. prekinila kratkotrajna otoplitev, ki
pa so ji spet sledili mrzli dnevi. Takrat je tudi
padla večina padavin sicer zelo suhega meseca, v
katerem je v večjem delu države padlo le 40–80%
padavin dolgoletnega povprečja. Primanjkljaj je bil
največji v Zgornjem Posočju, najmanjši pa v delu
jugovzhodne Slovenije. V omenjenem obdobju je
po nižinah v notranjosti Slovenije zapadlo 5–20
cm snega, ki se je potem zaradi mrzlega vremena
obdržal. Januar 2017 je bil občutno hladnejši od
dolgoletnega povprečja tudi v večjem delu Evrope,
še posebej na jugovzhodu celine. December 2016
je bil v nižinah pretežnega dela države hladnejši
kot običajno, s temperaturnimi odkloni večinoma
med −2 in 0°C. V severozahodni Sloveniji je bil
ta mesec nadpovprečno topel, najbolj izrazito v
gorskem svetu (odklon do +3 °C). December je
minil tako rekoč brez padavin, saj večji del države
ni dobil niti 1% običajnih padavin, le na skrajnem
severovzhodu je bilo preseženih 15% dolgoletnega
povprečja (C 2016, 2017). Pretoki rek so bili
januarja povsod podpovprečni, pri čemer je bila
vodnatost velikih rek nekoliko večja. Podobne
razmere so bile tudi decembra (S 2016,
2017). V času štetja je bilo nad zahodno Evropo
območje visokega zračnega tlaka, drugi dan se je
nad osrednjim Sredozemljem poglobilo ciklonsko
A  38 (174/175) : 203–215 , 2 017
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Slika 2: Lokalitete, popisane med januarskim štetjem vodnih ptic (IWC) v Sloveniji leta 2017; beli krogi označujejo
stoječe vode, temni krogi pa potoke in manjše reke.
Figure 2: Localities surveyed during the January 2017 waterbird census (IWC) in Slovenia, with white circles
denoting standing waters, and dark circles designating smaller rivers and streams
Slika 1: Popisni odseki januarskega štetja vodnih ptic (IWC) na rekah in obalnem morju v Sloveniji leta 2017; črne
črte označujejo popisane, bele pa nepopisane odseke.
Figure 1: Survey sections of the January 2017 waterbird census (IWC) on the rivers and coastal sea in Slovenia,
with black lines denoting examined and white lines unexamined sections.
L. B : Rezultati janua rskega štetja vodn ih ptic leta 2017 v Sloveniji
Download Date | 4/20/18 2:52 AM
Tabela 2: Število vseh in pregledanih lokalitet (stoječih voda, potokov in manjših rek) na posameznem števnem
območju in v celotni državi med januarskim štetjem vodnih ptic (IWC) leta 2017 v Sloveniji
Table 2: Number of all and surveyed localities (standing waters, streams and smaller rivers) in separate count areas
and in the entire country during the January 2017 waterbird census (IWC) in Slovenia
Števno območje/
Count a rea
Št. vseh lokalitet –
stoječe vode/
Total no. of localities
(standing waters)
Št. vseh lokalitet –
tekoče vode/
Total no. of
localities (streams)
Št. pregledanih lokalitet
- stoječe vode/
No. of surveyed localities
(standing waters)
Št. pregledani h
lokalitet - tekoče vode/
No. of surveyed
localities (streams)
Mura 81 10 80 10
Drava 55 23 27 4
Savinja 19 612 3
Zgornja Sava /
Upper Sava 24 15 17 4
Spodnja Sava /
Lower Sava 11 10 6 4
Kolpa 1 4 0 2
Notranjska in
Primorska 20 33 12 8
Obala / Coastland 13 310 1
Skupaj / Total 224 104 16 4 36
območje. Delno jasno je bilo, občasno ponekod
pretežno oblačno. Drugi dan zjutraj in dopoldne
je bila ponekod po nižinah megla, čez dan pa je
na Primorskem zapihala šibka burja. Jutro 15. 1. je
bilo mrzlo, najnižje jutranje temperature so bile od
−15 do −2°C, najvišje dnevne pa od −4 do 4°C, na
Primorskem od 5 do 9°C (M 2017).
Štetje 2017 je zaznamovala obsežna za ledenelost
vodnih teles . Večina odsekov stru ge panonske Drave
in alpska Drava je bila zaledenela 1/4–3/4, nekateri
odseki tudi v celoti. Deli Ščavnice, Ledave, Meže,
Mislinje, Dravinje in Pesnice so bili zaledeneli 1/4–
3/4, najbolj zgornji odseki slednje pa v celoti. Na
Savinji in zgornji Savi je bilo delno za ledenelih nekaj
A  38 (174/175) : 203–215 , 2 017
Tabela 1: Število vseh in pregledanih popisnih odsekov na rekah in obalnem morju ter njihova skupna dolžina na
posameznem števnem območju in v celotni državi med januarskim štetjem vodnih ptic (IWC) leta 2017 v Sloveniji
Table 1: Number of all and surveyed sections on the rivers and coastal sea, as well as their total length in separate
count areas and in the entire country during the January 2017 waterbird census (IWC) in Slovenia
Števno območje/
Count a rea Št. vseh popisnih
odsekov / Total no. of
survey sections
Length (km) Št. pregledanih odsekov/
No. of sections surveyed Dolžina/
Length (km)
Mura 61 220,2 59 203,1
Drava 138 374 ,4 125 332,9
Savinja 38 141,5 36 130,5
Zgornja Sava / Upper Sava 113 387,1 97 310,5
Spodnja Sava / Lower Sava 71 272,7 53 201,7
Kolpa 14 118,0 867,2
Notranjska in Primorska 44 272,9 23 138,5
Obala / Coastland 12 42,6 12 42,6
Skupaj / Total 491 1829,4 413 1427,0
Download Date | 4/20/18 2:52 AM
najbolj zgornjih (Sava Dolinka) in spodnjih ods ekov
(do 1/2), na srednji Savi pa nekaj krajših delov (do
1/2). Delno sta bili zaledeneli tudi Paka (do 1/2) in
Voglajna (3/4). Vsi pregledani odseki Sotle so bili
zaledeneli 1/2–3/4 oz. v celoti, nekaj odsekov Krke
v spodnjem delu reke pa do 1/4. Spodnji odsek
Reke je bil zaledenel 1/2. Izmed rečnih akumulacij
je led prekrival Ledavsko jezero (v celoti), Gajševsko
jezero na Ščavnici (3/4), Mariborsko, Ptujsko in
Ormoško jezero ter akumulacijo Melje na panonski
Dravi (>3/4), Perniško jezero in jezero Pristava na
Pesnici (v celoti), jezero HE Moste na zgornji Savi
(1/2), Trbojsko jezero (v celoti) in Zbiljsko jezero
(1/4) na srednji Savi ter akumulaciji HE Boštanj
(1/4) in HE Krško (>1/2) na spodnji Savi. Večina
stoječih vodnih teles v notranjosti Slovenije je bila
zaledenela v celoti, redka pa vsaj 3/4. Nezaledeneli
sta bili le dve veliki in globoki gramoznici na
števnem območju Mure. Škalsko jezero je bilo
zaledenelo v celoti, drugi dve šaleški jezeri 1/2,
Vonarsko jezero pa 3/4. Cerkniško jezero je bilo
suho (voda le v glavnih strugah) in zaledenelo
3/4. Soline in laguna Škocjanskega zatoka so bile
Sodelovalo je 235 popisovalcev. Pregledali smo
413 popisnih odsekov na rekah in obalnem morju
v skupni dolžini 1427km (tabela 1), kar je 78,0%
celotne dolžine odsekov, vključenih v popis. Poleg
tega smo pregledali tudi 200 lokalitet (164 stoječih
in 36 tekočih voda) od skupno 328 (tabela 2),
kar je 61,0% vseh lokalitet, evidentiranih v bazi
januarskega štetja vodnih ptic do vključno leta
2017. Popisne odseke, pregledane v štetju leta 2017,
prikazuje slika 1, razširjenost pregledanih lokalitet
pa slika 2.
Skupaj smo prešteli 51.790 vodnih ptic,
pripadajočih 61 vrstam. Poleg tega smo zabeležili
še šest drugih taksonov (domačo gos, domačo raco
in štiri vrstno nedoločene taksone). Skupno število
vodnih ptic je bilo blizu povprečnemu (51.446)
in nekoliko manjše kot v prejšnjem štetju. Tudi
število zabeleženih vrst je bilo blizu povprečnemu
(60). Tako kot običajno smo tudi leta 2017 največje
število vodnih ptic prešteli na števnem območju
reke Drave, in sicer 20.06 4. To je 38,7% vseh vodnih
ptic, preštetih v Sloveniji. Manjše šte vilo smo na tem
območju zabeležili v štirih štetjih pred tem in prav
tako v štirih štetjih je bil odstotek vodnih ptic na
tem območju manjši od 40%. Na števnem območju
Mure smo prešteli največ vodnih ptic v dosedanjih
januarskih štetjih. Med največjimi doslej je bilo
tudi število vodnih ptic na območju Savinje (več v
letih 2001 in 2002), občutno večje od povprečnega
pa še na območju Zgornje Save. Število vodnih
ptic je bilo blizu povprečnemu na Spodnji Savi. Na
števnih območjih Kolpe, Notranjske in Primorske
ter Obale so bila števila vodnih ptic občutno
manjša od povprečnega. Na slednjem se je s tem
število zaporednih štetij s podpovprečnim številom
vodnih ptic povečalo na pet. Na Notranjskem in
Primorskem je vzrok za takšen rezultat verjetno v
slabši pregledanosti vodnih teles na tem območju.
Ocenjujemo, da je obsežna zaledenelost vplivala
na število vodnih ptic na števnem območju Drave,
kjer je bilo zaradi tega pojava zlasti na Ptujskem
in Ormoškem jezeru preštetih občutno manj
ptic od povprečnega (3935 vs. 8244 in 3592 vs.
4723). Čeprav je bila večina stoječih vodnih teles
pod ledom, so se na nekaterih lokalitetah, zlasti v
SV Sloveniji, na zaledeneli površini ali skromnih
ostankih odprte vode zbrale velike skupine vodnih
ptic. Tako kot v večini štetij doslej tudi leta 2017
števila 10.000 preštetih vodnih ptic nismo presegli
na nobenem drugem števnem območju.
Mlakarica Anas platyrhynchos je bila leta 2017,
tako kot med vsemi štetji doslej, daleč najštevilnejša
vrsta (23.864 os., 46,1 % vseh vodnih ptic). Po
številu preštetih osebkov sledijo liska Fulica atra
(3543 os., 6,8 % vseh vodnih ptic), kormoran
(3078 os., 5,9 % vseh vodnih ptic), rečni galeb
Chroicocephalus ridibundus (2938 os., 5,7 % vseh
vodnih ptic) in labod grbec Cygnus olor (1995 os.,
3,9 % vseh vodnih ptic). Število 1000 preštetih
osebkov so leta 2017 presegli še rumenonogi
galeb Larus michahellis, kreheljc An. crecca,
čopasta črnica Aythya fuligula, beločela gos Anser
albions, pritlikavi kormoran in siva čaplja Ardea
cinerea. Beločela gos je omenjeno mejo presegla le
še leta 2013, ko je bila prav tako kot letos med 10
najštevilnejšimi zabeleženimi vrstami. Rezultati
januarskega štetja vodnih ptic leta 2017 po shemi
razdelitve na osem števnih območij (B 2007,
2008a, 2008b, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
2015, 2016) so predstavljeni v tabeli 3. V dodatku
1 so števna območja podrobneje razčlenjena na
posamezne reke in manjša območja z večjim
številom lokalitet, kot so poplavne ravnice, doline,
ravnine ipd.
L. B : Rzultati ja nuarskega štetja vod nih ptic leta 2017 v Sloveniji
Download Date | 4/20/18 2:52 AM
Leta 2017 smo prvič med januarskim štetjem
vodnih ptic zabeležili rdečevrato gos Branta
rucollis (Gajševsko jezero, Mura), kar je po zadnjem
opazovanju iz leta 2011 tretji podatek o pojavljanju
te vrste v Sloveniji. Opazovanje belolične gosi
B. leucopsis (Ormoško jezero, Drava) domnevno
izpolnjuje pogoje za uvrstitev v kategorijo A. Vsa
dosedanja opazovanja v Sloveniji so uvrščena v
skupino vrst, ki z veliko verjetnostjo izhajajo iz
ujetništva (kategorija E) oziroma vrst, za katere
obstaja utemeljen sum, da opazovani osebki niso
iz prostoživeče populacije (kategorija D) in niso
del seznama ugotovljenih ptic Slovenije (H
Š 2011, H 2016). Od redkejših vrst
smo popisali nilsko gos Alopochen aegyptiacus
(glinokop Volčja draga, Primorska; drugo
opazovanje v januarskem štetju vodnih ptic) in
pukleža Lymnocryptes minimus (Mlake, Vipavska
dolina; četrto opazovanje v januarskem štetju
vodnih ptic). Nevestico Aix sponsa smo zabeležili
šele drugič v zadnjih 12 štetjih, črnega martinca pa
prvič po štirih letih brez podatka. Leta 2017 smo
prešteli največ mandarink Aix galericulata (skupaj
z letoma 2006 in 2012), dolgorepih rac An. acuta,
kostanjevk Aythya nyroca, zimskih rac Clangula
hyemalis (skupaj z letom 2003), velikih žagarjev
Mergus merganser, pritlikavih kormoranov,
srebrnih galebov L. argentatus in črnomorskih
galebov L. cachinnans v okviru januarskih štetij
vodnih ptic doslej. Razen tega je bilo izmed vrst, ki
se pojavljajo redno, beločelih gosi več le med štetjem
leta 2013, sivih gosi Anser anser leta 2016, tatarskih
žvižgavk Netta runa pa leta 2012. Med največjimi
doslej so bila tudi števila preštetih labodov grbcev
Cygnus olor (večje le trikrat pred 2017), duplinskih
kozark Tadorna tadorna (večje le v letih 2011 in
2014), belolisk Melanitta fusca (večje le v letih 1997
in 2013), malih belih čapelj Egretta garzetta (večje
le v letih 2003 in 2015), belorepcev (večje samo
leta 2004, enako 2012 in 2016) in kričavih čiger
Sterna sandvicensis (večje le v letih 2006 in 2010).
Število črnovratih ponirkov Podiceps nigricollis je
bilo največje v zadnjih 10 štetjih. Najmanjše število
v enaindvajsetih letih januarskih štetij vodnih ptic
smo leta 2017 zabeležili pri sivki Aythya ferina.
Števila naslednjih vrst so bila med najmanjšimi
doslej: rac žličaric An. clypeata (najmanjše po letu
2008), lisk (manjše le v letu 2013), velikih škurhov
Numenius arquata (v zadnjih 16 štetjih manjše le
v letu 2016) in rečnih galebov (manjše le v letih
1998 in 2005). Od redno pojavljajočih se vrst
drugič zapored v štetju nismo zabeležili rdečegrlega
slapnika G. stellata in spremenljivega prodnika
Calidris alpina, medtem ko rdečenogega martinca
Tringa totanus ni bilo že četrtič zapored, priba
Vanellus vanellus pa je bila v zadnjih petih štetjih
popisana le dvakrat.
Podobno kot v zadnjem predhodnem štetju
s snežno odejo v nižinah (v Sloveniji in tudi širše
v Evropi) so se čez naše kraje v smeri od vzhoda
proti zahodu selile jate gosi, med katerimi so
prevladovale beločele in sive gosi. Tudi številčnost
nekaterih drugih vrst (relativno malo velikih belih
čapelj, veliko sivih galebov itd.) je bila podobna
kot v štetjih v zadnjem desetletju, ki so potekala v
razmerah nizkih temperatur in/ali snežne odeje v
nižinah (2009, 2010, 2013). Pri nekaterih vrstah z
največjimi ali velikimi zabeleženimi števili (labod
grbec, duplinska kozarka, dolgorepa raca, veliki
žagar, pritlikavi kormoran), kot tudi vrstah z
majhnimi števili (priba in zgoraj omenjene tri vrste
pobrežnikov iz družine kljunačev Scolopacidae),
so ta nadaljevanje dolgoročnih populacijskih
trendov njihovih januarskih populacij v Sloveniji
(B 2014, 2015, 2016). Leta 2017 smo tretjič
zapored in sedmič v zadnjih desetih štetjih prešteli
največje število velikih žagarjev, pri katerem so
bila prejšnja največja števila občutno presežena na
Zgornji Savi (+70,9%) in Spodnji Savi (+72,8%)
ter zmerno presežena na Savinji (+9,8 %), razen
tega pa je bila vrsta sploh prvič doslej prešteta
na števnem območju Obale. Kljub povečanju
številčnosti pritlikavega kormorana za več kot
enkrat v zad njih dveh štetjih, ta ostaja skoraj v celoti
omejen na reko Dravo, kjer se praktično celotna
prezimujoča populacija zbere na enem samem
prenočišču. V štetju leta 2017 so na posameznih
območjih tri vrste presegle mejno vrednost 1% za
opredeljevanje mokrišč mednarodnega pomena
(W I 2017). Beločela gos
(1 % regionalne populacije albions, Zahodne
Sibirije / Srednje Evrope) in pritlikavi kormoran
(4,3% črnomorsko-mediteranske populacije) sta to
vrednost presegla na SPA Drava SI5000011, veliki
žagar pa poleg Drave še na Savinji in Zgornji Savi
(ker izvor prezimujočih osebkov ni znan, je bila
mejna vrednost po vzoru iz Švice postavljena na 70
osebkov, D et al. 2011). Na slednjem območju
A  38 (174/175) : 203–215 , 2 017
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Tabela 3: Števila preštetih vodnih ptic na posameznem števnem območju in v celotni Sloveniji med januarskim
štetjem vodnih ptic (IWC) leta 2015 (1 – Mura, 2 – Drava, 3 – Savinja, 4 – Zgornja Sava, 5 – Spodnja Sava,
6 – Kolpa, 7 – Notranjska in Primorska, 8 – Obala)
Table 3: Numbers of waterbirds counted in separate count areas and in the entire Slovenia during the January 2015
waterbird census (IWC) (1 – Mura, 2 – Drava, 3 – Savinja, 4 – Upper Sava, 5 – Lower Sava, 6 – Kolpa,
7 – Notranjska & Primorska, 8 – Coastland)
Vrsta / Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Skupaj/
Tot a l
Cygnus olor 498 703 99 267 303 17 10 98 1995
Anser fabalis 19 19
Anser albions 49 1129 81 7 1 1267
Anser anser 120 202 117 2342
Anser sp. 302 302
Branta rucollis 2 2
Branta leucopsis 1 1
Alopochen aegyptiaca 2 2
domača gos / domestic goose 3 1 4
Tadorna tadorna 111 67 70
Aix sponsa 3 3
Aix galericulata 4 1 1 1 7
Cairina moschata 2821 13
Anas penelope 15 257 9 5 6 1 60 353
Anas stre pera 546 1 4 10 6 5 30 107
Anas crecca 210 667 72 134 123 12 239 1457
Anas platyrhynchos 5175 8640 1745 4121 2012 453 681 1037 23864
Anas acuta 315 3 2 23
Anas clypeata 2 2 49 53
Anas sp. 12 12
Netta runa 1 1 11 13
Aythya ferina 69 201 30 26 43 3 3 375
Aythya nyroca 6 5 11
Aythya fuligula 23 781 145 388 18 31358
Aythya marila 1321 7
Clangula hyemalis 3 3
Melanitta fusca 10 10 20
Bucephala clangula 55 834 14 13 114 931
Mergellus albellus 254 175 69
Mergus serrator 113 36 50
Mergus merganser 61 187 190 364 64 29 30 3928
L. B : Rzultati ja nuarskega štetja vod nih ptic leta 2017 v Sloveniji
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Vrsta / Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Skupaj/
Tot a l
domača raca / domestic duck 3 6 9
Gavia arctica 31 31
Phalacrocorax carbo 464 524 387 527 768 17 71 320 3078
Phalacrocorax aristotelis 39 39
Phalacrocorax pygmeus 10 1253 1263
Botaurus stellaris 1 1
Egretta garzetta 1 1 151 153
Ardea alba 182 182 10 39 67 736 29 552
Ardea cinerea 173 277 105 215 130 21 68 39 1028
Ciconia ciconia 2 2
Tachybaptus rucollis 28 373 11 272 225 519 43 976
Podiceps cristatus 12 14 14 16 4184 244
Podiceps grisegena 1 3 4
Podiceps nigricollis 191 92
Haliaeetus albicilla 4 6 10
Rallus aquaticus 738 111 48
Gallinula chloropus 29 33 18 41 18 133 146
Fulica atra 391 1391 343 409 174 9 1 825 3543
Lymnocryptes minimus 2 2
Gallinago gallinago 7 8 7 4 6 8 40
Numenius arquata 9 9
Actitis hypoleucos 1 1 6 8
Tringa ochropus 32 17 1 1 51
Tringa erythropus 1 1
Tringa nebularia 11 11
Chroicocephalus ridibundus 41019 18 33 430 1830 2938
Larus melanocephalus 3 3
Larus canus 9733 7 5 25 2781
Larus argentatus 17 17
Larus michahellis 78 1 5 518 1322 1924
Larus cachinnans 378 378
Larus michahellis / cachinnans 413 13 44 74
Larus sp. 14 14
Sterna sandvicensis 39 39
Alcedo atthis 6 4 5 30 13 1 5 14 78
Cinclus cinclus 623 73 246 25 169 542
Skupaj / Total 7840 20064 3616 7212 4141 582 1678 6657 5179 0
A  38 (174/175) : 203–215 , 2 017
Nadaljevanje tabele 3 / Continuation of Table 3
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so bili veliki žagarji v večjem številu zabeleženi tudi
na vseh pomembnejših pritokih Save.
Streljanje vodnih ptic v času štetja je bilo
zabeleženo na nekateri h odsekih Mure, Ljubljanice,
Iščice, Spodnje Save, Kolpe in Vipave.
Vsem popisovalcem, ki so šteli vodne ptice, in
lokalnim koordinatorjem gre zasluga, da smo
ponovno in sistematično hkrati popisali vse
pomembnejše vodne površine v Sloveniji. Brez
nesebičnega truda to ne bi bilo mogoče. Vsem
najlepša hvala.
Leta 2017 so v januarskem štetju vodnih ptic
sodelovali: Nataša Bavec, Ernest Bedič, Leon
Borovnjak, Denis Cizar, Gregor Domanjko, Iva
Ferenčak, Vinci Ferenčak, Franc Ferk, Jasmina
Filipič, Marija Gaal, Igor Gajšek, Robi Gjergjek,
Anita Grah, Larisa Gregur, Darko Ipša, Jana Jurak,
Tamara Karlo, Vesna Kittya, Igor Kolenko, Štefan
Kutoš, Barbara Lešnjek, Darko Lorenčič, Marko
Makovec, Kristjan Malačič, Cvetka Marhold,
Marjan Mauko, Štefan Orban, Jernej Perša,
Monika Podgorelec, Mojca Podletnik, Dejan
Rocner, Janja Kočar, Željko Šalamun, Robi Šiško,
Lucija Štihec, Tadej Törnar, Srečko Tropenauer,
Velimir Turk, Rozalija Vajdič, Barbara Vaupotič,
Simon Veberič, Štefan Virag, Bernard Zanjkovič
(Mura), Smiljan Bačani, Tilen Basle, Dejan
Bordjan, Luka Božič, Franc Bračko, Nina Erbida,
Angelca Fras, Eva Horvat MB, Stanko Jamnikar,
Matjaž Kerček, Jure Kočevar, Aleksander Koren,
Danica Kušter, Jasna Logar, Katja Logar, Marjan
Logar, Mojca Logar, Urška Martinc, Vesna Pirnat,
Alen Ploj, Matjaž Premzl, Janko Rakuša, Sarah
Robič, Igor Stražišnik, Robi Šiško, Aleš Tomažič,
Miro Trampuš, Marjan Trup, Miroslav Vamberger,
Iztok Vreš, Davorin Vrhovnik, Tjaša Zagoršek
(Drava), Boštjan Deberšek, Maja Gamser, Matej
Gamser, Vasiljka Gamser, Marjan Gobec, Nina
Golnar, Polona Gorišek, Tone Kladnik, Mojmir
Kosi, Suzana Kovač, Miha Kronovšek, Janez
Leskošek, Rao Pintar, Boštjan Pokorny, Tjaša
Štruc, Gabrijela Triglav Brežnik, Meta Zaluberšek
(Savinja), Irena Bertoncelj, Blaž Blažič, Dejan
Bordjan, Lan Bordjan, Tomaž Bregant, Henrik
Ciglič, Janez Čadež, Katarina Denac, Mitja Denac,
Blanka Dolinar, Andreja Dremelj, Dare Fekonja,
Marko Gerbec, Nataša Gorjanc, Janez Grašič,
Jurij Hanžel, Meta Havliček, Vojko Havliček, Eva
Horvat CE, Nika Hrabar, Jože J. Kozamernik,
Tomaž Jančar, Martina Kačičnik Jančar, Andrej
Kelbič, Nejc Kelbič, Aleš Klemenčič, Lana
Klemenčič, Primož Kmecl, Urša Koce, Neža
Kocjan, Ivica Kogovšek, Jerneja Kos, Žan Kuralt,
Rado Legat, David Lenarčič, Bor Mihelič, Gaber
Mihelič, Nace Mihelič, Tomaž Mihelič, Blaž
Mihovec, Matija Mlakar Medved, Aljaž Mulej,
Jasna Mulej, Sava Osole, Aleksander Pritekelj,
Katarina Prosenc Trilar, Tjaša Pršin, Tosja
Pušenjak, Tomaž Remžgar, Karin Rižner, Katja
Rutnik, Mirko Silan, Nataša Šalaja, Anton Štular,
Rudolf Tekavčič, Davorin Tome, Tone Trebar,
Tomi Trilar, Lovro Tuljak, Marko Tuljak, Zlata
Vahčič, Manca Velkavrh, Barbara Vidmar, Miha
Žnidaršič (Zg. Sava), Maja Badovinec, Gregor
Bernard, Gregor Bogovič, Aleksander Božič,
Majda Bračika, Alenka Bradač, Deja Brgant,
Adrijan Černelč, Angela Čuk, Zdravko Čuk,
Damijan Denac, Katarina Denac, Ivan Esenko,
Nataša Ferlinc Krašovec, Marjan Gobec, Nuša
Hrga, Andrej Hudoklin, Jože Hvala, David Kapš,
Filip Kapš, Barbara Kink, Dušan Klenovšek,
Patricija Kostanjšek, Marjan Kumelj, Mojca
Kunst, Peter Kunst, Joaquin Lopez, Irena Matjašič
Podhraški, Rudi Omahen, Barbara Ploštajner,
Zdravko Podhraški, Terezija Potočar Korošec,
Nejc Rabuza, Robi Rožaj, Valerija Slemenšek, Pavel
Šet, Jani Vidmar, Branimir Vodopivec ml., Vesna
Zakonjšek, Olga Zakovšek, Gašper Zalokar, Lucija
Zorenč (Sp. Sava), Andrej Kelbič, Aleksander
Kozina, Urša Koce, Martin Lindič, Tanja Šumrada
(Kolpa), Klemen Berce, Marjeta Cvetko, Boštjan
Čibej, Bojana Fajdiga, Kim Ferjančič, Jernej Figelj,
Martin Gerlič, Ivan Kljun, Gašper Kodele, Dean
Kovač, Matej Kovačič, Simon Kovačič, Albert
Kravanja, Zvonko Kravanja, Peter Krečič, Jakob
Leskovec, Bogdan Lipovšek, Sonja Marušič,
Tomaž Mihelič, Ana Novak Velkavrh, Maja
Ondračka, Valentin Schein, Sašo Šantelj, Viljana
Šiškovič, Drago Telič, Sitka Tepeh, Marko Trošt,
Tjaša Zagoršek, Martin Završnik (Notranjska
& Primorska), Bojana Lipej, Lovrenc Lipej, Aleš
Marsič, Urh Melan Mozetič, Borut Mozetič, Bia
Rakar, Iztok Škornik, Al Vrezec, Enej Vrezec, Gala
Vrezec, Petra Vrh Vrezec (Obala).
L. B : Rzultati ja nuarskega štetja vod nih ptic leta 2017 v Sloveniji
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Lokalni koordinatorji leta 2017 so bili: Željko
Šalamun (Mura), Luka Božič (Drava, Savinja),
Katarina Denac, Vojko Havliček, Tomaž Mihelič
(Zg. Sava), Andrej Hudoklin, Dušan Klenovšek
(Sp. Sava), Urša Koce (Kolpa), Jernej Figelj
(Notranjska in Primorska), Borut Mozetič
In 2017, the International Waterbird Census
(IWC) was carried out in Slovenia on January 14
and 15. Waterbirds were counted on all larger rivers,
along the entire Slovenian Coastland and on most
of the major standing waters in the country. During
the census, in which 235 observers took part, 413
sections of the rivers and coastal sea with a total
length of 1,427 km and 200 other localities (164
standing waters and 36 streams) were surveyed.
e census was characterized by harsh winter
conditions and high proportion of frozen water
bodies. Altogether, 51,790 waterbirds of 61 species
were counted. us, the number of waterbirds and
the number of species recorded were close to the
21-year average. e highest numbers of waterbirds
were counted in the Drava count area, i.e. 20,064
individuals (38.7% of all waterbirds in Slovenia).
By far the most numerous species was Mallard Anas
platyrhynchos (46.1% of all waterbirds), followed
by Coot Fulica atra (6.8% of all waterbirds),
Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (5.9% of all
waterbirds), Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus
ridibundus (5.7% of all waterbirds) and Mute Swan
Cygnus olor (3.9% of all waterbirds). e number
of 1,000 counted individuals was also surpassed
by Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis, Teal An.
crecca, Tued Duck Aythya fuligula, White-front-
ed Goose Anser albions, Pygmy Cormorant P.
pygmeus and Grey Heron Ardea cinerea. Among
the rarer recorded species, the Red-breasted Goose
Branta rucollis (registered for the rst time during
the January Waterbird Censuses and only for the
third time ever in Slovenia) and Barnacle Goose
Branta leucopsis (the rst probable A category
individual for IWC and Slovenia) deserve special
mention. Numbers of the following species were
the highest so far recorded during the IWC:
Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata (together with
2006 and 2012), Pintail An. acuta, Ferruginous
Duck Ay. nyroca, Long-tailed Duck Clangula
hyemalis (together with 2003), Goosander Mergus
merganser, Pygmy Cormorant, Herring Gull
L. argentatus and Caspian Gull L. cachinnans.
Number of Pochards Ay. ferina was the lowest so
far recorded during the IWC.
Leta 2017 je zimsko štetje vodnih ptic (IWC) v
Sloveniji potekalo 14. in 15. januarja. Vodne ptice
smo prešteli na vseh večjih rekah, celotni slovenski
obali in na večini večjih vodnih teles v notranjosti
države. V popisu je 235 popisovalcev pregledalo
413 odsekov rek in obalnega morja v skupni dolžini
1427km in še 200 drugih lokalitet (164 vodnih
teles in 36 potokov). Popis so zaznamovale nizke
temperature in visok delež zamrznjenih vodnih
površin. Prešteli smo 51.790 osebkov 61 vrst.
Številki sta blizu 21-letnega povprečja. Največ
vodnih ptic je bilo preštetih na števnem območju
Drave, in sicer 20.064 (38,7% vseh vodnih ptic v
Sloveniji). Najštevilčnejša je bila mlakarica Anas
platyrhynchos (46,1% vseh vodnih ptic), sledijo ji
liska Fulica atra (6,8%), kormoran Phalacrocorax
carbo (5,9 %), rečni galeb Chroicocephalus
ridibundus (5,7 %) in labod grbec Cygnus olor
(3,9%). Več kot tisoč osebkov smo prešteli še pri
rumenonogem galebu Larus michahellis, kreheljcu
An. crecca, čopasti črnici Ay. fuligula, beločeli gosi
Anser albions, pritlikavem kormoranu P. pygmeus
in sivi čaplji Ardea cinerea. Med redkejšimi vrstami
izstopata rdečevrata gos Branta rucollis (pr vič med
IWC in tretjič nasploh) in belolična gos Branta
leucopsis (verjetno prvi podatek za kategorijo A v
Sloveniji). Za naslednje vrste smo našteli največje
število osebkov doslej v IWC: mandarinka Aix
galericulata (izenačenje z letoma 2006 in 2012),
dolgorepa raca An. acuta, kostanjevka Ay. nyroca,
zimska raca Clangula hyemalis (izenačenje z letom
2003), veliki žagar Mergus merganser, pritlikavi
kormoran, srebrni galeb Larus argentatus in
črnomorski galeb Larus cachinnans. Število sivk Ay.
ferina je bilo najnižje doslej.
Ključne besede: mokrišča, sivka Aythya ferina,
rdečevrata gos Branta rucollis
Key words: wetlands, Pochard Aythya ferina,
Red-breasted Goose Branta rucollis
A  38 (174/175) : 203–215 , 2 017
Download Date | 4/20/18 2:52 AM
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Prispelo / Arrived: 16. 1. 2018
Sprejeto / Accepted: 23. 1. 2018
Download Date | 4/20/18 2:52 AM
Število preštetih vodnih ptic v januarskem štetju leta 2017 v Sloveniji (M – Mura, ŠČ – Ščavnica, LD – Ledava,
MR – Mura razno: jezera, ribniki, gramoznice, mrtvice in potoki v Pomurju ter bližnji okolici, DA – Drava Alpe: meja
z Avstrijo pri Libeličah–Selnica ob Dravi, MM – Meža in Mislinja, D – Drava: Selnica ob Dravi–meja s Hrvaško pri
Središču ob Dravi, DV – Dravinja, P – Pesnica, DPP – Dravsko in Ptujsko polje: ribniki, gramoznice, kanali, potoki
in polja na Dravskem in Ptujskem polju ter bližnji okolici, S – Savinja (vključuje Pako in Voglajno), ŠAL – Šaleška
jezera: Škalsko, Velenjsko, Šoštanjsko in Gabrško jezero, SR – Savinja razno: jezera, ribniki, manjše reke in potoki na
Savinjski ravni ter v bližnji okolici, ZGS – Zgornja Sava: Sava Bohinjka, Sava Dolinka, Sava do Gornje Save (Kranj),
vključuje Radovno, Tržiško Bistrico in Kokro, SOR – Selška Sora, Poljanska Sora in Sora, SRS – srednja Sava: Gornja
Sava (Kranj)–Breg pri Litiji, KBI – Kamniška Bistrica, LB – Ljubljanica, SAR – Savska ravan: jezera, gramoznice,
manjše reke in potoki na Savski ravni, LBA – Ljubljansko barje: jezera, ribniki, kanali in potoki na Ljubljanskem barju,
SSO – Sava soteska: Breg pri Litiji–Zidani Most, SS – spodnja Sava: Zidani Most–meja s Hrvaško, MI – Mirna,
K – Krka, ST – Sotla, SSR – Spodnja Sava razno: jezera, ribniki, gramoznice in potoki na Krški ravni ter bližnji okolici,
KO – Kolpa, SO – Soča, I – Idrijca, VI – Vipava, VID – Vipavska dolina: jezera, glinokopi in potoki v Vipavski dolini,
NOT – Notranjska: notranjska kraška polja in ponikalnice, Cerkniško jezero, RE – Reka, O – Obala: slovensko obalno
morje, OS – Obala soline: Sečoveljske in Strunjanske soline, OZ – Obala zatok: Škocjanski zatok, OR – Obala razno:
stoječe vode in smetišča v Koprskih brdih. Število vodnih ptic, ki so bile v celoti preštete na prenočiščih, je označeno
s krepkim tiskom.
The number of waterbirds counted during the January 2017 waterbird census (IWC) in Slovenia (M – Mura,
ŠČ – Ščavnica, LD – Ledava, MR – Mura other: lakes, shponds, gravel pits, oxbows and streams in Pomurje and
its immediate vicinity, DA – Drava Alps: from the border with Austria at Libeliče to Selnica ob Dravi, MM – Meža and
Mislinja, D – Drava: from Selnica ob Dravi to the border with Croatia at Središče ob Dravi, DV – Dravinja,
P – Pesnica, DPP – Dravsko polje and Ptujsko polje: shponds, gravel pits, channels, streams and elds on Dravsko
and Ptujsko poljes and in their immediate vicinity, S – Savinja (including Paka and Voglajna), ŠAL – Šalek Lakes:
Škalsko, Velenjsko, Šoštanjsko and Gabrško Lakes, SR – Savinja other: lakes, shponds, small rivers and streams on
Savinja plain and along it, ZGS – Upper Sava: Sava Bohinjka, Sava Dolinka, Sava to Gornja Sava (Kranj); including
Radovna, Tržiška Bistrica and Kokra, SOR – Selška Sora, Poljanska Sora and Sora, SRS – Middle Sava: from Gornja
Sava (Kranj) to Breg pri Litiji, KBI – Kamniška Bistrica, LB – Ljubljanica, SAR – lakes, gravel pits, small rivers and
streams on the Sava plain, LBA – lakes, shponds, channels and streams on Ljubljansko barje, SSO – Sava gorge:
from Breg pri Litiji to Zidani Most, SS – Lower Sava: from Zidani Most to the border with Croatia, MI – Mirna,
K – Krka, ST – Sotla, SSR – Lower Sava other: lakes, shponds, gravel pits and streams on Krško plain and
nearby, KO – Kolpa, SO – Soča, I – Idrijca, VI – Vipava, VID – lakes, gravel pits and streams in Vipava Valley,
NOT – Notranjska: karst elds and disappearing streams, Cerkniško jezero (Lake Cerknica), RE – Reka, O – Slovene
coastal sea, OS – Coastal saltpans: Sečovlje and Strunjan saltpans, OZ –Škocjanski zatok, OR – other localities on
the coastland: standing waters and rubbish tips in Koprska brda. The number of waterbirds counted entirely at their
roosting places is denoted in bold.
A  38 (174/175) : 203–215 , 2 017
Download Date | 4/20/18 2:52 AM
Vrsta / Species
Mura Drava Savinja Zgornja Sava / Upper Sava Spodnja Sava / Lower Sava Kolpa Notranjska & Primorska Obala / Coastland Slovenija
MŠČ LD MR Skupaj/
To t a l DA MM DDV PDPP Skupaj/
To t a l SŠAL SR Skupaj/
To t a l SSO SS KST SSR Skupaj/
To t a l KO KOR Skupaj/
To t a l SO IVI VID NOT RE Skupaj/
To t a l OOS OZ OR Skupaj/
To t a l Skupaj vse/
Total overall
Cygnus olor
275 24 20 179 498 38 574 91 703 641 52 99 14 232 17 4267 C. olo. 5298 303 17 17 10 10 883 798 1995
Anser fabalis
7 1 11 19 A. fab. 19
Anser albifrons
49 49 666 463 1129 81 81 1 6 7 A. alb. 1 1 1267
Anser anser
296 22 120 200 2202 A. ans. 1 1 17 17 2 2 342
Anser sp.
247 55 302 302
Branta ruficollis
2 2 B. ruf 2
Branta leucopsis
1 1 B. leu 1
Alopochen aegyptiaca
A. aeg. 2 2 2
domača gos / domestic goose
3 3 1 1 4
Tadorna tadorna
1 1 1 1 1 1 T. tad. 67 67 70
Aix sponsa
A. spo. 3 3 3
Aix galericulata
4 4 1 1 A. gal 1 1 1 1 7
Cairina moschata
2 2 8 8 1 1 2 C. mos. 1 1 13
Anas penelope
4 5 6 15 253 4257 5 4 9 1 1 2 1 5 A. pen. 6 6 1 1 4 34 22 60 353
Anas strepera
3 2 5 45 146 1 1 4 4 A. str. 10 10 5 1 6 5 5 28 230 107
Anas crecca
119 15 21 55 210 3662 2667 53 316 72 21 109 1 3 134 A. cre. 35 56 32 123 12 12 184 55 239 1457
Anas platyrhynchos
1318 463 2823112 5175 308 147 6792 202 511 680 8640 1531 67 147 1745 660 320 1035 335 1439 124 208 4121 A. pla. 50 341 1036 562 23 2012 440 13 453 40 2153 139 347 681 316 578 120 23 1037 23864
Anas acuta
3 3 14 115 2 1 3 1 1 2 A. acu. 23
Anas clypeata
2 2 1 1 2 A. cly. 49 49 53
Anas sp.
12 12 12
Netta rufina
1 1 1 1 N. ru f. 11 11 13
Aythya ferina
69 69 2193 6201 30 30 12 14 26 A. fer. 39 443 3 3 3 3 375
Aythya nyroca
66A. nyr. 5 5 11
Aythya fuligula
23 23 781 781 145 145 16 370 1 1 388 A. ful. 18 18 1 2 3 1358
Aythya marila
1 1 3 3 2 2 A. mar. 1 1 7
Clangula hyemalis
33C. hye 3
Melanitta fusca
10 10 M. fus. 10 10 20
Bucephala clangula
31 24 55 834 834 311 14 3 7 3 13 B . cla. 1 1 14 14 931
Mergellus albellus
1 1 2 54 54 1 1 7 7 M. alb. 5 5 69
Mergus serrator
1 1 M. ser. 13 13 36 36 50
Mergus merganser
61 61 48 138 1187 186 3 1 190 86 39 155 49 35 364 M . m er. 636 22 64 27 229 624 30 3 3 928
domača raca / domestic duck
3 3 6 6 9
Gavia arctica
G. arc. 31 31 31
Phalacrocorax carbo
338 126 464 69 7448 524 310 77 387 153 46 299 124 4527 P. car. 40 235 378 10 105 768 16 117 20 225 815 171 311 7 2 320 3078
Phalacrocorax aristotelis
P. ari. 39 39 39
Phalacrocorax pygmeus
10 10 1253 1253 P. pyg. 1263
Botaurus stellaris
1 1 B. ste. 1
Egretta garzetta
1 1 E. gar. 1 1 28 105 18 151 153
Ardea alba
22 48 68 44 182 124 24 19 15 182 3 7 10 1 7 12 2 8 9 39 A. alb. 2 8 27 624 67 3 4 7 10 220 436 218 6 3 29 552
Ardea cinerea
31 48 48 46 173 412 174 14 13 60 277 85 911 105 62 30 59 27 25 3 9 215 A. cin. 629 49 24 22 130 20 121 16 221 13 16 68 13 818 39 1028
Ciconia ciconia
2 2 C. cic. 2
Tachybaptus ruficollis
423 128 25 347 1373 2 9 11 22 178 54 612 272 T. r u f. 57 168 225 1 4 5 1 2 16 19 714 22 43 976
Podiceps cristatus
12 12 14 14 14 14 14 216 P. cri. 4 4 182 2184 244
Podiceps grisegena
1 1 P. gri. 3 3 4
Podiceps nigricollis
1 1 P. nig. 86 591 92
Haliaeetus albicilla
3 1 4 4 2 6 H. alb. 10
Rallus aquaticus
1 6 7 38 38 1 1 1 1 R. aqu. 1 1 48
Gallinula chloropus
24 529 33 33 18 18 131 941 G. chl. 14 418 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 146
Fulica atra
4 1 32 354 391 27 31325 411 21 1391 4335 4343 75 317 188 409 F. atr. 54 104 16 174 9 9 1 1 6 804 15 825 3543
Lymnocryptes minimus
L. min. 2 2 2
Gallinago gallinago
2 5 7 7 1 8 2 5 7 2 2 4 G. gal. 2 1 3 6 4 4 8 40
Numenius arquata
N. arq. 4 5 9 9
Actitis hypoleucos
1 1 1 1 A. hyp. 5 1 6 8
Tringa ochropus
31 132 14 317 1 1 T. och. 1 1 51
Tringa erythropus
T. ery. 1 1 1
Tringa nebularia
0T. ne b . 119 11 11
Chroicocephalus ridibundus
3 1 4 5 1014 1019 11 2 5 18 2 6 25 33 C. rid. 4 4 30 30 1222 325 244 39 1830 2938
Larus melanocephalus
L. mel. 2 1 3 3
Larus canus
3 6 9 733 733 3 2 2 7 2 3 5 L. can. 25 25 2 2 781
Larus argentatus
17 17 L. arg. 17
Larus michahellis
78 78 1 1 5 5 L. mic. 1 6 511 518 970 258 88 61322 1924
Larus cachinnans
378 378 L. cac. 378
Larus michahellis /
3 1 4 7 613 39113 L. mic. / cac. 44 44 74
Larus sp.
14 14 14
Sterna sandvicensis
S. san. 39 39 39
Alcedo atthis
4 2 6 1 3 4 4 1 5 8 9 2 10 130 A. att. 11 812 13 1 1 1 3 1 5 7 5 2 14 78
Cinclus cinclus
5 1 6 1 18 423 73 73 166 68 3 9 246 C. cin. 915 125 80 74 6711 169 542
Skupaj / Total
2573 608 7053954 7840 537 190 17147 252 5651373 20064 2490 790 336 3616 1321 512 2848 4281696 144 263 7212 150 997 2186 604 204 4141 555 27 582 167 80 256 736 428 11 1678 3344 1786 1439 88 6657 51790
L. B : Rzultati ja nuarskega štetja vod nih ptic leta 2017 v Sloveniji
Download Date | 4/20/18 2:52 AM
Vrsta / Species
Mura Drava Savinja Zgornja Sava / Upper Sava Spodnja Sava / Lower Sava Kolpa Notranjska & Primorska Obala / Coastland Slovenija
MŠČ LD MR Skupaj/
To t a l DA MM DDV PDPP Skupaj/
To t a l SŠAL SR Skupaj/
To t a l SSO SS KST SSR Skupaj/
To t a l KO KOR Skupaj/
To t a l SO IVI VID NOT RE Skupaj/
To t a l OOS OZ OR Skupaj/
To t a l Skupaj vse/
Total overall
Cygnus olor
275 24 20 179 498 38 574 91 703 641 52 99 14 232 17 4267 C. olo. 5298 303 17 17 10 10 883 798 1995
Anser fabalis
7 1 11 19 A. fab. 19
Anser albifrons
49 49 666 463 1129 81 81 1 6 7 A. alb. 1 1 1267
Anser anser
296 22 120 200 2202 A. ans. 1 1 17 17 2 2 342
Anser sp.
247 55 302 302
Branta ruficollis
2 2 B. ruf 2
Branta leucopsis
1 1 B. leu 1
Alopochen aegyptiaca
A. aeg. 2 2 2
domača gos / domestic goose
3 3 1 1 4
Tadorna tadorna
1 1 1 1 1 1 T. tad. 67 67 70
Aix sponsa
A. spo. 3 3 3
Aix galericulata
4 4 1 1 A. gal 1 1 1 1 7
Cairina moschata
2 2 8 8 1 1 2 C. mos. 1 1 13
Anas penelope
4 5 6 15 253 4257 5 4 9 1 1 2 1 5 A. pen. 6 6 1 1 4 34 22 60 353
Anas strepera
3 2 5 45 146 1 1 4 4 A. str. 10 10 5 1 6 5 5 28 230 107
Anas crecca
119 15 21 55 210 3662 2667 53 316 72 21 109 1 3 134 A. cre. 35 56 32 123 12 12 184 55 239 1457
Anas platyrhynchos
1318 463 2823112 5175 308 147 6792 202 511 680 8640 1531 67 147 1745 660 320 1035 335 1439 124 208 4121 A. pla. 50 341 1036 562 23 2012 440 13 453 40 2153 139 347 681 316 578 120 23 1037 23864
Anas acuta
3 3 14 115 2 1 3 1 1 2 A. acu. 23
Anas clypeata
2 2 1 1 2 A. cly. 49 49 53
Anas sp.
12 12 12
Netta rufina
1 1 1 1 N. ru f. 11 11 13
Aythya ferina
69 69 2193 6201 30 30 12 14 26 A. fer. 39 443 3 3 3 3 375
Aythya nyroca
66A. nyr. 5 5 11
Aythya fuligula
23 23 781 781 145 145 16 370 1 1 388 A. ful. 18 18 1 2 3 1358
Aythya marila
1 1 3 3 2 2 A. mar. 1 1 7
Clangula hyemalis
33C. hye 3
Melanitta fusca
10 10 M. fus. 10 10 20
Bucephala clangula
31 24 55 834 834 311 14 3 7 3 13 B . cla. 1 1 14 14 931
Mergellus albellus
1 1 2 54 54 1 1 7 7 M. alb. 5 5 69
Mergus serrator
1 1 M. ser. 13 13 36 36 50
Mergus merganser
61 61 48 138 1187 186 3 1 190 86 39 155 49 35 364 M . m er. 636 22 64 27 229 624 30 3 3 928
domača raca / domestic duck
3 3 6 6 9
Gavia arctica
G. arc. 31 31 31
Phalacrocorax carbo
338 126 464 69 7448 524 310 77 387 153 46 299 124 4527 P. car. 40 235 378 10 105 768 16 117 20 225 815 171 311 7 2 320 3078
Phalacrocorax aristotelis
P. ari. 39 39 39
Phalacrocorax pygmeus
10 10 1253 1253 P. pyg. 1263
Botaurus stellaris
1 1 B. ste. 1
Egretta garzetta
1 1 E. gar. 1 1 28 105 18 151 153
Ardea alba
22 48 68 44 182 124 24 19 15 182 3 7 10 1 7 12 2 8 9 39 A. alb. 2 8 27 624 67 3 4 7 10 220 436 218 6 3 29 552
Ardea cinerea
31 48 48 46 173 412 174 14 13 60 277 85 911 105 62 30 59 27 25 3 9 215 A. cin. 629 49 24 22 130 20 121 16 221 13 16 68 13 818 39 1028
Ciconia ciconia
2 2 C. cic. 2
Tachybaptus ruficollis
423 128 25 347 1373 2 9 11 22 178 54 612 272 T. r u f. 57 168 225 1 4 5 1 2 16 19 714 22 43 976
Podiceps cristatus
12 12 14 14 14 14 14 216 P. cri. 4 4 182 2184 244
Podiceps grisegena
1 1 P. gri. 3 3 4
Podiceps nigricollis
1 1 P. nig. 86 591 92
Haliaeetus albicilla
3 1 4 4 2 6 H. alb. 10
Rallus aquaticus
1 6 7 38 38 1 1 1 1 R. aqu. 1 1 48
Gallinula chloropus
24 529 33 33 18 18 131 941 G. chl. 14 418 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 146
Fulica atra
4 1 32 354 391 27 31325 411 21 1391 4335 4343 75 317 188 409 F. atr. 54 104 16 174 9 9 1 1 6 804 15 825 3543
Lymnocryptes minimus
L. min. 2 2 2
Gallinago gallinago
2 5 7 7 1 8 2 5 7 2 2 4 G. gal. 2 1 3 6 4 4 8 40
Numenius arquata
N. arq. 4 5 9 9
Actitis hypoleucos
1 1 1 1 A. hyp. 5 1 6 8
Tringa ochropus
31 132 14 317 1 1 T. och. 1 1 51
Tringa erythropus
T. ery. 1 1 1
Tringa nebularia
0T. ne b . 119 11 11
Chroicocephalus ridibundus
3 1 4 5 1014 1019 11 2 5 18 2 6 25 33 C. rid. 4 4 30 30 1222 325 244 39 1830 2938
Larus melanocephalus
L. mel. 2 1 3 3
Larus canus
3 6 9 733 733 3 2 2 7 2 3 5 L. can. 25 25 2 2 781
Larus argentatus
17 17 L. arg. 17
Larus michahellis
78 78 1 1 5 5 L. mic. 1 6 511 518 970 258 88 61322 1924
Larus cachinnans
378 378 L. cac. 378
Larus michahellis /
3 1 4 7 613 39113 L. mic. / cac. 44 44 74
Larus sp.
14 14 14
Sterna sandvicensis
S. san. 39 39 39
Alcedo atthis
4 2 6 1 3 4 4 1 5 8 9 2 10 130 A. att. 11 812 13 1 1 1 3 1 5 7 5 2 14 78
Cinclus cinclus
5 1 6 1 18 423 73 73 166 68 3 9 246 C. cin. 915 125 80 74 6711 169 542
Skupaj / Total
2573 608 7053954 7840 537 190 17147 252 5651373 20064 2490 790 336 3616 1321 512 2848 4281696 144 263 7212 150 997 2186 604 204 4141 555 27 582 167 80 256 736 428 11 1678 3344 1786 1439 88 6657 51790
A  38 (174/175) : 203–215 , 2 017
Download Date | 4/20/18 2:52 AM
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Although the Mallard is one of the most numerous and best-studied waterbirds in the world, it received almost no attention in Slovenia. It is one of the most frequently observed waterbirds in our country, with frequency often reaching 100%. Sites with lower frequency either freeze in winter or have a low number of individuals to start with. The Mallard is also the most dominant species (17.5% and 89.0%) with higher dominance at sites less suitable for waterbirds due to the lack of available shoals. Mallards reach their maximum numbers during fall migration and winter. Spring migration has no discernible peak and has been significant only for Lake Cerknica. On shallow waters, the maximum is reached in August and September, a month before fall migration begins, indicating local movement to food-rich sites. Females make up only 36.7% of the observed Mallards and reach the maximum proportion (41.5%) in winter and the lowest in April and May (14.7%), when they nest. The breeding season in Slovenia lasts from mid-January to early December, with the majority of females rearing broods from April to July. Average brood size is 6.2 ± 2.66 and declines with season, age of young and altitude. It varies between habitat types and is highest on Treatment and Coastal Wetlands (7.3) and lowest on deep waters such as Reservoirs (5.7) and Lakes (5.6). No really high breeding densities were found in Slovenia and were similar to those in other countries. Breeding densities are higher on smaller Ponds (< 8 ha), on sites with isolated islands and breeding colonies of gulls and terns (e.g. Lake Ptuj). Breeding density also decreases with elevation. Slovenian breeding population is estimated at 1,473–3,763 bp and wintering population averages 22,237 (10,376–32,010) individuals. Data suggest a decline in the wintering population most likely due to warmer winters. The majority of Mallards winter in NE Slovenia, where eight of eleven sites have a maximum of more than 1,000 Mallards. Most Mallards winter on the Drava river with Ptuj and Ormož lakes, where the highest numbers of Mallards were also recorded (Lake Ptuj: 8,330 ind., Lake Ormož: 5,400 ind.). The highest number of individuals during spring migration was recorded on Lake Cerknica (4,581) and during autumn migration on Medvedce reservoir (3,379). Apart from standing waters, the highest density of wintering Mallards is found in urban sections of slow-flowing rivers, probably due to higher safety and food availability.72,731 Mallards were hunted between 2001 and 2018, mainly in NE Slovenia (28% in the Pomursko hunting management district). The number of Mallards hunted is declining in all hunting areas and has declined by 64% since 2001 and even more since the 1990s. According to hunt data, hunting is by far the most important cause of the Mallard mortality in Slovenia (97.4%), followed by predation (1.1%). The Mallard mortality in Slovenia is largely unstudied and natural mortality is most likely underestimated, not only because it does not include mortality in the pre-fledging period, a period with the lowest survival, but also because the detectability of natural mortality is considerably lower. In contrast to the hunted numbers, there have been only nine recoveries of ringed individuals from abroad in the last 100 years, suggesting that hunters may not be reporting recoveries to the ringing centre. Apart from the 1972–1975 period, when 87% of Mallards were ringed, the intensity of ringing of Mallards in Slovenia is low, resulting in only seven Mallards recovered abroad. The longest distance of a Mallard ringed in Slovenia comes from Ukraine (1,290 km), while the longest distance between ringing and recovery sites is 2,075 km from an individual ringed in Finland. The only colour morphs documented in Slovenia are Mallards with paler feathers, attributed to one of the colour aberrations resulting from lower melanin productivity. Only few hybrids and mixed pairings with other wild duck species were observed.
The foraging of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in Alpine rivers is a relatively recent phenomenon. Wintering populations in Slovenia increased in the 1980s. In the 1990s, the increase affected the upper sections of rivers where the habitats of Grayling Thymallus thymallus and trout Salmo and Oncorhynchus spp. are located. The upper section of the Soa River system is known as one of the biogeographic hotspots for (sub)alpine rivers, where several endemic or rare fish species are found. The aim of this study is to evaluate the diet of the Cormorants in this area and to compare it to some other threats to the fish fauna of the river. A total of 75 Cormorant stomachs were examined. Of these, 68 (90.7%) contained fish or recognisable fish remains. The birds' diet consisted of eight species of fish: Marble Trout, Rainbow Trout, Common Nase, Vairone, Common Chub, Italian Chub, Italian Barbel and Bullhead. The increase in numbers and the diet of Cormorants in the river basin of Soa is discussed in the context of the increase of other threats to this ecosystem, such as fish stocking, gravel extraction and tourism, especially angling and water sports. A more comprehensive environmental assessment of all these factors is needed, as their increase runs parallel with the arrival of the Cormorants in the upper section of the river. There is therefore reason to believe that Cormorants are only a small part of a larger problem in the conservation of the river ecosystem.
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This report by the Slovenian Rarities Committee presents records of rare bird species in Slovenia in 2017, with some addenda for previous years. The numbers in brackets refer to the number of records (first number) and individuals (second number) recorded between 1 Jan 1950 and 31 Dec 2016. Since 1 Jan 2013, submission to the Committee has been required for 37 additional species, 17 of which are regional rarities. Records of these species are not numbered, since records from previous years were not collected by the Committee. The Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis was first recorded in Category A, in addition to previous Category D and E records. Other notable observations were the third record of Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis , fifth records of Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus and Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus , and seventh records of Greater Blackbacked Gull Larus marinus and Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius . The list of birds recorded in Slovenia (as of 31 Dec 2017) contains 390 species (375 in Category A, 6 in Category B, 9 exclusively in Category C; 4 species are both in Categories A and C). Category D contains 7 species, while Category E contains 39, two of which are classified into Subcategory E * . These two categories are not part of the list.
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In 2016, the International Waterbird Census (IWC) was carried out in Slovenia on 16 and 17 Jan. Waterbirds were counted on all larger rivers, along the entire Slovenian Coastland and on most of the major standing waters in the country. During the census, in which 251 observers took part, 421 sections of the rivers and coastal sea with a total length of 1402.8 km and 223 other localities (180 standing waters and 43 streams) were surveyed. Altogether, 52,713 waterbirds of 55 species were counted. Thus, the number of waterbirds rose above the 20-year average of IWC in Slovenia (51.429), while the number of species recorded was one of the lowest so far. The highest numbers of waterbirds were counted in the Drava count area, i.e. 25,292 individuals (48.0% of all waterbirds in Slovenia). By far the most numerous species was Mallard Anas platyrhynchos (38.6% of all waterbirds), followed by Coot Fulica atra (16.8% of all waterbirds), Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus (5.6% of all waterbirds), Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (5.5% of all waterbirds) and Mute Swan Cygnus olor (4.9% of all waterbirds). The number of 1,000 counted individuals was also surpassed by Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula, Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis, Pygmy Cormorant P. pygmeus, Grey Heron Ardea cinerea and Teal An. crecca. Among the rarer recorded species, the Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus, Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus (both registered only for the third time during the IWC) and Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus (registered only for the second time during the IWC) deserve special mention. Numbers of the following species were the highest so far recorded during the IWC: Mute Swan, Greylag Goose Anser anser, Goosander Mergus merganser and Pygmy Cormorant. The lowest number during the IWC was not recorded for any of the species this year. Acrocephalus 37 (170/171): 209-219, 2016.
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This report by the Slovenian Rarities Committee presents records of rare bird species in Slovenia in 2015, with some addenda for previous years. The numbers in brackets refer to the number of records (first number) and individuals (second number) recorded between 1 Jan 1950 and 31 Dec 2014. Since 1 Jan 2013, submission to the Committee has been required for 37 additional species, 17 of which are regional rarities. Records of these species are not numbered, since records from previous years were not collected by the Committee. One new species, the Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti, was added to category A. Other notable observations were the first record of Parrot Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus after 1909, the second record of Baillon’s Crake Zapornia pusilla, the third and fourth records of Calandra Lark Melanocorypha calandra, the fourth of Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus, the fifth of Richard’s Pipit Anthus richardi and the sixth of Grey Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius. Four species were added to category E: Bahama Pintail Anas bahamensis, Rosy-billed Pochard Netta peposaca, Harris’s Hawk Parabuteo unicinctus and Alexandrine Parakeet Psittacula eupatria. The list of birds recorded in Slovenia (as of 31 Dec 2015) contains 386 species (371 in category A, 6 in category B, 9 exclusively in category C; 4 species are both in categories A and C). Category D contains 6 species, while category E contains 38, two of which are classified into subcategory E*. These two categories are not part of the list.
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In 2015, the International Waterbird Census (IWC) was carried out in Slovenia on 17 and 18 Jan. Waterbirds were counted on all larger rivers, along the entire Slovenian Coastland and on most of the major standing waters in the country. During the census, in which 276 observers took part, 409 sections of the rivers and coastal sea with a total length of 1385.8 km and 224 other localities (172 standing waters and 52 streams) were surveyed. Altogether, 46,425 waterbirds of 57 species were counted. This is one of the lowest numbers of waterbirds recorded during the 19 years of IWC in Slovenia. The highest numbers of waterbirds were counted in the Drava count area, i.e. 17,014 individuals (36.7% of all waterbirds in Slovenia). By far the most numerous species was Mallard Anas platyrhynchos (45.9% of all waterbirds), followed by Coot Fulica atra (8.4% of all waterbirds), Blackheaded Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus (7.5% of all waterbirds), Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (5.7% of all waterbirds) and Mute Swan Cygnus olor (4.6% of all waterbirds). The number of 1000 counted individuals was also surpassed by Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula, Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis and Teal An. crecca. Among the rarer recorded species, the Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (registered only for the third time during the IWC) and Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus (registered only for the fourth time during the IWC) deserve special mention. Also, Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea was recorded for the fourth time during the IWC, but the individual observed was classified to category E (introduced species without self-sustaining populations, escapees from captivity). Numbers of the following species were the highest so far recorded during the IWC: Greylag Goose Anser anser, Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata, Shoveler An. clypeata, Goosander Mergus merganser and Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos. The number of Redbreasted Mergansers M. serrator was the lowest so far recorded during the IWC.
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The present article is an upgrade and update of national checklists published by the Slovenian Rarities Committee in the past. A species is considered rare if fewer than 10 records are known after 1st January 1950. The number of records for these species is given in the list. Additionally, species designated as rare in the last edition of the list and extinct breeders were also considered. All records after 1st January 2001, included in the list, were confirmed by the current Slovenian Rarities Committee. Data collection for the period between 1st January 1800 and 31st December 1949 was centred on evaluating written sources, which were the basis for inclusion of a species into previous editions of the list. The data classification and taxonomy follow the recommendations of the British Ornithologists' Union. The list includes species observed at least once between 1st January 1800 and 31st December 2011. The list of birds recorded in Slovenia contains 380 species, of which 365 are in Category A, seven in Category B and eight in Category C. Category D contains six and Category E 29 species. These species are not part of the list. In comparison with the last version of the list published in 2001, 10 species recorded in Slovenia for the first time during this period were added. Two species were added because of taxonomic changes and five due to changes in species categories. Seven species were removed from the list owing to inaccurate information in historic written sources or misidentification.
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In 2015, the International Waterbird Census (IWC) was carried out in Slovenia on 17 and 18 Jan. Waterbirds were counted on all larger rivers, along the entire Slovenian Coastland and on most of the major standing waters in the country. During the census, in which 276 observers took part, 409 sections of the rivers and coastal sea with a total length of 1385.8 km and 224 other localities (172 standing waters and 52 streams) were surveyed. Altogether, 46,425 waterbirds of 57 species were counted. This is one of the lowest numbers of waterbirds recorded during the 19 years of IWC in Slovenia. The highest numbers of waterbirds were counted in the Drava count area, i.e. 17,014 individuals (36.7% of all waterbirds in Slovenia). By far the most numerous species was Mallard Anas platyrhynchos (45.9% of all waterbirds), followed by Coot Fulica atra (8.4% of all waterbirds), Blackheaded Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus (7.5% of all waterbirds), Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (5.7% of all waterbirds) and Mute Swan Cygnus olor (4.6% of all waterbirds). The number of 1000 counted individuals was also surpassed by Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula, Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis and Teal An. crecca. Among the rarer recorded species, the Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (registered only for the third time during the IWC) and Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus (registered only for the fourth time during the IWC) deserve special mention. Also, Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea was recorded for the fourth time during the IWC, but the individual observed was classified to category E (introduced species without self-sustaining populations, escapees from captivity). Numbers of the following species were the highest so far recorded during the IWC: Greylag Goose Anser anser, Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata, Shoveler An. clypeata, Goosander Mergus merganser and Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos. The number of Redbreasted Mergansers M. serrator was the lowest so far recorded during the IWC.
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This report by the Slovenian Rarities Committee presents records of rare bird species in Slovenia in 2013, with some addenda for previous years. The numbers in brackets refer to the number of records (first number) and individuals (second number), recorded between 1 Jan 1950 and 31 Dec 2012. Since 1 Jan 2013, submission to the Committee is required for 37 additional species, 17 of which are regional rarities. Records of these species are not numbered, since records from previous years were not collected by the Committee. Four new species were recorded in category A: White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala, Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla, Audouin’s Gull Larus audouinii and Siberian Rubythroat Calliope calliope. Three species, Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris, Chukar Alectoris chukar and Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus, were added to category E. Other notable observations were the second and third records of Bewick’s Swan Cygnus columbianus and fourth record of Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus. The list of birds recorded in Slovenia (as of 31 Dec 2013) contains 384 species (369 in category A, 7 in category B, 8 exclusively in category C; 4 species are both in categories A and C). Category D contains 6 species, while category E contains 33. These two categories are not part of the list
  • B Štumberger
Štumberger B. (2005): Rezultati štetja vodnih ptic v januarju 2003 v Sloveniji.-Acrocephalus 26 (125): 99-103.
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  • BožičL
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  • BožičL
ugotovljenih ptic Slovenije s pregledom redkih vrst
  • HanželJ