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Analysis of Ikea office furniture range from a marketing point of view, including recommendations

  • Swiss Leaders Group
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Student ID number: 1412412
Module name: Class # 1554 – Marketing Management
Assignment title: Final Assessment on Inter IKEA Group
Assignment deadline: 29 March 2015
Effective number of words used: 2486
I confirm that I have read the University regulations on plagiarism, and that this
assignment is my own work.
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This assessment is on IKEA, which is the “world’s largest multinational, flat-pack furniture
retail chain” (Maon, et al., 2011, p. 4) with 315 stores in 42 countries, 147,000 employees,
716 million store visits, 1.6 billion website visits and 212 million distributed. (IKEA, 2015;
Author, 2015; Inter IKEA Systems, 2014).
Target Market
For this assessment, I will focus on a particular customer segment of IKEA, the furniture for
businesses, called afterwards “IKEA BUSINESS” more particularly for IKEA’s mature and
historical market (222 out of 315 stores – 70%) (IKEA, 2015): Europe. The reason for taking
this particular segment is that this market is sizeable, the total European revenue of office
furniture being 7.55 billion EUR in 2013 (Brouns, 2013; Brouns, 2014) and at the same time
it seems to be a rather small business area for IKEA and has therefore large potential.
Performing mystery shopping, I noticed that most of IKEA BUSINESS range is displayed in
the store, however not labelled as “IKEA BUSINESS”. The home office furniture and IKEA
BUSINESS range are not clearly differentiated, neither in the store, nor on the website or
catalogue. At the same time, no “IKEA BUSINESS” brochures were available in-store and
probably at all in some countries such as Switzerland, and only some simple black-and-white
printed papers were provided to me, downplaying the advantages of the range. It is also
doubtful that a small and medium-sized enterprise manager would walk into an IKEA store to
visit a hard-to-find area of interest to him.
Therefore I consider that there is a need to position, communicate and promote the business
product range in a different way, hence exploiting the full potential of the IKEA BUSINESS
product range.
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The target market are the Western European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises selected
as companies having between 10 and 249 employees, which sums up as 1.65M companies
with a total of 21 million employees (Muller, et al., 2014; Confédération Suisse, 2015; de
Kok, et al., 2011). Assuming that 40% of workers are white-collar workers (The Henry J.
Kaiser Family Foundation, 2014) and therefore require a desk, I will use the quantity of 8.4
million workplaces as the target market.
I estimate that a new marketing strategy for IKEA will bring in the next five years 5% of the
targeted companies to buy IKEA desks, chairs and storage for their employees, estimated at
€200 per workplace, a total target revenue is 1.68 billion EUR by 2021, reaching the 15th
place in the office furniture manufacturers market, as per 2013 figures (Brouns, 2013).
The campaign described in this assessment focuses on increasing the revenue in 2017. It
will include sending IKEA BUSINESS catalogues to 1.65 million Western European Small
and Medium-sized Enterprises. Based on IKEA experience with private customers in
Switzerland a rate of purchase of 5.9% can be achieved based on printed material sent by
post (La Poste Suisse, 2010). Based on these assumptions, 97,350 companies will purchase
some IKEA BUSINESS products. With an estimated average of 5,000 EUR per yearly
purchase, the incremental IKEA BUSINESS Western European revenue is estimated to be
486.75 million EUR in 2017. Yearly campaigns between 2018 and 2021 will support the
increase of revenue to a yearly revenue of 1.68 billion EUR by 2021.
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3BL Marketing (SMART)
1. People:
As IKEA consider sustainability as “central to our business” (Inter IKEA Systems,
2014), ambitious social goals have been included in this campaign and business
increase. The goal is therefore: “Improve the working conditions of 8.4 million
Western European office workers in small and medium businesses while providing
healthy, quality, stylish and practical business furniture at an affordable price in 2017.
At the same time 1,000 desk will be offered to school in developing countries.” (de
Kok, et al., 2011; Muller, et al., 2014; Confédération Suisse, 2015). The 1,000 desk
are provided on the basis one per company applying to the photo shooting contest in
the campaign (see details under “AIDA+ - Attention” section).
2. Planet:
Similarly, it is important for IKEA to have concrete goals for the environment. The
goals for this campaign and IKEA BUSINESS in general are: “The packaging used
for the IKEA BUSINESS product will be coming 100% from recyclable materials by
2017. The catalogues distributed in 2016 and beyond will have 60% of energy of its
manufacturing coming from renewable energy, while 100% of the paper fibres will be
FSC certified. 50% of the wood used for the IKEA BUSINESS furniture will be coming
from sustainable sources from 2017 onwards. IKEA will offer the possibility to pick up
and recycle 100% of the furniture replaced by the purchased IKEA BUSINESS
furniture”. (Inter IKEA Systems, 2014)
3. Profit:
The campaign’s goal for the revenue increase is “Realising 485 million EUR revenue
on IKEA BUSINESS product range by 2017 and 1.6 billion EUR by 2021, reaching
the position of fifteenth European office furniture manufacturer 2021, while doing so
at least at the same average gross margin as the overall business of Inter IKEA; in
2013 it was 11.78%” (Inter IKEA, 2014; Author, 2015; Brouns, 2013).
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Marketing Mix (first 3P’s)
1. Product:
“Our wide range of IKEA BUSINESS furnishing covers everything from desks,
storage solutions and chairs, to lamps and accessories” (Ikea Ireland, 2015) with
contemporary, practical and durable qualities. IKEA claims that “since we know time
is money, we offer several services that make it possible for you to focus on your
business, while we take care of the rest”. (Ikea Ireland, 2015).
Compared to their major competitors, the mass standard office furniture suppliers,
such as OfficeWorld in Switzerland, IKEA BUSINESS range is a little more limited in
choice and several of the product, such as the storage solution, are more based on
wood. It is worth noting that all IKEA BUSINESS products have 10 years warranty
(IKEA Schweiz, 2014), whereas competitor like OfficeWorld only provide 2 years
warranty. IKEA BUSINESS products are compliant with the major quality standard on
office furniture (EN 527-2 et ANSI/BIFMA X5.5-2008) (IKEA Suisse, 2014).
It is worth noticing also that the delivery timing is much faster for IKEA (usually 2-3
weeks) compared to OfficeWorld (quoted as 4-7 weeks). (OfficeWorld, 2015; IKEA
Schweiz/Suisse, 2015)
2. Price:
IKEA’s current price strategy is to provide a range of components and leave it to the
customer to combine them. (IKEA Schweiz, 2014). The delivery and assembly is
quoted separately and made of a base fee and a proportional one (percentage of the
value of the goods). To assess the prices of the IKEA BUSINESS range, we will take
the Swiss market and compare the current price of IKEA BUSINESS in Switzerland
(IKEA Schweiz, 2014) with a comparable company, OfficeWorld (OfficeWorld, 2015).
Herewith is the comparison of some of the key products:
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Electrically adjustable
desk (160 x 80)
IKEA OfficeWorld
Price of good (CHF, VAT
629 1,349
Delivery 99 Included
Total delivered 728 1,349
Price difference without
Price with assembly 935 1,429
Price difference with
Table (160 x 80) IKEA OfficeWorld
Price of good (CHF, VAT
169 417
Delivery 10 Included
Total delivered 179 417
Price difference without
Price with assembly 308 497
Height Adjustable 60-90 cm Fixed 74 cm
Price difference with
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Office chair IKEA OfficeWorld
Price of good (CHF, VAT
179 262
Delivery 10 Included
Total delivered 189 262
Price difference -38.66%
Filing cabinet (3 doors) IKEA OfficeWorld
Price of good (CHF, VAT
249 406
Delivery 99 Included
Total delivered 348 406
Price difference without
Price with assembly 490 406
Price difference with
The delivery cost is included in OfficeWorld’s price, whereas it is charged at 9.95
CHF for small items such as chairs and table, and 99 CHF for large ones (desks and
storage). Both suppliers do not include assembly in their pricing. For IKEA the price
is visible on the website (CHF 100 + 17% of purchase price or 90 CHF additional fee
for urgent requests). OfficeWorld does not quote the assembly on their website and
require the customer to call their customer call centre where an estimation will be
given, confirmed by the delivery company who will eventually charge for the service.
(OfficeWorld, 2015; OfficeWorld, 2015).
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Additionally in some countries like Germany (IKEA Deutschland, 2015), IKEA offers a
loyalty system providing 3% vouchers (3% from a total purchase of 2,000 EUR within
2 years, 4% from a total purchase of 5,000 EUR within 2 years and 5% from a total
purchase of 10,000 EUR within 2 years).
I can therefore conclude that the price of the IKEA BUSINESS range are very
competitive, except for the filing cabinets (which are in more attractive built as they
competitors), and for the minimum amount for delivery and assembly. Based on this
conclusion, the price of the goods themselves does not need to be reviewed, only the
way the delivery and assembly are prices and packages with the product, as well as
the addition of volume rebates to encourage the customer to regularly purchase IKEA
BUSINESS furniture.
On the IKEA BUSINESS Website (see “place” below), the prices should be shown in
a different way on the standard website. For specific numbers we will show the prices
for Switzerland, however each country will follow a similar approach. I recommend
the following changes:
IKEA BUSINESS product should be presented as complete product packages
with some options for changes or addition, instead of a list of components
A “Mini” price should be quoted with the delivery but not assembly. Delivery
will be 20% of the price of the product with a minimum of 40 CHF.
A “Maxi” price should be quoted with the delivery and assembly included. The
“Maxi” will be calculated as the “Mini” price with an additional 20% added for
the assembly of 20% of the price of the product. Assembly will be provided at
time of delivery. Products with no needs for assembly (for example an office
light) or minimal assembly (like an office chair) will not have a “Maxi” price.
An “Eco” option will be provided whereas the current furniture which are being
replaced by the newly ordered one will be picked up and recycled for an
additional fee of 10% of the purchase furniture
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The credits currently used in Germany will be applied to both online and in
store purchases and applied in all countries. When the customers has a IKEA
BUSINESS payment card, payment will be credited to the payment card. If
the customer has no IKEA BUSINESS payment cards, he/she will receive a
gift card.
3. Place:
Most directors and managers of SMEs are not likely to spend time walking all around
an IKEA store just to access that small office furniture section. Therefore the main
location of information and order for business customer are the website and the
catalogue (to be ordered on the website). A professional and complete IKEA
BUSINESS website has to be available for each country with a simple address (e.g. instead of a sub-site from the main IKEA website. The
IKEA BUSINESS product range will still be available like today on the main IKEA
website and in-store in the current way for private buyers (see Price), however it will
be labelled and branded as “IKEA BUSINESS” range. Also the IKEA BUSINESS
website will have to provide the new pricing approach for business as well as good
quality photo to act as a virtual showroom.
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Promotion Plan (AIDA+)
- Attention:
The promotion will start with a contest open to current IKEA BUSINESS
customers (having most IKEA BUSINESS product as office furniture). They
will first take some pictures of their IKEA BUSINESS furniture. An IKEA jury
will review the submitted pictures and select both the 1,000 companies
selected for professional shooting and the 10 top winner with a 1st price of
50,000 EUR, a 2nd price of 20,000 EUR, 3rd to 5th prices of 10,000 EUR and
6th to 10th prices of 6,000 EUR, all to be paid in IKEA voucher after the photo
shooting. Each selected participants (up to 1,000 will be selected) for office
shooting by a professional photographer commissioned by IKEA will receive
100 EUR in cash after the shooting and one desk will be offered to a school in
a developing country for the use by the teacher through WorldVision, a global
development NGO, with the logo of the IKEA customer company and IKEA
logo. A photo provided back to the IKEA customer company as well. The
professional photos will be used for the advertisement called “Vote for the
best designed office”, posted on social medias (Instagram, Facebook). The
best designed office will be also advertised in office publications with the
website and social media links (see “Interest” section). At this stage, the
name “Ikea” will not be mentioned in order to keep the surprise for later stage.
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- Interest
On the advertisement, hashtags #bestdesignedoffice and facebook
“BestDesignedOffice” pages will be shown and directing to a website for
voting where people link their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Email and
LinkedIn to the voting website site. The winning office competition
professional photos will also be featured in business magazine and websites
targeting SME companies.
As mentioned in the “Attention” section, the name of IKEA will not be
mentioned at this stage.
“IKEA BUSINESS” catalogues will be sent to all companies having between
10 and 250 employees in Western Europe, reaching 1.65 million companies
with the same messages and with the same photos.
- Desire
The people who linked their social media profiles or entered their email on the
voting site will receive a newsletter with the title “Why not working in an office
like this” giving them access to the “IKEA BUSINESS Website”.
- Action
Access the local “IKEA BUSINESS” website, giving them the possibility to
design their own office and get specific offers that can be automatically
forwarded to another person, like the CEO of the company, division director
or office manager. A contest will be held and the winner of the selection by an
IKEA jury will have its office furniture paid up to 100,000 EUR. The 2nd price
will be 10,000 EUR and the 3rd 5,000 EUR in IKEA vouchers. The same
designs as at the previous campaigns will be again shown but this time with
the IKEA logos. These results of both contests will be presented a press
conferences in all countries, taken care by current marketing team within their
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Promotion Budget & Implementation Calendar
1. Objective-and-task Promotion Budget
In order to win 486.75 million EUR revenue, IKEA will have to spend 7.334 million
EUR, a 1.506%.
Estimation of the cost of online article calculated from the PME Magazine (axel
springer, 2015) full page for two magazine per country and 32 European countries.
2015 2016
Actual Cost Baseline Cost Remaining Cost Cost Variance
0.00 € 0.00 € 7,334,000.00
0.00 €
1,000,000.00 €
2,000,000.00 €
3,000,000.00 €
4,000,000.00 €
5,000,000.00 €
6,000,000.00 €
7,000,000.00 €
8,000,000.00 €
0.00 €
1,000,000.00 €
2,000,000.00 €
3,000,000.00 €
4,000,000.00 €
5,000,000.00 €
6,000,000.00 €
Cost Cumulative Cost
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Name Fixed Cost Actual Cost Remaining Cost C ost Baseline Cost Cost Variance
Project management
and support team
50,000.00 € 0.00 € 50,000.00 € 50,000.00
50,000.00 € 0.00 €
Sending letter to IKEA
Business customers
5,000.00 € 0.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 0.00 €
Customers taking
photos and sending
them to IKEA
0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 €
Selection of the 1000
best IKEA offices
based on the
customers photos
5,000.00 € 0.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 0.00 €
Photo shootings to
maximum 1000
250,000.00 € 0.00 € 250,000.00 € 250,000.00
250,000.00 € 0.00 €
Internal order of up
to 1000 desks
100,000.00 € 0.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00
0.00 € 100,000.00 €
Shipping of 1000
100,000.00 € 0.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00
0.00 € 100,000.00 €
Development of
customer website
and social medias
50,000.00 € 0.00 € 50,000.00 € 50,000.00
50,000.00 € 0.00 €
Posting of the photos
on the website and
activation of voting
2,000.00 € 0.00 € 2,000.00 € 2,000.00 € 2,000.00 € 0.00 €
running in SME
business press and on
0.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.
00 €
0.00 € 1,000,000.00 €
Social voting of the
best office photo on
custom website
0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 €
Emails/social media
messages with the
name of the wingners
and photos of the
campain "why not
working in an office
like that"
20,000.00 € 0.00 € 20,000.00 € 20,000.00
20,000.00 € 0.00 €
Adaptation of all
European IKEA
Business websites to
allow of the
submissions of the
design competition
50,000.00 € 0.00 € 50,000.00 € 50,000.00
50,000.00 € 0.00 €
Best office design
submission (via
0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 €
Removal of the
submission on all
European IKEA
Business websites
2,000.00 € 0.00 € 2,000.00 € 2,000.00 € 2,000.00 € 0.00 €
Jury choice of the
best office design
5,000.00 € 0.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 0.00 €
Winner of office
design announced on
IKEA Business
5,000.00 € 0.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € 0.00 €
Payment of the office
design winner prices
250,000.00 € 0.00 € 250,000.00 € 250,000.00
250,000.00 € 0.00 €
running in SME
business press and on
0.00 € 2,000,000.00 € 2,000,000.
00 €
0.00 € 2,000,000.00 €
Editing of the IKEA
Business catalogue
and website with the
results of the contest
100,000.00 € 0.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00
0.00 € 100,000.00 €
Printing and shipping
of 1.65M IKEA
Business catalogues
to all EU + CH 10 to
250 employees
0.00 € 3,300,000.00 € 3,300,000.
00 €
0.00 € 3,300,000.00 €
Preparation of the
ns for automatic
processing in all
European countries
20,000.00 € 0.00 € 20,000.00 € 20,000.00
20,000.00 € 0.00 €
Email/letter of the
designs and offers to
the people selected
by the participants
20,000.00 € 0.00 € 20,000.00 € 20,000.00
20,000.00 € 0.00 €
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2. Implementation calendar
As most companies have their fiscal year starting on January 1st, and close the
budget latest in November, the goal is complete this campaign by end of October.
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La Poste Suisse, 2010. "Les publipostages adressés sont précieux" - IKEA compare DirectSelfmailer
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Top 100 European office furniture manufacturers
  • B Brouns
Brouns, B., 2013. 2012 Top 100 European office furniture manufacturers. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015].
The latest figures on the European office furniture industry
  • B Brouns
Brouns, B., 2014. The latest figures on the European office furniture industry. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015].
Willkommen bei IKEA® BUSINESS
  • Ikea Deutschland
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Arbeitsplatz für echte Profis
  • Ikea Schweiz
IKEA Schweiz, 2014. Arbeitsplatz für echte Profis, Spreitenbach: IKEA Schweiz.
  • Ikea Suisse
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About the IKEA Group
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IKEA Group Sustainability Report FY14, s.l.: Inter IKEA Systems B
  • Ikea Inter
  • Systems
Inter IKEA Systems, 2014. IKEA Group Sustainability Report FY14, s.l.: Inter IKEA Systems B.V..
  • Ikea Inter
Inter IKEA, 2014. 2013 Inter IKEA Group Annual Report released, Luxembourg: s.n.