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Individual changes in neurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in patients with brain oligometastases treated with stereotactic radiotherapy


Abstract and Figures

Background: Recently, it has been shown that at group level, patients with limited brain metastases treated with stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) maintain their pre-treatment levels of neurocognitive functioning (NCF) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The aim of this study was to evaluate NCF and HRQoL changes over time at the individual patient level. Methods: NCF (seven domains assessed with a standardized test battery) and HRQoL (eight predetermined scales assessed with the EORTC QLQ-C30 and BN20 questionnaires) were measured prior to SRT and at 3 and/or 6 months follow-up. Changes in NCF and HRQoL were evaluated at (1) a domain/scale level and (2) patient level. Results: A total of 55 patients were examined, of which the majority showed stable NCF 3 months after SRT, on both the domain level (78-100% of patients) and patient level (67% of patients). This was different for HRQoL, where deterioration in the different scales was observed in 12-61% of patients, stable scores in 20-71%, and improvement in 16-40%, 3 months after SRT. At patient level, most patients (64%) showed both improvement and deterioration in different HRQoL scales. Results were similar between 3 and 6 months after SRT. Conclusion: In line with results at group level, most brain oligometastases patients with ≥ 6 months follow-up and treated with SRT maintained their pre-treatment level of NCF during this period. By contrast, changes in HRQoL scores differed considerably at domain and patient level, despite stable HRQoL scores at group level.
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Journal of Neuro-Oncology (2018) 139:359–368
Individual changes inneurocognitive functioning andhealth-
related quality oflife inpatients withbrain oligometastases treated
withstereotactic radiotherapy
PimB.vanderMeer1· EstherJ.J.Habets2· RuudG.Wiggenraad3· AntoinetteVerbeek‑deKanter3·
GeertJ.LycklamaàNijeholt4· HannekeZwinkels2· MartinKlein5· LindaDirven1,2· MartinJ.B.Taphoorn1,2
Received: 31 January 2018 / Accepted: 8 April 2018 / Published online: 16 April 2018
© The Author(s) 2018
Background Recently, it has been shown that at group level, patients with limited brain metastases treated with stereotactic
radiotherapy (SRT) maintain their pre-treatment levels of neurocognitive functioning (NCF) and health-related quality of
life (HRQoL). The aim of this study was to evaluate NCF and HRQoL changes over time at the individual patient level.
Methods NCF (seven domains assessed with a standardized test battery) and HRQoL (eight predetermined scales assessed
with the EORTC QLQ-C30 and BN20 questionnaires) were measured prior to SRT and at 3 and/or 6months follow-up.
Changes in NCF and HRQoL were evaluated at (1) a domain/scale level and (2) patient level.
Results A total of 55 patients were examined, of which the majority showed stable NCF 3months after SRT, on both the
domain level (78–100% of patients) and patient level (67% of patients). This was different for HRQoL, where deterioration
in the different scales was observed in 12–61% of patients, stable scores in 20–71%, and improvement in 16–40%, 3months
after SRT. At patient level, most patients (64%) showed both improvement and deterioration in different HRQoL scales.
Results were similar between 3 and 6months after SRT.
Conclusion In line with results at group level, most brain oligometastases patients with ≥ 6months follow-up and treated
with SRT maintained their pre-treatment level of NCF during this period. By contrast, changes in HRQoL scores differed
considerably at domain and patient level, despite stable HRQoL scores at group level.
Keywords Health-related quality of life· Neurocognitive functioning· Brain metastases· Stereotactic radiotherapy
Brain metastases are a common manifestation of systemic
cancer, with an estimated 9–45% of cancer patients develop-
ing brain metastases [1, 2]. The increasing incidence of brain
metastases is most likely attributable to an aging popula-
tion, the availability of improved imaging to detect smaller
lesions, and better treatment modalities for systemic cancer
which prolong life, thereby increasing the risk of dissemina-
tion of the systemic cancer to the brain [3, 4]. Although a
subgroup of patients experiences longer survival [5], brain
metastases are still incurable for most patients and the focus
of treatment is mainly palliative [6]. Neurocognitive deficits
and a reduced health-related quality of life (HRQoL) are
often observed in patients with brain metastases and may be
caused by the primary tumor, presence of (brain) metasta-
ses themselves, anti-tumor treatment, or supportive medica-
tion [4, 710]. Although survival is an important treatment
Pim B. van der Meer and Esther J. J. Habets have contributed
equally to this work.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (https :// 0-018-2868-7) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
* Pim B. vander Meer
1 Department ofNeurology, Leiden University Medical
Center, PO BOX 9600, 2300RCLeiden, TheNetherlands
2 Department ofNeurology, Haaglanden Medical Center,
TheHague, TheNetherlands
3 Department ofRadiotherapy, Haaglanden Medical Center,
TheHague, TheNetherlands
4 Department ofRadiology, Haaglanden Medical Center,
TheHague, TheNetherlands
5 Brain Tumor Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
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360 Journal of Neuro-Oncology (2018) 139:359–368
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endpoint for these patients, maintenance or improvement of
neurocognitive functioning (NCF) and HRQoL during the
course of the disease are at least as important [11, 12].
Whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT) has been the standard
of care in the past decades, but use of stereotactic radio-
therapy (SRT) as an addition to, or as an alternative for,
WBRT have increased considerably in recent years [13]. The
main component of SRT is precise delivery of focal high
dose radiation to a discrete target volume in 1–5 sessions,
while minimizing irradiation of surrounding normal tissue
[8, 14]. This treatment is particularly useful for patients
presenting with limited brain metastases [15], which is the
largest subgroup of patients, considering that 70% of the
patients have three or fewer metastases [16]. SRT alone is
associated with better NCF and HRQoL, while overall sur-
vival (OS) is comparable with WBRT alone or a combina-
tion of WBRT and SRT [5, 17, 18]. In contrast, SRT alone
carries a risk of intracranial recurrences and patients treated
with SRT undergo salvage treatment significantly more often
compared with patients receiving both WBRT and SRT [19].
These salvage treatments may increase the risk of neurologic
deficits and radionecrosis [4, 20].
Habets etal. [21] evaluated NCF and HRQoL prospec-
tively in patients treated with SRT alone for 1–3 brain
metastases and found that at group level, NCF and HRQoL
remained relatively stable during 6months from initial
treatment, with the exception of physical functioning and
fatigue, which worsened over time [21]. Although at group
level patients maintained their pre-treatment levels of NCF
and HRQoL to a large extent, this may not hold true for all
individual patients. Since maintaining or improving NCF
and HRQoL is important for all patients treated with SRT,
we sought to evaluate changes over time in NCF and HRQoL
at the individual patient level.
Materials andmethods
Study population
Patients were eligible if they were ≥ 18years; had 3
newly diagnosed brain metastases (maximum diameter of
4cm); and were scheduled to undergo SRT, performed on
an out-patient base with a dedicated Linac (Novalis; Brain-
LABAG, Helmstetten, Germany), construction year 2003.
Recruitment of patients took place between January 2009
and February 2012. Exclusion criteria were: prior treat-
ment for metastatic brain tumors; insufficient mastery of the
Dutch language; and Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS)
score < 70. The medical ethics committee of the institu-
tion approved the protocol. All patients provided written
informed consent.
The gross tumor volume (GTV) was contoured on a contrast-
enhanced T1-weighted MRI. Planning target volume (PTV)
was created by adding a 2-mm margin by 3D expansion to the
clinical target volume (CTV), which was equal to the GTV.
SRT treatment consisted of 21Gy (PTV < 8cm3) or 18Gy
(PTV 8–13cm3) in a single fraction or 24Gy (PTV > 13cm3
and metastases near the brainstem) in three fractions of 8Gy.
The baseline evaluation of NCF and HRQoL was conducted
in the week preceding SRT. Follow-up assessments took place
3 and 6months after SRT. Patients’ charts were examined to
extract sociodemographic data and clinical variables, includ-
ing primary tumor, treatment status and medication use. At
all time points, MRI scans were made and the status of the
primary disease and the use of medication were monitored.
If patients showed intracranial progression during follow-up
and underwent renewed SRT, provided the number of metas-
tases was ≤ 3, these patients remained in the study. Patients
with intracranial progression who transitioned to WBRT were
excluded from further assessment. Patients were included in
the statistical analysis if they complied for assessment on NCF
and/or HRQoL on at least baseline and 3months, or 3 and
Study instruments
Neurocognitive functioning
NCF was assessed with a standardized battery of validated
neurocognitive tests found to be clinically relevant in brain
tumor patients (Supplementary Table1) [2229]. Individual
test scores were combined in seven neurocognitive domain
scores: verbal memory, visual memory, attention, executive
functioning, working memory, information processing speed
and visuoconstruction. Raw individual test scores were con-
verted into standardized z-scores, by using means and standard
deviations of individually matched healthy controls regarding
age, gender, and education level, for four different domains
(verbal memory, attention, executive functioning and informa-
tion processing speed) [3032]. Published norms were used,
corrected for age and education, for the three other domains
(visual memory, working memory and visuoconstruction) [33,
34]. A change in z-score of ≥ 1.5 standard deviation (SD) was
considered to be clinically meaningful, in line with previous
research in the same population [21].
Health-related quality oflife
HRQoL was evaluated with two validated self-assessment
questionnaires, (1) the for cancer patients developed 30-item
generic European Organisation for Research and Treatment
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361Journal of Neuro-Oncology (2018) 139:359–368
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of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire C30 (EORTC QLQ-
C30) and (2) the 20-item brain tumour-specific EORTC
QLQ-Brain Cancer Module (QLQ-BN20) [35, 36]. A
selection of HRQoL scales has been made, based on previ-
ous findings [37], comprising six QLQ-C30 scales (global
health status, physical functioning, emotional functioning,
role functioning, cognitive functioning, and fatigue) and
two BN20 scales (motor dysfunction and communication
deficits). Global health status was rated on a 7-point Likert
scale, ranging from ‘very poor’ to ‘excellent’; the function-
ing and symptom scales were rated on a 4-point Likert scale,
ranging from ‘not at all’ to ‘very much’. Raw scores were
converted linearly into standardized scores ranging from 0
to 100. A higher score on the global health status and the
functioning scales indicates better HRQoL, while on symp-
tom-oriented scales a higher score indicates worse HRQoL.
Difference or change score 10 points on any given scale
were considered to be clinically meaningful [38].
Statistical analysis
To assess changes in HRQoL and NCF, differences in scores
over time were calculated on (1) a domain/scale level and
(2) patient level. Above described cut-off scores were used
to determine an improvement, deterioration or stable score.
Changes in scores were calculated for two different time
periods: baseline-3months, and 3–6months. A cluster anal-
ysis, using R, was performed to identify whether specific
HRQoL scales clustered.
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version
23.0. Statistical significance for intergroup differences were
tested using the χ2 test for categorical variables, the Stu-
dent’s t-tests or Mann–Whitney U-test for two-level continu-
ous variables (depending on the distribution of the data), and
the Kruskal–Wallis test for continuous variables with more
than two levels. Kaplan–Meier curves were used for analyses
of OS, and a log rank test to assess differences in survival.
A p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Domain/scale level
For both time periods (baseline-3months, and 3–6months),
patients were assigned to one of three categories: (1) dete-
rioration, (2) stable score or (3) improvement, separately for
each neurocognitive domain and HRQoL scale. For NCF,
improvement and deterioration were defined as an increase
or decrease in score ≥ 1.5 SD, respectively, and stable score
as < 1.5 SD change. For HRQoL, improvement and dete-
rioration were defined as ≥ 10 points increase or decrease
respectively, and stable score as < 10 points increase or
Patient level
At patient level, patients were categorized into four cate-
gories, separately for NCF and HRQoL, applying the same
cut-off scores as in the domain/scale level. These four
categories were as follows: (1) decline, (2) improvement,
(3) both and (4) stable. Decline and improvement were
defined as deterioration or increase in NCF/HRQoL on at
least one domain/scale respectively, while other domains/
scales remained stable. The category ‘both’ included both
a decline and improvement, whereas ‘stable’ was defined
as no detectable change in any neurocognitive domain or
HRQoL scale. Moreover, changes in KPS score, SRT dose
received (biologically higher [single fraction 21 or 18Gy]
versus lower dosis [8Gy in three fractions]), total tumor
volume (as a proxy for GTV), intracranial progression and
active systemic disease were assessed for the four catego-
ries, separately for the two time periods.
Fifty-five out of the original 97 (57%) patients were eligi-
ble for analyses, because they had sufficient data. Baseline
sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the study
population are summarized in Table1. These baseline soci-
odemographic and clinical characteristics were compared
between patients with and without sufficient NCF/HRQoL
data. At baseline, patients without sufficient data had
more often a lower KPS score (median of 80 [inter quar-
tile range (IQR) = 70–80] vs. 80 [IQR = 80–90]; p = .002)
and shorter OS (median of 3.8months [IQR = 1.6–6.4] vs.
12.0months [IQR = 8.2–12.0]; p < .001) when compared
to patients with NCF/HRQoL data. NCF and HRQoL
scores over time in our subpopulation were similar to the
results as previously reported in the original study popula-
tion (data not shown).
Patient characteristics
The mean age of the 55 included patients was 63years
(SD = 9) and the primary tumor was most frequently
located in the lung (49%). Although the MRI scan showed
a fourth metastasis in two patients, these patients received
SRT because of the small size (< 0.5cm3) and were there-
fore also included. The median total tumor volume at base-
line was 7.3cm3 (IQR = 3.4–12.8) and the 1-year survival
rate was 48%, with all patients still alive after 3months
and 87% after 6months from initial SRT.
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362 Journal of Neuro-Oncology (2018) 139:359–368
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Table 1 Baseline sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the patient population
Due to rounding, not all percentages add up to 100%
a Level 1–8, NCF neurocognitive functioning, HRQoL health-related quality of life, SD standard deviation, IQR interquartile range, AEDs antie-
pileptic drugs, KPS Karnofsky performance status
Patients with NCF/HRQoL data Patients without NCF/HRQoL data Original study population
Patients included, no. (%) 55 42 97
Age in years, mean ± SD 63 ± 9 64 ± 12 63 ± 11
Sex, no. (%)
Male 25 (45%) 21 (50%) 46 (47%)
Female 30 (55%) 21 (50%) 51 (53%)
Educational levela, median (IQR) 3 (2–4) 2 (2–4) 2 (2–4)
Brain metastases, no. (%)
1 21 (38%) 22 (52%) 43 (44%)
2 23 (42%) 8 (19%) 31 (32%)
3 9 (16%) 9 (21%) 18 (19%)
4 2 (4%) 3 (7%) 5 (5%)
Tumor volume by patient (cm3)
Median (range)/(IQR) 7.3 (0.12–63.9)/(3.4–12.8) 10.2 (0.15-32.0)/(3.6–15.9) 7.8 (0.12–63.9)/(3.5–14.2)
Missing 1 (2%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)
Primary cancer, no. (%)
Non-small cell lung 27 (49%) 20 (49%) 48 (50%)
Renal cell carcinoma 11 (20%) 1 (2%) 12 (13%)
Melanoma 4 (8%) 5 (12%) 9 (9%)
Colorectal cancer 3 (5%) 6 (15%) 9 (9%)
Breast cancer 3 (5%) 5 (12%) 8 (8%)
Other 7 (13%) 4 (10%) 10 (10%)
Missing 0 (2%) 1 (2%) 1 (1%)
Active systemic disease, no. (%)
Yes 31 (56%) 21 (50%) 52 (54%)
No 24 (44%) 21 (50%) 45 (46%)
Chemotherapy, no. (%)
Yes 6 (11%) 6 (14%) 12 (12%)
No 47 (85%) 33 (79%) 80 (82%)
Missing 2 (4%) 3 (7%) 5 (5%)
Extracranial metastases, no. (%)
Yes 29 (53%) 25 (60%) 54 (56%)
No 25 (45%) 16 (38%) 41 (42%)
Missing 1 (2%) 1 (2%) 2 (2%)
Use of corticosteroids, no. (%)
Yes 48 (87%) 37 (88%) 85 (88%)
No 4 (7%) 4 (10%) 8 (8%)
Missing 3 (5%) 1 (2%) 4 (4%)
Use of AEDs, no. (%)
Yes 12 (22%) 9 (21%) 21 (22%)
No 40 (73%) 32 (76%) 72 (74%)
Missing 3 (5%) 1 (2%) 4 (4%)
Median (IQR) 80 (80–90) 80 (70–80) 80 (70–90)
KPS ≥ 90, No. (%) 25 (46%) 9 (21%) 34 (35%)
Missing 1 (2%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)
Survival in months, median (IQR) 12.0 (8.2–12.0) 3.8 (1.6–6.4) 7.7 (3.9–12)
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363Journal of Neuro-Oncology (2018) 139:359–368
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During follow-up, compliance dropped from 91% at base-
line (n = 50) to 69% at 3 and 56% at 6months for NCF,
and from 98% at baseline (n = 54) to 93% at 3 and 85%
at 6months for HRQoL assessments (Supplementary
Table2). Patients had several reasons for non-compliance,
such as progression of disease or the assessment being too
Neurocognitive functioning
Prior to SRT, half of the patients with neurocognitive data
(25/50, 50%) showed impairments in at least one neurocog-
nitive domain, of which verbal memory was most frequently
affected (10/33, 30%).
Domain level
Three months after initial SRT, deterioration in the differ-
ent neurocognitive domains was observed in 5/7 domains
(3–8% of patients), while in two domains (verbal memory
and visual memory) none of the patients showed deteriora-
tion (Fig.1a). A stable score was observed in all domains
(78–100% of patients), most frequently in verbal memory
and visual memory. Improvement was found in 4/7 domains
(3–17% of patients) and was most profound for visuocon-
struction. Similar results were observed between 3 and
6months after initial SRT [deterioration in 4/7 domains,
8–20% of patients; stable score in all domains, 73–100% of
patients; and improvement in 3/7 domains, 4–8% of patients
(Fig.1b)]. Post-hoc analysis using a less stringent cut-off, a
change in z-score of ≥ 1.0 SD, revealed similar results (Sup-
plementary Fig.1a; Supplementary Fig.1b).
Patient level
Three months after initial SRT, 14% of patients showed a
decline in NCF, another 14% an improvement, 6% both a
decline and an improvement, while 67% had stable NCF
(Fig.1c). The period covering 3–6months after initial
SRT revealed similar results (decline 33%; improvement
13%; both 4%; and stable50%). When using the ≥ 1.0 SD
cut-off, scores differed from the original results, but still
most patients remained stable or improved (Supplementary
Changes in KPS scores (Supplementary Table3), SRT
dose received, total tumor volume, intracranial progression
or active systemic disease in individual patients did not
Fig. 1 Changes in neurocognitive functioning (NCF) scores calcu-
lated from a baseline-3months and b 3–6months at domain level and
c patient level. VeM verbal memory; ViM visual memory; AT atten-
tion; EF executive functioning; WM working memory; IPS informa-
tion processing speed; VC visuoconstruction
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364 Journal of Neuro-Oncology (2018) 139:359–368
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differ significantly between the four different categories from
baseline to 3months or from 3 to 6months after initial SRT.
Health‑related quality oflife
Prior to SRT, the vast majority (48/54, 89%) of patients
showed a clinically relevant and statistically significant
impairment in at least one of the six QLQ-C30 scales when
compared to the general population (no reference data avail-
able for the QLQ-BN20 scores) [39], of which physical
functioning was most frequently affected (31/54, 57%).
Scale level
Three months after initial SRT, a decline in all eight dif-
ferent HRQoL scales was observed in 12–61% of patients,
most often in fatigue (Fig.2a). 20–71% of patients had sta-
ble scores and an improvement was shown in 16–40% of
patients most frequently in communication deficit and motor
dysfunction respectively. Comparable percentages were
found between 3 and 6months from initial SRT [deteriora-
tion 8–47% of patients; stable score 18–75% of patients; and
improvement 11–34% of patients (Fig.2b)].
Patient level
A decline in HRQoL in the first 3months was observed in
22% of patients, an improvement in 12%, both worsening
and improvement in 64%, while only 2% had a stable score
Percentages were comparable 6months after initial SRT
(decline 21%; improvement 18%; both 58%; and stable3%).
Changes in KPS scores in individual patients differed signifi-
cantly between the four categories from baseline to 3months
(p = .001) and from 3 to 6 months (p = .036) after initial
SRT, with patients deteriorating in at least one HRQoL scale
(in the ‘both’ and ‘decline’ category) showing most often
worsening in performance status (Supplementary Table3).
No statistical significant differences between categories were
found for SRT dose received, total tumor volume, intracra-
nial progression or active systemic disease (data not shown).
Cluster analysis HRQoL
A heatmap was created to provide insight into changes in
HRQoL at patient level (Fig.3). The most striking pattern
is that fatigue, and to a lesser extent emotional functioning,
were clustered with global health status, indicating that a
change on one scale is likely to be accompanied by a similar
change on the other (i.e. decline, improve, both or remain
stable). In addition, physical and role functioning were clus-
tered, as well as several brain tumor-specific symptoms,
Fig. 2 Changes in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) scores cal-
culated from a baseline-3months and b 3–6 months at domain level
and c patient level. GHS global health status; PF physical function-
ing; EF emotional functioning; RF role functioning; CF cognitive
functioning; FA fatigue; MD motor dysfunction; CD communication
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365Journal of Neuro-Oncology (2018) 139:359–368
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these were motor dysfunction, communication deficit and
self-perceived cognitive functioning.
The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in NCF and
HRQoL at patient level 3 and 6months after SRT, provid-
ing insight in the impact of treatment on the individual
patient level. The overall results, in line with results at
group level [21] and several other studies in patients with
limited brain metastases [19, 40, 41], indicate that most
patients with brain metastases treated with SRT maintained
their pre-treatment levels of NCF for at least 6months.
Although NCF and HRQoL at the group level showed little
variation, this is not necessarily translated into little varia-
tion at domain/scale and patient level. Indeed, changes in
scores on the different HRQoL scales did vary substantially
within patients, and most individual patients showed both a
decline and improvement in separate HRQoL scales in the
first 6months after initial SRT. This finding is in contrast
with the HRQoL findings at group level, in which patients
who deteriorated and improved most likely cancelled each
other out. When informing patients about the impact of a
certain treatment or monitor their disease status, it is not
sufficient to have information at group level only, nor at the
scale level. Clinicians should also be aware that the large
majority of patients will experience both deterioration and
improvement in HRQoL.
An explanation for the relatively unaffected NCF in brain
metastases patients may be that our study population rep-
resents a highly selected group of patients with good func-
tioning. Indeed, patients in our sample had a higher KPS
score and longer survival compared to our patients with-
out sufficient NCF/HRQoL data. This is also supported by
the finding that prior to SRT, only 50% of patients had an
impairment in at least one neurocognitive domain, which
is considerably lower than in previous studies in metastatic
brain tumor patients (67–92%) [40, 42]. Particularly for
neurocognitive testing, compliance rates decreased substan-
tially over 6months’ time. Responsible for non-compliance,
among other things, were poor neurological or physical
functioning and assessment considered too burdensome.
Another explanation is the operational definition of objec-
tive neurocognitive decline, for which different cut-offs have
been suggested [43]. Brown etal. [44], using a ≥ 1.0 SD cut-
off score, found considerably higher neurocognitive deterio-
ration rates compared to our study, with most patients show-
ing cognitive deterioration at 3months after SRT. However,
when using a ≥ 1.0 SD cut-off in our study, still the majority
Fig. 3 Cluster analysis of differences in health-related-quality of
life scores between a baseline-3 months and b 3–6 months. Black
indicates deterioration; dark grey a stable score; light grey improve-
ment; and white a missing value. On the vertical axis all 55 patients
included in this study are displayed. a Patients are also clustered, but
dendrogram is not shown. b Patients and HRQoL scales are similarly
ordered for comparison. EF emotional functioning; FA fatigue; GHS
global health status; PF physical functioning; RF role functioning;
MD motor dysfunction; CD communication deficits; CF cognitive
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366 Journal of Neuro-Oncology (2018) 139:359–368
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of patients showed no cognitive deterioration, meaning a
different cut-off does only partially explains the difference in
neurocognitive deterioration rates [44]. Taking into account
the aforementioned explanations for the relatively unaffected
NCF, maintenance of NCF over 6months’ time might have
been overestimated in our biased sample and likely limits
generalizability of the results to brain metastases patients
with poor functioning.
Although average HRQoL remained stable at group
level, except for physical functioning and fatigue, this did
not hold true on scale level nor at patient level. On scale
level, patients were relatively similarly distributed over the
three different categories (deterioration; stable score; and
improvement). At patient level, however, the majority of
patients showed both deterioration and improvement in dif-
ferent HRQoL scales after radiotherapy, which has been pre-
viously reported in patients with brain metastases, but com-
parison is difficult because the majority of patients received
WBRT instead of SRT [45, 46]. Caissie etal. [45] reported
that upon follow-up 1month after radiotherapy significant
improvement was seen in several HRQoL scales, includ-
ing communication deficit [45]. On the contrary, Steinmann
etal. [46] reported that upon follow-up 3months after the
start of radiotherapy patients showed a significant and clini-
cally relevant deterioration in several preselected HRQoL
scales, including global health status, physical functioning,
fatigue, motor dysfunction and communication deficit, while
other scales remained unchanged [46]. In our study, the
majority of patients showed a clinically relevant deteriora-
tion between baseline and 3months in physical functioning
(46%), role functioning (54%) and fatigue (61%), reflecting
the findings at group level [21]. Nevertheless, considering
the varying trajectories of changes in HRQoL after SRT, an
important observation is that the majority of our patients
showed both decline and improvement in separate HRQoL
scales. An explanation for the varying trajectories of changes
is that HRQoL measures vastly different concepts, encom-
passing physical, emotional, and social components, and that
this outcome may be influenced by many factors, including
comorbidity, marital status, heterogeneity of the primary
tumor, SRT dose, total tumor volume, progression of the
extracranial cancer and its corresponding supportive or anti-
tumor treatment [47]. Although, SRT dose received, total
tumor volume, intracranial progression and active systemic
disease did not differ significantly between the four differ-
ent categories at patient level, this result must be interpreted
with caution due to our small sample size. As pointed out by
Wilson and Cleary [48] in their model, more distal meas-
ures to the disease or the treatment (i.e. global health status
and the functioning scales) are not only affected by health
status but also by non-medical factors, as opposed to more
proximal measures (i.e. symptoms) [48]. NCF is a proximal
measure, which is mainly influenced by the presence of brain
metastases, or its treatment. Patients who deteriorated on
at least one HRQoL scale did most often have decreased
performance status, suggesting that especially the patients’
overall functioning influences HRQoL. Moreover, Caissie
etal. [49] found that fatigue and emotional functioning were
the two strongest predictors of global health status in brain
metastases patients, which is similar to the findings of our
cluster analysis; deterioration in global health status clus-
ters with increased fatigue and worse emotional function-
ing, suggesting fatigue may be a target for intervention to
improve overall HRQoL [49].
To conclude, in accordance with previous results at group
level, this study showed that most patients with brain oligo-
metastases treated with SRT maintained their pre-treatment
NCF for at least 6months. However, changes in scores for
the various HRQoL scales differed considerably between
and within patients, suggesting that overall functioning
is determined by complex underlying mechanisms which
should be further analysed.
Funding Funding was provided by St. Jacobusstichting, the
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea-
tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat iveco
mmons .org/licen ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribu-
tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
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... Already before treatment, patients with BM experience more fatigue as compared to the general population (Habets et al. 2016;Noh and Walbert 2018;van der Meer et al. 2018;Verhaak et al. 2019b). In our previous study on fatigue after Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS) (Verhaak et al. 2019b), patients' general and physical fatigue increased over 6 months, while mental fatigue decreased during this period. ...
... We concluded that different aspects of fatigue showed different patterns over time in patients with BM after GKRS (Verhaak et al. 2019b). Habets et al. (2016) and van der Meer et al. (2018) also reported a significant increase of fatigue in patients with BM over 6 months after stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). These previous studies (Habets et al. 2016;van der Meer et al. 2018;Verhaak et al. 2019b) on (multidimensional) fatigue in patients with BM after SRS evaluated patients up to 6 months after SRS. ...
... Habets et al. (2016) and van der Meer et al. (2018) also reported a significant increase of fatigue in patients with BM over 6 months after stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). These previous studies (Habets et al. 2016;van der Meer et al. 2018;Verhaak et al. 2019b) on (multidimensional) fatigue in patients with BM after SRS evaluated patients up to 6 months after SRS. Since life expectancy of patients with BM is increasing (Johnson et al. 2015;Nayak et al. 2012), insight in fatigue beyond 6 months after treatment is becoming more important. ...
Full-text available
Purpose The aims of this study were to evaluate long-term multidimensional fatigue in patients with brain metastases (BM) up to 21 months after Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS) and (change in) fatigue as predictor of survival. Methods Patients with 1 to 10 BM, expected survival > 3 months, and Karnofsky Performance Status ≥ 70, and Dutch non-cancer controls were included. Fatigue was measured with the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory. Levels of fatigue between patients and controls were compared using independent-samples t-tests. Linear mixed models were used to evaluate fatigue within the patient group up to 21 months after GKRS. Pre-GKRS fatigue and minimal clinically important (MCI) changes in fatigue in the first three months (defined as a 2-point difference) after GKRS were evaluated as predictors of survival time. Results Prior to GKRS, patients with BM (n = 92) experienced significantly higher fatigue on all subscales than controls (n = 104). Over 21 months, physical fatigue increased, and mental fatigue decreased significantly. More specifically, general, and physical fatigue increased significantly between pre-GKRS and 3 months, followed by stable scores between 3 (n = 67) and 6 (n = 53), 6 and 12 (n = 34) and 12 and 21 (n = 21) months. An MCI increase in general or physical fatigue over the first 3 months after GKRS was a significant predictor of shorter survival time. Conclusion Except for mental fatigue, all aspects of fatigue remained elevated or further increased up to 21 months after treatment. Furthermore, an increase in general or physical fatigue within three months after GKRS may be a prognostic indicator for poorer survival. identifier NCT02953756, November 3, 2016.
... Studies evaluating changes in NCF at the individual patient level concluded that, in LINAC patients with 1-4 BM, NCF was maintained compared to their pre-treatment level up to 6 months after SRS [17]. Up to 9 months, NCF was maintained or improved compared to pre-treatment levels among GK patients with 1-10 BM [17,18]. ...
... Studies evaluating changes in NCF at the individual patient level concluded that, in LINAC patients with 1-4 BM, NCF was maintained compared to their pre-treatment level up to 6 months after SRS [17]. Up to 9 months, NCF was maintained or improved compared to pre-treatment levels among GK patients with 1-10 BM [17,18]. Earlier studies used limited neuropsychological tests [19] and a relatively insensitive method to measure neurocognitive change, without taking practice effects into account [17]. ...
... Up to 9 months, NCF was maintained or improved compared to pre-treatment levels among GK patients with 1-10 BM [17,18]. Earlier studies used limited neuropsychological tests [19] and a relatively insensitive method to measure neurocognitive change, without taking practice effects into account [17]. ...
Full-text available
Purpose Brain metastases (BM) themselves and treatment with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) can influence neurocognitive functioning. This prospective study aimed to assess neurocognitive decline in patients with BM after SRS. Methods A neuropsychological test battery was assessed yielding ten test outcomes. Neurocognitive decline at 3 and 6 months post SRS was compared to measurement prior to Gamma Knife (GK) or linear accelerator (LINAC) SRS. Reliable change indices with correction for practice effects were calculated to determine the percentage of neurocognitive decline (defined as decline on ≥ 2 test outcomes). Risk factors of neurocognitive decline were analyzed with binary logistic regression. Results Of 194 patients pre-SRS, 40 GK and 29 LINAC patients had data accessible at 6 months. Compared to baseline, 38% of GK patients declined at 3 months, and 23% declined at 6 months. GK patients declined on attention, executive functioning, verbal memory, and fine motor skill. Of LINAC patients, 10% declined at 3 months, and 24% at 6 months. LINAC patients declined on executive functioning, verbal memory, and fine motor skills. Risk factors of neurocognitive decline at 3 months were high age, low education level and type of SRS (GK or LINAC). At 6 months, high age was a risk factor. Karnofsky Performance Scale, BM volume, number of BM, tumor progression and neurocognitive impairment pre-SRS were no risk factors. Conclusion Neurocognitive decline occurs in a considerable proportion of patients with BM treated with GK or LINAC SRS. Overall, high age appears to be a risk factor for neurocognitive decline after SRS.
... In the majority of studies (n = 10) at group level, the was no significant post-SRS change in global FACT-Br [21,23,24,[27][28][29], EQ-5D [30,31], and EORTC [19,32,33] scores. Some authors did not report changes of global HRQoL scale scores at group level or in subgroup of patients who were treated with the SRS [20,22,26,34,35]. However, both stability, improvement, and deterioration of HRQoL global and subscale scores at patient level was common [19,23,25,27,30,31,[33][34][35]. ...
... Some authors did not report changes of global HRQoL scale scores at group level or in subgroup of patients who were treated with the SRS [20,22,26,34,35]. However, both stability, improvement, and deterioration of HRQoL global and subscale scores at patient level was common [19,23,25,27,30,31,[33][34][35]. ...
... A study from Germany and Austria that included 38 patients treated with SRS for 1-3 BMs reported no significant change of the global EORTC score before vs. after SRS with significant deterioration in physical function, fatigue, nausea, appetite loss, drowsiness, hair loss, itchy skin and future uncertainty [33]. Berger [34]. A study of 50 patients with 1-4 BMs and one large resection cavity (4.2 to 33.5 cm 3 ) treated with SRS reported significant improvement of insomnia and worsening of future uncertainty during a median of 11.8 month follow-up [25]. ...
Full-text available
Purpose Health related quality of life (HRQoL) is often used as an outcome measure of cancer treatment. Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a mainstay treatment of brain metastases (BMs) with constantly improving treatment envelope. The goal of this systematic review was to evaluated HRQoL trajectories after SRS, identify important predictors of HRQoL after SRS, and to evaluate clinical importance of post-SRS HRQoL trajectories of BM patients treated with SRS. Methods A systematic literature review according to the PRISMA guidelines analyzing HRQoL trajectories after SRS for BM published in the Pubmed/MEDLINE database before January, 2022. Results We identified 18 studies that evaluated HRQoL before and at least once after SRS for BMs. The majority of studies were single-institution retrospective series and included patients with different cancer types. Different instruments were used to assess HRQoL. In the majority of studies (n = 10) at group level, there was no significant change in global HRQoL after SRS. Stability, improvement, and deterioration of HRQoL global and subscale scores at individual patient level were common. Post-SRS HRQoL deterioration was predicted by worse functional status, greater number of BMs, delayed SRS, symptomatic BMs, and presence of seizures and cognitive impairment. Shorter post-SRS survival and adverse radiation effects (AREs) were associated with worse HRQoL. Conclusions SRS for BMs is often associated with sustained preservation of HRQoL. Individual variation of HRQoL domains after SRS is common. Shorter survival and AREs are associated with worse HRQoL. Worse functional status and greater disease burden predict unfavorable HRQoL trajectories after SRS for BMs.
... Data on the incidence of baseline cognitive impairment before SRS were explicitly reported for the pilot study by Chang et al. [29,31] (N = 15) and by Habets et al. [30,43] (N = 77) [29,30]. Pre-radiotherapy, 53-67% of patients had cognitive impairment (Z-score ≤1.5 SD) on ≥1 neuropsychological test. ...
... Patients with a baseline BMs volume of >3 cm 3 performed worse on attention than those with smaller lesion volumes [29]. Similarly, Onodera et al. [25] reported higher total lesion volume but not the number of BMs at baseline corresponded with worse cognitive performance, while Habets et al. [30,43] reported no significant association with BMs volume [25,30]. ...
... van Results regarding cognitive performance after SRS at short-term follow-up (1-4 months) were variable; approximately half of the included studies observed cognitive deterioration, most frequently for verbal L&M, fine motor coordination, and EF [29,31,32,42]. The other studies found no changes in cognition compared to baseline [25,30,43]. At both midterm (5-8 months) and longterm follow-up (9-12 months), all studies reported either stable or (slightly) improved cognitive performance compared to baseline [25, 29-32, 42, 43]. ...
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Background & Objectives: Radiotherapy is standard treatment for patients with brain metastases (BMs), although it may lead to radiation-induced cognitive impairment. This review explores the impact of whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT) or stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) on cognition. Methods: The PRISMA guidelines were used to identify articles on PubMed and EmBase reporting on objective assessment of cognition before, and at least once after radiotherapy, in adult patients with nonresected BMs. Results: Of the 867 records screened, twenty articles (14 unique studies) were included. WBRT lead to decline in cognitive performance, which stabilized or returned to baseline in patients with survival of at least 9-15 months. For SRS, a decline in cognitive performance was sometimes observed shortly after treatment, but the majority of patients returned to or remained at baseline until a year after treatment. Conclusions: These findings suggest that after WBRT, patients can experience deterioration over a longer period of time. The cognitive side effects of SRS are transient. Therefore, this review advices to choose SRS as this will result in lowest risks for cognitive adverse side effects, irrespective of predicted survival. In an already cognitively vulnerable patient population with limited survival, this information can be used in communicating risks and aid in making educated decisions.
... Previous research indicated stable cognitive performance up to 9 months after SRS at group-level, while almost 40% showed declined performance on the individual level. 19,20 Despite significant progress, many studies had limited follow-up durations and small sample sizes. Hence, it is crucial to confirm and continue to build upon previous findings. ...
... Nevertheless, both compliance rates and available patients for follow-up, especially in the long-term, were comparable to or higher than previous studies. 13,14,20,[47][48][49] Most importantly, these results can be used to design future studies to best capture the complexity of individual cognitive changes in patients with BMs. For example, as memory seems particularly vulnerable, multiple tests each capturing different aspects of this multifaceted cognitive function should be incorporated. ...
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Background The increasing incidence of brain metastases (BMs) and improved survival rates underscore the necessity to investigate the effects of treatments on individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the individual trajectories of subjective and objective cognitive performance after radiotherapy in patients with BMs. Methods The study population consisted of adult patients with BMs referred for radiotherapy. A semi-structured interview and comprehensive neurocognitive assessment (NCA) were used to assess both subjective and objective cognitive performance before, 3 months and ≥ 11 months after radiotherapy. Reliable change indices were used to identify individual, clinically meaningful changes. Results Thirty-six patients completed the 3-month follow-up, and 14 patients completed the ≥ 11-months follow-up. Depending on the domain, subjective cognitive decline was reported by 11–22% of patients. In total, 50% of patients reported subjective decline in at least one cognitive domain. Intracranial progression 3 months postradiotherapy was a risk-factor for self-reported deterioration (P = .031). Objective changes were observed across all domains, with a particular vulnerability for decline in memory at 3 months postradiotherapy. The majority of patients (81%) experienced both a deterioration as well as improvement (eg, mixed response) in objective cognitive functioning. Results were similar for the long-term follow-up (3 to ≥11 months). No risk factors for objective cognitive change 3 months postradiotherapy were identified. Conclusions Our study revealed that the majority of patients with BMs will show a mixed cognitive response following radiotherapy, reflecting the complex impact. This underscores the importance of patient-tailored NCAs 3 months postradiotherapy to guide optimal rehabilitation strategies.
... Similar to previous studies, memory deficits were prominent in our sample 11,12,22,23 with severe memory impairment in one out of every three patients. Moreover, in the cluster analysis the presence of memory deficits was a major determining factor. ...
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Objective Patients with brain metastases (BrMs) are a heterogeneous population, with almost 50% experiencing cognitive impairment before brain radiotherapy. Defining pre‐radiotherapy cognitive profiles will aid in understanding of the cognitive vulnerabilities and offer valuable insight and guidance for tailoring interventions. Methods The study population consisted of 58 adult patients with BrMs referred for radiotherapy. A semi‐structured interview and comprehensive battery including 10 neuropsychological tests were used to assess subjective and objective cognitive performance prior to radiotherapy. Results A majority (69%) of patients report decline in cognitive performance compared to their premorbid level (i.e. pre‐cancer). Objective testing revealed memory (52%), processing speed (33%) and emotion recognition (29%) deficits were most frequent. 21% of patients had no cognitive deficits while 55% had deficits (−1.5SD) in at least two cognitive domains. Hierarchical cluster analysis based on patient deficit profiles identified four clusters: (I) no or limited cognitive deficits selectively restricted to processing speed or executive function, (II) psychomotor speed deficits, (III) memory deficits and (IV) extensive cognitive deficits including memory. No patient or clinical‐related (e.g. age, number of BrMs, previous treatment) differences were found between clusters. Conclusions Patterns of cognitive performance in patients with BrMs are heterogeneous, with most experiencing at least some degree of neurocognitive dysfunction. We identified four meaningful cognitive clusters. Stability of these clusters over time and in different samples should be assessed to advance understanding of the cognitive vulnerability of this patient population.
... Especially subjective toxicities are at high risk to be underreported by clinicians, even when prospectively collected within treatment study protocols [16]. Although evaluation of patients functioning status may be stable during and after CRT, patients' individual and subjective evaluation of HRQoL may differ considerable during the same period [17]. Several studies have demonstrated that PROMs are the most sensitive method for capturing treatment related toxicity as clinicians' assessment often report fewer symptoms with lower severity than patients. ...
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Background The ProtonCare Study Group (PCSG) was formed with the purpose to develop and implement a framework for evaluation of proton beam therapy (PBT) and the related care at a novel clinic (Skandionkliniken), based on patient reported data. Method A logic model framework was used to describe the process of development and implementation of a structured plan for evaluation of PBT for all diagnoses based on patient reported data. After the mission for the project was determined, meetings with networks and stakeholders were facilitated by PCSG to identify assumptions, resources, challenges, activities, outputs, outcomes, and outcome indicators. Result This paper presents the challenges and accomplishments PCSG made so far. We describe required resources, activities, and accomplished results. The long-term outcomes that were outlined as a result of the process are two; 1) Improved knowledge about health outcomes of patients that are considered for PBT and 2) The findings will serve as a base for clinical decisions when patients are referred for PBT. Conclusion Using the logical model framework proved useful in planning and managing the ProtonCare project. As a result, the work of PCSG has so far resulted in long-lasting outcomes that creates a base for future evaluation of patients’ perspective in radiotherapy treatment in general and in PBT especially. Our experiences can be useful for other research groups facing similar challenges. Continuing research on patients´ perspective is a central part in ongoing and future research. Collaboration, cooperation, and coordination between research groups/networks from different disciplines are a significant part of the work aiming to determine the more precise role of PBT in future treatment options.
... Verhaak et al. conducted a systematic review of HRQOL outcomes for BM patients who received SRS [107]. Although some studies reported stable HRQOL scores at the group level, individual changes have been challenging to deduce given that test scores can remain constant in the event of improvement in some symptoms and declines in others [108]. Furthermore, different questionnaires were utilized across studies (e.g., EQ-5D, FACT-Br), leading to incongruent results; studies that used EQ-5D reported a decline in physical HRQOL [109][110][111], whereas studies using FACT-Br reported stable scores over time [112][113][114]. ...
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Brain metastases (BMs) account for a disproportionately high percentage of cancer morbidity and mortality. Historically, studies have focused on improving survival outcomes, and recent radiation oncology clinical trials have incorporated HRQOL and cognitive assessments. We are now equipped with a battery of assessments in the radiation oncology clinic, but there is a lack of consensus regarding how to incorporate them in modern clinical practice. Herein, we present validated assessments for BM patients, current recommendations for future clinical studies, and treatment advances that have improved HRQOL and cognitive outcomes for BM patients.
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This study aimed to assess health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with brain metastases treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and to identify factors associated with this. HRQoL was measured pre-SRS, at 3- and 6-month follow-up. Physical functioning, cognitive functioning, role functioning, and fatigue were analyzed with the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire. Motor dysfunction, future uncertainty, visual disorder, communication deficit, and headaches were analyzed with the EORTC QLQ-BN20. Clinically important symptom or functional impairment was assessed following set thresholds. Factors associated with impairment were identified through multivariable logistic regression analyses. At baseline, 178 patients were included; 54% (n=96) completed questionnaires at 3 months and 39% (n=70) at 6 months. Before SRS, 29% of linear accelerator (LINAC) patients reported physical and cognitive impairment, while 25% reported impairment for fatigue. At 6 months, 39%, 43%, and 57% of LINAC patients reported impairment respectively. Forty-five percent of Gamma Knife (GK) patients reported impairment pre-SRS for physical, cognitive functioning, and fatigue. At 6 months, 48%, 43%, and 33% of GK patients reported impairment respectively. Except for role functioning, pre-SRS symptom and functioning scores were associated with impairment at 3 months, whereas scores at 3 months were associated with impairment at 6 months. Age, gender, systemic therapy, and intracranial progression were not associated with clinically important impairment. As 33–57% of patients with brain metastases reported symptom burden and functional impairments that were of clinical importance, it is recommended to pay attention to the HRQoL outcomes of these patients during clinical encounters.
Purpose Proton beam radiation therapy reduces dose to healthy brain tissue and thereby decreases the risk of treatment-related decline in neurocognition. Considering the paucity of prospective data, this study aimed to evaluate neurocognitive performance in an adult patient population with intracranial tumors. Methods and Materials Between 2017 and 2021, patients enrolled in the MedAustron registry study and irradiated for intracranial tumors were eligible for neurocognitive assessment. Patients with available 1-year follow-up data were included in the analysis. The test battery consisted of a variety of standardized tests commonly used in European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer trials. Scores were transformed into z scores to account for demographic effects, and clinically relevant change was defined as a change of ≥1.5 standard deviations. Binary logistic regression analysis and the χ² test were conducted for clinical parameters and dosimetric hippocampal parameters to evaluate the relationship with overall cognitive decline and changes in memory. Results One hundred twenty-three patients with mostly nonprogressive, extra-axial tumors and neurocognitive assessment at baseline and treatment end as well as 3, 6, and 12 months after completion of proton beam radiation therapy were analyzed. Overall, 7 test scores revealed stability in neurocognitive function with minimal positive changes 1 year after treatment completion (statistically significant in 6 of 7 tests), whereas the majority had no or minimal baseline deficits. At 1-year follow-up, 89.4% of all patients remained stable in their overall cognitive functioning without clinically relevant deterioration in 2 or more tests. None of them showed disease progression. Of the patients, 8.1% presented with radiation-induced brain lesions and exhibited a higher percentage of overall cognitive deterioration without reaching statistical significance. Multivariate binary logistic regression analysis revealed higher age at baseline as the only independent parameter to be associated with an overall clinically relevant cognitive decline. There was no significant correlation of hippocampal doses and memory functioning. Conclusions One year after proton therapy, we observed preservation of cognitive functioning in the vast majority of our patients with intracranial tumors.
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Background Few studies have evaluated the QLQ-C15-PAL health-related quality of life (QOL) questionnaire, an abbreviated version of the QLQ-C30 questionnaire that was designed specifically for patients with advanced cancer. The present study assessed whether certain symptoms or functional domains from the QLQ-C15-PAL predicted overall QOL when rated prior to palliative radiation treatment (RT). Patients and Methods Patients attending an outpatient palliative radiotherapy clinic completed QLQ-C15-PAL questionnaires prior to palliative RT for bone, brain or lung disease. Pearson correlations were computed between the QLQ-C15-PAL functional/symptom scores and overall QOL scores. Multiple linear regressions were used to evaluate the relative importance of functional/symptom scales in association with overall QOL. Results Data from 369 patients were analyzed. The QLQ-C15-PAL domains of physical and emotional functioning, pain, and appetite loss were significant predictors of overall QOL in these patients with advanced cancer. Appetite loss was the only significant independent predictor of overall QOL in the subgroup of patients with advanced lung cancer (n = 29). Both appetite loss and emotional functioning were independently predictive of overall QOL in patients with bone metastases (n = 190). In patients with brain metastases (n = 150), independent predictors of overall QOL included physical and emotional functioning as well as fatigue. Conclusion The QLQ-C15-PAL domains of physical and emotional functioning, pain and appetite loss were significant predictors of overall QOL in this cohort of patients with advanced cancer. Different functional and symptom scales predicted overall QOL in patients with bone metastases, brain metastases or advanced lung cancer.
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Opinion statement: Neurocognitive deficits are common with brain tumors. If assessed at presentation using detailed neurocognitive tests, problems are detected in 80 % of cases. Neurocognition may be affected by the tumor, its treatment, associated medication, mood, fatigue, and insomnia. Interpretation of neurocognitive problems should be considered in the context of these factors. Early post-operative neurocognitive rehabilitation for brain tumor patients will produce rehabilitation outcomes (e.g., quality of life, improved physical function, subjective neurocognition) equivalent to stroke, multiple sclerosis, and head injury, but the effect size and duration of benefit needs further research. In stable patients treated with radiotherapy +/- chemotherapy, the most frequent causes of distress include neurocognitive problems, psychological factors of anxiety, depression, fatigue, and sleep. Exercise, neurocognitive training, neurocognitive behavioral therapy, and medications to treat fatigue, behavior, memory, mood, and removal of drugs that may be associated with neurocognitive side effects (e.g., anti-epileptic drugs) all show promise in helping patients to manage the effects of their neurocognitive impairments better. As these are complex symptoms, multidisciplinary expertise is necessary to evaluate the influence of each variable to plan appropriate support and intervention. Neurocognitive rehabilitation should therefore occur in parallel with disease-centered, medical management from the outset. It should not occur in series, as a restricted phase in a patient's pathway. It should be considered in the pre- and post-operative period where there are good prospects of recovery, as one would for any brain-injured patient, so that the person may reach their optimal physical, sensory, intellectual, psychological, and social functional level. Yet the identification and selection of patients for early neurological rehabilitation and routine evaluation of cognition is uncommon in neurosurgical wards.
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Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is an established non-invasive ablative therapy for brain metastases. Early clinical trials with SRS proved that tumor control rates are superior to whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) alone. As a result, WBRT plus SRS was widely adopted for patients with a limited number of brain metastases ("limited number" customarily means 1-4). Subsequent trials focused on answering whether WBRT upfront was necessary at all. Based on current randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses comparing SRS alone to SRS plus WBRT, adjuvant WBRT results in better intracranial control; however, at the expense of neurocognitive functioning and quality of life. These adverse effects of WBRT may also negatively impact on survival in younger patients. Based on the results of these studies, treatment has shifted to SRS alone in patients with a limited number of metastases. Additionally, RCTs are evaluating the role of SRS alone in patients with >4 brain metastases. New developments in SRS include fractionated SRS for large tumors and the integration of SRS with targeted systemic therapies that cross the blood brain barrier and/or stimulate an immune response. We present in this review the current high level evidence and rationale supporting SRS as the standard of care for patients with limited brain metastases, and emerging applications of SRS.
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To perform an individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials evaluating stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) with or without whole-brain radiation therapy (WBRT) for patients presenting with 1 to 4 brain metastases. Three trials were identified through a literature search, and IPD were obtained. Outcomes of interest were survival, local failure, and distant brain failure. The treatment effect was estimated after adjustments for age, recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) score, number of brain metastases, and treatment arm. A total of 364 of the pooled 389 patients met eligibility criteria, of whom 51% were treated with SRS alone and 49% were treated with SRS plus WBRT. For survival, age was a significant effect modifier (P=.04) favoring SRS alone in patients ≤50 years of age, and no significant differences were observed in older patients. Hazard ratios (HRs) for patients 35, 40, 45, and 50 years of age were 0.46 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.24-0.90), 0.52 (95% CI = 0.29-0.92), 0.58 (95% CI = 0.35-0.95), and 0.64 (95% CI = 0.42-0.99), respectively. Patients with a single metastasis had significantly better survival than those who had 2 to 4 metastases. For distant brain failure, age was a significant effect modifier (P=.043), with similar rates in the 2 arms for patients ≤50 of age; otherwise, the risk was reduced with WBRT for patients >50 years of age. Patients with a single metastasis also had a significantly lower risk of distant brain failure than patients who had 2 to 4 metastases. Local control significantly favored additional WBRT in all age groups. For patients ≤50 years of age, SRS alone favored survival, in addition, the initial omission of WBRT did not impact distant brain relapse rates. SRS alone may be the preferred treatment for this age group. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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HEALTH-related quality of life (HRQL) is increasingly used as an outcome in clinical trials, effectiveness research, and research on quality of care. Factors that have facilitated this increased usage include the accumulating evidence that measures of HRQL are valid and "reliable,"1 the publication of several large clinical trials showing that these outcome measures are responsive to important clinical changes,2-5 and the successful development and testing of shorter instruments that are easier to understand and administer.6-13 Because these measures describe or characterize what the patient has experienced as the result of medical care, they are useful and important supplements to traditional physiological or biological measures of health status. Given this improved ability to assess patients' health status, how can physicians and health care systems intervene to improve HRQL? Implicit in the use of measures of HRQL in clinical trials and in effectiveness research is the concept that clinical
Importance: Whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) significantly improves tumor control in the brain after stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), yet because of its association with cognitive decline, its role in the treatment of patients with brain metastases remains controversial. Objective: To determine whether there is less cognitive deterioration at 3 months after SRS alone vs SRS plus WBRT. Design, setting, and participants: At 34 institutions in North America, patients with 1 to 3 brain metastases were randomized to receive SRS or SRS plus WBRT between February 2002 and December 2013. Interventions: The WBRT dose schedule was 30 Gy in 12 fractions; the SRS dose was 18 to 22 Gy in the SRS plus WBRT group and 20 to 24 Gy for SRS alone. Main outcomes and measures: The primary end point was cognitive deterioration (decline >1 SD from baseline on at least 1 cognitive test at 3 months) in participants who completed the baseline and 3-month assessments. Secondary end points included time to intracranial failure, quality of life, functional independence, long-term cognitive status, and overall survival. Results: There were 213 randomized participants (SRS alone, n = 111; SRS plus WBRT, n = 102) with a mean age of 60.6 years (SD, 10.5 years); 103 (48%) were women. There was less cognitive deterioration at 3 months after SRS alone (40/63 patients [63.5%]) than when combined with WBRT (44/48 patients [91.7%]; difference, -28.2%; 90% CI, -41.9% to -14.4%; P < .001). Quality of life was higher at 3 months with SRS alone, including overall quality of life (mean change from baseline, -0.1 vs -12.0 points; mean difference, 11.9; 95% CI, 4.8-19.0 points; P = .001). Time to intracranial failure was significantly shorter for SRS alone compared with SRS plus WBRT (hazard ratio, 3.6; 95% CI, 2.2-5.9; P < .001). There was no significant difference in functional independence at 3 months between the treatment groups (mean change from baseline, -1.5 points for SRS alone vs -4.2 points for SRS plus WBRT; mean difference, 2.7 points; 95% CI, -2.0 to 7.4 points; P = .26). Median overall survival was 10.4 months for SRS alone and 7.4 months for SRS plus WBRT (hazard ratio, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.75-1.38; P = .92). For long-term survivors, the incidence of cognitive deterioration was less after SRS alone at 3 months (5/11 [45.5%] vs 16/17 [94.1%]; difference, -48.7%; 95% CI, -87.6% to -9.7%; P = .007) and at 12 months (6/10 [60%] vs 17/18 [94.4%]; difference, -34.4%; 95% CI, -74.4% to 5.5%; P = .04). Conclusions and relevance: Among patients with 1 to 3 brain metastases, the use of SRS alone, compared with SRS combined with WBRT, resulted in less cognitive deterioration at 3 months. In the absence of a difference in overall survival, these findings suggest that for patients with 1 to 3 brain metastases amenable to radiosurgery, SRS alone may be a preferred strategy. Trial registration: Identifier: NCT00377156.
The clinical management/understanding of brain metastases (BM) has changed substantially in the last 5 years, with key advances and clinical trials highlighted in this review. Several of these changes stem from improvements in systemic therapy, which have led to better systemic control and longer overall patient survival, associated with increased time at risk for developing BM. Development of systemic therapies capable of preventing BM and controlling both intracranial and extracranial disease once BM are diagnosed is paramount. The increase in use of stereotactic radiosurgery alone for many patients with multiple BM is an outgrowth of the desire to employ treatments focused on local control while minimizing cognitive effects associated with whole brain radiotherapy. Complications from BM and their treatment must be considered in comprehensive patient management, especially with greater awareness that the majority of patients do not die from their BM. Being aware of significant heterogeneity in prognosis and therapeutic options for patients with BM is crucial for appropriate management, with greater attention to developing individual patient treatment plans based on predicted outcomes; in this context, recent prognostic models of survival have been extensively revised to incorporate molecular markers unique to different primary cancers.
Background: Stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) is expected to have a less detrimental effect on neurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) than whole-brain radiotherapy. To evaluate the impact of brain metastases and SRT on neurocognitive functioning and HRQoL, we performed a prospective study. Methods: Neurocognitive functioning and HRQoL of 97 patients with brain metastases were measured before SRT and 1, 3, and 6 months after SRT. Seven cognitive domains were assessed. HRQoL was assessed with the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 and BN20 questionnaires. Neurocognitive functioning and HRQoL over time were analyzed with linear mixed models and stratified for baseline Karnofsky performance status (KPS), total metastatic volume, and systemic disease. Results: Median overall survival of patients was 7.7 months. Before SRT, neurocognitive domain and HRQoL scores were lower in patients than in healthy controls. At group level, patients worsened in physical functioning and fatigue at 6 months, while other outcome parameters of HRQoL and cognition remained stable. KPS < 90 and tumor volume >12.6 cm(3) were both associated with worse information processing speed and lower HRQoL scores over 6 months time. Intracranial tumor progression was associated with worsening of executive functioning and motor function. Conclusions: Prior to SRT, neurocognitive functioning and HRQoL are moderately impaired in patients with brain metastases. Lower baseline KPS and larger tumor volume are associated with worse functioning. Over time, SRT does not have an additional detrimental effect on neurocognitive functioning and HRQoL, suggesting that SRT may be preferred over whole-brain radiotherapy.