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Obesity, Risks and Managements



Obesity is an undesired phenotype/symptom that causes many troubles to whom suffers from it. Many types of therapeutic/management measures have been developed for this symptom—some of these measures are even very expensive or harmful for the sufferers. Body-weight loss often fails after discontinuation of different efforts. This article tries to shed new light on this matter—including diet control, life-style adjustments, surgery and different types of drug interventions.
Obesity, Risks and Managements
Lu DY*1, Che JY1, Yi L2, Wu HY1, Yarla NS3, Xu B4, Wu SY4, Huang YK5, Lu TL5 and Lu FD5
1Shanghai University, Shanghai, PR China
2Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, PR China
3Divisions of Biochemistry & Chemistry, NYU School of Medicine, 160 Convent Avenue, New York, NY10031, USA
4Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, PR China
5The Second Hospital of Neijiang District, Sichuan Province, PR China
*Corresponding author: Da-Yong Lu, Shanghai University, Shanghai, PR China, E-mail:
Received date: February 19, 2018; Accepted date: February 20, 2018; Published date: February 26, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Lu DY, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Obesity is an undesired phenotype/symptom that causes many troubles to whom suffers from it. Many types of
therapeutic/management measures have been developed for this symptom-some of these measures are even very
expensive or harmful for the sufferers. Body-weight loss fails after discontinuation of efforts. This article tries to shed
new light on this matter-including diet control, life-style adjustments, surgery and different types of drug
Obesity is an undesired phenotype/symptom that causes many
troubles to whom suers from it [1]. However, it is dicult to be
remedied by existing management measures and resources. Many
types of therapeutic/management measures have been developed for
this symptom-some of these measures are even very expensive or
harmful for the suerers [1]. Usually, body-weight loss eort fails aer
discontinuation of intervention. is article tried to shed new light on
this matter.
Current Condition
More than 1/4 of global adult population is overweight, even
obesity. Obesity persons have a higher risk of many diseases, such as
depression, diabetes, cardiovascular risks and so on [2-7]. In addition,
obesity youngsters oen meet with some kinds of other environmental
factors and stresses that make them more likely episode of romance
failures in blind-date, dicult to nd decent jobs and lower possibility
of position promotion. From these obesity suerers, losing weight is
their rst choice and addictive with.
Disease Managements up to Now
Disease managements of obesity encompass wide-ranges of
medical/pharmacologic issues-including diet control, life-style
adjustments, operation and dierent types of drug interventions
Generally speaking, purposed weight loss is very dicult no matter
from personal practice and seeking medicine from specialized doctors
or hospitals. Only small proportion of obesity people can receive
excellent therapeutic responses in the clinic. Many people, especially
personal practice regain their weight aer therapeutic discontinuation.
As a result, most obesity people struggle with this problem in a long-
Patho-physiologic Analysis
Human obesity is caused by a lot of dierent factors-including:
Pathologic factorials
Sedentary less physical exercises
Gastro-intestinal abnormal
Psychiatric burden
Behavior (alcoholic and laziness)
Physiological change
Hormonal or blood glucose level escalations
Further Deteriorating
Cardiovascular risks (heart-attack and so on)
Type 2 diabetes
Immune system impairment
Mental illness (suicide, intimidate and so on)
Major Counteractive Measures
Consumption of more fresh fruits, vegetable and seafood
Life-style adjustments (exercises, Yoga, Qi-gong and meditation)
Surgery (gastric bariatric surgery)
ISSN: 2153-0769 Metabolomics : Open Access
Lu et al., Metabolomics (Los Angel) 2018, 8:1
DOI: 10.4172/2153-0769.1000e156
Editorial Open Access
Metabolomics (Los Angel), an open access journal
ISSN: 2153-0769
Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000e156
Chemical drugs
Psychiatric intervention
erapeutic combinations
New Insights
New and update obesity therapeutics should be targeted to disease
originality and causality. Without these targeted therapeutics, clinical
obesity therapy will be unchanged and less responsive.
Genomic study of obesity might bring us many new insights into
this chronic phenotype/symptom [12-14]. Along with the advance of
other diseases, the patho-therapeutic knowledge of obesity might be
improved by this genomic approach in the future.
erapeutic combinations are also very useful for obesity patients.
ese kinds of therapeutic paradigms are very useful for many other
diseases [15-20]. Further work in this regard is inevitable.
Natural chemotherapeutic agents or drugs might be more eective
against obesity onset and progresses [19,20].
New insights into human obesity causality and therapeutics may
help those suerers with overweight and even obesity. We need to
promote these researches in the near future. Look forward to new
generation of medical breakthroughs for obesity control.
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Citation: Lu DY (2018) Obesity, Risks and Managements. Metabolomics (Los Angel) 8: e156. doi:10.4172/2153-0769.1000e156
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Metabolomics (Los Angel), an open access journal
ISSN: 2153-0769
Volume 8 • Issue 1 • 1000e156
... Obesity is an undesired phenotype/symptom that causes a lot of troubles obese people [1][2][3]. However, it is difficult to be remedied by existing management measures and resources via shortage of pathological and therapeutic knowledge globally. ...
... However, it is difficult to be remedied by existing management measures and resources via shortage of pathological and therapeutic knowledge globally. Many types of therapeutic/management measures have been developed for this symptom-some of these measures are even very expensive (surgery) or harmful for the sufferers (dietary control or increase of nutrition excretion) [1][2][3]. Usually, body-weight loss effort fails after discontinuation of therapies. ...
... Approximately 1/4 to 1/3 of global adult population is obesity (body mass index > 30) [4]. The co-morbidity of obese persons with many other diseases, such as depression, diabetes, cardiovascular risks and so on is very troublesome in the clinic [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. In addition, obese youngsters often meet with some kinds of other embarrassment such as episode of romance failures in blind-date, difficult to find decent jobs and lower possibility of position promotion [2][3][4]. ...
Full-text available
Obesity is prevalence globally. About 35-36% adults in the US are suffered with obesity. Many types of therapeutic/management measures have been developed for this symptom. Body-weight loss often fails after discontinuation of life-style and therapeutic efforts. This article tries to shed new light on obese pathology and treatment study.
... Obesity is an undesired phenotypic feature that troubles a lot of persons and a disease-like symptom to whom suffers from it [1,2]. People with obesity commonly face a lot of negative personal image in the society and a number of pathological symptoms with human health deteriorating outcomes. ...
... However, it is difficult to be remedied and fully managed by existing management measures and resources. Many types of therapeutic/ management measures have been developed for this symptom of the most obesity people-some of these measures are even very expensive (like surgery) or harmful therapy for the sufferers (like cathartic agents or herbs) [2]. To face with this kind of therapeutic consequences, new ideas, perspectives and systematic study must be carried out [2][3][4]. ...
... Many types of therapeutic/ management measures have been developed for this symptom of the most obesity people-some of these measures are even very expensive (like surgery) or harmful therapy for the sufferers (like cathartic agents or herbs) [2]. To face with this kind of therapeutic consequences, new ideas, perspectives and systematic study must be carried out [2][3][4]. ...
Full-text available
Obesity is an undesired human physiological state caused by a lot of inherent risks and environmental influences. People with obesity commonly face a lot of negative personal image in the society and a number of medical and economic consequences. However weight loss after different types of interventions are often temporary and even bounce back than ever before. To face with this kind of therapeutic limitation, new ideas, perspectives and systematic action must be carried out.
... In modern society, human image (body features and physical characters) plays key role for social and economic communication and well-beings. Obesity is a prevalence metabolic and physiological disorder caused by host-environmental consequences [1][2][3][4][5][6]. For most obese people, life-style management (exercise and food limitation) plays key roles for obesity manage. ...
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Obesity is a prevalence metabolic phenotype that affects social and physical nature of human beings. For obese people, life-style management plays key roles. A small proportion of obesity persons are ineffective by lifestyle controls. Multidisciplinary medication is required.
... To summarize, different types of nursing activities play key roles in different clinical practices, be it chronic diseases or acute diseases, which includes but is not limited to viral infections [32][33][34][35], mental diseases [36][37][38][39], bone disorders [40][41][42][43], metabolic diseases [44][45][46][47][48][49], or cancer metastasis treatments [50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58]. Hence, nurses should be familiar with the knowledge of all these medical disciplines and execute their services meticulously. ...
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Medical science needs high-quality nursery and technical assistance. To improve the quality and diversity of nursing services and technical support various factors like medical science advances, economic consideration, and clinical requirements play a major role. This article addresses the need for medical promotion and effective projects on a number of aspects of nursery science-including college education, medical knowledge advances, clinical requirements, and technical innovation.
... To summarize, different types of nursing activities play key roles in different clinical practices, be it chronic diseases or acute diseases, which includes but is not limited to viral infections [32][33][34][35], mental diseases [36][37][38][39], bone disorders [40][41][42][43], metabolic diseases [44][45][46][47][48][49], or cancer metastasis treatments [50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58]. Hence, nurses should be familiar with the knowledge of all these medical disciplines and execute their services meticulously. ...
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Medical science needs high-quality nursery and technical assistance. To improve the quality and diversity of nursing services and technical support various factors like medical science advances, economic consideration, and clinical requirements play a major role. This article addresses the need for medical promotion and effective projects on a number of aspects of nursery science-including college education, medical knowledge advances, clinical requirements, and technical innovation.
... In summary, different types of nursery play key roles in different clinical trials and circumstances, especially chronic diseases, such as viral infection [32][33][34][35], mental diseases [36][37][38][39], bone disorders [40][41][42][43], metabolic diseases [44][45][46][47][48][49], cancer metastasis treatments [50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57] and multi-targeted drugs [58]. After all, nursery should be familiar with all these knowledge of medical disciplines and execute their service in good details. ...
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A great proportion of medical science needs high-quality nursery and technical assistance. Nursery science is pervasive across all medical disciplines. Nonetheless, the distribution and education of nursery science is under-performed worldwide. The quality and diversity of nursing services and technical support can be improved from medical science advances, propaganda, economic optimizing, clinical validation and updates. Patient's nursery service plays key roles in modern hospitals. To promote these kinds of medical and technical work, new nursery systems must be implemented for quality promotion and disease treatments. Patient's nursery service plays key roles in modern hospitals. To promote these kinds of medical and technical work, new nursery systems must be implemented for quality promotion and disease treatments. This article addresses medical promotion of a number of nursery sciences and effective projects-including college education, talent recruits, personal training, medical knowledge advances, distribution, convention evolution, clinical requirements, technical innovation and most important (financial supports and status improvements).
... In summary, different types of nursery play key roles in clinical trials, especially chronic diseases, such as HIV/AIDS treatments [14], mental diseases [15][16][17][18], bone disorders [18][19][20][21], metabolic diseases [22][23][24][25][26][27], cancers [28,29] and so on. To promote medical practice, nurses must play very important responsibility in medical treatments. ...
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Nursery service is the main part of healthcare efforts worldwide. Patient’s recovery and survivals need high quality nursery to support and promotions. In this editorial, many pathways, like education improvements, medical knowledge for nurses and willing to take parts of more responsibility from nursery care are addressed.
... Energy homeostasis; a lot of patients with obesity and T2DM requires food control and heightened exercise activities [15,16]. Human energy balance will decide human body weight gain or loss and further affect blood glucose levels. ...
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Background The prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) continues to rise globally. The T2DM prevalence is not only in developing countries, but also in developed countries now. Correspondingly, the therapeutics of T2DM calls for a change (higher efficiency) due to growing number of patients and increasing economic burdens globally. Entering into this millennium, both piecemeal pathways (idea driven) and exponential growth of human genomic study are developing quickly. Genetypic-phenotypic translation, modern diagnostics, pharmacology, drug developments, traditional Chinese medicine, personalized medicine and so on are promising disciplines for this change. The clinical anti-diabetic therapeutics, pathogenesis, drug development pipelines are especially highlighted. Conclusion In summary, a general landscape and principle of T2DM is provided.
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A great proportion of healthcare services need high-quality medication and nursery. For high-quality nursery needs best nurses and their education. Gradually, different types of nursery education systems can impact their life and career. In the future, more parameters can be used for judging the quality and promotion of nurses. This editorial addresses different educational efforts for their progresses in medical knowledge promotion, technical capability improvement and salary promotion.
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The causality and etio-pathologic risks for patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) are important areas in modern medicine.Disease complications are largely unpredictable in patients with T2DM. In the future, we welcome therapeutics of both cutting-edgeand traditional for anti-diabetic treatments and management with higher efficiency and less cost. Expanding medical knowledge, behavior/life-style notification in healthcare, modern genetic/bioinformatics diagnostic promotion, clinical developments (Traditional Chinese Medicine and personalized medicine) and new drug developments – including candidate drug targets should be implemented in the future. These efforts might be useful avenues for updating anti-diabetic therapeutics globally. This article aims at introducing this information for T2DM treatment boosts.
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Aim: The modality of anticancer drug combinations needs to be renovated from empirical into technical-supportive systems. Methods: To challenge past therapeutic routines, the new landscape may be established. Among the different areas of anticancer drug combination study, research in the fields of medical study is the most important one-including disciplinary of therapeutics in different cancer stages, modern genetic/molecular diagnostics, cancer bioinformatics, traditional Chinese medicine, mathematical data analysis, therapeutic toxicity monitor, personalized cancer medicine and so on. Discussion: This article addresses these types of cancer therapeutic management systems for clinical anticancer drug combination utilities. Conclusion: Future cancer drug combinational studies and clinical optimums must be implemented.
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Background: Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high level of glucose in the blood. Wound healing becomes a challenging position to biomedical science when associated with diabetic peoples. It becomes delay in diabetic conditions. Terminalia chebula seeds may be a best alternative for the treatment of wound healing & antidiabetic activity. Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the protective role of seeds of Terminalia chebula in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice for Wound Healing Activity. Materials and Methods: The rate of wound contraction and estimation of various biochemical parameters such as superoxide dismutase, lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide levels in the granulation tissue of diabetic and non-diabetic mice were considered. The extract of Terminalia chebula with the concentration of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg body weight was induced through intraperitoneal in diabetic and non-diabetic mice. Results: The results showed that seeds of Terminalia chebula were a potent source of antioxidative phenolic compounds that counteract with reactive oxygen species responsible for delayed wound healing. The seeds of Terminalia chebula significantly increased the level of superoxide dismutase, nitric oxide and decreased lipid peroxidation in granuloma tissue of diabetic mice. Conclusions: The methanolic extract of leaves of Terminalia chebula increases the rate of angiogenesis and improves antioxidant enzymes status that eventually leads to faster wound healing in diabetic condition. However, further studies are needed to explore the biomolecules present in the leaves of Terminalia chebula that lead to faster wound healing. Keywords: Antidiabetic; wound healing; herbal medicine; Terminalia chebula.
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Differences between synthetic drugs and natural chemical drugs, natural-borne drugs are of great medical significances-higher therapeutic index than synthetic chemical drugs. This character shows higher capability to overcome drug-resistance. For example, the most effective antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin or cephalosporin) are natural chemical products. They are much better than a series of synthetic agents (sulphonamide) and so on. Yet, these kinds of pharmacological efforts still like finding a needle from hay-stakes owing to the complicated processes of diversity drug screening models. As a result, new initiatives must be established to overcome these kinds of drawbacks. This perspective addresses and systematically analyzes on this matter and highlights it with modern touches.
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Over the years, natural products have shown success as antidiabetics in in vitro, in vivo and clinical trials. Because natural product-derived drugs are more affordable and effective with fewer side-effects compared to conventional therapies, pharmaceutical research is increasingly leaning towards the discovery of new antidiabetic drugs from natural products targeting pathways or components associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) pathophysiology. However, the drug discovery process is very lengthy and costly with significant challenges. Therefore, various techniques are currently being developed for the preclinical research phase of drug discovery with the aim of drug development with less time and efforts from natural products. In this review, we have provided an update on natural products including fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts, beverages and mushrooms with potential antidiabetic activities from in vivo, in vitro and clinical studies. Synergistic interactions between natural products and antidiabetic drugs; and potential antidiabetic active compounds from natural products are also documented to pave the way for combination treatment and new drug discovery, respectively. Additionally, a brief idea of the drug discovery process along with the challenges that arise during drug development from natural products and the methods to conquer those challenges are discussed to create a more convenient future drug discovery process.
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Many clinical cancer therapies are less effective by using one anticancer drug only due to refractory properties of cancer pathogenesis and drug resistance property in advanced cancer patients. A general consensus among clinicians is that anticancer drug cocktail might better control cancer progresses and metastasis than single drug therapeutics in clinical trials. Despite great popularity, the anticancer drug combination dogma has not been established. The complexity of drug combination dogma discovery is more than we can expect now. This article speculates possible routes we can undertake in this matter. The background knowledge of drug combination therapy presently practiced and possible future landscapes and drawbacks of cancer drug combinative therapies are highlighted.
Diabetes is a complex disease and is also one of the most common. It is very difficult to reach an accurate estimate for the global prevalence of diabetes since the standards and methods of data collection vary widely in different parts of the world. In addition, many potential sufferers are not included in the count because according to an estimate about 50% of cases remain undiagnosed for up to 10 years. However, according to an estimate for 2010, globally, there are about 285 million people (amounting to 6.4% of the adult population) suffering from this disease. This number is estimated to increase to 439 million by 2030 if no cure is found. The general increase in life expectancy, leading to an ageing population, and the global rise in obesity are two main reasons for the increase. With the basic platform set, Editor presents his views and advice to the readers, especially to diabetic patients suffering from T2DM, on the basis of his observations and information collected from other diabetics.