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Digital Transformation: A Literature Review and Guidelines for Future Research


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this paper is to provide insights regarding the state of the art of Digital Transformation, and to propose avenues for future research. Using a systematic literature review of 206 peer-reviewed articles, this paper provides an overview of the literature. Among other things, the findings indicate that managers should adapt their business strategy to a new digital reality. This mainly results in the adaptation of processes and operations management. Scholars, for the other side, are also facing challenges, as prior research may not have identified all the opportunities and challenges of Digital Transformation. Furthermore, while the Digital Transformation has expanded to all sectors of activity there are some areas with more prospects of being developed in the future than others.
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Digital Transformation: A Literature Review
and Guidelines for Future Research
João Reis
, Marlene Amorim
, Nuno Melão
, and Patrícia Matos
Department of Military Science and Technologies, and CISD&CINAMIL,
Military Academy, Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering
and Tourism, and GOVCOPP, Aveiro University, Aveiro, Portugal
Department of Management and CI&DETS, School of Technology
and Management of Viseu, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Viseu, Portugal
Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences, and CISD, Lisbon, Portugal
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to provide insights regarding the state of the
art of Digital Transformation, and to propose avenues for future research. Using
a systematic literature review of 206 peer-reviewed articles, this paper provides
an overview of the literature. Among other things, the ndings indicate that
managers should adapt their business strategy to a new digital reality. This
mainly results in the adaptation of processes and operations management.
Scholars, for the other side, are also facing challenges, as prior research may not
have identied all the opportunities and challenges of Digital Transformation.
Furthermore, while the Digital Transformation has expanded to all sectors of
activity there are some areas with more prospects of being developed in the
future than others.
Keywords: Digital Transformation Business strategy Processes
Operations Systematic literature review
1 Introduction
With the rise of new digital technologies, e.g., social networks, mobile, big data, etc.,
rms in virtually all industries domains are conducting multiple initiatives to explore
and exploit their benets [1,2]. This frequently involves transformations of key
business operations and affects products and processes, as well as organizational
structures, as companies need to establish management practices to govern these
complex transformations [3]. Thus, the society as a whole is facing a fast and radical
change due to the maturation of digital technologies and their ubiquitous penetration of
all markets [4]. To add to the increased demand from customers, companies are facing
ever tougher competition due to globalization [5] and putting pressure to go digital
before others do, seeking to survive and attain competitive advantages [6]. Hence, in
©Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
Á. Rocha et al. (Eds.): WorldCIST'18 2018, AISC 745, pp. 411421, 2018.
recent years born digitalpioneers (e.g., Amazon, Facebook and Google) have grown
into powerful behemoths, while companies that long dominated their industries found
their traditional value proposition under threat [7]. However, despite the multiplicity of
technological novelties and recipes for their implementation, whether in business,
public governance and private life, real Digital Transformation is taking much longer
and facing more difculties than it has been expected [8]. Unfortunately, there are
many recent examples of organizations that have been unable to keep pace with the
new digital reality: examples include the bankruptcy of movie-rental Company
Blockbuster, largely resulting from those rmsinabilities to rapidly develop and
implement new digitally-based business models [9]. Successful Digital Transformation
requires an organization to develop a wide-range of capabilities, which will vary in
importance depending on the business context and the specic organizations needs.
Digital technology needs to become central to how the business operates, and orga-
nizations effectively need to re-think and possibly re-invent their business models in
order to remain competitive [10]. This article differs from previous literature reviews as
it strictly focuses on the concept of Digital Transformation. Several concepts have been
advanced to label Digital Transformation (e.g. digitalization, digitation) and whereas
they are often used indistinctively in the literature, researchers continuously try to
determine their boundaries to avoid overlaps. We felt that it would be not prudent to
dene several terms in such a short paper; while, at the same time, there was a need to
draw attention to Digital Transformation, as few literature reviews were conducted
when compared, for instance, with the Digitalization term. Henriette et al. [11] con-
ducted a similar systematic literature review, but used a different database (Scopus).
Their work also focuses on the vulnerabilities and opportunities of digital transfor-
mation, but different contributions arise by emphasizing the impact of digital capa-
bilities on the digital transformation and the explanation on how digitalization
transforms business models, operations processes and user experience. Thus, based the
literature review, our paper proposes a denition of Digital Transformation, delivers a
general overview of the literature, along with some suggestions for future research. To
this end, the next section provides a brief description of the methodological approach
and is followed by the literature review. We end with some concluding remarks.
2 Methodology
This article follows a systematic literature review method, which adheres closely to a
set of scientic methods that aims to limit systematic error (bias), mainly by attempting
to identify, appraise and synthesize all relevant studies [12]. Undertaking a review
provides the best evidence for informing academics and practitioners by adopting a
replicable, scientic and transparent process[13]. To reduce potential bias, we
adopted two different approaches: a qualitative approach based on a bibliometric
analysis and a qualitative approach centered on a content analysis of the literature [14].
Table 1summarizes the research methodology.
Both approaches should be seen as being complementaryin acknowledging the
structure of the eld of study [15]. Other researchers have also conducted identical
literature reviews, vide [14]. The data search was conducted on September 17
, 2017,
412 J. Reis et al.
and the selected peer-reviewed database was the Institute for Scientic Information
Web of Science (ISI).
We started with the inclusion criteria by using the Digital Transformationterm in
the topic (title, abstract and keywords). Although different keywords may be consid-
ered as a viable alternative, Digital Transformationis the phenomenon that we want
to study. By adding similar terms to the research, it might lead researchers into a biased
understanding, as not all terms have the same meaning (e.g. digitalization, digitation).
The search for articles was conducted regardless the time limitations, but we reduced
the coverage to journal articles and conference papers. To avoid wrong interpretations,
the selected documents had to be written in English (Table 2). The exclusion process
resulted in a total of 206 academic articles from the ISI database.
3 Findings
3.1 Quantitative Analysis
Although the number of papers on Digital Transformation evolved over time, it was
only after 2014 that their numbers increased signicantly. In 2016, 45% of the total
number of articles is journal articles and 55% are conference papers, highlighting a
high value for conference proceedings (Fig. 1). The countries that most contributed to
these publications are the United States of America, Germany and Popular Republic of
China, with 21%, 19% and 5%, respectively. The reason behind these numbers, in
Table 1. Research methodology
Approach Description Content
A quantitative characterization of the selected
Publications distribution
Distribution per author and
Major research approaches
Keywords frequency
Content analysis of the selected articles Digital Transformation
Themes and categories
Table 2. Systematic literature review process
Institute for Scientic Information Web of Science
Criteria Filters Documents
Keyword Digital Transformation
Restriction Topic (title, abstract, author keywords) 260
Document type Articles and conference proceedings 235
Language English 206
Digital Transformation 413
those countries, might be due to the adoption of new technologies across the main
sectors of activity.
In addition, we evaluated the citation distribution (Table 3). The most cited articles
focus on the challenges that innovative technologies bring to rmsbusiness e.g., [16].
Therefore, they do not examine the post-adoption determinants of digital transforma-
tion, in order to understand its effects. Additionally, some other relevant articles rise,
while governmental efforts surge to digitalize the Healthcare Systems, as a means to
make them safer, accessible and more affordable [17].
We also explored the journal distribution and the quality of those publications by
conducting a research on the Incites Journal Citation Reports, which measures the
journals impact, inuence or prestige (Table 4).
The journal that had the largest number of publications in Digital Transformation
was the MIS Quarterly Executive, which is a journal with an emphasis on
practice-based research, a strong indication that this theme is largely being driven by
practitioners. We also observed a signicant increase in the number of publications of
lower quality in the years of 2016 and 2017. To best of our knowledge, the quality of
the research has not declined, since there was simultaneously an increase of high
quality publications over the last years. We also reported the main research approaches
(methods). The bars from Fig. 2illustrate the dispersion of each approach.
Although Fig. 2does not show all research approaches, we considered those that
had more incidences. The literature reviews just counted with four occurrences;
however, the prevalence of conceptual and illustrative case studies is a clear indication
of the lack of maturity of this phenomenon, consequently, future research should focus
more on setting the theoretical foundations of the eld, based on existing theories or
developing new ones. We have performed a similar search in the ISI database
(September 23
, 2017) with the term Digitalization, in the topic and with the same
Fig. 1. Publications distribution
414 J. Reis et al.
lters, and we found 2,200 documents. This search resulted in a higher number of
articles and conference proceedings, but also on literature reviews. It will be valuable
for academics to draw more attention to Digital Transformation, as few articles and
literature reviews were conducted when compared with other similar terms, but also to
try to understand why there is such a big discrepancy between terms. In order to
understand the most important research topics, we also collected the most ISI cited
keywords (Table 5).
The bars reveal that most common keywords are: Digital Transformation, Digi-
talization, and Management, by this order. A keyword analysis can provide clues to
discover areas for future research, but also to understand which terms are closest to the
Digital topic. It is almost self-evident that the top terms are closely related. From our
Table 3. Article distribution per author
Top 10 author(s) Journal Year Citations
Karimi and
Walter [16]
Journal of Management Information Systems 2015 133
Nagy and Koles
Convergence The International Journal of Research into
New Media Technology
2014 120
et al. [19]
MIS Quarterly 2017 115
Alos-Simo et al.
Industrial Management & Data Systems 2017 109
Sherer et al. [21] Information & Management 2016 106
et al. [22]
International Journal of Information Management 2011 101
Agarwal et al.
Information Systems Research 2010 95
Benlian and
Haffke [23]
Journal of Strategic Information Systems 2016 94
Chen et al. [24] Internet Research 2016 84
Schmidt et al.
Practice of Enterprise Modeling 2015 82
Table 4. Article distribution per journal
Top 5 publication journals Count Quartile % of 206
MIS Quarterly Executive 10 Q2 4.854%
Communications in Computer and Information Science 6 2.913%
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 5 2.427%
Digital Transformation and Global Society 4 1.942%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4 Q4 1.942%
Digital Transformation 415
analysis, Digital Transformation and Digitalization are similar terms that apply to
services, processes and organizational structures throughout IT/IS and web-based
enablers; therefore, the connection to management is as vital as companies need to
establish management practices to govern these complex transformations [3].
3.2 Qualitative Analysis
As Kokkinakos et al. [26] argues that state-of-the-art technologies, like social software,
data analytics etc., revolutionize the every-day operations of modern organizations in
Fig. 2. Major research approaches
Table 5. Keywords frequency ( 6 occurrences)
416 J. Reis et al.
every possible level and ways, and, thus, it is expected that Digital Transformation
lately constitutes one of the prevalent terms around the World Wide Web; because of
its importance, many authors attempt to dene and discuss the exact notion of Digital
Transformation. This argument reafrms the importance of dening Digital Transfor-
mation, as no formal categorization exists in academic literature and its boundaries are
often blurred. The challenge of dening Digital Transformation concept can be tackled
after the denitions have been reduced to their basic elements. Table 6illustrates
typical denitions taken from the literature.
The different denitions for Digital Transformation (DT) may be categorized in
three distinct elements: (1) Technological DT is based on the use of new digital
technologies such as social media, mobile, analytics or embedded devices; (2) Orga-
nizational DT requires a change of organizational processes or the creation of new
Table 6. Digital Transformation Denitions
Author(s) Denition(s)
Fitzgerald et al. [1];
McDonald and Rowsell-Jones [27]
Use of new digital technologies, such as social media,
mobile, analytics or embedded devices, in order to
enable major business improvements like enhancing
customer experience, streamlining operations or
creating new business models [1]. As such, the Digital
Transformation goes beyond merely digitizing
resources and results in value and revenues being
created from digital assets [27]
Solis et al. [28] The realignment of, or new investment in, technology
and business models to more effectively engage digital
customers at every touch point in the customer
experience lifecycle
Collin et al. [29]; Gimpel and
Röglinger [30]; Kane et al. [31]
While digitization commonly describes the mere
conversion of analogue into digital information, the
terms Digital Transformation and digitalization are
used interchangeably and refer to a broad concept
affecting politics, business, and social issues
Martin [32] Digital Transformation is now commonly interpreted as
such usage of Information and Communication
Technology, when not trivial automation is performed,
but fundamentally new capabilities are created in
business, public government, and in peoples and
society life
Westerman et al. [5] Digital Transformation is dened as the use of
technology to radically improve performance or reach
of enterprises
Stolterman and Fors [33] Digital Transformation is the changes that digital
technology causes or inuences in all aspects of human
Digital Transformation 417
business models; (3) Social DT is a phenomenon that is inuencing all aspects of
human life by e.g., enhancing customers experience. Almost all of these topics are used
in the researchersdenition of Digital Transformation (Table 6). Therefore, we dene
Digital Transformation as the use of new digital technologies that enables major
business improvements and inuences all aspects of customerslife. We also examined
the most relevant categories by crossing the most used research areas and ISI cited
keywords, as the following (Table 7):
Digital Transformation has always had a strong connection to the industry, and is
currently re-experiencing huge changes, as the industry 4.0 represents the coming
fourth industrial revolution. It focuses on the end-to-end digitization of all physical
assets and integration into digital ecosystems with value chain partners [34]. Another
signicant challenge is to integrate digitalinto the DNA of the business models. This
is essential for success of any company and it is becoming a critical management issue
[35]. As with any IT-enabled change, it is not enough to bring the IT to the organi-
zation [36]; the Digital Transformation success depends on process and operations
management changes [37]. To accomplish such management, people must be trained in
a change process that takes into account the unique challenges presented by IT [36].
A digital revolution is positively developing the digital and standardized working
environments [38]. Some workplaces are being virtualized or remotely controllable,
which requires new communications skills and knowledge of virtual worlds [39,40].
Socially, customers are also acquiring new competences, to be able to engage with
digital organizations, in order to subsist in the Digital Era [8]. The digital Era is not
only driving innovation in the enterprise sector, it seems to inuence developments in
the public sector as well [26]. The governmental digitalization is one of the promising
themes, with more prospects of being developed in the future. There is also a growing
interest in the healthcare sector [41], as there has been a signicant research increasing
on the digitalization of the healthcare over the past last years [17,41]. Although we
acknowledge the existence of maturity models in this eld, having been developed
primarily by practitioners (e.g. IDC maturity model), the academic community has not
yet elected a consensual maturity model for Digital Transformation that can be applied
Table 7. Qualitative Analysis
Research area ISI cited keywords Categories
34% Information
Industry 4.0 IT/IS integration
22% Business
Digital business enterprise
Development of new
business models
8% Education Educational technology Training/Education to add
new skills
4% Management
Management Process and operations
1% Government Public sector transformation Ramication to other sectors
418 J. Reis et al.
to all sectors of activity. Therefore, we propose an in-depth research on the distinction
of associated terms to Digital Transformation, and a maturity model to determine the
organizational degree of Digital Transformation.
4 Concluding Remarks
Although Digital Transformation is popular among practitioners, this term tends to be
neglected in the scholarly literature, and so we decided to conduct this literature review.
The aforementioned argument is well evidenced if we conduct a search in ISI database
using both terms Digital Transformationand Digitalization. We present the con-
clusion from two different perspectives. First, from the cynic viewpoint, Digital
Transformation may be considered as a management fashion [42] or as the reincar-
nation of past IT-enabled change initiatives with new outts. IT-enabled change
resurfaced a few years ago through the business process management movement. As
business process management seems to be losing interest, a new buzzword to capture a
renewed interest from managers, consultants and software companies. On the other
hand, enthusiasts may argue that Digital Transformation includes novel elements that
deserve due attention and pose interesting challenges for future research. In particular,
the results support that managers should adapt their business strategy to the digital
reality, by integrating new technologies in their business models, which raises the
importance of processes and operations management topic. Scholars, at the other side,
are required to conduct further research to address DT opportunities and challenges.
This article has some limitations. As this literature review is limited to a single term, it
is possible that some relevant articles are missing. A truly comprehensive approach to
produce a systematic literature review also requires the use of more than one digital
repository; therefore, by analyzing other repositories besides ISI, the results obtained
might be different; however, given that our priority is transparency and easy repro-
duction of results this choice may be acceptable when comparing the pros and cons.
We also believe that the methodology used in this article can be reproduced with other
terms. For this reason, we will carry out a new research so that we can compare
different terminologies. Furthermore, ISI database is constantly being updated with new
peer-review articles. Finally, it should be noted that due to space limitations, this article
does not list all the references. References may be provided on request by contacting
the rst author.
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... Pembelajaran berkelanjutan dan peningkatan keterampilan karyawan adalah faktor kunci keberhasilan, yang mengharuskan organisasi untuk berinvestasi dalam program pelatihan dan sumber daya untuk membekali karyawan dengan keterampilan digital yang penting (Finney &;Corbett, 2007). Merangkul kelincahan dan kemampuan beradaptasi sangat penting bagi organisasi untuk berputar dengan cepat, bereksperimen dengan ide-ide baru, dan mengulangi berdasarkan umpan balik untuk segera merespons perubahan pasar (Finney &;Corbett, 2007 (Reis et al., 2018). Adopsi teknologi strategis ini sangat penting dalam merampingkan proses dan meningkatkan kinerja secara keseluruhan. ...
... Kedua, perusahaan memprioritaskan peningkatan pengalaman pelanggan dengan berinvestasi di situs web yang ramah pengguna, rekomendasi produk yang dipersonalisasi, dan sistem pembayaran online yang mulus (Reis et al., 2018). Inisiatif yang berpusat pada pelanggan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman berbelanja yang lebih nyaman dan disesuaikan, yang mencerminkan komitmen perusahaan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan di era digital. ...
... Selain itu, perusahaan meningkatkan proses internal dengan menerapkan solusi digital seperti perangkat lunak manajemen proyek, sistem manajemen inventaris otomatis, dan alat analisis data (Reis et al., 2018). Optimalisasi internal ini diarahkan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, meningkatkan efisiensi rantai pasokan, dan memungkinkan pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan informasi melalui wawasan berbasis data. ...
Di era digital saat ini, sistem informasi telah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan manusia. Hampir setiap aspek kehidupan, mulai dari individu, organisasi, hingga masyarakat luas, memanfaatkan sistem informasi untuk menjalankan berbagai aktivitasnya. Sistem informasi telah berevolusi dari sekadar alat untuk mengolah data menjadi sebuah platform yang dinamis dan adaptif, mampu mendukung berbagai kebutuhan di era digital. Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang pesat telah mendorong transformasi sistem informasi ke arah yang lebih canggih dan cerdas. Sistem informasi modern tidak hanya mampu menyimpan dan mengolah data, tetapi juga dapat menganalisis data, memprediksi tren, dan memberikan rekomendasi yang bermanfaat. Hal ini memungkinkan organisasi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, efektivitas, dan pengambilan keputusan yang lebih tepat. Buku "Konsep Sistem Informasi di Era Digital" ini hadir untuk mengantarkan Anda menyelami dunia sistem informasi di era digital. Buku ini akan membahas berbagai aspek penting sistem informasi, mulai dari konsep dasar, perkembangan, hingga penerapannya dalam berbagai bidang.
... In today's world, the role of digital technology is becoming an integral part of our daily lives. Penetrating various spheres of society, digitalisation is reworking structures, changing approaches and opening new horizons [1,2,3,4,5,6]. It is not just the introduction of new devices and programmes, but a real transformation of traditional systems. ...
... 2. "The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies" (2016) by E. Brynjolfsson and A. McAfee -the book explores the impact of digital technologies on the economy and society and offers perspectives on the future of digital transformation [4]. McAfee -the book explores the impact of digital technologies on the economy and society, and offers perspectives on the future of digital transformation [8]. ...
... 3.Digitalisation aims to create new value for customers, improve service quality and optimise business processes through digital innovation. 4.Digitalisation requires a change in corporate culture and structures, including training staff in new skills and adopting an agile and innovative approach. ...
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Digital transformation is becoming an integral part of modern business, opening up new opportunities, but also involving risks. This article presents a study of the risks of digital transformation, focusing on identifying key aspects and recommendations for effective management. The authors analysed cybersecurity, data management, changes in corporate culture, staff training and partnership development in the context of digital transformation. The findings revealed the need for an integrated approach to risk management that includes strategic planning, responding to changes in the environment, and ongoing staff training. The recommendations presented offer organisations the tools and approaches to successfully overcome the challenges of digital transformation and ensure sustainable growth in the digital age. The generalised approach to risk management presented in the article facilitates effective adaptation and innovative development in today's digital environment. In addition to analysing risks, the article also discusses the importance of strategic planning and developing flexible strategies to respond to changes in the digital environment. Particular attention is paid to managing change within an organisation and developing an innovation culture that facilitates successful adaptation to new technologies. The authors emphasise the importance of continuous training and development of employees so that they can effectively use digital tools and actively participate in the transformation process. In addition, the article discusses the implementation of effective risk monitoring and assessment systems that allow for the timely identification and management of potential threats.
... According to Reis et al. (2018), for businesses and workers to successfully undergo digital transformation, they must possess digital talent and build a range of competencies based on the demands and business environment. Dan et al. (2021) described digital talent as individuals who, independent of their organizational form and structure, contribute to digitalization and digital transformation in several enterprises and other fields. ...
... HR managers and digital talent from globally competitive industries are under pressure to go digital ahead of their competitors in the current renewable economy era (Morze & Strutynska, 2021). They aim to achieve a competitive advantage by surviving and scaling up innovation (Reis et al., 2018;Osano, 2023). The development, operation, and creation of breakthrough technologies by digital talent have a major positive impact on highquality regional, local, and national economies (Huang et al., 2023;Ding et al., 2021). ...
... The findings are reinforced by research by Gerards et al. (2021), Lanzolla et al. (2021), Minbaeva (2021), Bansal et al. (2023), Karaboga et al. (2020), Huang et al. (2023), Morze & Strutynska (2021);and Ding et al., (2021). HR talent aims to achieve a competitive advantage by surviving and scaling up innovation (Reis et al., 2018;Osano, 2023). The development, operation, and creation of breakthrough technologies by digital talent have a major positive impact on regional, local, and national economies (Karaboga et al., 2020;Huang et al., 2023;Ding et al., 2021). ...
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This research investigated the relationship between the digitalization of human capital, digital talent, and innovation capabilities among Business Unit employees. The mediating role of digital talent in the digital transformation of human resources and innovation capability among SMEs was examined. Business Unit employees were tested using the PLS-SEM method, and a survey was conducted on SME Business Unit employees. The purposive technique was developed with convenience sampling and chosen as a non-probability sampling technique. The primary data sources were 185 respondents who worked within the SME business unit in Indonesia. The findings indicate that the digital transformation of human resources, talent, and innovative capacity has a strong positive correlation. The link between innovative capabilities and digital transformation is mediated by digital talent. This study contributes to the human resources post-recruitment, talent management, and digital talent literature in the management function, and it underscores the crucial role of human and technological factors in the digital transformation of human resources, which is increasingly visible on the path to organizational success.
... Nonetheless, despite its advantages, digital transformation poses challenges, predominantly for SMEs. As highlighted by Reis et al. (2018), these challenges encompass limited resources, a deficiency in technical expertise, and apprehensions regarding security and privacy. ...
... Hess et al. (2016) deliberated on the diverse strategic choices SMEs might evaluate when orchestrating their digital transformation, accentuating the paramount importance of governance in guaranteeing successful execution. Reis et al. (2018) delivered an exhaustive review of research on digital transformation, with a special focus on the hurdles and prospects for SMEs. The authors propose that despite the myriad potential advantages, SMEs might grapple with issues like constrained resources and a deficiency in technical expertise. ...
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The current digital era presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses worldwide. This research delves into the relationship between digital transformation and the governance of Small and Medium-sized Enter­prises (SMEs) in the Moroccan service sector. Utilizing responses from a survey of leaders from 200 SMEs throughout Morocco, the study employs Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to elucidate the intricate relationships. The results indicate a notable link between the adoption of digital strategies and im­proved governance. Yet, hurdles such as integrating technology and enhanc­ing employee skills remain. This paper provides a deeper understanding of the nexus between digital transformation and governance, spotlighting the distinct context of Moroccan SMEs.
... Digital transformation (DT) is becoming an increasingly strategic focus for building competitive and sustainable economic advantages in many countries [4,5]. There is an increasing body of literature on digital transformation [6,7] and various literature reviews have been wri en to be er understand the breadth, consequences, and implications of the digital transformation literature [8][9][10]. Digital transformation is a concept first announced by Professor Erik Stolterman of Sweden in 2004, it was defined as "using continuously evolving digital technology to infiltrate people's lives and enrich them" [11]. ...
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In the era of Industry 4.0, digital transformation has become a cornerstone for modern organizations, fundamentally altering how businesses operate and compete. This study delves into the impact of digital transformation on human resource management (HRM), human resource development (HRD), and employees’ innovative work behaviors and job performance in a rapidly evolving business environment. In conducting a survey among 391 employees from information and communication technology (ICT) companies in China, structural equation modeling was employed to analyze the data. The findings reveal a correlation between digital transformation and innovative work behaviors and job performance, with HRM and HRD playing partial mediating roles. Digital transformation not only optimizes work processes and enhances productivity but also fosters the innovation of business models and processes. Moreover, the research indicates the critical importance of implementing efficient digital systems and processes in promoting an organizational culture of innovation and enhancing employees’ innovative capabilities. Thus, digital transformation is seen as a pivotal strategic tool, altering not just the modus operandi of organizations but also influencing employee behavior and performance.
... The small number of studies and exclusively technological focus of research on the impact of DT in dental clinics constitutes a gap in the literature that limits knowledge on the current DT within the dental sector (Reis et al., 2018). A distinct manifestation of this shortcoming is observed in the lack of indicators that allow a quantitative approach to the level of and progress in DT in the dental clinic in all its aspects. ...
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The profound transformation of business and society as a whole, brought about by digitalization, calls for the development of business strategies to meet the challenges associated with digital disruption and to manage its marked impact on the competitiveness of organizations. To achieve this goal, it is essential to assess the extent of digital transformation (DT) within businesses, as a crucial initial step in charting the most effective path towards digitalization. Nevertheless, a limitation in the existing literature on digitalization in the healthcare sector is evident in the absence of quantifiable indicators that comprehensively measure and track the progress of DT across all facets of dental clinics. The objective of this paper is the construction of a digitalization indicator, the Dental Data Synthetic Index (DDSI), which allows the accurate measurement of progress in digital development levels within all areas of a dental organization. This instrument can be a useful tool for both diagnosis and digital planning in dental clinics. In this paper, the proposed indicator is supported by its application to a representative sample of dental clinics in Spain, obtained from a survey developed for this purpose.
... Digital transformation has been a growing research trend over the last 10 years, gaining significant interest between academics and business professionals, while changing the whole business environment in terms of production, consumption and value chains (Oliveira et al., 2021). The concept has been theoretically and empirically associated with several business aspects including new ways of resource allocation (Reis et al. 2018), value creation and business evolution (Chen et A careful reader could easily understand that all the above -mentioned business aspects are related with internal factors that are affected and at the same time affecting digital transformation. Moreover, there exist several external factors associated with the implementation of digital strategies, including digital technologies (for example 5G technologies, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented, Blockchain, etc.) that spawned a series of new industries (Song et al., 2022;Veile et al., 2022), the implementation of big data analysis as an operational aspect of doing business (Kostakis and Kargas 2021; Reinsel et al. 2018), customers' need for personalized services / products (Von Disclaimer/Publisher's Note: The statements, opinions, and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). ...
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Digital transformation process gained significant research interest over the past years especially when related with achievements in sustainability goals. Even though there exist growing research regarding various aspects of digital transformation and sustainability procedure, a more detailed analysis is needed in different national environments. Proposed study empirically analyzes the Greek managers’ perspective for the relationship between digital management intensity and environmental performance. Almost 60 Greek senior managers from various organizational sectors were interviewed, while a synthetic index already developed from previous studies was used. Results indicate that Greek companies are not fully exploit digital technologies to further develop their environmental practices. Digital transformation strategy is contributing effectively to environmental strategies in the case of reducing emissions of waste and avoid environmental accidents, while in the rest of cases emerging technologies play a less important role and not as a part of an holistic digital strategy.
Purpose The aim of this publication is to understand how various commercial publications perceive the future of the commerce world and whether the information they contain can be utilised by managers and researchers in their decision-making processes. The author endeavours to identify dominant trends in business publications and compare them with similar academic studies. Design/Methodology/Approach A literature review and content analysis of selected commercial publications were conducted to extract the most important commerce phenomena, which were then juxtaposed with the results of bibliographic academic literature research. Findings and implications The findings reveal a disparity between the interests of the academic and business communities regarding specific topics. While their general orientations coincide, differences arise due to the commercial objectives of the publications provided by companies, resulting in variations in the analysis, anticipation, and promotion of trends.
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Neutrosophic Knowledge An International Journal in Information Science and Technology Founders: Ahmed Salama, Florentin Smarandache, Ibrahim Yasser (since 2020) Neutrosophic Knowledge (NK) is an American academic journal in Arabic, Turkish, and English, published continuously online as individual papers, and monthly as volumes, by The University of New Mexico, 705 Gurley Ave., Gallup Campus, NM 87301, United States, that has been created for publications of advanced studies in neutrosophy, neutrosophic set, neutrosophic logic, neutrosophic probability, neutrosophic statistics, neutrosophic algebraic structures, MultiNeutrosophic Set that is isomorphic to the Refined Neutrosophic Set, MultiAlist System of Thought about multi-polar logics, HyperSoft set, IndetermSoft Set, IndetermHyperSoft Set, TreeSoft Set, plithogenic set, plithogenic logic, plithogenic probability, plithogenic statistics, Symbolic Plithogenic Algebraic Structures, NeutroAlgebra & AntiAlgebra, NeutroGeometry & AntiGeometry, NonStandard Topology, Largest Extended NonStandard Real Topology, Neutrosophic Triplet Weak/Strong Topologies, Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Weak/Strong Topologies, Neutrosophic Duplet Topology, Neutrosophic Extended Duplet Topology, Neutrosophic MultiSet Topology, NonStandard Neutrosophic Topology, NeutroTopology, AntiTopology, Refined Neutrosophic Topology, Refined Neutrosophic Crisp Topology, SuperHyperTopology, and Neutrosophic SuperHyperTopology, SuperHyperStructure, SuperHyperAlgebra, SuperHyperGraph, SuperHyperTopology, Appurtenance Equation, Inclusion Equation, and Neutrosophic Numbers used in Neutrosophic Statistics, etc. and their applications in all fields of knowledge.
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This study explores the impact of digital transformation on Korean society by analyzing Korean social media data, focusing on the societal and economic effects triggered by advancements in digital technology. Utilizing text mining techniques and semantic network analysis, we extracted key terms and their relationships from online news and blogs, identifying major themes related to digital transformation. Our analysis, based on data collected from major Korean portals using various related search terms, provides deep insights into how digital evolution influences individuals, businesses, and government sectors. The findings offer a comprehensive view of the technological and social trends emerging from digital transformation, including its policy, economic, and educational implications. This research not only sheds light on the understanding and strategic approaches to digital transformation in Korea but also demonstrates the potential of social media data in analyzing the societal impact of technological advancements, offering valuable resources for future research in effectively navigating the era of digital change.
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New digital technologies present both game-changing opportunities for-and existential threats to-companies whose success was built in the pre-digital economy. This article describes our findings from a study of 25 companies that were embarking on digital transformation journeys. We identified two digital strategies-customer engagement and digitized solutions-that provide direction for a digital transformation. Two technology-enabled assets are essential for executing those strategies: an operational backbone and a digital services platform. We describe how a big old company can combine these elements to navigate its digital transformation.
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Digital transformation, which often includes establishing big data analytics capabilities poses considerable challenges for traditional manufacturing organizations, such as car companies. Successfully introducing big data analytics requires substantial organizational transformation and new organizational structures and business processes. Based on the three-stage evolution of big data analytics capabilities at AUDI, we provide recommendations for how traditional manufacturing organizations can successfully introduce big data analytics and master the related organizational transformations.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine theoretically and empirically what type of leadership facilitates e-business adoption in large manufacturing firms. The digital transformation of firms requires leadership that can promote the adaptive quality of organizational culture. Design/methodology/approach The authors conducted an empirical study using two key informants from a sample of 181 incumbent firms. Findings The authors find significant evidence that adaptive culture is the vehicle by which transformational leaders positively influence e-business adoption. Originality/value Given the digital economy’s external pressures, many e-business adoption processes fail due to organizational factors originating in leadership and its capability to change followers’ values, norms, and motivations. To solve this problem, the authors propose a model that explains how transformational leadership first plays a key role in changing characteristics of culture and then facilitates e-business adoption.
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This paper describes the model of citizens and more generally any person engagement in Digital Transformation processes. Essential barriers that governments, business and people face and should be ready to overcome in the Digital Era are examined. The two-level model of person involvement in the Digital Transformation based on an increase in person’s motivation for acquiring additional competences and participation in the Transformation is suggested. This motivation is ensured by the synergy of person’s multiple roles and subject domains integration. Successful methods and practices in areas of integrated using information about children’s healthcare and education in Russia, the UK, and Canada are presented in evidence of possibility to gain valuable synergy achieved even at the first level of involvement. The schematic chart of the person’s Private Virtual Workplace and interactions in the Digital Society is presented for the second level of person involvement model realization.
The proliferation of convergence of digital technologies SMACIT (social, mobile, analytics, cloud, and Internet of Things) has created significant threats and opportunities to established companies. Business leaders must rethink their business strategies and develop what we refer to as a digital strategy. Our research shows four keys to successfully defining and executing a digital strategy: 1. zeroing in on a customer engagement or digitized solutions strategy to guide the transformation, 2. building operational excellence, 3. creating a powerful digital services backbone to facilitate rapid innovation and responsiveness, and 4. ensuring ongoing organizational redesign. A list of publications from the research is provided at the end of this document.
In this article we discuss the futures of work and robotics. We evaluate key future trends in the field of robotics and analyse different scenarios regarding the futures of human beings and work life. Subsequently, we present a roadmap of robotics, which covers key aspects of industrial and service robotics, discuss technology foresight insights and inter-linkages to robotics, and identify three critical technology roadmaps: the technological future of robotics, digitalisation and ICT technologies. Finally, we analyse economic, social, and political key challenges of the digital transformation of work and labour policy in the European Union in general and against the backdrop of the European robotics strategy in particular.
Cyber-physical systems and “Industry 4.0” will require future engineers to handle big data and complex, multidisciplinary problems as well as to collaborate with machines in “hybrid teams”. As some work spaces will be virtualized or remotely controllable new communication skills and the knowledge of virtual worlds are necessary. Furthermore, working as a team with machines demands not only knowledge of mechanical engineering and machines but also an extended understanding of team working. To meet such challenges future engineers need to acquire new skills and qualification. This task does not only concern engineering students and trainees but also teachers for engineering. Questions about how to prepare for newly needed engineering competencies for the age of Industry 4.0, how to assess them and how to teach and train e.g. human-robot-teams have to be tackled in future engineering education. The paper presents theoretical aspects and empirical results of a series of studies, which were conducted to investigate engineering education in virtual worlds as well as different aspects about team building in hybrid teams.
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Among the most important, and certainly most promising, trends of the last decade is this of digitization. Organizations, and mainly businesses, of various profiles invest lots of money and effort in order to digitize processes, products and offerings. The paper at hand aims to investigate whether the same applies to the public sector as well. A pair of carefully selected indicators (namely Digital Adoption Index and Digital Evolution Index) are applied to a selected sample of countries (namely Germany, Greece, Russia, Spain and United Kingdom) in order for interesting results to be derived.
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Digital transformation requires an enterprise mind-set and impacts every function and business unit of an organization. In the digital environment, digital technology needs to become central to how the business operates, and organizations effectively need to re-think and possibly re-invent their business models, so that they continually learn from interactions with customers, suppliers, and partners in the business ecosystem in order to remain competitive. These changes require a distinct evolution from traditional thinking - changes that some organizations are undoubtedly struggling with. For effective digital transformation, organizations need to expand their focus beyond solely considering technology in isolation, to include the underlying organizational capabilities necessary to be successful with technology. In fact, there is growing acceptance that adopting a capability approach as opposed to a process-based approach to management can result in greater value generation for an organization. Successful digital transformation requires an organization to develop a wide-range of capabilities which will vary in importance depending on the business context and the specific organization’s needs. Time and resource constraints, however, will undoubtedly challenge organizations that attempt to develop multiple capabilities simultaneously, and ultimately may impede the success of the digital transformation. Framed in the context of adopting a capability-based approach to digital transformation, this paper presents a review of pertinent literature, and discusses core learnings in relation to a number of key capabilities that are the foundation for digital transformation. The authors argue that instead of focusing on a holistic set of required capabilities, organizations should initially focus on developing these foundational capabilities, as they serve as a starting point for digital transformation and lead to the development of additional digital capabilities over time. The paper makes a number of contributions. From an academic stance, it conceptualises key foundational digital capabilities. From a practitioner perspective it provides practical guidance to organizations in overcoming key challenges when embarking on a digital transformation journey.